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KAROLEVA, V.D,; LOSKUTOV, F,M. Studying the ruduAlou of zinc Varratea, Iz-v. vya. ucheb. %av ; tsvet, laet. 4 na.3:57-66 61. (ML-U 15:1) 1. Krasm.yaroldy inAitut tavatnykh metalloir. Kafedra mf,Aallurgii tyazholylch tsvetnykh meUllotr, furrate) YORDANOV, Y.T. [Iordanov, I.T.]; POPOV, M.Z.;___KAROLEVA, V.D.;_ YANCHEV, Ya.Kh. Rxperience in the treatment of Waelz oxides at the P'Lovdiv Nonferrous Metal Combine. TSvet. met. 36 no.1:23-30 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Bulgaria--Nonferrous metals-.Metallurgy) USSR/Magnetism Fer-rites F-6 Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika, flo .5, 1957, 12024 Author Tarolevskaya, N.S., Mil'ner, A.S. Inst Mux;kov TUnivFrs~ imeni A.M. Gor'ki'Y. Title MaEpaetIc Properties of Magnetite at Low Temperatures Orig Pub F12. metallov i metallovedeniye, 19505, 3, No 1, 186-188 Abstract A study was made of the effect of the temperature, at which the magnetic field (H) is turned on during the coo- ling of magnetite, on the temperature of the 0 -4o~, transition, and on the value of the magnetization inten- sity that occurs upon this change. It is obsex-red that turning H on at temperatures above 1200 K gives the sam result (the magnetization increases by 10%). Different results, but results that are in agreement vith each other, are obtained by turning H on at temperature below Card 1/2 L7 IPOLAND Human and ;Lnimal Physiology. Metabolism. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 5, 1958, 21899. Author : K5Xo~c~z~3zek. Inst :-IDTot given. Title Changes in Glycogen Content in Brown Adipose Tissue in the White Mouse. Orig Pub: Folia. Morphol., 1956, ?, No 3, 207-9-10. Abstract: The content of glycogen in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) of white mouse is considerably greater during the summer period (June) than in the late autumn (November). Daily varia- tion of glycogen content in BAT of mice are noted in the summer and are absent in the fall. Card 1/1 Karolewicz S. Kranse A., K:)tkowslci St. ar4 Karolewicz S. "Impa,-t of flulticoiTiponent- Catalyst Structure on Catalytic Activity." (Wplyw strulcUry Ica tali zatorow wit-los11:1adnikowych na aktywnose katalityczna). Pi-zer.Wsl Chemiczny, No. 1, 1')~O, pp. 25---32, 1 fig., 4 tabs. A mixtuiv has been composed of ferric and cupric hydroxides; the atomic relati.on Fe:Cu in one case was 1:0.5, in the second case--1:1. With the raising of the temperature of drying, the hydro--ddes showed a decreasing catalytic activity, which was tested by w~-y of osication of formic acid with 0.6% hydrogen peroxide at a term. of 370C. At a certain, not very hirh,'Otemperature there appears sensitization and activation of' the peroxidative properties--resulting from cupric ferrite formation in which the most active transitory phases are obtained at 350-000C. Within this temperature range, there appears ferromaj-netisia and a certain, increase of agparent volume. A Roentgenographic examination of samples heated above 400 C demonstrated the spinel structure of cupric ferrite, forming itself throiiCh different transitory phases, of' & radical structure. At higher terneratures the radical structure disappears and at the swr~e time catalytic activity. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 19~1 MROLFOISKIP Jan, mgr inz. Third Polish National Conference on Automatic Control. Przegl papier 20 no.9t301 3 164. KOOLEWSKI, Wieslaw Automation of the calondur with electronic device for metal casting detection in cloth. Przegl w1okien 18 no.104-37 JaI64 KAROLT,G-*~-T-o~i [Yarolyi, Gergely] Mfodern hospit.;.L raro r~:, !-rSectiou,- patL,~rits in large citie-s. Suv-r. iaed. (Sofiia) 15 nc,.E.,3-9 16"' HATYBEYEV, Gennadiy Petrovich; KOSTINSKIY, D.N., red.;._X ~A.f reid.; POPOVA, V.I.. mladshiy red.; KISMVA. 2.A., red.kart; V11ZNSKAYA, E.Y., Elaxemburg] Liukaemburg. Hoskva, Gos.izd-vo geo-r.lit-z7l, 15,60. 77 P. (HIFLA 14:2) (Luxemburg) GORDONOV, Lazar' Sholomovich; red.; CIIIZHOV, N.N., red.; SHAPOVALOVA, II.S., mlad. red.; MALIChIVSK.TY, G.N.p red. kart; VILENSKAYA, EX.., tekhn. red. (Foreign airways) Vozdushnye puti zarubeohnykh stran. Moskva Goseizd-vo geogr.ldt-ry, 1961 350 p. (MIRA 15:11 (Aeronautics, Commerciali (Airways) FlDLEAY Arhdiy [Fiedler, Arkady]; KILVAE-,XSKIY, kMbLIK, Y.A., red.; I-ARIY1'GVA, V.A., i:dadshiy red.; VIL-~TISKAYA, E.N.Y tekhn. red. [T'dac rivor of singing fishl 1~yby poiut v Ukniali, Vookvit, Googralgiz, 1~63. 239 p. Translation 1'ron Polish. (MIRA 16:1-2) (I-eru-Description and travel) (Ucayali River, Peru) ,~ISRZAYEV, Eduard Makarovich; ZABIROV, B.Sh., red.; KAROLIK M A red.; SHAPOVALOVA, N.S., m1adshiy red.; KOM-IEVA,' S.M.P teklin. red. rTravels without adventures and phantasy; geographer's notes] R,teshestviia bez prikliuchenii i fantastiki; zapiski geografa. Moskva, Geografgiz, 1962. 158 p. (MIRA 16:2) (China--Description and travel) MAYMIGOYZ, Isaak Moiseyevich; KAROLIK, M.A., red.; MIARTYNOVA, V.A., mlad. red. - [The Czechoslovak Socialist Republic; ecommic geography] Chekhoslovatskaia Sots iali stiche skaia Respublika; ekonomiche- skaia geografiia. Moskva, "Mysll," 1964. 730 P. (MIRA 17: 5) KAROLI'MI A.Ye. (Lemincrad); MROKIKH, V.r. (1,eninpradi ImProved techn-Dlorj of track aligminent, Put' I put, k~.oz. 9 no.10%12-13 165. (MIRA 18110) ANDRAYEV, G. -., kand.tekhn.nqak, XARULIM, A-Yes, ftzh. I Grirding and planing rails as a measure for controling defects spacified in sketch No.82 of the classification table. Vest. TSSII MPS 19 no.8:58-59 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Sluzhba putt i soorusheniy Okt7abr'6koy zheleznoy dorogi. (Railroads-Rails) AM E I, l Il. S. V. p prof. , do ktor tekhn. nauk ( Len ), A16DRILEYE-7, C,.yq . , I AI~i-)L71" i',. "-. k-R-nd. tekhn. rinuk (Leningrad) - y 1. -."JI-t-, !~,nFthening 'Aio qeivi,:e itfe of :~Crl.-retp "--*Jlrl~ dcl-. transp. 46 xtc.7~'49-53 Jj 1`4. ( m, ~ ,,~ -P - A) 1. Gl~ivnnr in-,h. nliuzhby ptitL (Atyabi-Ink,)y ti-rogs YAPMR11, m. Taking care o:-.' the agricultura3 machinery on a collective farm. -n. 420 S(YI'-'-'TALTSTLTK POUIR-WANDUS. Tallinn, Estonia. Vol. 14, no. 11, June 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAT), I.C. Vol, 8, No, 9, Scptemh;~r Orf~;I. POIAND J. Garrtaki Out In Poland from 1950 to 1052 on Difff"rent Variotieo of Rye. F(--jczn, nauk rolniczych., 1956, D-76, 5-85 A deLcr!,pt" n is giveri. of 12 ;-e6r'L3ns dtTldod ua~,-ord-.Lng to aL11-m-atio, condItIons of .-ye clAti-vation, and varlaties adaptA-d for each region. LyWovr. ri-a IS Most suitable for the wast6rn part of Poland and Kazlmirskaya - for Ulu.) ~3outhcra regions. 34 . .) 1 11 1 DOGEL'y V.A. ani KARDLINSKAYA, KH. 1936. Parazitofauna strizha. uch. zap. lgu. ser. biol, 7(3):49-79. oil a li~ it,-, Place Lin Cell .~Ultinhc a t "n. ,:-,.2~'7-30~-) Dl. 1'.. 3C.: "ro-I-so of KAROLINSKAYA KH. M. Karyokinesis Amitotic fission and its importance in the reproduction of cells. Ki. IM. karolinskaia. Usp. sovr. biol. 33 No. 3, 1952. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, August 1952. Unclassified. KAROLIIISKATA, Kh.M. 78 ~ I Growth and development of spermatozoa in frog. Doklady Almd. nauk SSSR 90 no.4:667-670 I June 1953- (CLML 25:1) 1. Presented by Academician Ye.N. PavlovBkiv 30 March 1953. On the mode of call multiplication in the developing frog testic. Dokl.AN SSSR 112 no-1:130-132 Ja 157. (IURA 10:2) 1. Leningradskiy sanitarno-gigiyenicheskly meditainski7 Institut. Predetavleno akademikom Te.H.Pavlovskim. (Testicle) (Spermatogenesis in animals) U; &00 AUTHOR- Karolinskaya, L.N, S/14 60/000/004/014/023 XX C1 1 IYC222 TITLE: Direct Decomposition of Abstract Algebras With Marked Subalgebras PERIODICAL: I'zvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Matematika, 196o, No, 4, PP. 106 - 113 TEXT: The author generalizes a theorem of Hasimoto (Ref. 4) (criterion for the representability of an abstract algebra as a complete direct product of a certain number of its factor algebras) to the case of al- gebras with marked subalgebras (cf (Ref. 2,3)). An Algebra A is a set of elements with a set of finitary operations f CU, Every f,,- is a unique function which assiociates with every sequence of elements (x it"loxn) of A a value f,,, (x 1P ... 9xn )in A , Two algebras are of the same type if they have the same operations f,(. A congruence 0 on A is an equivalende relation x ~-y(Q) with the propertyt if x i ; yi(O)~ ) - f i = !,,..,n , th-~n it holds f,,,, (x 1"'"xn . , (Y1''' Yn ) (0).. The homo- morphism, i5enerated by 10 on A) of A onto tho algebra 0(1) ot the subseta Card 1/4 85501 Direct Decomposition of Abstract Algebras With S/140/60/000/004/014//02) XX Marked Subalgebras C(Y,O) = fx; X ~~ Y(O)j of the algebra A is also denoted by 0 According ~O(Ref~ 4) the set of congruences on A is called completely exchanged able if every subset 0 satisf ies the condi tion, f or every set of elements x 6 A -vE e- with the property X Y A * X -PX where =A oj) , there exists an x E A so that * ~;7x'p (Ov) for all -V~irj Given the set i A,,j I , w r= SZ , of algebras A. of the same type, where in every Aw a subalgebra A' be marked. Let a new algebra A be defined by'~ xGA then and only then if the set X cli 6 Js finite, where the sete x xW ; W6 51 serve as elements x, x. is called the W -component of the element xCA. The set of elements x6 A for which x., GA~ for all tzC- Sj , forms the subalgebra A' of A~ The con-, structed algebra A with the subalgebra A' is called the direct product of the algebras A with marked subalgebras A' and is denoted with A LAI] ti LO A,, [A~] ~ A' is the complete direct product of the subalgebras A~ to IFQ .7 t) . Card V4 85501 Direct Decomposition of Abstract Algebras 5/140/60/000/004/014/023 XX With Marked Subalgebras C111/C222 , [AIl be the direct product of the algebras A w with Let A [All A, marked algebras A' . The congruence 9,. , W 6 S1 . is defined on A as follows: W Let x= X";CjG-a (=A, andy. y ; W & R C- A ; then it holds f CO I x :r Y (OW then and only then if x(i = Yo ' The congruence 0Q on A generates a natural homomorphism of the algebra A onto its factor algebra Q"(A); this homenorphism is also denoted with 9. 1 It holds s 0,, (A) -- ;' 'k (i , ci e a . Let the homomorphism QW map A onto A. ; here V is mapped onto At. , whereby on A' the congruence 0~ is defined, where Q~ (A') = A~O ~ (i r= Q . Theorem Let A be an algebra with a marked subalgebra A' and 1 0" e be a number of congruences on A inducing on A' the congruences 9:0 a & S)_ , (i e. on A' the Q,~ are identical with 0,_~ ) , The algebra A with the marked subalgebra A' decomposes into the direct product of the Card 3/ 4 KAPOLT!,fSKAYA, L.N. Lattices o1' congniernoes o- distrRaitive lattices. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. mnat. 28 no.5:1037-lG54 S-0 164. Q-1:M 17: 11) KA TLINY, L, 191j8 (A Cvulai 11,11ami Ko I:n-, Kor-bcnctnni L:?I-;. eS NOt' N y "Tiuncur3 of the Broad LiCarient." - I .irllar !:rcrvof:ok .1 tip In .1 L'Idarest, 191;8. 11/10(165-171) Abst: Exc. "ied. V. Vol. 11, No. 11, p. 962 KAROLOWY Stanislaw -7 --- -- - -- -- - --- --- Technical i~juipmant of the experimental inatitutos of the Polioli Academy of Sciences demonatrated at international qxhibitions abroad. Nauka polska 10 no.3:145-146 'L,*iv-Je 162. 1. Instytut Fizyki, Polska Akademia Vauk, Warszawa. KAROLUS, K, GEOGRAPHY Fc GEOLOGY Periodicals: GEOLOGICKE PRACE. -No. 49, 1958 KAROLUS, K. macrotextural characteristics of intrusive and effusive rocks. T). 32. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8. No. 5, May 1959, Unclass. t-il"I's 'n;: ult. --PRAVY, !:o. ~.j Z:t f'f (EEAL) ll'~ Incl. KAROLUSOVA-KOCISCAKOVA, E. GEOGRAPfrf ~,c GEOLOGY reriodicals: GEOLOGICY-E, PIUCE No. 49, 1958 F-kROLUSOVA-KOCISCA.KOVA, E. The problems concerning pyroclastic rocks. T), 78o Monthly Li!~t of East European Accessions (EF.U) LC, Vol. B. 1100 5, May 1959, Unclass. L 47214-6-'1 TvTP(i,)/ST1 I~P(c "I ACC NRI Al'6034294 SOURCE CODE: 11U/dOl4[6610_0_070_0_6=MT6G-, KAROLY. Gvljtn. Diplomate Metallurgical Engineer, of the Research Institute' Intezet~_ f 'a _r',Elie--- Iron Industry Vasipari Kutato "Manufacture of Steel in Vacuum-Arc Furnaces" 3 tBudapest, K a -260. 7pzgXi 14pok, Vol 99, Ho 6, Jun 1966, pp 252 !Abstract: To complement the already installed vacuum-induction furnace, a ~vacuum-arc furnace has been installed during 1965 at*the Research Insti- itute for the Iron Industry to permit the development of the manufacturing Itechnology of high-purity steels on a laboratory scale to aid in subsequent industrial-scale production. The author described the apparatus) which is ,based on the Heracus L 200 h, 35-kg. furnace, and discusses its performance, operation, and specifications..A general discussion of the factors on which the principles and practices of vacuum-arc furnace smelting are based was made-10r1g. art. has: 12 fig-ures, 14 fo,rmulas'and 2 tables. rTPRS: 36,8677 SUB CODE: , 13 / PUBM DATEs none / OTH REFs 015 TOPIC TAGS1 vacuum arc furnace, Inductlan furnace Card 'I' 41,~ UDC: 669.14.04:621.365.2+533.5 'E9CERPTA MICA. Sea 13/V01 13/1 Dermatology Jan 59 2112. (NSEN'T C(INDITION, IN' THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST VENERLAL 111SEA."E's A nvolibetegs6gf-k elleni klizdt-lern helyzetk6pe (1947-1956) - KA ro I ~~ I K6z). az Or -zA os Br)r N k6r1ani Intez, , Orsz.Agos - 1 5 " tic; N- 38~12' (323- 10 Tlw w-essily or prevc-rition hesilics niodern nictima f treatment is emphasized. 1,;I,-k (of pl-vV14111011 InaV bV tile vause of in(., recentiv rcriewed increase of morbidity fi-;fn venvi-val disi-ases in sorne countries. In llizigary in 1947 over 15,000 cases of fr,-sh sylihilitic infection were registered, in 19,56 only 37. As regards gonorrhoea thes'. figures were over 37,001) and 7,544 respectively. Data are also presented on otbill, nianifestallinis of syphilis (latent, congenital, neuresylibiliq, etc. ). 'Flie result,; are ascribed ror a gveat part to early letectimi u( cases by means of serial examinations. In gunorrhoea detection of foci pioved to be especially important; the still fairly high morbidit) frorn this disease requires inort! preventive work. (XVII, 13) FIAIROLY, J. "For the Development of Soclalist Comratition in Forc.-Ar," I -1 )7, (?~)L-*.HA, Vol. 9, no. -1, IIal! 1~53, Pralia, Czechoslovakia). III I'JO: ',~nntlily List of East European Accessions, ~,, Vol. ', Ne. 11, L'Tov. 1953, Uncl. KAROLY, Jozaef The voice of Radio Kossuth on TV. Radiotechnika 13 no.1:25 Ja 163. KAROLY, Jozsef~ BOGNAR, Arpad Conversion of the MAMBO magnetophone to a two-speed tape. Radiotechnika 13 no.2:1+8-49 F 163. MUGZ, Anos, 11r.; IWIOLY, Kara Use of methylmethacrylate in the patholo,jcal study of the lung. Tuber]-ulozis 11 no.6:134-138 June 58. 1. Az Orszagos Koranyi Tbc. Intezet (Igpztato: BZoszormenyi Miklos dr., twlonwinyos vezeto: Foldes Istvan dr. ) korbonctani ofjztalyanak fcozlemenye. (ACRYIATES methylmethacrylate in prep. of pnthol. lung specimens (Hun)) (LUNGS, Pathol. nrep. of pathol. lunr specimens in raethylmethacrylnte (Hun)) (PATHOLOGY embedding of nathol. specimens in methylmethac-ylate (Iban)) HAD-1AGYI, D.; FMKAI, B.-, IVAIffI, J.; KAROLY, S. Rolm of the cmntral nmrvous system in the pathomachanism of chronic cor4-,mativa heart failure; the affect of sleep on the hamodynamics of congestive hmart failure. Magr.belorv.arch. 4 no.3:117-119 1951. (GIn 21: 1) 1. All doctors, except Szel'tzi Technician. 2. First Internal Clinic (Head-Prof.Dr.Gess. Hatanyi). Szagnd Medical University. AN, -:' - 11 Acqderiician Dezso Pais *s seventy years old. p. 175 The five-yz2ar eco-o.-ic plal~ of !-ne fL-publ--c of' In"i-. p. 176 Vol. 115, no. 5, I-ar. 1956 hudapest, T"Ungary Sourc-~: turouea--. --ccession List. L'brary of Co:-:ress 5, --'u list 1956 GUBAF ?, Electronoptic studies of the structure of certain fibrous proteins. Acta physiol. hung- 3 no.2:311-316 1952. (CIJ4L 24;3) 1. Of the glectron-Microacopy laboratory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. :,"r-do-C of tI u Clock. vol. %'-,,r.,n(-in i~cce,.;Finn, Vol. 6 !To. 3, 19-59 HUNGILRVTheoretical Physics - Relativity. Unified Field Theory B-2 ,'.bs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 8, 1958, No 17236 Author KusayLLz .4 Frigyes Inst Not Given ritle Concerning One Problem in Relativistic Theory of Rigid Bodies Orig Pub Mgyar fiz. folyolrat., 1957, 5, No 3, 195-199 Abstract It is known that in the special theory of relativity) a rigid body has a total of three degrees of freedora. Thus, for ex- wiple) if a cylinder at rest in Euclidian space is oct to ro- tate, its parts must be defonied. The problem arises whether the tremendous forces that occur upon deformation of an elas- tic body can deform the Euclidian space, thereby stopping any further deformation of the body itself. This possibility is discussed in the work throuGh the use of simplified example. Card 1/1 KAROLYHAZY, Pt:ygyes --- i . Space and hours. Fiz szemle 9 n0-3:60-84 Mr '59. 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomany-egyetem Elmeleti Fizikai Intezete. LAUIE, Max, von; KAROLYRAZY, Frigyes [translator] Ludvig Longo, an undeservedly forgotten man. Fizz szomlo 10 no.8:22P--23() AgT 160. SMITH2 S.; ~~LYHAZI., Frigyes (translator] Strontium 90, Fiz szemle 10 no.9:275-281 S 160. KAROUHAZI, Frigves Space-time structure. Fiz szemle 10 no.9:269-274 S 161. hi65o S/058/6P/000/010/052/093 A061/AlOl AUTHOR: KArolyhAzy, 1. T!TLE: Onthe coherence properties of "incoherent" scattered radiation PERIODICAL: Referativn-j zhurnal, Fizika, no. 10, 1962, 2, abstract IOG15 ("Acta phys. Acad. scient. hung"., 10,61, v. 13, no. 4, 371 - -379, German; suminary in Russian) TF):T:. The coher knee of a two-stage'scattering process consists In the existence of a correlation betaeen the directions of succe-ssively emitted pho- tons and the direction Iof' an absorbed photon, the correlation~being dependent. on the number of scattering atoms, and vanishing in the case of scattering on one atom. Hoaever, this effect fs not directly.obs&rvable, since one of the transitions into the ground state Is forbidden, and even if the forbiddance- were removed (e.g., with a magnetic field), the correlation, because of the Jarge lifetime of excited atoms, would be significantly weakened by the atomic thermal motion. Therefore, to make observation possible, a process is suggested which consists in a two-stage absorption and the subsequent emission of a photon Card 1/,) S/()58/62/OGO/0l0/05,0/093 on the coherence properties of... Ao6l/AlOl of total energy, both excited states being assumed to be strongly bound to the ground state, while the transition between them is nearly forbidden. Assu"'Jng sufficient atomic density and strict directivity of both exciting light bealls, it is shown that photons of total energy are scattered "mirror-iike" in a direc- tion depending on the wave vectors of the exciting photons and on the normal to the surface bounding the gas volume. V. Kozlov FAbstracterts note: Complete translationj Card 212 LiROLYHAZY, Frigyes Niels Bohr, 1885-1962o Fiz szemle 13 no.1:3-.4 Ja 163. 1. Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyogyatem Elmeleti Fizikai Intezete, Budapest. ..'4 ~ I YRM-j- Frigyes Do electromagne 6 potentials have an absolute meaning? Fiz azemle 13 no.2:54-f F6463. 1. EOtvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Elmeleti Fizikjii Intezete, Budapest. ACCESSICRI Na: AP4016812 H/0016/64/000/001/0018/0023 AUTHoat Karolyhazy. PrLgyas TITLE: The Mach principle in the general theory of relativity SOURCE: FizLkaL szemle, no. 1, 1964, 18-23 TOPIC TAGS: Mach principle, relativity theory. inertia, space-time, general relativity, special relativity ABSTRACT: A brief historical survey was presented on the Mach principle in generql and its significance in the general theory of relativity in partLeularlD clarify the often contradictory definitions and treatments encountered in the scientific literature. Einstein's general theory of relativity is actually a further develop-~ ment of the Mach principle. After considering all aspects involved the Mach principle can be defined as follows: By defining the internal geometry of two infinitesimally adjacent triple-areas within a closed universe and defining the energy and the energy-density for one of the areas, the total space-time and thus the inertial properties of any experimental body of negligible mass are thereby also determined. Further studies are needed for the characterization of the relations between curvature of space-time and onGrgy-impulas density for a finite Card l/2 KATIO!,YHAZY, F. I _h's orinciple and general relativity. 'k7',a Ph%s HunR Mar Y 17 no.1/2!31-40 '64. 1. Institute of Theoretical Physics, Lornmi *-"otvo3 Budapest. Presented by Z.Gyulal. , k KAROLYHAZY, G.:HAVAS, I.:JAVCSO, G.:KkPAS, L.:SELLNI, C. The anticarcinogenic effect of di-methylamino-acetyl-phentiRzide (ahistan) Kiserleteo orvostud. 4 no. 4:260-262 Aug 1952. (CLML 23:5) 1. Doctor for Sellei. 2. Second Internal Clinic, Budapest Medical University. K&ROLYHAZY G ~tl. The effect of streptomycin in experimental alloxan diabetes. Orv. hatil. 94 no-34:939-941 23 Aug 1953. (GIML 25:1) 1. Second Internal Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Imre Haynal), Budapest Medical University. FO "'A CS B., Ilr.; 130JSZKO, Imre, Dr.; KAROLY11AZY, Grala, Dr.; GORTVAJI, Dr. septicemia. Orv. hatil. 99 no-31:1077-1079 3 Aug 58. 1. !~ovprosi Robert Karoly koruti Xorbaz (~-,azgato: Krasznal Ivan dr.) II. '9elosztalyanak (foorvos: Gortvai Gyorgy dr.) kozlemenye. (MIGROGOCCAL IN-FECTIONS, ther. antibloticn In neptiremin caused by Micrococcus Pyogenes(Hun)) (SEPTICAMIA AlTD BAGUBITURIA, etiol. A DRthogen. Micrococcus T) ogenea septicemia, ther., Antibiotics (Iffin)^ Y (ATITMOTICS, ther. use Micrococcus TVjogenes septicemia (fhm)) KAROLTHAZY,Gyula,dr.; GO',RTVAIO'Gyorpy,dr. Intravenous tetracycline therpay. Orv. hetil. 101 no.18:619-622 I MY 160. 1. Robert Karoly korutl korhaz. II. Beloaztaly. (TETR&CYCIANE ther.) (BILIARY TRACT dis.) KAHOLYRAZY, Gyula, dr.; KOVACS, Ervin, dr.; KOVACS, Maria, dr. New aspects of Quinoseptyl therapy. Orv. hetil. 103 no.29:1362-1364 22 Jl 162. 1. Karolyi Sandor Korhaz, I. Belosztaly Fovarosi Tanacs XIII. ker. Robert Karoly koruti Korhaz, Laboratorium Szovetseg utcai Korhaz, Belosztal~. - (URINARY TRACT INFLICTION ther) (SULF0N.41AlIDl;S ther) .1 KAROLYHAXx,--G... dr.; KOVACS, E. , dr.; KOVACS, N.B. , dr. N e w .- aspects in the therapeutic application of sulphamethoxypyridazina. Ther. hung. 10 no.3/4:33-,35 162. 1. Sandor Karolyi Hospital, Interrial Department No. 1, Laboratory of Karoly Robert kokut Hospital of the 14imi4ipal Council in District XIII, Hospital in Szovetseg utca, Internal Department, Budapest. (SULFAMTHOMYRIDINE) KAROLVIAZY, Gyula, dr.; OROSZ, Laszlo, dr. Short reflexes In the treatment of paralysis of cerebrovascular origin. Orv. hetil. 104 no.5:217-218 3 F 163. 1. Fov. Karolyi Sandor korhaz, I. Be'LoszttLly es XIII ker Taracs VB. Robert Karoly koruti korhaz, H. Belosztaly. (PARALYSIS) (CEREBROVASGUIAIZ DISORDEM) (RZFLEX) 1/1 HORANYI, Mihaly, dr., KAROLYIIAZY, Maria, dr. t , " - - ..' Control of capillary resistance during anticoagulant therapy. (A sensitive method for the measurement of capillary resistance). Orv. hetil. 105 no. 4612l72-2174 15 N 164. 1. XII. ker. Tanacs Szakorvosi Rendelointezet, Korhazi Belosztaly (Foorvos-, floranyi, Mihaly, dr.) 1; 1,iA t.TYT mn 0,;l e I- j 7, FULOP, Tamas, dr.; KAROLYI, Gyorgy, dr. Attempt to organize the general health services for insured rural workers in an agricultural district. Nepegeszsegugy 44 no.9:259-264 S t63. 1. Kozlemeny a Debreceni Orvostudomany-i Egvetem Egeszsegugyi Szer7ezesi Intezetebol, (INSURJUICE, HEALTH) (RURAL HEALTH) (MASS SCREVIING TECHNICS) (WORKMENIS MIPE-PISATION) (STATISTICS) (AGRICULTURAL WORKERS' DISEASES) Dot'lao" 01 jimprw "twd P"I; from we 64"1 Ps )6*2. IM KIM Oda v P"ss. L.Ak W. 300-7 110 cakg. ow Irv(*Ikmo arv drwOW. I'm the mraputhic of drvia. tk.,. tko Isoommiv,vid. CV11 wo applird as a 111"MI#04 111 W Itim. I h. Yalu" 'A'lalliftl lih d'o. 'Al. d by Ill. bruwt, itictisixt (V.A. 16 NMI). 'Iht %'an der %%"Ia equatim did rwe giv* *;-&~ roadto In tht caw of natural p- emity. murb C09. FUROUI, A PVT measurements nnd a new methodolof3r for their Pvaluatiorl. I ''. 11, P. 413 (Banas7.ati Lapo'~. Vol. 12, no. 7/~ July/ Aug. 19~7, Ai0ppst, 4unrary) Plonthiy Index of Fast European Accessions (FTAI) LC. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 LEVENDEL, Laszlo) dr.; VARADY, Tamas, dr.; BEDE, Lidia, dr.; KAROLYI, Alice, dr. Therapeutic results in 180 alcoholic patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Tuberkulozis 16 no.8.248-251 Ag 163. 1. Az Orszagos Koranyi-I Tbc Intezet (igazgato: Boszormerivi Miklos dr. kandidatus, tudomanyos igazgato. Foldes Istvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS , PUWONARY) (ALCOHOLIS14) (PINEUMONECTOMY) (POSTOPERA71IVE CO14PLICi*tTI01,S) HUNCARY ILANKOVSZKY, ',',!aria,, Dr., and KAROLYI,,,,A.1 c.".Dr.!, Pulmonary Depart- mant of the Capital Hospitarat Uzsoki Street (Fovarosi Uzsoki Utcai Kor- haz, Tudoosztaly) in Budapest (Direccor, Physician-in-Chilef: SZAINTO, Sandor, Dr.); and 'National Koranyi Institute for Tuberculosis (Orszasos Koranyi Tbc. Intczet) (location not givenI (Director, Physic ian-in-Chief : BOSZOMIENY1, Miklos, Dr.; Scientific Director: FOLDES, Istvan, Dr.). "Clinical Investigation of the Cough-Suppressing Effect of Libexin" Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 107, No 30, 24 Jul 1966, pp 1427-1428. Abstract: Double-blind experiments were conducted on 160 patients to in- vestigate the effects of Libexin the cough - suppressing drug made by Chi- noin Pharmaccutical Works (Chinoin Cyogyszergyar). The effects were simi- lar to those of codeine. The composicion of the drug is 3-(,,P,~l-diphonylethyll-5-(P,piperidinoetliyll-1,2,4-oxanLdiazol-hydroctil~oride. 1here were no side effects noticed, and the drug did not suppress expecto- ration. 9 references, including 3 Cerman, 1 Japanese, 2 Hungarian, and 3 Western. 53 - IPPLYIs-Arpadp- tudomanyos kutato Tests on mercury capillary Pressure curves. Ban7 lap 97 no.l: 50-.7/ Ja 164. 1. Ornagos Koolaj- es Gazipari Troszto Tudomanyos Kutato es Fejlesztesi Osztalyp j,,aEykanizSa. KAROLY1, Arpad, tudomwvos kutato Oil producing pozi3ibJ11ties frcm DPLIIjr lap 97 nc.8!560-566 Ag 164. 1 1. National Petroleum and' Gas ImIustry Trust, BALIRT, Arpad; KA-ROLYI, Geza Electronic temperature regulating instrument. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no.4:.443-41+6 S 162. 1. Orvosi Fizikai Intezet Debrecen. (TEMPFRATURE) (EQUIPMENT A.ND SUPPLIES) BARABAS, Gyorgy; KAROLYI, Geza; SZABO, Gabor; BALINT-F Arpad. Disruption of Streptomyces grJseus by sonic effects. Kiserl. orvostud. 16 no.21.184-188 AP164 1. Chinoin Gyogyszergyar (Badapest), Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Gyogyszertani Intezete, Orvosi Fizikai Intez-ete es Biologiai Intezete (Debrecen). 4- `Y0r:-Y, 5Z,'%B0, ~',abor; NE-ilcil Univvr.,jity Or In I rititut-, ani `io1o;'y (D-brecrni Orvo7,tu!om_-irj,i Biolo-iai lntpz_~t). L "APP,11'atu,-i for Yoch,-,nical _.-I! :J*L'_-,1-Uj)tj0j-i." u,1071cin", ',rol ';o 5, Cct 66, --val -es 4'17_L~79 Ao~-2ct: [,~uthorsl Hunt:arian summary-] A nechanical ce,11-disruptin.- cirvicf~., was which functions with adcir,,~; natpria15 an., is quite- lor the U'sruption of m4croor,*anisms, the projuc~iorj of ccl' 1-wall pre~parations and tine separation of enzymes. The advanta,_-'e of the apparatus is that it can di,grupt, at one time, a relatively lar,-,e volume (5-25 nil) of cell suspension with Vol-,, Cood efficiency. Accordinf, to the experimcntal results, 15 minutes were sufficient to disrupt the yeast cells used by the authors while the disruption of Str. (griseus spores required 40-45 minutes. Accordin to the experiences L!ained so-far, the apparatus may be suited for the disruption of ofher microorrl-anisms as well. 1 Hungarian, 7 Westprn references. FiVanuscript received 29 Sep 66.1 24 KAROLyI, Gyorgy, dr. sing temporary disability among ,jorkers of state On diseases cau jdu-Bihar County. Nepegeszsegugy 44 no-12:366- farms in the Ha 388 D t63. 1. Kozlemeny a Debreceni O,..9tudoManYi Egyete, Egeszsegugyi Szervezesi Intezetebol. ORKERS' DISEASES) (AGRICULTURAL W , (DISABILITY EVALUATION) (REHABILITATION) (STATISTICS PINCZES, Laszlo, dr.; KAROLYI, Glyca-g-y' ar. Analysis of the office hours of district physicians in mural areas. Nepeges2magugY 45 no.lt12-14 Ja?64. 1. Kozleineny a Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Egeazssegugui Sm-,rvezeti Intezetebal. 4 MOP, Tanas,.jr.;--KAROLYI. Gyorgy, dr. E.cpariments on the organization of medical care for the insured inhabitunta of a village. Nepegeszoogugy 40 no.10:261-264 0 159. 1. Kozlemeny a Debreceni Orvostudonanyi Egyetem Kozgeezeegtant Intozotatol (igazgatoz Jenoy Endre dr. epyetemi tanar, az orvootildomanyok doktorn). (ST,NTE MM)ICIIM) (RURAI H&LLTH) KAROLYIJ, Gyorgy, dr. Determination of the hourly requirement inpolyclinics according to the 2nd 5-year plan. liepegeozegugy 43 no.6:171-175 Je 162. 1. Kozlemeny a Hajda-Bihar negyci tanacs vb. cgcszsegug-ji osztalyarol (mogyGi foorvos: Karolyi Gyorgy dr.) e3 a Dabreconi Orvostudomanyi Sgyetem Kozegoozaegtani Iiitozetaiw% (.Jgazgato: Junoy Endro ~L-. e,-yetcni tanar, az orvostudozzimnyok doz-tora) Egeszsegugyi Szervezestani Gsoportjatol. (HWPITAL ADMIIIIST~UTION) I -Gj~la, fizikuB; MAHUM, Irnre; LAKATOS, Ta:;;i..- Tibor; I BA.KOCZI, Milialy, ,qernok; GSUKA, Im-re, mermok; NAGY, Jo.-sef, meimok. Charge sensttive amplifier syi3tem with low nolse lt~vel f*o--,- nuclear ,oudconductor spentrometer. ATOMKI kozl 5 no.2.' 65-755 '63 000000*0*0000000 see 60- 0 IN- 0" w ll *00 0 so 064 a a** Vila 000004*00066000000 If **; 6 " t o 0 0 0 0 : : 0 000 4 p 4 , C it 4 .1 14 is ;. It is It 10 1, 1) 4 14 Z 14 1)a 19 A, 11 u 11 u 11 1, 11 a p .1 6 L it L I A L a v 14 0 IF AA 04 it I , g v to ~4 00 .00 -00 -00 -00 Edect of amino acids on experimental arsphentimine poisoning. I,tvul llflg4je St. I; of ullir, t(d III [he %rill, of tirbae filk" logrill, I ~,Ih 4~il tvix. glycocull. 0t the CNptl. alliInals 34,361", tficit; hirlier 0 glyttwtill hj~s no protectivr cffri~t itgain-4 whit,thul d--'. 150 j S S. de 1,11.dv ,* 06 00 00 a 0 -00 00 _00 Ot -.40 00 00 .00 St. A MI?AtLt,F~,K4t LITIA&%lif CLaSSIFICAtICK .so 8 As, 09 It ' - Ito I If 4 11 S b 'w 0 4 It I It IN Ji a 4 00 '400 00 00 10090090*00099090069 * :0 agovewir ii- 06 A 0 0 CIO I I V 10 11 U U u 14 12 IN #,A- III. -JL- A k L X-ji,_L A I I IF -L-A- A 00 re"Its"I AND FICIFINT'll "Of. Effect 0( *a the 61waum of 400 Af OamPbeadming. Ittvin Kizolyi, Onvii Urtilap 82, 19 so .38 UtIM).-Treating )In "n. of mrphrnatillne with I0% s(An. e( 113fdOe Or w1th 0.0% maln. cd ascothfi: mclif prevcated the (actuation of the browniAh color of oxidiml acoarsphenamine bv 11A. S. S. de FiftAlv ,so --so '41110 'love so 00 00 111 '00 44 st Alm-ILA 41TALLUR&KAL LITEOAT01 CkA5$WPCATWb jj, * 7------- 1r --- All I I 1 11 1 9 1 ff 0 9 z et t? 1p irp 19 oc u n it K kLo n t i's-ST 0 0 0 9 0 4p 0 0 IF 0 0 0 6 0 0 * a C 0 0 0 0 044 a 0 0 0 0 9 I IT to it q Ij w is it 11 If a 14 X) IT v u b. b it j? To is 4; it 42 11 a 0 C ~ L M P Q- It I-L-j -L-1 z m ot . --L -A-.# ! k. j ~ )- 0 0 IT .A .,I; , . , ' of Rarct of slowbic acid and alycine In chfunir, coomi(NP46" aullas intcalicAtion. . I'$ 11111,wi, hl. 00 -'I fit- vvfc IVIII11011111 If chimm. tilt IT w ph~ 11 Ill " "' !,- igim.-01% d'i ....... t" I h lt Ill " I- --, o h-kk . fillIhIr acl-d- to vI,%,j 00 909 IS* 06, 00 oo~j -So 00 get of 1~ too :;::Z~ zoo so A -40 ZO* ,so S A S L A AT I 'L t Lvf.K AL LIT ERA I Lilt CL A lPFK A I ICk - - r r i An tectown i Tilt i a rt o IV 14 (1 3 6 1 t p Kit % "" Ip c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0.0 4 4 4 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 go 4 00 OOA 00 -A f 1 00 0: 09 J 00 a 0 6 -* 4 a 4- 44 a 0 -0, 0 66IT11111*1f m C~Q WWWqWWW i i 9. 1 CIA P-ftld" em-taude 4W.Umm and hMORU. (Gait. Fmplyee. U,,I. *so last. OTBABUdAPM.Hunguy). 331-2ilm)-Thr" % $01m. or olatmentf Of suffon. Wwdes Protect well SCWnst ultmviokt mYs. At the san3c conczzs~ olcttneuts &M nuwe eff"ve thin aq. Thi-izoie and pyrkh" derivs- showed stronger effecit than other suff Also OnAnlide prepns. Istvin Finily =00 Coo coo U* a 1* a coo We 0 zoo ke 0 t:99 jAkLUROSCAL LITINAtlAt CLAMPKAMN 0 s S4040i wit o4v 041 ii Oki i,;, It I i I - L I a fW 0 is 2 a a 3 1 v b u a 'A at 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 ell 40 0 a 0= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 tq a an I is an asaa so& a 0 a 0 -A-AAALG -ILO-* 0 0 4 a 6 0 4 0 a 0 4 6-oij HAROLk, I.; MAMN, K. Trychophytoo-Is with atypic localization. Borgyogy vener. szemle 6 no. 5:149-150 Oct 1952. (CI24L 24:1) 1. Doctor. 2. Budapest Dermatological and Vener6ological Clinic (Director -- Prof. Dr. Ferene Foldvari). TA7AROVITS. L.;KAROLYI. I. The evaluation of liver damage in arsenobenzol therapy and its elimina- tion. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 7 no.2:43-44 Mar 1953. (CLML 24:5) 1. Doctors. 2. National Institute of Skin and Venereal Diseases (Director Prof. Dr. Ferenc Foldvari). LAZARTVITS L. and YdROLYI St. * The importance of liver antisyphilitic treatment, and its avoidance (Hungarian text) BORGY00Y VENER. SUE 1953, 29 (43) The a,,thors review the Hung,rian data and conclude that arsenobenzene treatment is mostly contra-indicated on account of liver damage. The urobilinagentest is of value only if the urine is diluted 20 times with water. Mild disturbances of the colloid lability tests are no hindrance to arsenobenzene treatment. Six months after subsidence of the icterus, Careful arseno-benzene treatment can be resumed with adequate laboratory control. In 94 cases they found - independently of the previous treatment - a positive liver-function test. These cases were treated by penicillin. In 73 unuroved cases syphilitic origin of the liver-dama-e was considered. F61dva'ri - Budapest SO: EXCERPTA WDTCA Sect. XIII Vol. 8 No. I! KLROLY1, Istvan, dr.,; VERTES, Bodog, dr. Positive seroreactiona without previous anamnesis in syphilis. Borgyagy. vener. szemle 8 no.1:4-9 Jan 54 3 , A Budapesti Orvoetudomany-Egyatami Bor- so Nomibetag Klinika k ozlamanye (Igasgato: dx. Foldvari Ferene egyatemi tanar) (SPIRILIS, diagnooia serodiag., po9itive reaction In unsuspected cases) &YM.RPTA I,Lit= Sec.13 Vol.9/9 Deri.Latology SO-ot 55 2063. KAROLYI St. and VE'RTES B. *Positive serologic reactions without anamnestic data in syphilis (Hungarian text) IIUNG.DERNI.ANDVENER.REV. 1954, 30(4) Authors observed 1.470 patients, whose serological reactions were positive without anamnestic data. In 472 cases the previous syphilitic infection could be verified by careful anamnestic and clinical examinations. In these cases the Neurath's verification test gave spocific positive results only in 47.1%, while the cardiolipin reaction gave them in 88%. In 196 cases syphilis could not be dis- covered, but there were other, non-syphilitic pathological changes probably caus- ing the positive serological results. Contrary to the published data, collagenous diseases did not produce specific positive results in a significant number. In 802 367 ,if ( -Y e.OAlr- cases (54.576) neither syphilis nor any other disease could be established. In these cases the decision as to specificity calls for repeated serological and cli. nical observations over a long period. FOldvdri - Budapest KIRALY, Kalman, dr.,; KAROLYI, Iatvan, dr. Experiences with the Treponema immobilization test (TIT); I. Experimental method. TIT and the so-called classic serological reactions. Orv. hetil. 97 no.1:1-9 1 Jan 56, 1. Az Orazagoe Bor- nemikortani dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemenye. (TREPONEM PALLIDUM immobilization tent, (Hun)) (SYPHILIS, diag. serodiag., Treponema (Hun)) Intozet (igazgato: Foldvarl Forenc comparative evaluation & method immobilization teat, value EM.'.~1PTA :.'MICA See-13 Vol-11/3 Dermatology, etc. lla,,57 835. K)~ROLYI 1(,I~and KIRALY K. *"'apasztalataink a Treponeina immobiliz' "ci6s Jelent(bst-ge az elbzm6ny n6lktil adO(16 pozitrv s-zerol6giai rvakciOk ell) ri-AlAsAban indikAcit5s ter(I I etc. Ex p e r i e ne et; w it 11 t 11 e immobilization reaction of Trepo'nema (TIT). 11. Its sig- nificance in the assessment of a positive serological re- action in the absence of a history. Indications ORV.HETIL. 1956, 97/2 (36-39) Tables 3 The results of investigating 470 pati-~:.'s in whom a positive serological reaction was obtained in the absence of a history were analysed. With the aid of - dr! '- :11Cl history, as well as careful clinical and familinl ,%-,minalion, ziypiiikls could be :..c-! iL. ~;ilj ii cases (20.6%). In the presence of complete sero- positivity (158 enses) TIT was negative in only GT6; wherf~ there was discrepancy in the serum reactions (153 cases' it was negative in a third of the patients; in scropositivity lasting more than 3 months it was negative in Mi* of the cases. Where the serum reaction became spontaneously negative (62 cases) TIT was po- sitive in.9.G76 of the cases; in the presence of factors which made possible an a- specific combination (53 pati-!nts) it was positive in two thirds of the cases. The value of the various metho(,s of verification as well as the range of indications for TIT were discussed. (IV, 13) KARDLYI, Istvan State of venereal disease prevention (1947-1956. 38 no.12:323-331 Dec 57. (VEMBS&L DISFASYN, prev. & control in Hungary, statist. (Run)) Nepegeszsegugy RAGZ, Istvan; KIRAIY, Kalman; KAROLYI, Istvan Reexamination of uncertain neropositive cases verified by modified Neurath inhibitor reaction with Nelson test. Borgyogy. vener. szemle 12 no.3:123-126 June 58. 1. Az OrBzagos Bor-Nemikortani Intezet (Igazgato: Foldvari Ferene dr. er,vetemi tanar) es a Budapeati Bor-Nenibetegglondozo Intezek (Igazgato- foorvas., ~omogyi Zaigrmond dr. Kandidntun) ko-alemenye. (SYPHILIS, diag. Treponema immobilization test in re-exam. of uncertain seronositive cases previously verified by euglabulin inhib. test (Hun)) KIRALY, Kalman, Dr.; ORBAN, Ta-;ms, Dr.; KA-ROLY1, Istvan, Dr. Mmeriences with the Treponema imobilization test (TIT). Significance in cerebrospinal fluid diagnosis. Orv. hetil. 99 no.27:918-921 6 July 58. 1. A% Orozag,os Bor-Nemikortani Intezet 01-nzr,ato: Foldvari Ferene dr. eaet. tanar) kozleinpnyo. (SYPHILIS, (Jiag. - TreT)onqmhL immobilization test of CSF (Hun)) '0,t KAROLYI, Istvan, Dr.; KIRALY, Kalman, Dr.; VERM, 3odog, Dr. Comple-nent fixaTion reaction with Treponema antigen. Orv. hetil. 99 no.32-.1097-1098 10 Aug 58. 1. Az Oraza~,os Bor-Nemikortani Intezet (igazgato: ?oldvari Ferenc dr. e-,,yet. tanar) kozlemenye. (SYPHILIS, diag. complement fixation with Traponema antigen, comparison with Treponema immobilization test Olun)) (COWLEMIM fixation with Traponema antigen in Byphilis diatrosis (Hun)) KAROLY1,Istvan,dr. Problems of the fight against occupational skin diseases. Nepegeezeegua 41 no.2:47-51 F 16o. (OCCUPATIOUL DRMTITIS prev. & control) FOLDVARI,Ferenc.dr.; KAROLYI,Istyan.dr. Present state of syphilis in Hangary. Orv. hatil. 101 no.24: 835-836 12 Je 160. (SYPHILIS apidemiol. ) FOLDVARI., Ferenc, d r. ; K .11-11OU!, Is tvan, dr. The mojt `-, +-1 Nlcto-3 Ili, 01- fight against syphilis. Orv, ! : ..,U..10: 10 Mrl' 460-4161 64. 1. Bor-Nomikoriani Intezet. KAROLYI, Istvan, dr. Occupational skin diseases, Elovilag 5 no.304-37 Jl-S 160. 'CUNTRY Hungary H-25 "4A kSG ~OR Y R , ABS. JOU 5' : , 16 - F. Xavolyi. j. and Z!~Lai_., A. of Fat;v Alc~.ihc,!E; uy lts~-Proesurt, A,y.-1rOF,(1Pat-" on OR.14 PU~t3. Map:.yar Kent Lapja, 15, No 5-6. 1"-180 (1958) is rusulf.~, from an invPstipation c~f tbe reduc- of rail-i rv~t 0-11. %A"'. and zQcorwt. to ;12.C;Dhol~z; PJAII !~z St hiFh pr(~Ssllrez ana . re Preafnited. "ho c L, p, 2 r at r K~ _s a P cazried out in a rcactur of 2-1-Lter c~upacity, It ha2 beon found that 'M the tempera- ture range 300-33,0' the c1pT._,wu,.n zewpit.-A-ture ap- peDro 300'. Varying the pressure in the range 20'i-26,~ st-tv ha,-; no effect or, th,.~ yield. .3a -'sfactory ,;f -Icon~la wer.l cchie'ved RID