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S/058/62/000/006/017/136 Ao6l/AIOI AUTHORS: Apshev, .9. 7h., Karashayev, A. A., Matuyev, V. A., Khakunov, M., Ponezhev, M. 10-i. - TITLE- On the transverse component of the momentum of neutral strange particles PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Pizika, no. 6, 1962, 52 - 53, abstract 05B369 C'Uch zap. Kahardino-Balkarsk. un-t", 1961, no. 13, 155 - 1051) TEXT. The penetrating showers of cosmic radiation were investigated with an apparatus consisting of a doubled Wilson chamber in the magnetic field, con- trolled by a system of Geiger counters. The distribution of the transverse com- ponents, Pt, of the momenta of 6P and AP-particles generated in these showers was examined. The apparatus permitted the measurement of momenta up to 2 - 2.5 Bev/c. In all, 13 Y-particles and 11 6P-particles were processed. For their greater part, these particles were in the range of Pt = 0.2 -" 0.4 Bev/c. The mean value o~ PI., was 0.516 Bev/c, and within the experimental errors did not depend on the particle type. L. Landsberg [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Z-Ur'1111, SA., RAPASHAYEV, A.A. Intf! surface energy of metah at +he ix)urdanr with I dielectric fluids. Fiz.-IJiim. Tnekh. mttt. 1 no.2:139-141 165. (MIRA 18:16) 1. Kabardino-Ballcarskiy universitet, Nallchj~k. ,'.-ACC N -, .- ! AR7000867 SOURCE CODE: Ull/0058/66/000/009/E-043/EO43 Zadumkin, S. N. AUTHOR: Karashayeva,_4 TITLE: Interphase surface energy at the interface of dissimilar metals SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizi.ka, Abs. 9E346 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhnostn. yavleniya v rasplavakh i voznikayushchikh iz i I nikh tverd. fazakh. Nallchik, 1965, 79-84 TOPIC,rAGS: zinc surface energy, cadmium surface energy, tin surface energy, surface energy, zinc mercury system ABSTRACT: Based onthe statistical theory of the surface energy of metals, the interphase energy is evaluated at the interface of dissimilar metals. Approximate, equations are derived and used, calculating the values of surface energy at 20C i for zinc, cadmium and tin at the interface with nearly all metals of the groups I to IV. The results show that if the electron density of the metal being studied (Zn, Cd, Sn) is higher than that of the elements of the given group of the Periodic Table'of Elements, the interphase energy increases with the increasing atomic number of the elements. A good correlation is shown for the zinc mercury Card 112 11 ACC NI' AR7000867 system between the calculated and experimental values which were based on data i I I nn fho nh.,znrntinn radzir-Hrin nf thp nfrana+h nf 11 Riimm TTronOntinn nf ACC N"' ART000866 S.OURCE CODE, UR/00 58 /66/000/009-/E(142/F-043 AUTHOR: 2eadumkin, S. N.; Karas.h,,aypv, A. A. TITLE: Correlation between surface energies of metals in the solid and liquid phases SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizilca, Abs. 9E345 REF SOURCE: Sb. Poverkhno,,;tn. yavleniya v rasplavakh i voznikayushchikh iz nikh tverd. irazakh. Nallchik, 1965, 85-88 TOPIC TAGS: solid state, liquid metal, zinc mercury interface, polycrystal, surface energy, heat of sublimation, heat of mixing ABSTRACT: An approximation equation has been derived for calculating he surface energy on the interface of solid and liquid metals as a function of the surface energy of both metals, their coordination numbers, heats of sublimation, heat of mixing, and other parameters. The obtained equation is used to evaluate the correlation between the surface energy of solid and liquid metals, to determine the surface energy on the interface of polycrystal grains, and on the interface of two poly- i morphous phases. The surface energy on the interface of ZN/Hg was also calculat- ed. B. Summ. [Translation of abstract] JGCJ LcLard 1 / 1 SUB CODE: 11, 20/ S/032/61/027/005/011/017 B132/B2o6 AUTHORS: Markovets, M. P. and Karashchuk. A. P. TITLE: Comparison of various methods for deiermining the yield noint from the hardness PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no, 5, 1961, 599-604 TEXT: Four different hardness tests for determining the yield point (a 0,2 ) are compared In this study. As testing material the authors used alloyed steels of the perlitic and half-ferritic c~lass '. i, a. , the following eight types: 20%fl,~20GSL). 20Y.M~ (20KhMP). 15XIIM~ (i5WIIT), 34YM 3 4KhM) . I X 13 (1 Kh 1-)0 4 15 (E 1415) 10 (El 10 )., These steels are used for steam turbine production. The methods by M, P. Markovets (Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki. 19, no. 3, (1949)). M.- S.. Drozd (Zavodska a laboratoriya, 24, no,, 1 and 8 '1998) and 22, no, 9 and 6 (1959)~, M. F. Sichikov et al.. (Zavadskaya laboratoriya, 13, no.. 7 and 13 (1947)), G;. P. Zaytsev (Zhurnal te),chnicbeskoy fiziki, 19.-no. 3 (1949); Zavodakaya laboratoriya, 21, no, 6 (1c.149) and 16, no., 5 -a-nd 11 (1950)) were applied Card 1/7 S/032'/61/027/005/011/017 Comparison of various methods for._ B132/B2o6 for the determinations. The method by Markovets is based on the pressing- in of small balls vi th 10 mm diame ter uD to a residual deformation of 0.2 From this value, for the hard.nesa (if 0.2), 00.2 may be calculated. In the Drozd method, v 0.2 is calculated according to '0.2 --0.185 ", In the first oase, -222P-- , H Is the Rockwell hardness determined with balls of 130-H B3 RB 1/1611 at a load of 100 kg. In the second case, H iq the Brinell hardness measured at a load of 187.1,1 kg with balls of 2.,5 mm diameter (D). The diameter of the remaining imprint d was determined. H can be determined from the ratio d/D and a table proposed by Drozd. Sichikov used the formula a -171 (1 )-- 142~ d Is the diameter of the remaining imprint, 0.2 d determined by the Rockwell diamond cone at a load of 150 kg. Z tsev determined a according to the formula a .1 . a (4 - n) - 0. 0.2 0.2 2 13 1B the yield strength, n a coefficient 0.60206 d and d, 0.30103 -log(d 5/d2-5) 2.5 Card 2/7 S/032/61/027/005/011/017 Compariaon of various methods for- B132/B206 are the diameters of the imprints caused by balls with 2.5 and 5 mm diameter., a uay be calculated according to the formula ti B -0.37a 0, wh4pre Ro . -L (L5 )" P is the load on the ball Witt, 5 mm diameter (D ) for a~ D2 d 5 5 5 Imprint of d 5' The authors determined the yield point according to the mentioned methods, and compared the values with the results from the elongation test. The elongation tests were made on a fivefold specimen of 10 mm diameter on the machine of the type hM-12A (IM-12A). The belonged to the TsNIITMASh (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technolot7v and Machine Building), For the steels investigated, the yield points d~iermined according to hardness fluctuated between 30 and 95 kg/mm2. Only the methods by Markovets (Fig. 1) and the second method by Drozd (Fig, 2b) appear to give satisfactory results. The yiel.1 point values determined according to these two methods are close to th-3 valuea obtained by elongation. The solid straight lines in the diagrams expreos the mean dependence between the yield points determined by hardness and Card 3/7 3/032/'61/027/005/011/017 Comparison of various methods for... B132/B.206 by elongation. The dotted straight lines show the limits of the 5 % deviation from the mean value, According to Markovets, 93 fall Vith4.n theq~ 11mits. according to Erord 1 7P-7 to Dro~.d 2 76,0 ~j, Sichikov 52 % and Zaytseir 72 % Accordingly, the maximum deviation from the 450 straight line amounts to - 7~8%; 12% and -9%;-+10.2% and - 13.2%; + 18.4V, and - 14,,5%; -~- 118,8% and 13-851'. Deviations ever 10 % do not appear with the Markovets method, with Drozd I they appear in one specimen, with Drozd 2 In two SDeCimens, with Sichikov in six specimens and with Zaytsev in eight specimens. The results were statisl~ically evaluated in order to determine the correlation coefficient (Table 3). Table 3: Method according to Correlati on Correlation I coefficiente coefficient Markovets 0.995 0.997 Prozd 1 0.995 0.988 Drozd 2 0.987 0.989 Sloh.[kDv- et al. 0.996) 0.969 Zayt:3ev 0.963 0~966 The methods by Markovets and Drozd proved to be most accurate. Under vel'y Card 4/7 S/032/61/027/005/011/017 Comparison of various methods for... B132/13206 exact test conditional the accuracy of the method by ZRytsev increaaed too. It must be noted that the determination of the yield point through elongation with other: devices (mirror apparatus by Martens, press by Gagarin) produces ot'her values; the yield point also depends on the diameter of the specimen tested. V. S. Ivanova established that the residual deformation at the yield point of long specimens is irregularly distributed. Sections of more or less than 0.2 % could be observed for a mean residual deformation of 0.2-% at the yield point. A critical comparison of the methods shoved the following results: The method by Markovets requires carefully pretreated surfaces; treatment must be finished by polishing. The hardened surface developed'by mechanical treatment must be removed previous to polishing. In tests according to Markovets, the balls only penetrate to a depth of 0.02 mm, so that this method permita the estimation of the yield point of the surface layer. A special device (Ref. 8: Id. P. Markovets and A. F; Karashchuk. Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 27, 5, p. 615 1961) is used for this method. Normal Pockwell and Brinell hardness testers are used for the determina- tion according to Sichikov, Drozd, and Zaytsev. For the first method by Drozd, a carefully treated surface of the test specimen, as well as Card 5/7 S/032/61/027/005/011/017 Comparison of -various methods for ... 3132/B206 careful pretreatment of the face placed on the tab';.e is required. Removal of the hardened layers is not required for the methods by Sichikov and Zaytsev. There are 4 figures, 3 tables, and 8 Soviet-bloo references- ASSOCIATION: 16oi3kovskiy energeticheskiy institut (moBcoT Pover Engineering Institute) Legend to Fig. 1:, X) a0.2 in kgAim2 determined according to the method by Markovets, y) (f 0.2 in kg/=2 , deternined by elongation teet. Card 6/7 KARASHCHUK, A.F., kand. tekhn. nauk Calculating the magnitude of residual deformation of a hole in ball indentation tests. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; mnsbinostr. no.5:26-34 165. (MIRA 18:11) .,"4-. MARKOVETSY M.P.; KARASHCHUK, A.F 1; Portable instrument for determining the yield strength of tubes baseid on hardness. Zav.lab. 27 no.5:615-616 161. (MIU 14:5) 1. Vloskovskiy energeticheakiy institut. (Creep of metals) i ,, 8/032/62/020/012/019/023 B104/B186 AUTHORS: Markovets, M. P., and Karashchuk, A. F. TITLE: Portable device with electromagnetic fastening for the rion-destructive determination of the yield point PERIODICAL: Zairodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 12, 1962, 1520-1521 TEXT: A device for determining the 0.2~'D elastic limit by ball-indent testing is described. In similar fashion to determining the Brinell hardness, the load P 0.2 on a 10 mm or on a 2.5 mm steel sphere that constantly produces an indent of 0.9 mm or 0.8'mm diameter is determined. he appliance (Fig. 2) consists of a load-applying mechanism, a load meter, Und an electromaemetic table with a rectifier. The load is applied with a hand lever, a needle indicates the load, and the width of the indent is measured with an attached microscope. The load attachment and the microscope are so turned on a vertical axis that when the test piece is tinder load the microscope is exactly above the indent. This device makes it possible to test small parts in laboratories or large parts in workshops. Card 112 S1032162/026101 -2/019"1'023 Portable device witf. electromagnetic... B104/B186 ASSOCIATION : ldoskov energeticheskiy institu~ (Moscow Power Engineeran~: Inst.; ate 2i 6 . 2. Diagram of oad-applying mechanism and load meter. Lu6erid: (I ) spri ng blade, (2) load m2l;er, (3) head with testing sphere. Card 2/2 MMOVETS M. P.; XAWHCM, A. F. .0 Portable apparatus with electromagnetic fastening for determining the yield point by the method withoiit sampling. Zave lab. 28 no.121-1520-1521 162. (MIRA 16;1) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheskly institut. (Testing machinen) . I KARASHCHUK, V.M., inzh. Polymorphous and some semiconducting properties of elements. V, Trudy MIIT no*188;96-111 164, i .. (MIR.A 17:10) .1 ~ S/058/61/0001-004/01_3/o42 A0011A.101 AUTNOR: Karashchuk, V.M. TITLE: On the electronic structure of carbides in steel, being the basis of its durability PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no 4, 1961, 265, abstract 4E37 ("Tr. Mosk. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. transp.", 1960, no 123, 147 - 153) TEM The author considers the effect of electronic structure of alloy- ing elements in steel on the possibilities of carbide formation. He shows that carbide stability-gr.ows with a decrease of the number of d-electrons from 6 to 2. At d-Z 6, alloying elements do not form carbides In steel; elements with d = 1 (So, Y) also do not form carbides. This indicates that valence electrons taking part in formation of' interatomic bonds of carbides, occupy also sub-outer levels. The probability of valence electrons being within the limits of Anteratrmic bonds must be greater, and consequently, their electron dens.1ty must increase. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 KARASHCHUK, I . M, 27818 - Karashchuk, I. M. Ochistka semyan lyutsarny na prosorurhAk. Selektsiya i semenovoastvo, 1949, No. 9. a. 69 SO: LetoDis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, V01- 37, 1949 I KARASHOLtqK, VA.!,,.- , Genaral laws governing the formation of crystalline structures of elements as dependent on the electronic structure of atoms. Trudy 141IT no.1.65TI7-52 163. (MIRA 17:2) nun I BOOK 1XILCITATION SGV/3240 Zoni"Srad. Inzb4amtrino-skonomicheskly Institut PrImenenlya rentsenovykh lusher k lseledovanlyu matorlalov (Appll- *&tlOn of I-Rare In the Study of Materials) lLenIngradl led-vo UningrSd3koto unIv., 1959. 125 P. ' (Serle$l Iteg Trudy, vyp. 25) Irrats aiip Inserted . 20000 copies - C_- .3d. (Tltlo pugs)s TO. 3. Torninasov. frofessorand T. N. 3mirnovs. Docent; Zd. (Inside book); M. 1. Dusorginal Tech. Md.3 VodolaglrA. MYC4Z: Thin book is intended ror specialists and students In educational institutions working in x-ray anslysim. COVERAGIs ?hI* book contains 22 studies prepared by the staff of the Depansent of Physics and of other departments of the Lenln- grad Inglnear-Ing " 3conomles Institute In cooperation with In- dustr1al entahTrlaas. The studios deal with the fatigue of metals and alloys, wear of metals due to rrictiono and the state o f tale subjected to prvllmlnary hxrdenlng~ e the x-ray method 'of ansly6fa tv-polj,~ d Zip Z crystalline Metals and alloys, to sLngle-er7stals Of metals, and to tempered and surface hardened steel. Residual Stresnee due to thermal treatment (Type 1) and grinding (Type 111) are the subject or a special study with a view to their :Die in the development of surface cold-hardenlng and their Influence on the grinding process. Considerable attention to paid to the fores-read "Cal-cuttlne method or v. A. rolesov, and to a method or surface hardcning or metals by shot blasting. oferences-191low sac-h-mr-tielp, X-ray Study or Types 11 and I Stress Iffects In Silicon Steel Fatigue 62 _!Sr&cywLa-X-J1, X-ray Study or Surface Layers or Metal Rx- posed to Friction of Rolling TS Seri;yeva, V. D. X-ray Study or Structure Defor--atlons In Steel 45 Zxposed to Friction of Rolling 78 I'd Yu. S. Termlnasom. X-rsy Study or Ty7em I an Residual Stress In the Wair of Steel Sarples During _the Friction Pmeess 83 AD-dUIllna-Z--N., 8:~d Yu. 3. Urn:nasov. X-ray Study of ' Waar Of Initlmll7 Surface Eardanqd Y~talz 96 and Yu. 3. TarmInAzov. StulyIng Sh2t Blasted Cold Kardened Steel by tht X-ray Method 105 AZYblkax-A.. and Yu. S. Te"inisov. X-My Study of Crystal - Structurt Defom~tlons In Surface Layers of rt-31s Cut by the Force Pead nothod 123 Fokllsto- A Electric Vacu= Furnace Zqulp~,jd With _Q~ a .. % .. ce 0 f -D ce Or CK&rglPg Sau:plea Without Upsetting the Vacuu Charx 125 AVAILABLE: Library or Congress Card 4/A TM/os 2/16/60 KARASHEV, _je; TERPJMSO~, YU.S. X-ray diffraction study of distortions of the arysta32ine structure of annealed stebI under wear test. Trudy LIEI no.29tl9-23 [i.e. 391 162. (MM 16:6 (X-rELY diffraction examination) (Dislocations in metals~ (Steel-Testing) KAIMOTA, N., kand..filol.nank Fiftieth anniversary of International Womenle Day. Vest.All Kazakh, SSR 16 no.3:1-IV Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Women) KOVALEVSKAYA, I.L.; EFSHTEYN-LITVAK, R.V.; DMITRIYEVA-RAVIKOVIGH, Ye.M.; K1JRNOSOVA, N.A.; SHGHEGLOVA, Ye.S.; FERDINVID, Ya-M.; KHCt1IK, S.R.; MAMINOVSKIY, L.P.; PETROVA, S.S.; GOLUBOVA, YeJe.; GONCHAROVA, Z.I.; SAMANEYEV, A.P.; SIZINTSEVA, V.P.; Prinimal-i uchastiye-. MEDYUKRA, G.A.; OSOKINA, L.A.; RACHKOVSKAYA, Yu.K.; OSOVTSEVA, 0.1.; DEDUSENHO, A.I.; KOVALEVA, P.S,; KARASHEVICH, V.P.; CHEBOTAREVICH, N.D.; CHIGIRI, "8=TSKATA-.V - S.D.; KECHETZHIYEV, B.A.; D12aNA, A.S.; ZUSIMAN, R.T.; YESAKOV, P.I.; SYSOYEVA, Z.A.; ZINGVIYEVA, I.S.; FAL'CnVSKAYA, A.A.; DENISOVA., B,D.; TIMOFELEVA, R.G.; SYRKASOVA, A.V.; LY-ANTSMAN,, S.G. Reactivity and immunological and epidemiological effect--;ven3ss of alcoholic typhoid and paratyphoid fever vaccines in school children. Zhur. mikrobiol., epid. i inmun. 33 no.7:72-77 J1 162. (MIRA 17-1) 1. Iz Moskovskogo, Rostovskogo, Omshogo institutov epidemic- logii i mikrobiologii, Stwropollskogo instituta vaktsin i syvorotak i Ministerotva, zdravookhraneniya RSFSR. 2. Rostovskiy institut epidemiologii i miki-obiologii (for Kovaleva). 3. Stavaropollskiy institut vaktain i nyvorotok (for Sysoyeva). 4. Kuybyshevskdy institut epidemiologii i mikrobiologii ("Cor Zinoviyeva). 5. Saratovskaya gorodskaya, sanitarno-epidemiolo- gichesIaLya stantsiya (for Lyantsman). med. nauk; TOSHIKSKTY, I.T., zasluzhennyy KARASW vrach RSFSR; FUTYATIY, V.M., kand. med. nauk; SKTBA, V.1-I.; BYTDAYEVI Kh.I., student. Echinococcosis of the limgs. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. red. inst. 8-.49-8Z 163 WIRA 17 -.7 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii ( zav. - prof. Yu.S. Gilevich) kafedra gospitallnoy khirargii ( zav. - prof. P.M. Kovalovskiy) Stavropol' i3kogo meditsinakogo instituta ( rektor-zasluzhemyy deyatel" nauki, prof. V.G. Budylin), khirurgicheskoye otdele- niye, Stavropoltskoy krayevoy klinichaskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Yu.P. Zotaw) i khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye ( zav. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSPSR I.I.Toshinskiy) Pyatigorskoy gorboll- nitay (glavn-yy vrach A.S. Partigulov). KARASHUROV, Ye.S., karid. ired. nauk; IFTIK-ARMIT-1-11N, A.A. ~ --l.....- - -14- -- &Mnoccccal relapses. Uzb. zap. Stavr. gose mede insto 6:205-42 163 (M rRA 17 :77 ) 1. rafedre, Ashobay khirurr-'I ( zaka - prcte Yuo~ Stavropol Is'kogo meditsinslogo inst,ituta (rektor zasluzhennn, dayatell niniki, profe V,,G, Aidyl~n)* KARASHUROV,)~~,S., kand. med. nauk; ZINCHENKO, G.P. ------ - 11 _-- - Functional changes in the cerebral cortex in acute cholecystitis. Uch. zap. Stavr. goo. med. inst. 12:75-77 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii (zav. zasluzhenny-,v deyatell nauki prof. V.G. Budylin) i obshchey khirurgii (zav. prof. Yu.' S. Gilevich) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. KARASHUROV,, Yc-.S.,, SKIM; V.M. llydatld!3 of the Jlungs. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med, anst, 123192-193 163. (MTRA 17:91) 1. Kafedra obshchey kh.l,.-Urgil (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevizh) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo medltsinskogo insti-,uta i 2-e klhinargiche3koye otdeleniye Stavropollskoy krayevoy klinicheskoy bollr-itsy (gaivnyy vrach Yu.P. Zotov). KARASHUROV, Ye.S., kand. med. nauk Some data on surgical treatment of bronchial asthma. Uch. zap. Stavr. gqB. med. inst. 12t249--250 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Iz kafedry obshchey khirurgii (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich) i kafedry hormallnoy fiziologii (zav. zasluzhenW deyatell naulk prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropoltskogo gosudarstv6nnogo meditsinskogo instituta. BAYDA, P.P., kand. med. nauk; KARASHUROV, Ye.S.p kand. med. nauk X-ray study of the respiratory function of the lungs, diaphragm, and intercostal muscles in bronchial asthma. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:251-253 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich) kurs rentgenologii i radiologii (zav. kand. mod. nauk P.P. Bayda) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. Ye's kand. med. nauk; ZUBAREV, T.A. KARASIIUROV,- 9) Comparative data on electrocardiography and ballistocardiography in. bronchia3 asthma befora and after the removal of the carotid gland. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:254-255 163. XIMMA 17:9) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirargil (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich), kafedra normallnoy fiziologii (zav. zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, prof. V.G. Budylin) Stavropoltskogo gosudarstvennogo neditsinskogo instituta Ii kabinet funktsionallnoy diagnostiki (zav. T.A. Zubarev) Stavropollsoy krayevoy klinicheskoy bolinitsy. KARISHUROT, * E.S_ kand. med. nauk~ KAPLAUKHOVA, T.N. Anesthesia in operations for bronchial asthma. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst'. 12-.256-257 163. (KRA 17-.9) 1. Kafedra obshchey khIrw-gii (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich) Stavropol'skogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta i 2-ye khlrurgicheskoye otdeleniye Stavropollskoy krayevoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (gluvnyy vrach F.F. Shatskaya). GNEVUSHEV., V.V.J. dotsent; KARASHUROV, Ye.S., kand. med. nauk; KRASNOV, Yu.P., assistent Deep, spaced respiration as a factor iv x~aatuoring the functional possibilities of external respi ration following surgery for bronchial asthma. Uch. zap. Stavr. gos. med. inst. 12:2418-259 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii (zav. prof. Yu.S. Gilevich) kafedra lechebnoy fizkulltury i VK (zav. dotsent V.V. Gnevushev) Stavropollskogo gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. KARASHUROV, Ye.S. Change in the functional state of the cerebral cortex tinder the infludnee of experimental cardiotomy and thoracotomy. Eksper. khir. i anest. 9 no-3:82- '06 1-~,,-Je 164. (I-IIIdi 18: 3) 1. Kafedra normal''noy fiziologii (zav. - Prof. V.G. Budylin) i kafedra gospitallnoy kHrurgii (zav. - prof. P.M. Kovalevskiy) Stavropollskogo meditsinskogo institiita. KARASI, Karuly T-.-.:~-- nTechnology and application of magnetic substances" by H. Reinboth. Reviewed by Karoly Karsai. Elektrotechnika 53 no.5/6:279 160. 1. "Elektrotechnikall szerkesztoJe. 1037, GagICATION OF VASUIRY KI]XM Osman* M.Ts. "d Kar&s1k, Me (Za Mcon. Topliva (FUel Icon.), Aug. 1951, 13-15). A record is given of a successful experiment on the use of Ba% refuse and 20% coke fines in a gas producer* The refute contal4ed 30 to 35% combus- tible material. I to 2% lime was added to the charee to make tho slag porous and eany to break up. (Q. ", A-/- 26,77 r / -(- ~ec fl 86115' S/112/59/'000/012/041/097 (/0 2~ A052/AOOI Translation from~ Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1959, No.. 12, p. 140, # 24850 AUTHOIR~ Karasik, A.Kh. TITLE.-. Unbalanced Measuring Bridge PERIODICAL- Radiotekhn. proiz-vo, 1957, 2.5, No, 14, pp~ 39-40 TEXT, A formula is derived for determining ',,he arm ratio of Z 3 to Z4 in an ordinary unbalanced alternating current bridge under condition of equality of. voltages in indicator diagonal for deviations of Zx from the -zet. value by A Z-' and Z- z n (2 + 2n +Sz' -6z-) Z4 2 + 2n + (2 + n) (6 Z'r 6 Z-f - 26Z- -(SZ- where 6 z+ =A Z+ 6 Z- = 4\ Z- . n = Z2 27 z V.A,P. x x zx Translator's note:. This is ilie full translation of ~he original Russian abstract Card 1/1 YJMSIK,, A. Kh. Unit for measuring the total resistance of duct capacitors. Izm, tekh. no.5:43 My f6l. (Electric capacitors--Testing) (MIRA 14-5) KARASIK, A.M. Adoption of the graphic method for aeromagnetic data processing. Inform.biul.~IIGA no.16:49-51 '59. hie methods) (MIRA 15;3) gnetic prospecting-Grap .--I KAPA4IK~ A*M. Some typing-in errors in aerial magnetic prospecting. Nnu no.18:63-74 160. (Magnetic prospecting) Inform.biulo (MIRA 14:6) KARASIX, A.M. II RCficienV selection of base airdromes for aerogeophysical surveying in the North. Inform. biul. NIIGA no.19:54-62 16o. (MIRA 13:12) (Arctic' retione-Airports) S/I 6Y062/000/0006/029/093 D228 D304 U 1, 1 Kryu' ov, S. 1K. and Levin, D. V. Pre- iminary results of an aeromagne-zic survey in '1960 P--'-,;TO.DIC'L: acerativnyy zhurnal, Geof'z-ika, no. 6, 1962, 29, ab- s-Uract O'A216 (In-Porm. byul. in-ta seol. Arktiki, no. 22, 1960, 37:42) U. X'F1 The results of an aeromac-netic survey over three areas in are described. The survey was fulfilled in order to study I'lle ab~ rssall s-u-_ructure of areas and expose intrusive.bodies. Previously unknown local anonialies, related -uo intrusive bodies, -were re- vealed. /-Abstracter's note: Complete zranslation-_7 n ~Iard 1/1 DEMENITSKAYA9 R.M.; LkUSIK, Aim.; XTSELEVV YU.G. , ------- I-...---. Results of using geophysical methods to study thege-Ology of the earth's crust in the central Arctic. Probl.Arkt.i knt~qxkt. no.3-Is9l-95 162. (KIRA 16s2) (Arctic regions.-Earth--Zurrace) (Logging (Geology)) VCRDVDVO P.S.,, kand.goologo-mineralogiaheskikh nauk; KARASIK, A.M., goofivik Physical oporties of the rocks of the Vestfold Hills and their pXogical interpretatione Inform. biul. Sov. antark. ekep. no.33:10-14 162. (NIRA 16:2) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellakiy institut geologii Arktiki. (Vestfold Hillti.Antaretica-Rocks-Testing) NARASIX, A.M. Work area of the ultrashort-wave range finder for various accuracies of radiogeodetic determinations. Trudy NIIGA 132a 166-171 162. (MIRA 16:4) (Range finders) KARLSIX, A.M.; UMOVO S.M.; LV&N,, D.V.; SHCHELOVANOV, V.G. Low altitude factors in aerogamma-magnetic surveying. Trudy NIIGA 132gl72-179 162. MIRA 16:4) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) KARASIK, A.M.,,, VOLK, V.E. Some characteristics of the quantitative interpretation of high- precision aeromagnetic surveying. Trudy RIGA 132s180-186 162. (MBA 16:4) (Magnetic prospecting) (Aeronautics in surveying) KARASIKI, A.M. Method of averaged control route in aerem.ugnetic surveying. Inform. Pbor. NIIGA no.31:77-81 162. (MIRA 16:12) ACCESSION NR: AR4008231 s/O16q/6'~/0P0/O11/DO25/DO25 SOURCE: RZh. Geofizika, Abs. 11D151 AUTHOR:- Karasik, A. M.; Rubinchik, M. Kh. TITLE: One peculiarity of the correction for variation during an seromagnetic survey CITED SOURCE: Inform. sb. In-ts geol. Arktiki, vY-*P- 31, 1962, 81-83 TO PIC TAGS: geophysics, a6romagnetic survey, aer6magnetic variation correction, aeromagnetic mapping, aeromagnetic field measurement TRANSLATION: The authors discuss the peculiarities of the correction for vari- ation with the aid of magnetic,variation stations in the performance of absolute and relative aeromagnetic surveys. The variation is defined as the deviation of a geomagnetie field element from its average value over a long period of obser- vation. It is shown that upon the.exclusion of variations from absolute survey data, it is necessary to take Into account the total value of the variation) while with the correction of a relative survey according to the data of a single Card 1/2 3 Acassiox NR: AR4008231 magnetic variation station, one need consider only a part of the variation measured from its value at the instant of flyover above the control route. This assures the alignment of the survey level with the average field level at the maghetic variation station. It is noted that the consideration of variation from several magnetic variation stations is possible only with the use of total vari- ations and not some.portions thereof. A. Karasik. DATE ACQ: 09Dec63 SUB CODE: AS ENCL: 00 Card' 2/2 VLADIMIRGV, O.K.? kand, geol.-mineral. nauk; K.ARASIK, A.M., geofizik; MALYAVKIN, A.M., geofizik Yagnetic susceptibility of rocks of individual nanataks on the Queen Mary Coast and the Wilhelm II Coast. Inform. biul. Sov. antark. eksp. no.35:11-13 162. MRA 16:11) 1. Vsesoyuzriyy institut razvedochnoy geofiziki (for Vladimirov). 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut geologli Arktiki (for Karasik, Malyavkin). g g~g V~ va 0 53 W51W falWWWAA 0/ WA 3L A K R! V~i P. FIN 03114i too R. i2bl Vh. g 0 V-Ae v MM, :L `!Ab -g- AOR -axing, YMIZ I)k* '_CATC~4 & im 0"d d fti _j 1, -i-4tild 'Itj Alft th A* if min" VORONOV, P.S., kand.geol.-mineral.nauk; -KARASIK, A.M., geofjz--k Briaf geological and geophysical c I i : 7.'~ ~ 17! -')~ o.1,;, Or-Sis on the Budd Coast of eastern Ant!ircl, ~ ~, Sov.rmtark.eksp. no.420-12 163. (MIRA 171l) 1. Nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut geologii Arktiki. Y ZA PIN, YG.tlb; LkP-UIK$, A*14* Radlowtivity of rocks cn Quoon Haud land. Geofiz. biul. m.15:" 265a (Imph 18:11) F~ RA ~~ -` K'i I! - M'~Ro-!"Ars A,-c:o f. " bA , F r a,7! -G 1 da -', n u s -1 n g 9 p ir -o ' . -) n - p re ~ ~ '. s I ~-,, r, -.., i j~ r, e "1 7, : r, m *. i ~ -, '- n Cn, ~ i ourvicying, of the Got-An. " (-- 17 . p - I ,11~ a e - - I no.1904-85 164o K-?A ,) KARASIK, A.M.,._~UBINCJLIK, M.Kh. Using the direct method for the calculation of variations in aeromagnetic surveying in the Arctic basin. Uch. zap. NIIGA. Reg. geol. no.4:195-211 164. (MIFA 1P:12) RWO Urn, U50164W' SOURWV un10i6q16$10W10061D026)V026 AUMOR.- 'Karasik, A.M.;.Morozov, A.Sp ORG: none TITLE: I Data obtained In using, a 2Mt2atymessipg mametometer "s an aeromagnatic survey over the Arctic Ocean SOMM: Ref . zh. Geofizika,, Abs. .6DI8~ mr, SOURCE: Sb.-Geofiz.,Xwiborostr., vyp. 19., L. Nedra, 1964, T4-85. TOPIC TAGS: magnetic field, magnetic field intensity, oceanographic instrument, magnetic measurement TRMXATION: The results Are. examined, Of experiments conducted during an aeromagnetic survey over the' Arctic Ocean of a proton-processing magnetokiatter (m) as an absolute attachment to the relative aeromagnetometers A14-13 and A04-13. The PX war. mounted on a standard electronically computing frequency meter., vith added current nodes, giving a temperatures (T) calculation accuracy of +2 during a 5 sec. measuring cycle. The in-- tensity of the magnetic field wad Indicated an the light scrwtn in gammas., The PFM was used at 1w negative temperatures.,. With a fixed bracing of the transmitter 250 cm behind the fuselage, the .range of.the deviation from the course did not exceed 06 according to data given by air and ground control. Multiple surveys of the control Card Mce .838 550 L 3 M O&AA Acc NR, AR5o164W route showed a high degree of agreement in the PR4 data, with a rroximm deviation frm the mediaa of 4.5y. in emparing the continuous registry ofAT by A14-13 and AM-I~ with PWI cecords registered during 30 minutes,, a ccmplete agreement betveen the emputations was established. iCauses were found for airplane interferences dis- torting PM readings. The, merits and-abortcomings of PHds,vere evaluated. Deductions vercmade and recomendations offered on the methods and areas for PR4 use in geo- maguetm.etryo Ae r=wik. SUB CODE: 08 KARI`ISIK$ A.1411. Statistical methods for solving somw of the problerno of aeromagnetic surveying. Uch. zap. NIIGA. Reg. geol. no.2: 206-209 164. O-aHtl 19: 2.) L 04305-67 E;rf (1)/FX G1 WC-C NR: AR6014578 SOURCE CODEi UR/O169/65/OOO/O11/DO27/DO27*, 1; AUTHORS: Karasik, A. M.; Shakho v Yu. N.; Shchelovanov, V. G. 13 and Al-11-13 TITLE: Field studies of aeromagnetometers All D- SOURCE: Ref zh. Geofilika, Abs. 11D188 -1D0 REP SOURCE: Sb. Geofiz. priborostr. Vyp. 21. L., Nedra, 1964, 83 TOPIC TAGS: aerial survey, magnetometer, magnetic effect / AM-13 magnetometer, AMM-13 magnetometer, PPM magnetometer ABSTRACT: In the course of aeroraagnetic surveyin of the northern'Arctic Ocean in 1963, dissimilar relative ferrosonde magnetometers were simultaneously mounted in the IL-14 airplane. The magnetometers were AM-13, AIZT-13, and the proton-preceseional magnetometer PPM. A simultaneous utilization of two aeromagnetometers of the same type served to increase the reliability and accuracy of magnetic field measurements and made it possible to conduct comparative studies of the instrumental errors for -the instruments working under identical conditions. A substantial drift of the zero reading in both the All-13 and the AIST-13 was noted during work cond-acted under arctic conditions. This was caused mainly by the influence of the temperature. Making an exact allowance for the zero drift of the magnetometerB was found possible only with the use of an absolute auxiliary apparatus. A lack of uniformity in the ribbon feed 1/2 QGI 550,835 L 04305-67 IACC NRt AR601457 !of both the AM-13 Iwith the hhel f IOf abstracts 0 1 0 and the AMM-13 was also noted. This nonuniformity may be corrected time markings produced by a chronometer. A. LoziLkaya ZTranalation SUB COM 08 K,,,J I "'S 17 K , . . t' . ; YlPZ, N, V ~ V-, f I L' 1-D' ' ) !!-.'tra5:.,nJ-c !,esting plaxt, for studies. Zhur. fiz, Rhim~ 37 nc,4.0,30--9',,2 .:p 163. (MIRA 17-.7) ". ins',A'ut. pri Permskom universitatp- L - .. - - YFP,DE'EYFV, B.V. [Erafeeup 13.V.I; SHLYK, V.G. (61-lyk, V.H.J; KARASIK A,S Analogy between the initiating action of salt--- of inetai-s of C variable valency in the reactions of oxidation and polymerization. Part 3i Reaction rate as a function of initiat-or concenzration. Vests~ AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekb. nav. no.3-.75-79 164. (MIRA 18:2) MIASIK, A.S.; SRAFIYEV, A.I. Using cyclohexane vapors in internally filled counters. 'rrudy PO khim.i khim.tekh. no.1:174-176 164- (MIRA 18:12) :ACCESSION NR: AP4018393 S/0120/641000/001/0199/OZOO ,:AUTHOR: Kara-sik, A. S.., Shafiyev, A. I. TITLE: Counting -rate characteristics of CO sub 2 counters SOURCE: Pribory* i tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 1. 1964, 199 -200 ;TOPIC TAGS: carbon dioxide counter, counter, particle counter, counting rate, counting rate cM.racteristic, isotope study Reoults of an investigation of counting -rate -v9. -voltage characteris- t! tics are reported of these Soviet-make counters: SBS-5 with an external graphite I I * cathode, MS-6 with a copper cathode, and SBM-7 with a stainless-steel cathode. The counters were filled with COz at 50-660 torr with a quenching admixtare of ethyl-alcohol vapor at 15 torr. With no external quenching, satisfacto;.y counting-rate characteristics were obtained at the end of the proportional region and in the limited-proportional region up to the beginning of the Geiger region ..A.CCESSION NR; A.P4018393 (table supplied). Tho plateau was found to extend within 100-150 v with a 3 or 5% slope per 100 v. The SBS-5 counter exhibited a better plateau, longer for higher pressures. The plateau of the SBM-7 counter disappears at pressures over 360 ;-torr. In the Geiger rtgion, the plateau vanishes because of a sharp increase in the multiple tube counts'. A few experiments with an external quenching circuit are also reported. Orig. art. has: Z figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Permakly goeudarstvenny*y universitet (Perm' State University) SUBMITTED: Z5Jan63 DATE ACQ: l8Mar64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NS NO REF SOY: 003 OTHER: 004 Card y -,,e .g~3 A ~,52 b QN: M +K *jag,& v -W ARN &`X 7, T-~5 bit M, ORM, mW )R~ xM~~L, -74. RW -U,~' ORWRO" "M 4 "-7 M Z R; K -.1 M ALI&IROWD PTOW p IA -,:3 M -a,jovit Ir otdd, n A ~-.0-I!i Y te !Y. '. 9, I I - --h0im aa -ow CA A ft -9 - LAP, -t %717 AtAuke.'Au w _9 0 con P:R- 41, KTIMETSOV) V.V.; KARASTY, A.S.; KONISHINA, E.N. Kinetics of the deposition of arsenic on varicus met,alFi: --Id and alkaline solutions. Zhur. fiz. khim. 39 nc. lt'41-25 Ja 165 (MIRti lqti) 1. Permski-y gosudarstvenny-y imiversit-jt imeni A,!.',. &-rTI,r-go 6 SuInitted Au,-,ast 13, 2961j. __ L 06422=~7_ EdT(m) LJP~ c) ACC NRt AP6021997 SOURCE CODE: UR/0120/66/000/003/0063/0066 AUTHOR: Karasik, A. S. ORG: Natural Science Institute, PGU, Perm' (Yestestvennonauchnyy institut PGU) TITLE: Analysis of afterpulses in C02 counters 1.1 SOURCE: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, nc - . 66, 63-66 TOPIC TAGS: afterpulse, pulse counter, Geiger counter, carbon dioxide, cyclohexane, ionization potential ABSTRACT: The results of an investigation of the time distribution of the afterpulses in a C02 counter are presented. The distribution of afterpulses for a C02 counter filled with C02 and cyclohexane is shown in a diagram. It is evident that the after- pulses arise immediately after the primary discharge and that their number decreases exponentially with time. An analogous distribution was obtained for counters filled with C02 t C2H5OH; C02 + C2H5Br and with C02 alone. If a corresponds to the time of decrease in the number of afterpulses by e times, then for C02 without additives, a does not change with pressure (tx;z- 150 millisec with C02 pressures from 380 to 50 torr). - For the other counters described, a changes with a change Of C02 pressure-, for 660 torr -a -:~ 0.2 millisec; for 100 ton -a ;z~; 50 . The afterpulses in the C02 counter are not caused by the interaction of a positive ion with -the cathode since they occur long - Card L o6hn-oi ACC NR' AP6021997 before a positive ion could reach the cathode. Also, the distribution of afterpulses did not depend upon the nature of the cathode material (copper, graphite, stainless steel). The shape of the distribution of afterpulses can be explained either by the formation of a metastable form Of C02 or of a negative ion arising in the primary dis- charge. Also, a negative ion can be formed in the presence of impurity oxygen, i.e., C02 -~- CO'~' + 0-; the ionization potential of this process is -19.5 ev. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 18/ SUBM DATE: 21Apr65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 007 Card 2/2'44~1 KA.I~-,!I'j : Yv Shakhta sploshnoy tsiklichriosti (1,11fning in cyclic orerations) ',.Ioskva, Ugletehhjzdat, 1951. 91 n. diaurs. CataIcCe( from abstract. Aluthor, a Stalin Prize winner v-nd the, V, sunervisor of a mine of the IIN(~svetayantrntsit Combine Rostovugoll," nLrrvtes his ex- peripnevs In n nin,~, operated by cyclic means. N/5 664 . K1 ASIK, A. electric-contact moti,od of ~,;,arpcnln~ aoornil- z;c)la-. dolLI -~',C)-.r 31-a-L. Eor. mashimos, trait. -i :~..otaloobrabat. prol-a-sti, Saratov, KARASIK, B., inzh.-podpolkovnik Slootrification. of tankdriving courses. Voon. vast. 39 no.11:81-85 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) (Tanks (Militstry science)) Mectricity in military engineering) KA14SIK, B.Kh.J. master Beam warping of rayon silk. Tekst. prom. 24 no.9:28 S 164. (~UFA 17: 11) 1. Tekhnicheskiy otdel Naro-Fominskogo otdelochnogo kombinata. SOKOLOVA, N.M.,, SEGHUKLUVA, N,L-,, LE-VITSKALA, N.A,~ _KA&1SIK, &N. Serologi,,.al dlag-nosi~, :f -andjdlas,-3 it) patient3 with malIgnarlt neoplasma. 4p, aik, li-t OMIRA l8dl) --l~ Im kliniko-diagnostlcnssko~ -lab4:;rator'.i k'zav, dotseni. I.F.Grekh) Instituta A14N SSSR (direlct,or daystvitell- nyy chlen AMN SSSR - prof, A,LS.Irz~brov"O 11 SOKOLMA, N.M.; "TCHIKARSITA, N.Y~; K~-FASIK', B.N~ Ike fur"gi ~f. I he er Jn .. o 6- ju~; I , 21 m.,'.,22-.~5 G h." In s t u 4a cinke gii S E." --'reon), MUMK, B, R.., BOROVIK-ROWTOV, A. S. and 0, MIMS, 11. 114. (Ill'-scov -r4- -4-4 +-+ " "Anti-ferromagne'll ism of anhydrous Sulphates of Ni, Fe, Co, Cu .9 paper presented at the International Copference on Physics of Magetic Fhenomena, Sverdlovsk, USSR, 23-31 Maj, 1956. KARASIK, B. R., BOROVIK-ROMANOV., A. S., KREYNES) N. M,., and ORLO", M. P. (Moscow) ", ft , of Co and Mn Carbonates and of anbydrous Su'-':phates ofNi 11 ~- -4-MAgnetic Properties Fe ' Co, 't-rand Cti ' ' J. 11 a paper stibmitted at the International Conference on Physics of Magnetic Phenomena, Sverdlovsk, 23-31 MOY 56. loa/146/62/005/003/001/014 D234/D308 UTHGI~S: Pod'--Cvich, S.D. an 7 ;, 1-E ~',T),,)lication of the shadow -met'aod with time -,-.1odula- tion for measuring the dizmeter of thin wires I C, D'I C ~'J~ 1zvc_-ti-a %mysshikh uchet3iiy,:h zwoclcniy. llriborostroy- enly-C, V. no. 3, 1962, 3-11 nstrizient For '2ha authors describe a -ohotoclectric i c Oz L nu o u scontrol of' the diamet-er of movizit wires. modulation o-~: -lic ener, v f`low is realized i-rit"a the aid of a half-,,:,-, ane Oknif-*C) vib~atinr; W-Ith a I uz) , of 100 C/S. Operatioi! o-F the instr-Lzacn~t -vja2 c1hockc(I experimentally iji the rL~nge of vire diancters bet-wcc-n 1-0 - 1001 tho' oystematic (_,rror w. RICNI3UrC,_MCI-It J's stlldi~-d 4~wd it i_- cstablisheE that its chief factor is the extensior, o2 the di ~racti,on shadow from 'the cdrc o.-E the hal-Z-plazic . '2he absolute error of the method does not.e.,xecd 0.3 microns. 3.1. Zilitinlcevich' and ,~.V. Saprykin are mentioned for their contributions in the field. There a~e 5 figures. Card 1/2 RCDKEVICHJ, S.D.; KARASIK, B.S. Using the shadow method with time modulation for miasuring diamoters of thin -Area. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; prib. 5 no.3:3-11 162. O-MPA 15:8) 1. Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki. Rokomendovano kafedroy radiotekhniki, (Photoelectric measurements) . KARASIK,_~By A, Photoelectric reasuring devices ueed In automatic control of machino toole. Ism. takh. no.4:-?-9 JI-Ag 657o (XLRA6 10!8) (Photoelectric measurements) Nachine tools) (Automatic control) Al AUTHOR: Karasik, B.Ya. ll---1-22/44 TITLE: A Small Float Switch (Malogabaritnyy poplavkovyy pereklyu- chatel') PERIODICAL: 'Ilzmeritellnayn Tekhnika", No 5, Sep-Oct 1957, p 50 (USSR), ABSTRACT- The subject float switch - designed by the author - is util- ized in a device which signals and controls the water level in boilers. It consists of a cylindrical vacuum vessel con- taining mercury and soldered into an empty glass ball. of 45 mm diameter. Three electric conductors (wires) are soldered into the outer end of the vacuum tube in such a way that electrical contact occurs between the conductors 1 and 2 when the float ball sinks and the mercury in the vessel moves into the inside end (within the ball), and between the conductors 1 and 3 when the float rises and the mercury moves into the other end of the vessel. The switch is de- pendable, cannot be contaminated, and is readily replaceable. The design is described in detail and illustrated by a sketch. The article contains one sketch. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 1/1 ACCESSION NR: AP4043455 S/0115/64/000/007/0009/0013 AUTHOR: Karasiki B... Ya. TITLE: Photoelectric method of conversion of the scale of angular displacement SOURCE: Izmeritellnaya tekhnika, no. 7, 1964, 9-13 TOPIC TAGS: angular measurement, measurement scale conversion, optosyn, optical servo ABSTRACT: A new instrument, an "optosyn, " is described which is -tssentially an optical synchronous servo with a conversion factor i,, a Dv/d, where 1) and d are the driving and driven dial diameters, respectively, and v is the linear enlargement of the projecting optical system. The technical data of the "optosyn" is: driving dial, D - 240 mm, 1, 140 divisions spaced at 15 ang. min.; driven dial, d = 40 mm, 2 rows at 40 divisions in each; lamp, STs60, 8 v, 20 w; enlargement, v 6; conversion scale factor, i0 - 36; fine-dial scale factor, Card 1/2 .ACCESSION NR: AP4043455 1-2/3 sec.; one revolution of the coarse dial represents 600; reference -oscillator :voltage, 5-7 v, modulation frequency, 300 cps; luminous flux, 0. 0 1 lurn. which produces 0. 45 mv/minute with a STsB phototube. The instrument is clairned to be stable within 2. 5 ang. sec. and to have an average error of 2-3 sec. "Optical design was made by V. A. Chizhikov under the direction of D. Yu. Galperin and B. L. Nefedov. 11 Orig. art. has: 6 figures and I I formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED; 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: ES NO REF SOV. 000 OTHER: 000 Card S/076/60/034/05/22/038 B010/BO02 AUTHORS: Karpachev, S. V., Xarasik, Bo M. ----------- TITLE. On the Heats of Fusion of Some Inorganic Salts PERIODICAL: Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, 1960, Vol. 34, No~ 5, PP- 1072-1076 TEXT: Proceeding from the concept of a salt melt as a crystal with a large number of lattice defects, the authors calculated the latent heat of fusion of some alkali halides (Table, results) by using Oriani's method of calculation (Ref. 4). The total change in entropy during the fusion process was represented as the sum from the change in entropy, caused by an increase in volume, and the change in entropy, caused by ihe increase in the degree of disorder on the fusion of the salt. The AK) values of the latent heats of fusion calculated from this change in the entire entropy in the fusioz~ process were compared with the corresponding experimental values taken from the manual by E. V. Britske, A. S. Kapustinskiy~ and others (Ref. 11)9 and a satisfactory agreement was found (Table). Frankel' is mentioned. There are 1 table and 12 references; 2 Soviet, 1 German, 6 American, 2 English, and I Japanese. Card 1/2 On the Heats of Fusion of Some Inorganic S/076/60/034/05/22/038 Salts BO1O/BOO2 ASSOCIATION, Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. A. M. GcrJ-oF-.-, Sverdlovsk (Ural State University imeni A. 14. Gor'kiyq Sverdlovck) SUBMITTED: JulY 19, 1958 Card 2/2 SHOYKHET, B.A.; KAR~ASIK, E.M.; LYUTKEVICH, 'L.G.; -20LOO LIENI hk ~, 1-I.Yta. Interaction of magnesium oxychloride and magnesial cemerts with borate-containing solutions. Ukr.khi_nl.zhur. 30 no.11:1223-.U27 164. (MIR-4 18:2) SIIOYKP-ET, B.A.; SOLOGUBETIKO, Some regularities of the soT-ption r)f bora,no ~y magnesium oxide. Ukr.1chim.zhaw. 30 1. institut prikladnc~)r khigil-, YevT;atcriya. X/:) /C fiS / v 11 t/~. ITELISON, L., kand.ped.nauk inzh. Taming the griffon. Znan. oil& 33 no.3:5-7 Hr '58. (MIRA 11;4) (Baku Archipelago--Oil wall drilling, Submarine) G i nz? 1 , B!,K:iTQ',3X, P., Inza.- lUj!L-,[K . - I I . , ~L be3:o--- thc attack or, the No_ space. Izobr,i rats no.10:15-'6 o 162. O-Ulbl 15:9) (Boring) KARASIK G Blood of an oil well. Izobr.i rats no.10:22 o 16?-. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Starshiy inzhener otdela bureniya na more obl'yedineniya "Azneft' I' , Ba3m. (Oil well dril-Uug)