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XARAUT GOROXHOT slasar'; KALININ, V.P., slasar'. p G#A. Remodeling sms.11 FD trimmers. Suggested by L.T.Karasev, G.A. Gorokhov, V.P.Xalinine Hatsoi isobr.predl.v stroi. no.14: 28-30 160. (XIU 13:6) 1, Glavan pekhauik derevoobdolochnogo zavoda NO-3 tresta Str'oydet&l1-4hc$.dstail-82 Glavloningradetroya (for Karasev). (Saws)... KLUSAV. M., dotsent. Cooperation with the Industry. Yest.Kook.un. 11 no.6:164 -Te 156. (Ingineering laboratories) KARASEV, M- 4- - - " !,~ 43 N 16' A course f-iu- the cOmmuniL-y. V,,.zns.ri. 40 nD.. 49 .; I I ) (M; RA _8 1. Nachellnfk Dnepropetxi-,Valtrogw, morslkogo kliiba. ids Iu usio'? 4141 O'dpo jjftt~pp pp~t Im fill 1-1 -1- a - A-L A-0-1 j-". JIF A 664 It'so **A Alto sea 23 EMT, it A~ 7A." Wddimp. (In Runian.] Pp. ii+49. [ni. 868bler. OrPMFA-- (RbL "00 go .00 zoo too goo, coo W. moo $A A L A 611ALLMICAL LIVERATM CLASMFICATMO too., IT** - vwv~ -6 1 Iola .17 O"'GIC 93"316-11 vJ1111 ow *-V M u m AT 10 An I S a Od 0 01 ff IIt IN 0 Q a 30 v 0 We KAHLASIX, M-A- Teacbing Retaining the attention of pupils during repetition. Est. v shkole no. 2. 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, JulY 1952- UNCLASSIFIED. KARASIV, N.A., Wor, starshly prepodavatell biologii. How birds discern their enemies. Zat.v shkole no.5-.83-84 S-0 0.53. NLRA 6:8) 1. Kikvbyshevskove suvorovskoye voyennoye-txchilishche. (Birds) KARkM, K.A. -;-", .Nesting of redstart in dwellings. Priroda 44 no.12:116-117 D 155. (KLRA 9:1) l.Ku.vbymhavokoye Suvorovskoye uchilishchs. (Redstarts) KARASEV. H,A. (Rostov-na-Donu). Now" Sai 'RA 10-0) "001~ ol'v Province. Priroda 46 no.8:99-100 Ag '37. (MIL rga in (Rostov Proviuce-Saiga) IrARASEVI M.A. Migrations of the saiga in Rostov Province. Migr. zhiv. no. 2:42- 44 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Zheleznodorozhnaya shkola No 2. Rostov-na-Doau. (Rostov Privince--Saiga) (Animal migration) lKWASEV, M..A.; LEVIP, V.P.; MITROFANOV, G.J.; TINOFEYEV, I.V.; SHAROBGYKO, T.N., red. (Descriptive geometry; a textbook) Nachertatellnaia geometriia; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad, In-t inzhenerov zhel-dor. transp. Pt.1, no.2. 1964. 75 P. (MIRA .17:12) 1. Leningrad. Institut inzhenerov zholeznodorozhnogo transporta. Kafedra "Nachertatellnaya geometriya. i grafika. KARASEV, M.A. (Rostov-na-Donu) Return spring migrations of birds. Priroda 53 no.3:127-128 164. (MIRA 17:4) BODE, Hendrik W.; KOWSOV, A.A.,[tranalatorl, redaktaz; MHMOVICH. L.A., [translator], redaktor; &am, Ma., redaktor; GIESSER, L.V., reclaktor; KORNILOV, Bois, wKnTATUR313R.T7 redaktor. [Network analysis arid feedback amplifier design] Teoriia tsepsi I proaktirovamie usilitelei a obratnoi eviazlka. Perevod a angliiskogo i red. A.A.Koloscn-q. I L.k. Meerovicha. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo inostrazz- no! lit-ry, 1948. 641 p. (KURA 8:5) (Radio oircuiV?) (Amplifiers, Electron-tube) (Telephone lines) F% RA - -D . ivibrator transients USSR 129-4/23 Car& 1/1 pub. 14. D.) and Selezueva) 14. jous, regiMeB urase"r) 4.vibrator under var /G. 4, Author in a Blult 9, ljoff, 33- oct 1954 -Aw~ nt processes vT~ansie fizXomat. I yest- nsuk, Ivibrator Title Ser. " mujt~ si- Vest - 140s1t. U11. Y method f Or investigating adio 'Phy Peri ualitative,. 1 by USSR r -rY of od.1cal the q air,, was develOPec The authors employ 11inearityy " iya I~OlebauiY [The Teox C~do for aualYz- tems wib large UOT Lnd j,0,,a-ykiUP familiar %etbl'... of the Abstract sys A AildrouOv A that the systems by me large I nonlinear s'YS - 9t A 10;1, 1937)- They cls" Lu analY7-ing t.mB VitIl scIll, -esses I in- at _state prof, )b1cal-analytIcal ing the steady are ineffective ameter technique - luutivibratOry authors give 8, gral the ode lied to small-par In this worX the apP nlinear dynamic an nonlinearity- ualitative method as On Of DO LrativelY s"P 11 t,rpretatiOu Of the q bical regreseutati obtain coraptquatiOlas of the that in the gral) possible to fferenti,j e, authors f ound and Show of tubes It 'a DorLjj,e, di The characteristics the _,tate processo hree Others; they e solution to 3tea usual t it Referencet -ace the I a quantitat' Listinct from the )ratOr and to tx ivelY d oscillations- on overtones) M-ditivil ,litat if-excited ators one more regille clul collapsing ae ation gener 11regim Of hron,zation of relwrsitY) 194" ce'll it, itkeVichy 11SYnc 140scov State Unive V. V iony te Dissertat ---------- Can&ida Y'arch 22, 1954 Submitted D-Der s irig~e the surface waves along a bare cO,- ~--Cbtaln experimentally ctu,, of their -fields- Claim conductor and investigate-the stru ical interest because the ep- investigations are of phya e presence of a bound- that such cted with th pea,ance of these waves is cOnne dia, in which electromagnetic waves ary of separation between two 'Re are Propagated with different phase velocity. Institution Submitted April 1, 1953 USSR/Physics Surface electromagnetic waves Card 1/1 Pub. 153 - 7/18 FD-437 Author Karasev., M. D., and Apanasenko, V. A. Title Obtaining of surface waves propagating along a single cylindrical conductor Periodical Zhur. tekh. fiz. 24.1,662-666, Apr 1954 Abstract Obtain experimentally the surface waves along a bare copper single conductor and investigate the structure of their fields. Claim that such investigations are of physical interest because the ap- pearance of these waves is connected with the presence of a bound- ary of separation between two media in which electromagnetic waves are propagated with different phase velocity. Institution Submitted April 1, 1953 KT'LLRKI"~'"CHP A-leksandr Aleksandrovich. 3"OVA' X- Ya-, tekhnichesl """371 11 D rodaktor; MURA_ Z dy r; aVt~,-, d 0 [outline of a general theor7 teorli Svia2j. tfOskva, Gos. of cOM11nication] Ocherki obshchei 268 p. (Information theory) izd-vo tekhniko-teore t- l't-rJr 1955. (MLRA 8:8) ' KARASEV, M. D. Docent "Propagation of Surface Electromagnetic Waves Along a Conductor.," a paper delivered at the Section of Radiophysice, Physics Faculty, Conference an Radiophysics,, Moscow State U,, lo-14 May 55, Vest. Mosk. U., Ser, Fiz-Mat, i Yest, Nauk, No.6, 1955 Sum. 900, 26 Apr 56 POPOV, Aleksandr Stepanovich EdeceaEied]; RADOVSKIY, M.I.; BERG, A.I., red.; ICARASHY, M.D., red.; AIMIMOV, S.N., '"V AW002011- mom ow [Wireless telegraphy; collection of articles, reports, letters, and other materials] 0 besprovolochnoi tolegrafii; sbornik statei, dokladov. pisem i drugikh miterialov. Pod red. i so vatup.statlei A.I.Berga. S primachaniinmi M.I.Radovsk-ugo. Moskva, Goa.izd-vo fiziko-mntem.lit-ry, 1959. 218 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Telegraph, Wireless) AUTHORS: Karasey NO" Sukhoyp Aallo TITLE: On Even Harmonics in a Nonlinear Bonlinearity PERIODICAL: Testnik Moskovskogo universiteta. &at-ronomii, fizikif-khimii, 1959P 3/055/59/000/04/013/026 BO14/BOO5 Oscillation Circuit With Odd Seriya matematiki, mekhaniki, Nr 4o pp 123-129 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The oscillation circuit shown by figure 1 with nonlinear inductance without field magnetization is analyzed. It is investigated whether even harmonics exist in this circuit. The method of successive approximation is applied which considers any degree of smallness. The differential equation (1) is the equation for the forced oscillation generated by a sinuaoidal voltage applied to the oscillation circuit. Under consideration of the dependence between the magnetic flux and the current according to formula (1), and by introduction of the quantities (3), the differential equation (4) is obtained from differentia3, equation (1) by differentiating with respect to time; the solution of (4) is found by the series formula (5). It is shown for the resonance case that no even hnr-onics appear either at the same order of smallness of nonlinearity and attenuation or at different orders with any approximation. The same results are obtained if the relation coo -- kti(k - 2,39 ... ) holds Card 1/2 between the circular frequency Wo of the resonance frequency of t); 90), 9M, 240) SOV/53-69-2-3/10 AUTHOR: Karasev, M. D. TITLE: Some General Properties of nonlinear Roactive Elements PERIODICAL: Uspekhi fizicheakikh nauk, 1959, Vol 69, Nr 2, pp 217-267 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The present very detailed paper in nearly text-book-like form gives a survey of the properties and the possibilities of ap- plying nonlinear reactive elements in the field of electronics. In the introduction the fundamental basic concepts used are formulated, and a number of definitions is given in a very illustrative form (nonlinearity of the volt-amp6re characteris- tic of the element (Figs 1,2,3); capacitance, resistance, modulation; discussion of various basic circuits; it is shown that, with a purely reactive element, also if it is nonlinear, it is not possible to obtain direct current from alternating current, and that it is also impossible to transform direct current into alternating current by a system consisting of any combination of nonlinear reactive elements and constant re- sistanoea). Chapter 2 deals with the general energy relations Card 1/4 of nonlinear reactive elements. In this chapter the application Some General Properties of Nonlinear Reactive Elements BOV/53-69-2-3/10 of nonlinear reactive elements as modulators in magnetic and dielectric devices is discussed, and several special problems of modulation are theoretically explained. Chapter 3 deals with the analysis of reactive modulators by the method of the small signal. The description is taken essentially from western publications (Refs 13-16). Theoretical considerations are ap- plied to the example of a two-circuit reactive modulator (Fig 15). Further, a non-reversing modulator with summation of the combination frequencyc,) 2 - ro) + (,~ is discussed, and also a reversing modulator for which (_12 = c3o - 01 holds. The theory of these two circuits is given and discussed. In the following, a parametric amplifier with negative input conductivity (Fig 17) As theoretically dealt with, as also the noises of an-amplifier with negative conductivity; ~,i shown by analysis, the total output noise may be conaideTed to be additively composed of 8 components. Chapter 4 deals with the investigation of the form of nonlinear capacitance in a crystal diode in p-n transi- tion, and � 5 mentions some new possibilities of applying non- Card 2/4 linear reactive elements, partly taken from the periodical PIRE Some General Properties of Nonlinear Reactive Elements SOV/53-69-2-3/10 (June 1958) and partly from other western publications. The following is dealt with in detail: A reactive wide-band amplifier with low noise level (block scheme figure 27), the experimental characteristics of a microwave parametric ampli- fier on a semiconductor diode (Fig 28), the measurement of the noise faczor of two types of amplifiers with pulsating reactivity in which semiconductor diodes are used (Figs 29,30). In this connection the lectures by V. S. Etkin and Ye. M. Gershenzon'which were held at the third All-Union Conference of the MVO SSSR on radioelectronicB (Kiyev, January 23, 1959) were mentioned, who work at the laboratory of Professor N. N. Malov at the Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut im. V. I. Lenina (Moscow State Pedagogical Inbtitute imeni V. I. Lenin) in the field of parametric amplifiers. In the following a parametric electron beam amplifier (Fig 31, Ref 28 - PIRE) in discussed, and ito properties are explained on the basis of diagrama. The following Soviet scientists are mentioned in this paper: L. I. Mandel'shtam, N. D. PapalekBi, G. S. Gorelik, V. Ye. Bogolyubov, B. 14. Vul, V. I. Samoylenko, Card 3/4 1. A. Glotov, A. L. Mikaelyan, A. A. Andronov, A. A. Vitt, Some General Properties of Nonlinear Reactive Elements SOV/57/-69-2-3/io V. P. Gulyayev, M. A, Divillkovskiy, V. A. Lazarev, V. V. Migulin, Ye. M. Rubehinski-y, S. M. Rytov, I. T. Turbovich, and K. F. Teodorchik. There are 36 figures, 1 table, and 35 references, 15 of which are Soviet. Card 4/4 KAIPTSOY, N.A., prof.; GVOZDOV.&R, S.D., prof.; LOPUMIN, V.H., dotsent; SPIVAK, G.V.. prof.; DUBININA, Ye.M., assistant; ZATfSXV. A.A., dotsent; SCLNTSW, G.S., assiatent; LUKIYANOV, S.Yu., prof#@ reteenzent; KARASAY, M.D., dotsent, retsenzent; URKAKOV, M.S., --- [Blectronica and radio physics] Radiofizicheskaia slaktronika. Moskva, Izd-vo Mosk.univ., 1960. 561 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Electronics) (Radio) 83431 B/188/60/000/001/006/010 0 B019/BO56 AUTHORS: Karasev, M. D,, Kovalenko, A. A., Sludskiy, V. N. TITLE: A New Lecture-demonstration of the.Propagation of Electro- magnetic Waves Along a Line PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 3, fizika, astronomiya, 1960, No. 1, pp. 66 - 69 TEXT: The system described in the present paper is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a high-frequency generator, whose energy is fedinto a cop- bX per wire by means of a coaxial cable and a tuned cone. The energy pro- pagates in the conductor as a symmetric surface wave with a field struc- ture-that is equal to that in the coaxial cable, and is shown in Fig. 2. The HY -component of the magnetic field is determined by means of a frame antenna with a detector and a galvanometer. The following may be demon- strated by means of this device: The equivalence of the displacement currents and.theconduction current, the field structure can be better demonstrated than by means of a Lecher system, and the scattering of Card 1/2 83431 A New Lecture-domonstration of the Propagation S/188/60/000/0011/006/010 of Electromagnetic Waves Along a Line B019/BO56 waves on conductor inhomogeneities may be studied. In the course of demonstrations made at the fizicheskiy fakulftet MGU (Department of Physics of Moscow State University a wavelength of 10 cm and a power of 2 w were used. There are 3 figures and 3 references: 2 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teorii kolebaniy (Chair of the Theory of Oscillations) SUBMITTED: September 12', 1959 Card 2/,? S/188/61/000/002/003/010 B113/B203 -Yu.A., Kara ev, M.D. AUTHORSt Illinskiy, Study of transition processes in altwo-circuit parametric TITLE:1 ncy transformer with sum and difference output freque iversiteta. SeriYa 3, fizika, ODICALt Vestnik Moskovskogo un ..astronomiya, no. 2, 1961, 12 - 18 TEXTt First, the authors analyze the transition processes. According to Ref, 1 (Karasevp M.D. UFNI LXIXI vyp. 2p 1959), a two-circuit parametric, transformer can be described by a system-of equationsp 2 Eq. (1) ic. + W -x 2 + e,. The frequency of the I i i i if (" t) (='l + x:2) etrie change W by the relationW-t~ItiltJ is related to the circuit param frequencies. The upper sign holds for a rotating (difference) modulator) the lower one for a non-rotating (sum) modulator; A is a slight mis' tuning. The external force is supposed to be introduced in one circuit only so that the slowly variable, complex amplitude E 2 of the external Card 1/8 21608 S/188J61/000/002/003/010 Study of transition processes B113/B203 force vanishes and-the frequency p o) +01. The damping factor of oscil- lations after awitohing off the external signal is obtained from Sq, (2) + Xj I ZP I,eRI-l cos W, + L + IMX') I + arg 2 + 142) 1 eRO14 Cos + Iml,) t + arg.2p 2 + 12JI) eReM ~0.; [(.".:F arg X; 2 Z(2)1 CR4.1 C~s ImX.) t T_ arg4* :F + 2 A i4 +1 E 2 21-i1 (11 - X j JA, 2. E Xk) 2tu, -Car S/188/61/000/002/003/010 Study of transition processes B113/B203 0 and the formation'of soiljatio'~s after switching on the extern9d force proceeds by the law x xjO).(t) .- xf(t), the steady solution xM h aving the form of Eq. M 3. xT~ 12T) 1 cos (pt+arg 2V)), JI) 12T) 1 Cos I(w T A i T- 'Irg 2f)J E 21-1 + 2 21m, (51 +JAI) (B,-](A AMT 0"' 1111' 4w1w, 21-, 2-j A A I+/ - JAI X8+1 --/AI 2 2 last*, 21w, 2w2 010-2 ( '8jL + JA 1) (bg --I i(A A,) T- I tL is Card 3/8. 4WIW' 216o8 S/188J61/000/002/003/010 Study of'.transition processes B113/B203 characteristic of transition processes The trajectories of the roots X1,2 and steady behavior-having the form of Eq. (A) 'X2 S1+ -S2 (Sl_ 62+J,6)2 JfJ12' where f+,it3 determined 1,2 2 t 4 44j, (42 iQkt by the Fourier expansion.of the function Odt)-6i2f e are shown in k F Figs. I and 2 in the complex plane with a change in the parameter and k2 '~l '2 If 12. The t rajectories of are on the left, those of 4w , u32 2 on the right of 61'#'62; the traject~oriea of the rotating modulator Are within and those of a non-rotating modulator'are without. On the basis of Eq. (2) and'Eq. (3) and Figs. 1 and 2, the following has been foundt In a rotating modulator,'the transition process is the sum of -off external signal), or two damped harmonic oscillations (with switched the sum of two damped and one steady oscillation (with switched-on exter- Card 4/8 21608 S/188J-611000/002/003/010 Study of transition processes e.,e B113/3203 nal force). Foria, non,-'rotating modulatory it follows from Djo (3), that the frequency characteristic of the amplifier is represented by the pro- duet of the frequezicy characteriWca of individual circuits* Experiments dealt with a low-frequenoy parametric transformer with circuit frequencies of about 100 and 400 ke/see. In conformity with Eq. (2)y the transition processes had two constant timesq and pulsations in the transition Pro- oesses were observed in the case of mietuning. Further, it was found that the duration of the transition prooesav in the case of large K, was pro- portional to K (K being the voltage amplification factor in the first air- ouit of a regenerative transformer)* The duration of the transition pro- oess was the time during which the oscillation amplitude attained the (I - e-1)-fold of its steady value. In a non-rotating modulatorp the du- ration of the transition process dropped monotonically with increasing k2 in both circuits. The time of formation In the second circuit was slightly longer than in the first one due to a slow increase of oscillations in the second circuit at the beginning of the formation process. There are 6 figures and 1 Soviet-bloo reference-* Card 5/8 r,2 gL, AUTHORS% TITLE: Il'inskiy, Yu. A., Karasey, M. D. S/188/61/000/006/001/007 B108/B136 Double-tuned parametric oscillator with external feed PERIODICAL: Moscow Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 6, 1961, 3 - 11 TEXT: A double-tuned parametric amplifier operates as an oscillator if the feed amplitude is high enough. A self-excited oscillator whose amplitude is limited by a non-linear resistor in one of its circuits is considered. Synchronization of the oscillator with an external force is also dealt with. In experimental investigations, the authors used a parametric oscillator with frequencies of 100 and 400 kcps in the two circuits, with semioonduoting diodes of the types AF'U,-27 (DGTo-27) and A809 (D809) serving as nonlinear capacity, It was found that the amplitude is limited either by a nonlinear resistance or by a dependence of the parametric connection between the circuits on amplitude fluctua- tions. Perturbations that are due to the nonlinear reactance lead to a Card 1/2 22264 S/109/61/006/005/011/027 9. D201/D303 AUTHOR: Karasevq MeDo TITLE: The influence of parasitic parameters of a semi-con- ductor diode on the performance of a parametric amplifier PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikat v. 6p no. 5, 1961, 779 - 788 TEXTt In the design of parametric amplifiers with a non-linear re- actance, it is usuall assumed that this reactive element'has no parasitic parameters JRef. 1: H.E. Rowet Proc. I.R.E. 1958, 46, 5, 850), (Ref. 2: S. Bloom, K. Chang, RCA Rev. 1957, 18, 4, 578), (Ref. 3: H. Heffner, G. Wade, J. Appl. Phys. 1958, 29, 9~, 1321) or, at the best, only its losses are taken.into consideration (Ref. 4: D. Leenov, Bell System Techn. J. 1958, 37, 41 989). In a microwave diode, however, of standard construction, whose equivalent cet is Card 1/14-. / -4, 22264 iS/109-/61/006/005/011/027 The influence of ... D2017D303 shown in Fig. 1b, the conductance gp is normally neglected at high frequencies, if the diode is strongly back based, so that losses in the diode are 'determined mostly by series base resistance RB. This is not always correct. At high frequencies, the base resistance Rs and the p-n junction capacitance practically do not vary with fre- quency, while as determined from the experiment losses in the p-n junction they are frequency dependent and in order to approximate X them R-s has to be made variable. At very high frequencies, the di- electric losses of the semi-conductor ake added,.Jo the losses of the base conductance. These los-ses are quenoomependent and con- centrate in the region of the epletion gion 6f the p-n junction and should, therefore, be rep ente"a as a conduction, which de- pends on frequency'and on thefnetion-bapacitance. In the present article, the author derives general equations for a double contour parametric.,amplifier, taking into account all parasitic parameters, includi~g~the parasitic inductance of the diode as shownin Fig.1b. The equivislent cet. of the amplifier is shown in Fig. 4.'In it gs is the coftuctanae of the harmonic signal source, the equivalent Card MAI i 1~ The influence of ... S/1009/61/006/005/011/0127 D2011D~03 conductance gcl includes losses and Lly tance ofth~e inDUt cct with gc2, L2 and put cct. The capacitan6e C(t) varies in ing frequ&ncy C= Ac CO R + fit Cos U. ACo + C, represent the suscep- C2 respectively in the out- accordance with-the Dump- where,C the average value -of capacit~tnce: m modulation depth, AC = m8o amplitude of fluctuation of the p-n jianction capacitan- ce *Ubing the impedance method of M.D. Karasev (Ref. 6: Uspekhi Fiz. Nauk, 1959, LXIX, 2, 217)'the following system of 3 e quations can be obtained for the steady state solution AG U, YIUI i0i U2 + i(Ol U, + Y.U. + 00, 12) 2 j(J)3 ACE U, /14 -'3u3* o. Card 3 - 2 The influence of ... 22264 S/10 61/006/005/011/027 D201%303 in which the following notation has been used (according to Fig. 4) 11 + JWJCo + RS(Wj) + W1*L + 1 +g +j (C +c,) 9s 01 1 1 4 Y2 gp(CJ2) + J'02CO+R (ci L+ 8 2) + C02 9L+gc2+j 2(C2+Cl) 72L2j y3 gPW31) + JW3Co.+ + j (,)3L I= I -IS, I + 111, 00 + jo),L] I?S+ + in + C.) - wiLl Card 4/4-4- The influence of D201/D303 In Eq. (12) the possibility of varying diode losses at different L frequencies is taken into account-For small signals the cot in Fig. 4 can'be represented as three cots of Fig. 5: For the inDut frequency w 1. (Fig. 5a), for the output frequency w 2 (Fig. 5b)'and'' at the differqnce'f3;eque.noy 6) of-the parasitic.coupling (Fig. 5c). 3 In Fig. 5a, admittances Y ' and Y are complex, introduced by the 12 13 parametric coupling between-the output and the cot at the differen- qe frequency by the parasitic parameters and are expressed by 2 2 L\ 0 t,~ C Y 2 0 3)'9 'Y 3 L (14) 12 Y 2 13 Y 3 respectively. Fr m*the equivalent cot of Fig. 5a it is easy to find: the input-imped ce~ of the amplifier Zin Card 5/1-4- The influence of ... D201/D303 + + -T- ILI 1-IS + gd, + i [W, (C1 + C') - + IR, NO + N R, t+ gC, + i [Col (Cl + C') - (olL, I + j (to,) + jwjLj g C~ - C.) + where 12 + 1'13- 1n Fig-.5b the input current 1 2 is given by 2= AC U1. -IW3-2 and the output voltage Uout by U. 2 C .ard 6/t4- 0 U.& + [R&* ((s,) + jw,L] 9,w + 90 + i (C: + C') - S/10 01/006/005/011/027 The influeno,e P f ... Yn D201 303 In the equivalent cet of Fig. 5c the input current, 13 is.given by fW" A'- U~ 2 and the resulting power gain is given by P (A (19) I Y1 r 1 Y2 1:1 1 + Ill. ica:L] 19.-+' + i [EU: W! + G') - Using the same thods and by introducing noise generators the noise figure o he ampliTier could be fourld. As an example,' an f m~ amplifier with e following characteristics is analyzed. Signal t frequency -o /25t, = 10 mc/q, pumping f requency do WO/2TL-', 4 10 Mc/s, with c~nditions-as'given in Card 7/1-4, S/109/61/006/00 5/011/027 The influenc e of ... D201/D303 WCO WC" (5) Conductances gC and 9c2- are neglected. The ind.uctive reactance of the diode at the signLl frequency wjL ~O ohms, small as comparIed with-that of the average capacity I W z 800 ohms and is neglected. C 1 0 Introducing the notation of X=Io .(28) and 9; L g ((,)1) 913 ((0 ) 9 (WO 1 g (29) Card 8/+4-- The influence of 6 1 C, 6 0 ;-1 /C 2 71 D201YD303 the expression for power gains'is obtained as CT (30) (z V Q3 + 1) + Quentity-I tg as given by (28) is oalled,the parametric tan-~ p gent of loss angle,of the fluctuating capacitance of the diode. With no. parasitit--moupling at the difference frequency 1) and for perfect matching the determined only by the frequency rati-o'and the value of X G= (-T + V71- I Wri (31) Similarly the noise figure F is obtained as Card 9A~ S/109/6T/006/005/011/027 The influence of D20.1/P303 i RI + t)), F + + W 'X nt T 91 WS W3 ;I where 9~ - temperature of the diode and T 2900K. For actual valu- .es,of the diode parameters C max ~ 0.25 n~ Cmin = 0.11 nf,.R, = 10 ohm, gp = 0, L 3 0 10-3 microhenry, the vallie. of x 0.2 and for T T0 the gain G and noise fi gure F are,given by L)'0,67 = 7,',! (8.7 ;;T;rIa6 k~ (33) F = 1,22 (0,80 ") respectively. A.A. Brandt and I.V. Ivanov have carried out exp,eri- ments flbstractorls note: Reference not given7 with a double cct parametric amplifier with a summing-output frequency for which they measured the gain for various values of the diode bias and of pump- ing power; the output meter was tuned to a sum frequency and was 'Card 10/1-4- 22204 S/109/61/006/005/011/027 The influence of D201/D303 connected to the mixer through a beyond-cut-off waveguide, introdu- I cing not less than 80 X attenuation at the pumping and difference frequencies. In this experiment, stable gains in excess of (i 2/cyl have been obtained, sometimes exceeding even the excitation of the amplifier. The above analysis shows that parasitic parameters of the semi-conductor diode introduce into the performance of a para- sitic amplifier not only losses at working!frbquencies, but can form additional resonant Circuits at frequencies for which the am- pl-t-fier has not been designed which effect can drastically change the working regime of the amplifier. To avoid this a third cot can be introduced as shown by E.M.T. Jones and J.S. Honda (Ref. 7s IRE Wescon Convention Record,'Part I,'1959)~ The author expresses his thanks to V.V. Migulin for valuable discussions on all problems presented in the article. There are 7 figures, 2 tables and 7 refe- rencess 2 Soviet-bloc and 5 non-Soviet-bloo. The references to the English-lan uage publications read as followas H,,E. Rowe, Proc. IRE 19589 499 5v 850; S. Bloom, K. Chang, ROA Rev. 1957, 189 49 578; Card 11/-1A / 221~1 09L/61/006/005/011/027 The influence of D201/D303 H. Heffner, G. Wade, J. Appl. Phys~, 1958p 29, Bell System Techn. J. 1958, 37, 4, 989. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakulltet Moskovskogo ..universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova, baniy (Moscow State'University im Faculty of PhysIcs, Department of cillations) SUBMITTED; January 59 19060 9v 1321; D. Leenov, gosudarst'vennogo kafedra teorii kole-.! M.V. Lomonosov. the Theory of Os- Card 12/1-4- / _-)- 2489.5 S/109/61/006/008/015/018.'', D207/D304 AUTHORS: Illinskiyp Yu.A.t and Karasevp U.D. TITLE: 'Transients in a two circuit paramettic amplifier.. PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronikap V. 6, no. 8p 19619 1397 1400 TEXT: The authors give a short report on the theoretical And expe, rimental analysis of transients in a two circuit parametric ampli-I fier. The theoretical analypis is carried out assuming a small. signal. The equivalent cots of two circuit parametric amplifiers are shQwn in Fig. 1, These are systems with two degrees of freedom and with periodically varying reactive element. The equations for.-7.,' the above systems may be written as -X, + (alix, it 28111 + at/ NO (zi + x&)+ et). where 1 1, 2 the index related to'either the first or the, second; Card 1/7 S/109/61/006/008/0:L5/01:8 Transi'ents in a two circuit D207/D304 circuit; e external driving force: e = 0; a small parame- 1 2. ter; cr - attenuation of the i-th circuit; f a periodic fundtion with period 2 ; w - the frequency of change of the parameter. It follows from Eq. jl) that the ect attenuation ' and modulation depth are assumed to be. sm~all,'so that the Q'ofthe circuits is high:and- parametric Qoupling,weak; oscillations in the system are-very nedr- ly harmonic. The constant coupling may be large-. Eq. (1) can be solved by one of the quasi-linear methods, e.g. by averaging.' Bq.- (1) is first redu.ced to standard'form by assuming W W 1 + W2 and putting Z' ejWit + 'Z e_jW t i Sc* Jwi(Z'eJwit Z? e-Nit), x i where It 2; Z1 Z1* complex amplitudes, so that after aver- i aging the shortened form Card 2/7 S/lQ9/61/006/008/015/018: Transients in a two circuit ... D207/D304 ja1f 0 ja1f 1 B + j 6. + )z -2w Z- 2jwj~ 2 1 2w1 1 1 2 2 jaf J"2fo 2 -1 j 2 -fw-2)Z-2 + 2w .2. is obtained where f 0 f_j - the Fourier cpefficierits of func- tion f(wt) k=+ I:C(wt) f ejwkt. k k=- c>,o It is assumed further that fo = 0 since a f + 1 0 i 2w Pard 3/7 S11091611006100810151,01 Transients in a two circuit ... D207/~304 can be introduced and the detuning due to the constant component of coupling thus taken into account, the solution of linear equa- 41 tions (2) with constant coefficients is easily found for any'exter- nal force D and any initial conditions. E.g. the transient state can be determined,'i.e.,the presence of oscillations in the-system; Ayhen E = constant and.initiai condition Zi(O) 0 the equations have then the shape of matrix 2.i. AZ + B9 Z~ .1 1 H I B - P .(Z (0) Its solution, satisfying the initial conditions Z(O) 0 is- Z #A(I B (s) ds (3) [AD -X481 Card 4/7 S C-,~)Bpi 0.1 B~ T r a la s i e r, t s --, n D .3 1V c1 1 o w s tha z n a r U 7 t r;-, E r param et r - c amps er thz e eT a bi i shmen o f -~he s ady a - d n.-,-) -i end on he re I a-i ',,-,n Sh ~ p b e T j~.q 11 1., e p1-1 a C,:4 0 f i ;d r'. v np e,-% r. a - ar, d s e r o n c. i 11 e T., a c 21 1 1 are -roal. vary- 7 ne- paraw-- te r s e c- s al 1 qU;Ai a n (I _3 V y m a y r o 'h e n r l7h-n ,I' -hz i e s s , - - I ~e I E: OiC- 1 1 F1 1 r-I j) e n h rl C, r e a F I I T.'~j r A;~ a n d r an -1 r z n s tin e s,2 .A me- r I c -z a n d I Card r~ r p--r T.r an F, e r, t - r., u I D~(, /M j4 loo-nd 7.- avoj!, c"."' K-.,- D, D T 7 (D du- r a on I- r cin s I en -s ap p Ma- a E, g,:) 1 rl S3 3 n J. cs, - fic r anguage. Pro T 3 H E, R ovi e H,F. P,.: R E' 6t I ~a i,: I rZ0 A I Pl-,,v ot p K~ AS60CIATION., F ~7 he sik L y ak! I te! "en: I Ta 1m M. V mioros -,va s t S a- n- 'ver- T.", V, y Pn.y SUBMITTED: j u 1 0 Card 6,, 7, IL'INSKIY, Yu.A.; KARASEV9 M.D9 Investigating transient processes in two-circuit paramet- ric converters with 3um or differenen output frequencies. Vest. Mosk. un, Oer- 3 Fiz.i astron. 16 no.2:12-18 Mr-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Kafedra teorii kolebaniy Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. (Transients(Electricity)) (Electric current converters) ILTINSKIY, Yu.A.; KARASEV, 14.D. 2VG--circuit parametric oscillator witb exUrnal pumping. Vast. Moak. un. Ser. 3: Fiz. y astron. 16 no.6:3-11 11-D 161. (MI.RA 14:12) 1. Kafedra teorii kolel-My Moskovskogo universiteta. (OscillAorsi Electric) KHOLODOVSKIY, G.Ye.; SHIFdiOVj A.D.; IMAaYk~.i-YAKOVLEV, K.P..' red.; STEPAIOV, Yu.A.p red.;KUUCHKOVA, V.11., tekhn. red. [Concise physical and technological handbook] Kratkii fiziko- tekhnicheskii spravochnik. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo fiziko-matem, lit-ry. Vol.3- Oleat ongineeringp electrical engineering,, radio engineering, and electronics) Teplotekhnika, elektro- tekbnika, radiotekhnika i elektronika. 1962. 686 p. (MMA 15:3) (Physics) (Technology) 37h23 -2 0 S/188/62/000/002/009/013 W11-1 B154/B102 AUTHORS: Karasev, M. D., Kao Pao-Hsin TITLE: Amplification and noise of a parametric three-frequency converter with summary frequency output PERIODICAL: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik.. Seriya, III. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 2', 1962, 68-73 TEXT: Previous investigations showed that it is possible to enlarge the amplification factor of a two-frequency converter by a regpnerating circuit with a third frequency equal to the difference of the two frequencies. The amplification factor G and the noise ratio F of the system shown in Fig. 1 are determined as functions of the resistance R 3 of the regenerating circuit and the capacity modulation m . A 0/0 0 ,!!IC is the amplitude of the cosinusoidal capacitance variation. of the parametric diode with the pumping frequency &uo. if t, ~,2 ' T' + 1/x2' then Card 1/9 S/188J62/000/002/009/013 Amplification and noise of a B154/B102 tolos (AC/2) (18) Y3 T, + 0Ij- OR (21) with X t9k glgz (16) Lch -(AC/2)1 & gt (20). (01. (x + If the system con-C~in no regenerating circuit, F will drop monotonically with increasing.Q ethe tangent of the parametric loss angle Card 2/4 P 4o944 S/109/62/007/007/012/018 11266/11308 9. AUTHORS: Kao Pao-hsin, Ivanov, I. V. and Karasev, M. D. TITLE: Experimental investigation of a microwave three-cir- cuit parametric converter PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika i elektronika, V.-71 no. 7, 1962, 1152-1156 TEXT: The paper is concerned with a parametric converter which can produce both the sum and difference frequencies. The converter circuit is described in detail. The signal circuit is of,the co- axial type which is protected by a choke against*the field of other frequencies. In the experiments the signal frequency is 930 Mc/s and the pumping frequency.8330 Mc/s. Conversion gain inefea- see with increasing pumping power and with increasing coupling to the difference frequency circuit. Noise figure has a minimum at a certain pumping power and decreases if the diode is cooled. Band- width d6creaaes with increasing gain. It is also found, in accord- _.ance with R, Do Weglein (Trans. I.R.E. PITT-8, 1960s 5), that the Card 1/2 S11 09/62/007/007/012/018 Experimental investigation of ... D266/D308 reverse current of the diode significantly increases the noise, The main advantages of this converter are that it is insensitive to load variation, has a relatively large gain, and the circuits can be independently tuned. There are 7 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheakiy fakultet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Department of Physics, Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: November 10j 1961 Card 2/2 GAO BAO-SINI [Kao Pao-hsin); IVANOV, I.V.I_IARASEVp ~.D. Experimental study of a three-stage parametric microwave conver- ter. Radiotekh. i elektron 7 no.7:1152-1156 162. (MIRA 15;6) 1. Fizichaskiy fakul'tet Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta imeni Lomonosova, kafedra teorii kolebaniy. (Microwaves) KARASEV, M.D.; KORABIEV, I.V.; WINOVICH-VIOLI, A.A. Measurement of amplitude fluctuations of a frequency multiplier using a nonlinear resistance. Radiotekh. i elektron. 7 no.2.1:1964-1966:,Il 162. NIRA 15: 11) 1. Fizicheskiy fakulitet Moskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta, im. M.Y. Lomonosova. (Frequency multipliers) KkRASEV, M.D.; GAO BAO-ZINI [Kao Pao-hoin) Amplification and noises In a three-element parametric converter' with composite output frequency. Vest.Mook.un.Ser*3,Fiz,,,astron, 17 no.2s6g-73 Mr-Ap.162.. (MMA 16:2) 1. Kafedra teorli kolebaniy Moskovskogo univenitatap . (Frequency changers) VYALITSEV, A.O.; IVANOV, I.V.; KARASEV, M.D.; MTEMKIN, V.V. Measurement of the noise of frequency multipliers using a transistor diode. Radi6tekh.i elektron. 8 no,23349-551 F 163., (MM 16:2) 1. Fizicheakiy fakul'tet'WakoTskogo gosudarstvennogo universitet~,, kafeOra teorii kolebaniy. i (Frequency miltipliers-Nolpe), (Radio measurements) 0 6o0$ 0 U It 4 14 f# ff if A 0 a 1'v a a N 6 4 0 )v ;m it w I I I I All Lt A v A a 4 -1 tA. -a-1- L -L It 0 r vII ell A-11 IK VA"141 L8 A/79 00 Of a 1: 111 midd of P~ 4f amum KARAM. '00 7) Olt a W~CW .96 =h #Mbkd :00 j PIDOWN, kil to WdW 1-06 Opereftly. 04"horm"s, in *, -- Is Ofs colonvAR. 00 '3 *8 W Red of W^m hw,*m =00 wcdm. 1% ftm *AM dw ban," 00 of to " or ON 00 j amm" Md Zoo *"d 84 9A'8 IRS 40 breshm at an - Of > 3-4 A do" not 0 RIPS W6,00 dm1 domy of do 0mr, as* Mom W*Onk OIW~n POOWn In dhe 00 km kw&i.- IL F. K. Roe U U AV 10 it at KID A I 0 0 0 0 0 4, eel 44p 0 a 0 0 0 0 00 * 0:0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 41 0 a 6~146 00 all 0 0 0 0 eip 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 4~6 a 0 0 0 0 * e 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~96 0 lo it it 0 mIt 16 It v11 a n 34 b36 v is Na 11 VA3 us ?Am *10441 Qu aalt* A ~.-l -I- --t- iv d wo wdw 413 260WAAMM OWIP) -41W AbOr. O"p) Aloft IW* awwmmw vwk an coo cwmwmdm d"i coo dot do cawmalft POW cupplass" (w the 00 vokep, w ih*bw Its yuks (Was WaW4 to khdft we* cdoes or Ow brj& W. W. 0. roe kip- =00 -UNCKA& b u it &w so is -T-v --W-0 low a tv tr tv O'd KARS Ifun IINKWA 41%. ~aka. '36678.. Karasev, "E. F. K voprosu o mstro.,rice ,,rrLrIuta4-sii nasliin -iostoyarmof7-o V Trudy T* , o eleltromellchan. in-ta imhonerov zh-D. Transportila, T. XD omsko-g 194~B, c. 3-kS SO: Letuopist Zlimmiallyi-ftla SJL.-Itey, Vol. 50, Rosh-va, 1-011P, TMAIIASEV, I-J". F. . I I 36679/ lzrasev. 1j/ F Raschet korr.,utatsii Toshin costoyarmogo tolca trudy tomuskogo elektromekhan. In-tq j-mhencrov zh. -D. Transporta, 2. XIV, 1,048, C. --22 ol. 50, 1-flosleva, 1949 SO: Leto-pis' Zhm-naolyi-Lh Statcy, V K,'..~~ASEV, F. F Karasev, N. Viiyai o eirtora ala holl'inlitatsiYu. l'- -dye slcorooti 1, 11 fornskon elelctromeklian. In-lua inzlienerov zh.-D. Transporta, T. XIV, 194f,, c. 13-'." 30; Letopis' Zhurnallyddi Statey, Vol.. 50, Ilosit-va, 1949 J KAiUSEV, X. F. "Po'B'O. Karasev, 1.1. 1". Issie-dovanVe Granitsy iliversii clektrichesid-kh razryakov Trudy Tomskogo elelctroraekhan. In-ta Irzhenerov zh.-D. Tramcorta, H. XIV, 1948, C. 10.3-08- SO: Letopis' Zhurnallynkh Statey, ol. 50, Moskva, 1949 --LARASKV., M.-- F. -- - -- - "The.Probiem of Commutation Design in D.C.Machines," Blektrlchost'vo, No-7, 1949 Tomsk Electromechanic Inst for Railval Transport Engineers. USSR/Electricity - Contactors Arc Quenching "Problem of the Existence of Inversion in Electric Diacharges in installations With VibratIng Contacts," 'Z"-ent M. F. Karasev, Cand Tech Sci, Engineers V. A. Iftleyev, V. P. Ubeyev, Tomsk Electromech I_nst of RR 'Transp '"lliektrichestvo" No 9., PP 58-60 X-inines experimentally B. R. and N. I. Lazarenko's theory of inversion of electric discharges, espe- cially processes occurring in region dema cated by &rc-formation curve. Concludes it is incorrect to 16703, USSR/Electricity Contactors (Contd) Sep:: A;OI quench arc - vith very large capacitances vhich com- pletely remove electric discharge accompanying 1 process of r opening circuit, thus shortening service life of contact system. 4"t 0 167T)+3" KARAsEV, M. F. nRASEV M. F. -- "Commutation Proeess in Direct-Current Electric Machines." j Moscow Urder of Lenin Power Engineering Inst. imeni VJI. Molotov Sub 30 May 52, or the Degree of Doctor in Technical sciences) (Dissertation f SO: Vechernaya Moskva$ January -December 1952 - - , Mi 11 FZLp=vAjh. N/5 KAW~,Jr khe 613.63 J1 Kewoutatsiya mashin postoyannogo tolm (Machine commutation to direct mwrent motor) Moskvaj Gosenergoisdat, 1955. 142 p. lllus.# diagres "Literature": P. 140-W KARASAY, M.F., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof. (Tomsk) Xquatione for current and e*mefe curves during switching in collector machines. Xlektrichestvo no.12:70-74 D '57. (MRA M12) (Xlectric awitchgear) (Xlectric circuits) 8 (5) AUTHORS: Karasev. 14, P., Doctor of Technical SOV/105-59-12-11/23 -Suvorov, V. P. , Engineer (Toms-) TITLE: Study of Spark Formation on Comutators A PERIODICAL: Elektricheetvo, 1959, Nr 12, PP 50-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the adjustment of the'brushes of commutators it is of importance -'~o be able to form an opinion not only on the degree of --park formation, but also on the quality df tile brushes, to be able to clarify the character of spark distribution and the origin of breakdown. The methods used at present (Refs 1, 2, 3, 4) are listed. None of these methods meetsthe requirements. The article contains a new method for proved satisfactory in a the study of comrmitation. The method ' series of tests on machines ol different types. The method consists of the following: the spark-formation indicator II-1 is connected to the working and the auxiliary brush. The auxiliary brush is fixed on the heel of the working brush. The indicator has one electron tube, on which the voltage impulses between the brush and the commutator segments can be observed. The indicator has a block in %'.hich all voltage Card 1/2 impulses are added and averaged. The indicator instrument Study of Spark FormAibn on Commutators SUBMITTED SOV105-59-12-11/23 connected to this block ind icates the averaged values of the voltage impulses, i.e. they'.are.proportional to the.level of the impulses and to their number in the time unit. This wiring was recommended earlier by the authors,(Ref 5) for the tuning of commutators. The great advantage of-the method is that the Oscillograja permits not only the ~'&bserv-ation of the spark distribution oft the commutator, bA also the cause of the spark formation at each-segment. The article contains a series of such oscillograms. There are 8'figures and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. June 22, 1959 Card 2/2 KARASEV Mikhail Fedorovich; MIKWIDV-41,IKUL31ISKIY, M.S., red.; BORUIROV, N. I. . tekbn. r . [Commutation in collector-type d.c. machinery] Kommutatsiia kol- lekti-vnykh mauhin postoiannogo toka. Mookva2 Goo. energ. izd-vo 1961. 223 p. (MIRA 14:10) (Electric machinery-Direct current) KARASEV M.F'- KOZLOV V,N.j KOZLOVSKIYj O.M.; LITVINOVI I.R.; TRUSHKOV, A.M.; FAISM,, V.A. Experimental study of the sparking of electric locomotive traction motoris during operation. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; elektromakh. 4 no. 1:68-74 161. (MIRA 14:4) (Electric railway motors) KARASEV, M.F., doktor tekhn.mauk, prof.; SUVOROV, V.P., inzh. Method of evalualing the sparking of electric brushes. Vest. elektroproii. 33 no.1:76-78 Ja 162. (MIRA 14:12) (Brdshes, Electric-Tevting) KARASEV, Mikhail Fedcrovicb, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; SUVOROV, VI a d i m i rPa-v-1 o-v-1-al ! - - -- -* BmIuatien of sparking and quality control of the collectors of electrical nactLines. Izv. vre. uoheb. say, I slaktrome" 5 no.7:81"3 162. (MIRA 15--10) L Zavedqushchiy ksfedroy elektrioheskikh maishin TomlikoRo elektramekhanicheskogo instituta inzhenerov shelesno-dormbnogo transpotota (for Narasev). 2. Starshiy, inxhaner Tomskogo elektro- makhanichookogo instituta, inshenerov zhelemo-dormbnogo transporta (for Suvorov). Faectric mchinery) mmutm,Uon(IIqctrieity)) M F 1111R, 16 RU If W KARASEV, 14.-F., doktor toklin,nauk, profs Reply to 0. G. Vegner's remarks on the book "Commutation of d. c. machines." Trudy OM11T 37:5-11 162. (MIRA 17:5) doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MEDLIN, It. Ya., inzh.; SIATOROVI V. P., kand. tekhn. nauk E. m. f. and voltage drop during comialltatiOn. Trudy 01,111T 37:12-19 162. "Small current step" in commutation. Ibid.:20-31. (MIRA 17:5) KARASEVY M. F., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TRUSHKOV, A. M., kand. 1. tekbb, nauk, dotsent; PARAMZIN,,V. P., inzho Commutation of the traction motors of a diesel locomotiv6 in nonsteady operation and methods for studying it. Trudy OMIIT 37:49-56 162o Causes of unsatisfactory commutation in the main generators of diesel locomotives. lbid.:57-64. (MIRA 17.5) KARAS5V.X-M, F.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; KUCFILIAOV, A. P., kand. ~1~.nauk, dotse,nt; TRUSHKU, A. M., karr1.tekhn,nauk,dotsent; PARA14ZIN, V. P.) inzh. CoToutation of electric traction motors under actual operating conditions and methods for studying it. Trudy CAlIT 37:32-42 162s (MIRA 17:5) KARASEV, M.F.; SUVOROVp V.P. Comparison of different methods for evaluating the sparking intensity of brushes. Trudy THIIZHT 3513-17 162. (MIRA 16t8) (Brushes, Electric) (Electric machinery) KARASEV, M.P.; LOBACHEVSKIY, L.V.; TUKTAYEV, I.I. Composite brushes of d.c. machines. Trudy TEIIZHT 35:18a-36 162. (MIRA 16:8) (Brushes, Electric) (Electric machinery-Direct current) K nauk, prof.* FALL'-'rEV) V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; _ jWF.V,_M.j~,,- doktor tekhn. I . TRUSHKOVI A.101., kand.tpekhn.nauk, dotsent; KOZLOV, V.N.j inzh.; MEDLIN, 4' 3V R.Ya., nzh.; LEBEDE I N.A.p irzh.; CHIKUNOV, O-V-, inz1h. of the new electric brushes on d.c. locomotives. Trudy Testing (MIRA 18:8) OM11T 400-4-1 '63- KARASEV, M.F., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; MEDLIN, R.Ya., inzh. Energy theory of commutation. Trudy OMIIT 40:43-50 163. (MIRA 18:8) KARASEV, M.F., doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; LOBASHEVSKIY, L.V., kand.tokhn.nauk Use of brush compounds in low-power electric machinery. Trudy OMITT 40:79-97 163. (M1RA 18t8) KARASEV, M.F.) doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; GRITSENKO, A.F., Inzh. Energy relations during the final stage of commutation with a flashover. Trudy OMIIT 1+0,.149-161 163. (MIRA 18:8) ~~ MBAA7t- RM R M ZY-101.. P"M KARASEV, M.F. doktor tekhn.nauk, prof.; BOGATYREV, N.Ya., inzh. Distribution of losses in the brush contact of d.c. machinery,. Trudy OKIT 40:173-182 163. (KRA IM) KARASEV, M,F. . do ktor to hhri*nnukq ,.,-Cf'. ; F(171,t)V, V I J. , ir7, I j. I Essence of errors in the theory of 11:3uall current steps" In the comutation of dece machines. Trudy (DUIT 42:211-215 163- (MIRA 18:10) VEGN&Rj O.G. , kand. teldm. nauk (Leningrad); 1UZYMIOV, VS., inzh.; MAGIDSON, V.V., inzh.; NAZIKYAN, A.G., kand. tekhn. nauk; KARASEV IM.F doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MEDLIN, R.Ya., inz-h. Concerning A.S. Kurbasov's articles "Principles of the power theory of the comrmtation of d.c. machines" and "Calculation of the commutation of d.c. machines." Faektrichestvo no.5.- 81-87 my 063. (19RA 16--7) (Electric machinery-Direct current) (Kurbas6v., A.S.) I Igg - /2 L 4221-66 116dSSION NR: AR5014257- terms "ov~rcompenoationl' and- "undercompensation" should be deprecated 6, these because the do not denote the essence of the optimal commutation proces terms came into being in connection with the optimal straight-line commutation, a 43,0 However, the optimal commutation process occurs when for v,rhich e. e > e6 (4).'The slot-current commutation transpires according to S-shape curves, with. the current variation close to linear at the mid-section of the curve;. -current commutation curve, theoptimal commutation to (5) In the slot -Aned by a minimum of di/dt at the moment of its te detern rminationi. (6) The Af of small-current step . as defined by, 0. Vagner does not represent the essence.of a xeill commutation prdcesol.,~(7) '.The. expedie'ncy of u6ing brushas having 0-shap current -voltage charllk~tiAidii A'ha a stbep 'Ase for, am -eurrei&donaitiesix_- "'i -U~ very questionable.; B61i~~_704,figais i E SUB CODE: EE. NCU 00 619: rd.:__212 ~ KARASEV, Rikhs i.L Fe o -doktor t--kbn.rLauk, prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell ---Esall.i ~akhriik-'-, KOZI.OV, VerLiamin Nikolayevich, starshily prepodavatell Optimal commutation in d.i:,. ma,-hines. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; e'Laktromekhanika 8 no.6.-6i4--682 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Zaveduyushchly kafedroy elektrichoskikh mashin Omskogo instituta inzbenerov zhe2eznodcrozhnogo transporta (for Karasev). 2. Kafedra e3ektrichibshikb viashin Omslcgo Instituts. inzhenerov zheleznodarozhnogo treLn3p,:tr+A (for ,!. KARASEV, M.F.,, d(ktor tekhn,pau~, pro.C.; HOZLOV, V.N., inzh. Concerni-ng the article "Criteria of the commutation intensity of do.a. madiines." Elektrotekhnika 30' no.1:61 Ja 165. (MIRA 18:3) tekhn.nbukp pi-or.; KOZIDVY V.N.9 inzh.; SERF-GINY V.A., inzb.; TRUSHROVj A,14ep kand.tekhn.naTik E'vallintioh Of 'the d~grap bf sparking of the bru-shes 6f electric tractioft motors. Klektrotakhnika 36 no.6--,..8 je 165. (MIRA 18-.7) XAIk8l--V~ 14. 7. 1+492. Us vershenstvovan-iye Tekhnolopii V Oblasti. Svarochno!7o Proi.zvodstva. 11!~' Z. - (1-Q, Suftomriz, 'J'954. 3" s. s. 11). 22 sm. ('*r,-jAzvof3, Opty.) 1.000 Bespl.- .1 (54-58,-23) P '21. 791 st. SO: Letopin' ZhurntillyVkh Statey, Vol. 37, 1949 K:RASr.V, - ... Method for locating short-circuits lytween the strands of a ribbon cable. Avtom., telem. i sviazI 8 ho.8:30 Ag 164. (I-ERA 17 : 10) 1. Starshiy elektromakhmik Moskovsko-Paveletskoy distantsii Mloslkovskoy dorogi. KARASEV M.M. Attachment to the TS-315 measuring device. Avtom., telem. i sviazl 9 no.11:34-35 N 165, (MIRA 18:12) 1. Starshiy elektromekhanik. kontrollno-ispvtatellnogo punkta Moskovsko-Paveletskoy distantsii Moskovskoy dorogi. F-JUIASEIV. M. S. " Paleogeological Conditions for the Formation of Subterratiean Water in t'le Central Parts of the Russian Platform." A raper presented on 28 April, The Activity of the Moscou Society of Naturalists, Byulleten, Mosk-o-vs-E-o-g-o7)Egfi-crie-s-f-vii-7s-p--3T;T-el-eF'rrirociy 70-1 L-%-.- No 6, Moscow, Nov-Dec 1955, pp 80-90, Gbology 3ection Source: U-9235, 29 Nov 1956 WINA, H.S., kand.geologo-mineralog.nauk,- YELINA, L.M.;,BYZHOVA, A..A*; BUZINOVA, V.K.; INITRIYE-VA, L.Y&.;.GIMPMXVICH, 3,D.; GALAXTIONOVA., N.K.; ILIINSKATA, Y.V,; SOLOVIYEVA, H.S.;_ BAKIROV, I.I., redo; VIM* V*V.*, red*; DAIIOV, A.V.. GOKheq red.; KAKSIKOV, S.P.. red.;'PO2NYSH, N.A., red.; SAIDOV, M.N., red'e; SWKWOVA. S.V.. red.; TUMMITATB, N.K., red.; ELIYANOV, 1J., red. [deceased]; KE(ALTURIN, D.S.,. red.; SWAMA. Yej., red.; CHIZHOV, A.A., vedushchiy red.; YASHGHUMIIISKATA,. A.B., (Coal deposits of the central provinces of the Russian Platform], .Kamennougollnys otlozheniia tsentrpI',nykh,oblastei Rusekoi platformy. Pod red. N.S.Illinoi. Leningrad, Gos.nsuchno-t9khn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry. 1958. 209 p. (MIRA 12:3) (Russian Platform~--Coal geology)