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-r--:j -4n:' T -4; j!., .1'.. T. I it 01I.O.Z. I.-Idly joI -T-x w-.4-4-d -7%-T -2-419-C -A-X 't *""" jj*' j0 Aw-baij .,11 k.'-~"TA -11-2W ;0 2-M. ..-',d.Y L,.JL- zz J.jj -a ZtT.Or.4 jo.e.;Ojd Dot ..q; .... Oil. qojd 'i u I I -T-Z R;J-J -q3 --vid 11--% -L;, L561-11 ..q..- -I J9 T,(T-Tj ITTMMW,49V 17nIC01m p Jos 0) -TM-TTY .4 " 'CIT.J.-Tua Cq P--V -04.j ;a C.".r 121411 -t.1T-X'4d J. -d-L -AC1t.X,a I-qI-T 27787 s/188/61/000/005/003/006 B1117/B102 AUTHOR: Karchagina, Ye. V. TITLE: Temperature dependence of the fast component of magnetic viscosity of Ni-Zn ferrites PERIODICAL: Moskovi4* Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III: Fizika, 4stronomiya, no. 5, 1961, 59-64 TEXT: The dependence of the fast component of magnetic viscosity of Ni-Zn ferrites on temperature and magnetic field strength was investigated by an impulse method. Six specimens containing 16 mole% NiO, 34 mole% ZnO, and 50 mole% Fe 203 were produced and sintered for 4 hr at 12000C specimen no. 1), 12500C (no. 2), 12700C (no, 3), 13200C (no. 4), 13500C no. 5), and 14000C (no. 6).. For all specimens, magnetization curves, ~ hysteresis loops, and magnetic viscosity as a function of the magnetic L field strength were plotted in the temperature range from 780K to the Curie point, which is between 330 and 3700K for all specimens. A differential susceptibility curve was constructed. A device described by Card 1/3 27787 S/1188/61/000/005/003/006 Temperature dependence of the B117/B102 R. V. Telesnin and Ye. F. Kuritsyna (Ref. 1: Izv, AN SSSR, ser. No. 3t 3529 1959) was used for the investigation. The magnetic viscosity of specimens 1, 2, and 6 vas found nearly constant between 78 and 3~OOK, and vanished near the Curie point, where other magnetic properties vanish, too. The magnetic viscosity maximum, however, was different for different specimens. In specimens nos- 3 49 and 5P the maximum magnetic viscosity T is a monotonic function of 10~/T 0. Considering only the value of magnetic viscosity, the optimum sintering temperatures are 1200, 1275, 1300, and 1350OC- An attempt was made to determine the magnetic viscosity factor for all specimens. It was dependent both on temperature and magnetic field strength. The relative viscosity T/Xd as a function of To drops with a rise of temperature. Tmax grows with decreasing temperature whereas the viscosity maximum is shifted toward higher fields, After the initial rejection and the subsequent drop of the electromotive force, all specimens show a second maximum at 780X, which appears at certain values of the magnetizing field. With increasing field strength it appears earlier, and its amplitude grows until both maxima unite. Behind the second maximum the ele3tromotive force curve drops almost exponentially, Card 2/3 27787 3/185161 Temperature dependence of the ... B! 1 7/B1 02 The existence of two maxima indicates two kinds of viscosity. The first maximum is obviously due to electron diffusion. The second maximum is evidently related to irreversible viscosity fluctuations. Them- are particularly distinct in specimens with a heterogeneous structure due to thermal treatment: At a low sintering temperature, it is an incomplete ferritization, and at high temperature, it is a precipitation of magnetite. 1. A. Leanev is mentioned. There are 6 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra obshchey dlya fizikov (Gena~al :-'bysi,-s Department for Physicists) SUBMITTED: December 23. 1960 Cara 3/3 r);'.' t!.e Oyd 112-57-7-14860 Translation from: R(.-ferativnyy xhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 7, p 154 (USSR) AUTHOR: Yashcheritsyn, P. I., and Karchan, Ya. S. TITLE: Some Problems of Automation of Control in the Process of Grinding (Nekotoryye voprosy avtomatizatsii kontrolya v protsesse shlifovaniya) PERIODICAL: Sb.: Mashinostroitel' Belorussii, Minsk, 1956, Nr 1(2), pp 135-144 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry. -r.- Card 111 YASHCFU,'RITZYN, P.I., kand.tekbn.nauk; KARCHAN, Ta.S., inzli. OMOIO~~~ Automation of the production line of certain metal-cutting equipment. Mash.Bal. no.4:122-131 '57. (141Pji 11;9) (Metal cutting) (Autonatic control) V4 f, A /t/ 5, 25(5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/2785 Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo mashinostroitellnoy promyshlennosti. Belorusskoye respublikanskoye pravleniye -Pixti sovershenstvovaniy-a tekhnologicheskikh protsessov na Uinskan podshipnikovom zavode (Improving Technological Processes at the Minsk Bearing Plant) Minsk, Gos. izd-vo BSSR, 1958. 226 p. 2,000 copies printed. Eds.: M. Baranovskiy and F. Kashtanov; Tech. Ed.: N. Stepanova. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended for industrial Snd mechanical engineers. COVERAGE: The collection of articles reviews the attainments of the Minsk State Bearing Plant since its entry into production during the Fifth Five-Year Plan and a description is given of the methods adopted by the plant'to raise the technological levels of production throug4introduction of new machinery and modern"production processes and through the modernization of existing equipment. The role of Party work in the"struggle" for technological progress is also re- viewed. The introduction mentions'the achievements of the following technical car4 1/3 Improving Technological Processes (coat.) SOV/2785 personnel: P.A. Kovalenko, assistant director of the tooling shop; engineers V.A. Feygin, A.A. Malakhovskiy, and A.F. Segodnik; designer M.Ye. Makhanek; and technologists Ye.S. Artyukhovskaya and A.A. Desyatkovaya. There are no references. TABLE OF CONTENTS*- Introduction 3 Yashcheritsyn, P.I.(Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Plant). Basic Ways of Improving'the Producticn Technology of Roller Bearings .6 Mukhlya I.Ya. (Secretary of the Party Bureau of the Minsk State Bearing Plant. The Plant Party Organization in the Struggle for Technical Progress 71 Karchan, Ya.S. (Chief Engineer). Improvement of Technological Processes 84 Yashcheritsyn, P.I. (Candidate of Technical Sciences), and U.S. Karchan. (Enginee~)~-' Autmation and Mechanizatio~ of Techn6logical Processes 112 biellnik, S.L. (Director of the the Labor and Wage Section), Scme Problems Card 2/3 J:AR-CFAUSKAS, S. A.: ',~aater ACxic Sci (diss) -- "Iffiv~dual. tr-plunert in plan- tations of first-0-roun forostus". Minsk, ll?~P. 1t-5 p-~ (Min -~Ilc Tjss-T", - - - 1 4 (~p r, jTr 5, 1090 Beloriss Forest!7T 7ijx!lneering Inst, in S. M. K-rov), I ~,O c - I -a (nl - I I ll),;) LkRCHAVA, A.I., doteent ft wwwa-dm-ne#~- ~-- Organizational and methodical problems In a study of general morbidity of the population. Sov.zdrav. 14 no-5:~-O '55 (MLRA 8:12) linfirektor nauchno-metodicheskogo byuro sanitarnoy statistiki M sters-bva zdravookbrananiya Grusinskoy SSR. (VITAL STATISTICS morbidity of population, organiz. & methods of Wyly) KARCHAVAq AJ.t ds)tsent (TbUisi) 1----; ~ ., 7-1 ~ai-eal a*nd-sanitary statistics in the Georgian Republic. Sav. zdrav, 19 no,10925-31 160, (MIRA 14:1) (GMMIA-PUBLIC HEALTIH-STATISTICS) ACC NR. 166 SOMICI )DII, VIV00,56 '0)0/ooG'I(;Ij,)/j: AUTHOR: Karchavr., T. A. ; Sanikidze, D, G. ORG: Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences GeorgiLin SSB (InsiitLIt kibernetiki Ak-adeniii nauk Gruzinskov SSW TITLE- Heat conductivity of thin dielectric and ferrodielectric fiIII)s and threads SOURCE: Zfi eksper f teor fiz, v. 50, no. 6, 1966, 1682-1684 TOPJC TAGS- heat conductivity, dielectric material, spin wave, phonon scattering,i I I low temperature effect, ferrodielectric material ABSTRYNCT: The co~Jficicnt of heaL co -nduct;vi[v hus been calculatcd for thin dielectric ali(i fillils cincl flire,-Ids -tt Jow AvIllen the "ree path o~ the -phonons and spin Y-ia-,,-es is much lonr--er flian usual. It has been shov'~-I t that for thin films, gliding phonons and spin N,.,,iv(-,s are the main faclors in heai conduchvit 7. In the case of thin tiireads, the (;1iding phonons and spin -%,,a,.,es serv,- 1!2 ACC NR: AP6020226 y as corrective -lements. Differcrit mechani.,,,ins of phonon and ;pin-waive onI scatterintf have beell, illvestigated, The authors th.,1n], R, N. Giurzhi for ject and T. M. Lifshitz. for disciissions of the results. 01-i-, art, !)~;S: the sub 7 forniulas. [ 11,~ INT se I oil authors' abstract] SUB CODE: 20, 111' SUBM DATE: 29JanGG"' ORIG REY: 002/ OTI-I EI.F: 003/ c.,cl 2/ 2 URCIMSKIY, LS.,vrach-stomatolog (Kirovorrad) Toothache. Zdorov'e 5 no.2:26-27 F 159. (MIRA 12:2) OENTISTRY) (TEETH--CARE AD HYGIM) KARCM',M.'3KIY, I.S. Third E:irovgrad P~rovince Gonference of Stomatologists and Dentists. Stomatologila 38 no.5:83 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:3) (KIROVGFUD PROVINCE-STOMATOLOGY) KARCHEMSKIT, I.S. Alveolar pains. Stomatologila 38 no.6:59-62 N-D 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. 1z Kiravogradek-oy oblastnoy stamatologicheakoy polikliniki. --DIMSRS) nRclflmKiyl I.S. --- -- Replantation of two teeth. Stomatologiia 39 no.6:69 N-D 160. (1'1:',HA 15:1) 1. 1z Kirovogradskoy oblastnoy stomatologicheskoy polik2iniki. (TEM-THAUSPIANTATION) XARCHINSKIY, MON., dotsent. 1=4, - - . Platform technique of waking reinforced biaxially prestressed concrete panels. Stroi.prom.32 no.11:26-29 N '54. (HLRL 7:11) (Reinforced concrete) (Concrete, Prestressed) -'a'on of 'he ~,-c n of Ical. Fro~ert_`.e.", of 7~ C j 1. .1 _. - C o i i c r,-: c! 7.1irecidor.1-3." sscrtat~_Ion_- 'for _1~_-7rees im ,:-a! in:-, t d 1,11 ".i Crs o f 2, u ca. L_ Ou ca 5 i- -z~ Concre-v Cnstr!!ct nforc-er! For Dearee of C-ndidate in Technicnl Sciences K&RCHFMSKIY,H.Yu.,doteeut. F,'~ ~ Investigation of bent reinforced concrete slabs previuusly bent in two directions. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.7:241-245 0 155- (Concrete slabs) (XLRA 9:1) KAM W I 1~1-1!0101 kBnd.teMin.nauk-, KORSMVICH, A., red.; DANILKINI!-Yil ".re ".MAKINIS, A., tekhn. red. [Reinforced concrete slabs prestressed in two directions] Zhelezo- betonnye plity, predvariiel'to napriazhennye v dvukh napravleniiakh. Kiev, Gos.12d-vo, lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR, 1958. 120 p. (Concrete slabs) (HIRA 12:3) KARCHEMSKIY, M.Yu.;kand.tekhn.nauk; SICHEVOY, A.I., inzh. Preparing prestressed floors with wire-mesh reinforcement in Dnepropetrovsk. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.4:175-177 Ap 161. MRA 14:6) (Prestressed concrete) KOCMWASKIYJ M.Yu., kand. takhn. nauk Testing a-reinforced concrete floor above ground level with compressed air.-Bet. i zhel.-bet. 9 no.3:142-143 Mr 163.- (MIRA 1694) (Phors, Concrete-Te sting) (Umpressed air) KARCHEM, A.K., SHIUN, A.N. Statistical report Report to be submitted for the International Conference on Coal Mines (Rapid advance of workings in) Liagep Belgium, 30 sept-4 Oct 63 Bulgaria/military B-553 E,ij PodPolkov'nik/Med Serv; and Lyuben W-S!E.-GeOr Dinitrov are the authors of an article entitled "Newly Developed Bulgarian Medicines." (Voenno Meditsinsko ., Sofia, May 61, PP 92 RLIO -95) 2-4 (1) Bulgaria/Military B-564 .MRME4-G-., Podpolkovnik, Med Ser; and Lyuben Dimitrov are the authors of an article discussing the new medicines "Likuden", an antibiotic used for mycosis; "Aminosin," used to seften cicatrices; and "Redergam," used for angina pectoris and hypertonia. (Voenno Meditsinako Delo -Sofi&,- mar 61.. pp 94-96) 24 (1) ~,EWT(1)/ET(;/EPF(n)-2/MM(ra)/EPA(w)-2 IJP(c) AT 1ACCESSION'NRi APS020720 Vn/00,57/65/035/009/lj72/1377 67 AMOM' KorAilov, Yeo. A Kovpikt 0.F,,'_Faynberg# Ya. B&; Karchenkal I.Fa T1TM' t Mechnnism, of plasma to.rmation during development Pf beam instability SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy, v#, 35 noo 8 1965 01 1372-1377 1TOPIC TAGS: plasma Instability, plasma heating, plasma beam interaction, plasma oscillation, electron beam, magnetic field, air, hydrogen, argon 1ABSTRACT: The authors have Investigated the production of plasma by a 3-5 mm din- ~meter 10-50 mA beam of 2-5 keV electrons traversing the 40 cm length of a 10 cm 1diameter glass tube containing air., argon, orhydrDgen at different pressures in the presence of a 0-2 kOe longitudinal magnetic f ield. The plasma delisity was Efetermined with Langmuir probes, wi-Vi a 10 Wic/sec interferometer, and by the Idetuning of a 3 Mc/sec resonant cavity# Oscillations excited in the plasma were !received with a dipole antenna outside the chamber tuid were investigated with a jspectraj. analyzer and with resonance wavemeters. At pressures below a critical value the plasma density was close to the beam density and oscillations near the Larmor frequency were observeds When the pressure was Increased through the critl- 1/2 i Card L 2488-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5020720 Cal value the plasma density, increased by two or throb oM,.ers of magnitude (ioniza- tions of 10% were achieved- in argon) and oscillations were observed near-the Lnngnmir frequoncy, which at the plastue densities reached was higher titan the Larmor frequency. The pla.sma d onsity pulsat ed over-a range of 50% at a frequolloy between 10 and 100 kc/geo. In the region of instability (which is ascribed to the Cereakov effect), the blectron, lost nearly.all its energy to the plasma. 'The authors believe that their results-. together, wit-It! those of L.D.Smullin and AV.D. Getty (Phys. Rev. Letters 9, 1, 3 1962; J*.Appl. Phys.1- 34, No. 12, 1963) indi- cate that with a beam of highek power there can be obtained highly ionized hot plasmas, heated by the kinetic energy of the beam. Orig, art, has: 8 figures. ASSOCIATIONS none BUEUMMI. 260ot64 ENUL: 00 BUD CODES ME NR REF SM 004 OMR: 005 2/2 Card. ...... . ... Kk~cilLv, IlSewerare and the purification stk:tion in the nining villat.-c of Cherno." I !ELIC'ijTSII., Sofiia, Bulgaria, Vol. 4, 1.1o. 1, Month,', list of E'AST EUEGFEiiI; AGC~~jSIQ'1-15 (EF.AI), -1-C, Vol. 8, "'To. 7, JuIy 1~)111-j, Unclas KARCHEV, V. Ya. 7xperience With Prevention of Angines and Catarrhs of the Upper Respiratory Tracts," Voyenno-Med. Zhur., No. 11, P. 76, 1955. SMIRNOVA, aspirantka; K "RHEVA, V.L. Conparative analysis of efficiency in the production of nonwoven materialivand fabrics. Takat. prom, 25 no.10154-55 0 165, (MIRA 18:10) 1. Leningradskiy institut tekatillnoy i legkoy prorWshlennoati Imani Kirova (for Smirnova). 2. Starshiy inzh. laborator-ii fabriki Ameni Nogina (for Karcheva). OWHRSUYAt A. I. -I - Studying,the priAciples of agriaultural produotion in the eighth grade 6f mmal schools. PoUtekh. obuoh, no'6:28-30 Jo 158, (MIRA- 3.1s6) 1. NovosiollskrFs oredWaya shkDla Damenskog:MYOUR MOSkOVfkDy oblasti,* (Agriculture-Study and teaching) Category: Poland/General Division. Congresses. Meetiness. Z;,id,:i-ences. Abs Jour: Referat Zh.-Biol., No 6, 25 March, 1957, P1346 Author :_I~~e ~, Inst not given Title A Confcrence of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences USSR and the All-Union Institute of Hydrolyzing W and Sulfite-Alcohol Industry on the Problem of Fodder Yfr-' Orig Pub: Przem. spc.zywczy, 19~6, 10, No 3, 135-136 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 -3- KARCOVSKAYA, L. V. Actinomycosis of the transverse colon. Khirurgiia 37 no.3:2J+- 26 Mr 161, WRA 14:3) 1. 1z kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. - prof. M.M. Levin) pediatricheskogo i sanitarno-gigiyenicheskopo fakulitetov Khar- kovskogo meditsinskogo instituta na baze khirargicheskogo otde- leniya 27-y klinioheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach A.G. Chipizben]co). (ACTINOMYCOSIS) (COLON (ANATMY)-DISEASES) KARCIW,SF,AYA, M. D. PA 63A9T50 USSI/ftacine Bacteria, Typhoid Group Jaw 49 Mealcine 13seteriology "Liei4oh of Time That Intestinal Bacilli Can Exist )M,-. M. D.'Karchevskaya, Gor'kiy Oblast last of Aoq~ioi and Mic robiol, pp "Gie: I Bar," No 1 -Gives results'ot.,tests conducted to determi -ne the length of-time typhojd~, paratyphoid~--B, Gartnerls,- anA. Ylexnerls bsimiXli can survive- in milk. Deter-' nineXtbat pa.ratyphoid B bacillus be.66 longest life SPan NP to -5 14W at 940.'anA: PH 5 05) - Flexner's bacillus has shortest life span (15 min at 250 and 63/49TW KARCRVSKAYA, V. K. "Erysipelatous Infections in Wild Animals." Sub 30 Jan 47, Moscow Zooveterinary Inst Dissertations presented for degrees in science and engineering in Moscow in 1947. SO: Sum.No- 457, 18 Apr 55 KARCHRVSKAYA, V,,K., kandidat vaterinarnykh nauk. 1--l-, .1--- ------ ::..-,. ".Z. -, - - Problem of detecting necrobacillosis in living animale. Veterinariia 32 no.1:34-36 Ja 055. (MIMA 34-36) J.Laborstoriya po izuchaniyu bolesney dikikh zhivotnykh Moskovskogs zesparka. (NECROSIS--])IAGNDSIS) KARGHKVSKAYA, V.K., kand. veterinarnykh nauk. - Wild animals as pDasible carriers of Infection. Sbor. trud. Mosk. zoop. no.1:134-140 156. (MIRA 10:11) (Communicable diseases) (Veterinary medicineY '4 8 6-1-fi~_ ~/S KAr4, v/ ff KARCHEVSKAYA, V.K., kand. vat. nauk; TARkSOT, V.V. r___ - Diili'n_ie~ction by dry heat using the electric energy. Sbor. trud. Moak. zoop. n0.1:150-155 '56. (MIFLA 10:11) (Heat as a disinfectant) (Zoological gardens--Disinfection) (Blectric apparatus and appliances) A A USSR Diseases of Farm Animals. Bacteria and Fungi. Diseases Caused by R Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 8, 1958, 35822. Author : Ivanov, M. M., Z~a : State Scientific Control Institute for Veter- inary Preparations. Title : Concerning the Problem of Intra-Vitam Diagnosis of Paratyphoid in Domestic and Wild knimals. Orig Pub: Tr. Gos. Nauchno-kontrolln. in-ta po vetprepa- ratam, 1956, 6, 282-287. Abstract: It was demonstrated that the method of aggluti- nation of stool cultures as developed by Berngof ,~B`ernhof ? is a valuable addition to the gen- .17 erally adopted bacteriological methodology for intra-vitam diagnosis of paratyphoid and dysen- Card 1/2 11 ,-MCHBVSKATA, V-r-o kand, vet. nauk. Bry-sipalas in vild animle. Sbor. at. Mosk. zoop. no.2:98-107 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Irysipalas) (Communicable diseaeee in 4mimala) UROMMSTATA, T.Y. Study of the possibility of obtaining a neogalente preparation from bolladouna leaves by means of adsorption. Apt.delo 9 no.2: 30-34 Hr-Ap 160. WRA 13:6) 1. Iz Laboratorii fizioheskoy khimii (zav. - prof. N.A. Yigu- rovskiv). HARCHEVSKAYA , MT. Hydrolysis of atropine during its adsorption on carbon in a solution. Sbor. nauch. trud. TSANII 6:99-102 164. O-tIRA 19: 11 1. Liboratoriya tekhnologii lekarstvennvkh form i galeno-"kh preparatov (ruk-ovoditell - kand. farm. nauk 0.1. Belova~ TSentrallnogo aptechnogo nauchnD-iSS1edOVaLeI'SkOI7O KARCREVSKIY, A.F. Sorption capacity of tissues from rabbits subjected to irradiation and blood loss. Radiobiologiia 4 no.4:637-638 164. (MIRA 17:111) 1. KharIkovskiy meditsitskiy institut. 24(3) S civil 56 - 3-2-~,41'3 AUTHORS: Karchevokiy, A. I. , Artjushkov, Ye. V., K-Lkoin, L. 1. TITLE: The Isotoi)ic Shift of the CurieFodiAinthp-Hydride and Douteride, of Uranium (Izotopicheskiy sdviv tocliki Kyuri V t-idride _4 deyteride urana) 13ERIODICAL: Zhurnel eksterimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fi,,iki, 1,)5'), Vol 36, Nr 2, PP 636-637 0jSSR) ABSTRACT: The detection of the ferromagnotism of uraniu!~i li~,Irida and uranium deuteride (Refs 1, 2, 3) made it possible to investi- t~L,te the isotopic shift of the Curie (Kyuri) temperature. One of these pos--ibilities is Given by the fact that the distance between the uranium ions is different in the 2 above-mentioned compounds. There are f3everal methods which permit a sufficiently precise determination of the C,,irie temDerature in ferromagnetics. The authors of the present paper investigated the temperature dej~endence of the remanent magnetization of samples of uranium hydride and uranium deu- teride in order to obtain preliminary results concernin- the shift of the Curie point. The remanent magnetization of Card 1/3 the samnles was measured by an astatic majnetometer. The SOV/56-36-2-54/63 The Isotopic Shif t of the Curif Poiattatbe Hydride and Deuteride of TTr a n ill m authors prepared more than 20 samples of' uranium hydride and uranium deuteride. For any investigated sample, a difference was observed between the Curie temi-eratures of urnnium hydride and uranium deuteride. This shift practical'.,,, does not depend on thedegree of purity of the ori;,-inal uranium and it is, therefore, not caused by chemical im-purities. Typical curves for the temperature dependence for the remanent magnetization are shown in a figure. According to this figure, the difference of the Curie temperatures of uranium Ilydride and deuteride amounts to 4 0, and the mean error amounts to 0.50. The shift A 0 of the Curie temperature therefore is equal to 6 - a =AE)= +(4-0 -+ 0-5)0X. The absolute UH 3 T7D3 value of the Curie temperature cannot be found according to the method described in this paper. The Curie point deduced by extrapolation from the temperature depi.,ndence of the remanent magnetization of a given sample practically does not depend on external influences. The authors suggest investigating the absolute value of the Curie temperature of uranium hydride and uranium deuteride, and they thank Academician I. K. Kikoin Card 2/3 for sugl-,esting the problem discussed in this paper and for his SOV/56-56-2-54/67, The Isotopic Shift of the Curie Pointiathe IIT~rdride and Deuteride of Uranium help. There are 1 figure and 4 referenceg, 2 of which ara Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 18, 11058 1 Card 3/3 24(3), 24(s) SO'.V56-36-2-55/63 AUTHOR Karchevskiy, A. I. TITLE: The Magnetocaloric Effect in Hydride and Deuteride of Ur--niim. (Magnetokeloricheskiy effekt v gidride i deyteride urana) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksT)erimentallnoy i teoreticheskoir fizi-ki, 1959, Vol 36, Nr 2, pp 638-639 (ITSSR) ABSTRACT: By the methods applied in an otherjuper by the author, oni, the difference of the Curie (Kyuri) temperatures of uraniiin hydride and uranium deuteride could be determined; the ab- solute value of the Curie temperatures could be determined only rather inaccurately. The investigation of the tempera- ture deDendence of the magnetocaloric effect is one of the most reliable methods for the determination of the Curie temperature. This method ic- based on the fact that the tem- perature of a body is changed by an adiabatic variation of its maGnetization: dT d11. J denotes the i,,)aj-sneti- zation of the body, T - the temperature, C khe si)ecific 1-1 heat, H - the magnetic field strength. Since in ferroraa,,,netic Ciird 1/3 bodies (dJ/dT),, has its maximum in the Curie -point, the SOV/r,:6-36-2-55/63 The Magnetocaloric Effect in Hydride and Deuteride of ITranium variation of the temperature at the Curie point has a sharp maximum and the Curie temperature, therefore, can be determinea accurately. Since uranium hydride and uranium deuteride are available only as fine powders, a method was developed for the measuring the magnetocaloric effect of such powders, The results of these measurements well agree %ith the results of other authors for the same substances in monolithic form. A diagram gives the curves for the temperature dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in a magnetic field of 17000 oersted. The maxima of these curves correspond to the following ferro- magnetic Curie temperatures; t) UH 3 ~ 182.20K and G UD 3 = 178.40K. According to the above-mentioned curves, urani um hydride and uranium deuteride have not only different CDrj.e temperatures, but also different values of the magneto- caloric effect. A. G. Orlov, a student of the T-Joskovskiy inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut (11oscov En,,ineering-Physics Institute) took partin the preliminary investigations of Card 2/3 the magnetocaloric effect. The author thanks the supervisor of "I, OV/56 - 36- 1---5 5/65 The Magnatocaloric Effect in Hydride and Deuteride of Uranium the present paper, Academician I. K. Kikoin, for his constant interest and for his useful advice. There are 1 figure and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 18, 1958 Card 3/3 1 5 KARCHEVSKIY, A. I., CaWPhy-Math Sel -- "Magnetic and 6lec- r, - tric properties of certain ferromagnetic compounds-=o*mCeAk-i_-4_l'; ~- non-ferromagnetic components." Mos, 1961. (Mos Eng%-Phy's Inst) (KL, 8-61, 226) w,- . .~Ilf I ! . , - 20 - 300? S/046/61/025/01, 11 /01, 8/031 B104/B102 AUTHORS: Karchevskiy, A. I., and Buryaki Ye, M. TITLE: Intensity of magnetization and ma.-netocaloric effec-, in uranium hydride and uranium deuteride PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,, Y. 25, no. 11, 1961, 1387 - 1388 TEXT: The results of a study of the magnetization of UH 3 and UD 3 at 4.2 and 77.40K in magnetic fields of up to 23 koe are presented- The tempera- ture dependence of magnetization was examined near the Cui' ne point of these compeunds along with the magnetocaloric effect over a wide range of magne.- tic field strengths. The paramagnetic susceptibility of both compounds was measured in -the temperature range of 230 - 5000K. In fields of up to 23 kilooersteds the intensity of ma- etization of UH at 4.2 and 77.40K was On 3 by 6~c higher than. that of 13D The temperature dependence of the magnetic 3' 0 susceptibility of both compounds cannot be described by the Aell-known c /(T-T is indicated Curie-1,11eiss formula. The relation 'tmole ~ mole 0 Card 1/2 29694 S/18 61/003/010/020/1036, B 104XB1 08 AUTHORt Karahevskiyt As 1. TITLEs Eleatrocalorio effect in polycrystalline barium titanate PERIODICALt Fizika tverdogo telat v. 3, no. 10, 1961, 3092 - 3099 TEM The reversible temperature change in the case of adiabatic polarization (electrooalorio effect) was studied with polycrystalline BaTiO speoimens in external electric fields of up to 7.5 kv/cm at temper- 3 0 atures, of from -80 to +135 C. The experimental device is shown in Fig.l. A peak of the eleotrocaloric effect was observed at 1180C. The position of this maximum was stable in fields from 1-5 to 7-5 kv/cm. The dielectric constant & of the specimens u was determined as a function of tempera- ,278d ture. At a temperature of 0 0, E(T) showed a maximum which shifted linearly with E (+0-4*10-3 - C ). In the case of a second-order phase vi-cm change, the position of the maximum of the electrocaloric effect does not depend on E. The conversion of BaTiO 3 at 1180 C is therefore identical Card 1 X12- 29~94 S/18 61/003/010/020/036 Electrocaloric offect in... B104XBloB with a aecond-order phase change. These results are discussed and com- pared with those of other scientists (Refs. 10 - 14). P. P. Kobeko and Is V, Kurchatov (Ze. Phys., 66, 192, 1930) and L. D. Landau (ZhETP,,I, 19, 1937) ar~ mentiored. The Ba-TiO3 specimens were prepared in the laboratory of B. M. Vul. The author thanks V. P. Konstantinova and I.V.Sillverstrova for discussions, N. Ya. Anisimov for preparation of specimensp and the laboratory assistant A. S. Nikishin for help in the evaluation of experi- mental data. There are 5 figures and 14 references: 8 Soviet and 6 non- Soviet. The five most recent references to English-language publications reaa as followst Ref. 101 H. H. Wieder. J. Appl. Phys., no. 30, no. 7, 1010t 1959; Ref. 11: A. P. Devonshire. Phil. Mad., AO, 1040, 1949; Ref. 12% A. F. Devonshire. Advance in Phys., 3, 851 1954; Ref. 13: W. J. Merz, Phys. Rev,t 2-1, 513, 1958; Ref. 14, W. J. Merz, Phys. Rev., 26, 1221, 1949-' SUBMITTEDt May 19, 1961 VY Card 2/5 21356 1-11 ILI III S/126/61/oll/oo4/003/023 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Karchevskiy, A.I. and Nikolayev, V.I. TITLE: Hall Effect in the Metamagnetic Alloy MnAu2 PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 519 - 524 TEXT: Since the experimental data reported by various authors (Meyer, Taglang et al - Refs. 2-5) on the magnetic properties of MnAu are not in complete agreement, the present authors have inves?igated the Hall effect, the paramagnetic suseeptibility,magnetisation and the maguetocaloric effectin MhAu2. The MnAu2 alloy was prepared from 99.99% pure Au and electrolytic- ally pure Mn, taken in the stoichiometric ratio. The alloy was prepared using the method described by Meyer and Taglang (Ref. 2). The Hall effect was measured on rectaxigular specimens placed in an argon atmosphere in magnetic fields up to 36 000 Oe. The paramagnetic susceptibility was measured by the Gouy method and the mAgnetisation was determined by the ballistic method. No correction was made for the demagnetisation Card 1/5 21356 Hall Effect .... S/126/61/011/004/003/023 B032/E314 effect. The magnetocaloric effect was measured by the usual method, i.e. the thermocouple for measuring the temperature was placed in a small hole in the specimen, ensuring reliable thermal contact between the thermocouple joint and the specimen. The results obtained for the Hall effect are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2, which give the isothermalsbelow and above the Neel point, respectively. Fig. 3 illustrates the Hall effect at room temperature for three different specimens. The paxamagnetic susceptibility was found to obey the Curie-Weiss law x = C/T P in the temperature region +290 to 500 0C, where C = 7.2 x 10-3 Et4U/g and ap = 178 OC, which is in good agreem,ent with the data of Ref. 2. Finally, Fig. 4 shows the magnetisation (EMU/g) as a function of the field Card 2/5 21356 S/126/6i/oil/004/003/023 Hall Effect E032/E334 (Curve a is taken from Ref. 2; Curve represents the results of Kussmann and Raub - Ref. 4; Curve B represents the results of Klitzing and Gielessen Ref. 4 and CurvefL represents the present results). The magnetocaloric effect was measured in the range 9 0000 to 36 000 Oe, at temperatures between +20 and -140 C. The ferromagnetic Curie point, as determined from-the magnetocaloric effect maximum in large fields, was found to be 100 + 1 0C. The temperature dependence of the magnetocaloric effect was found to be entirely analogous to that found by Meyer and Taglang (Ref. 2), and indicates that the alloy is antiferromagnetic in weak fields. Thus, the dependence of the Hall effect on the external magnetic field in the metamagnetic alloy MnAu 2 below the Neel point suggests that the Hall eff6dt in metamagnetics shows the same regularities as in ordinary ferromagnetics. Acknowledgments to Academician I.K. Kikoin for attention and discussions, to V.I. Kutaytsev for assistance with the preparation of the alloy specimens and to A.S. Nikishin for assistance in the experiments. Card 3/5 21356 s/126/61/011/004/003/023 Hall Effect E032/E314 There are 4 figures and 6 references: 1 Soviet and 5 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED. July 11, 1960 Card 4/5 30451 S/126/61/012/003/oo6/021 E032/E314 AUTHORS: Karchevskiy, A.I. and Nikolayev, V.I. TITLE: On the Hall effect in the metamagnetic alloy Mniku 2 PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, 1961, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 372 - 375 TEXT: Recent interest in the properties of MnAu 2 is due to its metamagnetic behaviour: in a sufficiently strong magnetic field the alloy experiences a transition from the antiferromagnetic to the ferromagnetic state. Previous work by the present authors (Ref. 1 - M1, 1961, 11, 519) shows that in a wide range of temperatures and magnetic fields the Hall e.m.f. in metamagnetics may- be represented by eH = R0H + R II where R0 is the classical Hall constant, R is the ferromagnetic Hall constant, Card I 30451 S/126/6i/ol2/003/006/021 On the Hall effect .... E032/r~Oi4 I is the magnetisation, and H the true magnetic field in the specimen. The Hall e.m.f. e H is referred to unit current densitv and unit distance between the fiall electrodes. However, I.G. Fakidov and V.N. Novo,(;rudskiy (Ref. 4 - nim, 1960, 10, 158) have reported that when the alloy DInAu2 goes over into tile ferromagnetic state the slope of the e H(1) curve changes by a factor of 3. On this basis the authors of Ref. It Conclude that the Hall effect in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic states is of different origin. The present authors, on the other hand, now point out that this conclusion is erroneous since the bend in the e H(I) curve is due to the fact: that the Hall e.m.f. of MnAu 2 consists of two components, only one of which is proportional to the magnetisation (C-f- Eq. 1). Fig. I shours the magnetisation ow (cgs/g) of Hall specimer's as a function of the magnetic field HII k0e). These curves are corrected for the demagnetising factor. The two MnAu specimens 2 Card 30h5l S/126/6i/oi2/003/006/021 On the Hall effect .... E032/E314 (I and 2 in Fig. 1) were described in detail in Ref. 1. In spite of the care with which the alloy was prepared, the two specimens differed from each other. Fig. 2 shows the experimental curves of the Hall e.m.f. (Vcm/A) at room temperature as a function of the magnetic field H IcOe These curves are again corrected for the demagnetisation factor. Finally, Fig. 3 shoiTs the classic-al component of the Hall effect as a function of the magnetic field for the two specimens. In order to show the applicability of Eq. (1), it is sufficient to establish that 11 0 and R I are constants for the given material and depend on the temperature only. The coefficient R I can be determined fro-m RI eextrap /I extrap Where e extrap and I extrap are found by extrapolating the e H(11) and I(H) curves from the region of the paraprocess Card 30451 S/l26/6l/0l2/Oo3/oo6/o2i On the Hall effect E032/E314 to H ~ 0 , 14owever, it must be emphasised that the corresponding curves must be plotted as a function of the true field in the specimen, The values of R I for specimens I alvi were found to be - 19 x 10- .10 and -15-5 X 10-10Vg/A gauss cm 2 Using these values of RI -1 one can exclude the second component of Eq. (1) and determine the classical component of the HaM effect. A plot of A el, ~ 1_1 - R II as a function of the field H was found to give a straight line passing through the origin. This fact leads the present author to the conclusion thar the mechanism responsible for the Hall effect in both the ferro- magnetic and antiferromagnetic states of MnAu 2 is the same. Ackno,aledgments are expressed to Acader-,iician I.K. KiRoin and Yu.M~ Kagan for disc~.issions. (Abstracters note - this is an abridged translation.3 There are 3 figures and 11 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The English-language reference quoted is: Ref. 2 - E.M. Pugh - Phys, iaev., 1930, 36. 1503. SUBMITTED, January io, 1961 Card 4/13' , I Y,ARGHEVSKIYI A.I.; BUIRYAK, I-Lagnetization Intensity and the magnetocaloric effect in uranium hydrido and douteride. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. fiz. 25 no.11:1387-1388 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Uranium hydride-1.14agnetic properties) 26692 S/056/61/041/005/007/038 B109/B102 UAl 0~'3: Babichev, A. P. , Karchovo'~iy, -urui,ilin, 'iu. jol-ollskiy, V. '21TLE Formation of a current channel thrvii~-h a g~is Oischar,,-o in a weak magnetic field PER10DICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiz---ki, v, 41, no. 501), 1961, 1378 - 1381 TEXT: The configuration of a toroidal power discharge in a weak magnetic field experimentally studied under three conditions; (a) constant magnetic flux in the liner cross section, N constant, and (c) variable longi-.udinal field at the discharge periphery. The experimental data may be inteilxvted by a stationary forceless discharge model. Experimental setup: The liner had a diameter of 160 mm. In one series of experiments it was of aluminum which secures a constant magnetic flux in the liner cross section. In another, it was of steel, providing a constant magnetic field strength at the discharge periphery. The steel liner was placed in a coil which could generate a variable magnetic fieldin the plasma. Operating data: Current in the aluminum (steel) liner 50 ka (35 ka), voltage Lit the beginning of Card 1/4 26692 '~/056/61/0411'005/007/038 Formation of a current channel ... B109/B102 discharge 1.1 kv, length of the first half-wave 6004Gsec, magnetic field at the beginning of discharge up to 1000 oersteds, head cf the hydrogen filling between M1 and 0.001 mm Hg, plasma conductivity at the axis 6 -1o14 (8 .1013) OGSE, The exact field distribution may be seen in Fig.!. For a closer inv'estigation of the discharge character, an alternating magnetic field with variable amplitude and phase was produced with fouifbld discharge frequency by means of an auxiliary coil (of, D. P. Ivanov, V, D. Kirillov, DAN SSSR, 1-~ii 793, 196o). The measuring results are shown in Fig. 2. The field strength HZ (0) at the liner axis and the longitudinal field H Z(r0) at the periphery under-e~rent a cophasal variation until the moment t 1, At this moment, the longitudinal and azimuthal components of the magnetic field at the edge of the liner had the same amount. Due to the poor conductivity of plasma, the diffusion time of the magnetic field was relatively short.. The observed formation of a current channel which somehow resembles the pinch effect may therefore be described by a stationary forceless discharge model. This holds good for both a constant and a variable external magnetic field. The v-Alues calculated with the Card 2/4 26692 S/056/61/041/005/007/07kB Formation of a current channel ... B109/B102 aid of this model are shown in Fig. 1 as solid and in Fig. 2 as broke lines. Theory and experiments are in good agreement. 1. K. Kikoin, B.'S. Kadomtsev, and V. 1). Lihafranov are thanked for discussions. There are 2 figures and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. The reference tn the English-language publication reads as follows: D. J. Lees, M. G. Rusbridge. Conference Report, Uppsala, IV A, p. 955, 1959. SUBMITTED: May 17, 1961 Fig. 1. Course of the longitudinal (H ) and azimuthal (H components of U z If) the magnetic field strength. (a) thick-walled aluminum liner, (~) non- magndtic-steel liner. Solid curves - forceless discharge model, broken lines - parama,-netic model. Legend: (1) outer wall of the liner. Fig. 2. Oscillograms of the discharge current J 2 and of the longitudinal field 11z(0) in the middle of the liner with a variable magnetic field (r 0 -liner radius) superimposed. Card 3/4 KARCHUSKIr. M. (Moskva) I.- ------ Semiconductor counters of radioactive radiatioz. Prizoda 50 nol; 96-97 Ja 161* (MIM .14: .1) (Scintillation counters) (Semiconductors) "I" -~4bjb S/05 62/042/002/011/05'/ B1 02YB1 38 0 AUTHORS: Karchevskiy, A. I.$ Buryak$ Ye. M. TITLE: Magnetic properties of the P-modification of uranium hydride and deuteride PER10DICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v- 42j, no. 2, 1962, 375-382 TEXT: Magnetization, paramagnetic susceptibility and magnetocaloric effects of P-UH 3 and P-UD 3 (cubi a lattice with a - 6-632 ~ and 6.625 resp.) were studied by the usual methods at low temperatures (4.2-210'Y). The susceptibility measurements were also carried out in the range VK 200-5000K. The molar magnetization of UH 3 was found to be only 60,fa higher than that of UD 3P independi~nt of external magnetic field. The results of W. B. Henry (Phys. Rev. 109, 1976, 1956). The Curie points determined fron the temperature dependence of the spontaneous magnetization were 1810K for UH3 and 177-50K for UD 3; from the maximum of the magnetocaloric effect Card 113 S/056/62/042/002/011/055 Magnetic properties of the ... B102/B138 0 0 182.0 K was obtained for UH and 178-4 K for UD The magnetocalorio 3 3' effect at the Curie point in UH is 1-4 � 0-15 times higher than in-UD 3 3* The molar magnetic susceptibilit is given by ~mol ' Cmol/(T - 9 p~ + Xo, which is valid for both UH3 and UD3 with C (UH,) =C (UD,) 0,624; X, (PH,) = + 40. 10-1; ZO (UDB) - + 43 - 10-5 (3). IB,(UH3)=176.1'K; 9,(UD,)=175,2'K. The results of the measurements are in agreement with calorimetric on'?B. From the reaults obtained the following conclusions are drawn: The shift of the Curie point du *e to the substitution of 11 by D is +3-5.� 0-50K. The difference in the magnetocaloric effects at Curie point may be explained as follows: (a) (ad/aT)II is higher for UH 3 than for UDp due to the temperature dependence of the spontaneouB magnetization of these compounds, and (b) the specific heat of UD 3 exceeds that of UR 3' The difference in the magnetization ratio, d(UH 3)/C(UD5 1.06 at low temperatures 'and Card 2/3 S/056/62/042/002/011/055; Magnetic properties of the ... B102/B138 aa(UH3)/Cf8(UD 3) = 1.17 at the Curie points, shows that the temj.-~erature dependen2e of spontaneous magnetization is different, for the two compounds. The magnetic moments only differ in the ferromagnetic, not in T-1110 paramagnetic,temperature range. The paramagnetic Curie points, 0 D; are almost equals Academician I. K. Kikoin is thanked for discussions., B. N. Samoylov for advice and laboratory assistants A. S. NiUshina and V. D~ Yakovlev for help. There are 6 figures and 10 references: 4 Soviet and VK 6 non-So7iet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as follows: W. E. Henry. Phys. Rev. IM 10/76.~ 1958; H. E. Flotow et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 81) 3529) 1959; Abraham et al. J. Am. Chem. Soo. 82, lo64, 196o. S. T7-Lin, A. R. Kaufman. Phys, Rev. ,02, 640, 1956. SUM,11ITTED; Au&-ist 10..1961 Card 3/31 BABIGHEV, A.P.; KAMHEVSKIY, A.I.; MROMKIN, Yu.A. Helical instability of a toroidal -field. Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. (Electric discharges) discharge in a variable magnetic 43 no.3:881-885 162. (MIRA 15:10) (Magnetic fields) BABICIIEV, A.P.; ~~CMSKIY, A.I.; MUROMIN, Yu.A. Some characteristics of a toroidal discharge. Zhur. t--kh. fiz. 33 rio.11:114.00-1403 N 163. (MIRA 16:12) S/05 63/044/002/064/065 B1 85%102 AUTHORS: Nikolayev, V. I., Shcherbina, Yu. I., Karchevskiy, A. 1. I TITLE: The 1,eossbauer effect in the compound FeSn 2 PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 44, no. 2, 19063, 775-777 TT;'X': The antiferromagnetic compound FeSn2 is one of the most interesting objects to be investigated by the Mssbauer method, since both th-e isotopes Pe57 and Sn 119 are viell suited for studying nuclear -,,-ra *,,- absorption. The authors mea;iured the absorption of 14-4-'~:ev 7-Q"lapta 57 9;. (Source Co V 2.70 days halflif-~) and 23.8-kev y-quanta ~source Sn 250 days halflife) by a 28 mg/cm 2 thick layer of FeSn deposited on a 2 Be disc. The intensity of the radiation passed throu.-h'the absorber was measured with a NaI(Tl) crystal connected with a singlb-channel pulse- height analyzer. The Fe57 absorption spectrum of the 14.4-kev quanta contained six well resolved peaks, th~ distance of the-6utermost ones Card 1/2 C: /0 5 " 0/ 0/07044/002/064/0055 The ,76ssbauer effect ir, the -3185/3102 corresponding to the source velocity vihich was (3.9�0.1)mm/sec. From L, the data so obtained the magnetic field acting on the Fe nucleus in Fes-I was calculated to equal 121t4 koe. A' T~T, V ~6el (T Ne -:I. 3,300K) the 2 'e1 - 'o spectrum consists of a sin.-Ile line whose width was (06-711.DY'at 9b C and r1 (2 -7_+1 .0)-' at 16060C, zherei denotes the true line width. The Sn 119 absorDtion SDectrum for 23.8 y-rays bas, at- room teMDerature, an asYmmetrical doublet structure uhich degenerates at T )T N6el to a single "Line. The line splitting is assumed to be due to a magnetic lattice field. The fact that the 23.8-kev y-ray absorption cross section in FeSn2 is equal to that in SnO 2 is attributed to the particular role played by the optical branches of the lattice vibrations in the 1.,'8ssbauer effect. There are 2 figures. PRESENTED: November 17, 1962 Card 2/2 NIKOLkYET, V.I.; KARCHEVSKIY, A.I.; TSINOYET, V.G.; VASIL -- 7171FV, B.V. Magnetostriction of the metainagnetic alloy HnAu 2* Zhur. eksp. i teor. fiz. 45 no.3%480-485 S 163. (~MIA 16-10) (Manganese.wGold alloys--Magnetic properties) 2/M qL..~ I.RLc" 'LAI---- I_hl -UR/0056/-66/0' 17-AP6007267 ACC N RCE CODE: r)r)/nr)2/0107iO3l4 AUMOR: Karchevski.y A.J. ORG: none TITLE.: Acceleration -and capture,of electrons by a magnetic trap during electric breakdown SOURCE: Zhurnal eksparimental* iteoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 50, no. 2, 1966, 307-314; TOPIPTAGS: Imagnetic trap, electron trappingmagnetic trapping, plasma compression, plasma injection Li 4 Ytt, ~ABSTRACT: Experiments on the.injection an*d compression of plasmoids in magnetic mirror traps were carried. out... During a strong magnetic compression (in-ftial -inten- qity of magnetic field, Hoz - 50-100 oe;-final amplitude of magnetic field, 12-151koe) of a comparatively~rarefied plasmd (n z2 x 1012 cm-3)-x-rays eO WTH anlenergy of about 10 keiv,wera emitted from the.magnetic mirror. In special experiments the-magneticcompression, of plasma was realized only after a longitudinal (flowing~along,theforee Iffies of..the magnetic,field) current with an amplitude up to 10 ka was tr .ansmitted-through the Iplasm-ai in I such-cases, at a weak magnetic compres- sion (H 1000-2000 oe H 5-10 koe), the hard x-radiation (W -- 40 kev) was of. I max .emitted rom the magn6tic~mirror during the which the pulsed magnetic field (-300 sec) was maintained. Such emission is completely absent at small coeffiel6nis L CqF4 l12 ACC NR~ AP603.3411 ~AUTIIOR; SOURCE C6DE. U`R/0057/66/036/010/17~5/i778 Babichev,A.P.; KarchovskiyA.I.; bluromkin,Yu.A.; 1sakov,j.hj. ORG: none TITLE: Characteristics of a toroidal discharge at low plasma density SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, ve 36, no.10, 1966, 1775-1778 TOPIC TAGS: hydrogen plasma, plasma stability, plasma density, x-ray emission, weak magnetic field ABSTRACT: The authors have in~estigatcd hydrogen plasmas in the aluminum toroidal chamber of the "Bota" installation. The plasmas were excited in hydrogen at frorm 0.001 to 0.01 mm lig by discharge through a pulse transformer of a 0.007 F capacitor bank charged to up to 2 kV and were stabilized with a 0.1 to 1.0 kOe longitudinal magnetic field. The plasma density was measured with a double electric probe and a 2 mm wavelength microwave interferometer. When the chamber was well outgassed before! the discharge, the plasma density was high (up to 5 x 10 cm- 13 3) only during the early stage of the discharge and decreased by a factor of from 5 to 20 after 200 or 300 microsec. During the decrease of the plasma density the discharge current de- creased in a stepwise manner, and the current breaks were accompanied by simultaneous .emission of hard (about 50 keV) x-rays from all parts of the chamber. The electr field in the plasma at this stage was approximately equal to the critical value for Card 1/2 UDC: 533.9 ACC NRi AP6033411 continuous acceleration of electrons. The experimental data do not pormit any definite conclusions to be drawn concerning the mechanism responsible for the ob- served behavior of the plasmas. The authors thank Academician I.K.Kikoin for his interest in the work, and V.V.Vasil'tsov and Yo.F.Gorbunova for their participation in the experimental work. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. 24Aug65 ORIG. FM-. 004 OTH REF: 004 V: I I - I I I...I Va-.)or rressure c)v(',Y- lLquid ammv!n'wa V- "S. 1 cheb. 7av. ; khjm. 1 tekh~ ..--"edra ~eklnolc~-i necr.-aniche.91-All, KARCHEVSKIT G.A - Owm"WIM. Expeditionary "Pod2ergA::" -~Iant. Podzem.gar.ugl. no.2:,96-83 '57. (MLItA 10: 7) 1. Vaesoyunyy nauchno-issiedovatellekty inatitut Pcdrempgaz. (Coal gasification, Underground) (Research. Induntrial) K&WHEVSKIY, I. S. Cleaning the heating surface of evaporators. Sakh.prom. 34 no-3:28-31 Mr I'M. (MIR& 13:6) 66 1. Sakharnyy zavod imeni Kalinina. (Sugar manufacture) (Evaporating appliances) MNYAKOV, N.V.; KMHBVSKIY. H.H.; NIKOLISKIY. A.N.; PROKHOROV, V.P. Cl~ydraulic engineering for land improvement on the Tatar collective farms] Vodno-maliorativnoe stroitelletvo v kolkhotakh Tatarii. Kazan', Tatgosizdat, 1952. 126 p. (KLRA 9:8) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Wdraulic engineering) KARCREVSKIY, N. AWMWIZO. ~W, Initiative from the lower levels is needed. Mias. ind. SSSR 27 no.4:46-47 '56. OSRA 9:10) 1. Barnaullskik ptiteekombinat. (Meat industry--Accounting) KARCHKVSKIY. N..H. (Tukums, Latviyakoy SSR) t"., Double-]~b-bunia- Snow on the Barguzin Range. Priroda 45 no.12,112-113 D 156. (KM 10:2) (Petunia) A/ . w ) ..'- , /" -,7,;,*-.- '; /; - "'(' h ; \ -' h ~- t - , , '/ i I /'~( KARCEVSKIS, N. Epiphyllum truncatim Haw. P. 21. (PADOI-OU LXIVIJAS KOLCHOZENIEKS) (Rip, Latvia) Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan. 1953 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (EEAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 KARCHj3VSKIY, Nikodim Nik3Aimovich; BOGDANOVSKAYA, M. I., red.; SAMSONOV, V.H., red.izd-va; SALAZKOV, N.P., (Ornamental greenhouse plants; Latvian work practices] Dekora- tivnye oranzhereinye kmlltury; opyt Latvii. Moskva, Izd-vo M-va kom=m.khoz.RSFSR, 1959. 149 p, (MIRA 13:6) (Latvia--Plants, Ornamental) (Greenhouse plants) BAYKONMOV, O.A.; BELYAYEV, A.I.; BOGOMOLOV, V.I.; VANYUKOV, V.A.; GAZARYAN,L.K.; GLEN, T.F.; GORYAYEV, H.I.; XARCHRV$-K-I-Y-,-V.A.; KLUSHIN. D.N., KUNAY39V, D.A.; LZMEV, B.N.; LISOVSKIY-,16-.I.; LOSKUTOV, F.M,; MITROFANOV, S.I.; MOLCHANOV, A.A.; MOSKVITIB, I.N.; OL'KHOV, M.P.; OSIPOVA, T.B.; PLAKSIN, I.N.; PONOMARIV. V.D.; RUMYANTSEV, N.V.; SOKOLISKIY, D.V.; SOKOLOV, N.A.; SPASSKIY, A.G.; STRIGIN, I.A.; SUSHKOV, K.V.; SHAMAZAROV, A.K.; YASYUKICVICH, S.M. Khosrov Kurginovich Avetisian, obituary,. TSvet.met.27 no.3:66-68 MY-Je 1.54. (MIRA 10:10) (Avetisian, Khosrov Kurginovich, 1900-1954) M'C /I z! v ~ I,- f Y) Y,,j . GRANOVSKIT,.B.L.; DITRY, N.P.; ZUBAREV, V.I.: XARCHKVSKIY, V.A.: KWSHIN, D.N.; MAKOVSKIY, G.M.; MIRONOV, A.A.; OLIKHOV'--'N..-;-P~ANOVICH, B.V.; USHAKOV, K.I.; SHAKHHAZAROV, A.K. Electric sinelting for matte in copper metallurgy; a reply to L.M.Gazarian. TSvet.met. 28 no.1:33-41 Ja-F 155. (MIRA 10:10) (Copper--Electrometallurgy) (Gazarian, L.M.) BEREGOVSKIT, V.Ye.; VASIIENKO, M.I.; VELIER, R.L.: VERBLOVSKIY, A.M.; VERNER, B.F.; VOYRALOVSKAYA, Ye.N.; VOLISKIY, A.N.-, G-LAZEDVSKIY, A.A.; GRAITOVSKIY, B.L.; GREYVER, N.S.; GUDIMA, N.V., D0140POLOVA, V.I.; -XAARGIRaME . KlY V A - KOVACHRVA, Ye.B.; KMYAVTM, P.S.; LEBEDLIV, A.Y.; ~lisovs , . .; LIKHNITSKAYA, Z.P.; MATVEYEV, N.I.; MELINITSKIY, A.N.; MIRONOV, A.A.; MIKHMVA, A.A.; MURACH, N.N.; OK01, A.B.; OLIKHOV,N.P.; OSIPOVA, T.B.; PAVLOV, V.P.; ROTINYAK, A,L.; SAZHIN, N.P.; SEVRYUKOV,N.F., SIDOROV, P.M.; SOBOLI, S.I.; MUTTS, V.L.; TSEYNXR, V.N.-, SHAKHNAZAROY, A.K.; SHEYN, Ya.P.-, SBY"W'YEV, S.D.; SHTRMAN , B.P..; SHISHKIN, N.N.-, SHLOPOV, A.P. Georgii Ivanovich Blinov. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:62 N-D 155. (MIRA 10:11) (Blinov, Georgii Ivanovich, 1911-1955) AKIMOVA, X.I.; BAZMWOV, M.F.; BAKUALOV, G.T.; BEZKWBMO, F.P.; BERMAN,S.I.; BOGDANOV, Ye.S.; BODYAKO, M.N.; BOYKO, B.B.; VINOGRADOV, S.V.; GAGEN-TORN, K.V.; GOX, T.P.; GOREV, K.V.; GRADUSOV, P.I.; GUSHCHINA,T.H.; TDOL'YANOV, A.K.; YESIKOV, M.P.; ZDZYARSKIY, A.V.; ZAKHAROV, M.V.; ZAKHAROVA, M.I.;_ KOMAROV, A.M.; KDRZHENKO, O.T.; LATM , V.I.; MALITSEV, M.V.; MILLER, L.Ye.; MILOVANOV, I.I.; MIRONOV, S.S.; NIKONOROVA, N.A.; OLIKHOV, N.P.: OSIPOVA, T.V.; OSOKIN' N.Ye.; PERLIN, I.L.; PLAKSIN, I.N.: I!ROKCF'YEV, A.D.; RUMYANTS.Iff, M.V.; SEVERIENKO, V.P.; S=IN, P.I.; SMIRYAGIN, A.P.; SPASSKIY, A.G.; TITOV, P.S.; TURKOVSKAYA, A.V.; SHAMAZAROV, A.K.; SHPICHninsKiT, Ye.S.; TURKSHTOVICH, N.A.; YUSHKOV, A.V.; YANUSHIKVICH, L.V. Sergei Ivanovich Gubkin. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:6o-61 N-D 155. (MIRA 10:11) (Gubkin, Sergei Ivanovich, 1898-1955) ';7 C //z~ 6/s GORDDN, igariy Mikhaylovich; ALAWRAWV, Ivan Aleksandroirich; PETSAKHDV, Ira I.L., kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk,- retBenzixt; LIBCWSKIT, V.A., inzheneri retesizent; KATSKOVSKIT, R.S., inshener, reteezzent; redaktor; ARKRANGELIS KAYA, M.S., redaktor; I ,-_ T YKFi'H'OVA, A.P., tekhnicheskly redaktor. [Gas purification by bag filters in nonferrous metallurgy] Gan"ahi- atka rukavaymi filltrami v toyetnei metallurgit. Hoskya, Goo. nauchno- takhn.izd-vo lit-ry po cbersol i tevetaoi metallurgii, 1956. 204 p. (Muhl 9: 6) (Filters and filtr&tion)(Dast--Ramoval)(lionforrouti metal industries) K&WHEVSXIY V.A, - Use of oxygen in nonferrous metallurgy# TSvet.met. 29 no.5:14 my 156. (WRA 9:8) (Nonferrous metal industries) (Oxygen) AZOS, S.; ARHFIYF.V, A.; ARTAMONOV, I.; BABINA, I.; BXWOVSKIY, V.; BLOZHED,V,,,- BRAV3HW, A.; BYKHOVSKIY, Yu.; VINOGRADOVA, M.; GAIANKINL, Ye.; GILIIMXRSH. F.; GLOBA, To; GRNYM, No; GORDON, G.; GULIDIN, I.; GULYATWA, Ye.; GUSHCHIU, I,; DAMOVSKCAYA, Te.; DMSKAU, Go; DERKAGREVI, Do; IEVDOKIMOVA, A.; YAGUNOV, V.; ZABBLYSHINSKIY, I.; ZAYDM3RG, B.; AZMOSHNIKOV, I.; ITKINA. So; X44q -- WS:KI~Tj' V., KWSHIK, Do; KNINOV, Ye.; KUZNITSOVA, Go; KURSUMV, I.; LUMNIK, M.; LIMEROVICH, Go; LISOVSKIY, Do; LOSKTTOV, F.; KALRT*SKIY. Yu.; MASLYANITSKIY, I.; MAYANTS, A.; MILIM, L.; MITROFANOV, So; MIMUYIOV, A.; MYAKINMMOV, I.; NIKITINA, I.; NOVIN, R.; OGI%XV, Do; OLIKHOV, No; OSIPOVA, To; OSTRONOV, M.; PAKHOMOVA, Go; ' X , So; PIAKSIN, I.; PLETMWA, No; POPOV, V.; PRESS. Yu.; PROKOFIMA, Ye.; PUCHKOV, So; REMOVA, F.; RUMYAlvTSjlV,H.; SAKHAROV, I.; SCBOLI, So; SPIVAKOV, Ya.; STRIGIN, I.; SPIRIDONOVAJ.; TIMKO, Ya.; TITOT, So; TROITSXIY, A.; TOLOKONNIKOV, K.~ TROFIM07A, A.; FEDORM, V.; CHIZHIKOV, Do; SHRYN, la.; YUMANOV, D. Roman Iazarevich Veller; an obituary. TSvet. met. 31 no-5:78-79 WRA 11:6) (Veller, Roman Lazarevich, 1897-1958) D r'OV/136-59-2-6/24 'AUTHOR: Karchevskiy, V.A~ - ------------------- TITIE: Some Further Possibilities for the Complex Utilisation of Paw Materials"in Non-Ferrous Metallurgy (Nekotoryye rezervy kompleksnogo ispollzovaniya syrIya v tsvetnoy metallurgii) PSRIODlCAL:Tsvetnyye Idetally, 1959, Nr 22, pp 24-2? (USSR) ABSTRACT: In recent years-much work has been done on the improvement of the recovery o-C valuable metals for raw materials. Work on this has been carried out by the Gintsvetmet~ Giredmet, V141ITsvetinet Institutes, the Institut Metallurgii i Obcgashchemiya AN Kaz SSR (Institute of Metallurgy and Beneficiation of the AS Kaz SSR) and works rosearch laboratorieo. This wot,1L has shown that the main part of the rare metals goes into ,)rocess dust and shaft --furna (.~e slags. Based on this, experimental and industrial plant for the complex utilization of dusts and slags ana- being designed by the Giprotsvetmet, KazgJprotsvetmet and the Kavgiprotsvetmet organizations. SlaS-treatment sublimates will be roasted and subjected to neutral leaching to Card 1/3 remove most of the zinc and cadmium; the rest, together