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YAWMR. S.D.; KAGAN, Tu.N.; PAUL'. V.1. Determinatilon of plasm parameters by the double Leneu-n.11, no.22:75-78 156. (Blectric discharges through gases) probe method. Test. (KM 10:2) (Blectrons) KR C, R N, '~J, M - SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CkRD I / 2 PA - 1304 AUTHOR XAGAN, JUX., PERELI, V.I. TITLE On the Mobility and the Space Charge of Ions in an Inhomogeneous Field. PEnIODICAL Dokl.Akad Nauk, 1082 faso. 2, 222-225 (1956) Issued: i / 195Z- reviewed: 9 / 1956 The most important interaction process of ions with atoms of the same gas Is the pure charge exchange without any important modificthtion of the velocity of the particles concerned. In some cases of practical interest the fields in the layers are so strong that the average energy of the beat motion of atoms is small against the energy taken by the ion on a free path. Therefore the atoms may be considered to be at rest, and the product of the 6-functions of the ve- locity components v xtvy'Vz may be taken as velocity distribution funetion, At first, the kinetic equation is given for the case that the direction of the field (E(z) is at every point identical with the positive direction of the Z-axis. This kinetic equation is then transformed anti adapted to initial con- ditions. The solution found is explieitly given and specialized for tile limit- ing case of a constant field E - const. Next, the expressions for the drive velocity and the concentration of the ions for inhomogeneous fields are given. The usual opinion that the drive velocity at a given point depends only on the field strength at thin point is correct only if the modification of field strength along the free path is small its against the field strength itself. In this case the expression for the drive and PEREL', V, 1. "On the Limited Movement of lons in the 'Viell-Aty a:i' a Ball?, -,r OU 1, pp 69-71, 5 ref Abst: The article exaj-,dnen a sounding balloon located irt a plasna at such a low pressure that tt is possible to d1sregav(1. ccllistozriB ot' charged particles with ato,-m of the ggm. It is ul~own thaL a limitation of movement is possible under ordinary conditions If ~t Iz mnsu:zed tiiat the potential cllanGes j;radually. C,--ienL:Lfic Notes SOURCE: Uclierxyye Zapiski Petrozavcdskogo Gas. Un-ta 0- of the Petrozavodskiy State University), Volume 4, No. 4 -- physical- Mathe,mtical Sciences, Petrozavodsk State Publis',-An,, 11 use (.1' Karel' - i3l.a:~a, ASSR, 1957 sum 1854 AUTHORS: Kagan. Yu. M. and Perell, V. 1. 51-3-3/24 TITLE: On the motion of ions and the shape of their (spectral) lines in a positive-discharge column. I. The directed motion of ions in a low-pressure discharge. (0 dvizhenii ionov i konture 1kh liniy v polozhi-tellriom stolbe razryada. I. Napravlennoye dvizheniye ponov v razryade nizkogo davleniya). PERIODICAL 'Optika i Spektroskoviyall (Optics and Spectroscopy), -303 (U.S.S.R.) 19 7, Vol.2, Fo-3, pp.298 ABSTRACT: Theoretical paper. It is usually assumed that ions move in an infinite homogeneous medium under -the action of an electric field constant in magnitude and direction. In a real positive-discharge column, in addition to the applied longitudinal field, there is also a transverse electric field and ions escape towards the walls. This effect is more pronounced at low pressures. It shows up in the pressurE dependence of the displacement and the width of ionic emissior lines when observed along the axis of the discharge tube. A kinetic equation for the ionic motion is solved to find the velocity distribution function of the positive ions in a Card 1/3 cylindrical discharge tube. It is assumed that the ions ere formed inside the tube and that they perish at the tube walls. Collisions of the ions with atoms are jaeE-lected (t_'his is 51-~-3/24 On the motion of ions and the shape of their kspectral) lines in a positive-discharge column. 1. The directed motion of ions in a low-pressure discharge. (Cont.) T = gas temperature, M = the ionic mass, k = Boltzmann'B constaLat. For a discharge tube filled with mercury at 3 x 10 4 Hg pressure, with a qurrent of 0 3 A, 8 2 -2 z = 7 x ly sec-1, E = 0.1, kT/M = 1.~ ix 10 cm sec we have, for Hg+ ions, vz = 5 x 102 cm sec _~7 8 2 _2 vz , 1.6 x 10 cm . sec The shape of the ionic emission lines observed along the tube axis is given in a diagram. It can be regarded as a Maxwellian distribution with ionic drift velocity (2xj&cm_qac7l Card 3/3 under the above conditions) superimposed on it. There is one figure a-ad ten references, 6 of which &re Slavic. SUBMITTED: September 17, 1956. AVAILABLE: ~ - 1 - - ~ I I , I ~ 1 - i , , . I 1 11 . , !, :1 1 11 ! I ! I 1 1 ~. ! , . . , I I il. .1 A i KILGLN, Tu.M. Probe measurements I& low pressure plasma [with ffwM&r7 In Maglight P*15219 Vast, L4ze use 12 xo*4163-78 157. (KM io:4) (IlectrIc discharges through ganes) M, till t I.-A N, jq, p,, q W," "702 AVMORSS 4ramav.kiy, T.L., IAkOy Trmsl X.Prt an the $"..I Alll-ci.. Conferees. .. Ga. Xlw%r.fti.m, Moe 1--c. FMOCICAL, Radiotokhnikm I dlaktr*WLkA. 1959. Tax 4. wr 8. VP 1358 (ussill AWrRACT 3 The conference# a" *rg4al-d b3r the Ad-34-MSIt- the VIAL.try at jUghor ad M.-o. 3t.t. UAL.-.%ty. 'M-- sweat Am D.AA,ty DUrlag f the a .: the 07%.". Operation of OL hrg.1 (a.. p 1306 of %he jqAmAj).&.V. X"osp"aw - The Xat~e at a Btriat*4 positl'o c.lufte. -ft. 7hecry of Prob" tar ft.x. rAg_ t &I. - "he j%.jtj,. cloo,o or a Di.4harxe % g&.- - % I - ". at the P-ea... or the Intl Annib.ilati.. *C %be X.g.tL,% I.- a. Their Cmaectr.ti.s ta Lb. C.Ima.. ---I, - -A.-^Z- S..ttrias. MiD K; AA plaa,A& R.s.aaua.. i T%~L. Ul-sovich - -1-ray L"t hy ch"gad partial " Car OacillatS." is Pla-mo (the L&mg-Lir V"6d")m and OTb* Thoax4 of Saa-lisear PL~ Oaclllatio"u. I.Q. 'D.padeace, at A. Wi7s"r-alic ad. &I-- of A P.4s* Dl"b-rg* - tka lltect.t at the 94.4tradmal. . AsA - efe-mattoft of Light $"to - the Anode of . a.. Discharge (a- v 1301 of She 44%ra.L). 0 A- *a at simary xLxt~ws or I.-% d.s. Ms4berg.-. W.6. Stpaoa~ Ad T.1 1~h-k* - -Z~m t%smoa,oaa __~ - U7G. rif..d--?': V.G._j&S&gAQy "a V.B-Azs~j- - -The P-.,jbLIj&j or Obti.- Kithay C~afttrtad Pi..AA. .. 4.T. S.Lmltskr. and lt.,X, - -3- Ch~ractar- An Zoe Pump .4 &a A leal-t&O. Vatumm lee k 4a4 0.1~%~qf~*Etmk. of leatra. La . X.6-tia . : Tiald, 121; or the gap.. b7 L.K. 6&6~ " M.A. Vkia-i~ C~Ldard Th m#ir4==t. a-tjj~ ;- rax- &as sa=Antrativa x #v z=aa at 41b. .-AlatL&A lf"I.. IF I b ppar 1p j Lt A. T __R= d~_ !! . or , j ;, . . :. , k Of 4-4ag of the Aa;; 3 -Me Br z4o".4 4p-tr.1 Lt... &. G.&-=.Zm&rSv PL.aiwa-, --.U. 14.-1.. r C.111-teae l ll~l zt kle Sao tl.u Qc the Hydr.saa &a l l A eydrg- fA~JL*J,,&~ at &I. - w3amo Proparti" At the A" Djeafteg. in " "Aampber. or Ga."'. n4 'Pr*4"t&.A of HiSk * . Tooper.sur.. 3y Mo." of Sparl, Dioakarg- 66702 2-KII20 soy/jo ALMORSS Gr&b~-kiy, T.L., Luk~y.fto~, G-1- and 3irot..k.2 X.G. T1TLRt Ii.-Port an the Soon.4 A.LI.Ui.n Confer.". a- Q-- Slectramic. r9=0DICAL: Rdio%6khnlXA I sLoktrobika. 1959, Val 4, Ur 8. vp mg - &353 jUSSR) IJL-&A&--,JLXY -ad X.G. ..I.. net. , X-ray ladL.tia. Doing pulse 0j..h.rS... Jsk~fJirabrav_aad x.M,_3,ukoMk.y. dealt with the Investi- 9-tian of the ceuer- radiation &. In abouber. with Coud ti.8 vell.. gin 41.0h.rg.. -f-A"or-Mor- at &I' !"'- ... t1S-t1-- Of the GAO 01.4horg. in 0 COULO&I Cb"b.r'. 3-p!~0q9titit at 01. - 'A Turn of Via." in Transverse l"AnOtLa ri*,d.. _!-_G~X&M&X2X_"D&ta on the Division of a C~athode 3pot an NOrcurY In A Low-pressure Art* (a** p 1289 of the Journal). Cnaland) - "A No- Theory or the Cathode Spot- It1w. C.L- I. . HydrOS.. Discharge With Stationary and PU4. La.d.". -;.G. 11skrashm!Ach an4 A"~JAbud - oCurrout DistrLbutloo, an %h. 3mxf. . of 8loctra4.. I. Zl.ctri. Pulse Di..harg.s.. _AX~a w34aa. lpr*PGrtiN. Of C- 01dChArS*8 In Low-soLtago 1. 11.1ag" countorso. I "tqzk und Y.L_GrAmxSkU - 'Cooparloon or tbV ;Mlalan Lou 1. the 1..t.pao or Itydrog" (H ned D)-. L.A. A3w_V-&A.Ra zommainicated &one results so the pro-broakdown "t Palo" at I.. pr.o.ur.s. -14 to ~.k of see. XmifurantLeft On the wav~-Ilh. phomam... $.a j.-4Le.%ArS* pla-me. 24, drv~"~ dealt with Ib* probjen or the d*S%ro1moti*m at Us. ea.F46 of Co. z I.- . .I.. dL..uargam. oconvaction Im.to6ility or & vZoese, String". Mt=-ad T-P_ - 'Theory of ^ III&- compor.tur* Pluans TUa fifth soctLon, was presidad ower by X-A. la;rta" Lad dealt w:th klghtroq~y currents in Sao**. The following potporm are ramas V.To.__$*jfi!Lt - olormation at Ultra-bx9b vr*q%mM4F pulse 11riehorse. I. Inesm (,. Q.X. ftt._~.k - of the B.."ary C.MALAI- On t"-parietfa-m &OW maintemence of miab-croquency VL*zhardeso. _z_j_JhLULLA . .1. - -Zmv.o%Lg.%L*m at, . Self-int.l..4 iatra.blzb rr=my ruloo viecharge -4 the Pr".-- of its ona Q_j__3_LW_ - -Sne. *#.Ql%. of th. Inw-tit tL.A &C it,* FarmatUn of __; Dinzit-Sone. -Caad.ctLvXty or V.Okly land..d Co'diti". of T.-I.LLam Tran DL..h-S. at Pr ... . .... mTU& r.latlomahlp between the Character- Fr.q..=7 Crr-% -4 the Direct QAX zrZx-_Tm-._wa*. analysed the at tl-. 41514- Pa--- &A ch* -Ind.- tube. 3.M._LooejLkjy and t.P.__M-AW1r.LA dealt with the PvIlo.bility of the Drab. method to hLAX-fr.quancy discharge* toee p 1238 of the Jo~b^l) Th. p.,.r b7 V. To. Hit-" at -I- was ;* 'to th, air the Itr-bjzh fr.9u.-Y pl-woo, bY a'aaMe of the stork 4fract. G.3. $*late :Lot-;I, , dO.It with 4h- P,.Ul&i& or oluCtrit fields In V &b ...... jtsc:m_.% at 1~ J"n,L&c4Q_of Rumouls read a paper entitled 'ULCU- tr.q.."y Discharges I Th* ~rh -C th. .1AAh d.woted to the problee. f plaawo and its r&dL&tLam; the sweiian 4&S Frgx'-:!= by V.A. F.%rt%-,jt, Th. 1:POXI war. r..0 -Me F -t,Al '9~rob. ..,h... f FL__ ?4.maur-Out- in ASLaa=,C ad A.G. Or plas" by M.'p. f He.. Spectrometer of the T-tait Ti.0. A.VR,,bc.. ."y - *ApplLc on ~7 AUTHOR. Kagar~, Yu. M. SOY/48-22-6--i6ln'- .( IV6; TITLM ~` ~~ mo p3Azm*,) t e in a Plasma (0 dvizhenli iono-, v PERIODICAL~- Iz-;e3tiya Akaaamii nauk SSSRp Seeva fl-riahaskaya, '958- Vol- 22, Nr 6~ pp. 702-707 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is sa-d ir. the introduction that thiis problam. 13 of greaz im- Pori;anoev but t'-At It haA hitherto not been possible to de*;e=ine thi valocity distribution of the ions in the plasma, A spectro- scopic method was worked out (Refs 1-5) for the pArpose of in- reatigating tht course of the 14mces of iona of a diacharge tube az we,11 as for the inrestigation of ion trawi ai3placemnts along the discharge axin, The ooo-arrence of o. Dopj~le-r effect makes It poasibiq to cbtaln da-ta cor~oeming the velooity of ion drifts, -he disvzib-ation of icon energy, and alilic, concerning the "teurper- a-7-ir-t" of 4-ona. In order to obtain the nectselt ad-itions of ry co diachargAs in the case of inert psen (0,1-3 torr anA up to 5% A =-1 aarrent dirzity) , a di.scharp tubt iphii~h is narrowed in the middle was usei in thin case, Diag;rnms snow the atrpendence of ion drift Teloc-Ity on preasure in the case of' differvnt ampemgetj Car,! 1/1 of tiat discharge crixTqn+, 1y. argon, kryptons amd xenon. Two furth,!r Or the Uo'lion of Iora in a plaima SOY/48-22,-6-16/28 dix~grarm illustrate the depirs3enov of the utmperature." of .,he ion. gas T on preseure adong the ',-.ube mad t1mi depeadmie of mun 'I t,=pemRre" T and thi -temperattire* of ion pL-~ T* on pressum in tla-ii cross seotiar, of the tik. -.~. Furft,-;s:-- rtitearch. wo,..Ac in -ftds ft-)13 ms car-iea o~A vrth tna dindharp 47,;:t-e t1h1c1 was widened vp tc, 4 - d 0 1,,~ L'415 n im, th-~ mi Aor-.- prob,~u vir,- f te ed V solaering. In thi i way it, wum pon3lblt- -.o m~mure crr,:mvrrr%-ri0n of the ~11 F) Nla &YJ vile k-mpe.,:fttur-? M;9 of ~,hf~ gaz (Ref 8). Th~ depenltnae of 11. an.] Te on th-9 ampump i-.Nf -.*aa dis,~harga at 6L -~ressu-r-i of p to:~-- with -:L-upect lo anor, in heri shown by ~. d--A'agram, Two f---rih-jr diagrams th-3 Points of -.hs- drif c Treloo~.ty for -n!or,. and arZon. ionk in 1heir Own. gas az well &-s in kryp)~ou and xemon- In :xmaluil.or. It ia poirtei uat Thai ',.t haA mlliher,%) b-,en posa:!~-Iet to g"-e only a qua.Utat-i-re expla:ndpdor. of the date, al-.LOn,41 for inteYft-.0mq!tri3 mea,,)urements~ cpantitative oomparlson !.;i , tomvir- -s-till im- possiblt because of the effa-,+ proau.--~,!l by dvi rareff-'cution of Card 2/3 gas d-.;ring interfermetric, meas-urment a-s well a8 becamse of the AU-2iiOiC~: 11B id OD I CAL: ABiST.d&CT. Card 1/5 Yj-1- I and Pe j.-O 1 V. I Y-an, -,"U. U1. On the Motion of Ions and t-he -hatlpe of lojiic Lin,~--:- i 11".) - J. ..n the Positive CoDimp. of .-i Discha-!~ II. Rad;al Motion of Ions in a Low-Pressuro (0 dvizhenii ionov i konture liriiy ii~ncv v pclozLit ellnom stolbe razryada. II. Radiallii:)ye d-rizheniye ionov v razryade nizkoEo davleniya.) Optilm i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol. IT, TIrr . I pp- 3-8. (USSI:i) In Fart I (Ref.1) the authors solved the k-ir-et-,,.- equation for a distributien function for ions in a cylindrical low--pr4a~ss-uru dischari-3 tube, takinf~ into account both the lon,,,,itudinal and traasvorse fields, volume ionization and loss of iori--: at the v:aIlS,. The present paper deals with x-adial -mcticr, of ions -,nd vrith calculation of the effective teT,*Tcra'.,-,iT,E- for motion of ions across the tibe. Ati. a~lf,,rc,--.Jnate 1. i i,!1 i I fl `1 1 1 lilt 4 - -1 126 On the fillotion of Ions and tli,.~ bhapu of' loni.3 Lino.-, in Wie Positive Column of a DischarL;e. II. is described and used for detei7Linotio-n of `,-h,~ --adial part of the velocity distribution fuaictlon of 'ji-o-no, in the positive column of a low.-pre s sure di~,(:Iialrre. it wa-- assui,,ied th.-It, It IOW PrO2.'jill'Of; 'rwlial part of the distribution furic~tion does no~.- dr:.,nend on the lonGitudinal field. B5, rii,~nns, of thi:7, approximate method, velocity of the drift of ionS and -the effective ionic temucrattii:o were foT_uid. as ftnictions of distance from the di,:,cha.rbe---;i:ubQ ax_-s~ An expression for the 1-ffective teuperat-ure was found. in terms of the shape of ionic linos ob~-.ei-ved across the tube. The observed shape )'L ionic lines, (urrider Doppler conditions) depond.,_- es,-.-,,:;.,ntial1y on t1ne nature Card 2/5 and lifetime of the excited ionit, state. Tl,,:-,r-3 are 51- " -1-1/26 On the Lotion of Ions and the .','hapo of Ionic Lines- in the Positive Column of a Discharge. II. two simple cases: (1) Formation of excited ions, in atom-electron collisions, and instantaneous radiation. Li this case the shape of ionic lines does not differ from that of atomic lines. (2) Forniation of excited ions occurs in ion-electron collisions, and radiation is instantaneous. In this case -the shape of ionic lines will be determined by the velocity distribution function for ions, and this, dic.,tribution r-an be obtained from spectroscopic observations. In case (2) the ionic line shape observed across the tube Ehould be stronGly broadened, compan)d with the atmi.,, line shapes. Such a broadenino, mas observed in Card 3/5 ar-on (Ref-3), but not at low pressures. No low- 0 _,~l -As--l-1/26 On the Motion of Ions and the Shape of Ionic Lines in the Positive Column of a Discharge. II. pressure experimental data seeines to oxi-st. The results obtained in this paper, wlrinC the approxiimte method, could also, in principle, be obtained from the General expressions of Ref.l. T'he authors show t'-aat for (A) the distribution of potential across the tube, (B) the radial velocity distribution of ions, and (C) the mean and mean square values of the i-adial velocity of ion--, the approximate method E;ives results which are very close to those Given by the exact theory. The approxiriate nlethod, besides being simpler to apply, has the adva.-ita,~e that it can be generalized to the case of hi0i pressures. --.L'Iie Card 4/5 2resent paper is entirely theoretical. 10'0 re is 51- 4 -1-1126 On the 1.10tion of Ions and the Shape of Ionic Linos in the Positive Column of a Discharge. II. 1 fiG-ure, 1 table, and 3 references, 2 of which are Rassian and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Leningrad Institute of Precision blechanics and Optics. (Leningradskiy instit-ut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki.) SUBLITTED: March 5, 1957. AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress. 1. Ions-Motion Card 5/5 7_1 AUT1101W Ka6an, Yu.M. and Perel', . V.I. MU: on, ~11e' blotion. of IGnt3 and the Shape of the-ir Lines in a Positive DischarL;e Column. III,, A Directed Motion of Ions in a Dischari!;e -Lt an Arbitrary Pressure,. (0 dvizhenii icriov i konture ikh liniy it polozhit- ellnom, stolte razi-jada.) R;RIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya,. 1958, Vol.111, Nr.3, pp.285-288 (USSR), ABSTRA-CT: In the preceding papers (Refs.l.-2) tile autho:!s con- sidered motion of ions in a positive column of a low-pressure discharj~e, taking into account longitudinal and transverse fields, bulk ionization and loss of ions at the walls. The present paper deals with directed motion of ions near, 4-he ayiss of' a cylindrical discharge tube viorkine, at an arbitrary presuur(,~ The method of dcaling with the problea is tiie s,:ux- as that in lief 2 Tile authors obtain ar- e:qor4cs4on for the velocity of direoted uotion of Ions ' From the expression the prcjection of thc, -j,.~locJt-y on the discharUe-tubv axis v Can bf-', foinld, For low Card 113 pressures the avoraL;e ktille, oil., ir 2: vin-4.211 ~"0110".1s, 5' pe of their Lines i~r_ a Positive On the Motion of Ions and the Shap Discharge Column, III. froia the expression obtained i-a tLis paper is given lie by 7r z = a/z, where- a is the C celerati on of ions in the longitudinal constant clectri-,~ field, and z is the number of ionizations per unit tirae. The exact value of V fo'r low pressures obtained in Ref.1-2 is given ~y 71Z = 0.69 a/z. For high pressiu,es the expression obtained in -the present paper yie Ids the value Vz = 3,'~~. ah/16u,., . where 1.12 = WIM, T -is the ga3 temperature, TA is the ionic 0 mass, and ~ is the mean free path of the ion. Because of lack of experimental data quantitative comparison of theory with experiment is not possible. The authors point ouu Lhut the resu 'Its obtained in the present paper hold only ne~ij~ tj.,e discharCie-tube axis. In the approximate deducLio:a of these results terms containing sqiam,,s and hirjher powers of the Card 215 acceleration a viere included,, 11~ was assumed that ~", !.-- 4 -`~-1/30 On tile raction of Ions w-id the LrAiav) of their Line~,, in a Positive DischarGe Column. III., either tile lonUitudinal field was small or that 1/Z -::~ X/U, at any value of the longitudinal field. The paper is entiivly thecoretical. Theia are 6 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institute cf Precision Ylechani(~,,; ani-I Optics. (Institut tocimoy iiekhaniki i optiki.) SUBUITTED: July 11, 195?. 1. Tons---Yoticn Card 3/3 AUTHORS: Vagner, S.D. , Kagan, Yu. It. , Romanova i, Ye. V. TITLE: The Influence of a Magnetic Field Upon a High Frequency Discharge (Vli~aniye zragnitnogo polys. ra vy.gokochastotnyy ra PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta,Serip- fjz'j," khimlfr' - - 195B, Vol. 1 Q Nr 2 , pp. 15-17 (ESR ABSTRACT: For the determination of the plasma parrunoters of a highfrequ~-Icy discharge the two-probe method (Refs 1,2,3) ras developed. Thij improved method was employed by the authors for meazuring the plasma parameters of a highfrequency disalmrge in a wealc field. The dependence of the temperature of the electron gas T,. and of the concentration of the charged vLrticles n on the c-.iri-ert in the solenoid is shown (table 1). Te a~ii n are average quan-A- ties obtained from a number of measur~n*n-ls and agrese Aell vitri each other. The T values Ytere determined by the methods d"crlb~--" in former papers CRefs 1 .2). The re3U.ItS obtained by the tvx) methods are, pmctioall~y, in agreement. The second method auike!; it possible to judge the presence of a Nla:xwell electron M.'stri. Card 1/2 bution according to velocitleA. The cKnmoteris tics worked olat The Influence of , a Magnetic Field Upon 54 -10 - 2-,V 1 a High Frequency Discharge by this method showed that in the plasm a hl;~-,hfrequenqy diri- charge the electrons retain Max-,,ell'3 vale ity d1stribution :A.-io in the presence of a weak magnetic field ?k . Ft may be seen f rorr, Vne, table that the temperature of the electrion gar r, r3rons a littlf. with an amplification of the magnetic field, Tbe`con,:~entralicn of the charged particles on the tube axis increasea --th nrqp1]ifica,- tion of the magnetic field from 0-50 ~'tnted by abo"I'--t 12 jiz Am unt. As already mentioned, the tot.ii~urat,%ire milties of tht e2f!.-- tron gas obtained by means of tAw L--.%--nro1)v method are d~'t.ermirlej by the distribution of the groupti according -to r~:- locities. This distribution n,. J int -V-ret! t-aat of core inert electrons, which are dca!L ,ith by Larigpuir's probe xcth~)d- There are I figure, I table, aiv'l of which are Soviet. SOLITTED: July 7, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. High frequency disoharges--.Magnetio factors AUTHORSi Kagan, Yu. M., Peroll, V. 1. 56-1-19/56 TITLEj On the Motion of Ions in a Mixture of Isotopes (0 dvizhonii ionov v smesi izotopov). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Eksperimental 'noy i Teoretioheskoy Fiziki, 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 1, pp. 126-128 (USSR). ABSTRACTi The present paper determines expressions for the drift veloo- ity of the ions of isotopes in an isotope mixture..k pure charge exchange is considered to constitute the basic problem of the interaction of ions with stoma. In connection with the problem of isotope separation in a d.o.-discharge, the question of the mobility of an ion in an isotope mixture is of growing interest. Blank's law for the mobility of ions in a mixture does not hold in this case because of the possibility of a change in charge between an ion of one isotope and an atom of another isotope. Here a mixture of two isotopes with con-; centrations 11, and N2 of the neutral atoms is assumed. The concentrations of the ions are said to be N, end, N2 and their distribution functions with respect to Yelocity are denoted by fl(v) and f2(v). The influence of the ions on the distri- Card 1/3 bution function of the atoms with respect to the velocity On the Motion of Ion3 in a Mixture of Isotopes. 505-1-191J6, consideration the collisions of the ions of the isotopes with the particles of the third oomponant. In the case of strong fields an aocurate result is obtained for the drift velocities. There are 3 references, 2 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATIONt 'Ien!mared Iwtitzte far PmaLsion %ebanies and j0ptics (Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki). SUBMITTEDt July 12, 1957 AVAIUBLEt Library of Congress Card 3/3 On Some Characteristics of the Positive Diuchargc SoV/54-59-3-a/21 Column at Low Projoures and High Discharge Current Donuitic.,j on the axis and the wallo of the tube, the longitudinal field E, and the number of ionizations, per electron for -unit of time z were dotorminad. Figure, 1-4 ohow the ourvoij of the depanilence 0 j T and n on the amparaC;o of tho diocharl-o currunt. Tho course e a of these curves on the axis and the valln of -the tube is different. The minimum occurring in theSe curves is considerably weaker on the walls. Conoontration n e increases monotonously with increaoing amporage. With risinG prevoura T decreases on U e the walls, and the concentration i=.reasaii at all amperagen. A complicated relation is observed on the axin. The temperature has a minimum at a certain proseure for all aiaperages,only at very small amperages it decreases monotonously with rising pressure. At certain pressures n ehas a naximum on the axis. The mentioned processes are explained by a dilution of the gas duriag the discharge occurring in the central part of the positive column. Thia is in agreement zith the observations made by ShWchtin. Table 1 shovis the values ccnp,ited for z and Card 2/3 On Some Characteristics of the Posit'~vc Discharge SOV/54-59-3-3/21 Column at Low Pressures and High Discharge Cuirert Densitica the value measured for E. From the me%--aremenb of the Doppler shift toward and opposite to the direction of the field the directed velocity of the ions was computod, Table 2 shows the values of A and -v z . Car-~,-e v, versus titeat: pressure has a maximum. In conclusion, the author3 thank Professor F. B. Prish, Corresponding Member of the AS USS111, for the interest he showed in the work. There are 4 figures, 2 tables, and 9 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: April 15, 1959 Card 3/3 24M AUT11ORSt Kagant Yu, M., Pere I V. I. SOV/54-59-3-9/21 TITLE: 011 the Influence of the Finite Life on the Contour of the Ion Lines of the Positive Discharge Column PERIODICAL: Vestnik Leningradskogo universiteta. Seriya fiziki i khimii, 1959, Nr 3, pp 49-50 (USSR) A13STRACT: The finite-life of the excited state of an io-n may cause a line shift if the ion in an excited state in the electric field assumes a velocity comparable to thermal velocity. In the present paper the problem of the line contour is dealt with under c9nditione which make it necessary to take the finite life of the excited ion state into account. The authors proceed from the distribution function of the particle velocity ). If a particle radiates after the time t after f(v 'V 'V xo zo 70 eE excitation, it attains the velocity v 7 + t during B zo m v this period. An expression for F(V v is found (1) for the X y distribution function of the velocity of radiating particles which in Its nontour coincides with the observe-d line contour. Card 1/2 On the Influence of the Finite Life on the Ccntour Sr-N/54-50-3-91121 of the Ion Lines of the Positive Discharge Column The expression 7' - 7- + 't P-E (2) ia obtnined for the moan z zo m velocity in the field direction by partial integration and in. similar way, the mean square valocity in the field direction: V2 v2p(vxvy,.Z)dv &, dv + 27-ICIL + 2(TIL )2 z .4 x Y z z z M M 0 It' denotes the mean 1.1fe of the excited atate. The formulas 1-3 cannot be used if the duration of the excited state is longer than the period tetwoon the collisions of excited ions and atoms. In this case the collis'.ontmmst be taken into account, howeverg formula (2) may be uzed for a rough calculation, and the time between the collisions may be substituted for 'V . In a vertical field action v becomes 0 equal to zero in the formulas. The line shift is then brought Card. 2/2 about by the finite life of the excited state. Z.,Um,-,RrrIA, V.1.1.; KAG""11, yugm. Some positive column charactPrIstics of a gat discharge at low presnurps and Inigh discharge current dannitima. Vest.LGU 14 no.16:44-48 159. (HIILA 12:10) (Electric discharges through gaeas) 2,40) SOV/48-23-8-14/25 AUTHORS: Zakharova, V. M., Kagan, Yu. M., Pei-ell, V. I. TITLE: The Positive Column of Discharge in the Diffusion Procedure PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizicheskaya, 1959, Vol 23, Nr 8, PP 999-1003 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In the introduction of the present paper some older articles of non-Russian scientists on the positive discharge calumn at low pressures are mentioned in addition to articles published by B. N. Klyarfelld. An equation for the balance of electrons and ions (1) introduced by L. Frost is given, This article in- tends to obtain some relations by Frost's theory for a compari- son with experiments, and to apply the comparison to the posi- tive column of Hg, Ar, and K. In the first part, the drift velocity (2) is given by Frost's approximation, besides the approximation for potential distribution and concentration W- By means of the latter the balance equation (7), a formula for the number of ions per unit of length of the column, and a formula for the ion current density (9) are developed. In the second part, experiments of Langmuir and Tonks (Ref 2) are Card 1/2 referred to, and the equations (11) for the plasma boundaries SOV/48-23-8-14/25 The Positive Column of Discharge in the Diffusion Procedure are given. Formulas (12) deliver the drift velocity and ionic concentration near the plasma boundary, equation (13) given the average velocity of tons. An approximate formula (16) is given for calculating the thickness of the layer. Equation (17) supplies the potential difference between axio and wall of the tube. In the third part, the calculated results are compared to experimental results. The temperature of the electron gas was determined by means of a search e1mctrode, the electron density was found by formula (18). The chargoa measured in Hg-, Ar-, and X-vapor are summarized in the diagrams of figures 1 to 3, and it was found that there iii good agreement with theoretical values as long as diffusion procedure may be assumed. There are 3 figures and 13 referencea 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 Tl off gill j...? ' ';PS is r, A r z MIEE fig tin 5 21! ~i -P:i I ------------ - -------- 5/057/60/030/04/()7/009 B004/BOO2 AUTHORS% Zakharova, V. M.9 Kagan,-Tu. M., Muatafipj_K..,S-, Perell, TITLEi Probe Measuring Under Middle Pressures PERIODICALt Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fisikig 1960g Vol. 509 Ko- 49 pp. 442-449 TEXTt It was the purpose of the present paper to investigate the applicability pf the Langmuir probe for measuring the characteristic plasma valueslat pressures higher than 1 torr. The authors derived equations (4), (5 for the ion currents directed upon spherical and cylindrical probes with strong negative charges, and their current densities (equations B-10). Furthermore, *qua ti on (11) is given for the plasma potential V . The following method of measuring the characteristic plasma values is suoggested2 a) the electron temperstvre Tg Is determined by meals of the two-probe method given in Ref * b) the electron con- centrations-0 tion!'('4)p (5) md by appi ,are determined by means of equa a Y_ ing the electron section of the characteristics. The effeetive cross Card 1/3 Probe Measuring Under M--ddle Pressures 3/057/60/030/04/07/009 B0041 ,002 sections of the ion overcharge, gas temperature, and i:oncentration of the normal atoms must be known for the determination of the lowconcentra.- tion noo . The theoretical calculations are experiment(L11Y proven in Og vapor at 10 -1 to 1 torr. Table 1 shows that the valueti noo of spherical and oylindrical probes are in good agreement with caloulattons. Further. mcre, plasma measurements were carried out in noon and argon at I to 20 torr,50,200, and 400 ma, and in Rg at 10 torr, 0.5t I-Ot 1-59 and 2.0 a. Table 2 gives the field voltage* of Be rd Ar, Table 3 the values of T , Table 4 the density of the ion currentjand Table 5 the values e of noD. The T 6 values were taken according to Ref. 14 and measurements by 0. P. Boohkova. The dependence of tho electron conaentre.tion dietri- bution on pressure in the case of lie and Ar, is given in Figs. I and 2. These Figs. show that a pressure increase is accompanied by a compres- sion along the axis, and differs for Be and Ar. The column contraction observed, and the difference between calculated and measured wall cur- rent related thereto, indicate that the Schottky theory no longer holds true for the pressures applied. The authors finally investigate the 11B Card 2/3 Probe Measuring Under Middle Pressures S/05't/60/030/04/07/009 B004/DOO2 possible effect of electron- and photon emission on the result of their method, and prove this effect to be very low. They mention a paper by N. P. Penkin, and thank Professor S. E. Frish for the interest he took in this paper. There are 2 figures, 5 tables, and 16 referencess 10 Soviet, 3 American, I British, and I Japanese. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy gosudarstvennyy universitot im. A. A. Zhdanova (Leningrad State University imeni A. A. Zhdanov) SUBMITTED: 1july 16, 1959 Card 3/3 S/057/60/050/008/010/019 B019/B060 AUTHORSi Kagan, Yu. M., Mustafin, K. S. TITLE: The Velocity Distribution Function of Electrons in a Positive Discharge Column of Mean Pressure PERIODICALi Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fitiki, 1960, Vol, 30, Ko. 8, pp. 938 - 947 TEXTt With reference to papers by Smit, Druyvesteyii, and V. Ye. Golant, the authors devote the first three sections of the presen.~ article to deriving the velocity distribution functions of electronsVin the positive columns in neon, argon, and mercury under consideration of elastic And inelastic impacts. They obtain formulas (8), (20), and (26), and ?Ascusa them. The fourth section deals with the shapes of distribution functions, and in Tables 1, 2, and 3 the measured temperatures of ele,:,tron gr.a are compared with those obtained by calculation. Moreover, the measurLd axial electron concentrations are compared with those calculated in Tabled.; 4, 5, and 6. In the discussion of results in the final part, reference is made to the satisfactory agreement achieved in the first three tables, and Card 1/2 -1~9 The Velocity Distribution Function of Electrons S/C)57/60/030/008/010/019 in a Positive Discharge Column of Mean Pressure BO*19/BO60 it is stated that the nonelastic collisions must be considered at pressures below 1 torr. It is further shown that while thore is an inter- action between the electrons, it exerts little influence on the calculation of the electron gas temperature and of the oriented velocity. This influence is discussed. The authors finally thank V. Ye. Golant and V. I. Perell for thE-ir discussion of results. There are I figure, 6 tables, and 8 references: 6 Soviet and 2 American. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universititt im,. A. k. Zhdanova _(Leningrad State University im,, A. A. ZhdanoT) SUBMITTEDi February 15, 1960 Card 212 XAGAN, TV, .' ." 07clotron resonance In germanium and silicon and the roll of negative efiective masses. Zhur.ekspA teor,fiz. 38 no.6: 1854-1865 Je 160, (MIRA 13:7) (Germanium) W1100n) (Cyclotron zboomwom) ZAIMAROVA, V.M.; KAGAN, Yu.M.- Spectroscopic determination of ion mobility in a mixture of inert gases. Opt. i spektr. 10 no.4t547-549 Ap 161. (IURA 24:3) (Ions-44igration and velocity) S/051/61/011/003/002/003 E032/r.314 AUTHORS: Kagan, Yii.M. and Koretskiy, Ya.P. - - --------- TITLE: A Direct blethod for Measuring the Mean Half-life of Excited States of Ions PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, 1961, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 308 - 311 TEXT: In this method, an electron beam is used to ionise and excite gas molecules so that ioAs in excited states are produced. If the gas pressure is such that the half-life of the excited ion is smaller than the average time between collisions of the ion with the gas atoms,and if there is a constant electric field in the region where the ions are produced, then the excited ions will have a preferred direction of motion.. By measuring this velocity one can determine the average'half-life of the-excited ions. The relation between the ion drift velocity v . and the half-life in the excited state is (Ref. 41 Yu.Kagan, V.Perell. Vestn. LGU,No.16,49,1959) v e E 2 Card 1/4 M ijll'T~ A Direct Method for .... 2-66 4 1 s/on/ft/oll/003/002/003 E03 2/4-:13 14 'where e and M ALre-'-.the charge and mass of the ion and E is the electric field. The average drif.t velocity v 2 can be measured'from the Doppler shift of the ion line, i.e. v 2 eE 6% = ~. = %- - L- c Me (2) In the present work,the authors have used the apparatus shown schematically in Fig. 1. The source of electrons was in the form of the tungsten cathode K , which was a spiral 1.4 cm long and 0-5 cm in diameter. The wire diameter was 0.25 mm and the heating current 5 A. The positive extracting electrode A I was at a distance of.2 mm from the cathode. The second positive electrode A 2 was at a distance of 2 mm from Al . The apertures in A I and A 2 were rectangular (0.4 x 1 cm 2). The collector A and the anode A Card 2/4 1 3 .2 V1.1 14 Wip !I jGG'+j S/ 05 l/ 6 1/011/ 003/002/ 003 A Direct Method for ro32/r,.3.l4 %,rare at some potential. Ions produced as a result of collisions between the electrons and the atoms experienced the field between the grids C. and C2 (0.5 mm inesh). The potential between A2 and K was about 250 V and the electron current through the Sun was about 5 mA. The field stren3th between C 1 and C 2 was 120 V/cm. The tube was filled with spectroscopically pure helium at a pressure of 3 x 10- 2mm HS). The line He II X ::e 4686 ik was investigated with the aid of a glass two-prism spectrograph. A Fabry-Perrot etalon was placed between the collimator and the prisms (spacing 5 and 10 mm). The small Doppler shifts were measured by the method described by Frish and J~agan (Ref. 5 - Zh11.TF, 17, 577, 1947)- Half-lives between 0.7 x 10-9 an&l.l X 10-9 i;ec were obtained. These are in agreement with quantum-mechanical estimates. Card 3/4 S/051/61/ou./m/oWoo. A Direct ~Iethod for .... B032/r,314 Thert- are 5.figures.and 6 references: 5 Soviet and I non-Soviet. The English-language reference quoted is: Ref, L. 1.1axweil Phys. Rev. 38, 1664, 1931. October 19, 1960 _~ Aj F C", C, Al F 4/4 3/656.61/041/003/011/020 00 9) AUTHORS: Kagan, Yu., Maksimov, L. TITLE: Transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic gas PERIODICAL: Zhurnal ekeperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy flziki, Y. 41, no. 3(9), 1961, 842-852 TEXT: Based on a study of the kinetic equation for molecules with rotational degrees of freedom, a theory for the transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic neutral gas, which is located in a magnetic field, has been developed. With the help of this theory it is poosible to derive all fundamental rules. The Dresent study is limited to linear, diatomic molecules at temperatures, where the rotational motion can be treated with classical mechanics and where no vibrational degrees of freedom have been excited. For such a case, the kinetic equation readm as follova: 8f 'Vf + a (f raf-l (2.1). Rt + v la M) - Irt lot M - [-AH-1 (2.2), where 1~1 denotes the magnet'ic'moment of the molecule. The Card 1/6 28758 9/056/61/oill/003/011/020 Transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic gas B125/BI02 magnetic moment is obtained as a mean value of the undistmrbed state of the -, x A it , 1 (2 40 denotes the Bobr molecule: Y 1 -3), where 7 - Aog/l~ (2-4). magnston, g the gyromagnetic ratio, and 9 the total momentum of the molecule. For the molecules considered the energy of the interaction between spin and axis (for sufficiently high temperatures) is small with respect to the rotational energy. Then, for M:;Of% the folloving relation holds: IZ2g 00/M (2-5) with a --St -8+1, ..., S. 3 denoter the spIn of the molecule. The kinetic equation (2.1) furnishes, in first approximationt f - f (0) [1 +~j (2.8), and maintaining the first non-vanishing terms, --0uvInT+ m IIjUA--Y6Ik'II')x 2kT ( X 'Vok + allot _ 2 61A, 'vat + (mul2O~Voj Jill- -'YX-A -F -ax-I Wr- - ---g- -w-)-xi-I - + y [MHj " f(0) = J,,T (X), W 1(0) I(D) xt) W Card 2/6 21758 S/056/61/,041/003/011/020 Transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic gas B125/B102 is obtained. In general, the collision probability W is unknown. For a small non-sphericity the following relation holds approxicately; wdr,*dr,' . tvgdo, (2.14) zV X [P, (Cosgm) + P2 (COs JFMJ) + P2 (COs P3 (C(* 91M 011)], where g and denote the relative velocities before and after a collision, do the differential elastic scattering cross section, neglecting the non-spheridity. P 2 represents a Legendre polynomial. The thermal conductivity tensor for the general case is given by: (5 =1010 I -1C01 1 T(O) Y. = k (2 kT/m) T T ), T- ~-S 1k 4 ki ki + 1 When limiting oneself to the terms with p .1 and q4-2, the kinetic 2 2 i 'HIjax va H.i equation -uj(u +M 7/2)f(0) +yf(O)l 9t k,) will have the. approximate solution Card 3/6 287.58 S/051;/61/041/003/011/020 Transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic gas B125/B102 T441 + Tt,'.Jl,, + T,'Ar.q"klrnp (3.5). K V'! 11'k (it, 1/2), Vk=UA (MI 7 1), M'), (3.6 T' = T1010. T2 = 7-LOOt, V - T"10. (3.7)- The coefficients of (3-5) are given in a mathematical appendix. The therml conductivity of a paramagnetic gas located in a magnetic field becomes anisotropic, i.e. , the thermal conductivity %ill depend on the orientation of the magnetic.,field with respect to the temperature gradient. If the angles between H and VT are different from 00 or 900, then the heat flux will have a component normal to the temperature gradient. The Senftleben effect is completely determined by the following expressions: Y,+11h (ijbik + c',HIHAIHI) Xs, (3.24) 3q' (3 + 4ijil (7 4- 47M C, 0 + no) 0 + 411) T + TP) -(r Card 416 28758 3/056/61/Oill*/003/011/020 Transfer phenomena in a paramagnetic gas B125/0102 I H 11 AXIAt - XIk (XiO11-0 = HOE,-;-+-T ~ ~C"b,, + c,,"* (3.26) and (A")' A" IP 1 .1' 5 (3.271 ;VU ~-Ba 3 A" A' At a fixed temperature, the Senftleben effect is only a function of the ratio H/p; this agrees with basic experimental results. The temperature dependence is closely related to the shape of the scattering cross section of molecules. For the change of the thermal conduotivity coefficient, and any values of 1, the following holds: AxJ_1Ko