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NAPLUNOVSM. P.S. Reproduction in the fernatype beech forest. Izv.AN Am.SSR. Biol.nauki 15 nosllt27-30 N 162. (MIRA 15:3-2) 1. Karpatskay& lesnaya opytn" st&ntiya Ukrainskogo nauchno- iseledovatellskogo instituta lesnogo khozyaystva i agrolesomelio- ratsii, (ARMENIA-BEECII) (ARMENIA-FORMT REPRODUCTION) EAnUNOVSKIYP P. S. Inepilise cedar in AmkiLniya-Nova. Biul. Glav, boto mada n0.47; 92-94 162. . (KM 16:1) - .~ N.? 1, Karpatakaya lesnayEL opytnaya stantoiya, g. MukRahavo. (Askaniya-Nova-Incense osdar) - KAFLUNOVSKIY,,,P,So -- -- -- - - . ..... Finds of the wintergreen Chimaphila umbellata (L.) Nutt. in the Crimea, Bot. zhur. 49 no.2s251-253 F 164. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Karpatskaya leanaya opytnaya stantsiya, g. Mukacbevo. KAPLUNOVSKIY. S.P. Legumes Summer sowing of perennial legume and grasses mixtures in souths-n Ukraine. Korm. baza 3 no. 6. 1952. MonthlZ List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. KAPLUNOVSKIY, S. Rye "Perennial rie - a valuable feed crop." Kolkh. proiz 12 no. 6, 1952. Holithly List Sjf Russian Accessions Library of Congress, October 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. USSR / Cultivated Plants. Fodders. m-4 Abs Jour~. Ref Zhur-Biol.:j No 6, 1958, 25096 Author Blinova, N. P. Inst : "Askaniya-Nova" Institute of Hybridization and Acclimatization of Livestock Title : Experimental-Sowing-of Corn at the "Askaniya-Nova" Institute Orig Pub:-V sb.: Kukuruza v 1955 9. vyp. 6, M., Sellkhogiz, 1956, lio-n4 Abstract: The "Askaniya-Nova" Institute of Hybridization and Acclimatization of Livestock conducted in 1955 a series of experiments to study the agrotechny of corn raising for green feed and grain. The highest green stuff yield with two harvests came from square- pocket planting (50 x 50) with 4 plants per bunch. Good results were also shown by mixed sowings of Card 1/2 89 Cultivated PlaUtO - Forage Crops. m ABS. jOUT1. AUTHOR 71 1 TLE (I. F11 RZhBi~~!. No 1-4 11~% 'Nn.634"' 'i~a. plunovskiy--~911.---- aian SaieaUfio Research luatitute of AniDj&l Husband ry', Loguminoxis Forage" Crops in the South of Ukrainian &M. Ze mledaliya, 1957, No. 12,.42--4/7 Aocox.%Rng to t~-Ae trials at Ukrtdmian Soientific- Reaaarch Institute of Auiml Husbandry "Asknniya-Nova", legumes (peasl vothaling, ao~vbean, Olhiok.-pea, lentils, wintor vatah alfalfa, eaparsatto) alone and in mixturs with cereed orops (winter ryo and wheat) produos a largo yield of digestible protein from a unit of area in eomparison with the coreal forage orops. - 0. k. Gorbunova. "Askamiya-11ova" IA 83 %ApLugovsmy, slp.., kand.sellkhoz.nauk Groying sorgo for green forage and ensilage, Trudy "Ask.-NOV." 8:244,-250.16b. . (sorghum) . (KbIA 14:4) A KONOVALOV, Ivan Antonovich; PM,, Mikhail Ivanovich; IPLUNQ KIY, .%W--4jp Rat=ZW TOCHENIY-*V"W (Kaplunovs1kyi, IE.P.J; I (Tochanyip P.A.]p red.j LIMANOVA, M.I.(Lymanovap M.I.1; , tekhn, red.' - (Give constant Attention to the collective farm economy) Povsiakdenno vnykaty v ekonomik-a. Kharkiv, KharkivsIke knizhkove vyd-vo. 1962. 41 p. (MIRA l6t6) (Collective farms) KAPLYA, A. V. Cand Bio Sei, Diss -- "Directivity of physiological and biochemical processes in the root system of wild species of fruit crops with varryinE frost resistance". Kiev., 19151. 25 pps 22 om (Acad Sci UkrSSR. Inst of Botany), 100 copies, Not for sale (HL, No 9j, 1961s p 179, No 24308). ZGI-558eLO7 XAPLTA~ A.V. Water ba*nce and froat resistance of the root system of vild fruit crops. Visnyk lyiv.un. no.3. Ser.biol. no.1;78-88 160. (MIRA 16s4) (FRUIT THEM-WATER REQUIREMENTS) (PIANTS-FROST RESMANCE) (ROOTS (BOTANT)) - XAFLYA, A.V. Frost resistance of different parts of the root system of fruit trees. Visnyk. Kyivo unt no*4, Ser, biol. no.2s46-55 161. (MIRA 16:6) (ROOTS ( BOTANY)) (PLANTS - FROST RESISTPIME) (FRUIT TREM) KAPLYA, A.V. Colloidal changes in the cell protoplasm of the root system of the rootstock of fruit crops of various winter hardiness. Visnyk. Kyiv,un. no.2. Ser. biol. no.2:13-23160. (MIFA 16:8) ROOTES ( BOTANY)) (PIANTS-FROST IIESISTA:,'CE) (PROTOPLASM) KAPLYA p A.T. Effect of different enviromental conditions on the frost resistance and nitrogen metabolism of the root system of fruit crops during the old cart of the -year. Visnyk Kyiv&unq noe5v Serobiole noe2s 56-64 162- (MIRA 16:5) (PLANTS-FROST RESISTANCE) (NITROGEN METABOLISM) (ROOTS (BOTANY)) (FRUIT TRW) NAPISANSKAYA, F..I,; TARNORi'a-my, VoD,; VANGE'NICLP, Eot- Possibility of t116 separation of Tp--. layers in a il-rC60 section of the per4j)-acial sedinents in the Tobolksk portion of the cis-'Ural reg;.nn- Mul. Kom. jietv. per, ni,),29zl89-195 16410 (MIR-A 1728) KAPLYANSKAYA., F.A. , J~! Climatic conditions of the Tobol'sk interglacial. Inform.sbor.ITSEGEI i. no.53:31-47 162, (MIRA 17:1) KAPLYANSKAYA, F.A.; TARNOGFIADSKIY, V.D. Quaternary paleogeography of the extraglacial area in the West Siberian Plain. Trudy VSEGEI 64:97-101 161. (MIRA 15:6) (West Siberian Plain-Paleogeography) Olest Siberian Plain-Glacial epoch) ZARRINA, Ye.F.; KAFLYANSKAYA:, F.A.; KFASNOV, I.I.; J-,1KHAINIKOV, Yu.M~; Periglacial formation in the West Siberian Plain. IInt. VSEGEI Chet. geol. i geomorf. n0.4:54-104 161. 5) OSSR/Ph%rsics Spectribn D 4 1 Card 1/1 P0- 153 - 16/ig Author Grcss, Ye. F.; Kaplyanskiy, A. A. Title Spectrum of absorption. edge, internal photoeffect, and structure of crys- tal.s Period-ical Zh-jr. tekii. fiz., 25, Ro 9 (Septlember), 1955, 166i-1663 Abstract The writex -s discuss the difficult factors that determine the possibility of the existence of exciton levels and their properties; namely, the n7L=fber of levels, their energy, rales of disposition, width, intensity, and polariza- tion of corresponding absorption lines. In particular they discuss the problem of VrLat influence is exerted by the structure of the cryst=L11 ine !a-ctice upon the line spectrum of absorption ic-dge. Tney conclude that the exciton mechanism governing the e-ccitation of the internal photoeffect has receXVed new confirmation. Nine references; e.g. Ye. F. Gross and N. Karry- yev, DAN SSSR, 81, 47, 1952; Ye. F. Gross and B. F. Zakharchenilya,, DM SSSR, 90~ 745, J-953- Institution : -.-- Submitted : MBY 20, 1955 Category USSR/Optics Fhysical. Optics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1., 1,957, no 2315 Author Gross, Ye.F.,, Miplyanskly, A.A, Title On the Absorpt:rma ~F-ctra or Ur-yeftals of Certain Irdides Orig Pub Zh. tekhn. fiziki, 1955Y 25~- N,~: 12, 2oft-2a68 Abstract Absorption spectra :X sie-gle crystals of red HgI~ (I), FbI, (II), and GdI2 (III) were investigatel,. Crysta.Is "v were Jm the fom of iil~tes hav'-IAg* a thickness d from several. tens t~,- several hurx-~eds of micrew a-nA. a-r ~ptjcal xx axis c in the plane of the plate. 1 d1splays strong dichroism at 77.3c'Y- and at 265K. If the plane of the crystil is perpe~adlcu:lar to the ray of light, one observes only the sharT edges of the sbs:~rptl~ of the ordAx-ary w7A extraordinary rays, the former beirg shifted by 250-300 A t,:!wa:r-d the louger wavelength relative to the latter. At 77~3c'-K tite 5330 A is fualy polarized with its electric vector E perpenaicular to c. At 4.20K. the portion of the absorption spectrum of the ordina yray between the tvo absorption edges differs frm the 77.30K spectrum in the following respects. the 5330 A line becomes~considerable narrower and shifts towants 5296 A, kni a veakei- narrow 5321 A 11ne appears; the edges of tbe-continuoias absorptio):*1 shifts tow&rd'the shorter waves and forms a small step of continuou's absorption at 5260 AY with a imaik 5238'linne visible against its backgrow-A; , aJ-I 'the lines eLad the step are'siidlarly polarized with R per- pen~icular to c. Crystals 11 axe in the form of plates (d ranges from 0.1 to Card 1/2 Category U3qR/Optics - Eb.-rical uptics Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fiztka, No 1, 1957, No 2315 K- 5 al micrortsl the plaae ~f which is perpeandicular to the c axis --and. are a er i grown from aVeous Eolutions. At 77.3~~Kj the crystals. with 1/- display only a Bbsrp &I-sorption, edge at 4970-5000 A, eul in thecrystalz with d-O.,6~. one can see an. this edge. bsn& at 4948 ( a stv=g ote, AA - 10A), 4o6O (A X' 200 A) and .37~ .OA ( A ?, - 30 A) ~ Near 3460 A, the coatl nil us absorption grows sharply, forming the edge of a step that forms the b&,ckgrvjxA for bands at 3130 A ( AX = 10A), 2780A (strmg, A >,:-- 40 A), 20590 A, and 26110 A (both. weak). n At 4 2PK~ the speec'trum is almost iLmch&c.-ged, at 200C the bar-As broaden strongly and shift toward the, )tmg vavel - The bdgL absox-1ptim coefficient in the lines ah4 in the bards (1.04_1' 05 CIU-~)~ the fact that the steichiametry of the crystals is maintatrF-3 -as Iba- -resmIt csf the imamer in which they are gr:~wn, and the constancy of the st:r.,.~~ture of t*ae chexacteristic sbsCrydA,:', upcC.-, prolonged ~1- lumination i-addicate., in the authors' opinizen, that this st-ructure can be attri- buted to the fundamental lattice of cx~.,atals Iand 11. In the case of I this is ascribed. to excito.- excitation. Crystals !U~we~j grvwn frcm aqueous , solu- tion or from a molten mass aarl =de in the Mr.-M-Of hexagonal plates vith-,a plane perpendiculaz- to c and with d - 50--500>--- . Anhixrov 3835 band, the inteni- sity of which is stro_vgr,~ Aep6ndent on the growth cL:~_-~Bdtjons, is located near the absorption edge in tht'vicilaity of 3500 A. This band splits up into narrow 3832 and 3845 A lin(-B at 4,20K. Card 2/2 KAPLYANSKIY, A.A. GROSS, Ye4Y.;K&PLWISKIT, A.A. Absorption and emission spectra of cuprous chloride inclusions in rock salt crystals. Opt. i spektr. 2 no.2:204-209 7 056. tKiRA 10:3) (Copper chlorides--Spectra) (Sodium chloride--Spectra) category : USSR/Optics - FtyaicV, ~~ptics K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika; N!:- 1, 1957,N-z 23i6 Author : Gross, Ye.F., KaM32~11 kiy'. A.A.', Movikov, B.B. Title : Fhotocomdumti'~) ty., a~d Abscrptivm of Lig~it tu HgI Ctxystals -L2 Orig Pub : Zh. tekh. fizik'-, 1956, 26, Yk 3, 697-700 I Abstract : An investigatian was made cf the distributic'm of photocorductivitye5 h Of single crysta2z cf x 'ed Hg::2 w, _,scrystals (1) at, 77.3"K it, PDlarized Ight. The optical a-Nis c is to the surface of pDate I. if the li&t is in- cident exactly perpe~-_Iiculax t-,--- the swface., the6- P11 curve for a ray with R per etLdicular t.:i c has a rapid rise near the sh&rp1Lbsorpt-fo:2 edge of this ray ( - 5350--539,)), ani theca div_~llshes slowly toward the short-wave side. This decrease ccatsir~s 6 Karrtnii gapJhe jxsitic-~,_: of Vhich coincides with the polar- ized 5330 A excit:m. abscx~.PUL!'. lj_7~e (E is perpemlim.:i1ax to c). The d' h curve for a'ray with E parallel to c has a broad maximm. corresponding to tKe absorp- tion edge of the ex+.raordL-=y ray ( X= 4950--5150 A). If plate I is turned slightly about an axis perpc-,,idlaculw to the surface, a narrow peal:-appears at 5330 A. The fact that the 5330 A excitom. lime appears both ia the form of a peak and ir~ the f,_~rm of a gap in 6 is ascribed to the variat, n-Jr-the-ab- sorptioii of light of va:.-yi.,kg polaxiiati---n aB a f~mction_cf thii'_e'rDystal orien- tatioa relative to the i-rcident ray. The peak of f pa is oberved when Card 1/2 -CategOry :USSR/optics PhysIcal Difti.cs K-5 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 1, .1957,N~, 23i6 excitons axve foimPA the ex-tiz-e thickLess of the crystal, while the gap in 6'1-ph appears when they ar6 created and annihilated in the surface layers. It is- ced that the ph-Atoeffect is pax-tly due tr~ exciten excitation. An assumption is made that the photceffect occurring up--_~n absorption in the con- tinuous spectrum is sdso due to exciton formeticit by recombination of elect)roas aind holes. Card 2/2 Category ; USSR/Electricity - Semiconductors G-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 2. 1957) PD 4212 Author : GrOBs,, Ye-F-j, Lapl)ranakiy., A.A., NDvikov, B.V. Title : Str~cture of Sp-e-Rtr-a1-a5:Fveff Internal Photoeffect in Crystals of Cadmium Sulfidi~ Orig Pab : Zh. takhn. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 4, 913-916 Abstract : A connection is established between the lin spectr= of the absorption edge and the spectral distribution of photoconductivity of a CdS crystal. According to the concepts concerhing the exciton mechanism of photoconductivity, each line in the absorption spectr= corresponds to a maximum of photoconductivity. When CdS (T =:77-30K) is exposed to light so polarized that the E-vector, the optical axis c of the crystal, and the direction of the incidence of the ray lie in th-e same plane (the E vector and the axis c form thereby a small sharp amqgle), in the spectral distribution'of the photoconductivity displays narrow maxima at 4869" 484o, 4820, iind 4710 A.- The-first three maxim are in good agre;;;;L with"the lines in the absorption spectru6-. In'the case when E is pitrpeiadicular to 6, the wavelengths 4869, 484o, and 4820A corres- pond to dips in the curves of the spectral distribution of photocon- Card 1/2 I , Category : USSR/Electricity - Semiconductors Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika., No 2, 1957, No 4212 G-3 ductivity. Such a phenomenon was observed earlier by the authors in the case of Hg3~ (Referat Zh. Fizika, 1956, 2316) and is connected, in their opinion, with an increAse in the absorption coefficient when E is Perpendicul to a. If the coefficient is very large., all the light is absorbed near the surface, which may cause a reduction in photo- conductivity owing to the increased exciton, annihilation. Card 2/2 Category: USSR physical Chemistry - crystals B-5 Abs Jour: Ref*rat Zhur-Xhiml~&, 110 9, 1957, 29747 Author : Gross Ye. Fe., rAplyanskiy A. A., Novikov B. V. Inst : Academy of ScienZ-*-9WMU-(,,-e Title : Exiton Structure of Spectral Curfes of Photoelectric Eff*ct in Crystals Orig Pub: DDkl. AN SSSR, 1956, UO, No 5, 761-764 Abstract: Investiption of spectral digtribution of luterul photooffect (PE) of Hgl.-,. and CdS crystals in the proximity of absorption adge where, according to other publicatIons, narrow exciton absorption lines axe present. Meamavzoints were conducted at 77-30K in polarized light, with monocrystal plates containing the c axis orperpendicular to c, at different mutaml orientations of light vector E, direction of light incidence 1 ans. axis c. In the case of singular beam, when C and E form an acute angle, HgI has a PE peak at 5330 A, and CdS has peaks at 4869, 484o and 4820 A. Position of all peaks coincides with the position of the lines of exciton absorption of these crystals. Card 1/2 -37- Category: USSR / Physical Chemistry - Crystals B-5 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Xhimiya, 11o 9, 1957, 29747 The conclusion is reached that optical excitation of exitons causes internal PE. Wide structureless PE mri"a in the region of absorp- tion edges of ordinary and singular beams are probably connected with continuous absorption. This shows that PE arises also on light absorption in continuous spectra. However in such a ease the PE can be caused by excitons formed by recombination of electrons and holes. Occurence of recombination is confirmed by exciton radiation of these crystals on excitation in principal lattice. With another orienta- tion of c, E and 1, in lieu of PE peaks at the location of absorption lines are found PE dipa, which are attributed to surface absorption of light. The effecis of infrared and red brightening on PE curves have been investigated. Card W2 -38- HIN Z) F-L4) f>R1K%WT'K0, A-F ~-3 rMit I BOOK arnorTATION SM/1365 2k (T) L'Yov. Universytot lbterisly X V8880yujuipgo 00yeshchanlya p0 spektroskopil. t. Ii o lakulyarwa. spa1Kt:,oM-pIy% (Papers of the 10th All-Union M Conference an Spectroacapy. Val. is Molecular Spectro3oopy) (L-voyl lxd-vo L-vovskogo UnIT 9 499 V. 4 000 copies Ur.z k It M S ai . yp. erlesi printed. ( y y Additional 3p rIn3 Ageno7l Akkademiya nauk SUR. Kovissill po - z i. V4 T.V.1 Ed s Saranyuk Tech S O L t . . . az .t er, .1 , rlop l pk Editorial Boards 1A.-doterg G.S., Academician (Reep. Ed., Deceased), f 1-h d XatherAtical Sciences alo l a S D t t or o oc a n , Noporen ,# , B y ftbelina)dy. I.L., Doctor of.Physical and Xithematloal*Sclanove, kantp V,A,. Doctor of Phraloal and Xathamatical Solencess = tskly, Y.O., Candidate or Toch-Acal Sciences, Ujakiy, S.W., Candidate of Physics! S&I VAthazatical Science , Klimovskiy, L.K., : * Xiliyanchuk, V.S.. Candidate of Fhjslcal ard Mattamatical Scienoa Candidate of Physics! &--A MatherAtical Scienoest and 01&Ubors"s A. Yo., Candidate of Physical &W Mathematical Bolen ea. Card 1/30 L IR E.Y. I I-A- 0irdshlyousUyte, and L.A. XIIWV&. SPOO -r4k Of Aroeatio ftdrooLr*:,Ons at I,, Texperot.. 24 Gross, Ye. 7-- maiton Patter. Of th S m e , I for the pectral tringle Photoeff.ot am the HxOItGz% Vudnes3enos S ectra I c n p rystals 37 Orose: YO- P-, B.F. Zakhirchonya, and N.M. Rernov. 24 =Ln Effect In the &uiton ap~Qjrum of the Cuprous-c,xide Crystal 38 J%Ofllovp P'P. Absorption &M Lwiineacenoe or nivalent RA"-sarth rons in synthetic and Natural nuorlt* Crystals 39 P*Ydyahp A.M.. slid 1. ya. Ku.hozvv. Mgration am Transfer of E2*OtrOn-,x4LtatjQn Energy in AnthrIkeena and Naphthalene Crystals 40 Card 4/30 Dissertations. Branch or Phyeico-mathematical sci. Jul-Dee 1957. Vest. Akad. Nauk SM, 1958, no, ~v 4, pp. 115-116. At the Inat. for Problems of ftaics Im G. 1. Vayllwo the following dissertations for the dogree 0 Cand. Physico-Mathematical Sal. vere defended: DZYALOSHINBM, 1. Ye. - The Theratodymmic Theory of Weak Ferromapeti= in Antiferromapetics. ITSMICH, Ye. S. - The Thermal Capacity of Layer Lattices at Lov TcmWratures. At the Institute of Pbyslon and Technics (Leningrad fts-Tech last, AS USSR) the following dissertations fordegree Cand. Physico-MAth Sal. were defended: Speotroxicopic Ioventiptions in the Range of the loong Wave Bliji of the Min Absorption of Crystals, MIM09 N. 1. - IffiWTIGATUN CP TEN FMM"MIC FMCMCE IN Scoe Perrites at Low Temperatures. RCM07p V. A. - The Detertaination of the Coefficient Relations of the Inner Comrsion of Padiation on L =d H Shells. 3 villICT with an inmns~ in Ibe I c Trip WR4 a-, -1 t :~ -4 i 'i 1-11 1 M - I I ... -1. -, .:.-: . " .;... I I .: I I F-- -- ~. u, - . ~. ", ! -7 k I . . tm, - ,. I I . . :. I ; 1 i A F4 1A 4/3 Kly, AUTHORSs Gross, Ye. F. and Kaplyanskiy, A.A~ TITLE: Absorption of Light in Crystals of Mercury Halides (Pogloshcheniye sveta v kristallakh galogenidov rtuti) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSRj Vol, XX1, #2, pp 220- 224, 19571, USSFj Seriya fizieheskaya ABSTRACT: Excited states of solids are manifested in absorption spectra of orystals by discrete structure at the long wavelength border of internal absorption. The role of the lattic* in the existence and properties of exciton levels can be experimentally detected by two methods: t 1. Studying and comparing absorption spectra of crystals of different chemical compounds possessing similar lattices; 2. Studying absorption spectra of crystals of dif- ferentimodifications of the same substance possessing polymorphism, property; this method allows to detect the effect of crystal lattice on exciton levels "in Card 1/4 the pure form." TITLE: Absorption of Light in Crystals of Mercury Halides (Pogloshcheniye sveta-v kristallakh galogenidov rtuti) The article describes results of studying absorption spectra in mercu'ry halides HgJ29 HgJ and HgBr 2' The absorption spectrum of tetragonal modification of HgJ has a complicated and diverse structure (lines, banis, continuous absorption steps extendinj inta wide sp;8trum region from 59330 to 3,725 (a T = 77. K). Basing on the Dykman and Pekar theory, the narrow lines in the absorption spectrum can be ascribed to the excitation of non-polarizing excitons in the HgJ crystallic lattice. The broad bands can be ascribeq to the formation of polarizing excitons connected with the higher excitation levels in the HgJ2 crystal. In the absorption spectra of the rhombic modification of Hgj2, no discrete structure was observed. Thm rhomble lattice of HgBr 2 is wholly isomorphic With the rhombic HgJ2 lattice and their absorption spectra are indentical. Th"e 'risults indicate the strong Card 2/4 effect of lattice structure on crystal exciton levels. TITLEs Adsorption of Light in Crystals of Mercury Halides (Pogloshchaniye sveta v kristallakh galogenidov rtuti) The difference between tetragonal and rhombic Hgj modifications stems mainlyfrom a difference in tRe geometry of lattices. - Adsorption spectra of HgJ were also studied. Structure was not detected in its monocrystals; in the thin polycrystal layers a broad band preceding continuous adsorption spectrum Was discovered. The band center situated a,* a wavelength of 4,240 k( at T = 77-3*y)- It can be ascribed to the excitation 6f polarizing excitons-in the HgJ lattice. This fact indicates the possibility of different effects of lattice structure on the polarizing and non-polarizing exciton levels. Comparing these results with the results of photo- sensitivity of the two Hgj 2 modifications, the following correlation can be establishedt crystals of tetragonal Hgj, possessing linear exciton structure at the border Card 3/4 of adsorption spectrum are highly photo-sensitive; TITLE: Adsorption of Light in Crystals of Mercury Halides (Pogloshchoniye sveta v kristallakh galogenidov rtuti) crystals of rhombic HgJ2 deprived of any structure at the border of adsorption spectr= are non-photo-sensitive. This correlation indicates -the great role of excitons in the phenomenon of internal photo-effeot. 3 opectra are given. There are 18 references, of which 10 are Slavic (Russian). INSTITUTIONt Physico-Technical Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: No date AVAILABLE; At the Library of Congress Card 4/4 SUBJECT'i AUTHOR: TITLEt PERIODICALt USSR/Lumineecence 48-4-i9/48 Kaplyanskiy A.A. Linear Luminescence near the Edge of Main Absorption of Crystals (Lineychataya lyuminestsentsiya okolo kraya oanovnogo pogloshcheniy& kristallov) Izveatiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheakaya, 1957, Vol 21, #4t pp 531-533 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Optical Laboratory of the Physico-Technical Instittue studied exciton states of crystals by the spectroscopic method. In order to study the process of exciton annihilation with a quantum of light emission# the Laboratory investigated,the luminescence of crystals possessing a discrete exciton struc- ture at the edge of internal absorption. Lumifiescence spectra were studied at temperatures of 4.2 and 77.30K- In the emission spectrum of Hgj2_8'ngle crystals two narrow luminescence lines were discovered. Luminescence emission of CuHgJ 4 crystals showed linear radia- Card 1/2 tion consisting of at least 11 lines. 48-4-19/48 TITLE: Linear Luminescence near the Edge of Nain Absorption of Crystals (Lineychataya lyuminosteentaiya okolo kraya onnov- nogo pogloshcheniya kristallov) The luminescent spectrum of PbJ 2 crystals consists of several groups of lines and 4 equidistant bands# which resemble a so- called "edge emission" observed with other crystals kCdS, ZnS, ZnO). There is a great similarity in luminescence spectra of PbJ 2P US and CdSez besides the resonance lines, their spectra show a group of emission lines and an equidistant band group with long wavelengths ( "edge emission"). Resonance emission lines are to be considered as the lumines- cence of oxciton annihilation. The nature of the "edge emis- sion" is not as yet clear. The bibliography lists 9 references 8 of which are Slavic (Russian). INSTITUTIONt Not indicated PRESENTED BYs SODNITTEDt No date indicated. ATAILABLEs At the Library of Congress. Card 2/2 S/058/62/000/004/105/160 A0611A101 AUTHORS: Gross, Ye. F.__11aplyanskly, A. A., Novikov, B. V. T=: Stnicture of photoconductivity spectral curves in crystals at low temperatures (Theses) PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, FiZika, no. 4, 1962, 39, abstract 4E342 (V sb. "Potoelektr. i optich. yavleniya v poluprovodniRakh", Klyev, AN USSR, 1959. 66-73) TM- The shape of photoconductivit~ spectral curves in crystals with discrete absorption edge structure at 77.3 K was studied on CdS, Hg12, and Pb12 single crystals. For these crystals. the maxima of photoconductivity were found to correspond to the discrete absorption lines ascribed to excitons. The shape of the absorption spectra and of the photoconductivity curves in CdS and HgI 2 chiefly depends on the mutual orientation of the crystal axis c and the electri-' cal vector E of the exciting light. In H912 crystals, when the absorption coeffi- cient in the lines is large, a self-reversal of the maxima of photoconductivity is observed, which is related to the increased annihilation of excitons near the surface. The constant infrared illumination reduces photoconductivity; however, Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/004/io5/i6o Structure of photoconductivity ... A061/A101. its action upon the background and-the peaks of photoconductivity is different in each crystal. These results are evidence of the important part played by excitons in photoconductivity phenomena. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation]. Card 2/2- SOV/51-6-3-26/28 AUTHOR: Kaplyanskly, A.A. -------------- TITLE: Luminescence Lines in X-Ray Irradiated Crystals of Lithium Fluoride (Lineychataya lyuminestsentsiya rentgenizovamykh kristallov ftoristogo litiya) PERIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 3, pp 424-426, .(USSR) ABSTRACT: The author reports a discovery, at 770K, of a luminescence line spectrum in LiF prepared from monoorystals subjected to X-ray radi&tion for tens of hours (only visible coloration is produced). The luminescence was excited by ultraviolet light from a SVDSh-1000 mercur lamp and recorded by means of a glass speotrograph with --,..,,40 I/mLm dispersion in the yellow region of the spectrum. Two typical spectra are shown in Fig. a and 0; Fig. 9 is the iron spectrum used for calibration. At 770K, apart from the well-known wide red and green bands, the following narrow Itatomidil iines were found: a group of four equidistant (A\-' -247 cm- ) lines at 569.8, 578.0, 586.2 and 595.0 m/k (of eleotron-vibrational Card 1/3 origin); several lines between the latter, e.g. 581.0 and SOV/51-6-3-26/28 Luminescence Lines in X-Ray Irradiated Crystals of Lithium Fluoride Card 2/3 583.0 m/tt; lines at 562.7, 553.5 and 546.0 m~k ; a line at 531.6 mAx which appears only after further irradiation with ultraviolet light; lines at 534.0, 444.0 mA-%- ete, which are present only in some samples. These i~zes di6appear on heating to room temperature. Their intensities ,Vary from sample to sample (the samples were X-ray irradiated for various lengths of time) and certain lines were present in some samples but not in the others. The author suggests that these lines may be closely related (resonance) to the absorption lines which were observed in strongly colored UF at low temperatures by Pringsheim. and others (Refs. 2p3) but no explanation of their origin is offered. Acknowledgments are made to I.N. Zimkin and N.Ya. Karasik for X-ray irradiation of the crystals, and to the Corresponding Member of the Ac.3e.USSR Ye.F. Gross for his advige. SOV/51-6-3-26/26 ines in X-RRY Irradiated Crystals of Lithium Fluoride Luminescence L There are 1 figure and 6 references) of which 1 is Soviet, 4 English and 1 German. ,91JBMITTED: September 19, 1958 Card 3/3 66585 AUTHOR s Kaplyanskiy, A.A. SOV/51-7-5-15/2.1 TI TLE i The Effect of Elastic Deformation Produced by Uniaxial Compression or Tension on the Spectra of Local Anisotropic Contras in a Cubic Lattice. I. Method. FERIODICALs Optika i spaLctroskoplya, 1959, Vol 7, Mr 5, pp 677-682 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Elastic uniaxial compression or extension of a cubic crystal removes "orientational degeneracy" of energy levels of anisotropic contras, oriented along G. axes. This is true both for the ground and excited states of these contras. Such comprassion or extension should produce splitting of individual absorption or luminescence bands which are due to transitions between levels of the anisotropic centres. It is shown that splitting of such bands can give information from vhich the orientation of the anisotropic contras in the lattice and the nature of the oscillators, used to describe absorption and luminescence of these contras, can be found. For this purpose the contras should possess narrow spectral bands and a system of levels sensitive to small elastic deformations of the crystal lattice. It is also required that the magnitude of the displacement of such levels should depend on the orientation of tho contras with respect to the direction (P) of the card 1/2 applied stress and that this displacement should be different for 66585 SO-11/51-7-5-15/21 The Effect of Elastic Deformation Produced by Uniaxial Compression or Tension on the Spectra of Local Anisotropic Contras in a Cubic Lattice. I - Method - the ground and excited levels. The paper is ontiroly'theoretical and an experimental verification of the conclusions given hero in reported In Part II (see the following abstract). There are 2 figures, 1 table and 16 references, 13 of which are Soviet, 2 English and 1 #apanese. SUBMTTED: March 10, 1959 Card 2/2 A+ 36 0 0 AUTHOR Kaplyanskiy, A.A. 66586 SOV/51-7-5-16/21 TITLE: The Effect of Elastic Deformation Produced by Uniaxial Compression or Tension on the Spectra of Local Aniso'tropic Centres in a Cubic Lattice. II. Ex.oorimental Part. F-3RIODICAL: Optika I spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 7, 'Nr 5, pp 683-690 (USSR) ~-ZSMUGT: The paper is a continuation of earlier work (Part 1, see preceding abstract). It reports an experimental verification of the predicted effect of elastic uniaxial deformation on the spectra of local centres in cubic crystals of fluorite, activated with rare earths (CaF2M-.J and coloured crystals of UP. Both absorption and luminescence spoct-ra were recorded in polarized light; obser-vations were made at right angles to the axis of elastic deformation. Crystals were cooled to the temperature of liquid nitrogen (770K). The apparatus used to obtain the luminescence spectra is shown In Fig 1, where L is a mercury lamp SVDSh-1000, 01 is a quartz objective, F is a.UFS-1 filter, M 15 a sample F is a press producing the elastic defoinstiou, D is a .iuartz Deivar vessel filled with liquid nitrogen, o2 is a glass objective, N is a birefringent crystal of Iceland spar, K is a quarter-wave plate and Card 3 is a slit of an ISP-51 spectrograph. The apparatus used to obtain the absorption spectra differed only in replacement of the mercury lamp L 66586 SOV/51-7-5-16/21 The Effect of Elastic Deformation Produced by Uniaxial Compression or Tension on th3 SDectra of Local Anisotropic Contras in a Cubic Lsttice. 11 . Experimental Part. and the filter F by an incandescent lamp. Samples Tiore cut from monocrystals. They more in the for.u of rectangular prisms Tihose tzzm bases to -Ybich the external force -was applied -were parallel to the (10'-1) plane in studies of compression along the G4 axis or parallel to the (110) plane in studies of compression along the G2 axis. The splittinc.- affect predicted theoretically in Part I iNas observed clearly only in the linear luminescence spectra of CaF2-Eu.. (Fig 2) , CaF2.Sm+++ (Fig 3) and coloured UP (Figs 4, 5). Comparison of the experimentally observed splitting with theoretical predictions yielded orientation of the anisotropic centres of linear lumines n in these crystals and the multipolarity of elementary radiator A responsible for some of ho lines. AcknowledCpents are made to Ye-F. Gross for his advice and to P.P. Feofilov for supply of fluorite crystals. There are 6 figuras, 1 table and 16 references, 13 of which --re Soviet, 1 English, 1 Geraan and 1 mixed (English and German). SUBMITTED: 21arch 10, 1959 Gard 2/2 GRMp Yo.F.1 KAPLYANSKIYp A.A. Quadrupole optical exC-IfAtion of the ground state of excitons in copper'oxide crystals. Fiz. tver. tela 2 no.2079-380 F 160. (14IRA 1-4:8) 11 1leningradskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy..irwtitut AN SSSR. (Excitons) Copper oxide crystals) S/181/60/002/007/047/047/XX B006/BO67 AUTHORS: Gross, Ye. F., Kaplyanskiy, A. A. TITLE: Splitting of the Fundamental Absorption Edge of CU20 Due to the Removal of the Energy Band Degeneracy in Orientated Deformation of Crystals PERIODICAL; Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, Ko. 7, pp. 1676-1677 TEXT: The authors studied the effect of deformation on the crystal spectra, which are related to 1) optical transitions between energy bands and 2) excitation of exciton states. The effect of uniaxial compression of CU20 crystals at 770K on their spectra of the long-wave main absorption edge, the lines A = 6164, W85, and 6125 A inclusive, was studied. The Cu20 single crystals were compressed in the direction of the C 4? C3' C2 symmetry axes (the direction of compression is indicated by P), and the absorption spectra were taken perpendicular to P (in the direction L). The results are briefly discussed and sh-ova in a figure. Pictures were also taken in polarized light. The main characteristics of the splitting Card 1/5 Splitting of the Fundamental Absorption Edge of Cu20 Due to the Removal of the Energy Band Degeneracy in Orientated Deformation of Crystals S/181/60*/002/007/047/047/XX Boo6/ 'o67 effect - the multiplicity and the relative amounts of splitting ~ indicate that one of the energy bands is single, and the,other is triply-degenerate (in the extreme case at r = 0). This experimental result is in agreement with theoretical investigations (Ref. 11) in which it was shown, on the basis of group-theoretical considerations, that the valency band (in connection with the 2p levels of 02-) is triply-degenerate, and that the free band (4s levels of Cu) is single. There are 1 figure and 11 references: 7 Soviet and 4 US. ASSOCIATIONi Leningradakiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR (Leningrad Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS USSR) SUBMITTED% May 17, 1960 Card 2/5 C; 'X S/181/60/002/007/0W x BOo6/Bo67' AMOS 77 77 " "71 IF ee f3 crystal P=o 11.0 L 0 -4 - - - - - - - - - - free oryBtal P=O - F C L C 2 3 '30 -40' 4 5' ir 50 3 tit- t Card 4/5 B0061BO67 '7i free ~crystal P=O, L 1103 .~Polarized l6ght.!~ E 11 P 2110 L 110 1 2 3 .-.polariz'e-d lig~ti 110 L W SQ81~%002/007/047/047/7,X B 06/ 06 pli *. t i I PBC;UenAeHJIC KpaR mmonnoro norAOWC14AX CU20 3, ag of thp CXaTUX XPHCTaAAR HADAb OCeA CHUMCTPMN fundamontal absorp-' ,npjt 0 :-4-rc, 3-ro m 2-ro nOPRAROB M HU6AIO~eHHR fl 0 vnnp8VAeHHIG L, ntpUCHANXYARPIIOMY VCH CRO' tion edGe of Cu 2 0 irmn P. a - =0 (CvOGOARbjA RPUCTaAA); (L j- 2) -P 61 8i C", L11 P 0 Ca. L 11 C2; e. Ar. - minOARPHAODANNUA &-P C2. L C3: (a emo?. ~m-EPP, .9 EIP). 5 0 Carcl 5/5 86451 /C '13,1137~ % SIIB11601002101110411042 B006/Bo6o AUTHORSs Gross, Ye. F. and Kaplyanskiy, A. A- W - M WiW41 TITLE: Study of the Effect of Oriented Deformationt on the Spectrum of the Fundamental Absorption Edge of Ou 20 Single Crystals PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo tela, 1960,pVol. 2, No. 11, pp. 2968-2981 TEXT: This is a very detailed report on studies made on monoaxially compressed Cu 20 single crystals~ As a consequence of this deformation, an aniBotropic polarized splitting of the longwave edge was observed to take place along with an exciton structure of the Cu 20 absorption spectrum. Multiplicity, amount of splitting, and polarization in the spectra were examined with different direations of compression. The method used for the investigation was similar to the one described in Refs. 13,14. The specimens were about 1~ 2X 4 mm -large platelets placed in a special press inside a Dewar vessel (770K). The spectra were taken in polarized (MP, E 1P) and unpolarized light by an vicn-51 (ISF-51) spectroscope, dispersion-v5A/mm, and a Y~ -85 (UF-85) camera. The spectra were all taken Card 1/8 86451 Study of the Effect of Oriented Deformations S/181/60/002/011/041/042 on the Spectrum of the Fundamental Absorption B006/BO60 Edge of Cu 20 Single Crystals in the direction L which was perpendicular to the direction of compression P (L.JP), with P being oriented along the axes C 4' C,, and C2; pigs' 1-3 show pictures of the polarized splitting of the absorption edge of Cu 2 0. The spectra in the figures are described in the text and certain charac- teristics are pointed out. The magnitude of the splitting is in all cases (LIP; PlIC 41 Pilo 30 Pilo.) directly proportional to the compression pressure. The polarized splitting was calculated, and the theoretical and experimental splitting amountsL were intercompared (,6 =Y -))0, 2)0 being the position of the line in the free crystal). The agreement is satisfactory. From results obtained it was possible to infer the character of the energy levels. The results can be explained by assuming that the triple de- generacy of the valency band in deformation is removed at 7 = 0. The final part of the paper under consideration deals with the effect- of the crystal deformat ion upon the yellow exciton series of Cu 20 (V. T. - Agekyanq a student of LGU (Leningrad State University) participated in Card 2/8 86451 Study of the Effect of Oriented Deformations S/181/60/002/011/041/042 on the Spectrum of the Fundamental Absorption B006/B060 Edge of Cu20 Single Crystals this investigation). It was found that at P11C4 the set is sharply shifted in the direction of longer waves; the same, but less markedly, applies to PI(CY and at P 11C2 a polarization effect appears in addition to this shift. The uniform shift of the lines allows the conclusion that deforma- tion has an effect upon the position of the band, but not-upon the individual exciton levels; a relationship was found, furthermore, to exist between the hydrogen-like exciton levels with n=~2 and the degenerate band. A. G. Zhilich is finally thanked for discussions on theoretical problems. There are 7 figures., 2 tables, and 29 references: 17 Soviet, 10 US, I French, I Japanese, and 1 Italian~ ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN SSSR Leningrad (Institute of Physics and Technology of the AS USSR, Leningrad) SUBMITTEDt August 4, 1960 Card 3/8 86451 S/181/60/002/011/041/042 Legends to Boo6 Bo6o Fig. Is polarized splitting of the absorption edge spectrum of Cu 20 on a crystal compression in the direction of the symmetry axis of 4th order; Fig. 2: the same on a compression in the direction of the symmetry axis of 3rd order; Fig. 3& the same for a compression in the direction of the- symmetry axis of 2nd order. Legend to Fig. 7: spectrogram of the yellow exciton series of Cu 20 in monoaxially compressed crystals, Card 4/8 86451 A 4 S/181/60/002/911/041/042 B006/BO60. il 'Llic4- PJ-' V~ 0 deT t (4~ (4) (4) Aj A 'El P LlIC4 I p Zt- DIP ul I c Card 5/8 ?Jb4!)l S/181/60/00~/011/041/042 BOo6/ .o6o Oil 7. :7; Oil c /8 T 14 4 POP2 1 ElIC4 C4 t-S 4 W- ' M, ' I P . , p 0 ZT I Z.= Pxc. 7.1 Cnexiporpn~btbl jKeATOA CePHR BUSITORM CU20 B OAHOOCTIO-HanpRjKeHH&X XpRCTaAARX_ CAid 8005A3 3/020/60/132/01/25/064 0 0 B014/BO14 AUTHORS4. Gross, Ye. 7;, Corresponding Member of the AS USSR, Kaplyanakiy,A.A. TITLE: The Optical Anisotropy of Cubic Crystals Which Causes the Effect of Spatial Dispersion. Quadrupole Exoiton Absoa-ption of Light i Cuprous Oxide ,,~ ~r r PERTODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk 5SSR9 1960, Vol. 132, No. 1p pp. 98-101 TEXT: When examining the absorption spectrum of monoorystalline samples of Ca 20 (T - 770 K) the authors of the present paper detected the effect of anisotropic light absorption (X- 6125 A), which is unusual in the case of cubic crystals. It was found that in the spectrum of light passing through a Cu 0 lamina the intensity of these absorption lines is not equal in two ar?itrarily chosen states of polarization which are perpendicular to each other. The degree of polarization and the integral intensity vary from opeci- men to specimen and also when the direction of the beam changes. A sufficiently large CU20 crystal was bred and used to determine the dependence of intensity and polarization of these lines upon the direction of the beam in the crystal Card 113 tr 80053 The Optical Anisotropy of Cubic Crystals Which Causes S/020/60/132/01/25/064 the Effect of Spatial Dispersion. Quadrupole Ezoiton BO14/BO14 Absorption of Light in Cuprous Oxide lattice. Thin sheotsg which were differently oriented relative to the orystallo- graphic axeeg were out out of this crystal. It was found that the intensity and the degree of polarization of the lines under consideration are fully determined by the orientation of the beam relative to the crystallographic axes. The results obtained are described by means of the spectrogram shown in Fig. 1'and the scheme shown in Fig. 2. Herefrom it may be seen that the spatial distribu- tion of intensity and of the state of polarization has some elements of cubic symmetry. When taking account of polarization only (neglecting absorption intensity) it is possible to determine seven "optical" axes along which absorp- tion is isotropic. The anisotropy of the absorption lines is ascribed by the authors to electric quadrupole transitions since the observable dependence of intensity and polarization upon the direction of light inside the.crystal corresponds to the spatial field distribution of an electric quaftupole system. In discussing the results obtained here the authors refer to papers by S.I. Pekar et al. (Refs. 12 and 13) in which it was pointed out that optical anisotropy of cubic crystals associated with the occurrence of excitons is theoretically possible* Furthermore, a paper by VoLo Ginzburg (Ref. 14) ia referred to, in which spatial light dispersion was taken into consideration. Card 2/3 80053 The Optical Anisotropy of Cubic Crystals Which Causes S/020/60/132/01/25/064 the Effect of Spatial Dispersion. Quadrupole Exoiton B014/BO14 Absorption of Light in Cuprous Oxide The detection of quadrupole transition makes complementary demands on the theory of the exoiton state of the crystal, in which dipole transitions are forbidden and quadrupole transitions allowed. In conclusion, reference is made to a model devised by A.G. Zhilich (Ref. 2) for these transitions. The authors thank N.A. Rumsh and V.N. Shohezelev for their assistance in experiments. There are 2 figures and 14 references, 10 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Yiziko-takhnicheskiy in'stitut Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Physics and Technology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) SUBMITTED: February 29 1960 Card 3/3 KAPLTA#M941-"- Bamd sPlitting In the spectra of cubic m7stals subjected to oriented deformation, Opt, i spektre 20 no,2tl65-172 F 163., (MIU 1412) (Crystale.-Spectra) KAPLYANSKIY, A.A.; MOSKVINY N.A.; ?RZHEVWI=q-AoXG,I Band splitting in the luminescence spectra of anisotropic centers in LiF'and CaF2-Eu crystals subjected to oriented deformation. OptA spektr. 10 no-3:368-373 W' 161. (141PA 14:8) (Calcium fluoride-Spectra) (Lithium fluoride-Spectra) ( crystals) I A.A. GROSS, Ye.F.; KAPLYANSKIY -t -Quadrupole absorption and the optical lifetime of th8 ground. " state of excitons in a Cu20 crystal. Dokl. AN SSSR 139 no.:L: 75-78 J1 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Fizil-o-tekhnicheskiy Institut AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespon- dent AN SSSR (for Gross). ii (Excitons--spectra) (Copper oxide crystals) S11611621004100410261042 B102/B104 AUT-111ORS: Gross, Ye. F., Kaplyanskiy, A. A., and Aeekyan, V. T. TITLE: Effect of oriented deformation on the spectra of direct and indirect excitation of "he exciton ground state in Cu 20 crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 4, 1962, 1009-1015 TEXT: Gross and Kaplyanskiy had already shown (FTT, 2, 1676, 2966, 1960) that uniaxial comoression of Cu 20 crystals leads to solitting of the first combonent (n=l, 6125 a) of the yellow exciton series and of the two edge$ (6165 and 6085 R) of continuous absorption. For PjJC 4 and P11C3 a doublet arises, with NiC 2 - a triplet; P is the compression direction. These studies we~,e continued. XThile the nrevious measurements were made in "transverse" geometry (L.LP), now they were made in "longitudinal" one 411 P)i L is the direction of light propagation. The measurements were made again at 770K and with 4CFI-51 (ISP-51) spectrograph and an Y*r-85 Card 1/3 S/181/62/004/004/026/042 Effect of oriented deformation... B102/B104 (UP-85) camera. The COMDression load was 10-20 kg/mm 2. Results: With P fl C4' line and edges sere only red-shifted and not polarized. With P 11 C31 the line was shifted toward shorter waves, the edges were split into doublets and red-shifted; no polarization. With Plic 2r the line was slightly red-allifted, the edge was split into a triplet and the spectrum was polarized. With Ell C4(C 4. 1 P), only the first edge -was seen which was red-shifted; with E JC 47 both edges were seen, the first was slightly red- shifted, the second %as shifted considerably toward shorter waves. The results of both studies (LLP and LIJP) were analyzed on the 'basis of Elliott's theory (Proc. Internat. Confer. Semicond., Prague, 408, 1960; Phys. Rev. 124t 340, 1961) of the connection between these edges and indirect exciton transitions in the band n-1 (combined exciton-phonon transitions). The good agreement between this theory and the experimental results speaks in favor of the theory. The symmetry type of the phonon involved is assumed to be P- It can also be assumed that exciton 12' migration takes place in Cu 20., There are 1 figure and 1 table. Card 2/3 S/181/62/004/006/043/051 B108/B138 AUTHORS: Gross, Ye-. F., Kaplyanskiy, A. A., Agekyant Ve T., and Bulyanitsa, D. S. --------- TITLE: Polarization of the yellow exciton series in the Cu 2 01 spectrum on deformation of the crystals PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo telap v- 4p no* 6, 1962, 166o-1666 TEXT: The effect of uniaxial compression of Cu20 crystals along the , 4-110, and