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3(7) SOV/33-35-4-11/25 AUTHORSs Tatarskiy,V.I., Gurvich,A.3.,Yallistratova, M.A., Terentl- yeva,L.V. TITLEt The Influence of Meteorological Conditions on the Intensity of Light Scintillation Near the Surfaco of the Earth (0 rl-".- yanii meteorologioheakikh usloviy na Intensivnost' mert'saniya eveta v prizemnom sloye atmosfery) PERIODICALt Astronomic:~eskiy zhurnal,1958, Vol 35, Nr 4, pp 623-626(USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors report on the experimental inveatigat-lion %)f the dependence of scintillation of a Bource on the earth on the meteorological conditions. The obser7ation;s have been carried out in autumn 1956 by an astrophynizal expodition of the In- stitute for Atmospheric Physics, Academy of Science USSR, It was stated that the intensity of scintillation and the ver- tical gradient of the mean temperature strongly correlate (correlation coefficient 0.92) which shown a good coincidtince with the theoretical results of the authors. Tho investi.. gations have a provisional character and are to be continued. Card 1/2 The Influence of Meteorological Conditions on the SOV/33-35-4-11/25 Intensity of Light Scintillation Near the Surface of the Earth There are I figure) and 14 references, 6 of which are Soviet, 5 Americant and 3 Engliah, ASSOCIATIONsInstitut fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR (Institute of Atmospherical Physics AS USSR) SUBMITTEDs May 25, 1957 Card 2/2 ;r HELINIKOV, O.A., prof.,; OBUKHOV, A.M., rod.; KOLOWISKIT, I.G., kand.fiz.-mnt.nauk,red4 KUCHICROV, N.I., kandfiz.-mat, nauk, red.; BYSTROVA, N.Y., kand.fiz.-mat.nauk, red.; KALLIST-RATOVA, M.A., red.; MMKOVA, L.N,, rod.; 2MMMI, K.Te., [Transactions of the Conference on the Study of the Scintillation of Stara] Trudy ;Soveshchanlia po iBsladovanUu mertsenlia zvezd. Moscow, Izd-rvo Akad.nauk 6=9 1959. 263 p. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Soveshchaniya po iseledovaniyu mortsanlya zvoud. Moscow, 1958. 2. Chlen-korrospondent AN SSSR (for Obukhov). (Stare--Saintillation--Congresties) KALLISTRATOVA, 14.A, Method of studying the scattering of sound in the atmosphere. Akuot.zhur. 5 no.4:496-496 159. (MIRA 14-.6) 1. Institut fiziki-atmoofery AN SSSR, MosJcva. (Atmospheric acoustics) 11 (3) AUTHOR: Kallistratova, M.,A. SOV/20-125-1-17/67 TITLE: An Experimental Investigation of Soimd Scattering in a Turbulent Atmosphere (Eksperimentalln.oye issiedovaniye rasseyaniya zvuka v turbulentnoy atmoafere) PERIODICALs Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Hr 1, pp 69-72 (USSR) ABSTRACTt Pertinent earlier investigations are firat muntioned in short. In order to verify the theory of wave scattering at a turbulence in real atmosphere it in of interest to carry out a direct experimental investigation of sound scattering in the earth-near atmospheric layer. In this earth-near layer the characteristics of turbulence may be evaluated on the basis of meteorological measurements (altitude distribution of wind and temperature)o The experiments on sound scattering were made in September 1958 at the Tsimlyansk stantsiya Instituta fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR (Tsimlyansk Station of the Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere of the AS USOR). Figure 1 shows a scheme of the experiment and a block diagram of the measuring device. The sound source is an efficient planar condenser- transducer (0.8 . 0.9 m large) with a narrow directivity Card 1/3 diagram. A converter of this type also served as microphone. SOV/20-,125-1-17/67 An Experimental Investigation of Sound Scattering in FA Turbulent Atmosphere Sound source and microphone were parted by a distance of 2 R - 40 m. The direct and the scattered signal were observed visually with a cath-'q-ray oscilloscope. Fig-mre 2 shows a series of photographs of the oscilloscope screen. With increasing scattering angle the retardation of the scattered pulse increases with respect to the direct pulse, blat its amplitude decreases at the same time. A formula for the intensity of the radiation scattered from the volume V (with an form of spectral density of the refractive index~'(M is then derived. This formula is also in good agreeaent with the experimental data of the magnitude of intensity of the scattered signal for the scattering angles 250 and 300. The theory based on the hypothesis of the local homogeneous turbulence offers a correct description of the obBerved dependence of the scattering intensity on the intensity of pu2sations. There are 4 figures and 8 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki atmosfery Akademii nau.k SSSR (institute for Physics of the Atmosphere of the Academy of Sciences,, USSR) Card 2/3 An' Eaperimental Inveotigration of Sound 3cattering :X.,V/20-1 ~5--l -17/67 in a Turbulent Atmosphere PREMITED: November 27, 1958, by M. ii. Leontovich, AcademicAlun SMUTTED: llovember 24, 1958 Card 3/3 Suck KALLL;TRATOVA, M. A. Cnyl'i Fl',Y5-" of ~o!ml ~-m~v~s a In `-,, otmoophereo" 1.1108, lg(;(,'# (1~n t7d In s' v Ph;, tho Atmos,,phere. Acoljz;fAcik inst-) ('KL, 86V 5/046/60/006/004/016/022 0 11,6 B019/BO56 AUTHORSj M. A tarskiy, V. I. TITLEs The Consideration of the Vorticity of the Wind Field in Calculating Bound Scattering in the Atmosphere PERIODICALt Akustioheskiy zhurnal, 19609 Vol. 6, No. 4, YP- 503 - 505 TEXTs Tatarskiy and other Russian scientists, in calculating the sound 11 oattering by turbulent pulsations of the w1nd velocities and the temperature in the atmosphere proceeded front the differential equation 1 829 2L v, VAI (1) a2 at2 d2 Bt and from the acoustic theory of non-uniformly moving media. Here 9 is the potential of the acoustic velocity, o - the 4welocity of sound, andl' the pulsation rate of the wind. In the present paper reference is made to experimental reaults obtained at the Tai2lyanskaya nauchnaya stantsiya Institute, fiziki atmosfery AN SSSR (Tsimlyansk Scientific Station of the Institute of the Physics of the Atmosphere of the AS USSR), and it is Card 1/2 1~e The Consideration of the Vorticity of the Wind Field in Calculating Sound Scattering in the Atmosphere 86W B/046/60/006/004/016/022 B019/,BO56 shown that the assumptions made by the scientists mentioned are not justified. Already the American Kraichnan (Ref. 4) solved the problem with- out using the sound potential and the essential restriction curl - 0. The authors show in this case that, especially in the case of large scattering angles, the vorticity of the wind field must not be neglected when investigating the scattering of sound waves. There are I figure and 5 referencesi 4 Soviet and 1 US. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fiziki atmoefery AN SSSR, Moskva (Inotitute of the Physics of the Atmosphere of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTEDs April 23, 1960 Card 2/2 33205 S/1111/61/00'i/005/007/021 E032/E514 ~.O 0 51, e) AliTHORS Bovshever--v, V,M,, Gurvich, A,S, and Kallistratova M A.. I ITLE An experimental study of the vibration of an artificial. source of light PERIODICAL-, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnvkh zavedeniy, Radiofizika. v.4, no,5. 1961, 886-891 TEXT; The static vibration characteristics. the dispersion, and the frequency spectrum were investigated with the aid of the apparatus shown in Fig.l. The light source OC was Placed behind a whose width was such that the angular dimensions at' the source were of the order of 211~ The source was placed at a distance L from a telescope, The mirror of a single-loop galvanometer Pwas placed between the objective 0 of the telescope and its focal point at a distance of about I cm from the latter, Light reflected from the mirrorwas focui;ed by a second objective (not shown in the figure) onto a 50 u slit., The width of this slitwas smaller by a factor of approximately 2 than the image of the source produced by the second objective, 'rho photo- multiplier Towas placed behind the slit, When the vosition of Card 1/4 33205 An experimental study of the 5/141/61/004/005/007/021 EO-52/E514 the source is changed the system may be re-foicui4ed by dxsplacjris~ the objective of the telescope, The vibration wms measured with the aid of a tracking system operating on a carriti- frequency (it' 5 k;.:Is. The carrier frequency signal deriVed from &n iwdio- frequency oscillator was fed into the loop through an adding cxrcuit Z (balanced bridge). The amplitude of the oscillation Of the image was of the order of 35 to 1*0 11, The photomtili.iplier outpW was fed into the amplifier J (bond-width 11800-J5200 cps) the avej..2ge position of the image (per period) is at the mid-po.iiit of the slit, then the photomultiplier signal contains freqiiency components 2f. 4f etc, but the component with frequency f (period ~ I/f) is ahsent, The amplitude of Lhe latter comnonetit is proportional to the displacement of the average pasitzon of the image from the mid-point of the slit and the phase is the sante as the phase of the oscillations of the loop or differs from it, by 1800 depending on whether the image is displaced to the Left or to the right., The amplifier will transmit only those frequenc)es which art- approximately equal to f, The amplifier I~i Followed by the synchronous detector C,,a whose output is fed to the galvanometer loop through the adding circuit The varianco of Card 2/4 33 2D.5 An experimental study of the ... S/141/61/004/oo-5/007/021 F-032/F514 the vibration was measured with the aid of an electrodynamic multiplier with negative feedback which was similar to that described by G. Korn and T. Korn Ozer.6; F-lectronic tirialague computers, 1952 (Russian translation IL, M, 1955). The s Cal 0 of the multiplier as graduateg in units of the vqriance of the angle of incidence C;,, = ((P - rp The variance o- ifar, measured &s (P a function of L and ortim meteoroloEical conditions. It was found that,on the average,the plot of 0 tP vs. L is a otrnight line. This is in agreement with the theoretical formula reported by V. 1. Tatarskiy (Ref.l: Theory of' fluctiintions in the propagation of waves in a turbulent atmosphere, Izd.AN M., 1959). The experimental data obtained for the inten3ity of fluctuation in the angle of incidence are also in good agreement' with calculations based on meteorological measurements of temperature gradients and wind speed. The spectrum of fluctuations in the angle of incidence in in good agreement with the theoretical calculations based on the Kolmogorov-Obukhov theory of turbulence. There are 5 figures and 7 Soviet references. Card 3/4 33205 An experimental study of the ... S/141/61/004/005/007/021 L'ON/E5i4 ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki atmosfery AN sSSR (Institute of Physi6s of the Atmosphere AS USSR) SUBMITTED: March 2, 1961 Fig.l. Legend. Block diagram of the apparatus. V11"- light source, 0 - objective, - loop galvanometer, ff - slit I )V - photomultiplier, 5 kc/s filter, Y - amplifier, r - synchronous detector, adding bridge,3)' - electrometric amplifier, high-voltage. rectifier, audio-frequency oscillator, frequency analyser, electrodynamic multiplier. L Kc Card 4/4 j AUTHOR: Kallistratova. M.A. 43177 S/5o6/62/000/004/004/005 F032/g3iA TITLE: Experimental studies of the scatteting of nound waves in the atmosphere SOURCK: Alcademiya nauk SSSR. Institut eiziki atmotifery. Trudy. no. 4. 1962. Atmosfernayn turbulantnont'. 203 - 256 TEXT: This paper reviews experimental studies of the scattering of sound in the atmosphere,which were carried out at the Tsimlyanskaya nauchnaya stantsiya Instituta fizilci atmosfery AN SSSR (Tsimlyanskiy Scientific Station of the Institute of' Physics of the Atmosphere of the AS USSR). and the associated theorf!tical background. The experiments were carried out on an open steppe in 1958 and 1959. The vertical profiles'of the average wind veLocity and average temperature were mcasured at the same time. The aim was to verify a theoretical formula for the intensity of scattered sound waves as a function of the meteorologicnl conditions, frequency and angle of scattering. Both the sound-wave generator and the detector*werc highly directional, so that the scattering could be looked upon as being due to a localized region in the Card 1/0 9 s/5o6/62/000/001f/()()1I/O() 5 Experimental sttidies .... i-,o3,_,/r3I1I atmosphere. PreLiminary data were obtained it, 1958 lising electro- static converters, type MI(W-1 (NIKI-1). The sound-,genorator ind the microphone were arran-cred as shown in Fig. 114. They were at .1 fixed distance- of 110 in rroin each other. The transmitter produced 1. . or 30 c - nd c ~S )is pulses at a repetition freqiiency Ar ri or frequency of IL kc/s. The intensity was measured at scattering -Angles between 16 and 180 0, The sensitiy4ty of tile apparatus was such that scattered signals equal to 10 of the intensity of' the transmitted signal cotild be detected. Tile apparatus thus provided a means of direct experimental determination o1' tile scattering of sound bv turbulent pulsations in wind velocity and temperature. The general variation in the scattexing intensity as a function of the scattering angle was found to be in agreement with theoretical predictions, e6g. there are minima in the scattering function Lit 0 = 90 and 180 . A formula for the effective Scattering cross- section derived on the nsstimption thnt -curl v t: 0 wom found to leads to a discrepancy as compared with experimental data for large scattering angles at which a COS2 E) factor was found to have a strong effect. Tile three-dimensional spectral-energy density of turbulent pulsations calculated from the dependence of the Card 2/0 4 s/5o6/62/000/004/oo4/oo5 Experimentn]. xtudieg *so* E032/E314 9cattered intensity on 49 in the range 19 = 16 - 70 which corres- ponded to irregularities with,03ear dimensions between 3 and 12 cm, was of the form e- (sin &/2)- , which was in good agreement with the theories of A.N. Kolmogorov (Vokl. AN SSSR, 30, 299, L941)-and A.M. Obulchov (Izv. AN SSSII, seriya geogr. i'geofiz., no. 4-5, 453, 1941; v-13, 0no. 1, 1949; no. 3, 1951). At small angles (E)-A* 16 - 3o ) the efryMve scattering cross-section was'of the form 0- --- ising/2) The absolute value of the scattered signal Wt 16u< 94- 700 was also in good agreement with theoretical predictions. The effective scattering cross-section per uni 6 -1 volume at 0 = 300 was found to be of' the.o 1~ er of 0.8 x 10 CM This value was found to reduce to 3-4 x 10 at 1800, which was lower by two orders of magnitude as compnr*ed with the theory. A study of the dependence of the scattered intensity of meteorological conditions showed that: 1) there was good agreement between the theoretically predicted effective scattering cross-section as 0A function of' the meteorological conditions and 2) up to (9 = 80 the principal contribution to the scattered intensity was due to wind- velocity pulsations whereas at greater angles temperature pulsations had to he tnicen into accounts Scattering at 111o0 depended on Card 3/6 9 s/5o6/6,-)/ooo/oo4/ooIt/oc 5 ~xperimenta] studies .... FO 3 2/ E3 111 temperat,tire pulsations only, in agreement with *theoretical predic- t ions. Fn compaving the scattering intensity vrith the 3triictural constants C%T and CIr For the svind-volocity and temperature profiles it was necessary to take into account the dependence of' the numerical parameters a and b I entering into the formiLila for Cv and CT )on the Richardson number Ri There are 29 figuros. Card 4/8 KALLISTRATOVA, M. A. "Problems of acint].Uationr3 und turbulence in the report presented at 12th Gen Assembly, Intl AstronoinicEd Union, 1111murg, Aug- 3 Sep 064. BOVSIIEVEROV, V.M.; KALLISTRATOVA, M.A. .. -.- 0~1----,- ...... ...- Method and preliminary mesgurements of the of the solar limb image. Astron. zhur. 41 My-je 164. fluctuation no.3:550-554 (Y.IRA 17:6) 1. Institut fiziki atmoafery AN SSSR. AVoooA667 AUTHORS: Bovshererovj Ve Me; Ourvich. A. S,_1 3 OROS -noAe. TITLEx Flickering of the Image of an artificial light source in i~he surfacip laye'r of the atmosphere SOURCE: AN SSSR. AstronozzdchegkjX_affqt* Opticheskaya nest,mbJ21MOut, sammoy atmosfery-jbjR-ca1-j-na-&R ~5ijity of the ;arth's atmosphere). MOseviij IsA-va Nwakaj, 1965a 32-39 TOPIC TAGS t atmospheric turbulence# atmospheric refraction,* irind .'riblocitir., t4uVeira- ture gradient ABSTRACTS Apparatus used for measuring fluctuation of wave lrront* it" deaorii)ed previously by the authors (Izv, vyash. uch, sav., Radiorizikilp 4j, .Wo. 50 1'961~1. Measurements were made at night in August of 1960 at the T0,01.yanaltayc nauchiNwa stantsiya Instituta fiziki atmosfera (Tsimlyanskiy Scientij!ip~ Btst~on of the Xnatitutel of Atmospheric Physics), Directed light sources (projoctors~ werfa act up at~ distwees' of 125., 250, 500, 10001, and 2000 m. The angle of light wait albou4 ~2". Ivera, git vaa ues for 10 minutes were used. Flickering was meaaured, and vertloal yrofile3 of iirlrA velocity and temperature were determined to a height of 12 m~, Thu 4epandenoe!or flicker dispersion on height was determined. Heasured and c4mput-od valuo-- %Titbj~l Card 1/2 L 153OC-k,6 ACC NR. AT6003707 dispersion were compared and found to be in good agreement. Tbe ,lithers Shov that Ithe vertical distribution of average vind'velocities and of , terq)~ratufli in tba s~ixaco layer of the atmosphere may be used to compute reliably the ahount i oX flicker V, means of the theory advanced b5r V. 1. Tatarskiy (Tooriya f 1,vilktuatidonnykh yaVXe#r pri rasprostraaenii voln v turbuleatnoy atmoofere. Izvo Al ssm" ~1.4 19550-: TO make comparable computations when the ray pas*os through tha:j3ntirq.i thtmosphsre~ it, is necessary to know the relationship of On (the structural pmlsbarl of tho refractive index n) to dT/da and d7dz (T is the Kelvin teq=Og'IXtur~I.'.U tilt) Wira velocity, and z the height) in tba free atmosphere, in addition to! tile Vortilivi profiles of wind velocity and temperature, These relationsld~)sj ard, jWW boing investigated by L. R. Tsvang (Izv.. AN SSSR, our. geofiz... 10,.~, 1963). Heakli'llreunts; 41 -ight confirm the view that the mom square fluctuation of the anjtl~ of I -wg-.Ve incidence is proportional to the distance of turbulent tlediun'*thro4i which'th light passes. The fluctuation opectrux or the incident angloAgre6n vatisfactorilir with theoretical computations on the basis of the Xolmogorov-4'Aukbn tarhalenadil theoryp and it supports the validity of the "frozen turbularco" M~Ahsois. The dimensionless spectra of incident-angle fluctuation of light #Ad sl~~ad waves 4UM rather similar* Orig. art* hass 4 figures arA 8 formiUs* SM DMS IsHaA51 ORIG UF4 WS M CODEt 04/ Astronomyla'ss 2/2 1)! _gard . , ~1 I w1, v1.11vililf It till !11111lujillillinii I lintmilmr-m milvill III n~ HIM L 20206-66 FEC(k)-2/EWT(d)/EWT(l)/F~C ACC NR: AP6007629 SOURCE CODE. i0o, i1091/r"050/005C.I UR/0.141/66 9; !AUTHOR: Kalliotratovas M. A* 'ORG: Institute of th Atmosphgrg, AN NO e Physics of (X"titut fiziiki atMQsA fAN SSSR) TITLE: Fluctuation of the direction of L o, M a !heterogeneous turbulent medium do iSOURCE: IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 1, 1966, 50-56 TOPIC TAGS:' light propagation, atmospheric turbulence !ABSTRACT: The measurements are reported of the dtspe~Oon al-Ad frequenc' Y !spectrum of fluctuation in the direction of light emanating fk.onx the edge of the sun: Idisk. A Sun telescope was installed in a flat steppe area, nIgiar Tiiimlyansk ,y i The r !Sun's rays passed thr&gh the entire thickness of the Earthlil atm,)sphere. The measurements were made in August, 1963, , with little or no clou~is, pres*ent. Turbulence characteristics near the telescope were measur6d in~ oll nts; Jt was found that: (1) Reduced to the zenith, the niean-square flui-tuation of thei ilight-wave direction 0-7 1 1. 5 ang. sec. exceeds by seireral ~kte a the 4itlueis 'Card 112 UDC: 535. 3 551. 5 w, il~ ......... . L 29206-66 ~ACC NR: AP6007629 !observable in the night from star twinklingi (2) Formulas a ;re avllilable for: !evaluating the direction-fluctuation disperaion; a knowledge -of the mean values land vertical gradients of air temperature and wind -mlocity ta thaigiomnd layer o the atmosphere is required; (3) The experimental frequency, I;pGctI4U;M is in. satisfactory agreement with the theoretical estimated lor a homojefteolas path and Iwith the mean wind velocity determined in a ground layer of:& few! dozen meters !thick. "In conclusion, the author wishes to thank &A ILIA- Tatarskiv for their constant attention and hints, and Mechamtc: M.' A..Yorab'iev ifor aligning the servosystems and measurement work. Orl art has: 5 figlurds and 7 formulas. 8:; -SUB CODE: 04 SUBM DATE: ?.9Jul65 ORIG REri GO: V :Card Z/2 ACC INRs A P't 0 o 1,2, 11 SOURCE,' CODE: 'till/ 0 141 i 66 /009/1"06/ 1100/1107 AUTHOR:' Kallistratova, 1TV1. A.; Kon, A. 1. OT'11G: Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, AN SSSR (Institut fiziki atrnosfery A NL SSS R) TITLE: FlL1CtU,1ti0nS in the angle of arrival of light waves froin an oxtended source in a turbulent atmosphere SOURCE- IVUZ. Radiofizika, v. 9, no. 6, 1966, 1100-1107 TOPIC TAGS: light source, light wave, wave propagation, atmospheric turbulence, plane wave, correlation function, spectrum /9 -rr?70.n ABSTRACT: The article deals with a study of fluctuations in the direction of wave I propagation from an extended light source in an atmosphere with turbulent pulsations of the refraction index. A luminous filament, sufficiently dist."Int from the refract- ing atmosphere, is used as the extended source, which makes it possible to limit the investigation to plane waves. The correlation function is calculated for the I fluctuations in phase difference from the different points of the extended source in the case when the atmosphere is a uniform isotropic layer adjacent to the receiving LCard 1/2 UDC: 535. 3:551. 51 VAIT-01 "On the pitl,~oanaixnic.-il s'~!-Ptcrns of the af oca! cFreT,r(,jrjq(~ I-] - 0 .1 _ con -,,;s . rl --,. 2-17. (ACTA 1-101ii KGLCGICA_ 1"r Sil3lilINTLI~%Ul' HLl,,jGAldC.1E ,Vol. 3, rio. 1) jq~,-~ - , _ 1 .1 -utip -est.) I ~ r -,. SO: 1-*,onthly Lislu of East Eurrrean Accesslirms, Library of Vrl I", vojd~v Oct. 1959, Uncl. 0 0 a 4 It , O 11 I ' ' t a 1 .1 4 v A t I 4A a I D D t t . t j t 4i 00 0 SuoCturof Chang o$ to the kidners due to gold Compawds. r4l'.KALLb.. Jdar- !1 -00 Yar =$i _-Stmwtural dung" in the kidneys of 41 rabbits. elts 404 -00 Mb admIcistration of An vosnrxls AuCl. KrYOWSR.I. T"Pal. Sanocrysine. KAu(C.1411. AWTbog. StAg" StUf .4WSznjJ It were Wwd. PrWerly - lucrevard &-.w% of thtme An cmitids- immium lriymts silliltt to tluw 14 helIVY W141 -11" 4110 -M Chong" accutdias to the dome vit. bypeftmift with N"&Urf dw1wilexis. dext1wira- fps, Z I: tion Ol the cmtorted tubules and intmtAW infiltraliu"s- lkwex cLuling death o"rr mote than 3 brx. always PnWUM 8 nevolic I)VIPlInyxis. Intuffid"Ity o( Oo k1durys .5 the raluse ut drath. Thm,twu6c dmes ag used in lwactkv ltair caum a &"m. lioll W U-twr imikalmav acamlIPWIlrd with 411.4mullutut chrT.Aivulvy im milch h b 4300 eral'y l on vottur 14tely, but it 6 shown thst dua cAre alukuld tic maintaitwil lot aic ' : Alflikit It. I 409 ow of) 0 Oil 009 see LITINATIM CkA$SIFKATFOx i~ll .41 0 u 0 AV 10 Is 7- __ -, I- * I,* I T-j to a 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fit 0 0 .1tillawl 11 o A I I I M is. v W-WT 0 60 0 0 0 o Olven N=4-a Countr-p HunCary Academic Deerees: Dr. glent and Pathological-Anatapy Department of Jolm's Ophthahqoloey Depar' Affiliation: (b-,L ~apcst--'J~oi;- Ii~~ Y -azemosztalya es prosecturuja -Q-tor: Dr Jozac- TOKO. Hozp Source: zes, , 1 36, No 4. Aug 61, pp 317-320 Datas J~rrAthetie Ophtalmia," Atithors.- I stvan Kt,LLC~ A ntal ER(k-.5. Sandor, KALLO A dr.; FARKAS, Gy., dr.; MIKLOS, Gy-., dr.; HODI, L., dr.; SZIJARTO., L., dr. Relapsing nodular panniculitie vith co-exiating aortic arch ayndromm. Orv.hatil. 102 no.33:1550-1554 13 Ag 161. 1. Budapesti Janos Korhaz, Korbonctani as Koramovattami Osztaly as IV. Beloszt&17. (PANNICULITIS compl) (AORTA absom) FMGARY _ .,-SZIJARTO, Lehel, Dr; Janos Hospital LAXATOS, Iren, Dr, 1ALLO..-Antal-, Dr of Budapest, Departments of Pathology and Pathohistology and Infant and Children's Ward (Budapesti Janos Korhaz Korbonctani, es'Xorszovet- tani Osztaly ei Csecsemo- es Gye,-nekosztaly). "Leprechaunism. Donohue Syndrome." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 103, No 23, 9 June 63, pages 1075-1080. Abstract: [Authors' Hunsarian summary modified] Two cases are reported -among sisters with symptoms identical with those reported 17 Donohue. The characteristic chanmes are mainly due to early ripening of the ovarian follicle, (probably during the 64 intrauterine months), ac- companied by an overproduction of estro.gens. It resulted in hyperplasia of the nipple and external sex organs, hypertrichosis, increased 17- ketosteroid excretion, hyperfunction of the Langerhans islos and para- thyroids as well as a decrease of the growth hormone of tho pituitary. The syndrome is similar to the Stein-Leventhal syndrome of adults and may be its intrauterine analogue.Available data give no suggestions for the cause of this early ripening of the follicles. 1 Hungarian, 5 DI stern references. -I--,- - -- I- - . - I I II- - - I- -- . - - ---. -, 1. ~~ ~~ ~, p. 01 '1 T. III -, :11 ~,, -~ + ~- - -" --- L -1 - : -- .- -.- 'P~: ; -1---i .-I ~ M .. : I . I ". ~ I ; . . I . . ; I - I Distr: 4E2c(J)/4E3d \j Pre wation of low moli l" wei S f ht r 4w) t . cu o UQCIIj g p hn Is v tPR ad tion urposes. n P&I Feks tad j6zsef e I WRO ~I IW uM A t (Hung. 1 1. bei., fi I e MdLwr A04. -1- P - 132-8(195D).-Lower paraffins and olefins r " I (WC pure for adsorption and catalytic purposes) ly f d f l d l . ree of con. rom a es. an were complete y =rep tion, The ales. were dehydrated on active AljO# ' ' 0 MOH at 350 , lso-PrOH At 320 , BuOH at 300 , Iso-Buoll at35OI,andkrj--BuOHat3lQ*)- The olefins formed were then hydrogenated at 650, using Cu s contg. 0.670 NI and 4.3% CrA, and Pt catalysts on Allf),, (0.5 to Ro Mitt l m se e m . )JJ A V KALLOv DDnes Catalyti* -bydrogonation of batylenqB under atwj>-~pjjqrjc promris. Toosprom vegyip egy kozl 4 no.4a335-337 160 1, bhgyarladomanyoo Akadomia Kozponti Komial Kutato lhtesete,, Budapest. --KALLO, Denes Interpretation of the surface structure of catalysts on the basis of the theory of active centers. Kom tud kotl MTA 13 no.2s201-216 160. (MAI 918) (Surface chemistry) (Catalysts) NAGY, Fereno; HORANYIO C~rorgyj UUOp Donee Calculation for the velocity constants of triangle reaction of the first order leading U equilibrium by means of hydrointagrater, Nagy kem folyoir 67 no.12:522-527 D 161. 1, Magyar Tudomanyoo Akademia Usponti Nemiai Kutato Intezete, Budapest. AALLO,,Denes; ENGELHARDT., Jowef; FRWZLER, Imrs Isomerization of ri-butenes on aluminum silicate catalyst, 1. a separation of polymerization and Isomerization; determination of thermodynamical equi2lbriumo. Yagy kem folyoIr 68 no.8:359-366 Ag 162. le Hagyar Tudomanyos Akademia, Kosponti Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Bu- dapest. KALLO, Denes- SCHAY, Gaza; NAGY, Feranc; HORANYI, Gyorj7 Isomerization of n-butenes on skIllminosilicate cataVzer.II. Magy kem folyoir 68 no.9:381-389 S 162. 1. Magyar TudomwWos Akademia Kozponti Kemiai Kutato Intesete, Budapest. '2. "Magyar Kemiai Polyoirat" averkeazto bizottsagi tagjii (for Schay). BODOR, Geza, dr.; KALID, Donesne, dr. Examirtation of the irregularities in the products of synthetic fibrous materials by, means of the diffraction method. Magy textil 15 no.11:503-505 163, 1. IC~aiyagipari Kutato Intezet, Budapest. HUHN, Peter, kandfdatus; kandidatus An accont of the work of the Working Committan an Catalyals in 196". Kem tud koal KrA 22 no.ItIO.3--104 164, FEJES, Pal; KALLO, Denes ; Role of the pore diffualon IrAilbl.tlon In first-order triangular reactions reversible in all directionso Pt# 1. Magy kem folyoir 70 no. 1: 7-16 in 164, 1. Magyar Tudomanyus Akademia Nozponti Kemiai KuLa:to Intezete, Budapest. --L- 47255=. 6 - - &3469 SOURCE cODEs HU/0005/66/066-/663/Q~40/01.41- KOLIAR, Laszlo, Scirvpxz, Gabor. and W",DOrieOjjt,_ Plastic Yndustries Research Institute (Manyagipari Kutato Intezet), Budspost-. "Investications of Ziegler-Natta -Catalyat%atems (Preliminary Comunication) Budapest, Ma Vol ?2, No 3, mar 66; pp 140-141. Abstract [Authors' English abstract]: Study of the a-TiCl3/AlEt3 catalyst system has shown that the crystaUine structure of.c-TiC13 varies accard-nc to its preparatory cond ions* This factor has a substantial effect on the rate of polymerization# In our final paper the study of WD tyPOS Of a-TiCI3/ Eno AlOt3 catalyst syistems be doscribod and their efrect on the molecular weight distribution as well as the effect of the.ervstal size-of a-TiC13 gn the polymerization rate will be discussed.," fjPRS: 361,002_7 -7-- .1... ..---Origt art* has: 5 figures. TOPIC TAGSs polymerization rate, polymerization catalyst I SU4 CODEt 07 SUBM DATEs 14 Sep 65 ORIG REFs 001 OTH REFt 004 KALL40GLYAN , ~! -111, T Colorimetry of barred gal&vtsm. Report Ifool. Dokl. AN Arm. SSR 26 no.4:217-222 158. (mrn i1:5) 1,E~=&kanskays astrofixicheskays observatoriya Almdemii nauk Armyanekoy SSR. Predstavleno V.A. Ambartsuayanon. (Nebulae) i, - KULOGLYAN, A. T. Colorimetry of barred galaxies# Report no,2. Soob.Biur.obser, no.25:35-44 '58. (08laxies) (MIRA 11:12) I I 1--AI,4.CGLYATI, A.T., Cand Phya-4:1--Ah Sci (dice) "C;zi the tolorinotry 0 mid railtiplo Mwletati-on. Yorown, 1.0 p-jr, 'A - - Tll~ A ~ kan Astrophystical Ubqcrv- tory of thc; "Cold cT Ocl 04*4hm tmimian SSR. Yerevan �t- to U) - 150 001)i0", 84593 -9/169/,60/00-0/008/004/007 0 (IPW, 1,0S 7~ /a,90, Z941, 3.zo 1 AOO5/A0Ol Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, aeofizika, 1960, No. 8, p, 2o1, # 9911 'AUTHOR-Q., Khachikyan, E. Ye., Kalloglyan,_A. T., Kazary !j, M, A, TITLE: Observations of an Artificial Comet\yat Byurakan - 1. With the "Kometa A" Unit PERIODICAL: Astron. tsirkulyar, 1959, 15 Okt., No. 205, pp, 2-3 TEXT: On September 12, 1959, beginning In 21h 35ffl0s Moscow time, the continuous photographing were carried out of the sodium clwd artificially o5r*iji- nated by the second Soviet cosmic rocket; the unit "Kometa A" was used. Six pictures were obtained. The greatest density of blackening was observed fn the direction near the rocket motion direction. The coordinates of the cloud center were roughly estimated. A table is added of the computed values of the cloud diameters for its different evolution stages. The average rate of expanding was of the order of 1.3 km/seo. According to the last photograph the cloud diameter amounted to about 1,500 km. The instant of flash is in the interval from 21h49M 20-9 to 2lh49m35s. The sodium cloud was photographed also by the 21 - 21" Shmidt- telescope;: two photographs were taken. From the first# the equatorial coordinatEs Card 1/2 84593 -9/169/60/000/008/004/007 AOO5/A0O1 Observations of an Artificial Comet at Byurakan - I. With the "Koineta A" Unit of the artificial comet were determined, from the second the averiige value of the cloud expansion rate (1 krq/seo) was estimated. Moreover, a weak aionochrofttie~ picture of the sodium cloud was obtained by the 8" Shmidt-chamber through,the objective prisma. D. A. M. Translator's note% This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. C ard 2/2 KMOGUYAN, A.T. ------- - Colorimetry of barred gala#es. Report No.3. Dokl. All Arin. SSR 33 no.5$205~-212 161o (MIRA l5s2) 1. Byurakanakaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya AN Armyanskoy SM. Predstavleno akadem!Lkom V.A.Ambartsu anam, (Nebu a7e KALLOGLYAN, A. To Absolute tvo-color photometry, of NGC 7331. Soob. Biur. obser. no.30:21-33 '62. (MIRA 15:10) (Galaxies) S/252/62iO34/00 1 /00 1 /001 102311223 AUTHOR Kalloglyan, A. T. TITLE-. On the dynamical instability of certain groups of plaxicn. PERIODICAL- Akademiya Nauk Armcyanskoy SSR Doklady, v. 34, no. 1, 1962, 19-23 TEXT: Four groups of galaxies are analysed, having a total positive energy. The four groups are: 1) NGC 68, 69, 71, 72 and an anonymous galaxy; 2) NGC 80, 83; 3) The double galaxy 7385, 7386; 4) A chain of galaxies at ct,950 = Ih 4.'6: 61950 = + 32" 8'. When applying the virial theorem, the mass-luminosity ratios obtained in very high: 260-685. The masscs of the galaxies so calculated arc by an order of magnitude greater than the masses calculated assuming a more reasonable mass-luminosity ratio of 60. The results obtained indicate that some galaxies and groups of galaxies arc unstable. If the above galaxict amid groups of Salaxici are assumed stable, the mass-luminosity ratio becomes very high. a fact not supported by any other evidence. ASSOCIATION: Byurakanskaya astrofizicheskaya observatoriya Akademii nauk Armyanskoy SSR (Byu- rakan Astrophysical Observatory, Academy of Sciences, Armiyanskaya SSR). PRESENTED: September 15, 1961, by V. A. Ambaptsumyan, Academician Card 1/1 TOWUSYAN G.M.; KALLOGLYAN, A.T. I ---I- ~ Some identifications of cosmic radio sources. Soob. Biur. obser. no.31:31-38 162. Nature of double radio galaxies. 39-51 (WRA 16t9) 1. Institut radiofiz:Lk:L i elektroniki AN Irmyanskoy SSR i Byurakanskaya astrofizichenkaya observatoriya Ali ArmVamkoy SSR, KALWGLYAN, A.T. Surface brightness of the bars of spiral galaxies. Soob. Blur. obser. no.33:19-28 163. (MIRA 17:5) KAL-LOGLYAN, A.T. Peculiar galaxy NGO 3656. Soob. Biur. obser. no.3401-35 163. (14M 17:5) -1 -11:1 J!L -ij. ard Z12 C _,Awaj a _111&11011~ Ij J M IM j IR fin IL I= T1 I I Q~ 1, L 42302:&6 EW-r( I M ACC NRt AT6013094 SOURCE CODE: UR/2620/(4/000/036/0031/0043 AUTHORSs Xa11og1Xanj,A,_T~,j Tovmaoyanv 00 M9 ORG: none TITLE: The nuclei of barred gaLa~ieaN SOURCE: Byurakan, Obeervatoriya. Soobehoheniya, no. 36t 1964, 31-43 TOPIC TAGS: galaxy, astrononVp radio astronomyl photometry, calorimetryt euservatory ABSTRACT: The .results of photometric -and calorimetric investigations of 50 barred galaxies are presented. The 50 galaxies included in the study are taken from all four sub-types from SBO to SBC with known radial velocities and apparent magnitudes greater than 13m. The observations were made on a 21--21" telescope of the Schmidt system of the Byurakan.Observatory. "Agra Astro Platten" film for the blue rays and "Kodak Oa-F11 film for orange rays and an OG-1 filter were used. The light system was determined by the equation CI int ' 0.8 CI, where CI is the light constant in the system used. A table is presented showing the observation data on the fifty galaxies- studied. The results lead to the hypothesis that in SBO, galaxies there is a strong central "bunching" in whichy in all likelihood, there is a otar-like center. In SBa and SBb galaxies oentere of thie type are frequently so bright that they are sharply defined against the background of the central agglomeration. On the other hand, the 1 L 42309-66 ACC NRj AT6013094 0& centering tendency is absent in the SBc sub-type, and the centers are quite weak. The large dispersion of center radiance in the boundarieB of the SBa and SBb eub-types indicates that the development of the center occurs to a large degree independently of the morphological structure of the galaxy. The authors thank V. A. Ambartaugrap for his comments and interest in the work and B. Ye. MarkaZy for his consultations in the process of developing the material. Orig. art. hast I table and 3 figures. SUB CODE: 03/ SM DATEt' none/ ORIG REFt 004/ OM REFt 002 s/6&-o/62/000/03Q/001/002 E03 2/t).14. AUTHORS: Khachikyan, E.Ye., and Kalloglyan, N~L. ,r"TLE: On thepolarisation of the cometary nebulm NGC 2261 6OU11CL: Byurakan. Observatoriya. Soobshcheniya4 no* 50. 19628* 45-50 ThXF: A polarimetric study or the NUC 2261 nebula, which has variable characteristics, in reported. The o4)servmtIonz were carried out on the Schmidt telescope of the Uyurahan Observatory.- Nijic 45-minute exposures were recorded on "Kodak Oa-0 plates with the polaroid at o, 6o and 1200. The method employed in tfis obNervation3 and in the measurements on the negatives was.deocribid in an earlier paper (E.Ye. Khachikyan, Vopros:~ kosinogonii, VII, 1961, 333). The polarisation was calculated as 'described by D.A. Rozhkovskiy (Astronamicheakiy tsirkulyar,. no.-166, .1956,- Two sets of polarisation measurements were obtained, one for Deccmber 24-25 1960, and the other for januar'.y'-131' 1961. . The go-meral pattern of the polarisation in the stime as that reported earlier by P-Ye. Khachikyan (Soobahcheniya., ~y-urakanakoy obsorvatorii, v.25, 1958, 67) except that the-mean degree of Card 1/2 10/62/000/030/001/002-. Un the polarisation of the cometary..., E032/V110 polarisation for the first of the above' w6tw Of peasuremients was 181,., and for the second, 16%. As before, a y~'ry.hlgh degree of polarisation is observed at the edges of the'.nebVIA, particularly on its eastern boundary. A new 'bright fila'nielit wals found with * the plane of preferred vibrations almost eXaCtly at~right anglem to the line connecting the filament to the, cintre of the nebula. There are 2 figures and I table. Ii T. ~ ,, . I. ~ . - 1 1; . - , . I '-- .. -I I I .. - I - 11 Fqmq,41-1 IF I'll 111. --, , ~ ". , -, .. ~,, -,. , . ,, .. 11.1 W;j fm 0 a 0 0 0 m 13 it V to of it, It V If is 3.11) liz 1191.1's 11 Vol OLO A S. 1- -A L N I A L JL J1 F Q j I I_ J) AP N PP 91,1 b 1. A a ~ 4 t ~ - A .1. A 1~ "Om A., to, 0 so Dispoeis of uric Wd diathesis by iukidlft* of Mucus J61hef Kalliss tNwjs 11glikip 82. PAP-PhOMI I he 13' 00 irl nWj~j"id content of stoinwh Ifluclul %10vol frOf', ~~ u Utt1%. It is -ills for the is-Ji% Wuxi it Ch, Colsampunigaresinti1xv. Subjectshisving line uric will contents imotly had thcurnatic mmliti4mt To dei. the urk " tistiuute I tv. mut-us into a text tut.,F. add I cc. 20% NarCO, koln. and :1 41roq)s of the oxie utid felagent (Prepd- fly diowlivilic 2.5 Ag. Ne tistiptate in fit' iv. 00 water. suldinC20 S. M)% fill'O, nil boiling lot 1- 1.1 111-o then 3 drops of 20176 NaOlt mi,ftl. 1*11FAW With 'I V1 A 00 K#FCCN)s until the bluWi c4or dioijqqiuq, Muliipls Zoe 00 tile tw. of cv. by 1191, and divuh, fly elvivil I., to I if.. omitut of un.- acid in mg. A drtn. requirri; 3 4 awy; 13 'imliv L* 0 A 0 ilia t:9 0 '. 4r -%LJk METALLURGICAL ILITIRATURE CLASIMPOCATION so-. I 1,: 0 3 & 0.0, I tallaso it S1110a.) .41 C., got r IF X I I a tm a 'd I ill so 5 j U a &I so all, , ar A and ;**I*,, SOSO led ORe 61164 1 0 e 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 Of 0 00 KAILOS, "allos, I. "Freezi-m., over of rivers and tho weather.' P. 50. (Idgjams. Vol. 57, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1953, Budapost.) SO: I-Ionthly List of ;bast 3urpl, ar " Vol. 2, 9, L'-brar,, of on~;rcs:~~, Septe.-,iber ,-AQgf, ~n, J QD 195'j, uncl. KALLOS, I. "Formation of Frost in May and Its Forecast"# P, 8, (IDOJIU?AS, Vol. 56, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 1954, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessional (EUL), LC, Vol, 3p No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. Kaflil;, Inyt, A MI(magack Ify", pCIUX01 1, TL 4 5341:211-237, Jul) 1, 1114if! iolmiftfoi 'N'ti"tabcro, 1; im,md tc -P,,0cn!, daprr',im! thcir codcr i'l lkting In hydrult4rii: thf, ile4isj; KALMS, 1. Evaluation of ombrograms. p. 293. RIDROIJDG*.EAI KOMIff. IrfDROLOGICAL JOURNAL. (Magyar Hidrologial Tarsasag) Budapest. Vol. 35, no. 7/8 July/Au3- 1955. SOURCE: East European Acces!;Ions List (&~AL), Vol. 5, No. 2, February 1956 jul)-/Aug. 10L It Ve pq J I't t'* du~, On July 8, 19H -=h a p1wnarmn-on vms, otmrmd 4wor Late! DiiiWom. :11 his-not.'. -Etpo ..jrx the cvtnt- ir'dt4-as i4 finmm, dcg!~tfm ot ~OT. xywppc~ 6' ~J a detailed X=Qnt fmM an 63re wl;f1eso wfso otw'"V4 the ilpout (of W rop a I MagUngs! h W&IL-rapouts Z. Uks Rdlzqr~ Truccal.-C 1j7j Kd4s, IntritAf A WWAZO 11,44YOAISTAItf! iitotaiw 1 Irrittue oiwotm tivor& i~ 5713)j134-136, AfAy/jIfIle'11013. fallle~ Ro"a 11411 it 10114. ,DLC-Mdx;mdit% "it, temptritkire rotrUtio" at 11441(wag AN. 4alivi lifl Jim , CAtically Ofev-,lAwl (ar eitcls lcu~mh af dl4 Y~Arxcml fee (oar ififfmitt agi~owsttt lif cl l6till,ni, 10. S-J/iO Aiki 9-10110). IU ~lt;,IIIAIIWI f$ I INCLI Oil 44th UIVO tilt the P~";1041-19ki- _nIC k)%Cllt VAUN Of &.IfY 10111K -MILIM V36164111 Ujx,~Vflr vi:111 thly f~y durfs Ir the inotishi (kc-Feb. 14*(:) whik the filKlitto julatca ara ("MI WRII it (ilf Mkvp audapire, I unpry. T. tj Milos I I. Altitude of the level of leading currents. 1). 318 Vol. 59. no. 5, Sept./Oct- 1955 JDOJARAS BUDAPEST Source: Nonthly list of East European Accessions, (M-AL), ]j.-,, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956 JI, Up IMI H V. 10-220 L.577.2 YiS4 it 004wes4ildurtalana k&Pc$4I:'0& [11.1t4itic" ~Imre A csapadftmenn tun and humidity J, Uktdrds., Builrit, 61 Iday/ 1juno'11957. Shp., tabic.4re(s. Nvoltilvl! t1uTing 1110 firit 14niary p..191 1) -1111=nl half of July 19055 Is analyzed from view of ~water-vnpor owtcnt~j)f the all, 1 Pri- The 11 mly Idleil the cipiwion of larger amount hits been recorded during the obiervationiol pal-lod numerical value of the water vapto content considerably u"sse-d the avera ! Valn' Jfjuly'~ -ice xtioo ot mo turu ttwilt 1;,L In Lnalysing specific moisture It turned out that the larg:st adve Is ion 850 and 700 mb levels. In connection with the larte amotint 1:4 precipitation ofjoly 0.' to of precipatation arn to be mpoctW' the author points out that [it Transdanubia large amoun sin ;rit cyclone nba 8 in case of a _coming from the.south and, paiMin&qyv~.the Carl k04 10t Warin Wtor in northern direction, After that, rainy weather id to btexpecteil if an a'1111cyclo I 16noing north and north-cast, respectively, from the. Carpathians av& 0 hi I !cyclone in moving out of the Hungarian hapin. 50JO fleadingr., 1. 11tirull ;1, 1 llly-rm itlo* 16 amount relatlowhips 2. Cycloole precipitation J. Viinsdanubla,, abilract. Aunst, V I 'P j ~j KALIM, I!~ dr. Changea in the ground water level expressed In the runction of ground vater depth*and meteorologic&l elements. Mdmlogisi kozlony 41 no.2tl49-156 Ap 161. 1 KAUCS, Im" Flood waves and their delineation. Hidrologiai kozlony 36 no.5060-364 0156. FAMLOIS~ L. Flood wavps and their representation. P-360. (Hidrologiai Kozlony, Vol. 36, No. 5, Oct. 101~6, Pudapent, Hungary) SO: Monthly List of rast European Accessions (EELL) Lr. Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept. 191~7. Uncl. MARTON, Sandor, dr.,; XALIA)S, Zouzea, dr. LobectoaW in tuberculosis with diabetes mallitum. Orv. hatil. 96 u9.19:523-526 8 VAy 55 1. Az Allazi Koranyi, Tudobetaggyogyintozat (igasgatot. Dessauer Pal dr. II. Oestalyanak (foorvos: Parton Sandor dr.) koslonerwe. (TURCkOULOSIS, PUI*ONARY, complications, diabetes mallitus, lobectony in) (DIAHMS ALIMIUB'*.Complications' tubarc., pulm., lobectosq in) KALLOS, ZGuzsa; MARTON, Sandor; SUNT0, Endre ACTH and cortisone in pulmonary tuberculosis. ftbarkulosis 10 no.5-6: 123-M MaY-June 57- 1. Az Orazagos Koranyi TBG Inteset (tudoma4yoo vezeto: Sebok Lorant dr.) IL'belosstalyanak (foorros: Marton Sandor dr.) es 1. V. belosetalyanak (foorros: Sxanto BAdre dr.) kozlemenye. (T-U3j=UWSIS, PUINOURY. ther. ACTH & cortisone combined with antituberculotic drugs, indic. & clin. evaluation (Hun)) (ACTH, thero use tuberc., pulm., combined with antitubarculotic drugs, indic. & clin. evaluation (Run)) KALLOS. Zisuzaa, dr.; SZAIffO, Emire, dr~-, PA12TY, Gyula, dr, Resulta of drug therapy in the form ot aaroooD in thij treat- ment of lung diseases. Tuberkulosle 16 no.4/53121,,329 Ap-W 963. 1. As Crazagos Koranyi Tb,- Interhet (igazgato foorwos: ~oazormenyi Miklos dr~ kandidatus, tudomanyos igazgato3 Foldes Iatvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, PtTUIOIIARY) (LUNG DWW33) (AERWOIZ) (PYREINAMIDE) (NEC14YCIII) KALLOS, Zsuzsa, dr.; LACZKO, Ede, dr. Pyrazinamide aerosol in the treatment of tuberculools. Tuber)-ulozin 14 no.10:313-318 0 161. 1. Az Ors2.agos Koranyi The Intezet (igazgato ... fooryos. Boozormenyi Miklos dr. kandidatus, tudomarqos igazgato: Foldeig Istvan dr. kandi- datus) kozlemenys. (PnIAZINAMIDE ther) (AEROSOLS ther) KA UnS . zqu2saj -tr,; [AKATOS) i-larili.. fir.; J~ V J, Jr. Data to the In.-O.Witional tresitnjHnt, Of' ILrIfi patients. Tuberkulozis 16 no. L2:378-38i r) , 6.3 . 1. Orszagoo Koranyi Thn Intezet (IhaLgato: BoLt~:-,ormurir! Mir'-.Ics dr. kamlldatu3, tudomanyoo vezzeto: Foldei Istvar. t~r. IkLiicl--~-:at-tij,~ kazle- munye . MARTON , Sandor, dr. ; KALLOS , Zsuzoa.- dr. Use of thlosemicarbazone (Conteben) aerosols In pulmonary tuber- culosis. Tuberkulozis 17 no.2:47-50 F 164. 1. Az Orszagos Koranyi TBG Intezet (igazgato foorvos: Boszomenyi Miklos dr. kandidatus, tudomanyos igazgaLo: Foldes Istvan dr. kan- didatus) IX oaztaly (foorvos: 1-1,arton Sandor dr. kandidatus) kozle- r,enye. KALT,O.')# L. Correlation between the amount of precipitation and mointure conten't. p. 191. (IDOJARAS) Vol. 61, no. 3, May/June 1957 Budapest, Hungary SO: Monthly Index of East European Acce.-sions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 EWT(l) IJP(c) GG L 13128-66 ACC M: AF6OW222 GIME CODR: UAA)05616.~104910OV161~11623 AUTHOR: Kallosh, R. X.; MMb V. YR. ORO$ PlWaks Institute Im* P# N. TAbedtv, Aaad!g of Gotencal WSR (F I z! I 0~hes`ltly' institut Akadetidi nauk SGSIR) TrIM quAntum field theoLy vuatio~s In the axtomatid 4qipro~cli SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy I teoraticheakoy fitikii vil h9j no. 5# 19605, i6n-i623 jTOPIC TAGSt quantum field theory, 8 matrixp matrix functlon, Ofference 4quation ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investigation van to.deter~ine thO Im mriaA prj)per- ties of the S-matrix elements previously derived by one 41' th-d authors (;Ntyhb4irg# ZhETF v. 47# 228% 1965 and earlier) for an axiomatic fo*=lation of quah~-um eld' theory., and to obtain in explicit form equations for n-point diagrams Im differ- enceor integral form., with the quastlocal term elfmlnat~id. It in shown, irithin the framework of this fonwUtion that the undetermined quasilocal terms can lie expressed In terms of R-functions when the values of Som. of iho Imrariajita ai-e fixed. An analysis Is made of the Iwiariants on which tkie v-functions onitba,mass shell depend, the range of variation of theme Invariants In t~a equitionp'and7 Cwd 1/2 L 13128-66 Acc a Ap6o~ the best chotce of independent Variants In the case of:"'arbittary n-p6j-at dJL&- gram. The Invariant properties of the retarded matrix ~ek4xeatvof v-fun~UOW are used. It is shown that on the mes shell the *-MelAors. Aopena in Ote physical region only on Inv scalar products of 4-.4actori. Equatlow'i in, dif- ference form.are derived first for 3-P 4-s and 5-point (409rari.0j. and the AspeciAl nature of the boundary conditions at the threshold and mt Infinity in ex.PjAdad. The method is then generalized to a 6--point diagram. I~Wi equaitions deriyOd aiA the prospe&.s for solving them beyond the scope of pertuftatida theory We briefly discussed. Orig. art, has: 25 formulae, MM COM SUM DATE: 12JUD65/ ORM Mt 006/ 01H IMF-. 005 Card..,2/0 KALLOSNE Ag4g, &rgit4 OTTANE BENKO, Erzoebot Hurricane-like windqtom in Szeged. Idojaras 66 no.5:292-294 S-0 162. 4 KALLOSNE SUGAR, 11,11argit Drops of cold air over the Carpathian Basin in the early si=mer, from June 5-8, 1962. Oraz meteor int besz tud kut 26-.126-138 162(publ.163). KALUJS,L; BUZEK,Z. Intensification of the melting down period ixi the are furnace by charge preheating outside the furnace or inside -the furnaca.; an oconomic comparison. Sbor VSB Ostrava 9 no.1:67-71 163. KALLOSM., SUGAR, Margit ItSpecific cases of obserbing precipitations by radar" by L. Klauser, G.Malkowski. Reviewed by Mrs.Margit Kallos nee Sugar. Idojaras 68 no.6:376-377 N-D 164. CAHA A. , Dr. ; PROM y T. 0 Dr. KALLUSCH Gammagraph for medical use; prelimintu7 report. Cook. rentg. 11 no.3: 197-200 Aug 57- 1. Onkologicky ustav v Brno, red doce Dr, J. Sprindriah. Tyalkalni ustav prirodovedocke fakulty KU v Brno Prv i 3rnonake strojirny, Z, 10. (GAWA RA76, gawa radiography, appar. (0s)) SMNOV, Aleksandr Nikolayevich; KALLTUS, Y.Ta., doteent, kand.tekhn. nauk, reteenzent; SMOKA, H.S.. red.- (Graia drills] Zernovye seialki. Moskva, Gos.nau,ohno-teVhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 312 p. (HIRA 13:2) (Drill (Agricultural implement)) 11 - I I- - I KONDILATYUK, II.I., kand. -Loklm. nauk-, dote., retsenzent; Ye.A,, iL-.zh.. retsenzerit; PILIMIKO, Y.P., inzh., red.; GOR140STAYFOLISKAYA, I-,.S,,, takhn. red. [Ilay-harvesti muchineq- delign, calculatione, and the principle3 of utilization~ Sonouborochnyo maolAny; konstruktsiia, ruschet i os- novy ekspluatatsii. lAoskvas Mashgiz, 1961. 274 p. WIRA 34:12) (Hay-Harvesting) (Agricultural machinei7) KALM, A. The problem of seasons in calving. P. 115. SOTSIALISTLIK POLWMAJAICUS. (Pol-lumajanduse Ministeerlum) Tallinn" Estonia. Vol. 13, no. 3, March 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol, d, No. 11, November 1959. Uncl. KUMO A. .. . .. Prices of hogs, sheep, rabbits, and fur wAmals. p. 580 SMSIALISTLIK POLLUMAJANDUS. Tallinn, Estonia.. Vol. 14p no. 12,, June 1959 Monthly List of FAiBt European Acoss3ions (EFAI)p LC* Vol. 8, Noo 9,, September 1959 Uncl* Ir GARPINCBMIKO, A.M.; GOUMV, B.G.; DAN110V,'M.V. . jtA A-.A,.,- MTAYZV. S.V.; MrMYLOT, V.I.'; GOLUI;EV, S.G.i redattor; YW&, r.G., redaktor; VINOKMOVA. Ye.13., redalctor; XONYASKINA, A., tekhnjaho- skiy redaktor E-vire e*xtinction tactics] Pozharnala taktika. Pod red. S.G.Golubova. Mookwa, rzd-vo Ministerstva, kommunallnogo kboziaistva RSFS, 1955. 379 P. (MLRA 8:6) (Fire extinction) ASATUR, K.G.; MMOCHKIN, N.N.; KALIHO A.A. ---- , Capacity of the fan drives of heating units. Zap. ILI 47 no,l: 92-95 162. (MM 16:5) (Mine ventilation-Cold weather operations) FAns, Electric) 1'. KALI'-', P A KAl;q4l P A PYATILETNIY PLAN KOLKHOZA "ISKRAtl NA 1951-1955 COPY (THE FIVE-YFAR FUN OF THE KOLKHOZ "ISKRA" MR 1951 to 1955, BY) P. A. KALOY, V. F. BAZENKOV, V. X-~ TVANYIN (DR.) MOSKVA, SEL'KHOZGlZ, 1952. 221 P. ILLITS., DIACPS., TABLES. 11/5 783.3 .Ki KALIM.P.A.; VLASOV,A.V., redaktor; GIA Y,N.P.,redaktor; LE;VONEVSKAU, L*G., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Manual of norms for planning and operational direction of collective farms] Spravochnik normativov d1la planirovantia i operativnogo rukovodetya v kolkhozakh. 2-.*, perar. izd. [Ieningrad) Ioningraclakoe gazetno-shurnallno-9 i knizhnoe izd- vo. 1955. 339 P. OURA 9: 4) 1. Dotsent Leningradekogo sellskokhosraystvennogo instituta (for Kallm) (Collective farms) XALIM, P.A., doteent; KAZANBKIY, H.H., red.; TIKHONOVA, I.M., [Vor increased labor productivity In aRrioultitre; o6lleated artioleal Zn povyehenis proisvoditollnosti trildn v mal'skom khoziaistvs; sbornik statel. Leningrad, Leniz(Ist. 1959. 248 p. (KIRA 12:11) (Agriculture-Labor productivity) AREFIYEV, T.I., kand. ekon. nauki BRASIAVITSY M.Ye,, prof,, doktor ekon. nauk; BRUZGULI , M.M. ; VLASOV, U.S. , px-)f. p dokU)r ekon. nauk; DUBROVA, P.F., doktor ekon. nnuk; YESAULOV, P.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; ZALITSMAN, L.M., prof., doktor sell- khoz. nauk. VA.Im P A., dotsent, kandidat sell3kc- khoz. nauk; KwTb-mZTb-AII' N.A.V kand. ekon. nauk; KFffLOVV V.S.JP kand. sallkhoi. nauk; LIBKIND, A.S., dote., kand. ekon. nauk; MAKAROV, N.P., prof., doktor ekon. naak; OGLOBLIN, Ya.S., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; POLOVENKO, S.I.,kand. ekon. nauk; POPOV, S.A.9 dots., kand. ekon.nauk; SAPILINIKOV, N.G., doktor ekon. nauk; TISHCHENKO, G.A., prof., kand. ekon. nauk; TYUTIN, V.A., prof., doktor ekon. nauk)YANYUSHKIff, M.F., kand. ekon. nauk; PYLAYEVA, A.P., red.; FREYDMAN, S.M., red.; SOKOLOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. (Organization of socialist agricultural enterprises) organiza- tslia sotsialisticheskikh seltskokhoziaistvennykh prodprilatil.; kurs lektsii. Moskva, Sel'khozizdat~ 1963. 662 p. (HIRA 16:8) 1. Zaveduyushchiy otdelom ekonomiki Vsesoyu= nit chno- issledovatellskogo instituta sakharnoy sveklyorfor uAreflyev). 2. Odesskiy sellskokbozyaystvennyy institut (for Braslavets). (Continued on next card) AREFIYEV, T.L- (con~inutd),. 3. Moskovskaya akadeni'Lya im. K.A.Ti- miryazeva 4. '!4i---~-,j,xru3'-,chfy otdalam ekonomiki i organizatail inatituta sadovod- stva im. I.V.Michurina (for Dibrova),, 5. Moskoirskiy Gosudar- stvennyy universitet, im. M.V.,Lomonosova (for Zalltsman, Polovenko), 6. ZavediiyuahcMy kaf,-Aroy organizatail sel'ska- khozyaystvannogo proizvodarva Lsmingradskogo sellskokhozyay- stvennogo instituta (for Kai'm). 7. Za-vedityushchiy otdelom ekonomiki Nauchno-is&ledovatellskogo instituta ovoshchnogo khozyaystva (for Kostseletskly), 8. Voesoyuznyy nauchno- iseledovatellskiy institut ptitsevodstva (for Krylov). 9. Moa)c,,,vskiy ekonomiko-statisticheakiy inst-itut (for Libkind). 10. Vsesoyuznyy selIskokhozyayatvanaiy instit'at zaodinogo ob- razo-.aniya (for Makarov), 11. Zaveduyushchiy otdalor, ekonomiki Krasnodarskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sellekdgo khozyaystva (for Oglobli:-i). 12. Kafedra organizatsii sel~*sko- khozyaystvennogo proizvodstva Leningradakogo sallskokhozyay- stvennogo instituta (for Popov). 13. Zaveduyushabiy kafedroy Sovetskoy ekonomiki Vysshey partiynoy shkoly (for Sapillnikov). 14. Voronezhskly sellskokhozyaystvannyy institut (for Tishchanko). 15. Leningradskiy sel~skokhozyaystvennyy institut (for Tyutin). 16. Direktor 5evero-Kavkazskogo fillala Vsesoyuznogo nauchno- issledovatellskogo instituta akonomiki sellskogo khozyaystva (for Yanyushkin). (Agriculture--Economic aspects) KhLII-',,,j:ave,1 Alelmoyovich, kurA. nauk; red.; FAI=-)',Vk, Ye.G., red. [Manuul for agricultural. norms in tho northwootern zone ef U tho Spravoclailk normativov dha ziellskiw kho- ziaistva severo-zapadnoi zony RSFSH. Leningraf-!, Izd-vc "Kolos," 1964. 439 P. (MIRA 17:8) KAJIMAROVA, M. B. "Modification of structure of complex proteins" report presented at th-- 10th AU-Uaica Conf - on rELEXIIJ 1101*Culw COMMUrAs, Biologically Active Poly= ComrAnuWaj, Idoccov, 11-13 Juno 1568. (Vezt. Ak. Vlauk SWR., 1958., 170- 9, PP- M-3-13) 14(9) SOV/112-59-2-2721 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Elektrotekhnika, 1959, Nr 2, pp 62-63 (USSR) AUTHOR; Kalmakhelidze, S. S. TITLE: Physical and Technical Properties of Kolkhida Gleyed Soils and Their Variation Under Influence of Electric Current (Fiziko-tekhnicheskiye svoystva. kolkhidskikh ogleyennykh gruntov i ikh izmeneniye pod deystviyem elektricheskogo toka) PERIODICAL: Tr. Gruz. n.-i. in-ta gidrotekhn. i melior., 1957, Nr 18-19, pp 471-484 ABSTRACT. Gleyed soils b I ng with the marsh-type highly -compr es sible soils SO that have a low water permeability. To improve their inferior construction properties, it is recommended that electrization and electric osmosis be used; these measures considerably improve their water resistance, reduce their swelling and shrinkage, augment their permissible vertical load Z. 5-3. 5 times, Card 112 SOV/112-59-2-2721 Physical and Technical Properties of Kolkhida Gleyed Soils and Their Variation . . . . and reduce their compressibility factor 4-5 times. Electric current density of 2. 5 -20 amp/mZ is used to strengthen the gleyed soils. Electric -energy consumption is 60-70 kwh/m3 of soil. Compression curves for gleyed and rcn- gleyed soils are presented. V.A.P. Card 2/2 4 KA I I-A 117-i'd -E L -c n d Tc I j ( ) C, t i A ',lid UlCir 195'. 20 graphs ("it! 0:r ~irll, ar Educ7tioj, C,rdor Of Roci ~)ajjnojv polytoch 1010 co- Inut ii;j j:i- v pi os, KIL,26-5~~, i10)