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Tild ~li
imon: ione-
SnM'j' ',TD 66,jul6h EMIL 00 SUB
E " '01;
A.; CIROWV, K. Ya.; DZIE.I.r. B. S.; Ma") Zh. B. G.
A. V.
167 169 1-(0
-~,Westigations of the Positron Spectra of Lu LU and LU
report submitted for All-Union Coaf on Nuclear Spectroscopy_, Thilisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
OIYaI, LOU (Joint Inst Nuclear Res; Leningrad State Univ)
Ya.; ==0V B. S.; ZRa-EV, Lh. T.;
"Positrons from the Decay of Ho
"Concerning the Decay of Erla~.,
reports submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Tbilisi, 14-22
reb 64.
OIYal, LGU (Joint Inst Nuclear Res; Leningrad State Univ)
From the Experience With Medlc~,l Service to the
Flying Personnel While Retraining the Men to I-'Iy
No. 1, January, 1956 pp 57
rmproving urban transportation. UPO 2 no-7:37 Tl 160.
(MIRA 13--7)
le Zamestitell predeadatelya Moultovskogo oblastnogo apravleniya
Nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obabehestva gorodskogo khozya,,retva i
avtomobillnogo transpcrta.
KALI NNI'r, OV, i..V., KMMSKII, D.M., inzil.
o, -om, Mrs J?l
valvu pla~e~3. h c
YBehan!7-eJ heat -rpatwr~
nc. 126&-70 ja-F '6 5. :M:!~A 13~4)
il~ :~ 1 j t1lill f J~-e [~/A, .
kand. tekhn. nauk.
Now pnoivmtic suspension of passenger automobiles. Avt. transp. 36
no.108 Ja 158. (MIRA 11:11
(Automobiles-Shook absorbers)
How misuses were uncovered. Fin. SSSR 38 no.lt75.-76 Ja 164.
(WRA 1712)
1. Starshiy kontrolor-revizor Kontrollno-revizionnogo upravlaniya
Ministerstva finansov RSFSR po Kalininakoy oblasti.
Decay of Ta163. lzv.AN SSSR.Ser.fiz, 27 no.2tI82-191+ 1? 16~
(Thulium isotopes-Decay) (MM 16;2)
D9"M, 5. S. YENCHEV, D. A.; ZHELEV, Zb. T.;
27A.? A. V.
-nvestigations of Spectra of Conversion Electrons and Spectra of Positrons
of the Europium Fraction."
report submitted for All-Union Coaf on Nuclear Spectroscopyp Thilisi, 14-22
Feb 64.
OIYaI, LGU (Joint Inst Nuclear Res; Leningrad Otate Univ)
~ Tbj
mn-1 crf the poaftmai &T~eciaum o~
r I Loi. t irm It fk lull j.. 01 v,
AB.cj*T=Tt %he wathsrs cant1=4 earliar imentimations of th4i ~norrvhrsiom eleortrin
L 51469-65 R: APjiA31(6
by ahrOwtOgraPhiO Bepaxition of 1.IL'e
Vag -3---
....... ....
RE ARt AP6016896 -SOURCE Couple 16/0, 60?/65/(XrR/005'/4Y1A,3/0M
AUTHOR: Gromov, K. Ya Zhelev, Zho T.j Zvollska Vi
MG t Joinn't lasti to of Ruclooki nss~rqh (0b" no ut emykh Us *Io-,
ji-gi-61 sk in- twAlt's 0 _Nucieacr F~a Institut rdjjj%wl
nykh Issledov
TITLE: Decay of Er sup 161 /0
SOURCE:. Yadernaya Mikaj v. 2j ho. 5, 1965) 763-793
TOPIC TAGS: radioactive decayt positron,._trb~.2n holpim 4pectrometel-, elei,.tr4t
ABSTRACT: Positronla4lation of Er kov)
W., 020 ~ I
observed with a trIple-facuaing moStatio''a-Velotro:1 t 4 ~ Data a *e
presented for the oonvetelob ele't a t A'
0 ro eh"O InUlt
IM 191
larity of oartain transitions In the Ito m4i0no IU6 MA91
V H0161. decar-soheme is detefulfted and proitaqt~da, Ihe 189?
and,1943 k9V levels are lAterprated am
states. The authors e#ress deep thanks to At V4 avtewmA.Nir~the helP on the
vork * Id to N. I* P.Vatov and "I. KLkhayloy for check1hg the decn'j~schente 4
art, Pass
:P 171gures and 2 tables. 4JFHW
SUB COM 20 SUBM DATEt 09Apr65, MI(I Mi 011 am REV 1 010
SOV REF: 012
rd 1/1 2)
.. . ...... ...............
_3,2,r, 6
~A ACC RR: Ar6oo9155 SOURCE CODE- mVo367/65/oo2/oo5/O956/O95V'
AUTHOR: Zhelev, Zh- T.; 'nnik Xudnraytsm~2 V.; Tqjedevo- N.~A.;
G., Kherrmanny
A j4&kaxay,_&,,Y.; Muzioll
ORG: Joint Institute of Nuclear ggseaxgh (ob"yedinenr4rj- institut yaderiiykh issle-'
ErI57 IfOIS7
TITIE: New isotopes and Erlse
SOURCE: Yadernaya fizilm, v. 29
5j, 1965o 956-957
TOPIC TAGES: erbium, bolmium, isotope, half life
ABSTRACT: The search for now erbium and holraium isotopils was rade dith the aid of~
~.a magnetic P sj~,!ctrometer with three successive foci and with- a seiatill4tioa 7
rometer. The com a e aph-
spect pounds for the inve tigation were sep&VA ld ehrorwictogr
ically from a tantalum target bombarded with 660-mev protons iin the Mal synchro-
cialotron. The chemical separation of the rare earths sit;%rteil approximitely,ten
;t tkie erbluin and hohnivm'frac-'
minutes after the end of the irradiation) and that o I
I tions eXter two hours. The genealogical connections wmie investigated in the fol-~
lowing proposed chains of decay reaction-
qqrd, 1/2
L 23256-66
AM nR: Ap6oo9155 0
r 10157
------ Dy'57 - 4Y 1b
ErISM 110 Dy-1w (sLable).
The half li-ves of Er-157 and Ho'57 'were found to be azid. 18-,,- minutes, ies
tively, . While the existence of ErI57 and 11o157 vas preitipusly
predicted Ap thit
literature., no data on the existence of M450 have ever 'bq-.en ptAilished. ISbe half
life of Ib?"18 could not be reliably identified, but an upt)er lihift of 10-1.2 min-
utes was estimated for it. It is pointed out in the conellision that obserfttion
of the same isotopes was subsequently reported by A. Gizoij at all. (fts. Ike
Ann. 190t, :-.nat. du Rad.,, Paris, Aprilo x965) with somw4iuit different
the half lives. Orig. art. has: I formula.
SUB CODE,. 2o/ suBm D= o4,Tun65/ oRiG RF.F: 00:1/-~ (Mi MY: 001~
ard 2/P
i 266u-66 EWT(s)
ACC NRo 0601744
AMT.ORt Gromov, Ke I
--Kun, SyiiiA-szin.; kh
ORG: none
TITIEt Positrono in Gd
Confer-ence'on Nuolear S
.... .......
Zha To;
G.L Han - -----
;up 147 decay
LEM$ paper waa prd~sonto4 4tt the
i2 2id.
SOURCE: AN SSSR. izvestiya. SerVa fizicheskaya, v. 2q,:no.,Lq', 19650 2235-U38
TOPIC TAGS: positron, gadolinium, spectrometer, scintilUtion' apectromtor'::
tantalum, europium, gamma spectrum, is dAiolotivs aocay::
'7 Ir I II 'i
e positron emission oi CA1147-711 studied with a scinWlation
and a triple-focus sing beta spectrometer* i~e ga6liniim
sample etas extracted from a tantalum target that had be*a irradiated for-Y
the jj:A7::':
~2 hours at 660 Mev. The purpose of this work wa3 detemJne
levels that are populated by positron decay of Gdlt~#- Thist is done by
.:studying the triple coincidence of the 511-511 kev Scum= qoanti. nad the
~quanta of the entire gamma spectrtm. The eqtdpment usedin diagr=ed Jz
the following paper (in the same journal).
Vriple coincidence spectra are plotted for two geomeL or the
idetedt6ram'. The lone peak at 230 kev leads the authors to assuno that a
Card W2
KALINNIKOV, V.K.,podpolkovnik maditainakoy sluzhby
Medical services in retraining helicopter flight crews, Toon-med. -0-
zhur. no.1:57-59 Ja 156 (MLRA 10:5)
mad. sery. in retraining of flying personnel on
belicopters) (Ras)
K&LIMKOV, V.M.,atarshiy4&1dmik; URUB111, N.Te.,inzh.
Instrument for measuring soil temperatures under field condi-
tions. Transp.stroi. 9 no.1:58-59 Ja '59. (HIR& 12:2)
(Measuring instruments) (Soil temperature)
Quantitative speetrum analysia of pure titanium b:r the-evaporation
method. Titan i ago splavy no.W60-265 162. (MIRA 16t1)
v.V,; K.UPITIKOV, V.T.; Mdloyl 114,11,
Vanadlirl alkw!oates balling arommlr~us mb-pet-Ic
nt.rukt. khim. 6 no. 4t647-649 JI-Ag 165 O"'Ipl
1. MoakovLikiy flzikc-tokfjnicheLikJy InstItut. Suboitted Octnlpsr 7,
ACCFMIO14 NH; AP4013301 3/0032/a/030/002/0178/0180
AUTHORBt Kalinnikov, V. T.j Shteynborg., A. 1.
TITLE: Spectral analysis of titanium dioxide and silicon carbide by the evapora-
tion method
SOURCE: Zavodskaya laboratoriya,.V. 30, no. 2., 19649 178-180
TOPIC TAGSi spectral analysis, titanium dioxide, silicon carbide, carborundum,
evaporation method, evaporator, impurity, impurity removal,purification, spectre-
graph, kinetics of vaporization,,.titanium, graphite
ABURACT: T 'he authors used the vapor12ation.method to distill the impurities from
samples of metallic titanium and silicon carbide (carborundum), followed by deter-
mination using an ISP-28 spectrograph in an electric are. The vaporizer was an
electric furnace with.a 16 x 17 x 20. cm chamber., where 50 mg of the specimens were
placed in eraphito beakers, then heated to the desired temperaturd, Since met&Wc
titanium was difficult to grind,, these samples were converted to titanium dioxide
by heating in air at 800-900C, and then were mixed with one third their weiehb
of graphite powder to prevent spattering in the vaporizer. It was found that
Card 1/2
ACCESSIal NR: AP4013301
at 15OC6 the vaporization of Bi, Ph, and Sn occurred,, followed by that of
Fe, Iva, Si, and Ca at 2000C. MG, Al, and Cr began to evaporate at 2200C. It
took 120 seconds to vaporize the elements of the first group, another 120
seconds for the second, and an additional 150 seconds to vaporize the metals of
the third group. The samples of silicon carbide in the form of 2-4-mm crystalsi,
were analyzed by-a similar technique, because of the failure to Seet results
by Morrisson, and Rupp's method ("Silicon Carbide., a high temperature semi-
conductor". Pergamon Press, 1960). 'It was found that at 1850C nearly all
the Fe. Cu, Mn, Pb, P,, and Bb were distilled out within 3 minutes, The
average quadratic relative error of a single determination. of the impurities
was 20-251,'j. L. M. Ivantsov and B. I. Kostin participated in the construction
of the evaporator. Orig. art. has: 3 charts -
ASSOCIATIOU: Institut metallurgii im. A. A. Baykova (Institute of Metallurgy)
SU314ITTIM: 00 DATE AN: 26Feb64 ZVL: 00
SUB CCDE: UL No w son oo4 t 002
Card 2/2
t~ ~4---
Magnetic susceptibility of vanadyl compounds with carboxylic
acids. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 2:395-397 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Moskovokiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut. Predstavloro
akademikom V. I. Spitsynym.
Ger'~airt features of the infrared absorption of ve-nadyl
compounds with carboxylic acids. Dokl. P11 SISSR 159 no.4-'882484
D 16./+ (MIRA. I St 14 )
1. Moskovakiy fiziko-tekhnicheskl.y institut. llr*dri-,Avlenr,
akademikoin V.I. Spitsynym.
Magnetochemistry of vanadyl salts with d-- -carboxylic acids.
Zhur. neorg. khim. 10 no.6:1506-1507 Je 165.
(MIRA 18-6)
Is li
YCALMmlylollp 'ra.l.p doto".111, R3' R (S'=atf-,V)
Conr,arvatJva atv-,po Ii ijida-c-84! abortion. zhur. A:36-38
Jl'-,Ag 263 (HIRA 17 zZ)
Ve . S. :
FALINNIK01, Ye. S.: "The effect of re"ractor-
.1 rnaf,;3rials in the 'Llrdr-sf
la,lles and gluic-eways on tht,. c.,)ntamin-itlon of ballbr~qrini' litnel with
rionw-Aal.lic inclu.4lom". V-03cow. 1955. Min 11.1ghor 1~.Aucatlon U33,1.
Moscow Order of Labor ',Ipd Banner Imit (if Steel Lmeni I.V. Stalin,
Chair of Elactrometall,irgy of Steel and Forooalloys. (DIqrjortations
for the D,-,n~o of Aan.-Ilrigto. o' Tprhnlcal )M-nces~
SO: Ynizhnava letonis' No. 44 29 October 1955. 'O!Fc,-*'.
7 2.!,
W,vio of, A Oaalctte Unlar, Cvll(;ij;e.1i fl)tlanlavUOf
o" WD11 SON-W&TALMC F~ S. *,
or the tiu! c4mv!tlt G! non-m'-11111t. InAIIJIMM f Col.
'c azi;!~,Lrt. -2 , ,
vad A 54. !a I,. N. The koctir tlatzg-for 2.71(t, ~iad t jitj~h atim
1hr Acadc y (if
1";, 71%erc tm~va r. d,rec. iloanixitim. lxlwce . 'Al. conum- 0~,
t!rj'-J) d 'Jit, V.F~ 5 Is, n t_,"! ?L'o,~-:U1 TDIr, 'n Atmr'lo
dj,s In ibll~
6.0 Jr4i'l.
~O,U;t~Lig 11~, n,. tit the tho
. il, I r, ,
oc th" A., 15!"j 3.,Vp :i I dw of
t1amb,ir ovC.- 3.1i Me
linjItIlIg III Will wvlol. au 1wis $%s t:w.
G1 a r~ar.wwt`)' ~,o ;.tab!k~ 3~"Ir~Rt
hqjt-alt ,:,Lit brIL114 aell t4AC`(J ILI i,:w ,,, iiat or Lial-It'. erl+
thn actOzl ti ,t*!,% and ~1:ig, a-,,' suiLable aa i Ituleig -n.1teriml
of Udlrt nad Aanddr hrj~~k way E41 6-111U!ered Lit! hou, tit Ow.
' inijrn 11tilleg. 11v htundi~,
ou jli3 01N). OLUtl!) 1
oWdlInd, In prL-rur)n~~ rliesc 4aingi: Cie rwJ,n_ct4v,, IsAnpe,
iv"a Ltc~tdL;ccd Lrw, t4o. rempatticla uf all ;hroo tyji~~.3
It uv-~,nly
stn.,tttd Lr~ 1044io liasically lirtefi furrut:,!s
it"i waa tuawm (Hil"X.A.''Me lafivtnce of tke rcfra,:to_rIaa
:11 o1 tho ladto aLd 11.o:wder linfiaLni on a.9 cort.1miaadva of O-e z ~i~
a:v A iviih ucta-wolul 11c tnccl~*Ions wss determinedfruin 0-0
of the
ozis afttlrz fsoWtteg iliem by etwotrolytte divi;aWtIca. 13e-
werc. At) (I".
"The Effect of Ladle and Groove Lining upon the CLogging of Ball Bearing
Steel by Impurities,"in the book The Application of Radioisotoj*,es in Metallurg ,
Symposiuri XXXIV; Moscow; State Publishingr House for Literat -c! on Ferrou d Y
U1 r, an I an -
ferrous Metallurgy, 1955.
A. M. SAMARIN, Member, Acad. of Sci. USSR; E. C. Kalinnikov, Ezigr./Chair cw Electro-
Metallurgyy Moscow Inst. of Steel im I. V. Stalin.
KALINNIKOV, To., referent,
I.-.- j'~ .. , -""
Vacuum degassing of steel in ths pro*wreon: oit of cr~lg ta. gi'~.-- (from
05tahl und BisenOt no.2, 195.6). Still 16 no.9:034-858 5 156. (MLR& 9.-I1)
(Gerwany, West-4tsel--Mstallurgy)
XAILINNIKOT To S kandidat tokbuicheakikh nauk3 SAW-IN. A.M.
I- -.
Effect of temperature and the technologv of evolting roller-
bearing steel on the content of nonmetallic Inelusions. Sbor,
Inst. stali no.35t290-297 156. (MA lots)
1. Xafedra elektronstallurgii. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN OSSR (for
(Bearing metals) (Atsiq~-Defectly,
fF- , d' .V-
AUTHOR: ~"')molyakov, V. F., Zalinnikov, Ye . S. and Potapov, V. D.
TITa-: Contamination of Ball Bearin.j-bteel by Refining Slag.
(Zagryaznen-ye Sharikopodshipnikovoy Stali
PAfinirovochnym Shlakom).
PIHIODICAL: Stall, 195?, No-109 pp. 893-898 (USSR).
ABSTRACT: Using the method of tagged atoms an attenrPt was made to
establish the intensity of contamination of steel Wxi5
by refining slag and to dete3.mine the influence of
exogennic inclusions formed by the ermlsi-fication of
slag in metal on the metal quality. Steel UJXJ5 was
produced in basic arc furnaces operatuinG with solid
charge of 55-5? tons. During the oxidation period from
0.26 to 0-52% of carbon was usually removed with a
velocity of 0.356,~/hr- The metal was deo;ddised with
coke and then with ground 75,r"~ ferrosilicon. Before
deoxidation slag contained not less than 2~,,; of calcium
carbide. 2.-3 min before tapping aluminium vras added
(0.4 k-;/ton). The metal was -tapped with slag contain-
ing not more than 0.8c,,, of calcium carbide. AILter
retention in the ladle, steel was bot"om poured into
2.8 ton ingots Teeming conditions are ven in Table 1.
Card 1/4 Radioactive Ca in. the form of CaO was introduced into
Contamination of Ball Bearing Steel by Refining Slag.
slag 30-65 min bef ore ta- ping. 'Phe constimption of Ca 45
was 355-53? m.curi~5 per heat. I'lic uniforinity of the
distribution of Ga in slag was tested and found Lo
be satisfactory (Table 2). Before tapping-,- slag samples
were taken Tor chemical analysis (Tabl'e 35 and determina-
tion of viscosity using a Nekhedzi-Samarin viscosimeter
(depth of penetration of slag into a narrow channel).
To check on the possibility of purification of steel
during bottom pouring, samples of pouring refractories
from some heats were taken for radiometric measurements.
During teeming of metal of some heats samples from the
rising surface of the metal in mould were frozen on to
a steel rod. After rolling of the metal from experimen-
tal heats in to 120mm rounds or 140 x 140mm squares,
templets were out out corresponding to 80, 60 40 and 2i-,,
of the ingot height (counting from the bottom5. Templets
were forged to squares 90 x 90mm from which snecimens
were cut out (as shown in Fi~ALre 1) for met'aliographic
investigation, electrolytic separation of non-metallic
inclusions and determination of the coment of ox7gen.
Experimental results assembled. in tables 4-6 and figures
2,3, indicated that the method used for the do-termination
Card 2/4 of the content of exogennic inclusions (emulsification
Contamination of Ball Bearing Steel by Refining Slag.
of refining slag during tapping) confiriiusd -the possibil-
ity of contamination of steel by slag dux-ing Lapping
from an electric furnace. The content of slag
inclusions in the rolled product reached in the indivi-
dual cases 0.001,r~, or about 10,7' of the total content
of stable inclusions in steel'~WX15. A direct relation-
ship between the content of exogennic inclusions and
the total content of oxide inclusions was established.
On tapping with a basic slag (if increased viscosity the
contamination of steel by non-metallic inclusions is
lower than with a fluid slag of similar composition.
A part of slag inclusions is removed daring teeming in
castinE; refractories and during the filling of ingot
moulds. No differences were found in the content of
oxide inclusions in steel either from different mould
seats or on different levels of the ingot heiCajit. The
following participated in the work: V.V. Kurbranov,
V. A. Kautardin, A. N. Porada, E. P. Mloskalenko, L. B.
IUssina, L. I. Khristoforova and V. 1. Eirsanova. There
are 6 tables, 3 figures and 6 references, 4 of which
Card 3/4 are Slavic.
.Contamination of Ball Bearing Stee
A&SOCIATI(XI: Dneprospetstall Works
Metallur&7, of the Academy
(Zavod Dneprospetsstall i
I by Ref ining Slag.
and the Institute of
of Sciences of the USSR.
Institut Metallurgi-ir AN
AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress
Card 4/4
0 AND 06
o so .,u m, r.a u
ILI .6-
13 a w
:In 49 ;
am Acs wl
4A a!
- &-N o
=.w. N
a - sirZ
i -.
vo A
a. v.8
lap -o
g* -poal...4"814
-.fy.-4 .3
P. ea." 64 awe 6 1** 44 toul"
ropw% bmlttad tw %be Sth My-ic&l CAMIcal
Confer,owe on steel promentiou, Moon." 30 JIN 1959.
AUTHORS: Voroblyeva, T. M., Zaha.luyev, 1. 1'...
Trc~i-,ubenko, A. F.
TITLE: Effects- of Vacuiuning on the Qualitv ar 30KI-iGISH,'~. ,irld
ShKhl5-Type Steels
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 10, PP 904-907 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At "Dneprospotsstal " PLarit kavorl "Dneprn,.~petsstal
experimental vacuuming was coridl~ct(~d 1~y Bc)Jb1c(j-:, T. DI.,
Shamill, Yu. P., Parkhomenko, G. P.; 11. M., ar~-J
Men', A. N., according to the follovjinf~ method3: (.1
10 melts, at normal rimming with a miniml.mi oxidation of'
0.50% C and ladle pouring, placed in a vacuuTi chambur;
(2) 10 melts '. at maximum oxidation of 0-31% C durdn~.,,
rimming, otherwise truaLed ao above., and (3) 8 rrlell;~;
poured without vacuuming. The authon~,, Lhu, f'ollow-
ing conclusinns based on experimerita]. data: (1) vacuum
treatment of molten metal at 11 to 5 t./riiin t3pc-~ed of ent-er-
ing vacuum chamber lowo-rs hjdrogeri corite-ni-, .11, 30KhGSNA-
Card 1/2 steel specimens molten within a limite"', .-i-inming period
Effects of Vacuuming on the Quality of 75953
30KhGSNA and ShKhl5-Type Steels SOV'/133-5'9-
and poured at 28 mlli mercury column the hydro~(-en contlent,
dropped by an average 16%; in nor"Itat
rimming and pouring at 26 mm mcrcur,, col~mtn _i"- dropped
18%. In steel-Shl(h15 specimens poured at; 20 min merl;,,.iry
column a 24% decrease of lKidrogen wau observed. (2)
The quality of 30KhGSNA steel, eopeciall., in respect
to impact toughness, improved in pouvinC iinder vacuum
at a residual pressure of 26 to 28 rimi mercu'vy coiiLniti.
(3) In pouring at residual pressure of about; 20 mm
mercury column the quality of ShKh15~steel shows no
improvement in regard to nonmetallic inclusions. (4)
Decreased oxidizing period in meltln~,' 30KI-1GISNA steel.
by a reduction of the quantity of oxidizin- carbon from
0.50 --0-70 to 0.20-0."0% does not increast:~ 1-as saLura-
j -Z'
tion or impair quality, and evt.,n prortiote.; im-pact characber-
istics, There are 4 tableo,; and 3 Sovlet rc-Verencez.
Card 2/2
AUTHOR: jKalinni1c
TITLE: Development ol' Vacuum Treatm'Unt in ma,-;s P--f-o(ju(,tJ.cj1-l of,
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1959, Nr 10, pp 908-910 (US311)
ABSTRACT: Review of developme-rito in West Gernany lit the above field.
There are 8 figures; I table; a
1 U.S. The U.S. refercnce is:
Steel Institute, Vol 191, 1959, nd 4 vef'
1) ' 3, PP oronuen-; ' Glorill'all,
3 3
of' Iron and
Card 1/1
AUTWRSt Kalinnikov, Ye. S., Zabaluyev, 1.~ P.
TITLEs The problem of hydrogen content In alloyed electric steel
PMUODICAM Izvestiya vyssUkh. ucheb-nykh zavedeniy, Chernaya metallurgiya, no.
2, 1961,, 45 - 50
TEXTs The results of previous wotk [Ref. lt Trudy NTO ChM(NTO ChM works),
vol.' XMI, MetallurgizdiLt, 1957, 572 - 575; Ref. 2: T. M. Voroblyeva., I. P.
7mbaluyev, Ye. S. Kalinnikov, A. F. Tregubenko; "Stall", 1959, no. lo, 9o4 - 9071
are brought into a system in this ar 'tiole. The subjeo*t investigation consisted
In melting several machinery and bearing steel grades in 25 - ton electric furnaces
with basic linin and treating in a vacuum in two different ways. From a total
of 100 melts obe third was poured as usual at the plant, and the remalzddr was vacu_
um treated: 1) By placing the ladle with the liquid steel and the ordinary slag
quantity into a vacuum chamber, closing the chamber ar* evacuating; holding in
the vacuum for 12 min; 2) Pouring the steel from one ladle intothe other in a
vacuum chamber at a rate of 4 - 5 ton/min. In the'Isecond mathod aluminum was
added not as usual in the furnace,.butafter degassing the metal. It was consider-
Card 1/3
1 7 S/14-8/61/000/002/003/011
The problem of hydrogen content in alloyed electric steel A161/AI33
ed that a variatijn of the chemical composition oft steel has practically no effect
on the hydrogen solubility, theref6re all melts may be considered as iron melts
containinghydrogen that dissolves.following the square root law. The hydrogen
absorption by a steel bath under slag oil the surface was calculated using the H.
Epstein et al. formula [Ref - 5: H. Epstein, J. Chipman, N. Grai~t. . J.. Metals, 9,
19571. It was stated that a direct relation really exists between the hydrogen
content in the steel and the air humidity. The considerable scattering of these
data is explained by different factors including the different humidity of ore and
lime t6hat absorbed humidity from ambient air. Only-9% hydrogen liberated in vacuum
from one steel grade in ladle, and 24% from another-grade repoured from ladle to
ladle, but it was-not possible to compare the effect in figure4 for hydrogen libera-
tion depends not onithe pressure and degassing conditions only but on the equilibri-
um state of metal ah well. A direct interdependence was revealed between thr
hydrogen quantity liberated in the vacuum from a ladle at a given temperature ~nd
time, ahd the initial hydrogen content and residual preisure in the vacuum chamber.
It is expressed by the empirical formula
AH real = o.44 AH theor - 0.33 (4)
The analogous correlation stated at repouring in vacuum was
Card 2/3
The problem of hydrogen content in alloyed electric steel A161/A133
46H real w 0-99 &Htheor- 0-57
Both these formulas are not accurate but reflect well the relO.A.6 effect of diffe1%
ent vacuum treatment. Conclusions: 1) The effect of vaouviv
., tpeatment with re-
poubing on hydrogen liberation from well-deoxidized alloyed electric~ steel.-- 1A -more
than double comparing with vacuuw treatment ip the ladle. The effect of vacuum
treatment iti the ladle ian be improved by radically changing the deoxidization
practice. 2) The hydrogen content in electric stebl before tappin'from the fur-
naoe depends directlir on the humidity of ambient air- 3) The hydrogen content in
ele6tric steel practically does not change during pouring fft mi the furnace into
the ladle. There are 3 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet-bloc. Xhd 4 non-Soviet-
-bloc. Two references to English-language publications read as followB:- H. Ep-
stein, J. Chipman, N. drant, J. Metals, 9, 19571 R. T. Turkdogan, L; S. Davis, L.
E. Lenke, L. G. Stevens. J. Iron Steel Inst., 1955, 181, 123 - 128).
ASSOCIATIONs Tsentrallnyy nauchno-iesledovatellskiy institut ahernoy metallurgii
(Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)
SUBMITTED: December 16, 1959
Card 3/3
VOIROV, Semen Georgiyevich; SHALIMOV, Anatoliy Georgiyevich; KOSOY,
Leonid Fineasovicb- KALIMIIKOV 12ygep& SeEgR=4aW ,
V,V,, 'ekhno red*
VEWSKIY, S.I., red. ~Z-va~ 40
[Steel refining in the ladle by means of liquid synthetic slag]
Rafinirovanie stali v kovshe zhidkim sintetichosicim shlakom, Mo-
skva, Gos.naucbno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po cbernoi i is-~~6tnoi me~al-
lurgii, 1961. 110 (MIRA 15:1)
Vakuum_V*proi~vods.tVe stallAVacuumAn Steel Making) Moscow,
Metallurgizdat, 1962. 159 p. Errata slip inserted, 3750
,copies printed.
Ed. of Publishing House: M, L, Borodavkin; Tech. Ed.:
Ye. B. Vaynshteyn.
PURPOSE: This book ib'intended for engineering personnel of steel
melting shoos and plant laboratories. It may also be useful to
scientific research workers'and students specializing in
COVERAGEs The-book revieVs the methods of.vacuum, treatment of
molten stei~l as applied on a large scale at Soviet a6d hon-
Soviet plants. Designs of vaeuum'units and principles of their
operation are presented along with basic ihformatic:i on vacuum
equipment and instruments for ensuring the control of operations.
'The effect of vacuum treatment on the quality of structuralo
Card 1/4
V_CVU_UULUU 3.13 otoetll- KttKILJ6
transformer, ball-bearing, railj rimmedp and other steels is
discus-s-cid, in detail. Scientific fundamentals of vacuum
metallurgy'are outlined in brief. No personalities are men-
tioned There 89 references: 59 Sovietj 23 aermanoand 7
Introduction 5
Ch. 1. Fundamentals of Vacuum Metallurgy 7
Vacuum deoxidation 7
,Removal of hydrogen and nitrogen in vacuum 2-
Vacuum desulfurization 26
Removal of other harmful impurities 32
Ch. II. Vacuum Treatment of Steel in Ladles and'Nolds With
the Application of Special Chambers 38
pesign of operating vacuum units 38
Card 2/f 3
t INP I?,
AMMRSt Voinov, S. G., Kosoy, L. F., Shumov, M. 14., Shalimcr., h 0
Chekhomov, 0. M., Andreyev, T. B., Afanasly-44~,_tt -a*TM' nlikov,
Ye. S.
TITIS; Refining converter steel with liquid synthetic slag, in the ladle
PERIODICAL: Stal", no. 3, 1962, 226 - 232
TMUS The good results obtained In refining electric stetla wilthtquid
lime-aluminaus slag lod to pilot-plant tests with converter steaI3, using the
came method. III heats were smelted in a basic 8-ton converter; 144S of them were
refined in the ladle with liquid synthetic slage of the following compoultion
Card 1/5
Refining converter steel with... A054/,1127
Steel Number CaO A1203 S'02 P'ZO FcO Cr
grade of he4ts ~03
WX15 6
(ShKh15) 53--OT; iali7l 13 'RG~ -QO-'7Ui 00-980 -0 INT
12XH3A. 06H3 52.49 .42.1, 2,02 0.78 2_M
5 o'
(MINW, (06N3) T1 -9. r2 36.9 1 5.06 0-. r2 7.69 0.9-2
(SOV) 53.10 1,11 22 0.75 0.55
7 -2.19
(deep drawing steel) 51-37 4-52 0.93 4.05 0.23
A (7L) .06 9 a() L.It
(tool, carbon, table, 14 5151 '
52.51 VO -.9 2 -31fl 0.72 1.75 0.13
rail, axle steel)
(numerator: composition prior to metal treatment; denominator: composition
after the treatment). The slag was melted In a 3-ton are furnace, with hearth
and banks of carbon blocks and carbon packing. The alaga differed from tho3o
used for electric stools In that they contained more silica, ferrous oxides and
Card 2/5
Refining converter steel with... A0511/A127
chrotio oxides. To matntain thn fluidity and reoctivity of t1to alag, vtvlcr the
test conditions, its quantity was Increased to 6.5"; of the natal weir'ht, the tem-
perature of the liquid slag in the furnace was raised to 1,750 - 1,81,.Oct anti the
interval between pouring the slag and tapping the metal wa5 (to 2 nin.
5 see - on the average) . The ladle was preheated to 600 - 800 1C j)r1or to slag
tapping. The basic slag formAng additives were common open-hearth Unw, (with-up
to S), bauxite and In some cases (for mcdIum-carbon and hiji-caebcn steel
grades) fluorite. Lima was added In two batches; prior to pouriq; the cart iron
and It - 5 minutes after blowing started; the other two components wtre Mded to-
gothcr with lime. The quantity of the letter used for alloy oni hlrh-arade -steels
was 8 - 9%, for rail and axle steel 6 - 7% of the charge weight. 15110115, IZ0,113A,
06N3 grades, deep-drawing steel and carbon (tool) stools weve cast with fluorite
(0-3 - O.V. of the charge weiGht; the slag.wa3 tapped twice.) To determine the
optimum cast iron composition, cant irons with components varying greatly in
amount were used (0. 28 - 0.78% 81, 0.50 - I A% Mn, 0 .025 - 0.095% 3, 0 .0%
0.220P) . The slags were very active already at the beginning of blowing. ILI-,a
basicity of slags (CaO:(S'02+P2O5)) increased progreagively (5 - 5 1/2 minutes
after blowing started it was 2.0,.at the end of blowing. 3.0 - 4.0). The syn-
thetic slag refining method in converters with oxygen top blast rozults In a
Card 3/5
Refining converter.steel with... AG54/A127
high degree of desulruration. When cast Irons are processed with it hi6h (0.085
0.09%) sulfur content, th$s could be reduced to 0.030 - 0.04"'W. during blowing
and to 0." - 0.013% after alag treatment. Deculfuraticm Is most effectivo In
the " 10- Y13 L, (UlO-U13A) grades (up to 72.6% Q, in axle steel (71.95j') And sh n315
steel grade (67 -EM - The final phosphorus content of steel can alao be reduced
to 0.0220 - 0.030% by slog treatment, even if made of cast iron containinz 0.22%
phosphorus. The synthetic alag method reduces the content or o)Wgen and non-
metallic inclusions (sulfides, oxides) of the steel. Converter &t-ructural steel
grades, refined by synthetic slag, have a greater ductility and notch touZ~Lness
(mainly across the fibre), than conventional converter, open-hearth and electric
steels. Most probably, the ductility In Improved by the effect of tl%e synthetic
alag emulsion on the metal which reduces the sulfur oontont And non-metallic in-
clusion3; a sub-micronoopio ailicium-oxygen phniie may.also havo notnt, efract.
Slog-refined converter axle stools displayed a high ductility at -200, -)too and
-600C, the new refining method imparts the 06X3 cold-resistant cenverter steel &t
150 - 1830C the same degree of frost-resistance as found in electric steels. The
tests were carried out with A. N. Korneyenkov, G. V. Ours1dy. Ya, 'N. BoRshitzkiy,
A. K. Petrov, Ye. D. Mokhir, R. 1. Kolyasnikova, 0. A. Rhasin, V. P. Danllin,~
card 4/5
S/ 133/6 2/000/003/00 1/006
Refining converter steel with... A054/AI27
P. S. Plekhanov, A. I. Mazun, and A. A. Mar)an participating. Thero are 3 fis-
ures, 9 tables 2 Soviet-bloo references.
Card 5/5---
VOI140VO S.G.; F:'JJ-,:1;1KOV Yfi,,,,; TOPIL'AlY, P.V.;
V.P. ; i~Usoy. !,.F'. SMLINOVY A.G.;
Prinimli uchasti7v; - IOM -T.N. I CHABWL-;NIX~ p N. 1.;
Developing a procedure for the making of limestone and alumina
semifinished products for the preparation of synthetic slaf:.
Stall 22 no.2:128-132 F 162. (MIRA 15:2)
(Electric furnaces)
AUTHORS: Kalinnikov, Ye.S., Efros, D.I., Borodets, I.V.
TITM: The application of synthetic slag to refWng steel malted in 50-
-ton open-hearth furnaces
PERIODICALt Stall, no. 3, 1963, 207 - 212
TEXT: The method was tested for Oc.X (Os-L) axle steel, 40A (40A),
2OX2H4A (20MM4), 20, 40X (40Kh) and 20 X (2OKh) grades in a 50-ton basic
open-hearth furnace. Besides the slag addition the conventional technology was
modified in that the content of S and Mn was not controlled during meltingi for
reduction in the ladle 45-% ferrosilicon was used instead of the 75.4 grads and
less aluminum was added into the ladle for the Os.L, 40A and 2OKh2N4A grades,
while for the remaining grades no altiminum was used at all. Perrosilicon was
fed on the ladle bottom, the ladle was then heated and synthetic slag amounting
to 5% of the liquid metal with a temperature of at least 1,650 C was fed in.Fozlng~
time-. 2 - 5 min, Pauring bdght 3.5 - 1.0 m. These conditions ensure a thorough
mixing of metal and slag in the ladle. The synthetic lime-aluminoferrous slag
Card 1/2
The application of synthetic dag to .... A054/AI26
was melted in a 5-ton arc furnace (at 2,800 kw transformer capacity). The com-
position of the synthetic slag and its changes during melting the above-mentioned
grades are given in a table. Samples from the ladle contained 0.014% S as
against. 0.025 - 0.039% in the conventional process. The burning out of silicon
was also reduced from 19.3 and 15.1 to'14.3 and 10.5% (for the Os.L and 40A
grades, respectively). Synthetic slag refining promotes reduotioni for the Os.L
grade samples, usually containing in forged condition 0.002 - mo6% o
20' the
oxygen content was found to be between 0.002 and 0.004%. The maorostructure of
the test steels proved flawless and their content of nonmetallic inclusions do-
creaead. The new method does not deteriorate the mechanical characteristics of
the test steel; it improves their notch toughness, the ak-value in transverse
specimens increases, f6r instance, for the Oa.L grade from 3.4 to 4.4, for the
40A grade from 3.8 to 5.6 - 5.7 kg/cm0- and the anisotropy of the structure as to
notch toughness In diminished by 30 - 55%* The investigationstbr the new method
were carried out in cooperation with S.O. Voinov, 8.1. Yaburov, L.P. Kosoy, A40.
Shalimov, P.A. Serov, T.A. lzmanovs, Ya.M. BoIkehitskiy, 8.1. Kazarin, V.G. Xuk-
lev, A.M. Mamlin, A.I. Lyutov, B.Kh. Vish,&v%ik#P.X. Yegorov, N.M. Tarasov, et al.
There am 8 figures and 2 tables.
Cara 2/2
Desulfuration of open-hearth steel bf liquid synthetic slag.
Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 6 no.7s65-69 163. (MERA l6s9)
1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut chernoy
(Desulfuration) (Open-hearth process)
VOINOV, Semen Georgiyevich; SHALIMOV. Anatoliy Georgiyeviabj
KOSOY, Leonid Georgiyevic~; -K& v~
. , ~PTKOV,. Y eygpp~,
(Refining metals with synthetic slag3l Rafinirovanis rA..
ta2lov sinteticheakimi shlakawd, Voskvap Metallurgiia,
1964. 279 p. NIRA 17:12)
KALUMIKOV, Ye.S.; FRA711NCV., S.F.; KIREY-EV, B.A.; 01(,'!,,-PKIN, S.I.;
- D-V60YA, ~ L-. N. ; IZMANOVA, T. A.
Refining a 100-ton open-hearth heat with a liquid smthetic slag
in the ladle. Stall 24 no.7099-601, JI 164.
(MI RA 18: 1)
L 42972-65 E7dT(m)Mflk(d)/EVIP(t)XIP(z)/Vlp(b) VD
ACCESSION UR: AP5008709 S/0133/65/000/003/0232/0235
AUTHOR: Lubencts. 1. ZhMkTt,_DL_G S. G A. G.;
.p; VqAn2y,___,l nalimov
-Ulinnikay, Ye. S.; Cheroyakov, V. A.; 1~~Iqssv' M. .1 S. i
n31naL_S. YC
TITIS: 53mlthgtic slag refininx of steel from large-capacity are ovens
'SOVRCE; Stall, no. 3, 1965. 232-235
TOPIC TAGS: steel refining, synthetic slag. ball bearing stool, chromium steel,
low Impurity stealt arc oven stool Ii
ABSTRACT: During the second half of 1963i one of the slactricaL steel-smettLng
enterprises started Introducing the refining of steel by means of synthetic line.1
alumina slag into Industrial use. The present article reports on the preliminary
findings concerning the offtclancy of this now proc*sso Tusts were carried out
with a slag-malting OKS-284 oven having an IntorLor diamter of! 5350 mm and a
4500 kVA transformer. The wall and cover were made of chroamignesito while ths
taa was lined with carbon block@; the smelting chamber had a diameter of 3000 -so
and was 800 mis deep. All- pariftent carnstructLoo and operational. data atis given
C-d 1/2
_171 11 1i I H10--ifM H14111911 HIM lllfi~fl I [Val V101111-11.1]HUl Fullilla i clulp pnk?5M 1:1.1 ill
i L 42972-65
Aran= KR: APS008709
I in considarablp detail. Specifically, 1) the oven produced 2.5 metric tons/hr.
of al ; 2) during production of ball-boaring,and construction chromium
ag st;;l;h.
the sig cona6mption amounted to 2.8-5.6% of the mass of processed watal;
oven consumed about 1420 kWh per metric ton of slag produced; 4) tho shortenrd
refining operation decreased the consumption of alectrIcal enar&y by 30-40 kYh
per metric ton of metal, which compensated fully for the energy requirements for'
the production of slag; and 5) the productivity of the larSe-capaefty electrical
ovens was increased by 10-15%. The now method markedly reduced (as shi"m in
several tables presenting the results of Impurity determinations) the amount of
nonmetallic impurities and improved the plAstic properties of the finished pro-
duct. The technological procedures described should be able. -in the future, to
improve the quality of the above-zentioned special steals oven nore and reduce
the impurity content oven further. n1n this work, carried out in c*oJuxiction with
J_iULXM, N,_Y. Keys, V. C.'Pagov, To. B. Men'shenin, M. A. barnorvalov, G..B.
-filmoval, ami others' sYs-9took
.j M. 1. Shatalo , A. As Molchanovam,1J. Yes7n
_Wjj _re r
i part." Orig. art. has: 5 tables.
SUBX=D: 00 BVCLt 00 WS COIX.1 M(
NO RU i0VI 001 OTHM 000
ACCES910H NRt AP4041869 Si0133/641-DOO/007/0640/0642
AUTHORt Cabuyev, G. Kh.1 Yelltsov, X. S.; $hul*to* Vu. A.g Mikhaylov
P*. A.; GarevokLkh, 1. A.1 Laybonson, 5 Ali Tolvirk'o, 5. 1.; Modavarg
B. It; Latesh, Tu. v.1 rranteavo Ve re, r4kbonoyp A.-I.; Kogsnovokiyyt
G. P.1 Voinov, S. C.1 Shalinov, A. laolyakoval
V. P.1 Komoy, L. r.'
TITLEt Improvement of the quality of alectroolog-malted ball-boartag
SOURCEt Stall, no. 7, 1964. 640-642
TOPIC TACS1 ball bearing steei, electroolax weltea steel, high
purity steel, steel aloctroolaR malting
ABSTRAM Several variants of electroolag inalting have been tested
Iin an attempt to improve the quality of ball-boaring steel. The
analysis of slactroalag-aelted &test shaved that aLtrLdes and car-
bonitrides constitute the greatest part Cup to 752> of the nousetalW2
jinclusions present in the steel. Theo* nitrides derive from the idea
initial material. The alectrostax process ellain It arv nitr
over 20m in diameter, but does not eliminate the :11:11!r Outgo
t!Cwd 13
iTh-erefore. the nitrogen and titanium contents of th'
a Initial toot4%.
must be reduced toaminimum. This can be done, for example, by - I I
:refining the metal in the ladle with synthetic sl4g. Elactrosi&%
smelting of open-hearth steel refined with synthetic slag *Iimtnated*
all the Inclusions larger than 10m and reduced tht number of smaller
linclusions by more than 50% and the nitrogen and oxygen contents
to 0.0053 and 0.0020%, respectively. To product ultra-hixh purity-.
ball-boarLnx stool.the double alectrosl&A melting was appli9d with
a combination of various fluxes. The use of ANF-6-ANY-6 fluxes in
Idouble electroslag melting or of AN-29-ANY-6 fluxes produced beat
iresults. Ultra-high purity steel, fully ~atisfyiojt requirements
for critical ball boarings, was obtained. OrLA. art. hase 2 ftsurood
rolprppatsetall (Va%ospotostall plast)l Zapotoah-
skLy mashinost to uy*y inatits t taporoah MaGbive-361141ag Inaltift i
tutle)j Institut elektroovarkilLs To, Os Patona (11444r,L* Wel4tal
InatLtuta)l TsV11ChM
lCwd 2/3
o 0 RIK
V I 7'AI'A- 7'o M..1- -
"Wabaftlia in tho wine ana w va" of [At.
tatt" nedws. M. 1~ likovA. 1"Praly Pftltdl~
9=.i. i. A. milk " fuu.A 1. t. WA , q',,.
Ithufts 10-MA); *I. dadY UtitwY cuffilum 4M-6 y
rma (jil mg. 1%) oTff to ilays inctr"W urijuiry cietv-
(ion to 6W (Imm 101) ard milk kwl to,0.14 -i ';, Orwil
0' 0
u 0 IV 03 it: IT o It a of a a pt Pt u vl-[Ut. Ml I 6 I Aw 0
0 9000,0196 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 o
4 s 0. .1A AA
.4 AlSe
WO 9
NO 0
Diagnostic value of the complement fixation reaction in viral
respiratory infections of infants. Acts. virol. (Praha)(Eng] 7
no.6:534-541 16j.
1. Institute of Experimental Medicine, UbS.S.R. Academy of
Medical Sciences, and The Leningrad Institute of Pediatrics,
Leningrad U.S.S.R.
K A TI, I 'NIN I KOV A .1 '7. 'A' .
PALIXP-IS'FGV, S.A. (Chief Veterinarian, Samilov rayon, Saratov ob],-,st) arid
KALINTIKOVA, T. A. (Director of the Rayon Veterinary Hospital). 7se of kerosine in
tympanites bf cattle.
So: Veterinarlya; 23; 7; July 1946; Lncl.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 * 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 * 0 1,
Cell and its individual deve'lopment. Prir i zanie 15 no.lOs6-7
D 162.
Philoge-nasis and onotgenenis of the call. Prirod& 1.3
no.601-35 N.-D 164.
Results from our experiments with proplantln treatnmt of cottonseed.
29 House for cultivating plants. 1).30. & the now ro 4. 1D.31.
-;erativno Zonedelle Vol. 10. no. t$, AAg, -
o 1955, 80fiM
SO: Monthly List of Mast NArope" AccGsGicR9,, (ZKL)- L09 Vol- 4, NO- 119
Nov, 1955, Unolo
BULGARIA/Cultivated Plants - Technical Oleaceae, Sugar Plants M-7
Abr, Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 19,58, No 1665
Author : V. Stankulova, B. Kalinov
Inst : Not Given
Title : The Width Between Rows During Sunflower Sowing.
Orig Pub : Kooperat. zemledeliye,. 1957, No 3, 31 (Bulgaria)
Abstract : No abstract
Card : 1/1
-L 4164.1~65 -- hW(J)/EWT(m
AUTHORi Koz1ov, H. V.-, A. T.; Kalinov B P.
j- 17
TITLE, Autamtic control. of proluct viscosity
SOURCF: Khimiya i tekhrio'kogiya topliv i. masel no. 1, 196.5, 5)-92
,~PTC TAGS: viscositv, Y.,
~scosimf.!,tsr, autmativ cont"., 1~
- --------------
T-1 "No
1; A
1110 REF SOV: 003
124CM - 00 sm orm-r-, M.4 Ito
OTHER!': , 000
Ca,d 2/2
Oil in China. Azerb. neft. khoz. 40 no.1:47-48 J& 161.
(DIMA 14:8)
(China-Patrolou.m industa7)
Metal Economy (frcm the erperience of the "G. DIMITROV."
Metallurgical State Plant (Metalworks) at RUST. The Bulprian Heavy
Industry, 6:53:June 55
~ - r
Reducing the time of seasoning -oanel furniture Parts, Der. prom.
6 no.2:26-27 F '57. (NlRA 10:4)
1. Fabrika 'KrasW Oktyabr'".
(Furniture industry) (lamber-Drying)
Our practices for varnishing pianos. Der.1 Isookhim,prom. 3 no.5:21-24
MY 154. NLRA 7:6)
1. Bachallnik laboratorii febriki "Krasnyy Oktyabrl".
(Piano) (Tarnish on& varnishing)
9OZIL'o, voci.Qy zpls~y-czy ARAI-4xL Vol 12, ,a L. Lw.
zftflu-nC4 3- A.I=Ln= 3UItm^-g Of' Can FOC06ttaM Qf
SOO-. j."oon ar-: txtrmctit-n o; ~4"llic iron In %-no
a.- Zzli-j 01 Irin Cron At'%
Z. VIT Ar,�
ze,,jouan Or cL aric i:~zp_njt I tn 2 or
in LL;4*.':
74 a*.'
or ';..; rut-,& I.. ~Jrljun.
-czazarrao,- t=o 'Mctroottm Of ,tealf-graped
torric Cxld*." Lal 1.
or Z-r
t4, of c-.1jorInt one on aLiver
34rfga**.- G. jUZNAj.7 ani ",. LAI_kjwC.'. arZLC!d M
SQ'-ILor; po
5m=--:on!az-.zr ?r--zorzios o: orLata
i6e- man -i"17tic -z-,%tiDa f AL=cclo," 3.
:?. aal 1. U-Z-1A; IrZI41'I IJ
=r1lestors j;. Zry.-.o%i wZ.; mtaral ',Nter
3s,7;,Iy L. Vajrl*,xt jrrltstl~.-i ia ~002'" 0. -'CV of
too InitItuts --: ',
LO tair,"Sa; PP
~4- 4bM-13 Of
rz 010 .
tn. s"alaXon Strao..xes in
=a "Ondo a. 4.a& .1d:aar0Vc; rspo&!C~s Ia
-me U4.9ra R=Olopds," A '-' . ; &,% ale n
pusets" 41ta S;isI11n 3=;Lrj; Rp ~>-7--)-
19. ':a-'TW2,Amr-:i Of :c2Dersturs ;amn-_-9j unJ tne Acl!lty
WL40~611Q='on %at -%oral 3~nzjljly of ~~artsjn
to ~Lcm r1a in can.164 Frul's ati-I 1*69taollso"
RUSSICI; po ef-CO.
720. FrWi' Role of Zme Ly=p;locyt~3 in Imminois.-.0319.1
W.L. f4JUC? " 1.4,. /ULCH!.,,r; of tat ~ajn;~t~zont of
J;;4~=rsa-y. rMlatuts cr-'--Urniolley' aZIE-3-7fin-
kc-alev or sz.-onces. It. :(.a-113n; p9 01-0-.
Effect of temperature changes and medivm acidity-on thermo-
resistance of some tyWs of bacteria found in preserved fruits
and vegetables. Dokl. Bolg. akad. nauk 15 no.lIT7-80 162,
1. Predstayleno akad. I. Zwnuilovym.
(FRUITS microbiol)
,,, Tf- A , t, o -~ - 1 11 - - " - I
- 'Hk'-~'Ny
T v
L si r for. r, It rLi-, '? cl I' T, ~ 10., ji~ 1, 0 -jd " 11 f'--4 rv - ' t'y c ' co I it, :-'I; I
d~~L lii-'~n of crn~ -:-o tp. l7r; F! t.. " 14 F,t:7-tP-. . 12-~ '~ I r - "' -,
. -L 1, 1, a . .. ,
3 7-43 D '65-
L 07986 _-.67 ..W(m)
AUTHORS: Brichking A. V., (corresponding member AN KazSSR); YAlinovt V. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: The operating range of a burner and the intensity of directed break-up of
concretes 7
SOURCE: AN KazSSR. Vestnikq no. 129 1965t 37-43
TOPIC TAGS: concrete, ferroconcrete, mineralo3y, mining, combustiong gas dynamics)
CZ e OZ 67 0 IAO S TjQ 0 M 0 *..Jr
ABSTRACT: The technology of concrete cutting and boring by meons of a gas burner in
discussed* Some general aspects of the process of torch cutting are considered first.
The fusion strength of a material is a function of its chemical-mineralogical content
and this strength falls sharply with increasirg temperature. Previous studies in this
field have determined that the rate of the process of boring or cutting is increased
by an increase in the burner combustion chamber pressure. The chamber pressure
increase is accompanied by increases in the ti:mperature, veiooity, and density of the
gas stream, thus increasing the coefficient of heat transfer and the jet efficiency.
Some of the important parameters to be analyzid in the deeiga and sizing of a torch
are discussed, and a schematic diagram of a ti;st torch device having a variable-volume
combustion chamber is presented. Tests perfojmed with this device led to these con-
clusions: 1) the variation of the parameters of the gas flame of a rocket burner by
T,' 7
means of a variable-volume chamber permits the determination of the process intensity
in various mineral substances; 2) the device facilitates the evaluation of the quality
of work of the rocket burner; 3) it allows wide latitude in the study of the eon-
struction elements in the burner and various modes of operationp and allows tho
establishment of the factors for increasing the intensity of the process; 4) the
burner with variable size combustion chamber is rationallydesigned for ore and rock,
and for various mineralogical and petrographic substance. Orig. art. has: 3 figures
and 11 equations.
SUB CODEt Of, 14/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REPi 007/ OTH REIN 001
Nc~: ""'iA.. 16') A, j 9/c,9
br.-Licilkin, A. V.; Margorin, Q. N.; ;~aiiriov, V. A.
0;-.G: none
'LTTIL: A device for decrepitating by heat natural and artificial mineral media.
Class 5, No. 164199.
SOURCE; lzobrot prom obraz tov zn, no. 15, 1966, 9
TOPIC 'YAGS: heat effect, combustion charrfoor, combustion gas dynariucs
.03STRALCT: This Author Cortificavo presents a dwrico for docropita-t-irig by heat
natural and ar 4 li(;ial
runcral ncdia as do.;cribed in Autlwr kortificate No. 168220.
(see Fig. 1). To produce a s-mooth rerulaL4r,.-, of ti.() d:r,,i,.a;,4c of the gus
s t, r c wa, the miotion-impar6ing mochanitur, is nado in tlio i~orw Uj: a 5ylphon (with one end
rigidly at~aciiod to the confuustion chamber) and of a piston advancing under the
ig. 1. 1 - sylphon; 2 combustion
chamber; 3 piston
Card 1/2 uDc: 622.2L,3-.94
lif UA Eli MAIN W3~ T-3 14 W, 3111 P)MA 1 MMMS PHIMMIN111111"lliftl 111PHIMININUM;
L 09267-67
ACC NR: Al?o029b69
pressure of compressed air. The piston is connectod to the other or4 of the sylphon,.l
Orig. art. has: 1 figure.
L 07986-6-f ov, (m
ACC NRt AP6015407
AUTHORSt Brichkin, A. V. (corresponding member All KazS811); 1Cnlinov1,.V. A.
ORG: none
TITLE: The operating range of a burner and the intensity of directod break-U13 Of
SOURCE: All KazSSR. Ventnik, no. 12, .1965, 37-43
TOPIC TAGS: concrete, forroconcrate, mineralogy, mining, combuntion, gna dyntualco)
C- 6) e,- / e/--3 TP G1.1-2.7 hP A.,#r
ABSTRACT; The tecluioloMr of concrete cutting and boring by mezuis o.,,' a Can burner is
discussed. Some general aspects 'of the proccon of torch cutting are, conaidered first.
The fusion strength of a material is a function of its chcinic,.il-,ILinr,,raloc,;icEL1 content
and this strength falls sharply with increasin,- temperature. Provioun at-lidief) in thin
field have determined that the rate of the process of boring or cutting is increafied
by an increase in the burner combustion chamber pro.9oure. The chamber prcoauro
increase is accompanied by increases in the temporaturo, va-Locity, and density of tho
(~au strerm, thus increasing the coefficient of heat transfer and the jot efficiercy.
Some of the important parameters to be analyzed in the design and sizing of a torch
are discussed, and a schematic diagram of a toot torch device having a variable-volume
combustion chamber is presented. Tests performed with this dejrice led to -these con-
clusions: 1) the variation of the parameters of the Gas flame of a rocket burner by
Card 1/2
L 07986-67
ACC NR: AP6_0'P5_/t_OT__
means of a variable-volume chamber permits the determination of the proco!38 intensity
i in various mineral substances; 2) the device facilitates the evaluation of the quality
of work of the rocket burner; 3) it allows wide latitude in the stu~Iy of the con-
struction elements in the burner and varioua modes of operation, and allows -the
establishment of the factors for increasing the intensity or the proceac; 4) the
burner with variable size combustion chamber is rationally. denigmed for ore and rock',
and for various mineralogical and petrographic substance. Orig. art. haut 3 figures
and 11 equations.
SUB CODL: 0S, 14/ SUM DATE: none/ ORIG REFs oo7/ on rw: ool
'BULGARIA/Chemical Technology r Chemical Products and Their H-23
Application - Treatment of Natural Gases and
Petroleum. Motor and Rocket Fuels. Lubricants.
Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 3, 1958, 9271
Author : Dimitrov D., Kalinov Zh.
I. I..............
Inst : Chemical Technological Institute.
Title : Desulfurization of Gasoline Obtained from Tar of Low
Temperature Carbonization of Coal with Natural Bulprian
Orig Pub : Godishnik khim.-tekhnol. in-ta, 1955 (1956), 2, No 1,
Abstract : laboratory experiments were carried out on catalytic desul-
rization by--means of natural- Bulgarian silicates, of gaso-
line derived from tar obtained in a tunnel furnace on low
temperature carbonization of coal of the "Chernoye more"
Card 1/2
USSR/Cultivated Plante Fodder. M.
Abe Jour : Ref Zhur Biols,-No 4, 1958, 1566o
Author : G.A. Zubkova) A,V, Kalinova, Z.1. Kartashova, T.I.
Inst : Stavropol'skiy Agricultural Institute*
Title : The Calcium and Phosphorauc Content in Perunnial and
Annual Grass Hay Durina the Harvest.
(Soderzhaniye kalltsiya i foBfora v sene mogDletnikh
i odnoletnikh trav po ukosan).
Orig Pub : Sb. nauchno-iseled. rabot studs Stavropollsk. a.-kh. in-
t, 1956, vyp. 4, 86-88.
Abstract : The Stavropollskiy ALxicultural Institute studied the
Ca and P content upon harvesting of alfalfa, stainfoin,
wither rye and rye-grass hay. The richest in Ca of the
bean bearing grass hay were ilfalfa (15-9-20-0 Granm
Card 1/2
CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Hu=n and Anirw-l -Physiology Metabolism. V-2
."Sbs Jour : Ref -'Iiur - Biol., No 4, 1958, 18012
.~.iuthor : I., Vido, Z., Sramekova and E., Kalinova
Inst :
Title : New Data on the Metabolism of the Bile Pigments.
Orig Pub : Lekar. obzur, 1957, US, No 06, 342-349
Abstract : A review of the the~)ries of the formtion of bilirubin
from Hb and in T)articular of Raumeartel's new conception
of the formtion of urobilinolds nnd stercobilinjids, as
well as the dat,~, of the first clinical experiments with
the mesobUiviolin reaction occurring in certain hepatic
Card 1/1
PrIni-Ii uchastiye: SAMOKHODKIKA, K.G.; KALINOVII.-L-1.4
Effect of the surface-to-volume ratio of atoot pioce in the
evaluation of the processing qualities of rubber blends. Muck.
i rez. 20 no- 4336-42 Ap 161,, OURA 14:5)
1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut shinnoy promyshlonnosti (for
Lukomskaya, Orlovskiy,., Merezhannyy,, Stukalova).
(Rubber, Testing)
Practical variant of a method determining the characteriStic
energy of rubber atripping. Kauch. i rez. 24 no.11:26-29 265.
(MA 19: 1)
1. Nauchno-iBs1edovate1'Bki7 institut shinnoy promyshItirtnosti.
GAYDAMAK, S., student; SMIRNYAKOVA, G., studentka; RUZIMINA, E., studentka;
LIPOVA, R., studentka; FOMINA, T., studentka; FAVLOVA, U.,
studentka; KALINOVA. M.. studentka; SHCHEMs A., student;
Effect of salinity on the results of determining the specific
weight of soils. Sbor. nauch. trud. Kaz GM no.19:197-198 16o.
(MIRA 15:3)
Hygienic problems in transporting
rndioactive isotopes.
Gig. i san 23 now'10:41-45 0 158 (MIRA 11911)
transport containers (Run))
POSTNIKOV, Vladimir Ivenovich; LETBRO, Viktor Alekeendrovich- TATOCHWO.
L.K... kand.tekhn.nauk# rat so noon t;_ XQ=TA,,,_'Rjretsenzent;
SHTANIv A.S., kand.khim,nauk, red.; SIMOTA, X.M., rod.izd-va;
[Efficiency of radiographic control in the manufacturo of
machinery; applicable to gamm-ray flaw dotaotion] Iffettivuout,
radioaktivnogo kontrolia, v mashinostroonli; primenitallno k aamma-
defektookopil. Ptedial. A.Y.Topchieva. MoekvLq, Goo.nauchno-tokhn.
lxd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryl ig6o, 143 p. (DURA 14:4)
(Radioisotopes--Industrial applications)
KLIMOVA, K.N., nauchnyy 90trudnik; KALIKOVA, Te.S.
Iffect of withdrawal of varicum amounts of blood an hemopoiesis and
some biechanical Indexes of thfo blood of donors, Akt,vop.peral,krovi
no.4:7-9 155. (MIRA 1311)
1. Donorakly otdol Iseningradekogo Instituta perelivanlya krovi.
Calculation of the tangential wine; stress over the North Atlantic.
Okemnologii 4 no.6:1008-1012 164. (MMA 28:2)
1. Institut prikladnoy geo.fiziki AN SSSR.
KALINOVA, S.I.; YAKOVLEV, I.I., professor, zaveduyushchly: UJILAT, A.F.. professor,
- Alr-~R-or; MALIMTA, R.A., direktor.
TBovIlanov method of conducting labor in breach presentations. Akush.i gin.
no.4:37-41 JI-Ag 153. (MA 6:9)
1. Akushersko-ginekoloilicheskaya kafedra Sverdlovskogo nwditainakogo Inoti-
tnta (for Takovlev). 2. Sverdlovskiy nauchno-isaledovatel'skiy institut
okhrany materinstva i 4etstva (for Nalynhevu). 3. Gverdlovaki7 meditsizi-
skiy institut (for Zverev). (TQbor (obstetrics))
Estestvennye vnutrennie vodnye pufA. inland waterwayi,_7. (Trudy Lmniji-
gradskogo instituta inzhenerov vo&jogo trarispcrta, v. ~e), 1935). 11G: C1.1.3?
SO: Soviet Tran3l,artation and Coi.-~muni cat ions, A BibliograVa,,, Library cf CcnZr--?t3s,-
Reference department, 'Washington, 1952, Unclassifl.A.
"Sluices", published by State Publishers of River Transport Lite-nture,
Moscow, 1-948
lectricity Conductors G_
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 12244
Author : Frantsevich, I.N., Kalinavich,,D.F.
Title Phenomenon of Blectro.-Transfer In Solid Metallic Solutions.
Report I.
Orig Pub Vopr. poroshkovoy metallurgii I prochnosti materialov.
VYP,, 3, Kiev-, AN USSR., 1956, 45-61
Abstract An experimental study, with the aid of radioactive C14,
was made of the transfer of carbon in austenite under the
influence of a direct electric current in the temperature
range from 950 to 11500. To separate the effect of elec-
trolysis and thermal diffusion, the Guterman procedure was
used, (Guterman, V., Izv. Sektora fiz. khim. analiza
iom AN sssR, 1949, lo -- li). Wire specimens of Armco
iron (diameter Oo58 Mm, length 60 mm) were coated with cop-
per, with the exception of a 20 mm center section, which
Card 1/4
~"t ee-c-a
ussR/ElectricitY - Conductors
Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957) 12244
Card 2/4
Was BUbjeCted to carbonization (dementation); BaCO3 con-
taining C14 was juvroduced into the carburiz-*r-
For the measurements) the copper layer was removed,
the specimens 'were placed in heating ampoules of m'byb-
denum glass, filled with pure argon (pressure of 300 mm
mercury). The ends of the specimens were welded to 100-
lybdenum conductors, fused into the ampoules. The elec-
trolysis was carried out at a voltage of 1*5 - 3.5 volts
and a current from 5 to 8 amp. The thermal diffusion was
investigated by heating the specimens to a suitable tem-
perature with alternating current and holding them for the
same length of time as in electrolysis,
During the electrolysis Process) the front of -the car-
bon shifts toward the cathode; the activity Of the anode
portion of the cemented portion falls to zero*
of the experimental data)
In the quantitative processing the frontal
account was taken of the thermal diffuSiOn-
USSR/ElectricitY _ Conductors
Abs JOur
Ref Zhur - Fizikaj, No oy
1957, 122-44
on Upon electrolYuis is considered
displacement of the carb total ionization of the
by the authors to be evidence Of Ing the electrolysis
s in the Fe-C system. Dur carbon-$ which
carbon atom s a gradient of concentration of t takes Pla-
there arise suming that the transpor zed
can be explained by as f the iron ions from the carburi
ticipation 0 the completion Of the
ce with par ectronG for turn Into
which receive e1 and which '
zone., 5from the carbon atoms) :Lt. to that of the car-
whose charge polarity is OPPO L zone during
ionsy For the shifts of the carburizee d: 6 - 6NcDt
bon ions- following forrula was ObtainL'
the time ty the e Concentration of the
sinh (70 X ILRT) p vhere Vc is th .1 cross sectiOny D
f C~rbon in the considere( r the Faraday
the ions 0 coefficient O't ':&XUon ill Lr-i"Oul ~ the electrOly-
diffusion the current durillf
number, J the strength Of . q!be linear
sis, and X the specific electric Conductivity
dependence of s on t is experimentallY verified-
Card 3/4
'I'ranslationfrom,.Referativnyyztiurnal, Metalturgiya, 1958, Nr8, p265(USSR)
AUTHORS: Frantsevich, I. N. , Kalinovich, D. F.
TITLE: Investigation of ElecIric-~TE-sferin Solid Metallic Solutions
(15SIedovaniye elektroperenosa v tverdykh metalliclieskikh
PERIODICAL: V sb. : Issled. po zharoprochn. splavarn. Vol 2. Moscow,
AN SSSR, 1957, pp 329-358
ABSTRACT: Ref. RZhMet, 1956, Nr 10, abstract 10898
1. Iletals-Electron transfer
Card 1/1
KALINOVICH, D.F., Cand Tech Sci -- (diss)"Study of electric
Al ",
transW in Vanj metallic solution!j." Mos 1956, 1B PP- with
granhs (State Plan USSR. Gentral Sci Res Inst of Ferroja
Metallurgy) 150 coPies (KL, 39-58, 109)
- 36 -