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ZJIUDRO, V.K., deputat Verkhovnogo Soveta SSSR, mokhanizator; LADANI, A.M.,, kukuruzovod, dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; KALYANA, K.R., okhotnitsa, Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda I , Work is a song. IUn.nate no.7:3-5 JI : 162. (MIRA 15t8) (Agricultural-w9rkers) (Chukohi Peninsula-Hunting) TURSUNV Akhuwva, brigadir; SARTBAYEV Rakhmatally, chaban; TUTUNARU., 14.K.j, svenlyevaya; 0 X.R., okhotnik Oar country expects heroic deeds from you* IUn.nat. no*5*.9 Yq 162. (MA 15;7) I* Kolkhoz imni Ysirova Chinazakogo rayons, Tashkentskoy oblasti (for Tursunoy Akbunova). 2. Kolkhoz "Chayek" Dzhw3gallskogo rayona Kirgiwkoy SSR (for Sartbeyev Rakhmatally)e 3. Kolkhoz "Moldava" Strashenskogo rayons, Holdavskoy SSR (for Tutunaru, M.K.). 4., Kolkhoz "VowozWeniye" Iulitinskogo rayons. Yagadanskoy oblasti (for Kalyana K.R.). (Pioneers (Commmist youth)) (Agriculture-Study and teaching) ra? /t ey 0 V1 NULDREV, V. F. and PALYANOV, B. I. 1. imestigation of Ultmsonic Velocity and AbE;orption in Liq-~iids of Constatn Density by the Pulfin l,.llcbtctl." paper p-rescntca at 4th All-Union Conf. on Acoustics, 1140ocow, 2 1 I-lay - S Jun 58. KAI I YAITCV) B. I. "Absorption of Sound In the Critioal -Region." "Investigation of Phenomena Aooompanying the Propagation of Ultrasound and Mebbods to be used in Work in this Field: The Pu-Ise Mahtod of Measuring Absorption," reporVpresented at tho 6th Sci. Conference on the Application of Ultrasound in the investigation of Matter, 3-7 Feb 1958, organized by Min. of Education md RSIM and, Moscow Oblast Pedagogic Inst. im N. K. Krupskaya. Al, Is -7 oil fiat Pit -1 A 1117 I ,,, '_e~; V- J, W AUTHORS; Kallyanov,'B.I., and Nozdrev, V.F. 46-4-2-14/20 TITIZ: Investigation of tho Frequency-Temperature Dependence of the 00ft-ficjLent -of Absorption of Mtra - wmd of YAtbyl Acetate in the Critical Region klesledovaniye char-totno-tomperaturnoy zavisimosti kooffitsiyenta pogloshcheniya ulftrazvulm v kriticheskoy oblasti matilatsetata) M.IODIGAL: Almsticheskly Zhurnal, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 2, pp 197-199 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Only one paper kRef 1) reports the frequency dependence of the absorption coefficient 0 of ethyl acetate in the critical region. The present author extended this work to the frequency dependence of at in the critical region for m6thyl acetate. Freqaency dependence of atfor methyl acetate In the td6porature interval -4000 to +40cC vas reported in Ref 2. ka'asurements on methyl acetate (critical temperature 233.70) were made at 9 frequencies in the region 5-14 Mc/a. The authors used a pulse technique (Ref 3) to measure the coefficient of absorption aL. In this technique two reflectors are placed at different distances from a quartz generator. At temperatures 10-200 below the critical the pulse corresponding to the farther reflection disappears bvause of strong absorption and Card 1/2 46-4-2-14/20 Investigation of the Frequency-Tewperature Dependence of the Coefficient Of Aboorption of Mft&gioUnd of Methyl, Acetate in the Critical Region then the method of one fixed distance is used. The results of moasurements In the forin of dependence of ot/V2 on frequency V and on tam arature In the critical region are given in Fig 1. The value of -0 E a~ on frequency and the observed decrease of ov~ 2 with%o "ac ratteristic of relaxational processes . This is also confirmed by the behavi(x,r of the product of the excess absorption and -wavelengthP - OL xcess.*~6 (Fig 2). The maximum value of jA near the criticX point decreases somewhat (Fi& 3); the frequency corresponding to the maximum of yLis approximately 7 1 Me/a. The results reported show that the frequency dependence of WVi which was first obtained for wethyl acetate in the region -40OG to +40OG holds at temperatures up to the critical point. There are 3 figures and 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy oblastnoy ?a,dagogicheskiy Iastitat imeni N.K. Krups1coy (Moscow Regional pedagogical Institute imeni N.K. Krupskaya) SUBUTTED s November 10, 1957 Card 2/2 1. Meth.V1 aoetate~-Sound--Absorption-Theory 2. Methyl acetate Temperature effects 24(l) SOV/46-5-3-18/32 AUTHORS s Kallyanov, B,-I. and Nozdrev, V#F. TITIZ: An Investigation of the Velocity and the Absorption Coefficient of Ultrasound in Sthyl Acetate at Constant Density (Isslodovaniye skorosti I koeffitsients, pogloshchaniya ulltrazvuka v atilateetate pri postoyannoy plotrosti) FERIOOICAL; Almstichesiciy zhurnal, 1959, Vol 5, Nr 3, pp 370-371 (USSR) ABSTRILCT: The velocity and absorption of ultrasound in ethyl acetate vas measured in the frequency interval 10-33 Me/ai at constant density of 0.867 &/=3. The authors used a pulse technique with two fixed distances ti and 12 between a quartz (radiating in two directions) and two reflectors (Ref 3). The time interval between two pulses mhich passed the distances t, and (2 gave the ultrasound velocity and the difference in their amplitudes was used to deduce the absorption coefficient. The pressures developed at various temperatures under the conditions of constant density are given in a table on p 370. Measurements wera-carried out up to 1600G (-1000 atm). Fig 1 shows the experimental values of the ultrasound velocity in M/Sec as a fun7tim of temporaturej the dashed curve shows the 41ocity of Ca rd 1/3 ultrasoudd In ethyl acetate along the saturation line. Fig 1 shows that above SOOC the rate of fall of the velocity of ultrasound with temperature SOV/46-5-3-18/32 An Investigation of the Velocity and the Absorption Coefficient of Ultrasound in Ethyl Acetate at Constant Density is decelerated, the velocity then passes through a minimum and finally starts' to rise practically linearly with temperature. The main results obtained on absorption of ultrasound are listed in the table on p 370 which. gives the values of gL/V2 x 1017 (where :o is the frequency) as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. Between 20 and SOOG the value of tyv rises with temperature at all frequencies, and the results in this range of temperatures are equivalent'to those obtained in the study of the absorption coefficient along the saturation line. When e becomes coast., between 60 and 16000, the value of vL/-02 falls with rise of temperature. At all temperatures the value of vt/V2 decreases with rise of frequencys the frequency dependence is fairly accurately described by the Well-imown relaxation fo=ula (Fig 2) B + A/Cl + (V2/-P2)j /-0 Card 2/3 SOV/46-5-3-18/32 An Investigation of the Velocity and the Absorption Coefficient of Ultrasound in Ethyl Acetate at Constant Density where -jP - 14 t 1 Ma/s at const. from 60 to 16000. There are 2 figures, 1 iable and 3 references, 1 of 'which is Soviet, 1 English and 1 French. MOGUTION Woo kovoici7 oblastnoy pedagogicheskiy inatitut im. N.K. Krupalcoy (Mosem Regional Pedagogical Institute imeni N.K. Krupolmys.) SUENMTTED: February 25, 1959 Card 3/3 11HRUPI WHIP Ili,] Uff 11 TT 1/14, & fl y y -el p Ti. IF Itr 4 A ; 1K Nil a fig io~ oil lit Ell 1~ 28 41 cc! v 1: Eel 4 1:3 all lo I .1 1! 4 ~! pf v 4 11 !o; I U', Ills, I'lly as 'LBO I KALL "IANC.1, B. I., cand ihys-math Sci (diss) "Research into bhe propagation of' ultrasonic waves in organic liquids under increased pressures and temperatu-res by impuhie method." Moscow, 1~,60. 11 pp; (Ministry of Education RSFSR, Moscow Oblast' Pedagogical Inst iin N. K. Krupskaya); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 22-60, 130) 40 IR14 UD .'ji 'a 37 Id is VO a No I to 31 re %i .48 Id RI 11. go 'A, 51 041 8 a'.- H, -j j D t. ..52 Pit .4 H I all t, 1 z - ! ~ -a t., 1-- a V .1 A 3. i ~9~ Al 3,5 a gt Mg. : A A to Ow 1 1 1 1 0 PIIME I BOOK M:PLOITATIO*,[ SOV/5469 Sovn.~5hahanlyo po kritichooltim yavlcnO:r'r I flyuktuatBlyara v alch. Roscow, 1950. Xritlehezklye yavlenlya I flyuIctuatnii v raztvoralch, trudy y-anvart 1960 r, (Critical 11hano-zenn, and Fluc- tuati,)nn in Solutions; Irrannactions of the Confere,,ica, January 1960) Nboco-er, Izd-vo PIT SSSR, 1960. 190 P. 2,500 cop-loa printed. Sponsoring Aroncies: Ahradcniya nauk =2. O~delcnlyo Mimi- cha2lLllch nanuk. Ploskovz;kly Sosudarztvannyy universitet im. 1.I. V. -Lo-monozova: MiluicheSlliy falcul'tot. ReE;ponsible Ed.: 11. 1. Shaldiparonov, Doctor or Chemical Scienqes, Frofebsor; Ed. of Publishing House: E. S. Drasunov; Teoh~ Ed.: S. G. TilchoiairoVa. MPOSE I "This collection of articles is Intended for acientific peroonnel concerned with chemistry, physics, and heat power I engineering. Card 1/9 Critical Phenomana and Fluctuations sov/5469 COVFUGE i The boolc oontaito 24 or the 26 reports road at the Conference oa Critical Phonomona and Fluctuations in Solutions organized by the Chemioal Division of 11o3cow State Univeroity, Sanuary 26-28, 1960. 7he reports contain reaulto of invosti- gatIons carried out in recent years by Soviet physicists, ohomists, and heat potter engineers. Ilie Organizing Committee of the Conference was composed of Profeaoor Kh. 1. Amirkhanov, A. Z. Golik, 1. R. Krichevskly (Chairman), V. K. Somenchenko, A. V. Storonkin, I. Z. Fisher, and M. I. Shakhparonov (Deputy Chairman). ieferenaes accompany IndivIdual articles. TABLE OF COITTENTSt Foreword Amirldianov, Kh. I., A. M. Kerlmov, and B. G.-Alibekov.[Lab- oratoriya molekulyarnoy fiziki, Dagostanskiy filial All SSSR Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Dagestan Branch, AS USSR). ..Thermophysical Fropertles of Matter at Critical Temperature Card 2/9 30 3 5 ITI rV IM IT VIV! Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations SOV15-469 Alldiadov, Ya. YU., and ;1. 1. Shallchparonov (Laboratoriya fiziko- khimii rastvorov, XhimicKc-sldy f-aku-ITU-et, Noskovokiy go;3udarBt- venyy univeraitet Im. 14. V. Lomonosova -- L~-boratory of the Physical Chouistry of 86lutiono, Chemintry Diviulon, Mom? State Untversity Imeni M. V. Lomonoaov). Dielectric rroportles of Solutlons in a Superhigh Froquonoy rriolde,-d Concentration Fluotuatlona Beridze, D. K., and M. I. ShalchT)aronov [Laboratory or Phyal- ca2 Chemlatry of Solutions, Chcz-~u-mr-yDivinion, Noscow State University lTaenl X. V. LomQnocov]. Li&ht. Scattering in Solu- tions Having a Critical Stratification Point Vuka, M. F., and L. I. Lianyanakly [Laboratorlya molokulyarnoy optiki, Fizicheakly fakulitet, Laningradskiy goaudarotvennyy universitat Im. A. A. Zhdanova -- Laboratory of Molocular option, physics Division, Leningrad'State University imeni A. A. 2hlanovl. Intermolecular Interaction and Light Seat- tering in Solutions of Pyridine andc(- Picoline In Water Card 319 14 21 27 I !V114413111111 I I TVIII II I I I I I M fit I I I I I ~' I ill I! ill It! I ii1tj 11;111111 i IF it! I It I I II I i 0 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations sov/5469 Zatz;epina, L. P., and M. 1. Shalchnaronov (Laboratory of the Physical Chemistry of So-ru-Ti-ono, dFir__,Hfstr~ Division, 1,11oocow State Un:ivernity imeni M. V. Lomoncoov]. Fayleigh I4ght Scattering in Nitrobenzone -- Cyolohoxano and Ethyl Alchol - - Diothyl=ine Solution* 32 Kasimov, R. M., and M. 1. Shakhparonoy,[Laboratory of the Ehysical Chemistry 61'-S-61ml-6-nd ;7G-1i&-iis try Division, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov). Dielectric Proper- ties of Solutions In Electrom=Znotic Fields of the Millimetric Band and Concentration.Fluctuations 37 Krichevskiy, I. R., and H, Ye. Khazanova. (Laboratorlya vysokikh davlenly OIAP -_ Laboratory of High-Prosoure (Studies], I'lon- cow Statd Design and Planning-Scientific Researoh Institute of the Nitrogen Indutstry]. Diffusion of Liquid and GaseouB Solu- tions in the Critical Region 45 Krichevokly, 1. R., and Yu. V. Taekhantskaya [Laboratory of card 4/9 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations Sov/5469 High-Pra6sure [Studies], GIAPI. Kinetics of Heterogeneous Procebses in the Critical Region 54 Krichevskiy, I. R N Yo. Khazanova, and L. R. Linshitis [Lab- oratory or High P~013s~ro EStudioaj,'!GIAPI. Liquid-Vapor Equilibrium in the Critical Region of Liquid-System. Strati- fication 61 Lomova, 11. 11, and PI I. ShaPbparoov [Mbor6tory of tho Physical Chcmist;i--1:10~0,Mwions, dahidtry BIvIsion, Moscow State University imeni 14. V. Lomononov). Permittivity and Molecular Structure of Solutions 73 Lanshina, L. V., and M. I. Shakhparonov [Laboratory of the Phycical Chcmistry of 0 U'.Fon-s, C-h-om-I-Ftry Division, Moscow State University imoni M. V. Lomonosov]. 11iin Structuro of the Line of Rayloigh;Light Scattering in Solutiona 77 14okhov, N. V., and Ya. M. Labkovskiy [Kafodra dzporimontallnoy fizikI)Dnepropetrovakiy goeudarstvenro7universitet .--,Depart- Card *19 Critical Phenomena and Vluetuationa Sov/5469 nont of Experimental Physics, N, opropotrovolt Stanto Univornity). lavostigation of Donsity Fluotuationa Lz Mhor and Bonzeno Banad on X-Ray Scattering at Narrow Anglos 81 Moldhov, 71. V., and 1. V. Kirsh [D~partmcnt of. Mporimantal Physioa, Dnapropotrovsk State University) Variation In the Sizes of Concentration Fluotuationa In'Tcm- poraturp and Concentration in Binary Liquid Syotoma Having an Upper Critical Dissolving Tcmporaturo 89 Nozdrov,.V, F., B. I. Kal,,~w and M. G. Shirko vich [11o.-,kov- skiy oblastnoy jho_aSj'z_;og e gody InDtItut -- ftdapgical In."ti- T tute of the MC306vi Oblast). Hypersonic.Invcstigation~ in Organic Liquids at Constant Danuity In the Vicinity oi the Critical State 93 Rott, L. A. (Mimakiy lesotekhnichookiy inatitut Minsk- Forestry Engineering Institute]. Concerning the Diffusion in- the Critical Stratification Region 102 Card 6/9 Critical Phenomena and Fluctuationa,._ sovI5469 Roolichina, 0. P. (Laboratoriya molekulyarnoy fiziki, Fizi- che--kiy falculltet, Kiyovskiy gorudarAve-nnyy univorcitet Im. T. G. Shavchonko -- * Laboratory of 11olecular Physics, DJvi- nion of Physics, Klyev State Unlvcraity Imeni T. 0. Shavchenkol Invoatigation of Fluctuations in Solutionn by the Mothod of Id.C-;ht Scattering 109 Olcripov, V. P; (Laboratorlya molelculyarnoy fiz1)cijUral1skiy' Dolitalchnichaskly Inatitut im. S. M. Mrova -- Laboratory of Molecular Physics, Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S. N. Kirov]. Special Structural Features of Matter in the Vicin- ity of the Critical Point and Transfer Phenomena 11T 8%-Ipov, V. P., and YU. D. Kolpakov (Laboratory of Molecular ~h~ajcs, Ural Polytechnic Institute Imeni S. It. Kirov, and the Laboratoriya toplofizikl',Urallskly filial M SSSR -- Thermophyvica Laboratory, Ural Branch, AS USSR]. Light Scat- tering in Carbon Dloxlde along Pre- and Post-Critical Isotherms 126 Smirnov B. A. (Institut peftekhimicheokogo sinteza AN SSSR Card ~79 .-Critical Phenomena and Fluctuations SOV/5469 Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, AS USSR (MoscOWD) Visual Obaervations In the Critical Region Fisher, 1. Z., and V. K. Prokhorenko. Concerning the Fluot- uationa of Coordination Numbers in Liquids Fisher, I. Z. (Belozzusm'dF Gosudarstvennyy Univer.91tet -- Belo- russian State University (Minsk)) Correlation Analysis of the Critical Point ,,~hakhRU',oppy,_ ?4,1. j1&watm7 of the ftjiml Chemistry of Solu- tiona, Ohettistrk__Mvision, Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov]. Fluatuationa In Solutions 1 Shimanskayaj Ye. T., and A. Z. Golik [Laboratory ok Molecular Physics, Physion Division, Kiyev State University Imeni T. 0. Shevchenko]. Investigation of the Critical State, Liquid- Vapor, of Solutions by Tepler's Method Card 8/9 148 151 161 - --------- 'Cri.tical rhenomena and Fluctuations W1/5469 Shf.manzkaya, Ye. Top Yu, 1; Shimanckiy, and A. Z. Golik (Lab- oratory of Molecular PhyDUD, Xvision of PhyDico, JUyev State Univerzity imeni To 0. Shevchankol. Inveatigation of the Critical State of Pure Substancen by Topler's Nothod 171 Razolution of the Conference on Critical Phenomena and Fluc- tuationa in Solutions 189 AVAILABLE: Library or Congress (QD545.373) Card 9/9 JP/df1c/.jw 10-28-61 MR PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5644 Vserossiyskaya konfeventstya professorov I prepodavateley pedagogicheskikh insi itutov Prittictionlyr till tranituntiki k Issledovaniyu veshchesiva. * vyp. 10. (Utilization oC Mtrnsonics for the Investigation of Materials. no. 10) Moscow, Izdrvo MOPI, 1901). 321 p. 1000 copies printed. Eds. : V. F. Nozdrev, Professor, and D. 13. Kudl*yavtLqLlv. Professor, PURPOSE: This book is intended for physicists and engineers interested in ultrasonic engineering. CaVERAGE: The collection of articles reviews present-day research In the application of ultrasound In medicine, chemistry, physics, metallurgy, cc- rainics, petroleum and mining engineering, defectoscopy, and other ficlds. No personalities are mentioned. References accompany individual articles. Card 1.~M Utilization of Ultrasonics (Cont. SOV/5644 Ult.rasonic-Wave Absorption in Binary Liquid Systems Components of Which Exhibit Anomolous Absorption 291 Kall-ya ov. B, 1. , and V. F. Nozdrev [Moscow Oblast Poly-technical Institute imeni N. K. Krupskaya]. Study of the Rate and Coefficient of Absorption of Ultrasound in Ethyl Acetate at Constant Density 305 Zarembo, L. K. , and V, A. Krasill nikov [Mosk. tekhnol. in-t legk. pr-sti, MGU - Moscow Technological Institute of Light Industry, Moscow State University). Problem of the Effect of Non-Linear Distortions of Wave Form on the Accuracy of Measuring Low-Amplitude Ultrasonic-Wave Absorption 317 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (QC 244. V82 1960) Card 10/10 JA/rsm/jk 1/5/62 S/058/6j/000/t)09/049/t5O A001/A1O1 AUTHORSi Nozdrev, V.P., Kallyanov, B.I., Shirkevich, M.G. TI Ultra"aooustio studies in organic liquids at a constant density near or,ttical state PERIODICALI Referativnyy zhurnal. Fizika, no, 9, 1961, 294, abstract gZh437.(V ob, "Krit1ch. yavleniya i fluktuataii v rastvorale , Moscow, AN SSSH, 196o, 93 - 1011) 'T'W: The authors measured the velocity a of ultrasound and absorptionoc in'methyl alcohol att-J6 me and in ethyl aoetate at 1O_j3,Mc at a constant densi-, ty. It follows from the measurement results that at P w.const T const, func- tion o - a (p) (p is. pressure) has a minimum and' function c~, / Y ~ . (p) has a maximum at the pressure of saturated vapor. At w-oonst near the saturation line,'there is-a. pretraxisition region in which o/ 6T ind A tG/ L T change their signs. On the basis of experimental results, heat capacity of methyl alcohol is.determined. In the suberAtioal region at the pressurle of saturated vapor, op. Card 1/2 S/058/'61/000/1009/049/0~0 Ultra-acoustio studies A001/AI01 ov, and op/ov sbow discontinuities. In ethyl acetate relaxation frequency (rV14 Mo) does not change in the temperature range from 20 to 1600C ifP const. Dis- persion is calculated to be o0o -~ao - 0.1 0,2 M/seo. L. Zarembo [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 2?643 24-1900 4182., U D7 S/194/61/000/002/032/039 D216/D302 AUTHOR: Kal'yanov, B.I. ----------- Determining ultra sound velocity from periodic variation of phase relationships of two sound pulses PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 2, 1961, 12, abstract 2 E98 (V sb. Primeneniye ul'traakust. k issled. veshchestva, no. 11, M., 1960, 173-179) TEXT: The pulse method of determining the velocity of ultra sound from the pulse time delay difference gives errors - 3 - 57*. Pulse repetition frequency and phase methods are more accurate. The first of these methods gives a high instrumental accuracy, but ex- hibits systematical. errors due to the distortion of the leading, edge of the pulses. These errors are absent in the phase tRethod; more- over, the interference is often used between the pulse from the receiver crystal and the reference pulse so that the phase relation- Card 1/2 1643 S/I 61/000/002/032/039 Determining ultra sound... 9~D.' D216 302 ships are measured between interference signals. 'The following method of measurement is described: two reflectors are placed at both sides of the quartz, one of which can be moved about without going out of parallel and the displacement of it is measured. The quartz radiates in both directions in the given liquid. The re- flected pulses are received by the same quartz, detected and app- lied to the vertical deflection plates of a CRO. When one of the reflectors is being displaced, the amplitude of pulse at the CRO screen goes through a maximum. The velocity of ultra sound can be determined from the niunber of extrema and from the path leligtli~ The experiments were carried out at a frequency of 12 Mc/s. 'I'he accuracy of velocity determination is 0.2 - 0.3% and can be in- creased up to 0.1%. 2 figures. 10 references. Card 2/2 Eallp-mov, D. G. - IlKey problems in the ol' -eremnlal 11.10D~rcct crop rotl-Ai''on in the steppes of "llicu Ukrainian S31"ll, Tru6y DnC.",pror.rAr.. I r: 18* iteiz. ldblioL in-'a, Vol. 11-111, 1948, p. 225-59, SO: U-:321611 10 April 53, (Letoris 'Z1 -rial lnyl~i Statcy, IT . 1 4' I i,.lul lo ','.IT IYA70-7, D. i,'allyanov, D.9. "Nethads of combat'ng the JerLsalem artich-oke ir order to I IaLF_l the con-Laminat -on of the flelds and t"','6 OOSS li ty Of CL1',iVa'__;nr- elj qj it in I x1cler-cron rotation" Trudy Dnepr3pctr. s. -kh. irt%. Vol. 11-1.'L-1) SO: 11-3261, 10 April 53, (Letooislzhurnal 'nykh Sta!c-,,, N.D. 12, 19L.9 KAV.'ANOV, D. 0. Grasses Causes of destruction of perennial grasses and relation to sowing periods., Korm. baza,3 No- 1, 1952. MontUX list of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May 1952, UNCIASSIFIED. 2. lia-0 1600~ 4. Jerusalem Artichoke 7. longevity of Jerusalem artichoke wben cultivated in one spot. Trudy Dnepr sellkhoz. inst. 4 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953. Unclassified. ]KAL I YOOV, D. G. Grasses - Ukraine Perenniul grav-ee for crop rotation in lowlands and irrigated areas In the steppe zone of the Ukrainian S.S.R. Sov.agroal 10 no. 10. 1952. Monthly List of RUSSian Accessions, Library of Congress,Ncember 1954"". Unclassified. KALIYAIN'OV, D. G. Gra.3ses - Uk-raine Ferennial gra.,~ses and grass mixtum for field and forage crop rotiations in the steppe zone of the Ukrainian Komi. baza 4, No. 3, 1953. Monthl List of Russian Accession5, Librar7 of Congress, June 195.1- Uncl. KAL'YANOVp E., starshiy leytenant Depths are subject to the strong. Voon.znan. 39 no.9:11-12 S !63. (MIRA 16:10) KALlY lnzll,,; BOGOMOLOV, Yu.A., inzh. 'Wit Tractor operations rrieter for determining the engineering and economic indices of tractor-driven units. Trak-t. i sellkho=ash. nn.71U~15 Jl 165. (MIRA l8t7) 1. Gosadarstvannyy soyuznyy nauchno-issledovatells~ly traktornyy in- stitut (for Killyanov). 2. Podmoskovnaya nauchno-issledovateltskaya ispytatelInaya stantsiya Gomidarstmennogo soyii?,nogo nauchno-issledovatell- skogo traktornogo instituta (for Bogomolov). UL'YANOV, G. S. KAL'YANOV, G. S. Irrigation Farming Technological and utilitarian Indexes of an electric sprinkler systam. Sellkhozmashina, no. 7, 19!i2. Monthly jjgj of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. 1jA1-M3-1F1-'V I 11111,11IF1134 11111, 951111; :,!1! 1, P41%MI IP 1~- I IT! I; ;- 1'.- -,.. --, MIYANOV, G.S., kandidat takhnichookikh naak. -,-i Water losses In sprinkler watering. Gidr. I mel. 6 no.11:12-18 N 154. (MLRk 7:11) (Irrigation) KLL1YANOVb,,-x,,,~pndidat tokhnichookikh nauk. Rr, :5 -- , Ways of Improving the uniformity of sprinkler'irrigation. Sellkhozmashina no-7:3-7 J1 154. (XLRA 7:7) (Sprinkler irrigation) KAL'YABOV,G.S., kandidat te)dmicheskikh nauk %MMo-,vvM* Consumption of power In sprinkler Irrigation. Bellkhozmashina no.8:10-11 Ag'55. (MMA 8:11) (Sprinkler irrigation) ICALITANOV, G.B., kwdidst tekhatcheekikh nauk. %No. -mount Calculating the operating efficieney of sprinkling machines. Sellkhosmashina no.5:11-13 NY 156. (NWU 9:8) (Spriwasrs) " A KALIYANOV) K.G. Guniting of ga3 conduits in underjot coRo ovens. Koks i khim, no.10: 24-26 162, 1. (MMA 16:9) 1. KokookhimiotantaiYa& (Coke ovams-4taintonance and repair) . XLLITLNOY Zfeat of %be type of door lining on the strength of coke-oven brickvork. Koks i khtm. no.6:22-28 160. (MIRA 13:7) 1, Kok9okhtmetantatya, (Ooke ovens) KALIYANOV9 K.G. Method of temperature measurement on the brickwork surface of the coking chamber. Koko i khim. no.12s29-33 162. (KMA 1683.) 1. Koksokhinstantsiya, (coke ovens) (Temperature-Measurement) 004 M, *0 004 i The *hOllift out of owns Ifrom textUnI, M,-A,Koi*- ywwv No Z. F. xacbergina. Avapthdio-Bufflashnayd NO$M;'IM, No. 10, 3W40; Kkint, Rrfrral. Zku,. 1940, No. 0. 118; d. C. A. 36, 30P.-I'he fabric, %std. with "min and starch siting was immersed 30 tint" in pure water sod in 025% Nil okste Wit. at variuu% temps. 7U hibric was washed. dried wit bout stretching at , oot 1 tm*, vad the amt. of the "all ldt behind after the wxh- In istas detil. by the risiktatim method. The stnit. of the 2.8 .W.W in ti, 1"1'k is , IZOT (Unction of the temp. of Um soap solo. between 201 and fkj*. At ml a liMm wM4JWthe;I-tirvc'ta7 parallel In the x -axiq aWre thisi,omp. Thh U attributed to an optimum ralloidal state of the soap Wa. at 000,vhkh produces a max. vra~h- losefiett. tnenizinSibero.ofitnnkiidmsoftbefaf)tk has Uttk effect Am the washing out of starch sizirt. bot in. the washins out of min siting. There is len Wit the fabric after washing in wap Wn. than after washing in water. Steaming the fabric de- vroun the washing out of the siting. W. R, Items a 11 4%*.SLA AdIALCOMA& 4MRATM CLAISVKA200 11311M SIVIVIATO 10 4000" -4 Boii;; "so oiw Got 11111 iv ss~, airii a oo, 0 0 0'V: to .9- 0 0 00 0 04-41 0 0 0 Isom *0001P filial 4301 QKV sit rA In A If a 0 v IN 0 3. 0 1 960 0000 9 411 0 0000 9 0 0 0 a 16 111 0 -00 .00 -00 -00 606 voo goo goo 914T '1 -4 T 1_7 1 7 -MIT, -0 73;" sea go t go 1004 j 0 1 goo so ('01, 00. The ME"* wok w" ikkkulag "to be wmW &M. M. A. Kiiblwv and S. F No. 7, ;I477,c Zeiw AM A 31W.-nie influence of temp. on the IRS ;6t cRivienins 141ent, Irml cotton fabrics is owy di4bt up to 70' for starch-contit. thtckening asestm. *Mts coutIC. natural rubber am awn scusi. fly*totemp. in Ord" somw.4haramd.t~1kic"Ofagod rnsiialq In 0* fabric the wwihedsample was boiled with 2% His% and natter deld. by the dichrmate metboct In ibe snin. obiatl-wd. M. 0. Mom -00 so .00 a** zoo Cog goo 200 we 0 400 we, * tsoo Ut Ito* --W-- AT m a if 6 a T , . p 41ASS1 CK CHOW Ast x a 17A V*:W-fP b 0:o 0.4 11 U of I jA I V fW 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * .0 0 8:0 000 000 go 00 1 Wk .01W 10140'0~0 0, 0000 0 0 0 Ole 00000 00000000 0 a 40 0 00.0 MOYANOV,M.A.; SHTZKM,O.A. Method of determining the plasticity of acetyl cellulose etrol (a plastic materials Mr,47. (MLRA 8:12) 1. Nachallnik Nauchno-leeledovatellskoy laboratorii Vladimirskogo khinicheskogo savoda (for Shtekker) 2. InEhener Nauchno-issledovatell- skoy laboratorli Vladimirskogo khimicheskogo zavoda (for Kallyanov) (Plastics) .11-1--,-n-11.11, 111--!II-1111- LEONOV, M.V.p OSTEMOLKOV, N.N.;,Uj~ Newplastics for stamping tools. Mashinostroitell no.12t 28-30 D 164, (MIRA 18 2) IIELEBERDAP B., inth.-stroitell; XALIYANOV, 0., brigadir Let's use economical designs of rafter trusseo. Sill.bud. 12 no.2:7.8 F 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Pershotravnevskoye rayonnoye otdaleniye "Sillgoaptekhniki" Donetakoy oblasti (for Keleberda). 2. Stroitelinaya brigada kolkhoza imeni Lenina Pershotravnevskogo rayona, Donetakoy oblasti (for Kallyanov). (Trusses) V,AL'TAROY,,&A"_ inobener; BRUHM, Ya.l., inshener; RUDNITSKIY. L.S.. --~-__Gz hener; IWTESHOV, N.P., insbener; TIZWKIT, B.B., inzbener; CIMKUN, N.A., inzbener; SUSWVICH. Z.I., inzbener-, ZABKLIN. H.K.. inzbener. Improving the quality of cast-iron rolls for shape rolling. Stall 16 no-7:647-649 Jl '56. (MIRA 9:9) 1. Zavod imeni Dzerthinakogo, Dnepropetrovokly chugunovall- teedelatetOnyy zavod i Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgicheekly Institut. (Rolle (Iron mills)--Qaality control) Lmia.l ANOVt V. PmRoamov YE. I ORYAZEvt 14 5460 Kallyanovi V. Ploolichanko.. Ye. I Gryazevt 1. Rethim ekonceii na predplyatit i stroyka. Taa, obllmlgoizdat, IM9 40 a. 20 am. 4,000 eks. 70K - Neobl avt. n* t*avowy. Soderzh: V. Kallyanov. Itexhis ekonomil-oanova rosta proisvodetva - R. Plsnhchenko. Putiekonomii V stroitalletvo. - i. aryazov. Vabompboys usloviye onlzheniya Bovesetoimosti-(55-1075) P 69.0033. & 339./+4z6g(47.391) SD: Kni2bwqa latopial . Vol. 1. 1955 K&I I YANOV, V, in the we= waters of the Barents Sea. Vokrug ffv'eta ~uc.10:44 0 155. (Awents sea) (KLU 9;1) AV 6 V, Wilvilp-11911111 11111IR1111 M11 IMP if 11 fill UNIMI: ad, I j 112-2-4759 TRANSLATION FROM: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, P. 326 (USSR) AUTHORS: Kallyanov, Y_- -A., Romanova, V. M. TITLE: The Temperature-Velocity 'relation of Ultrasound in For- miates at Low Temperatures (0 temperaturnoy zavisimasti- -q.korosti ul'trazvuka v.formiatakh pri nizkilch temperaturakh) PERIODICAL: Sbornik stud. nauch, rabot po yestestv.-matem. tsiklu. Mosk. obl., 1956, Nr 1, pp. 65-71 ABSTRACT: The speed of ultrasound was measured in the temperature interval -40' to + 20*. The law of corresponding states for the speed of sound and adiabatic compressibility, Rao's law, es- tablishing the relation between the speed of sound, the molecu- lar speed of sound, the density and the molecular weight of a liquid, and Lagemann's ratio relating the temperature coeffi- cient of the speed of sound to the molecular weight,of the liq- uid were confirmed on the basis of these measurements. The mesa- urements were made by the optical method (the diffraction of Card 1/2 112-2-4759 The Temperature-VelOcitY Relation of Ultrasound In (Cont.) I light on ultrasonic waves in a liquid). L.M.L. I ASSOCIATION: Moscow Oblast Pedagogical Institute (Mosk. obl. ped. in-t) Card 2/2 KALIYANOVP V.A.; SHMI)MV, V.Z. Use of an electron coin=tator in checking the identuity of seismic amplifiers. Razved. i prom. geofiz. no.,004-37 163 (MIw, 18:1) 1. 2. MSFAM"Ilt 'V , ~'t. IKAO Roll, V. USM (600) 4. Bararmilcov, Aleksei Petrovich, 1890-1952 7. In camamoration of Aleksei, Petrovich Barannikov. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. lit. i iaz. 12P no. 1, 1953, 9. Monthly List of RussianAccessions, Library of Congress, may -1953. Unclassified. KAPYANOVO V.I., inzh. Use of hydraulic dampers for damping the vertical vibrations of locomotives, Vest. TSNII MPS 24 no.2:21-25 165. (MIRA 18t5) BAGRTANSKIr, I.J.0 kandstekhn.nauk; DOBB)TIM, Z.A., kand.tekhu.neuk; SaPIII, V.T., Inzh.; MIYANOV, V.S., Inzh. Effect of operating conditions on the chemical composition of metals deposited under a ZhS-type ceramic flux. Svar.proizv. no.8.-20-22 Ag 16o. WU 13 S 7) 1. Zhdwwvskiy metallurgichaskiy institut. (Hard facing) (Flux(RetallurCr)) 41 S/135/62/OW/010/001/006 A006IA101 AUr.qo&,.: Bagryanskiy, K. V., Candidate of Technical Science4z- ~yanov, V. N,,_Engineer TITLE: Investigating the phase composition of some multi-layer deposits PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodstvq, no. 10, 1962,.9 - 12 TEXT: A theoretical analysis and experimental investigations were made of the connection between the phase and chemical composition in multi-layer welding under ceramic fluxes, alloying the built-up metal with,C, Cr, Mn and Si. Processes of possible structural transformations predetermining the final phase composition of the metal are demonstrated by calculating the thermai welding cycle, using the values of linear energy qu/v - 5,.000 - 7,000 c *al/cm, and pre- heating temperature Tpre. - 330 1 3700C. The theoretical concepts were cheroked by a series of welded deposits with chemical compositions varying in such a man- ner that continuously increasing total amounts of ferrite forming elements (Cr, Sij W, Ti) and austenizers (C, Mn) were obtained. The welds were deposites on 50 - 70 inm thick C T - 3 (St - 3) and 55 X (55Kh) steel plates with C B -08 (Sv-08) Card 1/8 -7 C.- Investigating the phase composition of... S/135/62/000/010/001/006 A006IA101 electrode wire, 4 and 5 mm in diameter, under ceramic fluxe~i yielding basic. slags. Prior to building-up the specimens were preheated and subsequently coo3ed. The effect of hard-facing with application of loads and holding at elevated temperatures upon changes in the structure and hardness was also studied. The theQretical and experimental data are in a satisfactory agreement. Conclusions: Under the experimental conditions the phase composition in multi-layer deposi- tion, at sufficiently high C, Cr and Mn conteht, is mainly determined by the chemical composition of the section under investigation. When long deposits are built-up on massive parts under the described conditions, the phase compo- sition of the deposit does practically not depend upon the number of layers. Preheating or accompanying heating has a maximum effect upon the structure and properties of the built-up metal, at a constant chemical composition of the deposit. Brief-lanting heating combined with considerable specific loads in- creases hardness aiid reduces the content of residual austenite in the metal layers which are adjacent to the operational surfaces of the part. Residual austenite in the deposit is entirely disintegrated as a result of tempering at temperatures over 5500C. There are 2 tables and 4 figures. Card P_/J UWYANOV* V,N, I Conference of Zhdanov welders. Avtome avar. 16 no.M6 J11 163. (MML 16t8) (Electric welding-Congresses) BAGRYANSKIY, K.V.; KALIYANOV, V.N.; LAVRIK, P.F. L, Flaking or chromium steel layers deposited on 55Kh and 6OW steel. Avtom. svar. 16 no.9:26-30 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Zhdanov-qkiy metallurgichaskiy institut. Y'ALIYANOV) V.11.; rJJJf)lpNKOj V.K.j URIDO"11111PIP V.,4. Convorting the IAPShchPr-51, devico into a h1frh-opeed temperaturo regulator. Priborostroenie no.10:26 0 t64. (MIRA 17:11) JaWYANW, V. P. Geariox-phological md Hydrological Observation on the expedition ves-,el ~'Aibatross" during the s; -,mar 15% in the Ob-yonisay delta and neichbor- ing parts of t~e Kara Sea, Zemievodeniya Vol. 36 03p 1934 SO: -Tivudy Arkticheskogo Nauchno-IssledovateVskogo Instituta, GUSLHIP, Council ot Ministers, Vol. 201, 194-8 B&GMML=# K.V. x kand.tekhn.nauk;'IAVRIK, P.F. , inzh.; KAL'YAIIOV. VA. inzb. Effect of repeated built-up welding of iron mill rolls on their ifear resistance. Svare proizve no,,8:15-17 Ag 161. (MIRA 14:8) la XuUmmkiy meta.Uurgicheek4 institut.' (Rona (Iron mine)-4%,intenanoe and repair) KALIYA,NOV, V.N., inzh. Submerged are welding of rings with an electrode comb. Svar. proixy. no.802-,33 AS 261. (MIRA 34:8) 1, Zhdanovokly metallurgicheskiy institut. (Electric welding.-Equipment and supplies) KLWYAXOTPV1ktor Petrovich- MALINIFA, G., red.; MMUSHIN, M., [Ocean far away] Vdall okean. LMo9kva] Izd-vo TsK VLKSK "Molodala gvardiia,4 1957. 260 p. (MIRA 11:1) (Siberia-Zescription and travel) 7 - I , ~ ~ J: !II I !; !, I ji !!ji,!1,p J, 'r cC11L, a U-2, Jork in Gardems -,,,it!, joinin Tr-~.,c Tops." T11asiz; 'o~- Cal Sc*,. ".ub i)tDc,,,O, '11:;t fur 'm3c.'a-l-lization End ",LlectrUication .,)f Agrriculture imen-L V. 17.1. Molotov. 31.mmar - Sop 52, Dis:.-,ertatloris Presontod ,y 7 ", i for Da,,.,rco., -, 1 In and Lyu-!.in,,!cri-m~ -'n 1.~ E;covr I A L .0 in 19~~O. Frori Vei~her raya L~;oslkva.. Jan-Dec 1)50. Is raimd by Ov NHI, M ~12NH-AS1:G(N1Is)4Ji=x- rd ' ' 4No1 0(0- 0*, of 211r, Ift d4. Nits I A&MAN of ZA. (2) WO a tnwe 1 L.3 with h svovssblv~ bi MIJUM 61 jelauft of histoc K. M. Kukh 141M, nail S. s. viku"t" Ilast. Fine clunu* fewc-, X0110 80-610930).- alf rubber Is stabilited wM Nil, 1. To undmund the we6bassism on ci the wex by zoo. the action *I gwwm. be Uses; em Zoo voss studied. (1) IW &t 2&- ft I hr. 0.01)DIO mal Zoo I' 1ja soly. Nits, sj,j., to 0,00M A;~ &W 5.3 s., whrreas the W9 in Nsoll (up to 0.1 N) Thfooty-ioNN114isinde. Wasp, (2-601. It is gmatly Increased by r" IMM O-OW to 0.044 by 73 ./1, of XH6Nos) rot In 21; Nils olsatt 4.4q. Nil* Is Imter Ussin tIM. When thst Nils &WN. h Imt (#,l,, Unit, of Okic" In the tan. It skp&, to IbAj Attx, Is whk-h Nils w" dIVI&Md Is b0fts of Xkolf and whom pH was then adEted to k011,A)d riot at in the prewnct ol Isom- 3xviss IZP(NH4)41 two woo *bsent, (3) The pit of nalits. of sq, Nil, Aind kil. JICIIO itnivswv! ltv 2.4 his. or nun (e.g., IrOM 9.110 6.4). this, shows that the CM11AP"gollon to My slow. The soly. of UO In sq. Nils WU reduced by TICHO vshen the deara%c of pli caused by HCHO vw consitimble, The time t cof g0ation cd lateit (orithonst Zoo) was reduced by addn. of HCHO. It c Is On final coness. oi HCHO, the mms '14 ( a"st t" &J., pomlld to that of " It against c'. Ullcn 0.25 f. zno' st4buited with caseg. was Introduced Into 20 m. Latex (solid rtsidue 391%) + 0 m) HOW. I was much smaller than when 2 ' a&0 alone no alone or It W" pmoent. as long at the system wntalned lea than 1.44,1,, HCHO; at higher c ZnO had but a weak tffect on the selss. tka6 presumably because [Zn(.VH#)41 ions are desittoyttf by JICHO. The IZn(Nlfs)J ions wtkoate jelation be- cause tboy mmlqm the diffuse doutilt Layer round the frMn Zn(011)1 cannot RchlevT 0# it (rx) wlafl~ Thl collokl4l b4 41k*s 1111t ptryrnt mutual A(- and structure foomallm in thr owl flikerman A I'llp v 4 -,j - Tbo aiKkaftim of I,- I.,- P-kl. O's d I W. P I~Jem. =Mftv.). Now, c", & na'.-i. LO. 6NIWX!U2).-S,. C.A. 44. M(k. C. C. Lh,,h the stjrlace3 of pirlicies of ' ~-tnvl llud hit gonp. S. %~oi vt,;~Il ' v-In cvz,. mirli. wid K. A. Kitt I J111f., KANC, Afi.M. N-. ch~-.g~ the vl,vt~- PIP, by tll-~ atithl, of il(l miO ollifirel 11i, 'adhods vmvi.,-rlJv dc-,vb,,~ iff C-A 15, ra 1) MrIn. d 11.11111"] if, lb-1 11c'm Ra till; I;Ilillj, of tbp arit) clih). to-" 4 5~ The vahm~ tit ir gt i,11 thittgn (it tbc mm[4-Ai 1.1l,tiltd 1-41vere -.57v. 14.0, + I;-i.n, + + 12,7 lim tic CTIrreNpandilig to ciltillilr(c s . -Thil'orlec. lyllilt of Lat vl~il l ' vlnt;oit vi-.,s at lilt 3.D. AICI, 01XII Y and wa lirt, va;i 4ril ii "critargu at 4r;r, btrx fl!Lp~Ninit ivivni ;Uldril in i6ijual Vol. It ;it) AICI, of P "I w! 14 1 7 ~ - 1). TIm stilbllio* (if ~Iohr,lf, ;ri 'hi "Imm atifili'Ard tn thr mlmnpliw Of 11 imi. AIC6. to Ifit Oknt-pikin of ~,r i i- charg-i b It, ~-- les- siaMe th:m -wi. InUeF .3~tll. Of the mahili~el M 11--h in'Inj q rnEom 01 the &I- rrue phare v! emul- tlq , p p 1,6 K, I' Nul- L Y . U: At. I livaich, ~m(~ N. M. rtwlimxt 1 0t. Fine Chritt, Tt-chziol,. kad, C~llt Lft~!Itvm i, flat li,-v if the 6,,,: rath~x ,r, tn~ th, vIrIl-.;I;k,ll5 it itmzatiod %Mh L In C-iziiGin, !111,!. Vic Qj, tht: 11,C) gl-iliutcs, 1,11., T'livri, w4~ poiibh, b'v ads -a -i lbt,. ciwilsicw flit! Tatc ~il 6i o~ 1"fliv'r, ja~,'f, t L I Ow fiVivoR, by sliedebqx t-ilh flyclycipho1j:--ily (11.1 thr rlib,,~., -I, ',-~ * a t allits. (if w:ittr di:'PI.-ced f? :I nl"!~i tnllplv~vxl of tk , :1 -in-od :~, t~e 4as by ail. rcir 11'st s'-pil. c-I wmQ. 1 6.-v I'littri wwugh tl~,Iljo 11IL:%!i~ ~,trld 11 WET, Luough to permil a J the 111tir iat~,r, ~a ChLit tlir filter (I(w~; not -+,n I M. 1. Kuznets, 14. M. and Kallyanova, 14. L'"Buschke's scleredema in adults," Voprosy dermato- venerologii, vol. IV, 1948, p. 81-92, --Bibliog: 9 items. SO: U-3736 21 Mav 53, (Letopis 'Zhurnal Inykh Statey, No. 18, 1949). P KAIU'IYAI%T;3VA~ 1,1. T. Feb 50 U3SH/Medicine - Penicillin TherapY Lungs "Treatment of Pulmonary Diseases by Inhalation of an Aerosol of Penicillin," Prof S. Ya. Kofman, Dirp Chair of Propaedeutics of Inst Diseaseop 14. 1. Kallyanovas Chair of Propaedoutics of Inst Diseasesp Leningrad State Pediatric Med Inst, 5 Pp "Klin Med" No 2 Discusses subject inhalation method and equipment necessary for use. Finds method effectivO not only for treatment of diseases in epidemic group, but also for various pulmonary diseases. Because method provides direct and ir=ediate contatt with site of disease, proved effective in treating severe complicated pneumonia, even in oulfamide-resistant canes. Proved effective treatment for suppurative processes of respiratory tract, abscesses of the lungs, and bronchiectatic diseases. 155T38 KUGUROV, P.M.; BYKOV, L.T.; KARA IDI, K.S.; MLIX. V.H.; KWITSA, H.C; KILLOUNOVA, M.L.; PARMIN, M.I. Experience with 04 prevention of tularemia during an extensive epiz-odtic outbreak in rodents. Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 29 no*8.'3-7 158. (MIA U.010 1, Is. Urallakoy protivoohumnoy stantaii i Rostovskogo protivoobumnogo instituta, (79IAMIA, prevention'and control, during extensive epizootic outbreak in rodents (Rus SOV/137-58-8-17954 Translation fr6m., Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 8, p 251 (USSR) AUTHOR: Kalyanova, M, P. '11_~~~~ TITLE: On the Possibility of Fabricating Spindle Pulleys for Spinning Machines From Magnesium Alloys (0 vozmozhnosti izgotovle- niya blochkov vereten pryadillnykh mashin iz magniyevykh 5plavov) PERIODICAL: V sb. : Tekhnol. obrabotki detaley tekstil'n. mashin. Moscow, Mashgiz, 1957, pp 102-103 ABSTRACT: Investigations were performed in order to compare the wear- resistant properties of spindle pulleys for spinning machines made of Mg alloy ML-5 without a coating, spindle pulleys with a 1. 5-2 mrn thick coating of steel St. 3 applied by metalliza- tion, and spindle pulleys made of cast iron. It is shown that a five-fold increase in wear resistance of pulleys made of the Mg alloy may be achieved by the employment of steel coating. After 1600 hours Qf operation, the cast iron pulleys exhibited a wear of 18 ~L I whereas the steel-coated pulleys made of the Mg allok showed a wear of only I I ~i - It is assumed Card 1/2 that. the increase in wear resistance of the stee'l-coated SOV/1 37-58-8-17954 On the Possibility of Fabricating Spindle Pulleys (coni. ) Mg-alloy pulleys is attributable to the appearance ot oxide inclusions formed in the course of the metallization process. E. S, 1. Magnesium alloys-Mechanical properties 2. Magnesium alloys-Goatimgs 3. Magnesium alloys-Applications Card 2/2 KALYANOVA, M.P., inzh. $-Ift Bffect o~ corrosion rate on the wear of riW of spinning frames used for wet spinning of linen. Sbor. at. MILTEDIASH no.3:98-101 157. (MIRA 12:10) (Spinning machinery) (Mechanical wear) ULYAWVA, II.P.; IMIKINA, S.Ya.; DRONOVA, IT.P. Blectrolytic sharpening of punches used for piercing spinnerette holes. Sbor. at. NIILTFMSH no-3:164-165 '57. (MIRA 12:10) (Blectrol7tic polishing) SAYMAI V.N.y lnzh.j KALYANOVAO M.P.9 inth. Wear resistance of the ring-traveler spinning pair, Metalloved. i term. obr. viet. no.2:58 F 161. (14IRA 14:3) (Case hardening) (Spinning machinery) $AYKINA$ Vera Nikolayevna, inzh.; KALYANOVA, Mariya Pavlovna, inzh.; TRYASMVA, Ye. V. . insh., -v-e-d.--red-.; IMOKE=Y, A. 1. inzh.,, red.j SORDKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Chemical and heat treatment of friction surfaces instead of honinflKhimiko-termicheskaia obrabotka poverkhnostei treniia Yuman dovodki. MoskIva, Filial Vaes. in-ta nauchn. i tdchn. informatoii, 1958. 7 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheakii i proizvodstyennyi opy-t. Tema 3. No.M-58-246/8) (MIRA 16:2) (Surfaces (Technology)) 82641 S/126/60/oio/o2/011/020 B021/E335 AUTHORS: aorelik, S.S.. Kallyanova, S.M. and Rozenberg, V.M. I TITLE: Structural Changes in Aluminium-With Slight Deformation and a Subsequent Annealing 1~ PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, ig6o, vol. io, No. 2, PP. 251 - 261 TEXT: AV-000 aluminium containing traces of magnesium, silicon and copper was used in the investigation. Deformation was produced on a 5-ton press at 21 mm/min. The number of slip marks, the vertical component of displacement in the slip marks and the vertical component of displacement of grains relative to one another were measured on an interference microscope by the method described in earlier work (Ref- 3). The 11fiean grain size was also found. Migration of the grain boundaries during re- crystallisation was found by a method using polkirised light (Ref. 5). The critical degree of deformation using an annealing temperature of 400 OC was found by constructing a graph of grain size after annealing against degree of deformation. It was found to be approximately 6.5%. Fig. 2 shows the influence of small degrees of deformation on the number of slip marks, the mean dis- Card 1/3 826U S/126/60/010/02/011/020 E021/E335 Structural Changes in Aluminium With Slight Deformation and a SubBequent Annealing placement in the slip marks, the mean displacement between the grains and the ratio of the last two, in descending order. This shows that the basic mechanism of plastic flow, with or without the critical degree of deformation, is the same - slip in the Trains accompanied by displacement of the grains relative to one another. After deformation less than the critical value, structural zhanges during annealing occur, in the main, by polygonisation, with a small degree of migration of boundaries of individual grains, stimulated by the tendency to decrease the surface energy of a system (Figs- 3, 4). Very occasionally, migration of the boundary occurs because of differences in volume energy of adjacent grains (Fig. 5). After-deformation greater than the critical amount, annealing at 400 OC is accompanied by intensive growth of individual crystallites and frontal migration of boundaries which is stimulated by differences in volume elastic energy of adjacent grains. The rate and distance of migration of boundaries is many times greater than that stimulated by surface energy differences. Intensive growth occurs after an Card 2/3 82641 S/126/60/010/02/011/020 E021/E335 Structural Changes in Aluminium With Slight Deformation and a Subsequent Annealing incubation period during which redistribution of the energy inside the grains occurs (Figs. 6-8). After deformation many times greater than the critical amount, new grains arise between the original grains at places of maximum distortion. The orientation of the new grains differs sharply from those surrounding it. This occurs after an incubation period of 6 to 30 minutes. There are 8 figures, 1 table and 7 references: 6 Soviet and 1 English. ASSOCIATION: T-sNIICbM SUBMITTED: March 19, 1960 Card 3/3 XAIIYANrS, X.A" gorW inzh.; SANDUL, N.P., gornyy inshener Rapid drifting of a haulage roadwsq. Ugoll Ukr. 3 no.7'30 321,'P' JI 59. (MIRt lz#~` l.Shakhta 116.1/5 "Yasinovska.7au tresta. Sovetakugoll. (Donate Basin--Mining engineering) . KAIZAPIII -L 94, Rym-s-nni) I- - . v 4 Let's got rid of flies. . IUn.nat. no.6:19 Je 157. (MLEA 10:7) I (7lies) ~ 31 b, 29, IT 9 a 0 0 x v 41 41 .-A J.-JL 11 C-1 -Ofter e foe eposm 4LACROsis. G. P. - Med. Inst.). Nmrvpw~l. i'Pia- 2V*Ipg:. ~.6.12!11094N.-Intravenous in*11an of 0.6-1.2 cc. etbe-catupbor mixt. luds to typical seizures only in genuine Wcotim- Co. M. K. 090 nee 60 06 00 00 Foe AA.! Coo goo Zoo be 0 No ASSALA UYALItirrKAL LITCW441 CLASWICAMw Be 0 i L, . - . --. - - ---- - 0 40 ; I, F I An I 1 9 FW 0 N 0 1 W k Al a 3 U Is AV 00 js~~ IT p h It W It 19 111 it It It Og K10 ft 1 114 dna 0 41 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 6:0 0 a*& * 0 * 0 0 9 111 a 0 0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 6 6 0 IS 0 0 0 USSR General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol,~ No 9, 1958, 41950. Author : Nurmand L. Pv Vakhter, Kh. T., Kallyas Inst : Not given. Title : Comparative Investigation of the Harmful Effect of Oil-shales of Kokhtla-Yarve on the Animal Organism. (Morphologioal Investigation). Orig, Pub: V sb. ZdTavookhr. Sov. Estonii. sb. 3. Tallin, Est. gos. izd-vo 1955, 213-224. Abstract: The action oft mice, guinea pigs and rabbits, of some products of dry distillation of shale, ob- tained from the factory at Kokhtlia-Yarve was in- vestigated. The products used were: medium (light) generator oil (I); heavy generator pil (II) and tars from the chamber furnaces (III). Follow- ing application of these products to the skin, 121 Card 1/3 Wit ilt :111 MR1111111' USSR General Problems of Pathology. Tumors. U Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1958, 41950. Abstract: out of 146 mice porishod in tho course of 6 months. The earliest death of the mice was caused by I, the latest, by III. I, II, and III caused, at first, inflammatory changes in tho skin, then papillomas, particularly II and III. Seven mice treated with III, developed planocellular cancer with raetastases to the lung in one animal. Ap- plication of I, II and III to the skin was fol- lowed, in all the mice, by development of focal pneumonia, distrophic liver changes, amyloidosis of the parenchymal organs and chronic nephritis. Application of shale prodacts to the skin of guin- ea pigs caused temporary baldness and dermatitis. No tumors were noted. Changes in the lungs, liver and kidneys were found only after application of II. Application of I, II or III to the external Card 2/3 20 LWASHIN, N., inshoner. Previenting breakdown of hot-water and steam boilers. Zhil.-kom.khoz. vol.3 no.9:22-21 5 151. (MLHA 6:9) (Boilers) UWASHIII, N.V. lt, 1zli-,,I, Preyenting boiler explosions in boiler rooms. Vod. i san. takh. no.32:29-31 D 159. (MIRA 13#03) (Boilers) (Heating--Safety measures) X&UrASKIN, I. An indifferent attitule toward an important matter. Sov.profooiuzv 3 no,'307-40 Yx 155 (MM 8:4) (Oil well drilling) (Trade unione) VMCIBIYNV, A.A., professor, doktor fisiko-matematichookikh nauk; VOROBITSY, N.I., doteent, kandidat tekhnichoskikh nauk; 2R=I- NA, M.N., inshener; VOROBIYIV. G.A., inzhener; NALTATS inshener; TRUBITM, A.M., inshener; IKITRBVSKI r, Ir KAIGANOV, A.T., inshener; KUCHIN, V&D., In2hener. "High voltage electrical engineering.' Part I ana IL A.A.Akopian and others. Reviewed by A.A.Voroblev and others. Blektrichestvo no.8: 91-92 Ag 154. (MM 7:8) 1. Kafedra teihniki vy9okfth napr3razheniy i kafedra alektroizolys- tolonnoy i kabolluoy tekhmiki Tommkogo politekhnichookogo instituta im, Kirov&. (3lectric engineering) (Akopian, A.A.) K I kaf,Jrj kklNvtk~ v'j30iV1'kA nOr rj 0'tAT)rjI PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION isov//'809 Voroblywip A.A.p G.A. Vorobtyev, N.I. Voroblyev, A.F. Kalganov, I.I. Kalyatski V.D. Xuchin, G.A. Mesyats, S.F. Pokrovskiy, K.K. Sonchik, and A-77r...-Mep kov VyBokovolltnoye ispy-tatellnoyedborudovaniye i izmereniya (High-Voltage Testing Equipaent and Measurements) Moscow) Gosenergoizdat, 1960. 583 p. Errata slip Inserted. 10,500 copies printed. Ed. (Title page)t A.A. Voroblyev, Professor; Ed. (Inside book): A.I. Dolginov; Tech. Ed.i K.P. Voronin PURPOSE: This book is intended as a textbook for students taking courses dealing with high-voltage technique and high-voltage testing equipment. It may -also-be ot use to the personnel in high-voltage laboratories and scientific institutions. Now data contained in the book may be of interest to electricians. COVERAGE: The book describes methods and installations used for generating and measuring high and superhigh constant, alternating, and pulse voltages used in laboratory work and in charged-particle acceleration processes. Some data con- tained in the book could be used in designing and computing high-voltage instal- latione. The book was written by the staff members of the Department of High- Voltage Technique of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. Chapters I and II were written by A.A. Voroblyev, with paragraphs I-1 and 1-2 written jointly with Card--06 High-Voltage Testing (Cont.) SOV/4809 --I.J.J~qly#~qk4y) paragraph 1-6 with N.I. Voroblyev, paragraphs II-1 to 11-6 and II-10 to 11-13 with A.F. Kalganov, and paragraphs 11-7 to 11-9 with V.D. Kuchin, Ch. III was written by A.A. Voroblyev, with the exception of paragraph III-4ywritten by S.F. Pokrovskiy, and paragraph III-6,written jointly by A.A. Voroblyev and the latter. Ch. IV: paragraphs IV-1 to IV-3 were written by Ij,-Kalyatsk~j; paragraphs IV-5 and IV-6 by A.A. Voroblyev; para- graph. IV-4Tj -16-ro-Vyev and I.I. Kaly ra A.A. _atskiy jointly; pa gtaph, IV-7 by K.K. Sonchik; paragraph IV-8 by G.A. Mesyats; and paragraphs IV-9 and IV-10 by N.I. Varoblyev. Ch. V: paragraphB V-1, V-2 and V-12 were written by A.A. Voroblyevi paragraphs V-3) V-4 and V-8 by A.A. Voroblyev and G.A. Voroblyev Jointly; paragraphs V-5 to V-7 by A.A. Voroblyev and A.T. Chepikov jointly; paragraphs V-9 to V-11 by A.A. Voroblyev; and paragraph, V-13 by K.K. Sonchik. The authors thank Engineer L.T. Murashko for his assistance. --References accompany each chapter. TABLE, OF CONTENTS: Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Mebhods and Installations for the Generation of High Alternating Voltage Car4z;Q~46