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JAUMIEN, Franciszka; WIACKOWSKI, Stanislaw The strawberry peat Stenotarsonemus pallidus E~nks an~ its control. Rocz nauk'roln 161. , II I I ! , tI! ;I r I! "A'C\~-A, J. ibe i;resent state and future tasks in the a;.-ainst sle-in -im: venereal disease P. 333 ( 'AiMsterstvo zlrav,)tnicitvi a Vyzkunny ujtav or,,anLsace alravotnietvi) Vol. 5, 'No. 5 ',!a.v 1957 Praha, Czecholsvakia SO: Monthly Index of FIst European Acessions (.;,EAI) Vol. 6 No. 11 'November 1957 JAUSZ, E. 'More frequont defects and their eliminntlov In tho selectIon and installation of equipment. p. 33. (MACYAR MOTIKUSOK LAPJA, Budapest, Vol. 10 no. 2, Feb, 1955.) SO Monthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. h, io. /11 ',an. 1955, Uficlassified. JAUSZ ) E. Fittin,,I,-s in the chemical industry. p. 65. MAGYAR KEMIKUSOK LAPJA (Magyar Kemikusok Egyesulete ) Budapest. Vol 11, no. 3, Mar 1956. SOURCE: EEAL, Vol 5, no. 7, July 1956. T T- C8 L/ oD8 3 A C: EEG I I- 'I --n c Z. x-, t,UTHOR - Rorovi k- Romp-nol,,, A. S. T JY, Lineex magnetost-riction in qjitt4 -f-I r-r -qAmmt Lrvi Temp~eratljre Pnys.icr,. and Techr6yties. Prasu-e 191;3. ng -ZI 1-.9 F'r qa'.] e, Q i _,_St, fil,,t pie, jnc-fllJu;,-vL en% *f 4#~~')Tva- (-aoaci"-:)r Method of 7'! c T. T I L 59568-65 ACCLSSION MR: AT5009,41~0 if- Is vonclutied that tlic- W,:udy I cz;z-rTF.~e vas not, riing"e-domain. 7 Y5.p-,IA usen-a.1- informs-it,tat on '-'a,,viii(mll -cblegro, Acad. GaL. HS R, Mozicow 220- J)'A Ot)- R.'r CIO SUB corE 21 Trr pm F,/1'9/62/000/005/012/092 0 c' D2-98/D307 T -Rusu, Gh. Ilie, and kntonescu, V- I' j av - - :' I on the behavJo- Preliminary daia -L . 0' T,"- e :"'Ouca' - 11 - . T, ; T 7 pendulum a-u the time of a solar eclipse - Geofizika, hurnal no. 51 !96'-',), 22, ab- A L Re'ferativnyy . ~ t 5A156 z , (kn tiljn~j. Univ. 5 Iasi, sec. 1, 7, rac s no. 2, 1961, u 457 ~ /-kbs-uracter's note:-Complete translation-_7 card. 1/1 "tirif vrn t. FIRKIC, Djordjo; jffk~jC,.,,Br&n1a1&v-, MING, Z1voJin Case of disseminated muscular cysticarcosis. Srpski arb. celok. lek. 84 no.11:1311-1315 Nov 56. 1. Interna klinika A Mediciaskog fakulteta u Belogradu. Upravnik; Stanojevic Branislav. (CYSTICXKOSIS, case raport disseminated of musc. (Ser)) (MUSCLES. die. disseminated cysticercosis (Ser)) JAVOR, A. Quick methods for cutting roads. o. 579 (B-AL:.TYA3ZATI 1.;XCK. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 1956. Hungary) SO. Monthly List of East European Accessions (E7~,AL) Lc, vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. JAVORI Andrasne; RADY, Gyorgrne, dr. Long-range plan for standardization in the plastics industry. Szabvan,y kozl 14 no.4:91-9) AP 62. ,LIVOR, Arpad, Present situation of the Caml and the Iffungarian navigation. Kozleked kozl 18 no.215:458-462 21k Je 162. 4AVORI AA Present situation and further tasks of the organization of work with cyclic graphs. p, 467, vol- 10, nos 9s, Sept- 1955- Bar,yastati Lapoke SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL),, LC, Vol. 5., tio. 2., Feb. 1956 II It 1; 1 1 1 1 ,I 1 .1 1 JAVOR, A - Work according to --,raphic cycles. p- 521. DAIMUZATI LVOK, Vol- 10, No. 10 Oct- 1955 (14aqyar Banyaszati es Kohaszati Egyesulet) Budaoest. SOURCS: East European Accessions Li7t Vol. 5, No- 1 Septemb!~r, 1956 JAVOR, A. JAVOR, A. Criticism of Banvw~zati IaL". 1-. 61. Vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 1956 BA!NYASZATI LUOK TECHIN~ -LOGY Budapest, Hungary So: East Europeon Accession, Vol. 5, Mo. 5, May, 1956 JAVOR, A. --------- JAVOR, A. Remarks on the report of the general secretary Ferenc Martos. p. 189 Vol. 11, no. 3. March 1956 BAWASUTIL LAPOK T40JINOINOGY Budapest, Hungary SO: Xast European acceesion Vol. 6, no. 3, March 1957 JAVOi, A. JAVOR, A. Investigation of protective measures against hazards of dust in coa-1 mining. P. 351. Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1956 O"AN'bl"zZATI LAPOK TEDTOLOGY Budapest, Humary So: East European Accession, Vol. 61 No. 2, Feb. 1957 OAVOR, A. P21 Kaposztasl A taroWta's S tjj2z&-Ptt,;-O- (Ventilatinn ()f Drif -D3,ivIng ; ;a book review. 0. ?0. (Banyas?.atJ Lapok, Vol.. 12, No. 1, J-91, 1957, Buri.;Pe-;t, Hlungar,,I) SO: Monthly List ")f East Furope2n Acco-n-nionns LO, Vol , 6, No. 0, Au~ 1957. Uncl . m m4rr~l I I ~1- I ~[ i. JAVOR A Titor Boldizar's Bakyaszati kexikon~yv 1. (Handbook on mining Vol. 1)1 n ln-k review. P. 430 - ( Baryanzati LaDok. Vol. 120 no. 7/8 J"ly / Aug. 1957', Pudapf-st, Huhgary) Monthly Index of FaE:t Puropean Accessions (EFAI) W, Vol. 7. -no. 2, Felmuary 1958 I F ;!..:I , II I !, I iII It II I : IIIiI~!i JAVOR, Ala!,os, dr., okleveles banyamernok, egyetemi docens N "Handbook on mining" by Tibor Boldissar-Vol-3. Reviewed by Alajos Javor. Bany lap 96 no.2:143-144 F 163.' 1. "Banyaszati Lapok" szerkeszto bizottsagi. tagja. 7-11 ~ , I -,~ -1 ~ I- rM ~--, .1 1 ~', , ~-Um "I . - 1; JAVOR, Alajos, dr. *Handbook on mining" by Tibor Boldizoar. Vol. 2. Reviewed by Alajos Javor. Bany lap 93 no.2:137-139 F 160. IAY2!~ Alajos, dr., okleveles banyamernok, egyetemi docens ".Gontrol or subterranean water" by (Drj Zoltan Ajtay. Reviewed by Alajos Javojr. Bany lap 96 no-3.-211-211 ~Ir 163. 1. "Banyaszati Lapok". szerkesztc, bizottsagi tagja. JAVOR, Andras Testing the White-type oathode follower, Koz fiz kool 14TA 11 noo3:227-237 163o , i 1, 1 H ~I i , 1 1! 11 V I , I I I : 1 -1, * 1~ JAVOP, Andras, tudomanycq mwikatars Faamination of an emitter follower wIth dynam-1c; Ioad Meres automat 12 no.IM315-320 164. 1. Central Research InstIttite of Phvq~cs' of Sciences, Budapest. ; ! :1 11 ~1 ~ ; I It 11 . I , I I I I I ! JAVOR, Andrasne, okloveles vogyeaz Recomnendations for methods for testing plastics. O-zativary kozl 16 no.12t221 D 164. 1. Hungarian Bureau of Standards, Budapest. ww~~~ I I .I ~- I : , JAVORY Andras, okleveles villamosmernok ..Mw White catheft follower and its testing. 1,~jrea automat 12 n6.-6:184-188 164. 1. Central Research Institute of Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, BudapeBt. 1 11 1 1 ," , Javor) Arpad I Danubian navigation and the planned Danube-Oder-ilbe Canal. Kozleked kozl 19 no.29:496-500 21 J1 163. FRANK, Tibor; SZASZ, Marton; MARK, Fernne; B03NYAK, Tamas; LUGOSI, Karoly; FEKETE , Istvan; TOMPOS, Karoly; KABDEBO, Kornal.; JAVOR, Bela; SCIIEFTSIK, Jono; VOGL, Feranc; REITER, Gyorgy Conference on the current tasks of the light industry workers. Munka szemle 5 no.3:5-7 Mr 161. J. Textilipari Muszaki Tudomanyos Egyesulet Ipargazdasagi Szakosztalya titkara (for Frank). 2. Kispasti Textilgyar munkaugyj osztaly vezetoje (for Mark). 3. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Munkaugyi as Oktatasi Onallo Osz- talya vezatoje (for Szasz). 4. Ujpesti Gyapjuszovogyar munkaugyi osztalya vezetoje (for Bosnyak). 5. Kander Juta as Textil. Ipar munkaugyi. oszt'.Ily vezetoje (for Lugosi). 6. Kobanyai Textilgyar munkaugyi osztalya vezetoJe (for Fekete). 7. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Pamutipari Igazgatosaga mun- kaugyi osztaly vezetoje (for Tompos). 8. Magyar Pamutipar munkaugyi os?, talya. vezetoje (for Kabdebo). 9. Majus 1 Ruhagyar munkaugyi osztalya vezetoje (for Javor). 10. Konnyuipari Miniszterium Len-Kenderipari I-az- gatosaga munkaugyi osztalya vezatoje (for Schaftsik). 11. Ruhaipari Tervazo Vallalat (for Vogl). 12. Goldberger TextiLmuvak munkaugyi foosz- taly vezatoje (for Reiter). JAVORj, Gyorgy, okleveleo gepeozmeruok 4~-~ Possibilities for the economical use of diesel motor-,&rs in "ail- road passenger traffic. Kozl tud sz 12 n0-10:452--458 1) ~&?- 1. Vasuti Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet tudomanyos munkatarsa. 1% JAVOR, Gyorgy, oklaveles gapeszmernok, tudomanyofs munkut.are Role and significance of load limits of freight trains in railroad operation. ..Kozl tud sz 14 no. 2:79-83 F 164. 1. Vasuti, Tudomanyos Kutato Intezet. 1--l- - JAMI, L. Control of plant protection in our nurseries with emphasis on plant diseases occurring in quarantine. p. 225. KOZIM.IENYEI, Budapest. Vol 8. no. 1/2, 1955. SOURCE: EEAL Vol 5, Nol. 7, July 1956. rr wcrk crvzin, -n on n cc~i.~] r Vol. 9, 12, Ler.. l')"f. Buda-:esty Hu.nEary So: East Euro!~eati Accessi,~n) vcl. 5, 170. .8 T~GOSLAVIA Dr Rajko JAVOR and Dr Boris SPANIC, Department of Internal iNedicine, Medical-C-enter (Interni Odjel Medicinskog centra),Pula. "Pleuritis Cholesterolica.11 Zagreb, Vol 85, ro 3, 1963; pp 291-294. Abstract -[English summary modifiecQ : Case report of rare disease, cholesC~iol pleurisy, in manual worker a"ed 32. Wet pleuritic exudate averaped 896 mg. lipids/100 ml. (270 to 1,100 mg. cholesterol.) Evacuation was followed by uneventful recovery. Review of literature. Photomicrograph of crystals. Four Yugoslav, 9 Western references. L2 20 GAJ,, I.;JAVOR, T.;KESZTYUS, 1.;TAZAR, J.;HIKOD3HW%, I.;SZILkGYI, T.;VM, L. Effect of roentgen rays on diDhtheria toxin. Acta physiol. hung. 2 no. 3-4:533-537 1951. (CLML 22:1) 1..Of the Patbophysiological Institute and of the First Medical 'i'linic, Debrecen University. I I!: :i I I 11"I "-I I I.; .I ~P- t, I ril JmR, T. 1951 (Debrecen OrvostAomonyl Ei,yetem Korelettani intezete es T. s- Bel-Kin.) "The Effect of X-Ra2:s on Diphtheria Toxir.l? Kiserl. Orvostud, 1951, 3/50163-365) Abst. Exc. Med. iv, Vol. 5, tio. 4, p. 407 Are alcohols used in bacterial metabolism opplicable as a of carbon? 1. .11,41 T. 11"N't, vebrecen. flunK.v ZeNsr, '$ " "' ' "' "k AN I Ong. 157. 452 -7( 1951).-The growth of P" "J"- ".W PY- qAinfU5 311d relatm fluoremmm strains is cohanced by 0-5 to I 11"~ of ale., propyl.11C., eillylene glv"A. And by 1 11 to 7 O'j of gh-ccrol. Sep"111a ";4"fIC"f it favoml by giverml only. At,-, o( higher mol. wt. are not metalsolizol 6v Is n-feri-i, nor is MColl UtiltICA. l"Int I' \tve" .5LkVP4,' T. KESZTYUS L.; LAZAR, J.; NIKODEMUSZ, I.; SZILAGTI, T.; GAL, I.; VEGH, L. Effect of roentgen rays on diphtheria toxin. Kinerlates Orvontud. 3 no. 5:363-365 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Doctors except Javor and Lazar. 2. Institute of Pathology and First Internal Clinic of Debrecen Medical University'. SZIIAGYI, T.:BAGDY, D.:JAVOR, T. The apecificity of fibrinogen of -Is. XiBerleten orvoetud 4 no. 4:262-267 Aug 1952. (CL14L 23:5) 1. Doctor. 2. Pathopbysiology Institute -o.? Debrecen Medical Univer- sity and Third Department of Research Institute of Pharmacautics In- dustry. wi th L. K~ S Z TTTS ,1.I. Q 1~, ~(- ~j y I anj T.' ]3A-T-TASZ Un-iv. Debrecen "Procaine-azoprotein nrcocaine nlkler~-,, Acta -hysiol. Acad. Sci. 'lung. 4, 195--l') (1953) (in Gz.rm:~rO. 7 61 -7 -7- N3XIMMUSZ, Istvan; JAVOR, Tibor; LAZAR, Jozeef Alcohol consumption and tolerance in alcohol-habituated bacteria. Kiserletes orwostud. 6 no.5:414-416 Sept 54. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Ig3retem Mikrobiologiai Intezete. (PSEUDWOUS, metab. alcohol metab. & tolerance) (ALCOHOLS, metab. Pseudomonas strains, tolerance) (ACOHOLS, eff. on Pseudomonas strains, tolerance) i '! ; ~i! -1 1-H I I I : I . 71 ! ! ILL.- I ~1 VARRO, Vince,; JAVOR, Tibor. ".......I..... ~tl. Now demonatrativo-method for studying the stomach of dogs " in vivo.0 Kiserletes orvostud. 7 no-5:484-487 Sept 55. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi lastem Laz. Belgyogyaazatk Klinikaja. (STOM&CH, physiology observation In dogs "in vivo,* aurg. method) OW ARACCUS110didd MiCtodt9mislOng. l. NUddinula, li.jivc~. and J. Lkir (Univ. Debrecen, Hung.); 'Paralileak. Abt. 1. Orig.1 162. 25G-WLm)."Aj AntimiI; N G en'"men' -1y indum bactcri2 to deveb3pi ti w pro;:H 1 ,ertks. induced resistat" to ak,' cmids pwl%6 r U41tswell! R whamotagausales., but ate. is better utill" as i The atc,zdapted sttains assimilute, 4, 5, at 6% a supply WOU whereu tab. strains cannot utilize MeOK as a jwgK *e af C. Toteranct w propyl ate, is al so incrmsedi so ths~t lhtan bn used as A C sourm Adapted Acalas Cul also utill lim butyl 1 ale, although It is bacs erlastatic hv the Natne coat's far lab,' strains. StrAhu adapted to ale, pvAuce tnom gliki'Man d~ 14b. aqa1um. John 7. JAVOR,TIBOR; VARCO VINCE ------- Experimental studies on the development of atophan ulcer. liserletes orvostud. 9 no-3:289-295 July 57. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Bgyatem I. sz. Belklinikajaj (PXPTIC UWAR, exper. cinchophen induced, direct observations on develop. by intestinal cannule method in dogs (Hun)) EX.CERPTA Fiv-DICA See 6 Vol 13/4 1 1nternal Fed* Apr 59 1884. GASTRIC HAEMOHRRAGE DUE TO PHENYLBUTAZONE - Rheopyrin ok,-zta gyornorv6rz4s - J Avo r T. and Bency e G. Szegedi Orvosegyetem 1. Bc1gy6gyiazati Klin. k6i_l. - ORV, HETIL. 1957, 98/5-6 (124-125) Report of 2 cases, in one of which there were no symptoins suggesting ulcer, while the other had had symptoms indicating hyperacidity for 20 yr. The lat pauent had undergone phenylbutazone (P) therapy on account of chror.*.c symptoms of rheurna- toid arthritis, the 2nd for spondylarthrosia. Both patients aeveloped gastric haemo- rrhages. The stomach was afterwards examined Isy X-rays and showed changes suggesting duaocnal ulcer in bath cases. In cases with symptotus at ulcer or hyper- acidity in which P therapy is necessary for the treatment of rheumatic complaints. it is advisable to administer the drug together with anti-ulcer treatment. P ther- apy should be discontinued when gastric symptoms develop. BenkO - Szeged JAVOR, Tibor; VAMU, Vince Gastric secretion of neutral red. Riserloten Orvostud. 11 no.5;523-529 0 '59. 1. Szogedi Orvostudomanyi. Rgyaten I. oz. Belgvolganzati Klinikaja. (GASMIG JUICE) (DYES) VARR. Vince, dr.; JAVOR, Tibor, dr. Modern view of achlorhydria. IV. Use of neutral red for the determination of the decreased secretory ability of the gastric tmicoun inembrane. Omhotil. 100 no.51:1837-181~2 1) '59. 1. A Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz. Be 1gyogyanzati Klinikajanak (igazgato: Hetenyi Ge2a dr. [deceased] euetemi tanar) kozlemenve iHISTAMINE pharmacol.) (G&STRIC JUICE) (STORLCH funct. tests) --____JAVOR, -Tibo.r.-_ HkRASZT1, Antal; HEGEDUS, Andras Effect of liver lesions on Shay's ulcers in rats. liserletes Orvostud. 12 no-5:454-46o 0 160. 1. Debreceni Or7ostudomanyi F~gyetem II. sz. Bolklinikaja as Korbonctani Intezete. (LIVER physiol) (PEPTIC ULCER exper) JAVOR,Tibor dr. Biopsy of the mucous membranes of the small intestine. Orv hatil 101 no.23:811-814 5 Je 160. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi, 39yetem, II. sz. Belklinika. (INTZSTINZ SMALL Pathol. ) (BIOPSY) JAVOR, Tibor, dr.; KRISZTINICZ. Ivan, dr.; SDIARSZKY. Janos, dr. A case of melanosis coli. Orv.hatil. 101 no.42:1495-1496 16 0 160. 1, Debraceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem, JI. oz. Belkliniks as Xorbonctani Intezat. (MELANOSIS case reports) JAVOR, 'Libor; KISS, Iajos; NAGY, Grorgy A surgical method for the production of internal biliary fistulae in dogs. Kiserletes orvostud. 13 no,3:225-227 Je 161. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem II. Belgyogyaszati Klinikaja e9 Igazoagugyi Orvostani Intezete. (BILIARY FISTULA exper) JAVOR, Tibor; NAGY, Gyorgy; KAPUSZ, Nandor Surgical procedure for the preparation in dogs, of an internal pancreatic fistula which can be camulated. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 no-4:337-339 S 162. 1. Debreoeni Orvostudomanyi Egyatem II. Belgyogyaszati Klinikaja es Igazoagugyi Orvostani Intezete, (PANCREATIC nSTULA) CSER11AY, Laszlo; JAVOR, Tibor; 1BOLYA, Jung; VINCE, Varro The role of acid secretion in the pathogenesis of experimental phenylbutazone ulcer. Kiserl. orvostud. 14 n0-5:479-1+83 0 162. 1. Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem I. sz. Belklinikaja. (PHENYLBUTAZONE) (PEPTIC ULCER) (HISTAMINE) (ATROPINE) (VAGOTOMY) gjriw'.~ C58RN,)X, Laszloj Tjbor, cW.T';, lbol.va4 1. Clixtic of the Medical (Orvostudom'Rayi Egy'DUIPM 1. sz. Szeged. "The Role of Aoid Secratioxi in tile Put-.1LOFeneste O-f &Aperi- mental. Fhenylbutazone Ulcers. 11 Budapest lZi.serietEp Opyosti,~ddo):LL".n ~x Vol 14, -io 5, Oct 62, p-1) 494-4j6. _q:!~._ Abatraqtx[Authoral Hungarian summary] Tlie role of acid sec- rell'6T-fn the devolopmeut of uIcars caused by pher~yltntaz-ona was invest-i.gated. AdIWA-atrat-Am Of e-008 not ag- g;avate, and aftinistraction eyg atropine and -att;ot-o~ does not prevent uleera-t-iono Thus, the decisive role of increased acid production in axpeirlmental phany1but-a z one- iluduoed -er -Pomation ix den-Jed., referar~uei,, mostly Weatem, ~re-st Frua- garian. L ZAW)'~', Tibor., and -11t.8 rr--Iatt;-cn to tl-,e vt.!nJcE%v of Gas tr I 'ja na a I.d I ~ ga5trl c 2arwf-r. bet.11. 106 j"I'VOR) 1'. Correlation between the ar.1dity of th~: j7p3tr.*c uica ana gastric cancer. ~cta nod. acad. SCL. Hung. 21 na.e:l5-`- ~~ecor:d Dopartinent of Dflbr-cen. SubmiLted July c), 1964. J.kVGP,, T. Solution of a grid of beams and a comparison of the various methods of its calculation. p. 208. (Inzenyrske Stavby, Vol. 5, No. 4, Apr. 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (FEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug IC)57, Uncl. - JAVOR, T. Radioisotopes in various branches of the modern construction industry. p. 272, STA,VBA- (Poverenietvo stavebnictva) Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 6, No. 9, September 1959- Monthly List of East European Accessions (MI) LC, Vol. 61 Nos nj November 1959. Uncl. S/194/62/000/006/013/232 D413/D308 AUTHOR: Javor, Tibor TITLE: Application of punched-card computing machines in the solution of eneineering problems 0 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhur-ial. Avtomatika i radioelektronika, no. 6, 1962, abstract 6-.1-120 a (Inform. sluzba pra- covniky SPS Aritma, no. 24-25, 1960, 457-461, 2) TEXT; The rapid development of road-building in Czechoslovakia and the design of artificial structures associated with it have called .Lor a large number of calculations on the st%'Latid strength of brid- Ees omeer rivers and ravines. These calculations can be performed by means of various types of computers; general-purpose digital corl- puters, analog computers, and purched-card computing machines. J%f- ter extensive technical and e-conomic comparison of these alterna- tives, it was decided to use for this purpose computing machines of type Ar-itma-520, which give an adequate speed of operation; 8 th,,-u- sand additions (multiplications) per hour, and 4 thousand divisions per hour. The fundamental equation determining the static stren.-th Card 1/3 'S/194/62/000/006/0-13/232 A-,;)lic.,;t-ion of punched-card D413/D308 tyne~s of iunci,,ed cards: 1) Basic cards contain the values of the coefficients; 2) derived (reproduction) cards, used for tile basic computinj, operations; 3) auxiliary cards, contain the results of tile inter'.ziediate stages of computation; 4) final cards, contain the final results. Brief indications are given of the distribution of columns on the punched cards, and of the sequence of operations used for operating on them and checking the results. It is shown that ti-ie application of the Aritma-520 machine demonstrated its Eood qualities as compared with the Univac digital computer which has been used in Tokya for similar purposes (the elimination of one of the unknovni roots from the whole system of 196 equations was carried out in 2 weeks using 50 % of the viorkin& day). 14 persons took uart in the viork (including the maintenance and control staff). 2 references- LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Card 3/3 : 11 ! ~ I" I 1 11 11 ! : ! H I F I i I I , I !I ~ - , , ~; JAVOR, Tibor, inz., C.Sc. MACH, VI-asta, inz., C.Sc.; HOLK, Leos, inz., dr. Symposiums of the Building Research Institute In Bratislava. Inz stav~y 10 no.1:32-34 Ja 162. ;- I. . III,f- ,:F, JAVOR, Tibor, inz,, C.Sc. ; TRENCINA, Jaromir, int. Static solution of plate problems by electrical amlogie5. Inz stavby 10 no. 2:53-55 F 162. 1. Vyskwmy ustav stavebnictva, Bratislava. JAVOR, Tibort inz., C-Se. Prestressing loss caused by the friction in cable dhannals. Inz stav~y 11 no.2:53-57 F 163. 1. Vyslalmny ustav stavetnictva, Bratislava. JAV _ _I I - j '. - I . Experimental research on engineering structures in Hu~ary* Inz stavby .11 no*5zl95-198 My 163a 1. Vyzkumny ustav stavebpictvaj. Bratislava. JAVOR.1 Tibor, inz., CSc. "Inclined single-field plates" IV [Dipl.inz.] L.Schleichor, [inz.) K.Muller. Revie~m'd by Tibor J;.tvor. Inz at,-vby 11 no.8: 320 Ag t63* JAVOR., Tibor, inz., GSc.; WiL"', ilmdulf, Characteristic values 6'S~.computero. Automatizace 6 no.8: 197 Ag 10'3. 7, ; I R1, : ~ P J A VOP i ox T- 'b--- -J, dr.; LOBI, Sandor, dr.; GYD=xY, ArpnJ, dr. Study nn the evacuation of the stomach. Orv. hetil. 106 no.".q.- 1837-1839 26 S 165. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanyi. Egyetem, II. BellkliiiJka (ip-'azgato- Petranyi, Gyula, dr.). L 102346 CC NRz SOURCE CODE: HUAO-18/65/017/002/6213/0218 AP6003356 AUTHOR: Mozeik, Gyula--14ozhik, D.; Javor, Tibor-Yavca-, T. ORG: II. Medical Clinic, Medical University of Debrec4in (Debreceni OrvostudomanIP Egyetem, II. sZ. Belklinikaja) TITLE: Effect of parasympathicolythica on the socretomotorlaotivity or. the parotid and stomich in man (a new clinicopharmacological ti~,it,) SOURCE: Kiserletes Orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 2, 1965, 213--2-18, TOPIC TAGS: experiment animal, biochemistry, glandp endoerknology, biologic secretiol, drug effect, gastroenterology ABSTRACT: A simple, objective method has been developed to study the effect of parasympatholythica (psl) on glandular secretion in man. A sonde was introduced into one of the par~otid glands. !The extent of basal secretion before and after the administration of psl as well as the secretion responses to reflex stimulation (citric acid) and 1humoral stimulations (adrenalin, histamine) were determined. In additionAo. ithe study of parotid secretion, the inhibitory effect of p31 on gastric: 'secretion (HC1 production) vias also observed and the elimination of the drugs throurh the urine was determined by means of a biological titration method ;according to Magnus. It was found thats 1) the basal secretion of the parotid !as well as its secretory response to reflex and humoral stimulations decrease 1following administration of psl; 2) in acute experiments, the duration of the lisecretory inhibition of the parotid is identical with that of the elimination Card 1/2 L 10323-66 C ACC NRs AP6003356 f the drug from the organism. The parotid secretion test reported is considered o be sulted for the objective study of the effect of psl on glandular secketion. ig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. JPRS7 SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATIE: 03Jun64 / ORIG REF: OG4 / OTH REF: 010 L 13501-66 ACC NR: Apko7o45 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018A5/017/003/0282/02-83 AUTHOR: Dbbi, Sandor--Dobi, Sh.; Gyarffy, Arpad--Derf O;A,; !!~vor, r bor-~- Yavor, T. ORG: Medical University of Debrecen, H.Medical Clinic (Debreceni Orvostudomanyi Egyetem, II. sz. Delkllnika) TITLE: Importance of the enteral phnse of gastric secretion in the developmelt; of ulcers in the rat SOURCE: Kiserletes orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 3, 1965, 282-283 TOPIC TAGS: rat, digestive system disease, biologic secretion,, pathology ABSTRACT: The hypersecretion and ulcer development of the stomach, foll(wing pylorus ligature, can be inhibited by leading away the bile or by re-channeling it into the cecum. (JPRS] SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 29Jun65 ORIG REF: 002.. Card 1/1 k- J-A%,'0F%', T.; CYORFFY, A.; Gy.; 1):51, 01.; "I"f1y, Clinical pharmacology of some med. acad. sci. Hung, 21 no-3:27-1-277 165. 1. Second Department of Medicine (Director: Prol. i-etranyl), University 1111edical School, Debrecen. Subm.1 tted janliary 211. The above Mtn= of the compounds) determination of the parasympathOlytic eff ect in man, determination of the effective dose of the compound, the mode of administra- tion, the oral and parenteral rates. Data were obtained concerning the gastro- intestinal resorption, excretion, eventual enterohepatic recirculation of the drug. Compounds referred to as N 399, il 685, N 640 as well as Priamid and Atropin were used for the studY- Irne method is considered to be suited for the comparative study of parasympatholytic COMPOUrdS- 5 Hungarian, 5 Western references. CManuscripb received 22 Jan 65-1 HUNGARY MOZSIK, Gyula, JAVOR Tibor,_ DOB!, Sandor, PETRASSY, Klara, SZABO, Andras; yiedical Universjj~ ~of Wij~eri, 11. Medical Clinic (Debreceni Orvos- tudomanyi Egyetem, II. sz. Bolklinika). "The Development of Denervational Hypersensitivity In Patients Treated With Atropine." Budapest, Kiserletes Orvostudomany, Vol XVIII, No 4, Aug 66, pages 353-358. Abstract: [Authors' Hungarian summary] The parotid secretion of patients under prolonged treatment with atropine was studied before the treatment, during 2-4 weeks of treatment and 3-5 days after its cessation. The basal secretion and the extent of reflex responses to citric acid solutions and to humoral stimulation (acetylcholine, noradrenalin, histamine) were de- termined. It was found that the inhibitory effect of atropine on the parotid secretion is decreased during prolonged atropine treatment; this is not caused by a decrease in the amount of atropine in these patients. During 2-4 weeks of treatment, basal secretion and response to submaxillar stimula- tions were greatly increased while the response to supermaxillar stimulation remained largely unchanged. Response to noradrenalin increased greatly, to acetylcholine to a lesser extent. 3-5 days after cessation of the atropine treatment, basal secretion and response to noradrenalin returned to their original level while the response to acetylcholine decreasoj to a lesser extent. The conclusion was reached that a "phallracological denervational hypersensitivity" develops during the 2-4 weeks of atropine treatment. Wi - Physiology H.U1~-.-;AAY DOB!, Sandor, GICORFFY, Aroad, jAVOR, Tibor; Xedical University of Debrecen, ILL 11-jedical ~0'linic (Dpbreceni C-1v-8-studomanyi E~yetem, II. Belklinika). IlThe Elimination of Varlou5 Su:,ars From the Stomach." Q Bu~iapest, '-isprletes Orvostudomany, Vol XVTII, No 5, Oct 66, pai es 523-525. Abstract: [Authors' r1erlian summary] The effect, of various su;,ar solutions U on the emptuyin,c~ oil the s~orrac~, -gras investir!atpd. Aldo'hpxosps=and aldopentose, '.etohexo.qe and disaccharides were used in i-sotonic anri half-isotonic con- centrations. ---n an isotonic concen-Lration, aldehyde surars and keto su..~ars did not retard the empty4n.c- of the stomach. The disaccharid influenced, Gs that is, retardpal the emptyinF. of the stomach in accordance with their aldehyde or keto su~-ar contents L L. The results indicate -hat In the case of sui~ars an aldehydp-sopcific chemoreceptor system is present in the duo- denum which rerfulates the function of ihe Pylorus probably by a reflex action. In the case of sulrai*5, the osmorpceptors proposed by Hunt are not probable. 2 Hungarian, 3 Western references. tYanusC'ript received 11 Nov 65.1 JAVMj Tiborj lnz.j Mc. Ptarabrication of ainaller spar.. b~rl(lgoa In Hungary. Siln I doprawa 11 -no.9tl),-15 8163, 1. 'Vy7,1-1-umy I-nzlnif~raky-.h atavleb~ Bratislava. JAVOR, Tibor, dr.., okleveles mernok, a muszaki tydomanyok kandidatusa Experiences in the construction of prestressed and post- stressed bridges in Czechoolovakia. Melyepitestud szovae 13 no.12:529-538 D 163. 1. Epitestudomanyi Intezet, Bratislava, Februarka 9. JAVOREKO J.: LASTUVKAj Z. Activity of some osidation enzymes of rye, wheat., osits., and barley grown in a mised culture, P. 337* Prahaj Czechoslovakia* Vol* 7j noe 5. Sept* 1958* Monthly List of East European Accessions (WI), W. Vol. 9, no. 2. Feb. 196o Uncl, I', I "j , , - I ~ : i 1 j I [],I ! - 1 1! il I 1 4 1 1 : I I I - JAVCFSI, Tibor, -,.. State of the wood industry in Canada. Faipar .12 no.10:318.- 319 0 362. ,TAVGRFI . Tibor Woodworking machiner-, nt Brno Fair~ Fair,&r 12 no.8:2-49- 250 Ag 262, A, Dimeauloolne at cableway tract I= ropes N lluisgoirli6'% 'Magyar KAdoAo%P* Alliv- 4A Vwpim 2. 12, 1W. Artide deak with a mralmd of tWv4rmitin4 Ila, fjxr~g~% loodunA in I tractton rufw aj#J, Imu-Swu6irly, d- diffen-meo in furtv nt 6oth mi4h* W tim! Arivium ljullc-y- After m. c,,,pjpuLa- 1"i W Ow. dtivir4t itt-rforumum- tim-ru lAhtwo it di~rrilttitmz cd %Lr futem linxitiev-J iii ifit, ubetiots cabttio. Tnectimi %,Wjk~ must Lw totl.- twcurring 6-tuliug otst"L sottm,~ calrulmsoug at v k*tablialwd for "% t"pu %.".% to( ralAt.,ot fty trau- Wwtatlou: 1ut1%6cWW.L1w dtivior nwchaitimi in imts1W at dw top " t6o atretchiml Itterfutski-in ofs 0- ollittmite oldc III. Um, I.Atom. Aut6mr v1sixt- Iuf.~ mL ('.f1�6146 tur tht. dyltuntic &W static (ItAmm"Lion 0( the stivichioy, (mA 41I-at % idt by (11) Troml-ww t"4d.%II"Wd With driviugat th'. t"P votj b(mchingat dK-but- Ium, (fit) Tmtaj~xtmtit~wi uloward with driviug vvwchwt6ruf~ WW MA O(WtChifta A& (119' U41. .9644thUr A*WrU A1641 gWQV't* thILL the forestU144 tmL;%.lAW#tA by Fsts(kis its thim rva"It:t an, CtrotwfAw. A1111110 I Lli-MAl" 111-14 iW&WAIAA Athl KjV.V OW dt!IiVtl~94. (W) 'h1%f#%'ArA Uith a)-drivil4ft IfItTlamixts. 1.-h= &Wj 11, Ila. Z'%Aol. alIti' th'. vit.4,4. l"n"Ula. bl" ut pla'l- .4 %6,41 I'vo mw. Jun.- 1-1I d.l'.'S;LUA Apol 0., 11"I".46A %, at,,) V1 W., JAA 4-h U4 'Y 1'6-,- r, frr III 1:,.A . III.- j'jVjjIA X. it"I " LIA' ;.m "44-'t"'j it. 0" ~~.lh'y m.G.4, Is, 114. V'-sA, OW Lim, It, 11,v, -lixAfflu, -i- I-i ,, tip, m,l -mwA,- I wull 6-- -1- %ard CtAl 16J.jily, ftn' 1111 '.t- Iji--AL~10~- tod "i 4.1k$ PIA an. iflu.tral"I b), jo,kcis, j A. 89 Slid (decrasing) Clio ratterbiles for is I I V111.1y, 111111h .11~ o 3r ivk. . (Nil zkheAls- S, I $p, 32 flys- tell.) Jim principle will 111COICA for file applirritioll tit sprillys have ocen c1nixirated, that of -;prfnrt witil chnnizilif chatactetisticii, A type ill the above ~ystejtj tit .4pting,.i s maf!d un vrhlrIe,,,i %0111 licavy ticad IN'right And triativoy ill-tit pitylond. (P%1,1r1Vn)Wr. i'Midirs), Illiotimt type (tit Nvagnim with light lkld wright mail heavy paylo,id, ,file advantogf--4 of changing: characteristics rite, 61) tile softn'ss of the spring"s mi, be increpm-d spi that 'even fit ense of,hravy palload.4 t1w vor litilly will not falb'side bevond tile petill mlljlr~ 111111t : (1) slitfnl inviense(I Ititholit listut; millItIO1,11.1 jusilerbi rc.,;oitaure doco not occor tit ittly1retillelle), of cyritallou (at any .41ved) i.e. whillig res(mia"m in 1111,1111y und Ofedively , 111101vil Dili Winne" Wove it Carl I t~-,m major bwrekwl; In amplitwit (secomInty kilmi). -L!r1A1u1l1(q' fit thP tlt'%V IW$ 11411C lK*,n,pAti:n(ed. All:cf them, rfjlliitg slo#rk. Comparative mcwturestents have Riml Vrivourable 'rite hity(mitictioll 0 tile fliventioll f oil silamford-gauge veldclei Is tit progread; R T! JAVORIK. L. Renarks on Ervin Mestyanek's article "Appro-amate Calculations for Estimating Vertical Force Acting on Rails and Fastenings." p. 26 KOZLEKEDESTUDO?.IA.NYI SZI,'AUE. (Kozlekedesi Kiado) BudapeBt. Vol. 6, No. 1, Jan. 1956 SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956 J ' D'-LK A U.,V,, -, E. JAVC.-j~A, E. - Stimlating effect of producer's prices :-1. 1. t; Vol. 10. no. 8, Agu. 1956 TCKT:i~I-IELCS. (Uzemi Tervrazdasa,,--i es Szevvezezi Tudommnyos Eg-yesulet) Budapost. E: East Eurouean Accessions List (EIAL) voi. 6, No. /,--Ar)ril 1"57 SOURr .I i I I I '' I ~: : I.- ;,. JAVORKA, Ede Experiences with television distance reception, Radiotechnika 13 no-93340-342 S 163. JAVORUY B" Experiences with the television long-distance reception. M 3. Radiotechnika 13 no.11:422-424 N 163. .TAftKA, Eds Experiences with the long-distance television reception. Pt. 4. RadiotechnikEL 13 no.12t464-466 D 163. JAVORU,-.Eda Wee again on the 15-elemept YAGI antenna. Radioteelmilra 14 no*2:63 P164. PVORK.11, Ede; BC'V'DPzi) i~3 the b-st Lelevi-ion antenr,-t a-vailLible at the .- L - I Ire 2p. communl ca tic;n Dg-*ri-,&rlJng Entupr~:rl--e? PadlQi:ecnrika 15 1 no.4-13C-23'.' Ap 16,5. JAVORKA, Ede; BONDAR, Istvan sif, Which one 13 the mo:"I, ;ultable telovLoion anf,i~nnl rled by the TelecommunLcation EngLne~irmg EnterprLse? -1--f-J. 'Radiotechnika ~l Z, 15 no.6:222-223 Je IC5. JAVO?hA Z(I-; One s t- by 'th-,. :,i~ngmat--ir.irg, Radiotachnill--a 15 no.7:271-2W J! '(~5~ CZECHOSLOVAi~!A 1;TIKULAJ, J., jAVORNA, K R., ~hdocrinologicai7 -institute, O'lovalk Academy of' Sciences ologicky Ust-av SAV), Bratislava. "Changes in flypopiiy!;oal-Adranocortir,,,il Activi-ty of Rrts Diwin,-! Repeated Stress induced by Formalin." Pra!~-uo, Coskoslovonska Pysiolo Vol 15, No;,2, 99 Abs,",r_acu: The activity was evalUatod by corticoste-zone in the and the content of and I-ascorbic acid in adrenal C.,lands. St,ross _-,"'acoa z- U* _1 ution. Yaxim-w-,i resT)ongo to jection of a 3" ia formalin so U E;~ress Occ-.%3 on -1-10 3rd to 5th day of experim(.'n"ation. U 20 days the response is only very slir),ht. 'Ito 3ubmitted at "10' Dtiys 6f Physiology" at Kosice, 27 Sep 65. JAVOTT'A' S. The life of Pal Kitai'-el and his Lotanical works; a lecture given at the session of the H=L;arian Academ, of Sciences on June P, 1957. p. 101 A TUTIOv'-kI(vC,,S V. OSIMUYA 11OWGIAI CSOFOEVANO KOZIR-IMAD'EI. e - Pudapest, liumpry. Vul. 2, tic. 2, 11~!M, IMU nthly List of Past European Accession 0' LC, Vol. 9, no. 2, Ireh. 1960 Uncl. HE Phatoplastricity and t he Ilanrei o-T' its Al:-plict!",don 1 *41 "he :--!-ticle deals W-i"A- t~7~ es Irl."nuown f.,,m, T)hc;taelast~ci-,itw,:x,.Lc to m ',e- Is, i- plastic or ;-ondition, a i' 7? 7 7- S 7. a! F e c -j: 1 in -a s t. r u c t --L- :~~S L k-~: i~us t ~;ard , J..; I-U-7-~Aljml ii - FIDES, F. JA-v,OW,'IQQf Exaurarung the causes of -indentation of wooden railrotd tier by tie pl-:;tes. p. 27(', Z'~E' --Z"!C-I P-0-PRAVA A TFCH'.'~J*L.~~'L. (I':iI"Ir,'-I'7'I-,rO 0,0-rVY) PMCI--O, Vol. 7, no. P, 1959 Monthl,, , List of East European Accessions (E,-',Ai) LC, Vol. 8, No. 12, Ne. 1959 Uncl. JAVORNICKY, J., inz. CSc. ------Remarka--oa--the P,Slapak article "Ptimnt problems of the theory of plasticity." Stav cas 13 no.3:189-190 165~ 1. Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, HIP, FLO.. lit re r F, t . 4 q J-AY6.RM 1_7T-77A Ij NIK, Jaroslav, akademik; BIASKOVIC, Diorqz, &Wamikj NOWN, knost, akademikj 14ACMA, Jiri dr.1 Map 4006f1 GOSIOROVSKr Hilon; MEN AHAZKA, Jaroslav, Jaroslav, akademik; W 9 prof,, (Ire; hiNis, ZdQkv dr.; MLUEC, Frantisek, prof, in3.r.dr.;~X?DH:4,. Ftantisek, a3tademik; IIOVAKP Josef; akadem1k; XMIANII, Jarmir, doe., dr.; BAZAM, Vladimir, ins., dr.; K(,UNOVSKr, Bohmil, dr.; SZANTO, Jan, dr.; ROZSIVAL, Miroblay, &.1 KkSPARI Jan, dr.1 RM, Iadislays, prof., inz.1 STRNAD, Juliusj WICHMU, fitto, akademiky 7ATOPEK, Alois; LkVPMMI_;Mj inz.1 VAVRA, Jarr,slav, dr.; BIATTHI, Ctibor, akademik; ONDRIS, Karol, dr.1 KUKAL, Vaclay, ins. The 22d CcagrasB of the Communist Party of the Soviet. Union and the tasks of Czechoslovak science; discussion. Veatnik CSAV 71 no.lt3-59 t62. 1. Elavni vedecky sekratar Ceskoslovensks skad mis ved (for Ko2esuik). 2. Clan karespondent CeskosloTeneks akademis ved (for Vana, GosioroTaIT, Keeper,' Struad, Zatopek). 3. Rektor Karlovy university (for Prochaska). 4. Rektor Canksho vyookebo uceni technickeho (for Brabeo). Namestsk presidents. Ce5koslovenske akadecde ved (for Sorm) MILBAUER, MiloB, inz., CSc.; JAVORNICKY, Jan, inz., CSc.; IMCHAR.. Gustav, inz. -%-- , - Experimental solution of asymuetric arches with cantilevers. Inz stavb7 11 n0-7.-27,4-277 Jl 163. JAVORNICKfj Tan,, inz.j CSc. Photoelastic investigation of concentrated load effect. on bem head stress. Acts, techn Cz 8 no,4:345-367 163. 1. Czechoslovak AkadeW of Sciences, Institute of theoretical and applied mechanics, Praha 2 - Nove Mesto, Vysehraduka 49. TE v P ci L; Ly 1, 2 JAVoplau"', P. Problems of the quantitative anal:isis of the nannon2ankton by means of the chamber and centrifugal method. D. 605. (Biologia, Vol. 2-1, No. 10, 1956, Bratislava, Czecboslovakip) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 8, Aug 1957. Uncl JAVORNICKY Pavel 0 Revision of some quantitative methods for phvtoplankton research. Sbor.pal.vod. VSGhT 1958:283-367. (NMI 9:4) 1. Katedra technologle vody, Tyvoka ekola chemicko-tectinologicka, Praha a katedra botaniky, Karlova Universiteta, Praha. (Chemistry, Analytic-Qaantitat~ve) (Phytoplankton) . I 'I I: !I I" I i I I I I ti i ;, i: . Ivan 1. Business report of the British Fostal Administration for 1962/63. PTT 7ajed 5 no.6:30-31 S-0 163 T- - - I - VReed pulp prepared from Artinds) dollar by the sullatis so, after an meld prehydrdlysis, itu.uso As a raw mii- M ile far rUci4I fibers. Fr2nto Kokevat and .9!dt -Tba v a-ccilohm, 22 311% lignin, 1220.1 1 pentomns, and 2.62~yo ads. I wit; pr'chydrolyzt-d with 0.111~ 0.5, and 1.0% IIrSO4 ut 135*. and the prMuctsmore Rmil t, Which ill tilt cuse iii kraft cex.k;), 61141god hy u a-huce blinad the to; IMIlm-atell 1 jlulp~(Clmtd. UYW, OlAt %Vivt disvAvinr Pulp, I pretmatt-d WIth 0,1% ~Icld K%ve adull- sati5factory product, wherms that tmatcd With U110,; ocill yield4 25% of a "Ixtrderline" disAving pull --ultis R. Wise