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Study of th& Spontanooutj Contraotion of 0/020/60/133/006/010/016
Polymers With Fully Developed Spatial Structure B004/BO64
in the Course of Tearing
expansion had been reached, and the contraction of the line of tear was
measured. Fig. 1 shors the rate v S.C. of spontaneous contraction as a
function of time at a deformationl5rate 100 mm/min. vo was obtained as
characteristic value for the relaxation properties of the material by
extrapolating for t a 0. Fig. 2 shows values of vo as a function of the
rate of deformation vdef- vo increases less and lean with increasing
Vdef. Fig. 3 shows V. as a function of the expansion E. The groove at
the edge of samples No. I leads to a steep rise of vc~ Table 1 gives the
values of v 0 at v def ~ 500 mm/min, t def ' 0.2 min, as well as the ratio
t of the additional orientation of the materie.l. t - E PA (Ep . expansion
of sample No. 2 until tearing, E - expansion of sample No. 1 with equal
11 sbc. ). vB.O. Increases with rising polarity (higher number of nitrile
Irroups), whereas ~, decreases. There are' 3 figures, 1 table, and 2 Soviet
Card 2/3
Study of the Spontaneous Contraction of S/02 60/133/006/olo/ol6
Polymers With Fully Developed Spatial Structure B004YBo64
in the Course of Tearing
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.
M. V. Lomon3sova (Moscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Engineering imeni M. V. Lomonosov)
PHESENTEDs April 6p 1960, by V. A. Kargin, Academician
SUBMITTED: March 21, 1960
Card 3/3
G I V. Ye. , i4ayzel N. S. Kamwnskiy, A. N. , Podiman, N.M.
TITLE. Electroconducting, polymer-base systems. 1. Study of the
struct,are of current conducting compositions on the basis of
unhardened resins
I C,~ '-7: ';ysokomoleku1yarnyye soyedinoniyaf, v. 4, no. 5, 1962, 642-646
~'Mr-il:. The authors studied the structural and mechanical properties, the
MIcrostructure (with a -2 (D-2) electrostatic electron m1croscope at
15000-fold electrooptio magnification), and the electrical conductivity of
va27~ous phenol formaldehyde resins of the resol type (I) or the.~-40 (E-40)
epoxy resin type (II) filled with acetylene black. Results: UP to 30/"'6
carbon, black is contained in the resin in the form of isolated particles;
'Uhe specific electrical resistance
is almost consta'nt in zhe range.: of
car.-on black copcentrations\'30Vo. Frcm 30,j onward, the carbon black
Particles of I (grain size; r-i25 AO) are contacting one another continiuously.
T"hus, t1le values of the electrical resistanc6 are much llower than in
mixtures containing less carbon black. With 11, the grains of carbon black
Card 1/2
-"Irc) Gull, V. Yo., Mayzell, N. S., Kanenskiy
it..); - _,_.A.- N., Fodiman, N.M.
TITLE: Blectrooonducting polymer-base systems. II. Study of the
GtrUCtUre of current-conducting compositions on the basis of
hardened resins
Vyookonolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 4, no. 5, 110162,
T EX T :The au;hors *tudied the structural and mechanical properties
with a combined device consisting of a Polyani dynamometer and a
2 :! U
microhardness tester), the microstructure (with an electron
microscope), and the electrical conductivity of various phenol
form.aldehyde resins of the resol type (I) or the -':' -40 (EE-40) epoxy resin
type (!I) durin- and after hardening. Resins with a specific resistance
b U
:)Clow 10 ohm-cm, are considered to be current conductinr~ (according to
?. H. liorman, Rubber J., 31, 24, 1956). iesults: The specific
resistance of the resins decreases rapidly at the beginning of the
hardening process (up to the fifth to fifteenth minute; especially evident
Card 1/2
Blectroconducting polymer-base ... B119/B!01
-~,ith a 25'~'
-,) content of carbon black in zhe resin), thell it remains
pz-actically constant. The structural exa-mination shows that the increas-
s~e::ic cross linkage of the resin during hardening causes volume
contract_` on and, consequently, filler accumulat-on on the one hand, and
disinte'-ration and further distribution of carbon-black particles on the
o'her hand. A continuous carbon black structure forms and improves the
Conductivity of hardened resins. Three-dimensional cross linkage of 1,
which is greater than that of II,makes all -these effects much stronger.
P. A. Rebinder and Ya. ifl. Parnas are thanked for their advice. There are
5 fi,~ures.
I.SSOCLITINI: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tuekchnolo.-ii imeni
V. Lomonosovabloscow Institute of Fine Chemical
Technolog~ imeni M. V. LomonoSojr)
S-U*3_-.,-ITTED: February 20, 1961
Card 21/2
~.ACCESSION NR: AP4041767 S/0032/64/030/007/0827/0829
AUTHORS., 'Kamenskiy, A. N.; Fodiman, N. M.
'TITLE: Electromicroscopic investigation of carbon black structures in the
rdxtures of a polymer with carbon black
iSOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 30,, no. 7, 19(V+p 827-829
~TOPIC TAGS:'polymer, carbon black,, ELMI D2 electron mic~oscopq, LKB 3314 ultra-
microtonie, polyisobutylene carbon black mixture, carbon black structure, polyiso-
butylene P 118, ultrathin section., acetylone carbon blackp electron microphoto-
graph, carbon black, replica method, pseudoreplica method
'ABSTRACT: The investigation involved mixtures of polyisobutylene F-118 with 5-50%
,(by weight) of acetylene carbon black. It was desired to determine the relation
'between the distribution of carbon black particles and the method of sample prop-
~F_ration. The "replica method" consisted of applying (under vacuum) carbon dust to
,a. fresh surface-of polyisobutylen6, and of romoving the dust with gelatin or
.collodion. Another version of this method consisted of coating the surface with a
50-micron layer of aluminum, removing thie layer,,-dusting it on the contact side
With carbon black, and dissolving the aluminum in 10% HG1. In the "psoudoreplica
. . . .......
mOthod11)the,,pq2yisobutylene surface was moistened with a drop of benzene which
causod a slight swolling of the outer layer. Carbon blach dust set on films of
1galatin, collodion, or copper foil was then applied to the swollen surface for a
Ifew seconds. The swollen layer with the imbodded carbon black particles was
1ramoved from the polyethylene and was dissolved, and the carbon black particles
!,ware transferred to objective grids. The authors also prepared ultrathin sections
1 (1000-1500R.thick) from carbon-black--e.-oatOd BaMPIOS an, bedded in polymothylmothacry-
!late. All the mixtures were exardned under an ELM]:-D2 electron microscope at a
inagnification of 6000-12 000.: It was found that at a 5% concentration the carbon
black was distributed in the form of single particles or small aggregates, and that
!the size of the aggregates in the replicas and psaudoroplicas increasod with-the
igroi,rth of carbon black con'centration, At a ~T% concentration the aggregates ox-
in size their interspaces, which fact imy indicate the formation of a space
12attice. This view is supported by a sharp drop oJ* sample resistivity whon the
~concentration of carbon black riser. from 15% to %X~3. Examination of the thin
:sections did not reveal much change in the character of the carbon black patterns
,With an increasaiiin its concentration. This the authors attribute to the short-
comings of this method which places onlv a few carbon black chains in the plane
,of the section. Orig. art. has: 3 ultr=icroscopa photogTaphs.
I;ASSOCIXrrON: Moscovskly institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im. M. Ve
'Card- .213
L ?1()64
P.Iths was ;reg.1rded aa confirmirt, the rcle~
43 f,~ dill 6~ 66: ~n ina!~
6~i~~:tion o fstrong adhesive bonds
I'Detwee6: Ti6LVM A.;i ilwrliOlll i I f i em
ssys 0
:1131 f #q) LE 0 -gramt depth:: on the order of
a3la tholu'Innas ~Ccnclutl~d th a 4v- diflix-mi-Olk 18 an important :ract~-r
in the :Produotion tAf adhosive bozAing. Orig. art, kas: 2 :t igwou ',but only 1 -S ent.
is 11 14 J2; 422 R WMANNIFER
B 9
M ~ I I I RE, Hill," "i 11, Fill M -1 IF Irl: Oil H11, 1,- 1:1 1.1H
.1 !I 11. 71flili I I lIl'l r0_111I,
I It A Lft zjWI l;lzij1-: if "i H: H, laAil't- ail"IL- bi
~ Mi
1- 1 7-1. 7
5 Ii
4 -2ffi
d&Ji f-fe i6 -nadjority of:cascn
lk-f~,IISKTY, V, G. ; GUI, I, 1.7.Ye. j VOYt]T'-': HY, S.S KA~ENSKIY- A, IMON A
Stwiy or the surface of a i7aprollactam film. 17v.
zav.; khIm. i khim. t-qkh, 8 no.1;131-1114 165, (M--FtA 18"6)
1. MookovskIly tekhnologinheskly Instit,at fiWasnoy
promyBhl.ennosti i Moskovskiy 'Lnstil-.1it torkey khimlchesk~~ly-
ti)khriologil imen! Lomonosova.
1. 049534)7 _W76, )l
ACC NR, Ap6()23398
AUTHORs Voyutskiy# 8, B,;
ORGI Moscow Institute
in5t ut tonko3r 0:35ag
SOURCE COISs UR/03?4/66j0OO/003jW9q4Q
A. N.; Fodimiq N. M.
1 Teohnolmr k,_",_jomwgY (Hosk*vsk1y
TITLE1 Direct evidence of self- and interdifftsion in the formation of an adhesive
.bond/between polymers
SOURCES Hekhanika.polimoroyp no. 39 199p 446-432
TOPIC TAGS1 adhesive bondings physical diffusion,. pD%yvinyl chlorides polymethyl
methaorylatep polybutyl nothaorylate,
ABSTRACTI The paper discusses direct evidence of dtrfusion of one polymer into anoth-
erp obtained by the method of tagged atoms and by-means of microscopy in ordinary and
UV light. It is shown that the diffusion rate in th*99 cases is sufficient3,y high to
explain the formation of autchesive or adhesive bondis by the interweaving of the mac-
romolecules. XLectron microscopy followed by microphotometry of the pictures obtainsi
o3,Tmethyl methaer
shcn;ed the presence, of Interdiffusion in the systems p z1atef (m)
P03,Tvirql chlorlW(PVC) and polybutyl m6thaeryla~ 11PBH) - PVC at 16D-22060. It is
ONM War. -TH ature Vkrease in the range studled promotes the interpenetration
a 5907r
of the poly-mers. 7he latter is less in PBM -.; PVC than in PMH - PVC. -This is appar-
ently das to the lesser compatibility of PVC and PBM because of the lower polarity of
Alectric beating of GZh-q vibrating screens. Koko ikhim. no.3:
60 '56. (KM 9:8)
1. Stalinekly kok-sakhimicheekly zavod.
(Coal preparation)
AUTHOR: Kamenskiy~ A. S.t Engineer SOV//154-59-1-2/19
TITLE: Resuba of the Scientific-technioal Conference in Kiyev on
Problems of Projecting and Producing Geodetical Apparatus
(Itogi Kiyevskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii po vopro-
nam proyektirovaniya i proizvodstva geodezicheskikh instru-
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zairedoniy. Geodeziya i aerofotonl-
yemka, 19599 Nr 1, PP 13-16 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: From March 20 to 249 1956, a conference took place in Kiyev
on the planning and producing of geodetical apparatus. Lec-
tures werc held by: representatives of the factories pro-
jecting and producing such apparatus; repreeentatives of the
institutes working at the improvement of these apparatus and
releasing them for series production; representatives of the
organizations using these apparatus. - 1t is stated that be-
fore World War 11 6 different geodetical apparatus were pro-
duced, but in 1958 the number of them had increased to 28.
They ensure all kinds of field mork. It is pointed out that a
number of these apparatus are not inferior to foreign pro-
Card 1/3 ducts. A drawback of the Soviet apparatus is the insufficient
Results of the Scientific-technical Conference 44n SOV/154-59-1-2/19
Kiyev on Problems of Projecting and Producing Geodetical Apparatus
quality of the telesc6pe pictures in theodolites, leveling
instrtimentsv etc, whereas Karl Zeiss in Germany has attained
remarkable success in this respect. A further drawback of tile
apparatus is the circumstance that the individual structural
groups of the same are not interchangeable. The construction
of the leveling instrument with an automatically adjusting
line of sight has not yet attained the standard acroad. No
stability of temperature has been attained yet for the
graduations of graduated circles, scales, etc. High-precision
dividing engines are missing, Great success, howevert has
been reached in the field of highm-precision levels. - The
measures taken during recent years to improve the quality of
geodetical apparatus.-are pointed out... - The prototypes of new
apparatus the manufacture of which is projected are listed. -
The resolutions of the Conference in Kiyev are summed up--
1) Establishment of a standard plan for developing the manu-
facture of geodetical apparatus; 2) Manufacture of theodolites
and telescopic-sighting alidades with aatomatically adjusting
alidades of the vertical circle, an optical range finder for
Card 2/3 a range up to 600 m with a relative error of 1 : 4,000,
Results of the Scientific-technical Conference in SOV/154-59-1-2/19
Kiyev of Problems of Projecting and Producing Geodetical Apparatus
manufacture of radio range finders for distances between 100
and 2,000 m with an accuracy of 1 : 259000, and for 5 to
50 km with I : 4009000,, manufacture of a. leveling instrument
for sighting on two boards simultaneously~ manufacture of
devices with a photoelectric sighting mechanism for the
exact measurement of angles and devices for photographic
registering, 3) Increase in quality of production. 4) Es-
tAblishment of a new factory for geodetical apparatus and
leveling staffs. 5) Establishment of a coordination center
to manage the production of geodetical apparatus.
6) Inorease in the exchange of experience and strengthening
of relations among individual factories. 7) Increase in the
technical information service of the TsN1IGAiK and the
MIIGAiK in the field of manufacture of geodetical apparatus.
Card 3/3
upper PkLleozvte stratovolcanoes in sOuthern Dzungaria. Trudy
~.b. paleovulk. Kazakb. goso un. no.56:157-166 f63.
(MIRA 16:6)
I. Laboratoriya Paleovulkanologii Kazakhskogo gosudarstvannogo
KAMENSK Y, A.V., red.; SOROKIN, P.V., red.; CHEMPANOV, V.A.,
red.; VERSHININ, T.I.,, red.izd-va; PASTUNHOV, M.A.v
tekhn. red.
[Twenty-fifth anniversary of the Kama Woudipulp and Paper
Combine) Kamskii tseljlulozno-bumazhnyi kombinat; 25 let.
Perm, Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 119 p.
(Krasnokam5k-Woodpulp industry)
"Apolicttion of the Capacitive index to the S,,pichronizat Ion of the APV
System," Elek. Stants., No.2, 1948
Z~;&) 5-41-f A"I
Card 1/1
Pub. 27 - 25/35
AID P - 621
Istratov, V. N., Kand. of Tech, Sci., and
Kamenskiy, A. V., Eng.
Differential protection of airplane D.C. generators
(Review of Foreign Periodicals)
Elektrichestvo, 8, 86, Ag 1954
Periodical !
Abstract : According to 3 USA sources, summarized by the authors,
the increase of generated capacities and complication of
airplane D.C. electric installations requires a constant
improvement of protection of individual elements.
Seven diagrams.
Institution Not given
Submitted No date
AMF-NSKiY fi-v~-
Subject USSR/Electricity AID P - 1474
Card 1/1 Pub. 27 - 25/36
Authors Istratov, V. N., Kand. of Tech. Sci., and
Kamenskiy, A. V., Eng.
Title Parallel operation of aircraft a--c generators
Periodical Elektrichestvo, 2, 73, F 1955
Abstract The authoissummarize a group of 15 articles on the above
subject from volume 72 of the AIEE Transactions, Part IIi
1953, 3 diagrams, 5 American r-e-rerenceB, 1953-5
Institution: None
Submitted No date
ISTHATOV, V.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; KAMENSUY, A.V., inzhener.
%*Mk" '
Protection of aircraft electrical systems. stvo no.2:
89-90 F '56. (MMA 9:5)
(Airplanes--Electric equipment)
N. kand1daVtekbn1.cbesk1kb muk; KAMENSKIY, A. V. , inzbener.
Computing the resistance in aircraft three-phase current circuits.
Trudy MAI no.57:61-70 156. (MLRA 9:10)
(Airplanes--Electric equipment) (Blectric resistance)
LIM -,A.V., inthaner.
Calculation of conductor inductances by means of Maxwell's equations.
Trudy MAI no.66:62-68 156. (HLRA 9:11)
INOZMSXV, S.P., kandidat tokhnicheakM nauk; ISIRATOV V.I., kandidat
takhnicheskikh nauk; KUMSEY, A.V., inzhener.
Automatic frequency control of airplane a.c. generators oporeting
in Wallel. Trudy MLI no.66:69-73 '56. Oaah 9:11)
(Blectric generators)
(Airplanes--Zlectric equipment)
KNOWS11Y A.Y. inshoner.
i6im"k ".--
Use of "summtoreO of three-phase current in relay protection
systems. Trudy MLI no.66:'14-80 156. (NLRA. 9:11)
Olectric filters) (Electric relEqs)
AUTHORS., Kamenskiyj A. V., Rakhmanov, V. F. 119-6-1o/16
TITLE: Voltage-Control Relays With Semiconductor Elements
(Rele napryazheniya na poluprovodnikovykh elementakh).
PERIODICAL: Pribozostroyeniye, 1957, Nr 12, pp. 26-26 (USSR)
ABSTRACT; The semiconductor-diodes and -triodes recently worked out
permit to produce a reliable small relay for voltage increase
which corresponds to the requirements of the vibration-
stability, which does not react to changes of position and
acceleration and which possesses advantages over the
mechanical and the electron-tube relays. Figure 1 shows the
charactoristio of a semioonductor-ailicon-diode. In the
point of break-through the inverse current suddeniy
increases and is only limited by the circuit-resistance
which makes it possible to use the silicon-diode as
sensitive indicator of the voltage levol. The scheme of the
new voltage-increasing relay with the use of semiconductor
diodes and triodee is shown in figure 2 and then described
in detail. Figure 3 shows the dependence of the voltage on
the time in the case of the formation of excessive voltage.
Card 1/2 The voltage-increasing relay consists of 25 small component
Voltage-Control Relays With Semiconductor Elements 119-6-10/16
parts whose total weight does not exceed 400 g. The described
relay has great advantages as compared to the mechanical
relay, especially in eleotroinBtallations of airplanes.
There are 3 figures.
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
Card 2/2
KOMNSKIY, A.Y., kand. tekhn. nauk; TIM-ZAKWYAN, V.G., inzh.
-- - ""',
Calculating current assymetry at phase failures,, Trudy MAI no.85,
89-98 157. (KMA 10:9)
(Blectric currents)
Moscow. Aviatsionnyy Institut imeni-Sergo Ordzhon-ikidze
Elektricheskiye tsepi i elementi avtomaticheskikh ustroystv;
sbornik statey. (Electric Circuits and Components of Automatic
Systems; Collection of Articles) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1958.
86 p. (Series: Itsi Trudy, vyp. 102) Errata'plip inso~rted.
5,100 copies prin Te.
Sponsoring Agency: U.S.S.R. Ministerstvo vysshego obrazovaniya.
e' G.'. Atabekov
sp. Ed.: G.I. Atabekov; Ed. (Title page): .1
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Ed. (Inside book):
V.S. Chichkanova; Tech. Ed.: R.K. Tsal.
PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intended mainly for pere6ne
engaged in problems of electrical engineering hnd automation
in aviation.
COVERAGE: The collection contains articles*dealing with the analyais
Card 1/7
Electric C~rou.~ts (Con't.)
and design of components of automatic control systems and also
with methodo:of calculating the parameters if the "two wires-
frame" airciaft.-dystefii. The articles are baoedon-the work
carried odt. in 1956 and 1,957 by the staff of t.he DepartmerA
of Theoretical Electrical Engineering of MAI. This work is
characterized by two basic approaches; 1) theoretical and
experimental investigation and development of methods of de-
signing the components of automatic control systems and else-
trioal systems of aircraft, 2) theoretical development of
methods of calculating electric circuits. Most of the articles
in this collection are a continuation of works published in
two preceeding collections by the above Department (Trudy MAI,
1956, Hr 66 and 1957, Nr 85, Oborongiz). No persanalities are
mentioned. References follow most articles.
Rakhmanov, V.F., Engineer. Comparison of Frequency Response
Characteridties of Low-frequdnoy Cascade Amplifiers With a Common
Emitter and a Common Cathode 5
Card 2/7
Electttic Circuits (Cont.)
The author compitres theoretically ob,tained amplitude- and
phase-frequeney'eharacteristies of a cascade amplifier with
common cathode and of a cascade amplifier with common emitt6r.
He finds'that Wiese characteristics differ s,h4rply for both
types of cascade Lxmplifiers and explains that this differen'ce
is caused by'the fact that the coefficient (D) fpr the nega-
tive current feedback in the cathode circuit equals zero, while
in the emitter circuit D))a Thq author also comps.rqs theoreti-
cally obtained curves with those obtained experimentally and
finds them in complete qualitative agreement and satisfactory
quantitative agreement.
Timofeyev, A.B., and V.G. Ter-Zakharyan, Candidates of Technical
Sciences. Fiitding the Optimum Number of Turns of a Current
On the basis of some' considerations concerning 4 simplified
vector diagram of a current transformer, the authors obtain
simple formulas which help to find with sufficient accuracy
Card 3/7
Electric Circuits (Cont.)
the optimum number of turns when operating current and resist-
iLnce of the relay are known..
Ter-Zakharyan, V.Q. Candidate of Technical Sciences,, Grapho-
analytical Method of Investigating a "Current Transformer-
Relay" System 24
The method suggested by the author may be employed in designing
relay protection circuits for aircraft. According to the
author, this method does not provide for an accurE:te quanti-
tative accounting of all effects occurring in the system
but makes possible a qualitative evaluation of the designed
equipment and the efficient selection of parameters close to
the optimal.
Kamenskjy_,_A,.1~.___ and V.P. Ter-Zakharyan, Candidates of' Technical
-56're-nees. Summators of Three-phase Current 34
The authors tabulate values of the proportionality factor as
a function of the transformation ratio for various types of
summators. In another table the authors present elementary
Card 4/7
Electric Circuits (Cont.)
circuits of some summators with rectangular magnetic circuits
and calculations of their sensitivity. They discuss the
characteristic properties of several types of summators and
present a method of testing them.
Istratov, V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Electrical
Parameters and Calculation of the Transverse Asymmetry of a Two-
wire Three--phase Aircraft Electrical "Two-Wire-Frame" System 43
The author investigates the electrical parameters of an asym-
metric circuit for various cases of transverse as:nnmetry and
finds their symmetrical components for generator currents.
kz~menskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Electrical
ParamelZM-of a Two-Wire-Ftame" Sy-stem _57
The author presents methods of calculating the following
parameters: wire resistance, average values of wire resis-
tance per phase, self-impedances and mutual impedances of sep-
arate phases and circuits ("wire-aircraft skin"). He also
Card 5/7
Electric Circuits (Cont.)
presents a methodo f finding resistances experimentally.
Bibliography 67
Kovzitn, A.A,. Ingin6er. Method of Electrical Calculation of
Syste~ms: "Two~Wizoe-Aircrdft Frame" 68
. The-author pr6sen~s his niethod of calculation.
Kovzan,, A.A., Engineer. Electrical Calculation of Systems:
"Two Wire-Aircraft Frame" With Asymmetric Loads 74
The author outlines his method of calculation and presents
a numerical example.
Biblipgraphy 78
Istratov,:V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Some Conditions
for Optimal PerfQrmame of Pulse Protection Agaimt 'Short-cireuits
Card 6/7
80) SOV/119-59-4-10/16
AUTHORS; Gutovskiy, M. V., Engineer, Kamenskiy, A. V., Engineer
TITLE: Determination of the Characteristic Constants of
Airplane Wiring for Alternating Current (Opredeleniye
elektricheskikh parametrov samoletnykh provodo,7
peremennogo toka)
PERIODICALt Priborostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 4, pp 20-21 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: An analytical determination of the characteristic
constants of a.c. wiring is rendered difficult by the influence
of the airplane fuselage upon the active and the reactive
resistance of the a.c. wiring. It is most expedient to add
corrections to the values of the active and reactive
resistances, which were derived under the assumption of
an ideally conducting fuselage. These corrections should be
determined by experiments with model airplanes. Such
measurements can be oarried out according to a bridge
method, or even more accurately, by a compensation method.
This artiole treats of compensation measurements which are
a means of determining accurately the characteristic
constants of a.c. mains and tap lines in an airplane. The
Card 1/3 measuring instrument was fed from an airplane generator
Determination of the Characteristic Constants of Airplane Wiring for
Alternating Current t
SGS-7,5 ( voltage 120, frequency 400 cY ) driven by an
asynchronous motor. Ailerons with trims were taken as the.
structural element of the airplane. The wire tinder
.Lnvestigation had a length of 1 - 2 m, and ita position
with respect to the fuselage could be changed,, The active
and the reactive resistances of the wire were measured by
comparing the voltage drop in the wire and in the metal
fuselage of the airplane with the voltage drop at the control
resistances. The authors carried out numerous measurements
of the active and the reactive resistance of 'the airplane
wires BPVL, both of single wires and of several (2 - 5)
which were either connected in series or parallel.
During these measurements the fuselage conducted a current
or the neutral conductor was insulated. From the information
gained by these e,xperiments it can be readily seen that:
1) the active resistance r and the inductive resistance x
of airplane wires is influenced by the type of fuselage,
by the clearance between the wire and the fuselage and by
Card 2/3 the method of installation, either single, branched'or
Determination of the Characteristic Constants of SOV/119-59-4-10/15
Airplane Wiring for Alternating Current
stranded. In the practical design of a.c. viring in
airplanes r and x must be computed according to the
following formulas: r = r p + Ar; x = xp +,6x, where
r and x denote the values of the active and the
P p
reactive resistances,respectively, of the vrire computed
under the assumption of an ideally conducting fuselage,
and Ar and 4x the corredtions to the active and reactive
resistanoc, respectively, which are to be determined for
each type of airplane according to the method discussed
Card 3/3 in this paper. There is 1 figure.
USPICNSKAYA, IIJ.; ISTRATOV. V.N., knnd.teI:hn.nauk; DMITRI177, S.N.;
3MVP M.G.; BOGATYM, O.M.; IWALTAN, S.D., kand.tairchn.
KMHRIKOV, S.S.; AWONOVA, S.D.,; Zmaill, I'm,,
(Collection of problems pertaining to the theoretical
ptinciples in electrical engineering] Sbornik :aadsch po
teoreticheskim oenovam elaktrotekhniki. Pod red. V.N.Istre-
tova i S.D.Kupaliona. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo obor.:promyshl.9
ig5g. iz4 p. (MIRA 13:1)
1. Moscow. Aviatelonnyy institut imeni Sergo Orfthonlkidze.
(Electricity--Problems. exercises, ate.)
-9 D223/D301
AUTHORS: Gutovakiyt M.V., Engineer, and Kamenskiyp A.V.t
Candidate of Technical Science~_,Doc_en_:E
TITLE: On calculating short-circuit currents of 5-phase
electrical systems in aircraft
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeni.y. Energetyka,
no. 4, 1961p 12 - 17
TEXT: For the design of an installation of 400 Kels the a.c. net-
work analyzer must be used. Preliminary graphical.~and analytical
work is given. The system has a neutral isolator.'The short cir-
cuit may affect 2 or 5 phases with equal likelihood. As line impe-
dance is negligible, all generators may be replaced by one. Sugges-
tions are given for the evaluating, by a simplified method, the
main parameters: Generator voltage, wire resistance, skin effect
and inductance. The s.c. currents are calculated by the method of
symmetrical components for all possible cases: ABC 3 phases s.c.,
ABI BCp CA, 2 phases s.c. AO, BO, CO 1 phase s.c. The influence
Card 112
308 74
S/14 61,/Ooo/004/001/005
On calculating short-circuit ... D223YD301
of the voltage regulator is discussed for Larionov's (3 phase) cir-
cuit and bridge methods. The appropriate formulae are given. The
conclusions are: 1) Resistances of lines ej not affect the magnitu-
de of s.c. current. 2) Influence of load current may be neglected.
j) Stationary s.c. currents are not greater than 1.3 - 2 times the
normal one. 4) Only the inductances of the generators and R, Z or
X of lines (depending on cross section of wire) are taken into ac-
count. 5) The skin effect for 400 Kc/s is perceptible only in wi-
res with cross sections greater than 20 mm2. 6) The linearized cha-
racteristic of the unloaded generator and approximation of nonli-
near elements are satisfactory for practical Druposes. 7) The low
resistance of cabling allows design of s.c. currents, taking into
account the voltage regulator for one generator. There are 8 figu-
res and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy ordena Lenina aviatsionnyy institutim. S.
Ordzhanokidze tMoscow Order of Lenin Aviation Institu-
ie im. S. Ordzhonikidze)
SUBMITTED: January 29, 1961
Gard 2/2
GIJTOIISKIY, Mikhail Vasil 'yevich; KORSINBOV, Vladislav Fedorovich;
ANDRM'FVj V.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent) 1L*UjSYJ7.,
GRIGORASTI, X.L., red.izd-va; ORESS
teklui. red.
(Manual on tbe calculation and design of aeronaticla electrical
eqUi,Pnlent components and systems) Posobie po pr-:)ektirovaniiu i
raschetu elementov i sistem aviatsionnogo, elektrooborudovani-ia.
Pod red. IU.A ,Popova. Moskvaj Oborongiz. No.2. (Power electro-
magnets and contactors) Silovye elektromagnity i kontakto
1962. 164 p. (Airplanes-Electric equipment) (MIRA 15:71
NURASHOVA, V.A.0 tekhn. red.
[Control and measurinl system of the electria section of thermal
electric power plants Kontrollno-lzmaritelInaia sistema elektri-
cheskoi ohasti teplovykn zlektrostantsii; le)rtsiia po, kursu
"Elektriaboakaia chast' slaktrostantsii i podstantsii" dlia stu-
dentov energeticheskogo fakulfteta spetsialliaosti "Elektrichaskic
stantaiii seti i sistemy." Moskva, Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola,"
1961. 1+9 p. (MIRA 16:2)
(Electric power plants-Electric equipment)
Relationship between color and structure in Ianovskii reactics
products. Dokl.AN SM 1" no.AW85-787 Je 162. (MM 15:5)
1. Navowookovskiy filial Gosudarstvannogo muchho-issledovatel'skogo
i proyektnogo inatituta azotnoy promyshlennosti i produktov
organicheakogo sinteza. Predatavleno akadertikom A.N.Teraninym.
(Nitro oompounda-Spectra)
Improving the quali-~y of reconSittonea tires. tl:vt. transp. 43
no.1;21-23 Ja 165. (MIRA 180)
AUTHORS: Vostrolmutov, Ye.G. , and Kamensk.iy, B. Z.
TITLE. Methods for Increasing Life of Reconditioned Car
Tires Mslovi~a povysheniya Ichodimosti otrertiontirovannykh
PERIODICALs 11,4-tuchuk J_ Rezina, 1958, Mr 6, pp 25 - 29 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Some conclusions and recommendations for improv:Lng the
property of reconditioning materials, and for improving
the technological processes for reconditioned t-res, are
given on the basis of rocent investigations. The avorag.;
wear of car tL-res reconditionedlaccording to the NIIShP
me-thod is 25,000 - 30,000 lm7 Ikit it is pointed out tha"
the average uear of t res reconditioned in-various plar.'13
only roaches 10,000 lui. The properties of reconiiitione,~
ttres depend on the composition of the reconditioning
sbock, and on the properties of the materials used fo--,--
reconditioning. Results are tabulated for reconditionc;(l
tares (260 - 20) after reconditioning of the tread ac~,o.-
ding to the NIIShP method (1956 - 57). Correct vulcani-
Card 1/3 sation of the reconditioned t' res is most important. Mary
reconditioning plants use 'Vit-akepl vulcanisation at-lber S
Ilethods for Increasin,; the Life of Reconditioned Car TiTes
ki -
but drawbacks of this method of vulcanisation are pointed
out, and it is recommended that. car ti-res of standard
dimensions should be vulcanised in individual vulcanisa-
tion chambers. Physico-mechanical characteristics of
re-conditioning materials tested in the HIIShP are com-
nared with rubbers used in the U.S.A. and Czechoslovakia
ZTable 2). The t*-Te factories; supply various rubbers to
the reconditioning plant3 which range from rubbers based
on 1005 NK to rubbers based on 3KB with increased re-
generate content. Various deficiencies in the standard
(Go,,;t) for reconditioning materials are pointed out. The
authors recommend that the exilsting standard for recon-
ditioninc~ materials be revised, and that the period of
storing of the reconditioning materials before use should
be shortened considerably. Tho methods for recond---tioni-ng
should take into account the required improved qualities
of the materials. The bonding between the materials and
Card 2/3 the casing of the tire should be increased by using
adhesives filled with carbon black. Polyvinyl chloride,
';0V1138,-58 -7/25
M'ethods for Increasing the Life of Reconditioned Car Tires
polyethylene, etc. and o-,,her plastics should be tested
for use as new -aacking ma'Clerials.
There are 3 tables-, and 5 references (EnLlish)
AS&OCIATION: Nauchio -issledova'Uel's1;,,.dy in~;'-'-itut shinnoy
.vrmrYSh1O1-T1o3ti (The Research Ins'itute of the T Te
Ind~-,, s try)
1. Tires-Processing 2. Tires-Life expectancy
Card 3/3
AUTHORS% Koshelev, F.F., Fe~~ina, L.P~, Melz;aed. T.I., Kamenskiy,
"Vo troknutov, Ye.G.
TITLE3 On the Development of Self-Vulcanizing Materials for the Re-
pair of Pneumatic Tires \6
PERIODICALs Kauchuk i Rezina, 1960, No. 6, pp. 27 - 29.
TEXTs The recent development and application of self-vulcanizing
materials in tire repair and the cold vulcanization method is pointed out.
Due to the introduction of tubeless tires in the last few years, the in-
terest in self -vulcanizing materials has grown, as well as research work
in this field. The principles of production of Soviet self-vulcanizing
rubbers, pastes and cements0based on natural rubber and Soviet ingredients
for use in tire repairs by the cold vulcanization methoO are outlined.
The production of these materials began in 1959 by the MITKhT im., Lomono-
sov in cooperation with the NIIShP. These principles P-re also applicable
to synthetic rLLbberst(butacli7ene--nit'rileCKIJ-26 (SKN-26) aridCKH-40 (SKIT-40),
carboxylicCKC-30--I SKS-30-1) rubbers, iptc. Thus, the composition of a
Card 1/3
On the Development of Self-Vulcanizing Materials for the Repair of Pneu--
matic Tires
was developed for use in the cold repair of rubber articles with a
aufficiently high adhesivE-aess and a satisfactory thermostability at 1000C.
In order to avoid gelatination during the production and storage of the
pastes and cements, tyo solutions of the cement and the pa3te were develop-
ed which are mixed together prior to their application. In order to find
the most active ultra--accelerators of vulcanization at low temperatures, V
Zn, Pb, Al, Bi, Cd and Sb salts of dialkyldithiocarbamine acids were stud-
ied. It was found that. the zinc salt has a higher level of vulcanization.
Various epoxide resins were tested for the purpose of increasing the ad-
hesiveness of the cements to vulcanized rubber and fabrig. It was estab-
lished th44 the partial. replacement of the spoxide resin4rith phenolfor-
maldehyde~,"Increases the stability of.Ahe cement during storage. Gas chqz-
nel carbon black,rand mineral fillersV'(col.loidal silicaYK - 333 (UK-333)15and
YC-170 (US-170) 'Vpowered sillca -gel, ihe silicates of calcium, zinc, etc.)~
were tested as-Tillers for increasing the mechanical resistance of the lay-
ers of the adhesive. Tests were performed an the tube and casing rubbers.
Card 2/3
On the Development of Self-Vulcanizing Materials for the Repair of Pneuma-
tic Tires
It was established that liquid cement, which is part of the cement compo-
sition, can be applied independently during the joining of non-vulcanized
articles of complex profile with subsequent -vulcanization. The authors
recommend these cements, pastes and rubber mixtures for the repair of tubes,
casings, tubeless tires, belts, sleeves, various rubber footwear and the
rubberizing of various chemical apparatus, as well as the cementing of
leather to rubber and a number of other materials. Tlere are 3 tables and
15 references: 6 Soviet, 7 English and 2 German.
ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii im.1 M.V.
Lomonosoya i nauchno-issledovatel.lskiy institut shinnoy
promyshlsnnosti, (The Moscow Institute of Pine Chemical Tech-
nology imeni M.V. Lomonosov and the Scientific Research
Institute of the Tire Industry)
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: Vostroknutovj Yeo G.p Smirnov, A. F., Kamenskiyj B.1Z.
TITLE: An Instrument for the Control of Moisture in Automobile Tread
PERIODICALt Kauchuk i Rezina, 1959, No. 1:2, PP. 47-49
TEXT& The moisture of the tire casings, which impedes repair wori~
can be 4eteZmined by the electrical resistance of the casing, which decrea-
ses with an increase in the moisture of the cord. The German patent tl/
No. 936480,- 1955, the design of which is based on the above-mentioned pri--
ciple is discussed. It has two steel needles attached to the handle, which
act as the electrodes. These needles are introduced into the casing of
the tread. The functioning principle is explained. The disadvantage of
the instrument is the impossibility of a quantitative evaluation of the
moisture contents The Kiyevskiy shinoremontnyy zavod (Kiyev Tire Repair
Plant) developed a special method using the ordinary type megohmmete.r
'Ref. ) for the quantitative determination of the relationship between
the electrical resistance and the moisture of the casing. The tests showed
that this method could be used for detecting tires in need of drying.
Card 113 0
An Instrument for the Control of Moisture in Automobile Tread Casings
Casings with a moisture content of 5% or more after vulcanization were shown
to undergo lamination on the sides. The moisture-meter and the megohm-
meter were used to determine why the lamination took place on the sides
rather than in the crown of the casing. It was found that more moisture
acaumulated at the sides due to less heating of these parts during perform-
ance of the tire. The application of the moisture-meter and the megohm-
meter showed that these instruments had also various disadvantages. The
handle of the megohmmeter had to be turned manually during tile measurements,
Further investigations resulted in the development of a moisture-indicator
for determining the moisture of the casings under repair. The instrument
proved satisfactory in every respect. The principle of its design is
given as being based on the change in the switch-on voltage of the neon
bulbs depending on the value of the shunting resistance. The now instrument
is used both for the quantitative and qualitative determination of the
moisture contents Fig4 1 is the circuit diagram of the instrument, where
three neon bulbs are soen to be connected. Fig. 3 is a diagram of the in-
strument with all its component parts. MR-6 (MN-6) neon bulbs are used,
The average degree of accuracy of the instrument is 15-20%. The experimen-
tal instrument was tested at the Moskovskiy vulkanizatsionny zavod
Card 2/3
An Instrument for the Control of Moisture in Automobile Tread Casings
(Moncow Vulcanization Plant) and at the Kiyev-Ti;e Repair Plant.' A's many
as 45 casings of various sizes were tested &ad the results are given in the
table. The casings with a high moisture content after vulcanization were
laminated. The authors state that the principle of t1iis instrument can be
applied to designing similar instrumentq for moisture determination in 0.
The boundary conditions are given by a function LP(X) two times
continuously differentiable on the set E0 EI. I Ei
0 0
E Ix- Ai(x), X- Aj(x) 4A, X.>,Al U,,, as follows:
Y(x-,&i(x)) -f(x-Ai(x)),, YI(x,4i(x))
Card 1/2 Y,,(x:- A, W) - Y"(X-,&,(X ill) for x- 6i(x)EEo and y(B) - y,
wKWU 1111 111 _--
AU THOR t Kamenskiy. G.A. ZO-120-4-3/67
TITLEt On the General Theory of Equations With Deviating Argument
(K obahchey toorii uravneniy s otklonyayushchimsya argumentom)
PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR91958,vol 120,Nr 4,PP697-700(USSR)
ABSTRAM The author considers differential equations
(m ) (m 1) (x)),
F[x,y(x), .... y , (x)v Xx -61f(z)) ......Y~x
., * , , (M n)
Y(x An(x))1....,Y (X_ "S n(x))] = 0
under the assumption that they are solvable with respect to
y 0) (z) . Let max [mil and A = m - /,,, . The author
_O and K>O so that
IFy (X,Y,V)l < M PV(Xvygv)l "~ K
holds in D 1 let the condition a) or the two condit-ions c) and e) be
satisfied a
a) there exists an m >0 so that F > m in D
Y ;.I
c) there exiats an m >0 so that F vvv m in D
Card 3/5
A two-point boundary value problem
5/020/61/139/003/003/025 4-1
e) there exists. an L>0 so that F (x,y,O)> 0 for y>L and
F(x,Y,O) --'- 0 for y< - L .
Then (1) - (2) is solvable for arbitrary x., x1i YCI# YJ
Theorem 4 s Let exist positive constants A and B eo that F(x,y;v) I <
O so that; (1) (2) is solvable
for x, x0:~ d for arbitrary y 0, Y., .
On 10~0 0111 and IS 01 I'll let be given ?(.(,) and Y(B). Let G(tf,T)
denote the set of the points of the rectangle B f 'gt) -e-.0 !f-: 41 ; SO e 8 'e
4 a, I, where %f (or,) - * (8) -
Theorem 5 1 Let f(cL,B) be continuous on B, Is*%, %f(K) and W(S) be
continuous on re-0 , ac I ] and [80 ,811, f or tf (.0 and y(2) let the
condition (E) be satisfied on these intervals, let Y(OG 0) = Y (80) 9
kf ( -L I ) = IP (B'I ) . Then there exists a component of G(%f,T) which connects
the points at 0, 13 0) and (0('1,131)
Card 4/5
A two-point boundary value problem C111/C222
Theorem 6 : On B let be given the continuous function f(4,,B) ; on
Ca- 0, ofj and [ a0 81] lot be given continuous functions %P(oL) and ~,(B)
l e t kf (oL0 T(130 . to I - 'k(81) - t, . Then on B there exist
poi:-,4-- ( ~,,, q0) and ( g 1 , q 1) so that f (~') - - to
Tk411) - t, , and that in those points (o(,8) of the rectangle
B 1 ~'q 0 6 4:6 ~ I , q 0 ~6 11 6 91 where f (9~,) - y(B) , the function f (0~13)
assumes values lying between f(~oy 02o) and f( qj,~?,) .
The author mentions S.N. Bernshteyn and Z.F. Sur.Lkova. There are 3 Soviet-
bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc reference.
ASSOCIATIdNi Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze
(Moscow Aviation Institute imeni Sergo Ordzhonikidze)
PRESENTE'Di March 18, 1961, by I.G. Petrovskiy, Academician
SUBMITTED: March 11, 1961
Card 5/5
Boundary value problem for a nonlinear difi~erential equatior with
deviating argument of the neutral type. Trudy. Sem. po teor. diff.
urav,, a otklon. arg. 1:47-51 162o (MIRA 16*-12)
Differential equations with deviating argument. Usp.mat.nauk.
17 no.2377-164 Mr-Ap 162. (Differential equations) (MM 15:12)
1 -0 S/039/63/060/001/001/001
.6"266 B112/B102
AUTHOR: -Kamenskiy, G.. A. (Moscow)
TITLE: Intermediate-value theorems and boundary-value problem for a
aecond-order nonlinear differential equation
PERIODICAL: Matematicheskiy sb I rn.ik, V. 60002), no. 1, 1963, 3 - 16
T-EXT: The author premises for his investigation of the boiandary-value
problem y" .. F(XIYIY'), (1 ) Y(x Y09 Ax yj (:co