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GUMICK, Yu.K; KAWrTSKIY, I.S., WTVAK, P.L. Treatment of sypbiiis 'Without the use of axsenic [with summary in Engliohl. ~Veste'derm, i von 32 no,4s42-45 Jl-Ag 158 (MIRA 11%10) 1 Is Odesokogo oblastnugo koshno-vonoroloetchaskogo dispaneera (;10,nyy Trach I.R. roltun). (SYPHILIS, ther. nonarsenioal combined ther. (Rue)) rARINTSKI ~dmwvoiww Mquivalent circuits of crystal triodes. Poluprov. prib. I ikh prim. no.2-.78-141 157. (MIRA 11:6) (Transistors) * , ,YMENTMVA, Yuiya VladimJ.rovntt,- NERSEYAN, Mikhail Grigorlyevich) I (Armored equipment of the armies of capitalist countries) Bronetankovaia tekbniua armii kapitalistichaskikh gosudarstv. Moakvap Voenizdatp 1964. 422 p. lkMIRA 17s2l) KMPNTSOV., A.; KHANIN, M.; KUCHERENKO, A.; TIMCHENKO-RAYEVSKIY, Ye. Overall continuous flow 3ine. Ayt.transp. 41 no-4:22-24 Ap '63. (NMA 16: 5) 1. Kiyevskiy taksomotormyy park No.l. (Kiev-Taxioabs-Maintenance and repair) K&MOMA, V. P.P.ropniaev. an outstanding Russian scientist. Vienyk Aff URSR 24 rLo.9:5845 S 153. (MLRA 6:10) (Kopniaev. Pavel' Petrovich. 1867- ) XOMNruyl, Ta. ....... - - Simplest design of a stsam-prodacing unit. Sill.bud. 10 no.5:22 my 16o. (MMA 13:7) 1. Starably inshener upravleniya stroitalletva. Luganaltogo oblastnogo upravlonlya sellakDgo khozyaystva. (Autoclaves) (Tiles, Roofing) 9 1o -Y9 - . RYZHKOT, D., rodaktor; IaMUSHCHOV, M*H., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, professor, red&ktor-, KAMISKIT, L.M., inzbener, redaktor. ticouozy*and m1batitution of non-ferrous metals] Mconomlia I Be.- "3ia t~v*tuykh ustalloy. Otvetstvannyi redaktor D.Ryshkov, Noikva,.Goe. naichno-takhn. lzd-vo issehinostrolt. i sudostrolt. Ilt-ry. 1953. 30 P. (XLRA 7-17) (Non-ferrous metals) (Nachinery industry) 0 a it V 41 46-7ilzo ORA -111- L-L-11 Al 00 A J ~t- Akp 01 WIM Pj;~)111111111 Of "to" as inkiid mattrial in it"ective .00 A. Va.,14111111C ~ ;~Itlifl P11141 Ind. R"ard 4, 1; Hollr6b," 11 0101--'The wild six.,ji-t of liols- tV4" from Central anti Smth Anicrim have been shovrn ill "Mvillitableforbreedingitruirk. Atoongthmspecit, are found forms highly rettistant it) font. Many spvvi" sic phytophthots. or aurt-r"i4tant. howevirt. thc~Ar two jillidilk's llutly 0"Ist, toilet 11% 1 *wvvllLl sitivir. aw lotold lit Ise Winnow to thr Ix-lato Imit Smor "thl -Iw0ci, trinvi lite colffirdiml (will. fit volition C tN'ofVII(' 1*0 c.itmiatirlmlate valit-tw4of the jwt'*"%'4.lqNNl see to I lit IJIAI~Millf 44 Willi 111144i" IIAVr A VrIV high millrol j4 lit V oultirt ill their lulwgp. I Ill- hix1l1-%I Vallie I, It"loil Zoe ol S. U'llipt'lisn Im.4ki%1I. I he lollop'll'"I. ".111141, I!sl"-Wly Imulcill. are very high. 11111. the Stoll E, Pcitiol-a. ArAndia anti I-ousilk-Aimilaill how almut 4 5m,"', of clude ImUtA.I. " cossilkared with tllc21.1'1~" i'~I thr lk-st. cultivated vatidics. %itio ill the A ild fortu~ all- alo lite con(cril variet, Willi conditions, the villur 1.1 W ~V'j a ill .1lovill by snall). I'll Ill*. Tltv lolict. 44 so'.1 Willi bmill. litCnot lit all. or tml% a littir. thol,me'l ill oil. (11 thr Ill%- ;ji limitable qualhic, lite itiml hololtant tit 1w owrmov j. Noe I tie tendency to titgencrate under condition, tit growth in foreign lands. Scamy tuber formation, unpimam tla%%u unit pigmentation RTC other (1cfel-Is. %hich ale twillill4ot al-w in tht, firm teliet2tion of cil.wd forom IlvinitlitA woo II'm has Vichled saille ckerilcyll ft-Noll. 'Ailli lkffli'"' Acaulis anti I.Amix4mlied Ity tklx ct-ing, %%ill, cultivated varicties the toiLh-,iialile qtl,AliliV~ llil%-r 1XVII tie 0 C~ SIIAI'iro CIO 0 At Lit! IF 11 MOW 44 If .$4 ILL. utl-L it* 0 ;A,' An I' it il a IN 0 ill U 1, to d" 10 " 0 11 It IN A a ling "Un "KkWA 119'k 01.a I * L '.0 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 & 0 0 * 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 A ft AN A a a al a a 0. 0 a e 0 * a 6-6- 0-0-0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & Is * U M 16 ,A A -& L k - -A CLAM M-MOM-11- - ------ 11 AW "Optol'is -00 -717 00 000 -Ow dwatkal ampe"m of talssrs in 9OA 0# ti 4Gd A. Ya, Kauserat. Sariel P1441 Ad. RArord 4, 51-01 (IW0,--TMffiIWy I The follawing conclusions go a given as Mults of trtilhem. Analysis of tutiers of .00 '004 hybrids- (1) Wkn species with high and low dry nuitter conteat art intuvrosied, the av. values In the first Imm- 064 tica are bstetrutdiate between those of the pamls, forms 001 with very high vAWt&bdog thus eliminated. (02) Inter- crossing of species with high and low crude protein content 09 If gives two types of heredity: (a) low protein values go* dominate in etc*-Jnt iefect species with Solatimus tiNdile- -sum; M intennediLte Inheritance is obtained in c;%Y%bing ZOO wimt forms vrith S. denistan), (3) In crtibuing species GO* 0 with high and low *Lwrb value% the intermediate itiberit. Coo 41wr is again evident, ain" the peret-111affe of -Ifimb (Sp. s0'3 cc, method) is the sy. of the lkarutst value% and 6 closer 0960 (0 the lowcontenc form. Thuq the high starch onatent of oleo 004' one of the Parents jusually the wild vrc" S. demusumt, and S. isidistat) Is eliminated. in oil cases ol* inter. species croisInS the proper itlection of the components 14 one of the parents (the cultivated forin S. W.1n)JUM) 41to is of primary ImixArtance, whatever the other parent (wiltl Xo* spcckL.*) way be. These conclusions arc prclintinary in character, and netd to be further checked and ettended by analytical investigations. C. S. Stakpir') U00 A I I L A oil Istit'RWAL LItINATitt CLAIJAPKAMN -7- 11W I : - 00 ~101040 .0 .,. -, L'~ 0 It -71 0 it 0 1 N N 9 A 13 3 0 ot U'15 AV 00 40 14 a A % it it t[ Ct it 00,0000,0000004100000600-S00 0*1�60066606 11 a 0000 so 0 *0 'Ile o; o00 0 0000,00 06 0400 00-0, A. YA 259,38 Folucherile khozymystvennotsennykh fitoffrDustoyebivykh formi karbo- felya pri gibridizatsiii dikogo vids Solar= deminsim skullturnym vido"i C. Tuberosii. Trudy po prikl, botanike, genetike i --,1).ektsii~V--msouUz in-t rn!;tenievodstvn), t. UVIIIII, vyp. 21 3949, n. Bibliorr: 1~ Nnzv. SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 34, Moskvn, 1949 KAMERAZ I A - YA. 25839 Khozymystvennye kachestva novogo kullturno go polimorfnogo vida kartofelya Solanum andigenum Juzet buk. Trudy po prikl. Botanike, geneitike i oelektsii. (Vassoyuzp in-t rastenievodstva)p T. MIII, vyp 2, 1949p El. 57-70. SO: Latopial No. 34 KA!MAZ, A. Ya. Xvadratno- eadovaya posedka kartofelya (The square hill system of planting potatoes, byr 11. G. Doganovskiy (i) A. Ya. Kameraz. Leningrad, Lenizdat, 1953. 25 P. illus., diagra. N15 725.42 06 XAMRAZ*- ~ - -- -- - -- - --- -- - -- - - - Agricultural engineering methods In obtaining high potato yields, Moskva, 19yi. 191 p. r-O M FIR M. H I W 11 - - MM TN 1 1 1 1 1 i 'I I I, AISXSA ROV. Sorgey Vasillyevich, kandidat sell skolchozvaystvennykh nauk; BJILYAYBV, Anton Semenovich; VASILIYVV, Vasiliy luklyanovieh, kandidat sallskokhozyayotvannykh nsuk; XAZAKOVA, Antonina Alekseyevna, kandidat sellskokho2yaystvennykh nauk; X&MRW. Abram Yakoyle.vich. kandidat 9ellsk*khozy*yutvenrqkh nauk; SXGHXARBV, Boris Ivanovich, kandidat sellskokhosysystvannykh nauk; BHSZHNZV, D.D., professor, doktor seltakokhoz.vaystvenn.vkh nauk, redaktor; PWROV, N.P., redaktor; CIIJNAYBVA, Z.V., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Vegetable gardening] OvoShcheyods tvo. Pod rod. D.D.Brezhneva. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo salkhos. lit-ry, 1956. 472 p. (HLRA 9:12) (Vegetable gardening) USSR/Cultivated Pl--nts - Potatoes, Vegetables, Melons.. M-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 3, 1958, 10782 Author Inst Title Potato Selection for Resistance to the Colorado Beetle. Orig Pub Kartofell, 1957, No 1, 31-36 Abstract This is a short survey of the work being done on develop- ment potato varieties fc,-- resistance to the Colorado bee- tle, prinarily by means of crossing Solanum. tuberosum with various species of the Glabrescentia series. There is a discussion of problems of hybridability (in particu- lar of the application of experimentally derived tetra- ploid forms as one of the components of the crossbree- ding), the results achieved, and the prospects for deri- ving economically valuable potato varieties from this crossbreeding. Card 1/1 -W J AV77HOR TIME 0 R i G . -Tb Fil ABSTRAVE of the leaves and tubers of the tested forms. 'For t1ne proper selection of pairs In their reolutance to ordinary late blight, it Is necessary to carry ou~~, at evory staFe of z resistant crossing, 0. selection of the Most forme In leaf and tubers Tjie non-res1stant seedlings are scrapped before transplOnting in the ground. Before planting Out in the ground, the -4eedllnSs that have gijrvived -%aux inixttire. Infection are s-prinkIcA with PordE CARD: C 313 C. C ~ M-i TIR Y USSR M G~l CULTIVTED r(ANTS, P0t9t0i,--3. 11-Tetuf1bloS. Cuourblts, ALS. J01TRO REF ',11UR - BICLOGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, No. 1 15649 ,UTTHOR Ra-merz A.Ya. TN - -1 .4 cj J. .-x -- ivation Inst. .1-Union Plant Cult T"I '11 T 9 New Development In Selection of Potatoes for Resistance to Late Blig)A. 0 LUC Cr PUB. Bjul, Vsels. rnsteniyavod.9tva, 1957, 1,10.3, 19-24 The research was done over many years at the Pushkin laboratories of the kll-Union Plant Cultivation Inst..It was determined that study of the initial material and hybrids An trelation only tc, the ordinary strains of f un e,,u 8 1 a inadeatiate. Evaluation of selection material in the field Is unreliable, since the degree of disease can .be varied In different years. It Is therefore .essential to carry out artificial Infection CMRID: 1/3 58 T, A NTS. M, 1VATED F, C rqj -1,HUR - SiOLOGIYA, NO. 4, 1959, No. jv,(~49 59 USSR / Vitology--Plant Viruses Abs Jour ::Ref Zhur;-Biologiya, 11o 21, 1958s 94830 Author : Kameraz, A. Ya., Shcherbakova, N. I. Inst : Not given Title 8 Virus and Results of Its Determination by Sero- logipal Method in Potato Leaves Orig Pub: Vesta. s.-kh. nauki, No 12, 93-10.0 Abstracti Described is the Van Slogtaren "micro-reaction" E method, somewhat changed by the authors, for the serological diagnosis of potato S-virus. By means of this reabtion I S.-virus was found in pot4t6 plarits,of different varieties with the ex- ception of the Vyrypayevskiy, Kameraz No 1, Lorkh$ Card 1/2 BRUHM, D.D., akademik, prof.: GA2=USH, V.L.,; KAKERAZ. A,Ta,;-- KdDVZB3V, P.F,,; MI2GjRHVA, O,P,,; FILOV9 A.!@-;- ZWKOVSXIY, P.M., skademik, prof., obehohiv red.; LEONTIYICV, VA, red.; CWNA- YEVA, Z.V.. (The flora of miltivated plants of the U.S.S.R.] luliturnsia flora SSSR. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz.lit-ry. Tol.20. [Vegetable plant's of the nightshade f amily: tomato, eggplentj black nightshade, melon pear, pepper (Capsicum), ground cherry, mandragoral Ovoshohnye paslenovye; tomat, baklazhan, chernyi paslen. dynnaia grusha, perets, f12BIia, mandragore. 1958. 531 P. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Vaesoyninays, akademiya sellskokhozyaystveWkh nauk imeni. V.I. Lenina (for Brexhnev, Zhukovekiy). (Nightshade) (Vegetables) I I BMSOV, Sergey Mikhaylovich;_KAHKRAZ, Abram Takovlevich [Principles of potato breading] Osnovy selektsii kartofelia. Moskva, Goo.izd-vo sellkhoz,lit:-ry, 1939. 527 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Potatoes) KAIC-'IW,.,A., dolctor sellskokhoz. nauk Immunity of potatoea to diseasos. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 10 no.10:7-9 t65. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Vzesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellski-y institut rasteniyevodstva. v ,. - , ) : I I II ) 1 , f~, I I A . , I I jr7- F- J' r 1-- , XAMMIN'. L#K-'-., Repairing pistons of pneumatic hammers. Kashinostroitell no,9:38 9,15?. (KM 10:9) (Pistons-Repairing) P AUTHOR: Kamordin,_L.L and Orlov, F.D. 117-58-51-11/24 TITLEs Equipment for Cutting Straight-toothed Racks (Prisposobleniye dlya narezaniya pryamozubykh reyek) PERIODICALt Mashinostroitell, 1958, Nr 5, pp 27 - 28 (USSR) ABSTRAM The usual method of cutting teeth in straight racks is by use of combs. Their disadvantage is a poor efficiency due to low cutting speed and the necessity of repeated adjustments of blanks in case of long racks. The authors propose a new method, using for this purpose the gear shaper 5A150 of the Yegoryevskiy plant "Romsomolets" and special equipment which consists of a box-shaped frame fixed to the gear shaper as shown in figure 1. The top of the frame consists of 2 parts, a stationary and a sliding one. In the sliding part, a groo-ie is cut to support the blank which is fixed by 4 bolts. An ordinary cutter is used for cutting teeth. The rotation of the table transmits the movement to the sliding blank support by means of a worm. For correct cutting it is necessary that the working speed of cutter and movement of the blank are synchronized. An imagi- nary pinion with a determined number of teeth, for which ade- Card 1/2 quate adjustment must be set up, corresponds to every rack of Equipment for Cutting Straight-toothed Racks 117-5e-5-11/2,lf a certain module to be out. Under "imaginary pinion" is urder- stood an additional worm,which imparts to the blank support the required speed. If the pitch of the rack is to be changed, either the diameter of the worm or the number of teeth for the set up must be changed. Since the diameter of a pinion can not be changed, it is advisable to choose a diameter (for in.- stance 420 mm) which, with a set of interchangeable pinionEg offers a Y.aziety of modules. There is 1 figure. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Gear cutting machines-Attachment-Operation " L X SOURCE CODE: UR/0367/65/002'./003/0415/04'.)2 AUTEli, Q R: Kam S P 3 k" nhG. None TiTUr1,:,,, Effectivie 44adrW 0 char lnjMdCL-~ ge wl~a fli", nr SIOUROE- -Yadari v. 21 o. 3p 1965t 415-422 I 60M.0i� lftloment~ nucleon,. transition probability, matrix elemen4- particle TOPIC TAOS,: in6r aotjon A3qsni*CT-. Them ~6.ncqpt Of effective polarization charge is widely employed in nuclear calculittons. For fkampl6, in the "pairing + quadrupole forces" model, only the levels of ee unrilleit'shells are' iapltclt~ calmdated; the quadrupole polarization of the core of the nucleus D n 83 e by, exter'n nuel ons to calculated by assigning the effective charges e ff and eeff to the e nueleo*s of the unfilled Aells. In the method of interacting particles the constant e. does not fie+ 't~ ~e intr odu6ed. 'Niog this method, the author writes and solves an equation for. e so eff tilit the! latter 03A~b6 W~i~josed via universal constants describing quasi particle int*rFiction, thu! W gives a rnitil: osd6lo treatment of the effectivo quadrupole charge. In addition, this 6ni ZOBNlllt V-1 WERILOV, V.., inzh.-konstruktor The "Tula-200V motor aeooter. Za ral. 20 no.4s29 Ap~=. RA 15:5) (Motor* soootar) LOTOTSKIY, Aleksey Vladimirovich, inzh,; 7.OBNIN, Vladimir Andreyevich, insh.- KAMIWV Vladimir lonstantinovich, inzh.; SDWM, 0 SM47 Oleg Filippovich, red.; KMD(SON, V.A., red.izd-va; IL'IM, V.D.,, [Freight motor scooters) Grusovye motorollerye Hoel6vas Goes naucbno-tskbn,izd-vo nashinostroit.lit-ry, 1961. i6,~i p. (Kotor scooters) (MMA 14:4) LOTOTSKIY, h.V., inzh.; ZOBNIN, V.A., inzh.;.,K.M' K.,, insh.; _RIL0V,jL SHMELEVI O.F.,, inzh.; KASPEROVICH, N.S., red.izd-val, ELIKIND, V.D., tekhn. red. [Catalog of spare parts for "Tulaft T-200 and T-200 M motor scooters] Katalog zapasnykh chastei motorollerov "Tula" T-200 i T-200M. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1962. 65 P. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Russia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.)Tullskiy ekonomicheskiy admifti- strativnyy rayon. Sovet narodnogo khozyayatva. (Motor scooters--Catalogs) AUTHORS: Vasillyeva, M. N Kamerinal_T,_P~, Zhestkova, Ye. N:: Vaslova, Ivanov, N. N., Bikbayeva, N. TITLE: Choice of a new oiling agent synthetic fiber plants S/081/62/000/024/040/052 Blo6/Bla6 Komarova, Ye. I., K. F., Smirnoval Ye. V.9 S., Koptyayeva, V. A. for processing capron in PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 24 (11), 1962, 947, abstract 24P979 (Nauchno-issled. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t shelk. prom-sti. M., Rostekhizdat, 1960 (1962), 82-94) TEXT: On the basis of the results obtained in the testing of new oiling agents the authors recommend that 2.5 - 4-5% of the type k-160 (-16o) should be applied to the fiber. The oiling agent consists of 82% Velositetl(L), 6% 00-4 (0P-4) and 6% Stearoks-6. Twisting is -to be stabilized by low-pressure steaming. [Abstracter's note: Complete tranalation-i Card 1/1 I Mj~~KH llfi., Jnzh.; ROMIFELID, L.Ml., kand. khin. rauh,; ~q 1 ,MLIZ 111 , I T . 17 inzh. Iligh-strength cementless gas concrete made with sla and fly I, aah. Stroi. Pat. 10 no.?.-34-36 JTl 164 ~Illlpi 1-8ti) A, V; FD-1511 USSR/Chemistry- Card 1/1 : Pub. 129-14/18 Author : Koet, A. N.; Kamernitskiy, A. V.; Gurvich, S. M. Title Synthesis of 2,2-pentamethylenepyrolydine Periodical Vest. Mask. un., Ser. fizikomat i yest. nauk, 9, No 6, 115-1-18, Sep 54 Abstract Describes synthesis of the above new spirane. Synthesis consists of reducing the cyanoethylated nitrocyclohexane. Gives a convenient method for the preparation of ga-Algamma-dicyanopimelonitri.le. Eight references(Three USSR) Institution Chair of Organic Chemistry Submitted January 7, 1954 rms 441 &'i'0UpV11 "m"'I on mijimp lc--~,~,,tlml 01 Me )'iiih othrr kutont:9 anil A&Wts Thi ,i ~11 tho-p t>i1mas ftewl on the soly. rjifl dii;5uuri. 6T15,11:110 nl~ 1.400 (17 I the 6,111 Otis. Thus, 1, bt 13;~17 g.). at~0 114 RCO mluetl with -5 inf, M e0li-XiCob tjzr 1:-41111 a then *, lightly nciiified with FljSD4 to zck di,44i, to rrj~uve MLOH (1n4 Mejco, C "In. IrChIL414; wid ttrain kept overnight, rairl! W I Ito. 11i; i 110 W(CN)MI, 011 Coritatailt.1tud WiL tU 6 n4al (di tin. v~tvi intMvtive). 101r.), vil. ToOll-l' 2CO, 011owcd to' reac t Is S PrMCN)CM1, b, S4-1.5' hi Uo-;!1r, 0 (22.9 g.) hcuttd with 5i bt-A~ nt 1;5-7,1', tht ruxt. LIJI N~V.qh h I* nl:Witod anti Mild. .1.1ve n I rsithle rf 40 4q;`iIi1,~Tk01(-K-,CQI Iippt, overnilitt 'it 2V ~ I - Li. tvt 1. ih wimo Irkvq i~Mb F. lit 117! D n. N't, Man, tT,,"l,0s2J 1-rcito 1,75 24 kent ovarnight rit 21W ga 2DA PICTIWNYXI, b, 7~,4-V , 1.4224), d." 0.930i 29 g. ELCIIQ imd 85 g. I with 60 wi. 1)"U01 4; (Vil, t), 02-4% vi? api 43 it. 35-7c,,, formalln witil'. 0~ n uil. ntO kt-lit ovei night at 0% acica- :44 i4 aud ~1. milli; )~t 0 go c "D g. Cff:(CN')01!. b d _`7 `-OFF vate I d'WO'b"i" , '~ -F. his. ,it 20' and n6difiml, evapd. crtd. ikith te, yield 18.1 g. CH4CN)011. b,'MZ-9"; thi3 with mned. HC1 tatm a vigarcui reaction wnd 3-1-1da after LID a Ste-11.71) bath glyLobt: acid. Bill (31's and M 5 F. I with W M-1. MeDl1-y_CM kLT. olutril,~:I,t gave, Ltftv-- ust"l treatment, 34.8 g. PhCH(OH WN, which mild rAit ti: recrystd. iaectssJuEy; with comd. R I N's rtadilv jiVL iuaiidclic acid Cycivhexanonp (7SA and V~i~ Viiih '20 [Ill. Aleoli W01 aft~,_ _Y Standbig ovCftligh, :1 2(0 110ve 1;, iit~ 34 43', ~hlvh 'Vith 11k] g.;Vc I ziml, In, 10'i W. I'taN ot p1j".'ridim pavc tb,: mollt ~,l (I 0i 111ole pef -1 F ) lid I S~Iiil:,rlv gave lri%, h! ~;2 5 1.467, whic', iLj fr-2t,q. I jrf L)JAI -Yly gj .v,! 4 g, 4 t r21, :iljlil:tlly F. VyLlit0hydim, .~ 8i~, 16A.I. it;:U, 1,1. 1~~, hom A'j~ 5oln. of I without a C.~t,dv~f Simit'll", 1..*3,!:!1:i,.tNy 4- th, t and 1~quilfd da: U, Muotl-ri(oi mtdgiave :4bo-:';t W" lit, S,9,5- AN, iii J. Gin. Chem. V.,S,S,R- .15, 12,.11-5