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5 (2) AUTHORS: Markovskiy, L. Ya.9 SOY/78-4-8-3/43 Kondrashev, Yu. D. TITLE: On the Problem of the Existence of a Magnesium Boride of the composition Mg332 (K voprosu o oushchestvovanii borida magniya sostava, Mg3 B2) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Wr 8, PP 1710 - 1714 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In his classical paper on boron H. Moissan pointed to the fact (Ref 1) that boron forms several compounds with magnesium, - among them one with the formula Mg3B2* This opinion is maintain- ed also in the papers of other research workers (Refs 2-5)- In earlier papers of the authors (Refs 6,7) simultaneously with American scientists (Refs 8,9), however, no such compound Mg3B2 was found. Table 1 shows the new experimental results. Figure 1 shows the formation of tetraborane in dependence on the composition of the a -inter. The yield in tetraborane in- creases with the magnesium content of the sinter. By means of Card 1/2 infrared spectroscopy it was found that tetraborane is formed _59 On the Problem of the E~cistence of a Magnesium SOT/78-4-8-3/43 .-Boride of the Composition Xg3:B2 as final product in the hydrolysis of MgB 2* Table 3 shows the interplanar spacings for the various compounds of magnesium with boron. It may be seen from it that magnesium boride with the formula Mg3B2 does not exist. There are 1 figure, 3 tables, and 14 references, 7 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy institut prikladnoy khimii (State Institute of Applied Chemistry) SUBMITTED: October 11, 1957 Card 2/2 MMOVSKIr, L-YA.; jMTOVSKkTAq G.T. an& bydrolytic dSOOmPOsitiOu Gbemical stabilitY metals Ju their rsaotious witb acids@ Zhwe 130) some transition prikl,Wm- 33 no.3&569-577 mr 16o. (KIM (3orides) of diborides of I/ 1/ S/080/62/035/004/002/022 D204/D301 AIGTHORS: Markovskiy, L. Ya. and TITLE: Certain chemical properties of Ng borides and the ir role in preparing elemental B by a magnesiothermal method PERIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 35, no. 4, 1962, 723-729 TEXT: The interactions of Mg borides with aerial 0 2, N2 and C were studied. Preparation and analysis of the borides and of amorDhous B, which was also tested for oxidation resistance, are briefly men- tioned. 1-g-samples of the powdered materials (99-1001,vo.'00/u) were pressed into quartz tubes open at one end*(15 mm. dia.) and were oxidized in a slow current of air between 400 - 6000C, for 0 - 15 hours. It was found that oxidation -resistance dedreased in the or- der MgB12 >I-IgB6,~MgB 41 the higher borides being unaffected up to 550 - 5750C..Short-period'oxidation (15 min.) at 500 - 6000C, fol- lowed by extraction with 1:1 HU showed that Mg was attacked in Card 1/3 B/080/62/035/004/002/022 Certain chemical properties D204/D301 -preference to B, owing to a deficiency of surface B 0 which pre- 2 3 vented the formation of a protective oxide layer. Absence of the tended'to reduce the long term (15 hrs) stability of I-IgB 12 and:MgB6 *towards oxidation, in comparison with MgB 2and M92B3 which more rapidly at first. No Mg nitrides were formed. Resist- ance to 0-free N 2 was studied over 2 - 3 hours between 600 - 135000: and was found to be high, especially for the higher borides. No in-7 teraction with graphite was detected up to 18OOuC. A discussion is next given of the magnesiothermal production of amorphous B, show- ing that 'Moissan's boron' consists of DIgB containing 201% of B and B suboxides, probably-as a solid solutign. This is followed by :consideration of the role of 14-gB 12 in purifying B by vacuo-thermal selective oxidation methods. The help of Yu. D. Kondrashev with the X-ray work is acknowledged. There are 6,figures, 4 tables and 15 references: 11 Soviet-bloc and 4 non-Soviet-bloo. The references 'S, to the publications read as follows: M. Jone 2/ 3 PAYLTUCHMO, M.N.; XAMSIIT. Y.N. '~i- ' ' ''' Kinetics of'n of cadmium ammonium iodide. Uch.zap. BGU no.29:87-94 156, (min 11!11) (Cadmium ammonium iodides) (Chemical reaction, Rate of) TSHKOLENK0, I.H~; -PAYLTUCHBNED, M.N.; Diagram of the oxidation of calluloBe by nitrogen oxides. DAL AV BSSR 2 no.'11:461-"4 D 158. ' (MIRA 12:8) I.Predstavleno skademikom AN BSSR N.Y. Terrleuko. (CILLUIOSE) (NITROGEN OXIIS (OXIUkTION) V% PRASS I BOOK EVLOITATION SOVAqs4 International symposium 0t, maaroxcl...l.r chvnistrY. MOSOON's ig6o. Xozhdu narodnyy gimpozium po makromalekulyarnoy khimil SSSR, I aytorefaraty. klad 60 d 4 1 8 i -1 o g.; y Xoskva, 1 yuoya 9 l 3*ktolya III. t ar International Symposium on MacromoleCU and r 60 P 8 Chemistry Bold 1 - .1 s ape 14 0 19 ; . Moscow, Jun : 1zd-vo AN SSSR, 19601 o. Sumnsaries) Section 111. jKom , 469 p. 55,000 copies printed. Tech. Ed. a F. S. NashIna. Sponsoring Agenoyi The International Union of Pure and ApplIed Chemistry. Commission on Macromolecular Chemistry. rURPOSE: ThIs book in Intand6d ror chemists Interested in poly- morlzatica reactlano and the synthesis of high molecular -000vounds. CCnRACM- This to Section III of a waltivolume work contain- IUC Papers on aacromol*cular chemistry. The articles in general deal wIth the kinetics of polymerization reactions, the synthesis or special-purpose polymers, e.g.' ion ex- c~-=Ze r*sins. ae-Mconductor materials, etc., methods or cat- alyzing polymerization reactions,- proportion and dhealca., Interactions of high molecular materials, and the effects of vuious factors an polymerization and the degradation of * '* personalities are mentlonod. hlgh.mwltculjLr compounds ; "r"!~.-cces given f.allow- h articles. K. ftistZev. and R. (USSR). VjjMMj-Zft_L, Y. _ The R&dIatlcn Xethod of With ..-'.Polystyrene and PorchlorovInyl. 170" . Aaflkov0,& GOkx2;n9kax3. I V Zhuravlev%, and P. X. ------ - Retero J a lation oritarbaefi V~ d R~ x7 . L. --Pha', rolysaddes Santo I land K. Gal (Hungary). Grafting Methyl hatheorylgto -- - � Coto 1 Of YO IYFXn Yl Alcohol Under the Action of I-Rays 20T Lazar X R, Ra d - d Tu . P _ an -3111ulu (Czechoslovakia). A - t1 .' Graf XOthYl 90tyLaCryla 0 onto Pol".ropyleas and Poly- % athylone 214 Tutors 41 !4~1- A-it Z-L-'xmaXv, and YX-Jjx.:.t= (USSR). tractlZW-of Carbo271-Containing Butadlene-Styreno Rubbers With Polyamides and E-Caprolactan 224 and, Ts'engHan7.-&ing JUSSR). Synthesis R., anVX. Lazar (Czechoslovakia). The p~ols-of th~-- -' qoumo or Pro@ nadicaig on CrosslInkins In Polyethylene.. Malmo-v,-L.Al. A. Tutoran and B. A. DoKsdkin (USSR) Off th-e-rr-anscormationa a rPQX71-C-O-nTgrn-1n- 979W4diene- Styrene Rubbers and Their Kixtures With E-Caprolactam Under the Action of Gamma Radlation 293 a k RogovIn. Z. A , V. A. Darevi t Tlung, Chang Wel- u Sun Min-g, G-allbravkh Syn heat 5 g 9 t and L S~ s ff of Now Cellulose arivatIvqs ani"ther Polyeaccharld . 302 -x-j.' and P. M. Xaputsk1j (USSR). Initiation j:q8?XkQ . ,I t 01 VMa an rc ','d Synt 0 IMMMM Colluloses With I Oxides or Nitrogen 320 R - ) ~ IU SN tin l = da l IIU O l Co O K 0 10cules 321 J B#jjkn-&-A-Ye. A. Penakaya, and 0. 1. Volk-o-u (USSR). ' - o-ck-a 160k~&-nicache2dca-X-rrIMTro-r&tvtons an73-Mj 6polymerIza- t1c" Duftng the Freezing of Stamh Solutions 334 Vgmarlov- Kh- V- 13, and M-Az-"-QY (US;R)- zh% d r - ~ o ~ ~ . . ti. f *dlrlcatlcn of the ropertled of Cellulose by Grafting 344 YJWIOIMM, I.11. - KAPMSKIY, F.U. 4-~~ Use of nitrogen oxides in the synthesis of modified cellulose. Vysokom. soed. 2 no.4:626 Ap l6o. (KM 13:11) (Genulose) (Nitrogen oxide) YFaMOLMM, I.N.; KAMTSKIY P.N.- PAVLYUCHEM, H.H. Wfect of the moisture content and the composition of the oxidant 0.4 the oxidation of cellulose by nitrogen oxides. Dokl.AN BM 4 no.10: 417-420 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN BSSR. (Nitrogen oxides) (Oxidation) PAVLYUCK9=. M.M.; YERMOLIM, I-N-; KLPUTSKIY F N 4 Mechanism of the oxidation of cel3,ulose by nitrogen dioxide. Zhur. prikl. khim- 33 no.6:1385-1391 is ,6o. (MIRA 13--8) (Nitrogen oxide) (Gel-lulose) (Oxidation) KAPUTSKIY) F.W.- PAVLYUCHENNO, M.M.; YERMOLENKO) LN, P Effect of nitrogen trioxide, moisture, and phosphoric acid on the reaction of cellulose with nitrogen peroxide. Vysokom. soed. 4 no-4:503-509 AP 162. (MIM 15:5) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheskoy khimii AN BSSR. (CeUulose) (Nitrogen oxides) (Phosphoric acid) KAMSKIYI F.N.; FAVLYUCHENKOO M.M.; YERMOIZNKO, I.N. Effect of the nature of solvent an the reaction of cellulose with nitrogen dioxide. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.1:75-78 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Belorusskiy gosudarstvarwyy universitet im. V.I.Ienina i Institut obshchey i n1lo' cheskoy khimii AN Belorusskoy SSR. (denulose) Nitrogen oxide) (Solvents) %"I" .L,Y.*iV ~, Ijili 7 ;".,- PRIS'NIFIA, , . I . - : I " - F L - I 1,11.v.~~ ~11'1 . z rmolenko, I.N.] Experimental study of carbo,:,ymL-tliyice,'.'~ulr,-4e. Ves~,ll IN W'T. Ser. billal . nav. no.l.~133-15L I f I WTF'~ i-,-6" - 6,4. . - ~ / RUNIKOV M.Ya. -[Reznikau, M.IA.)I;,pPMKIYp,,FR -&-[Kaputskl, F.M.]; YERMLENKO, I.N. [IArmolenka, I.M.) Electric conductivity and the degree of swelling of oxidized cellulose salts. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.3i39-45 '62. (MIRA 180) I boDC6-66- MT.(j%/-zwT(ri1~,r - -ACC NRz AP6008277 SOURCE CODE:- UR/0080/66/039/002/0458/0460 AUTHOR: Yermolenko, 1. N.; Gusev, S. S.; Kaputskiy, F. N.; Vasilenko, Z. 1. ORG: none TITLE: Infrared spectra of partially substituted nitroesters of polvanhydrouranic acidq SOURCE; Zhurnal prikladnoy khimii, v. 39, no. 2, 1966, 458-460 TOPIC TAGS: IR spectroscopy, cellulose, esterification, absorption spectrum ABSTRACT: The use of spectral methods to determine the position of substitutes in cellulose derivatives was studied. For the experiments, purified cotton cellulose and monocarboxyl cellulose containing 4.7 and 7% COOH groups were used. The nitro groups were introduced at 200 with concentrated H2.S04 and HN03 in the ratio 3:1, and with H2�04+HN03 diluted with H20 in the ratio 38;32:30. Spectra were taken in the 400-3600 cm 1 region. Infrared spectra of cellulose after esterification with diluted nitra- tion mixture have weak bands at 900, 1630 (N02) and 1725 (CO)cm-1; this indicates slight accumulation of nitro groups in cellulose. Accumulation of N02 groups in mono- carboxylic cellulose containing 4.7 and 7% COOH groups is less than in nitrated cel_ lulose, which indicates that in the reaction with HN03, cellulose is more active than monocarboxylic cellulose. Esterification of cellulose with concentrated nitration UDC: 543.422+661.728. L 4ooo6-66 ACC NR: AP6008277 inixture changes the character of the absorption spectrw: characteristic bands for the high substituted esters of cellulose appear In the 685, 782, 860 an I regions. This change signals the transformation of cellulose into nitrocellulose. Orig. art. has. 2 figures. I SUB CODE: 07/. SUBM DATE: 22Apr64/ ORIG REF: 007 !C ard 2) MAGNITSKIY, Konstantin Pavlovich. Prinimali uchastiye: GOSUDAREVA, A.G.; PANITKIN -, V.A.; BEIYAKUVA~ N.G.; F.AEUST ,Y MUKOV, S.N.; RIKULINA, F.F.; BALABANOV, B.G.; VISHNYAKOVA,Ye., red.; KUZNETSOVA, A.y tekhn. red. [ConLrol of the nutrition of field and vegetable crops] Kont- roll pitaniia polevykh i ovoshcInVkh kulitur. Moskva) Mosk. rabochii, 1964. 302 p. (IIIRA 17:2) 1. Vauchnyye sotrudniki laboratoril kaliya Nauchnogo instiVita po udobreniyam i insektofungitsidam (for Gosu6areva, Panitkin, Belyakova, Kapustyansldy, Zlmkov, Ilikulina, Balabanov). KAPIUVARI, A. The five-row grape cultivator is well-proven. p. 11j. UJITOK LAPJA, Budape3t, Vol. 7, no. 15, Aur. 1955. SO: Monthly List of E-st European Accessions, (E`,"AL), LC, Vol. 4, no. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. KAPUVARI . Jeno ---- Use of plastics in the construction industry, Epites Bzemle 6 no.6tl89-192 162. 1. Epitesgazdasagi es Szervezesi Intozet tudomanyos munkatarsa. Y,APUY,, E.; CSAVISZKY, P. B. Kockel's Representation "' Theory Treatment of Simple 14echanical I-lave Problems; a book review. In Germane pe 347o Vol. 6. No. 2 1956. AGTA PHYSIGA. Budapest Hungary. SOURCE: East European List) (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol* 6, No. 1 January., 1956 HUNGARY/Atomic and Molecular Physics - Physics of the Molecule. D Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 4, 1960j, 8276 Author : Kapuy, E. Inst : Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Title Application of One-Center Wave Functions to Tetrahedarl Symetric Hydrid Molecules. II. Numerical Computations for Methane Orig Pub Acta phys. Acad. scient. hung., 1959, 9, No 4, 445-459 Abstract To calculate certain physical constants of the molecule CH4, a one-center function of two types is used. By the one-center method of molecular orbits) the vave function was constructed for the ground state of CH4 from Slater 1s-, 2s-, and 2p-functions vith varied parameters. Satisfactory results weee obtained for the energy, coupling length, and freqeuncy of completely symetrical Card 1/2 HUNGARY/Atomic and Molecular Phyrics - Physics of the Molecule. D Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizi1m, No 4, 1960, 8276 oscillation w-A ionization potential. The method does not give a correct value of the binding energy. The one-center method of valence structure in the method Pf spherically-symmetrical density, Save results similar to the one-center molecular orbit method. -- Ye.A. Pshenichnov Card 2/2 37 - '"ft7r'~'DV/A+nrAn nnd Molecular Physics Physics of The Atom- D KAP1JY "Anplication of one-center wpve functions to tetrahedril symetric hydride moiecules. 1. Theoretical bnsis of the method.11 In Enj--lish. p. 317. 1 r ,,, .)-10 ACTA PHYSICA. (Maf, r Tudomanyos Akrdemin). Bidapest, Him V, _Tv N 10. 3, 101,59. Month],y list of East European Accessions (MI), LC, Vol. 8, ::o. 8, AuCust 1959. Uncla. Opium ut Ad P lvxj o 'HrH t , Can b i t fta m. y var metbod by tWasibe cact 4ztafujic,~ 1~ UIW6 i i O nd o k~ taba (C.A. $0, 12M). -9s i ttd or u . term im 10d his AUt Wift mtb w'" Iyousity., M electron orbl - A F um S us for wAve fimcom u two- ttn A ..M., udapat). f M 11 9 01 l i ~ c s .j cl.'CA 4? I Uls . n )( ( -F NWZci-r or vrAve t U u . . , vietrkal a DUIII ectron, ' I , e 2ad-order l o t D nc=v en Into t in e calcn. of the RJ t d. m4trii is �r ves., As an exwnple, the energy: - expreWou MeC h caW. C OUvier-Rutgers X? Derivation of approrimara rwo, orbltAs. u i uns. Acad. M., Budmpwaf"7m~ 9C 14 Phyi. A 119- It. 409.-15(1960)(in Engiish); cf. CA 54, 1*4&. A method of obtailing N, 2-Qectj:~n qbjtajj in a Inol with N 1-K)nffi trvm the 2N 1-clectrom Orbits-13 is d~ orribert. anti cner,-v calcnF. &m t-uu) ned 6(S4 S10581621000101110151061 Ao62/AIOI AUTHOR: Kapuy, E. TITLE: Derivation of "almost" orthogonal two-electron orbitals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika,''no. 11, '1962, 8, abstract 11V52 ("Acta phys. Acad. scient. hung.", 1961, v. 13, no. 4, 461 - 468, English) TEXT: The previously investigated systems of related integro-differential equations that determine the best two-electron wave functions of a multi-elec- tron problem (RZhPiz, 19621, 1V52), are somewhat modified so that the antisyrunetric orthogonal two-electron orbits )c~ (1, 2), determined by these equations, may be decomposed in a full system of one-electron spin-orbits vji (1). There are found equations which determine the best two-electron functions P, (1, 2) corres~ond- ing to a limited (non full) system of one-electron orbits, and equations which determine the best functions vIi (1) at a given limited number of basic one- electron functions. It has been assumed further that, even without broadening the given basis of one-electron functions, it is possible somewhat to improve Card 1/2 s/058/62/000/011/015/061 Derivation of "almost" orthogonal... Ao62/A1OI the expression of the full wave function by two-electron functions, if partially abandoning the conditions of their orthogonality j ft* (1,2)-fj(1,3)d(~-j = 0(1 / J). Integro-differential equations are obtained which determine the indicated "alm,:~Zt orthogonal" functions R (1, 2). With an accuracy to the first order on the non-orthogonality, an expression is found for the full energy of the system. S. Vetchinkin [Abstracter's note: Compfete translation] Card 2/2 9APUr,-L- Configuration-4nteraction for wave-hmetions constructed from ortba- genal YmW-electron grwup orbitals. Act& pbys Hung 13 no.3045-352 161* 1. Plesearch Group for Th"retical Pbysice, Ehmgarian Acadeny of Sci i an one Budapest. UFUY~ E. Derivation of "almost" orthogonal two--3lectron orbitals. Acta phys Hung 13 no-4:461-468 161. 1. Research Group for Theoretical Mysics, Hungarian Acade-my of Sciences, aidapest. 44M S/081 62/148/024/002/073 B108/B1 86 AUTHOR: Kapuy, E. TITLEt Configuration interaction for wave functions constructed from ortho onal many-electron group orbitals 9 PERIODICALs keferativnyy zhurn6l.' Khimiyaj no. 24, 1962, 12, abstract 24B48 (Acts phys. Acad. scient. hung., v. 13, no. 3, 19619 345 - 352 [Ger.] TEXT: Previously obtained results concerning of orthogo- nal two-electron orbitals are extended to wave functions resul-ting from the displacement of the one-, two-, three-, and mahy-ele~ctron orbitals (group orbitals). The concept of "exc of-electron groups" is tiefined- ited states A theorem is given-which in a more general form was demonstrated by Levdin (RZhKhim, 1962, 6B19). This theorem permits the author -to formulate the fundamental principles for constructing approxir4ate group orbitals, taking configuration interaction into consideration.-Non-vanishing matrix ele- ments of the-atomic Hamiltonian are demonstrated. FAbstracterla notes Complete translation.] -Card 1/1 WUY, E "Group theory in qugAtum machanican ' by V. Heine. Reviewed by E. Kapuy. keta. phys H-dng 15 no-3:285-286 -163. - KAPUYJ K. On the correlation problem in the theory of atoms and molecules. Acta phys.Hung 15 nool+2341-350 163, lc, Research Group for Theoretical Physics of tha Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapeste- Presented by Albert Konya, JAVORj, Tibor; NAGY, Gyorgy; KAPUSZ., Nandor Surgical procedure for the preparation in dogs, of an internal pancreatic fie'tula vhioh c~n be cannulated. Kioerl. orvostud. 14 no.4:337-339 S 162. I. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem II. Belgyogyaszati Klinikaja es Igazoagugyi Orvostani IntezetO. (PANCRUATIC MTULA) MANVELYAN, M.G.; SAYADYAN,, A.G.; ABRAMUN, A.A.; MIKAYELYAN., Dzh*Aa; KAPYANTSYAN E.Yee Decomposition of alkali-calcium precipitates obtained in the process of tr*ting nephelite, rocks by hydrochemical methods. Tsvet4met. 31+ no.2:56-60 P 161. (MM 34 z 6) (Hydrometanurgy) (Nephelite) KAPYRIN, G. I. "A Study on Re-Distribution of Elements in Metal Alloys and Weld Joints by Radiography and Radiometry". by B. Y. Bruk, A. S. Zav~alov, G. I. Kapyrin. Report presented at 2nd U11 Atoms-for-Peace ConferenceS Geneva, 9-13 Sept 1958 K A vTr~tfv G, fflih! Inv VIP 014 41 z c1, AN 11 All - Ali KAPYRILmQ tek~n.naukp; POPOVv A.V.9 red.; KOTLTAKOVA, v,l., (Metallurgy; collection of articles) Hetallurgiia; abornik stat'ei. Leningrad, Gos.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl. Vol.l. 1958. 177 P. (MIRA 12:9) (steel) (Titanium) -11-'-&--=. -, kand.tekhn.nauk,; XMOVA. Ye.A.. red.; VOLCHOK, IMMN Gj,~ I.$., [Notallography; a collection of &rticle8l Metallovedenie; abornik statel. Gos.soluznoe izd-vo wudostroit.prom7shl. Tol.2. 1958. 265 P. (KM 12:5) (Notallography) BRUXt B.I.t kand.tkehn.naukj ZAVOYAIDVt A.S.v doktor tekhn.naukv prof.1 UPYRINp G.I.p kand.tekhn.nauk Studying the redistributi6n-bf.,el6ident6 in metal alloys and welded Joints by the method of"autbiadiogrAphy and radiametry. Metal- (MIRA 14-3) lovedenie 3014~-325 f59. - (Metenography) (Autoradiography) (R~#oisotopes-lndustrial application) KHASIL'SHCHIKOV, Zallman Naftallyevich; SHKIDT, Nikolay Vladimirovich; SHVACA#'Yovgeniy Hikolayevich; PAVLOKO, Nikolay Timofeyevich; NBCHKMRINKO, Stepan Tefimovich; nauchnyy red.; red.; XR&STOVA* N.Y.,' (Thermal strengthening of nonhardenable carbon steel] Termichaskoe uprochnenie nosakolivaiushcheisia uglerodistol stali. Leningrad. Gos.soiusnoe izd-vo sudostroit.promyshl.. 1960. 146 p. (MIRA 13:10) (Steel--Heat treatment) HAT1,TY'S, A.I. (i,yubert!iy,)j RAPYRIN .1101)-rtsy) Constri-t-lon of precast reinforced con7rete tanks w-,.t.h a cripricity (,,f* 30 000 M3. uctroi. truboprov. 10 no..?-,22.-26 F 165. (MIRA 1&5) 21(4) PHASE I BOOK EMWITATION SOV/2534 Kapyrin)Pafzmtjy Ivanovich, and Oleg Sergeyevich SergeM V Dabne pod Moskvoy (At Dubus. near Moscow) [Moscow] Moskovskiy rabochiy, 1958. 97 p. 25,000 copies printed. Ed. S. Gurov; Tech. Ed.: 1. Tegorova, I PURPOSE: This booklet is intenad (for the general reader COVERAGE: This is a simplified booklet on nuclear and high-energy physics, the technology of accelemtion, and the peaceful uses of atomic energy, It describes the research of scientists from twelve Socialist countries-carried on at the Ob"yedinennyy inof&tut yadernykh issledoveniy (United Institute of Nuclear Physics Research) in Dona, as veil as the Soviet proton- synchrocyclotron. TAKE OF C In the City of Physicists From Ingenious Conjectures to Great Discoveries Card 1/2 At Dabna near Moscow (Cont.) "ftsterious" Particles Engineering of Enormous Possibilities One world salling another From the first accelerator to the synchrocyclotron biggest accelerator in the vorld Remote control 03mbarding" the Nucleus On the-track of new acc6larator designs Powerful source of energy ' Mainstay in the development of new power engineering Dreams Come True I Unusual conversions In the service of Socialist industry Comprehending the secrets of :Living nature Reliable aid to the physician To the depths of the Men across cosmic distances... General Problem of Science in the Contempory world AVAIIAXE: TAbrary of Congress - SOV/2534 3 9 Card 2/2 TK/Mg 1-1-2-59 - NAP=, S.F., inzh. Geodetic operations .in constructing hydroelectric power stations. Gidr. stroi. )0 no.10-.48-50 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Geodesy) (Hydroelectric power stations) 1. XAPYPIN, V. N. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Tzansformers 7. Changing transformers over to different voltage. Rab.energ., 2, no. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of CongreBS, April -1953, Uncl. 1. KAPYRIN, V.N. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Electric Transformers 7. Calculating three-phase transfom-ers of a capacity up to 100 kva, 6 kv. Eng. Fab. energ. 3 no. 4, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accesslons, Library of Congress, APRIL -1953, Uncl. EUROV, Bonifatly M4 yloviohl KAPYRIN, V.S., red.;. RAtYMOV, K.X., takhnored. I (Classification of saienosel Klassifiketaiia nauk. Koskva, lzd-vo VM I AOX pri TeX IM, Volel. [Bngels and his Imedecodsorel Angel's I ago *Idaho stvanniki. '1961. 471 p~. (MIRA 14:4) (classifica.tion of molenopp) FOKEYEV, V.M.;_ALPYRIN, Yu.V- Determining heat losses in a well shaft and the affect of injecting large quantities of water on the temperature conditions of the Romashkino field. Neft. khoz. D 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Romashkino region-Oil fields-Production methods) TESLYUK, Ye.V.; KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; FOKEYEV, V.M. Design formulas for estimating the thermal effect on well bottoms. Nauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.16:93-101 162. (MBU 15:9) (Oil fields-Production methods) TESLYUK, Ye.V.; KAPYRINj uA.; TREBIN, GJ, _I Solving certain problems of heat aondugtivity and flow occurri" in petroleum production involving the -qse of thermal drive. 'ThOy VNII no.37s271-289 162, (MIRA 1616) .I (Petroleum productiong Thermal) .w0 TESLYUK, Ye.V.; KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; TREBIN, G.F. Estimating the efficiency of thermal drive. Neft. khoz. 40 no.8s 42-49 Ag .162. (NIRA 17:2) - KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; TREBINp G.F. Estimating errors in the investigation of deep-well oil samples. Nauch.-tekh. abor. po dob. nefti no.2lg62-67 163* (MIRA 171:5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. VOLODINg V.A.; UPYR1N, YU.Vo; TESLYUK, Ye,V, Studying the vertical profile of the output and flow rates of fluids in producing and injection wells. Nauch.-tekh. sbor, po dob. nefti no,20366..71 163.' 4MIRA 17:6) KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; TREBIN, G.F.; POZIN, L.Z. Using temperature effectu in investigating Ile welln of the Romashkino field. Naft. khoz, 42 no, 3s20-32 Mr 164. (MnA 17:7) VASIL'YEV, V.N. TREBIN, G.Fe; WP-0- Thermograph 41h con emperature- ensitive element for tact t .wells. Nefteproz. delo no.703-36 164. investigating (Mm 17:8) 1. Vaesoyuzrqy neftegazoM nauchno-issiedovateltakiy institut- TRFBIN G.F.; KAPYRJN, Yu.V. 7 Crystallization of paraffin in the bottom zone of oil wells. Neft. khoz. 42 no.8:39-45 Ag 164. (141TRA 17:9) TREBINJ, G.F.; SAVINIKHINA., A.V.; KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; GROMDVA, A.A. I- - - Certain results of the study of the drystallization of paraffin from the reservoir bil of the Bitkov oil field. Nauch.--tekh. sbor. Po dob. nefti no.24:43-47 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. VASILIVEN, V.N.; GROMOVA, A,A.,- KAPYRIN, Yu.V.; TIMU3111, G.F. Studying increased temperatures. Nauch.-tokh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.22.'55-57 164. (I-9RA 17; 9) 1. Vsesoyu=W neftec,.-azovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut. ivipy,"'IN, Yu.V.; TIMBIN, G.F. ------ -~m- Concerning the temperature conditions of oil wells. Ilauch.-tekh. sbor. po dob. nefti no.25:104-109 164. ~LMIRA 17:12) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazoW naachno-issledovatellskiy institut. g& on~ vc. E'. L 1, L lai. amp h t ,3 iVtj L P Z 0 V KAPYRIN, Yu V.; WKITKO, I.T. Determining the intervals of the inflow of petroleum to a well by the method of differential thermometry. Trudy MI no.42: 235-243 165. (IAIRA 18: 5) TESLYUK, Ye.V.; ROZENBERG, M.D. L_4LP2 1~4_j .; TREBIN, G.F. . Nonisothermal multiphaseflow and the calculation of thermodynamic effects in the development of oil fields. Trudy VNII no.42:281-293 165. - (MIRA 18-5) ,..; Ti",,' k , _X _'~ !~.!N, C.C. m vrystullizatl,nn of pP-raM.r,-,l fram petroleumg. Naw:h. tekh. 0 . sbo.r. po dob. nef.'-'. no.2"17:1 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Vgesc)y,.iznyy nefternzov*ly instlt-ate ABEZGAUZ, ~jjl-nj.~ .; TREBIN, G.F. 1. M.; jSgL New method for determining the optical density of petroleum. Nefteprom.delo no.10113-14 165. (MIRA 19-1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy neftegazovyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insti;ut. OYSH, Ye.m. - - - Syatvm for opening carbide barrels. Elsk. i tepl. tiaga 7 no.4:22-23 Ap 163. - (NIRA 16:5) 1. Nachallnik tekhnicheskogo otdela depo Ussuriyak. (Carbides) KAPYSHEV, -A.~L,;,VEWMEV, Yu.N.; SOLOVIYEV, S.P.; GCRBUNOV, L.A.; , ANO G.S. Z , vp X-~ray chambers for high-temperature studies. Zav. lab. 30 no.10% 1274-1276 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut imeni Karpova. Ar P'~ S /--I E ~~ AC~. 3/1 70-2-5/24 AUTHOR: Venevtsev, Yu.TT., Kapyshev, A.G. and Shumov, Yfi.V. TITIS: An X-ray structural in stigation of the system PbTiO 3 - BaSnO 3. (Rentgenok;raf ichesko3e issledovanVe systemy PbTiO3 - BaSnOy) PERIODICAL: "Kristallografiya" (Crystallography) 195?, Vol.2, No.2, pp.233-238 N.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: X-ray powder photographs of the system PbTiO 3 - BaSnO3 at various temperatures showed a continuous range of solid solu- tions. The phase diagram of (pb,Ba)(Ti,Sn)O was constructed showing only two phases, one cubic (paraelec~ric), the othr tetragonal (ferro-electric). The diagram agrees with that traced from di-electric, measurements by I.E. Myllnikova. The Curie temperature in this system falls more sha 1 Ith increasin- Sn concentration than in the Fb(Ti On _L~wistem. 0 1010 SY Both SnTiO and BaSnO have the perovskite str2ze but the former colpound is Nrro-electric. Examination of their solid solutions was expected to elucidate some of the factors leading to ferro-electricity in the perovskite structures. Card S)ecimens were prepared in the Institute for Silicate Chemisti-3 i/3 (iKhS AN SSSR) from BaCOY Ti02, SnO. and PbO by heating at An X-ray structural investiption of the system &0~1?~5/24 BaSnO,. (Cont.) 1 3 . 1 250 C for one hour. X-ray Tmder photographs we-Te taken with Cu or Cr radiation measuring particularly the high angle lines. The accuiacy in the cell sides was about + 0.003 A. A change from the tetragonal form (PbTiO ) to The cubic (BaSnO ) took place at 43 mol ~; of the laMr wituh no discon- tinuit~ in the cell volume. The ratio c/a does not decrease continuously to 1 but drops sharply from 1.003. High tempexa- ture photographs from 30 mol ~o BaSnO3showed a Curie tempera- ture of 190 + 10 C compared with 450 0 for pure FbTiO Speci- mens with 43-mol ~o BaSnO have a Curie tem-pemtuie ab& 15 C. A sDecimen with a Curie &mperatum of -183 C will have a composition of between 40 and 60,11--, BaSnO . A rhombohedral phase of Pb(TiISn)O is found. The correctneN of the factors p-ro- posed earlier by Venevtsev (Dissertation, TAIFI, Moscow, 1955, and Izv. Ak. Nauk, Ser Fiz., 21, 21 195?) as influencing; the Gurie teaperatuies of compou._M.~ with t less than 1 is confirmed. Discussions vdth Prof. G.S. Zhdanov and the assistance of Q6rd 2/3 Dr. G.A. Smolenskiy and Cand. I.E. Myllnikova are acknowledged There are 4 figures and 19 references, 9 of which are Slavic. '70-2--6724 *An X-ray stiuctural investigation of the system PbTiO 3 - BaSnO3. (Cont.) ASSOOIATION: Physico-Chemical Institute im. L.Ya. Karpova. (Fiziko- Karpova.) 3/3 Rhimicheskiy Institut i. L.Ta. card SUBMITTED: November 16, 1956. AVAIIABLE-. Library of CP,ngress : I I a25 09 SY070/60/005/0016/009/012 ACITHORS, VSRtY4Atv_xu.N.' ZFANW6R.S.. 5.1- Y.~. S P., - ;.i. ..; i TITLE, ChrY.t:1.Ch-i..I Yl t Sub.t ..... . Xth t P r_kit.T P. .1 Sc-'..~. Whi.h H.. Sp..i.l Di.l..t,l, P-p.rli a_.~l PERTODZCAL: ... t.jj.Z_rjy.' 1960, V.I. 5, PP 6,0 - 6,6 ,.. 4, TEXT; In B.Tt%%4th. 4&vle*tricAjI,_&ctjv. It.- 1. the TI but 1. PUTI03 It I. the Ph tan. Th. (Pb.13.)TIO3 Yet- ..., ,.,.Pr to ob.. -her. th... t.O rr,,t. ariatton in str.4t.r., di.l.,tr., ad plozo- at . i ftPP*r'c-nt.'j1y, 4'ic,'uI Cr.. on. ad-.,.b.r to and 24b-.% -13-4 -tb 7, 9. 11, 1% PUT.0, -I,o..d ..... Lt.. a.% due to 10-0 Or PbO- %,-!-'bC3 ed.r,a .. .... ".1 ph... in DI.I-tr&C --gCoptic.L b..-tt- ;h.rt '0 tv. tr 36 4700 d&.c alla but the j 0. .!Z do,. .air.. Card 1/4 t, 'h.Pol 6P studied by X-ray 06-thodx UP to 700 OC acid.tracc.114.ea at 360 430, 470. 5-10 and 1-0 C ve.r. f...d. a.2 . 360 C Xaj-rbJo1 1 4th b :ad 90%. Abc,- 560 -C it is :.a .. I tout :' . clt.iC th Cbd0 C (true almatry ."'I.r *l'biz). The rom crthorhombtc to tatrogonAl h-ay .'th.4 I no nothat 360 but .1 h30 -C. 'Jr. x 4;"itiv* than the opttcaliand dielectric =ethd:. on, an "amizi.41o. or I dSATiO 3 -(Ca,Sr)(Zr,5.j0,' Curs. h h":'as *q,:,.. -t Pr'. ctr 1,9h 1hr p.,,.I*d air th: I-Afti.0 al.-d Ihil. high ' N%h. Po ,A" a.bA I,t;o rthe at 'Iv.ati 911T10, With added 131203-Cr203 end D'203 A320 , h:s I,:,, -Y-t h.4t..d ad h-d Properties III.. .. .... iin ".111 03 Containing at IL'o". Card 211. Bit.03 -ad -P"I-... in the yet- PbTJO 3_B'F.0 3 h.s. b ... ynth..1.OdZ Th. f.rnr he. a rhowbabodral dL.t.rtl.n T - 3.263 A 89 ad a .....pttbiltty about 80. -00 C Ch. U.c;.Ptzb2&Aj1j'Lc .ce"Ienum of about 1200. 1. Ac . y h . . the solid solution up to ?al; by ~t. Of Bir.03 there is &Lee A stodifle.tici.. ?h, C,ri, .,at or BLF.0 3 appear to be higher than that of' pbTio 3 General methods ror colculating %he internal field h.~. be.. d:-:..p- r;~,ilr' t"as f,h-nT dlP., These h v b.sixP .4 to the or _hqzibi Of C.TJO He *, the internal electric, field 1. Zero at the Ti fto Y ire mr:t29 r.forencqo: 2 jApano.e (In English). 8 z.Zj1.h Th atar. Jo..I. 3 5.iaa. I Go,-n ad 15 Card 3/4 jLSSOCIAT1011;*-klY 1--tit.t .e im. I. U. Xarpo~A (Physice. hM1-1 L.T., SVVXITTRD: February 23, 1960 S/048/62/026/003/oo6/ol5 B107 B102 AUTHORS: Ivanova, V. V., Kapysheva.L._G--4, Venevtsev, Yu. N., and Zhdanov, G. S. TITLE; X-ray determi-nation of symmetry of the elementary cells of the ferroelectrics (K 0-5 Bi 0.5 )TiO3and (Ne. 0-5 Bi 0.5 )TiO 3 and of the high-temperature phase transitions in (K Bi )TiO 0-5 0-5 3 PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskayal v. 26, no. 3, 1962P 354-356 TEXT: The ferroelectrics with perovskite structure, (K 0-5 Bi 0-5 )TiO 3' and (Na 0-5 Bio -5 )Tio3with the Curie point at 380 and 32Q 0C, respectively, had been described in earlier papers (Ref. 1: G. A. Smolenskiy, A. I. Agranovskaya, Piz. tverdogo tela, .1, no. 10, 1562 (1959); Ref. 2: G. A. Smolenskiy, V. A.; isupov, A. I. Agranovskaya, N. N. Kraynik, Piz. tverdogo tela, 1, no. 11, 2982 (1960)). The radiographic examination with an PO-114 (RKU-114) camera shows that the samples are single-phased at room Card 113 S/048/62/026/003/oo6/c)15 X-ray determination of symmetry ... B107/B102 temperature, and that K and Bi, and/or Na and Bi are statistically distributed in the sites of the elementary cell with the coordination number 12. Splitting of some lines was observed, but could not be measured accurately. CrK radiation and an-PKA-143 (RKD-143) camera (produced at the FIKhI imeni. L. Ya. Karpov) were therefore used. The following lattice constants were determined from the'splitting of the line with 2h' - 8 : (K Bi )TiO is tetragonal with a - 3.913 � 0.003 i 0-5 0-5 3 ~3; (Na Bi )TiO is rhombohedral c - 3.993.t 0.003 a, -V 61.1 + 0-15 0-5 0.5 3 with a = 3-891 + 0.002 a -.89'36' + 31, V - 58.7 + 0-1 ~3. Purthermore, the change in t7he lattice constants w''th temperature-up to 5000C was deter- mined for (K 0.5 Bi 0-5 )TiO3& At 2700C the tetragonal passes over into a pseudocubic phase. The slightly diffuse lines make more accurate determina- tion impossible. On the basis of previous conolunions (Rof- 4: Yu- N- Venevtsev, 0. S. Zhdanov, Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz., 21, 2275 (1957)) the distortion can be assumed to be tetragonal. The cx:b-ic phase occurring from 4100C onward makes the radiographs clearer. The authors thank V. A. Isupov who supplied the samples. There is 1 figure. Card 2/3 S/048/62/026/003/006/015 X-ray determination of symmetry ..* B107JB102 ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheakiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute imeni L. Ya. Karpov) Card 3/3 M no VENEVTSEEV, Yu. N.; ZHDANOV, G. S.; PLGINSKAYA, Yu. Ye.; FEDULOV, S. A. IVA140VA I V. V.; CHKALOVA, V. V.; VISKOV, A. S.;~ )~~-~YSHET, -A. ~ G. BONDARENKO, V. S.; !ADYZHINSKIY, P. B. ,5c=e solid solutions on the basis of the ferroiziectric- ant.L.~erromagnetic Bir%C~,. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. fiz. 28 no. 4: 683-690 Ap 164. WMA 17: 5) Rvi Yu.N.; ROGINSKAYA, Yu.Ye.; V1SKO.V,,A.S.; IVANOVA, V,,V,,-, OLISKIY, Yu.Ya.;SHVORNBVA,,'L.I.; HET A.G. M ZRDANOT G.S' A. Y4., 'N' lead-nontaining pora7skite Compeipids of complex DAL AN SSSR 158 no.1zS6--38 .S-0 t64 (MIRA 1'7 .-8 J- L. 1 . K rp a. --d- Fiziko -himlcheskiy inntitut Inimil. a a Ov stavleno akadem2kam N.V. BelorYm, TUIUPOVY V.A.; KIVILIS, D.A.; KAPYSHEV, A.G. Physicochemical study of homogeneous hydrogenation catalysts. Part 2. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.10:2415-2419 o 64. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyy mashinostroitellnyv institut. TULUPOVY V.A.; KAFYSHEV, A.091 TULUFOVA, A.I. Physicochemical studies of catalysts for homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation. Part 3. Zhur.fiz.khim. 38 no.11:2737-2739 N 164'. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyaznyy zaochnyy mashinostroitellryy institut. XOYSRV, K. are hicIden potentialities? Grazbd. av. 17 no. 11:17 if 160. (MIRA 13:12) (Airplanes--Maintenance ancl repair) It ; I I I KAPYSHEV, K. Shift maintenance Of special-purpose "~anss. Grazhd.av. 12 no.2:27 F t550 (MIRA 16:1) (AirplaneB-Maintenance and repair) VOZBUTSK-kYA, kmaliya Yefrarovna; ANTUR-KARATAYEV, 1.N., akad.,prof., red.; ASMAZI, D.L., prof., red.; TADMIKSMA, A.N., akad... red.; KAPYSHEVA, N.L., red. [Soil chemistry] Khimiia pochvy. Izd.2., porer. i dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 397 p. (VdRA 17:11) VIARUIUSYAN, I.S., akademik, red.; KAPYSHEVA. V.S., red.; PLUTM, V.I., [Now preparations for cotton plant defoliation before harvesting] Novye preparaty dlia preduborochnogo obaslietvleniia khlopchatnika. Pod red. I.S.Varuntsiona. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo Bellkhoz. lit-ry, 1957- 94 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Vsesoyuznaya Akademiya sel'skokhozyayetvennykh nauk Imeni V.I. Lenina. Sektsiya takhniebaskikh kulltur. 2. Deystvitel'My chlen Veesayusucy Akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I.Lenina (for Veruntayan) (Cotton jLrowing) (Defoliation) KOSRACHEVSKIY, Andrey Samenovich. prof.; TSVETKOVA, V.A., red., KAPYSH"A, __J.Z-~,DMVA, V.K., [Injurious soil insects and measures for their control] Vrednye pochvenn" naBakomys i mary bor'by s nimi. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, 1959. 82 P. (KIRA 13:1) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial) GEMINOVAP Aleksandra Iva320vnag-kud.sellskokhozo-nauk; MINYAMMAy Ollga Mikhaylovnav kand.biolog.nauk; Keysmm, V.S., red.; BALLOD, A.I... Q-~ [Diseases and pests of forage grasses] Vrediteli i bolemi kormovvkh trav. Nbskvav Gooeizd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ryp 1960. 359 %RA 14:6) (Forage p1mix-Diseaseis and postal VORONTSOV; A.I.; KAFYSHEVAI V.S., red.; MITRASHOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. [Hidden enemies of our house; insects that destroy wood] Skx7- tye vragi nasbego doma; nasekonWe razmshiteli drevesiny. Mo- skva Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia sbkola." 1961. 93 P. (MIRA 15:1) tTrees-Diseases and posts) (wood) DOBROVOLISKIY, Boris Viadimdrovic4LEAPYSEEVAI_.I.S.,--x~q4,; TEZHOVAI, L.L.g tekbn, red. (Phenology of the insect pests of agriculture] Fenologiia naseko- mWkh vreditelei sellskogo khoziaistva. Izd.2. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo I'Vysshaia sbkola#" 1961. 123 pe (MIRA l4t7) (Agricultural pests) DOBROVOLISKIY, Boris Vladimi ovich; KAPYSHEVAJ VOSOO red.; YEZHGVA, L.L., tekhn. red. - [Phonology of insect pests in agriculture] Fenologiia nase- kom7kh vreditelei sel'skogo khoziaistva. 2. izd. Moskval Vysshaia shkola., 1961. 123 P. (MIRA 15:7) (Insects, Injurious and beneficial) (Phenology) MARDASHEV., Sergey Rufovich;POKROVSKIY.. Aleksey Alekseyevich; PAVLOVAp Nina Aleksandravnajj~~~A~ red. j YEZH(YVA,, L.L., tekhn. red, [Iab4r#tory demonstrations for lectures on biological chemistry; manual for teachers) Demonstrateii k lektsiiam po biologicheskoi kbizoil; posobie dlia prepodavatelei. Moskva) Gos.izd-vo ffVyssha:La shkola,,," 1961. 142 pe (MIRA 14:12) (Biochemistry--Mdy and teaching) PERELIMAN, Aleksandr Illich; KAPYSHEVA, V.S., red.; GOROKHOVA, S.S.., tekbn. red. [Geochemistry of epigenetio processes; zone of supergene processes] Geokhimiia epigeneticheakikh protsessov; zona gipargeneza. Moskva.. Gos. izd"vo nVysshaia sbkola,," 1961. 149 P. (NIRA 15:3) (Geochemistry) LE110, Vladimir I-likhaylovich. Prininal uchastiye FANTALOV, O.S., inzh.; KAFYSHEVA, V.S.0 red.; GORO)OIOVA, S.S.., tekhn. red. [Course in the photoculture of plants] Hurs svetokulltury rastenii. Moskvap Goo. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola.." 1961. 20~p- (MIRA 15:2) 1. Laboratoriya iskusstvennogo klimata Sellskokhozyaystvennoy ak-ademii im. K.A.Timiryazeva (for Fantalov). (Plants, Effect of light on) CHEREHISINOV, Nikifor Andrianovieb, prof., DOYEVAj, Lidiya Ivanovna, assistent; SMIKHATOVA, 011ga Anatol'yevna, assistant; KAPYSH3VA J..~ed.; PAVLOVA, V.A., tekhn. red. (Practical training work in microbiology) Praktikum po mikro- biologii. Pod red, N.A. Cheremisinova. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1961. 110 p. (MIRA 15:4) (MICROBIOLOGY-STUDY AND TEACHING) VM,ARJI Aleksey losifovich; KAFYSHEVA, V.S., red.; YBZHOVA, L.L.p tekhn. red. -- [Trace elements in living naturejMikroelementy v zhivoi pri- rode. Moskva,. Vysshaia shkola, 1962. 91 p. (KIRA 15:11) (Trace elements) MIKH111A, Tat 'Yana. Nikolayevna;FROLOVA, Yelena liiko3.ayevna,- SHCEERMA, Tat lyana- VWimirovna; KAPYSHEVA, Y-.S-.I red.; I-MiRASHOVA, V.A., tekhn. r6do [Laboratory mamml o.n the zoology of invertebrates]Praktikum po zoologii bozpozvonochnykh. Pod red. E.F.Frolovoi. llo- skvaj. Vysshaia~s.hkolaq 1962. 207 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Invertebrates) IOF7. Nikolay Abramovich(deceased]; BELOUSOV, L.V., red.;,,FAP 3HEVA, V.S., red.; VORONINA, R.K.', tekhn. red, - (A course in the emnryplogy, of invertebrates]Kurs embriologii bespozvonochn.vkh. Pod*red. L.V.Belousova. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," 1962. 265 p. (MIRA 16:3) (aryology-invertabrates) KIRPICHNIKOVA, Yelena Sergeyevna; LEVINSON, Leon Bentsianovich; .9 red.; GARINA, T.D., takhn. red. [Labor tory manual of sectional histology] Praktikum po chastnlimgistologii. Izd.2. Pod obshchei red, L.B.Levinsona. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 171 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Histology--Laboratory manuals) VORONTSOV, Aleksey Ivanovich; KAPYSHEVAJ, V.S., red. [Biological basis of the protection of forests] Bioloigi- cheskie osnovy zashch.ity less. Moskva., Vysshaia shkolA., 1963. 320 p. (MIRA !1:-7) KHODAILEVICHP A.N.; TORBAKOVA, A.F.; KAPYSHEVA, V.S.p red. [Paleontology) Paleontologiia. Moskvao Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 409 p. (MIRA 18:7) ; FINMMISHTZYN, Z.A,.,.1rzhener-keramik Kinskogo oblmestproma. CHEf~-, L, redaktor; TILUEWOU, A., tekhaicheskiy redaktor. [In the struggle for higher production; work experience of the brick factory of the Borisov District Industrial Combine) V borl- be sa vy9okuiu proisvoditellnoat", is opyta raboty kirpichnogo av c 12d-vo BSSR. oda Borisovskogo raiprockombinata. Minsk. Goo. s Red. nauchno-tekhn. lit-ry, 1954. 20 p. (KhRA 8:2) 1. Direktor kirpichnogo savoda. (for Upytok). (Borlsov-Brickmaking) Y' 73. D,.-trLpmh4 !in 1110V I vt 1fll ~ l Alit) L1111MAl. 121 7, 96-1 uvj~v, IT 1954) In flunrafilm, ni~ hist6ty of n=Ial-ditt M06gmr is ircWtived a -%i 'bei Mandard nd prcsm-day & ps mm~_ ~wscrl ~A ~Cllcjltc h-.;-, tem wor.,~d _,,ut wfill 7 b3%ic cell unift. -Mme unlits perntit tbr comirtle6on of singl-bi0mr miummicnm trrc~. -all. mal __.Vrqp, _ J)csiovq,ati~ given inwnwiti rtl; btflk i6i), %niAl 'bit vOume and C.\p1insion (mvawt) cimuR breakcri. -It is conchl" IN( with (k fN~Wblc cupplion ('f larcc Its -in w -advant stati.) i iptialdad ~ peat c. wd to ap.: An the statiom, tnimf6ruicr staims coll1macd 40 im-mational ortwork cri barp,, industrIA in irity of imlzkl~chd golar Alver staltillions, the 'utpuil oMa-ccll nwimion mij;h1,.how;:vcr, h, oNn to CO arguawnt. PrvWrits of manulacturc am dimai5~d ill Olitail, 1~ CSVROS KARA, Antal,okl.villamosmernok Indoor switchgear system which can be complet6ly prefabricted. Villamossag 9 no.8:230-235 Ag 161. 1. Fotechnologus, Villamos Eromu Tervezo es Szerelo Vallalat. t