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Met-eorology (Cont.. )
Call Nr: Qc 861. D8
(4250 M or 140001); 11-16. Six polar stations, SP-1
to 3P-6; and 17. Institute of Experimental Meteorology
in Leningrad which is concerned mainly with the
problems of artificially inducing rain, studying the
formation of nuclei of condensation and freezing
(seeding with dry ice was found to be the most efficient
agent), and the reverse problem of dispersing fogs and
clouds. Meteorological and h drological stations and
posts are classified into: a~ stations of the first
order, with an attached net of posts; b) meteorologicai
stations (information) of the second order, and
fl climatic stations of the third order, with
d meteorological pluviometric and hydrological posts
of the first and second order. Enumeration of the
top',- cs discussed gives an Idea of the book's range.
Chapters II, III, X, XI, XIII on the atmosphere
describe essential horizontal inhomogeneity and vertical
stratification, the height of the atmosphere, and its
structure. Air currents, the structure of And and
wind gustiness caused by air turbulence are also dis-
Card 3/20 cussed. Turbulence, depending on the character of the
Meteorology (Cont.)
Call Nr: Qc 861. D8
air masses, is affected by the roughness, Irregularity
and thermal characteristics of the subjacent ground
and varies with the time of year and day. Natural-and
man-created obstacles affecting atmospheric equilibria,
the driving force of the baric gradient with the
appearance of new factors, such as the deviating force
of the earth's rotation (Coriolis force), and the effect
of friction are clearly presented. The stabilized
movement of plain-parallel isobars (geostrophic wind)
and of a similar movement for circular (cyclonic and
anti-cyclonic) isobars leading to the creation of geo-
cyclo-strophic winds are analyzed and the general
cirt,aulation of the atmosphere with E and W transfers
and some specific winds (breeze, foen, bora) are
described. The instruments used are given in a later
paragraph of this report. The optical phenomena
affecting the nature, shape and color of skies of dawn
and twilight are shown as step-like changes in the
transparency of the atmosphere; the spread of viBibility
Card 4/20 is only briefly considered. Effects of light refraction,
Meteorology (Cont.)
Call Nr: Qc 861.D8
the nature of green light, twinkling of stars, earth
refraction and mirages are all discussed. The refrac-
tion and reflection of light in drops of water and
ice crystals, rainbows, and "haloes" are referred to.
Such results of light diffraction as rings and related
phenomena are mentioned. The reflection and refraction
and trajectories of sound, sound rays In the atmosphere,
the dispersion and zones of abnormal audibility, and
thunder as sound of meteorological origin are discussed.
The chapter on atmospheric electricity discusses
atmospheric ionization and ionizators, conductivity
and electrical fields, lighting discharges, thunder-
storms and methods of protection. Observations for
such electrical phenomena as atmospherics, glow discharge
and polar lights (whose cause is not yet clear) are
conducted at Pavlovsk, Tashkent, Tbilisi, Sverdlovsk,
Minsk and in the far North at Dikaya Bay, Dikson Island,
and the Chukotskiy promontory. Chapter IV deals with
solar, earth and atmospheric radiation. The sun Is the
only source of radiant energy, providing yearly 1.3 x
1024 cal. of heat; direct solar radiation is
Card 5/20 characterized by intensity (S) and is measured in
Meteorology (Cont.)
Call Nr: Qc 861. D8
calfDries absorbed by 1=2/min. The basic laws of
radiant energy, the wide range of "albedo", the spectral
nature of radiation and the balance of energy are
covered. To separate the effects of constant and
variable factors in diminishing radiation, a new concept
of' atmospheric turbidity (11mutnost") represented by
T = a is introduced. c- Is the expression of weak-
ening due to molecular dispersion,,,A/ is a similar factor
caused by existing water vapors, and) is the decrease
In visibility caused by dust. The total decrease of
solar radiation will thus be: a = - + w + d.
Depending on the characteristics of air masses, Index
T is nevertheless always greater than 1. Chapters V and
VI describe heat exchange in soil, water and air. The
vertical distribution of temperature and the Interaction
between the atmosphere and the subjacent earth's surface
are considered in detail. Chapters VII to IX discuss
the evaporation-precipItation cycle. The modification
Card 6/20 and Intensity, thif., electrical charges and physico-
Call Nr: QC 861.D8
meteorology (Cont..)
chemical conditions affecting the formation, stability,
and precipitation of rain and snow are considered.
The division into continental and marine types of pre-
cipitation, the production of artificial rain and the
effect of afforestation on precipitation is fully
covered. The following instruments are described in
detail: Artificial climate chamber, cup barometer,
syphon barometer, syphon-cup barometer, aneroid baro-
meter, barographs, hypsothermometer (or thermobarometer),
balansometer (only mentioned), pyrheliometers, actino-
meters, Savinov-Yanishevskiy thermoelectric actino-
meter, heliograph (universal), Yanishevskiy pyranometer,
albedometer, Savinov-Yanishevskiy pyrgeometer,
Yanishevskiy thermoelectric balansometer, various soil
thermometers, Savinov thermometer for measuring the
Vemperature of soil at small depths, psychometric thermo-
meter and box, sling thermometer, aspirator psychrometer,
thermographs, bimetallic thermograph, evaporator
I-r,y -500 for measuring soil s-.1rface evaporation,
evaporator/-/-/1-3000, rain gauges (various types),
Card 7/20 stationary psychrometer, hair hydrometer, hair hygrograph,
Meteorology (Cont.)
Call Nr: Qc 861. D8
Tretlyakov precipitation meter, snow rod, snow weighing
device for measuring snow density, Villd weather vane,
Tretlyakov wind gauge, hand anemometer with half cups,
Gerdiven apparatus for measuring the ionization of the
atmosphere. The book is concluded with a large number
of auxiliary tables. The book deals with Russian
contrIbutions. There are 36 bibliographic references,
all Slavic. Personalities mentioned include: Alisov,
B.P., Asknaziy, A.I., Berg, L.S., Dyubyuk, A.F.,
Dzerdzeyevddy,B.L.,Fedorov, E.E., Golltsberg, I.A.,
Kalitin, N.N., Kastrov, I.A., Khromov, S.P., Mikhel,V.M.,
Troitskiy, S.I., Fesenkov, V.G., Berezkin, V.A.,
Sharonov, V.V., Khvostikov, I.A.
Card 8/20
STMIIZAT, Moif3ey Somanovich. SAPOZIMIKOV, Aloknandr Arlaid'yovich. Prinim.81i
uc.'vj3ti)'e: YANI.ill&V:;KIY. Yu.D.; RUOIN, II.P.; PIVOVAROVA, Z.I..
.. M.I.,; FLAUM, M.Ya.,
[Ratuarological inatnimonts. obsorwitions, and proce9sing of dataj
Motaorologichesl-de pribory, nabliudeniia i ikh obrabotka. Lenin-
grad, Gidrotaetoor.izd-vo, 1959. 519 P. (MIRA 13: 1)
(Moteoroloigy- -Observations)
GURALINIK, Izraill Iosifovich; MAMIKOHOYA, Soflya Tnrtanovna; POLKOTITI-
KOT, Maksim Andrayevich; KAROLI, B.P.,; PISARETSKATA.
T.D., red.; PROTOPOPOT, T.S., red.; FLAUM. M.Ta.,
(Problems in meteorology] Zadachnik po mateorologii. Lenin-
grad, Gid.rometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 251 p. (MIRA 13:2)
(Meteorology--Problems, exercises, etc.)
DUBIIISKIY, Georgiy Petrovich; GURALINIK, Izraill Io-dfovich; HARIKONOVA.
Soflya Vsri;anovna;-JrARCL'-__- B.P.,; MIR011314TO. %.I.,
red.; BRAYNINA, H.I.,
[Moteorolomr] Meteorologiia. lzd.2., parer. i sipr. Lenin-
grad, GidrometeorAzd-vo, 1960. 454 p. (MIRA 14:1)
(Me to or~lov)
KAIROLIA -Bar-t"atroima; LIVSHITS, B.Kh., red.; BRMNINA, M.I., telchn.
[M.V.Lomonofiav and meteorology] M.V.Lwiononov i meteorologiia.
Leni d, Gidrom-eteor.izd-vo, 1961. 50 P. (MIRA 15:2)
TIM'onosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765)
"Meteorology" by M.S.Averkiev. Reviewed by B.P.Karoll . Vest.LGU
16 no.24:164-165 '61. (FdRA 14: 12)
(Metereolou-Textbook5) (Averkiev, M.5.)
All-Union Conference on the Results of the IGY. Vest. LGU 18
no.12:142-143 163, WIRA 16:8)
(International geophisical year, 1957-1958)
Radiation properties of glacier lee. Mat.po metlaor.1 k---im, ri-D.l;
102-122 163. Oul F- ,, 1 -. '~ )
(-,-.v. re
lo-!Loorolaj~y Rui ellmatolq7; 1,eogr1aphy duj-trt,rrent~;
, teoruloglia I klimatologiti ilia in.,ot'.rafi chesk' kh fa-
o I I I
ka 11 t e t c, v .Leningrad, 4,C)8
VP T f)r -'yr3 Vi 5
11 T KOVA . 11-11.,
e !-~ne :.t~ at.
C-1 i A I S
KAROLI, 1. 1.
ol', 1. L. On a boundary Problem for an equaii9n o
..-VAbIzed 6111pk-hyperballe type. Doklidy Akad Nauk
T SSSR (N.S.) 88,197-200 (1953).
The Tricomi problem is discus-sed for the equ
0. 0