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LOZINSKAYA, T.A.; KARDASHEV, N.S. Thickness of the gas disk of the Galaxy from observations at 21 cm. wave length. Astron.zhur. 40 no.2:209-215 Mr-Ap '.63. (NIRA 16:3) 1. Gnsudarstvennyy astronomicheskiy inBtitut im. P.K.Shternberga. (Milky,Way) ACCESSION NR: AP4032721 S/0033/64/041/002/0282/0287 AUTHOR: Kardashev, N. S. TITLE: Communication of information by extraterrestrial civilizations SOURCE: Astronomiclieskiy zhurnal, V. 41, no. 2, 1964, 282-287 TOPIC TAGS: astrophysics, astronomy, exLraterrestrial civilizaLion, o.-,cra- terrcsLrial commtniication, intcrplaiwiLary cou.,rainicaLioil ABSTRACT: Tli,:- proli-)It,~ii of widl in ()Ill- Gala.,~y -ind ol-lhi~r is withor tirlws alh~.,)5t: ---iuil~);-iVuly Oil wjLh only Limfucd o-- L 01C lWilliFAC~ 6,ua. Tllie iii-,poi:Lant factors in Ppare COMMUli j.Cat ion (transparency of t.he. inter- srellar rm~dium, iu!;Lrumeril: and cosmic. noiso ;iud Lransuii-Uci: powrer) 11rc discussed(. IL is nol-ed tb:it LIDO most: li-kely frt,-quenci.e.,; for ultralong disCatic( ci';iiimwd- C"ttion art. 109 -101A cps cince the cooffici~,nt of absurption, by th iitLt~rstellar 1-nediulil !,.,; ileglj--~Jjlbly firl"111 al: ther-C 11i0tropic. radiat,(),) is necessary for a possible and reliable ri!G~i,j)tlon by in urdutowu populai.ioa. The article cites compill;'Ition.", of the opLilwit ~,jp!eLrtiltj t)f a i-iLgnal whicii carrict; it maximal quantity of informatiOll ill the ])1:01110,11cu Of quanLum flurtuaLiollf; and the Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4032721 cosmic radio emission background. It if-, shown Chat a c~villzaCion at any Clis- tance in the universe which can transform povier of the, order of L) - 4.1()33 Crgs/ sec or moro into an sotropk: coded rndio :;[;,,3mI c.-L!, be, de-LccLed by pre,;ent-day rad-".oascronomical. method,;. The expectod prop~trtic-.,; of arLifici;il ;ourr-as of cosmic rado emission are noted. A numl)~,Lr of objects, i;uch as CTA-2i and. C-A-102 prerent-L'y oE unknoivn character, posst2ss ~i spectrwa extremcly cl(-,,,;(' to Lhe postu- lated m--tiCcial, The- iiwst favorabl.L region for seeking artif-ciai ~;na' s st:oward the cent:eri of the G,11,ixy, sinCe the demSit), of the SLOII~-Ir Pop I I I a t i'_) nalong the -line oC sight Jis i-miximum. It also is desirable to investi- gate the. nearesu. galaxies, cspecially a large nebula in the constellati.(-)n Andromeda and the 1,11agellanic clouds, and the no-arest radiogalaxiet; NGC and FCC 5125. The author ir, convinced that other civilizationf; exist in the uni?vctrse and that prerent-day radiophysics affords the possibility of establisbin.~ contact with them. Orig. art. has: 6 Ponilulas, 2 fig L ,ures and I table. ASSOCIATION': GoBudarstvenny*), aaLronomicheskiy Institut imeni P. K. Shternberga (State Astronomical institute) SIMMITIED: 12Dec63 DATE ACQ: 11 IMa3,64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: AA NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER. 012 Ca,d 2 / 2 ACCESSION NR: AP4043951 R/0033/64/041/004/0601/0607 AUTHOR: Kardashev, N. S., Lozinskaya, T. A., Sleptsova, N. F. TITLE: Spiral structure of the Galaxy from observatlons at 21 cm SOURCE: Astronomicheskiy zhurnal, v. 41, no. 4, 1964, 601-607 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, Galaxy, galactic spiral, galactic disk, Interstellar hydrogen i ABSTRACT: The distribution of Interstellar hydrogen In the Gala?cy, determined from radio observations at 21 cm, does not reveal a clearly defined Spiral structure. The presently available pattern of distribution of hydrogen masses In the Galaxy generally reflects reality and if there is a spiral structure the angle of torsion cannot differ greatly from 9V. In order to clarify this problem, the authors exploited all presently known profiles of the 21-cm line near the galactic equator. The radial velocitioB of the intensity maxima of these profiles were plotted on a graph an a function of galactic longitude. This 1fraph, Fig. I of the Enclosure, represents the distribution of radial velocities of hydrogen clouds along the galactic equator; the velocities of hydrogen clouds along the galactic equator; the various symboltj represent observations made at Leyden, Sydney, Moscow, Bonn and in California. Fig. 1. makes it possible to distinguish the chaino and loopE. which Ca rd 1/ 5 ACCESSION NR: AP4043951 usually are Identified with the spiral arms. After a full analysis of data in the literature for observations at 21 cm it was possible to construct Fig. 2. of the Enclosure, In t which arm I is denoted by a solid line and arm II by a dashed line. The central part of the figure is based on data of G. W. Rougoor and J. H. Oort (Proc. National Academy of Sal. , 46, 1, 1960). Ile distance to the nearest outer arm (Orion) is 800 parsecs; the distance to the inner am (Sagittarius) is 900 parsecs. The spiral represented in the figure agrees crilte well with observations. With an allowance made for the continuous spectrum it is concluded that the most probable regular form of the spiral arms of the Galaxy is a logarithmic spiral consisting of two arms, as shown, with an angle of torsion which varies smoothly from 830 in the central parts to 85' ia the outer part of the galactic disk. OrIg. art. has: 4 formulas and 6 figures. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 ENCL: 0.3 SUB CODE: AA NO REF BOV: 002 OTHER: 016 card 2/5, Ireir h AUGESSIM NRs' AP4043951 &V ENCLOSURES it .MU fo f m AV 140 13.1 410 170 v A9 719 On Ve Card 31.5 ACCESSICH NRt APLO435951 Card 02 continuation from OnclOsurs 3 ACCFMION IiRs AP4043-951 from encloaure ENCLOSURst 01 ;Acassim NR- Ap4o34535 a/owo/64/153/005/1039/3.041 ]AUTHOR: Shklovskiy., T, So; I TITIE: Gravitational vaves and "superstars" SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady*A v. 155.. no. 5, 1964, 1039-1041 TOPIC TAGS: superstars collapsing star.. gravitational collapse, gravitational wave, general relativity theory., cosmic ray, radio stars enerMr transformation# gravitational energy ABSTRACT: Starlike objects, identified with point radio sources, have been recently discovered* They are be4gved to have masses many million times the sun ma a and to be of less than 1OJ-0cm in diameter. The authors discuss &=a. results of the general theory of relativity that might be applicable to this superstar and to their gravitational collap8e., The intensive radiation of gravitational vaves must greatly affect the energy balance. By using a simple model for the collapsing star (a rod) and by coasiderIng the gradual increase of rotation due to consarvation of angular mmentum., a gravitational ei-dssion is computed to be In the order of 3.04erg/seo. A aim' ar result Is obtained flor Lt. KARDASHEV., 1I.S,; LOZjrl-.,oK.AyAy T.A.; SlaPTSO",'A, il.F. atrw.,tlil, e ()~ Ulu clqle~7~7 fl,om j", (~ ".7"a t ;I I . .- -.. Jl." M, L;:e .", --, lilio. ;Alul'. 41 1 ~.! % ~ . L. 11--Ap C-j. 1 - - C, ) T'a, io stmt aw-4t, 94 r 7 49, 6f i 6~` sp i-f, L6'--'Ob'a*e'*,"'a-tlO-'f ti a-9 21 eu--r f6t, h. ,--loolvAl, -77, LOZINSKAYAp T.A.; KUWAS110. --N.S. Observations at the 21 cm. line for invectivating, the Bhupe of tho gas d:lvk of the Galaxy. Soob. GAISII 1)0.131:37-41 '64. (MIRA 17:8) 2168-66 ZWT(d)/FSS-2/SWT(1.)/FZ(v)!-3 DD/05 ACC NRi AT5024309 SOURCE COES.- UR/0000/65/000/000/0037/0053 AUTHOR: Kardashev, N..S. ORG: State AstrdnoMical Institute4 im. P. K. Shternberg, MGU, Moscow (Gosudarst stitu!7,- .venn.yy astronomicheskiy in TITLE: The transmission of infortiation by extraterrestrial civilizationa SOURCE: Vaesoyuznoyo soveshchaniy ahch ennoye Drobleme vnezeymy G* poavya tsivilizatsiy, Ist, gy-~akan, 1964. vnozemnyyo tsivilizats1i (Ex-traterrastriql zatTo-- ---E- -vo AN ArmSSR, 1965 7-53 cfvili nF, rudy soveshchaniya. Yerevan. Izd 3 TOPIC TAGSs astronometr7t galactic radiation, planet, radio astronorq, planetary life, cosmic radio.source ABSTRAM An optimistic viewpoint of the likeMood of receiving transmitted information from extraterres 1 civilizations in taken. The discussion is a a I'limited to ndio com and judgment of likolihood is made on the basis M of observed information rather%han pure speculation& An important queation is ard 1/3 09C L 5168-66 ACC NR: AT5024309 that of what is the level of a civilization from which we may receive informatiOLt This question may be broken down into questions about transmitter power, volume of transmitted information, and the likelihood of the detect e and receiving in signals. The state of civilization is measured in terms of the production and consumption of energy. The author classifies civilizations into three types: I - one whose technological level in .-lose to that of the earth, with an energy use of about 4*10 19 erg/see; II - a civilization which harnesses energy radiated by its star (e.g. the stage of construction of a "Dyson sphere"), with energy '33 -7 Consumption A.~ 4010 erg/Sec; and III a civilization which harnesses energies on the galactic scale rv 4-1044 erg/sen.. The author offers his opinion on the rise and diffusion (in a galaiW) of the three civilizations, with estirates of the timn required for a civilization to pass through the given stages. Discussion is offered on several points: 1) the capability of transmitting arbitrary informa- tion and the linguistics problem; 2) tha unilateral character of transmission due to astronomic distances; 3) the optimal transmitting band; 4) the optimal trans- mitter radiation spectrum; 5) the reliability of signal detection and reception. Hypothetical cases of broadcasting over interstellar and intergalactic distances try various civill.7;aLion typed are 'cons idered. 6onjecture on the type and volume Card 2/3 7 L 5168-66 ACC NR: AT5024309 of broadca'st information about the carth's,civilization is offered. The questions', and, cownents of E. G. Mirzabokyan, V. A., AmbartsupWan G. M. Ay-vazyan, and P. M. Geruni are given. Orie, art. ras: Mfi~u-res, 1 table -an-a-Fe-q-uallo-ffi. SUB CODEs AA/ SUBM WiEt 26May65/ ORIG REFs 001/ OTH REF: 008 Card 1/3 E~id)DA'c'MY N flo. 7 "lo: SIT 1 -1 '~,' I 1 1 - I , ". I I IT! c n., 4 Aupapb~ __EjiT_(d_) /FnD1/FSS_?/FViT (i GWAIS-2 ACC NRt APS022788 SOURCE CODE: UR/0141/65/008/004/0651/0654 I I/ AUTHOR: Mgtejenko. L. I.; Kardashov. N. S.; Sholomitakly,.G. B. ORG: Physics Institute im. P. N. Lebfdev N Id institut AN SSSR) 1A_�SSR (Fiziches y TITLE,: Radlointerferometer kith a large base SOURCE: r%rUZ. Radiofizika, v. 8, no. 4, 1965, 651-654 TOPIC TAGS; radio antenna, antenna radiation pattern, interferometer, radio receiver ABSTRACT: A radiointerferometer system Is p posed which permits realizing very large bases (1000 kni), doing awqy with radio relayingy'automating the recording of the signal and processing of the recordings, and accomplishing a fun scan within the pattern of a single antenna. A system of two antennas operating by the principles described In this article per- mit s obtaining, with large bases, not only ampliludc but also spnce-pluise characteristics of InOrference mid consequently to study In detail the distribution of the brIghtness of discrete, so -es of very small angular dimensions. The authors mathematically examine two Indepen- . E dexreceiving systems separated by a large distimee. Each system consists of an antenna, HF amplifier, mixer, heterodyne, IF amplifier, and an HF recording device. Orig. art. has: 4 f9rmulas. ORIG RE, F: 001/ OTH REF: 007 MR COPA SUIBM DATE: 27JoA64/ UDC: 621.396.67:523j64_.____. L 02336-67 Dfl'(1) GW 1 ACC NRI AR6028.399 SOURCE CODE: UR/02r)9/66/000/005/0041/0041 i%VTHOR: Kardqahcv, N. S. ; Sholomitshfy, G. B. TITLE: Limit of distances In extr kmipctic tudies_ SOURCE- Ref. zh. Astronomlya, Abe. 5. 51. 330 REF SOURCE: Astron. tairlatlyar, no. 336, Iyulya 31, 1965, 3-6 TOPIC TAGS: extragalactic object, ex'-agalactic distance, extragalactic red shift, red shift limit, emission spectrum, ol.ic density, extragalactic dust ABSTRACT: For the investigation of extragalactic objects In the condensation stagi the ol~jects for consideration should b( hose with d e corresponding red shift t Aux -.z ~; 100 . Investigatic,i of these objccts, requires the condition a, ,-' 0, if the source of a continto-ta, (: r,*ssion spectrum is represented by the &1a - 'Y'-V-C1 or V The derived exprossiort for the optical density of f emission scattering for free electrons, . i respect to z In :Lsbtropic homogeneous models of the Universe, shows that the limit of the observable value z is about 7. The w4thors are of the opinion that a mor e proc ise determination of the value of the 1 2 212 UDC: 523. 855 ACC NR: AR6035291 SOURCE CODE: UR,/O2Gg/(3C)/OC)0/009/0045/0045 AUTHOR!` Kardanhev, N. S. ; Komberg, B. V, TITLE: Dependence of the continuous opticnl spectrum of quasara on their red shift SOURCE- Ref. zh. Astronoiniyza, Abs. U. 51. 3B)"f - R,EF SOURCE: Astron. tsirIculyar, no. 357, fevr. 25, 19G6, 1-5 TOPIC TAGS: optic spectrum, continuous spectrum, quasar optic spectrum, quasar continuous spectrum, quasar red shift ADSTRACT: On the basis of three-color photometry (UBV) of a series oll, quasistelar objects, the dependence of "curvature" A~[,,-(]z (v.-here a, and a are the spectral indexes of, respectively, IJ13 and BV-rays) on the value of the 2 red shift z oil these objects has been calculated. From the dependence obtained it follows that in the region quasar spectra have a "step" 0, absorption. The occurrence of the "step" may be due to a inatt2r with a wide absorption band (starting near 2~50 which is distributed either in the 1/2 UDC: 523.164.4 ACC NR- ARG035291 vicinity of radiation sources, or in the intergalactic space. This mattcr may be interstellar dust as, according to certain data, i.t has an anomalous absorption. with a mxximum near A 2300 However, as yet there is no definite ansNver as to the nature of the absorbing matter. With the existence of more materials on the identification and photometry of quasars, it becomes possible to ascertain with greater accuracy the dependence of A on z. By means of this dependence it is possible to estimate the red-shift of unidentified objects on the basis of U13V data. It also makes it possible to calculate the retardation paraineter. Preliminary estimates of z were made for seven unidentified quasars. The direct detection of absorption "steps" requires a thorough fotometric investigation of the spectra of quasistellar sources near Ao . A bibliography of 7 titles is included. V. Zay- tsev. [Translation of abstract T. [DW] SUB CODE,: 03/ Card 212 J~l 1, . ) V. , 4 nl~!;. A now ongine?Takllaol. 31 10. (,,.,ipdi 16.~,) (Int-xnal combusticn encIrle-) V., I i n.,w c, i q k I I A ~ .ngine?Teldinol. 31 ric,.9.3- I ~' 3. 1,1IRA 16:0) (Irit,;rn&l combustion onginco) "Balnoology and balneohygiene." [in German] A.Kukovka. Reviewed by V.L.KardaBhov. Vop.kur.fizioter. i loch.fiz.kullt. 21 no,2: 77-78 Ap-Je '56. (MLRA 9;9) (HYDROTHERAPY) (KUKOVKA, A.) KARDASHEV, V. L. Cand Med Sci, -- (diss) ",T~ &ffect of the imp-u-Tse '4*-Ae electrical ultra-high-frecluency field upon A under /;,, '" (L- --:~ processes of biological oxidation xitk conditions and in experimental hypertonia." (Experimental study). Mos,1957- 16 pp. (Acad Med Sci USSR). 220 copies. (K1, 8-58, 108) -62- KARDAS #~.4.L* Rffect of an ultrahigh-frequency electric pulse field on biological oxidation processes in normal states and in experimental byperten- Bion. Vop.kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 22 no.2:37-41 22 no.2:37-41 Mr-Ap '57. (MIR.A 11:1) 1. 1z eksperimentallnogo otdela (Z8V. '- prof. I.V.Puchkov) Nauchno- iE;Eiledovatellskogo institute fizioterapit Ministeratva zdravookhra- neniya RSFSR (dir. - prof. A.N.Obrosov) (HYPERTENSION) (MUCTRIC ITY- -PHYSIOLOG ICA L EFYNCT) (OXIDATION, PHYSIOLOGICAL) XARDASHEV, V.L. "Reflex therapy with local ultraviolet irradiation' [in GermiDd by M.0stermann. Reviewed by V.L.Kardashev. Vop.kur.fizioter. i lech. fiz.kul't. 22 no.4:79 Jl-Ag '57. (MIR& 10:11) (ULTRAVIOLET RAYS-THERAPEUTIC UBR) (R&Fl3XNS) (OSTERMANN, H.) KARDASH9V, V.L. '~ "Balneotherapy of spondylarthritis ankylopoietics" Ein Geruon] by 3--A-IODP. Reviewed by V.L.Kardshoev. Irop.kur..fizioter. i lech. fiz.kullt. 22 no.5:90-91 S-0 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (SPIla--AI&YLOSIS) (HYDROTMLRAPY) (IAPF, E.A.) KARDASHEV, V.V. wowwwwamm"im3a" List of literature on psychology published In 1955. Vop. paikhol. 2 no.4:138-143 Jl-Ag '56. (MLRA 9:10) (Bibliography--Psychology) XA]IDASHKVI-.V.V._ . _ _. 1~ mow . Index to literature of psychology published in 1956. Vop. poikhol. 3 no.2:177-187 Mr-Ap 157. (muu io:6) (Bibliography--Psychology) KARDASiMV, V.V.- _ . i , L Indem to litprnture on psycholog2* published in '957. Von&T)Sikhol. 4 no-:3:1~8-177 My-Je 158 (14lqA 11:8) (BIBLIOGRAPHY-PSYCHOLOGY) KARDISITV, V.V. Index to literature in psrcholo67 published in 195?. Top.maikhol. 4 n0.4:168-180 il-Ag 158. (HIRA 11:1;_) (Bibliograph.v-Payohology) ACC NRi AT7002849 URCE C UR/3239/66/000/00310011/001T I AUTHOR: Buznik, V.14.; Kardaahev, Yu.D, ORG: YWY'L TITLE: Investigation of heat transfer during'the surface boiling and forced motion of seawater SOURCE: Nikolayev. Korablestroitellnyy institut. Sudostroyeniye i norskiye sooruzheniya, no. 3. 1966. Sudovyye energeticheskiye uatanavki (Ship power equipment), 11-17 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, con-~,ective heat transfer, heat exchanger, heat transf er rate A_'L~ ABSTRACT:Th .e heat transfer of seawater in the presence of surface boiling and forced motion is described by a system of differential equations, which lead to criteria for which a function containing the properties of vapor bubbles is presented. This function is experimentally demonstrated on cleaned water distillate and sea water by the use of a calorimetric apparatus. As shown, the results of these experiments with water dis- tillate boiling in the presence of underheating correspond with data obtained by other authors. It is chown that the forced-motion velocity 1/2 UDC: none ACC NRs AT7002849 significantly -affects heat transfei only within the limits of convective heat transfer without boiling and does not influence its intensity during developed surface boiling. An increased underheating rate, up to the saturation temperature..affects heat transfer significantly. An analysis ;of experimental results led to a parametric equation which generally ,characterizes the beat transfer of a water distillate during surface boiling. Several series of experiments with sea water were carried out under the following conditions: a surface heating of 0.2 x 106 to .3 x 106 Kcal/m2hr; a forced flow rate of 0.2 to 0.8 m/sec; underheating up to saturation temperatures of 28, 56, and 83C; and a 0 to 4% solute Vanoncentration. The graphically rept -esented results nre generalized by a parametric equation which provides a criterion for the heat transfer of underheated sea water subject to surface boiling and forced motion. The ,close relationship between the :Investigated heat transfer, of heat trans- Jer in the presence of surface oscillationsl and Reynolds criteria, .indicates that vappr bubbles S!~eatly intensify heat transfer. (GE] SUB COM 08, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG HEFt 006/ ATD PRESS: 5324 212 in the s--cre-en at several -distances from the center, tne iiow raLe In Lllt-' L.Lu- Card 1/2 UDC: none ACC NRt AT7002861 SOURCE CODE: !AUTILOR: -Buznik, V. M.; Arcemov, G. A.; Bandura, V. N.; iKardashav, Yu. D. iORG: none UR/3239/66/000/003/0124/0126 Fedorovskiy, A. M.; TITLE: 'llicthod of measuring flow rates in rotating passages'of marine turbines' by means of metric pressure gages SOURCE: Nikolayev. Korablestroitcl'nyy institut. Sudostroyeniya i inorskiye sooruzheniya, no. 3, 1966. Sudovyye energeticheskiye ustanovki (Ship power equipment), 124-126 ~TOPIC TAGS: flow rate, flow velocity, gas turbine, turbine cooling, gas turbine lengine, marine engine I iABSTRACT: A method for cooling the parts of mr.zine gas turbines is based on various iexperimientani irvestigations,.including studies of gas and cooling-air flow in rotating ipassages. An arrangement is described for determining the flow characteristics (flow ,rate and pressure) in the clearance between a gas-turbine disk and a screen rotating along with it, by which a pressure-sensitive dir ec tional- probe and a traversing micro- pitor, probe is used. The probes are shown and their operation is described. By ;inserting the directional probe into the disk-screen clearance through holes located jin the screen at several distances from the center, the flow rate in the flow core can Card 1/2 UDC: none I-XCC NR: AT7002861 Ibe measured. The pressure field across the section of the clearance is measured with .the pitot tube. The arrangement for pressure transmission consists of a hollow shaft !rotating inside the stator and provided with measuring chambers hermetically sealed by iwater chambers. The described methodIs reliable in operation and improves the accuracy of flow rate measurements. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE; 13, 21/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 001/ AM NR: AP6016912 SOURCE CODE: UR/0143/66/000/001/008-!/0080' AUTHOR: Buznik, V._L.__LDoctor o! technical sciences, Professor); Artemov G. A. (Engineer); Bandura, V. N. (Engineer);j ~adashev,_Yu,_P,_(Engi .F cdorovskiy, A. E_._~ffngineer) ORG: Nikolayevskiy Ship-Building Institute im. Admiral S. 0. Makarov (Nikola-y-evskiy korablestroitellnyy Tn_~_t_itu_LT_ TITLE- Heat transfer.from a flat disc rotating in an unlimited space SOURCE: IVUZ. Energetika, no. 1, 1966, 84-86 TOPIC TAGS: heat transfer, turbulent heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient 7 i~0 7_--i r., OAJ ABSTRACT: To a ccumulate experimental data and to study the heat transfer at a constant thermal flux, the authors experimentally investigate the heat transfer a rotatno disc to moving air at a constant value of the specific heat flux at Lhe surface. L he disc-calorimeter was 'heated by an electrical heater placed in it. The temperature of the disc surface was measured by copper -cons tantan '.hcrn)occ,up1es. The hot junctions of the thermocouples were embedded on the out- surftce of the disc at various distances from the axis of rotation. The ex- device is shown schematicaliv. The results of the experiments were compa~:~-d v.-ith the data of other authors investigating heat transfer from a rotating UDC: 536.Z44 3t,W7 -)o- Acc NR-. AP6016912 L) obtained at a constant ivall temperature, The transition to turbulence occurred at 2.4 - 10- . It is found that the coefficients of heat transfer from a rotating disc in the c, of a cvnstant specific heat flux agree with those in the case of a constant wall temper- ilture. Oricr. art. has: 2 figures. 0 SL-,B CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: OlFeb65/' ORIG REF: 903/ OTH REF: 003 Card BUZNIKj V. M.; ICARDASHEN, Yu. D. "Heat tranrfer with furfacc boiling of' cca water." re port submitted for 2nd All-Union Conf on Heat & Mass Transfer, Minsk, 4-12 may 1964. Nikolayevskiy Ship Building Inst. RTZNT-Kp V.M.Y doktor teklin. nauk, prof,; ARTF741"'," POIDURA V.N., inzh.; K""IRDASHEYIP yu'D.P inzh. Heat transfer from. a flat disc rotatinv in tin unboun,~:,:! nc'. I Izv. v7s, uchrb. zav.; ener,,,. 9 Ja 1. Nikolvvevskiy korablestroi.telInyy inst-itut J;'---' S.O. Mmkarova, Predstavlena kafedrov 'L.eor~i sudoxry-kh parovykh kotlov. Subm-it-I.Pd Febi--L.C'~rv 1, ACC NR' AT60-34432 (A SOURCE COM UR/oooo/66/ooo/000/0015/0024 AUTFORI.- SavitskiY, Ye. M.; Burkhanov, G,, S.; Kopetakiy, Ch. V.; Bokareva, 11. 11.; l(ardashovskaya, V. G. ORG: none : Production and properties of single crystals of refractory metals and alloys SOURCE: AIN SSSR. Institut motallurgil. Svoystva i primoneniyo zharoprochnykh splavov (Properties and application of hoat resistant alloys). Ybscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 19605, 15-24 TAGS: refractory metal, refractory alloy, single crystal, molybdenum, niobium, ABSTRACT: The two main methcds for production of metallic single crystals are extraction from a molt by the rocrystallization method, and zone refining. The method of extraction froir a molt by seoding is iridely employed industrially for growing large single crystals of germanium, silicon (up to 80 mm, in diameter), and somiconductor compounds of varying composition for diodes, transitors, and condensers. Application of this method to refractory metals has riot been widely developed. The article describes in detail the techniques of zone refining. In vertical zone, melting without a orucible, the ratio of the ourface tenaion to the density of the molt should be Card- AT6034432 100;i 6r greater. The maximum size of single crystal rods produced by this method in, for example, 14-16 mm for molybdenum and 6-8 mm for tungsten, with a length of the order of 200-250 up to 500 mm. A table vhows the purity and rrochanical properties of rhenium of different degrees of purity, ~xoluding the mechanical properties under elongation stress, the hardness, and the temperature of the start of recrystallization~ A further table lists the mechanical properties of single crystals of various alloys of the refractory metals. It is found that an increase in the purity of zono rofined molybdenum ccnsiderably lowors its resistance to deformation. Based on oxTerinental results, a series of figures illustrato the substructare of single crystalline alloys, the mechanical properties of single crystal alloys of the molybdenum-niobium syztem, and them icrohardness of alloys of the molybdenum-niobium system, PO lit Noso-7, No PO Khazov, A. Ye. Tsut.-,k,)v, and T. S. Stronfina took part in the work. Orig, art. hags 6 figures and 3 tables. suB coms ii/ sm DATEs ioTun66/ ORIG RU: 0121 OTH Ras 005 rd 212 KARDASHEVSKIY, S.V., inzil. Ways of mochanizing Lho !dngla-ball planting of Surar beots. Tnidy VISHCHu no-40:80-95 163. (1,4111,A 17:9) KARDASHEVSKIY, S.V., inzh. __ . I I -. ......... I - I I I - . Variation of the starting flow of seeds in single-seed planting of sugar beets. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhoz. 21 no-5:22-24 163. (MIRA 1:7:1) 1. Pushkinskaya mashint)ispytatellnaya stantsiya. KARDASHEVSKIY.-S.V.. inzh. In thq Scientific Technical Council of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Machinery. Trakt. i sell- khozmash. 33 no.9r1+7 S 163. (MM 16:10) (Agricultural machinery) VEVL161 E.V..). KAJd)A3IIJ-,`V""KIYY S.V. .... . .. -j,7.;-.~~-~ - - Statistical modeling of the proc(-.ns of' suwing ,iui,,Cr b~!qt seeds. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 3*3 no.9,-20-21. 5 16',. (KRA 16 g 10) (Sugar beets) (Planters (Agricilbaral nqchiney~y-)) KARDASHF!VSKIY, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Reviews and bibliography. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.6t48 Je 165. (MTRA 1817) 1. Pushkinskaya mashinoispytatelInaya stantsiya. -1-1~ : L~Z-tNTSRV, V. S. Improving the quality of' surfaco michinine, of IE;ton pins. Avt. prom. no.10:35-38 0 160.. (MITL 13:11) 1. Gorikovskiy avtozavod. (Grinding and polishing) KARDASHIN, L.I.,inzh.; KAZANTSIN, V.S. Effect of the adjustment on tho quality of machining parts on centerleas polishing machines. VaBt.mash. 40 no.10:60-63 w6o. (MIRA 13:10) (Grinding and polithing) S/113 /60/ 0001/010/01l'i 014 Ii2-70/ "D301 AUTHORS. Kardashinp L.I., and Kazantsev~ VS,, MT.7-1 Improving surface finish fit the machining of gudgeon pins rMiODit~itt: Avtomobillnaya promyshl-anziost',, no~ 10, 1960, 35 - 58 TEXT: 6tringent requii-~ments are imposed on gudgeon pins for the 7A`-~l (,GAZ-51) automobile. Tolerances for diameter, cylindricity and roundness must not exceed 0.0025 mm, whereas surface finish must be kept within class V 10 "b". The component is ground on 8 machines in an automatic line, while finish operations are perfor- med on two type -)86 LAbstractol's note: So-vietj or Cinciraiavi. No. centerless grinders. Quality and output depend entirely upon cor- -hese machines, but occasionally it is impossible rect setting of t to ensure the desired result due to insufficient knowledge of cen-- terless grinding. A study of the effect of inidvidual elements of setting on the quality of the machinedcomponent-a was carried out on Cincinnati fio. 5 grinderB at the Moskovskiy avtozavod W,.os~7o-w Card 1/4 6/li3/60/ 000/- uiO/011/014 Improviiig surface finish in the D274)/D301 Automobile Flant). ~_eO02K (E120SW, -D120CM (Bi20S'-'3 :7 A. j , ~ ;K ~'4 %]l 5 0 0 T ~K (EAJ-50ST3K), 7_7~1';:'_L80CVTL1K (EBlb0qT2K) and 8-r-320%-;1?2K '_EB520ST2K) grind- ing wheels together with K5)20SM2B reguiating wh6uis were tested. The wolking capacity of the wheels was de-termined by their machin- ing capacity and by surface fini3h of the machined components af-rcer 2 hours of operation.. Surface finish iNaG Measured b-y a profJ_lorne-ter -whereas the machining capacity was determinea by the constanc~~-- of me-~,al removed in one pass� The tests demonstrated thaT. the EB~52o MKc, �;B-L80ST2K and EB 150ST5K wheels gave good surface fin,_sh, but do not possess an. adequate machining sapacity. On the other hand,, 1120S2K wheels have a suff'i;-. 'ient machining capacity, but do not give. the desirea surface xlnish~ Diring -.-,he -Last opera-tion, -the. wheels should have only a poiishlng capacity, Their u6e ful !ife between truing amounted to .50,000 me., enining conciiiions are improved when -there Is a certain elasti--ity of the reguiating wbeel,. The LMgle of inclinatioii of the working wheei in verTical plane of a Cincinnati No. ~, grinder 2.,:~ oppo5tite k1o the wzigle of incli-nation of the regulactilig, wheei, 11"rie inciina-, vion of the working wheel improves machining: oont.-_,,7_t stre-uses Ln t:.a-rd 2/4 Sli-13160A)00.1 O-L(J./Ull/,*U!4 Improving surface finish in the D270/D30-L the component are reduced, and i;his gives a bet-cer finish and grea- -ter accuracy.0During tests the angle of working wheel was varied from 2~5 to 4 and that of the regulating wheel from 2 to 50, De- terioration in finish was obser%,ed with smaller inclination of the working wheel or larger angle of the regulating wheel, The angle of Inclination for the working wheel in the fJrst machine (preciding the last operation) was 3.50, whereas in the -Iriat grinder it was 30. Inciination of the reguiating wheels in Doth cases was 20~ A greater inclination results in lower speed of the component which impairs the quality of finish,, Both wheels are given a nyperbo.10id shape io ensure full contact between componeni and wheei~ This is achieved by slewing the truing devices in the horlzrntal piane by an angle equal to that in the vertical plane, and also by shifting the diamond tool from zero poeition to the right for reguiatir, and to The lert trvr working wheel by an aziaount,. calculated in an etua- tion. It was found that an increase in the speed of the -v,,orking wheel improved the finish. Preliminary -truing should be made with diamond inpregnated tools, and final truing with a d-iamond, The workinG part of the supporting blade of the first grinder ~,,onsisted Card 3/4 S/113/ bO/'UOO /010/011/ Oi4 Improving surface finish in the D270./D301 of accurately lapped rectanp,,,i~ar carbide si-xilps with 50 0 edge. The second grinder was provided with a textoli tz: working blade and a flat iop~. The straightness, horizontal disposition and state of the worxing part of -the abol,-,. as well as their posit-lon in rela- T,ion to the cei-iters height of the wheels have a great effect on finish, The reaultsof a study of the effect of this height on fin- ish are shown. Machining praciice with Cincinnat_~ No. 5 grinders revealed that, all other conditiona being equal -, iengthening of the contact bei%,,reen workpiece and wheels improves the finish due the greater number of grains that take part in the worY, A6 a rule, the length of contact is reduced after each truing que to va- rious factors. This should be remedied by rese"Cting the ivheeli~ with -~.he use of a control. shaft of the sam-. dim~ter as -the work- piece, out longer than -the width of wheels, Due to the sino-11 wheel inclination, the i-ine of contact after truing is easily restorTed by cross zie bolts. The position of .lie guide plates has a ~Lreat effect on the geometrical rorm and finish of the components, There are 3 figures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Gorkovskiy avtozavod (Gor'.kl~' AUtomobile Plan'rl) Card 4/4 KARDASHIN, L.I. Investigating some factors affecting the elasticity of Fiston rings. Av-t.prom. 28 no.l.33-39 Ja "62,, (MIW1 15:2) 1. Gorlkovskiy avtozavod. (Piston rings-Te sting) KARDASHN, L.I. Investigating some technological factors affecting,the fitting . and radial pressure diagram of piston rings. Avt.prom. 28 no.10:32-35 0 162. (MA 15:9) 1. Gorlkovskiy avtozavod. (Piston rings) 6 OV/ 10 --' -- Z>L~ --'- - rj/ 10 AU! H OR S '111~d K11rnVU31Wn.,, L,V, (Karnyusliln, L.V.) TITLE. Charaoterls'L-,s from Experimental Transient hespf~nse CUr'vea (Do pytannya pro pobudovy chastot- rykh bdiarakter,Tsi,,ik za ek3perymental:rymy kl~rvynly pRrekJhJ'Ldn,ykJ. pi-ot&esiv). PERIODIGALg ATtomatika (Eyiv), 14r.3, pp.!4-,83 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In para.1 the %_.1"r7;_-3 arE approximated ty sections of semi- in-finite 1-mooth curves-c.elayed relative to one another (as shown in- Fig. i,, and repre sented mathematically in Eq. (7,) L,qi.(6) a,nd (7) thon have the -Rame general form as is obtained wher. pie ccew ise --Linear approximation is used. Eqs.(8)-(10) deal with the forms used for the approximating 011='~-'C_S'~' Eqs.(1_1)--""'2) relate to the use of '6q.(S) for this purpoa;~. In para~2 the essentials of Solodovnikov~ s metlaod see Pef'.1_1) are utilized (tables of the h' X functions, gi-ven by Sc;*L;-~do~,-vzniko-T are required) ' The last seotion cf the paper deals witli an exaluple, ior a system with the differential equation of Eq.(18); the response Card 1/2 to a step input is assuried to be that of Eq.(19). The 60110;e-08-6-6110 Constructing Frequencv Character' stic s from Experimental .Transient Response C,-1xves- firat method is found to give a good result" if the apprcy.imating f~ui.,:~tions remai-a bounded as t approazhes infinity (e.g. are exponentials); it is -rery simple and convenient. Both mothods gil,~je geod results. There are 4 figuree and -7-1 referen.-les. of which 8 are Soviet, 2 Eng-tish Pnd 1 Swii:;s. ASSOCIATION: Ll -T'*t1 s ~ ky j? hn L ~v politeidLn-iolinyy lnstytut (Llvov olytec ic institute). SUBMITTED: August 2,5.: -1957., Card 2/2 1-2,19 AUTHORS: Kardushov A. A , Xarnyu:jhin, L 1 1 1j 4 6/12 TITLE: Determination of the System Parameters by Using E~:perlmental (Given) Frequency CharELCteristics (Opi-edeleniye parametro- sistemy po ekaperimentallnym (~adannym)chastoTnym kharakteri.. stikam) PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i Telemokba-njka, 1958, Vol. 19~ Nr 4, PP, 334z345 (USSR) ABSTRACT: "ere the experiment is made to create a universal and ~3uffi- ciently exact method for the determination of the values of factors of the transfer functions or of single parameters of linear models of rea2 elements and of the parameters of automa- tic control systems by means cf approximation of the eyperi~ mental amplitudp-phasp chararteristics. By interpolation the orientation values for the factors of the analytical formula for the ampl itude -phase- charac teri -it ic, s are found and af-rer this according to tbe method o" the least squar"s the cor rections to the found factors are computed, The su~~.,est%,d in case of arbitlary Str, method is applicablL alture of the nu- merator-- and denominator polynomials of the transfer functi-on and gi-es sufficient2y accurate results in the computation Card 1/2 with a Slide rule- The process of computatior, is explained 6,t Determination of the Ebrstem Pargmeters by U5ing Experimental I o3 -19 -4 6/12 (Given) Frequency Characteristics examples,, The method shown here i-s morejuniversal and than the other ways Lsed for this purpose Tne adirantace of the -interpolation method, which is given here. is 7epap3ented by the fact, that, c-omp,,aed with reference 5, !!Ore a solutior, for a much larger of approximating -.r,*n.-fer functions is outained, but without essentially cuYjp1j,,~atj-ng the Qomputa- tions, A muoh greater amount of computation becomes necessary only then, if ao.:;ording to the accuracy conditions for the ap- proxiiaation of the function the corrections to the factors whict are sought, must be oomplated There are 6 figu~,es, 2 tables, and 9 r~-.ferencaq, all of' which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: August 9, 1957 AVAILABLEt Library of Congress orr 1 1. Mat bemat I:, s - -Tbc-(-,y Card 2/2 S/1 0 60/000/011/005.!008 /91 X610 ~01 2,YBOr)8 AUTHORS: Kardashov~ A. A., Engineer, and jLaa~ny~!shin, ~"~hnical Sciences TITLE: Determining the Parameters of Linearized Simulators of Control Systems According to Exporimental Frequency Characteristics PERIODICAL: Elektrichestvo, 1960, No. 11, pp- 51 - 55 TEXT: In the papers (Refs, 1-4), methods were explained for determin- ing the numerical values of coefficients of linearized differential equations forelements of qutwmatic ~:ontrol systemOThese methods are based on the approximation of the experimental frequency response by an analytical formula already known previously. This formula should be drawn up under nonsideration of all internal connections and all physic- al processes within the element, which Is practically impossible. Strictly speaking, the required parametori should therefore not he de- 8ignated as "physical" ones, but as equivalent parameters of the fied simulator of a real element. The selection of circuit and Card 1/4 Determining the Parameters nf Lineari~_ea S/105~60/Ooo/oji/00~/O,) Simulators of Control SYstems According .8 7 to B01 2/-B058 Experimental Frequency Characteristics Parameters of corre,~tion elements expediently takes place oil all 0.jf~c_ ironic simulator, Approximated (simplified) differential equations of the main elements of the system may be used when buJlding up the simula- tor~ Since the initial experimental characteristic - owing to nonlinearity~ measuring errors etc., the s may be distorted simple interpolation (Refs. 2 methods based on a ,3) are often not sufficiently accurate for the approximation of the frequency response characteristic. in the paper (Ref. 4), a better method was therefore elaborated by It is based on using the method o he authors, the least mean square errors. The calCulations for this method are,%owever; very lengthy. in the Present paper, a simple method is given for solving the problem in question. 1+ is true that this method was elaborated for a more with the above mentioned me narrow kcojt1j)ar,,d .thod), 1)"t, -9till :311fficient.1y wide cj,,3~j OlementB Of elOctromechanic automatic control systems. TLhe amplitu'le-_ phase characteristics,, smoothed Out with the aid of statistic - Osses (Ref al pro,~_ - 7), served as initial data for the determination Of Z)IC rc- quired parameters of individual elements or tile total control system. The differential equation (1) of' a linear simulator of the investi.1--ated Card 2/ 4 Determining the Parame-~er-3 of 5/105/60/000/011/005/008 Simulators of Control SyaternEi 1~0121BO58 Experimental Froquency CharLICtoristics element (and the system respectively) is written down. In most caseE., the setup of this equation may be determined already in advance, on the basis of the mode of action of the element. The analytical formula (3) of the amplitude-phase characteristic W(j w) corresponds to this equa- tion (1). Two constant coefficients as(s.1, 2, ..., n) and k are con- tained in formula (1). The problem consists in finding such values for these coefficients, so that formula (3) mey conform best with the ex- perimental characteristic. 1: is the amplification coefficient and may be determined from the initial part of the characteristic k-WOW IG3.0, A transition to the reciprocal amplitude-phase characteristic WI(j W) is made for the determination of a., and system (11) for a s is finally ob- tained. This system consists of two groups of equations, each of them containing n/2 unknowns. The method given here is simple and accurate. It can be used for checkingthe admissibility of a simplification of equations for elements or systems, for the determination of parameters and equations of electric drive systems from given dynamic character- istics and for the synthesis of electric current circuits. There are Card 5/4 Determining the Parametexs of Linearized S/105/6o/ooo/oil/005/006 Simulators of Control Syptems According to B012/BO58 Experimental Frequency Characteristics 6 figures, 2 tables, and 7 Soviet referen ~s. SUBMITTED: March 28, '1960 Card 4/4 KiLUASHOV, Ark-adiy A.lokuandrovich, ansietent Frequency notbod for designing transient processes in dymmic systems during arbitrary perturbation procona. I".v.vyo.uchob. zav.; elektro-mekh- 3 no.1:61-72 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Kafedra elek-trifikateli promysblennyl-.h predpriyatiV Llvovokogp politakhnicbeBkogo instituta. (Automatic control) BARDACHEVSKII, V.T., kand.tekhn-nauk, dotsent: KAHD,',SIJOV, A- A-.,-iwh. Static accuracy of the operation of an automatic control SyEteM. I~Iektrichestvo no.9:22-25 5 '61. (PIIRA -~4:9) 1. I,'vov.-%Viy politekhniche,-kly Inntitut. (Automatic control) KARDASHOV, A.A. (LI-ov) knalyal's of the quality of an automat-Ir- control syettm u5ing a differential equation or-ior reduotion teohniqua. P.-tom. i telem. 24 no.8~1073-1083 Ag 163. ~MIFA 16:8) (Automatic control) KAUASHOV,- A.A., inzh.; KARNYUSHIN, L.V., kand.tekJin.nauk Second-order delay component equivalont for a complex dynzLiic sys- tem. Elektrichestvo no.7:70-73 J1 163. OaRli i6*-9) 1. Ukrainskiy zaochnyy politeklinichaskiy institut. (Automatic control) KARDASHOV, D.A., kand.tekhn.nauk. Now synthetic aqesives. Khim.nauka i prom. 2 no-5:602-612 157. (MIRA 10: 12) (Adhesives) KARDASHOV, D.A.; OHLOVA, I.A.-, red.; GONCHAROV, N.G., [Epoxide resins; methods of preparation, properties, and fields of application] Spoksidnye smoly, sposoby polucheniia, svoistva i oblasti primaneniia. Moskva, nauchn.i tekhn. infor- mataii, 1959. 37 p. (MIU 13:10) (Epoicy resins) KARDA OV.-P.A... red.; PANSM, B.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.;SOMMAH, B.Z.,; ROZHIN, V.P., takhn.r9d. [Glue and gluing technology] Klei i takhnologiia skleivaniia; abornik statei. Moskva, Goa.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo, 1960. 284 p. (Gluing) (MIRA 13:10) SOLOVIYEVA, V. N"I KARDASHOV, D. A.; MASHINA., M. A.; MURINA, I. S. MIKHAYLO ', L. A. Phenol-rubber adhesive of higher elasticity. Plast. massy no.]-1244-46 162. WRA 16:1) (Adhesives) (Phenol condensation products) BLAGONRAVOVA, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; ktJMASIJOV, D.A., kand.tekbn.nauk New types of polymer coatings and adhesives. Zhur.VKHO 7 no.2: 187-194 162. (VIRA 15:4) (Protective coatings) (Adhesives) (Polymers) KARDASHOV, D.A.; ZAMANSKIY, I.M. Synthetic adhesives for metal-bonding to metal. Plast.massy no.2:72-77 163. (KRA 1612) (Adhesives) (metals) K,AUTASHOV, David NACII-VEV, ~ F :- [Ti'e.w adhesives based on syrjth,3ti,, p.).`Ivmcr~ -7,*." 'XI~11:11'rli~' metals -to Ta)IIInetallic matprialqij kle, ria 3.-,irr-a sn~, tet--cheskil-h po'limeroir dlia skleiva~-3a ~ ne. me tall Ic hesk~- kh mate-dalc7. Le-n-ni-rad, ~ p~ 'VIE-'' --~ jt.- KARDASHOV, David Alekseyevich; KUDISHINIA, Vera Alekseyevna~ SHUMSKAYA, Nina Ivanovna; Cffiil;OV, MI.M., kan(--. tekhri. nauk, retsenzent; ANTOLOVA, S.D., red. [Epoxy resins and safety measures to be applied in their handling] Epoksidnye smoly i tekhnika bezopasnosti pri rabote s nimi. Voskva, Nashinostroervlo., 1964. 1 ', --, p . 00,11;-A U-i'DASHOV David Alcksoyevich. Frinimal uchastiyo LJai(,E, Yu.V.; -- --. e-d, v _,i-. i 1, 6 Vl~) -y-e . .3, ) [.')),nthetic 'adhesives] Stnteticheskia klei. Xloskva, Izd- vo "Khimiia," 1964. 494 P. (MIRA 17:6) 1,33,44-66 W(m)/EPF(c)/Np(-v)/Wp.(j)/T,- w/Rm I'AM50196AO. BOOK EXPLOITATION UR/ Kardashav. David Alekneyevich. I 4-K New adhesives ~as'ed on synthetic polymers for bounding metals to non-j -metallic materials (Novyye klei na osnove sinteticheskikh polimerov skleivaniya me,tallov i nemetallicheskikh materialov) teningrad~ dlya (LDNTP] 1964. 38 p. illus., biblio.0 tables. 4500 copies printed,! TOPIC TAGS: adhesive, cold setting adhesive, heat resistant adhesive, organosilicon adhesive, elasttc adhesive PURPOSE AND COVERAGE3 This book is intended for personnel In indus-, tries using adhesives. The principal heat-resistant adhesives with high;elasticity as well''as thd"dompositton*Of thosi uged at nbrtial temperatures, develki-ped in the Soviet Union in recent years and., based on.synthetic*po'k-ymers,::are euvered. Some non-Soviet data on adhesives and their use are.included., No personalities are mentioned. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Card_ 1/2 1 -3144-M IAM'5019640 - Heat-rpsistant-adhesi I. ves 5 1. Adhesives based on organic polymers 5 2. Adhesives based on organoqilieon polymers 12 3*,.'Adhesives based on 17 inorganic polymers III# Adhesives with high elasticity 19 1.111 Cold-setting,adliesives 26 1,IV. Methods f9r -testing joints made with-adhesives----134 Bibliography 38 ISUB CODE: GC :SUBMITTED: 0000064 140 REP SOV: ~023 OTHER: Oil q, 1-CardL-1-P KARDASHOV., I., polkovnik zapasa, kand. filosof. nauk Our international duty. Voen. znan. 40 no.12:11-12 D 162 (MIRA 1921) KMASHOV, I., polkovnik zapasa, kand.fiolscf.nauk Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism. Voen.znan, 38 no.12:16-18 D ~62 (MIRA 15:12) (Mi.litary edu;ation) (Internationalism) KARDASHOV, Ivan Stopenovioh, polkovnik, kond.filosof.nauk; -MINOV, U.K., red.; BN2M?JO2MTrKH, P.T., red.; STRELIND:0VA, M.A., [International obligation of the Soviet Armed Forces] Inter- natsionallnyi dolg Vooruzhennykh Sil SSSR. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo M-va obor.SSSR, 196o. 211 p. (MIRA 13:5) (Russia--Army) VLASHCHENKO, L.F.; NOVIKOV, V.M.; ZINOVITEVA, M.M.; SIDOIROVA, A.F.; KARDASHOVA, A.A.; KLETIVEEMI, I.Ya.; rtASI:OPDLSKIY, N.M. 'rre-~'=PtT-,-'-MKASH, Ye.G.j SAMOFALOV, P.Ye.; YASHINA, Ye.I.; KULIKOV, P.I., dots., retsenzent; MAKAROU, T.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; MERENBURG, A.N., spets. red.; KOSSOVA, O.N., red.; SDKOLOVA, I.A., [Handbook for the technologist of the fishing industry] Spravochnik tekhnologa rybnoi prou7shlennosti. Moskva Pi- shcl7epromizdat. Vol.l. 1963. 5C9 p. (MIRA 17:3~ DEaAWBIKOV, B.A., kand. alcon. nauk; GABZAILOV, G.F., kan,~. ekon. nauk; KADY411,011, Z., nauchr. sotr.; ABDUSHUKUROV, T.; KAMAKDI, P.V., kand. ekon. nauk; MKIN, A.I., kand. elcon. nauk; BAKIYEVA, R.A., nauchn. sotr.; IbRAGIMOV, M., nauchn. sotr.; YJ4!DASI,_A.A., kand. ekon.nauk; KADANER, E6A.; NIKONOV, F.D., nauci.m sotr.; ANTONETS, GJ'.; ARTYKOV, A.A., kand. elcon. nauk; TRUSOV, A.E.; OVCHITIONIA, M.A., nauchn. sot.r.; TSOY,P., nauchn. sotr.; KALYAKIN, P.V., kand. ekon. nauk, qtv. red.; DZMIALOV, O.B., doktor ekon. nauk, red.; ARTYKOV, A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; DESYAMIKOV, B.A., kand. ekon. nauk, red.; SlIA11IMIODZILAYEIT, M., Icand. ekon. nauk, red.; DESYATVIK, F.M., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., telchn. red. [EconorLics of the machinery manufacture of Uzbekistan] Ekono- mika mashinostroeniia Uzbekistana. Tashkent., Izd-vo AN Uzb.SSR, 1963. 280 p. (IMRA 16- 12) 1. Akademi-ya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR, Tashkent. Institut ekonomiki. (Uzbekistan-Machinery industry) KARDASIEWICT., W-,lodzimierz; ORKUS, 'an; MAMONT, B.Ianka Effectiveness of the arttfiuial kidney of the Alwall type. Pal. arch, med. vevm. 3-1 nO0t26,1-2?6 %3- 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznyeb IM w Warszawie Kierownik., prof. dr nauk mad. A,, Bierna.---*I--' 'KIDNEY, ARTIFIGIAL) f- t) $1 C. ---It~ - POMC/Physlcal Chemistry - Electrochemistry 13-12 f,bs Jour Referat Zhur - 1011miya, No 2, 1957, 3939 1falthor Swinarski A,, Knrclasz A. 2- ~xiR~encc of the Ion - TitIc Concerning the E (S04- S02) Orig Pub Prz(',:,. chem-, 1956, 12, Nj 41 '233-235 Abstract Specific el,~ctric conductivity &I of 11,S04 solutions of different concentration c decreases as result of their saturation with so,, at c - 13~; L:aXiInULI OcerkKize of is observe,l at c ---:73cf~, Lowerin,,; of ZK- is OU-tributued to the formation of the ions (S04- S02 )2-. Card 1,11 - 185 - KARDASZ, _~'Lc~tr p7,; KONCEIM14, I wan, mlrr Temperature observations of the water of the 1.4kra River. Gosp wodna 23 no.6:243-244 Je 163. 1, Melioracji, Instytut Melioracji i Uzzytkow Zielortych, War,qzawa. N.ARDASZ, Fiotr, mgr Hydrological studies on the Vkxa iiver Basin. Suppl: Gosp -';odna 24 no.l: Biul iast melior i uzyt ziel 12 no.1:39-4D Ja "5. 0 1. Laboratory of Soil Improvement of the Institute of Soil Improve- ment and Grassland Utilization, Falenty. ~,-;7777777~~ A PA VA' m*cf)i6d'o plant, rmorlal for tho determfoofflon g.~bkfl% wl~ T. K'w"wix. I i("tTT t/ Tuctiloci is desiTIUW for rapid cvrlbuoion of plant mattrials., used forAhe Octn' of, N, Two g. of, n dry s-itmplc n:c-d for deo. of 'jel or total 'pi-otchm are placed In a 2,50-ml, L I . dah) Bask iifid 25 m) -of HtS(4 is added. Tile flask- is than cated over a strong fhurl~ h -br ap The =mplc' ll i i l I d d o%ie it .tc coc fl itlyandqat K.AlvOtisadded in ri-ml. g portimu; undUt"t WtUAtl tile CIE"" thtn QdkInI.- 0 -10 =1 'of KMuG, ts added. *: Af ter I to 6 miu. the sumple Its tA mid rep~ft for. distn 1. KARDASZF,WICZ, Ewa; SCHNNIBKRG, Krzysztof Cold agglutination and its clinical significance. Polski tygod. lak. 11 no.45:1914-1916 5 Nov 56. 1. (Z I Kliniki Chorob Slaskiej Akademii Medycznej; K~arownik: prof. dr. Jozef Japa) adres: Zabrze, u1. 3 Maja 15,1 Klinika Chorob Wown, al. A.M. (11B-4AW,LUTI IM1011. cold kPol)) V,/ EXCERPTA MEDICA See 18 Vol 3/8 Cardio. Dis. Aulz 59 1969. Ballistocardiogram in bicuspid valve defects Balistokardiogram IV wadach za-,;ta%vki (I-xudzieln(j. KARDASZEwIcz E.11. Klin. Chor. Wewn. Slaskivj Aka-1. Med., Zabrze Pol. Tn. Lck. TT-,R-,M3jJ5J1357---- Cinii) -rables 1 An analysi% of the BCG of 40 patients aged 12-34 years, with mitral valve defects, was carried out. In those patients, besides the process iinder examination, lit) factors which might have yielded a pathological BC(; wcrv present. Ali increaw of 1. deflection, a sharp 11 deflection and a knotting of the lit section (the changes which had not mi present in the control group of healthy )Wrsons) were observed. be The changes ap ared with equal frequency in the cases of pure' mitral stenosis or insufficiency, T is is an arjument against the usefulness of ballistocardiography in differentiating oth these wart defects. b V% A- YARRASMNICZ, Ewn . I A caBe of hyperthyroidism trepted by irenal (potassium perchlorate). Polski tygod. lek. 14 no.44:19W-1945 2 llov 5�. 1. (Z I Klinild Chorob 'leivietrviych 51. A. M. w Za)r7u; kierownik: ,jrof. dr Jozef Ja-oa) (P11-11CHLORIC ACIDS, ther.) (lFllUl!'2liYROIDl8li, ther.) X&IMMItICZ, Wit; GLOWINSKI, Mieczyalaw A caae of thrombocytopenja in pregnancy. Folski tygod.lek. 14 no-50:2191-2192 D '59. 1. Z Klini)A Chorob Wownetrznych S1. A. w Zabrzu; kierovnik: prof. dr Jozef Japa i z I Kliniki Poloznictwa i Chorob Kobiecych 31 A,14,; kierownik: prof. dr Wojclech Starzewski. (TMIUMBOPEIIIA in pregn) (PHEGNAIICY,compl) --KARDASZEWIGZ~ ... ~Ka; PIOTROWSKIv Zygmmt Prolonged remiBBion in a came of periarteritis nodoBa. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.48:1850-1851 28 N 160. 1. Z I Kliniki, Cborob Wownetrznych S1. A.M., w Zabrzu; kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Japa. (PERIARTERITIS NODOSA case reportB) SINGER, Zbigniew; MASNY, Natalia; KARDASZ"WICZ, Ewa Activity of lactic acid dehydrogenase in sera of patients with leukemia and other 119inatological diseases. Pol. tyg. lek. 17 no.4:121-124 22 Ja '62. 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wevnietrznych Sl. AMI w Zabrzu; kieroiniik: prof. dr Jozef Japa. (DEHYDROGENASES blood) (LEUKE1,11A blood) (BLOOD DISEASES)