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ALTSMTLI, A.D., dots., kand.tekhn.nauki aBPiVint
Stage formula for the distribution of velocities in a pipe. Nauch.
dokl.vys,shkoly; strol. uo.3:237-241 '58. (MIRA 12:7)
1. Rekomendovana kafedroy kanalizataii i gidravliki Moalcovskogo ins-
tituta inzhonerov gorodekogo stroitelletva 14osrarispolkoma.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 19!59, fit, Pi) .1 1 - 132 (U 3
AUTHORS: Alltshulf, A.D., and Kalitaun, V.I.
TrME: Hydraulic Resistance of Welded Butts With Backing Ringn
PERIODICALp Str-vo truboprovodov, 1958, Nr 8, Pi) 4 - 7
ABSTRACT:- Special investigations were carried out on ap aerodynamic installation
to determine the actual hydraulic resistance, caused by backing rings,in
pipes. Experimental tests were made with pipes of 99.'?; 205 and 302.6 min
in diameter, withoui butts and with butts and backing ring-9. The tests
proved that hydraulic resistance of pipes with butts increased considerably,
whereby hydraulic butts appeared as local resistimcc4. In the teats; the
reciprocal effect of butts,on hydraulic resistance did riot occur, already
at a distance between the butts of 1 = 2 m. The effect of btitts on the
resistance Increased with reduced pipe diameter and stime I (distance- between
butts). The experimental dependence between the factor of local resistance
of the butt (~ st) and the 0 l/ &) 2 ratio was found, where (d ,/(J is the
Card 1/2 ratio of the pipe cross sections area in portions contracted by ihe backing
Hydraulic Resistance of Welded Butts With Backing Rings BOV/137-59-7-15105
to,that--free of it. The relative increase of-resistanoe, cauBed by butts with backing
ring,j, was determined by the following formula: K - I + C st 4 d/2Ll where ?L - 0. 1
(k/d) , ; K - 0.3 mm for pipes in operation; Cst was found according to the experimental
curve Cst - f (W,/(J2). M.K.
AUTHOR: Kalitsun, V.I., Engineer SOV/9"B-5.9-1-9/14
TITLEt The Formulae for the Coefficient "Chaizy" in the Light of
Experimental Data (Formuly dlya koeffitsiyeAta Mazi v
svete opytnykh dannykh)
PERIODICAL: Gidrotekhnicheskoye stroitel'stvo, 1959, Nr 1, PP 51-53
.IBSTRACT: The author sums up the results of a d1scusvion, going on
since 1949, on the definition of the voefficient "Chaizy".
No unanimous opinion was reached. The author reviews all
the proposed formulae. There are four graphs and nine
references, eight of which ure Soviet and one Italian.
Card 1/1
ALITSHULI, A.D.. kand.t4thn.nauk, data.; KALITSUN. V.I., lnzh.
Investigating the hydraulic resistance of wn1ded joints with
lining rings. Izv.vys.Ucheb.zav.; energ. 2 n0.5!135-142
my 159. (141RA 12.'10)
1. MosknvnMy inntitut inzhenerov gorodakogo stroitel'stva.
ALITSIMI, A.D.,kand.tekhn.neuk; KAIITSUN, V.I.,insh.; KISLYUX, F.I.,
doktor tekhn.nauk; NAM 3HNYK.-_ -A'.G';,kAnd.tekhn.nauk
Hydraulic resistance of pipeline Joints made by resistance
butt welding on XTSA-1 equipment. Stroi.ti7uboprov 4 no.1:7-
10 Ja 159. ?MIRk 12:1)
(Pipelines-Welding) (Pipelines--Testing)
ALITSIUL'g AeD.9-PA~LIT k-1--i-
Losses of pressure in reduction and diffuelon pipe sections with
gate valves. Gaz.prom. 5 no.2:35-39 7 160o NIU 13:6)
ALITSMI, A.D., dotsent, imnd.tekhn.nauk; XALITSUU, V.I., inzh.
Resistance coefficient of gradua.117 diminishing aections of pipe.
Izv. v7s. ucheb. zav.; energ. 3 no. 7:116-120 -T1 160.
(MIRA 13:8)
1. Moskovokly inatitut in2henerov gorodskogo stroitel'stva
Mosgori6polkoma. Predetavlona kafedray gidravlilri i kamalizataii,
Investigating the hydraulic resistance of aluminum pipes. Oax-
prom. 5 no-9:36-39 S 160. (MIRA 13:9)
(Pipe, Aluminum) (Hydraulic control)
2.6 - t 14+ E073/Bl35
AUTHOR: Nalitsun gineer)
TITLE: On the Hydraulic Calculation of Steel Piping
PERIODICAL: Teploenergetikaj 1960, No,, 11, pp. 86-87
TEXT: For determining the coefficient of hydraul 'to friction
), in the Darcy-Weisbach equation, the formula originally
published by C.F. Colebrook (Journal, Institute of Civil Engineers,
1939, No. 4) is being extensively used, Numerous investigations
showed that this formula gives results which are In good agreement
with experimental data. A drawback of the formula is that it Is
transcendental, and therefore A.D. Al2tshull (Ref. 2) proposed
using the following approximate formula which was derived from the
Colebrook formula:
kA + 100 0 25
X = 0.1 (3)
d Re )
The discrepancy between the two is 2-3% and therefore the latter
formula is frequently recommended for pipeline calculations,
particularly for calculations of district heating net-works,
Card 1/3
On the Hydraulic Calculation of Steel Piping
In these recommendations it is erroneously assumed that kA
of the approximate formula has the same value as k,
(equivalent uniform grain ro!aghness) in the Colebrook formulaq
although in reality kA = 1.46 keo It is shown here that the
formula proposed by AlItshull (Eq. (3)) can be rewritten thuss
0.11 (Le + 68 )0-15 (10)
d Re ~_X
For the range of smooth walls the formulae (10) and (3) can be
written in a simpler form, yielding the well known Blazius
X = 0.11 (ke/d)0.25
which is applicable for the range
Re Le >, 568. 0
In this case the error (lower loss values) will not exceed 3%.
On the basis of this equation the limit speed of flow of the
Card 2/ a
KALITSUN, V. I., Cand. Tech. :3o1. (diss) "Invea-ti._,1;,,.LIon of SOMe
Problems of Hydraulics of Conduits," Moscow, 19611, 16 pp. (Acad.
of Communic. Economy) 180 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 267).
YJXOftMj Sorgey VaoJllyevlcbt prof.; LASKOVp Yurly HlkhaylWichp in2h.j
K TS.UN#, V I 'itizh. m4uWmy7 red.; WIMAGIr D.Kp, red. lzd-7s;
tekbn. red.
[Pumping of sewage sludge and.0edimento; hydrsulic roisiotances during
the flow of sediments in sludge pipes] Perskachk& ila i onadkov stoch-
mykh vod; gidravlichookle soprotivIeniii pri dvi2bemit osadkor V ilo-
pro7odakh. Moskva, Goo. izd-vo lit-ry po stroit., arkhit. i stroit.
materialamy 1961. 205 p. (MIRA 14t6)
(Sewage sludge) (Pipe-Fluid dynatnies)
KALITSUN, V.I., inzh.
Bydraulic design of steel pipes. Teploenergetika 7 no.11:86-87
N 16o. (MIRA 14*9)
(Pipe, Steel--Design and construction)
... ... )
flow projected designs of the sand traps of sewage purificqttion
plants. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; stroi. i arkhit. 4 no.6:91-96 161.
041RA 15:2)
1. Mookovskiy ordena, Trudovogo Krasnogo Znamoni inzhenorno-
atroitelinyy institut, imeni V.V. Kuybyaheva.
Sand traps with constan't flow speed. Yod. i can, tekh. no.9830-32
S 161. (MIRA :Ut 11)
(Sewage disposal plants)
ALITSHULIP A.D.J. kand.tekhn.nauk.V dotsent; KALITSUN, V.I., inzb.
Effect of the slope of the bottom on the magnitude of the Gh6zy
coefficient in the presence of a uniform turbulont flow in channels
Izv,vyssuchebezave; energ- 4 no,9:98.-103 S t6l. (MIRA 1-4--10)
1. MDakovskiy inzhenemo-stroiteltnyy institut imeni M.Kuybyahava.
Predstavlena kafedroy kanalizateii i gidrayliki*
(Hydraulic engineering)
YAKOVLIN, S.V,,, doktor tekhn. nauk~ LASKOV, Yu.Yj., inzh.; _KALIT,~J.N
Study of the hydraulic resistances of an experimental bactericidal
unit. Vod. i san. tekh. no.12:25-26 D 161. (MIRA 15:6)
(Water-Purification) (Hydraulics)
-:, I
Design of sand traps with a constant rate &C flow. Sbor. trud. MSI
no.42s28-32 162. (PJRA 16:6)
Determining pressure losses at se+age screens.
no-4203-42 162.
Sbor. trud. MISI
(MI1U 1616)
Experimental study of precast troughs of dewerage structures. Sbor.
trud. HISI no.42:53-65 162. (MIRA 16:6)
'(Sewage--Purification) (Precast concrete)
Pressure losses in aeration tanks. Sbor. trud. MISI no.42:2-1-27
,62. (MM 16:6)
KALITSUN, V.I.J. inzh.; ZAPORNIKOV, V.P., 1nzh.
Gonstruction of horizontal 4and traps. Vod. i san. takh. no.9822-26
S 163. (14IRA 17:2)
[Hydraulic resistances in pipelines] Gidraylichoskie
soprotivleniia truboprovodov. Moskva, b-troiizdat, 1964.
168 p. (MIRA 18:3)
YAKOVLEV. S.V.J. doktor tekhn. nauk; KALITSUN, V.I., kan(i. tekhn. nauk;
iTKIN., A.L., inzh.
Sedimentation of waste waters in chambers. Vod. i san. tekh.
no.1:12-14 Ja 166. (MIRA 19:1)
Pit If IF,M f 1 1 PII I:ffq. I I INO
T7T7T7____TT ___T_
Cogwaylic me
Kalitsyn. A. Kfiad6l`O%'t7'4!l r4, r. lZI&C"
VNVCMWV;N[cd. livit., Snfia, Bulgaria), t.1hr,1fig.: ]till- j410
g -23(10& --Aft4r
ur, 27, 322 1) (fit Ratsoon).
admirls-fration (nr 5 days, the ov. Ligtogen ecliteni of rA
liver was 3-29%. - Rats recch IntdInal jts!;t 600, 3 brg.
liver of 0.12 lie RV lytoM content Ail -antmi nits
0.56%. e difffertm betWeca tile glyqngeo LT"tenj ILIf
liver to cots I r and in Close "Celvitig ace na"Otic in- F
jection was considered insignificant, P*Aphotylwic activity
A liver In namdxed anintab w45 18%. LeM than At Of tile
cwtrots. _Tlte sew- -w;o utte vriffi ~wmylz w activity,(jil,'I
time (jetned in
ia the-uwatized r4ts bdngfl ftic. of t1
min.. 22 tkig. in 15 mln;~ m&e thaii 104he ~Catrtls).- ~T.Ija
Alood sugu contEnt. in nareadved n6 was W10 mga~:
in imup
wft aa sy. of 80 tb&.%;: -lt'*Us
with av.. of 79 ME-
J'j ~~j
HIMMUM., h 2 IN fIp
x Oxf irTIPPA"li
Ill 'I_ M. 19M, I IN
1011MR111 M IDI 1, 141;1
Modification of certain processes of glycogenolysis in the
liver of white rate in drug-induced sloop. Ukr. biokhim. zhur.
27 no-3;324-329 1955. (MLELA 8:12)
1. Kafedra bIokhImIi beni A.V.Palladina Heditainskogo instituta
imeni V.Cherv"nkova v SoM (Bolgariya)
(GLYCOGIN,' metabolism,
liver. off. of medicinal sloop on glycogenolysis In
white rate)
(LIVE4, metabolism
glycogenolysts, off. of medicinal sleep in white rate)
(SLIEP, effects,
on liver, glycogenolysis, medicinal sloop in white rate)
_-Ab-stkkdV----: -uemperazure-"-13100M prtwsurm~
blood sugar and chloride leve-18, 90acmtration af"'homo-
*bbtnA&nM-foftedj-e1ftn&ntdj, - uriWwY sugLr vnd irtrwcu-
lar pressure was performed among students durixig the pe-
riod examinations. The studenta were divid&i in:Lo groups
according to the times of the examinations (befare, du-
ring and after the P_xaminationG). Among the Wsjority of
the students body temperature during thm exsz~Lnations was
higher than 37 degrees, t2te pulae rate increAsed, blood
pressure rose, the concentration of hemoglobin and erythro-
Card 1/2
USSR/Human and Animal Physiology V-3
~bs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 8438
increased, as did the 'blood sugsx lsirel. One to two days
after the examinations thsse values ware reduced. Among
the majority of the students the chloride content, was less
(by between 7 and 6i m8%) on the day of the examination in
comparison with the data obtained the day after the exami-
nations. All of these changes exe explained from the po-
aition of the doctrine of Ler-tism.
Card 2/2
1,1 t boiitiri-
,,~all and It._Ijr a
Abs jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 3, 1959, 12454
Author : Kaiitsin; Khad7hiolov; Dancheva
List Insti"Llute of Experimental Medicine, AS Bulgaria
Title Variations in SOTe ?roceases of GlycogenolYais in the
Liver of White Rats during Drug-Indicod Sleep
Orig Pub Izv. Li-ta yeksperim. Med. B"ig. AN, 1957, 2, 391-404
Abstract Drug-induced sleep was elicited in rats with the daily
subcutaneous injection for 5 days of 15 mg of 50dit`m
vero,ml per 100 a of body weight. In the liver of the
sleeping animals the glycogen content was 31snificailtly
increased, phosphorylase activity aecrease&, and amylase
activity increased; the blood sugar content 'was unchan-
Card 1/1
- 10 -
Dephosphorylation of glucose-I.,phosphate by ELcid phosphomonoeaterage
in the liver during medinal-induced sleep in rats, Vop. med. khim.
6 no. 6:631-634 N-D 1*60. (M-IRA 14:4)
lo Kafe.dra biokhimii ime A#V, Falladina Vyoshgo moditzinakogo
inBtitutaq Sofiyap Bolgoriya,
MCRGENSHTERN, V.S., karid. tekhn. nai:.k (Ijeningi-nd); KALITSYN, V.I.
Calculating controlling Bpillways for the maintenance of
constant speed in horizontal Pnnd traps with rectilinoar
water flow. Vod. i san. tekh. no.2:6-8 F 165. (MIRA 1814),
Decisions of the 20th Congress are the program for 'building
sociallou. Blak.agit.yod.transp. no.5:24-30 Mr 156, (um 9:8)
1. Agitator Moskovskogo sudoetrottellnogo I sudoremontnogo sayoda.
Y . ~
Beat resistant insulation of the traction-motor of a ra,_Iinline electric
locomotive. Vest. elektroprom. 32 no.1:14-18 Ja 161. (MIRA 140)
(Electric railway motors) (Electric insulators and Insulation)
SHAPOVALOV, I.F., starshiy nauchnyv sotrudnik. Prinimali uchaotiye:
ZHADAN, TaoH., gorny7 inzho; KALITVYANSKIY, I.T., avtomekhanik.
NIKOLAYEV, V.P.,; VZNOGRADOVA, G.V., rod.izd-va;
ILIINSKAYA, G.M., tekhnored;
[Manual on the control of mine rescue equipment) Posobie po pro-
verke gornospasatelinogo oborudovaniia. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-telchn.
izd-vo lit-ry po gornoma delu, 1960. 125 P- 01IRA 13:6)
1. Stalinsk. Sovet narodnogo khozyaystvao Nauchno-Issledovatellskaya
laboratoriya po, gorno"satellnoma delu. 2. ?Santrallnaya nauchno-
isoledovatellskaya laboratoriya voyenizirovannykb gornospasatellufth
chastey [TsHIL VGSChl (for Shapovaloy),
(Mine rescue work-Equipment and supplies)
I -~a _MT.M: li-;m .. . ..... . . .. ....
II u ofwIt It It 10
0 a 44 Air 41 do
00 i , 00
NW MINI *f 1111MAkda OW I
A (AhL wig /7
bmd Go. 0111111111111111 wdwjq- is
bad 0110.41aw".
(P.V.C OW) use
41" mv
Aim I I
4!0 life
9-9- so
Ir -------------
IN 44 4 31
u III Av ,o n!,, a a It
o o 0 00 go 0 0 0 0 04414900041646000 so o
ULITVTANSKIT, V.I., kandidat tsk2wicheskikh nauk.
. ~ ~-- A,-! r !,
.... Inmlation In the now series of electric machines. Test. elektroprox6 18
no.1.~-2:19-23 147. (XT-RA 6:12 )
1. Veesoyusnyy elektrotekhnioheskiy institut.
(Rectric machinery) (Xleotric Insulators and insulation)
Heating, inattstrial
Plastics, Heating
FA 65T38
nUse of High Frequencies for Preliminary Heating of
Plastics Daring CoWeesion," V. 1. Xhlitvyanskiyj
Candidate Tech Soi; V. M. Degtev, Ingr, 5 PP
"Pram Sherget" No 3
Authors determined that great technical commies
could be achieved by means of rapid heating a plao-
ties to temiperatures at which they eoaltL be vorked..
Basically the plastic is heated to ~M-1400 by means
of dielectrio heatinell after 4hich it Is rap
ferrea to the molding tables. Describes theipperation
and p rzance, of aystm.,
all 10;4111 lorplamy 1'riling .1'
low piLkit-'allp ,I dill.-mil
M. .. 116,1041t.11 4'rilp.114-111 Ok 'Jv 4 oil" -1
it" th-.-J is.-Al 1 .4
oil - if% gg% I it JI-Ro Ing Ivitilit-I Ault. 11112a Ott
~" 9:,. Pau 0, 9,
004 '-V -W 4t-' '40t
A lip
rv ti w
egg for Im Pre-
b"(21 of FW1k$ poor to KaMing. (In Rupslm,) V
V- M- D191" I'
I. X ty
Sairroit ndustrial Power), ~. 5, Mar. 1048,
40 W Proposes use of 20,000-cycle current for the
above, which results In preheating to 120-140*C.
00'4 in 16-60 am Advantages are citeil.
- S
1911Z $*moo W40 all 461
b U A# a- 0 1 1 1 11
4 IN a It a n 41 x
0 o o o o 0 o
1 19
0 41 0A 0 1
"Applications of Polynters in the Electrical lndust~oy," b~y
K. A. Andriyanov and V. 1. Kalitvyanskiy, Uspekhi Khimii i
Tekhnologii Polimerov (Progress of the Chemistry and Tech-
nology of High Polymers), Vol 1, 1955, Goskhimizdat, Moscow
pp 3-23
The properties of dielectrics (particularly those used as insulating
materials) are reviewed mainly on the basis of USSR publications (out of
ni,te references listed in the bibliography, eight are WSR and 1 LIS).
In the introduction to the article, the principal requirements with which
high polymers used as dielectrics must comply are reviewed. The dielec-
tric properties, heat stability, stability to the effects of sparks or of
an electric arc discharge, sensitivity to moisture, mechanical properties,
stability at low temperatures, heat conductivity, and chemical stability
are considered from this standpoint. In connection with the discusBion of
beat stability, GOST standards pertaining to this characteristic are listed
and the statement is made that small electrical machines of lilght weight
and electrical equipment that operates at elevated temperature.-s require
insulating materials which can stand heating to 180-2000 and occasionally
even up to 2500. As far as stability at low temperatures is concerned,
the author points out that insulating materials may b~ subjected to teak'
peratures reaching minus 60P during the operation of elactrips.1 equ#o~~t.-
Polyethylene, polystyrenes polytetrafittoroethylene :(rluoxiaplast), anA
aniline-formaldehyde resins are listed as dielectrics suitable for use in
hIgh-frequency equipment, their properties are described. The high heat
stability (up to 180-2;;6) of polytetrafluorethylene and its stability at
lov temperatures (down to minus 730) are mentioned as particularly advan-
tageous characteristics. As dielectrics suitable for use in low-frequency
Oquipment polyvinylchloride, polyvinylacetals, polyamides (capron), glyptal
polyesters~ phenol-formaldehyde resins, urea-formaldehyde resins, melamine-
formaldehyde resins, and cellulose esters and ethers are listed and dis-
cussed. Organosilicon resins are described in great detail from the stand-
point of their characteristics as dielectrics. Their superior heat stability'
Is emphasized. The article ends with the following passage:
"The increasing demands put to high polymers by the electrical industry
impose continuation of work on the development of new, more effective plas-
tics) as well as on the improvement of already available plastics and the
reduction of their cost.
K ~9 /V S kly,
Subject USSR/lEleotricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 14/31
AID F - 2010
Authors : Andrianov, K, A., Corr, member, Academy of Sciences,
USSR, Kalitvyanskly, V. I., Kand, of Tech. Sci,, Moscow
Title : The application of Organic silicon compounds In In-
sulating electric machines
Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 4, 62-68, AP 1955
Abstract : The authors present results of their four years of test-
ing silicone insulation in motors working under difficult
operational conditions. They describe the types of
motors tested and the details of test procedure. The
conclusions reached concern thermal aging and moisture
resistance of insulations and als,j give some data on
the dielectric dissipation factor and other dielectric
chagacteristics which rem;~in almost unchanged up to
200 C. Thirteen diagrams,'Il references (1945-1954)
(4 Russian).
Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2,
p. 17 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Andriyanov, K.A., Yalitvyanskiy, V.I.
TITLE: New Insulating Materials for Electric Maebines and
Apparatus (Novyye materialy dlya izolYatsli elektricheskikh
mashin i apparatov)
PERIODICAL: Inform.-tekh. sb. M-vo radiotekh. prom-sti SSSR, 1955,
Nrs 9-10, pp. 30-46
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry.
Card 1/1
AID P - 3443
Subject USSR/Electricity
Card 1/2 Pub. 27 - 10/32
Kand. of Tech. Sci., A. V.
Authors ,J"TZ#
ova skaya, h Tech. Sci.
Title Useful service life of new types of electric
machinery insulation
Periodical : Elektrichestvo, 10, 40-44, 0 1955
Abstract : The authors describe the results,of tests for de-
termining the useful service life of organic silicon
and cellulose triacetate (pellieplar) insulation of
electrical machinery. This insulation was subjected
to a complex action of Increased heating, high
moisture, electric field, and mechanical stresses.
The correctness of the method used was confirmed In
tests of motors with Class A insulation. A formula
expressing the useful service life of these kinds of
insulation was found. The extrapolation of
7ABIRTKA, K. 1. (Cand. Tech. Set. ) and KALITVYANSK.IY, V. T. (Cand. Tech. Set. )
"Silicone Materials for the Insulation of Electrical 114a~%ines, "
report presented at a Conference on New Electrical Insulating Materials and
Technological Processes, Leningrad, Dec 1957
#,- A
1\ /I L ~ 7- V Y ~ /V 5A-1 Yl VI -T,
JULITVYANSKIY, V.I., kandidat takhmicheskikL nauk.
Increpeing the resistance of Innii1ation and lpcquer used for
electric trAction engines. SlakA tepl.tisgA A0,7:26-27 A '57.
(MIRA 10:00
(Blectric locomotives) (Electric insuIntors and insulption)
FOTIN, V.P.; AKOPUN, A.A.,red.; ANDRIANOV, K.A.,red.; BIRYUKOV, V.G.,gl&vnyy
red.; BUTKEVICH, Tu.V.,zameetitell glavnogo red.; GWIOVSUY, V.L.,
red.; APjTVYAH3'JJT,- J.,red.; KLYARMD. B-11-,red.: ERKPIVIlf, T.I.,
red.; TIMOFEM, P.V.,red.; FASTOVSKIY, V.G.ored., T,%,YROV, Te.H.,
rod.; SB3MYEVy A.M.,red.; DEHKOV# Ye.D.,red.; IPRIDKO, A.14..tekhn.
[Voltage increase on long a.c. lines during nonnymmetric short
circuits to ground] Povysheniia napriazhenii v dlinnylch liniiakh
peremennogo toka pri nesimmetrichnykh korotkikh zamtykaniiakh na
zemliu. Moskva, Gos.energ.izd-vo, 1958, 223 p- (Moscow- Veasoillzmvi
elektrotekhnicheakii Institut. Tndy, no.64) (141RA 12:2)
(Bleezric lines) (Short circuits)
Translation from; ReferativxW zhurnal. KMmiya, 1959, Nr 13, p 494 (USSR)
AUTHOR: Ka.lityyanskLy, V.I.
TITLE, The Connection Between the Heating Resistance of Diolectrics and TheIr
Chemical Composition and Structure
PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. elektrotekhn. in-ta, 1958, Nr 62, pp 43 - 87
ABSTRACT: A review. There are 47 references,
Card 1/1
Behavior of polymeric dielectrics subjected to heating. Trudy
VEI no.62:88-122 '58. (HIRA 11:11)
SOIWLOY. Nikolay Nikolayevich; ANDRIANOV, X.A.,red.; AJWW, A.A..rads;
BIRYMY, T.G.,glavnyy red.; BUTKUICH, O.Y.,red.; GUNOVSKIT',;
GIMTSNNBMW, G.R.,red.; ZABYRINA, I.I.,red* +,tl USET V.I.,re4.;
, V.
[Methods for the synthesis of organopolysiloxonsel Retody
sintaxe poliorganosilokeanov. Moskva, Goe.energ. izd-vo, 19590
198 p. (Moscow. Vaesoiuanyl alektrotekhnichemkii institute
Trudy, no.66) (KIEL 12:5)
MIDRIANOV, Kustma Andrianovich. Prinimali uchaDtiye: PARKS11YAN, n.R;
RUMIOV. R.G.; SEMKO) P.Ta.; ZAMRINA, K.1, . re(4,-
A~. FTS11TEYN, L.A., red.
1 0 [Macromolecular compounds for electrical insulation] Vysoko-
molekullarnye soodinaniia dlia elektricheskoi izoliatsii. Mo-
skva, Gos. energ.izd-vo, 1961. 327 p. (Polimery v elektroizo-
liatsiormoi tekhnike, no.1) (MMA 15:2)
(Electric insulators and insulation) (Polymers)
VARDENBURG, Arnolld Kurtovichl ANDRIANOV, K.A.,, glamyy red.;
ZABYRINA, K.I., red.; M=18., ~.I. red ; KOMTSK'Y,
Yu.V. red ; UVALIKOVSKIYO A.V., r&F.-;MSRTLEii' L.A.,
red. (dece;aed]; SHISHKIN, S.Vv, red4; BORUNDV, N.I..,
[Plastics in the electric equipment industry) FlaBticbeskle
massy v slelctrotakhnicheskoi pronyahlennosti. Izd.3., parer,
i dop. Moakva, Gosenergoisdat, 1963i 284 p. (Volimery
v elektroizolistsiontloi takhnikep no-5)
(MIRA l6s8)
(Plastics) (Electric eqnipment industry)
Different equations of compression flow accompanied by condenvation. In Geman.
p, 53. Vol 13, No 1/2, 1955. ACTA HICROBIOLOGICA and ACTA THCHNICA. Sudape-st,
So : Eastern European Accession. Vol 5, No 4, April 1956
Research in the theory of spheric mechanisms. P. 31.
(rzvestiia, Vol. 4, 1956, Bulgaria)
SO: Monthly List of Eaart Etwopean Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Uncl.
General matrix equations of some classes of mechanics. p. 51.
(Izvestiia, Vol. 4, 1956, Bulgaria)
SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EHAL) LC) Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957, Unel.
YA111SIN, G. Some problems of the theiry of mechanics, 1). 221,
Vol. 1" 19~6
Sofiia, Bulgaria
So: Fast European Accession, Val. 6, No. 3, March 1957
F ~ 71:,
1: 11t
Periodical: NAUCIINI TRUDOVE. Vol. 5, 1957.
KALITSIN, G. General matrix equation of mechanisms. p. 261.
Monthly List of Enst European Accessions (EF-AI). LC; Vol. 8, No. 2
February 1959, unclass.
Mutr i 4z3*M3d/433a 2 o" I.
IN, "it'dn muLQ. St. Kailtzid-Mvill. Trat. uUU6 B
w0a). AWOMWAda 0. 7b-77(1980)i--The um of
di"ood_U_rqa=b1=flou Ls couddutd.
Affred IZaehrlniW
L 32220--66 EWP(m)/T IJP(c)- GIV
ACC NRt AP6020835 SOURCE CODE: BU/0011/65/018/006/1)505/05C;-.q- I
AUTHOR: Kalitzin IN. 3Z
ORG: Ins of Physics. Bulxarian AcadeMy of-Sciencesi2fia )?,
TITLE: Exact solut4on of Einstein's gravitational equations and its'application to
groups of galaxie land quasi-stellar radio sources _~/
SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite, Doklady, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 505-508
TOPIC TAGS: space matter, gravitation
ABSTRACT: The author presented earlier the exact solution of Einstein's
gravitational equation for the problem of insular spherically synsnetric
accumulation of matter in empty space (see, e.g., N. S. Kalitzin,
Monthly Notices, 122, 19610 41; Dynamic der relativistischen Raketen
und einiger astronomischen Objekte (Dynamics of Relativistic Rockets and
of Certain Astronomical-.Objects], Bulg. Akad. Wissensch. S., 1963, P-
126). Here he studies a model consisting"of a spherical reglon G with
a spherically symmetric distribution of matter. The pressure inalde G
is assumed zero, and the density depends only on time. Outside, the
density of matter vanishes, and the'field approaches asymptotically the
,Minkowskian space. The results sh9w that for a quasar radius of r =
2R - 6-1013 cm and mass H - 108 Hw the peripheral velocity is 211,000
,Ose, i.e., the velocity of an extraordinary cosmic explosion. Such
:a velocity of matter cannot be the result of nuclear reactions or of
gas or light pressure. It is a purely relativistic effect and justifies.
,the above-mentioned hypothesis that the gas and light pressure may be ..
neglected in this problem. Orig, art. has: 7 formulas. [Orig. art. in En [JPRS
SUB CODE: 03, 20 / SUBM DATE: O8Mar65 / ORIG REF1 001 / OTH REF: 009 ~*SOV REF:
-- ---- - ------ ~- ---- - ~ ~ - - ~- ~ ~ I - i ~ ~~, - -1 --1-, - - - - ! ! - ~- , 1' :1 ~ : I- ~ I ! L i ! J : 1 7- - i : . I I I - ! - . - ~ I: ~ ~ w . ~ 9 11 1: ~i I I; , i - -I - ~- - t- : -,
, ..: , , : ;i'; I.: ~ . . ;! , ~ ! H i . I . I I., I ~ ~: I- ~ I
'!, L :-~ ~ i .,
. % . I -- - - ~ I I ! -. - - ~ I i - - , 1. -i: ~~ 112
. - I -- i - :
. .; I
-- - - ~ -,-, ~;, -- --- - ~ -- --,- - -... --. :~ -1 -,_;_ '71~ - ~ ~ .. 1: 1 --+~ - ~ -'. 1, - ~-
17- 1 , ~ ii ~ - !!'- 11' - ,- l' " -, V ;
p ! : ~ , -
" - - --. - - - - ---- - 13 . , ~ - :: - - - ~ -: - ~~ - . , , r. ~;- : . t"! - ~ I ~ I ll~ Y'mli : : . ,
, - - : , . 1! . I I I
li I
I IH ;1 11 IN Ull. III HIIIIH IM I I [Iff I
"'Awkiin niakoi-osnovni ura-ineniia na
Stalin', Nauka i izims'Wo, 1952. 16 p. ( fundai;,.en'Ual equaf-ions of the .evon
field and the electromagnetic bipolar field of gravitn:.Ion)
SO.; East European, L. C. Vol. 2 14o, 12, Dec., 1953
SO; Month List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 1953, Uncl.
3fttheMtj.oa1 Revims
Vole 15 No* 2
Feb* -1954
wn, Nikola. ElektrVirnagnetlemu$ -u-nem,
.--.w T
8 Fi -T7ugar.VA_"di Nauk. 061. Fiz..Lqat. Tehni .
Nauk. Ser. Fiz. 2 (1951). 4"2 (1952). (BuIgurian."';
Russian and Gernian summaries)
This paper is based ~n the earlier vroA oYG. blordstrOm j
[Phys. Z. 15, 504-506 (1914); cf. alisovH. C. Corben,.
Physical Rev. (2) 69, 225-234 (1946); these Rev. 7, 533],.
in which the Maxwell equations for the electromagnetic field
are generalized to five dimensiona, the qwmtities associated
with the fifth dimension then serving to describe the gravi-
tational field. It is assurned that there exist two kinds of
particles, having opposite charges and represented by worldf.
lines in five dimensions with velocity -i,ectorn in opposit .4
dire-Jons. A, neutral particle is assurried to be n1acle up of a
pair of such particles.
It should be noted that while such an &Pproach gives, id
ja suitable approximation, tile Newtori~an description o(
gra, itation, it fails to give the more accurate description!
'-pro% ided by the general theory of relativity. N.Rojen.
-KALITZ141p Njkola St.
.MathemticAl Haviewn.
Vol. 15 No. 4
Apr. 1954
P"77 -.- -
-- 110
Kautz MikdASt. Flektmais e~ P mo und GritvItisdon.
are Sci. 4 (39A), w, 2-3,13-16 (033).
(Russian summary)
Essentially a briefer version of what is given in Kalkzln,
Izvei;tiya Bulgar. Akad. Nauk, Oid. Fiz,hl at. Tchn. Nituk.
ITt. Ser. Fiz. 2. 4"2 (1952); these Rev. 15, M. N. Rosen.
KPjIT'7,T!I, Nikola St-
Mathematical Revieve
Vol. 15 No, 4
Apr. 1954
Mathematical Physics
XaRtzini Nk, Rho Wrallgeineintrung der Glek
chungen,* rZirktrodytiamik, C. R. Acad. Bulgar6 Sci .
4 17-20 (1953). ~ (Russian surnmarl!') I
Con taitis part of the 6%ttrial ~,I vert in 1011titin 1~ 'zvept iya
Bulgir. Akad, Nauk. Old. Fiz.-Mat. Tchn. Nauk. Set" Fit.
2, 63-78 (1952); these Rev. 15, 169, S. Rose".
KALITZDT,, Nikola St.
Mkold St. i neceXamthaarle. Acta
)MW, 45-53 (1933). (Rusa ian
This paper in a continuaflall of the work of Kalitzin
Clzmtiya Rulpr. AW.' Nni& Otd. Fiz~-Mat. TAn.
Mathematical'Reviews Napk. Ser. Fix. 2, 0-78 (19S2),, these Rev. 15, 169] and of
Vol. 15 No. 4 Xaycoff [ibid. 2,'"-93 (1952);, these Plev. 15, 170] based
Apr. 1954 on a spate of six dim:n4ons ai td~ dealing with field equatirms
involving a tenw pqtential.111c audi or ar6ves at quan-
athematical Phyeic;
1 stlid two chargto d a,
t1ties which he interl)".
413 &% thil 1PI
nucleon. In the static case lit d6tains 1.0 expression for the
interactioft between two nucleons Involving these quantities
and finds that the itpin-interaction v.-tin is free fmai the
usual, dipole-potential -sinFufatity. X, Ro~ses Qiaifa)..~
711fir C-AnFill Tefire FIN 14.
r,qimttcna 4art-4nd for mqmn iiwtwr (fold in a flvz-
'ptail art) agol Oir cafe-,bil-l" the pmtmw C9
ftZuk M- -Oc~,.a
- - ----- --, - ~ 4u-i. - -li~:~q--; ;l-, I -~- 711:7~-, -
. - I . I ~ , ~., iai~~ IA ! ~- " - -
I - .. - --:- - -,- --.- . . -- -..- . -- - -- - - --.- -!. -1 ~-. -- 1. !1i~ijl- -I -, 1:,--2, : 7 , r
. - i
I - ~ ~, . : . -'.. , . ~ j t ': ''A ;i;l . ! :;-
. I i. !I I _ _11, .] - - a:: 1:
.. :_. - ... I . I I ~ . I . -
11:14iml."j, U1
u 6 SJ(
(70 q(to Wt!mc11t* of o' tpei TWII;
Ructullicigs fir ft"t, (IC01migzok
.W~l lov 44
mar5wr or Im paTtis of Avrltm JAk,- ir.~ "I
tqudon or 11101intl 0~ 11 tjigi,~t"Ntj Vitt j,
m 161 11
ctocmm (Nit with the ta4lAtivc d0
to a pelitiftV I
Tho MS411tigg Met Man sqLjIrt
.O~jj ilia
14 in W61slwpf V~hw t
W h 111IN
f t1W 11Wt
[sc( 3 14X
-Ti A-L.-
'co-illiewl u'r I'll!,
-pin ; ", " - -
-Category ; USSR/Theoretical Physics - Quantum Electrodynamics
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizi~:a, No 2, 1957, No 2949
Author Kalitsin Mfl