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~ -, H L, I- "L I- ", lu, ~vf-iI I-:. t~ I J 41 ~ ~i _-, t I 1w $TRASHUNj I.D.9 prof. (Moskva) "Materials on the history of hygiene and sanitary affairs in the Ukrainian S,S.R." by PeD.Leshohenko, 4..N.44~14WoLo, A.A.Grando. Revibwed by I.D.Strashun. Vrach.delo no.10:138-140 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR. (UKRAINE--PUBLIC HHAITH) KALYUZ ax.1-4wpf . (Kiyev) Problems of hygiene at the A3.1-Union Congress on City Building. V'rach. delo nAM217-121 D 1606 MU 14: ~) TY PIA14NINGCONGRESSES) (PUBLIC HELLTH) r KALYUZMY,. Pnio. Nikolayevicbp prof.; Prinimal uchantive FRIMAN., Ye.L., inzh.; SUPONITSKIY, M.Ya.,, red.; GITS11TEY11, A.D., tekhn. red. (Protection of the air from contamination by discharges from ferrous metallurgical plants) Semiternais. okhrana atmosfernogo vozdukba ot vybrosov predpriiatii cbernoi metallurgii. Pri uchastii E.L.Pridmana. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1961. 180 (MIRA 15WO (Air-Ponution) (Iron and steel plants) XATJUZHNYIp D.11, [Kaliuzhnyi~ D.Mj, doktor med.nauki, prof. I------------ Fare air is the guarantee of health. Nauka i Zhyttia 10 no.3:39-42 Mr 160. (MIRA 14.-8) 1. Direktor Ukrainakogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo imtituta kowunallnoy gigiyeny. (Air-Pollution) DRATUS V.D.) dots., rod.; BARCHMIKO, I.P., prof.., zwn. rod.; VMZHIKCVSI:MA, V.V., dots., red.; CRMI~:IEVSEE, L.I.I., prof., red.; SIMMAZY1111, GM., prof., rcd.; BXRX-47IK, P.L) prof., rod.; SIZIAL', D.D., dots.,, red.; FOZ1'J'u-,SFIY, S.S.) dots., red.; YALYU7=,-D.R., red.; ChUGOTAK, V.D.) teldm. red. [Itrgienic norms and the sanitation of the external emiron- mentlGigionicheckie normativy i ozdorovlenie vneshnei sredy-, sbornik niiuchnykii rabot. Kiev,, Gosmodizdat USSR, 1961. 268 p. (MIRA 15:11) 1. Kiev, ',,Iedychnyi instytut. 2. DeystvitellrWy chlen Akader,,ii moditsinsk1kh nauk SSSR (for Gronsliovskiy). 3. Chlen- korreopondent Akademii moditsinskikh nauk SSSR (for Shahchbavan). /+. Direktor Kiyevskogo rieditainskogo instituta (for Dratus'). 5. Kafedra gigiyerW pitaniya KiyevAsogo meditsinakogo instituta im. A.A.Bogomolltsa (for Barchenko). 6. Kafedra obvhcbey gigiyeny Kiyevokogo moditsinskogo instituta Kiyevskogo maditsinskogo in- stituta im. A.A.Bogonolvtsa (for Verzhikovskaya, Shmall). (PUBLIC HEALTH) KALlru7,1'1,,YY, D.J. pro-F'. (layev) Lot's improve the hygienic condAiona of dw(--,11J-ngo. Zhil. stroi. no.10:20 0 1620 (I-Imh vo 2.0) Hygiene) Apartmnt houses) ~ K A UM I KAGAN, S.S., prof. "Crit-icism of.contemporary bourgeois social hygiene and medical sociology" by B.IA. Smulevich. Reviewed by D.N. Kaliuzhnyi.. S.S. Kagan. Sov. %drav. 20 no.32:82-83 161. (IMIA 15:6) (MMLIC HFALTH) (SMIZVICH) MAI) NALYUZHNYYI D.N., prof. Present-day tasks of commuruxl hygiene in the light of tho rdsaW-16h~ passed by the 22d Congress of the CPSU. Vrach. delo no,20-8 F 1~2. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chlon-korreepondent AMN SSSR. (PUBLIC HEALTH) XALYUZHM# D.N., prof,; KAGAN, S.S., prof. Exhibition whiob haz gono dovm in the history of hygiene and public health; on ihe 50th anniversary oP the Dresden International Hygiene Exhibition. Vrach. delo no-5,125-128 My 162, (MIRA 15-6) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AIM SSSR (for Kalyuzl;nyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH-EXHIBITIONS) ~ ~YUZHM., D. H.,, prof.; KMHANOVSKAYA, M. V... kand. med. nauk (Kiyev) Fourteenth All-Union Congreaq of Weniste and Sanitary Phymicians., Vmch. delo no.7:138-141 J1 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Chlon-korrespondent ANN SSSR (for Kalyushnyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH-~OONGRESSES) KALYUZHNYY Dj prof.; IMEBSKII, M4., kand.ged.nauk; YAINYSMEVA, N.Ya., .-------!2~'d:nauk; PALIGOV, V.I.# kand.mod.nauk; LAKOD, Ye.S. , kand. med.nauk "Handbook on =nic#4 hygiene, Vol.1.11 Reviewed by D.N.Kaliuzhnyi and others. Gig. i san. 27 no.3:202-104 Mr 162. (MIRA 15c4) 1. Oblen-korrespondent AMI SWR (for Kalyuzhnyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH) KAL)n=INYYI D. N a "Environmental improvements as prophylazis of various diseases" report to be submitted for tho United Naticna Ou,-aferance Ob the AypjjCMtjcQ of Scielace =1 Techuology for the Ber-efit of tle Lass Developed Areu - Ocaevap Wtzerlana, Wo Feb 63- KALYUZHNYY, D.N., prof.,,rad.; POZNANSKIY, S.S., dots., red.; red.; ZAPOLISKAYA, L.A., takhn. red. [Problems in protecting the health of children and adolescents] Vopvosy okhrany zdorovlia detei i pod- rostkov; materialy. Pod red. D.N.Kaliuzhnogo i S.S. Ogoo Ki .v Gosmedizdnt US*, 1963. 219 p. Poznansk (MIRA 16:11) i. Naud Xrentsiya po respublikanskoy pro- blame "Okhrana zdorovlya detey i podrostkov". 2. Chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR (for Kalyuzhnyy). (PUBLIC HEALTH) BARAIJNIK.4 P.I., red.; BARCHENKO, I.P., red.; GABDVICH, R.D., red.; KAGAN, S.S., red.; KALYUZHNYY, D.N., red.; KRIVOGLAZ, B.A., red.; POZNANSKIY, 3.3., j,-uu#i Sur-021IISHY, M.Ya., red.; TRAKHTENHERG, I.M., red.; SHAKHBAZYAN, G.Kh., red.; SHMALI, D.D. 'Lred.; OSETFCV, V.I., red.; CHUCHUPAK, V.D., (Problems of general and specialized hygiene] Voprosy obshobei i chastnoi gigieny. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1963. 308 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Ukraine. Ministerstvo zdravookhraneniia. (PUBLIC HEALTH) KMUZBNYY D V.S. prof., otv. red.; ALEKSEYENKO, I.P.2 red.; ie.S., red.; MEDVED', L.I., red.; STOVBUN, A.T., red.; SUPONITSKIY, M.Ya.., red.; NARINSKAYA, A.L., tekhn. red. (Problems of rural hygiene] Voprosy gigieny sela; sbornik dolcladov. Pod red. D.N.Kaliuzhnogo. Kiev, Gosmedizdat USSR, 1962. 241 p. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Vsosoyuznaya konferentsiya po probleme I'Gigiyena sela." lst. 2. Chlen-korrospondent AM14 SSSR i Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovatellskiy inatitut kommunallnoy gigiyery (for Kal~yuzhnyy). 3. 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy in- stitut ortopedii i travmatologii (for Alekseyenko). (PUBLIC HEALTH, RURAL) KALYUZlflN'YY, Derlits Nikolayevich; LAGUTINIA, Ye.V., red. [DjI,jone ard public gervices in mral oettloments] Gi- gi.ena i blagoustroistvo sell:3kikh riaoelerwykh mest. Mosk-.ra, Znunie, 1964. 31 p. (Narodnyi -universitet: Fa- ImIltat zdorovila, no.3.8) (MIRA 171:9) 1. Chlon-korrespondent MIN SSSR (for prof. (Kiyev) Problems in hygiene in the light of the resolutions of the 22d Gongress.of the CFSU. Sav. zdrav. 21 no.3:21-27 162. (YJRA 15:3) 1. Ghlen-korresponbn~ AMN SSSR. (COMMSM) (HYGIENE) ! z I I W *1 1 -~ * I i ~.: I 'p I'. ~11 I Ili V N ; ! , ! I : New foaturee in management planning. Muk.-olev.prom. 23 no.1:6-7 Ja '57. (MLRA 10:5) I.Plwvy.v otdol Hinisterstva khloboyroduktoy SSSR. (Grv4n- Trade) SKUYEV, S.V., inzh.; ~A YLJZH!~j. _;-rzh.; VTORUSHIN, F.S. , tekhnik 7" Mm.facture of mesh-reinforced concrete archoB (s iells) with a two-my c,irvature in Novosibirsk. Bet. i zhel.-bet. no.10-465- 467 o 161. (14IRA 14:12) -(Novosibirsk-Roofs, Shell) - JI-EV, r'. 1. KkLjt1ZHNYj, G~ D., P KALIUZHNYI, G. D., BILEV, B. I., Tractors, Hanging attachments for tractor KhT3-7. Part 2: Plow PN-30 and beet harvester SNK-2. Sellkhozmashina No. 1, 1952. Monthly last Rf Russian Accessionp, Library of Congress, Apri-l 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. at .T";;YN 0 F . M. YMY, IN, Xy , 0 , _D. ;GIPS11 KAI,YbZHNYY, G. D.; GILISHTEYN, P. M. Plows New plows PKB-56P and FKB-2-54 for brush and sweanp ground. Sellkhozmashina No. 9, 1952. Monthly List of F~-ssian Accessions, Library of Congress, December1952. UNCIASSIFIED. KALYUZHNYY, G. D.; DIP-1AY, L. B. Plows Deep plow PP-40. Sellkhozmashina No. 9, 1952. Month2X list of Rusdan Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. KALYUZHNYY, G.D., GILIMTHIE, P.M. 4 ;~- ~ .. 1. POB-3-45 plow for reclaimed swamps. Sellkhozmashina no.11:12-13 R '55 - (Plows) (MLRA 9:1) ---- - - - -A / 'I'le -7,4 . / / /-0i7'~ I i , T-L,~' #Yt -- - -- ) -5 GOGUNSKIY, Georgik Grigorlyevich; KALYUZHIfYY, Grigorty Davidoy~A; PESTRYAKOV, A.I., red.; SOKOWVA, lf.%-i U.N., [Tractor plows] Traktortwe plugi. Moskva, Gos. izd-vo selikhos. lit-ryp 19579 2.14 p. (MIRA 11:5) (plows) GOGNSHY, Gaorgiy Grigorlyevich; hALYUZIIlqYY) PKi=iy-Davidavich; LIM-10YEDMIKO, K.I., kand.-feMin. -naul-) retoenzent; BUDIKO, Y.A., red. izd-va; VLAD114IROVA, L.A.., teldm. red. [I-Iounted and semimounted tractor plows, scarifiers, and dig- gers)Navesnye i polunavesnye traktornye plugi, rykhlitcli, imnol-opateli. Moskva., F-ashgiz, 1962. 159 P. (MIU 15:9) ~Plows) (Excavating machine"'ry) KkLYUZHNYY, G.D. DANIUNIGH G.I. 1 0 - - ----- The PRS-4-30 plow for rice fields@ Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no.2;41-42 F 163. (MIRA 16:3) 1. Spetsiallnoye konstruktorskoye byuro zavoda im. Oktyabriskoy revolyutsii, (Rice) (Plows) TALTUZM, G' G. 11 ",1 1 Electric resistors instead of P3 tubes. Xlek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no.10:46 0 160. (MIRA 13;10) 1. Nachallnik tyagovoy podetantail Rybnoye. (Electric railroads-Substations) (Electric current rectifiers) KALYRDHIM GIG, Two remarks, Elek, i tepl, tiaga 5 no-3:32 Mr 161, (MIRA 14:6) 1. Nachallnik tyagovoy podetantsii kvbnoye Moskovskoy dorogi. (Electric railroads--Current supply) (Electric current rectifiers) KAM=AN.,_qqgen.7pp~4i~pqqhj. prof.; BARSGYANp G.V., otv. red.; ---' ...... MT1-WANp AA , tekhn, -rod, (Colamine and its biological significance] Kolamin i ego bio- logicheskoo snachenie. Erevan, Izd-vo M-va sell.khoz.,1960. la P. (MIRA 15:8) (Ethanol) L4ttUZMIYT I., inzb* Blectrods for cast iron welding. Mast. ugl. 7 n0-10:19 0 158.(MIRA' 11:11) (Cast iron--Walding) (Electrodes) 107-57-3-5z/64 AUTHOR: Kalyuzhnyy, 1. (Mopcow) hi -e:~ "' 0. 1 n'. TITLE: Repair o6' I "' Power Switch in "T-2" TV Sets. Experience exchange (Remont vyklyuchatelya seti v televizorakh "T-2. " Obmen opytom) PERIODICAL: Radio, 1957, Nr 3, p 50 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Due to its poor conetruction, the on-off switch in the "T-2 Leningrad" TV set often gets out of -orders. It is impossible to replace the faulty switch because spare switches are not available. To correct the trouble, a simple remodelling of the switch by home means is suggested. There is one figure in the article. Card I 11 LEUTSKIY, K.M., prof., otv. red.; KALYTZHNYY, I.F., dots., red.; LISHCHENRO, N.A., dots., ri =.,- kand. filol. nauk, red.; GOROKHOVA, Z.N., dots., red.; TOWIAKOV, A.I.,' dots., red.; DOMBROVSKIY, A.V., dots., red.; BELYAYEV, N.G., dots., red.; LTUBOPITNOVA, V.S., dots., red.; MUZYCHKO, G.Lp tekhn. red. (Science yearbooks for 1957] Nauchnyi ezhegodnik za 1957 god. Chernovtsy, Chernovitskii gos. univ., 1958. 522 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Czernowitz. Universytet. 2. Rektor Chernovitskogo gosu- darstvennogo universiteta (for Leutskiy). (Science-,Yearbooks) (Social sciences--Yearbooks) "The regionaL clxssificatil.'In of s,7~ils for recla--iti-ir, -)urPnses in the ea-starn p-)vbion of central Fergans." Min Firber Educ3tion USSR. Tashkent Agricultural Inst. Tashkent, 1956 (Dissertation for Vio Dogrea of Candidste in AgrLcultusl Sciance) 61: -NnizIlDsYs latoidt", NO- 18, 1956 Y USSR/Soil Science Soil Genesis and Geography. J. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 4. 1958., 15242 Author : I*S, Kalyuzhnyy List -W ------------ Title The Meliorative Districting of Soils in Central Per(pila. (Melioratimoye rayonirovaniye pochv Tsentrallnoy Ferminy). Orig Pub Sots. so Idi Uzbekietana) 1956, No 12, 43-48 Abstract The author distinguishes three soil areas within the lirAts of Central PerGmna: the automorpbous., the Cen- tral Asian C?_7, saline soils and the salt marshese In the first area the serozems and waste-land soils are not saline and drain off very well. In the area of the Central Asian Z_(?) sazovyy-7 soils the districts are distingLdshed as the calcium and mgnesium. carbona- tes, the calcium and magnesium carbonates and sulfates and the mixed saline soils. Card 1/2 MOTYLEV, lu,L., Icerid. tekhn. nauk; ZALESSKIY, Ye.P.', profq 1(AUUZjjaY_,_ I-4.,,_kand. sellkhoz. nauk; AZIZOV, A.A., mlad. naitchnyy sotr.; '_ffa,fAYEV, A.V., kand. khim. nauk; ABRUTSKXIA, Ye.G.,, mlad. nauchnyy sotr. Prinimali uchastiye; BUTLITSKIY, Yu.V., mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; FEDOM, EVA, T.I.,, mlad. nauchnyy sotr.; BIRULI,A.K., prof., do):tor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ZVERIPSKIY, G.I., inzh., retsenzent; KOVALEV,T.G., inzh., retsenzent; USIV,VA,inzh., re- tsenzent; DEBERDEYEV, B.S., red.; DONSKAYA, G.D., tekhn. red. [Stability of earth roadbed and road mats iu regions with arti- ficial irrigation) Ustoichivost' zemlianogo polotna i dorozhnykh odezhd v raionakh iskusstvennogo orosheniia . [By] IU.L.Motylev i dr. Eoskva., Nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo, 14-va aVtO170E)i1'nogO Ll-ansp.i shoo. dorog RSFSR, 1961. 178 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Uzbekistan-iload construction) (Uzbekistan--Irrigation) KALYUZHNYY, 1. T. Gand Mod Sai -- (dies) "Diaturbanoe of *be capillary permeability and protein composition of blood plasma during Botkin's disease." Fr,=ze, 1957. 16 pp (Kirgiz State Med Inst), 200 oopies (KL, 42-57, 94) -40- WOR/Hurinn w-4 Anirial Morphology Pathological Anatorjy. Abs Jour : Ref Mur Biol., 110 5, 19591 21631 Author : Ftuit, I.M., Wyelievy B,F,) plyuzhnyy, I*Ts Inat Title Changes in Certain Internal Organs Under the Influen- cc of Large Therapeutic Doses of a Radioactive Iso- tope Orig Pub Sov. zaravookhr. Kirgiziij 1957, No 5) 27-30 Abstract After the subcutaneous injection of 1131 in doses of 500-1500 millicuries into rabbits there is a disar- rangament of the trabecular structure in the liver, there is a vacuolization of the cytoplasm of the liver cells) and a proliferation of the interlobular connective tissue; there are siois of tzrked irrita- tion in the bone marrow; there is a disappearance of the lumen of the follicles) vacuolization of the cyto- plasm of the cells of follicular opitlieliwi in the Card 1/2 - 37 - NALYUZMM, 1. T. Amctl~onal condition of the thyroid gland in exudative pleurisy during PAS therapy. Probl.tub. 37 no.,1:59-63 '59. (mm 12:6) 1. 12 kafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - dotaent B.I.Akhun- bfqeva) Kirgizekogo neditakinnkogo instituta. (THYROID GUND, in var. dia. tuberc. pleurisy, eff. of PAS ther. (Rua)) (TUBMRCULOSIS, PUR40NARY, compl. exudative pleurisy, aff.of PAS ther. on thyroid funct. (Rua)) KaYUZMMY, I. T. Use Of 1131 for studying the functional state of the thyroid gland in diseases of the cardiovascular system and digestive organs. Med. rad. no.4:24-30 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Iz Icafedry gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. V. N. Zuyev) J TSentrallnoy radiobiologicheakoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. Ye. 1. Bakin) K:Lrgiaskogo meditsinskago instituta. IODINF,--ISOTOPF,S) (THYROID GLAND) CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM-DISFASES) ~ (DIGESTIVE ORGANS--DISFASBS) KALYUZHMO,LT. v THLITAYEVA, G.K. Etiology of Uver c1mbosim. Sov. zdrav. Kir. W--3:18-22 My-Je163. O-MU 16.9) 1. Iz Icafedry g9spitallnoy terapii (zav. - prot. V.N.Zuyev [deceased])Kirginskogo gosudaretvennogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (LIVER - CIRMOSIS) MjpZMxY,_jj.; SIDOROVA, L.N.; BURMIN, L.; AKTAYEV, S.; TEPLITS, V.V.; ZUYEV, V.N.; POKROVSKAYA, T.I.; KOZHO!,1KULOV, T.A.; LAVROVA, N.N., prof., red.; ZUBOK, Ya.Z., takhn. red. (Read thi5, thlo Io u~u-4'Ad] fi-ociAta-A, oto pol-Bzno. Frunze, 1962. 10 nos. (Botkin's disease] Bolezn' BotkLna. 19 p. [Colii%uiduable (infectious) diseases in childre-al Detskie zaraznye (infektsionrrjo) bolezni. 18 p. [Helminths and the harm they cause to human health] Gellminty i Y~h vred dlia zdorovlia cheloveka. 26 p. [Work Lygiene of the beet grower] Gigiena tinAa sveklovoda. 12 p. (Hygienic regimen of the schoolchild] Gigienicheskii rezhim. shkollnika. 24 p. [Fungus diseases of the skin] Gribkovye zabolevaniia k:)zhi. 24 P. [Prevention and treatment of cardiac and vascular diseases] P L redupi-ezhdenie i lechenie boleznei serdtsa i sosudov. 19 p. [Prevention and treatment of rickets] Rakhit, ego predu- prezhdenie i lechenie. 8 p. [Old age and longevity] Starost' i dolgoletie. 14 p. (Vitamins and their signi-Vicance for human health] Vitamiwj i ikh znachenie d-lia zd,)rovtia chelo- veka. 22 p. (MIRA 17:3) 7 r vy 1 4 d Z c r I u 4 Ka I yu zh rl-7,- -"o-r -t -31026-66 _S'_ idi _C_ 02i~IC6 j66_f/6_0j 69/0073 ACC NRo AP6022953 ODE: AUTHOR: Kotlyar, B. I. De rt t of Lo ~_Highar_NarYnua_Aa"&directed by Professor L. G Vo;ro=E Aoscow University im. Lomonosov (Kafedra fiziologii vysshey nervnoy deyate'llnosti MoM_vskogo u-n-iversiteta) TITLE: Effect of injection of small doses of scopolamine and aminazine on the electrical activity of the cortex, reticular formations ani certain levels of the -hypothalamus in defensive (avoiding) conditioned reflexes )f rabbits SOURCE: Byulletent ekspe 'rimentallnoy biologii i meditsiny, v. 61, no. 3, 1966p 69-73 TOPIC TAGS: rabbit, conditioned reflex, bioelectric phenomenon, encephalology, EEG, drug effect, cerebral cortex, brain, reflex activity ABSTRACT: DynuAcs of changes in. conditioned-reflex defonsive activity'and electrical activity of the cortex, reticular formation of the mid-brain and medial and lateral levels of the hypothalamus upon administration of small doses of scopolamine and aminazine were studied. The main emphasis was laid on changos in the EM in the form of,;ynohronizod oscillations of biopotontials at a frequency of-8 - io oscillation second, which originate in response to a signal stimulus and evince a direct relationship to the conditioned reflex Mp all stages of its manifestation; this synchronized ryhthm, with reinforcement of the feeding reflex, is conoontrated in the lateral level of the hypothalamust and in the defensive reflex -. in its ventromedial structures. Card 1/2 UDC: 615-784.4+615.7863-092-259:612.822.3:612.833.81 1; 3102646 ACC NR, AP6022953 RKporiments wore performed on rabbits in a soundproof ch"ber. The rocoid-was m2de on a 16-channal electroencephalograph of the Biofizpribor Plant. with leads running from the visua.L-auditory cortex, tho reticular formation of tho mid-brain, the vontromedial and lateral nuclei of tho-hypothalamus, ~Copoliidfie- .was given intramuscularly immediately prior to th6 experiment in a doso of iO*1 - 0.2 mg/kg of bodyweight, and aminazine, in a dose of 1-2 mg/kg. 14ministration of physiological saline solution served as the control. ,Following reinforcement of the conditioned defensive reflex in response to .1 .signal, in an rabbits a burst of synchronized oscillations of biopotentials at :a frequency of 8 - 9.5 oscillations/ second was observed in the medial leads of the hypothalamus, visual-auditory region of the brain, and reticular formation of the mid-brain. Immediately after administrati6if of scopolanino, electrical activity and conditioned reflex activity did not noticeably change. In -10-15 minutes after administration of scopolamine, slow waves (2-3 oscillations/, second) characteristic of the sleeping state originated in the intorsignal -intervals in an leads studied. It was. found that aminazin in contrast to scopolaiydne initially induces disappearance of the conditioned defensive re- .flex; at the same time. absence of the rhythm of 8 - 10 oscillations/socond wats noted in the medial levels of tho hypothalamus. and the, inhibition of the i -reaction of excitation and unconditioned reflex. Whon scopolamine was administered to rabbits# the oonditioned-reflex defensive reaction did not disappea.ri while azdn-ai e bloc od both the conditioned as well &5 the k unconditioned component'of this reflex. 0 h- DIZAAbkg took par in the works This paper TW t d b Active Member AMN SSSR V. Vy-aParin- Orig. art. has: 2 fig"res ;UB, q9RF,%p^ SMH DATEt 03Jul64. ORIG REF: 007 OTH REF: 010 171ecLroencephalographic data on the role cf the laterzil ard ventromedian :wclel of the hypothalamus in the closing of alimentary tomprary connectiona. 7bur. vy.-i. nrrv, duialt- 15 no.2:361,-37'wI Mr -Ap 165. NIDA 18: rj) 1. Xafedru fiziologii vysihey nervnoy devutel"nosti gosudarstvermogo universiteta im. M.V. Lomonosova. jv~ ,,ACCESSION lift: AP4035362 S/0221/64/057/002/0232/0244 iAIJTHOR: Kal*yuzhny*yp Le V. (Moscow) TITLE-. Chemical mechanisms of certain f orma of behavior :SOURCE: Uspekhi sovremennoy biologiij v. 57, no. 2. 1964Y 232-244 :TOPIC TAGS: cholinergic system; adrenergic system, cerebral cortex# behavior reactions food reflex,,-dofense reflex., positive stimulus# negative Btimuluss biochomical'reaction ABSTRACT: The present study of cholineroic and adronergic systems and ,',their effects on the behavior reactions of the higher nervous system .is based on the literature. Both adrenergic and cholinergic substances introduced into the organism activate the cerebral cortex iawhich is expressed by diffused desynchronization on an EEG. For I : !,adronorgic substances, there is a correlation betwoon excited behavior ,;reactions and ENG shiftsp but,for cholinorgio substances there is no -correlation. Adrenorgio and cholinergic substancos appear to activate i'the cerebral cortex differently and different behavior reactions are produced as demonstrated by various experiments with food and defense reflexes, Study data show that the cholinorgic system affects ACCESSION NR! AP4035362 .1reactions to "biologically positive stimuli" and the adrenergic !system affects reactions to "biologically negative stimuli". Each 10jotem, has a more detailed division of chemical components and tpossibly each one of these corresponds to a certain behavior or lemotional reaction. For example,, clinical studies show that the urine Icatecholamino level of manic-depressive patients is higher.. but durim- I ithe manic period when anger and aggressiveness appear the noradronalim !level increasesp and during the depressive period when fear and low ?spirits prevail the adrenaline level increases, Other studios have ,shown that levels of various chemical substances in the brain also ,undergo change. The behavior reactions of the central nervous system appear to be the result of numerous biochemical reactions and their combinations and each reaction apparently has a corresponding biochem- ical code, Orig, art. has: None. ASSOCIATION: None HNGL: 00 SUB CODE: LS SUB14ITIZED: 00 !114R REF SOV: 033 oTm: o61 KALYUZBNYY, L,,V. Changon In food and defensive conditioned reflexes in rabbits under tho influence of the administration of noradrenaline and carbocholino Into the pcoLorior hypothalamus, Zhur. vye. norv. de-ut. 12 no.21318-325 14r-Ap 162. (MIRA 1702) 1. laboratorip arav-nitellnoy ~J.ziologli Instituta vysshey nervnoy doyatellnontl i neyrofiziologil AN 88811, Moaknia. KOTLYARP KALYWHINY!, L.V~ -, . Changes in the elentrinal ac'.Alvity of the cowtex a-nd some stzlx,ortical sluruct-ares during the, defense (nonav3idance) reflex Irk rabbits. Nuuoh. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol, nauki no,406-60 164. (MIRA 17M) 1. lkekomendovana kafe0roy flziclogii vysshey nervnoy deyatellnosti MA-skovskogo gosudarstvennoga universiteta im. M,V, Lomonosova. JL4LYUZHNYY, L.V. Nature of the influence of noradrenaline on conditioned reflex activity during direct introduction into the brain. Zhur, vys. nerv. deiat. 13 no.2:309-315 Vx-Ap'63 iMIRA 16:9) 1. Laboratory of Comparative Physiology, Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology, U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences, 14oacow. (NORADRENALINE) (CONDITIONED RESPONSK) (HYPOTHAIAMUS) KALYIJZIINYY, L.V,; KOTLIARI B.I. Electric activity of the cortex, lateral anO verft*A6tTIJWftd6Iei of tho hypothalamus and some.other formatioi -, Lmj brain i'o.Licrwing foo4 and defense reflexes in rabbits. Nauch.dok-I.vys.shkoly; blol. naiAl no-4260-66 t65# (~` !".' A -LB . 1,0) 1. 101-omintlovana knfodroy fizinlogii vyj:-,hoy nerimoy ihpite.'Ilnostl Moskovskogo gosudarnLVeIITIOgO universiteta Im. KA 1,11.1 ZTN-Vy I 1j Th~:!ta rhythm in the -.f' rLolt-r- bl.neking of ;he f i:c i. i Fino,! e: r-nc a-tlraentury reflex. ',~I'hur. 1,RT'V. di j a t. j,3 r,,(). ': 808-3 KiAfed-pa fizlolog~i ~yoslrellr %.-Ya~a' ~,cxid.ars ow KALMMMYY~ L. r. Dtfferentiation of conditioned stimuli sensed by one analyzer In a beterogenic reinforcement. Trudy Inst.M.nervideiat. Ser,fiziol, M71-278 062. (MIM 16s2) (CONDITIMM RMPONSE) (RBI19FORGEWT (PSYCHOLOGY)) KALY1J't-'J1HNY-f, 1,11. D. Peat Industry Making briquets from shredded peat and cut peat that have been naturally dried. Torf. prom., 29, No. 7, 1952. Monthly, Lis of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October, 1952. UNCLASSIFIED. TURCHENKO, V.I.; MERKULOVt N.A.; KIRILLOV, N.P.; BORISOVICHP V.G. Exchange of practices by the enterprises of economic councils. Torf.prom. 40 no.5:32-34 163. (MIRA l6t8) 1. Pirotchinskoye torfopredpriyatiye Sumskoy oblasti (for Kalyuzhny-.f). 2. Zavod Ivtorfmash Verkhne-Volzhskogo soveta narodnogo khozy&ystva (for Turchenko). 3. Torfopredpriyatiye "Vasillyevskiy mokh" Kalininskoy oblasti (for Merkulov). 4. Larlyanovskoye torfopredpriyatiye (for Kirillov), 5. Leningradskiy gosudaretvannyy treat torfyanoy promyshlennosti (for Borisoich). (Peat industry) '7 'T)-~ -1-1 : 1,3 C% ;107 1. KALYUZHMfM. YA.AND KARABIK -YE. L. 26 USSR (600) 7, "The Condition of the Water and ReGulation of Intracellular Pressure in Yeasts on Various Media", Sbornik Trudov Vaesoyuzne Nauoh.-lealed. In-ta Gidrollznoy Is Sulffitno-Spirtovoy Promyshlonnoati (Symposium of Worka of the All-Union Science-Researoh Ingtitute of the Hydrolyaia and S41fite-Aleohol Industry),, Vol 3, 1950 , pp 121-129. 9. 1gIkrobIoloAiyaj Vol XXI, Issue 1. Moscow, Jan-Feb 1952, pp'121-13?. HIH I VIIIIIIN fill 11HAN ill U q I !H4 ~ql I Ill, --T~mt Oy AW one" To" R" a Z(VI) m..Y&i,XOydO.mii i to, 21 in ituts with bri-- go" Owtat em um Od. j gm lot by d1i tba NA Itrontatiffis ty) II bb (in bettgr. Wgber = 1119",=Xed 7111111 ted with tfw. "Am"mo to other gmaocrp-oM bettor. NmO hwMad of bdm. tb*Y "97 by con emitim an fernwatatift am counu Pf" j th" w" untn*ted ye"ts, a wit- bad% the &"mtertd youb bavc bhtbff fermentatW 111i J. F. S. Wow e0fittat and Isr"Ordits of yiutx CwtWed to Mediums wilth varyws Contont of "am salts. M, VA. State 1~11!r~ lift-Wd YtIat L~451. ".Pod 2 P*r'qftVr 1110 Slid I Part 1141111141 1.0 twrlwt of dry matter. In yeast crilianwrimi math 189 HOW) thew ratkp were 2.34:1 And 1.119: 1 willu"ll, and IA'l: I and 0.83: 1 vrith athin. NaMtw NaM I, or N&ORM. Mint of the lum was fav 11,0, whwb 13AU.1 thetrfwt be a prime factor In the turKtw of cells in hylwr. fmk- "an. Fermentation activity is iricu,-aied by Na ,*11sintheistash. 1AI 4-havers its free W0114-1 ct"Itriff 411 yra-1 ec Is. Julian 11. S.milt i AL 7, ....... .... I tit ; ~Alutmvtkil ar, P-4 W (~w Ow it ~ were3 systems I fennentatior of r 'c'! UT("i cuntaincd,' on the q-, amund 270 of fer FIrImPpta it, vkpirs. In one Installation the liquor to be m1eii W ati& Wiwi (1) vni~ chutged into n fei mend U'M c tanki 49,11Y and light ~cutrcnt of nir wa% bubbled :,. 9L t1tro, A tlmill.~pk- I %we Pumped from the botton of H et In cl I 6U&mUsh-r-u-14re cloth. pitntsindyt-ast theNymm(ed :1161!l M wislir"shmed to a collector. ALn'r;tlicr install-a- 0 mnalla swijnmtzt%nu tanki vitere -t Ile for 18D inlo., afterwhich the sub,4trate 1 ~wl cleft to', L v"i9*44eanted ind the s~dimcmt returned to the ruain tmik. ]is a-4hird mk~ Pdation tbesettlIng tank vras provitled with an M the stdimeriL ims A 41 r 'mt *1 to A d I' yield, -and We rre-atesC tit~wl s-i"in !was up i L r The prubleal of wite ro 1611, MW v to serious jproblcm~ 0 ------------ MYWAIM. R.Ya.. kandidat biologicheskikh nanke Microbiological control of yqist in separation fermentation of oulfite liquors. Gidrolis. i lesokhim.prom. 8 no-5:29 155- (Yeast) (Sulfite liquor) (KM 9:1) KALYUZWfY, X,ya., kandidat biologleheskikh nauk, T, r , Continuous fermentation of liquors obtained in cooking hard cellulose. Gidrolis. I lesokhia. prou. 8 no.6:27-28 155. (Yeast) ~Vooj-Chmlstry) WaA 9:1) -7_ V_ J USSR/Chemical. Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and Its Manufacture. Paper, 1-23 Abet Journalt Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 19) 1956, 63354 Author:: Ka1yuzhnyy,, M. Ya., Andreyev, K. P. Institutiont None Title:: Fermemtation of Sulfite Liquor with Separation of Fermented Liquor Original Periodicali Tr. In-ta lesokhoz. problem AN Latv. SSR, 1955, 8, 105-110 Abstract: It is recommended to utilize in fermenting sulfite liquor a continuous rapid method of fermentation with re-use of the yeast separated from the fermented liquor. Fermentation must be carried out in 2 component fermentation series with a 5:1 ratio of starting to finishing fermenta- tion tanks. With optimal yeast concentration of 15-18 g/1 fermentation proceeds better and is completed in 6 hours. One kg of separated yeast ferments on the average 4.5 kg sugar per day, and during fer- mentation the amount of yeast increases by 0.1-0-15 kg per one m3 of liquor, on the basis of absolutely dry yeast. Separation method of Card 1/2 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Wood Chemistry Products. Cellulose and Its Manufacture. Paper, 1-23 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19j, 1956., 63354 Abstract: fermentation reduces the volume of fermentation vessels and increases alcohol yield from total and fermentable sugar bY 5-6% in comparison with method using stationary charge. Card 2/2 T T i: j;' A ;I 010.luuouS fementation of sulfite liqttur by yeasi ~*4 ftei. M. Ya, "ywhoyl JAIMuicni W. jhot`~~ ipgiyo 24, j1N rzan adsorb wasks. orwo", of frotn n1c. irrwi - - hi l b d I I s oz- s imi iam e cast n t im Tho 3 j tlvhtcd~ ferintntinK faster, and has higher Ac. yiOd than In. ' neousnivilb. A terbrilque for utilizing thl prop bmwi'e 1.1 desm-kd; wilh tailhw V--wor cuntr. 1.87-2.a6% sugar )-joluantorl were 2.2-50;~ ljig~er than in batch ferimn- -tmented 0.4% 61 tho mirar cone it , 5:1 lt t d 0 1 t l fib k t ith 5% uie . e 1l w ou ce , ex rMca 11 u tO ) ; yc M'. ~M 77-r"~ w kW KA, ' ~ Yeist~ ~dueqljktlon Id torithwom fornienlatiort of ~i drIA U3. Nj~gadFuzhql, M. X. Ridts~e)-a, and G') i-- , l I A MM VL i h l U . nv-1rc ust. to x y. p aud Stilfite Ale. Lnd,, Letth%md). Mikrobiolagiya 24, m4*1055).-I'eamt. 5edllnentatina is !J101yer III filtered ~ !1, t4an in.unfiltered mashes. Factors influviclag the rate includr.'4~tl) count, sugar conen., and ruation in the niash, ~f7 Up to the yeast Is my to hold In suvension tuid .',there is qt.rnueb zedImenti'wbkhp-r Lbe nipsh was filtued 'i fortot, SedimthirAyeastleswetts more slowlyand yields l Ah l t h l i~ t d h d ld d W ,~. oo c a Cs S oli an misperido yea-s , ro yza y W fevneWed tit a ycast contot of 15-20 trit-h sr'le- Of:~!ttjefj Yeast, ju 1311 17. S"Ilth pI J: USSR Microbiology. Gener--A Micrebiology. Growth and Development of the Microbe Population. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959, No. 19429 Author : Kalyuzhnyy, M. Ya. Inst : Wn-giv-0-ri Title : The Adsorption Effect on Reproduction and Fermentation Caused by Yeast DrIS Pub : Mikrobiologiya, 1957, 26, No 3, 346-352 Abstract : Yeasts which produce alcoholic fermentation, when adsorbed on optically transparent cellulose, multiply considerably more rapidly and last longer in the vegetative state than yeast cells In a homogeneous medium. As Indicated by the microscopic observations on yeast development in a circulating chamber, constructed by the author, one generation of Card 1/2 Y.ALYUZHNYY p M. Ya. Leningrad. "The Viability and Fermentative Activity of Yeast During the Continuous Fermentation of Wood Hydrolyeates," report submitted for the Symposium ibn Continous Cultivation of Microorganisms, Czech. Acad. of Sci., PrMue CSR, 23-28 June 1958. ULUZ 0jLsUw;...IIOLONM', G.V. .Nature and properties of yeast sorbe'd by'cellulose fibers. Gidroliz. i.lemokh1u. prom, 11 no.4:11-14 158. (mm 11,6) 1'. Vassoymmyy nauchno-issledovatel~skiy institut gidrolisnoy L ZItfituo-spirtovoy promyshlennosti- (Yeast) (;Ollulose) AV?101s Alf.m,. T. V. TITI&I Cc tin us Fomentation &M Brooding of Nicroarganivas (.:pr=ryvn*ya troshamiye, I vyro.hchiTanlys altroorganissor) PIRIOVIOLM Yestalk kkadoult. nauk SSSR, 1959, It 2, py 106-108 (USSR) AISTRACTs The lostitut n1kroblologIl kkad.ndt vauk 5381 (Xioroblolorical Institute of the Joadosy of Bcievoss, USM) O.ul.uod a from Datoter 15 to 15, 1958 which dealt .1th the ont roac eye tigs ton of so" working "suit. In this field we ell we . t with th. discussion of . further I.t.valficatiou of the productions bating on the activity of alcruorgaoleas. The .oaf by norm than 200 representative* of stad:81 t ft branch research Institutes, anterpris*ej ZYMArkhOlef. untTerelliss, as sell to foreign scientists. The Ilovins looturea fare boards 1. D. lyorusellookiy vpD" of %he theoretical foundation of %Ue Mzth f 4outtMous sicrobt 1~rosdlug and its prospects of 0 2 110n lit the sitrablologleal Industry. 1 APPI Yo. A. Plowsko, Tosooyus"y muchno-isolvicTat.1'skly Institut 4.24 1 kht0opsk%may proslahlonvoutt (All-ILIOU Scientific Research Institute Of Tread- Produo I Lon Industry) dealt with the probles 0 cf the %reeding of Toast in solutions containing ..IAMDOS. ..?t_P,_PxhV. K._E,_Uar.,.y V. A. Ut.Ako.a T And A. P, tryuchkU&, tn*Mut S14rollevoy 1 Vrc.yh) 1AII-Mon Scientific $*search Institute for the IrAu.try of Art"Iyale and Oultile Spirit@) valoat.d the %bear,%joal and I'motiO&I work Is the field Of continuous fomentation of "ad 1141`03750%40 and sulfito liquor as well as their utillastlon for Obtaining fodder yeast. Smovolarokly Stdrolisn" savoA (frasnoyarok Ararcirsto nant) said that tho Introduction and completion at CU qWlWaus proostS of least ~Tssjiu& "46 it pv%.$j~j# %9 Irwroase, the output of least fooloriell bl tea tioss. 1. L. J&rww" 1. L. "Ishonke, Too-yump" cou.bac. rRaft-dovatel'sUll I like re-Todcabhoy, PI IqShl9nVA$tj (All-99108 8016atifle Research Institute Of th: 8pirlt, Liqueur &n4 Brandy ladvatry)o V. 9. oathusuoriallt hU.'askays okays lauralorlya (Dikehoulmokaya Batentifie Reswomh laboratory) reported 0. %ke card tA exorlwat of applying the method of owatlannus fomentation sad lr*e4tvx of Roroargamimo sur/sc-59-2--i6o of the starchy raw material &ad otrup in the alcohol and Motone.butanal Industry. S. A. Scietalpy, All-ftion Scientific Research Institute of tNi-1-1cohol, l4iluour and $ready Industry reported on the problem or antiseptics In fighting Infection due to torments. A. -1""xiaak &_Izatitut mikroliologit Lkadoali T^uk UM (microtiol micsiulnett lute of the AS Ukr33S) reported on the tuvostissisma of the morphological and phistolosloal properties of Zoast. A. 11.5ststa" Ladrughovskly apirtavoy stood (Lasrusbavka -Distillery)11. YsL-UjcbvAl, V41co-VisitDvokly spirtovoy waves U%ksrova, Smolenakiy Bovasakhow (Somlonsic Boinarkho.) roport-4 an same arkl.4 results aMalned by 41PILIlortoo In the syrup form.ot.tlom by wait$ the koth.d of flow. lAniagradskly univorollot (Lenisgr*6 ValTersity) characterless the correlation of reproduction process#* ant hlothemical activity of &attic sold bacteria in the high-spood production of rinerar. 1. 11. It"tva, lic"I.Ioluxical Institute of the AS USSR f obtaining vitamin 34, by continuous breeding of prvpiouSo sold bacteria (proplonovoklelyye baktorIL). S. L. Drlnbwrs,O.2.!1rahaTA%AZko Twon0yusm (AIII-vaica, 3.1azt1fla so-orch Institute of Antibiotics) reported on tliv applicalLovof thin method In the production of penicillin. I _YjAULW, All-Volon soloatifis Research Institute at %be --Vptrtt, Uquouri asil frovAy taduotry showed that the method of SOVA-60911nuouil treading at the fungus Asportillum Niger accelerates foruestation. 1. V. Per(II-ytv, Leningrad University "Ported on the rovelle of Imselitaticas of ths nLtw&l slerafl-irs ty the setbDd of capillary slerasoc py Which be h" developed, 13yow Volvermily demonstrated his New botcher for tontlavass treading Of misroargamloss to laboratory tMtlo*. 1. V11M L 0104 (Caschuslowakta) expressed their opinions 9a the tootbode of coallawas 'brosileg of alare- organisms. ON tills Coatersaam 1% *60 patato& so Mae voossaity of ag the Intustrial praluation of oulturom far :=vw fermastatims. J~ KALTUZ __MTa,,;. PAYTSIVA, KA,; BOLONDZ 1, G.V. -~~Hny- Continuous fermentation of' wood hydrolyzates prepared with ammonium and calciumbasse. Gidrolls. I levokbim.prom. 13 no.7:10-12 t60. (MMA 13, 10) 1. Sauchno-lealedovatellkly Institut gidrolituoy i oullfituo-spiritovoy promyshlonvosti. Oydrolysle) (Fermentation) K"YUMMY, M.Ya. Sorption of yeasto by callulose-fibers; and its importance in the fermentution of sulfite liquors. Trudy Inst. mikrobiol. no. 6:172- lu 159. (MIRA 13:10) 1, VseaoyumW rauchno-isaledovatellskiy inatitut gidroliznoy i oullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlemiosti, (UAST) (CELLULOSE) (SULFITE LIQUOR) UTENKOVA, V.A.; ZELENSIICHIKOVA,, A.V.; j4tkW~HIM) ILL._ Producing vitamin B12 by cultivating propionic acid bacteria on sulfate liquor. Vit. res. i ikh isp. no.5:73-81 161. (MIM 15:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshlennosti Leningrad. (CYANOCOBALM4114E) (PnOPIONIBACTBAIUM) (SUIYITE MQUOR) _1 M.Ya.; IMUSHIM; G.M. - KAIL)T:UNYY~ Processing of sulfite liquors obtained in the cooking of wood- pulp with acid on a mixed base. Gidroliz.i lesokhIm.prom. 15 no.8%4-5 162. (MM 15:12) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfit- nospirtovoy promyshlennosti, (Sulfite-liquor) ULYUZHM, M,Ya.~ kand.biologicheakikh nauk Yeast sorption by cellulose fibers and its effect on the fermenting of sulfite liquors. (Trudy) NTO bum.i der.prom. noag:214-220 159, (MIRA 16;2) (least) (Sulfite liquor) (Cellulose) M. YE, Flocculation and sorption of yeast on nonnUtrient mf!dia. flikrobiologiia 31 no-4:720-725 JI-Ag 162. OIIFU~ *:3~ 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-IssledovatclIskiy inatitl~tl g4lrcill:aaoy i 3u-J' Witno-spirtovoy pro.-i- hlennost-I BOBOREKOP E.A.;~ ul, N.D.; ABRAMOVICH, M.M.; SHILOV, Yu.P.; _AWUZHNYY, M.Ya.; CHAYY DRUZHININA, A.T.; ZYBIN, S.Ye. (deceased]; BATIKOV, L.S.' Improving the process of yeast growing on wood hydrolyzates. Gidroliz, i lasokhim.prom. 17 no.8t22-25 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy Institut gidroliznoy i sulifitno-spirtovoy promyshlennoBti., Leningrad (for Boborekop Kalyuznyy, Chayka, Abramovich). 2. Ivdellskiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Shilov, Druzhinina, Zybinp Batikov). K.UYUHN-R, M.Ya.; PETRUSHKO, G.M. State of water and cell juice concentration in yeasts grown on the stillage of boiled-down liquor. Sbor.trud.NIIGS 12:124-128 164. (MIRA 18:3) KALYtIZHNYY. M.Ya. - ........ Fermentation of concentrated s-,lfite liquors to ethyl alcohol. Sbor.trud.NIIGS IWO8415 164. (MIRA 18-3) KAILYTIZIUM, M.Ya. ; BOIIORFNKO~ E,A. -".- ......t, - 1, .. ~ Batcher for feeding nutrient medluBi In a cultivation C, ~ of fodder yeast. PrikI.. blokhlr. i ;t,,k,--Q'UL I. I no.53590- 594 SX '65- (MIRA 19-11) 1. Voosayusnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly "n-Altut. sullfatno- apirtoroy i gidroll2noy promyshlennost-1. 1. KAI,YLrLIINYYp M.Yu,; PETMVSHKO, G.M.; VOVIKOVA, G.P. Flooculation of Candida, utilis and Candida tropicalis yeasts and its relation to flotation. Mikrobiologiia 34 no.5%918- 924 S-0 165, (MIRA 18:10) I.Voeso3mmyy nauchno-isoledovateltakiy institut gidroliznoy i sullfitnospirtmoy premyshlennosti, Leningrad. KALTUZJMff, M.Ya.; BOLODZI, G.V. 1 . ;~ .. Vlabiiity and productivity of yeasts in continuous fermentation of woo& hydrolyeates. Kikrobiologiia 28 n0,31427-432 Hy-Je 159, (MIRA 13:3) 1. VsesoyuzW muchno-lesledovatellakiy institut gidrolizuoy i sullfitno-opirtovoy prorqshlennosti, Leningrad. (Mbms survival & productivity during continuous fermentation of wood hydrolyeates (Rue)) KALYUZIUM, N. ; DUYUIIOV ) A 1 0 inzh. po tekhniA besopaonosti Duot control. Sovoohakht. 10 no.9:20-21 S 161. (MIRA 14:8) 1. Zamestitell glavnogo inzhenera kombinata Luganskugoll (for Kal~mzhW). (Mine dustis) maeter (g.Krasnyy Liman, Donetakoy BUGAYZV, I.M., insh.; ULTUMNY, N.A., , dorLgi) -tu- ~ -- 1., . - -T - a ::. -'-I' Cantralizetl inspection points fof--automatic brakes. Zheledore transp. 42 no.2:79-80 7 160. (KM 13:5) (Railroads-Brakee) HIK(ffAYEV, S.I., rod.; SMKVADZE, V.S.. red.; AhTRIANOV, K.I., red.; VASMIM, A.Ye., red.; ZHIKHAREVA, G.P., red.; KRYLOV, P.I., red.; KSHONDM, G.L., red.; KHRMIKHIN, F.G., red. (deceased]; GHKH ISINOV, M.H., red. Prinimali uchastiye: ANUCHKIN, M.P., red.; GRIGORIYEVA, M.B., red.; ZHUKOV, V.I., red*; )LAL)NZHffM-N-, 'MT=j A,G,, redo; _g,, red.; KAML KOZLOVSUYA. A.A., red.; LAVROVA, N.P., red.; NUSOV, G.I. red.- FAL'- KNVICH, A.S., red.; YXWOV, P.R.,.veduahchiy red.; Y~DOTbvi' E.G., (Safety regulations for qonatructing steel pipelines] Pravila takhniki r vkh stallnykh truVaprovodov. bezopasnosti-pri stidltellstM mbigist alln. Mo'skva,-Gos.nauchno-tmkhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960. 235 P. (MIRA 13:9) 11 Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gla"-oyi upravieniye gazovoy promyshlennosti. 2. Vsesoyuzayy nsuchno,-is.%A4&vate3.Lak1y institut tvardykh splavov (for Anuchkin, Grigorlyeva~ ti v yushnyy, XELmBrahteyn, Kozlovskaya, u Lavrova, Hi h 'j, 6 'Kal asov, Fqllkavich kPipolinelf) (JAdustrial safety) YsAlYUZIINYY,, V.G', inzh. &thod and equipment for pressure measurements during pneumatic testing of main gas pipelines. Stroi.truboprov. 7 no.9:7-9 S 162. (MIRA 15.11) 1. VuesoyuzW nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut po stroitel'stvu magistrallnykh truboprovodov, Moskva. (Gas, Natural-Pipelines) KALTLrZHIUT, N.T., inzh. , Location of sbafts in opening o7nalineB. Izv.v7e.ucheb.zave; gor. zhur. no.9:38-42 '58- (MIRA 12:6) I 1. Novocherkasskiy politekhnicheaki in8titut. (Mining engineering5 XA,LyU7,jRM, N. T. --------- Sical rties of coals and ?903 er rocks Inventipting ths P 1 101 or (MIRA 13. in synclines. TrudYv "Ififf 75 '59 (Coal geolO97) KALYUZHNYYI N. T.v CAND TECH MOST ADVANTAGEOUS DISPO31TION VAZ**"-IN SYNCLINAL FOLDS." OF HIGHER Eo USSR# DNEPROPETROVSK BANNER MINING INST Im ARTEM). SC;lq "INVESTIGATION OF OF SHAFTS AND FIELD VW=- DNEPROPETROVSK? 1960. kMiN URDER OF LABOR RED (KL, 3-619 216). 211 VIDULINg Anatolly Yevdokimovich; VOSTROV, I. of otv.'red.; ZHUKOVp"-'V.V., red. izd-va; KINSKER, L.I., tekhn, red. (Distribution of hard headings in developing coal deposits] Raspo- lozhenie polnykh vyrabotok pri razrabItke ugoltnykh mestorozbdenij. Moskva, Goo.nauohno-takh. izd-vo lit-ry Po gornomu delu, 1961. 106 po (Coal mines and mining) (MIRIC 14:6) nzh. Investigating the physical. properties of rocks in coal deposit synalines. Izv.vys. ucheb. zavej gore zhur. no.6:37-45 160. (KRA 14: 5) 1. Nor7ooharkasakiy polite)dmichoskiy institute Rekomendovana kafedroy razrabotki plastovykh mostorozhdeaiy. (Coal geology) , (Rocks) NALYUZHNYY ornyy inzh.; LYASHENKO, I.V., gornyy inzh.; FILYUHANV, 11.T.p r .8.1 gornyy inzh. Growth of the rate of mining of the basic development workings and its effect of the technical and economic indices of drifting. Ugd' Ukr. 5 no.7:12-14 JI 161. (MIRA 15.'.1) (Donets Basin--Coal mines and mining) 0 KALYUZHNI-Y, N.T. Work practice in synclinal fold curves. Trudy ITFI 101:97-149: 160. (MIM 15:5) (Coal mines and mining) liALYUZHNYY, N.T. Accuracy in the calculation of bottom pillars in sinkin shafts in synclinal folds. Txudy NPI 101:151-183 160. (MIFA 15:5) (Coal mines and mining) ACC "6015710 SOURCE CODE: UR/01,13/66/000/009/0125/0125 I!iVFN"rOR: Naydia, N. M.; Avramenko, A. K.; Yakuto, B. L.; Ryzhov. L. 8.,Jorc,bin, Yu. M.; Kqj~vShW Kuchinakiy, V. A. DRG: None NTLEt Fuel delivery controller for internal combustion engines. Class 46, No. 181445 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyahlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 9, 1966, 125 rOPIC TAGS: engine fuel system, air temperature, fuel control ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces: 1. A fuel delivery controller for internal combustion engines. The unit consists of a device for transmitting signals to a servomechanism, a stack of aneroid capsules and two correctors with pickups. Phase pickups are made in the form of bimetallic plates equipped with manual adjust- ment screws. Each of these bimetale varies fuel delivery as a function of air tem- perature. The second corrector Is connected to the fuel delivery channel supplying fuel to the engine to allow for the variation in the specific weight of the fuel with temperature. 2. A modification of this controller in which transition from one type of fuel to another is simplified by a scale on the device for correcting temperature (specific weight). The indicating needlo of the corrector scale can be set by a manuea~ adJustment screv. COZzi" 21/ SUBM DAM 26Jun63 Card .111 UDC XAYIURSKIY, IsS., prof., doktor; TSIGLER, V.D., inzh.; STOYBUR, A.V., Inth. SIDMNKD, TV.P.; KALTUMIM, P.P._ Org*nIsing the production of lightweight dinas bricks. Ogneupory 18 31007:291-300 J1 153, (MIRA 11:10) I.Kharlkovskiy inatitut ognsuporov (for 4ynarskiy, TSigler, Stovbur). 2.ftnasoW zaved im. P. Dzdrzhinskoge (for Sidoranke, Kalyuzhnyy). (Firebrick) TAMRSKIr I S of* doktor; TSIGLER, V.D., inzh.; SIDORENY.0, Yu.P.; W Service of lightweight dinas bricks in a dinas-burning periodic kiln. Ognsupory 18 no.4:163-172 Ap 153. (MIRA 11:10) (Firebrick) (Kilno) TSIOLBR. V.D.; BOMM, S.S.; SIWRINKO, Yu.P.; KALTVZHM. P.T.; PAZUKRA,, P.I. !.-- '. Efficient firing of coke dinae in gas-heated compartment kilns. Ogneupory 19 no.5t195-201 154* -- (MIRA 11:7) (Firebrick) (Kilts)