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YATSIMIMKIY) K.B.; KALINIRA, T.Ye. Catalytic activity and stability of vanadium (V) complex compounds with organic acids. Iz7. vys. ucheb. zav.; kh1m. i khim. tekh. 8 no.3.-385-391 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Ivanovskiy khimilto-tekhnalogichegkly inatiLut, 1cafedra analiticheakoy khimii. ALEKSANMOV, II.V., doktor tekhn.nauk; KALININA, Ye.A... inob.; TRURACHEW., S.G., inzh. Use of different methods for'Otermining the corona resistance of electric insulating materiihs. Elektrichentvo no,4:61- 68 Ap 161. WIRA U:8) 1, Vseooyuznyy elektrotekhnicheskiy i"titut imeni Lanina. (Electric insulators and insulation) (Corona (Electricity)) S/035/6P-/000/004/029/056 A001/AIOI AUTHOR: Kalinin., Ye., A. TITLE: Works of an astronomic-geodetic team PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezlya, no. 4, 1962, 1, abstract 11G3 ("Tr, Sov. antarkt. ekspeditsil. T. 19", Leningrad, "Morsk. transport", 1961, 48-511) TEXT: The main task of the team is specified: to provide, with the plan base of astronomical points, the materials of aerial photosurvey fcr mapping 1 : 500,000 charts on the coast of Antarctica; the auxiliary task Is conducting magnetic observations. The author describes observational methods and amounts of works performed, lists i.nstru:-nents employed, and describes Lhe sequence of observations and precision achieved. It is noted that centers or astronomical points were not fixed and that coordinates of magnetic points, not coinciding with astronomical ones, were calculated from the course and velocity of the AH -2 (A#L-2) aircraft used by the team during travel. The catalog of coordinates of IV-class astronomical points and a summary table of megnetic observation results are attached. I. Mityachkin [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 GILIDIN, S. R., MTEEMIGOLID, YE,. YA., ASIRMARDI, 1. 1., ZHDA1,110VA, L. D., ZVAGELISKAYS, V. N., KAL121INA, YES F., LDSKUTOVA. N. N., PYZFOVA. M. Y., ANI) SLAVINA, A. M. Further Observations on the Effectiveness of Subcutaneous Vaccination Against Dysentery Shows that the epidemiologic effectiveness of subcutaneous vaccination against dysentery is very low and has no advantages over the enteral methodo (RZhBiol, No. 7, 1955) VaDr. Kx!axq= FatologLi- UZ-9,qR, N 19531 51-52 SO: Sum, No, 744, 8 Dee 53 - Supplementar7 Survey of St lot Scientific Abstracts (17) IALINIVA, Ye.F. Characteristic of paratyphoid bacilli from the Gartner group isolated from ants in the city of Tashkent. Yop.kraev.pat. no-4:33-37 154. OWA 9:12) (TASMMT--SAIXOMIJA ANTERITIDIS) 11 X&LININk. Ye.F. Salmonella anteritidLe Jena in laboratory and domestic animals; abstract. Top.kraev. pat. no.4:38 154. (Kim 9:12) (SAIXONNIJA BVMITIDIS) ICALIMAp YE. F. KALININA,, YE. F. - wVariability of Cholera and Cholera-like Vibrios under the Influence of Certain Factors.* Tashkent State Mad Inst imeni V. H. Molotov, Tash- kent, 1955. (Dissertation For the Degree of Candidate in Medical Sciences). SO: Knizhn&va letopis'. No. 37, 3 Seutember 1955 USSIt/Microbioloa - Microorganisms Patho(;cnic to HumnF3 v-4 and lmimals6 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 10, 1958, 43316 Author : Kalinina, E,F. Inst Title Alterations of Cholera and Cholera-Like Vibrios When They are Maintained in Reservoir Water, OriG Pub Vopr. kraevoy patol. AN UzSSR., 1956, No 8) 21-25. Abstract Sterile reservoir water poured into test tubez (10 a in each) was infected by cholera and cholera-like vibriose After holding for 18 hours at 3r, some.test tubes were re- frigerated (40), while others were maintained at 3r. At the low tenperature the cholera vibrios were preserved in the water up to 49 days; the cholera-like ones 82 daYs; at 3r the cholera types-- up to 37 days, the chole- ra-like types-- 34 days. Two stable variants were isolated from the water infected by cholera vibriost Card 1/2 USSR / Microbiology. Microbes Pathogenic for Man F_4 and Animals. Bacteria. VIbrios. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur.-Biol., 1958, No 170 76752. _K"IDIna Ye. F. Author : Inst AS Uzbeill Title Resistance of Cholera and Cholera-Like Vibrios to Stains, OrIg Pub: Vopr, krayevoy patol . AN UzSSR., 1956,, vyp, 8. V-29. Abstracts The bactericidal effect of several dyes was studied on cholera vibrios, Methylene blue in a dilution of 1:50000 and thlonin in a d1lution of 1:IZ500 produced a bactericidal effect In relation to the cholera vibrio; these dyes had no effect on chol- era-like vibrios,, cTen of the fout,teen variants obtained from cholera vibrios, cultivated in ex- tracts of cholera-like vibrios, attained to growth Card 1/3 Z6 fi*,,,."Ii,!Lc-.-~)L).'-.)l.):,~i - Ge/11-_,,ai VF.C--N)1:iC)1O:_. Ab,,; Jour Fc,. z:riur - 3,iol., i1o 5, ig,:'.,3, 193V' Author Grl.,;hia, S.I., Kalininc, E.F.: V.G. Inst Titic Proof of -,;hc Aos1milation by L)ne 113acteri-al of Deccjiimnsi,;~on Pr~)ducts of Another Si?ccles, (;sin_,, Labeled Atoms (p32) Orig Pub Vo-or. 1-a-acvoy patoi. AN UzSSR, 1956, iia 8, 66-75 Abstract Cul,;ures whtich served for preparing the c.-ixAcLs labeled W~~ P iiere developed on a medium with 11_2Hp3204. The i h c,,vuract of washed cello was prepared by treating it iith to!L~cne and shaking, and also by alLernately free",ing and thawing c~nd subsequent filtration Lhrouc-,h a 21elss filter. The ex-cxac~ spread either rn the surface of a deficient CID aita- or as a liquid nutrient medi.w.t. It itas esta- blished that Bacterium coli, si'.rain 499, assLnilates decoim- po,.~Uion product';s of extracted cells of Saluonella Card 1/2 ;J 11-,:,crobiDjoL~y, T)ur Rc-~ ~. - - -1 '-)l 'h,j, 7`0 5, 1958, 19343 enteritid.o j. -10scow 417 and vLc!e verna, as tt result Of wihich che culturee, :j_1'cr-.)ort:anj.z:,-. ~,eijdrj to c.1-LOT).Lay r- chan[,e tow;:~rd -cha strain from which the extract is pre- na,e". G%rd 2/2 ~AMDAM 19D--- 3/000/006/0662/0063t' !ACCESSION NR: AP3005656 219P6 AUTHOR: Kalinina, Ye. F.; Abidov, A. Z. t, T ITLE: A on contaminating variolar vaccine' microbes SOURCE: Meditsinskiy zhurnal Uzbekistana, no. 6, 1963, 62-63. TOPIC TAGS: variolar vaccine, Staph. albus, Baet. subtilis, Co-60 gamma radiation, doset purification ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to determine the minimum Co-604! gamma radiation dose for purification of variolar vaccine from 1'JI microbes without changing the basic properties of the vaccine, Bacte.1 Isubtilis and Staph. albus.were used for the experiment because they';,! .,!are the most common contaminating microorganisms found in variolar ;vaccine. A mixture of sterile variolar vaccine AInactivated by g iradiation) and microbe suspension were poured into ampules and vacuuml 1dried. The ampules were then sealed and ganma-irradiated (Co-60) ;with different doses, 2-3 days after irradiation the survivability of- imicrobe cells was checked by growth of colonies. For each microbe and Card 1/2 L 18196-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3005656 !each radiation dose the mean results for tan Petri dishes were talmii, IThe non-irradiated dried mixture nerved as a control. Results show ithat a 50,000 r dose decreases surviving Staph, albus calls almost two fold and a 900,000 r dose kills them off oonipletel7. Bact. Isubtilis are more resistant and require a 900pOOO r dose to kill i6o-65% wid 1,5 mil r dose to kill completely. Orig, art. has: nonee vakltsii~ ASSOCIATION: Tashkentski-y nauchno-issledovatelfski7 i sr,~vorotok (Tal~hkent Scientific-Research Institute 1SUBMITTED: 'SUB-CODE: 2 06Apr62 DATE ACQ: 03SeP63 AMI NO REF SOV: 001 -V institut of Vaccines andi ENCL: :00; OTHER: 006. ABIDOV, A.A.; KALININj~,_I~J.; ABIDOV, A.Z. U-61w~ Preservation of standard strains. Uzb. blol. shur. 7 no.5s 35-39 163. (MIRA 18:U) 1. Institut krayevoy ekeperimentallnoy meditsiny AN UZSSR. 1,ACCESSION NR: AP4035154 S/0242/64/000/003/0034/003.5 1AUTHOR: Kalinina, Ye. F.; Abidovp As Zo TITLE: Effect of Co-60 gamma irradiation on smallpox vaccine basic proporties SOURCE: Meditsinskiy zhurnal uzbekintanap no. 3, 1961~, 34-35 TOPIC TAGS: smallpox vacc ino ~ .'smallpox vaccino parificationy gamma irradiation# vaccine virulence$ vaccine imunogonic property ABSTRACT: Purification of smallpox vaccine with largo gamma I.radiation doses (600..000 to IpOOO.,000 r) sharply reducos its virulence , and immunogenic properties. The present study Investigates smallpox J;vaccine purification with'gamma radiation doses of 500b r and 3000 r,. ~-In a series of x oripionts groups of rabbits were inoculated with 'a MOO r and 5000 r doses) vaccines and nonirradiated iitamma irradiated ,:vaccines. Contamination of vaccines was determinod before and after -irradiation by the number of bacteria In 1 ml, Vaccine virulence was tested before and after irradiation by an intradormal titration method, Immunogenic properties were determined by immunization* Ciir-U-j 1/2 ACCESSION NR; AP4035154 Findings show that vaccine bacteria is reduced by 25% for a 3000 r dose and by 60 to 65% for a 5000 r dose, Irradiation affects the staphylococei albus mostly and not the aporoformin6 bacteria, Vaccine virulence and immunogenic properties are not affectod by 3000 or 5000 r doses. Purification of smallpox vaecino with a 5000 r gamma radiation dose (47 r/sec) sharply reduces bacteria without loss of virulence or immunogenic properties. Orige art, has: I table. ASSOCIATION: Tashkentskiy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut vakain i sy*vorotok (Tashkent Scientific-Researoh Institute of Vaccines and Serums) I SUBMITTED: 2?-Apr63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS iNR REF SOV: 000 OTHER:, 000 Cord 2/2 NEYDELISHTM, S.I., GOLITSER, S.G., KALININA, Ye.G,', KRUCH011TA, N.V. Levomycetin aerosols. 22 n0-11:61-83 N'58 (MIRA 11:3.1) 1; 1z Vaesoyuznogo nnuchno-iseledovatel'skogo instituta antibiotikuv I TSentrallnoy polikliniki Hinisteratva zdravookhrananiya RSYSR. (RESPIRATCRY TRACT, Infect. chloromphenicol aerosol ther. (This)) (CHLORAMW111COL, ther. use reap. tract infect., aerosol admin (Rua)) KRIS#TALIK, L.I.; MELIKOVA, G.L.; XLLIXIUO Ye*G, 4 Effect of electrolysis. conditions on the stability of graphite anodes in a chlorine batht, Zhur.Irikl*khim, 34 noo7:1537-1542 J3. 161. (MM 14M (Electrodes,, Carbon) (Electrolysis) (Chlorine) KRISHTALIK, L.I.; MELIKOVA, G.L.; KkLININA, X84Gq Effect of electrolpie conditions on the stabi2ity of graphite anodes in a chlorizib bath., Zhur,prikl.khim. 34 no.7sl543-1547 JI 161. (KMk 107) (Electrodes, Carbon) (Electrolysis) (Chloripo) ROMMY tD, I.L.; LAjjTSVA, YeJl*; KALINIIU, Ye.I. Anodic oxidation of zirconium. Zhur.fiz.khim. 34 uo.5:995-IGOY my l6o. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, lustitut fizichaskoy khimii, Noe;kva. (Zirconium) (Oxidation, Blectrolytic) NIKITINA, A.I., kand.sel'okokhozonauk; KALIKINA, 'fe.l. Antibiotics in controlling soybean diseases. Zashch. ra3t. ot vred. i bol. 7 no,1101-32 N 162, (14IRA 16:7) Fadicine Animl morpholoey cam 1/1 Pub. 22 49/49 Authors i Kalinina. E. 1. Title I The synopsis of the arin.-I cord of rabbit embr~pa development of the motorial reflex reaction I Vok. MI SSM 100150 1029-1031, Feb 11, 195,) Abstract I Fifteen rabbit embryos were examined to deterri~jwi th~~ 4pecIfte histcrenetia periods of the s~mpathattc apparatilla of.-I,th'a spin,al cord directly proceedinr, and eoincidinr, with thifti phas~vi of development of their viotori!jl reflex reactions~. The results obt9ined are listed. Nine referencess Svai,A~h and 1 USA Illustvations. Institution t Aander4 of -Scltncer 'Mr-, 1. P'. POVIO'l, Instilt te ~6'f "Physioldl4r U Prescntcd b',. A,.,:.,dc;zn!cI-in 71% Ilyk.)v, Octi,,bar 23, 1954 /V A VSSR/General Biology - General Histology. B-3 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7) 1958, 28502 author : Kalinina, E.I. Inst Title : General Observations of MyUogenesie in the Principal Conducting Paths of Rabbit Brain. Orig Pub : Tr. In-ta fiziol. AN SSSRI 1956) 5p 472-482 Abstract : Sections of rabbit brain were dyed in the embryonal peri- od and after birth by the Zolotova method. 14yelinization (M) is absent until the 23rd day of intra-uterine life, when it is nanifested :in the vestibular nerve, By the time of birth M spreads to the efferent and afferent con- ductors of the medulla oblongata and in part to the mid- brain. In the newborn rabbit the mid-brain nucleus of nerve V. the optical and olfactory tracts and the ante- rior stem of the cerebellum begin to myelinize. By the 4th day M appears in the optical chiasm and its Card 112 FSSR/General Biology - General Histology. B-3 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7.. 1958, 28502 ascending connections with the cortex of the large hemis- pheres, By the 7th day the process involves the white matter, radial fibers of the sensory-locomotor regions of the cortex as well as its descending connection-vith the optical chiasma and quadrigeminal corpora. By the 10th day M appears on the basic inner cortex lamina,, chiefly of the VI layer. On the 17th day,, pulpy fibers appear in the I layer and already characteristic properties of radial tufts are noted in different fields. On the 30th day features appear of myelo-architectonic structure in some cortex fields in the dorsal and posterior medial parts of the hemispheres. The process of shaping the structural myelo-architectonic patterns of the cortex fields is not completed even by the 4Crth day. Card 2/2 X /' Alt), U3,SR / General Biology. General Histology B-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 251 Author : Kalinina, E.I. Inst Not Given Title Formation and Fhbryonal Histogenesis of Rabbits' Spinal Cord in Relation to Development of Locomotor Function. Orig Pub Arkhiv anatomii., gistol. i embriologii, 1956, 33, No 2, 22-29 Abstract Comparing the evolution of the rabbit's spinal corl structure in the intra-uterine stage vith the development of locomotor reflex reaction, the author separates 5 phases. Mae immobile phase exists from the 12th-15th day of embryonic Ufa in re- sponse to body surface stimulation and to introduction of picrotoxin and chorazol. At this stage there occurs in the spinal cord an intense multiplication and migration of neuro- blasts; intra- and inter-segment connections are established. Later the phase of local reflexes follovs (16th-17th day). Structurally this phase corresponds to the formation of Card 1/2 USSR / General Biology. General Histology B-3 .Abs Jour Faf Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, No 251 connections between the links of some reflex arches, which expresses itself in the appearance of dendrites in the loco- motor and sensory neurons) and also collaterals in the rear column fibers. On the 19th day a generalization of retlexes appears, also a reciprocation of anterior limbs. Numerous reflex arches and the first collateral connections between the spinal cord halves are developed. During the 23rd-24th day the phase of the secondary, generalization of reflex reactions appears and reciprocity not only of the anterior, bat also posterior, libbs. At the same time in the posterior commissure a middle cluster is found and numerous reflex arches are formed along the whole length of the spinal cord. By the 27th day there appears the phase of speciallzed lo- comotor reactions. Inserted elements possess the greater differentiation of the basic conducting routes of the spinal cord, except that the rubrospiral and the pyramidal ones axe myelinated. Card 2/2 KALINIIIA- -Ye -1 Development of conditioned refleuc activity from the olfactory analys6r in abbit in its ontogenesis. Nauch. soob. Inst. fixiol. AN SSSk no.1 26 159. (MIRA .14slO) 1. Laboratoriya aravnitelinogo ontogeneza vysshey nervnoy deyatell- nosti. (zav. - V.A,Troshikhin) Instttuta fiziologii imeni Pairlovs, AN SSSR. (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (011TOGENY) (OLFACTORY NERVE) K&LININA Ye I Some data on postembryorkic hietagenesis of the cortical end of the anditory analyaor in puppies. Izv.AN SSSR-Ser.biol. no.2:235-244 Mr-Ap '59. (WRA 12:5) 1. Physiological Institute, Academy of Sciences of the UO'S.S.R. Lenin &~W ~AC IC MV3) (CIMHAL CORTEX) KALMIA, To. 1. Correlative histogenesis of oerfain links in the olfaetor7 reflex are in the rabbit. Trudy Inst,fisiol. 8:565-574 159, (MIRA 13:5) (zaveduyashchiy 1. Laboratorlya morfologii N.G. X010BOV) i Laboratoiya aravuitellnogo ontogensma vysshey nervno7 deyatelf- nosti (zavedu7nsheMy - V.A* Troshikhin) Instituta fiziologii im. I.P. Fgvlova. AN SSSR. (OLVACTORT MMVJ) (CIRMA cop2sx) ULININA 1, re. I. Correlative development of the olfactory bulb and the prepyriform. area of the early cerebral cortex in puppies. lov. AN SM. Ser. biol. no.5:792-797 S-0 160. (KM 13:9) 1. Institut, of Physiologyp Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.t Leningrad. (OLFACTORY NERVE) (CEREBPAL CORTEX) TOXIN., B.P.; FALININA,Ye.I. Regeneration and somatic embryogeneo." in Laomedea flexuosa Hinckso Trudy MMI no.3slO5-112 161. (MMA 150) 1. Laboratoriya sravnitellnoy i eksperimentallnoy embriologii (zav. -B.'?,;okin) Murmanskogo0 skogo bio2ogichaskogo instituta. o~a(Regeneration(q~ology)) 1, 2951-66 EWP(e)/EPA (s)-2/D1T(m)/EPF(c)/EV1P (i)/E3,Tf 1 A i'/f V), Id H :ACCESSION M AP5024958 677f'521 I 5416486:50.391-11+54CM 4 Al or, 7 1 !AUTHOR: Kaltigkigi!, Ye. I.; Lukina, Ye) M. 0e 7ITLE: Preparation of adhesive for glass fibers. Claall 8, No. 173105 ISOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 16, 190, 20 TOPIC TAGS: adhesive, sizing adhesive, glass fiber !ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for 4 preparatfvo tiethod f--or ad- i 1hesives based on a complex "salt of chromium and hydrochl acIda", impart oizin (aic. complex salt: chromium chl6ride and mothncrylatefls~ To g proper-i ties to the adhesive, a telomeric acid of the general formula, I Card 1/2 L 2951-66 ACCESSION NR: AP~0-2-495-6 (where R is the initiator radical, R' is an alkyl group with I to 4C atomi,:i andli n - 5 to 10), and with a molecular weight up to 1000, is. added to the compleic salt. 001, ASSOCIATION: Gosudarstvennyy soyuznyy nauchno-iss ledovatell skiy, ins ti tilt kbloroi~gant- cheskikh produktov i akrilatov (State All-Union Scientific )Research Institute of-I Organochlorine, Products and Acryl !tes",T SUBMITTED.* 15Jul64 ANCLi 00 SUB CODE:;' MT,,, GC NO REF SOV: 000 OTHER- 000 ATD PRESS lCard TUMAROV, A.T., glav. red.; VYATKIN, A.Ye., red.; GARBAR, red.; ZAYMOVSKIY, A.S., red.; KARGIV, V.A., red.; KISHKIN, S.T., red.; KISHKINA-RATNER, S.I., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; PANSHIN, B.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; ROGOVIN, Z.A., red.; SAZHIN, N.P., red.; SKLYAROV, N.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; FRIDIYANDER, I.N., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; SIIUBN'IKOV, A.V., red.; SHCHERBINA, V.V., cloktor geol.-miner. nauk, red.; SHRAYDER, D.S., kand. tekhn. na(uk, red.; GENELI, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; VINOGRADOV, G.V., doktor khoz. nauk, red.; NOVIKOV, A.S., doktor Ichoz. nauk,red.; KITAYGOHODSKIY, I.I... doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; ZflEREBXDVS.K., kand. tekhn. naukt red.; DOGATYREV, P.M.p kand. tekha. nauk,red.; SANDOMIRSKIYj D.M., D.I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; BUROV, S.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; POTAK, Ya.M., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; KUKINI G.N., doktor tekbn. nauk, red.; KOVALEV, A.I., kand.tekbn. nauk, red.; YAMANOV, S.A., kand, tekhn. nauk, red.; MIMELI, I.A., kand, khoz. nauk, st. tauchn. red.; BABERTSIANp A,$.) inzh., nauchn. red.; BRAZHNIKOVA, Z.I., nauchn. red.; KAL Y , , 2j~N~'- V 14 mlad. red.; SOKOLOVA, V.G., red.-bibliograf; UNTSELISKAYA, Ch.A., takhn. red. (Building materials; an encyclopedia of mc4ern technology] Kon- struktsionrye materialyft entsiklopediia sovremennoi tekbniki. Glav. red. A.T.Tumanov. Moskva,, Sovotakaia ontaiklopediia. Vol.l. Abliatsila. - korroziia. 1963. 416 p. (111RA 170) 1. Chlen--korrespondent AN SSSR (for Kishkin). PC 0 6g~g /7. 1.210 SOV/12 b7_ 1--15/25 AUTHORS: Popov, M. M., Timokhina, Ye. N., Skuratov, S.M. and . Ralinina. .16 TITLE: Latent Energy of Plastic Deformation of Alloy of Aluminium with* PERIODICAL: Fizika metallov i nietallovedeiiiye, 1959, Vol, 8, Nr 1, pp 103-113 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Some of the work of plastic deformation is stored in the metal as internal stresses and only appears as heat when these stresses are removed by annealing. This latent energy of deformation can be found from measure.- ments of the difference between the specific heats (or apparent specific heats) of the deformed alloy in the un-annealed and annealed states. In.-the research described this method was applied to aluminium-copper alloys (3 and 5% Cu) deformed to 30% by forging. The authors review published work of a similar character (Refs 1-16) tabulating the material, type of deformation, work, method of measuring work, additional measurements for some (Refs 1-12)~ In their oun work the "apporent" Card 1/4 specific heat was determined by a method described by M. M. Popov and G. L. Gallchenko (Ref 29). An unusual 66897 SOV/126-6-1-15/25 Latent Energy of Plastic Deformation of Alloy of Aluminium with Copper calorimeter (Fig 1) was used, consisting of a squat cylindrical heater on either side of which two initially cylindrical specimens 20 rmn in diameter and 30 mm high were placed. The outer ends of the specimens were in contact with thermocouple-containing silver cylinders. The assembly was bound with wire and suspended inside a massive silver container in a furnace. Systematic errors in the results were of no significance in the procedure adopted. Fig 2 shows specific heats as functions of temperature for the annealed and for hardened undeformed alloys, together with the correspond- ing additive functions. Deviations between the former and latter and the complex shape of the "apparent" specific heat functions indicate exo- or e-ndo-thermic transformations. Specific heats of annealed and hardened 3% Cu alloys for successive reheatings are shown in Fig 3 as f-ictions of temperature. Since annealed specimens gave unreproducible results, tests on deformed alloys were restricted to the hardened or semi- Card 2/4 hardened (i.e. cooled from 520 to 80*C in 16 hours) all y 668" SOV/126-6-1-15/25 Latent Energy of Plastic Deformation of Alloy of Aluminium with Copper Deformation, limited to 30% by a rtng, was effected by a free-falling bobs Fig 4 shows specifie-hoat vs. temperature curves for hardened deformed and undeforined 3 and 5% Cu alloys. Further experiments were carried out in which determination of the latent beat of deformation was reduced to 1) deformation of a semi -hardened specimen, 2) determination of the difference between enthalpies at two given temperatures for the first heating and for the second and subsequent heatings. This was carried out with six pairs of the 5% Cu alloy (Figs 5 and 6 give the corresponding specific heat vsu temperature curves), showing that 1) less heat is required for -the first than for subsequent heating between the same temperatures; 2) the latent heat of deformation for the six pairis varied from 0.4 to 2~3 Cal/9; the latent heat of deforma- tion is released over a wide temperature range. The authors consider their experimental ex-rors such that only the order of magnitude of the latent heat of deformation Card 3/4 can be found. SOV/126 -8 --- --15/25 Latent Energy of Plastic Deformation of Alloy of Altiminitun with Copper There are 6 figures, 1 table and 29 references, 11 of which are Soviet, 5 German and 13 English (of wtiich 3 dre Japanese). ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State M. V. Lomonosov) universitet imeni Uiiiversity imeni SUBMITTED: December 6, 1957 (Initially) August 5, 1958 (After revision) Card 4/4 FRIDLYAIMPP T.N.: ANDRELEV. A.D.; FAVLOVA, I.K.; ROM40VA O.A.. ARCHAKOVA, Z.N.; Prinimall-iiahastlye.- FIOMIN K.N.; POTAP017A V.I. Ye.N. _4UNIN Selecting a technology and studying the effect of techno- logical factors on the structure and propertiee of the VAD23 alloy. Alium. splavy no-3:182-193 164. (MIRA 17:6) USSR/Snginearing Sao 48 Polishing Materials Eleotropl&ting "Rationalizer Inventions ReplaomMent of Grasm Disc Brushea Wltb Vu-an Disc," To. P. uu.,.2-M. i p .*MAd Prom SSSR" No 3 Polishing department of electroplating shop In Moscow M plant has'modified process of mechanical preparation of parts before platting dli*'to shortage'of Moixtein jorass. Vroceduxv. unilut" uat-410 plawt 4"--- Z)496`~-j "fully use liwm-dlaos atA uss~/zngineering (Contd) S*p *8 when no mexican,graso brushes are sHaov, H. Ya., DIEM, I. I. -, MININA, Ye. P. Conversion of the resin SXK-5 into a steric (thre"limensloml) po3,v=ro Lakokras.matot ikh rime no-5:25-27 060. (MIRA 13:11) (Resins, SynthetM (polymers) L- DENKMY I.I.; K~LININA, YO.P. Daylight luminous paints. Lakokrasamate i ik4-pria. no.2s18-21 163. OuRA 16--4) (Paint, Luminots) MININA, Ye.V., Significance for dl"sis and expert testimony of determ-inIng the amount of lipoprotaine in the blood serum of patietts with chronic nonspecific pneumonia complicated by broachiectasts. Trudy LINTIN 2t147-157 159. (MMA 13 *-7) (LUNGS--DISEASMS) (LIPOPROTIMS) (DISOILITT EITAIUATION) kand. med. nauk Studies of the fractional composition of the protolne, Upoproteins and glycoproteins of the blood serum of cancer patients. Trudy LIXTIN 2-016-327 159. 0111LA 13.'7) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (CANCER) KMLIVITSKUAt Marlys. loetfovne', Prinimali uchastiye: ADAMOVAt A.V.j BO- GOMAZOVA, V.P.; PLININA9 Ye.V.; LIKMIITSKAYAg I.I.; I-IIIIRTUMOVAp 'Ye.V.; MMAYIDVAp N.F., NTKIFMVA, O.A.; SADOFOYEV, A.I.; SZLIKOV, Ye.A.; SOBOIZVAq A.V.; ULITANOVA9 L.S.; KBUSTINAt S.Be; DER09 AaG*q red.; KHARASH# G.A.v tokbn. red. [Adjustment of tbd body following pulmnary resection] 0 prisposc~- bliaemosti orgsniiiiia posle rezektaii legkogo. Leningrad, Gos. i2d- vo =ad. lit-ry Medgis, 1960. 170 p. (MM 14:9) 1. Kollektiv klinicheakogo otdola Leniogradskogo nauchno-iseledova- tellskogo instituta-ekspertiv~ trudooposobnosti i organizatsii truds. invalidov (for a12 excOpt,lbvilivitskayap Dembo, JU=ash). .(=GS-SURGFM) 1 11-4, KALININA, Ye.V., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik I., ''. I Biochemical changes in the blood of elderly and senile persons with atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Trudy LIETIN no.16:242-249 164. (MIM 19: 1) 1. Leningradskiy nauchno-issledovatel.skiy institut ekspertizy trudosposobnosti i organizatsii truda, invalidov. Zootekiad~.he.~;kaia rlboUa work of hatcheries aj..~un,~ co Jec-ive fazrns). (2p,.,b ra~xjby 0,01. E-Ds!kva, Sellkhozgiz, 1.Q.1 13 1). r- I Vol. 7, No. 7, Oct. 1,",-L, -~: EonUnIv List of Russian A,!cassions, I Q KOSOY, I.M., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; MINIMA, Yu.P. I--- e :~?; -A "I Wbl-~VQJ Obstetrical and gynecological servLce for the population of Stupino. Vop.okh.mat. i dot. 1 no-1:71-76 ja-F 156. (MLBA 9:9) 1. Iz Stupinskoy gorodskoy bolinitay (glavnyy vrach V.P.Grinavtoeva) (STUPINO--ROSPITALS, GYMOLOGIG AND OBSTMIC) a --,l,.--. KALININA, Z., agronom Intervarletal corn hybrids in the forest-steppe zone of Siberia. Nauku i pered.op. v eal;)Oos. 8 no.11:52 H '58. (MIRA 11:12) (Sibe ii-Corn (gaisa)) KALININA, Z.G. Interv=e'tal bybrids of corn In Siberia. Agrobialogiia no.5:80-85 S-0 158. (MINA 11111) 1. Sibirskiy nauchno-looledovatellskiy Inatitut zhivotnovodstva, g. Novosibirsk." (Siberia--Corn brooding) LIT',J,;~'., Z.G. in:7, of 160 Oo -J.( S 4 to t) It 1A 114 lim N&IJI x It u If 5611MV4111,11411 43 64 9 A . 1_1 if __U 9 9 1 -&-M All;I U 4 1 ST _i. P401,41f,11 Meaclittittkal properties of open-beartIt dad rumaco Metal. 1. N. Gailikor i1nd Z. IM, NA.Inliffil Lat. *0 h als.1 Mitt. Zlilinital, RI&WO. Stal 7, Tile inivik, 11114w"If-if -111-4 his (lie' 2 IIIINT-f- "iltr mudiell cmillialmlively. C.,twis,ally, tile (11"Cit'llcr. In- go Invest file 2 kl,1414 ad 4f"1 sairre Ill.wr prollmill.."I ill Islas- --,I. th;ttk ill nimlill"l-C '1"I., The .1ifycovin" I'll. J'a.Afily Va~fr ill thar tr'.~itv .1folieth mul iff.1-t vi-s,itv. -00 00 lbc Jiffuti-tu" ui-ir smile Itimp,ow-M 00 Irlisillatm 1 Iw diffris,ilk- 41rdnr I-Sili .... IV t" N aml 11 at in Opell-livalth litcTI. The S atful 0 Aur I"Iffs all -In. Nat'l 90 a% nonturtAllic owfu"m The Jana, C content sit vitro. kP: brugh Steel brIlwe lim oo JR villow rowwo myrairr flaid-11soll =06 a]( the 111CIRI which t".111. in t.lqtf viwl~ifv. Milh vrr. go in litreanctiona the dilletrurra; were laimly rlintuvired. noo gas "Oln-v.1 I'v 114ing 411 ,J~n las-mill 'Junkc -slid ,5,7 Of Ct And (1-1 -4 .4; Past 'J".1 .1111 0 61 :0 1",4 that% Olki- of S and niatut With anal mt 44 go* 1; (thr S rains Ili In the Inelt ii thvirby Ir-,111-i 1. it I" 0. 00 ij wall In tilt tra"Ify "Irial to 411r."'; tw I'llm 1; lunnilig lbe 0 furflarr hm land giving Me Will an intift- 1.41 wittle ?Ile 'coo iNalittill tIt"Alif On, ruil all On, mis i, no-t 14-1- it I Is,'. even Air low-C land itivinit file nwl( a pitimmmill 11CUltillatil"t Willi IIIANI-ItIFIMIT FCS4 And 'A fill.41 41"M114- 4; flosi vOlls &)A 0.4 Lm lh--r Ism all Al. M-wh 0 A 4 L A PITALLUffK-L 07101-TURIF CLASUPICATOD. so Ili" tv to of it It me a it it 0 0 0 0 010 0 0 00 0 0 0 000 so 0 0 * 0 0 oie 0 00 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 46 Go 100 Jtz- 1 1 sit L~:. I An I-f- 40 it I v i 0 000 * 1) 0 0 S 0 :10 goo o in .6 0 wo 60,606000 two 0 0 10 cloo rioo woo ,too GOLIIIKDV, I. III. ; KALILIN71., Z. M.; MIRZIN, 1. 1. ; FLRIIN, It. A. Mbr., Zlatoustovskiy Metallurgical Plant, -cl9lt8-. Cand. Technical Sci. "Production of steel with a minimm striking of (:rzcks, Stall , Wo. 5, 194-B I AUTHOR: ANTROPOVA,N.G., KALININA,Z.M., PETROV,A.K., P1 2381 engineers, Metall'ur-g-1-ca-1771'ant of Zlataust. TITLEt Influence of Deoxidation with Aluminium on Quality of Structural Steel. (Vliyaniye rankieleniya alyminiyem n& kachestvo konstruktajonnoy stali, Russian). PERIODIUM stalls 1957, Vol 17, Nr 1, pp 64 - 69 (U.S.S.R.) Receivedt 5 / 1957 Reviewed$ 5 / 1957 ABSTRACT: Control of high-quality steel according to the appearance of fracture makes it possible to ascertain faults which may dis- appear in the course of further blooming. When investigated, billets of 200 x 200 and more were found to have no faulto on the occasion of a control of transversal macro-templets, but at the point of fracture they were found to have a peculiar crystalline structure and a characteristic shape at certiin places, which are distinguished from others by a lighter shade, so-called "fractures". Investigations showed that aluminium and nitrogen exercise an essential influence on some properties of alloyed structural steelv-. In a metal that was previously well de- oxidized only partof the introduced aluminium combines with the oxygen remaining in the solution. Aluminium surplus forms no chemical compounds with nitrogen. During the processes of crystallization and following cooling of the steel the aluminium Card 1/2 liquates and is absorbed on the surface of the crystals. Nitrogen, AUTHOR., KALININA, Z.M., eng. rA - 2421 TITLE: Cc arI-so-n _o7-the Results of Metal Controlling for Fine CraWs in Billets and in Ready Products. (Sopor3tovleniye kontrolya meWla na volosoviny v zagotovkakh I gotovylch detalyakh, Ru3sian) PERIODIOALt Stall, 1957, Vol 17, Nr 3, pp 261-263 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 5 / 1957 Reviewedi 6 / 1957 ABSTRAM The control of metals for hair-line cracks Is carried out with three samples which have steps and have a length of 200 mr; they were out off from any three rods of the finished product. The results were then regarded as additional characteristics for the smelting quality. Already in an earlier work (Stall, 1953, Nr 11) the author stated that, after a 100% control by means of a mapetia defectoscope, there is no connection whatever between the control data of the billet and those of the quantity of waste in the finished product. Consequently, such experiments henceforth were carried out for a aimber of steel grades, i.e. for castings as well as for forgings. They showed that a corTeot classification of the metal cannot be achieved with the blank even if the samples furnished with steps are very accurately controlled. Therefore, this method of control does not characterize the properties of the smelt. Besides, this method entails ootaider- able unproductive losses of material and one cannot absolve the metallurgical planta of their responsibility for the mste caused Card 1/2 by hair-line cracks. Evaluation of smelting nwt be carried out by PA - 2421 Comparison of the Results of Metal Controlling for Pine Cracks in Billets and in Ready Products. ASSOCIATICKS: PRFZMTED BY: SUBMITTED: AMIABLE: a control of the finished parts by means of a defectoscope. Control for hair-line cracks of the billets must be stopped. (3 Tables). Zlatouat Steel Woxics (Zlatoustovskiy metallurgichaskLy zavod) Libr-ary of Congress Card 2,12 SOV/ 137-58- 9-18625 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 66 (USSR) AUTHORS: Yedneral, F.P., Kalinina, Z.M. TITLE: Intensification of the Reducing Period in the Melting of Struc- tural Steel in an Arc Furnace (Intensifikatsiya vosstanovitel'- nogo perioda plavki konstruktsionnoy stali v dugovoy elektro- pechi) PERIODICAL: Izv. vyssh. uchebn. zavedeniy. Chernaya, metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 2, pp 48-63 ABSTRACT: 21 experimental melts of 45KhNMFA steel were run in 20-t basic electric arc furnaces in accordance with a procedure in- cluding blowing the bath with 02 at the end of the oxidizing period; addition of 2 kg Si-Mn per ton metal after the blow and of 3/4 kg Mn-Si-Al or Si-Mn-Ca per t after the skimming of the Fe-Cr oxidizing slag, the alloys being in 4:1:0.5 and 1: 1:0.5 ratio, plus slag formers in the amount of 3.516 of the weight of the metal; deoxidation of the slag by ground Si-Ca and coke breeze; holding of the metal under the white slag for 40 min; introduction of 0.3-0.4 kg Al/t before tapping, and 0.7 kg Si- Card 1/2 Ca/t in the ladle. The total length of the refining period was SOV/137-58-9-18625 Intensification of the Reducing Period in the Melting (cont.) 60-70 min. By sampling the slag and metal during the malt and by tests of the finished rolled product it was established that the 0, N, and H contents before tapping were respectively 0.0042-0.0048%, 0.0094% and 4.9 cm3/ 100 g, while the final metal contained 0.012% S. The macroscopic structure and mechanical properties of the steel in these experimental heats was satisfac- tory, and seams were fewer than in steel melted the usual way, while con- tarnination with nonmetallic inclusions was no higher than with the latter. The duration of the experimental heat was 171o shOTter than the usual, con- sumption of electrical energy dropped 171/o, and 02 consumption came to 10 m3/t. Bibliography: 6 references. A.Sh. 1. Steel--Melting 2. Furnaces--Applications 3. Indust,--ial production --Development Card Z12 PME I BOOK EXPLOITATION BOV/5319 K&Uv4n&,, Zoya Mikhayloyns, ................ Defekty legirovannykh staley (Defects of Alloyed Stools) Sverdlovsk, MOtallurgizda,4 1960. 247 p, Errata slip inserted. 4,,700 copies printed,# Reviewer: V.G. Speranskiy; Ed.: M.I. Vinograd; Ed, of Publishing House: M.M. Byrchinal'Tech. Ed*: Ye.D. Turkina. PURPOSE: This book is intended for techniedl personnel of plant laboratories smd engineering inspection unitv of'steel mills. It may also be used by students at schools of higher education. COVEWE:. Defects observed in the production of alloyed-steal blank are classified and-factors affecting steel properties and the quality df fIrAshed products are analyzed. Aleo, described vie methods of preventing defecto and rejeots In high- quality steels. These methoda resulted fran investigation and inspection work carried out at the Z3.atoustovskiy metallurgicheekly zavod, (Zletoust Metallurgical Plant) under the supervision of I.N, Golikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. The author thanks A.S..Samoylova; K.S. Shmatko, L.S. Wryzbko, A.M. Danilov., LoMo Danilova,!Ye.M. Poznyakova, V.S. Borisova, and Ye L. Napalkove. for their assist- ance. There araI45 references., all Soviets caxA_~ ZHILO, N~L.; KALININA, ZJ!, At the Chelyabinsk I-Letallurgical Research Institute. Stall 22 no.9:816, 80 6 t62. (MIRA 15:11) (Chelyabinsk--Metallurgical research) L (V M, S/133/63,/000/004/OOZ/Oll A054/A126 AUTHORSs Kapellnitakiy, V. 0., Shved, F. I., Yartsevo M. A.s Tulin, N. A.# P Sergeyev, A. B. Morenishchava, 1. 1., Kalininat ,_.M Pozdnyakov, M. V. TITLEt Melting of steel and alloys in vacuum furnaces PERIODICAL: Stall no. 4, 1963, 325 - 328 TEXT: MX 15 (ShKhl5) and X2OH80 (KhMI80) grado stools often display spotty liquation, bright streaks, and bright skins. Tests for eliminating these defects were carried out by V. N. Kuzovatoy, R. F. Maksutov, 0. Ye. Kysina, A. V. Shelgayeva, L. A. Zhivichkin, Yu. A. Gayduk, V. S. Galyan, D. A. Sookov, 1. 1. M=elev, 0. 1. Parabina ot &I. To pi-evant the rotating wvcment of the liquid metal, the circuit scheme was modified (under the Control of 1. S. Plnchuk,' Candidate of Technical Sciences) and upon the suggestion a the N1114 (Cliella- binskly nauchno-iouledovatellsldy institut metallurgii/C~elyAinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy) all iferromagnetic partg were eliminnted from the electric system which then was redesigned on a bifila3~-coaxlal scheme. In Card 2/3 S/133/63/OW/004/00VOll Melting of steal and alloys in vacuum furnaces A054/A126 the current system of the arc a negative reversed connection was realized for gonarator-induotion. The are was kept conatnnt by a NIDI-pulso Oenarator. 7h* steal for the self-baking electrode3 was procluced according to the standard method, while care was taken to limLt the content of 3 to 0.006% and that of P to 0.015%. The induction type vacuum furnace ( OK13-571B /OXB-571B) with a ca- pacity of 0.5 ton and a vacuum of llu Hg, supplied by a high frequency Bro -250-2500/VGO-250-2500 type generator, %rith an inductor voltage of 1,000 (formerly 2,000) and a frequency of 2,500 cP3 was also revised. The vacuum Fys- tem consisted of 5 mechanical ( Hi -6r IVN-60) and 3 oil-vapor ( BH-45oq/W-45oo) pumps. The furnace construction was improved (in co-operation with 121a Vsoso- yuznyy ralichno-issledovatel'skiy institut elaktrotekhnicheskogo obom-Aovaniya/ All-Soviet Scientific Research Institute of n-loctrotechnical Apparatuo and the Cholya.binsk Saiontific Research Institute of Metallurgy) by fixing the inductor. more x1gidly, by applying lover-type vacuum reals, suitable for application in the mnemonic furnace control system, by redesigning the feeding, til~,Lng app&ra- tus, eta, The crucible material - having a marked effect on the metal quality was also tested. The most uniform macrostructure was obtained with crucible of melted magnesits, and 30 ~LHg was found to be ths,optimum vacuum . 1 The affect Card 2/3 S/133/63,/000/004/002/011 Malting of steel and alloys In vacuum furnaois 054/Ai26 of the reduction of the alloys on their ductility in forging was a2so studied. The forging properties were improved by adding a niokel-magnesiun me0aralloy and oal"um silicate to the bath prior to tappirU, calculating 0.12 - 0.15% magnesium for the finished metal. Wires with a 30 A4thiokneas,cauld be drawn from the metal produced under the modified conditions. There am 4 figures. Card 3/3 .L -23367-65 MOD 1 loy F.14,!"-B "at b1ph t0'r, )"W" a A c t s 1, a Z~ f rl 3, i .ja IJ '4f me oucti-, it, ve t al f I i1 - ACCE S S T 0 1, 'NT. AR 00073 t r (3 Care, 2/2 U 11 MLU TI "-. -'iP(kWEvq L 40205-6~ EST (d)/EfiT, I )IE-i,'T (m) IZE ~--_i a y )Z1ZL ~1 F-ft.V1~r W/ ACC NRi AP6030052 Evir'(I) IJP(C) JD/RiBOURCE CODE: UR/O133/66/OOO/OOl/O -3 4" AUTHOR: Kalinina, Z. M. ORG: Chelyabinsk Scientific Research Institute of Metallurgy TITLE: Study of the quality of alloy steels and alloys by ultrasonic testing SOURCE: Stall, no. 1, 1966, 83 TOPIC TAGS: alloy steel, ultrasonic flaw detector, metal test, steel/EI-961 steel, EI-481 steel, 30KhGSNA steel, BI-437B R1107 steel ABSTRACT: Established standards for ultr4sonic g a tior, 6 ul t tXhn, conditio 8 fcr surface prepar'qLtion of ingots (175 mm~ and lar ! ge;ppr:c:d as for