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SIVEOVY T.; gAWHVA B - SAKAKUSHEV, E.; PASHOV, M. 0 of ~ Treatment of burns in the propedeutic O!ilrgical 01iltic of the I.P. Pavlov Medical Institute in Plovdiv, Xhirurgiia 15 no*9/10:811-813 162, (BURNS) FMAIOTOV. P., cl-r. GRIMOV. 1y.; K=HllVA, D. An7lame properties of certain microorganisms, lmy. mikrob. Insto, Sofia Tol.4:61-72 1953. 1. 0t Nticrobiologichaskiia institut pri BM (for Ponalotov, Grigbrov) 2. Ot'Khinicheekata-laboratorlia DIM (for nacbeva) (BACTERIA, axVlaso properties) (GARBORTMASIS, aurla2e In bact.) KALCHEVA, Keti Sea water and the bottom of the sea as media for life. Prir i znanie 13 no.4:13-15 Ap 160, (EUI 9t10) (Marine bioloa) KALCHEVA, RoN.; STAINOV, G*St. Wind condition of precipitation no.100-39 160. (Bulgaria-41nda) (Bulgaria--Precipitation in Bulgaria. Kbidro i meteorolog, (EUI 10:1) (Meteorology)) Will WD 411HII IiIIIIIININ !I YIwflMW= KALCIIEVA, R.N. Heavy rains in Bulgaria. Trud Inst. khidro meteor no.13:163-,216 SIMDVp D.j =HEVAt Ve On certain derivatives of benzoxasine, new method for obtaining 2.-- aminophenol -4 -uulfona-M. Doklady BAN 14 no.7.-675-678 16.1. 1. Predstarlena chl.-kor-r. B. Kurtevym, -7 "(1mines) (Phenols) (Sulfons) SIMOV, D.; KALCHEVAp V. on some derivatives of naphtho-I 02'--4,5-oxfttolouas. Preparation of 1, 2, 4-aminonaphthalsulfonamide and 1, 2, 4-aminonaphtbol- sulfonanilide. Doklady BAN 16 no.6s617-620 16:3. 1. Predstavleno chl.-korr. B. Kurtevym, PACHEWHIEV, L.,-.~K=HE~VAV.~ On congenital atrooia- of the small intestine. Khirurgiia 15 no.11:999-1001 162o (INTESTINAL ATRESIA) KALCUTAp V.; flit CIIF,'D-'? III IN, I.; MANDEVSKI, St. Analyai3 of operations with reference to mortal-Ity in aged patients acccrding t.-o hospital data for thfi peric.d.1946-1962, Khirurglia 17 no.2;M-181 164. 1. 1z Katedrata po propedevtika na khlrurgiclinite 'boleati prl VM! (Vissh meditsinski institut) "-%P.Pavlov", Plovdiv. PLCHE!)Zif;FVv l.; KALCREVA, V.~ MANDFVSKI, St, Surgical lnterv&ntion in acul.s aYdomqn in old age. Yhirurgiia P-o.2-,196-199 164. is Kittedruta po propedev"Ika na Ihlmrg4--chnite pri VVI 'LVissh meditsinskt institut] IIT.P.Pavloyll - Plovdiv. K~,' -1 2~-:iEWI ~ V. -~ P,14CFEL-77H I. ; 1.1.1 N DF V~`-K ~' , " t, . lum-r~ in old agp. ]Utirurglia L' no..2j234-2J8 164. 1. 1z Katedrats po propedevtika na khirurg.-IcWto zaWliavanlia prd, VM-r' fV-,ssli me-ditsinski -Institut III.P. Plovdiv. -K*YWI~ V. (Kalchava, V.); SIMOV, 1). Preparation of some N-substituted 2 amincphenol-Iv-sulfonamide derivatives. Doklady BPJI 17 no.10,913-916 164. 1. Submittod March 16, 1964. KALCHFVA-MEVA K. Methods In studying the way of life of extinct organisms, Prir i znanie 17 no.9tl4-15 N 164. -KOVSHULYAP AsAbp-kand.tekhn.nauk; PECHKOVSKIY, V.I., kand.tokhn.nauk; HALICHIK G.S., gorAyy inzh,; CHERNEGOV, A.A., gornyv inzh. Commentary on the article by L.A.MizernitskU. *Annual production of an 1ron mining and dressing comibine." Gor. zhur. no,2:74,75 F 161. (MIBA 14:10 1. Institut gorno o del& AN USSRj, Kiyev, 10re.dressirg) (Mizernitakii., L.A.) KOVSHULYA, A.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; PECIEKOVSKIY, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; KALICHIK, G.S., gornyy inzh.; CHERNEGOV, A.A., gorr(ff inzh. Response to P.M.Kovachevich's article "Method of determining the approximate values of mining output in the design and planning of coal mines." Ugoll 36 no-7:47-48 Jl 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Mining engineering) (Kovachevich, POM-) KALICWX G.S. inzh.,; CHMUjOVP A.A,,, inzh. Mechanical properties of rocks In pit oides. Izv.rfs*ucheb&zav*; gor.zhur. 5 n6.238&.91 162, Omm 15:4) lo InBtitut gornogo dela, AN LUSR. Rekomendovana. laboratort7ey po razrabotke redkikh i tsvetnykh metallov. (strip minim) (Rocks-Tenting) KAWCHIK, G.S.; 11EXHKOVSKIYJ V.I. Resistant shape of development workings in deep mines. Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.1:21-23 A 162. (MIRA 15:2) (Mining engineering) (Rook pressure) VOVKj A.A.,v kand.tokhzk.nauk; MICHUO G.,S,, Inoo %*ief m=Ml of the mine bwUder* by I.K. Mmiovitakile Reviewed by A.A, Vbvk., G.S. Ullobik. Makhttatrois 6,r).0;3at3l-32 N 1620 (KMA 15212) (Coal mines and mining) (basovitaklip LK.) 41f HID KALICHIK G,S, Effect of the fracturing-of anthraciteo on the yield of culm. Trudy Inst.gor.dela AN URSR ;lo#llt47.52 162. (MM 1612) (!bins dusts) STARIKOVv N.A. [deceased]; NOVSHULYA,. A.A.; PMKOVSKIY, V.I.; CHERNEGO77 A.A,. Essential data for eng*fering geological studies of rocks in deposits, Trudy Insteidi.dela AN MSR no.lls66--69 1620 (KLHA 1612) (Rooks.-Testing) DEMCHMO, Viktor Vasillyevich, insh.; PECIhXOVSKIY, VseTolod Ivanovich, kand.tekhn. nauk; CHRRNI=V, Alskeandr Aleksandmvich, inah.; NECHITAYID, Aleksandr Averlyanovich, insh.; XALICH31 Georgly Semenovich, insh.1 EELYAKOV, Yu.I., k6d. t96'i~;.--E~uP----'-- retieizient; SEMEMWO, M.D., inzh., red.izd-va; STABODUB,T.A.1 tekhn. red. [Improvement of open-pit manganese mining in the Ukrainian S.S.R.] Sovershenstvoyanie otkrytykh rasrabotok margantsevykh rud USSR. tiev, Gostekhizdat USSR, 1963. 119 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Nikopoll region-*anganese mines and minlnlg) KOVSHUM, A.A., kand, tekhn. nauk; IIECHKOVSKIY , V. T kand. tekhn. nauk; ~O KALICIIIK G S 8 invh.; CID,214EGOV, AoA., inzh. Possibilities of UZIrIE: sound moasuring to deterimie slope arep-3 presenting a dangt~~ of Inndaliden. Nauch, zap. Ukmliproekta no.10: 49-57 163. (141RA 17:6) KOVSHULYAP A,A., kand. tekhn. nauk~ FECHXOVSK119 V.I., kwad. tekhn, nstuhv CHERNFIGOVP A.A.1 KALICHIK9 G.S. AdvantEgeousneos of mining the Pokroy-Kireyevo flourits deposit. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.3&58-59 My--Ze 964. (WRA KOVSHULYAJ, A.A.,, I-and. ',uklin.,rauni; PEk'I!IKO7VSIK.tY, V. IT v - CU."AlAUGOV, A.A.., gorrjyy Jn:lh, Readers' response to the article by S.N.Nlkitiji. I'Fktorirlircing Ue expected slipping surface according to atresso.-j in tho strip min e slope."; I'Ugoll", 1962, No.11. Ugo12 38 no.3,.62. Mr .163. (1,11 RA 1i80 --- ---IU%LGH13HK0Vp A. - -- - - - --- - - - --- "When Experiences of Foremost Workers are Applied with Enthusiasm." p. 3# (ZDRAVEN F1021T) No. 40, Oct. 1954, Sofiya, Buloaria) SO: MonthIV, List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4 No. 5, My 1955, Uncl. "Planned Muagement of 6'Tell' 283. (dorska-Stopaii6tvo., Vol.8.. No.6.. June 1952p Sofiya.) "a af cc~essionsV' ik?dry"00-~ Congress, 1953., Uncl. So; Month List AWL " The ew hunting icason and the plamied jumaCement of game.", p 331~ GORSK rO fi Vol 8, #70 Sept 1952, Bulgaria) East Europem Vol 2 #8 Soz mont List of AMMOM Accessions/Library of Congress, August -L?S53, Uncl. KALCOMWO BO *Government Decree for the Iziprovement of Game Economy." P-230 (GORSKO SMPMSTVO Vol. 9j no. 50 Fay 1953 Sofiy4O Bulgaria) KALCHISKOV, B. "Results From Utilization of th System of Game Proteation In Our Country andthe Possibility of Changing it" P. 366. GORSKO STOPAM710, Vol. 10, No. 8, Oct. 1954, 6ohya, Bulgaria) SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EE.11L), L001 Vol..4p No, 61 Juno 1955P Unol, KALCHISHXOV, B. "How to organize the battues against wolves correctly." GORSKO SrOPANMVO., Softia, %lgaria, Vol. 15, no. 4, Apr. 1959. Monthly list of East Fqwope Accessions (EEAI), LO, Vol. 80I.No. 6, J4& 59 UncW KAWIC, Jose. dentist The prevention of porosity In dental matiWa. Zobosdray.yest. Ljubljana 10 n0-3-4:126-129 1955, ONVAL MATMAL8, potosity In casting, prow, (810 t kil 1JEAMNill, i 4ill; Pz~l I "Whl I I : F 7 1:1 il I ;i : it !111 it 1:; 141 It in 15 111, 1 NTH I I fAIJAIM11MIEV Ali KALC!Cj Joze - =10, Joze, dentist The present status of casting. Zabozclmv. vent Lfnbljaua-g no.3:91-97 1954. (CROWN AND BRIDGUMM *066tin 9 - - - - - -- - -- - - --- - - -- --- - - - -- -- - ---- - - - - - ---- - - - IAL vatozar Whooping cmugb; an epidemiological problem of the earliest 4W infatcy. Zdrav. vast., Ljubljana 24 no.1-2:a-i6 IM. 1. Spidemioloski odaelek contralnoga higienskega sayoda v Ljubljani--sef: Dr. J# Kmat. (WHOOPING COUGH, epiasmioi. in Slovenia (Sl)) KAWIK, Alexander, inz. "Cerse-a welding powders for automatic welding and facing" by K.I.Chrenov and D.M.Kusnerev, Reviewed by Alexander Kaleik. Zvaranie 3-1 no.7:222 J1 162. 1. Vyaku=V ustav zvaraeskyo Bratislava. KIALCIK., R. Warning. P. 21. CESKOSLOVEMKY VOJAK. (Ministerstro, narodni obrany. Hlavrd. p6iitieka sprava) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8, no. 13, June 1959- KP.LCTK, Viodim:~r, inz. ImIx-aty,sA tnrn~ngr elBvxl~" t-melona Tel dop tech 12' no.43$~' ,I KALGIK, Uadimi , inz, , Organization of the transportation on electric railroad lines. Zel. dop tech 12 no.8s2O2 164. KALCIKj Vladimir -im. Making full use of locomotives and lengVwnjag of transportation I sectors. Zel dop tech 10 no.4:100-102 162. I 114111.11M I I I till t#jI,!4jrRF; III IIIIIIIII lilt 9 ell KALCOV, D. Kalcov,_ D-, Recent results of applying the method of larj.,e-scale exploitation of coDper ore. p.1025. SO: Monthly List of East D=opean Accessions List (M,'J,) L03, Vol I., ~Io. 11 November 1955, Uncl. KALCOV, Djordje "Up to date results in application of mining methods for large scale exploitation of copper ores at Bor" SO: Tehnika. No 7, Year X. - 1955 KALCOV, Dordeo inz. (Bor, Vase Drecuna 9/1) Hydraulic stope filling with flotation waste,. Tehnika Jug 18 no.4t Supplement: Rudarstvo metalurg 14 no.4:645-6W Ap 163. 1 1. Direktor sektora za rudarstvo Rudarsko-topioniearskog bazen.a &r. KALCUSEK, 111.; BOILICKOVA, V.; KNOR, Zo- "Investic-aticn of mono-tolecular -films." VII. Meastirement of the sure viscosity by the drawn disc method. In German. i,. 1373, COLLECTIOIT OF CZECHOSLOVAK CHEMICAL COMMUMICATIONS, Praha, Czech., Vol. 24s Noe 5. May 1959, Monthly List of East European Accessions (&EAI), LC, Vol., 8, N-3. 6, Septe 59 Unclassifed GUTDWSKA~GRZEGORCZYK, Grazyna;'KALCZAK, Miroslaw - I ~ 1. . ~ I A case of Weber-Christian syndrome with articular manifestations in an 8-year-old girl. Reumatologia (Warsz.) 3 ao.3:30~405 165. 1, Z Kliniki Pediatrii Studium Dookonalenia Lekarzy AM i Instytutu Relimatologicznego w Warazawie (Kier,%wnik: prof. dr. mad. E. Wilko- szewski) i z Zakladu Anatomii Patologic2;nej Instytutu Reumatologiez- nego w Warszawie (Kierownik: doe. dr. mod. E. Raldyk; Dyrektor Instytutu Reumatologicznego: dr. med. W. Briihl). GLUSZCZ, Andrzej; KALCZAK, Miroqlaw Alveolar echinococcosis - a rare form of hopatic echinococcosio. Polski tygod.lek. 15 n0-15:559-562 11 Ap 160. 1. Z Zakladu Anatomii Patologi~znej A.M. w Lodui; kierownik: prof.. dr A. Pruszosynold. (LIVXR~DISIASIS case reports) (ECHINOCOCCOSIS case report) G4RZEWSKI, Wieslaw; KALCZEW, Jordan Studies on the Duffy blood group system (FYa) in the populat-ion of Cracow (Poland). Acta med. Fol. 6 no.2:255-256 165. 1. Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical )Cademy, Cracow (Director: Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Kobiela). I I I M111 t 111] 11 WIN; I W irl 191111,1.1 11! PTA it I V I If, I 'r, f URI -Te r2 BILIK, Miecsyslaw; FORTS, Maria; MALSKI, Leszek; SWIZCHOW Valentyna Preventive vacciltation against Influenza In Krakow daring 1954- 55. Prxegl. spidem., Warez. 10 no.2:121-126 1956. 1. Z Wojewodzkiej StacJ1 Sanitarno-Ppidemiologicznej w Krakowis. (INFLUENZA, prevention and control. vacc. in Poland (Pol)) ,14~j KUKK,,.E.; MASING# V.; TRASS, H.; VAGA, A.; ARAK, A., red. KAI!RA (Botany; textbook for schools of higher learning in three parts] Botaanika, Zpik kZrgematele koolidele. Talliim Vaigue. Ft.:L. 1965. 428 pe (In Estonian) (MIRA 18:12) [Ka:lda,H.] Practices of the "Estoplast" Flant in manufar,,turins; zj~T-thetlun ' produatts. Stroi. mat. 10 no.9t.5 S 164 (111-M"I 18:2) 1. Glavnyy inzh. zavoda ItEstoplastO. P41115 .1 1, Zvi T KALDAROV, M. K. ------------------ Undergroud Qaters of the trans-Ungus regione 7rudy Tnat. geoL AN Turk., SSR 3s270-287 1604' (MIPA 16tl) (Ungus region-Vaterp Underground) TKACHEV, V.V.,, inzb.; DUBOV, A.M.,, inzho,- OGMSSOVO V.h. pinzh.; AN'DI;!,YLV, 11.14.,, inzh.,- KALIDA,,R.R.,,._inzh.; IIOOPJ,E,;TS, 1'16h* Effectiveness of mills of closed u.nd opon cycles. TSement 31 no.2:13-14 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRA 18:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy vsesoyuznyy institut po proyuktirovaniyu i nauclino-issledovatellskim rabotam tsementnay promyshlenriosti, Leningrad, i tsementnyy zavod ".Punane Kunda". KALDAROV, 14. K. Spring in the Dargan-Ata region. Izv.All Turk.SSR.Sardiz -Ukho I khim.i geol.nauk no.1:10&-110 161. s) 41, 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. (Dargan-Aa regiorr--Springs)- KALDAROV, M.K. Participation of the Amu Darya in the feeding of ground waters in the eastern outskirts of the Zaunguzakiye Kar"umy* Izv.AN Tiirlca -tekh., khim.i geol.nauk no.1:11(~- 161, SSR.Ser,fizo OM~ 14:8) 1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. (ZaunVzakiye Karakumy-Water., Underground).. T-1 WIP.M. m- -. Mr. KALDAROV., MaK. Role of buried takyre in the formation of fresh and brackish water bodies in the Zaunguaskiye Wakumy. Izv,AN Turk.SSR,Ser.fiz,-tekh., khimoi geol.nauk no.lt92,97 162. (MM 16sl2) .1. Institut geologii AN Turkmenskoy SSR. KALDAROV. M.R. Ancient alluvium in the eastern par t of the northern Kara Kum. Trudy VSEGEI 46:383-390 '61. (MIRA -14. _11) (Kara Kum--Alluvium) ZHIVOTOVSKAYA, A.I.; KALDAROV, M,K. Geological stages of the formation of underground waters in the northern Kara-Kum. Izv. M Turk.SSR.Ser.fiz.-tekh. khim. i geol.nauk no.5:81-89 165. NTRA 18:11) 1. Institut pustyni AN Turlmenskoy SSR. Submittod Deeember 29t :L963. KALDE L.'Ia,, Obtaining concentrates-of mono- and diatomic phonols from the total fractions of tar phenols. Xhim. i tekh. gor. slan. i pro&. ikh perer. no.11:282-289 162. Determining the unbound formaldehyde in shale-tar phenol condensation products. . 290-295 (MIRA 17.13) :!!I ~:r I! FP,t 111M I DIR 11714 1 'IN KNp I IN, ITO 3Q 4"! 1 T7 i7i L 014560-66) 1. an (1) /g.IT.(m) Igip (0/40 (b) c TID 1 ACCESSION jilti.-* AT5013691 AUTHOR: 10ilder.. K. A.. TITTZ Photolumineacence of ed Zns: and S 1?1'9: % SOURCE: AN EstSSR. .InstAMIZ 1 led vaniya. p6-~Iyminestsentsa (Reaearch on Uw- .TOPIC TAGS: photolmineacence, absorption sulfide og~ia material excitation spectrumj, Solon al) 6;=~ ~Iphin MM~ ABSTRACT: earlier measurements'of:t 6 x6itilt4ow `~ms - aind ZnS-Cu phosphors were measured.An the Y~ast` 0' f0 F014114i 410m 1 s 0 1 n r,4,e crystals, i=d furthermore-in the limited :of q, nmj itl rang tut-hof produceX ~by various methods sublimated 'pho6pbors Zm5J, 013& 4WO-G exit4tion --mvid -emission -spectriat -, -2hij preparati6n briefly. Differences vere oba.erved:in the, mwd~ma of ih the ex4j~atiw spectra ant in th i!ctrg. tw~ije- Alf- e variation of the short-wave:parts 6k 1~ese i, lip, ferences axe attributed-to differences In the zub A! ta t~& co limt. 0!= na am ditions of ci7stallization of the Initial materla4.. U41, ilii ~he: diff exit oic nesues of 1-10 film* It in anauked'.-ttvit V im tb~, itardi or additiozal, Card 1/2 Ji -'-.L -i1.: 0.1 1 1 1 -~7 ilk 11 f 11"1i - no - all L 60904-6- ACCES-MON ?M: AT50135 1 !Iamim or ir, 41-1 1 Hii- ,g5 7V- I~N (Fit 11PI --Wit 1-2, Ili 21. ~ffl ri it i5l - 4i[ E-i -.3 !,k-j t I 09Z It *7e"- T -iV vA tz z tl jo zZ IT ~4 -51 w ~Mjs ii INA-KURYLZV Moskva) Properties of functions with a finite Dirichlet integral on a piece- wise-smooth contour* lay, v7se uoheb. sav.; matt no. 3t141-145 : 16o. (HERA 13:12)' (Functional analysis) KALDERON, Dimita-Itsa; 'KOSHMKA, TinkA; WOW, BozhidILr,. inzh.; B02MROV, Sava Fillpov; KMSTLOV, Ivan'ftlipav-4 uchenik; OVADIOVA, Mela., prepo- davatelka; MILKOV, Vullu; HIKOLOV, lordan GeorgierT.SHALAVEROV, Z2ati Dimitrov; PASKOVA, Stoika Ivanova; PAVLOV, PiLvel Ioroanov During the new school year better achievemento, Naul(~L i takh z nUdezh no.10:3-4,16 161. 1. Zav. otdal "Srednoshkolalm,mladezh" v TSK;.m% D*S(for Kalderon) 2. gakretar na-zavadakiia komi-tet na DW,v Jlsavod "St&Lin"I blidtiovo (for Kosharska) 3. Predsedatel na.nauabno~takbniebaskota d-vo,i nachal- nik bluro "Tekbnichaski progress" v ah. p..zavod ~G. DimitrovI Sofiya. (ftr Drumev)-4. Sakretar na Okruzbniia komital na DKSM, Plovdiv(:Cor Bozhinov) 5. 'SelikoBtopanaki toWmikum v xi Sxclov6, ~,PloWivvk~: okrug .si, Ekzarkh An (for Khristov,, Ivanova).6-Direktorma. MTS,~ timoyoft Gur- gaski okrug,-(for Milkov) 7. MTS, . Gorna. Orytkhovitga ~ (for - Nikolov) 8. S-akretar na Okruzhniia. komitatna DIM, Tmrnov*(~or Sbalkverov) 9. Bibliotekarka v a. Rudnik, Varnenski okrug (for llas)jova) 10. Sekre- tar-na, Okruzhniia, Varna (for Pavlov) (Education) CARDIOLOGY HUNGARY BIRO, Sandor, Dr, NAGY, Gyula, Dr, 4=,-j%mWK Dr- Central State Hospital# I. Medical Ward (Kozponti Allami Korhaz. I. Beloszta.LY). NThyroid Function in Patients With myocardial Infarat." Budapest, Orvosi Hatilap, Vol 107, No 16, 17 Apr 66, pages'7~4-73?. Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary modified] Thyroid function tests were carried out on 15 patients hospitalized with aWocardial infarcV,ln the first, third and sixth week of the disease. In the first week of the disease, there was a considerable decrease in thyroid function in 12 of the 13 patients tested, The andogenic stress effect can be hold primarily responsible for the decreased thyroid function at this tim of the disease* Hungarian, 18 Western references, ~ KALIDI, -Fall .. Dust removal from gases and the utilization of the heat content of hot end gaser ".n foam columns. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 7 no. 2:117-136 163. 1. Research institut; -of Technical Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Bitdapest-Veszprem. KALDI, Pal ~'. Laboratory, pilot plant and plants experiments for washing iron oxide yellow pigment in foam column. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 7 no.3:257-269 163. 1. Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Hungarian Acaden* of Sciences, Budapest-Veszprem and Chair of Chemical Technology, .Cnemical Industry University,, Veszprem. CSAPO, Zoltan, HAZIT, Endre; KALDI,, Pal. Examination of mixing and dwelling time distributions in foam columns by means of radiometric methnd. Ve!izprom vegyip egy kozl 7 no. 21l37-144 163. 1. Chair of Radiochemistry, Chemical I-Hiatry Urd.versity.. Voszprem, and Research Institute of Vchnical Cheniietry, Hungarian Academy of,Sciances, Budapest-Vnszpre,m,, UMI. Pal PrePar&tlc)n Of Bodilm.bWdrogen oulfite in foah colum. Vest- prem vegylp egy kozl 4 no,lt9l-99 $60 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari,P gyatem Kemiai Teabnologia Tansnke KALDI., Pal; BLICKIZ, Tibor Mixing and dwelling period distribution in bubble and foam columns. Veszprem re- 6 no.3s251-258 162. ,4(yip egy kozi 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Mazaki Kemiai Kut#to Intezete, Budapest-Veszprem. JF,SZTL, Janosne; KOSDA, Bela; SMTEIZZKY, lajos; KAIDI Pal Experiences in the installation and industrial,,appliation of foam columns for gas dust control and gas cooling. Veszprem vegyip egy kozI 7 no.1:81-8.6 163. 1. Peti Witrogenmuvek es Magyar Tudomanyos Aka.demia Muszaki Kemiai Kutato Intezete, Veszprem. UiDip,Pkl., kandidatus An accoun:t of the 1961 AGMA Congnso in Frankfurt* Kom tuA kosl IS no*3s523-524 162. 1e Hinuki Kemiai Nutato lateset, Vesweno VAN GAN.-CHAN (11ang Kang-chlaugJ; VAX TSU-TSIN [Wang TSOU-040g); vimsm, V.I.: VRAM, I.; DID DA-TSAO [Tins Ta-tolaol; ITANOV, Y.G.; ,KAIJ)NIT L NUZENSOV, A.A.; ~WrXfi DIN Tr; 111KITIN, jgg~ -I;T.; SOLOVITIff, X.I.; KNOYMOU', T.; CHMI LIM-TAN' Noaconservation of parity in strcng iutoractions with participa, tion of strange partioles. Zhur. skep. i teor. fi2. 39 no. 6:1854- 1856 D 160. (KIRA 14:1) 1. Ob"yedinenn" institut yadernykh imiledovatniy. (Particles (Unclear ptWsic%)) KALDOBSKAYA, F.D.; REMERGRRo T,G4 [Remberger, V.H.] Characteristics of protein metabolism in dogs following experimental exclusion of three analysors. Taistal AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav.'no.1:89-94 10. ~(MIRA 1217) (PRMIN MITAWLISM) (Ozrama COIMX) A'A GOKOU, P*;WBAVYI, P,;KALDOR, A, Data on problem of the relationship between 1Wpertension and essential hypertension with special reference to indications for thoraooliambar sMathectomy, Mao., belorv. arch 3 no.3:106-108 1950. (OLML Z5-.5) 1. Doctor for Gomo4 and RubazWi. 2, First Internal Clinic (Director - Prof. Dr. Istvan Puaxrqak) and First Surgical Clinic (Director Prof. Dr. Gyula Sebesteny) of Budapest University. SZABO,, G,;BRAUN, P,;U=Mp A, qozPet1tTon ~ng the substances excreted,by the liver. ov, kll!m Yka.- belorv.. arch. 5 no.2.-62-" June 1952. (CIRL 25.5)7 1, Doctors. 2. First Internal Glinic (Director Prof. Dr, Istvan Pnssrqak)g Budapest Medical University. 2M0 G. BRAUN, PIVIMR, A S Competition between substances excreted by the liver and the kidney. Acta mad. hung, 4 no,,3-4:229-240 1953. (OWL 25:5), 1. Of the First Departmat of Medicine of Budapest University*: KALDOR, Antal, dr,,,; VARKONY1, Audr-is, dr. Iffect of intravenous dextrwis on osoolnophil count.' Orv.,hetll. 96 no-32:87"1 7 Aug 55. L A Nepbadsoreg ftotseegual Szolgalati. (1061NOrRIL COUNT. e.'..fect of drtzge On, dl~orose, -introv3nous admin.) (GLUCOSM',effects, on eosinaphil count, Intravenous admin.) ~,'_gK~j LiE I ".nut W41. WJ11ff!44Q!!W1;A 1 6 Vol-- 1.1 12 1 t ii errA re e c Q X .2, PTA I 7-1)1(',~ -See, I d. D 7501. THE USE OF FRUCTOSE-CONTAIMNG HELIANTRUS TUBEROSUS HONEY TO SUPPLEMENT THE DIET OF DLABETICS - Kgldor A. and L,dng E Third Dept. of Med., Med.Univ., Budapest - T1ffff.1ffMC-.-n58, $11 (24-23)* Graphs 2 Tables I Artiqhoke honey is prepared from the underground tubers of Hellanthus tuberosum. It is composed mainly of inulin, some polyfructosans of lower molecular weight and 1-2% of fructose. Experience has shown that this product has no substantial the carbohydrate balance of diabetics and for this reason can ba em influence on ployed as a useful supplement in their diet. Mosonyi - Buda, st. Pe j7 KKLDOR, Antal, 31r.; LOG, Edit, Dr. Fructose-containing Jerusalem artichoke honey'for the supplementatIon of the diet of diabetic patients. Orv. hatil. 99 no.26090-891 29 June A 1. A Budapeati Orvostudomanyi Pgyetem 111. as. Belklinikajanalc (igasgato: Gomori Pal dr., egyet. tana ) koslemenys. MOMS MULITUS, ther. fructose extract from Jerusalem artichoke as dietary supplement (Hun)) (FRUCTOSM,-ther. use diabetes mellitus, fructose extract from Jerusalem artichoke as dietary supplement (Hun)) (VMBWIN Jerusalem artichoke fructose extract as dietary Supplement in diabetes mellitus (H=)) -SX -1 P-nn A-- --. D I r, Se c6 Vol- - 13 / 12 In + e-r nal - r- P- d- De c f 9 7496. THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF THE ORAL ANTIDIADETICS - Awatoic az orfilis antidiabeticumok hatigmechanizmusthoz -Aaldor A. and Pogitsa G. Orvostud.Egyetem III sz, Belldin.. BuUa-p-es-r--7'0HV.JMTIL. 1959, 99/49 (1705-1706) Graphs 2 Tables I A study waks made of the action of thyroxin, of curare and of 'glanduitrin' (%lost- pituitary extract) on the glycogen content of the livers of rats treated sWultaneous- ly with tolbutamide (T). It was found that T abolishes the glycogenolytic action or the substances mentioned. ThJs observation supports the theory that the'orikl ahti- diabetic drugs exert their action predominantly via an inhibition of glycoderiolylsis. in qiv -W 'V !b A A am A I~~Wpjffm,~ .~4~~.-Antal; POOATSA, Gabor Inhibition of the clycogenolysis pt liver slices by tolbutamidfo Orv. hetil. 100 no.16t572-573 19 Aor 59., 1. A Dadapesti Orvostudoma7Wi laetea M. Belklinikajanak (igasgato: Gomorl Pal dr. egypt. tanar) koslomenys., (ANTIDIABWICS, O;f. tolbutamide inhib. of glyaogowlynis, In rat liver slices (Hun)) (GLYCOGN,'metib. liver..,inhib. of gVeosquolysis by tolbutam-lde in rat liver slices Oh=)) ,(LIM, metab glyc4onolysisq- inhib. by tolbutamide iu rat livor'slimel. (Hun)) GTMOBA,MIMEOVA, VITA. D~.;.YALDOR AML. Dr. Bucarban, causing granulooytopenia. Orv. hot U., 100 no. l7t626-U? 26 Apr 59. 1. A Budapesti. OrvostudomTWi Eastemi III. oz. Bolklinikajanak (igazgato: Gomori Pal dr., etyetemi tanar) kazlememyo. (ANTIDUMICS, W. off. carbutamide causing agranalocyt open la (Rw)) (LGIRANUIOMMIMU. etiol. & pathogaix. carbutamide (Rue)) * UIMOR, Antal, dr. .~' I- Application of oral antidiabotic drugs. Ory.bstil. 100 no.421 1502-1506 0 159- 1. A ftdapoeti Oryostudompuyi Ngyeteu =e Belklinikajansk (ipzpto: Gomori Pal dr.) koulemenye. (ANTIDIABSTICS thor) KUDOH,Antal, dr.; POGATSA. Gabor, dr.; SZIYAY, Gyula, dro .lCffect of tolbutamide on liver injuries causecl by carbon tatrachloriae. DivAstil. 100 no-52:1879-1881 D 159. 1. A Budapesti, OrvostudomaWi ICretem III. oz.. Belklinikajansk (1gasgato: Gomori Pal dr. eg7etemi tanar) kozlamenve. (TOLBUWIDN pharvm4ol) (CAMON THTRACHLORIM pharmacol.) (LIVER pbarmacol) KAIWRAntalildr.; POGATSA Gabor. dr. r Affect of tolbutamide on bile secretion. Orv. histil. 101 no.20: 697-698 15 14Y 160. 1. Budapesti OrrostudommVi %yetem, IL sz. Belkinika. ,(TOLBUTMM phermacol. (BUR) IIALDOR. Antal; SZABO, Zoltan Studies on hypoglycemic effects of vincamin. Kiserletes Orvostad. 12 noi-6t627-629 3) 160i 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi 3gyetom IL oz. Belkllniksja. (BLOW SUGAR pharmacol) (ALXALOIDS pbarmacol) KALDOR &ITA14-Dr., POGATSA, Gabor, dr. Data on the effect of cArbutamide on the neryono system. 02.7. hetil. 101 no,45:1593-1595 6 1 160. 1. Budapesti Orvostladousmyi Egyatem, 11. Belkliniks. (ALCOHOLIC IRMICATION exper) (CARBUTAXIIS pharmcol) KAIXOR, Antal, dr.; POGATSA, Gabor, dr.1 BUZASI, Cryorgy, dr. Data on the "cholagoguel activity of carbutamidig. Maty belorv. arch. 14 no.11-21-23 161. 1. A Budapesti Orwostudomanyi Egyetem II oz. Belklinikajanak (Igitzgato: Dr. Gomori Pal,, egyetemi tanar) koziemanye. (GARBUTAMIDE pharmacol) (CHOLAGOGUES AND CHOLMMICS pbarmacol) BOSZOfMIYIX Erno, dr.; K~~O -Anta4-Ar. Administration of steroid in necrobionis lipoidica. Orv. hatil. 102 no.44'2082 29 0 161. L Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, II Belkli*ilm, (LIPOIDOSIS ther) (HEPAM rel apdo) XUUXOR~ Antal, dr. Recent results of oral tberapy in diabetes. Orv. hetil. 102 no.49: 2324-2326 3 D #61. L Budapesti Orvostudomnyi Effetem, II Balklinika. (ANTIDUO,M4 KALDOR, A.; POGATSA, 0. The direct hepatic action of oral b7pog]ycawdo agents, Acta med. acad..sei. Hung. 18 no.1:69-72 162. 1. Second Department of Madicine..,Vniversity Medical School, Budapest. (I.Ivm pharmool) (AXMXABETICS ybarmoo3.) KALDOR, Antal, dr.; POGATSA, Gabor, dr. The effect of sulfanilylurea preparations on the glucose release of the liver. Orv. hetil. 103 no.42:1985-1986 21 0 t62,. 1. Budapesti Orvostudcmanyi- Egyetem, IL Bel]climtka. kLIVER GLYCOGEN) (GHWRPROPAMM) (PlITIDIA&TICS). KALDORI__L; POGATSA3 G. ..On the effect of chlorpropamide an glyconeogenosis tn the livar.~ Acta med. acad. sai. hung. 19 no.1:51-57 163. 1. 11. MedipWsiche Klinik (Direktors Prof. Dr. P. Gawri) der Madizihiselfen Univer'nitat. (CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM) (CHLROPROPAMIDE) (LIVER) (LIVER GLYGbGLNi) (GLYGINE) (ALANINE), (PYRUVATE-S) POGAVSA, Gabor, dr,; ICALDORP Antal, dr.; Technikai munkatarB: ROZSA, Katalizi . ...... The effect of carbutamide and 2-desoV-D-gludose on the migar metabolism of the liver. Orv. hatil. 104 no.46:2172-2175 17 N 163. 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Eaetemp II Belklinika. (CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM) (CARBUTMIIDE) (LIVER EXTRACTS) (LIVER GLYCOGEN) (LIVER FUNCTION) (GLUCOSE) POG&TSA, Gabor, dr.; KALDOR, An dr.; SOMOGYI, Endre,, dr.;,BMUS, Er2mebet. Effect of insulinp bucarban and 2 desoxy-D-Mucose on alcoholic intoxication in animals. Orv. hetil. 105 no.lOtA92-445,- 10 Mrt64- 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyl, F4yetem, He Belklbilka an Igaaza- gugyi Orvostani Inteset. HUNGARY FOOATSA, Oabor, t",Cand. of med. sot., VIZI, E.j'stilvauzter; Medical UniversfVyfot "Budapest, II. Medical Clinic and Institute of Phanna- cology (Budapesti O"ostudomanyi Egyetem, II. Balklinika es Oyogyszertani Intezet), The Effect of Hypoglycemizing Sulfonylureas on Liver Glycogenolysis Caused by Isoproterehol." Budapest A Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia V. Orvosi Tudomanyok Qsztal,)~Rnak Kozlemen.vei, Vol XVI, No 4, 1965, pages 371-376. Abstract: (Authors' Hungarian summary] The increased glyr-ogenolysis of the liver pix)duced by isoproterenol is inhibited - by: sulfonylurea -compounds which also have a hypoglycemic effect. In laree doses (0.4 U/100 mi), in. sulin has the same effect. When administered together with chlorpropamide dichloroisoproterenol, which by itself does not cause pronounced hypoglyaemJA, a considerable decrease Is noted in the blood sugar level. All 14 references are Western. [Manuscript received 4 Jun 65.1 -n-o