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KARPOVICH, Ye.F. Viticulture and wine making is Ma4mlakskaye, Valley. Izv. Krym.otd.Geog.ob-va no-4:13,19 15% (IMA 14:8) (Sudaltikays. Valley;--Wine &ad wine inakin (Sudakskaya Valley6-Vitlculture) KARPOVICH, Ye.V., inzhener. ipe-r-f-ence, in the use of belt conveyors in building the hydro- electric station at Gorkiy. Mekh.trud..rab. 10 no.12:34-38 D '56. (MLRA 10:5) G tationY. ( 0im ''ft Co (C olive X& M VICH, YeS., inzhener. Driveless charging hopper for belt conveyers. Kekh.stroi. 13 no.10: 27-28 0 156. (KLVA 9: 11) (Conveying machinery) D205/D303 AUTHMOLS Koziovs1l-aya, V.P., Vasillyeva, ILT.I., and T.-ETLE Con~itions fo-r "~!,-,jluf,~cturinuc nressc:d :,rticlcz from the ~-i-u,~ alloy u I '_ (D1 6 C_t '.'c;0--, elevatcd t-e.,x3er1-tu-_-es S 0 1.7 _i C 3, :,ridlyarlde,r, I.N. , V.I. Dobatkin, and, Y c . D. Z-,-- v, t_; Q Dcforr1iruyer.,yYe alyulliniyevy7re splavy; sbornilc st;C.Acy. oscm. 1961, 64 - 75 TEXT The alloy D16 'has a 11.-J.-Ji strength at room and I - - f, -. - C, 1.3;, ,.-el"-s re latively little -at '-iL,,-hLr temperatarec. It cfn, t! -,)- ~, -.or art' cles w'I'lich un4ergo heutint,,- d%zring it is ,i S e d I' T st-.-e-,,!-'h o-r' -oressed articles mi-de o- D16 va-.,y 40 -0 10 tu-11-is variation dependin- on tulh,e compos-ition, produc-,- u 0 - u - ion and the heat treatment. Because D16 vm.s founO. suitable foi, use i-.-~ articles laorkinr; at elevated te,,.Meratures it -~ms nocc~sa-.Lr to es'--b- u 11 L. C.~ lish t"ie Dossible variations in strengt1i on heatim, T)IICISCed articlec, iaad e 0 OST-4784-~101) 'L t~_,Js alloy. According to F""'.74784-49 une con- Card 1/3 I ~ 1; 1.,1 Condit-il for i-;ianufacturi.-C,- -).,-ossed ... D20 5 /"D--'33 -q tu - -ir s f o'll 1: o,;,,:: Cu 7.8 to u e~ Of Ullo~, -g elements :nay vary in. Dic 1.2 8, o . j - 0. Q ~, 'T cO2!nos4'ion was i-vestilrra4-ed b- testinn- of --lic. lovlo:~ I U1 Lvei~a-e (I!) anr~ (I'LI) a'--ditions'o-' 4~e -6 11 -.5, 1.5, 0-57; !1! 1-7, 1-'3, 6.8 of Cu, '7,- ~.91 1 2y C.,; ; L - L D t 0 -1 -.;, 1 -,-CS-30CIjVely). Three types of profiles we--rc industric."ll, 1):,., 01". ~ 0 om the alloys: one viit-h %-,,al'-,s 2 rnm, thich, t, e soccr- ~ V., -1 -.11 8 -nd A.~:7 rm ~nd tE-.c t"aird, -- 1,,~.rGe -)ro ~'4 1 cof jO 40 v:.-Il- TI) e y were nioduced by homo-e-nizing the -inGots at- I9-0OC r..nd V of 1.5 _ 11 -orc-"iles 'o*-, ~ens-io to ~he ex 2 111. 1.11 -'ret---th at rooi.i and elevated tenr)ecature.~,!. Co-rclusions: Th e cles ol:' DI ve rer. U L, stu g'h a- rowa C,! -U-:e n, on-rec---ystalli zed struczure is -P.-e--ent. '2'-.4-s streni~-Uh caused by structur-,! diz'fer.-:m.-ces -Js dcc--r-cascd o--r, entirel-Y lle=ved by I:Qatin-, to t1Ier,-,.,er-ntures above 11500C. TlUe hi--%,~,est ir ~he 20 - 3000C ran-e was c:-btaincd Lit 4-2 11.9 1) Cu, I 5z I.C) L) and 0.6 - 0.c incroase in V S. ) 4~ - m, s -cco-m--ni ed b. decrease in the plasticity. Pro-files of thce 1 U' -7 (DI 'T-P) b----.~- z are recom--ended for use at elevated temneratures, thez!c -~rof-fles co-_Ii- Cai~,d 2/3 I"- U_ QQ/6a' _L I .. :V6 i /C Con. or's _027 r1anufac t,,Irin, P_-O s s _ d D-2,051D503 'I I t.,.e a' 1 0, u 111 4 7 - - c,,) er t e,---'e s i 21 e al, 0 v 0 E, c 4 f I C o U_L_ fici ally ar-od a- r~ L u e ne-nd 0 s S n c Ond- .2.0'-,! T.:ie m, f C Z, C S t, r s a e d z d n o n. - i~ e c r y s a z c d , n L. tu u :,., ar --e A 7 --ed, ----Or co-nsiderably a" ui,. uu--r,e 0ecOLes Uniforri C --co- a vc--,,y fine 1--bies and 2 Soviet-bloc references. U41 Ca~rd 3/3 rolpi S/63,3/61 /C,00/0c,O/cO::/O~-,: D205/DJO3 '7c. "u,"O"S: ay c va, C G. Ku t cL y t - e v L, v a 0 ., ~ f ~U_ - - . , 7 . T IT 1--nfluL~2,00 Of caluz.1inU7.1 Y-11111, O-r C; Z. _j, imi 1, c li S 0 _L,_ C E 21, f d I'a d (3 1L, !.I-. V.I. Dobat'"Ln 7 C 'Yr,~ , De fLon_-J..--YUYe.,_lyrk~ alyurni riyev, J , SO-L'I"Y; -330ilnil: o!"i-Y. ,.oscovi, 1-,)61, 30 - 4.-5 to co--atradictory data publis';-1- c-d-, or n d On th.e prope-1,ties -,I'o,,,s 0 C J `y- s 10 0 in t - 7 al lu-mi nu-.-L a!--, o y s 116 - 2 3", 6 1 r'7 (D-.6, D119, D-20 , 1 u s 111 i~ al"l-L-nul- of 3 1-fnfs: 11 -C. Ll~_ V b-., 0 0 p-i-_ e c ru cii b I e s , -n e-, C--, -u- Z? _-el--J_n~es a,)-)I-ied were as -follov, s: -J-16S, D', -'SOOIW for 2Z', hou-s, oue-anch-ed, f_-= 50Cj`C an ho- d d; -D20 - 16 1--ours at 5200C ffo h d d , '-''- r f . C, ar ere , - om 5 C, C,-rd 1/2 influenc-- of alliniylu~.-, -,Urit., on .Lor 10 D21 a~nd _L71-1, 1-o'. L) - o n ,-non -1 52-5 - 55~50C, 'Od --,- I I_u I'D VC"O, hL,-,._*o"_,CniZer~, !_~t 2,5530C fcr 24 :ioiurs 7 0 c _- 1c, d 37500 Ifor 1 'hour, follov,,ed b2~- coo the alloys ,-ie_-e t-ested -for tu-,~,~_' 1~3 ',o-,d. Me r s 0'-' C ""'1r. conclusions beinL; t,elow. T-, 7 4 17 D 1 and D 19 al I o y s a t --c o ra a t u r - c - C Ur y o e Al. e c h a --- i i c z:L Io r t s o f D 2 0 d f o:, r. -s .):,.-ac t- i call y of of -a i:i ~-) I o y e din t1l.e alloy In ae-creased ;.,i-~h t1ie inl-rease of' a!-u-.-,-*, nul- --:-e t, r e-%L, t1l o f all a' I oys 0 o cre as e d v,,i th the inc as e 0 2 T,~l C; " iT - c ease ol --ouri'ies contlent in the V95 an' T~'6 of cycles bre,-_X-.`41- ocLdi-.---,,. _Eae -,esu Ls do not ~ust~ le C)" re::~ _ 2e fy -he us y 2~ VC, _'O in o2der to irc:.,ease t,,c s -.,a e Of inu,.,.-i alloyc at zlle te.--pc_-+_---tuui:,e c~f 2000C. tables ;--.-'Id 2 refel-erces: 1 Soviet-bloc and I non-'So7;_`t~t-bloc 012 7 S113-716P-100010051101V150 4006/AlOl AUTHORS: Nikitayeva, 0. G., Kutaytseva, Ye. I., Romanova, 0. A., Karpovich, Yu. 14., Kandrattyeva, N. B. TITLE: 7he effect of aluminum purity on the mechanical proper-ties and heat-resistance of aluminum alloys PMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurmal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 71, abstract 51432 (V sb. "Deformirullemyye alyumin. splavy", Moscow, Oborongiz, 1961, 30 - 43) TEXT: The authors studied the effect of Fe and Si admixtures upon 'the pro- perties of deformed Al-alloys at room and higher temperatures. For the prepara- tion of grade 16, 19, AM -1 (AKCh-1), A 20 (D20), A 21 (D21), B 95 (V95) and AY,r 6 (W4g6) alloys, three Al grades-were used, nariely: A1 AOO, and ABOOO (AIVOOO); Pig- and Zn-metal, and addition-alloys U-Cu, Al-Mn, Al-Ti, Al-Ni, Al-Fe. The strength of pressed rods made of D16 and D19 alloys increases somewhat at . room temperature,with a higher purity of 'the initial Al. The mechanical proper- ties of forgings in short-lasting tension of D20-and D21 alloys, do.-practically Card 1/2 S113V6210001005110IV150 The effect of aluminum purity on... A006/A101. not depend on the initial aluminum grade. The strength of AKCh-1 alloy forgings decreases with higher Al purity. The endurance strength of semi-products of all alloys decreases with a higher purity of the initial Al. A decrease in contami- nation of V95 and V96 alloys reduces somewhat the number of cycles until the breakdo,em in repeated static-loading tests. It is not expedient to use high- purity Al (AVOOO) to raise the heat-resistance of sheets and forgings made of Al alloys at 2000C. T. Rumyantseva rAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 -1 qe~o S/I-1,7/62/000/r,05/106/15c) A0061AI01 AUTHORS: kozlovskaya, V*. P., Vasillyeva, N. I., Karpovich, Yu. M. TITLE: Conditions for obtaining A 16 (D16) aluminum-alloy extruded articles offering high strength properties at room and elevated temperatures P=,ODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 72, abstract 51435 (V sb. "Deformiruyemyye alyumin. s,:)lavy", Oborongiz, 1961, 0'4 - 75) TEXT: The authors studied extruded D16-aLloy sections containing alloying elements in a low range (3.9% Cu, 1.2% Vig, .0.3i~"O' Mn), a high range (4.70u, I.W,Mg, 0.8% r4n) and a medium range (4 .5%cu, 1.5% Mg, 0.551vin). Under industrial conditions sections of three types were manufac";ured: A - a comer with a 2 mm thick shelve; B.- a comer with 15.8 and 4.5 mn thick shelves, and C - a large. section with 30 - 40 mm thick shelves. The following technique was used: homo- genizing of Ingots at 4900C for 8 hours, extrusion of ingots at 390 - 4300C; quenching of sections at 500OC; tension-straightening with 1.5 - 2% residual at e 4- deformation. Tests of mechanical properties at room temper ture were mad afuer heatin,- at 200, 250 and 3000C during I -~ 100 hours. The mechanical properties Card 1/3 Conditions for... S/137/62/000/005/106/150 A006/A101 at high temperatures were determined after holding at the test temperature for 0.5, 20 and 100 hours. Extruaed D16-alloy parts having a non-crystallized struc- ture show high strength at room temperature. Me difference in the strength of extruded articles, determined by the structure (recrystallized or non-crystal-~ lized) decreases or vanishes entirely after heating up to*temperatures > 1500C. Highest strength in the 20 - 3000C temperature range is attained at a content in alloy D106 of 4.2 - 4.9 Cu; 1.5 - 1.9 Mg and 0.6 - 0.9% Mn. An increase in the strength is accompanied by a reduced ductility. It is recommended to extrude the articles from a non-homogenized blank at 4oo - 44oOc. The minimum proper- ties at room temperature are: ~-,b 48 kg/nlm2; (:r The dif- 0 2 34 kg/mm2; (5 7%. ference in the strength determined by the extrusion effect and connected with the extrusion technique, decreases sharply after artificial PZing (1900C - 6 hours). Repeated heat treatment (quenching ani natural aging) r'eestablishes the difference in the strength. The mechanical properties of extruded par".s in artificially aged state do almost not depend on 't-he extrusion technique. it is assumed that one o.-!' the causes of the-extrusion effect is the arising of slip obstacles along the planes, oriented along the a?ctrusion direction; this is Card 2/3 v 5Y-~ ft R, 13oVic-H, 5(l) PHASE i BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3215 Korepalltsev, Nikolay Vasillyevich, and Yuriy Vladimirovich Karpovich Proizvodstvo rezinovykh izdeliy metodom litlya pod davlenlysm (Manufacturing of Public Products by Compression Molding) Leningrad, Goskhimizdat, 1959. 162 i?. 3,500 copies printed, Ed. (Title page): D. G. Traber, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Tech. Ed.: Ye. Ya. Erlikh. I PURPOSE: This book is intended for workers of the rubber industry' using rubberized metal parts. It may also "he useful for students of schools of higher technical education,SWAY:Ing. the manufaliture of rublidr products. 't~, - - ~ " COVERAGE: The authors review methods of' compression molding of un- cured compounded rubber and describe various machines and equip- ment used-in this process. Principles and flow schemes of com- pression molding of uncured compounded rubber are explained, and various rubber molding presses illustrated. The,flow of Card 1/4 Manufacturing (Cone.) SOV/3215 compounded rubber is analyzed by graphs and equations. ExospUs of computing the compounded rubber flow are given along with designs of different types of molding presses, their various parts and fittings. Equipment used ror vulcanizing rubber, such as aut'oclaves, boilers and apparatus of continuous vulcanization are described and illustrated as well as machines employed for extruding rubber parto and cores from molds. Devices used for controlling the molding and vulcanizing processes are reviewod and the setup of a rubber manuf~icturlng plant Is outlined. The authors emphasize numerous advantagei3 of the compression mold- ing method. The appendix contains regulations and instructions as to how molding presses and equlpmfmt should be operated and handled with observation of safety pi4ecautions. There aie 22 references: 14 Soviet and 8 English, TABLE OF;CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Part I. Method of Compression Molding of Compounded Rubber Card 2/4 Manufacturing (Cont.) SOV/3215 Principles of the method of compression molding of com- pounded rubber 7 Ways of applying the method of compression molding of compounded rubber 8 Nature of the flow of compounded rubber during the molding process 13 Mathematical analysis of the flow of compounded rubber Coming out of the compression chamber of a molding press 19 Part II. Equipment for Manufacturing Molded Rubber Products Presses for molding compounded rubber 29 Introduction 29 Vulcanization equipment 62 Machines for extruding rubber par'-ws and cores from molds 75 Instruments cont*rolling equipment operations So Fittings of a molding press 88 Molds for molding and vulcanizing rubber products 92 Problems of designing and operating molds used for molding and vulcanizing rubber products 1o8 Card 3/4 .Manufacturing (Cont.) SOV/3215 Interdepartmental transportation facilities ill Part III. Techniques and organization of the Process of Manufacturing Molded Products Molding techniques 123 Organization of the process of mwiufacturing molded products 127 Prospects for further development of compression molding method 142 Appendix 149 Bibliography 164 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress T!4/os Card 4/4 3/2/6Q KARPOVICH, Zh.A. Fluctuations in the prothrombin indox in mental patients under treatment with aminazine; preliminary report. Zhur. nevr. i psikh~; 62 no.5:758-761 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. 3-ya Psikhonevrologicheakaya 'bollnitsa imeni Skvortsova- Stepanova glavnyy vrach N.D. Bulkin, nauchnyy rukovoditell - prof. S.S. Mnukhinj, Leningrad. (c (MENTALLY IRTMNREATNENT) (PROTHRONBIN) i - I', OT,17111_Mrjo J~ 11:07.1, A. S. Cand 11 d Sci -- (disz) " Cholinest~c-mse qctivit., Of .. - a I le blood serum In infecV'ous ho-T)atitis.'fBbtki,-At-s~~Disease)'I Lenin-rad, 1957. 1h PD _TT cm. ~-in Ifeallth Leninc-rad W-j*n4-jCr -icne '.:(,d Ais' U, tute) u v 220 crpies ('171 2(-)-e7j F6) BUGROVA, V. P.; GOROKHOVA, rE. N.; KARFIG-VSKAYA, A. P.; KUKIWt, P. N.; 'ULYLTOV, F. G.; PALILOV, It. A.; RASTREPINA, V. S. Onions Adopting warm storage of onion seed plants, Sad i og., No. 8, 1952. 9. Monthly fist Lf Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1.94, Uncl. 2 11 KARPOVSKAYA, R.f,.; IZVDIK'~IVA, V.L.; DOIRIZET, N.M.; Chemical and physical Inhomogenelt"y of dirmine -'L[gnin. prIkI . khIm. 37 no. 6: L3-18-1324 Je '64. (MIn 18:3) ACCESSION NR: AR4015637 S/C,081/63/000/022/0114/0114 SOURCE: RZh. Khimiya, Abe. 22C99 AUTHOR: Aleksandrov, A. N.; Skop, S. L.; Karpovskaya, R. R. ~TITLE: Cryoscopic method for determining the purity of individual compounds ,CITED SOURCE: Sb. Metody* issled._produktov neftepererabotki i neftekhim. sinteza L. Gostop tekhizda t, 1962, 8 1-9 5 .TOPIC TAGS: purity determination, analysis, crfoscopic analysis, organic ;analysis, cryoscopic constant, benzene, benzene purity determination TRANSLATION: A method'is described for the cryoscopic determination of small con- ....... ~qentrations (0.001-1.0 mol.%) of impurities in organic compounds,'and formulis are presented which can be used for calculating the content of impurities from the- .results of the u-surements. The apparatus used for the purity determinations consists 6f a vessel with double walls, between which there is a vacuum (residual pressure of 10 mm.Hg), a teettube containing the material to be analyzed, a ,Btfrrer which moves up and down, and an MK-54 thermistor with a temperature co- ;efficient of 40-50 ohmsidegree. The resistancea of the thermiator are measured '!by an MOD-54 bridge; After washing and drying the teattube. it is,filled with the ,Card iACCESSION NR: AR4015637 material to be analyzed and placed into the double-walled vessel, in which a -vacuum is then created (residual pressure of 2-10 mm Hg). The vessel is then ,placed in a Dewar flask containing a cooling fluid, along with the stirrer and a itimer. The resistance of the thermistor is then measured, initially every m1nute- iand then, after the onset of crystallization, every 30 seconds until stirring :stops. A cooling curve is plotted in R,z coordinates from the data obtained, .where R is the resistance of'the thermistor and z is time. On the cooling curve, ithree points are selected; G(Rg,zg), H(RH,ZH) and I(Ri,zi) at whibh zH - z 9 :zi - zH. By extrapolating the equilibrium part of the curve until it intersects .the vertical axis, one obtains z0 (the time of onset of crystallization). From :the formulas )C;dul/(lgRo+ lgK) and Xf = 1/(lgRg - lgK), where K is the thermistor ]constant, the values of 7.0, Xf and AXO = X0 - XI: can then be found. The experimentj lis then repeated with a known amount of impurit3; and new values for4Xfl = X0 - Xfl' :Are obtained in the same way. The value of a (the amount of impqrity weighed out i ~ in grams) can then be determined from the formula a2 E(I-D) (1-k)j + a Ul-k) ;.(Db+ x)-#-kDx_j -kxDb= 0 where b is the weight of the compound being analyzed in ;grams, D =M/14o, M is the molecular weight of the impurity and No is the molecular ,'weight of the pure substance, and the amount of Driginal impurity can be determinedl .from the formula ml= a/(a+ bM/Ho). The constant As for the compound for the given thermistor can be.determined from the OquatiOn m2-A!(Xo-Xf) where m2 is Card 2/3 GULYAYEVA, L.I.; VINOGRADOVA, A.PL; KHYANINA, A.P.; KARPOVSKAYA, R.R. Determination of the trace amounts of Bulfur in the procbcts of petrochemical synthesis. AbIftekhimlia 3 no.2.-296-302 Mr-Ap 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-inaledovatel'E;kiy institut neftekhimicheskikh protsessov. (Sugar-Analysis) (Petroleum chemicals) K14R)OO V t-/q Y). USSR/Plant: Diseases - Diseases of Cultivated plants. 0-3 Abs Jaur : Bef Zhur- Biol.,.No 7, 1958, 30226 Author : lzrailtskiy, Inst : All Union Academy of Agricult-aral Sciences imini. V.I.Lenin Title : The Internal Infection of Tomito with Bacterial Canker as a Communicatory Factor. "21 Orig Pub : Dokl. VASKhNIL, 1957.,,No 6, 22-26 Abstract : In order to investigate the rcle of the internal infection of seeds in the spread of tomato bacterial canker, a study was made with seeds collected from fruits 1) having inter- nal infections, 2) having infec;ted fruit stems, 3) from heavily attacked p1aWLs, and k) from plants having modern. tely damaged stalks. To detec-1 Corynebacterium michiga- nense (E. Smith) the seed surfaces were disinfected with nercuric chloride (1: 1000 and 1: 3000), the resid-.ial bac- 'L tericide was removed by soakin-; in sterilized water for 312 to 4 hours (H 2SO4 depressed seed germination, Card 1/3 USSR/Plant Diseases - Diseases of Cultivated Plants. 0-3 Abs Jour Bef Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 30226 Card 2/3 and ZbarBkiy bactericide was not removable by soaking away the left- over bactericidtil properties). After ais- infection the seeds were gone over by microscope for bac- teria and planted on HPA, MPB and bean agar. 6300 seeds were analyzed and 450 planted* Two bacterial cultures were divided, according to the external appearance and the biochemical properties conformable to C. michiganense, which proved however to be incepable of infecting potted tomatoes upon inoculation. A part of the seeds were used in field tests where the cultivations preceding the tom-a- toes were flowering crops, thu,,:, excluding the transmission of the disease through the soil. In three 1.iears of field tests the bacterial canker appeared in a total of 0.26-0. -73% of the plants as a result of the internal infection of the seeds. Such a low percentage 6f infection arising when disinfected seeds from obviously sick plants were sown indicates that the surprising outbreals of tomato - 12 - I USSR/Plant Diseases - Diseases of Cultivated Plants. 0-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., go 7, 1958, 30226 bacterial canker my be only -?artially attributed to the internal contamination of the seeds. -- V.V. Abramovich. Card 3/3 KARPOIISKIY, !.D.; YAKOVLEV, V.Ya. Redesigning of the electric motor of the welding generator to a single-armature transformer. Rats. predl. na gor. elektrotransp. no.9:74-76 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Sluzhba puti Tramvayno-trolley1misnogo upravlen-IN-a I-eningrada. -KARPOVSKIYL I.I., inzh.9 red.,; ITINGIN, V.M., insh., red.; BUDANOVp G.V.p inzh., otv. za vypuok; KLIMOVA, G.D., red.izd-va; BOROVNEV, N.K.p; SHELSTNEVA, N.V., tekhn.ri~d. (Conection of budget atandards for expenses and standard sets of equipment and standard sets of equipwnt and goods for the interior appointments of public and administrwUve buildings] Sbornik smetnykh norm zatrat I tipovykh naborav oborudovaniia i predmetov vnutrennego ubranstva obshcbestvennykJ2 i administrativrWkh zdanii. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkbit. i stroitematerialam. Vol.l. [Administrative and cultural Inii1dings, preschool and school buildingsy higher and secondarr special eduaation schools] Ob"ekty administrativnogo i kullturno.-pros-v-etitellnogo naznachaniia, doshkollrqe i shkollmye uchebrye zavedeniia, uchobnye zavedeniia vysshego i srednego spetsiallnogo obrazovaniia. 1961. 291+ p. Vol.2. (Buildings for therapeutic and preventive medicine and community buildings] Oblekty lechobno.-profilaktichoskogo naznacbs- niia; ob"ekty kommunallnogo naznachenUa. 1961. 192 p jMIRA 24:6) 1. Russia (1923- UsS.S.R.) Gosudarstvannyy komitet po delam. stroitellstva. (Public buildings - Furniture, equipment, etc.) KARPOVSKIY, I.I., inzh., red.; DUDANOV, G.V.j inzh., otv. za vyp.; DROW, T.A., red.; MIKHEYEVA, A.A.p tekhn. ruu. (Collection of budget standards for expenses and standard sets of equipment and goods for the interior appointments of public and administrative buildings] Sbornik smetrjykh norm zatrat i tipovykh naborov oborudovaniia i predmetov vnutrennego ubranstva obshchestvennykh i administrativnykh zdanii. Moskva.. Gosstroiizdat. Vol.4. [Buildings for therapeutic and preventive medicine and children's pre- school institutions. Supplements to -the collections in Volsol, 2p and 3 of the 1961 edition,, ho.1] Ob"ekty le- chobno-profilakticheskogo naznacheniia i detskikh do- shkollriykh uchrezhdenii. Dopolnemiia k sbornikam toma 1, 2 i 3 izdaniia 1961 g., vyp. 1. 1963. 138 p. (MIRA 1-7:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po delam stroitellstva. BUDANOV, G~V.., inzh. . red.; inzh., red.! FERBEROV, LJa., inzh.., red.; inzh., red. [Price list No.1 of the average district estimated prices for materialst articles and elements] TSennik No.1 sred- nikh raionnykh smetrvkh tse. na materialy, izdeliia i kon.- struktsii. Moskva, Stroiizdat. P-t-5, 1965. 42-i p. (MIRA !8;8" 1. Russia (1923-- U.S.S.R.) Gosuda-rs~,reruiyy kordtet po delam stroitel Stva. KARPOVSKTY, I.I., inzh., red. [Collection of budget standards for expenses and standard sets of equipment and goods for the interior appointments of public and administrative buildingsi Sbornik smetnykh norm zatrat i tipovykh naborov oboru- dovaniia i predretov vnutrennego ubr;mstva obshche- stvennykh i adin-inistrativnykh zdariii. Moskva, Stroi- izdat. Vol.5. 1964. 221 p. (MIRA 18--!) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gasudars'-wennyy komitet ro delam stroitellstva. ICAMOVSKIY, USM/Eadio Vayes - MW oncinatars, Electric "Measuring the Power of tei and Centimeter Wave ekiy, S. Ye. Temkin, Ye. Jun/Jul 1946 Oscillatorn in the Decime- Bands,' lmgs M. I. M!LrPOv- D. flaumeMio, 8 pp "Radiotekhnika" Vol I, Wo 3/4 PA 19T15 The load on an oscillator is the wave impedance la line with a propagating wave, reduced by an impe ce transformer to a certain magnitude. The power is measured over a section of the line with propagating; voltage wave. A design for an impedance trans- former is suggested. 19T15 -A #-P- A ~ A-LAL-L L- a" LK A fit & C. 1.0 pool.$ f. 6.6 dm~ WAN= vat A. K. 1:0 OPMON an 2-3 - 5 Oap: 1.6 torvs" Wolff-im" vdvn an imd im.aqwmwm w" Q011. A. L. too 64 -ISO* 00 9-4 hot Of I -I A too o AIR 4 3 1 9 Ila u 19 W3 all; to ws Ili a am"'" dIbC a 0 goo le to 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KARMVSKTYI, M. T. Nov/r4c 49 1 oscillators "Vacuum-Tube Oscillator for Technological Purposes," M. I. Karpovskiy, 8 pp *Radiotekhnike No 6 Examines certain vacuum-tube oncillator circuits which7do not require rectified plate supply but still attain higb'efficiency. Takes up theoretical as- pecti' folloireid, by experimenteLl results. Test oacil- lator d6liveried 1300 watts output with 2,730 watts input, plate efficiency 75%. Submitted 12 Aug 49. 15g1-04 KARPOVSKlY, Nikolay Sergeyevich, zhurnaliat (1924-); SOLOI,101:OV,A., re . (In storm and in calm; from the Atlantio diary] I v shtorm i v shtill; iz atlanticheskogo dnevnika. Riga, Latviiskoe gos. izd-vo, 1963. 128 p. (MIRA 17:4) ,,XAMVTSEV, A.N., inzh.; FROTSMO, D.L., irLzh. Heating concrete aggregates under winter conditions in the constr=- tion, area of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station. Gidr. stroi. 30 no.11:28-30 9 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Bratsk bydroelectric power station) (Aggregates (Building materials)) KARMVTSZV, A.N., inzh.; PROTMMO, D.L., inzh. Xquipment for making agloporite (lightweight concrete aggregate) using furnaces slags and cinders. Strol. i dor. mashinostr. 5 no.4:22-25 AP 160.., (MIRA 13:9) (Aggregates (Building m%terials) GOEM) V.V., inzhej K~ ~OVTSEV,,_A-.IN., inzh. New equipment for the production of slag Npi=ice." Stroi, i dore mash. 7 no.9:27-28 S 162. (IMU 15:10) (Slag) GELEV2 Georgiy Naumovich; AYZEN, Arkadiy Markovich;_44aEpff-~~Ar~tem Nikolayevich- VASIIMIKOp A.A.,, doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; Nffliaid~I.A., inzh., red.; GORNOSTAYFOLISHMA, M.S.# tekhn. red. I (Handbook for designing chain transmIssional Spravochnik po raschetu tsepnykh peredach. Moskva, Masbgiz, 1962 171 (MIL 15:J* (Chains) KARFOVYAN. I.A.; VARTANYAN, A.T. ,W-~ , ~ sa-~~ ~~ 0~~? ~ ZV~,~ Barrier-layer photoelectracotive force of dye-conted photoelectrle., cells. Dokl. AN SSSR 117 no.1:57-60 N-D 157. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Predstavlano skademikom A.N.Tereninym, (Photoelectric cells) KAR~ ~-~echnik budownietya wodnego T-- Votinp for watermeters! Gaz woda techr sanit 36 no. 4t!46-147. Ap 162 KARPOKCZ M. i"OR a i_. - - ACTA ASTRON011ICA. (Polska Akaderda Nauk. Koultet Astronomii) Warszawa. Vol. 8, no, 4, 1958. In English. Pol.-nd/ Photographic observations of the eclipsing binary V5hl Bygni. P. 187. Monthly List of East European Accessions Index (EEA.I)l LC., Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1959 Uncl KARPOWICZ, Maria-(Warszawa) The Greenwich Observator7 in the past and the present. Urania 312 no.10: 290-295 0 161. (Astronomical observatories) S/035/62/000/009/014/06.d AOO1/A1Ol AUTHnR: Karpowicz, M. TITLE': Tho rield of Velocities of centroids of B-class stari in the Lonal system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal,-Astronomiya I Geodeiiya, no. 9, 1962, 36, abstract -qA284 ("Post~py -astron, 1061, 'v. 9, no. 4, 217 - 223, Polish) t TEXT: The article contains a list of som,~ publications dealing with the study of-the Local system. Tables of galactic longitiides are presented for rota- tional centers of various spatial groups of spe-3tral binaries and singl e stars of spectral classes BO-Bq, which confirm, the exist-~nce of the-Local system. The re- "Y sult5 of determining the position of the Gould 'Delt are presented (inclinations i and longitudes of the noded'L): Stars BO-Bg B2_RB5 0 i 14 '8+4',6 80,+20,1 0, Card 1/2 270 ;+ -)Of 1 2760,+17'.8 3/0 35/62/000/009/0 141060 The field of velocities of centroids of... AOOI/AlOl LIX, The parameters of the Local system rotation are Investi.-ated by means of Botlinger- -Pilowski formulae using the B-stars with the known radial velocities (Wilsons's catalogue) and proper motions (Boss's catalogue). The galactic longitude of the center of the Local system was adopted to be 2110c'. The values of Kamm's function are calculated and presented. The distance to the center of the Local system is 90+27 pc, and the period of one revolution is 4.rixlO8 years (B2-B5 stars). A con- clusion has been drawn that stars of class B do riot constitute a homogeneous sub- system, but composed of several subsystems different in kinematic respect. There are 111 references. U. Fesenko FAbstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 KARPOWICZ, M.; RUDNICKI, K.; TOMASIX, 11. An experimental determination of the -relocity ellipsoid of carbon stars. ?ostepy astronom 9 no-4:225 0-1) 161. 1. Observatorium AstronomczIle Uniwerslrtetu Warszawskiego , Zaklad Astronomii Pols "''AK-idemii Yaijk. KARPWICZ, M. The velocity field of the centroids of stars of type B in the lo"2 system. Postepy astror.on, 9 no,'+:217-2^43 161. Foatepy astronom '? no-4:217-223 141, KARFOWICZ, M.; RUDNICKI, K.; T(X.IASIK, H. An attempt to determine the volocity-ellipsoid of carbon stars. Postepy astronom 9 no.4-:225 161. 1. Obserwatorium Astronomlezne, Urdwersytet, Warszawa i Zaklad Astronomii, Polska Akademia Nauk, 'Warszawa, URMCZO M,; RUDIHIGNIO K,; TCMI19 H. Warsaw studies of the velocity body of carbon stars. Postepy astronom 10 no.l-.69 J" 162o KArovj v~'4 - JUS, Andrzej; KARPOVICZ, Regina; JUS, Xarolina Bio-electric investigations of lesions of the central nervous system following electric shook. Keurologia etc. polska 4 no.6: 591-608 Nov-Dac 54. 1. ZKliniki Psychiatrycznej Akademii Medyesnej w Ladzi. Illerownik: prof. cIr I.Wilezkowski, i z Pracowni Iltiktroencefalografiezuej Irliniki Chorob Nerwowych Ak. Med. w Lodzi.. Kierownik: prof. dr Z.Herman. (SCRIZOPUMIA, therapy, shock ther., electric, IMG of brain lesions after) (SHOOK THERAPY, electric, complicatione, brain lesions in schizophrenia, 22G) (P=TRCNNCBPHALOGRAPHY. in various diseases brain lesions after electric ahock ther. :f schizophrenia) 1-0 'fo A J. /7 71~ '11111: F, F FIE' CT f V11:':F,--~)'S OFTREIAT;A 1E.NT Oir'SCI il 1'.1,111E, I'min, ' STI F - -VI'ISTICAL DATA Efektrallofs" Lct~zoll~u schi.."; if:-vili i 0 Stat), Syc "'. Tlych - r. 1) () v, Iz It . V I i 11. 11 -S': c h ~ at, A. :~ 1. , 1, 6d J, -10 1 N EIU, 1,10C I il ". PI:V-C-IVx--T 7.-PT)=J 57, 7/3(339-3~j3l, Tzibles G The t-1cfccUvcll(-~3:; ol thQ trea~:rncnt of schi~-.()phrenia w-,,.; ( eterwilled by th". ll)(2tilod of wile-1.1-owski. Tilu Statistics Comprise '205 schi.~Uphrvll;(, ~c!nlillt:di during tht! period from January Ist 195-1 till, De~:CrIlh.--v ".,st 1~64 Z111d Jnmuary Ist 1954 to June 30th 1055 in the hwpit.Ll. -11ic c.-Ilculation, rk-sul?Z4 xon- re- presented in 6 tables. In the gencral material, remissio Is %vvre fou'lld in 12.91;'. of the cz,,:~cs, remissions and improvements togetherjn 63.51j*a. Morvowr. tilt! Obtained results prove that treatment used should begin in the cat liest possil-c- period, of schizophrenia and the prognosis is better, the younger the patient is. Zakrzewska Xliarsaw KARPOWICZ 02 9 dro medo 10 years of A.P.A. (antistrabismus preventive action) in Opole. Klin. oozna 35 no.2z2293-296 165. 1. Z Oddzialu Okulistycznego Szpitalt Wojewodzkiego w Opolu (Ordynatort lek. mod. S. Karpowloz). KARPOWICZ, W. Popularization of science in scientific biological societies in the years 1954-56. P. 393. (KOSMOS BIOLOGIA. Vol. 6, no- 4, 1957- Warsza:4a, Poland) SO-. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, no. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. KARPOWICZY Wanda (Warszawa) A rare Polish fern, Asplenium onapteri3 L. var. silesiacum Milde. I-Iszechswiat no. 7/8:172-174 JI-Ag 163. KARP(MICZOWA, L. Botany in the Chinese People's Republic. P. 55. WIAMMCSGI BOTANIMNE. (Polskie Towarzystwo Botan4Lczne) Krakow, Vol. 3, no. 1, 1959 Poland/ MonthlY List of East European Accessions Index (EEki), Lc, vol. 8, no. 6, June 1959 Uncl. UUMOZOWA, UW=ila Impressions from the stay at the World flower show in Turin, Wiad botaniczne 5 no-4:335-344 161. KARPMIICZOWA. Ludvd.1a low orchises in the Warsaw Botanical Garden. Wiad botaniczne 6 no.lt77-81 t62. KARPOWICZOWA, Ludmila (Warsmwa) Correlation between a deposit of minerals and the degree of their concentration. WszochMat no.10,',!5G-261 0 162. KARpowiczou, Ludmils, From the Botanical Garden Of the University in Warsaw. Wiadom botan 8 no.3/,4:Suppl: Biul ogrod botan no.3/4.-250-252 164. Rhododendron daurieum L. Jn -khe Botanical Garden of the Warsaw University. lbid.t247-2-19 Mango (Mangifera indica L.) in the Botanical Garden of the Warsaw University. lbid.:255-256 1. Botanical Garden of the University, Warsaw. C. -.9n. Differently about the supply and sales cooperatives. P. 8J. (Rolink Spoldzielca. Vol. 9, (i.e.10) No. 9, Feb. 1957, Warszaw, Poland) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) L,-. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 KOZIN, V.M.; KEUIEKHIN -A.M.;. MC140T, M.V.; VOLKOV, B.V. Equilibrium. of.ammania, and carbon dioxide over aqueous boric acid-glycerol solutions. Khbi. prom. [Ukr.j no.2: 10-14 Ap-,Te 163. (KMA 16: 8) 1. Oyrtno-konstruktorskoye byuro sinteticheakikh produktov Donetakogo ooveta narodnogo khozya:rf;tva. A.M.;, MC140T., M.V.; VOLKOV, B.V. KOZIN', V.M.; ~4~PIN,j Equilibri= of a=onia and carbon cl-Loxide over u e boric acid-glycerol solutions. Khim. prom. [Ukrj. n7o 2: 10-14 Ap-Je 163. (KMA 116:8) 1. Opytno-konstruktorskoye byuro sinteticheakikh produktov Donetskogo soveta narodnogo khozyaystva. n'AKROV, Yu.I., kand.tekhn.naukj KARPUKHIN, B.D., imz~,. n Electrb~al equipment operaUng on Incri--ased fraque Cy find 35 ro.~t wIde use in ritral electrification. Elaktrotaki,~A 27-28 Mr 164. --,-/z5) KRAMOROV, Yu.I.; KARPUKHIN, b.D. Use of 200 c. p. s. converters in the, power supply of small shearing machines. Trakt. i selikhozmash. no.'1:30-31 Mr 165. (MIRA 1815) URPUKHIN, D.D., dotsent, kandidat tekhnichstikikh nauke Determining the size of strike and. Olip panels. Nauch. trud7 WGI no.16:127-149 155 (cover 1561. (KM 10:4) (Mining engineering) BRAGIrSKIY, B.I.p doktor ekonom.. naukp red.; KARFUKHIN, D.N., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; MASWKOV, V.F.. kkn-a-.--ek-o-n_.-nau-Yj- red-; KONIKOV, L.A., red.; RYABOVA, Ye.A.., red.; PONWARENA, A.A., tekbn. red. (work planning) voprosy planirovaulia truda. Moskva, Ekonom- izdat, 196a. 349 p. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellski3, ekonomicheskiy institut. (Labor Productivity) KATS, V.I., doktor ekon. naukj KIRICHENKO, VA, ka4d. ekon. nauk; IVANOV, Ye.A.; SAID-GALIYEV, K.G,; LUKYAROV, E.B.; ",SATOVA, V.A.; PLYSHEVSKIY, B.P., kand. ekon. nauk; STOMAKHIN, V.I.; kand. ekon. nauk; KIRICHENKO, N.Ya.; ZHIDKOVA, M.V., kand. ekon. nauk; ANCHISHKIN, A.I.; KLINSKIY, A.L. kand. ekon. nauk; SOLOVIYEV, N.S.; KLOTSVOG) F.N.; VSYAKIKHP E.P.; LAGUTIN, N.S., karid.ekon. nauk- LEMESBEV, Mao, kand. sellkhoz.nauk; KORMNOV, YU.P.1, kand. ekon, nauk; SAVIN, V.A.; TEREKHOV, V.F.; KUDROV, V.M.,, kand. ekon. nauk; ALITER, L.B., doktor ekon. nauk, red.; KRfWV, P.N., kand. ekon. nauk; LEPINKOVA, Ye., red.; KOKOSHKINA, L, mladshiy red.; ULANOVA,L., tekhn. red. [Growth of the social product and the proportions of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.]Rost obshchestvennogo pro- Izvodstva i proportsii narodnogo khozialstva SSSR. Moslvm, 1962o 453 P. (MIRA 16:2) (Rassia-Economic palicy) KARBUKHTS, n-4trjx: mikoinveylob; BORTSOVSKAYA, M.A., red.; GUZUNOVA, T.N.f m1adshiy red.; GERASIMOVA, YO.S., tekhn. red.- [Cori~espondence betwom-the increase in labor productivity and wages; based on materials on industry in the U.S.S.R.] Bootnoshenie rosta proisvoditellnosti truda i zarabotnoi platy; na materialakh prowy4blmmaosti SSSR. Moskva, Ekonom;- uzdat, 1%3. 173 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Wages and.labor productivity) KARP ayevich, kand. ekoni lauk; YUZBASEV, V. G. 9 red.; RAKITIN, I.T., tekhn. red. (The most important factor for the victory of communism] Samos glavnoe dlia pobedy kommunlzma. Moskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1963. 46 p. (Novoe Y zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. III Seriia: Eko- nomika, no.4) (MIRA 16:3) (Labor pmductivity) K&RMUIN. D.V. Ifficient automatic and mechanical Installations. Sakh. prom. 32 no.l.& 54-60 A 158. (KIR& 11t2) 1. Kirgixskiy sowarkhow, (Sugar industry-2quipment and supplies) (AutourLtic control) KHRIPIN, A.G., Jnzh.; BRAGIZISKIT, N.A., iuzh.;: FASTOYMS, O.S., inzb.; Kk~~H,-G.G., Inzh.; TWSHCHHHKO, F.P., inzh.; LIM, G.T., lin-d.tekhn.nauk Drying of chrome leather under dynamij.- conditions. Izv.vyv. uchob.zav.; tekh.leg.prom. noAW-76 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ukrainakiy nauchno-Iseledowatel'skLy institut koshevenno- obuynoy promyshlennostl (for Khripin, Braginakly, Fastovets, Livyy, Earpukhin). 2. Kiyevskiy kozherennyy kombinat (for Tereshchenko). (Leatber-Drying) LIVYY, G.V.y ka rid. telchn. nauk; HENN, A.6., BRAGINSKY, M.A., inzh.; KAIRFUHIN G.G.P inzh.; Q-~" I .L ." ~Pzh.; ABRAMSKAYA, L.B., inzh.; _BM~Z10-VSK-AY-A-M.G.7 inzh.; 'IERESHCHENEO, F.P., inzh.; Prinimali ucbastiye: OLEYNIK, N.N.; ZHURBA, T.T.; GORONOVSKAYA, M.A.; SHAVZIN, A.I.; GERTSVOLIF, B.S. Unit for dynamic drying cf ci:.roia- lttatliur. Report No.l. Nauch.-- issl.trudy Ukr N'LIKP no.13,.3~?-106 16.9. (MIRA 18:2) KHRIFIB, &.G., I.azh.; BRAGINSKIY, K.A., Inzbt.; PASTOUTS. O.S.. inzh.; WNWINalki- G.G., iuzhj; TMSHO D, F.P., inzb.; LIM,G.V.,kaud. .Drying of chrome leather in the dynamic stata. Report No.2. Izv. vys.uchsb.z&v.: tskh.leg.prom.-ao.2:6?-70 '60. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-tooledovatellakiy institut kozhavenno- obuvnoy promyshlennosti (for Khripin, Braginskiy, Fastovets & Karpukhin). 2. liyevskiy kozhavennyy kombinat"(for Tereshchanko). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-inaledovatelfiskiy institut kozhavennoy promyeblennosti (for Livyy). (leather-Dry!.ng) /(/t Lv, p - /( h , v 1 6. -T, !KA~RPUWIN G TAku" t s dvidianle. rArtltlcimareeaLratioO Wd. vestra, Yasku xo. n xov 5o P. is-m- 1. al KAHPuKHTY, 6.f. Disinfection of air in premises 'by means of ultraviolet rays- as a imethod for the prevention o:f' acute respiratory infec- tions. Trudy Irk. NIIEM no. 7:171-182 162- (MIRA 19:1) 1. Iz eksperimentaltnoy aerozol~,noy laboratorii Irkutskogo nauchno-issledovatell"skogo instituta epidemiologil i mikro- biologii. KARPUKHIN, Georgiy Ivanovich; STEPANOV, I.R.,, red. (Bacteriological examination and disinfection of the air] Bakteriologicheskoe issledavanie i o~jezzarazhivanie voz- dukha. Moskva., Medgiz., 1962. 255 :?. (MI-U 18: 5) EARITHIN G.1.,-, 11,1'~.'NA, A.]. Abalysis of the causes of incr aved occurrence of typhoid fever in Cheremkhovo and Svirsk. Trudy "rk. 1113W no. 7.-2'3-275 ~62 0 (MIRA 19~1) 1. 1z laboratoril kishecbnykh infektgly Irkutskogo nauchno-lasle- dovatellskogo instituta epidemlologli i mikrobiolcg-i'le L'L -157?.0-65r:.---'-.,.-~ 04' (1, 4/900 7 7.7. de0i ion , ti td 6 '6 ogr y -J~ 'tOei 0 04 -ap Pr- 49130u: a avhi rp -q. agr 'jj-des ibotylk 02 -m 10 ..~;-~alterna i--tin.. -,C(ms a tea Ang; ele.~atr ioi. are,:.~ amo illuminated -by -&,1X Ooglatlvq~-a,nd 4o_ippap-qr*:. pq=_q-. Ica__ :'.App_:V4 9 4~atrhft d. ~~aif idi~ ---The- --foiaritt~ a lhi Back 6--Aeddriv 464i64-:'td ril& th tmq~ tx~~' o' lk - - -' b _44Ad r4ng: e Th tw 'k' ;6~~, tili~ -St torep ors3.: a ~: ne, causes: pc :,in he. t' a.. .... '116# - p#oain',~p h 40~~_~h esip-,anc i;.Jin ce-4erqa;-. and VI L 46782-66 EWT (1)/EVIP (m)/EV1T(m)/EWP (J )/T YL~I/AD/W ACC NR. AIT6032003 .. SOURCE CODE: uR/0000/66/000/000/0273/0278- AUTHOR: Bobolev, V. K.; K pukh1n. 1. A.; ChuyKo, S. V. ORG: Institute of Chemical Physics,4N SSSR (Institut khimicheskoy fiziki AN MGM) TITLE: Perturbation of the normal.combustion regime of porous explosive charges SOURCE: Teplo- i massoperenos, t. 4: Teplo- i massoobmen pri khimicheskikh prevrashcheniyakh v tekhnologii (Heat and mass transfer, v. h: Heat and mass transfer during chemical transformations). Minsk, Nauka i tekhnika, 1966, 273-278 TOPIC TAGS: combustion, solid propellant combustion'. solid propellant, combustion instability, deflagration to detonation transition ,P,91CA,09 aX0r.10AJ IbfZOA.)#9 r-10, ABSTRACT: The development of combustion instEbilitl and the deflagration-to-detona- tion transition was studied in a constant volth-F-Bomb by pressure recording and high speed photography. The hexogen ]samples were compacted into plexiglass cases and ignited by an electric wire or a powder charge. The results showed that the de- flagration-to-detonation transition under increasing pressure takes place accordir to the following order: normal combustion; p,Brturbed combustion; ejection of parti- cles into the flame zone, which is accompanied by interruption of luminosity; accele ated combustion of the ejected particles, whLch generates a pressure increase above the burning surface; and gas penetration into the pores, which leads, in case of a pure explosive, to a detonation and, in case of an explosive phlegmatized-with Card MWINY A.N. (koskft); KARFUKHIN.-LA,(,.4ookA) Method for determining the oboa u4abatie: carveo of dispeIrme *ubstao6s. PHTF no.3:184-3.88 &0160. (MIM .14:7) ~ Shock waves) tmpreosibilitT) L 6222-66 zP4ZtPA(s) -Z/EWT(a)ZEPF(c) ZL/EWP(J)jEWA(A) /ETC W RPL WW ACC N% AP5026025 JV1D/'i1E/'RM SOURCE 50DE:- UR/0405/65/000/001/09A/0051 AUTHOR;' Bobole ~n_, I~.AA!. (Moscov); Cbt7ko, S. V tmoscav ORG: none TITLE.- Combustion of,porous explosive charges,,. SOURCE: NiLuchno-tekhnicheskiye problemy goreniya i vzryva, no. 1, 1965, 4h-51. TOPIC TAGS., detonation deflagration transition, salid propellam-at explosion, com- bustion, combustion instabA;1ity A13STRACT: Previous experiments have'sbown-that the transition from deflagration to detonation. in porous propellants is- cl6nnected With an unbalanced formation an re al of gas from the pores. The transition from deflagration to detonation in hexogen charges of 50-360 v particlesize, with and without the addition of paraffln wax, has been studied by pressure recordings and high-i;peed photography. Normal combus- tion took place unde .r constant pressure for about*.3 sec, then the burning velocity increased, and gradual transition to a perturbed .:!ombustion regime occurred,-charac--. terized by luminosity pulsations. -. The, lengths oi the periods of low creased with increasing particle size. The following mechanism is proposed. Nor-vial combustion takes place only when.the hot gases penetrating into the pores do.not fiea't: the grain to the. 'gasification temperature to a depth exceeding that of the therm-1 layer. If this depth is exceeded,,transition takes place. Paraffin wax acts as a Card 1/2 AFANASIYEV, G.T.; BOBOLnT, V.K.; KkRPUKHIN, I.A. Sensitivity of an explosive to mechanical effects and methods of phlegmatization. Vzryv. delo no-52./995-10 163. (KIRA M12) 1. Institut khimicheakay flziki AN SS&R. aspirant r*nilcocytic reaction of animal orguniems to the injection of atoxyl. Trudy A7,VI 10:177-184 157. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Iz kafedry parazitologii (zav.kafodroy - zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki KazSSR, doktor prof. II.P.Orlov) Alma-AtInBkogo Moovetinstitiita. W0171) (Lew.-ocytes) ss) -- j;(:11(ly c,-.- aL:k)-.,v,7l and tlio results Qf r,,kRp'jjlj'Tj%',, ~ . I. 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