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!NP(-,, ~/DnTt I~Ch)/EENTCI) Acc-t4' A_~6032829 r1q) SOURCE CODE: CZ/0078/661(1001007/00'3/0013 .AUTHOR: Jiskra,-,.Zdenek (Engineer; Prague); Vaci, Jan (Doctor., Prague) IDRG: none IFITLE : Plasma torch connection. CZ Pat. No. PV 290-64 SOURCE: Vynalezy, no, 7, 1966, 13 TOPIC TAGS: metallurgy, plasma torch, plasma furnace, electrode, plasma electrode ABSTRACT: When two or more pbasma torched are placed opposite each other in a *plasma furnace, the middle elecG~_d~ -ofoi~e_ plasma torch is connected with the -positive pole, and the middle electrode of the other torch is connected with the negative pole of the d-c source. The jet of each plasma torch is connected via a resistor with the pole opposite the pole connected to the middle electrode. SUB CODE: 20/ SU13M DATE: 17Jan64/ AL JISL, Jaromir, inz. Replacement of the cylindrical stone grinders ttellOstic grinding wheels, and determining t4e optimum a ing conditions 1624 of grinding. Sklar a keramik 12 no.10:299-302' lo Zeleznobrodske skloi, n.pop Zelezny Brod. JISLIN, G.M. [Zhislin, G.M.1 Spectrum of the SwAdinger operator for the multAparticle system. Analele mat 16 no.4;53-97 O-D 162. Industrial Medicino CZECHOSLOVAKIA BALIK, S.; MILOVA, A.; JISCIVA, H.; AUBRECHTOVA, M.; Institute of Hygiene, Prague. Z0_rii.7'e'rsiontot given-7. "Visual Performance at Fluorescent Illumination of Various Spec- tral Radiance Distribution." Prague, Activitas Nervosa Superior, Vol 8, No 2, Jun 66, pp 211-212 Abstract: Fluorescent light closest to the composition of day- light was investigated. Experiments were conducted with 15 women aged 20-LPO years. The best vision was obtained with natural day- light, the closest to it white fluorescent light, next was pink fluorescent light, and worst results were found with Incandescent lamps.' Best results were obtained at an Intensity of 100 lux. the poorest, with the wenkest intensity tested, 25 lux. 1 Figure,. 2 Tables, no references. Submitted at the 4th Conf. of Exper. and'Clin. Study of Higher Nerv. Functions at Mar. Lazne, 12-15 Oct. 65. Article Is In English. ROU-NIA/Gonoral Biology. Cytology, Plant B-2 I Abs Jou.- : R(--f Zhu. ...-Biol., No 16, 19518, 71526 Author : Taranavschi, Ion Tq flitroiul NatUia; i t abriela*~ Melber, Dorothon r:'Ol L C't~~Pdrhon vorsity 0 Vol Inst C. I. Pr~irhn ~n Title Cytological Resealdh- of Intorgonaric Sw--ual Hybrids) NjqoLAogilotr:iticum, Neo-Secolo-briti- cum 'and iWre-atxVihoa rass~ As: 17ell' A. Parental s Forms, O.-'7ig Pub An. Univ. 11C.-I. Parhon". Scr. stiint., natur. 1957, No 141~ .129-140 Abstract The hybrids of Nob-Aggilotriticuft (Triticum vulgarc,-Vill,- x T. durum Desf. Un' x Aogilop ovata frF= 2t3)j possess 2n 42-0 Durinn- meiosls,'abnormalities ara obsr-%,rvod, which are characteristic for hybridsi however, Card 1/2 J__L 7-1qe_fzZ Abe Jourl Not Zbw-Dlol-, No 17, 1W, 70%3- Autbor t JItarla. P.j Elxdtrm, X-; Dmtlam, 81 Doletam, I.; m9g; "A vardars, A1.1 for--, Ch. but : Am-dw AcadaW. TiU4 forAts et Otindation or rAtabollon in Croy Omp. cric Pabi Cmm. Acad. M% IM, 7. No 2. 233-2k2. Abstrwtv For purposes of st'nalating tw%oboltmqo oom =d mts, todlm4 to Z=nromm totbod, lntro&wod Into the ratics at U prsw~t Gmy ob-p,( g of lodLas dally). This emsed inaome at thA tatensIty at totab.Uw4 an OLM 9 1/2 Inerm" of Widlt and a OMADatMUon 0t mtcr*4 abrtathIMS in the blooa. la*a f. the tooW obss, affaved fm Is&~ at the omtrol grow (10 PIT ") by -n tptaft pjg=tajjCC, with 11 bl*Ar 11" vedot, am Intmas .Miuty. 3b the ,.t.1 M.,,'WwVd,.91A-r vM dabibm ad tbar won subsofunt4y offtaw Vltb tycpwlum. "W" were Do rack Ingbe in %be to~. - To. X. Dalbov ch. Omft 1 P/2 JITARIU, ~,.; ARATEI, H.; ACATRINEI, G. Contributions to the study of the coagulation process in crustaceans. Anal St Jassy 11 10:19-24 164. go****,** go 0 o 0 0 0 0 , 00000, ,0,:,*If -0 w0 o o go'booooooosooooooooo~*'It~:~ooooooooooo* 0000000 ~e lz Vs 1 9 a in !.! ! f ! N X 31 4 11 6 0 m a 6 C 0 V 4 0 A L 4 N 0 PC I I T W a A I b . . p . . , 11 a q "o m 1, Vitt 3m. ni, )No AND &IN Must 1. Gavin ~04 "190%49 1"014t Ion 040 ion g oft 'if ft 001 w0 gwmmlrwl i Ok ul 00. 0. 00. o4i 041 J-041 041 pool too, 000 3104 it go 001 100 ~OO W III ids At Vie -was 1#P AV.) t PROC1111(l. APO FOOFfill.tS ,oor.. 09 . :V _0110, The Collins of St firrouttim iii at hirptle 611M. genalysis or po"tously 00 (i. limit. jasly, Ft. jOuWY extited liver. i'Nityt *0 it I , Ion (1) and gly- 4=t 2,26,307-414(1M; p are conditioned by (19) the mulapa~-;. gmwy%6 (U) In (M ftrvWjjyjttllj(Iyt metion)vullhe distictunctionsof the hepatic CM Orathetic &ctim). (hi the medulla olikinsals, which pfavida the glycogenase with it$ lytic Inflance f the bracQ and (r) the MCMIM eeriter at the level a swelling which i's a tfolphic center for the SYnthElic RoctiOn- after tile removal of the liver. goilli I and H continued porided to 4 CCMUtiOU The death of the hcP&tic cells cOrm tion alone. i the glycogenase to furic .:3. , Fi of 1, which perruittord George papps . goo zoo fit, 00 1410 of zoo 1&00 A! woo ~O 0 S L AMITALLUOICKAL LITUMUNt C1,0511FKATH)" boo zn too -3~ _T__T,,7f a too, 113 is ---N 0 06 Is0" GlAt Kit 914 "gr, j;, n All I 1 604 0 0 a a 0 I 0 0.600010 So0 0 of 0 0 0 0 00 00 0 a a 0:4 4 0 0 0 It 0 co-O 0 on * 0 0.1111 04114400f~0000000*000000,~000 0 94 9 0 4 0:: 0i'voil'o 0 w& olit 0 0:0 a' 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 *0 0. 0#00 0*0 0 00 0 00 :see 0*0 00*0 G00::::1:::1:: vi I u 1 30 31 a a 31 37 v x a 41 Q it 64 6 -,IT 01 Aly u Ts A A*C 0 V 4 14 X L a 0 0 $u a i I uv .*, I . ~. k ' k !! . A I . . o 1"011 On .0 or 062 d6 or 992 so o-*:*-* jo 4WD 41. (.40fal J-. UOMO.Id ~UqO1 p .?Spt*Pv tq n qans Isagal"l; MAIrua Dq) 1111ja PIM ""WAS at" jo sa)Tff$==1u1 RPM umi Jana UT P-R- 61 d ;1q) rggP P- S! 1! UM-) 0a- 412 SIS"n(I 'PUIDA111 P"a" ZqMAXU3 aq) JOJ ASJM vj!drmp ja ampand nqpvq jvijv paAjmp amm awonp u1 amwal v -ndia *6aqi ul *Azmt Iq -4p MUM" jo 3um otp a3 F"tio4oid AIA=A goomp i0 spapuAs aqi Tq) D)Mpai owl no -A" lp al q*fP4'wip al pim WWUp'nv1q WPOW PJs'q- I* -IMnA Jr 00 b:i C. es 1p 00 00 00 Mi *0 06 00 00 00 td~ RUMANIA Farm Animals, Small Horned Stock Q-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol.., No 3 -1958, 12113 .Author. Jitariu,Petrp, Zamfirescu Nicolae, Alexa:Eliza -~~ar_~ui~tEda,:Popescu c., Boisteanu S. Inst .,Title s The:Effect of Iodized Vegetative Feeds oti the:'Milk -and Ovulation in She-Goats (0 vliyanii'Vodirovan- nykh rastitellnykh kormov na molochnost;~' i ovuly- atsiyu koz) Orig Pub; An. stiint. Univ. Ia si), 1955.- Sec. 2j, I No A.;.2, 18 Abstract:,Grains of iodized corn and alfalfa grow.n:on:lbts, salts.were fed 50~91. p6r'she- goat together with crushed hay for 27 da.ys..! Iodized feeds exerted an influence on fat and ppotein metab-: olism. in she-goats and produced an increase: of the Card 1/2 JTTARIU) '0. ; ALEI(A, B. Contribution to the physiological study of the single ventrible in the frog'3 heart. in French. p. 1. fiNALUE STIINTIFICE. SECTIUNEA II: STIINTE NATURALE. Iasi. Rumania. vol. 5, no. 1, 1959- Monthly List of Eart European Accessions (FhAI) LC, Vol.. 9, no. lp January 19!40. 'Uncl. JITARIU P.; TOPAIA, N.; AILIESEI, 0. Influence of magnetic fields on the dynamics of rabbit antibody formation. Studii cere biol a. zool 16 no. 3:205-211 164. 1. laboratory of Man and Animal Physiology, and the Labordtory of General Microbiology, "Al. I.Ouza" University, Iasi. JITAR1U,,.P..;, APRIGOROANI, St. Influence of the magnatie riald on tissular eloarAnCe. Anal St Jassy 11 10:9-12 164. 1, Submitted October 26-27, 1963. JITARIU, P.; TIEFCO, V. Influ-Mce of the magnetic field on oxidative phoaphorylattons. Anal St Jassy 11 10:13-18 164. ,;TTAaIU, F.; LASCU, N.; TOPALA, N. - LAZAA, 1-1~ -j- 7 A--tion of the magnetic reilds on the antitoxic m-A an-~Itetanlc immunity of guinea pigs. Studli cera bial s. zool 2.7 no.1:47- 51 965. 1. Chair of Animal Physiolrgy, "Al.I.CuzO Univei~sity, Iasi, Tagj~ 1~ and the Cantacuzino Institute, -& Submittad uctol.-or 10, 1964, JITIART, G. .1 Process of Static Dissolution of Salt in Salt Massifs by Fref;h ~hter (Subterranean Dissolution of Salt). Revista Minelor (Minine :'rournai), 4:12"IA-Dr 55 JIVA, Ioan Pub3ic control of working conditions in the,center of attention of the regional trade union committees. Munca sindic, 5 no.12:24,25-21 D 1610 1. Preoedintele G. R. S. (Comitetul Reginal al Sizidicatelor), BaCK.A. (FAUMia-Labor and laboring classes) JIVAIM90, I. Calculation of the required amount of fuel for central heating. p. B. TERTICA NOUA. (Asociatia StUntifica a Inginerilor si Tehnicienilor) Bucureati. Vol. 3, no. 40j, Mar. 1956. So. East European Accessions List Vol. 5, No. 9 September, 1956 JIVKOVITCH. V. ,w.wt*btm Studies on Simulium in T4oslavia. r. Simulium equU= Linnaeus, .1758. Bull.Ac~cl.serbe ea., classe mod. 11 no.2t44 1954. (FLIIS' simulium equittua) VO/ A,/ f RUMANLN/Diseases in Farm Animals - Diseases Caused by Viruses R andRickettsiae. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No ~, 1958, 216o1. Author Jivoin, P. Inst Title Study of Epizcoty in Aueski Disease of Pigs. Orig Pub: rrobl. epiznotol. si microbiol., 1,956, 5,, 35.50- Abstract: The examination of 8 foci of Aueski disease in pigs revealed that the basic source of infection is to be found in the virus-carrying pigs themselves. Mainly suckling piglets and just weaned young p1gs were dis- covered i-'among the dead animals. Card 1/1 9 C 0, u1 t Ruum a ni a C -Dr.- Institlite of Patholory and Animal HpriMe (Institutul de Patologie si Iriena ~nimela) CO=c-2-. Bucrurest) Problene Zootehnice si VeteriTIr, r e o j,,Li F,, 1 -Q 6 1 -pp L,,1-52 "Investij7ptions oll Certain Foci of Lentosairosis in Shr---rz)." Co-aubhors: UT(,"O JE~':*(' ,,U i~l., Veterinarim, Institute of P~ t.' o lo p- 1 h gy nnd Ir"a y ,:7iene I=uTiu 3 C -Dr. - , Ingti tute o I Patho lop.-y and Animal Hyjrie ne I u '-i~UXESCU I Gh. and Anlmal Voterinarian -Institute of Pat, J_ lo, M=Hiul 7 E. Institute of Natholor- und Ani-al I~jgiene. IvD C i"IC %a0 woo dar i a Veterinarian State Agricultura 51armq u R me crrico is de Stat) ) Rimni, cu Serat , Plo,,.;.esti Ric f- D 'PUP U LESCU , D. 1 Veterinarian, Circunscrintion of Cogeloac , (C--*rcur,-,- scriptia. Cogeleac) , Dobrogea Re * g iLme v p JWN MI. CTIORT FA, Or. TLr. ION! '!A. C., Dr, .:17DOR rmriau. ZUR"BA, L. Veter-Ii3a i m, Voteritary hnd Bioloqiwt' IT'roductu Rasemrch I=ti*M~e %11.,IL3- c "Vet I I Ii titutul do orcet&ft erin=a ai Bioprojxrat~ "Paotwix:', CPXAr.~'AA. Z., Dr. FAUR, Gh., Voterinn Un. and MIC01M, M., ra VetsritarIc'm , of Scieuti:fto. Coutrol Irabo torvlor~~,Bio- 2roelacts &akl. Driga &'0r Vaterimry 'Joe (Intriraton.1 de Control Stitatiftc al Prodi_,:3eI6r Bi6loglca 91 blealen-won- ~oase de I:= '16teri~Lar), and VOINOV, E., Dr, -of the Can-tral -~;icW_tural Re2ourch Inatitute (Inutitutul Con'tral do Cercetari Agricolo). "Ixp\~Ovencnt Of Arlime.1 Marculosis LIlerg-loal Disjroste In Rmazim by Singis an-i Simultaneous Tests Usir4 Purified Bucharest, Peviata de Zootghnie ei 'MedO2Lva_ Vat ed ILM, Vol 13, No 1, Jan 15h3, pp 5U-t3. 1/2 - ----------------- ...... ................................... j 1991 -Icta de Zoo-. -111-charest, elinie Fil ilgdecina Vettr-I.-O.-WE.A. Pey Vol I-, P) 3, jau 190, PP 5(.I-bj- %bot%,,vtt.frIutN,)r'9 2.iglish aummury modifLedl". m 0types avirilled tubarculin (,P?!)) vara rrapared; th;wt for =ajrjr'?'IS Vag atandardized to a content of 100,000 T.V./mI, and t~4at for birds -to 2 'wo. /:,4 The. results of large-satae tew;s %n oplzoo-ticili'iv difforont nnlmaln per- Iritted -,he przoticr~l aiplicaZion 6f the tubaroul-la wich PPD to cattle, piga ent birds. The, use oX PPID allowad the iatrodluotinx; cl the simultaneous testlz~i of ca+%'.a -for tuberculosis diw-wri3, bringing aboutAr. ^I'a'rl;- ficatior. 1)f the tubarculin'iaantiom, a savirg of idine and the faot that ozu"y the animala 'i3urfering from tubs-railo3iii. "I onIS th.,ma roactirZ to Ituberc-Ain-, have to be sacriliced. _ncluden I Russian, 7 Yes"zer r. axid' 11 Imm amlan referencesp 1 2/2 --JOBF 6 j o acid. ~ IV, Re. 4yg- ykC#CQ of 1 2,6411mathylpyridinium rmslo Rudoit _jt 2 ? L 41% 1111T,~ f~'~_ $ 'Oln., trod. ' ' `d , . . . . 1 ~ 4 _ !P alkali. extif At h ether, iuid 1s t d 'is Weno; at mit t. of IV 1 --JjAd and r Ch _ 2T a Li M and V, bli/54" D T ; was colhicted In i1jo Ireceivor con ' 1 0 led with 1 .. 't , Ltaidine (1) wa.4 transformed to its melhobrogW (11), which he residue (10, ry lee. ) was transformed Into 7 ~ 5 the HBr ult of the dibton 111.1 m. 195-6* Omni H10) JIZBA, JOSEFwith HCO.11 gave 1, 1.2,&4riimlhyt-li2,5,6-ictr~hydropyri- , (3,5 g.)4which, by deluilcienatlini ;vith Zn In 114i gave', dine (M), a mixt, of cis-1,2,6-irlimethylpiperi*tliiie (W)and its pure IT,. bi4i 149', dw 'O.M. ~ i'S 1.46116; Pkrale, m. trans isomer (V), MeNHI, (VI), 229-30"afromHto), 11Y&OgeShIlDil over PtO2of the HCI~ 3-melby1cyclohexanone (VII), and jV-methvl-N-(3-ntctliy1- salt o,' gave V (p&raft, M. Z14~6* (decompnjj.~ IV.-; cycloheryl)(ormamide (VIU). Reduction of I with Na yielded ch-2 64u elidin d it (IX) i HBr, In. 268-9! (from HtOH), Av~_s '2 d dib id f III i d f IV , isolated after s I,. the ! f 24 d l e an s Inins , somer W. resp p n e o a e o r , ru. : P -5 rom t 1. i ( ~i The Hormann degradation of the IH.MeBr and IV.,VlcBr 1401. Pure IV, 64 1f,"; twl from- Wdidr, m. 270' gave MesNCHMeCH:CHCH:CIINIc (XI) and . Nfev EtCfirl), Picrate of V~ 20:9.. M."i H"- (d ampa.). wash NCHMeCffsCHtCHiCH:CH: (XII), rLp, Which were obj~Ined from the moth ots- fter Mig. IV.HBr.. hydrogenated to MejNCHNIeAm (XII-1). 1 (107 g.) Vi~e base V, but 151.61, (8.5 .quits berated frori ~ 20 K.: ; treated in 600 rid. CgHs with 140 g. AfeBr gnve' after 14 pk~rate by decompts. with'HO. i7 (9.7 g.) was i8tilved: da7ks, W 9.41. HCOX (fused a^ 250*) (561 g'), 1.37 g. zto its opticM antipodes through the tartrates- c6 ),9441,i IT, and 133 ff. 80% HCO~H were refluxed inan oil bath, the NIV '-22.7* (not sufficledtly pure) and IM*, reiq)~ : V..- ~ temp. of the mixt. dropped from 167* to 10* in 40 lint. Mel. m., 313* (deconspa'.)!(frout TtOll). Reductio t:of 1 1 and 300 g. more of IICOIH was added during the reaction, with Na In EtOll Pvc it Mixt. 671 CC and X HCl Sal 56 M.; which was followed by measurement of the evolved CO, 288'. IX with Itel ga~e:][K.Afer-, in. 279* (frorn;IE ORL, . Dfstrs. up to 210* of the reaction mixt. combined with CjHj 1a and with MeBr the cort Lsponding n~e[UWmide, 280. extn. and steam diUn. of the alk-alinized residue gave I g. This, transformed to thii acetateltnd deco!npd av IV, ~ f VII, bit 65-4% b14 57-8.5% b. 164* [2,4-dinitropht)t)-thy, tuld.~: m. 231-5% IX. ' O_ HDr. m. 267-81; pier .HCi 93~ drawne, in. 164-5* (from EtOI 1)1; 2.1 g. V1. bi, 86-71, b. triturated with 1.0 jr. tmtx`o.TnaI&hyde and a few 9 10.1-7* fdinitropheny1h)qrazone, in. 177-81 (front EtOH)j; HCI gave IV after beating Io240*_1 X.1-10simiLArly 25 g. of a liquid b,. 134-6* (probably the _-V-formvI deriv. of - after heating 9 lirs. at 190!. Crystri. of V tartrate gave a ' ithl-.'IFICI VIE), which gave 24 g. VM. ZIC/onfiv(lrolysisky base, c, -1.65% 111 anO Mel gave the miethiodide which i , [picrate, in. 132-3' (from aq. FtbIf)1. From 6.1 ' - 1 f the i lib was transformed to hydroxide isrid distd. yielding XUi : R* 111"0 d i li b i t l o crate iv as erated 2.3 g. VIE, b7n 160 p te crale, in. 127 . e6 base, no (frou r,O); (P VIII and I-C,oH,CNCO guye I-P-meth vleydahexyl)-l-methyl- " 1: O.S058. nV 1.4"s7l 1. Oiiortnsysis *.of X1 gave AcH; hydro- I I-IS-W. VTII wis also prepd. by genation of XLTICI gtiv~-.KUT, btjj t62-3% . V.UeBr, ul-'~ : refluxing 22 g. Vr With 25 g. 11CONINNie aml 46 g, 801?0 2-M-90' (from MOTI). Tins decutimid. with AgOltand the 1 IICO,If IN) lirs. nt 180*, Pirrale. in. MeNift in the original renct ion inixt. it-is isobted anfl iclentified by inixt. distil., yielding X11, It. Igo', 1rPtC1. salt, m.1VI-16. i .07.0nolysis of XII gave CIT,O. Hvdrogenation yielded' means of P-'AIeC4lItSOCl. The I)a,,cs %illiell flail lint re. XIII. bta 162-3': IIiPtCJ4 mit, M. 162-39 (froin RIM). acted with P-MCC&INSO-Cl it-ere stc:iin-clistd., nud the m. Hudlicky. distill3te t1frated vvit It I rei tint] evapd, to give ilic IICI salt of 1, m. 231-2' (front Moll): r)icrato. in. jf*kl-2*. The resi- due after the crvsIn. of I.IICI w;m trcqtt:d,trith 15 g. Dr in Z, 7 7 and ~-J V; -umcnqk.','- H* h Occh to J'u led I'Z-dinjeth I fard -1,-. , . - ~13 bbt~llied-bY hk,-' to r U~ en- ti i, viz.. 40hezanone (IV),;:, drulysts" 0 c 0. Vy he last. oomod--; Jnethyl=blocy. 0 Re tie rt i The~ struc also prepd. by-the-Le n :d' d doe dei-baitl wasi proved ~ byVit. Hoftnaa Eva a JG it Mli rw~((l Zia folm b(I re 1 117 15 Wth; 0) m U 14 1 lkalhibid aRd. timiti i Vwlj~ 11 'e.tjii~~Wgl~. ow of m kwed III i 4 Ink. Vi2, :ii. ".I I!tb ba~; 87 -a, It, obli i Wo! ~JjLv Phi '~104 k4( "do 'qr ~ or,; Qf LUKES, R. !Collection of Czechoslovak C'IerrLicalEast Communication. P-Rha, Vol. 1/0, no. 5, Oct. 1954) Tf, j J B R) 5(3) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION CzElalff/2479 Ilerles, Miloslav, Engineer, Doctor,P'Polttechnic of Chemical Technology in Prague, ChaIr of Organic Chemistry; and Josef Jizb-a, Engineer, Doctor, Czechoslovak Auvademy of Sciences, LAT`�rat~ory 1Yf--Hetero- cyclic Compounds in Prague Chergie pyridinu (Chemistry of Pyridine) Praha, Naklada-tq'LbWj Ceskoslovenska Akidemle Vd, 1957. 617 p.. (Seftes: Ceskosloven:3ka Akademie Vdd. Sekee ohemick6, sv. 21) Errata blip Inserted. 1,300 copleD printed. Scientific Ed.: Rudolf Lukes; Resp. Ed.: Vgra Po5ova'; Tech. Ed.: Oldr"ich Dunka; Dedicated to Rudolf Luievs, AcaderLician. PURPOSE: This book is intended for organic chemists specializipg in aromatic heterocyclic compounds. COVERAGE- This comprehensive work on pyridine is based on the literature of pyridine and its derivatives included in review periodicals from 1930 to 1953. The monograph was planned as a (lard 1/1-be 2- -Chemistry (Cont.) CZECH/2479 supplement to Beilstein's handbook of organic chemistry, but in order to cover all possible pyridine derivatives, compounds with partly reduced pyridine,nualei and natural substances containing a pyridine ring or a partly saturated pyridine ring were included. Extensive bibliographies are given for each chapter.and- indicate wide coverage of Soviet and foreidh literature including patent quotationii. Maria..Jizbov4'---and.Bo?_~nh Ferlesovd assist-ad in the preparation of the manuscript. Engineer Doctor Karl Bla'h and. Doctor of Xedi,dihe- Vilnui Bldhov4 Ywrote the chapters on the effectio...- of pyridine En~ifieer, Doctor Jiri Pliml reviewed the manuscript and Docent iMingqr Doctor.Milos"' Hudlic4 waB technical con- sultant. Candidates of Chei4idal Sciences Engineer, Jift Jar' y and Engineer Miroslav Pergail a'ssisted in correcting the manuBeript. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Pyridipe 13 Isolation and preparation 14 C. Physical properties 16 Card 2/,~P t", CZZC11O3LM'JM1~ / Organic Chomistry. Orgl.nic Synthosis. G-2 Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 10, 1959, 34892 ixthor : Lukos, R., Jizba; J. Inst :Not givone- -nyl- 4 -Pico- Titlo :Curtain Roactions of 2 4-Dinitroph(. lino Chlorido and of 2,4-Dinitroph~~nyl-4 , /01 I-LLu- tielino ChloriCo. Orig Pub: Chom. listy, 1.957, 51, No 12, 23M-93,38, ,Ags of tho chloric.os Lbstract: Possibility of splitting ri of N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)- P -picoline (I) and of N-(2,4-dinitrophenyl)- 14 ~ /6' I-lutidine (II) was investigated under the action of oe.ustic soda or aniline. With caustic I is first converted into a quaternary base, while frou, II are formed in addition fi , 6 I-lutidine (III), and 2,4-dinitro- phenolate of*2,4-dinitrophenyl- r, 2 r:7 I-lutidine (IV). TUith aniline I produces chlarohydrate dian- Card 1/5 CZECHOS-LM`,KL1 Organic Chemistry. Organic Synt'.hesis. G-2 Abs ;our: Ref zhux-Khimiya, No 10 1959, 34892. Abstract: aration of V1 with aniline; whend'IX is! heated above . its melting ~ point-11I is. being f qrmed:., The reaction,of Il with caustic results In, the formation,of~zono-2,4-dinitroanil6-- J, -di- methylglutaoonic:' aldehyde (X) ..zelting:; point 125-1260,(from ethylaootate); froa:lmother liquor are derived-IV of.132-1330 melting,:poiat,'and III: by steam, dis~illsiiofii In he6ting!:X above. its melting .. pdiht. III ~ is f ormed j: In hep ting of X in glacial 093COPH.with~HCI (gaa):'~tra'ces of 11 are formedlo6ld reaoti'on); by Iboilin~;.:Ath HC1 (acid)~ and CH300ORM of 1709 Lael~:Lng- point is obtained* -'From:I and aniline, aft,~r i5ihours'of standing, monohgdrate_of Vj with the yield of 24 and 129-131 melting point (from a1c.) is Card 3/5 Coun'U'ry CZEC,'1OSLOV,'.1,,','Y_ Ca-'U-cf,ory: Organic C. 01-Gillic Synt Us:-.3 Abs Jour: RZ111eiL.I.; 0 17. IP/59, No. 60871 4 ,Aix~',or Lukes, R.; J1.zbn, J. Inst ------ Title Action o-1-` Sulfito on Cortain (.ur,*~cr- nary Sal-41-s of Pyridinc and 71heir Orir, Pub: Chen. lis'11-y, 15,*13, 52, No 6, 1131-113~ Abstract: In tbe actio.1 ("r'4)2SO (I) on vic. salits of quater-may bases ~II pyridinc) aid their homologues, 't;crnary bases and alkyl (or =-,~L)- -amines arc ob-ained; chlorhydrate of 'd - oXy..?,rr-- -_.iie with I forms an'lin zaid -auino-)Yridine (III), while furanyl u`.V) a Card 1/4 Country CZEC1[OSLOV.,.1_L'_ Catc(,ory: Crganic Mei,,,- Orfyomic Synt',L-s:i.s ,',,bs Jour: RZMW~A~, 7c J-7., 1959, No. 60871 izixturo ox' TISO 3 _ani- linopyridinc uid IT--p'cny1pyrrolc. Upon henting for 26 *iours at 125-1300 of 0-05 !.',Ols t: (! salt of quat-L-i-xiry base with 25 .a of 2,,;`,,1 DET and 25 --ft o-L' wAcr soluLion con-'6-ain_;_-.i3 V': 13 and 8,~ Cr73COO' :_L1 Of Glacial - i J arc added, followed by distillation of t.tQ -)yrj'.dAne bases, --,c rL!s__duc is t-jen 41 - _nlk_nlizcd I_,tj 5()~ NaOH, off the base. In t1lis f-shion were inVeSti-tod (given are: startinE s,--It, the obtained j):rr._d. -ac base, yield in I;, v.1'ry?.m.i1ne) iodoethy17-tu c):Z' 111, 11, 17-5, ethylami:,c.; bro.zio- rlethyla~c of " -picoline, (X1 --1V.col-_11c, 5,3 ; 10 -1y amine (IV); brui.;_Ouethylate of .-picol--- n-, Card 2/4 G-18 Country i CZECHOSLOVPJM Category; or&-nic Synthes;is. Abs jouir: RZMim., No 17) 1959, No. 6d8ji -picoline, Z6.5., t~;- br th Zte of ico;[ne . I on. ow - ~ Y3 '~, L hyl to of c, 2.2,,IV bko oraot a _ lutidine Mase), _V, IV; iodoethylatc of V, V, ethylariiai.-; bromonethylate of, sym.-collidine, 4.5, IV. Under the same condi- tions (but without the sulfite solution) brono- methylate of V was reCcnerated quantitativ ely, while with the sulfite solution (but without the 25ep NH3 solution) it yielded V (67.7~',) and IV. Analogically fro;.i the chloride of N-phonyl.. -oxypyridinium were obtained anilin (491,')) cnell-I (15-3~)i d from furaniline were obtained aniline (53-8';~; -anilinopyridine (1.6~) and traces of N-phenylpyrrolc; at low terVerature (16 :tours) Card 3/4 SURWIE, Given Names Countr7: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: -Got given3 Laboratory of.Hoterocyclio Compounds, Czechoslovak Academ;r Affiliaticint of Sciences (Laboratorium fuer haterocycliiehe Verbindungent Tschechoslowakische Akademis der Wissenschiften), Prague Sources Pragueo Collection Of Czechoslovak Cheialgg Communications, Val 26 me 11 NOV"Wr 1961 812% 1;5733~ Was "ReaMon of It Foftildolwde. Authors: UTUS, R* GALIK, V JIZU i Meceased LUXES, R. (deceased]; JIZBA, J.; GALIK, V. Some methylpyridin6 acids and pyridinecarboly-):ic acids. Coll. Cz Chem 26 no.12:30"-3050 D 161. 1. Laboratorium fur heterocyclische Verbindungen, I'schechosliniskLIpche kkademie der Wissenschaften, Frag. MALI= - J~Mjwlj UMNAMM-Enw- NOVOTNY, L.; ky.Lr..HEROUT, V.; SO1U4j F. Plant substances. Part 16. The constituents of' coltofoot rhizomes (Petasites officialis Moench). Coll C2, Chem 27 no.6:1393-1399 Je 162, 1. Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences., Prague. U:-- (71' V ~ -I-, , , J~~ - 6 f i o r-, of thr. drawing off cry-slal'6 on pc,vcit,,3 Chem listy 58, ilo. ~1~326-827 ~jl al"i A~Jld-mv of ",ci 1~~ JIZ131"t ' - ,'.PyrJ.&,ne and its derivatIves"'., edited by E.BlIrg, bgrg. Ravlewed by J.Jlzba.. Chem listy 58 no.9t.a'l? ~ 164. PITARMC, Vladimir; BIJDCHTA# Theodor; JIZERA Zdenek On the problem of air pollution by tare during electrolytic production of aluminum* Pracovui. leko.11 no.7.'367-368 6 159. 1. Oddeleni hygieny prace KMIS, Usti u. L. (AIR POLLUTION) (TARS) (ALUMINUM) JOACHIM, J. Balneotherapy of cholelithiasis. Gastroonterologis bohemm 4 no.2- 4:186-193 Oct 50- (CUL 20s3) 1. Of the Institute of Balneoloa of the Czechoslovak State Spa inKarlove Vary (He#A--Docent Ari Joachim.K.D.). To A C 14 1 R TI D o-a JOAOHIH, J.,Doc. KUDr. Marianske Lazne Ccaparative studies on baths in two chemically different peate. Jvysiat, vest,,~ Praha 32 no.4:108-113 Jnly 54. 1. Z Vyskumeho ustavu lasenakeho, reditel prof.' XUDr KiPrerovskT. (BALUCLOGY, peat ther., comparison of various peat*) (PEATO balneol, use, comparison of various peats) JoAamf., J. JOACHIM, J.; HAVRAMK, J.; HOMK, A. R.esults of spa therapy of ulcers. Can. lek. cooki 93 no.28:764- 766 9 July 54. 1. Z.13alusologickeho ustarn Co. statni lasni a zridol Y Karlovych Yarech (byv. predn. doe. Dr. J.Joachim), z vnitrniho 6ddel, (Prednosta prim. Dr. J.Havraziek) a chirurg. addel,, (byv, prodn, pTim, Dre A.Honek) luzko've oddeleni KUNZ v Karlonrch Vexech. (PVTIC ULCXR, therapy *biLlneother. ) (RLLNIOLOGYR in various diseases *balneother. of ulcers) JCt-.CHIIV. Jirl-. blood ))r(-v..s,;Lre chane- 3 to aul-onm:n-as reactivity L-, -Lelatiins of ~-e patientz with -kypertem ion fttrinp 002 baths. Can. le1t, cenk. 96 no.29: 917-920 12 July 57. 1. Vv-'-,timRv ustav balndologicR7, T.,ra?:oviate v URrianslqvch TP-mich, reditel Prof. MUDr W. Prerovpky. (IMPPE'RTIMISIC'.1, ther. carbon dixi-ide baths, rp'lation of 'blood Dresnurn chames to autono--ous ITS renctivity (Oz)) (GAMOT; DIOXIN' I, ther. uf;o baths in kyvertensior. & nenroc irmu In tary asthenia, relation of b1cod pres-mra ch!tmzes to autcnomoup NS reactivity (Cz)) (N-WROGIRCUTAINly Arlrt!RPTIA, ther. carbon d1oxide bathv, relation of blood 'pi-essure clianpos to autonormuT ITS renctivity (Cz)) UuTommom "mmus, .f-.",~"-hypertentrion,'eff',,.:~:Of carbon dio:~Ide baths 8: relation te eff. on biood-orevrtre (Cz)) TZ; r:~~ v3s;Uy' Emil; J0-k":I!-II" J StatiotiC,11 S';Ild.It Of OffeCtF ~,f AITrxnheric-. frontr on i*-)(trtension, Cas. lek. cc.~0?'. 96 no.291911-0/hO 12 J11"j, 57 1. Vy-4-nimny -.-,Zt--v pm~nviste v Moxtaim1c:ich n v Prsrse, reditel nr,)~'. MMDr Kerel (,n,*.-", 1,1 Mr-Is ION, -DhvFi~J. .?ff. of atrws-he-Ac frontr. of Atirosrhr-!i f ront!- orn hyp,~rtenvion (C!-, eff C 11:1111 fl ir cr 4.1jil, 1 itmry Q! t1K. (w, KII M, JDACIIII. COX. Pelf. AM (1950 h) Occh. DO rW I OnOdMOR, the of tile A Ouble.. 4 flallic gonlonicier. the Author delils both Mil l Ihd~:j _V. AV a errect, or tile roiitimaoil or tim ditto W:I%,t:, the %llyc refict:(cri on jnllq~or various coothictivilicl with -tcrolmlat c houild be obtaincd, it: xecoridal or~ floitillary millhim 111gaill Iwo) ard y Acted by the same errorns %vould timit with d I shvIc-framic Conloracter, \Vhcn lite: absolute con-1 ductivity fund is;coosideredi I%vo mixiliaiy, of the Urt ffibliuMV, scontrited,by,ml 11116,10 t). are oblahmi., III 'r. this case tile Value of tile error Is flot it fuliefloll of the ' tlw 4 ininima..] i- licipfit.abova ground-or tilt: rtartic, . ste 611 illaip. The principal maxinm om ~iiciicr, ~ lie or ilia w-phimif auxillary mici smMlicr In the com, 1101110cr. Which Incan't 11111t, the CoOlal fristrulm,"tI hmom accutale. Above a-Vound rif noll-honlo. gcniclitis composition, the ctror of I Ilia lithic, mininta rcmains always 7.cro and the minhim .lie sharp. but ft poillion or the auxiliary mlivinin 13 n.i function or the choractcri-Aks or the grnwid und, tilt height above ground-tif the ri-anic. Thc ciTc Cis or tile. charactcristici of the: ground are InbUlata, 'llit- o4i- - I tactical results confirm (lie *Ory; 11, JOACHIM, M.; CARA, V. Vol. 14, no. 5. may 1953. SLABOPROU91 OBZ0R Development of high-cayacity tranemitters in the USSR and Czechoslovakia; on the 30th enniversary of Czechoslovak broadcasting. P-0 234. -J-zl Saviet technology, an to be follaved in the development of our c:ommunication industi-y. p. 1:57. (Slaboproudy Obzor. Praha. Vol. 114, no. 11, Nov. 19.53) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions) (MM), Ik;j Vol,, 4j ItIo. June 1955, Uncl. JOCHIM, H., Inzhener. 31adio amatewol-movement In Czechoslovakia- RAAiO rio.?.-*18-19 Jl '54. Om 7:7) (asachos I ovak-la-Amat our radio utationat) (Amateur 'radio stations-Machoslovakla) JOACHIK, Hiroslav, Inz., Dr. World conferences of the International Teleconrunication Union at Geneva. Slaboproudy obgior 21 no.5:300-304 My 160. OEM 9:8) (International Tdec ownmication Union) (T61ecommication) Im- -MIMUR man I M A1X_1qR_tArS0327579 SOURC -E CODE: CZ/0039/66/037/009/0569/6612 AUTHOR: Joachim, Miroslav (Docent; Engineer; Doctor) ORG: none TITLE: Increasing the accuracy of long-term predictions of ion2pp~eric propagation f decametric waves SOURCE: Slaboproudy obzor, v. 27, no. 9, 1966, 569-57 42 TOPIC TAGS: ionospheric propagation, ionospheric propagation prediction, decametric wave ABSTRACT: Methods of ionospheric cartography and various phases of its development are discussed. On the basis of original studies of correlation between various principal characteristics of ionospheric propagation, the author demonstrates the degree of accuracy that may be achieved at present in predicting their values. Finally, he investigates certain means for improving ionospheric predictions. Orig. art. has: 10 figures and 6 formulas. [Based on author's abstract] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ SOV REF: 001/ CITH REF: 010/ Card 1~t~ UDC: 6 21. 3 96. 11:551. 51 WACHIDIII'AK, J. JOACHIMIAK, J. Thermoplastic materials and methods of Erocessing them. (To be contd.) P. 329. Vol. 7, no. 12, Dec. 1956. GDiIE2. Iodz, Poland; SOURCE East European Accessions List (EFAQ Vol. 6, 'o. 4--kri:r- 1 1057 FISCHM, A.; KIMUTOVA, J."OA99MMALER, F.; SUKOP, J. Studies on muscular coordination and on its changes following exercise and fatigue in work and athletic performance. Cook. fYsiol. 8 n0-3--187 Apr 59. 1. Tyzkumny ustav telovychovny, Praha, Prednesene na, III. fyziologickych dnoch v Brne dna 14, 1- 1959* (PHYSICAL 3FFIC13NCY, eff. of fatigue & work & athletic performance on muse. coordination Oz)) (MORRO ISA, eff . on muse. coordination (Oz)) MERHAUTOVA, J.; SUKOPq J.; tech. spol. BAIMSOVA, S.; JUR0011A, I.; MOLDRIKOVA) V.; STASTNA, J.; ZBUZKOVA, B.; NIVICOVA, 'E, The effect of athletic education on the physical. development, functional condition and sporting performance in the youth aged 1.0-12 years. Cesk. hyg. 7 no.2/3'-145-152 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav telovychovny, Praha (GROWTH in inf & child) ~PHYSICAL JUTITESS in inf &:child) (SPORT MEDICIIQ (PH)BICAL EDUCATION JXD TFAINING in inf & child) COUNM 1, CZECROOLOVAXIA H aAMKM~ t Chemieal Technblogy. Chemical Products and Their APPlication. Safety and Sanitation. AM. JIOUR_ *.. Fa2gXhim.. No JTp 195% N64: 61342 AUMM :,Huzl, F.; Joachimsthaler J ;SyRora, J, Chronic Poisonong with Irsenic oEa(;. puB, rracovni lekar., 1958, 10, No 5, 422-4,.14 ABSMCT A workman that. in.,the course. of 35 years w%B in contact with A92 As 0 and others (bai~ioal;ly in the manufacture of' R2464 by the chambb.:r met,bod) is &.subject to, the motor-and sensory damages" -the of peripheral nervous, system,! Io paresis'. and; ;Mtrliphy of. muscles comprizing ~the upper extremiti"O's, to - hypercer.atosis, of the skin of. upper and lower extre-mities, to byperpigmentation of shin' to. head- aches, weakness, sleeplessness, absence of apetite, to neurovegetative transformmtions, to irritation of the conjunctive, conjunctivitis, to irritation of the tipper resperative ducts) chronical Card: 1/2 RUZL,Yr.; 4MCHIMSTRALIR.J.; SYKORA,J.; SYBLIK,J. Lead poisoning in ceramic industry. Pracovni lek. 12 no.5.-256- 259 Je '6o. 1. Oddelenl chorob z povolani YN v Plzni, prednosta kand. lek. ved MUDr. Fr. Hnzl; Pracoviete doroatoveho lekar*-HM:-r'Pl:sini MUDr. J. Joachimsthalera; Pracoviste krajokeho lekare pece o zavody MUDr. J. Syblika. (LUD POISONING) SPUNAROVA, 5.,;JOACHIMSTHkLXRj F. Blectromyographic study of a complex movement habit, Cook. fysiol. 9 no.1:57-38 Ja 60. 1. VyzktLmny uotav telovychoyny. Praha.- (NOYAMTS pbysiol. ) (IMTROKYOGRkPRY) JOAO P Given Namaa Country: Czechoslovakia Academic Degrees: 32pAKtriept of Oc ti=l Diseases State Faculty Hosipital (Oddeleni. cborob Affil i ation: =& - Z'POVOlani 5tatni fakultni nemoanice) Chief Dr Fr. RIM; Plzen Source: Prague, Pranielcy Lekar) Vol 41) No 15-16, Aug 21) 1961; P?702-706 Datm"Cl-ironic Poisoning with Lead and Edtocal Spofa in Pregnancy" HU~L,Frantisek; MD ji-BUHZY, PInD Gpo 941643 CZECHOSLOVAKIA JOACHIMSTHALER, J; HUZL, F., MD; SYKORAq J. Ward of Occupational Diseases and Toxicol:ogy,SFN), Pilsen~ (for all) Prague, Vnitrni lokarstvil No 8, 19631 P!, 797-799 "Acute Dichloretullylene Poisoning." HAGI;-PARASCHIV, A., assist. PrOf-,* SMIONESCU, Vaoilica; NICULESCU, St. I.; JOANDREA,, Claudia; R&DU-IXAM, Sorina; STROESOU, N. Histologio, data on the macula denea in the nephrim. fhnmnian M Rev. no.40-14 161. (KIDNEY anat. & histol.) 12~ JOANOVIC, Cvetko M.1, ing. (Beograd) .:hl- - Ultrasonic welding. ZavarivanJe 3 no.6:11.0-112 Je 160. 1. 1,14asinski institut Srpskt- akademije nauka, Beograd. JOAMIJIG, 07etko,ing Exhibition and congress of the German Federaticin for Welding Technique in Essdn, September 1961. Zavarivac 6 no.2/3t68; 161. I-QANOVIC, Ovet2co, inz. (Beograd) Gluing of metallic constructive elements. Zavarivanja 5 no.9/10:234,-., 242 N 162. PMEKSIC,J.; VUCKOVIC,S.; DOGICMC, Dj.; JOAIIOVIC,T.- IJIMC,F. Modern active psychiatric therapy of tuberculous mental patients. Neuropsihijatrija 11 no.1:97-101 ~63 1. Psihijatriska -bolnic4 uloviniq , upravn'lk: priat drg-' Muckaric. .4 1, JOAVINA,, V.; DUMITRIU, N. The role and the principal-taoks of the trade-union cashier. Muca sindic 6 no,6*.9-12 A 162, JOB 10 1, TAMZY T. "WAWA= Ultrahangok hatasa a typlnw bacMus antigenjoire. Ii. Imunizalael e9 fldkku3=io9 klaer2steks LF-.qoat e uliWam- sounds on Us antifpne of typhoid bacMue, II. Immunimpe tion and flocculation expeA;=ts 3 v3 2951 P. 184-8. 7 Kinerietes mmostu4, Doctors. 2, PbVsiao ImUtate, Budapest R*Oodl Mdver- sity and Hmm TherapoiAica D%mrtmntj, the Stote PIW3m" tic Vaccine Production InstAtute, CLML 200 10, Oct. 51 JOBAHAZI, J.; ZOLTAI, Z. . .........I "Effect of the free-cyanic content of the bath for the rWDid process of coating with copper on the current efficiency." -o. 1-61 GEP. (Gepipari Tudomanyos Eaesulet). Budapest, Hungary. Vol. 11, No. 4. Apr. 1959 Mont)ily list of Zast European Accessions (WAI), LC, Vol 8, No. 8, August 1959 Uncla. JOBAHAZI,, Jeno,, dr. . ...... ... Remark about Istvan Kalaszi and Zoltan Toth's communication entitled "Experiences with the use of the Hungarian-made cooling-lubricating liquids." Gep 14 no.12:488-489 D 162, 1. Autoalkatreszgyar. JOBAHAZI, Jeno; ZOLTAI, Endrene Carburization atmosphere of gas cememtation furi1jaces, with direct feeding, operated by liquid hydrocarbom. Koh lap 95 no.3:123-128 Mr 162. I I JORAHAZI Jeno I X-~~ New Hungarian motor vehicle service equipment, Jam. me2o gap 7 no.11:433-436 160. JOBARAZI- Jeno Protection against corrosion of unpainted compment parts made of steel during their process of manufacture ajid storage. Gepgyartastechn 2 no.2:51-55 F 162. 1. Autoalkatreszgyar. JOW.HAZIp Jeno, dr, Performance of 00 absorbent in traditional gas an,ayou. Koh lap 96 no.3-1022-525 N'63. JOFAEAZI Jeno, dr. tkvw devices and Improvemantft in "he No'la, X motor se!:,vlce Installaidons in Hungary. Jarrml mozo gop 1-1 1!( Mr 164 JOBAHAZI, Jeno Comparative investigation of the CO absorbents of the classical gas analysis. Magy kem lap 19 no.6:334,-337 Je 164. 1. Autombbile Part Factoryp Budapest@ JOBAHAZI, Jeno., dr. Gapacity of the CO absorbents in traditional gas analTois. Koh lap 77 no,1:52-55 J064. JOBAHAZ19 Jenop dr. Experlment3 for Increasing the output of gas carbonization furnaces with direct feederso Koh lap 97 no.lOt482-486 0 164. j 6 //,v :.o.h:?2h-2 7 --I- p 1 - 10 1 cc-itrolleet. wilue of br-.-?nchos,-c~-%v (Cz ~y JOBAUK, Bohuslav Anesthesia in bronohoscopy under controlled respiration. Ceok. otolar.,9 no-5!263r2~5 0160, 1. Ilini)m chorob usnich, toonich a krouich lek,fak. v Bras, prednosta prof.dr. R. HladI7. (BRCHCHOSCOPT anesth & analgesia) UHLIR, J.; POTHUSIL, B.; HWL, J.; JkBAMX, B.,-_~AGEK, Mo; IWORAK, Jo,ins. Contribution to the problem of terylene tissue prostheses. Rozhl. chir.39 no.11:721-726 w6o. 1. 11. chirargicka klinika v Brne, pre&nosta prof. dr. Jan layratil I. -oatologicko-anatomicky ustav v Brne, prednotita prof.dr. Jaroslav Svejda. Vyzkamny ustav letarsky v Brne. (ARTERIES sur93 UHLIR, Jaromir; RANZL, Josef; POTRUSIL, Bohumil; JOBANEK, Bohuslav An experimental contribution to extmcardiae circulation. R(4hi. chir. 40 no.7:433-438 J11.61. 1. 11 chir. klinika v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. Jan Havratil. (HEART MECHANICAL) BEDNARIK, B.; ATANASOV, D.; PERESTY, S.; JOBANEK, B. A simple method of anesthesia with the aid of a respirator in experimental animals. Sor. med. fac. med. Bnxneri. 35 no;3t93- 98 162. 1. 11. chirwgicka klinika le~arske fakulty univeirsity J.E.Purkyne v Brne Prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jan Havratil. (RESPIRATORS) (ANESTHESIA exper:i (SURGERY OPERATIVE exper) POTRUSIL, Bohumil; UHLIR, Saromir; IW4ZL, Josef; JOB='Kj Bolluslav - - --------------- Anoxic cardiao arrest in experimental aninulls. Rozhl. chir. 41 no.5:319-324 MY 162. 1. 11 chir oka klinika v Brne, prednosta prof. MUDr. Jan Navratil. 790XIA exper) (HWT AIMST expor) LAINOVIC, Cedomir; MARJANOV,. Dusan; qYjq,,, Aleksandext STOJANOVIC, Irina Stein-Leventhal syndrome. Srpski arb., celok. lak, 91 no-4: 427-432 Ap 163. 1. 11 interno odeljenje Gradske bolnice u ZOMUMI (Beagrad) NaceInik: dr Cedomir Lainovic Ginskoloako-akuse3-sko.oeteljenje Gradske bolnice u Zemunu (Beograd) Nace2nik: prim. dr Dusan Kusovac. (STEIN-LEMITHAL SYNDRME) HMVATH, 1kre, okleveles foldmaromernok; JOBBy Jossef, okle,7-eles foldmeromernok. Fationwide Conference on Mine h%rmying in peca. ftly lml) 96 nolZz96Z.-964 D1,63. Abstract: (Authors' f the aortic wall of nonftal (child and young lagen and elastin fractions 0 adult) and arteriosclerotic humans was compared. The measurements were made with the adapter of a Hilger .9peotrophotcmeter using 365 mp exciting filter. It was found that, in comparison with the normal aorta, there was a large increase in fluorescence values in the arteriosclerotic ones, The mean de- viation was two-fold in the collagen fraction and four-fold in the elastin fraction. In the two separated fractions of elastin, the fluorescence values of the highly elastase-soluble fraction worn seven-fold, those of the more resistant fraction were about three-fold in comparison to the normal aorta. The study of the correlation between the degree of arteriosclerosis and the fluorescence Indicated that the total fluorescence as well as the fluores- cence of individual fractid"Minareases steeply, and rapidly with the APpear- ance of arteriosclerosis. With increasing severity of the acleroals, there is no proportional further increase in fluorescence, 1 Hungarian, 13 Western HIRIGARY _A edicalUniver- BANGA, Ilona, MAYUTH-PALAGYI, Jolanda, .PDA",, A j F sity of Budapest, I. Institute of Pathological Anatomy'and Experimental Cancer Resparch (Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, I. Ez. Korbonctani es Kiserleti Rakkutato Intezet), and National Institute of' Dermatology and Venereology (Orszagos Bor- es Nemikortani Intezet), Budapest. "Relationship Between Fluorescent Substances and Arteriosclerosis." Budapest Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum Hung kricae, Vol XXX, No 1, 19~6, pages 79-89. Abstract,: [English article, authors' English summarj madified] a) Specific fluorescence was studied in the collagen and elastin fractions of normal and sclerotic human aortas. Measurements were made at 365 m4 with a Hilger spectrophotometer and appropriate adapter. The specift.- fluorescence of sclerotic aortas was considerably higher than that of normal aortas, b) Fluorescence of the protein of sclerotic aortas was increased two-fold in the collagen fraction and four-fold in the elastin fraction. When elastin was separated into two subfractions, the one better soluble with elastase was found to contain seven times as much fluorescent material as the normal aortic wall. The elastase-resistant fraction showed a three-fold elevation. c) Study of the relationship between extent of artericsclerosis and fluoros- cence revealed that both total fluorescence and that of individual fractions showed a sudUen increase at the time of appearance of the sclerosis without further elevation which would have been proportional to the degree of sblerosis later, I Hungarian, 12 Western references. [Manuscript received 10 Jun 65,1 PFTHO, Erzai; JOBBACTY, Kalman, ujitasi eloado Lat u3 introduce Kalman Jobbagy. Ujit lap 1.7 no.7:8 13 Ap 165. HERR, P.; 13AIDG, S.; JOBBAGY, N. Zomparlson of conduction and surface anesthetics on isolated cornea. J Acts. physiol. hung. ll(SUPPl):93-94 1957. 1. Pharmakologisches institut der Medizinischen Universitat, Badspest. (AIMTHITICS conduction & surface anesthetics,; comparison of speeds of infiltration & diffusion on iaolatedcat cornea (Ger)) FUNTGARY ISSEKUTZ, Bela, Sr., JOBBAGYI. Nadi=, KELEMEN, Eszter, QSZWALD, Edit; Medical University of Budapest, Institute of Pharmacology (Budapgsti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, Gyogyszertani Intezet). "Thiazide Derivatives Having an Antisaluretic Effect." Budapest, Acta Physiologica Academiae Scientiarum HunL~ricae, Vol XXIII, No 4, 1963, pages 407-413. Abstract: [German article, authors' German summary] Eleven thiazide deriva- tive4 with no or very weak diuretic action, have been imrestigated. Of these, K-35 and K-1372 exhibited a weak, while Szi-1181 (bis-3,'3,7,7-cyclopentamethyl- ene-4,5,0',7-tetrahydrobenzol-l,Z,4,9,8,6-dithiadiazine-1.,1,9,grtetrox'Ide) exhibited very strong antisaluratic action. The Na/K ra:lAo, similarly to aldosterone, is lowered by the latter compound only. In adreaalectomized animals, Szi-1181 is ineffective. This suggests that aldosterone is necessary for its action. The antidiuretic action of vasopressin is not increased by Szi-1181, although the action of Szi-1181 can be inhibitad by mannitol. 2 Hungarian, 6 Western references. 1/1 QBB.AGY~..U. The effect~iof reserpine-on the action of analgesicia. Acta Phyoiol. hung, 13 no.2:171-m178 1958. 1. Pharmakologischas Inatitut der Mediziniachan 'Universitat Budapest, und Pharmzeutisch-Wisseilachaftlicho Abteilung deo Ministeriums fur Gesundheitew,asen. OSS L',M, eff. on actionof analgesics in rats (Ger.)) IWISICS AIM ANTIPYRETICS influence of reserpina on action of Alialgesics in rate (Gar)) 2173 I-OBF . K. ~- ik, R., An exhit2t-l-,nn Ir. th& city of Eydgosz.~7, Frzegl ge,d 35 no. )t219 ~tr 631. 0 The -bm&ul cwpcoildail ad bWqW rok of (at to UAILIQUIC stittlisillm. 1AszI6 Lajas, ft_ "obst, "xitt Kkoly 134CS6 (Vaiv. Pki, flung.). A I es fiddow- day 2, C1-W(I9W).-Thc dry mattcr of WOR atilt 11:1c) exts. of 100 amplatts gave the following analyses: tlkt 10.0-10.9 (RtOH). 1.04-13.2% (EtO); acid no. 3." 1 O.n-0.0; =pan. no. 139.6-146.8. MA-158.5; vxW i;'A 135.&-143-2. 153.4-15&5; 1 no. 50.7--61.7. 36.5-42.6; tin- sapoeffiallic 12,2-12.9. 10.8-12.3%; free cholesterol 6.10- 6.M. 0.0-0.0%; bound choksterd 2.9-3.4. P 1.6-2.8, 03-1.1; N 1.9-2.4, 0.0-0.6; S 0.0-0.4, O.",81ro. Atanions belong to 2 types, type A with 10-10 ir. veraix. type D without vernix. The fats In amnlonic epithelkint tand in vernix cavom are of similar qual. and q Unt. cougin. lip The, UpIde mitiout of the amnlotlis rumbrent end the .production of remix cuso". L. IA K. , X IlAcsi5i (Univ., Pks, Itung.). J. Bill, 57. 783AI950).-Arankmu In mes of which nt ivirnix is found on the newbom contain con- = pides thin those of deliveries with no vernix. hi, di is due entirely to the &ScAnsol. ether-sot. a4 fir etkm. in the amnletic livides from cates with ito vvrni% it Pignifmint amt. of S-contg. ,:tLphatides and arnino-phm- phAtisfirs were present, Nat nitins of deliveries with atitindant. vrrtiijt they were ahtent. Rachel firown L&JCS, L.;, JOBST, K.; BACSO, K. Relation between the fatty content of.the amniotic epith~-Iium and the quantity of the vernix caseose. brv.hs,til~ 91 no.20: 621-624 14 My 150. (611L 19:2) 1. Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic (Director - Dr. laazlo Lajos), Pecs University. JOBST, K. Ultramicroocopical structure of the fibrinold degeneration, Act& morph. hung. 4 no.3:333-344 19e,4. 1. Institut fur Pathologische Anatomie der Med1stuRechen UnIversitat, Pecs (Torstandt Profs Gy. Rombanyi) OMIN fibrinold degen., polarization mieroscopy) (HICROSCOFT polarivation, of fibrinoid degen.) MATTYUS, Adorjan; JOBST, Kamer Histoche"m~l'cul'~b,ti4elore"rtpfaundler disease (gargoylism). Mea. Tudom. Akad. Biol. Orv. Oext. Kossl. 8 no.1-2:69-72 1957. 1. -A Recoi OrvostudomatWi Pql3retem*ldAg-Xlmeklinikaj& as Korboiictani Inte~xte. (LIFOCHONDRDJ)YSTPDPHY histoeb4sm. (Hun)) v-v-x qj e- r- TOMPA, Sandori Dr.; TOBST, 42mer, Dr. Agammaglobulleeria in a Whipple's diseajp~-Iike syndrome. Magy. belorv. arch. 10 no.4:.97-101 Aug 57. 1. A Pecsi Orvostndomanyi Rgyetem II. sz. Belkliniks~ (igasgato: Hamori Artur dr. egyetemi tanar) es a Pecsi Orvostudaminyi Egyetem Korbonctani Intezet (igasgato: Romhanyi Oyorgy dr. egyatemi tanar) kostlemenye. (LIPODISTROPHT, case rel2orts intestinal, agammaglobu"Linemia in Whipple's dis.-like synd. (Him)) (GMMA GLOBULIN, def ic. agammaglobulinemia in Whipple's dis.-like synd. (Hun)) JOBST, Kazmer, Dr.; KASZA, Gyula, Dr. Arterio-mesenterial duodeum obstructions. Orv. hatil. 99 no.33.,1329- 1132 17 Aug 58. 1, A Pecsi Orvostudomanyi Faetem Korbouctani Intezetenek (igR,2gatot Romhanyi Qyorgy dr. egyet tanar) kozlemenys. (INT.ESTINAL OBSTRUCTION, case reports duodenum, arterio-mesenterial (Hun)) JOBST, K. ------------- A new agent for the deproteini,,ation of deoxyribonucleic acid, p.62 MAaYAR WIIAI FOLYOMAT. Budapeets Hungarye Vol. 65., not, 20 Feb. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEA ), LC. Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1959 Uncl. BOMMSZKY, Gyorgy, Dr.; JOBST, Nazmer, Dr. llr-------~-it'g~.,-~~fK,.A"~t- Cases of dissecting aneurysm. Orv. hatil. 99 no.46:159-S-1597 16 Nov 58. 1. A Pecsi, Orvostudomanvi Egyetem L S2. Belklinikajo,nak (igazgato: Angyan Janos dr. egyat. tanar) es Korbonctani Intezetenek (igazgato: Romhanyi Gyorgy dr. egyet. tanar) kozlemenye. (AORTIC ANEWSH, case reports dissecting (Ran)) I JOBSTAame.Ddr-~ WMT-TA Otto,dr. Omlosis In an adult subject. Orv. hetil. 101 no.12:411-414 20 Mr 160. 1. Pecol Orv-ostudomanyi Xgyetem, Korbonctani Intezet. (OXAL&TES metab.) (UREMIA pathol.)