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BAIRTGS, Sylila, ckleveles gepeszmernok; JANCSO, Tibor; p -J,,C~QSI Marton; CSERNAVOLG~ I Laszlo; GRAF, Laszlo, dr.- MOTIGSKA, Felician; SEIBERT, Istvan; ZAVO'-'SZKY, Ferenc; EHMI, Jozsef; ELSZA3Z, Rezso; SZABO, Gy-ala; 9ANASS, Jozsef; NOSZTRAI, Konrad; PETER, Istvan; BARDOSSY, Demo; SOVARY, Elemer; VALY, Ferenc, dr.; DOWS, Imre; KOVACS, Sandor; 14A.TC)ROS, Sandor DnsLgning queitions ef city gas distributing notwork!3. Energia es atum ILI nu.1:33-47 Ja 165. 1. Civil Engineering Designing Ofi'ico, Budapu:3t (for BartOS). 2. National Power Economy Authority, Budapest (for Majoros), BASZCZYNSKI, J.; BODAISKI,J.; HORSKI.-S.; JAROSIK,11.; IGIIATKMSKA,M.; MACIEJEWSKI,A.; REDLICH,J. Morgagni-Adams-Stol,es syndrome in a 10-year-old boy; clinical death and resuscitation by prolonged direct he&rt massage. Kardiol.pol. 6 no.4t259-265 "63. 1. Z II Kliniki Pediatrycznej AM w LodmL (kierownik:prof. dr. F.Redlich); z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w lodni (kierownikt prof.dr. A.Maciejewaki) i z Kliniki fleurologicz- AM w Lodzi (kierownik: prof, dr, StHeman). BODALSKI, Jerzy; KARGER, Eugeniusz; JAROS-TK,_ 1,11apoleon The problem of resuscitation in sudden death in infants (apropos of a case). Pediat. Pol. 39 no-3:281-286 Mr'64 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Dzieci AM w lodzi (kierownik: prof.dr, med. F.Redlich) i z Kliniki Chirurgii Dzieciecej AM w Lodzi (kierownik: A.Maciejewski). I.i;. II I, ~ I ;, . I ", CHNNAUN11 S.; jAaU6.irWiL;Z, L.; PREIBIS4,Z.; ZYLICZ, J. 161:1 The mean number of conversion electrons per one decay of Tm Acts. physics. Poi 25 no-3:4i'l-425 Mx 164. 1. Institute for Nuclear Resoftrch, Department of Phytitesp SwIm'k near Warsaw. J A;iOs T-- - - C -- r-wi L, ".. "Influence of hexa-chlorocyclohexanes on insects injurious to the sugar beet." (P. 91). NOIWE ROLNICTWO (Panstwowe Wydawnichtwo Rolnicze i Lesne) WarBzawa, Vol 3, No 1, Jan. 1954. SO: East European Accessions List, Vol-3, No 8, Aug 1954. J: I V :! I H - ; I i I'll I[ !1 ~l It 11 1; 11 "JARUSU AAP-O~ -WOCHNA, Zdzislnw A ureter located behind the vena cava (ureter retrocavalia). Polaki przegl. d3ir. 11 no.6s685-692 June 59- 1. Z Kliniki. Chirurgii. Dzieciecej A. It. w Lodzi Kierownik-' prof. dr. A. MaCiejWski i z Kliniki Urologicznej Wojskowej Ak-qdemii Medycznej w Lodzi Kierownik: doe. dr J. Lenko. (URETERS, almorm.) The alWaid content of Colchicum autumnals and YgravM10betianuminpat"d. M.Oatty-OZOOVAIAMID. ka (7, ZakF~fu Pann. Sto%uwaaej Aka4. Nft~F- AGrim", VOU"M 1. Poliffa All-id. Umijernaki. Prair Kam' Sawk i~ '.., Plirtrolia4a Ph4rm. 3. I(XI-27(1031 X Freneh ,nimmary).-The ishitt, CokAkaw aillminstak. found in Polaii-I. was found to be,uitable (or pharmweutieW purposes tift-2use of 1vt alkaloid content. The colchkine courn. in dri"I t 501) bultin ilam 0.24-4)..187f. In dried seedA 0.47-- 4X%. i: dried ihmern 0.74-W%?, dried herbs O.M".M%. and in dri"I leav" O.OW-O.RAPI Since Vera&ww a4vin was rare In PLAand Veralps-i vM3 vtudi~l. 71`b~ tmlb %ptem of this plant contAined O.W0.7070 alladoid%, the roots contained 0.74-0.76% while the bulbs contained 0.151-0.5370 alkalaidq. L. J. Piotror^ki WIJRZCUOWBKI, Jocef; JAROSINSKA, Halina Detection and determination of putrefaction of certain types of fish; Nssex lucius and Bramis braTm. Acta Polonise pharm. 11 no.2:131-136 1954. 1. Z Zakladu Hanki o Brodlqa& Spozywozych Akademii Medyezuej v Gdanska. Kierownik: doe. dr J.Wlerzchowski. eISHO (1 *Bramie brama & lesex luciua, determ. of putrefaction) !il Jkf~)SUISKI, E. ; G. Analysis of the precision of the complementary and detailed triangulation systems. p. 22i .. GEODEZJA I KAIMGRAFIA. (Polska 14ademia Nauk. Komitet Geodezji) Wargzawa, Poland Vol. 8, no. 1/2, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (&EAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 7, July 1959. Uncl. P/044/60/000/008/002/009 Alo,(/Ao26 AUTHORS: Grzegorzewski, I.; Jarosifiski, I.,; Masters of Engineering TITLE: Inspection of Jet engines PERIODICAL: Wojskowy Przegl~d Lotniczy, no. 8, 1960, 32 - 37 TEXT: Dealing with the development of the complicated design of jet engines the authors state that continuous inspection of jet engines and investiga- tion of their operation is indispensable and of high importance. Inspections per- formed for maintenance purposes help the scientists in their efforts to improve existing types and to design new types of jet engines. The Inspections and In- vestigations are classified according to various criteria ani require special tools, equipment, laboratories, etc, by which the achieved observations, tests, results and data can be evaluated. Use of cameras, recording devices, etc, are indispens- able for exact investigation of the manifold mechanisms of jet engines. Attention should be paid to the health and safety of personnel and to fire, noise and ex- plosion protection. Card 1/1 j. ZiS L)!Ic of acronaut-ic.. 'j- 3. %70 JI S-T ' C - -,7, -rT,.-"I T P- T -07'1. Do-Im U-ro ',,Toj ~311- LO 4 -1i -.1 Cs?.-' I ra Val. 12 , no. 1. Jan. 19'j'9. nt!~-y -list 0~ -ast ly I iW, C, v--IicqLion in 43 PRZEGIL~D (Dw%,odzt,,To 7.4c-'sk Lotn 4-c 7.nych Polard Vol. 12, nr,. I., Apr. 191~1? Li-,!" n-, I-Ist ruro-enn Acccocions (!-Ul) TJ,' Vol. ~i, ro. ~7, Aut-,L1,13t, 1959 L Uncl. GRZEGORZEWSKI, J., mgr,,inz..;,JAROSINSKI,-,J,.., mgr.,inz. Tegting of jet engites. Wojsk przegl 13 no.8:32-3? Ag 160. JAROSINSKI, Jozef, mgr. inz. Measuring methods used for the evaluation of the quality degree of combustion chambers. Techn lotn 17 no.7;195-203 J1 '62. 1. Instytut Lotnictwa, Warszawa. Jarosinski, Jozef -I' Methods of determining the efficiency of combusition chambers. inst lotn prace on. 21:21-26 163. ACCEZSiai rut: AP4-o42748 AUMCR: Jarosinski,, Jozef; lapucha, Ryszard TITLE: * Codbustica in a tufoulent flaw SOOGE: Technika. lataicza., no* 7o 1964., 176-181 P/0008/64/000/OCq/0176/0181 TOPIC TAGSt turbulent combustion,, f3me propagation,, flame velocity ABSTRACT: This is a eciatinuation of an article ca two models of turbulent embus- tion. Here, the authors describe the methods used in detecting turbulence, de- t6rmiuing its characteristics., and Investigating the effect cf individual param- eters oa flame propagation velocity, The effects of 1=inxw flame propagatiou velocity U,,, velocity fluctuaticu u0., pressure p., excess air a, tc=perature T, hig~a-freq=acy speatrun bands., and Reynolds nx=ber an the flwe propagation and plot-Wed. inas- velocity u were calculated from the fcmula ut a B X U'M X u, as -scleatists give different values to B, m. and f the i~elaticaships ut r(ul, u ), u - f (Re ~ vere calculatea by vari ow . t - f (ul, a), ut -- f (u), aza ut - mothods of Soviet scientists. The data show thdt 1) the tw~bulent embustica, velocity ia b1gher fcw grates giving greater velocity fluatuatolons in bish-fraqwa- 1/2 m I I! , I;; - I I 1 11 '1 , ; I II. :, I I : I I ; I 1 .1 : ._fJkR0_SlN':'K I, --it mrf', mt-r- in7. , I o'~ -'I A, fty , ip4,,!- ~ ri;,. . Com'wstLon ir. turbn:lent flcw. Pt. I. Techn lol,n 19 no.6.- '3 44. 1 -51 Ja 164. JAROSINSKIO Stanislaw Clinical aspects of thallium poisontrig. Polatte arch. med. ve"Strz* 24 no.5:807-830 1954. 1. Z Ir Kliniki Chorob Wevuetrznych Akademil Ka4ycznej v Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. dr sad. S.WassUki. (THALLIUM, poisoning,) (POISOVING tballium) JARDSINSKI, Stanislaw -;, Chylothorax. Polskia arch. med. vewn. 26 no.2:251-265 1956. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. G. Kierownik: prof. dr. mad. St. Wszelaki. Rzeszow. Zamojakieg6 12. (CHTLOTHORAX, case report (Pol)) -2/031/62/'007/001/019/021 1-2 20e) D265/D308 A U'- H JarosiAski, Stanislaw Di,-,i'ua'L differential analyzer W.A.T. C.~ P 1 0 D 1 C AIJ Archiwum automatyki i telemechaniki, v. 7, no. 1-2, 1962, 359 - 373 The characteristic parameters and principles of operation are described for a digital differential analyzer which is being bUilt a-c the Polish Ii'ilitary Technical Academy (YI.A.T. ). This machi- ne -v;',-)ich consists of 60 integrators each with one input and 7 out- U Pu-Us, is of series type with a magnetic recordin ,; drum. Decimal sys- ."er, of Drogranming nas been adopted. There are 10 figures and 1 table. AS-SOCIATION: Vlojskovia akademia techniczna (Military Technical Aca- demy) "T q -, ~' / , C.;. ~s / ~' / / S_ PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION POL/4904 Z zagadnien" techniki. wojennejo BroA termoj1drowa, BSP, etutomatyka, radio- lokacja, te:Levizja, podezervien', pociski rakiet6we, hydrrAkustyka (Problems in Military 11echnology: Thermonuclear- Weapons,- Fadiation (BSP), Automation, Radar, Television, Infmred, 'Rwlwt Mis- siles., Hydroaccoustics) Warsaw, Wydawn. Ministerstwa Obrony Narodavej, 1959. 370 P. Errata slip inserted. 3,,000 copies printed. (Serlee: Biblioteka wiedzy wojskowej. Seria II) Scientific Ed.: Henryk Sejnenski; Ed.: Michal Wr6blewski; Tech. Ed.: Kazimierz Szubert. PURPOSE: This book is intended for the general reader interested in modern weapon developments. COVERAGE: The book contains 11 articles in which the various types of modern weapon systems are discussed. The information is based on Western sources. The basic principles of atomic reactions axe given and atomic explosions are described citing as examples the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs. Theory concerning radiation substances and the effects of I-adiation on liv.Lng Card 1/4 Problems in Military (Cont.) TAMZ OF CONTENTS: Introduction Raty4ski, Wojc:Lech, Master of Science. Weapons PM/4904 Physical Bases of Nuclear Stanuch., Jerzy, Master of Engineering. Warfare Radiation Media Stolarski., Maciej and StanistwJarosiiiski both Masters of Eng- ineering. Automation Sacharewicz, Henryk, Master of Engineering. Radar Keiteki, TtLdeusz, Master of Engineering. Military Ridar Equipment Ostaszewski,, Feliks, Master of Engineering. Television in the Armed Forces Doszla, Kazimierz, Master of Engineering. Infrared Radiatioa in Miiitary Engineering C-xd 3/4 5 11 56 92 126 153 182 210 Problems in Military (Cont.) POL/4904 Stasierski, Tan, Master of Engineering. Hydroacoustics and Its Applications in Military Engineering 256 Fisz, Jerzy, Master of Engineering. Design and Flight Mechanics of RockBt Missiles 279 Skalski, Leonard, Master of Engineering. Rocket Launchers 3o6 Paszkowski, StanisZav~and Kazimierz DzitcicKdwski,both Masters of Engineering. Guided Missiles. General Characteristics of Guidance Systems 325 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (W485-7-2) card 4/4 AC/m/fal 2-13-61 v xz - Z- YL-- CZECHOSLOVAKLI/Chemical Technoloay - Cherdcal Pr:;ductr, and Their H, Application - Chemical Processes and Process Equipnent. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 9, 1958, 29c68 Author Jaroslav~ K.I, Inst __r ------- Title The Design of Fluidized-Cat--lyst-Bed Reactors. Orig Pub Cheja Pruny6l, 1, No 2; 57-60 (1957) (in Czech with surm=ies in English and Russian) Abstract The design calculations are based on the utilization of the known settlinG rates of the particles in the mc-dium. The determination of the sattlinG rate is carried out Graphically in the basis of the physical propertics of the systera. Graphs for the datcrmimition of the pres- oure drop are also included, toGether with Uaphs for the e-Letcrmination )f tile velocities cormspondinE to Card 1/2 CIA- CA a, j6OGAZIA".0 cmw. 4w dWm bo9W made W4 ~X%l 4 1960= .d P- ~bk. ~'C-tg- Iffeds smll&s 6OWW by 4-=W'D O.Ei'm-dimu jKbm and UWOM on. It and .,Wmy cbm- W--as- L..Sw JAROSIAVY L. p4 "Ca2culatton of Standur,ls fnr t4ater and Fuel Conswa t.-Jon L,,r Lr~coinotves. P. 240. (YOM177D TSTIUD01~2ki'YI SaIIX, Vol. 1~, Tr. f ror t!'e Slova k" 1 170. JulylAilf,- 1154, Pudapest-, Hungary) SO: YontIlly List of East European Acccssions, (rF.AL), LC, Vol, 4, No. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. JAROSIAWSKI, Jan, mgr inz. Economic aspects of the electric power management in Yugoslavia. Energetyka Pol 14 no.9:282-283 s 16o. (EEAI 10:1) (Yugoslavia--Electric power) DZIURZY"ASKI, Stanislaw, mgr.,i,,z.; jAHOSLAWSKI, Jan,--mgr..,inz.; WISIIIEWSKI, Stanislaw, mgr.,irz.; STARBAI-E,--S-t-a-nfs-la-w,-t-ojchnik Automatic deaeration of the conduit of transforner switches. Energetvka przem 10 no-3:105 162. JAROSLWKI, Jan, mgr inz. Before the coming autvmip~inter peak in electric power consimption, Przegl teahn 81+ no,,35.-1,3 1 S 163. JAROSLAWSKI, ~~eK"" Notes on the circulation in resection therapy-of pulmonary tubercu- losis. Postepy hig. mod. dosw. no.2:208-211 160. 1. Z Zakladu Ftyzjochirurgii S.D.L. Sanatorium im. dra 0. Sokolowskiego w Zakopanem, Kierownik: prof. dr Wit Rzepecki. (PNEUMONECTan) (BLOOD CIRCULATION) LUKIANSKI, Marian; GOPALCZYK, Jerzy; JAROSLAWSKI,-MiecZy8law Blood pressure measurement in the right heart and rasults of spirometkc studies. Gruzli-^a 31 no.8:907-912 f63. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Klatki Piersiawej SDL w Zakopanem Kierownik: prof~ dr med. W. Rzepecki. (BLOOD MSSURE DETERMINATION) (HEART) (SPIROMETRY) (TUBERCULOSIS, FU1,MONARY) (PNEUMONECTOMY) (EXERTION) JAROSLAWSKI, Rieczyslaw; LUKIAVSKI, Marian; GORALCZYK, Jerzy (Zakopane) Electrocardiographic picture and pulmonary pressure in patients with extensive pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica 31 no.6t559-564 Je163- -y- . :; 1: GORALCZYK, Jerzy, LUKI91SKI, Marian; JAROSLAWSKI, Mieczyslaw Blood pressure in the right ventricle in pneumonectomized patients and in cases of extensive pulmonary tuberculosis, Gruzlica 31 no.89901-905 163. 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowej SDL w Zakopanem. Kierownik: prof. dr med. W. Rzepecki. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (PNEUMOTHORAX, ARTIFICIAL) (]BLOOD PRESSURE DETERMINATION) (HEART) i A $ KIAN-K!, Marian, GORALCZYK, Jerzy JAROSIAWSKI, Ideezyslaw LLT Klectrocardiographio picture und pulmonary pressure in patients with extensive pulmonar7 tuberculosis. Fol. arch. med. wown. 31 no.7a769-774 963, 1. Z Kliniki Chirurgii Klatki Piersiowsj SDL w Zakopanam Kierownik.- prof. dr med, W. Rzepe--kJL. (TUBERCULWIS., PMIONARY) (ELECTROC;A-RDIOGRAPU) (FUUION.Ud CIRCUIATION) (BLCOD PRESSURE DETEIMNATION) (PI]ELTmOfqEC'f-Ow )(11EART GATHETER1ZATION) J"t"o-l-, 0 TA , :' " . k.ewcst ,-..eti od or dete!-.:,i riin~- the Zranulatiori of block, mriLer:ial. ). ~~ 1 .13. AUDY, Praha, Vol. 3, no. 3, ""ar. 1955. SO- Vonthly Li,--t of East European Accessions, ('E-'~AL), LC, Vol. -I, no. 10, Oct. 1~55, Uncl. JEDLICKA, J.; JAR-OSOVA) V.; FIAIDVA, T. Facotro influencing,tbe dooti-icardiogram in chraiia palmonary heart diseases Aota Unive, Garol* Dued.] (Praha) 10tuupple 17: 71-78 ?63 le Kardiologicka laborator., Ile interni klinika a Ile chirur- gicka klinika fakulty vseobeenehe lakarst7i University larlary v Praze. JAROSOVA, V. ; DAUM, S. Plasma blood and extracellular fluid volume In the course of normal pregnancy. Cesk.gyn. 16 no.1:36-48 1951, (CLML 20:8) 1. Of the Second Internal Clinic of Charles Wversity in Pragae (Hemi-Prof. A. Vancurs., M.D.), Work Group of Prof% L. Donner. 11,111; !'Al :!L; ['[I ;'[ ; I ~ i 1H "i '';!!I Ili:J.1w ~ I t t'l ~ i, ~. .t: 111- ;: er"Irf Ti.A "fe, di-t J;. t lt~i .-Sta n c a Or Ll Ir 1'. )d 1.,!, 6 S C 'E. c d c V t. Vi I t I HERLES, A.; JAROSOVA, V... M.vocardial pictures of the electrocardiogram and the nervous regulation of circulation. Cas. lek. cesk. 94 no-5:101-107 28 Jan 55. 1. Z II. interni kliniky v Praze (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY myocardial pattern. nervous control of blood circulation) (BLOOD CIRCULATION, pbysiolog)r nervous regulation, ECG of myocardial pattern) DAUM, S.; JAROSOVA, V.; CHYTIL, M. Ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest with hyperkalemia. Gas. lek. ceek. 98 no.1:23-24 3 Jan 59. 1. 11ardiovaskularni. laborator KU v Praze -- pracoviete III. II. interni rarlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. MUDr. F. Herles. S. D., Praha 29 U Nemocnice 2. (VMMRIGUIA-11 FIBRIWATION, case report with cardiac arrest & hyperkalemia (Cz)) (CARDIAC ARRBST, case reports with ventric. fibrill. & hyperkalemia (Gz)) (POTASSIUM, in blood excess in ventric. fibrill. & cardiac arrest (Cz)) 1.111 1111ill ;-111:1 1'.1 : q III I Is; DAUM, S.; JAROSOVA, V.. Orthostatic changes in plasma, total blood & extracellular fluid volumes in healthy subjects. Cas. lek. cesk. 98 no.26:821-824 26 June 59. 1. Rardiovask-ularni laborator Karlovy university v Praze. Pracoviste III na II. interni klinice, prednosta prof. dr. F. Herles. S.D., Prahs. 2, U nemocnice 2. Do redakce doslo v dubnu .1958. (POSTM, eff. on blood plasma, total blood & extracellular fluid volumes in healthy subjects (Cz)) (BWOD orthostatic changes In blood plasma & total blood in healthy subjects (Cz)) (BODY FLUID BAIANCA orthostatic changes in extracellular fluid volumes in, healthy subjects (Cz)) DAUM, S. ; JAROS OVA, V * Orthostatic changes in plasma. Total blood and extracellular fluid volume in healtby subjeotso Rev, Czech. M. 6 rto.1;36-42 1960 1. Gardiovaacnlar Iaboratory, Charles University, Prague: Department III. Second Clinic of Internal Diseases. Director: Profeasor F. Herlee. (POSTMA) (BLOOD GELIS) (BLOOD VOLUME) (BODY FLUIDS) HERLES, F.; DAUM, S.; JAROS)VA, V.; VALiIITOVA, Vj.; OUREDITIK, A. Principles in the diagnosis of cor pulmonalo in chronic pulmonary emphysema. Sborn. lek. 63 no.5/6:151-157 *161. 1. 11. interni klinika fakul~y vseobeonehb lelcarst-vi University Karlovy v Praze, prednoita prof. dr.F.Herles. (PUIAONAM HEART DISWE diag) (PUINONARY ERRMSMA diag) DAUM, S.; HERLES, Fr.; JARDSOVA, V.; VALENTOVA, Vl.; DUREDNIN, A. Chronic cor pulmonale. Diagnostic contribution of clinical symptom of chronic cor pulmonale and eaqAysema of the limp. Gas. Lek. Cook, 101 no.8:225-234 23 F 162. 1. Kardiologicka laborator a II interni klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. Fr. Herles II chirurgicka klinika KU v Praze, prednosta prof. dr. J. Lhotka. (PULMONARY HEART DISEASE diag) (PULMONARY EMPHYSEMA diag) -JAROSZ, Adam -- Desulfurization of ps by memno of the wet thylox method, simultaneously.obtaining sodiun thiosulfate. Przem chem 41 no.10: %9-571 0 162, 1. Instytut Nawozow Sztue2nych,, Tarnow. No"r; Vu 01"d W1, P,01 I ~~5 c-cti. of lWil n! JAROSZ, Czealaw, mgr inze :-,-,- Analyais of the method of increasing the efficiency of a compression gasoline plant. Nafta Pol 19 no.llz259-261 N'63- 1. Kopalnictwo Naftowep Krakow. Mieczyslaw; JAROSZ, J._ Gapillaroscopy in Buerger's disease. Polski przegl. chir. 29 no.3: 463-466 MaY 57. 1. 2 111 Kliniki. Chirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik. prof. dr J. Jasienski Praae wplynela dnia 28. 4. 1956. Krakow, ul. pradnicka 37. (THROMBUNGHTIS OBLITXWS, diagnosis, capillaroscopy (Pol)) V. '--0 4 Polish Technical Abstracts NO- 41 1953 Building Industry and Architecture 2516 674A3 1: SOLSJ31 -Smyjewsel K.. Jarwz J-, Sz)-maeL-ki'1_ The InCuence of th;! Mols-lute' i I . Content in It3w Peat on Properties of Peat imulallinz Platal. 1 ,Wplyw %VIgolnoict sugrpwca tortowego n3 -wl3woici lzodacyjAylll Inst. Tort, ply', torfowych". (Prace last. Torf. No. 4), :Elblqr. 1932, 22.5 pp., 3 figs., 13 tatu, Tes,.s carried out an a semi-techn!cal a:_hIn prpvcd that In the prcc3s3!ng of raw p3at the use or hutiande ct and that IteitIng of the P:!a, pulp cinno, bj! m:>mm3nd!i:I. Rxigh insuLiJng p2at plahis tnade j from previously dried peat, contaln 3.3 to 6.0 kg.le:s water than platils jm2di fr*m raw p!at, The fJMjhSd:p1jeej art,. although 1!,qhler. IS p~ J&trong. The most aulltabl~ m2' 'er-d for this purpose at dric-1 to a m:)13ture content of (IJ-531ta. Chern!caU utually aided have no laCtual lafluence on the dehydratic-i of p,,at pulp, X&dT (PDt.rpw-&m1w-Si' )&1loilly i W"'a" 4. 37V-M(l950)~bL.P'd'vunta1- of amtropic dr. Ition at EtOH lof tile as * fuel by intaus of a syntrin of 1110, R(olf. com. mw h-boillogp4olln,e dkWulb"i, -d 4 MW Method Is dem.41ml hi w "l 4mill eblorlde Is u"d - the deh3rdming aant. W, SAYIXIWU . 1 11 1 JARM, X. JARPSZj K. Chemical filters in the alcohol industry. P. 378. Vol. 10 no. 9 Sept. 1956 PRZEMYSL SPOZYWCZY, Warsaw Poland SOURCE: East European Accessions List (11-"EAL) Vol. 6 No. 4 April 1957 1 I JAROSZ9 Karolg mgr An attempt to reorganize the commercial service for electric-power consumars. Energetyka Pol 15 no,,I.,89-92 Mr 161. (Exu 10: 3) 1. Zaklady Energetyczne Ckregu Poludniowego (Poland--aectric power) I--,' - . - "1%, Now methods for preraring and cashing bills for electric power; a discussion. Energetyka Pol 16 no.3:88-92 162. JAROSZ, Marek Use of 5-allyl-5-(113-hydroxv- I.- iodopropyl)-barbituric acid (D-1 prmparation) 4n treatment of psychoneurosas and psychoses. Neur. &c. polska 6 to.4:459-464 July-Aug 56. 1. Z Kliniki Psycbiatrycznej A.M. w Lodzi Klerownik: prof. dr. mod. E. Wilczkowski. (BARBITURATES, ~her. use 5-allyi-5(o hydroxy-4 - iodopropyl)-barbituric acid in neuroses & psychoses (Pol)) (NEUMSES. ther. 5-allYI-5-(0-hydroa7- i -iodopropyl)-barbituric acid (Pol)) (PSYCHOSES, ther. same) JkROS'd, Kqrek (T~)d%j Gdni)TI~n I1.) Mis,;ue? thernlyy with nrenerved bl-ood of 67 ppyehiAtric Fic. nolska 7 no.?:151-361 may-June 57. 1. 7 FlIniki Psychintrycznej AM. w Lodzi. Kierownik-, prof dr mod. E. Wilczk-owski. (PSYCHOS:~';, INVOWTI01AL, thorany, tissue ther. with preserved blood (Pol)) (TISSUE MEMPY, in vArious diseases, psychoses. involutional, preserved blood ther, (.Pol)) Y" "Cli, 30c 8 '~~ol 1',Y'5 e,-Jro' 0,~Y v 2581. INvEsTIGATIONS ON THE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HALLUCINAT!oNS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA CONMUCTED WITH VERRO-VERBAL AND VEHRO- MOTOR METIIODS - Hadanin w zakresie patnfizjologii urojed w schizu- frenli prowadzone met(i(IQ*;Iowno-f;townairkuwnt)-rtic-ht)w4 - Ja rosz M. Klin. Psychint. A. NI.. L6d1 - NEUROL. NEUROCHIR. PSYC'MTr--M-ff7 7/suppl. 4 (638-639) The hypothesis of the pathophysiologictil mechanism of dvus' ionsAhich has resulti'd from experimenN an the conditioned reflex in animals has, up to this time, only been tested on a few human subjects. The purpose of the present study was to gather further data pertaining to the mechanism of patliophysiological'paranoid delusions in schizophrenia. Seventeen patients were tested by Jung's verba-verbal method with the use both of stimuli directly connected with the content of delu.,nons (conflicting stimuli) and of indifferent ones. In the investigations by the lvanov- Smolenski verbo-motor method. while obtaining motor responses to the light stimuli, the verbal conflicting and indifferent stimuli were applied and the two- limbed stereo typies consisting of indifferent and conflicting words were altered. The application in Jung's verbo-verbal method of verbal stimuli directly associat- ed with delusions has caused a considerable protraction of the latent period and/or considerable weakening of the reaction force; similar disturbances occurred in 4 cases after the application of verbal indifferent stimuli. The protracted latent period obtained in examinations by the verbo-verbal method and the echolatic re- plies point to the spreading of inhibition to the second signal system. The protract- ed latent period and the weakening of the reaction force to the light titimuli after the use of verbal stimuli give evidence to the spreading of inhibition to the first signal system. Whe appearance of inhibition in the cortex, due to the influence of verbal stimuli connected with delusions. is explained by the hypothesis of inertia excitation foci as the foundation of delusions. The acting with verbal conflicting stimuli, thus straightly directed to the cortical structure affected by the pathologic- al excitation inertia, has resulted in the intensifying of induction. This leads to the spreading of inhibition to both the signal systems and. conseqtiently. impairing the reaction to the stimuli of the first and second signal systems. The slow pro- duction of conditioned reflex and the inefficient transforming of simple two-limbed stereotypies which occurred in the majority of cases, indicate the weakening of the excitation process and of the internal inhibition process. The results of these studies are fully explained by the hypothesis of the inertia excitation foci as JAROSZ. Harek Apilepay with repeated prolonged paranoid statse. Ile-ur. &c. polalm 9 no.3083-392 Je-J1 159- 1. 2 KlinW 'I?sychiatrycznej A.M. v Loazi Xlerownik: doc. dr mod. St. Gwymr. (PARMOTA etiol) (LTILF.PST compi) JAROSZ, Marek; POGCRZELSKI, Wojciech .. I 2 cases of psychoses with delusions of parasitic skin disease. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.12:436-438 21 Mr 160. 1. Z Kliniki Psychiatrycznej A.M. w Lodzi; kierownik: doc.dr med. St. Cwynar. (DEWSIOUS) JAROSZ, Marek (Lodz) Review and criticism of the fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis and the psychoanalytic theory of neuroses. Pt. 1. Przegl psychol no.5.149-182 162. JAROSZ, Marek The blood glucose of schizophrenic patients after being treated with glucose, insulin, and epinephrine. Neurol neurochir psych 12 no.34.379- 388 MY-Je 162. 1. Klinika Psychiatrjrczna, Akademia Medyczna,, Lodz (Kierownik: prof. dr med. S. Cw7nar). POLAND JAROSZ, Marak, Psychiatric Clinic (Klinika Psychiatryczna), Medical Academy] in Lodz (Director: Prof. Dr. med. S. CWYNAR) "Fluctuations in the Fasting f3lood Glucose Level in Schizo- phrenic Warsaw-Krakow. Przeglad Lekarski. Vol 19. Ser II. No 3. 22 May 63. pp 242-1-75- Abstract: [Author's English summary modified] Author studied the fasting blood glucose level (Nelson and Somogyi) on pa- tients with various forms of schizophrenia in satisfactory somatic condition. Detarminations were made every other day for 2-3 weeks, and the arithmetic mean for each patient were used for evaluation. With the treatment and improvement of the schizophrenic condition, there was a marked narrowing of the difference between the high and low glucoxe level for each individual patient, a fact which can be utilized to follow the progress of the patient. Ihere are 16 references, including six (6) in Polish, one (1) each in French and Ger- man, and eight (8) in English. 22 -'. - 1-1 11 ~ T1 1! 1- 1 . . I JAROSZ,M. ":eurosis tristitiosa. Cesk. psychiat. 59 no.61415-418 D163., 1. Psychiatricka klinika Lekarske akademie v Lodz-i , Folsko. M-.qNAR, Stanislaw; JAROSZ, Marek; 110.7DYSLAUSKA, Irena ResuIL3 of sordinol Lherapy of . Ijizophronic pationts. Neurol, neurochir, psychiat, Po". 14 no. 2015-321 Mr-Ap 164. 1. Z Kliniki Psychintrycznej AM w 1,odzi (Kierownik: prof. dr S.Cwynar). dr T,,s,7:p-.-ch vork of tie Lodz liz-a-acri c-,- th~! C~oc:iety. Frzegl psychol nc. 7,118-125 164. 1. Chairman of th~~ Lociz i3ranzh of the accle".y. A I., ?"d 1, L w ; 1"!1:1 I'l I I I'lli -.1a Protein balance disorders in Jaw fractures. "za-, 18 no.e/9-31C,7-1-1.69 Ac-S '(,5. A ca8e of randlLaiLs of thfi submandibullr :yiaph nodfs. lbld.:11181-1-18) 1. Z KlAnIki Ch-I ruv[;l L StlrwitoloF[(,.,,,.noj AM w &buinku (Kier0l.41lik: dr. mod. M. Jarosz). FALIWODA, Tadeusz; q~,r ~sz ~ian~ Atelectasis as a compUcation in theracotomy. Fol. przegl. chir. 33 no.12:1495-1498 161. 1. Z I Kliniki Chirurgicznej Slaskiej at Klerownik: doe. dr S.Szyszko. (THORACOPLASTY oompl) (ATELECTASIS etiol) ! T~ -1~~ Rubbor Abot. 'Vol.' 32 No. 1 Jan. 1954 - Appliances Machinery and - r 0 0 -YOU PIAO, AR, emik ,I 9.FKI, 77; Ckew. Ark, P,;r n, (trallif. into(;+II;mandod,I I'S.Ma Lytt"t ..Techel). 11 5PO -ttatistio daw. UMS1 %A JTAROSZ. Stanislaw Evaluation of the dewity of semen by comparing it with standard dilutions of the semen of bulls. Zeszyty problemowe post nauk roln no-31:213-216 161. 1. Natedra, Zoohigieny., Wyzsza Szkola Rolniczap Krakow. Kierownik: Prof. dr. Wle Bielanski "Instruction of Artificial inserainaLlon of Animals at the IT not -iven] i~_oscovi Veterinary Academy." [ori,-inal version !-2'arsaw-Lublin, !ed,/cyna_!-,Ioto,-,,rnarvina, Vol 19, No 5, "ay 63, p 269. Abstract: The economic si--nificance of artificial insem- ination of livestock has assumed such proportions that knowledze of it must soon become the property of all per- sonnel trained ii, the veterinary services. The author outlines the training pro.-ram of this subject at the Mos- co,a Veterinary Academy, -ivin '- the details of duration and timin- of both theoretical courses and practical experience provisions. Mere are no references. ;1/1 END 15 9 13 2473 30 - - ! I 1 1. (JAROSZ, Tadeu-gz, (Warszawa); KOWALCZYK, Ryszard (Warszawa) Mechanical properties of the Polish 61/5 cables for prestressed concrete. Archiw Inz lad 6 no.3:361-382 160. JAPOSZI Tadeus7., mEr Tests of* ulLdmate load capacity r,)f nable-arainforcod I - u cohnnns prestressed axially vmder axial and t3ceentrit lcaA. 1, Ins-I 'O~rh irX no.12:32--~3' 163. J.. 7,'aklad Ze'botu i B-Annu S-!,"~~SOI-E',J-O, InSt7lA TL'~,,C*,irIJ"--I 1 L i, . 1- Budowlsme;~p Um-s-nirwa. CYBULSKI, Lech; JAAOSZ, ZdSlalaw; SZPAK, Edmund; BEDNARZ014A, Hanna Effect of surgical trauma on the electrophoretic picture of blood aerwa proteins. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no.50:1928-1932 11 D 161. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznoj A.M. w Krakowie; kierownik: prof. dr Jerzy Jasienski. (SURGERY OPERATIVE blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS) (ELECTROPHORESIS) JARGSZ, Zdz-lula,.,t; JAMRZEBSKI, Apropos of the "r-eatment of chylothoray. in Pol. ty-F. lek. 20 no.9:317 1 Mr165- 1. Z III Kl i-niki Cliirurgicznej Altuderaii Medynmej w Krakovie (kicrownik Kliniki: doc. V~ieczyslaw Fol I I , I . I , I I ! I SS, jolanta; -~ilkt i~ - Zdzislaw U Puimonary cy3t c'- vascular Or"gin. P01. przeg". onir, -~? rm.2. I L I Ag '65. 1. Z Ill ',IinJki ChirurLicznej AM w Krakowie "Kiero,,mik: doe. di. N, iolitowoll). POLITOWSKI, M.; MARSZALSK, Z.; JARCSZ, Z. Ca-oillarosco-pic picture of the skin and intracapillary blood pressure during surgery and during first few days following surgery. Polski przegl. chir. 29 n0-7:641,646 July 57. 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgiczaej A. M. w Krakowie. Kierownik: prof. J. Jasienski. (SURGERY, OPERATIVE, capillaroscopy & intracapillary blood pressure in skin during perop. postop. periods (POM (GOILIARIES, same) (SKIN, blood supply, saiqe) POLITOWSKI, Mieczyslaw; JAIMZ, Zdislaw Capillaroscopic Dicture in burns. Polski Drzegl. chir. 29 no.8: 743-746 Aup. 57. 1. 2 111. Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof. dr J. Jasienski Frace splynela: 28. 4. 1956 r. Kralcow, Pradniaka 37. (BURNS, physiology, capillaroacopy (Pol)) (CAPILIARIES, in various diseases, burns, capillaroscorpy (Pol)) 1~ I lit] 7-bigniew; JARO.3Z, '.~Vgmwit I.JF;e of pneumtic borpr in ortboredic surgery. Chir. nrr?. ruchu 22 no.l! 57-59 1957. 1. Z Kliniki Ortopedycznej A. M. w Pounaniu. Kierowntk* urof dr W. Doga. Adres autorow: Poznnn. ul. DzIerzynaklego 135. (011THOPSDIC, empar. & Inntrunants nneuriatic barer (Pol)) POLITOWSKI, Hieczyclaw.; HARSZALP.K, Z "ygm-unt, JAROSZp 7,4zielair- BIgod pressure in the capillnrise. Folski. tygod.lak. 13 no.10:364-368 10 Mar 58 1. Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A.M. w Krakowie kierownik: prof. J. Jasiennkio (BLOOD PRESSURE, in capillaries, review (Poi)) (CAPILLARIES, blood pressure in capillnries, review (Pol)) POLITOWSYI, 14ioczyslaw; RARSZALBK, Zygmnt; JAROSZ, Zd::i]Dltiw Preioperative blood pressure in akin capillaries & during 1st day of -nostanerative neriod. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no-303-1156-1259 28 July 58. 1. (Z III Kliniki Chirurgicznej A. M. w Krakowie: kierownik: prof, dr Jerzy Jarienaki) Krakow, u1. Smolensk 11. (CAPILTARBS, Dbys iol. -oreoD. & postop... blood pressure in akin capillaries (Pol)) (SKIN, blood supply same) (SMOURY, OPERATUR, eff. on blood pressure in akin capillaries (Pol)) (BWOD PJ=SURR preop. & postop. pressure in skin capillaries (Pol)) JAROSZ-KADZIOLKOWA, Maria, mgr; KADZIOLKO, Adam, dr Actylsalicyclic acid and the suprarenal glands. Farm- acja Pol 20 no. 3/4:103-105 25 F 164. -TAROSZCZAK, Zbigniew (Iodz) - - rid ~~Oduction of artificial fibers and their structure. Czasop geograf 34 no,4t411-414 163. . - N* ': I 11W t .1 11 .. I I II I ~ ! , - '. aROS-4-1m, S. Better and cheaper administration and the question of dismissin.- employees from the administration and placing then, in production and service. p.16 (LAS FOLSKI. Vol. 31, No. 7., April 1957. Warszawa, Poland) SO: Nbnthly List of East European Accessions (-Eh~IL) LO, Vol. 6, No. 10, October 1~57, Uncl, 620479.116:020.14 5702 KlInsk Pit., and Met altos uphle Tcsts of Slowa Heads of Foundry Ladlm ,Ultradtw1q1rowe I metalogralicane badanLe mop&w &cMzt odlowd- czych". Hutnik. No, 1-2, 1958, pp, 39-44, 12 f los., I tab. Attention Is drown to the advaintages of Wtmtsonle tot3- Itight stopper heads were testod by this method and the resulta %vTo chixic- ed by conventkml metallographic techrilques. It waa fowW that the i ::J ir-dicablow of the tiltragonte -defectosoope contiortned to the actmal occurrence of defects. AN now 114 ;?a5 :it E W /c- If -4W5 DRYJSKI, Jozef; JAROSZNWICZ. Kona M~- Therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis vith thoracoplaity, Polski t7gods lek. 10 no.6:173-175 7 Feb 55. 1. Z odd. chir. Szpitala miejs. Hr 1 v Warazavie, ordymtor: doe. dr JJh7jaki. (TUBERCULOSIS, FULMONART, surgery thoracoplasty) BIALECKI, Makaymiliam; WYSOCKA, Helena A ease of acute hemorrhage caused by a tumor of the jejunum. Poliski tygod. lek. 16 n0.38:1463-1464 18 8 161. 1. Z Oddzialu Chirurgieznego Szpitala im. Sobaetiaxa Patrysego v Sochaczewie; dyrektor Szpitala i ordynator oddzialu chirurgiesnego: dr mod. Konstanty Jaroszowies. LELIOMYOMA compl) KORRHAGE GASTROINTESTINAL atiol) M (JMUM noopl) JAROSZEWICZ, Konstanty Associated morphine and its antagonists in surgical practice. Polski przES1. chir. 33 no.5;467-470 161. 1. Z oddzialu chintrgicznego Szpitala im. Sebantiana Petrycago w Sochaczewie Ordynator oddzialu i dyrektor szpi'-ala: dr K. Jaroszewicz. (MORPHINE ther) (MORPHINE antag) NIEWL JAROSZEWICZ,,L. kROWSKI, S.; Serum transamination system with particular reference to liver injury. Bul Ac Pol biol 11 no.2:61-64 163. 1. Department of Physiological Chemistry, School of Medicine, Bialystok. Presented by J. Heller. JARCS111MIC'"', L.; NIEWLIEOWSKI, S. The aminotransferase system in pig-heart tissue. Bull. acad. -Poll. Sci. (Biol.] 13 no.8;455-457 165. 1. Submitted Mlay 14, 1965. JAROSMYlICZ, L. Purification of pig-heart aspartate aminotransferase cr, an alumina Cr- chromatography column. Emil. acad. Fol. sel. [Biol. 1 13 no.8:1,59-462 165. 1. Submitted May 14, 1965. JARGSZEWICZ., Leokadia; MALYSZKO, Wward Nctivity of aminotransferase in variaus strains of the genus Trichomonas. Med. dosw. microbiol. 17 no.1:47-51 165. 1. ~ Zakladu Chemli Fizjologlc=aj (Kiai-mmiki doe. dr. S. Niewiarowski) i z Zakladu Higleny Ogolnej Akadeanit Me- dycznej v Bia-17mstoku (Kierownilca doe. dr. B. Floffmann). --': I P -H! ''17i Mt 1-.111 :1 1.1,1I If PROKOPOWICZ, Jan~-JAPOSZE4ICZ, Leokadia; IRYNIENILCKI, Antoni; POPLAWSKI, Aleksandii-r Behavior of the catalase activity of the liver and erythrocytes in experimental carbon tetrachloride poisoning In the dog. Acta physiol. Pol. 15 n0.1;55-65 Ja-F 164. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej Akademii Me0yezriej w Malymotokit (Kierownik: doe. dr St. Njew-Dirowski) i Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej w Malyrristoku (Kierownik: Prof. dr J. ChlebowsW. I ..!!.I fill. ~ I H 11 Ii ! . I I I I - , . , 3M7. a~uq; STUCHLIK, Elzbieta; TYSZKIFWCZ, Magdalena, dr. med. ; JA~QpgB _.L DE WALDEN, Jolanta. Stuttering in children - its causes and significanco. Neurol., neurochir. psychiat. Pol. 14 no.-:909-913 N-D 164 1. Z Poractni Zdrowia Psychinnego w Cjdyni (Kifirovnik: dr. med. 11. Tyszkiewicz). .1 ! ... .. I 11` ;1 1-1*1111:. 1 111 .I - . :i, ~II I!.:. - I ::: YAROSHVICH, P. C.Taroozewicz, P.] Poland is a durable link in the economic system of socialist countries. Vnesh.torg. 29 no.8:24-25 159. (14M 12:11) 1. Zamisatitall Predoedatalya Soveta Ministrov Pollskoy Harodnoy Respubliki. (Poland--Foraign economic relations) (25-3) P/005/60/000/14/005/041 D012/DO25 AUTHOR: Jaroszeivicz, P., Deputy Prime-Minister TITLE: The Council of Engineering Contributed to the Upgrading of Technical Problems in Poland PERIODICAL: Przegl4d Techniczny, 1960, Nr 14, pp 2-3 ABSTRACT: This editorial presents the speech of Polish Deputy Prime- Minister P. Jaroszewicz delivered during the last Plenum of the Rada do Spraw Techniki (Council of Engineering) held in WARSZAVIA on ? March 1966-.Professor Dr. of Bngi- neering Ignacy Malecki. the council's chairman, reviewed in his opening report the council's activities and achieve- ments. In his speech the Deputy Prime-Minister thoroughly analyzed the council's activities and achievements in the light of national needs. Within its framework the council has become a very authoritative forum for discussions on technical progress in Polish industry, which isl~the highest importance for the national economy. The joint Card 1/4 efforts of its members, closely cooperating with the -P)/005/60/000/14/005/041 D012/D025 The Council of Engineering Contributed to the Upgrading of Technical Problems in Poland Polska Akademia Nauk (Polish Academy of Sciences), several hundreds of prominent scientists and experts in various fields of sciences and industrial branches successfully helped to solve intricate problems of technical progress in industry. As the government's advisory body, the council righteously concentrated its activity on basic problems, which were influencing the activities of production unions, plants etc in the par- ticular branches, thus realizing the 1960-65 Plank7orked out by the 3rd Party Congress, and the 4th Party Plenum resolutions recommending technical progress in industry. Although the council's activities have contributed con- siderably to the upgrading of technical problems, there are however, still production bottlenecks, which have to be overcome. Such production shortcomings persist in Card 2/4 the machine industry, which has been pointed out in Vice- P/005/60/000/14/005/041 D012/DO25 The Council of Engineering Contributed to the Upgrading of Technical Problems in Poland I Minister Czenvipskils report. All factors impeding the country's technical and economical progress, must be removed by application of all available means. By developing technical progress, a conziderable increase of labor efficiency could be attained, and this is Polandvs most important task. The speaker futther under- lined the nationwide, favorable response of the entire community to the Party and Government actions aimed at the solution of problems connected with technical progress. These problems, and the 4th Party Plenum resolutions, are being widely discussed among the working class, unions, scientific and technical associ- ations, colleges and press. Concrete motions and pro- positions aimed at the solution of many matters are being put forward.. Above all, in the range of mobilising all available national economy resources, which would Card 3/4 permit a better utilization of Polish engineering. Con- JARCSZEWICZ. Piotr On proper mann ement of the Fund for Technological Progress. Przegl techn noa47s1,,2 23 N 160, I* Wicepremier,, Warszawa. JAROSMUCZ, Piotr Economic cooperation of Poland with socialist countries of the Council for Economic Mutual Assistance. Przegl techn no.16:1,3 Ap 162. 1. Wiceprezes Rady Ihnistrow Polskioj Rzeczpooi)olitoj Ludowej, 11rzewodniczncy Komitetu Wopolpracy Gospodarczaj i Ilaukowo- Technicznej z Zagranica, Warszawa. JAROSZEWICZ, Piotr Address to the 70th Plenary Sessionof theStateMining Cpuncil, January 25, 1963. Przegl goin 19 no.2:63-64 F 163. 1. Wiceprezes-ftad-y Ministrow, Warszawa.