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OYKS, G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk; BORODIN, D.I.; TSYKIN, L.V.; SOROKIN, A.A.; KUTSENKO, A.D.; ZAGREBA, A.V.; TRUSEYFV, A.A.; REKHLIS, G.Ne Effect of the condition of the slag on the intensity of ejections during the Bessemer production of steel. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:24-28 Ja-F 165. (MLRA 18 - 3) KAFUSTINJ, I.Yao, otarshiy insh, bbehanized deposition'of sand in the area of oirculation loss. -11~ I Neftianik 5 no,2:19-20 F 160o (14IRA 14 : 10) I* TSentrallnaya nauchno-iseledovateltakaya laboratoriya Stalingradskogo oovnarkhoza., (Oil well drilling fluids) KAPUSTU, I-Ya. .......... Axclusion of absorption zones in structural drilling. Razved. i okhe nedr 26 no.10:45-46 0 160o (MIRA 13:11) 1. Stalingradakiy nau, chno-issledovatellakiy inatitut nefti i gaza. (Drilling fluids) KAPUSTIN, I.Ya. Mixtures with high plugging properties, Neft, khoz, no*4t29-33 Ap 161. (MMA 24t6) (oil von drilling fluids) .1 -N '4 MMa -.! 14 k. -_-~Lg;g KAPUSTIN, I.Ya. Eliminating absorption zones in gasseirs. Neft. khoz. 39 no.9:60-61 S 161. (MIRA 15.,1) (Volgograd Province--Drilling fluids) KAPUSTIV, I.Ya. New method for controlling circulation losses. Neft. khoz. 40 no..,'+.-66.-67 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:5) (Oil well drilling :fluids) KAPUSTIN, I,La. Uising saar-bentonite'nixture for controlling outcrops. Azerb, neft. khoz. 41 no.6t1749 is '62. (KM 16:1) (Volgograd Province-oil well drilling fluios) KAPUSTIN. I..Ya,, - .- - Determining the efficiency of setting accelerators for cement slurry. Neft. khoz. 42 no. 5:26-29 My 164. (MM 17:5) KAFUSTIN, I.Ya. Method ~or the simultan0ous excluBion of two drilling-fluid circulation-loss zones. Burenie no.9:14-16 164. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Trest "Vo:Lgogradneftegazrazvedka". FAFTST11), I.Ya. --------------- MaUml of liquidating 1 .1 1 ., ab:~()rptiuli -ones in diamt- ir . tE boreholes. Razved. i oldi. nedr 30 no.2-2,,?-50 F 164. (1,1111A 17.18) 1. Vo2gojj,,radsh-iy neftyanoy institut. KAPUSTIN I.Ya.; ZINOVIYEV 0-.- -'. J, I.I. ImproVing the technology or cementing circulation-loss zones. Burenie no.2:25-26 165. 1. TreBt "VOlgogradneftegazrazvedka". (MIRA 18:5) KAPUST.Illi~ 1.Ya. Characterizing the cementing properties of water-cement mixt-urer. ingtead of evaluating them for hardening time. Neft. --' S&z. no.~R35-37 31-S 164. Oc".A -XISEMY, Ya.; RMSTIN K (Chel binok); $HITS, 0., tekhnolog (Komi ASSR); o-v'abad RADZhK'Tll~~ Letters to the editor. Obshchastv. pit. no.6:40-41 Je 162. (MlU 15:9) (Restaurantsj,,lunchrooms,, ate.) FOMNA~ K,, master-povar (Novokuybyshevsk, Kuybysbevskaya obl.)j- YWOUST.IN, K.,; - LELICHM-P A., ingh.'-t6khmlog : The role of the foreman in production. Obshchestv.pit. no.10:13-15 0 162. (PERA 15:11) 1. Obshchestvennyy kontroler upravleniya torgovli, Chelyabinsk (for Kapustin). 2. Trost obshchestve=ogo pitaniya, Dushanbe (for Lellobuk). (Restaurant management) XAPUSTIH' it. 71OP-ting derrick searches for oil. Tekhmol. 28 noo9s26 160, (Oil wall drilling, sub rins) (MIRA 13-10) Orftes, derricks, atc.m KOVALEVY N. (Leningrad.);, WUST114, __K. . (Chelyabinsk); BLUTSKIY, R. (Makhachkaia) From the cook's notebook. Obshchestv.pit. no.1:24 Ja 163. (IGRA 16:4) (Cookery) KAPUSTIN, K.U,p Floating Don+,,nn-foundation for. ffshore drilling. Sudostroeni ,*26 np.--ift -r! 160. (MM 24: 11) (on well img ri go ALMIOR: !-gap~usevnov Yu. A.,-olzly; Zhormitski I. D. K~!p,Rstin ya E. A. we 11!; a s e'l. a.!7~Vk-' 77111V-V, CUM-";- t 56106-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5017795 'ASSOCIATION: none ENCL: 01 OTHER: 000 - A Fig. 1. 1--shaft; 2--ro-at~-.- - I .- - -- 1--int- -~ - r --- L4--tension ic- -,,-e i ;_ 43/1. KAPUSTIN, K.-IIE. "Advanced Methods of Masonry Work in I~oofs of Open-Hearth Furnaces." SO: Hutnik (Metallurgical "orker), Czechoslovakia. V91. 4. Nov. 1, Jan. 1954. (Air, AA, London, IR*005-54. 12 Apr 54 (uhclassified) I DINISINKO, Ivan Markovich; STIS. lirill Teremeyevich; KAXSIMOV. Pavel Georgi.yevich; S RENNI ... N.v., redaktor Watel'stva; ATTCFOVICH. X.I., takhaicheakiy redaktor [Organ4sation of repairs of open-hearth furnaces] Organizataiia prolzvodetya remontov martenovokikh peohei. Moskva. Gos. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tovetnoi metallurgii, 1956. 446 p. (Open-hearth furnaces) (MLU 9:7) L7 VI r'-". ~KAFUSTITT., L. Shortwave transnitter~,reciever set for beginning radio amateurs. V pom. radioliub-no.ll-.3-31 161. - NIRA 15:6) (IL-dio., Shortwave) (Amateur radio stations) (Radio operators) KUICHASHOVA, V.A.; KAPUSTDI, L.D. Results of experimental operation of multiPle-unit electric train with a regenerative rheostatic braking system. Zhel. dor.transp. 41 no-7:63-68 J1' '59. (MIR& 12:12) 1. Nachallnik takhnicbeskogo otudela depo Pererva MoRkovsko- Kursko-Donbas Bkoy dar ogi (fo r Kurcbsebova) . 2. - Starshiy*. inzhener takhbyuro podvizhnogo sostava Moskovskogo elektromekhanicheptogo savoda "Dinamo" Im. S.M.Kir-64a,'(for lapu tinI, :- - :7 .~ - 11 -JJn*ctrIC r allroa.ds -Braking) -KAIKJSTIN, Leonid-layydoy-i-gb, in2h.; IY, Lev Grigorlyevich, inzh.; GLUSHKOT, Mikhail Tikhonovich, inzh.; EMIATET, A.P., red.; KKDVXWA, M.A. , tekhn. red. [MR electric train with regenerative rheostatic braking] Zlektro- poezd IR a rokuperativno-roostatnym tormoshenism. Koskva, Toes. izdatellsko-poligr.obledinanie Wva putel soobahchaniia, 1960. 90 P. (KIRA 14:1) (Electric railroads-Brakes) RUBCHINSKIY, Z.H., kand.tekhn.nauk;-XAPUSTIN,_L.D., inzh. ER6 electric train with regererative rheostat-controlled brak- ing. 4iek.i tepl.tiaga. .4 no.6;29-34 Je 160AMIRA 13:8) (Aiga--Xlectric railroads--Trains) ,.,-_KMSTIN, L.D., inzh. Continuous checking of the insulation of control networks of electric trains. Ilek. I. tepl. tiaga 4 n0-10:15-17 0 160. (MIRA 13:10) Mectric railroads) Mectric insulators and insulation--Testing) KAPUSTIN, Leon~d-,P~~PIZVSKIYP SaMop inzh,, red*; TVR-OBIYEVA., L.V., tekhn, redo (Apparatus for the automatic control and protection of the rol- ling stock of multiple-unit trains] Apparatura avtomatizatsii upravleniia i zashchity motorvagonnogo podvizhnogo sostava. Mo- skVa Transzheldorizdat, 1962. 77 p. (MRA 15:6) (Electric railroads-c-Rol-ling stock) (Automatic control) TRAKIITMAN9 IOFFE, A.B.; CHERNYYY, M.I.; YUZNFTSOV, S.M.; SOLOV'YEV, N. P.; WROGUSH, G.I.; 4MUSTIN, L.D.- VINBERG, B.G.; RUBC14INSHY, Z. It.; PETR09- G.A.-, ZAGI~)~~~II4, V.F,. Multiple-unit rail car witb regenerative braking. Prom. enerp, 15 no.ll:18-l9 N 16o. (MIRA 14:9) (Railroad motorcars) (Electric railway motors) -XAPIJSTIN, L.D., inzh,.. Efficiency of,regeneration braking on electric suburban trains, Zhels""dore transPe 45 no.3-It22-25 9 163. (MIRA 16t12) BARSKIY, Moisey Rafailovich, kand. tekhn.nauk; GLUSHKOV, Mikhail Tikhonovich, inzh.; GONCHAROV, Konstantin Borisovich, inzh.; ZALESSKIY, Lev Grigorlyevich, inzh.; LAIY,?IN, Geryat Pavlovich, inzh.; IYNYUK, leonid Savvovich, inzh.; red. (The ER9 electric train] Elektropoezd ER9. (By] M.R. Barskii i dr. Moskva, 1964. 239 p. (MIRA 18:1) ARIT-MIYEV, V.M,, invh.; KOWSTIN, L.D., inzh.-, KMIN, I.I., inzh.; ROTNITSUC., Unit for producing bloated perlite at a rate of 20,000 cubic meters per year.. Stroi. mat. 11 no.1:27-28 Ja 165. (MIRA 18, 6) KaUSTIN Continuous Insulation control for regulating circuits of electric sections. 111ek.i tePl-tisgs, 3 no.5:12-13k'59- (N11RA 12:9) 1. Starshiy inzhaner byuro poclvizhnogo sostava zavoda "Dinamo". (19lectric railroads-Wires and wiring) (Blectric insulators and insulation) New trends in the mechanizati~,r and automation of the leather inr4rstry in the Soviet Union. Tr. from the Russian. p. 46. BDR-RS CIPOTECHNIKA. (BoriparJ Tudomanyos Eg3resulet mint a Magyar Tudomanyos Egyesuletek Szovetsege Tagegyesulete) Budspest, &mgary, Vol. 9, No. 2, April 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959. Uncla. --I~~~-D ~inzhener. Vertical head for horizontal milling machine for cutting kepsyso Torf.prom.34 no-1:37 '57- ()UL 10:2) 1. OorIkovskiy torfotrest. (Netalwor" miahinery) - KAFUS TIN J - - 0114- Vibratory compaction of asphalt concrete. Avt.dor. 27 no.12:12-13 D 164. (MIRA 18:2) K ji, UTj,'-j -T, , ; MFUL-0,vi V Freauerin-fes of -ma no su 1) jec'ed to vibrition. Tru,'y '-P' no."76:70-10, '~4. (MIPA 18:5.1 KAPUSTIN, M.I.; SEMNOVP V#P. Kinematics of a roller multifrequency vibrator. Trudy LPI no.254: 54-58 165. (MIRA 19:1) KAPUSTIN, M.P. Treatment of uterine ruptures. Akush. i gin. no.6:63-& N-D 155 (KLRA 9: 6) 1. Iz khirargichookogo otdelehiya (zav.M.p. lapustin, glavny7 vrach S.A. Nellga) bollnitay stroitelletva Cherepetskoy MS Tullokoy oblasti. (UMUS, rupt. ther.) KAPUSTIN. M.P. Twisted dermoid cyst of the right ovary simulating acute suppurative appendicitis in an 8-month pregnancy. Akush. i gin. 34 no.3:107-108 Hy-Je '58. WRA 11:6) 1. Iz khirurgichookogo otseleniya (zav. H.P.Kapustin) Xbaninskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Ye.D.Yormolova) Tullskoy oblasti. (PREGNANCY, compl, teratoma of right ovary simulating acute suppurative appendicitis, surg.(Rus)) (APPENDIGITIS, differ. diag. teratons of right ovary in pregn., surg. (Rua)) (OVARIMS, neoplasms teratona of right ovax7 simulating acute suppurative appendicitis in pregn.. surg. (Rua)) (TERAT014A. case reports right ovary simulating acute suppurative appendicitis in pragn., surg. (Rua)) D.i-i - : D. X-~-ffustin, N. D. -117he reconditioning of b~;.sic partn fdr tr~,.ctors - an im-,~ortant problem of repair estullishments wn(I 14TS," Sel. khoz-vo TwdzhiXist-;-n;.,, 111-4S-, !10- 61, -;). 27-31 SO: U-3600, 10 July 53, (Loto-Pis 'Zi-vo-nal IiWldi Stztcy, I!o. 6~, 19~,9). STOYLOV, B.A., POSTNOV, S.D.. BOGOSLOVSKIY, I.S., MORGINOV, G.M.,ROGALVEV, I.S., MICHKOV, V.A., SIDOROV, I.N., ZUBRILOV, L.YE., W11STI11, N.G., DOVBA, A.$. Shevyakov. Lev Dmitriyevich, 1889- Gonceroing the review by Prof. D.A. Strellnikov, Docents B.S. Lokshin, Yaje. Nekrasovskiy, and Eng. V.A. Florov on Aced. L.D. Shevyakov's book "Fundamental theory of planning coal mines". Uglatkhizdat, 1950 (Ugoll no-3, 1952) Ugoll 27 no-7, 1952., Monthly List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED LIPU3TjAWW&jActuent, kandidat takchnIchaskikh naWc. 'WAVAMMMWM- 3est drainage systems for open Dits. Gor.zhur. no.6:27-30 Je 157. (ML'RA 10.- 8) l.Tomsl:,Iy politekhnicheakiy institut. (Strip mining) (Mine arainage) *4~~N.G~.*do~lsont, kandi"t tokhnichookikh nauk. ."Problems in opening up and developing Karaganda Basin mine fields" by S.Kvon. Reviewed by I.G.Kapustin. Ugoll 32 no.1:46-48 Ja '57. (KM 10: 2) 1. Tomskiy politekbnichookiy institut. (Karaganda Basin--Coal mines and mining) (1yon, 6.) VF-RDINSKIY, doteent, kandidat tekhnichaskilch nauk; VIGH, I.N.: IGNATOYEV, A.D., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. New mining systems. Ugoll 32 no-5:6-12 My 157. %'MA 19W 1. Tomskly poltt"khnicheakikh Institut (for Kapustih). 2* Dn"progiproshakbt (for Surdutovich). 3. VostochM7 uglekhimicheskiy institut (for Ignatlyev). (Coal mines and mining) KAFOTIN~ A.G., dotsent Beat kind of mine in relation to the effectiveness of capital in- vestments. Izv.vys.ucbeb.sav.; gor.zbur. no-3:63-69 '58. (MIRA 12:8) 1. Tomskiy politekbnicbeekly institute (Mining Industry and finance) --- ---- --- -- - - -- -- --------- --- - - - --- -- -- - - - - KMSTIN, N.G., dots., kand.telffin.nauk ~ -Development of contiguous seams. Ugoll 33 no.5:24-29 My '58. (MIRA 11:5) (Coal mines and mining) KAPUSTIN, N.G. Basis for planning the productive capacity of a mine in coal deposits of unlimited supply. Izv-TPI 93:25-43 158. (KIM 13-.5) (Coal mines and mining) KAPUST324', N. G. Doe Tech Sci -- (diss) "Rated capaoity of coal mines." Tomsk, 1959. 52 pp with drawings (Min of Higher Education. Tomsk Order of Labor Red Barmer Polytechnic Inst im S. M. Kirov), 150 copies. Bibliography: pp 47-48.(32 titles) (KL, 44-59, 126) -19- UMSTIN, N.G. System for calculating a basis for plv=ing the nize of open pits. Tzv.Sib.otcLe AN SSSR no.1:11-23 159. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskI.7 institute (Strip minipg) KkPUSTIN, N.G.J. d6teent Optimum extent of the mine area in relation to the transportation of men in the mine. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. no.9:27-31 '59. (MM l4t6) 1. Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znsmeni politekhnicheskiy institut imen! S. M. Kirov&. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mestorozhdeniy. (Mine haulage) KAPUSTIN. N.G., dotsent Reducing the time of minor transportation in mines. Izv. v7s. acheb. zav.; gor. shur. no.10:9-12 160. (MIRA 13-11) 1. Thmskiy ordena TrudovogD Mrasnogo Znameni politakhnicheakiy institut imehi S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mestorozhdeniy Tomakogo politekhnicheakogo inatituta. (Coal mines and mining) KkMTIN, N*G* Planning the technique and technology of operr-pit mining. Izv. Sib,otd.AN SSSR no*12:24-29 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheakly institute (HLning engineering--Costs) Basic economic criteria for dete=,ining the size of the cutt-er-loader and the length of the longwall. Izv.Sib.otd.A.N SSSR no.1:16-24 161. (M-1-11 14:2) 1. Tomskiy politekhnicheskiy institut.. (Coal mines and mining) KAPUSTIRr N.G. optimal dmataneity coefficient in vorking coal formations. Izv,- , .. Sib.otd.An SSSR no*2:25-32 161-. (MIRA 14:3) A 1, Tomskiy politekbuicbeWdy institute (6oal mines and mining) KAPUSTIN, N.G., dontsent Effectiveness of capital investments as a criterion for evalu- ating the method used in working levels. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav*; gor. zhur. no.4123-28 961. (MIU 14:6) 1. Tomskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni. politekhnicheskiy institut imni S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabetki plastovykh mestorozhdeniy Tomskcgo politekhnicheskogo instituta. (Mining engineering) (Mining industry and finance) KAPUSTIN., N.G., dotaent Oatlim of an economic basis for th3 planned capacity of a pit. Izvovyseucheb.zava; goroirhur. 5 no.2:102-109 762. (MIRA 15-W 1. Tomskiy ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo 7- ni politekhnicheskiy institut Imeni S.M.Kirova. Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mestorozhdon:Ly, (strip mining-CO'Sta) KAPUSTIN, N.G., dotsent . . -. -, - - . -- ~t--- 17- - New method of determining-from a Jet the most advantageous area of the transverse Section of workings in the deepest depression of the mine. Ugoll 38 no.9145-48 3 163, (MM 16:11) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist po proyektirovaniyu shakht Gosu- darstvennogo, komiteta po toplivnay promyshlennosti pri Gosplane SSSR. KAPUSTIN, Nikolay Georgiyevich; KVON, Sergey Syn-Guvich; BERLIT"' ., inzh ' r'toenzent; KOVSH, B.I., inzh., A.Ye. 0.0 e retsenzent; ERODEER, I.A., inzhj retsenzent; CHECHKOV, L.V., ved. red.; BIRYUKOV, R.A., prof., otv. red. (Principles of designing coal mines] Osnovy proektirova- niia ugoltnykh shakht. Moskva,, Nedra, 1964. 267 p. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Vsesoyuznyy tsentrallryy gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu i tekhniko-ekonomicheskim obosnovaniyan, razvitiya ugollnoy pronyshlemosti (for Berlin, Kovsh, Brodskiy). KAPUSTIN, N. I. Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) "Study of the Relationship Between the Accuracy of Gear Cutting and the I Rigidity of the Machine Tool ** Static and Production Methods." Len, 195T. 13 pp 22 20 am. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Len RUN M XXXX Polytechnic Inst im M. 1. Kalinin), 100 copies (KL, 25-57, 113) - 6t - Precision adjustment of a machine tool for'gear milling. Trudy LTI no,50:123-116 1$9, (MIU 24:3) .; (Milling . m.achines) KARNTINP N.!.~ V.E. --.- ... Stt,Ay-~ng the precision in the ~Int~ of the b-.cyc-- valve - - , iv .,! Cone the condAtiona of automiatil productlon. r', . .1:, n o. 59 -~ 14 2-1 ~,7 161. (m:R,,. --.-q) BELYAYEV, B.P.; KAPUSTIN, N.I. Experiment in operating a public designing office. OgneupOrY 30 no.3:41-42 '65- (MIRA 18:5) 1. Borovicjiskiy xmbinat ogneuporov. KAPUSTIN, 17. M. Kapustin, E. M. - "Calorimetric method of determininf_r the workabl-11ty of Trudy Studench. nauch.-tekhn. o-va (Moscow technical college im. Bauman), 1, 1948, p. 65-78 SO; U-4355, 14 Augnist 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Stntey, Vo, 15, 1940~) KAPUSTINt N. M. - KAPUSTIN, N. M. - "Investigating the error in steel parts bjr external centerless grin ed". Nb 1965- �Mingi~usiyg continuous fe scowl Min Higher Education 0 wow Order of Lenin and Order of labor Red Banner Higher Technical School i!-eni Bauman. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences). SO: Knizhmva IgIgpial No. 46p 12 November 1955. Moscow KAFUSTIN, N.M., assistpat. IC, - 1 -1, 4 ihLVAVWQOS;&N~~ Machining defects caused by the position of the intermediate Product in centerless grinding using the transverse feeding method. [Trudyl MM no.44:81-91 155. (MLU 9:6) (Machine-shop practice) (Grinding and polishing) S 7' 2- PHASE I BOOK MCPWITATION sov/3749 Moo cow. Vyssheye tekhnicheskoye uchllishc6 Imni Bmmmnm Voprosy tochnosti v mashinostroyenii jabornik] Problaw of Accuracy in Machine Building; Collection of Articles~ Moscow mashgiz, 1960. 159 p. Errata sUp inserted. 5.,000 copies printed. Ed.: V.M# Kovan, Doctor of Technical Sciences,, Professor; Ed. of Publishing House: G91. Baydakovj Tech, lete: A,Tao Tlkhanov; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metalworking and Tool Maldng - (Nashgiz) i VV , Rzhavinskiy, Engineer* This book is intended for the technical personnel of macb4ne-building plants. It mW also be useful to process engineers and scientifie.vorkers do- Ing research on the accuracy of macb1ned parts COVERAGE: In this collection of articles faculty insidbore of the Moscov Higher Tech- nical -School imeni- Daman (NM) discus mthods of calculating errors con- nected with setting up vorkpleces in machine tools. The'extent of errors in fas- tening blanks in three-jaw self-centering chucks is also reviewed. Methods of Card 1/3 Pnbl~ of Accw%V In Membim Miang (Can% SOV/3749 aaculating probible inacauraclemin mehineA parts and ampitude of errors in-centerless.grinUng-a" discussed. The effict of nonst4bility of cutting forces an the accu%SLOY of machining; and factors affecting th6accuracy of conjugation of precision plunger pairs are- discussed# No personalities swe maotionede ReNreu6%s'fd31cw *me of the articles. TAkM CIP COMM' Xallniii MA. (Candidate., or Teehnical Sciences] Detenduation of Errors in Holding Work In a Three-jw Self-Centering Chuck 5 Kayustin N.M. [Candidate of Technical Sciences]o Machining Accuracy in 17 Korsakcv, V.S. [Doctor of Technical Sciences]. Effect or the Instability of Cutting Forces on the Accu.racy of Machining 44, Metel1dn- A.F. [Canadote of Technical Sciences]. Investigation of Factors Affecting the Accuracy of C6njugste Precision Plunpr [-Cylinder] Pairs 85 Card 2/3 r)L. 7 A N Sukh (~V. 13. F. T Ap,,Dlication of' adhesived.0 in the ffibrication r,' e o CTTED SuIMCE: 3b. tr. Mosk, vy*ssh. tohhn, uch-shchs L T trs-c of ar '-idil.s F-,'. aoniica,inn aT nc-.nnivAs To RttAcn rtoel snO rpgt awr Icat ivii uf .1miuoZori&I equipment, Including macni7-c Is described, STnttietic adhesives based on lllquli~ f~~- and ED.-~ were The investigation made -'t poss,, Cor'd 1/2 -:V 161b845- ACCESSION NR*, AR4047525 that the application of adhesives i n the asser&17 nf equipment Triakes it Dossitle tal assure the simu if-v 'abr-11-Fi". An, tc re~ia_,ce ,he la~,cr nlo ~1-ure "Ve wh ich adhesive compounds are used. figwres. SUB CODE: MT, IE ENCL: 00 Card IVANOV, Yu.M.; YARKHO, Ye.A., Inzh., retsenzentj KAFUSTIN, kand. tekhno nauks red, [Plastic technological equipment for machine tools] Plastmassovala tekhnologicheskala oanastka k stankam. Mo- okvap Mashinostroenia.. 1964. 157 p. (MIRA 1833) 22278-65 j D, W/f I V' R m AUTHOMS 1~p ~NM~, (03ndidate of technical seiencoD, Docent~: Sukhrv, V. TITLN.- Effects of creep An glued joints ~ob th,q initial SOURCE: Vestnik mnshinostroyoniva no. 12, 1(?-~4) 3n-y: TOPIC TAGS: croe-., characteristic, joirt / ST _1 stef,1, ABSTRACT. The eff(,~ctz5 of crecp in thc, cer-jonte,.] joint or, tle Card ACCESS ICII N-:~ A?50C',-'24,8 Inr--O, thn a-,-parjt.,i9 shn,.,n T, T 12 7. t-rin nur. wns Lrs nsini T.-,en Lrlrougn Tme prova.~ ripsy i an:; riua.-:uT-uu --v ',,u,- U`-Lring 3:)e7~E,* eQuation for the clan-,inF., force was derived, based or. ti-.t: experLmr'.-.'-ri. (where G.-!, F, IoInt geometry coofficlent F :~i mpfl C.,d 2/5 A,-,-, ES 1,3, al LF 5 3 0-- SUB',v:[MD: 00 ENCL 02 L 22578-65 ACCESSIO14 NR: AP5002248 Mr rl d v i t ri27. 1. S'lud and claraped part geometry Card 4/5 L 22578-65 ACCESSIOP NR AP50=1,2 Fig. 2. Nomenclatwre in text ENOLM-UME: C2 74 =-:1-z 7 7~j L 02203-67 EViT(d)/EWT(mY f EW ;)Lf~WLFUy EW'P(k)/E-WPt'0/E1G(1) ACC NRI AR6029640 SOURCE CODE! UR/0282/66/000/006/0090/0090 IJP(c) RAI 6P ~&I AIJTHOR:' Kapustin, N. M. ; Mellnikov, G. N. -~2 1 TITLE: Investigation and development of technology for the production of plastic- coated dies SOURCE: Ref. zh.~ Khimicheakoye i kholodillnoye mashinostroyeniye, Abs. 6.47.590 REF SOURCE: Sb. tr. Moak. vyssh. tekhn. uch-shcha im. N. E. Baumana, v. 5, 1965, 98-109 TOPIC TAGS: die, plastic coating, plastic coated die, cast iron die A K ABSTRACT: The production technology of plastic-coated cast-iron dies to discussi Recommendations are given for the selection of plastics. A theoretical estimate of the shrinkage of a coating on a cast iron die is also given. Orig. art. haft: [Translation of abstract]. 8 ftgures~ and a bibliography of 2 reference items. SUB CODE: 11, 13/ Card UDC: 621.964:678.5.026 zc- kand.tekhn.naul, KA7~7IN, Shock absorption of rochanisms. Mor. sbor. 49 no.11:71-77 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) KAFUSTINP N.V., kand. tekhn. nauk Ship noises and possible ways of decreasing them. Mor. sbor. 47 no.10:65-72 0 164. (MIRA 18;11) NAPUSTI141, S,,, starshiy inzh. Growth of sea harbors of the -Polish PeOPIO's ReVIblic- HOr- flot-22 no.8:43-44 Ag 162* (MM 15-.7) 1. Planovo-okonomichaskoys upiravieniye Ministerstva morskogo flota. (Poland-H=bora) .,KAPUSTINP S-M-; TRAYFVSKIY, V.P. (Leningrad) Anesthesia in surgery on the spinal cord and spine. Vop. neiro- khir. 27 no.3:20-24 My-Je 163. (MIRA 17:9) 1. Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy neyrokhirurgichaskiy institut imeni A.L. Polenova (dir. - prof. V.M.Ugryumov), Leningrad. DILNSKFq, V,I..; KAPUSTIN, S.M.; KOLTUN, V.11,11. (Leningrad) ~~4t- Experience in the use of' ondotracheal anesthesia in cerebral angiography. Vov. neirokhir. 27 -o.3,-24-25 My.-Je 963. (YURA 17:Q) 1. L-eningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy neyrokhirwgicheskiy institut imeni Folenova (dir. - prof. V.H.Ugryumov). UGRYUMOV, V.14., Frof.; BORSHUAGOVSKILY, M.L.; HAPUS1111, S.M.; MAYEV'SKIY, V.P. Problem of preventing terminal states during surgery on patients with brain lesions. Vop.neirokhlr. 108 no-4:1-6 jl-Ag 164. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy ney~rokhirurgicheskiy institut imeni A.L.Polenova (dir. - 1~rcf. VJ1.11gnmiriov). I M STIN, TX,, inshener. Canxtruction of roadside water reservoirs. Awt.dor.19 n0-3:32 Mr 156. (Mcraine-Ponds) OWA 9:7) -KI"FUSEIN, -V. - - - - - -- - -- - I9WMYYE ELEKTRODVIGATELI POSTOYAIR,'OC;O TOKA-. RUKOVODSTVO PO MODU I REZIONTU. DDSKVA, IZD-10 X114ISTERSTVA RECHNOGO FLOTA A SSSR, 1933 50 P - UFMIN, V. ------MWAukft&t;kon of river loading points. Lee. prom. 35 no-2:9-11 IF '57- (MM 10: 4) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Sankinskogo lespromkhoza. (Lumberine-Aachinery) BEDNOV. H. 1. KAPUST IN Electrification index and power consumption conditions in agri- cultural regions. Izv. Kazan. fil. All SSSR. Ser. energ. i vod. khoz. no-1:3-27 157, (KRA 11:10) (Rural electrification) KAPUSTIN, S. K. Morskie port v novoi stalinskoi poatiletke fSea ports in the new Stalin five- year planFMoskva, Morskoi transport, 1947: P56 p. illus. I'Literaturalf: P. 56 DLC: HE557.rt9K3 SO: Soviet Transportation and Commmications, A Biblioguaphy, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. I'AnTSTEN, S. Shipping ~ -L Basic requirements for 7mchines used in loadizig and unloadin[.,- wIthin the holds of ships. IvIor. flot 13, No. 3, lc)53. 1-giontblv List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress Jjine 19,53. IFNGL. WUSTIN, S. Mechanization of reloading shipment of crated merchandise in shIp holds. Nor.flot 23 no.12:28-31 D 155. MR& 9:3) 1. Tekhmovet Ministeretva, norskogo flat&. (Cargo handling) Mechanical bulk cargo handling in foreign ports. Mor.flot 16 no.2:28-31 F 156. (MLEA 9:5) 1. Tekhsovet Ministerstva, Norskogo flota. (Cargo handling) KAPUSTIN, S. Railroad tracks running parallel to cargo wharves. Mor. flot 18 no-7:9-11 Jl 158. (MIU 11:7) l.Starshiy inzhener Planovo-ekonomicheakogo upravledya Ministerstva morskogo flota. (Marine railways) WUSTIN, S-_ Self-propelled oil-bunkaring vessel for barbor use. Mor. flot 19 no.10:26-28 0 159. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Starsbiy inzbener Planovo-ekonomichookogo upravlaniya Ministerstva morskogo flots. (Tank vessels) MUSTIN, S. Determining the number of pier sidings for handling Piece freight. Mor,flot 19 no.12:23-26 D 159. (MIRL 13:3) 1. Starebly inzhener PlanDwo-ekonomicheskogo upravleniya Ministerstya morskogo flots. (cargo handling) (Ship railroads) KAPUSTIN, S.K., starshiy inzh. Seaports of the polish People's Republic. Biul.tekh,ekondnform, Tekh.upr.Min.mor.flota 5 no.4:102-112 '60. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Proizvodstvenno-eksperimentallnoye upravleniye Ministerstva morskogo flota. (Poland-harbors) CHERFAS, M.D., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; KIREYEV, V.A.,-; KAPUSTIN, S.A. Method of determining vertebral tcrsion in the initial forms of scoliosis. Ortop.t travm. i protez. 26 no.4130-33 Ap 165. (MIRA 18112) 1. Iz Saratovskogo Institute, travmatologii i ortopedii (dir. - dotsent Ya.N.Rodin). Adres avtorov: Saratov, u1. Chernyshev- skogo, dom 148, Institut travmatologii i ortopedii. BEDNOV. N.I.; KAPUSTIN, V.A.; SKOBELITSTH, Tu.V. Metbods for determining the prospective power cons mption and. . P - rated load in agricultural regions. Izv. Kagan. fil. Alli.SSSR. Ser. energ. I vnd. khoz. no.1:29~42 '57. (KRA 11:10) (Rural electrification) SKOBILITSYN. Tu.V.. prof.*, UMSTIN, V.A., ln~h.; BZDNOV, N.I,. insh.; OLISHEVSYATA. V.T*- -.%~ 1-1-. . Simplified method of determining principal factors of electric supply before draving up a final plan. Makh.i elek.sots. sellkhos. 17 no*5229 '59- (MIRA 122-12) 1. Kazanskly filial AN SSSR. (Rural electrification) KAPUSTINJ, V.A. ~fo-~ choosing the sequence of the electrification of agricultural districts in the Tatar A.S.S.R. Trudy Kazim.fil.AN SSSR.Ser.energ.i vod.khoz. no.219-16 161. (MIRA 15:3) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Electrification)