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67268 SOV/20-129-4-36/68 Investigation of the Temperature-dependent Transformations in Synthetic Polymers With Rigid Chains transformed, it was plastified according to two methods: a) by the addition of a polymer with elastic chains (copolymer of caprolactam with hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid), b) by swelling in cresol. Figure 1 shows the influence exerted by temperature on polyurea plastified by copolymer. With the addi- tion of 75% copolymer, two processes may be observed: First, transition to the viscous state occurs, after which vitrifica- tion follows at a certain temperature. The behavior of polyurea swelled in cresol is shown in figure 3. Also in this case the viscous state occurs with an increase in temperature. On the basis of these results the authors point out the following two possibilities: 1) Hardening of polymers with elastic chains by the admixture of polymers with rigid chains, and 2) reduction of temperature by plastification in order to make working with polymers with rigid chains possible. There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova Cardllj~"-~ Noscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) 67926 SOV/20-129-5-36/64 AUTHORS: Iovleva_L M. M. Kozlov, P. V., Kargin, V. A., Academician TITLE: The Solubility of Qrafted Copolymerslon the Basis of Poly- styr-eneland Acrylic Acid(\ PERIODICAM Doklady Akademii nauk SSSRI 19591 Vol 1299 Nr 5, PP 1093-1095 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since grafted polymers often hature the thermodynamic prop- erties of their initial components (Refs 1-3) the authors in- vestigated whether in this Case actual components in the sense of Gibb's phase rule are concerned. They determined the number of the phases and the degrees of freedoms in a system cone a in9pr of the copolymer of polystyrene with 5 or 22% acrylic auidi+ I benzyl alcoholC+J, and methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol was added to the solutions of the copolymer of different concentrations in benzyl alcohol, and the beginning of turbidity was determined by means of a photoelectric colorimeter. Two phases were ob- served: Solution of methyl alcohol in benzyl alcohol and solu- tion of the oopolymer in benzyl alcohol. The phase diagram (Fig 1) shows that the critical concentrations at whioh Card 1/2 turbidity occurs, are on a straight line and that the copolymer lull 8H 81 1. v In. At Eli 8 s to A I - . I - t a - , *.0 o -ad 12 ig PBASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4842 Kargin, Valentin Alekseyevich, and Grigoriy Llvovich Slonimskiy Kratkiye ocheik' 0 fiziko-khimii polimerov (Brief Papers on the Physicochemistry of Polymers) Moscow] Izd-vo Mosk. univ., 1960. 173 p. 2,000 copies printed. Ed.: S.Ya. Mirlina; Tech. Ed.: M.S. Yermakov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for persons desiring to familiarize themselves with the basic scientific concepts of the physics and chemistry of polymers. COVERAGE: The book presents in a series of short review articles data on the structure, mechanical properties, and thermodynamic properties of polymers and their solutions. The authors note changes in the old ideas concerning the relationship between the structure and properties of polymers since the diE- covery of the globular and block structure of polymers. New ideas in the field are discussed in cases where they have O.ready been generally accepted. The authors thank S.Ya. Mirlina. There are 14 references, till Soviet. 3 Introdup 15- 9SIO AUTHORS: TITLE: 25527 -1/1 22/6o/boo/oo 1/0 16/o 18 A 105 I/A 130 Perov, P. V., Candidate of Technical Scic-nces; Kargin, V. A., Academi C 4 2--, ':uldidate of ~:ni-mR571 e. Prod-,i,_-tion of oriented -and nanufact--ire of articles from 1-. PERIODICAL: Vestnik mashinostroyeniya, no. 19060, '10-7-'i TEXT: The information pre;sents thr~ rez-,Lilts of lnv~stlga,,Jons and experi- ments which have been 'a-dertaken in view of' la,_P: W' pro,,e~-:~: and equipment data in special literature, lncl,,~ding foreign souroeE. Methods studied in the sobject experiments were- 1) double blizter settling rn1zhoJ; 2) two-dimensional stretching of' shoc-ts; 3) chlenderlng,; 4) 7wo-dim-?nsional multi- axial stretching and pressing proved te~,hnlcally -ind .1",everal machines have been developed. Their work princ4ple il- of a In 12 radial direotions, Sheets up to 1r_ m in dl_alieter ~Lnd :1~ mr.) t~hickness clan be obtained, whl,Tj it !,tretc,1-iing di~grep E ~ ~50 -. 60%. '11he raj~~r machine element is the pulling unit Ling or a bi_.Vel git-tr c-011111ff, orle of the gears moving on thread on a screw, L.e,, the ge.,, works as '! n'_jt,, ~U;d !W)V(~,, 1,11(, 201'fA14 with a grip Card 1/_3 S./122/60/000/001/016/018 Production of oriented polyme,-hyl ... A161/A-130 attached to it. The m-1chine haz 12 suoh tu,,Its. one of tnem L~~ connect,~d t-0 a worm gear red-acer arid drives the entire system. -n~~ strel-!iln~ effort is deter I mined by calculation, for prod,,~clrig ter-,sicr. stre;~s of 10 kg,/Om'-. 1, e SIUMV principle is used in machines for pr,)du,,JL~~g squar;,- sheetF, Pre-stretching was determined with the formula i pr init where hinit and hfil, is t h.e init-lal and the f"Inal sheet. thickness in itim. The formula has been derived by simple muth,~,mat_'~al transformat ions of an equation expressing the constancy :)f volume before -and ~:.r~retchirlg. The empirically determined relation between the linear stret_chlnE; L (meaz~ired with a nonius on one of the grips) and the stretchlrZ degree fou7id wl~.h Formula 1) is: D I-- P r 100 where D is the blank diameter. The orient.ation method ty Compression has been (_ Y 750 nim siZ(' and developed as well, for producing sheets, for instance, 0 f 717~0 25 mm thickness. In both methods the t~-.,mperatuve of' material must exceed its Card 2/3 25527 3/122/60/000/001/016/018 Production of oriented polymethyl ... A161/A130 softening point by 15-10 0C. Heating to a higher temperature spoils the proper- ties, and a lower temperature cannot be used because of an abrupt load increase on the machine drive and micro-cracks on the material. The strength of poly- methyl acrylate increased with increasing stretching degree to 50-70% consider- ably, and after this limit the growth of mechanical properties was only slow, except for impact resistance (Nk) increasing evenly to the stretching degree E_ = 120 4 13%. The static strength of parts from oriented material proved double comparing with parts from nonoriented; oriented glass did not split from sharp nail hammered into it (nonorier,41-ed split after penetration of the nail to 1/3 of depth)6 Oriented glass withstood bending tests in all temperatures except of below -60 C. Other advantages of oriented glass are: surface crack resist- ance dozens of times higher than of nonorien-II-ed; lower thermal expansion. Parts from oriented glass are produced with bending and fixing in frames and subsequent heat treatment to fix the shape, Cylindrical parts ire formed in the same way. Orientation of heat-resistant 3rganic glass decreases Its inherent brittleness. N. D. Sobolev is mentioned having participated in the work. 11here are 9 figures and 1 table. Card 3/3 S/030/60/0c)0/05/15/056 BO15/BOO8 AUTHORS; Karain, V. A., Kzentsel B. A., Rckhlin, M~ I., Smirnoy, TITLEj International Symposium on Mac~yomole,.,ular Chemistry and the Exposition of Synthetic Materialg-in the German'Faderal Republic PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, No. 5, pp~ 68-74 TEXT; The Symposium was convened by the Commission of High-molecular Compounds of the International Association for Pure and Applied Chem- istry and was held at Wiesbaden (German Federal Republic) from October 12 to 17, 1959- It was attended by some 1200 scientists from 22 eountries. The Soviet delegation consisted of 29 representatives of the main branches of 'the chemistry and physics of polymers of the USM Problems of the physics of the polymers, high-molecular comp'z-ands in solutions, the elementary aots as well as the kinetics of polyreactions, the chemistry of organic and inorganic htgh-molot~ular oompounds, the natural high-molecular compounds and models were discuseed,, G. P,. Mikhayl-ov Card 1/2 International Symposium on Macrom6lecular 5/030/60/000/05/15/056 Chemistry and the Exposition of Synthetic B01 VB008 Materials in the German Federal Republic reported on the investigation results of the molecular relaxation in polymero by means of the dielectric method. V. A. Kargin stated that the globules are to be oonoiderod as primary elementary structures in the 1,S. S. Med-vadev showed that orientation and crystallization of-zolvnrs~ the development of cationic chains is direo Y'=WR-W-ME-the formation of complexesIbetween the catalyst and monomer, G. Mark (USA.) montioned in Us report papers by Soviet scientists, especially the investiga- tions by K. A. Andrianov in the field of the synthesis of organoailicon polymers. The authors describe next the International Exposdzion of Synthetic Materials which was held at Dvasseldorf from October 17 to 25, 1959, and at which 21 countr~ej (over 670 firms) were represented. The authors state that about one half of the exhibits consisted of machines and the other half of finished products. Among synthetic materialap polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and r 'einforced plastics are especially mentioned, the authors referring to the papers by V. A. Kargin and Plate. It is underlined finally that the work of the experts in the field of new processing methoda is to be regard6d as being as important as the creation of new polymers. There is I Soviet reference. Card 2/2 87,642 S/191/60/000/012/001/016 A '9,2) 2'Z 0 B020/'B066 AUTHORSi Berlin, A. A., Kronman, A. G., Yanovskiy, D. M., 1~argin, V.A. TITLE: Impact-resistant Polyvinyl Chloride PERIODICAL: Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 12, pp. 2 - 3 TEXT: Heat resistance and impact of PVC are comparatively low which con- siderably confines its range of applicability in spite of its other good properties. It is possible to increase the impact strength of PVC by synthesizing vinyl chloride polymers grafted with various rubbers, by means of a chain transfer reaction. The mechanical properties of Viniplasts obtained by this method are, however, no better than those of Viniplast made of PVC. The present paper investigates the physical and thermomechanical properties of Viniplast obtained from compositions consisting of PVC coplasticized with a polar synthetic rubber(PSR). Owing to interaction of functional groups of PVC with the rubber, interlaced structures of grafted copolymers are formed. PVC was mixed with stabilizers (litharge, calcium stearate) which were hot-rolled along with the adequate amount of PSR. Plates were cut from thin foils of the rolled Card 1/3 37642 Impact-resistant Polyvinyl Chloride S11911601000101210011016 B020/BO66 material, and a stack of them was hot-pressed. In the test of Viniplast containing 10% PSR of different types, its physical and mechanical properties ranged within the following limits: specific impact strength from 57.2 to 84.8 (8.6 for initial PVC)l maximum tensile strength from 3970 to 532 kg-cm2 (550 for PVC); vitrification point between 76 and 60 C (75 C for PVC). The addition of 10% PSR to the Viniplast, thus, increases the specific impact strength up to the 6 to 10 fold, whereas the tensile strength is somewhat reduced, and the vitrification point is maintained. The dependence of the specific impact strength, tensile strength and relative elongation on the rubber content in Viniplast was investigated (Figs.1-3). The optimum ratio of PVC:PSR for obtaining Viniplast with high specific impact strength is 90:10 (Fig.1). The introduction of 2.5% rubber increases the impact strength of Viniplast to the tai~%efold. At a rubber content of 15 - 50%, Viniplast samples were not destroyed in the impact test owing to their high elasticity. With increasing rubber content, tensile strength and relative elongation of the material (Figs.2,3) decrease, and the surface of Viniplast becomes uneven and rough, beginning from a rubber addition of 25 - 30%. The temperature dependence of the specific impact strength Card 2/3 87642 Impact-resistant Polyvinyl Chloride S/19 60/000/012/001/016 B020YE066 of impact-resistant,Viniplast was studied in a rangd of from -600 to +600C, and it was found that a Viniplast with 5 8nd 10% PSR exceeds a Viniplast from PVC even at a temperature below 0 C. The specific properties of impact-resistant Viniplast become particularly manifest at room temperature. The.absolute value of the specific impact strength could only be determined at temperatures below zero. Table 1 gives comparative data of this factor obtained on compositions with 90% PVC and 10%'PSR, and on,PVC samples. The principal physical and thermomechanical properties of impactrresistant Viniplast, as well as of PVC-Viniplast, are presented in Table 2. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 1 Soviet reference. Card 3/3 Usmov. Kb.U. : K,,RGIIJ, V.A. ; ATMIODZHkYNV, B. 1. ; 1110YATOV, 11. Sh. Upgrading of cotton cord by moans of ozonization. Vysokom. soad. 2 no.1:88-91 Ja 160. 0AIRA 13:5) 11 1. Inutitut khimil polimarov All 'UzSSR. (ozone) (cotton) KARGIN, V.A.; UBLITOV, V.A.; MTI;LISUYA, T.K. Polymerization on a potawgitim - carbon black catalyst. Vysokom. soad. 2 no.1:162-165 Ja 160. OAIRA 13-.5) 1. Moskovskly goaudaretveanyy universitet inf)ni M.V.Lomonooova. Khimicheskiy fakulltat. (Polymerization) (Potassium) (Carbon black) KARGIN, V.A.; PUTE, H.A.; SHIBAYEV, V.P. Plasticization of polyvinyl alcohol - styrene and polyacrylic acid-styrene graft copolymers. Vy9okom.soed. 2 no.1:166-173 Ja 160. (14IRA 13:5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat. Kbimicheskiy- fakulltet. (Styrene) (Vinyl alcohol) (Acrylic acid) 81621 AUTHORS: S/190/60/002/02/10/011 B004/BO61 ~Lr ~in, V. A., Kabanov, V. A.9 Zubov, V. P. Polymethylmethacrylate~ TITLE., Synthesis of Isotactic Polymerizatio0of the Fr-ozen Monomer by PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya., 1960, Vol~ 2, No. 2, pp. 303 - 305 TEXT; This is a continuation of the work of the authors in Refa. 1 and 2~ It was established there that methylmethacrylate (m) can be polymerized in the volid state if it Is condensed in vacuo with magnesium vapor on a surface cooled by liquid nitrogen. The polymerization sets in between -100 and -1100C, proceeds rapidly and even explosively if heat dissipation is insufficient. The polymethylmethacrylate obtained in this way is a homogeneous polymer oontaining no free magnesium but 0.5 wt% of bound DIE it fornis transparent solutions in toluene and dich)aro- et1lane. FiL;-- 1 snov;s the thermomechanical curve of such a polyrf'r. Its softening temperature of +500C is considerably lower than that of Card 1/2 8161-1 Synthesis of Isotactic Polymethy1methacrylate S/190/60/002/02/10/011 by Polymerization of the Frozen Monomer B004 B061 polymethylmethaerylate synthesized in the normal manner, The polymer crystallizes after swelling in heptanone-2, Its X-ray picture is shown in Fig. 2,'Its properties agree with those of isotactic poly:aethyl- methacrylate obtained by polymerization of I&A with lithium alkylene in a nonpolar medium (Refs,. 3 and 4), The authors conclude from this that the order of the monomer existing in the solid phase favors the development of the isotactic microstructure of the polymer chains. They mention a paper by A~ A. Korotkov et al. (Ref, 4). There are 2 figures and 5 references.- 3 Soviet and 2 US~ ASSOCIATIO14i li',oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitetj khimicheskiy fakul~tet (Moscow State University, Department of ChemistryT---- SUBMITTED. December 2~ 1959 Card 2/2 K-ARGIN, V.Ao_L KABAHOV, V.4.; PLATE, N.A.; PAVLICffgllKO, H.P. Plasticization of block copolymers of acrylic acid and styren6. Vysokom. soed. 2 no. 3:433-00 Mr 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. MoBkovskly gosudarstvenayy universitet, Khimicheskiy fakalitet. (Acrylic acid) (Styrene) (Polymers) KARGIN, V.A., akELdemik Structure of cellulose and the place it occupies among other polymers. Vysokom. ooed. 2 no. 3:466-468 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moskovskly gosudarstvennyy universitet, Khimicheskiy fakul'tet. (Cellulose) L145r, C) S t,,S-j :-o o 2iog, A72. S/190/60/002/004/013/020 B004/B056 AUTHORS: -Kargin, V. A., 1.1archenko, 1. Yu. TITLE: The Problem of the Vitrification Temperature of Crystalline Polymers \\ PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 549-553 TEXT: The authors refer to a previous paper (Ref. 1), in which they showed that the vitrification temperature is an important ch~tracteiistic feature for determining the working temperature of a polymer. In the present paper, they describe thermomechanical investi6ations carried out on p2ja The latter was produced by means of various systems of catalysta_qtitanium chloride-aluminum alkyl catalysts, Cro3/Al2O3.!3iO2) at the laboratory for polymerization of the authors' institute. From the reaction product, the atactic, amorphous fraction I was obtained by means of ether, and the crystalline fraction II by means of n-heptane. The insoluble fraction III was an isotactic polymer. The molecular weight Card 1/4 S/"'~6'0/002/004/013/020 The Problem of the Vitrification /190 Temperature of Crystalline Polymers B004/BO56 was determined by measuring the viscosity in decalin tit 120oC. The L vitrification temperature was determined by means of a dynamometric scale at stresses of between 0.3 and 510 kg/ cm2. The deformation occurring after 10 sec was also measured. Figs. 1-3 show the deformation (in as a function of temperature. Fig. 1 shows that in fraction I. the ran-a of hidhly elastic deformation is limited by the vitrification temperature (-10 - -150C) and the flow temperature. The vitrification temperature does -not depend on the molecular weight; the flow temperature increases with increasing molecular weight. The crystalline polypropylene undergoes no deformation within a wide temperature range, and becomes viscous at its melting point (Fig. 2). If howeverv it is rendered amorphous by heating above melting temperature and subsequent quick cooling, then a region of a highly elastic state appears in the diagram, which, like in the atactic polymer, begins at -100C. At high temperatures, however, deformability again decreases on account of recrystallization. The vitrification temperature was determined on the crystalline polymer, at a stress of 510 kg/CM2 (Fig. 3). Above -100C, the diagram snows a low stage that correSDonds to the highly elastic range of the amorphous polymer- Card 2/4 The Problem of the Vitrification Temperature of Crystalline Polymers 8h512 S/190/60/002/004/013/020 B000056 Legend to Fig. 3: Thermomechanical curve of crystalline polypropylene; stress, 510 kg/cm2 --- --------- Furthermore, the vitrification temperature was determined by uniaxial extension of films on a dynamometer (Figs. 4 and 5)- Below the vitrification temperature, all crystalline polymers without orientation underwent breakage at low deformation. Polypropylene becomes brittle ~.etween -10 and -150C. Above vitrification temperature, the structure Card 3/4 "A 84512- The Problem of the Vitrification S/1 Y60/002/004/013ZO20 Temperature of Crystalline Polymers B004 B056 becomes orientatedf the film becoming anisotropic. Its strength increases t'vo or three times; so, repeated extension is possible only by means of higher stress above +150C. Perpendicular to the orientation axis, the film still remains extensible at -650C, and its strength rises to 1000 kg/CM2. The vitrification temperature is thus lowered down to the lower temperature holding for other polymers with flexible chains. The range of working temperature is thus extended. The authors thank B. A. Krentsell for his assistance in this work. There are 5 figures and 5 references: 5 Soviet and 1 German. .ASSOCIATION; Institut neftekhimicheakogo sinteza AN SSSR (Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis AS USSR) SUBMITTED: January 7, 1960 'Card 4/4 83822 S/190/60/002/005/!012/015 --C-- 2 2 0 B004/BO67 AUTHORS: Kargin, V. A., Kabanov, V~ A., Zubov, V. P. TITLE: Formation of Iy otactic Polymethylmethaerylate an Photo,- - - - polymerizatiozik .1 in the System Methylmethacrylate - fiFn ( Chloride k\ PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulya rnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 5, Pp. 765-769 TEXT: Proceeding from papers on the formation of stereoregular DOlymers (Refs. 1-4) the authors studied the influence exerted by inorganic salts cai)able of fixing a short-range order on the microstructure cf a polymer chain. The experiments were made in a special set of ampotiles (Fig. 1). Ampoule 1 contained methylmethaerylate, ampoule 2 ZnCl., and ampoule 3 benzoyl peroxide. The dehydration of the reagents by heating and evacuation is described. The monomer was then condensed in ampoule 2 . A saturated solution of ZnC1 2 was produced in the monomer and polymerized in ampoule 3 under the action of ultraviolet light of a TrPK-.2 (PRK-2) Card 1/2 83822 Formation of Isotactic Polymethylmethacrylate S/190/60/002/005/012/015 on Photopolymerization in the System B004/B067 Methylmethacrylate - Zinc Chloride mercury lamp at 2000. The polymer obtained, which was purified by dis, solution and reprecipitation, showed isotactic structure. 0It had a dena-ty of 1.22 g/cM3 and a vitrification temperature of about 65 C, wherea;, the syndiotactic polymer (Refs- 5, 6) bad a density of 1.18 - 1.1Q g/cm) and 0 a vitrification temperature of 115 - 135 C. The authors discuss the chantc- in the probability of formation of d,l- or d,d- (1,1-) configurations during the polymerization (Figs. 2, 3), caused by the crystal field fixing the short-range order. Isotactic polymerization requires a screw Iike structure which is stabilized by ZnCl2 molecules through comp 11 e x I lormation with the ester gr9ups of the polymer radicals and with the mono mer molecules (Fig. 4). There are 4 figures and 8 references: 4 Soviet and 4 US. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. 1.1. V. Lomonoscva (Moscow state University imeni M, V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 2, 19060 Card 2/2 BERESTITEV, V.A.; GATOVSKAYA. T.V. -,j ~RGITII _ Investigation of the structural changes In fibers by measurecients of their specific surface areas and pore volumes. Vysokom.soed. 2 no.6:916-925 Je 160. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Fiziko-khimiches'ki3r institut imenj L.Ya.Karpova I Nauchno- isaledovatel'okiy i*nstitut shinnoy promyshlennosti. (Fibers) (sorption) 83706 3/1 90J60/002/006/01 1/012 B01 5/BO64 AUTHORSi Makaruk, Kozlolr,_P. V., Karrin, V~ A~ TITLEi Investigation in the Field of Polycarbonates. II. Eie,~-tron Mi~~roscopi xamination of the Structure of Polyearbongtes PERIODICAL% Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vcl-:, 2~, No. 6-c pp. 931-936 TEM Electron microscopic examinations were made of the seocndary structure of 2,2-bis-(41-oxyphenyl)-propane polycarbonate. Basing on the data of the method of experimenting and the results obtained, the authorG di-scuss the concept cf flexible and rigid molecule chains and, amcng other things, they indicate that differentiation should be made b9tween two types of links of polymer chains, i.e. the chemical and the kinetic chain link of olymer molecule chains. The examinations were made with aYR11-100 - 0 (UEM 10 5 electron microscope. High-molecular polycarbonae fractions were used (molecular weight 83000 and 230000) whose secondary ;structure was produced in three wayss 1) by evaporating the solvent from very dilutc, polycarbonate solutions (chlorobenzen-a, benzene), 2) by si-.-paratlon from Card 1/3 83706 Investigation in the Field of Polycarbonates. S/19 '60/OOr1/006/0-'1/O-,2 II. Electron Microscopic Examination of the B015~BO64 Structure of Polycarbonates dilute solutions (toluene, m-zylene, ethylbenzene and cyslohexanol.) In the cooling of the solutions, and 3) by precipitating the. polycarton;At.~;-~ with methanol from dilute solution,~ in methylene chlorfd,~;. Fig~i. shoi,., the struct-ure.. In thc. two first.-mentioned ways of prrAuctic'n, polyearbonates with a strongly a3ymmetrical., fibrous arc ob*'ained. This structure is due to 7-. liZ.., r-f tho primarily formed structure of the chain packets, and undergoes no morphologir-'al;" :,.,0 matter whether the shains of the packets are cry~tall-_'.,ie or amorphcs:--s This is in agreement with the findings of the aLthor -tn a p~tper (Ref, 1), and apparently explains the specific character ef the. T-, properties of these polymerB, especially/the high impact rengzhV'thv~ t elasticity may be a.,,cribed to the fiber;*of the polyr-'aTbO ~'e~ j,.,.,;_n1pi1U-at;_ng with methanol', a spherical structure th-.' of nolloidal 3YSteMf3 ooouzs., This structura is unstable, ani in ~Jhe case of heating -~he fiber structure typicial of Dclycarlbon-1-.~- is fc._=sd There are 12 figureq and 7 references. 4 SovJet a-ad 3 GE-man. Card 2/3 83706 Investigation in the Field of Polycarbonates. S/190/60/002/006/01',/012 II. E).ectror Microscopic Examination of the B015/BO64 Structure of Polycarbonates ASSOCIATION- Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Xhimicheskiy fakul'tet (Moscow State University, e-Dartmient of. Chemistry) SUBMITTED% February 27, 1960 1y Card 3/3 IOVLEVA, IM.M., KOZLOV, Thermodynamic study of the interaction between graft copolymers and the solvent. Vysokom.soed. 2 no.6:937-941 Je 160. 1. Moskovskiy osudarstvennyy univeraitet. (Polymersi (styrene) (Acrylic acid) 87029 S/190/60/002/007/013/017 B020/BO52 AUTHORS: Sogolova, T. I. TITLE: The Effect of Fillers on the Melting Points of Crystalline Polymers PERIODICALs Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 7, pp. 1093-1096 TEXT: High-density polyethylene (with a melting point of 1400C) was in- vestigated. Compounds were chosen as fillers as do not react with poly- ethylene, and whose melting points are considerably higher that that of polyethylene. These fillers veTe *!Wtv)~,uce~L into the melted polyme_r by ca2enderD, and 1-amained in the solid state. Hence it could be assured that they affect the crystallind state Qt tWt pl"Sm&t 'novever, im- -pp,~Lr~-ng 'bhe structure of the chain molecules.,. Since the change in the crystalline state mainly affects the melting point, the effect of the filler addition on the melting point of polyethylene was in~vestigated fiTst. Thereforep the deformability of the crystalline polymers with dif- ferent filler amounts in a wide range of temperatures, was investigated by Card 1/3 80029 The Effect of Fillers on the Melting Points of S/190/60/002/007/013/017 Crystalline Polymers B020/BO52 dynamometrio scales (Ref- 3)- On the basis of the thermomechanical curves obtained (Fig. 1), the effect of the filler on the melting point of crystalline polyethylene was investigated. The addition of anthracene, anthraquinone, coke, quartz powder, KC1, aluminum naphthenate, asbestos powder, FbS et al. in different amounts do not affect the melting point of crystalline polyethylene. The mechanical properties of polyethylene (strength, elongation), however, change within a wide range (see Table). The independence of the melting point of crystalline polyethylene from the use of chemically inert, solid fillers, and at the same time the change of a series of mechanical properties prove that solid fillers only de- compose the secondary structures in the polymer, the structure of the primary crystalline range remaining unaffected. The decomposition of the crystalline polymer structure by the addition of substances which chemical- ly react with it, was investigated in the crystalline polyamide r -548 (G-548) (melting point of 1600) by compounds which are solid at room temperature and have different degrees of dissociation (tungstic, oxalic, and phosphoric acids). For a comparison, the weakly dissociated formic acid was also used. The thermodynamic curves of these mixtures are shown Card 2/3 87029 The Effect of Fillers on the Melting Points of S/190/60/002/007/013/017 Crystalline Polymers B02O/BO52 in Fig. 2. It was found that the melting point of the cry3talline poly- amide was reduced. Finally, metal oxides (CaO, ZnO, MgO, VO ) were used as fillers for the crystalline polyamide. They slightly affect the melting point, but considerably increase the flowing point of the polymer. The addition of largerquantities of metal oxides as fillers causes the formation of materials which are highly elastic or solid above the melt- ing point of the crystalline initial polymer. With very large amounts of metal oxides in crystalline polymers, they lose their fluidity altogether. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Piziko-khimichoskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: March 21) 196o Card 3/3 86293, S/190/60/002/008/004/017 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A., Kronmian, A. G., Yanovskiy, D. V. A. 11--___ TITLE: Modification of Polyvinyl Chloride by Rubbers PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1168-1192 TEXT: The authors attempted to make graft copolymers from vinyl chloride and rubbers. In contrast to the unsuccessful copolymerization vith the aid of latex reported on in Ref. 2, they used coarsely disperse rubber em-ul- sions. Photogelatins, Sulfanole, or polyvinyl alcohol were used as emul- sifiers. Copolymerization was conducted by two methods: 1) S.Welling or dissolving of the rubber in vinyl chloride at4D-7(:PC, and subsequent poly- merization in an autoclave after adding ammonium persulfate as initiator; 2) rolling of the rubber with ammonium-persulfate powder at room tempera- ture, and subsequent copolymerization with vinyl chloride in an autoclave at 6o-70 0C. Viniplast was made from the reaction products by adding calcium stearate, lead monoxide, Neozone D, and transformer oil, kneading at 155-1700c, and pressing. The resulting products showed worse physical Card 1/2 86293) Modification of Polyvinyl Chloride by Rubbers S/190/60/002/008/004/017 B004/BO54 properties than pure polyvinyl chloride. On the other hand, a joint plasti- fication of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) of the type n~~-4 (PF-4) viith HK (T,,K) natural rubber, CKG(SKB) butadiene rubber, CKM (SKI) isoprene rubber, C-KH-26 (SKN-26) butadiene-nitrile rubber, and chloroprene rubber (nairit), led to the following results: PVC combined Content of toughness tensile strength relative elonga- % it h rubber, m2 tion , "I". kg-cm/, kg/cm2 (without rubber) 0 8.6 550 82 natural rubber 10 9.7 354 4.4 butadiene rubber 10 6.7 350 5.u isoprene rubber 10 3.7 357 9.7 nairit 10 16.5 437 81.5 butadiene-nitrile rubber 10, 34.6 551 100 Rubbers with marked polarity (nairit, SKN-26) shovied double to fourfold toughness. Hydrogen bonds are likely to form between the polar rubber and PVC. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references: 1 Soviet, 4 Us, 1 Belgian, and 1 French. SUBMITTED: March 21, 1960 -,pard 2/2 S1 1 90/U()/'j02/C)08/016/O17 B004/BO54 AUTHORS: Kargin, V. A., Bakeyev, N. F., Li Li-shen, Ochapovskaya, T. S. TITLE: Electron-microscopic Investigation of the Crystalline Struoturesof Polystyrone and Polypropylene PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye ooyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 8, pp. 1280-1262 TEXT: This paper is a preliminary report on the production and electron- microscopic investigation of monocrystals of isotactic polystyrene and polypropylene. It was found as a condition for the formalion of monocrystals that crystallization takes place above the vitrification temperature. There- fore, 0.01 - O.Wo solutions of the polymers were heated to boiling in xylene, and cooled in a Dewar-vessel system for 2-3 veek3. In the case of polypropylene, trichloro ethylene heated to 870C was also used as a solvent. As a second variant, the polystyrene solution heateld to 1100 C was applied to a hot collodion base, and orystalli7ation took place by evaporation of the solvent. Monoorystals with a size of up to 100 [L -were observed in the Card 1/2 Electron-microscopic Investigation of the S/190/60/002/006/016/uil Crystalline Structuresof Polystyrene and Poly- B004 B054 propylene electron microscope. The polystyrene crystals showed a fibrous structure. The fibers were directed perpendicular to the longer diagonal of the rhomb, the c-axis was perpendicular to the base surface. Crystals of a laminated structure were formed in the case of polypropylene crystallized from xylene, rhombic crystals, however, from trichloro ethylene. A preliminary electron diffraction study showed that the molecular chain in those crystal had a similar folded conformation as had been found in other polymers. [Abstracter's note: The text refers to 8 figures, but two only are given].S/ There are 2 figures and 8 references: 2 Soviet, 2 US, 2 British, 1 Germ-an, and I Italian. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State Universi~.y) SUBMITTED: May 4, 1960 Card 2/2 83b8l 21 AUTHORS: Selikhova, V. I., S/190/60/002/009/013/019 B004/Bo6o Markova, G. S., Kargin, V~ A, - T1T1,'F,-. X-Ray Investigation of Oriented Range of Melting Temperatures -------- I Gutta- ercha Films in the PER10DICAL- Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, Vol. 2, Ho. 9, pp. 1398-1401 91,1-, X10 :The authors wanted to determine the temperature ranges for the thrGe modifications ((x, P, y) of gutta-percha. The sample used was gutta- percha obtained from Euonymus, with a molecular weight of about 30,000, The films were prepared from a gutta-percha solution in CCI 4 at room tem- perature. Likewise at room temperature, the films were stretched by 400%. The X-ray structural analysis was made by a camera described in Ref. 7 for high temperatures, and by a YPC-70 (URS-70)Aniversal apparatus for X-ray structural analyses at temperatures between room temperature and 800C, Figs: 1-6 show the X-ray diffraction!i~ictures obtained. Furthermore, the authors examined the fusion of films irradiated with Co6o in vacuum. The V~ fc1lowing results were obtained: The P.-modification is stable up to 560C: Card 112 83481 X-Ray Ir-restigation of Oriented Gutta-percha 3/190/60/002/009/013/010 Films in the Range of Melting Temperatures B004/BO60 At higher temperatures, fusion sets in along Vith transition to the a-modification which melts at 64 0C. The 7-modification is stable at still higher temperatures, and melts only at 76-76 0C~ The a- and P-modifications exhibit a bett r orientagion of chains than the y-modification. Radiation doses of 75-109 - 100olO roentgens do not bear any influence on the crys- tal structure; there occurs, however, a change in the melting processes. At 75P106 r, the transition of the P- into the a-modification takes Dlace unchangedly at 550C. The a-modificat on melts at 630 0, but no more 1-modi- f.ication forms on cooling. At 100ol0i r, a complete transition of theo P-modification into the a-modification does not even take place at 78 C~ Evidently, this radiation dose gives rise to a cross-linking which renders 4he relaxation of chains and the transition to the a-modification impossi- bie, There are 6 figures and 7 references: 2 Soviet, 3 USp and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im~ L. Ya. Karpova (Physico-chemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: April 13, 1960 Card 2/2 88540 S/190/60/002/010/013/026 B004/B054 AUTHORS: _K.4KgLnz V. A. , Markova, G. S., and Kovaleva, V. P. TITLE: A Study of the Structure and Properties of Copolymers of Ethylene With Propylene PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedinoniya, 1960, Vol. 2, No. 10, pp. 1531-1534 TEXT: The authors made comparative studies of regular polyethylene and pd~y- propylene, and of copolymers containing 4, 8, 10, 20, 54, and 73.6% of propylene. The electron diffraction was taken by means of an DM-4 (EM-4) electron diffraction camera of the ropi(coi) system, and the ring diameter was measured by an 03A-2 (IZA-2) comparator. The electron diffraction pictures (edp) for polyethylene and polypropylene corresponded to publish- ed data (Ref. 1). In the copolymers with 4-50o of propylene, the edp cor- responded to those of polyethylene. Only at a content of 73.6~o of pro- pylene, the polyethylene edp is superposed by polypropylene edp. The edp of the copolymers had the same structure as those of the individual com- ponents. Neither intermediate structuresnor changes of the lattice param- eters have been observed that might indicate a stress in the crystals. Card 1/2 A Study of the Structure and Properties of Copolymers of Ethylene With Propylene The spectrum analysis shoved that'the intensity tion band of the CH group increased almost 3 88540 S/190/60/002/010/013/026 B004/B054 of the 1372 cm-I absorp- proportionally with the Dro- pylene content. The dynamometric investigations showed that the copolymer becomes amorphous with increasing irreiNlarity of the chains. Fig. 1 shove that the copolymer with 0 of propylene exhibits a curve, corresponding to regular polyethylene, for the elongation as a function of load, where- as the copolymer with 73.6% of propylene yielded a curve typical of amor- phous polymers. With increasing irregularity of the chain, the recrystal- lization stress decreases (Fig. 2), the minimum lying at 73.6% Of DrO- pylene. Further, the temperature of the transition from the vitreous into the crystalline state decreases. There are 2 figures and 3 Soviet ref- erences. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov) SUBMITTED: May 17, 1960 Card 2/2 S/190/60/002/0'1;/020/0?7 B004/r.o6o AUTTIORS: Kotistantinopollskaya, M~ B., Z. Ya. Kai~gin, V. A._ ---------------- TITLE. Spiral Structures of Poly;ithy,er~:-~ PERIODICAL: Vyeokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 1960, V-D!~ PP. 1715 - 1716 TEXT: The authors used eleztrop analyses to zt--t,-~Y -,h- structural modifications takipg plash? --'n polyethy~.ere., -ichen !rin-e sentratqd solutions were used in comnarison with P::'evi-as A solution of 0.2~6 polyethylene ir. toluene was heated to 1'10~C ap.- plied onto a colloxyline base. The pictures were 11-aken by a (UEMB-100) electron microscope. Unlike previous1y d~s--.-ribed (Refs. 1-4), wherein first packets., then planes, and were formed, in the experiment concerned the au-1hor, fi7~sl, fibiil structures passing over into planes giving r1se in ~u..-r spiral structures: Figs. 5-7. Tile appearance of -zhese IS exL' plained by a reduced mobility of the individual moleou'.9r- Card 1/3 Spiral Stru,!tures of Polyethylene S/,q 60/002/0'.1/0"0/027 Bb04X060 the polymer due to higher concentration. There are 'I figu-rez, ~irld 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimioheskiy inst--~tut i-m,. L. Ya. Karpc-- (Physico-chemical Instit-.1te irr~-nf. L. Ya. Karpi~,- SUB.MITTED: May 27, 1960 Card 2/3 lu Pig 5 Card 3/3 s/igo/60/002/011/020/027 B004/mo6o n'v u 10F. LA Pig.6 Fig.7 85423 v- S/i9o/60/002/0'-.1/022/027 / -) B004/Bo6o AUTHORS: Zubov. V. P., Kabanov, V. A.., Kargi-r. V,, A-,.. Shchetinin~,, A. A. TITLE; Effect of Pressure on the Formation of the of Polymer Chains in the Polymeriza1..,,r1---rt Process PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyyesoyed4Lneniya, !960. Vol. I- 11-~ 41. pp. 1722 - 1727 TEXT. The ratio ki/kaof the reaction rates of the formation of iso tacT,ic and syndiotactic structures of a polymer ~an be influenced by stereospecific'catalysts,Aand also, ac3ording to T. G. Fox (Ref.!).. 1--v the reaction temperature. The authors wanted to study the effect of pTessure on the said ratio ki/k.- Proceeding from the theory of abso- lute reaction rates and taking into account a different ~ompressibll~ty e7.f the initial components and the intermediate complex7they -lbta~zied i/ks) = 6V4p/RT , 2 the equation: ln(k a p /2RT 4 Mp 3RT - ',r.(k, 0 "/k, (7), Card V3 Eff'7'ect of Pressure on the Formation of the S/190/60/002/Dli/022/027 Mi,~rostructure of Polymer Chains in the BOQ4/BO60 Polymerization Process H- 6V-4 denotes the difference betWeen the volum-?s of the syndi- 0 and isotactic intermediate complexes at norinal pressuT~ Aa* %~i- differen(.e between the coefficients of .ompressibility of th~ c.omponents, z~b the difference between the coefficients "f' CM. pressibility of the intermediate complexes, k... and k Os the rate -on. starts of iso- and syndiotactic addition at normal pressure.. Th~~ val.- di-,y of this equation was proved experimentally. by way of produ-:rg po-Lymethyl methacrylate7 in a pressure range of 2000 7500 atw. Th~ "nitrification temperature of the polymer dropped with pressur.? incr'~ase. Since the isotactic polymer has a vitrilication temperature ~)f 1;0 1~1)" . , C. c . and the syndiotactic polymer has one in the. range of 130-35 h=- drop of the vitrification temperature means an increase of the isota~t-J-, structure content, and thus, an increado of the valje of k,/I,S 17 vas found by the determination of density Q and by taking irtc- ac.c-,I)nt; "h-- r=lation k,/k. Q,,)IQB(Qi - Q) that k./k ~n~:reases from 0.33 1 9 at 4, atm to 0.54 at 7500 atm. The isotactic structuTe 3ontpnt -.noreas;-a Card 2/3 85423 Effect of Pressure on the Formation of th~- S/19 60/002/()!-/022/02'!7 Microstructure of Polymer Chains in tb~ B004YBo6o Polymerization Process from 0.25 at 1 atm to 0.)5 at 7500 atm, The diffc~ren:.;-- &,.,'of th= 11 pTessibility coefficl:ents. of the iso-- and syndict.aztic- -ztru-,*,.ure was found, by way of experimental data, t,) ha-~re the val,,ie of 6.i,.1o'- 6 _1.8-10- 10 p. A pressure increase leads to a prefeT-ential formation of the intermediate complex wi-,h denser molecular -par-kage, P. P. Kobeko is mentioned. There are 2 fi.gures, I table and 5 ref erences: 2 Soviet, 2 US, and 1 GermanL. ASSOCIATION: lAoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy unAversitet im~ M. V. Lomonosova (moscow State Dni.versty imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED-. June 16, 1960 V~. Card 3/3 86,327 S119 6 C/C)02 /012/011 4/019 ki b 1" B01 7X30 78 AUTHORS: Berlin, A. A Kronman, A. G. , Yanovskiy, D. targAij, Y.A. TITLE: New Method of Obtaining Graft Copolymers PERIODICAL; Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, 19060, Vol. 2, No. 12, pp. 1839 - 1844 TEXT: A new method of obtaining graft copolymers by interaction between the polymers is suggested by the authors. This method pernits to modify halogen-containing polymers with polymers having nitrogen-containing heterocycles. A case in point for such a reaction is the modification of PVC with methylvinylpyridine rubber under the formation of graft copoly- mers which are salts of quaternary polymer bases. Vinyl plastics obiained from such polymers have an impact strength te-i times as hi6h as that prepared solely from polyvinylchloride. FiL;.l illustrates the ter-nperature dependence of some thermomechanical properties of some polyvinyl plastics. The two-staGe formation of trimers is explained. FiC.2 illustrates the influence of the rubber content on the properties of polyvinyl plastics. Card 1/2 8632 New Method of Obtaining Graft Copolymers s~iaol6o/002101210141019 B01 7/D070 Fig-3 shows the vitrification temperature of polyvinyl plastics as a function of the admixtures. It is demonstrated that the-thermial stability of polyvinyl plastics is not impaired by a methylvinylpyridine rubber content up to 250/'-. The method suggested here may be applied to vulcanize various halogen-containing polymers with methylvinylpyridine rubber. .There are 3 figures and 13 references: 9 Soviet and 4 US- SUBIMITTED: Mlay 24, 1106o Card 2/2 2061h q,,13oo (116AA 6AILY) 13(o S/063/60/005/005/003/021 L'1100 (Un" P41, a6001 A051/AO29 AUTHORS: Kargin, V.A., Academician, Topchiyev, A.V., Academician, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Polak, L.S., Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences, Davydov, B.E., Candidate of Chemical Sciences TITLE; Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Vsesoyuznogo Khimicheskogo Obshchestva im. D.I. Mende- leyeva, 1960, No. 5, Vol. 5, pp. 507-514 TEXTs The authors deal with the problems of developing new classes of poly- V mers with certain predetermined electrophysical properties necessary~for industry, particularly semiconductivity. These problems have been one of the main subjects of scientific research in the physics and chemistry of polymers. An analysis of published works on the conductivity of low-mole- cular organic compounds has shown that their semiconductivity properties are connected with the Ir-electrons of the conjugated bonds in aliphatic chains C 2061h S/063/60/005/005/003/021 A051/AO29 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials or rings. "Metal-likeness" is said to be the result of a collection of the Ir-electrons in a conjugated system, and from this stand-point the polymer macromolecules with conjugated double bonds are of particular interest in the production of materials having special electrophysical properties, in- cluding that of semiconductivity. A list of available data is presented on ordinary semiconductors comparing them to the structures and chemical features of polymers emicondWorslare characterized by the electrocon- ductivity values of ;0-0-10 ohm- -cm- , increasing with an incre~Be i~ltem- perature, and a concentration of the chyge carriers of about 10 -10 electrons or electronic "holes" in a cm . It is pointed out that deviations from stoichiometry or any irregularity of the chain of the macromolecules, main valencies can have the same effect as admixtures in polymers on their semiconductivit ~2 properties. The distance between neighboring energy levels being about 10- ev, the sum total of these is regarded as a t~ompact band about 1 ev wide and the energy value of the electron can be anywhere with 'in this range. This band of energy states is called a zone. For all solid Oa-rd-~ N614 S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materialo A051/A029 bodies, i.e., metals, semiconductors and dielectrics, the lower zone of electronic levels is the wide, so-called valency zone of the electrons fastened to certain atoms. A difference is noted between the listed three types of solid bodies when there is a shift to a higher energy level. Semi '- conductors having no additional levels in the forbidden zone are called semiconductors with self-conductivity. In the presence of an electrical field the free electrons and "holes" are the charge carriers. It is pointed out that real bodies always contain admixtures, creating admixture levels in the forbidden zone of the semiconductor located either closer to the upper or lower zone, in both cases causing the occurrence of additional admixture conductivity. The admixtures are called doi,or type in the first case and acceptor type in the second. It is assumed that any irregularity of the ma- cromolecules usually creates acceptor admixtures. The mobility of the charge carriers is said to depend on the temperature and concentration of the admixtures and to decrease with an inorease in the temperature and amount of admixture. Special interest is shown in the semiconductor type discovered by de Boer (Ref,3), where part of the atoms of the lattice is re- placed by atoms with almost the same size but a difference in valency. The method by which they are produced was developed for oxide semiconductors, 2o6ih S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051IA029 and consists in adding metals to the sample having a valency differing by a unit of 1 from the valency of the main metal. It is thought possible to form new synthetic polymers having semiconductor properties by a similar mdh- od of introducing metals into the chain of the macromolecule. Ordinary polymers have a certain amount of electroconductivity (Re~ 4,5), which de- penas on the temperature, and is expressed by exp - - where E is a l T certain activation energy, T the absolute temperature, k o tzmann's con- ~ l stant. From this relationship the authors have attempted to solve the problem of establishing the connection between tho polymer's structure and its electrophysical or electroconductivity properties. In solving this problem they based their analysis on the known aspects of the electrocondue- tivity of low-molecular (including organic) compounds. This was followed by the determination of the characteristic features of the polymer struc- ture. The problem of electroconductivity in organic polymers was divided into two parts: 1) the movement of electrons in the macromolecule, 2) trans- fer of electrons (or holes) from molecule to molecule. In the fi7st part, an isolated linear macromolecule with the same bonds 1,3 analyzed: Oa,rd-4,44-8- eUUA-U S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/A029 H H H H H -9 The exact path followed by the potential of H R H H H H the electrical field formed by the electrons and nuclei of this type of sys- tem is not known, but the field changes periodically in space, and its peri- od is determined by the periodicity of the molecular chain structure. An electron is theoretically placed into this field and its movement is regard- ed through the Schroedinger equation for an electron in a periodic field, the solution of which in this case is said to be the wave functions accord- ing to Block (Ref.6)- Y ~ YrLpe i-h-x I WhereSO 71 (x) is a function depending on the wave number "q, an jLs eriodic relati-I to x; the magnitude of the period is determined'by the structure of the molecule: by the length of the interatomic bonds, etc. This solution causes a zonal structure (Ref.4,5). In calculating these fields the authors state that the theory of disturbance of quantum mechanics is used analyzing two extreme cases: a) a strong bond, b) a weak bond. It is pointed out that a real macromolecule can have con- ductivity if there are electrons in it whith sufficient probability of shift under the effect of an external electrical field with its component along 2061-4 S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/A029 the moleculai chain. The authors draw the conclusion that the probable nac- es sary condition for the existence of electroconductivity in a macromole- cule is the presence of multiple, particularly double bonds. It is con- sidered advantageous to have a maximum number of' multiple bonds, which can be accomplished in linear molecules and organic ringo by alternating the single and double bonds (polyconjugation). The presence of a maximum number of multiple conjugated bonds in the macromolecule with a comparatively weak bond of the electrons to the atoms would facilitate the increase in electro- conductivity. It is considered expedient to introduce atoms with a rela- tively weak bond of the electrons on the outer orbits, in order to decrease the width of the forbidden zone. The conductivity is further dependent on the migration of the double bonds and thus it is also expedient to increase the number of possible migrations of this kind, forming comple cyclic struc- tures of conjugated bondsf(e,g,,phthalocyanine and the metal compound type). In a molecule having quasi-free electrons the possibility of electronic and hole-type conductivity is present. The authors attempt to give a rough eva- luation of the cases: Thus in the case of a double bond the Jr-electrons are less firmly attached to the corresponding atoms or group of atoms than 2o6ih S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/AO29 the e-electrons and more mobile, and thanks to the quantum tunnel effect can overcome the barrier U(r) and move to a neighboring bond with a proba- bil.1ty p (relative to a unit of time) 1 P~~Vexp ~_ _L "V~i~nr ~-F- ~dr~ (A), where Z is the life-span of Ir L -h- the electron on a serirate bond, h- h , L is the width of the potential p depression, where the electrons are locailerd, m is the electron mass, V is its velocity, F, is the kinetic energy. The complex function U(r) is replac- ed for simplicity by a rectangular potential barrier (Fig.1), then L is de- termined by the length of the double bond C-C, U 0 is determined by the di- mensions of the atom C, U0- F_ by the potential energy of the most weakly bonded electron. Then equation (A) becomes: exp L V ~_ -h- 0 17MTUT71. we obtain 'r = 10-15 sec. Thus during 8 S= 10 ev = 10- 8 cm/sec, At L = T-10- , U 0 the time of the electron being locat- C ard._.7~-8- 20614 3/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/AO29 ed on one bond L~bout 10-15 i--. shifts over at a rate of V 107 cm/ shift 0-15 sec. The given formulas show that due to the strong dependence of T' on U and Umax. -F-, the electrons of the internal orbits forming the polymer moleo- cule, which have a energy, will be almost completely local- ized and will not be able to participate in the electroconductivity of the macromolecule. It is stressed that the problem of the transfer of the charge carriers (electrons and holes) from molecule to molecule is a difficult one. It is assumed that the mobility of the charge carriers can be mainly deter- mined by the probability of the tunnel gap through the intramolecular bar- rier and that high temperatures are necessary so that the electrons can over- come these gaps between the macromolecules. The electroconductivity of the polymer semiconductor will depend only on the concentration of the charge carriers in the first approximation (at a given structure of the polymer). The importance of the intramolecular transfers is stressed on the example of the benzene molecule, which is an excellent conductor, but liquid benzene (a group of these molecules) is an excellent insulator. The actual potential barrier between the macromolecules depends on these conditions, i.e., or the distance between the macromolecules and their number in a unit volume. The card-" S /06 3 /e?(001045 /005 /00 3 /021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/AO29 chemical bonds between the molecules and their space orientation will also become relevant factors in future. The optimum conditions for the formation and movement of charge carriers in the macromolecule is partly determined by the formation of the polymer molecule with -polyconjugated and aromatic rings in the chain, but the latter do not solve completely the problems of easing the intramolecular barrier for them. Further mention is made of the signi- ficant effect of orientation on the electroconductivity of the polymer. The orientation of the polymer molecule also causes severe anisotropy of its prop- erties along and across the axis of orientation. As regards the electrocon- ductivity, it is assumed thattl!~,:~ orientation can lead to two results: an increase in the number of charge carriers passing in a unit of time through a certain transverse cross-section of the polymer semiconductor, and the occurrence of severe anisotropy of the conductivity. In a polymer with regularly-built chains the conductivity is present only in the chain molecules. It is sug- gested that the conducting elements can be simply arranged parallel to each other, and thus create a system with good conductivity along the orienta- tion axis and a slight conductivity in the perpendicular direction. The mos". expedient conditions are a high degree of regularity and few transverse bonas, since the latter would form the most perfected orientation of the polymer thread. This type of polymer system should have the best conductivity along Card /4-8-- 20614 S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/AO29 the orientation axis and the highest anisotropy of the conductivity. Tho au- thors discuss the paramagnetic properties of semiconductors, particularly oc- curring in their spectra of electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Since the integral EPR spectrum is connected with the number of electrons present having non-paired spins in the investigated system, it is assumed that the Ir-cloud is characterized by a certain non-pairing, The number of particles with non-paired spins corresponding to the narrow signal in the EPR spectrum of the polymer is about 1018-1019 in one cm3. But these cannot be conside7- ed charge carriers in polymers with semiconductor properties for the follow- ing reason: the electroconductivity IncrenEes with the temperature and the con- centration of these particles determined by the area of the narrow line mentioned in the EPR spectrum drops. It is assumed that the second wide sig- nal might be connected with the electroconductivity. The EPR spectrum is considered a property of the modecule and not of the polymer on the whole. The signal in the EPR spectrum indicates the fulfillment of an important, al- though not the only, condition for the polymer (especially synthesized or processed), to possess semiconductor properties. The presence of a system of conjugated double bonds is considered important but not adequate for the for- mation of a polymer material, which would completely be conducting, particu- 206U S/063 60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials k051,YkO29 larly semiconducting. The authors claim that it is possible to produce poly- mers with a system of conjugated bonds in the main chain in two ways: 1) by transformation of the macromolecules in the chain of already known polymers, 2) by special construction (synthesis) of the macromolecules with a system of conjugated bonds. Some of the specific work done an the synthesizing of polymer molecules with a System of conjugated bonds is gone into. particu- larly that of the products of thermal transformation of polyacrylonitrile. It is thought that dnteresting prospects lie in the production of this poly- mer substance characterized by a complex of electrophysical properties, viz., semiconductivity. It is assumed that in the thermal transformation the poly- acrylonitrile undergoes chemical changes leading to the formation of a poly- mer, the macromolecules of which consist of cyclic chains. The given reac- tion schemes show that in this type of polymer semiconductivity properties can be expected, This corresponds to the theory developed by Semenov (Ref.7) in analyzing the EPR spectra of certain polymer molecules, especially that of polyaminoquinone. When elevating the temperature of processing the poly- acrylonitrile, the narrow signal of the EPR mentioned above increases ('Fig.3) almostly linearly in the temperature range of 325-6000C. Similar data were previously obtained in the thermal procesaing of polyvinylohloride The authors feel partially justified in assuming that in order to produce VK _Card_TT/T8_ 206A S/063/60/005/005/003/021 Semi-conductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051/AO29 satisfactory semiconductor properties, a strict regularity of the structure of the polymer chains is needed. It is also assumed that polyacrylonitrile forms such regular chains. Special interest is felt in orientation as a means for increasing the regularity of the structure of polymers amongst other possibilities. The authors specify that at the present time several new polymer materials, the macromolecules of which have a system of conju- gated double bonds, have been produced both in the USSR and abroad. These polymers have interesting magnetic properties. In this connection the work of Berlin (Ref.15) is noted in the synthesis of polyaminoquinones. In the interaction of chloranil with benzidine polymers were obtained of the given structure, . The authors of this synthesis assume that in this case there are not only intermolecular hydrogen bonds, but also bonds of the intrachain type, which can lead to spatial structuralizing and impairment of the solub- ility. Reference is also made to polymer-chelate complexes of percyanoethy- lene with metals (Ref.21) stating that these compounds have a high thermal stability, a high magnetic susceptibility, a low activation energy, (0,26) and er about 10-2 ohm-1-cm-1 at 200C. Special attention is further paid to the products synthesized by the authorB (Ref.16) of oemi-condensation of phthalic anhydride with n-phenylenediamine and hydroquinone. The latter are Card_4Z/4-& 2063j4 S106 60/005/005/003/021 Semiconductor Properties of Polymer Materials A051 YA020, characterized by an electroconductivity of 7-10- 7ohm -'1. cm-1with an activa- tion energy of about 0.6 ev. Roginskiy (Ref.18) mentioned the interesting poss-ibilities of using the semiconducting properties of certain organic poly- ners as heterogenic catalysts. Semenev (Ref.20) studied this matter further. In conclusion the authors point out that the future profound investigation of the properties of polymer materials with a system of conjugated bonds, es- pecially those with obvious semiconducting properties, will lead to new pos- sibilities of creating heterogeneous catalysts with a high selectivity. There are 2 figures, 1 table, 5 structural formulae, I diagram, equations and 21 references, 14 are Soviet, 6 English, 1 Belgian. Da7rd--44~~8- S/069/60/022//005/003/011 B015/BO64 AUTHORS; Berestneva, Z. Ya., Konstantinopollskaya, M. B., ----V-. _T Kargin, TITLE: The Crystallization Mechanism of Col)oidal Titanium Oxide PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol. 22, No. 5, PP. 557-559 TEXT: In continuation of a previo er (Ref. 1) the authors investi- gate the effect of surface tension at the interface between colloidaill particles and intermicellar liquid on the crystallization of titanium dioxide. Since no direct method of examining the surface tensions of such systems is available, surface tension was changed by changing the compo- sition of the intermicellar liquid, and the crystallization process was observed by a combination of electron microscopy and electron diffraction 1'/ studies. The colloidal solutions were obtained by adding titanium tetra- chloride to doubly distilled water at a temperature from -2 0 to +1 0C' and the sol was concentrated with an ultracentrifuge. Practically all electrolytes could be removed from the intermicellar liquid by reoeatina this operation(between -.20 and +210C, five to ten times). It was found that the removal of the electrolytes from the intermicellar liqniill Card 112 The Crystallization Mechanism of Colloidal S/069/60/022/005/003/'Oll Titanium Oxide B015/BO64 down the rate of crystallization of colloidal titanium dioxide. Attf,k- the removal of electrolytes, the usual electron microscopic. images were obtained for the spherical colloidal titanium dioxide particle-'s. If, instead of water, an organic solvent (benzene, toluene, or heptane) was used, electron microscopic images were obtained (Fig,, 2) that differed only in that the particles did not aggregate. Thus, it may be a3suma-d that the surface tension at the interface does not exert an essential influence upon the crystallization of the colloidal titanium dioxide, On the ether hand, it was found that an addition of water to systems prod-aced in organic solvents has a strong influence upon the rate of crystallization. There are 2 figures anl 1 Soviet reference. Y ASSOCUATION: Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimic))eqkiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova, Moskva (Scientific Research Institute of Physical Chemistry imeni L. Ya. Karpov, Moscow SUBMITTED: February 25, 1960 Card 2/2 S/030/60/000/009/002/016 B021/BO56 AUTHORSt Kargin, V. A., Academician, Rokhlin, M,, 1, TITLE: The Development of Science From Polymers (Results of the International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry in Moscow) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o,/~No. 9. pp. 18 - 23 TEXTt The International Symposium on Macromolecules took place in Moscow from June 14 to June 18, 1960. It was organized and carried out by the Akademiya nauk SSSR (Academy of Sciences USSR) under participation of the Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta Ministrov SSSR po khimii (State Committee for Chemistry of the Council of Ministers USSR). Three reports were made in plenary sessions, and 173 lectures were delivered in three sections. The first plenary session was opened by V. A. Kargin. New data and hypo- theses concerning the most important chemical processes predetermining the character of some types of polymerization mere given by N. N. Semenov. IM. M. Koton reported on methods of increasing the thermal r~`s_isF17_v_i_Fy__oT__ polymer products; K. A. Andrianov spoke about the stage of investigations Card 1/2 The Development of Science From Polymers S/030/60/000/009/002/016 (Results.of the International Symposium on B021/BO56 Macromolecular Chemistry in Moscow) of the synthesis of inorganic polymers; A. V. Topchiyev on new experi- mental data concerning the use of oxidation catalysts for the polym riza- tion of olefines; A. A. Berlin on new ways of synthesizing Rolym I Z. A. Rogovin on methods of -mo-aifying the properties of cellulose and other polysaccharides. The authors find that Soviet scientists ought to pay more attention to the working out of problems of the destruction and stabilization of polymeric substances. The production of apparatus and their improvement must be intensified. For the purpose of organizing large international conferences, premises of particularly modern equip- ment are necessary. The Dia-projectors of the tYpe J13TH-55 (LETI-55) and the projector of the type ITJTY(PLU) are suggested as fundamental parts of the equipment. The ereotion of a modernly equipped conference building in Moscow is described as important. First of all, the conference rooms of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR, of the Institut organicheskoy khimii (Institute of Organic Chemistry), the hall of the Dom uchenykh (House of Scientists), and a number of halls of other institutions of the Academy must be modernly equipped for the purpose of organizing conferences. There dac 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/2 6U47 9/076,/60/034/02/006/044 D010/3015 tiction or 0 7b Obtained Pro. Pb ... I and It. D-1XIM11 PSITOLLCLL. Zhurn*l 1thisaii. 1960. Tel 34, Ir 2. pp 207-294 (CS31t) LnTRACTt On the haste of pablicotlon data it may 4%smsuaad that aM6-yl- naive. form - intermediate. in the hard.. ng of Vovolackfpb-l formaldehyde "at" with box-th,le-tatramine. In orybeacyl- sain-, the phonal ouclei are Connected by dia#%hylasime- Or tli- astbrl"I.. :r1da. . At bLigh t..p.rat ... *. these bridge. are Iran.- Jrm*4 Int, etb7l:..- or amo-thin. bridge.. In the pr .... I -rie. or Xytem.rlamltes, obtained from phenol and its avoo- "Mar -01. i-vtlg.t.4 th-0 ... hs.t.mlly - ..I% me ty V.Otzal snm2ymi.. The abnorption Vootra were taken by tt, IM-It -P*,:trcgr%;h, and are ctvqn for ibylilteamylamize and the Gorr-pooding trlbsasylem~ta* (71C 1 g he b.orptioa beols b. ".d at 11.84? in dib ... ylant.- -4 at 4 b..k to %be dlm.lbyl-i- ' %r : 1.92,4 1. trib-11-in - I/ : & ad trLoothIl-Ine bridco. t:.a the phenol nuclei. Me h amption'L. ccuiirsed*bj, the shmorption apr, wzyb ... ylaxio... Th. letter ..r. prepared by .f it described earlier (Table 1. preparation co d tons). All mpwQtr: s zyLaoicsm obtained from phenol and t%s th osyb I:s band -1.r... ellb .-.,b ... Y1-1-- Ob- : il i %aimed f .0 -1 thi. b-d It.. , bm a... 00 it 1. the b.t.... the sonou"l;er Vhotcls in & dtphonyl golutt- tb~t 1. ad. to the of the ply-i. oybe*.yl..1-. (7.1o1. 2. l-1c.. . bl.l..l , Ifor~Amm Of ;.1y. rs Th p*lj,,yb trvdt. 0 :: y fr.. ph.o.1 "I Its jr--b.titt. A d.ri .t 1,r. sacr;b- Tb poly- to.- plym- by IndlIld-1 or.** blmdl.g. % ~. .- have ~,ry trope ebi.. home T, -1u. t tr he,.., ! "anIlity. The o-substlZuted dorlvstfv*M form trangly V&--ifl*4 .., i P--...t ra .4 Th. poly..yb ... yl..i-s *bt iueVr.z ' ; 11 oul t. "d.r the effect Of beat, ..d p..s 0 V Obt-t11d fr- ..I table and t.t. ~h.r... po1yb.ayj:.i.. b of phenol a re tb._.Ily J_%~ I Z oe att t- b- f6O C forming and -Z-4 2/3 products. There are 6 figures, 2 table., azi 6 rofer-ass, I af bt.h 1. kikh ASIOCIATIOS' j..tis.t pi-ti-h- (scientific Research I-tit-t- Of Pl*vtlcd) April-L t955 --l 3/1 -5~ SOV/20 30 -2 - '32/69 AUTHORS: Kargin, V, A, A--n-demici un Koz) D-,-. P V- V-n Nay - chan TITLE; The Temperature of the Vitrification of CelluicseA PERIODICAL: Doklady Mcademii nauk SSSIR.' 1060, Vc.'- '30 N r pp 356 - 3r-,q (usoii) ABSTRACTs The authors proceed frcm the opiilion tl-,.at titrifica. tion temperature T, and the flow t emperat tire T- of cellulose are hi,Sher tlian its decay temperature, AE sh-vn by refereuces I and 2~ Tv may be reduCed io ri---d mers by plastifying additions- The autthor2 applied method to cellulose~ They descrabe The pu.-1--fl-cation of sulphite cellulose, which had an :-erage molecular weight of 210 426, and the production -.:)f pulverized suaiples, "o which triethyl 3.,henylaminohydroxide vias added ~n vaxiius ,luantilliez-, as p1astifier The samples were c.;~::i;)ressed into tablets at 100 atm and 160 . z;fter which tlieir dc formation was dynamometrically- measured witzh s-'o,.,,!y zising tezziperature. Fr-)m the salient points c,f tY,~e th~ermo-.echa- nical curves (Fig 1) the dependence of T, on the plastif--er Card 1/2 content was determined (Fiy 2) and by ~,xtra1+1,,iti-On for J. - , , . The Temperature of the Vitrification of Cellulose SOVI/20.130~2-32/69 zero.- concentrati on of the plastifier Tv~2200wa-, found, From the turning point of the curve there resulted the temperature T2, at which the cellulose acquires rubber-like el-asticity,at 3700. From the fact that T., is about 400 above the temperature at which chemica). decomposition of cellulose sets--in the physical properties of cellulose are explained, There are 2 figures and 5 Soviet referenceo. ASSOCIATIONt Moskov3kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Y. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni 1.1, V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDt October 9, 1959 Card 2/2 8b828 S/02O/6O//-,W'OO5/O14/O23 1S.%ob, 22D~o,-', B016/J3054 AUTHORS- Kar Kabano-.-,, in. B. Academician, V~, A an~i n 'BoVA Zubov, V P- Paj)~ an Papisov; M~ TITLE~ Za-10-eEi-Za'ionqof Acetone PERIODICAL; Dcklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 154~ No 5; pp, 1098-1099 TEXT~, On the basis of an approximate estimation of the thermal effec-~ cf the polymerization of carbonyl compounds, for instance of acataidehyde or acetone, the authors find that this polymerization is -impossible in the homogeneous liquid phase, The picture is, howeier, considerably changed if the transition from a moncmeric liquid to a system of arranged monomer molecules is effected in the initial state, i.e. if the entropy of the initial system is much reduced. One method of molecular arrangemenn freezing. Here, the entropy of rhe system is reduced during 'crystallizaticn by the quantity of the melting entropy. This reductlon in entropy gives rise to a raduction of the negative polymerization ent-.opy whi:h, at sufficiently 2cw temperatures, may even change itu sign In this case a Card 1/3 8028 Pclymerizaticn of Acetone S/020/60/134/005/014/021 BO,,6/BO54 --.1ymer--2,i`1---'on accompanied by a negative thermal effect would be possible Gulied by such con~:4derations, the authors attempted the polymerization of acetone On the doub-e bond C=0 by their method (Refs 5 7), The expert- ments were carried out i-i an apparatus and by methods of Refs, 5,6. The initia4or used was metallic magnesium whose vapors were slowly condensed In vacuo Together with va~crs of carefully dr4ed acetone -.)n a surfacp cooled with liquid nitrcgen. The ratio acetone ~ magnesium. was about 200 - I,. A vitrified molecular layer of an ac.,: tone- magnegi um mixTure was precipftated as a 3ondensate on he cooled wall, With growing !.hickness cf this layer, the temperature of t~e surface of this vitreous layer finally reaches a value at whish a spontaneous process of coordinate'.77egrouping of monomer molecules i's setting -4n In -.h-? absence of initia-Tion centers, this prooesa would lead to a crystallizat~.on of the moromP:---.c glass An instantareoua polymerization Bets in. however, due to the rnobi-lit-.1 of partloles originatirg In the phase transition "discrder - crde-- The same phenomenon is observed in a gradual temperature increase of n,- wall used for the condensatior,. This leads to the formation of the acetone polymer. an elastic white substance which is soluble in its cwn monomer. Pclyacctone is --rery unstable at room tempprature. and decomposes :P-tc Card ;/'-3 VL~~,V Polymerization of Acetone S/020/60/134/005/014/0211 BO I 6./BO 54 acetone, e.g. when ground between the fingers, The most stable pclymer samples "exist" without oxygen and moisture for a maximum of 10-12 h~ However, traces of vinyl acetate increased the stability of the Dclymer to a certain extent, Qualitative considerat-ions on the formation mechanism of a polymer chain in an arranged system of moncmer molecules have recently been made by N~ N, Semenov (Ref,. 8). It appears that stabiliza- tion of polyacetone could be achieved by blocking the active snis of growing polymer chains,, This indicates "hat substan, not polymerizing under the usual conditions, might polymerize '.f a preliminary regular arrangement of molecules of a monomer were a-:hie7ed.. e,g., by a solidifi- cation crystallization~ as in the case described above There are 8 referencess 5 Soviet and 3 French. ASSOCIATION, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univGrs,-tet -,m. ?d V Lomonca.-,--a (Moscow State University imeni M V Lomonr~Ec-v) SUBMITTED,. July 23~ t960 Card 3/3 5 86396 J~.S2 ZC> 2,109,2205 S/020/60/135/002/025/036 B004/BO56 AUTHORS: -K~~~cademician, Kozlov, P. V., Asimova, R. M., and Ananlyeva, L. I. TITLE: Two Types of Plasticization of Polymers With RiGid Chains PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 135, No. 2, pp. 357-360 TEXT: It was the purpose of the present work to explain the two types of plasticization of polymers with rigid chains: A) The plasticizer is soluble to an unlimited extent in the polymer. B) The plasticizer is more or less incompatible with the polymer. The fact that in both cases plasticization -JX occurs, must be attributed to the different action of the two plasticizer types. The plasticization of cellulose (molecular weight about 200,000) was investigated by means of the incompatible plasticizers guanidine thiocyanate and urea. The cellulose was saturated with the plasticizer dissolved in ethanol, dried after 2 to 3 days, and pressed into tablets at 130 - 1400C and 75 atm pressure. The thermomechanical curves of the tablets card 1/3 86396 Two Types of Plasticization of Polymers With S/020/60/135/002/025/036 Rigid Chains B004/BO56 were drawn. Whereas in plasticizing with triethylphenyl ammonium oxiJe (compatible with cellulose) a decrease of the vitrification temperature TV occurred proportional to the plasticizer content of cellulose, incompatible plasticizers hardly changed TV at all. In the latter case, no interaction can occur between the molecules of the plasticizer and the macromolecules of the polymer. The authors interpret this effect on the basis of the structure of amorphous polymers. They assume that the polymer has orientated secondary structures; orientated bundles of chains. In the case A, which they describe as "intrabundle plasticization", the interaction of the plasticizer with the active groups of the polymer is more intense than the interaction between the polymer molecules. The secondary structure of the polymer is therefore destroyed, and a solid solution of the plasticizer in the polymer is formed. In the case B, which is described as "interbundle plasticization", the plasticizer reacts only with the polymer molecules on the surface of the secondary structures. The senondary structure therefore remains conserved, and the polymer keeps itshigh mechanical strength. Its elasticity depends on the Hook elasticity of the secondary structure. Such a kind of plasticization is advantageous for Card 2/3 86396 Two Types of Plasticization of Polymers With S/020/60/135/002/025/036 Rigid Chains B004/BO56 obtaining low-temperature resistant materials, which are supposed to have high elastic properties. There are 2 figures and 7 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: August 12, 1960 Card 3/3 S/020/60/135/004/030/037 B004/BO56 AUTHORS: KarVA,_V.__A., Academiciati, Mirlina, S. Ya., Kabanov, V. A., T-ffikheleva, G. A., and Vlaaov, A. V. TITLE: Structure and Properties of Isotactio Polyacrylic Acid and of Its Salts PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 196o, vol. 135, No. 4, pp. 893 - 895 TEXT; The problem the authors discuss is the study of spatially regular synthetic polyelectrolytes which may be used as model substances of biological polymers. An electron-microscopic examination of the secondary structures of isotactic polyacrylic acid (PAA) and of its salts has been made by means of a JEM-5Y apparatus. PAA was obtained by alkaline hydro- lysis of isotactic polyisopropyl acrylate. Thermogravimetric study showed that PAA crystallizes as a hydrate, with two monomeric members sharing one water molecule. The salts were produced by potentiometric titration (glass electrodes, Z7-5 (LP-5) tube potentiometer) with Ba(OH)2, NaOH, Card 1/4 Structure and Properties of Isotactic S/020/60/135/004/030/037 Polyacrylic Acid and of Its Salts B004/BO56 and (CH3)4NOH. The following results are given: Isotactic PAA evaporated from 0.01 - 0.0001~6 aqueous solution upon a colloxylin film showed similar globuli as atactic PAA whose amorphous character was revealed by electron diffraction studies. Crystallization occurred after HCl addition to the dilute solution (0-00001 - 0.0001%). Crystal stacks, spiral bands, and single crystals were observed. Crystallization in the presence of HC1 is explained by suppressed dissociation of the carboxyl groups. In acid media, PAA behaves like a spatially regular polymer. Barium salt produced from solutions with PH 4.2 - 10.7 exhibited globuli within the entire PH range. Intrinsic viscosity at PH 5 was 0-07 for PABa, and 0.12 for PAL. Sodium salt obtained at PH 4.2 11.5 showed globuli in the case of low PH, which at PH - 6-75 unrolled as a consequence of increasing dis- sLociation and intramolecular repulsion of the COO- groups. Fibrils were forming. At PH - 7 dissociation was complete, single crystals formed, and intrinsic viscosity reached a maximum. At higher pE, the molecule chains entangled again, and globuli were observed. In the case of tetramethyl- ammonium polyacrylate, fibrils were observed near the neutral point, which Card 2/4 Structure and Properties of lootaotic S/02q/6O/135/OO4/O3O/O37 Polyacrylic Acid and of Ito Salts B004/BO56 resembled the structures of biopolymers. Observation of a tetramethyl- ammonium polyacrylate film in polarized light and dry air (4o - 00 c) showed that the film consisted of intergrown rhombic single crystals, 100p in size, with a folded structure. Cooling down to 200 C initiated destruction of the crystals by air humidity. Birefringence vanished. Re-heating, however, re-established the old crystal otructuro. From these phenomena it in ooncluded that in the swelled film the mutual position of the structural elements remains unchanged. Hence, isotactic PAA showed the same structural types as atactic PAA. Howevor, due to the regular succession of asymmetric atoins) it3otactic Pkk showed a greatar varioty in fibril forms approaching the regular structures of biopolymers. There are 4 figures and 2 references: 1 Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moekovakiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. i=. Y_ T. Lamonosova ( Moscow State Univerz-'_tF i=eni X. T. Lomonosov) Card 3/4 Structure and Properties of Isotactic Polyacrylic Acid and of Its Salts BOO-t/Bo-:56 SUBMITTED: 0 JUlY 27, 1960- Card 4/4 WGIN, V.A., akademiki KOELOV, P.V., XMINA, S-Ta.; XAFRAWYA. Z.A. Breaklown and formation of structurei in natural proteins in the course of their transfer through noirporous membranes. Dokl. AS SSSR 135 no.6:,,421-1424 D 16o. (MIRA 1-3:12) 1. Hoakovskly gosudaretvenVy univereitet im.M.V.Lomonoeova. (Proteins) Name ; :P XAROrINI".V, h . -Title : % Aca"mician, USSR AcadeW of Sciences, Road of Chair of High Molecular Couq?ounds of the Chemical Faculty of the Moekva State Univereity. .Remarks: ; Academici=-V. TARGIN is the author of an article entitled 117he Mechanics of Atomio Architactureall Source -: N: Izv. #232, 29-Sep. 1961, p, 4, c. 4, top. si 10 ropart to I. for tL. :-YA" z- -: -.4 :~ti. ~-: Pue and A;Pltl QVMDLM=,A. V., Amlony of Sc!~ces Vhr=., 7--~ - -he MiLda of the Glectroc2--ical klaotieS In Mzel (3-ttcl A.3,e.2 - r-alcm I, u hug 61, ato..) qLM -y of Sale- t7=, %:ZgCcv calrulatcm of WICIT, L. Y., Ac&d~ fvnctl~m. a- gu- in a wide A-3,2,(l), Sssicn 11 Ag bl, ftrta~.) A,- rbyol~,onlml 1=3-t'-te 4~~=*- L. Ta. WIZ,---.- (5-tic. 1. ,- -, Aw~ 61, ft-mcc.) go~v State Vai-sity L-1 X. V. L-nav - -~`h~ infj~'. of ~face betameenaltr and Int-acticn or. tbo adjorptllcz ympm-tles of n1ld v=faxva'~ (-IoImt S"sion, A.2 a~ 3.1 - a hus 61, V. 9., t-tttote of Cb-'-%I r`h,~L~' Acn!---Y or S-=es tr=' V-~v 902 radical* (Secti r - U Atzz 6!, mt-lag) (Also, 7-o-Ica A.1, cbi~' setolo. I TOA;~ 61 , =.--a) ru; 71-1f, TzsUtut. of C-2=i-t.7 -4 L-oni 7. r. v i, ACalMr of Sol-Ce. =-= - "A i~ tml-a a f P'ecip't-at. for ccu'e=tmtion of -11 =-=tz of tt. I. Ihmi..) (S--ti- C.2 - U A~C ul , ;AIO~~A. K., Vt~ma'-" S- M., .4 L. P., of 0-h--r'-7 jc-l ~~-try i=-J. V. 1. Am!=y of LWR - -- dat& om rediocbmalcal Lmas-Vtt'c= of tr~ ~~r-vcs - fissIcn. sad fxvjg-eatatl~ Lmdoaed b7 hitA eaerg7 ;xotcns~ (5-tica A- - 3 AtzZ 61, aft-3) LqffiC=fl-L.'A.'-AC.d_ of Scieac-s '.=, Jtc~v - *DotcmIa&tLc= of rate ccaltxats of &ionant"Y pr~xsts fron fl~ ~IccLtles ~ a f~==tLca of te=-perat~ ocl....Inr '-for (S-t'.. A..3,b,(2) - 7 Au& .rta-c.) (?MbOblY r-:,-DY;L-M, S. ) -d (F;7A5BL-t, T. 1 l"mi-.-ity L-L H. T. 1,onowscv - 'S~dy of tt. of tbo yt- Lrca-latlcae (3ectloa A.3,c,(3), So !:'%A) A~g 51, 1YP7--JXCV, G. M-, fl;_T- =7, V. Y., -d To., M4-0. state ,__ __Mp__A. X., mAL4 LbMll."ItY 1-1. H. V. of "tLcue (Joint 5-1-, Sections &.2 and D-1, 8 A.,S 61, --amg) svg I 2w 11. It., 1.otitle- of Cb--Ica of 3.c1-. V!--1, P..-. - .cii~ cbttdc.1 rs~tLcnm at tmna"t- aid ra-tod -tbleas of =*rCr t~oaofee (To b. pre-t*d 1. (ri-. lect-, - Sat-'-V, L2 A,& t~l) j!T~?-Te- A., Acad-x7 of Scia~cdu FLI~ ~ 7.-t, active ~.,=ts " th. -1-ter. widtary ooo,,lAms I= the -t'.- of tal~,=tLca cf t-ln arcante (SeeUm A.., S-j- I-' A~tZ --I.F lEZV!-K-T., Clact-b-Istry -7t. ~-,,Lllbrium b--.- tho tItaaL'm -bCrooP =tcaw =1 tbi wat oolts- (:-t--co B-3 7 Aut; 61, a-rto-~v) T. L., of Ch~'-.l Flh7.Lc., f '.:;v - of to" .0 malmoul.. I. tta C" A.1, I - 9 A'g .fto~) ==V, kl.Xwd~ ff., L-Lpad Stat, A. A. -,d-- - f5octlo,a &.1, CW-' riemloa I - a A.4; 61, f- S..tL--. A.1, SeWcm 1 - 9 A.4 6.1, Altk~- l., *rrlzzc", F. X'=-ATC7' 3.", ZC-,C-..CVA, :%Y"Lonj. -_-I State Uai~#Lty L.-I A. A. Zbd-- -d of r.41..1. I. tb, a-,d by T=u= (ro~tlcn L.1, .5-t--. 61 - art---) a. Ts'co' -1 Y 3 - Ikl"tLnc Px3e`-b the di; ?I i-tion of MI-c-111 - -1-t- '=;-t --d thl~17 cf r.4laticn-choalcal (3-ti- A.1, Z-1cm 1 - 5 A~, 61, yhrlu=-, r--Wl-al To., ond =FICtri, '-- 7-, T-st~t'Ltt ~f C-ch=IaM--7 =d Aa.lqtL.mI Chezl.try L.-I V. 1. 7--44t-ly, Yc'av..- ;L- anl it. c,o far .,rectrai -.1"1s of .11o" -a ~z-t-ca e:.l - a~ A-w~ 61, -rcu.&) MICCPAM~, A. P., JA'M-X=,A, A. K., -,- FZ;-.,A, I. D., r-tllt-~-~ of 'd Amoljt1cal C.-i.t,7 L--,l V. t. kta4a=7 'f 1-71M - "T". .t.dr of oacio- maotims in iron W--rit~. , --T, tte oct I- f hI rh P-tme (s..tLa AA - 8 jLua 61, YAWn?'/, TA V., and A~A=r, 1, 'r., tnw-tu- of r-b-vtr7 =d A-y-tcal Cb-Istry i-ol V. t. of tt-L.Wt- of t. - 1.puritl.. LA - catortlj f-;~ !:y '%~I- octivottod WWYVL4' (To b. P-ooeld I= R-.L-, Z-L-a C.1 A~46a, Twormav,acris V., lawtituto of F-I-lk -n. of e-r od acceptor &I=ixt-es on t~ r%t* of zc-1-22- (U~tl- -A.2 - 8 Az 61, *ft--) To b. anknit%A4 for tho lht4-tL.-I Syp..J_ - K-r-nI.CnI~ Ch~ixtx7. xwt_,a. C-Ad., 27 J.1 I Ac 1 961. 1-tite- or ql::n A,-!'-V of SIL-, r~k. Uhl- "ity' rl-C _ti~ or mt. ittl- hl. -A:' -,d Institute of "". M-1-1 T-L,,7 .1z,al M. V. locono.- - "Interwtion of vIth (G~.p. 4-1) - fa-, T,,ore-,j or c.ii.,,i~i R~.3 lost L f._t.. or big ~.y.taj t--~ i, (G.I~p 2. 1-It-I 1-t-) A~ Y L. A~ - ~_,.,tl-a. ... -y IG--P 3-Bi S-rg- S, fl. P-YnI tstly%.a bY Lithl- -4 J~thjz. (Z4 G-~ TCRZYrlj Ae 7p, JlAr, L. S.. lc~.It=* of Aa~:-,e r S~,.=-- t=, K~-_ - -on ta~ ~!tlz~rtLt pol;,-,L_~Inn r~tl__h~d.try of ~~- U11- (CM~2 3.A,) 1-t I t L~LoQr&! - 'Tcozpe-t~~ efr~t on Ply--.- tn-%~ 1. dim. pjV-jejo,, by .1-1_- _tLl,- (am* 1-81 SCI-tifiC R-e-h ~,AtltVt~ of 3y-_t.4~ti~ ltubb~r, - *study of PMMM:rr., 1. T.. KX-Efr_-_-rrY, 3 T. rb~d", dittri,-ution -I of wtyr-a_Wto41- -bb~n -6 ,W .ion co'd" tio=" (0~,2 3-A) pol.y=r. she-Vang, in~tLt,to L-1 K~rp_, Yos~ - 11-.otige-lo. of th. of radlolwil of poly=rs cc-tal:Uag T~t-_~7 stoca of .-boa .(Gro-P 4-5) Pd-*j V. li. TSV7!rDV, Vik-or H., lnzt"tute or ZIE;-- A-!~cy of Scl,.... IZZZII, th C.=poud. f . Ianingrsd - at -CaLorLty =4 o=I:Al : sal.ot-W or (Oo,p wt fi;-Ifted) iUMZ-,R T-nk-t, U~b-l.t~ - -=~e j,,.t Igmtion r th~ totto. ~.llu !a . plydi.p.-Ity -cording to t~~ -ie __ (amup =% S., ~~tltt.-- of Ch-Ical Po"Its of the A-.I..y of SI~n-. M-R. P4... the klz~tl- of romaw-brie poiy-r_.~tlon aod lyfo-AlA~hyd~ (C-;~ 3-3) YJLrGIN,, A;;C-;V. ' 11 Social Potential of Science" report presented at the 10th Pugwash Conference, London, 2-7 Sep 61. XMINI V. A, Observations on the Proper Organization of Education and its Significance in the Modern World" report presented at'the 10th Pugwash Conference, London, 2-7 Spe 61. 0 2 ~4 Slia~3~16~11000100410011002 B101/B206 AUTHORS: Berestnev, V. A., Nagdaseva, I. P., Fogorelko, A, N,p Kargin, V~ A. TITLE: Increase of thermostability of caprone fiber PLRIODICAL: Khimicheskiye volokna, no, 4, 1961, :?6 - 28 TEXT: The authors discuss the increase of thermostability of caprone fiber by oxidation inhibitors. Since an addition of such substances to the initial polymer might impair its mechanical properties, the authors think it more convenient to apply such inhibitors on the finished fiber as a protective coat. In this case, the process may be combined with others such as impregnation or dyeing. The authors report on the treatment of caprone fiber with aqueous solutions of metal salts. Caprone cord of the type 10,04K) was used for tests, It was immersed in the salt solution for 5 - 8 see, and then dried for 5 min fit 115 1200C. Cord fabric was immersed for the same time in the salt solution, and dried for 5 min at 132 - 1360c. In a combination with impregnation by latex emulsion, the metal saltc were directly dissolved in the impregnation solution if Card 1/4 26108 S/185"61/000/004/001/002 Increase of thermostability- B101jB2o6 the latter was acidic. If it was alkaline, the cord was first treated with the salt solution, then with the impregnation solution. After-this treatment the cord fibers were heated for 100 hr at 1500C with 2 kg load, and tensile strength as well as breaking elongation were measured. Table I gives the results. Since a mixture of CdCl 2 and CuCl2 showed the best effect, experiments followed with.0) 0-035~1~ CUC12 + 0,065~- CdC12 ; (2) ditto plus impregnation solution of the type F.U-40 (RSh-40); (3) 0-1~'O Cucl2 + 0.1% CdCl 2; (4) ditt.o plus RSh-40; (5) 0.03% CuC12 + CdCl 2 Plus impregnation solution on resin-89 basis. Re;'ults; (a) The unheated fiber had a tensile strength of about 15.20 kg and an elongation of 27.3 - 52,9%; (b) the heated, untreated fiber had a tensile strength of 3.1 - 3.28 kg and an elongation of about 6.4%; (c) treatment with the solutions mentioned produced a tensile strength increase of the heated fiber to 11-46 - 14~49 kg, and an elongation increase to 15.8 - 18,30~',, The authors point out that this surface treatment is only effective for thin fabrics exposed to oxygen, but not for heavy products such as tires. Treatment of the fibers with H2S and microscopic investigation (conducted by Ye~ S. Alekseyeva) Card 2/4 S/183/61/000/004/001/002 Increase of thermostability ... B101/B206 showed that the fibers were covered only on the surface by metal sulfides.. Therefore, this surface treatment of the fibers with metal chlorides pro- tects the surface against oxidation, and does not change the other mechanical Dropertio~ of the fiber. There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 6 Soviet-bloc references. ASSOCLMON: NIIShP (V. A. Berestnev, I. P. Nagdaseval A. N. Pogorelko); NIFKhI im. L. Ya. Karpova (NIFKhI imeni L. Ya. Karpov) (V. A. Kargin) Card 3/4 LYTKINA, M.B.; BERFSTNEV, V.A.; YEVSTI?j%TOV, V.F.; hAIRGIN, V.A. 11 ---- Physical and mechanical properties of viscose cord. hilim.volok. no.6:29-33 161. (,-JRA 14:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy proRyshlennosti. (Rayon) 3/030/61/000/007/002/003 B105/B206 AUTHOR: Kargin, V. A., Academician, Deputy Chairman TITLE. Discussion of the report by M. V. Keldysh PERIODICAL: Akadentanauk SSSR. Vestnik, no. 7, 1961, 59-60 TEXT: The author mentions the development in the field of chemistry and particularly of polymeric synthetics during the last three years, and refers to the following new problems: Science must find ways of continuously improving the properties of high-molecular substances and materials, which is necessary for the development of a large polymer industry. However, it is still more important to establish a theory for the processing of polymers and to find new, highly productive processing methods. Planning of research is described as being very incomplete, and the following examples are mentioned: The Institut vysokomolekulyarnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of High-molecular Compounds AS USSR) in Leningrad develops the theory for problems of fiber rebearch. The activity of this Institute can only be judged by the good or bad properties of the fibers developed. The Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physical Card 1/3 S/03 61/000/007/002/003 Discussion of the report by B105~No6 Chemistry AS USSR) in Moscow was made responsible for the state of science in the field of coatings. The only criterion for the achievements of this Institute is the question as to whether these coatings will be available or not. A new Institut polimerov (Institute of Polymers) was established in Uzbekistan. If this Institute is able to produce from cotton fibers which are not inferior to synthetic ones, it may be considered efficient; if not, its existence is not justified. If it were possible to conduct such plan- ning, and institutes only dealt with two or three main problems, Soviet science would flourish. It is also considered regrettable that instead of real large-scale planning, only petty planning is being done, all activities being enumerated with indication of development stages, completion dates, and results. The manner of coordination is also criticized, and -it is stated that proper coordination would have to split up research into one problem among two or three institutes. These activities would have to be discontinued in the remaining institutes-and a special institute established, respectively. Unsuccessful studies conducted for many decades should be discontinued. However, this is almost impossible within the AS USSR on account of private interests turning up everywhere, which are difficult to eliminated There are collaborators fulfilling and overfulfilling small Card 213 S1030 61/000/007/002/003 Discussion of the report by B105%206 plans to general satisfaction, but nobody notices that their study is only of h4storical-chemical importance. Cases are known where institutea under- took to work in a proposed field and then tried to utilize funds received for continuing old research activities. The lack of a special organization for apparatus building, and of reserves of reagents is detrimental to the development of science. ASSOCIATION: Nauchnyy sovet po vysokomolekulyarnym soyedineniyam Akademii nauk SSSR (Scientific Council of High-molecular ComDoundo of the Academy of Sciences USSR) Card 3/3 88732 S/190/61/003/001/017/02C) B119/B216 AUTHORS: V. A., Mirlina, S. Ya. , VlaSov, A. V. TITLE- Isotactic polyacrylic acid and its salts PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 134-138 TEXT: The present paper treats the synthesis of isotactic (stereoregular) polyacrylic acid (PAA) and its properties. This PAA, the authors hoped, would provide a suitable model corresponding to biological polyeleotrolyte systems. PAA was synthesized by the following procedures Isotactic polyisopropyl acrylate (PPA, Ref. 1), prepared by polymerization of iso- propyl acrylate, was hydrolized. Hydrolyzation was carried out in various mediums: 1. PFA - H 20 KOH, 2. PPA-H 2O-methanol - KOH, 3. PPA - methanol KOEt 4, PPA - dioxane KOH, 5. PPA - H 20 - dioxane - KOH, 6. PPA - pyridine - KOH, 7. PPA - H 20 - pyridine - KOH, 8. PPA - dimethyl formamide - KOH, 9. PPA - propyl alcohol KOH, 10. PPA - 1120 - propyl alcohol - KOH, 11. PPA - propyl alcohol toluene - KOH, 12. PPA - H 20 - propyl alcohol - Card 1/3 88732 S/190/61/003/001/017/020 Isotactic polyacrylic acid and its salts ... B119/B216 - toluene - KOH, 13. PPA - H20 - acetic acid - toluenesulfonic acid. The degree of hydrolysis was determined by potentiometric titration or by titration against phenolphthalein. PkA was precipitated by means of hydro- chloric acid. Neutralization of PAA with the corresponding bases yielded + + + + the polyacrylates of Na , K , NH 4 , N(CH 3)4, which were studied under a polarization microscope. PAA was also examined thermogravimetrically and by infrared spectroscopy comparing the results obtained with those obtained on atactic PAA. The following conclusions were drawnt The systems 11 and 12 are most suitable for'th6'Hj&_rolysis of PPA. The diffraction pattern of isotactic PAA indicates a crystalline structure. The thermogravimetrical study showed that PAA crystallizes as hydrate, two monomeric units of PAA binding one molecule H 20, corresponding to a water content of The K+ and N(CH 3)4+ salts of the isotactic PLA crystallize in the form of well defined single crystals. The electron-microscopic and electrochemical study on isotactic PAA and its salts will be reportdd in the next publication of the authors. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 4 referencess 1 Soviet-bloc Card 2/3 887-32 S/190/61/003/001/017/020 Isotactic polyacrylic acid and its salts ... B119/B216 and 2 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATIONs Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 22, 1960 Card 3/3 88733 S/190/61/003/001/018/020 B119/B216 AUTHORSs Kargin, V. A., Mirlina, S. Ya. Kabanov, V. A., Mikheleva, G. A. TITLE: Study on the structure of isotactic polyacrylic acid and its salts PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 3, no. 1, 1961, 139-143 TEXTs The study presented is of scientific interest, since polyelectrolytes represent systems in which insignificant influences produce considerable structural and chemical changes, comparable to those met in living nature. The experiments were carried out on isotaWc polyacrylio acid, (PAA) (prepared according to Ref. 2) and its Ba +, Na + and N(CH3)4+ salts (obtained by potentiometric titration with the corresponding bases). The electron- microscopic studies were performed in a JEM-5y electron microscope, and potentiometric titration in a M -5 (LP-5) electronic potentiometer. The molecular weight (60,000) of the polymer was determined viscosimetrically (using 0.5 N NaCl as solvent). Preparations for electron-microscopy were prepared by evaporating drops of 0.01 - 0.00001'ifo aqueous solutions of Card 1b 88733 S/19 611003100110181020 Study on the structure of isotactic ... B119YB216 the substance on suitable carriers. The experimental results were compared with the results obtained on atactic PAA. Both isotactic PAA, and its salts, and atactic PAA were found to be of two basic structural types: globular (compact aggregates of molecules) and fibrilliform. Isotactic PAA and its Na +and N(CH 3)4+salts (in contrast to atactic PAA and its salts) are able to-*assume highly regular fibrilliform structures (bands, helixes, single crystals) corresponding morphologically to biolpgical polymers. Complete dissociation of the ionizing groups or an entirely undissociated state were found to be prerequisite for the formation of secondary crystalline structures, even at completely regular arrangement of the .asymmetric atoms in the polyelectrolyte chain. Titration of 1% aqueous solution of iso- tactic PAA with NaOff yields a pK - 0.64 and with N(CH 3)4 OH, pK = 1c'44 (provided the dissociation constant of the ilsolated carboxyl group K0 = 10-4-86 ; pK = pKi - pK0). There are 8 figures and 4 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. Card 2/3 83733 S/19 61/003/001/018/020 Study on the structure of isotactic ... B119YB216 ASSOCIATIONt M03kovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Tvioscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: July 27, 1960 Card 3/3 uY586 8/190/61/003/002/004/012 B130/B202 AUTHORS: Slovokhotova, N. A., Ilticheva, Z. F.j..-Kargin', V. A. TITLE: Effect of fast electrons on the structure of polystyrene 1. PERIODICAL: Vysokomolekulyarnyye soyedineniyal v. 3, no. 2, 196J19( '~l 97 TEXT: By means of spectroscopic studies the authors attempted t ep ain the character of the structural changes in polystyrene on irradiation with fast electrons. The polystyrene films were irradiated in the vacuum (jo-4 mm jig) at room temperature in a 200 kv electron accelerator tube. The electron spectra and the infrared spectra were taken by means of snC&A (SF-4) spec- trometer and anH-800 (N-800) spectrophotometer, respectively. The authors studied skecimens of amorphous polystyrene (I) with a molecular weight of 600,000 and 1,30OPOOO, and isotactic crystalline polystyrene (II). To re- move the monomeric and low-molecular fractions, polystyrene was precipitated several times from a toluene solution by means of methyl alcohol. For the complete removal of the solvent the films were dried in high vacuum. The infrared spectrum of non-irradiated (II) essentially differs from that of non-irradiated (I). After the irradiation of (II) changes are observed in Card 1/4 89586 S/1 90/61 /003/002/004/012 Effect of fast electrons ... B130/B202 the spectrum which indicate an amorphization of the crystalline polystyrene. Instead of the doublet in the range 1050-1083 cm-1 a band appears at 1070 cm-1, the maximum at 917 cm-1 is shifted to 906 cm-1, the maximum at 562 cm-1 is shifted towards lower frequencies; besides, the intensity is re- duced. Amorphization of isotactic polystyrene on irradiation .' IF djhtinct4y appears at the point, where the 917 cm-1 band is shifted. On irradiation of polystyrene with doses higher than 2500 Mrad the contour of the spectrum strongly changes at the highly intense 700 cm-1 band and at the weak 840 cm-1 band. This indicates that double bonds of the type R2C = CHR and cis-RCH = RHC are formed in the polymer. Hence, the process of cross- linking can be explained by the scheme of L. A. Wall and D. W. Brown (see below). According to this scheme the hydrogen released by the rupture of the CH bond of the main chain hydrogenates the neighboring ring o-," the phenyl molecule under formation of a cyclohexadiene ring with double bonds and cross-linking of the neighboring molecules. Conjugate systems with double bonds are formed in the main chain of polystyrene. Ye. I. Pokrovskiy and M. V. Vollkenshteyn are mentioned. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 12 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-bloc. The 3 references to English language publications read as follows: L. A. Wall, D. W. Brown, Card 2/4