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JASIOROWSKI, Henryk The 5th International Congress of Nutrition Sciences in Washington (D.C.], September 1-7, 1960. Postepy nauk roln 8 no.3:IJ,7-150 MY-Je '61. JASIOROWSKI, Hj JASIORC,14SKA, P.; Ki-ECZKOWSKI, K. Comparison of prote6se activitv in meadow, alfalfa and clover have in the course of storage. Rul Ac Pol biol 9 no-10:417-421 161. 1. Institute of Experimental Animal Breeding, Polish Academy of Sciences. PresOhtad by T. Marehlewski,,. JASIOROWSKI, Henryk Professor dr. Zbifniew Kaminski. Kosmos Biologia 11 no.2: 145-146 162, .1 !.111 JoRCUS, F-~ 4 .~ ffumukp klv~-. fir 11. ',!jv,~rowskl, Va;~Ia E~'fect cif P-Med mclasse- and baker's yeast to the foddor cn the ut:.IIzat!-)n of protein of alfalfa fled to ruidnants. Zesz probi post nauk roln no.41i8l-88 16.1. 1. :,aklad 'Hod-owli I.oswlari,ualne.' "',,:ierzat, POIIAII Akademla ~N'arssawE . Kierown"'k.,, doc. dr 11 Na uk S,.orowski., " .: ,fen':' , , yk, dc'.. dr I'rod-,ictivenow3 t-nd orfg~n e~f r.(,vg and the o!' !-Irl--a in their milk. '?vanz probl. pcst; nauk roln no.41,89-92 1 6.'~ . 1. Y-4prownik ','Jtk'Vtdu Hoduall Powindozalnej Zwlurzat, --~olska 11 9 '.IV 'I zat'l, - . Kkndomia Nauk ti r. u 7 : ;. H-nryk o,' stionp f'ari, wltn a, iol n 9 r'l -(, c F-1 "'p r. t 7 y of "';.-.lenczes. 'M-l'ii , I J. Centenni--il cf lel-iks lAsinsl:ii's birth. 3~, ; I - p ' ri ""', (Pmcrjad Tec,)njczr,.,,,. Vcl. 773 n("- C) Srr"- 1956- p. ", Fcland) Ilanthly index of East '6iirc)pevn Acces dons T-C. Vol. 7, nc. I February 1958 C, f- 3 JA31ux, Jerzy Openirg of the MLsp- of the Ancient Folish Industry Ba,~-in. Kwart hiFt nauki i tech 7 no.4:587-589 162~ 4 1 i JASIUK, Jerzy "Bibliography of the history of Czech and Slovzk mining" by Svatova Steinerova and collective. Reviewed by Jerzy Jasiuk. Kwart hist nauki i tech 8 no.2-M&-287 163. JAS111F, Jorzy Three hundred years of Officina Ferraria. Kwart hist nauki i tech 8 no.2:329 163. Exhibition on the occasion of the 10th amiversary of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencen. Kwart hiat ivwki i Uch 8 no.2:332 163. JISIUK, Jerzy Chronicles of factories. Kwart hist nauki i. te~,h 8 no.39452 163. jASII,"K jerzy 11 Seminar on the industrial revolution in 'he Czech and Slovak metallu-rgy. Kwart hist nailki. I tech 9 no. 1: 160-161 164. JASIA, Constrtiction and ' of* 31 Zf~ F.:-Z~96'2 3 , IF' (;d,) ; -~,- 421 no.2:40-43 7 765~ 1. Paper Machlne F:~,itory, MANGERONO D.; JASIULIONIS, A.; MATEESOU, Liliana 1-1--. -11--- , ~ "":- New matrix methods for studying mechanisms and machines. Pt. 1. Rev mec appl 9 no.4:869-881 164. 1. Polytechnic Institute, Iasi (for Mangeron). 2. Lithuanian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (for JasiulionLa). 3. "Al. I. Cuza" University, Iasi (for Mateescu). JASKIEWICZ, Alekaander, doc. Modern aoganization of automobile prcduction. Frzeg.1 techn 31 no.9:19-22 160. Te t r r A:,rjderly of Airric-uLtilral Sclences for the Lif~hnprl~,~-n (f r Unive~,:~I-r, I,, I I . .1.9i (f,r 'T-, uz% i'.,t L--~ ~! '^ LC JA,M--';WICZ, A. '~acnetic d1cfectoscony. p. 202. Vol 10, no. 7, July 1955. 1-10TOPY2MG-TA. Warsaw, Pband. So: Eastern -Daropean Accession, Vol 5, no. 4, April icity Dielectrics U C Abs Jour Ref Mur Fizika., No 6) 1958, Ito 13452 Author Inst P. 'Fierut Univcrsity~ Wroclaw) Poland Title rcmain Formation in Ferroelectrics OriG Pub : Acti phys. polon., 19571 16) No 3, 227-229 Abstract : A theoretical study was made of the influence of the electric field E on the formation of c-donains of barium titanate. The change in the free energy, connected with the formation of the nuclei in ferroelectrics, i s made up of the surface energy, the volume energy, the interaction energy of the polar- ized dielectric with a field E, and the depolarization energy. By way of the parameter the author assumes a spontaneous polar- ization T. and proposes that the nuclei have the share of a cone with generatrixi-and radius of base r. It is assumed tl,-nt all nuclei, whose dimensions are greater than criticalj are stable. For the critical dimensions rk andik in the absence of E, the following expressions are obtained: Card I/P F~T_,'LND/Electricity Dielectrics Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, Ito 6, 1958, No 13452 G-2 wher,-:~- is the density of the gurface enerLV and depends nn the shape of the nucleus and on the depolarl4atinil factor. in the presence of E we get ? /' ~ - -~- .1 < T A .1 where the signs and pertain to the domains whose oclariza- tion is parallel and anti-parallel to E respectively. It is concluded that the expressions obtained are successively appli- cable for the study of the formation of domains in connection with experiments described in the works by Piekara and Pajak (Referat Zhur Fizika, 10,54j, No 11) 13253). Card 2/2 P(',T,AND/'-'1~--c+,rI,city Dielectrics G -_2 Abs Jour Pef Zhur rilzil,a, No 6, 1958, Ito 13451 Author Inst B. Bicrut University, Wroclaw, Poland Title Domain Formation in Ferroelectrics Orig Pub Acta phys.. polon., 1957) 16, No 1-21 169-171 Abstract The nuclei of domins that result from fluctuaticns increase when their dimensions exceed a certain critical size. The free energy of the nucleus., whose shape is assumed con-ical., Passes through a Maximum as the d1r:ensions of the nucleus increase. 1,n expression is obtained for the critical dimen- sion of the nucleus both in the absence of an external field, andin its presence (for parallel and anti-pp6,rallel orientation of the spanz,,uieous polarization with respect to the field). Near the Curie ter.Teratuxe, thq critical dimensions of the nucleus are large. The critical dimensions of the nucleus with Spontaneous polariation, anti-parallel to the field) is great- er than that with spontaneous polarization parallel to the Card - Ih JASKIEWICZ A - KONOT H. Ferroelectric and antiferroelectric arrangements In Perovskite-f-rTw~ substances. Bul Ac Pol mat 8 no.10:699-702 160. 1. Department of Experimental Physics, University, Wroclaw, and Department of Theoretical Physics, University, Wroclaw. Presented by W. Rubinowicz. (Electricity) JASKIFWICZ, A.; KOMIENT, H. Dipole array of ferroelectrically active A-ions in ABO 3-substances. Bul Ac Pol mat t no.7:553-556 161. 1. Institute of Experimental physics, University, Wroclaw, and .'F. Institute of Theoretical Physics, University , Wroclaw. Presented by W. Rubinowicz. 23023 P/045/61/020/004/001/004 B133/B205 Wo 0 AUTHORS.: Jas'kiewicz, A., Konwent, H. TITLE: Dipole arrangement in'perovskite-type ferroelectrics PZRIODICAL: Acts. Physica Polonica, v. 20, no. 4, 1j61, 281-288 TEXT: The authors viere concerned-i-vith the ferroelectric behavior of cry- stals having the chemical composition ABO3 at low 'temperatures. In this formula, A indicates mono- or divalent metal, and B a tetra- or penta- valent one. According to Venevoev and Zhdanov (Venevcev, Yu. N. and Zhdanov, G. S., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. fiz., 20, 178 (1956))i both K/ A and B may give rise to ferroelectricity as a result of their displacement in the crystal lattice. The aim of the present paper wa s to investigate the case where only the B ion is ferroelectrically active. Piekara (Piekara, A., Proc. Conf. Phys. in Spa-la p. 268 (1954)) has shown that in t.ubic 6lementary cells (Fig. 1), there are potential batriers U between th~ center of the cell.and the 0 ions.of type i, ~i. As long as the tempera- .ture is higher than U/~, the B ion oscillates' about thi center; at lower Card 1/5 23023 P/045/61/020/004/001/004 Dipole arrangement in B133/B205 a and a denote the ionic polarizabilities.of th~ ions A and 0, respec- A a Al tively, and p x is the x-component of the dipole moment induced in i.on Al. The field of the induced' dipoles determines the direction in which the B ion is displaced in the neighboring elementary cells and, consequently, also the ferroelectric or antiferroelectric beha'Vior of the crystal. In further considerations, the influence of the field is taken into account only for those cells which have a face in common with the initial cell, The total electric field at the center.of cells 1 and 2 is given by E. 0 2 - ~-12 LA) E(11 E(1) - 0 .(256 !- x Y -7 1 0 27 a3 a' and the total eledtric field at the center of cells 3, 4, 5t and 6 is (3) 13) (.)- 64 a0 I M. (13). 'Ex = Ey 0, E. )a:'' Card 3/5 -2302" P/04 61/020/004/nOl/004 Dipole arrangement in B133YB205 The.ions 13 and B' are displaced along-the z-axis (like B) if and only if ZM 1 2 (3) ', 0, and the *~ f E 0. z , ions B3- B 51 z If both these conditions are ful- filled, all dipoles will have tlie~ same orientation a5 the original ond, whereas in the other three cases the crystal will be antiferroelectric. Since the polarizability of the oxygen ion for ABO substances is known, the conditions that must be. fulfilled for the subsLnce to be in the ferro- electric. state can be easily derived fron Eas. (9) and (13): a,,*< 48.4 x 10-24 cn,3 a < 5.35 x 10-8 em (18), (10). These conditions' can be app lied to any ABO 3 substance. JIV may be anticipated that these findinCs -.rill be corroborated by future investi- gations of substances in which also A is ferroelectrically active. The authors thank Professors R. S. Ingarden, J. Nikliborc and Professor Card 4/5 23023 P/045/61/020/004/001//004 Dipole arrangement in B133/B205 J. Mazur, F. Inst. P., Head of the Low-temperature Laboratory, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science. There are 3 figures and 5 referen- ces: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloo. The three references to English-language publications read as follows: Kinase, W., Progr. theor. Phys. , il, 529 (1955) 1 Mason, V1. P. , and Matthias, B. T., Phys. Rev. , at All" 1622 (1946); Slater, J. C., Phys. Rev., 18, 748 (1950). ASSOCIATION: Institute of Experimental Physics, Wroclaw University, Wrocraw; Institute of Theoretical Physics, Wroc-raw University, wroc~Caw. SUBMITTED: September 7, 1960. Card 5/5 JASKIEWICZ. Arkadiusz Field induced nucleation at the phase transition in barium titanate, Acts. physica Pol 22:Suppl.:165-172 262,, 1. Department of Experimental Physics, University., Wroclaw,, V.A JASKIEWICZ, Arkad-iu- 7AKRZEWSKI, Tadeusz Thorm,il proceBaeo In 1--tizu "itanato. Matfint ~iljtrcmofii Wroclaw 3:159-165 '62, 1. Laboratory of LOW TCJnp,-Wqt11T-f.S, Im-itituti? c," Polish AcadGmy of Soien---as, Wrcchrt Branch. ~;' .1;.! ~ 1: JAS KIEW,ICZ , Ferroelectrically active A-ions in AB03 substances. Acta physica Fol 21 no-5$509-521 My 162, 1. Institute of 1heoretical Physics, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw. JASKIEWIGZj A.; TERPILOWSKI, J. Anomalous delay effect in polycrystalline BaT103. Acta phyaica Pol 23 no.3:407-4.09 Rr 163. 1. Physical Institute, Wroclaw University, Wroclaw. JASKIEWICZ, A.; KONWENT, H. Dipole patterns in orthorhombic and trigonal phases of ABO substance. Acts. physics. Pol 25 no. 4:543--550 AP 164. 1. Institute of Experimental Physics, University, roclaw (for Jaskiewicz). 2. Institute of Theoretical PhIsics, University, Wroclaw (for Konwent). 777=77- ---77 -j 71 '. ol, 06't 7 P( at 5 65 ''j AITTIMIR: ja-91dewicz OUS' ~11- MLE: Asymmetric hysterest8 loop d a stwgle-domain fe 1~'-ctr'; SOURCE: AcU- ph7sical polonica, v. 27, no. 5, M-5, 637-647 DWI(- TAIG's, Ihva-tvreafs )c,op, gavrnmetric hYsix-resit3; loop, charged it loor-. llfgr'~ antinIA")*- ~Aml -rl, rqnpr n1j,,,AtI-j 1" A!Aa tlm-,L the axiLlnuc lemdrm mcohWlt~i ID (A Jiside Nvic - rev-r~ia, 1.r. (I I', C.'d 1/2 L 60279-65 ACC-ESSrON NR: AP5017138 Ume bled-ng, left open since tha&j! factani affect the rale of f,lijS )f nri.Lrin jg, NO REF SOV: card 2/2 WI-OCiA v,-Ilkl, EINC L: 0( 009 OTHER: 018 VvIr Ic 111'a A Q CXADE: Lk 1, L SIF,KIER,'7YNSKI, Michal, repulooktato; JASKIMECZ, Jacak, repulooktato New evaluation proposal of Polish instructors. Repules 15 no.4:17 AP 162. JASKIEWICZ, Janina; WICINSKI. Ryezard Contraction function of the uterus In parturition and hemorrhages of the 3rd period. Gin.polska 31 no.4:441-449 ji-Ag 6o. 1. Z Kliniki Poloznietwa i Chorob Koblecych A.M. w Bialymstoku lierownik: prof. dr med. S.Soszka (LBOR physiol.) (HIMORRHkGE. POSTPARTUM etiol.) ii,s,~ial'acZ., Z. Calculating the strength of gear wheels of automobile &iving mechanisms. Pt. "I. p. 290. MCIMIKA MOTORYZACMIA. Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 1956, W'srszaija, Poland) SO: Monthly List of ELst European Accessions (EEAL) LC. Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957. Uncl. v -o 1',j la, n, rfL, 7 of -ast Euro~,--oan Access~ors L!7, V.:,' Uncl. HIM; HIII Ili. I I~ JASKIEWICZ, Zblgniew, mgr inz. Geometric computation of hypoid gears with Oerlikon type epicycloidal arc teeth. Pt.l. Techn motor 13 no.9:293-301 S"63. 1. Katedra Samochodow, Folitechnikav Warszawa. JASKIEWICZ, Zbigniew, mgr inz. Geometric computation of hypoid gears with Oerlikon type epicyclaidal are teeth. Techn motor 13 no.10029-339 TO. 1. Katedra Samoohodowp Politechnika, Varsmava. GRZYWACZ. Rysm)-rd, mgr inz.1 JASKIMCZ, Zbigniew, mgr. Inz.; FYTLEWSKI, Zdzdslawp mgr inw. - - - - Asphalt pavements of airports and their roughness. Techn lotn 18 no.11t315-320 V63. JASKO, Ferenc; BAN, Gyorgyne Up-to-date treatment of sewage water in electroplating plants. GepgyartaBtechn 2 no.3:102-106 Mr 162. 1. ORION Radio es Villamossagi Vallalat. JASKOI Water fuptyoof tb#,AA Iculturil Riveriment Station at BudAkovA, 6 1 N1.1XVIII frablimil 1111firs, Hudal"t). IIk1,iOV-KWIxy 30. 52 44 immin. - me rilesn, and seal, date of 3 w0h are dv~-dtwd The "ater origi, natr% at a depth of 12- 16 m. from sand. miul, and f-unini- fam-t clay. litrin Finily .JA-,K(',, S. Bauxite decosits in the Central Mountains of Dunantul. p. 621. (BANYASZAtt- LAME. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 1956. Hungar~v) SO: Monthly List of East European Accession (;-'FAL) LiC, Vol. 6, no. 6, June 1957. Uncl. . 1~ J,~] !;~ t Ill !I il i i if :1 1: 1 -: I I . . JASKOJ S. Mining-geologic description of the area of Lyukobanya and PereceB. P. 97 A MIAGYAR ALLAMI FOLDTANI DIrEZET EVI JELEWESE. Budapest, Hungary, 1955-56 (Published 1950.) Monthly List of East European Accessions (EF.A.I) LC, Vol. 9, No. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. JASKO, SapdW, dr. Crust movements of the Pliocene period in the lignite basin of Borsod. Foldt koz1 90 no.2:184-191 Ap-Je 160. (EFAI 10:2) (Hungar7--Lignite) JASKO, Sand !~, dr. "Foldtani Kutatas"; a periodical review by Sandor Jasko. Bany lap 96 no.l-.69-70 Ja 163. ASKO., Sandor., dr., a fuld- es esvanytani tiAomimyalc kandidat-.isa Relationship between the water dischrage of the brooks on the Balaton Plateau and the Northern Bakony Mountains and the -11 geologic structure. llidrologiai kozIony Itl no.1:75-84 F 161. 1. Orazagos Foldtani Poigazgatosag. ~ P ; V it! ! i I ! I.11 '1 ~VIII !1'11:1 ~! : I I I , I !, I , i , JASKO, Sandor, a fold - ea asvanytani tudomanyok kandidatus& ft.~_ - ~-_ Relationshjp ~etveen the geological structure ard -the ex- tension of karstic water in the Dunamtul Central Range. Hidrologiai Kozlony 39 no.42289-297 Ag~59- L- 13143~-63 EVrL(m)/BDS/ESM-2 AFFTC/ASD/ESD-3/SSD Pub-4 UP(C) F/046/6~3/008/001/001/004 AUT-HORS- Bobrowski, L.; Wilhelmi, Z14,- G6rski. B.; Marcinkovs kl-; So sk6la, M. TITLE: "Lech" pressurized electrostatic accelerator PERIODICAL: Nukleonika., v. 8, no. 1, 1963s 1-'28 TM: This paper describes a 3 Mev pressurized electr6statle accelerator i developed and constructed at the Zaklad (I-A) Fizy1d Jjdra Atamwes'o i(Laboratory .of Atomic Nucleus Physics) of the Instytut Badan' JqArovyth (Mkleaa4.R1esearch Institute) in Warsaw, in collaboration with the Katedra FizykI.,jowa Atomwego, Universytetu. Warsiawskiego (Department of Mclear Physics of Warsaw Uiniversity). 7he described apparatus is a vertical van de Graaf generator operatlxig in air.or in a 70% N2 and 30% C02 mixture. Operating pressure does not~txce~d.UA atm (6 atm in air). Its maximum potential, obtained. without cAlmirig' tube, is:3000 IV: -1- 5%. The generator produces 2500 kv and its natural voltage~etabillty is about r4. This value can be corrected to 0.1% by means of a rotary: Vol-W .ater and coiona tube. The maximum short circuit current in air at atmospheric-prensvre is 600:pa. card 1/4 ",al I ~11 I I ~11 . ~11 L 13143-63 P/046/63/03/00:L/OM/004 "Lech" pressurized electrostatic accelerator AZ q lip ~1) PA- Ir [C?f 93 Fig. 1. Principle diagram of accelerator Fig. 2. Acceleiator mmsuring circuit 1-electrostatic ion source; 2-calning tube; 3-band; 4-eng#e; 5.13 S~; *,.i , pray point cooling coil; 7-rechargLng points; 8-corona tube; 9-rotary voltv~iter; 10-vimring wWov; 32-hi&-voltage electrode; 12-pile. Card 3/4 11,11-Ull i w aq jjallp~l: 1~:L . 'Imirl-1, vIg li . I-~ :1 : :- ,!,. r~ irm., r p~ m ~ ,4, Mili I ! -SC~IJ PC Nukleonika, v - 2 19f. .)5, 69-?5 p AC, S: i I I in f. 'T I c e 7-7 C,,d 112 fill CarA 212 ~11 UVRIMMIM-1-MIRT IMM 11- W F M19 k: I I ill, 5~.' ii.1 j : 1 1 1 , I I !,! , - LICHMNSTEIN, Henryk; JASKOISKA., Anna; LESZCZYIISKA, Hall-ma; HOYR-Wfll., PrzenVslaw M. *----'----'--- Comparative research on the usefulness of absorption masses for hydrogen sulfide in the presence of air. Przem chem 41 no.9:521-523 S 162. 1. Zaklad Przerobku Siarki i Pochodnych, Gentralne Laboratorium, Siarki i Kopalin Chemiczn;ych, Warszawa. - N M , USZCZYNSKA, Relina; HOFFMANN, Frzomysla74 M.; FIATKOWSKI, Bronislew; ~KOIBK~A. Anna,,,. CIESIZWSKI, Wieslak I Pro-,industrial technological research on the refining of sulfur concentrates by means of the centrifugal separator method. Przem. chem, 41 no-9:524-526 S 162. 1. Zaklad Frzerobu Siarki i Pochodnychs Gentr&lne Laboratorium. Siarki i Kopalin Chemicznych,, Warszawa. JASKOLSKA, Halina- MINCZEWSKI, Jerzy Determination of gallium and indium by the method of neutron activa- tion. Chem anal 6 no.2:149-159 161. (EFAI 10:9) 1. Department of Analytica Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw. \\ (Gallium) (Indium) (Neutrons) SASKOLSKA, Halina; WODKIEWICZ, Ludmila Determination of trace amounts of arsenic in gerzanium by the method of neutron activitation. Chem anal 6 no.2:161-165 161. (EEAI 10:9) 1. Department of Analytical Chemistry, Institute of Nuclear Research, Warsaw. 1kad of Depgrtment: prof. dr. J. Minkiewicz. (Germanium) (Arsenic) (Neutrons) WCDKIF,WICZ, Ludmi-la; ;[A~KOLSKA- flalip4- &I-ctraction of gold with the use of acetylacetone. Chem anal 6 no.6:1071-1072 161. 1. Zaklad Chemii Analitycznoj, Inst)-tut Badan Jadrcxrych, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa Kierownik- Zakladu: prof. dr. J. Minczewski. jolk-4f1~1 ILA 1~~ At 11011nal Dovartmont of Anallrtleal (Awmistryo lulltibuto of Nolcer Ro3sarch OP-Vlad Chomil Analityoonoj Knitytiltu BA&A zadrow-70h) 0 ';, ar3aw 'IL i it Yp lo 9# m)pt 5200 *T--Aoe izi=-Lty ;Ja terml nat. ion 1,n nigh ,%wjt;y ifttarlsaa by ioutton ~OtlvAtion xot,t,od JASIOLSKI,, Ireneusz., inzo; FaMRj Leon Zino sulfate production in the nonferrous metallurgical ~nduotry. Rudy i metals 6 no.10t]+34--436 0 161& JASKOLSKI, K. "Experience in the field of exchanpe of transfomers not working at full dapacity.11 p. 148 (Gospodarka Cieplna, Energetyka Przemyslowa) Vol. 5, no. 4, July/ Aug. 1957 Warsaw, Poland SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (&-~Aj) TC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 ; ; 9: P :-M IIH i fl 11 A I .. , JASKOISKI, Konrad, inz. Research on the utilization of compressors in industry. Snergetyka przem 10 no.10:350-354 0 162. -V~ . 1 41 1 HI i :i !I Hi I! 1 11 11 1~ :1 .-, JASYCLStYI, S. "Conditions for the good growing of potatoes" P. 8 (21~=, Vol. 4, Vo. 5, May 1953, lefarszawa) East European Vol. 3, No. .11 IMarch 4 SO; Monthly List ofk~A" Accessions,/Library of congress, 195j, Uncl. AN- 00 00 go 00 00 go *0 09 00 00 J 00 A&-! 00 t Mr. 0 '9 0 ).-A-diWL6d Ust of fA top Aw _wu 7-40 -go Vf 0 too Ago, gas 300 %0 . Ito go 4 too too 600, '0 U~ . 4. Ira m I Rd a 14 1 v Im I A a I it 0 $1 0000.0 ~0.0000'-i As 4000000 W ~f 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 o 0 o 0 6 0 SO 1 0 10 .1 0 0 1 4 1) u u w Is 16 it 16 a Al is' is v.14N)JI11112bill it v is 10 a11 Al 4) OF 640 6 L p a it A I y L--L AA IS M W fE.A-t k 4 1 t "'lum " 04 The adver-tis dep"ts of Putesi. baliviA A trixat anall4vullk W fhm girtq, I, Z ith is litt ol mincrals (ols"d in Ow depw.11. All-I llo's to the extru.itr artmp 613.1 f"t'll a '1xv,41 0 a OP 4'- 99 A 1, aI L A&ITALLUNGKAL LITINAtiollf (LASUPAC010% A A I A 0 ' u ft AV K3 At A V It An fW 0 It 0 it to 11 11 0 N n n at K n 4,14 0 41 - 4 ~00 1 1 1 3 4 6 1 a I is it a 13 m u is r7 to tt I vam:011 VIS jd* sly x it 9 II -w- Me- 1, 0 . 1 .1 - lk-L lk- - At Ov 43 At a g '00 No iv- C6014 I 'It DIN Thit Otto cad seams. Radliciukow mint'. Upprer Silesia. Adum DfAht and I&AIddi S1211WAIN. RiNtRif P111kiefd log GoNd. 12. fm 771ll 111:W): New, Him. wl, 11. Ion, N'N. .60 %1-.1% 411111011. tif (Ahnitr 20.5, Ownitc *,11,1. "once iti.% -00 lefflill"11114111itt! 1:1.4s miltyinife 14.1. liwnm- 7,14 mul 11,11-41 futHfuncn (11.102 pyrile) 1.4%; chimitiv. milretimir An,j .00 *ffe (teropilrd. 11fifigair arldly'm g4ve C M M 14 IM N 4 1) H H 4 11 05 U .00 . . . . , , . p 13.4%: vAilile pumbuli art- 14 wi fbill ifir vooll it not 00 04 %iiiistdc for rolhis W Or minvial i-timtoint. pvro~, mdevite and kaolin lik l 13 900 - e c ay ate r,gar.1-1 u,. vuh-ht, anketile, diloniili- (*itlt ~djme jqilteanfl Nyl, Five) , a, epicenctic. Aem-my ujincraI4 ate unim-owite. low. Zoo 0 %3 , tire, fUldr, iff"OH, tOUFMA111W. NArnet, alutitt ind kv3stile. C. A. Sill.-mof 7 too 007 too 1114 00 00 Do.= 041 &%-ILA METALLURGICAL LITERATURE CLASINFICAVICK , -*j tame.; It a., ant I -.A 101 a Ij 0 0 ~ u is go a , st iYA A! IT U st 0 0 0 0 t 6 4 0 4 1 0 '00 0 0 0 0 0 00 si 1 4- 4,14 Lt., It Titanium, its Industrial and Metallurglical Value and the pod1j. bWty of its Diwovery in Poland. 1. Fcszv/A-nko-Cvjpi% ski awl 14t. InAt'jis ki. (Ilriwe Itadmisvirv Ilitty Ilfaildmt. 1937, Not. loll. I Jill. I'lit' 411101t)" 1MVP VVILIllilli'll fill' llklll.-rithov~. ili..trilmlivi, and ria-mitry ill tilt, titillolmi-1--al ill--- mill"Mi'. *0 at' Inti-livilhirly ill Nwt4b-ti and Nisrun.y. total ah-i ill Ntirilt miil S(wth I (Svin,loal mid Sivrrii Lt-w-l, Poirtm:;d o lawlh The Owmi-41 14114 plot ss"d li-11-111,--l tit lifitilif I-so 00 - InOld art- briellY vinisplen-4 awl it. pmfl- 111,ill% 1 11110 0 file proix-f-tic-4 to( carbides lirld ltitridvs~ the rvactimis tti-t-urrill' 0 1 L, 0 dtiring I lie mohimiml vi'licimifertitts irim tirv.-A iwall the titallifert) . , 0* 0 00 2 lirtoolurvil an- diveimm-d %loith appropritite imilly.4t.8, will ust." ;11111 11114)Vot %4 till- 111vial loort, evilltilled ill sollit. th'tail. All-tittills vi, 0 jollm litallillill 10% pwItitrin i! .. till.. mint-timi 4 the tetnivithwitle uith oolitlitim hydridv an, gi%vn. (lit U vt tv R.) Lt a it M K ff a 14 vt it t% n X4 0% 0 9 * 00 04 0 * .6 -0 0 49A 41 a 0 0 0 0 40 so 0 1109 0 a 9 0 0 * 0000 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 a 0 111 & a 1 4 1 6 1 1 1 I Is 11 If 13 W IS It If a " a 11 n Is n 36 9 1 M If 14 1; X It A 14 ! 41 4) 13 40 4 r 0 1 .4 1 10 If ~A a r 12 J_ a a I T If IF . 9 , . IF I I I --W lxj -K4A- I L -I-A '-~~q 0 1110ciMs ........ 00 The occurfoote of dtablum ores and the poselhilty of thek Iffecove .41muktaw Melnik C) in Poland, ' ' 5 9. 245-0(1931); CAfrm. Ztmt 19. A review r. M", 2 of tbt Semlinavian. North Ainvitcan And IN-Un.-h- posits of Ti mcs and a cirit. stuAY 14 M"It i1tv"t'10114" G M . . in Poland. to '3 ZOO 00 00 Z:O: see a** 111TALL A S M -iL A UROKAL U11FRATURI! CLAWFICAMN W., koo t u In 4T 00 it of ID A I 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 06 0 0 0 9 0 0 00 0 0 0 ejo 0 04 0 0 c 0 4 0 00000909 Of 4 1 1 1 v it 11 11 WII)$ lyll "bill v a it a is PP. "IF !0 ~!P: A.41P if if ), v u x a 41 it #I 1A a A I-C 5-f I c N I I L F-A .IL t t u I I I I L-I-AA-W IX A it & j I - #, # t J- ALJ 4 1.~.p OR09" W, it- "Dols$ pet'VIS1,11 .rtt upaqu* comments of the Lowlcl motootitts, S Geroijiu)(in Polish. .1fiendol. Abilrucis 7. 174-5(tOIS).-Thev include grains of kama- cite showing Neunujuu lint& with a little uctkite IK-r(!cfinF vil"'litc. and accrtmiry WhrCiNT-ite. 0 0 ml jimenite. the lut often aj mols cu6md in clif"Wil'tr 00 C. A. -00 .40 see 0 to not to 00 roe 60 'lite ~iolp goo 106 as* a** tie* A I a L A RETALLURGKAL UTINATURE CLASSIFICATICk CS 0 gov u n AV ~O ~n Op ry (refit ormr wit l(K Katt lem 14 Ono @I* a 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 :0 0 # 0 0 0 000 of 0 0000 a *0*0*0 6 00 too 0 0 0 0 C r in T.'j eSCiSZ(A-jjCC an(I ,e of tjj,~, pritc shale dc-054t- Source rialuerials to 11-nlyev' their origin. p. 303. 7 Vol. 5, 1,10- 7, jui:.- a957. .~arsza--,, ~olarid) ons (EE., L vol. 6, 10, October 1957- U"cl- SO: llontid~- List of East European Accessi JASKOLSKI, St. Scientific Sassicn in the Fnterprise for Oeology in Krakow. Przegl geol 11 no.11:4 of cover N 163. JASKOWA, A. VI. JASKOWA, A. 1-1. Some Observations with a Wedge Photometer of the Graff Type. Acta astronomica, 1951, v. 4, P. 158. JASMAAK, A. --- ---- Competition in the building construction enterprises on State farms. P. 7 BUDOWNICTWU WIF.JSKIE. (Ministerstwo Holnictwa i Ministerstwo Panstwowych Gospodarstw Rolnych) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. U., no. 11, Nov. 1959 Monthly I'st of East European Acce5sions (EZAI) LG, Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Unal. JASKOWIAK Maria .-)- --, x,- Geological structure of the Szczecin Synclinor-lum in the light of seismic studies and boring results. KwartalrWc geol 5 no.4:934 161. 1. Zaklad Geologii Nizuv 3nstytut Geologiczny, Warszawa. AF Mcu i. 1. D-partnnf3ntl of Wa r s% w L, L) ~'-" i t It ti :)rj JASNOWIAK, Maria Geological structure of the Stettin synclinorium. Przegl geol 9 no.8: 403-411 Ag 161. 1. InBtytut Geologiczny, Warszawa, u1. Rokowiecks. 4. JASKOWSKI,-Andrzej Effect of mining by combines on the g-ranuluHty of coal. Archi-w gorn 9 no.4:36?-381 164, le . bmitted October 22, 1963. JASKOWSKI I J. "How to define and control losses of grain by drying" (p. 16) GOSPODAMA ZBOZZOWA (Polskie Wydawnictwa GOBpodarcze) Warazawa, Vol 4, No 4, April 1953. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol 3, 110 8, Aug 1954 I ~ . I N U 11 P li : t .. 'I I ! , I ~' , !;~I ., i1i6imw mmmfflmm-~~~ UJASK(USY-1, J. Dwarf catfish., a new fish in the Warta Basin, p. 19. (COSFODARXA RYBNA, Warszawa,, Vol. 7, no. 2, Feb. 1955.) SOr Monthly List of East Evropean AccessionB, (EEAL)l LC, Vol. hp No. S. J~n. 1955, Uncl. IASKOWSKI, L. (Bydoszcz) The value of the Illini 7ariable Temperature (IVT) diluent. Roca nauk (EEAI 1039) roln wet 70 no.IA'370-374^ 160. (Diluents.) JASKOWSKI, L. Preventing bovine trichomoniasis and other diseases transmitted in breeding. p. 163. MEDYCYNA WETERYNARUNA. Vol. 9, no. 4, Apr. 1953. SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C., Vol. 3, No. 4, April, 1954. JASKOWSKI, L. Insemination as a factor in improving the health of animals. P- 385. 0EXCHA IdWERYNARUNA. Vol. 9, no. 9, Sept. 1953) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L.C... Vol. 3j No* 4, April, 1954 JASKOWSKI, L. Principles of preserving bull semen. p. 404. (aDYCYNA WETMV.IkqYJIIA. Vol. 9, no. 9, Sept. 1953) SOJ Monthly Lst of East European Acceasions, L.C., Vol. 3, No- ),, April, 1954 . . I : ~: : ~ 1 11: : 1~1 11 0 1 - I I 1 .1 1 1 1 , - I I - . JASKOWSKI, L. "Artificial Insemination of Cattle." p. 24 (Plon, Vol. 5, No. 2, Feb. 1954, Warszawa) East European Vol. 3, No. 6 June 1954 SO: Month List of 4~Accession Library of Congress., IM) Uncl. L. -~L~, -~.X '- -:' ' - q - 19:~ ., ~j IL-ny -, jik, 7 1. 10, . - - . . It -,,. Q (: EDYCY-,,.,A I I, ~' - I -~01~.:ld) - so.. ., -,i!.,v -)-F -~-St louxope~~-!-, AccossiO;sv (YEIL), LCI 701. .: , :!~- 5, :,~--y 1954, U-cl- U 1 POLAND/Di seas es of Farm Anirmls - Disease3 Caused by rrotozr~s'_. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 3, 1958, 12-287. Author Hoppe, E. Markowski, A., Jaskowski, L. Inst Title Experimental Treatment of Bulls Infected with Trichnmonosis. Orig Pub: Med. weteryn ; 1956, 12; No 3, 163-164. Abstract: Good results were achieved in Performing an irriga- tion of the prepucial =cosa and of the extracted penis with a 0.4 percent chloramine solution under * 4.5 atmospheric pressure, Conduction anesthesia * dorsalis penis was performed prior to this treat- ment Of 55 bulls treaterl, 49 recovered after a single treatment, 3 of the bulls recovered after Card 1/2 see by rrnL0Z-')q- _jsP.3 of Fer: p,bs jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., NIG 3, 195% 12267 two treatirents - For the treatmerit of or(' azrdral, up to 50 1. cf Ujje solution were used. Card 2/2 FMAUD/Farm ':nirials. General Froblcins Q-1 Abs Jour iRof Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, No 35597 Author Jaskowsld L. Inxt Title The Study of the Storage of Semen in the Frectice of Artifi- cial Inseninotion. Pert I. The Results of the Study of the Procedure in the Hrndling of Somon after Obtiiining It rnd Its Storage in Thornacsos with Ice Orig Fub : I-lad. watoryn., 1956, 12, No 10, 599-603 Abstrect : No abstrcct Card : 1/1 poj,~,ND/Farm ;,nirknis. Cattle Q-2 joLv :RLf Zhur - Biol.; 110 19, 1958, No W078 ,juthor :Jaskowski Lech Inst of the preservation of Bovine Somen in Title Comparative Studies Diluents - Citrate-yolk,, Glucose-Citrate-yolk, and Lactic Ori6 Pub Roczn. nauk rolniczych, 1956, 367, No 4) 409-424 i~bstract , corrparative inuestigation of the effect of the fO11OwinG four diluents on bovine semen: yolk-cit=to, glucose-citrt%ta- yolk, lp-ctic, and lactic-yol-k. It was established that -at a1:4o dilution the viability Of r3PerL1_tOZOOnS is t""-- s=e in all thesa ailuents, while at a 1:80 dilution "Un" best results were yielded by thelactle-Yo3k dilucnt. U1 four diluents protect thc 3eman frou the temncr-lturz chock. out of the 1,335 cows inseninatea with the seman dilutcd in the lactic-yoLz diluent, 727 (54.5 Percent) 0xPCrir1-n,"" concQption, while out Of the 1,303 cows inseminatc~ the semen .Uluted in the glucose -citrate -yolk (Uluent, Card 1/2 . f : I q ~ '. I]- j . ., : , ~ " , , , -1 , ., .1 " ... I I - I :: ; I :: . JASKOWSKI,__Lech, prof. dr. Studies on the quality of the semen of imported bulls. Rocz nauk roln wet 69 no.4.-433-"3 160. MAI 10:3) 1. Zaklad Sztucznej Inseminacji i Zwalczania Bezplodnosci Instytutu Weterynarii. Zaklad w Bydfoszczy. Kierownik.- prof. Dr. L.Jaskowski. (Bulls) (Semen) M JASKOWSKI, L. (Bydgoszcz) Observations on bruoellosis in bulls. Rocz nauk roln vet 70 no.IA: 351-353 160. (EEAI 10:9) (Bulls) (Brucellosis) ROMANIUK J.; - (Bydgoszcz) J, __JASKOWSKI ____ L. The influence of some physical and physicochemical factors upon the viabi3Aty of Trichomonas foetus Riedmueller cultures in vitro. Rocz nauk roln itet 70 no.1/4:359-360 160. (EFAI 10:9) (Trichomonas foetus) ---, JASKOWSKI, L.; WALKOWSKI, L. (Bydgoszcz) Fxperiments in deep freezing bull semen. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no,1/4:372-375 160. (EFAI 10:9) (Bulls) (semen) JASKOWSKI, L. (Bydgoszcz) Obeervations on the quality of the semen from bulls Imported to Polmd. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no.lAt367-370 160. (KEA1 10:9) (Bulls) (Semen) .JASKOWSKI, Lech.. prof. dr. Actual views on the influence of acclimatization upon the fertility of males with regard to the import of bulls to Poland. Zeszyty problemowe post nauk roln no.31:61-76 1611 1. Zaklad Inseminacji i Zwalczania Bezplodnosei., Instytut Weterynarii., Bydgoszcz. Kierownik: prof, dr. L. JaskoUski I !I-ASKU.4SKI, Lech,-prgf, dr.; KORYCKI, St.; BDIEJNIS-..KIDSOWSKA, Danuta Advanced studies on the preservation of semen under room temperature. Zeszyty problemowe post nauk roln no.31:143-11t8 161. 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Rozrodu i iaktacji, Instytut Fiziologii i Zwienia, Polska Akademia Nauk, Bydgoszcz oraz Zaklad Innemintiaji i Zwalczania Bezplodnosci, Instytut Waterynariij Bydgoszcz. Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Jaskowski JASKGISKI,, _j!~ch. --- , prof. dr.; KORYCKI, St, Influence of the cooling rate and the concentration of glycerol upon the quality of frozen sermn. Zeszyty problemowe post nauk roln no.31:157-161 t61. 1. Zaklad Fizjologii Rozrodu i Laktacji, Instytut Fizjlogii i Zywienia, Polska Akademia Nauk, Bydgoszcz oraz Zaklad Insewimeji i Zualezania Bezplodnosci., Instytut Weterynarii,, Bydgoszcz. Kierownik: prof. dr. L. Jaskowski 21' k- JASKOWSKI, Loch, prof. dr Survey of scientific works on biology and proqervation of semen, presented at the 4th International Congress bf Reproduction of Animals in The Hague and at the,Conferenee of Representatives of Member Countries of the Council of Mutual Econ6mic Assistance in Karlove Vary. Zesz prob! post nauk roln no.39:53-68 163. 1. Kierownik Zakladu Inseminac.1i i Zwaletanin Bazplodnoaci, Instytut Weterynarii, Bydgoszcz. ACC NR: AP6026218 (A) SOURCE CODE: PO/0071/65/000/009/0552/0557 AUTHOR: Jaskowski, Lech-Yaslkovski, L. (Professor; Doctor; Bydgoszcz) ORG: Department of Artificial Insemination and Fertility, Veterinary Institute (Zaklad Inseminacji i Zwalczaniu Bezplodnosti, Instytut lfeterynarii) TITLE: Bacteria in bull semen and role of semen viability and bull fertility SOURCE: Medycyna weterynaryjna, no. 9, 1965, 552-557 TOPIC TAGS: biologic reproduction, bacteriology, animal husbandry, commercial animal ABSTRACT: Thorough discussion of the role of 10 common types of bacteria in male infertility in cattle. Semen containing over 400,000 organisms is consideredi unsatisfactory, that containing less than 50,000 very good; intermediate concentra- tions may be passable, fair or good. Orig. art. has: 1 table. [JP1RS: 33,5001 SUB CODE: 06, C2 / SUBM DATE: none / CRIG REF: 005 / OTH REF: 029 1A - 4 I)-) cr-