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Country "ussR CATEGORY A33. JOUR. RZBiol., 19 o AUTHOR Kalu -inr-, G. T.j K!~lraciv.ij 3. M. INST. TITLE, Flro ?.!or CRIG. PUB. : ~jadovodstvo$ vino,.,,rad,,.i_SL,V0 i vino."Lcli-ye Y ol 6 -!, v 1 15. 5 7 1 N .4 33TRACT : dcscviption of ti.c.. Areaz c-V vrowing and pl-cc~--c-urr--s are 1,c-, C "U E.-d. - L 6 2i-~ s ul.t* s ci 'I t ria -is witbin 6-iffi~rent zone;t of arc 1-.- 1, 0 P t, (.,~ d CARD: /// KAWGINA, GJ., kand.seliskokhos.nauk; ORNMINA, A.Ye. (Preparation of tabla wines in Mbldaviaj Prigotavlenie stolovy1ch via v Holdavii. Kishinev, H-vo sel'skogn khoz. Moldavskoy SSR, 1959. 63 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Moldavia-Wine and wine making) KALUGINAt G.N. ~-7-----Hemotheri4py in brucenosio,, sepsia~ and pleurisy of tuberculous etiologyo, Med. zhur, Uzb. no.4:38-41 Ap 160. (MMA 150) 1. Iz--terapevtichookogo otdoleniya Ohirchiks koy gorodskoy bollnitaT.RN&I (glavnyy vrach - M.T Arabbayev). CELLOSIS) iPlEM-TURERCULOSIS) (BLOOD-TRANSFUSION) (ANTIBIOTICS) KALTJGINAO G. V. "Secratory Motor Functions of the Stomach in Botkin's Disease." Cand Med Sci, lp-ningrad Pediatric Medical Inst, Leningrad, 1954. (KL, No. 1, Jan 55) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 n(lidat maditainskikh nauk Secratory and motor function of the stomach in Botkin's disease. Terapoarkh. 28 no-8:53-61 156. (MLRA 10: 2) Is Iz,kafedr7 gospitallnoy terapli (zav. - prof@ K.ADryagin) leningradsko,go pediatricheakogo meditsinskogo instituta. .(STWAGH, 1~hyslol. to.cretory & motor infect. hepatitis) (HIPATM-k- INMTIOUS, plWsiol. gastric secratory & motor funct.) KAUXGINAP p kand. Med, nauk Dywdes of blood ser= protein fractions during the treatment of bypertension. vith alkaloid preparations of Rauwafia Berpentina and bexonium. Terap, arkh. no.7t46-50 163.. N (MIRA 15 .1 1. Is kafedry goopitallnoy terapii (zav,, - prof. K. A. Dryagin) Leningradskogo pediatricheekogo meditsinakogo instituta. (BLOOD PROTEINS) (RAUWOLFIA) (HEXONIUM) (HrMTENSION) Go V.., kand. mad. nauk Lipoprotains in the blood ser= In hypertension. Terap. arkb. 34 no.5t53-57 162. (MIM 15:6) 1. Is kafedry gospitallnoy tempii (sav. - prof. K. A. Dryagin) leniWadekogo pediatrichookogo meditainskogo instituta. OffmTMION) (LIPOPROTEINS) KALUGIHAj_,,Q,T. . - .. Glycoproteins in the blood of patients with hyp6ttenpion. Terap. arch. 35 no.9e47-51 S263 (MIRA 1724) 1. 1z kafedry goopitalinoy terapii ( zav. - prof. K.A. Drygin) Leningradskogo pediatricheekogo meditsinskogo instituta. KALUGINA, G.V,,,iauk Some characteristiza of protein and metabolism in hypertension ;Lr. eliderly patlent3. TrudY LMI 31 no.2:317-321 -63. (MIRA 17sIO) n3.agnoaUc importance of electroplicreti.c study or blood proteina in case of multiple nWelomas. Ibid.022-327 I. Iz kafedry gospitallnoy terapi". leningradskogo pediatriehf-Skogo meditsinskogo instituta. TSEYTLIN, V.Z., kand.takhn.nauk; KALUGINA, Ij... inzh. Relaxation strength of highly resistant cast iron with spheroidal graphite. Metalloved.' i term. obr. met. no.8:11-14 Ag 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1. TSentrdl'W nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii i ma3hinostroyaniya i Moskovskiy vecherniy mashinostroitellnvy institut. (Cast iron-Teating) (Strains and stresses) KALUGITNA.,- L. V. "Lubricant for metal die pressing," D. A. Drapkin, Sh. 0. Shumakher, I. G. Matireyev, E. S. Pankova, A. D. Parkhomovskaye, L. N. Kalugina., and N. 1. Doroshina, U.S.S.R. 105, 249) Mar. 25 1957. The lubricant, called prepn. "P-18," is a tech. mixt. of isomers of tetraisopropyldiphonylmet'aane. LOKSHINV Ya.Yu.; HAZAROVA, A.I.; KOSTROVAp Ye.l.;_A "LU IUA#-" Use of rectangular tin cans of large holding capacity. KonsA 16 n0,4:25-31 AP,161. (MI.M 34:3) I, TOmitralInyy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut konservuoy i ovoshc6sushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Tin cans) DLUGINAI Experience of the Adyge Canning Combine in the cutting of sheet tin for the lide of No.11+ cans. Kons.1 ov.prom. 17 no.6:26-27 Je 162. (MA 15-5) 1. TSentrallnyy nauohno-issledovatel'skiy institut, konservnoy i ovonhoheaushillnoy promyshlennosti. (Adyge Autonmoas Provinoe.-40anning industry-Equipment and supplies) LOKSHIN, Ya.Yu.; KAIXGIVA L.N.: MAWH=Op Ye.V. Now standard for tin cans. Kons.1 ov.prom, 17 no,9:15-18 s 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. T$entrallnyy nauohno-LaBledovateltakiy inatitut konaervnoy i ovoshcheaushilluoy promyahlennosti. (Tin cans-Standards) I II F TSBYTLINJI, V.Z., kand.takhn,nauk;_ KALUGINA, I.I., inzh, Investigating the stress relaxation resistance of high-strength cast iron, LTrudyl TSNIITWM 2,05t244-253 162. (NIRA 15:8) (Cast iron-Testing) (Strains and stresses) A Y4111GRIA, La T6 "Experimantal Use of the Anemizing Effect of Methylene Blue in the Case of Erythremia." Sub 19 Jun 51p Central Inst for the Advanced Training of Physicians. Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees in Moscow during 19,51. SO: Sum. No. 4.80, 9 MaY 55. mod. nauk Clinical forms of aaute leukemla. Terap. arkh. 91 no.5:73-77 MV '59. (NM 12:7) 1. Iz Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituts imeni M.I. Vladimiiskogo (nauchMy rakovoditeli - zaelu- zhennyy deyatell muki prof. B.A.,Ohernogubov [deceased) i chlen- korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. H.S. Molchanov) olin. forms of acute leukemia (RUB)) KALUG'INA,_,L.T. -, -,. -.- . .. 1. 1 , : 1. Active therapy in chronic lympholeukemia. Vop. klin. pate no.2:232-235 161 (MIRA 16112) 1. 1z 1-y terapevticheskoy kliniki (zav. - doktor med. nauk M.G.Italkina) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellsko- go klinicbeskogo instituta imeni Vladimirskogo. KALTJGINAV 4T.,, nauk . 11.1. , -1- 1 ~1 .. 11 - - Clinical characteriotics of leukemia according to MCNIKI data. Vop.,klin. pat., no*21272-284 161 (MIRA 16:12) 1. Iz terapevtichoskoy kliniki (zav, - doktor med. nauk M.G* Malkina) Hoskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo klinicheskogo instituta, imeni Vladimirskogo. KALUGINAp L.T* Use of methylone blue In hypertension. Vop. klin. pat. no-3:56- 63 161. (I'llil 14:12) 1. Iz I Terapovtichaskoy kliniki Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno- isaledovatellskogo klinicheakogo instituta imoni M.V.Vladimirskogo. (HYPERTENSION) (1413HYLENE BLUIL-THERAPEUTIC USE) XALUGINA L T.. GUREVICH, M.A.; ANDREYEVA, T.N. Late observations of patients who have had a myocardial infarct. Vop. klin, pat. no-3:147-158 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz 1-y Terapevticheskoy kliniki (zaveduyushchiy doktor med.nauk M.G.Malkina) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo institute, ineni, M.V Vladirskogo. iHFAIIT-INPARCTION) GUEVION, ANDIU,'U'Vji, T.N. Analy~~Is of thb incidence of death from myocardial infarct from data of the therapy clinics of Moscow Province Scientific Clinical Researoh Institute for 1950 to 1957. Vop. Kin, pat, no,3:45-55 1( A. (I'IIRA 14:12) 1, lz TerapL-vticheakoy kliniki, (zavoduyushch-3y doktor mod. nauk M.G.Mjalkin'a) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issladovatel'skogo klin-1-1r,healcogo institata imcni M.F.Vladionirskogo, (D11UL.-CAUSES) (MOSCOW PliUV114CE....HLAIC-.-IlIP4Ai~CTiOll) KALUGINA, L.T., Acute leukemia in the stomatologist's practice. Stomatologiia 41 no.4t27-29 Jl-Ag 162. (KIRA 15:9) 1. 1z 1.7yIterapevticheakoy kliniki (zav. - doktor med.nauk M.G. Malkina) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo klinicbeakogo instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo. (LEUKEMIA) (STOMATOLOGY) MLKINA, M.G., doktor med.nauk; KALUGINA L T. Organizing postgraduate training for therapeutists in Moscow- Province. Zdrav.Ros.Feder. 6 no.9:22-25 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. 1% 1-y Iterapevtichaskoy kliniki (zav. - doktor med.nauk M.G. Mal-kins.) Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo kliniche- skogo instituts. imeni M.F.Wladimirskogo (dir. - zasluzhennyy vrach RSFSR kand.ined.nauk P.M.Leonenko). (MOSCOW PROVINCE--THERAPEUTICS--STUDY AND TEACHING) FALUGINA L.T.; SP1RIDONOVA, M.V. State of the card'-vascular iystem In an adrenal crisis deriving front Addition's d1seaseo Soilomed. 28 nodie"14-27 J1 165. (MIRA 18t8) 1. 1-ya torapevticheskaya klinika (zav. - prof. M.G MaWna) Mookovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-Isslee-vatellskogo 11inicheskogo Instituta imeni M.F.Vladimirskogo (di.Ator - P.M. leonanko). A _'11 'Y taut of two* do "'d f "OitiARGS Chemim exu m The d*gRAtl*Of" 1121ty to J166114, VWJAU ind krum~, Alm Ahkrobiol, p4idemieli i 101mOWA. lVJ, No. 12, 21-7.-Cidand hydrate and miiicai Abst, wedlual Q)Aelay twtltoxiu formation'in diphtheria Immuni,-, ,0 TAtion. Narcotle 1j"P &-prems immmiogenesis iu tlke'rrl-m Volt. 4$ ~ lit). mitry maps of lannunization. In rL -mccination this ti m Apro 25, 1954 6 k-a evident. Systematic (s,6iltittuous ?) injection of "Xty!e"ifte Markedly activates the fannation 0 diptiftil;L, Biblogianx ci~*try~, OZIUOA Cot Raiiiiiiia The T"e"A the Ouft wit admallat. B. S. Ewvine KIRSKOVA, V.N.1 GITTERHAN, L.A,; KHRUSTALEVA, L.A.; KALUGINA, 1,.V. Bacterial pollution and pyrogenicity of diaferm-3 sera. Nauch. on. proizv. bakt. prep. 10s206-212 161. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Permskiy institut vaktsin i eyvorotok. --JLA14GINA) HO With the asaistance of friends; review of rural fire safety. Fosh.delo 8 no.80-6 Ag 162. (IURA 15:8) 1. Predeedatell rayonnoy komisaii po provedeniyu obahchestTennogo protivoposbamogo smotra, sakretart ispoluitellnogo komiteta Noginskogo rayonnogo, soveta deputatoy trudyashchikhaya. (Noginski District-Farm buildings-Fires and fire prevention) SOV/124--57-8-9180 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957. Nr 8, p 87 (USSR) AUTHORS: Broydo, A.G., Gorobey, V.N., Dyuzheva, O.G,, Kaluginf, M.A., Pazgalova, E. A. TITLE: Some Peculiarities of the Vertical Temperature Distribution in the Lowest Portion of the Atmospheric Surface Layer [NekotoryVe osobennosti vert.ikallnogo raspredeleniya temperatury v nizhney chasti prizemnogo sloya atmosfery) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. gidrometeorol. in-ta., 1956, Nr 5-6, pp 268-284 ABSTRACT: An examination of the laws governing the temperature distribu - tion in the lowest layer of the atmosphere (0- 200 cm), The tempera- ture profile is characterized by the 1'c-ur-~ature parameter" --tj :1~ - b =to t50 to t200 Card 1/2 introduced by the Authors. T'his parameter indicates just what part SOVI/124-57--8 9180 Sonne Peculiarities of the Vertical Temperature Distribution (cont, ) of the temperature variation in the 0-200 cm layer is attributable to its lowest 0-50 crn portion. The authors attempt to employ the parameter b to characterilze the temperature profile of the surface layer in terms of the data from network observations (t 200 data) alone. During the summer season the parameter b is significant during the day and is noticeably smaller in the late-evening and the early-morn% , hours, and increases somewhat at night as compared with evening, A distinct relationship of the quantity b/ul (u is the wind velocity at the I -m level) and the stability parameter Y=(tO't. 00)~uZ is found. A. Kh. Khrg;an Card 2/2 K&LUG INA, M.A Innervation of the oyndosmo-chorioAic placenta. Akqsh. i gin. no.6:6-10 ff-,D 155 (MIRA 9:6) 1. Is kafedq,gistologii L embriologil (zav.-doteent M.Ya. Subbotin) Novosibirskogo moditairiskogo inatituta. (PIACINTL, Innervatiou ayn(leamo-chorial) IXAWGINA, M.A.o (Novosibirsk, ul. Dusi Koval'chuk, Medkadry, d.2, kv.4) Development of pfoploceptors of the striated muscle in mammals. Arkh.anat, gist* i embre 33 nool:59-63 JaAr 156 (MIRA 4:1) 1' Iz kafedry gistologii i embriologii (znve zasl. devato nauki P;of, A.W. Mislavskiy) Kazanskogo meditainakogo instituta; (MUSURS, innervations, propioceptors, develop. in mammals (Rua)) (NMVE, MIK%. muses proprioceptore, develop. in mammals (Ras)) 00 / General Biology* General Histology B-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Rol., No 1., 1958, No 256 AntAor Kalugina., H.A# lut iNot Gi"n Title :Nerve Maments of the Macous Mmbrane of the Uteru and Chugas DaIng Pregwncy In Animals with 4ithe3iochorial Placentation. orig Pub :Dou. An ssm;4 1956., uo,, No 60 loq3-1o95 Abstract :The nerve elements of a non-bearing pig uterus and those in various stages of preg*MncY (5-16 woods) were studied. The' subjects were treated by,the Gross-Bilshov7B)W method and a modified Ruskazova method with methylene blue. Non-pulpy nerve fibers In ther'mucous form a plexus ending in thickenings and buttons an the fibroblasts, Nerve fibers are observed in the walle of the arteries and veins between the glands in the epithelium. The receptors located in the epithelium react to stimuli enenating from the foetus. During pregnancy Card 1/2 USS General Mologyo Gmral Ristoloa7 B-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blol.j, so 1. 1958, No 256 there was obsorvel an increase in argentophilia of the uterine neryou systemp formation of varicosity on the pulw norm fibers., and also an increase in the mber of nerve fibers in the moous,, which is relatecl to the Owth of the upIU&ry not Auring'prepancy* In the spitheU= the smA structur*s beams thicker and considembly larger. CRA 2/2 USSR/Iiupaii and Animal Ylorphology (Nornal and S-2 Pathological), Nervous Systen. Poripho- r,A Nat,vous Systemb APs Jour: R~?f Zhu2-Biol., No 16, 19510), 74297 Autho2 : Xalugina Y.-At, Inst : Title : PrQprioreceptors of the Eye Muscles of Mammals-, Orig Pub: Byui.eicsperim. biol. t maditsiny, 1957, 43, No',3, 99-101 Abstract: Roctal muscles of the eyes of animals (catsi does) born vith eyes sec-aed anC! of animals born YAth eyes open (guinea pigs) were studied. In,',anir-r-as born with eyes sealed, freo nerve endings, relatcd to sensory, wore fotuidt, in Card t 1/2 OWGINA, MJ*j (Bovosibirsk). Innervation of human ocular muscles In normal and pathological con- ditions [with summary in Inglish]. Arkh.pato 20 noo'8:53-55 158 (MIRA 11:9) 1. Iz kafedry gistologii (zav. - zaelyzhenyy deyeLtell nai9d prof. A-No Mislavskiy) lasanskogo meditsinskogo inatituta i kafedry gistologii (zav. - prof. H Ya. Subboti:a) Novosibirskogo meditain8kogo institutao' -NUSCLBS, OC:JWMOTCR, innervation, (RUB)) lk,Astwomaxil c,.f solld pr.)c,3pitations Trudy GGO no.175.*1.80-281 165. (MIRA IM) 1. Yrasnopirskaya 9-idrometsorologl-.heskaya obvervatoriya, SOBOUIVA, V.I., savedayushchiy (Moscow); RTABINKINA, A.I., zaveduyxiehchiy (Moscow); XMGIXA, M.N., glavnyy vrach; LICONTOYEV, F.A., glavnyy vrach. Etiology and pathogenesis of Taratinov's disease; eosinophilic granifloma of the bone or benign medallw7 rati=loma with eosinaphilia. Arkh.pat. 15 no.4: 37-46 Jl-Ag '53. (MLRA 6:11) 1. Patologoanatomichookoye o'wdeleniye Detskoy klinicheskoy bolluitay V.P.Pilatova'(for Soboliva). 2. Detsk:aya klinicheskays, bollnitea im. prof. V.P.Illatova*(for Nall] in&), 30 Patologoanatomicheakoye otdeieniye TSentrall- noy kllnich6ekoy--~Mn MIMSY im. N.A.Semashko Ministarstva putel soobshchenVa (for Avabinkina). 4. TSentralInaya klinicheekaya bol'nitea im. N.A.Semashko Minieterstva putay soobehaheniya (for loontlyev). (Bones-Diseases) (Tumors) KA L Ll G-t N A, mi TISHINA, Ye.N.; PROJEUDUU, T.A.; VLASOV, V.A., professor, savadayushchiy; KAMM, glavW vrach. Two cases of familba glycogenools. Pediatrils no.4:71-75 Jl-Ag '53. (MLU 6:9) 1. Klinika propedevttki detskikh bolesney pediatrichookogo fakullteta Il Moskovskogo maditsinskogo Instituta im. I.V.Stalina na batoe Filatovskoy detokoy bollnitsy,(for Vlasov). 2, Filatovskaya deteksqa bollnitea (for Kalugina). (Liver-Diessess) AMBARTSUMY'All, TS.L.;~,4jWqIYA. N.G. Thermal decomposition of schroackingerite. Min.abor, no.11: 356-360 157. (14IRA 13:2) 1. HauchAo-issledovatellskiy sektor Mookovskogo goologortizve- doohnogo In" tituta, Xoekva. (Schroookingerite) KAWGINAg It. HO ft d Mod Sci -- (dies) "pneunoniah VP %be stillborn iand -041 lltdutingfiirst five days of life,' Kaz~Ln', 1958. 14 pp incl cover (Kazan',igtato Hed Inet), 200 copies (KLj 18-58, 103) -110- ZOIAYZAVIN, V.L.; XMIGINA, N.H. StuiLy of vanady! complex compoundo. Pnrt 2. Citrate complexeo. Zhur.ob.khim. 26 no-5:1355-1362 My 156. (MM 9:9) 1.Urallskly politekhnicheakiy institut imeni S.K.Xirova. (Vanadium acetate) (Compounds, Complex) 5(2)t5(4) 05859 AUTHORS: Kry-loyl Yeje, Kalugina, N.N. SOV/78-4-11-1.2/50 TITLE: The Magnetic Properties of the Salt X 8[1b603(SO4)12j .21H20 PEHIODIGAL: Zhi;rnal neorganicheskoy khimii, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 11, pp:2476-2479 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Tho.'diffioultly soluble salt K13 [Nb 60 3(8o 4)121. 21H20 is deposited in electrolytic niobium, reduction in sulphurio acid solution by the addition of potassium sulphate. Various views have been uttered on the valency of Nb in this compound (Refs 1p2). In order to solve this problem, which is important for the purification of Nb from Ta, the magnetic susceptibility of this salt was determined by Gyuits method. A table shows that the salt follows the Curle-Wei8s law within the temperature rang8 78-29201. The constant go of the molecular field is -204 K. Accordingly, the salt must contain an Nb-Nb bond. It results from the atereoohemical equivalsnoe of all Nb atomi of the oompound that every Nb atom is linked with two 80 4- groups and one oxygen atom. Card 1/2 On account of the structure of the electron sheath of Nb 05859 Th M tit Properties of,the Salt SOV/78-4-11-12/50 I 21H 0 K j1Tb!g0n*(SOC)j2j" 2 8 6 3 4 was found that four niobium atoms absorb two unpaired electrons each and are diamagnetic, whereas the two Nb atoms loft contain one,unpaired elootron each and are paramagnetic wi th an.effootive magnetic moment w 1.4^, Four Nb atoms axe trivalent, two Nb atoms are tetrayalent, which is in agreament'with the experimental-average oxidation lenl of +3.67. Consequently., the complex ealt,contains no Nb +9 whioh,explaine the possibility of separating Nb from Ta5+ which is not+reduoed by electrolysis in sulphuric aoid solution* There are 1 table and 8 references, 4 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Urallakly'politakhniohaskiy institut im.S.M.Kirova (Ural Polytechnic Institute imeni S.M. Kirov) SUBMITTED: August 1, 1950 Card 2/2 KAWGIbbi, N.N.; IWIOV, Te.l. Ammonium sulfate-nioblate. Izv.vys.uchob.sav.; khim.i kbim.tekh. 2 no-5:657-661 '59- (HM 13:8) 1. Urallakiy politekhnocheskiy institut, kafedra lthimii i takhnologii radkik)i metallov. (Nioblum compounds) KALUGINA, No$* AM development of Stenochironomus gibbus Fabre (Diptera T Chironomidae)o Nauch.dokl,vys,shkoly; biolsnauki nool:21-26 158 (MIRA 11:8) le P~radstavlena knfedroy zoologii besposvonochnykh Hoskovskogo gosudnretvennogo univeraitata im. V.M. Lomonosovao (UCHA IMSIMOIR-CHIRONOMIDKNI) KALDGINA, U.S. larval habitats and food of Glyptotandipes glaucus Mg. (Diptera, Ch.ironomidas) from Uoha Reservoir (with summary in Englishj. Zool. zhur. 37 no.7tlO45-1057 J1 158. (Mm 11:8) i.Kefears soologii beeposvonnochnfth Mookovskogo goaudaretvennogo (Uoha Reservoir-Chironomidae) Oarvae-Insects) Some changes vith age in the structure and biology of chironomid larvae (Diptera, Chironomidae). Trudy Gidrobiol. ob-va 9:85-107 '59. (MIRA 12:9) l.Kafedra scologil. beeposvonoohnykh Meekovskego gesudaretvannoge universiteta. (Chironomidae) (Iorvae-Ineects) ; , -.Maj, 1ALEW120MIA, Method of sorting hydrobiological materials. Trudy Gidrobiol. ob--va 9091-393 159. (MIU 12t9) lolrafedra soologil beeposvoneohnft Mookovskoge gosudaret"nnege universitets. (Hydrobielegioal research-Squipment and supplies) KkLUGI'-t'A, N. S. Cand Biol Sci -- "Systematirm and biology of phytophilio chironomids of the 0344servoir (Diptera, Chironomidee)." Moo, 1960 (Moo Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner State Univ im M. V. Lomonosov. Biol Soil Fa0ulty. Chair of Zoology of Invertebrates). (KL, 1-61, 187) -120- KA=INA.#- N a S. - "Die Ontogonetisohen Veranderungen in der Morphologie der Chironomidenlarven," roport presented at the International Congress of Entalology, Vienna, Austria, 17-25 Aug 1960. KALUGINA, N.S. 1.. .11.1- . - ..... . ~: . .1.1 Taxonomy and development of the midges &dochironomus albi- pennis Mg, I E. tendens. F. and E. impar-'Valk. (Diptera, Tendipedidae). &t. oboz. 40 no.4:900-919 161. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Zoologicheskiy muzey Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo uni- versiteta, Moskva. X&LUGINA, N.S. #, larra and paps of Chironevus(Camptochiranomus) pallidivitatus Nan'a (Dip4ra,, Chironmidae), Zool. zhur, 42 no,4.*624-627 ' 163a (MMA 16:7) 1. Zoological Museum.. The State University of Moscow. (Moshayok Reverroir-Chironomidae) (Larvae-Insects) Taxoncuy wid eLiveir),cc-rit Ot f'j, arld gnripekoursn'll (Diptare, no.,',sS89-%^A8 I V' 1, 0 '-;',,"Iogl(;bef;My muzey vera.-Ite-ta, KAWG DA N. V . __ 14. V. Kalugina and H. G. Voronkov, "The Application of Silicon-Organic SUbstances for Water-repulsing Impregnation." Report presented at the Second All-Union Conference on the Chemistry and kractical Application of Silicon-Organic Compounds held in Leningrad from 25-27 6eptember 1958. Zhurnal prikladmy kiiiinii, 1959, Nr 1, pp 238-240 (USSR) KAPTAIRNKO, O.K..;- A11TOIX)VA, Z.A..; KALUOINik, O.M. Correlation of Jurassic deposits in the Ukrainian S.S.R. with those in the northern Caucasus on the basis of Formainifera. Geol. zhur. 17 no.3:88-90 057. (MIRA 11:2) (Ukraine-,4eology, Stratigraphic) (Caueasuis, iforthern-Geology, Stratigraphic) SHIF,DEROVIC11, R.H. , kand,tekhn.nauk; Frinimali uchastiyP--'P-lJ?KQlW4-O-v-, - - mWishiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; dUbElIKOV, A.P., mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Carrying capacity of parts under repeated static loading. Vest. mash. 42 no,1:17-25 Ja 162. (MIRA 15:1) 1. InstitutmaaUnovedeniya AN SSSR (for Kalugina, Gusenkov). (Strength 6f materials) SMUNOT, A. 0. , and fX5,ff0T. A. rA. ON the C&iferenea on InPormation PrDeagaing" (parl.,j, 1959) (19 Febraary 1960) report delivered at a seminar on cybernetics, Noscow State Unlversltr Sor Problemy k1bornatikip Issue 5, 1961, pp. 289-294 KALWIILk,, O.Ya. The technique of studying petroleum and gas bearing- artesian basins (exemplified by the lopet Dag slope of the South Caspian artesian basin). Izv.AN Turk.SSR.Serfiz.-tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.2: 91-97 162. (M=.15-.4) 1. Iwtitut geologli AN Turkmeaskoy SSR. (Kbpet-Dag region-Water, Underground) KALUGINA Ql!'ga_Yak2vlevna- MALITSEV, L.H. otv. red.; MAYOROVA, YU.M., red. izd-va; IVONTIYEVA, G.i p t4hn. red. (Nalm-NeDcomian water iWthe eouthern-P;l~ of the Caspian artesian basin (western ll(Dpet-Dag slope))Mallni--neokomakii vodonapornyi kompl.eks IUzhnokaspiiskogo artezianskogo basseina (Zapadnokopetdagskii sklon). Ashkhabad, Izd-vo Akad. nauk TurlmBnakoi SSR, 1962. 26 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Kopet-Dag region--Water, Underground) KALUGINAO O.Ya. Aptian-Ceikomanian water pressure complex on the Kopet-Dag slope in the south of the Caspian artesian depression, Izv.Afi Turk.SSR.- Ser.fiz.-tekh.,khIm.i geol.nauk. no.3s97-106 162. (KIRA 16:5) 1. Inatitut geologii AN Tarkmenskoy SSR.. (Casplian Depressiop--Geology, Structural) KALUGINA 01ya. =~~ ft-.- Chemical composition of the waters of Malm-Neocomian water-bearing complex in the Kopetdag. Izv. A Turk. SSR.Ser. fiz,-tekh..- khim. i gool.nauk no*6:94-102 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Inatitut geologii All Turkmenskoy SSR. Y'ALUGENA, P. "The Relationship BOU7een the Radiation Intensity of a Mass Radiator and the Grain-Size," Zhur. Eksper. i Teoret. Fiz., 9., No.3, 1939 Lab, ira. YAksvella., Sci.Res.Inst. Physics, Moscad State U. KALUGINA, T. I. Disseftation: "Fungtibidal Properties of Some Chemical Agents." Cand Med Acad Hed Sci IISSR2 14 Apr 54. (Ve6erny'aya Moskva, Thilid, 5 Apr 54) SO: SUM 243., 19 Oct. 54 TJCSR Pharmacology, Toxicology. Antiseptics. V Kos Jour : Rof-Zhur - Biologiya, No 6, 1959, No. 27885 Author : Ka u tAk %1* ~.' W - W. 1'8t 0~1 R search Institute of Disinfectants n on a 0 Title On the Fungicidal Activity of Some Chemical Agents Orig Pub Tr. Teentr. no-i. dezinfekts. in-ta, 1956, vyp 9. 120-124 Abstract In. testing the fungicidal activity of a number of sub- stances to Triohophyton violaceum, Trychophyton crateri- formo, Miorosporum lanosum, Microsporum ferrugiieum and Achorion of Shenlein, it was established that a 0.4~ solution of methylsulfodichloramine, a 0.25% solution of activated ohloramine (1), and a mixture of trichlorethylene with alcohol demonstrated high activity. Activation of I with NH4Cl increases its effectiveness 10-30 time, and activation of I with NH4 OH 3-10 times. The greatest sensitivity to indicated substances is possessed by Card 1/2 A~ Ai-V6~-IAIAI USSR G -T, Abs Jour : Ref Lhur - Biolvgiyu, No. 22, 1958, No 99662 Author : Tregubov, AA; Xlechetova, A.M;; Kalugina,, T I Inst : Central Scientific Research Disinfe--Hoin~ ' ~ititiutie. Title : The Development of Anti-fly Measwes in USSR and Their Perspectives. Orig Pub : Tr6i, 1957,vyp,10,186-192 Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 A/ /I CAI _-T C il Y as vectors !IBS. JOUR. ;,RzbDJ0)..., NO. 4 195 15,03C) ,9 Ii op Trecvbov, A. N,; Kloohotowt, A M.; D1111ginail Sc,'ontific Rosoarch D:~;infe c tI:&,ff-71Tqti:tVtj On the Application of a Nov., 15'orm ol' DDT - Paste TsIUDI - under Practical Conditions. rile Problon i of !,,uproktoment of the ~',pality of Anti-Fly Apmts ORTG. 71r. Tsentr. n.-i. dezinf-;1rts. in-ta, '1957, ~713. L 10, 3.93-1-97 Is IISTP.ti CT "?4 at Stalinorrorsk V-5-old tests oai?ried o-ut ir. lc) _ ho ve d t In,, i ttho pa.~,te T,-il'IDI, containing DEOL a s compared iiith 20','; (L-ubrky braml ) eivilsion of me rate of exponse (1.8- .9 PT with, the a a; A. I l.higher ind nore IaZtlng insecticide LVrff: hac, Zal-harova, Ye. M. ; Sivoldayeva, A. 11. v "4(Results of the Work of ar, D~pedition) CA R1. 1/3 CCTIT~ITRY ;-AT C)""Y 00MR. VViBiol.1 No. 4 :L959., Do. 15030 rrYTLE OR-.' G. PUB. A KSTPi*t CT showed that thoil, effect 13 ext o.ont I d (1-2 days).-- 11. Ya. Muricovich C 1.) rlT) 3/3 Pli Qtr.4rli an, 3;40ial Ifteects. Insects p - 1 gatno of comtrolung 404 Araebaidl, Cho_-L;a larmful InActs and A~rachmlds. Abe Tourl Ref Zhur-Siol., No al. 1958. 965=. Author laschateva, L. 1%; Shavyrina, d zalugf-m X T . . a a. A.; an . I=t t Otatral 64140tific' 224mar2b. Disinfection last- Ituts. Z! Title S 7A* Activator's ISM Influence on the Inzecti- aid* Iffectivonmas of DDT ProparatIons. OrIg Pub: Tr. Tsentr. m.-I. 4asinfects. in-ta. 1957, vyp 10, 196.Z04. Abstrsat3 'Yhen 1-20% of the activator DAC (4.4t-dichlor- ihenyloothylearbinal) is added to DDT the 4i z _ of.-or't on the D= Preparations GealAst flies, bugs# lice and reaches Is accelerated and the card 1/2 Abstracts effectiveness or ;)-Yr againxt mes Is increased. The addition of activator aM to Xn prepare- tLons in various ProPortions *Iiqhtlv Incromas the 7ireipmrstions,a"so tiveTaLsags Ing t lice. roaches and b.sgs. Puze J 2 ration Is non-toxic. -- V. 0. cubLad. Card 2/2 IuLUG 11a., Outlook for the prospecting of manganese deposits in the Altai. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog, ob-va. SSSR no.5:38-4,2 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut geologii, geofiziki i minerallnogo syrIya, Novosibirsk. MARIU-~ Vol, 14"-ganesb minem- 1-zation fn t~,,e cr Devonian vel"'.'anic ae-ilmont's In the waslzrii rArt f--f th-, Allai. Trudy BRIGGIMS ro,359-1,63-1716 16-4. (MIRA 18:5) KALUGINA,, V.G.. -4.0~~4 641P, Late-6bsbr~ations on hypertensive patients during the period of the Leningrad blockade. Kaz, med. shur. no.l: 3.1-14 ja It 163. (MRA 16 -.8) 1. Kafe#a gospitallnoy terapii (zav. - prof. K.A.Drygin) Leningradskogo pediatricheakogo meditsinshogo instituta. (Hyp7MTENSION) (LENINGRAD-SIEGE, 1943,1944-M)ICAL AND SANITARY AFFAIRS) USSR/HLumn and Animl Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T-13 Effecto-of Ibysic4l Factors.-Ionizing Radiation, Abe Jour Rot Zhur - Biols, No 16) 1956) 75271 Author Kaletiova) 80o, Tilis, A,Yus, Teplyakova, ZG,, Kalue~=, Inst Title Problem of FaaoGenesis of Radiation Sicknesse Ch.,ig Pab Froble;gemtole i perelivaniya krovi,. 1957, 2, No 2, 18- 24j 63- Abstract A -two-fold transfusion in does (after preliminary blooding of 250-575 ml of blood, taken from dog donors in 7 and 12 days after general roentGen exposure of 500-800 C led to the development. of siqdficant, iMairments of mDxrow he=", poleois, predominantly on the side of a depression of the leukopoiesis vith stimilation of the deep reserves of he- Mpoiesis (decrease of imature forms of neutrophils, Card l/P- Re..o- _Z~vsl TILIS, A. Yu. LEVIN, G.S.; KALUGII Hffect of intra-arterial blood transfusion on blood regeneration under experimentnl conditions Lwith summary In English, p.61). Probl. Igemat. I perel. krovi 3 no.2:40-43 Mr-Ap '58. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Iz patofiziologicheskoy laboratorii (zav.-dotsent A.Yu. Tilis) Ilzbekskogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo instituta perelivaniyn krovi (dir.-A.T. Astanov). (BLOOD Cr'LLS' off. of intrn-arterial blood trnnsfusion on regen. in animals (Run) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, exparimentnl, intra-arterial, off. on blood cell regen. (Run) TTLIS, A,Yi..; ll~%Illt, G.S.; KADJOIW.., V.I. RegEneration of set"m protoins following auuto blood loss in different seasons. Vop. med, khIm. 9 no.6:570-574 N-D 163. ORIRA 17: 10) 1. Y.&fedra patologicheskoy fiziologil Kirgi?skogo meditainskogo instituta, Frunze. mUGIIIA, 7. Yas, Dovent usuiramidine and Lead Compound 1-11odication for Trachoma and the Conparative Value of These Two Methods." Vest. Oft-ilmol., 28, lio.6. 1949 Chair of Eye Disvises., Izhev State Mled. Inst. STSOTEV, F.F., datsent; BURMWVA, F.S.; KALUGINA, V.Ya. Control of traehoma in the Udmurt A.S.S.R. Vent.oft.)3 no.2:3-9 Mr-Ap 154. (MLRA 7:2) 1. Iz kliniki glaznykh bolezney Ishevskogo meditsinskogo instituta i reepublikauskogo trakhomatoznogo'dispansera. (Udmurt A.S.S.R.--ConJunotivitis, Granular) (Conjunctivitis, Granular--Udmurt A.S.S.R.) XAWGINA, Ye.P. . On the classesiqO(r., A,), DokI..IN SSSR 96 no,1:13-15 Ky 154, (MLRA 7 ~5) I.Predstavleno akademikom V,I.Smimovym. (Functional aualysis) L'YOV, S.D.; 1ULUG111A. Yej-e j., ~14'i-W--1-- ~,Ak"4A,l ~.,- , Dynalvics of phosphorus compounds in apples during storage (vith summry In English]* Bot, shur, 43 no,6:757-773 is 158. (HMA 11.7) (Apple) (Phosphorus metabolism) MLInqil4flird-1-9.11~liF2"~fililitillillfuliRillll~ll?f I fell i IMIMINI I IIIIINII! I H ~ I I PNI It IfIlOf-INIA t;d I I ILIIM,IV 11-3 1 Al Iti 1- 0 USSR/Plant Physiology' Respiration and Metabolism H-2 Abs Jour Referat. Zh Biol., No 6, 25 March 1957, 22330 Author Lvov, S.D., Kalugina., E.V. Inst Not given T .-Itle Internal factors for fruit storage possibilities. Orig Pub : Uch. Zap. MU, 1955, No 180' -18 J10 Abstract : In experiments with apples of 10 autumn and winter varieties a parallelism was observed between storability of fruit and their sucrose content. Toward the end of the preservation period the content of sucruse on fruits of alljariaties was markedly (2 - 3 times) diminished and reached the same level (0-17 - 0-57% of raw weight), while the quantity of mono- saLcharides remained almost unchanged or increased. Evident- ly despite the abundance of monosaccharides, they cannot be utilized for respiration, in performs. nce of which chiefly suc- rose, both that stored as well as that formed from starch, is util-ized. But the activity of the enzymatic system which per- forms this conversion greatly diminished by the end of the storage period, which brought on a disruption of respiration and the lowering of resistance of the fruit to microorganisms. Card 1/2 -5- USSR/Plant Physiology Respiration and Metabolism H-2 Abs Jour : Referat. Zh - Biol., No 6,, 25 March 195T, 22330 In theflesh of healthy Italian lemons the content of suc- rose and other sugars at the end of storage reamined prac- tically unchanged. The chief reserve materials for lemon respiration are substances of the underpeel envelope layer (albedo) which are assimilated due to presence of activators. However, lemons affected by the non-infectious disease of menbranosis (especially at the highest stage of the disease) demonstrated the same parallelism between storability and sucrose content, as did the apples. It is suggested that the infection by membtanosis destroys the enzymatic systems which activate the pyranose sugar forms. Sucrose then be- comes the single respiratory material and the fruit perishes from lack of sucrose. Card 2/2 -6- SOLDATENKOVp S.V.; MIRYAKUPOVA., M.G.j MAZUROVAp T.A.; KALUGINAO Ye.V. Sugar compounds witb organic acids in d=znt and gerninating oorn and wheat seeds. Fiziol. rast. 12 no.31457-462 My-je 165. (MIRA 18t10) 1. Nafedra fiziologii i biokbimii rantaniy loningradakogo gosudarstyennogo universiteta imeni A.A. Zhdanova. LISTOV, P.N.; MUGI,NA, Yu.P., inzh. Autcoatio control of forced ventilation in vegetable storage. Mekh. i elek. sots. sellkhos. 21 no-025-27 163. ()URA 16:9) 1. Mookovskaya sellskokhozyaystyennaya akademiya im. K.A.Timiryaseva. 2. Chlpn-korres~ondent Vsesoyuznoy akademii sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk imeni Lenina. (for Listov). (Vegetables-Storage) LISTOV, P.N., doktor tekhrj. nauk; aspirantka Heat exchwige In bulk potatoes tinder conditions of forced convection. Izv. TSKHA no.6tl76-184 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Arbesoyumaya ukademlya sellskokliozyaystvennykh nauk imeni V.I. Unina (for Idstov). 2. Kafedra elektrifikatsii sellsk-o- khozyaystvmuiogo proizvodetva Illoskovskoy ordena Lenia sellsko- khozyaystvennoy akademii imeni K.A. Timiryazeva. N FnTK&Np G.I,j ILA~11!LA~~. Improved design of bubble cap plates. Trudy TSNIISP no. 8;84,- 88 159. (min 14:1) (Plate towers) MUMMA, 4p4j.. _. I NW of -1 -- I dI.S Reaction of alcohol and acid during the *14tillation of beer and rectification of alcohol, Spirt. prom. 23 no.3:17-21 157. 1 (NLU, 10:6) 1. Yeasoyasunnauehno-looledovatellskiy institut spirtovoy pro- myehlennosti. (Acids) (,Llcohol) (Distillation) FERTM, G.I.; KiLLUNYANTS', Y.A. Optimum conditions for the performance of beer rectification rectification apparatus. Trudy TSIN-11,"dir, no.6:~4-72 '58. (MIRA and 14:12) (Distillation apparatus) GRUZKOV, V-P-; KALUNYANTS, K.A.; RZRBCHI'rSYAYA, G.V. Increasing the stripping section of the purifying column of a distillation apparatus. Spirt. prom. 24 no.3:6-lo '58. (MIRA 11:6) (Distillation apparatus) FERTRO, G. 1,,. AM=AU9*ILA;., C, Duping plates for rectification apparatus. Spirt. prom. 24 . no,7:7-14 138, (KIRA 11:11) (Distillation apparatus) YMW, G.I.; ULIMMUM, X*A, -` Vrays for increasing efficiency 25 no.1:31-35 '59. (Distillation of sieve plates. apparatus) Spirt,prom, (HIRA 12-.2) `If~cll Sui of Jc)"Iditlions Of rorn"Lion of, "Allerv durinc t!lv of bef~r brew -Gild iTIL(-:T--j -ri t, i -0-'! A!o b1cs 'ii, C-11 Inst Yi ev 2 t ~ i.! t of of Pood I n 6ki) ri-tr,,) ) 175 co J en (TTj 31-5 11 MNU, G. 1. ; KALUNYANTS, X. A. Bubble-CaP plates of beer distillation apparatus. Trudy TSNIISP no*7:89-101 139* (MIRA 13:9) (Distillation apparatus) FIRTMAN, G. I. ; rAWNYMB, X.A. Bubble-qup plates of ractification columns and ways of improving them. Spirt.prom 26 no.2:15-20 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Plate towers) FERTMAV., G.I.; KALUNYANTS, X.A. Means for intendifying the alcohol rectification process, S~irt. prom. 27 no.3%1-6 161. (MIRA 14'-v4) (Alcohol)- (Diatillation appuatus) KALUNYANTS, K.A. (Separation and concentration of enzymes] Vydelenie i kontsentrirovanie fermentov, Moskva, TSentr. in-t nauchno-takhn, informatsii pishchavoi promyshl., 1963. 30 p. (MIRA 17:12) V-4"U,NYANT.'-, K,,A.; M.S, - ~ ~ Uaa of Bpray dr.,ving for ths production of pe~~taly-tlc fernient parationo. Farm. i spLrt. prom. 30 nc.6t2-4 264. (~aFl 17: U) 1. Vsasayuaxyy Institut fermuntnoy i spirt~vvuy promysIdennosti. YdO.SONOVA, L.A.j KALUNYANTS, K.A. I - - -........ Production of pectolytic ferment preparations with the method of aubmorged cultivation of the pr(ducing agent. Ferm. i spirt.prom. 30 no.8tll-13 164. (MI RA 18 t:L) L Vsesriyuznyy nauchno-issledvvatel'okiy institut fementnoy i spirtovoy promyshlemiosti. Xt,.LUNYANTS, K.A.; KOLOSKOVO S.P,; GOLGER, L.I. Groving of mold fangi cultures in a xisteem V1S-42-D drying apparatus, Form. i Hpirt.prom- 31 no.5:7-9 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Voesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut formantnoy i spirtovoy promystilennonti. KA 1. Gruwlng (if itio i.d fungll Pultux-fiL :!xj IT s luf--a,-,, dryer. Fern, . i apirt, in-on. 31. P.O.t'-,*.'4--5 t 65. (,',!IRA 18:9) 1. Visesoyuzn~y ivAuchno--*Irslcl(lovritfzl~tskl.y inzititut fermeritncry spirtovoy promirshlennonti.