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The measurement of Earth's thermal-... AOOI/AIO1
station (rocket) is shown in Figure 2. The rocket was lifted to an altitude of
about 100 km. During the operation at high altitudes the device performed about
5 cycles of scanning, 'three of which were satisfactory and were used for proces-
sing. The recorder of radiatioW Nnetions on the differential system of regis-
tration; the speed of scanninghotion is 60 per one seic.; the threshold of ~ *
bolometer sensitivity amounts to'10-9 w/cps at a frequency of 80 cps; the spbe-
tral sen~,itivity of the bolometers is uniform within the range from 1 to 40/1.
The mean magnitude of the thermal'flux, avera
_ged for the total scanning angles
-was determined to amount to 1.8 x 10-2 Theexperiment conducted, as well
as the pLwious measurements of the 'Earth's thermal radiation, is the first at~-
tempt of this kind. There are 5 figures.
SUBKIVTED: March 10, 1962
Card P,/4
The measurement of Eafth's thermal
Figure-1. The scheme of ar.
Legend: 1 - Altitude geo-
physical automatic station;
2 - recorderof Earth's
radiation; 3-- &rea on the
Earth whose radiation is being
measured; - 4 - belt of total
eclipse phase; 5 - band of
scanning; 6 lunar umbra.
s AA o/6 2/ooti/o 14/oo-Vo 11
The measurement of Earth's thermal... :'AOOI/AIOI
Figure 2. The block-diagram of. 'a-device for recording Earth I s tlvmal' radiation
Legend:. 1 - seaming optical head; 2 - optical head.of zero signal; 3
bolometers; 4 mechanism of soahnihg; 5 - amplifier; 6 telemeasuring
system; 7 - motor supply source; 8 commanding deVice on board; 9 supply
source (autonomous).
card V4
L Iq521_~'
Tmat. Upper- 2MI '0010 OL~ ;"&U~.400-1for 1westiptlow of the atmosphare.,
SOUMEt All ZSSRe lablistel-Awww zemll:. W,' 15P
TbPxO TAM: atm6algie stitl6a$ : Mer staospharia ia~ersp rooketTlofted-
atmospheric station rediation'balan4es te2arhotowter# telaradlometeri atr*-
analyzer, -balance meter# opticaL, scanning Uviceo upper-lavel, optical. atation,,
atmospberio Imstigation,.
-nealtiostl= an&_aWU13AtIee -ot -tbs- VUAa
ohnicalt ftw
Level Geophysical Antomsti*, Station) s' uaed for optical UisstijiFlords -o:t- tbs
atmosphere, are daderibed,' The stqtIonp & sphere ~ a Ii dimister
360 kg.. is lofted by an Al roallefu hei&"ts ot about 65 kmo vbare It Sel?arates.,
tbs carrier and autoqaticaMy . orients itselfin space. A -e
toriel3,y mounted gyroscope pawered~by a 300-v eleatria motor& 113tistintains r,&.-
entat to about 100 I= on the ascending branch of the trejectory and ~o,.atout
I= on the deacend-ing.7 branch- The -motor is-* controdUd by means of I~hbtqeleotx~-,-.'
card- 1/4
-,e'ACCEMON NRt'' A930CM54
sensors vhen solar orientation:
"is employed., r
vhen a f Wd'admth to rejuirid, himuthal orlentetion'is achimd vtth an.~
"IeGuracy of _"O and maintained &win& flight vith an ac ""say of 40.r-t. Tbd
(wavole and mi-position sansor) fen.111taites-the &te'rminp-tion
optical system
of the pocition of the ptation in opwo, A aontainer-position uanaor# uza&
to record t5a a-"&U at vhLoh the cross hairs of the optical ac&mning devices
intersect the horizons to allo used for this pirpose, Seven types of optical,
employing photoelectric
devices are used on the at ~Moter
receivers. which record the vmaulw distribution of the qnargetic brightness
--tba sukewV a ,f
-_%rhich - maka f j Oich
-11M*-Mea Teledveotmoter 'hie- in"
tensity distribution in the 0.3-20-14 lWah record
the total redlation'tImc and wasure f1wc dMerences i~oo close rv-.gions or
the spectrm-the 0,2-0,35-g and the 0.3-1,2-li ranges; balande-me Vtich
record the inteSTal ~adlatioa Xluxes arriving at an obJegf. from below and
above nt Of Lthe at
wuhmde rMUatiQn ba3mcd In Ithe OZ-40-IL
range;- actinometerpIrvhIch iiaasure-the Integral-flux of direct solar- radiation
vbIch- determine t~e -posl
In -the- Iran& ME .,control devices#
tiOn-of thGI_ dtati6n :i:~eUtii4t,to--tho-oun.atd-fte-earthlii:horizon, -The TOM
1 Card 2/4
statistical data o
n the distrilmtion of energatia brIeAtness of long. and,_11
shortwave, radim'vion over the p3awtary disk and data on the atmospberia
radiation balance, ~ it may -alao be used In determining the tAmperatuxe of the
underlying surface,. tbe.helOt of the top of the cloud eovorj and Us emmato:
Or jzo~4~water vapor,, and the atmoophere, Fig. I of tha
Enclosure shows a general view cf-t-fii-eit--aifon, Orig, art, Ims: 14 figures,
ASSOCIM61it none
SUMC=t !Z~2 /I DATE ACQ:,. MU163 -ERCL.. 01
NO -RW 6071. 000
ACC NRt A~6_6_S3624 SOURCE CODE: UR/0102/66/000/005/0051/6656
AUTHOR: Kasatkin, A. M. (Kiev); Kasatkina, L. M. (Kiev)
ORG. none
TITLE: Simulation of purposeful behavior of living organisms
SOURCE: Avtomatyka, no. 5, 1966, 51-56_
TOPIC TAM automaton, data processing equipment, finite automat-Pn
4_f,e~ / C~ ---
ABS~KCT: The authors describe an informal automaton which imitates some aspects of
information processing by the human brain. Vie described automaton simulates the
motor behavior of a man in a tnedium containing positive and negative irritants of
different intensities. The automaton accept and realizes the decisions determined,
by it. These decisions are formed during processing in the logical, emotional, and
motor spheres of the automaton, and are based on information received through the
automaton inputs about state of the outer medium. The automaton's actions in con-
ditional medium are directed towards definite object, which may either be given by an,
experimenter or formulated by the automaton itself. For this purpc-,e the automaton
makes a schedule of motion in thc- medium which is controlled by certain slave mech-
anisms. Since the schedule is constructed in stages, unsatisfactory results obtained
at any stage of realization can be remedied by revising the schedule. Self-training
is possible for some types of information processing. Orig. art. has: 4 figures.
Card 1/1
YAREHIN, Ya.l., Inzh.; RIZAYEV, R.G., inzh.; KASATKIN, A.O., inzh,; GAPOYAN,
P.M., inzh. - - 1-1-1
Testing high-strength steel-reinforced concrete plates. Prom.
stroi. 42 no.1:22-25 165. (MIRA 18:3)
Crystallization of potassium iodate (KI03). Kristallografiia 7 no.6:
952-954 N-D 162, (MIRA 16:4)
1. Leningradskiy goaudarstvenn~y universitet imni AvA.Zhdanova,
(Potassium iodate crystals)
Shock waves from centers of growth on the faces of
tetrahedral and cubic NaBr03 crystals. Kristallograflia
9 no.2:302-305 Mr-AP'64. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imeni A.A. Zhdanova.
1. 1 .1 1
Etch patterns and growth cent-ers on the 'aces of NaBr03 c -Jst--ls,
Vest. Mill 19 no.18:114-116 164.
(MIRA 17: 11)
AUMOR: Kasatkin.0 A.P.
TITLE: The effect of eupereaturation on the centers of growth
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*, v. 154, no. 4, 1964, 82T-828, and
following insert
TOPIC TAGS: supersaturations growth center, crystal growth, wave
formationj shock wave, crystal face, crystal nucleus$ critical
nucleus, supercooling
ABSTRACT: An investigation into the evolution of the centers of
growth in crystals, as determined by supersaturation, revealed that
a change in the supersaturation diminishes the activjk%'-,y of the cen-
ter of-growtb which yields its leading part to another center; as
the supersaturation returns to its J.nitial state, the mentioned
centers resume the formation of shock waves. Attention is called
to the fact that the changing supersaturation conditiona are
accompanied by the appearance of 10-15 centers of growth on a
Card 1/2
crystal facet surface, and that these are soon suppressed by the
active center of growth emerging during the steady conditions. As
F.K. Frank justly pointed out (New investigations in crystallogra-
phy and crystallochemistry, 1, Moscow., 1950, P-56), there is a group:
of dislocation shifts in the crystal for every supersaturation
value, and a change in the supersaturation should change the domin-
ating group (the center of the growth pyramid). Our experimental
data appear to agree with the dislocation theory of crystal growth.
"The author is profoundly grateful to Prof. V.B. Tatarskiy and T.G.
Petrov for their valuable advice in this work." Orig. art. has: 1
ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy osudarstvenny*y universitet im. A.A.
Zhdanova Veningrad State University)
SUBMITTED: 2314ay63 DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00
Card 2/2
-3 d o.-? r a f ia, v
Ai3-jJ*ACT: Unanges in the,arg~ ~hra~te_~f crV -stals~ were studied under
external conditions. 7he k:-nc-mati--s of -.-ar-ious
cr-- stals was invest:-,4-atec~ i n iz,
::rystals were used- in the (~-ourse of 120 e-xperimem:s. Tibe
e mq- ra -,-i r eFt s d e t e rm z !-i
P-P 5018 7 2 5
-x--E d 0 . 0 The
betweeD 15 min and 4 hours. At 40C the change in Lhe suparsaLuraLiun
of the solution wit',-.; initial supers atu, ration of 0.054 azio-unted after
4 -hours to 0.002 (0.201. In experiments writh hiqlier supersaturation
ilro b~, 0.1--0.2' b,,ri.-ci Parb Imurr. Yhe experi-
-",-e a'~ Bali points of tie plane.
NP: AP5018725
r-s c;-s hi-g deep gratitude to V. B. Tatarski __a-nd T. G. Petrom"'
ASS~IATION it Leni-'ni -gicad4k~'.~ty,~~qdsudazdtvennyy universitet
State University)
NR REr SOV: 011
OTHER: 003
L 26748-66 EWT W/E WT W/T/E10(t TJP(c). W"t /JG/GG
ACC NRt AP6011477 SOURCE CODE: UW11~1a/0WWe103W0W
AUTHOR: Kasatkin, A. Pe
ORG-. ~Leftinszrad State University im,. A. A.2qppy (Leningradskiy gasudarstvennna
universite 1~ ltl .1 -
16-influence 3.16it on the &o64fi of KaBrQs
TME: On t Of cry
SOURCE: Kristanagrafi3rijo, V. l1.. no. 21 3966.9 32&330
TOPIC TWS.- sodium compoundj, MTSUIa VMiVg., optic property light. radiation effect
ABSTRACT: . The author shows that although for mwW years attempts to relate the ln-~
fluence of light with the rate of crystallization led to negative results,, recent
advances in solid-state physics and solid-state chemistry giva grounds for assuming
that such an influence does exist. To this endj, he used apparatus developed by T.
G. Petrov (Kristallograftya V. 2. no. 6., 3,957) for the study of crystal growth under.
a microscope to investigate thR im*luence.or white light on the rate of growth of,
the (IM) faces of. NaBrO~ crystals. A primer' measuring 1 to ;2 ma grew at a, tempem-L
ture +10 * and at supercooling of 4.2 knd- 6.80., The'.experiment lasted 2 and
hours, The crystal was made to grow alternately one half hour in darkness and one
half h= between two 3-00-watt bulbs. The contours of the crystala were photographed
with a'molon picture camera every 72 seconds (using a f1wh I&mp during the darkness
tests). The results..showed constant temperature and under supersatuxation
the (100) face bad larger devbition In the growth rate under the influence of lights
ccmrared with the average valuis for this periodj, then in the case of growth In the
L 1/2
KA,-:ATKII;, Aleksandr Sery4vich, IP-90
Electric Tuei-urements; -3 Yererql course. Mo9kvq, ;os. enon'. i~~d-jo, 1946.
447 ?- 26C2)
TK275 - y J-5
,,,, Alez Ser~e~vich, 1899-
y,&s,kTK j sandr
4., soversherino rerer
~;Iectrical en~inecrin7-
7,40 1-.
ry. i7d-VOY 1952-
Moskva, Gos. ene .
TKI45- Y-,-)i 195"
S. '-asat-_-_,, A. Pcvollmllln, ana P. S. (`lcc --cal
2 n ---"Tl __3 e r ~_ P.. F ~~ -fth E ~T. o-..l , r --.- i s e d . G o s onen- z d at
The lx_)ol~ --*,s a coursc in qlcct~rical engLneer-ina, for lue-clui-ical inAiLtute students in eng=ee_riln~ fields. It contains the fundrlritals of +_'heor:,, of direct and
FOICS, C3...!~C~rj Cal, rjenSjtr-
alternatt-,- cm-rent circi-.its, of electi-A-cil ~mcl ;-~iapnO4~- C
al rachl nas a: I electrcn- 4on-con.-Verters,
,v~trumcnts, ~,lectrlc, t,
electric lighting, electrical armaratus, ncr...icr notTimi-l-s and. substatlons, and electrical
s~at-_'.ons a-.d s.-Tstems.
-0: Sovetslflve I'miri (Smriet Books) 1,93, 191-513, 1'.05coll, (U-~-472)
XASATKIN. Aleksandr Bergeyevich; PEREKALIN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich;
ZIiJJIff(NIT9KffXYa., redaktor; SOKERAITSKIY.S.T., redaktor:
VORONIN,K.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor
[Electric engineering] Bleklu-rotekhnika. Izd. 6-e, zanovo perer.
Moskva, Gos.energ. izd-vo, 1955. 376 D (MIRA 9:2)
(Electric en;inearing)
AID P 4121
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 8/33
Author : Kasatkin, A. S., Prof., Moscow
Title : Effect of ferroresonance in complex interconnections.
Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 12, 36-39, D 1955
Abstract : The author investigates a circuit of current ferro-
resonance connected in series with a constant resistance
or reactance. He uses the method of the equivalent
generator (Nortonts theorem), in order to determine the
problem of stability of the separate branches of charac-
teristics of complex interconnections, in which the
current ferroresonance circuit enters as an inte
element. The author analyses the whole circuit except
the coil with a steel core) as an active two-terminal
network closing on this coil. He solves the problem of
stability on the same basis as for a series circuit
ferroresonance of voltages. In order to demonstrate
AID P - 4121
Elektrichestvo, 12, 36-39, D 1955
Card 2/2 Pub. 27 - 8/33
that the influence of nonsinusoidal curves is insignifi-
cant, the author presents results of an experimental
analysis of equivalent connections. Among the characte-
ristics.presented are some which the author claims to be
unknown in technical literature, in particular, a characte-
ristic of a network in which at the same acting values of
voltage and current, two sharply distinct current con-
ditions in the braches are possible. Eight diagrams,
8 references (1923-1950)(7 Soviet).
Institution : Moscow Steel Institute im. Stalin
Submitted : D 4, 1954
VOSTROKNUITOV, Nikolay Goorglyevich; tASATM, A.B., redaktor; SXYORTSOT,
. 4X.p takhnicheskly redaktor
[1160ric and.magnatic measurement techniqueal Takhniks lzmerenii
elehrichaskikh I magnitnykh velichin. Izd. 2-oe, perer. Moskva,
Goei anerge izd-voo 1956o 440 p. (KLRA 9: 11)
(Blectrio measurements)
POPOV, Vildor Stepanovich, kandidat tekhnichaskikh aauk; KIN. A S..
redaktor: SKVCRTSOV, I.H.. tekhnicheakiy rodaktu_;U~U,1~1131~
(Slactrical engineering measurements and instruments] Filektrotakhni-
cheskie ismereniia i pribory. lzd. 5-0e. ispr. Moskva. Gos. energ.
izd-vo. 1956. 431 p. (KLRA 10:3)
(Electric engineering-Measurement)
POPOV, Viktor Stennnovichi kand.takhn.nauk;-X&5j-TK-I-N,,A..~S.,..otv. red.;
[Electric meters and measurements] Elektrotakhnicheakie
izmareniia i pribory. Izd. 6., ispr. Moskva, Gosenorgoizdat-
Sudpromgiz, 1958. 379 P. 04IRA 12:1)
(Electric measurements) (Electric meters)
ALUKER. Shel Honosovich, kand.tekhn.nauk; XASATKIN,..A.S,t_prof.. nauchnyy red.;
(Modern electric mbasuring instrnmental Sovremennye elektroismaritell-
nye pribory. Moskva, Vses.uchebho-pedagog,izd-vo Trudrezervizdat, 1958.
2.92 P. (MIRA 12:3)
(Electric instruments)
VOSTROKMOV, Nikolay Goorglyevich; KASATICIN, A.P,,_,; NIKITINA,
R.D., red.; IZVOCHKINA, L.L.
[Electric and magnetic measivement techniques] Tekhnika izmerenli
elaktrichookikh i magnitnykh velichin. Isd.3., ispr. Koskva~
Gosenergoisdat, 1958, 364 po (MIRA 120)
(Ilectric measwoments) I (Kagnetic measurements)
_j~asatkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevichand Perekalin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Elektrotekhnika (Electrical Engineering) 7th ed., rev. Moscow,
Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 464 P. 50,000 --opies printed.
Ed.: Denkov, Ye.D.; Tech. Ed.: Fridkin, A.M.
PURPOSE: This book has been approved by the Ministry of Higher
Education of the USSR as a textbook In e-lectrical engineering
for students of vtuzes.
COVERAGE: The book contains basic information on d-c circuit design,
magnetic circuits, inductance, capacitance and the insulation of
electrical installations. It treats the theory of alternating
current and'discusses electrical measuring instruments, trans-
formers, d-e and a-c electric machines, electronic end ionic
devices and equipment, semiconductor devices and equipment,
electric devices, electrical apparatus, lighting, electric power
Card 1/20
Electrical Engineering
stations, substations and networks. For this seventh edition
of the book, the course material has been substantially revised
and brought up to date. In conformity with the desire of
Gosenergoizdat, descriptions of pertinent laboratory work
have been given at the end of certain chapters. These descriptions
are far from including all the laboratory course material. For
example, there are no descriptions of laboratory work in
magnetic circuits, transient processes, electrical measuring
instruments, synchronous machines, electronics, e'Lo. In their
present form, the descriptions of laboratory work are only
Intended as a guide to laboratory practice for 50 class hours
in 'a modestly e uipped laboratory. With the exceptions of
sections 1-3,2-9,3-4,7-12,7-25,T-26,7-27,7-28,8-9,9-5 and
10;!2p Chapters one to eleven were written by M.A. Perekalin.
Th introduction and the rest of the book were written by
A.S. Kasatkin. No personalities are mentioned. There are
no refe'--ences.
Card 2/20
LIVSHITS, David Solomonovioh; DSHKOV, Ye.D., red. KASATKIN, A.B., red@;
[Heating of wires and fuse protection In electric networks up to
1000 Volta] Nagrev provodnikov i zashchita predokhraniteliami
v olaktrosetiakh do 1000 v. Koskva, Gos.energAzd-vo, 1959.
37 p. (Biblioteka elektromontera, no.6). (KIRA 14:1)
Ociectric networks) (311ectric protection)
-A07 S'fi 7-k / IV
ANVELIT, Hoyya Yurlyevich; GEUSIMOV, Viktor Grigorlyevich; ZAYMI.
Khristina Eduardovna; KOGEN-DALIN, Vladimir Viktorovich; LYSOV,
Nikolay Yegorovich; MOROZOV, Dmitriy Nikolayevich; NITUSOV,
Yevgeniy Vasillyevich; PANTYUSHIN, Vasiliy Sargeyevich, prof.;
FUKHLYAKOV. Turiy Kharlamplyevich; SHIPITOV, Vladimir Aleksandro-
vich; UTKIN, Ivan Vasillyefich-, fULAROIUIIN, Grigoriy Ivanovich;
KASATKIN,_A.S., reteenzent, red.; BORUNOV,.N.I.,
[Electrical engineering; general course] Elektrotekhnika;
obahchii kurs. Pod red. V.S.Pantiushina. Moskva, Gos,energ,
izd-vo, 1959. 632 p. (MIRA 13:1)
BTKOV, Hikhall Alakeendrovich; aWSIANSKIY, Igarl Nikolayevich: KITER,
Isa.ak Iosifovich; KTJTTASHOVA, Telena Mikhaylovna; LEVIN, Mark
Iosifavich; PRITKOV, Vladimir Tikhonovich; STRIX OV, Ivan
Alekseyevich; TALITSKIT, Aleksandr Vesillyevich; KHARCHWO,
Roman Romanovich; SOMILOVSKIT, Ilikolay Hikoleyevich,. KA
-AAa-&-red,; VORONIH, K.P.,
(Course on electric msasuremeatal Kura elektricheskikh izmerenii.
Pod red. V.T.Frytkova i A.V.Talitakogo. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo.
rt.l. ig6o. 479 p. Pt.2. 196o. 4)o p. (MIRA 13:10)
(Electric masurements)
KASATKB Aleekkssandr h; PEIIEKALIN, Mikhail Aleksandrovich
~d~!am~~ A., red.; BORUNOV, N.I., tekhn. red.
[Electric engineering] Elektrotekhnika. Izd.8.,, perer. Moskva,
Gos. energ. izd-vo 1961. 459 P. (MIRA 24:9)
(Electric engineering)
PETROV) Yevgeniy Andreyevichi OVCHARWKO, Niko2ay Illich;,KASATKIN A 0S'.2
prof.j retsenzent; BORISOV, Ye~V~j inzbes retsenze,
inzh.., red.; ZUZ.'MINA,'Ye.M.p red. izd-va; DOBRITSYNA, R.I., tekbn.
red.; SMIRNOVA, G.V.1 teldm. red.
[Electronic devices for the protection of workers in the machinery
industry] Elektronnye ustroistva dUa okhrarw truda v mashinostroenii.
Moskva Mashgiz.. 1961% 119 (MIRA 14-.11)
11ndustrial safety) filectronic instruments)
i:ITAYEV, Valentin Yevgenlyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SIILYAPINTOYdI,
I nauchn.
Lev Samoylovich, inzh.-elektrik;
red.; CHISLOV, M.M., red., NES14YSLOVA, L.M., tekhn. red.
[Electrical engineering with principles of industrial
electronics] Elektrotekhnika s asnovami promyshlennoi elek-
troniki. Moskva, Proftekhizdat, 1963. 411 p. (MIRA 16:10)
(Electric engineering) (Electronics)
.14 911SPKI Ir-I ~) PEREKALIN~ Mikhail Aleksandrovich
-- '4 -
[deceased); BUIZ, ow, V.A., red.; DORUNOV, N.I., tekhn, red.
(Electric engineering] Elektrotekhni4ka. Izd.8., perer. Mo-
skva, Gosenergoisdat, 1963. 464 p. (MIRA 16:8.)
(Electric engineering)
POFOV, Viktor Stepanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; Prinimal uchastiye
AGAPOVy V.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; KASATKIN, A.S., prof.,
retsenzent; SHUROVA, Yu.P., red.; FRIDKIN, I;.M., tekhn.
(Elpetrical measurements and instruments) Elektrotekhni-
cheskie izmereniia i pribory. Izd.7., perer. Moskva
Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 543 p. (MIRA 17:21
GRA14YLATIKATI, Vera Mikhaylovna; SHLYAPINTOKH. Lev Sabiqlavichl
PETROV, Vadim Konstantinovich [decea'sed];
nauchn. red.; SILIVERSTROVICH, G.A., red.; DORODNOVA,
L.A., tekhn. red.
(Teaching electrical engineering together with the
fundamentals ~f industrial electronics] Prepodavanie elek-
trotekhniki srosnovami pronWshlennoi elektroniki. Moskva,
Proftekhizdat, 1963. 174 P. (MIRA 17:3)
GLEX)VICH, Aleksandr Aleksandrovichp kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.;
KASATKIN, A.S._, prof., nauchn. red.; MIJUI, V.Yu.., red.;
DMAGIIIA, S. I. I red.
(Laboratory work in electrical engincering and the principles
of induatrial electronics) Laboratornya raboty po olaktro-
tekhnike s oanovami pron7slilennoi clektroniki. Moskva, Vys-
shaia shkola,, 1964. 185 P. LIRA 17:6)
1. Zaveduyushchiy kafedroy elektrotekhniki Vsesoyuznogo sell-
s'-,okhozyaystvennogo instituta zaochnogo obucheniya (for
A"THOR: Kasatkin, A. S. (Engineer)
TITLE: Pulse-cour-ting method3 for mea3uring the frequency of transformed
nonelectric s i g r.--1 s
SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 8, 1964, 3-6
~CPIC TAGS: measurement, signal measurement, meas-urand signal,
ABSTRACT: A cursory review is presented of the methods of uzgnai-f requency
measurement which are classified into the following 9 groupi;: (1) Non-
----hronous, with contacting measuring intervals and with a fixed midpoint of
-ach interval; (2) Same, but with a fixed startmg point (or end point) of each
(31, Nonsy-nchronou-9, with norcn-t,--ri-~j~ treaslirin,.7 ir!tervals and with
iix-ed midpoints; (4) Same, but with a fixed 9~art (cr a-d). (5) Synchrancus,
L 6736-65
rect -cycle -count 16~. hronous "t rval -d-f
-With a measuring in e forme rom. a -1
specified number of cycles; (71 and (8) Synchronous. with a measuring interval
fnrmed by -all complete cyclee (the two methoda differ bv the method of co-unting
lsei of the. quartz-control-led frequency) SYT~ch-,-or,;)1~s with couritin;- bcth
,-Iele and mcomp.1 Inhe.-ent -o 'he above rnethods are
ete cycles. Errors
-Sseul. It is found tha (11) Method, r:c q
When high frequencies (10- I'l!) kc) ar~ i -vo I v e d , rr, e 'h ced,
errors, (2) el -
's recommended; (3) For nonsy-nchronolis rneasurennerif of lower (10-5,000
5. -eq---ien,-ies. method no. 7is recommended. Origg, art. ',La s4 figures and
J -ITTED- 00 ENCL: 00
Dissertation:' "Rhombomys Optimus (Rodent found in a sandy soil region) in the
Balkhash Lake Area and the Fight Agitinst.It." Cand Biol Sci, Inst of Zoology,
Acad Sci Kazakh SSRI 14 Apr 54- (Kazakhstanskaya Pr-avda--AI1aa-Ata,, 1 Apr 54)
SO: SUM 243, 19 Oct 1954
KASATKIN, B. S. ---"Materials on the Problem: of Legal-Medical Wxamination of
the Cadavers of Fetuses and the Newborn.It First Noscow Order of Lenin M-d.
Inst., Moscow, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis'. No. 35, 1955
KHRUSHCHELEVSKI, FAmund[Chroscielewsldp FAmund], dqktor med
SHPERLI-ZEIFRIDGVA, Galirafszporl- lina
Seyfriedowa Ha
doktor med.; KASATKIN B.S... dots.[tranalatorl'i
V.F-: prof., r6a-.-,--MATM, Ye*Yes, re
Yu.S., tekhn. red.
[Autopsy on fetuses and newborn infants; pathological anatomical
and forensic medical diagnosis and technics]Sektsiia trupov plo-
dov i novorozhdenrWkh; patologoanatomicheskaia i sudebnomeditsin-
skaia diagnostika. i tekhnika. Pod red.V.F.Chervakova. Moskvay
Med iz, 1962. 223 p, Translated from the Polish. (M-I11A 15:7)
Asnis, A. Ye. and Kasatkin, B. S. I'Low-carbon steel for welded bridges",
Trudy Vsesoyuz, konf-tsii po avtomat,srarke pod flYusom, 3-6 October 194/7, Kiev,
1948, pp. 97-108.
SO: U-3261p 10 April 53 (Letopis 'Zhurnal IrVkh Statey No. 11, 1949)
Kasatkin. BL-q. "On stebl for vieldad. bridges", Trudy po av-tomt. svarke pod
flyusom. (In-t elektromrkl im, Patona), Collaction 3, 1948, p. 29-59) - Biblio-: 9
items, Continued from Collection 2.
SO: U-32611 10 April 53 (Lotopis tZhurnal Inykh Statey No.11, 191,9)
m jg~v.~v
Opyt byplavki stali dlya evarnYkh m0st0v- (meta:Logr. analiz). Trudy po avtomat.
ovarke pod flyusom (in-t elektro-ovarki im. Patona). SB. 6, 1949, s. 8-15.
B. Chernaya metallurglya.
SO: Letopis' No. 3/4
USSR/Engineering - Bend Fatigue Tests Welds, Testing of VhY 50
"Bending Testing of Welded Joints," A. M. Kakarov, B. S. Kasatkin, Inst of Elec
'gelding imeni Acad Ye. 0. Paton, Acad Sci Ukrainian SSR, 'a pp
"Avtogen Delot' No 5
Describe-s experiments conducted by the Inst of Elec Welding in 1948~-49. Concludes
present standard OST7887 for band testing of welded joints is unsatisfactory, and should
be replaced by some more expedient method. Suggests bending test for specimens with
longitijdinally welded seam.
PA 160T22
910:11: , - - - ; i ;;; ;;;;;# 'It
11 pip
A I $--I- I_ k.,-
foe i '00
ApplicablUtY a Brad Testing at Voided Joint-- In
4 : -00
Hossi&u.) . &I. %takam itod B. S Kamtkin, Actugennor
A .00
Dolo (Welding). v, 21, May
o CeRkmily investi es the a lic-ability of standard 0
bem tests for c-, 15a.'a'"on of taquality of welds.
version of the swim low-raxbon steel wrm tmtt-d, cxm* 01
is a dead inch arid the other 'bubliting." fnflur,;-.;-C IA 0
owl relation between luse and of weld
Inctals, of njing fi, 10"eatment and Ptesence 00
of microtMects on quality of the wehis was invmti- too
of juints are
~gated. Comparative data for 5 I)Ves
2 tabuLted. I I yet. 0
0* 0
it,, vez~
u Is A, 10
of cr On C14C Kaltsul Oncurn, Ito 1 114 An 1 5 4 fu IN Ij 42 a 3 4
0 0 0,41 je, * 0 0 0 o o 0 o 0 0 0 o * 0 it 0
0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 9 0
F-T 52
,-~ - il -, , m . -_:
of well
.. - -11. ---:
Steel Alloys
Some data'on the influence of a metastable structure on the mechan-Ical properties of metal.
Avtom svar., 4, No 6(21), 1951.
Monthl List 2f Russian Accession, Library of Congress, June 7952. Unclassified.
Yormation of defects in unshielded butt welding. Avtom.evar.6 no.3:
55-62 My-Je 153. ( M A 7:5)
1. Institut elaktroavarki Lm. YO.O.Patona Akademii nauk USSR.
01laotric welding)
Kmtkin and. N. Kaklim-kil, mt. Swrkz- r,
f l3
y o
t r
e qua
stLtI RSO mft be impruved signifirminVy by the u.,c of a
C(Miplex deoxidution with add.,ts. oi rualteo pig itou. ferro-
at asi extensiv c study of
titaniurn, aud aluminum. Resuk
the phys. aud vveldlue properties of this 5feel indicate that
---diem is a-(Titw-v&lue-FGr-thc
itent of 0.0113-0.0160% opthruirf-proptrfles are obtaincd
i0 - 0-5
cindldwi 6
z6ki~ b
C Poor hnpact propadesof
towif rnol'xu ~tvd.
-,~clds uc n%wcd;,,Witb the PpOl. of At nitrid" ;it the gralu
boundarks. - Wckls- xvith- improwd init-act !str,!tigtfi w
g mis Lotag. 0.811*~; Al.
obtainotl by iLiag
va -.Trwqppnuw
- EC
.--d FVL
r~ v f!
r ? I
.-i -
.. . . - , - - I - .: - -.: T7AjCX[M - ~-- -
V--- o-r t~ ,
Investigating the structure of ferrite in Bessemer steel
welds by means of an electron microscope. Avtom. ovar. 8
no.6:96-98 N-D 155. (MLRk 9:2)
1.0rdena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Institut, elektroevarki
imeni Ye.O.Patona AN USSR.
(Ferrite-Metallography) (Electron microscope)
. -4 . . : ~ - . : :~, - -
T $,Ili
. iW
Institution Acad. oU&*~, Ukr.SM, E. 0. Paton's Inst. of Electrowelding
Presented by: Academician P. A. Rebinder, November 29, 1954
1.~ ... - l! ., ~- - -
- ~ - .1 1 . 1, - ~ 1 11 2~~
, -e, r~ - -;-' - - ~ ~ ~ - -&- V-.' &~
I, : I ~, . A I I I
I -
- 9,
Subject USSR/Engineering AID P - 5413
Card 1/1 Pub. 11 - 3/13
Authors Kasatkin, B. S., N. 1. Kakhovskiy, and Yu. N. Valrhnin
Title Carbon dioxide welding of alloyed steels
Periodical Avtom. svar.,A 5, 19-21, MY 1956
Abstract The authors describe the results of experiments in the
development of suitable electrodes for carbon dioxide
welding of alloyed steels and present data on the
powdered electrode wires as most adaptable to the pur-
pose. Three graphs and 1 table; 2 Russian references
(1955) and 1 German reference (1956).
Institution : Electrowelding Institute im. Paton.
Submitted : No date
Effect of alloying elements on the development of chemical
heterogeneity in velded joints. Avtom. avar. 9 noAtI04-106 N-
D '56. (MIRk 10:3)
1. Ordena. TriAovogo Xrasnogo Znameni Institut elaktrosvarki im.
Ye.0,Patona, AN t$SR
(Steel alloy;--Welding) (Metallograp&r)
kandidat tGkhnichaskikh nauk.
Allowable arsenic content In mSt-3 oPen-hearth steel. Stall
16 no-7:624-629 JI 156. (KRA 9:9)
1. Inatitut alaktroavarki imeni akademika Te.O. Patona.
(Steel--Testing) (Arsenic)
,, kand. telchn. nauk; KMOVSKIY, N.I., kand. tekhn. D&UIC;
YUJI, inzh.
gas-electric welding of steam turbine diaphragms. TeploenergetikeL
4 no.12:42-47 D '57. (KM 10111)
1. Institut slaktroevarki USSR.
(Iteau turbines-Welding)
AUTHORS: Roamoshinakiy, A.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and
Kasatkin, B.S., Candidate of Technical Science;-
TITLE: Effect of Some Alloying Elements on the Chemical Heterogenities
and the Mechanical Properties of Welds. (Vliyaniye nekotorykh
legiruyushchikh elementov na khimicheskuyu neodnorodnost'i svoystva avarnykh shvov).
PERIODICAL: "Svarochnoye Proizvodetvo", 1957, # 5, pp 1-6 (USSR).
ABSTRACTz The purpose of the investigation was to determine how nickel#
chromium, manganese and silicon, in quantitibs-as contained in
low-alloy and medium-alloy standard steels, influenoe the for-
mation of chemical heterogenities of welding seams and to study
the influence of these heterogenities on the mechanical pro-
perties of the welding seams. Butt welds, were investigated
which were made by automatic welding of 20 mm thick "MCT-3"
steel with welding rod 'ICB08A" of 5 mm diameter and flux
The investigation revealed that welding seams are chemically
Card 1/4 heterogeneous. In the center area of the welding seams, there
TITLEi Effect of Ooms Alloying Elements on the Chemical Heterogenities
and the Mechanical Properties of Welds. (Vliyaniye nekotorykh-
logiruyush-chikh elementov na. khimichaskuyu neodnorodnoat'i
mekhanicheakiye evoystva evarnykh shvov).
was a de0titic haterogenityyand in the outer zones a laminated
heterogenity'vas observe4on layers of crystallization, which
form as a result of.the exchange processes between the not com-
pletely solidified metal and the liquid metal of the welding
puddle. The same Oroossees affect the formation of the.den-
dritic haterogenity. It was found that a higher cooling rate
gave decreased dendritio heterogenity and simultaneously in-
creased laminatod hoterogenity. The chemical hetejro~enity of
low-carbon welds was,insignificant.
Nickel, ohromiumg.manganese, and silicon had a pronounced in-
fluence on formation of the chemical heterogenity of welds.
Nickel in quantities over 1.5 % liquates little,but markedly
increases liquation of carbon, sulfur$ and phosphorus. Increas-
ing the nickel content to more than 2 %, leads to hot fissures
and to an abrupt deterioration of mechanical properties of the
weld metal. Manganese content of 1.5-2.5 % liquates slightly
Card 2/4 more than nickel, but it abruptly and more strongly than other
TITLE: Effect of Some Alloying Elements on the Chemical Hetarogenities
and the Mechanical Properties of Welds. (Vliyaniye nekotorykh
legiruyushe hikh elementov n& khimicheakuyu neoftorodnostli
mekhanichaskiya svoystva evarnykh shvov).
ASSOCIATION: Institut alektroevarki imeni E.O. Patons, IN USSR, (Welding
Ihstitute imeni B. 0. Paton Academy of Scisincea, Ukrainian
AVAILABLEt At the Library of Congress.
Card 4/4
~l ~.'
;,7-rg~ in carbcr,
I I ~ I . . - -1- - -~- - -1 - %. - -, - - -- - . - - - - - I - - I ~
.1 . . , 1. . . ~: ~ . . . .. .
I Z-
135 - 58- 1- -2/ 23
AUTHOR: _'Kasatkin, B.S., and Rossoahinskiy, A.A., Caniidat-~.e oi
T-67-c hn`ra-.,t--5-c�vm-c-SW
TITLE: Structural Heterogeneity of Welded Seams (0 strukturnoy
neodnorodnosti svarnykh shvov)
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 1, pp' 6 - 8 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The authors state tha,-. various crystallization conditions
have a decisive effect on the -quality of seams. This as-
sumption was tested by investigations of the fine struc-
ture of welded seams, carried out on low alloyed steel,
type NL-2, 20 mm thick with SV-08 rods under AN-348 flux
and according to -the following regime: current intensity
was 850 amp are volltage-36 to 38 v., welding rate 20 m/hr.
The chemical composition of the seams was as follows:
0.12% carbon, 0.43% silicon, 0.8011fo manganese, 0-30 nickel,
and 0 .Wo copper. Por the tests 1 mm. thick plates were cut
from the welded seams. X-ray photographs of immovable and
rotating samples were taken in large chambers with a drum
149 and 156 mm in diameter. The rotating samples moved
around an axis perpendicular to the direction of the pri-
mary X-ray bundle, The inner stressen were determined by
the interfergoce lines of (110) and (220) Ref. 8. The na-
Card 112 ture of stress distribution of the s,_,cond and third type
Structural Heterogeneity of 7!elded Seams
is shown in Figure 4. The data shows that an irregular
distribution of second and third type streso takes place
in the seams after the welding process. The authors come
to the following conclusions; The structural heterogeneity
is characteristic f'or-seams welded urder flux, and it is
conrected with the P~e culariti-es of crystallization. High
stresses of the third type are char,,1cter-_;3-Uic., for the cen-
tral sections of the welded seams, caused mainly by the
presence of dendritic heterogeneity. Second tYpe stres-
ses arise, particularly, ir sections adjacent to fusion
lines, and are obviously caused b:.: the mechanical effect
of the primary metal, crystall-lization. There alre 4 figures
and 8 Sovlet references.
ASSOCIATION': Institut elektros-varki ineni akad. "'e. 0. Patona AN blkrSSR
(Institute of Dilectric WCl(UZriren_J Academician Ye.0. Paton
of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences)
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2 1. Seam welding 2. Welds-Analysis
KASATKIIi, B.S. (Cand. Technical Sci., Kiev) - --
"Die Automatische Schweissung Warmfester Stahl Unter C02 Gas.-chutz,"
SchwiAsstechnik, No. 2, 195,~'-
AUTHOR: Okerblom, N.O., Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
TITLE: A Conference on Welding in the German Democratic Republic
(Konforentsiya po svarke v Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy
PERIODICAL: Svaroohnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 4, pp 40-42 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: A conference on welded structures wan held at Halle from
the 9th to llth October 1957- It was organized by the
Palata tekhniki (Chamber of Engineering) and the Tsentrall-
nyy institut evarochnoy.tekhniki Germanskoy Demokraticheskoy
Respubliki (The Central Institute of Welding of the German
Democratic Republic). About 1,000 participants were pre-
sent, including delegates from Bulgaria, Hungary, West
Germany, Poland, Rumania, USSRt Czechoslovakia, Switzer-
land, Yugoslavia and Japan. The Soviet delegation from the
NTO mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti Sovetskogo Soyuza
(Scientific-Technical Department of the Soviet Union Machi-
ne-Building Industry) included the author of this article,
A.K. Shashkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences: and G.A.
Card 1/3 Maslov, Dotsent. Professor G.A. Nikolayev,. Doctor of
A Conference on Welding in the German Democratic Republic
Technical Sciences; B.S. Kasatkin, and V.V. Bazhenov, Candi-
dates of Technical Sciences; were sent by other Soviet
organizations. The introductory report was delivered by
State Secretary Tsisenis (Ministerstvo tyazlidlogo mashinn-
stroyeniya - Ministry of Heavy Ma6hine-Building). The Con-
ference heard the following reports: Professor G.A.
Nikolayev/on "Problems of Automation inWelding Processes";
B.S. Kasatkin on "Automatic Welding of Heat-Resistant
-ZT-e-els in Carbon Dioxide Gas Shields"; V.V. Bazhenov, on
"Fields of Application and Technico-Econowic Characteristics
of Welding in Carbondioxide Gas Shields"; Doctor V. Gillde
(Director of the Tsentralln-yy in'stitut svarochnoy tekhniki -
TSIS - the Central Institute of Welding Engineering),on
"Use of High-Strength in Welding Engineering"; V. Anders,
(Technical Director of TSIS),on "Shrinkage in Girder Parts
Welded Under Flux"; A. Neyman (Head of the Otdel islledo-
vaniy TSIIS - the TSIIS ExpRrimentai Department),on "Strength
and Endurance of Joints Welded Under Flux and Their Calcu-
lation"; R. Myuller, Diploma-Engineer from Magdeburgon
Card 2/3 "Influence of the ConatructJve Shape of Zichine Parts on
A Conference on Welding in the German Democratic Republic
Costs in Automatic Welding" Doctor-Engineer G. Bekker
(TSIIS Branch at Finstarwalle))on "New Inve3tigations
in the Metallurgy of Automatic Welding Under Flux", F.
Riohter (Berlinskiy elektroOnyy zavod .- the Berlin Elec-
trode Plant), on "Highly Elfficient Electrodes in the German
Democratic Republioll; Engineer Lakatos from Bratislava,cf,
"Investigation of Gray Iron Cold Welding"; Professor A.
Matting from Hannover, on "Light Alloy Metal Structures";
,,on "Spot-Welded Jc-;nts Under Dynamic Load
Beme (TSIIS)
and Their Computation", The third day of the confarence
was devoted to vis-its to the TSIS Laboratory and to the
Leuna Plant at Merseburg~ The Soviet delegates also visit-
ed the Hohenturm Boiler Plan-cq the Bergmann-Barsig Plant
in Berlin and the Berlin Electrode Plant.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 3/3
AUTHOR Kasatkin B S. (K'_~rev) SOV/24-58-5-11/31
TITLE: The Micromechanism of Brittle Fracture of Steel
(Mikromekhanizm khrupkogo razrusheniya stali)
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh
Nauk, 1958, Nr 5, pp 63-68 + 2'plates (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The investigation described b~~ K. consisted in studying
various stages of brittle fraci-,ure of low-carbon steels
in impact bending, The notchedbar impact test pieces,
with either the stand,:.rd U-shaped notch or a V-shaped
uotch (2.0 mm deepq 0.25 mm root radius), were prepared
from0(i) heat-treated (furnace-cooled after 90 mins at
1100 0) open-hearth steel, (ii) Bessemer steel,, and
(iii) forged technical iron. Application of clamps made
it possible to limit the degree of deformation (measured
by the linear and angular deflection of the free end of
the test piece) to any pre-determined value. The
reliminary impact bending tests carried out on a
lharpy impact testing machine,,. below the critical
temperature T (the temperature at which the type of
fracture changes from brittle to ductile) showed that
Gaa,d__j/-.5 up to a certain value of linear deflection 8 (or
The Micromechanism of Brittle Fracture of Steel
angular deflection 6), which depended on the sharpness
of the notch, the test pieces could be deformed without
showing any visible signs of fracture, Britt;e fracture
occurred only when S exceeded 0.? mm (6> 3-4 ) in
U-notched specimens, and 0.3--0.4 mm in V-notched test
pieces. In the next stage of the investigation tAe
temperature dependence of the impact strength ak in the
temperature region -30 to +20 C was determined
for the following three groups of test pieces:
(i) Test pieces not subjected to any preliminary
(ii) Test pieces preliminarily deformed at a temperature
15-201C below TC;
(iii) Test pieces preliminarily deformed at a temperature
above Tc .
The results of these experiments, reproduced graphically,
show that while preliminary deformation above T ~id not
affect the a /temperature relationship, the expgrimental
values of a of the test pieces deformed below T prior
Card!~~ to testing kere more scattered than those for thg
.The Micromechanism of Brittle Fracture of Steel
undeformed specimens and were shifted by 10-15 0C in the
direction of the positive values of T . Microscopic
examination of the longitudinal sectiSns of the test
pieces deformed (but not fractured) in the brittle region,
i.e. below T . revealed the presence of twins and micro-
cracks locatsd at a distance of 1-3 mm from the root of
the notch. These observations were confirmed by the
results of X-ray examination which showed that the
regions of the maximum stress concentration and most
intensive grain fragmentation were situated 1.5 to 2.5 mm
from the root of the notch. At the same time, micro-
hardness measurements carried out on specimens tested to
destruction under conditions of brittle fracture revealed
a considerable increase of hardness of the grains in the
immediate vicinity of the fracture (indicating a high
degree of grain fragmentation), although the degree of
fragmentation as shown by both micro-hardness measure-
ments and X-ray examination varied considerably from grain
to grain. On the basis of the experimental results and
theoretical considerations the following mechanism of
brittle fracture is postulated: On application of the
Card--)F%'5 load the most favourably oriented grains undergo
-The Micromechanism of Brittle Fracture of Steel
fragmentation into a large number of small blocks, and
the deformation at this stage is due to the movement of
the blocks within the original grains which subsequently
change their shape. In this way slip of the grains along
the grain boundaries is initiated. At low temperatures
and high rates of deformation the resistance to slip
increases with the result that the magnitude of stresses
necessary for the slip to take place also increases.
Localised stress concentrations thus produced lead to the
formation of twins and microcracks. The conditions '.n
the thin Layer at the root of the notch are somewhat
differentl and since it is situated at the surface it is
deformed by slip. Brittle fracture of a notched bar test
piece begins underneath the plastically deformed surface
layer, in the region where the conditions are most
favourable for the formation of the microcracks. After
these have spread and reached the surface of the notch,
the main crack is propagated into the interior of the
best piece through a series of microcracks formed in the
CarZ~,_~ initial stages of the process.
AUTHOR: Kasatkin, B.S., Candidate of Technical Sciences
TITLE. V'11A~ D-~-Ittlc FdIltlem 0~~, Steel (0,
khrupkogo razrusheniya stali)
PERIOD1CALt Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo, 1958, Nr 6, pp 24-28 (USSR)
AB6TRACT; There are several theories about the rhemmenon of brittle fail-
ure which has many times ^caused disastrous results in welded
structures in the course of the past 20 years, and which has
not been completely explained. This article gives the results
of an investigation made by the Institute of Electric Welding
imeni Paton. The micro-mechanism of brittle failure was studied
in separate stages of the failure process in ipending with
impact, on prismatic specimens with standard notch, and with
a 2 mm deep V-notch inserted in a special shell (the test method
with such shell was previously described in Ref. 7). It was
conclused, that the process consists of two basic sta es: pre-
failure 3haracterized by fracturing of tretal grains and plastic
deformation, formation of twin crystals and appearance of mi-
croscopic cracks within tho srnino; it,-.e "he brittle fracture
Card 1/2 proper. The first stage is not vi~_ible on the notch surface.
Th6 Brittle Failu;,-4% oi' St.c.-,O-
The second stage starts with the formation of a tough crack
in the th-'.n surface layer of metal at the bottom of the notch.
The fracture then propaCates along the earlier formed inner
cracks separated from one another by walls consisting of partly
deformed Grains. Hence the process of brittle fracture is
not continuous and the first sta-,- ir, not inavoidably accom-
panied by the second stage. Under certain conditions, a pre-
failure condition car, develop and remain coi,cealed. Loadin.-
applied later leads to complete brittle failure even in "mild"
conditions. There are 7 micro-photoCraphs, 2 graphs, and 3
references, 4 of which are Soviet and 4 English.
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektros-,rarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Electric
Fielding Institute imeri Ye. O~ Rlito,-i ~13
AVAILABLE2 Library of Congress
Card 2/2
Etch figures on twinned interlayers of structural iron. Inzh.-fiz.
zhur. no.lOsIO6-108 0 158, (MIRA 11:11)
1. Institut elaktrosvarki imeni Ye.O..Patons AN USSR, g. 111yev.
(Iron, Struotural-Metallography)
AUTHOR., Kasatkin, B.S., Kareta, N.L. and Darovskiy, G.F.
TITLE.~ Fine Structure and Its Effect on the Toughness of Weld Joints
(Tonkaya struktura i yeyt~ vliyaniye na udarnuyu vyazkost'-
svarnykh shvov)
PERIODICAL~ Avtomaticheskaya ovarka, 1958,~Nr 2, pp 20-29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Experimental. investigations of fine structure in low-oarbon
and low-alloy weld joints were carried out with the use of
an electronic microscope, permitting direct cbservation of
the inner structure of the metal grains and revealing some
peculiarities which could riot be detected by X-ray examina-
tions. The article contains a detailed description of the
experiments and of the results obtained which lead to th?
following conclusionss 1) conditions of the welding process
have a substantial effect, on the inner strvcture of grains;
2) increased cooling rates enta-i-I higher stresses of II and
III order, reduction of size and chemical heterogeneity Or
blocks of the intragranular structure; 3) slow coo_'~_d we'd
metal is characterized by the most perfect ferrite grain
blocks approaching symmetrical shape; 4) the criti-'al. temp-
Card 1.12 erature of the seam brittleness is
determined by the
SOV -125-58-2-3/11
Fine Structure and Its Effect on the Toughness of 7"eld Joints
peculiarities of structure and the properties -If submicro-
zones (blocks) and microzones (grains); 5) inner stresE~es
o'4r' II and III order are of a secondary effe,-t; as they in-
fluence the plastic deformation process which preceeds the
Cormat-ion of microcracks.
There are 2 graphs, 3 tables, 5, m"cro-photos and 12 refer.-
ences, 410 of which are Soviet, 1 English and I German.
ASSOCIATIM Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Paf:ona, AN USSR (Instll.u-
te of Electric ',Yelding imeni Ye.O. PatDn., AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTEDs September 10, 1957
1- Welds-Structural analysis
Card 2,12
AUTHORS; Kasatkin B S slid VAKHNIN, Yu.N. SOV 125-58-3-1/15
TITLE~ Welding Heat Resistant 211OKUF-Steel in Carbon Dioxida
(Svarka v srede uglekislogo gaza teploustoychivoyetftli 20 RM)
PERIODICAL& Avtomaticheskaya svarka,,',Nr 3, 1953; Pp 3-11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT% The described technology of welding 20YhXF steel in carbon
dioxide was developed by the Institute of Eiectrcwelding at
the request of the Kharkovskiy Turbinnyy Zavod (Kharkov
Turbine Plant) and the Bryanskiy Mashinostro"telln1y Zavod
(Bryansk Machine Building Plant). Information is presented
on experiments and results of tests. The following con-
clusions were made: Welding of heat resistant 20.Xhlff-eteel
in carbon dioxide can be successfully performed with special
wires of the following composition; 1) powder wires cont-ain-
ing up to 0.14% C, 1-7 to 2.001o' Mn, 0.6 to 0.9% Silt 0.6 ttD
1.1% Cr, 0.5 to 0.6% blo, 0.2 to 0.3% V, S and P nct o';er
0.3% each; 2) metallic wires containing up t(, C,
to 1.8%. Mn, o.6 to o.8% si, o,q t_~ -.-l% cr, 0.5 to 0.-% mc,
0.2 to 0.3% V, 3 and P not over 0.03% each. The
of the heat treatment is also described.
The article contains 6 tables, 1 figure, 4 graphis and 3
Card 1/2
v Soviet references.
SOV 125-58-3-11/15
Welding Heat Resistant 20KhMF-Steel in Carbon Dioxide
ASSOCIA'TIM Ordena Trudovogo Krasnogc Zrlameni institut o:ek-,rosvarki
imeni Y9.0. Patoria AN USSR (,nsti--u'e of E'c-,ttrowel-
imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR, Bearer of the Labor 0. - of
the Red Banner)
SUBMITTED: December 28, 1957
1. Heat resistant alloys--Are welding 2. Heat resistant alloys
--Heat treatment 3. Carbon dioxide--Performance 4. Welds--Test
results 5. Are welding--Electrodes
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: Kasatkin, B.S. SOV/125-58-11-12/16
71747 7u'r - - '
TITLE: C0177;rittleoness~-o'f' the Metal in Low Carbon Neld Joints
(Khrupkoye razrusheniye metalla nizkouglerodistykh svarnykh
PERIODICAL: Avtomaticheskaya sverks, 1956,NNr 11, PP 71-80 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: The cold britileness of weld joints in low carbon steel is
investigatedp and tests carried out on butt welded specimens
with a V-shaped notch have proved that cold brittleness takes
place in two stages: 1) pre-breaking, including plastic de-
formation and micr:%--rabk formation under the notch; 2) de-
velopment of a basic crack, beginning in the upper layer of
the metal near the notch bottom.
There are 9 microphotos, 1 diagram, 1 graph and 6 Soviet re-
ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. Patona AN USSR (Institute
of Electric Welding imeni Ye.O. Paton, AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: August 7, 1958
Card 1/1
AUTHORSg Kasatking B.S.9 Kareta, N.L., Vakhnin, Yu.N., and Germang S.I.
TITLE: The "White" Band _n "15MIAIP11 Grade %lded Joints ("Belayall
poloska v svarnykh soyedineniyakh iz stali 15KhlMlP)
Avtomaticheskaya svarka, 1958,rNr 12, pp 12-16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Tests were carried out for the purpose of determining the
origin of the so-called "whitell band in weld Joints near
seams which are subjected to various structural deformations,
particularly noticeable in etching with nitric acid. It was
stated that the white strip formation depends on residual
plastic deformations in heat zones below the Acl point. The
white strip metal has a deformed crystalline lattice and an
increased carbon and nitrogen content in the.solid solution.
The formation of the white bamd and ageing zone are of a
similar nature, depending mainly on residual plastic de-
formation and not on the high cooling rat6 from temperatures
below A01.
There are 3 sets of microphotos,2 tables and 6 Soviet re-
Card 1/2 fererces.