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I. I : Z., .:, 1 , MA Z- ~ - -.. L.,.- o In frv..J. r4 I !I, I I: f II - tkRDAS, D. Annual convention of the Pharmaaetitical Fac~-..ili.7 of the Zagreb University. Famaceut Fl Zagrib 19 -no.11" NI!63. A V-(,- .. .... . .1.4-1-1- - ---l- I.- 1. -11-, --l ~, "".- - . - - . - - --- - . M-. . ~ -1. v,- I ..- ... .... .... ~ . L:.~ .... V -I --.. - -... . -- - 1 1.- - :. ~ LA: 1.1~:!~',,."'T,.:.,~ ...... ... - .- -.- I -- . ; ! : : ; fl ! 1 11 11 ~ - 5 1 11 11 1 ; 'I , . I I * I , ! I , : I , I J-LP,DZTZKY, 'Nancaslas, 1896- (Principl,,-s of theorotical physics) ---,eooral, 1941. 4C0 U. JARrETZKY, ITIACZESYAW- JARDETZKY, I-TIACZESYAlf. On the Migration of Poles. Poznanskie Towarzystwo przyjaciol nauk. Bulletin. Serie B: sciences mathematiques et nautrelles, 1949, no. 10, P. 75-86. JAREC, Dunan, ing. Equipment for level indication. Automatika 2 no.4*-234-239 0 161. JARECKA, Lmokadia (Warszawa) - Larvae of tapeworms In the lak- Gnldapiwo. Wi&domosci parazyt., Waraz 2 no.5 Suppl:2003-204 1956. 1. Zaklad Parazytologii UW. (TAPEWOMS, larvae in lakes (Pol)) .. 11 '1 , ~ I f I; I I I !'I * I II II ,!:,IIII;:; I i T; I "I JARECKA, Lookadia Life cycles of tapeworms from lakes Goldapiwo and M=7 PoInocne. Acta parasit 8 no.1/7:47-66 16o. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Department of Parasitology, Warsaw University, Head: Prof. Dr. Wincenty L.Wisniewski. Authors address: Zaklad Parazytologii PAN Warszawa, Pasteura 3. (Poland--Tapeworms) JARECKA, L. Separation of sexes and quantitative regulation in Cestodes of the genus Diploposthe Jacobi, 1896 (Cestoda-Diplopostidae). Bul Ac Pol biol 8 no.4:155-157 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Institute of Parasitology, Polish AcadePW of Sciences. Presented by W.Stefanski. (SEX (BIOLOGY)) (CESTODA) (DIPLOPOSTHIDAE) JARECKA, Lookadia ~Wqrqzayn, Pasteura 3) The Investigation methods on development cycles of tapeworms prasitizing in fresh-water animals. Wiad parazyt ? no-4/6: 832-838 161. 1. Zaklad Parazytolog'Li, Polska Akademia Faiik, Vlarszava. 11 1 V I ~ JARECKAp Leokadia The investigation methods o, parasitizing in fresh water no.4/6:833-838 161. I, 'I I It~ 1 1! development cycles of tapeworms animals. Wiadomooci parazyt., 7 1. Zaklad Parazy-tologii PAN, Warszawa. (FISH microbiol) (TAPEWORM) 11 !: if: i ! A i I ,11 Mr. -4 11. 11 V !I , :III I"! I ifl:-J, JARECKA, Iaokadia Morphological adaptations of tapeworm eggs and.their importance in the life cycles. Acts. parasit Pol 9 no.22/30:409-426 161. 1. Department of Parasitology, Polish Acadex*r of Sciences. Head: prof.p dr. Witold Stefanski. Authoress' address: Zaklad Parazytologii P.A.N., Warszawa, Fasteura 3. P/035/61/()00/005/001/001 A076/A126 AUTHOR: Jarecki, Antoni, Master of Engineering TITLE: Problems of strength conneated with the construction of pressure vessels for low-temperature service PERIODICAL: Przeglqd Mechan.4ozny, no. 5, 1961, 132 - 135 Due to the increasing demand for pressure vessels in chemical and petro-chemical industry, the author conducted a number of pressure tests in order to determine steel parameters, impact strength in low temperature, frailty para- meters and othet factors influencing or speeding up the bursting point in pres- sure vessels. Contemporary investigations iri this field made by Joffe, N.N. Davidenkov, J.B: Friedman, G.W. Uivtka, T. Peinzyfiski and others showed that weakness and plasticity of metal are not specific properties, but depend on tem- nezs destruction in room temperature are shown by results obtained by I. Class, (Ref, 4: "Wericatoff-Fragen bei Hochdruckapparaten der chemischen Industrie", VDI no. 2, 1955 (The Question of Material of High Pressure Vessels in Chemical Irdustry)), and the results obtained by the Komisja Przygotowawcza (Preparatory perature, pressure and on the speed of plastic deformation. The danger of weak- Card 1/ 3 P/035/61/000/005/00 1/00 1 Problems of strength ... A076/Ai26 Commission) established by the MPC in 195:5, which prepared production of high pressure vessels. A pressure vessel designed by Master of Engineering J. Kamock! of the Centralne Bluro Aparatury ChemiazneJ (Central Office of Chemical Appara- tuses) In Krak6w based on calaulations made by Professor, Doctor Z. KIQbowski '. was tested by the author.- The vessel wall was made of three 20 mm thick layers. The vessel mantle was made of B41K type carbon steel *- Tho working pressure was estimated at 325 atm. ~he closing sections were reinforced. The tests were carried out on a speoiai stand at the Fabr-jka Kotlow (Boiler Plant) in Raciborz in a closed room. The water temperature inside the vessel was 15 1 170C. The vessel burst at 700 atm. In spite of the fact that mechanical prollerties conform- ed with Polish standard Pn/If 92 123 for boiler sheet metal before test, metal wealaiess was the cause of destruction. Winding construction pressure vessel de- signed by the author and Master of Engineering Z. Zborowski showed after similar test weakness destruGtion. The vessel was to operat6 at 425 atm and destruction occurred at 1,065 atm. The author concludes that further research on th-'s sub- ject is necessary and steps should be taken by the U rzad Dozoni Technicznego (office of Technical Supervision) to change the present standards of pressure vessels. There are 2 photos, 7 figure8 and 10 references: 6 Sovlet-bloc ard 4 Card 2/_3 JARECKIT,-Antoni, mgr-, inz. The importance of tests on the strength of materials for the design of chemical equipment. Przegl mech 20 no.24:750-752 161. 1. Akademia. Gorniczo-Hutnicza., Krakow. (Chemical apparatus) (Strength of materials) -Pi/0-32/62/009/001/UO3/004 D265/D308 AUTHOR; JarePIci,--6.n-tGn!-W,-acow) TITLE: Cylindrical shell showing deviations from the correct shape subjected '11o shear and normal load PER !ODICAL: Archiiruin budowy maszyn, v. 9, no. 1, 1962, 113 - 122 TE'X.T: Startin- from the basic equations due to A.S.. Volmir, '41-he Q, app-roximate solution is obtained assuming the deflection of the shell in the form of ~Ix z aa w = f sin ~z sin 11 + f sin , 8 in (4) 11 L b 22 L b Hinged supports along the edges which are free to move in the cir- cumferential direction are assumed. Bubnov-Galerkin method of solu- t-ion is followed and the results are confronted with those obtained by J. ieyko (Ref. 2: Archiwum. budowy maszyn, Vs 7, no& 2, 1960). For the assumed shell parameters the values of the shear stresses are determined as the function of the deflection of the shell, the normal load and the initial deflection. The influence of the ini- Card 1/2 P/03 62/009/001/003/004 Cylindrical shell showing ... D265YD308 zially ldleflected shells on the upper value of the critical load is shown on graphs; in the case of the initial deflection equal to 1/4 of the thickness the reduction of the critical load reaches 47 %. There are 4 figures. SUBMITTED: September 1961 card 2/2 P i u , iltz~ : 1 -1 : F- 11 11 1 1 11 1 1 - N . ..I I I - : 1 . ! : " BURYLOWSKI., W. inz. ; JAIdEGKI.* T. inz. Modern lighting of the thoroughfares in 'Varsaw. Wiad elektrotechn 31 no.10:229-231 0 163. 1. Biuro Projektow Budmmictwa Komuralnego Stolica, Iilarszawa. - L;.; ~ C, ~ 1 * lie rr:ij,11'ar mrth !:.' 164. , I ~ 2. N. UnIvArs!',,i.. rorui-.. Sulmltl~,--d flla-,h 20, 1963. Ix f i-v.. ry -~Z e. M J .. . . MO" 1z to, Cl--'t L :~t.~ k. 7~-:A, Le wrl ~=W, zt 77 NIT 1% 11 F V T'- CUT; JARDTA, B. JARDTA) B. The situation a nd additional means for development of livestock breeding. p. 1 Vol. 8, No. 1, Jan. 1956 GOSPODARKA, 14JES:--A TECHNOLOGY Warszawa, Foland So: East Euromon Accession, Vol. 5, No. 5, !'ay 1956 JARED.V~., M. JAI U--t-k, M. : IlEffedt of Pavlov's Teaching on Contewporarj Mledicine," ?olski T odnik Lekarski, 5/21, 22 L~aY 50. .tYL 'Tilre M M, -),m - JARM No Prof. dr Tandmaz Marklaides, Poleld tygod, lak, 5:21 22 May 50 P& 83&4s in RAI CUS Val. 209 Koo 2 ftb 1951 JAREM 'Is Netwome i psychicane objwy nadcvjnnosai tarcsvcvo 56ural. and psychiatric manifestatiois in "rtbWroidie Polski tygod. lek. 61-,t2 8 Jan 51 p. 12-7. 1, Of the Neurological Cliaic (Head-Miahal Jarww,, H.D.) *f the Maritim-i Kedical AcadaW,, Smeoin, Cm Vol. ;!Os No. 10 Oct 1951 JAREMA, M. . ' - 7. Cerebral cortex functions according to Pavlov. -Polski tygod. lek. 6 no- 38:1209-1214 17 Sept 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Of the Neurological Clinic (Head--M. Jarema, M. D.) of the Maritime Medical Academy, Szczecin. JAREMA Michal Szczecin. ul. Yojaiechowsklego 8 Brain angiography. Polski t7god. lek. 10 no.1:1-6; contd. 3 Jan 55. 1. Z kliniki chorob nerwowych P.A.M. w Szozoainio; kiorownik Hichal Jerema, we wspolpracy z Zakladem Radiologii P.A.M. w Szozecinie (ANGIOGRAPHr cerebral) (BRAIN, radiograpby angiography) "I NMI, POId,,ND/M)rpho1c-Lzy if Man cind Animals (nori-.-,al and i 3-1 Experii:icntal Methads mid Technique. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1953, 26370 Authr)r Jircm, M. Inst Title Carebral AnCioGraphy and Its Sibnificance in the Dia,~mosis 3f Intmernaial Pathol-Dgy. Gri,, Pub Posteru neural., neurochirur-,. i psychintrii, 1956, 2, 35-60. Abstract No abstract. Card I/-' NV JARIMA,Michal ;~,.KULCZYGKI, Jerzy Considerations on porencephalia of the Oencephaloclastial form. JK-7 169. with a description of a case Neur. &c.. polska 10 n0.1:17-28 1. Z Kliniki Ghorob Merwowych F.A.K. w Szczecinie, Kierownik: doe. dr. mod. M. Jar4m%. CBRAIN dis. ) 41- ___LAMkU--Hich Kymographic registration of cerebrospinal fluid pressure in patients after cerebral stroke. Neur. &c.polska 10 no.6:749-757 16o. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Nerwowych P.A.M. v Szczecinia, Kierownik: doe. dr med.'M.Jarema. (CEREBRAL HEMORMAGE diag) (CEREBROSPIKAL IPWID) t! I DTIT" JAM-1-U, Michal; ZAJDU, Maria Current views on cerebral blood supply disorders in diseases of MY- heart and lungs. Polski tygod. lek. 16 no-47:1827-1830 20 11 161. 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Norwowych P.A.M. w Szczecinie; kicrownik: doe. dr med. Michal Jarema. (GERLBROVASCULAR DISORDM etiol) (LUNG DISE, ASES compl) (RZAHT DISWM compl) I ~ . ~ I ! : '111 U-:!, II.r,!--I;, -1- o:, I I I !I i I II 1 4 1 1 1 , f I. . -, -JARINA Michal _7 .-I - - . I - Recent achievements of darebral angiography inthn Vienese Clinic. Pol* tyg. lek, 18 no.46:1741-174.4 1 1 N'63 1. Z Kliniki Chorob Norwowyvh Pom, AM w Szu."od.nio; kierownJkl Hichal .7icirema. JARES, Frantisek High-frequency equipment for welding plantics. NozarBtvi 13 no.8:233-236 Ag 163- 1. Zavody elektrotepelnych zarizeni, Vy%kumny ustav, Praha. JARES, Frantisek Technical paraffieters of high frequency welding equipment. Kozarstvi 15 no.3:79-82 Mr 165. 1. Research Institute of the Zavody elektrotepelnych zarizeni, Prague. ~ i I * ir ;i I D I " m ~ .,I . 1~ J I S I :,; -! I I , 13 , t ; , , : , , , a . . I I . !:! : !"I!,! JAREES, Jiri; KAZDA, Ivo, inz. Mechanization of concrete work on the construction of Ohre River water conduit. Nova teclmika no.2-.69-70 160. 1. Vodni stavb3r np. , Litvinov. (Aqueducts) (Concrete construction) 1* f R ; :, i P I i I I I I I I I I!:-:.;] I I . I I. .1'.0 i : I I I ; w I ! ": : , *1 1 It 11111 JARES, Josef ------ 1.11 - - I - -~ Influence of the end effect on the rise of the volt-ampere characteristic in a corona stabilizer. Sdel tech 10 no.4: 137-138 Ap 162, - - I, ", I I., -!! ~ e~- .~~ -:1 ~ I - - , " , , .. -, " r: ; .. - , i - . . - - -. : 6, ': ~ C, f, `~'i . k.,- .V , .~ ! ,I I ! I L . . - 1, 1 1 1 . . I : I ~: I C i1 , .5 ~ ~ I I If ! !'I I~ 1. 1. 11!' 1, ~ I I I ; U : I - I - I . I i . I . ;, I ~~ JARES , 'Tiri. Zxperience with sewer finishing equipment used in the constl7uction of an open feeding-canal on the Ohre River. Inz stavby 10 no.3: Suppl.26-31 mr t62. 1. Vodni stavby, n.p.j projektova sprava, Praha, - ! if I - v, JARESo N. Work timetables of the plan for building construction. p. 237 (POZEMNI STAVBY,, vol, 2, no. 8. Aug. 1954, Praha) SOt Monthly "ist of last European Accession,(EFAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 3-1, Nov, 19550 Uncl, Utilization of basic teeh-ic-l rarorts f(-r s-ir-.,: Jlfied budget dtxnjvi~,~nta-tiom. p. 2^03. Vol. 2, no. 9, Sent. 1954 POZIJ.~" ""i SiAvi3y Praha, Czechoslovakia Sourcd: List Eurcoean Accession List. Libmxy of Congress Vol. 5, 'To. 8, August 10,56 ~/,?/~10 AUTHOR: Jare'g, V. Z/037/60/000/005/048/056 Z192/E382 TITLE: Current-density Distribution in Electron Beams PERIODICAL: Eeskoslovensky' 'c"asopis pro fysiku, 1960, No- 5, p. 486 TEXT: A method for measuring the current-density distribution in a radially symmetrical electron beam is described. The method is based on measuring the currents corresponding to the individual portions of the electron beam taken over its circular cross-section. A measuring equipment is described. This was employed for determining the principal parameters for the current-density evaluation in the electron beams having a diameter from 1 - 10 mm; the results are illustrated graphically. An analytical function describing the current density of curves is given. ASSOCIATION: Vy'zkumny" U'stav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha (Research Institute for V-acuum Electrotechnology, Prague) Ca,rd 1/1 Z/037/62/000/005-6/oo6/049 E140/E562 AUTHOR: Jares', Vl. TITLE: Electron immersion objective / 'I J~- PERIODICAL: C"eskoslovensky casopis pro'fysikul f\1 no-5-6, 1962', 468-1170 TEXT: Describes a system for the experimental investigation of electron-optical characteristics of.immersion objectives for X-ray image converters, such as, resolution, image geometry, magnification etc. A photocathode was developed wliich permits re-use after each exposure to air. The system consists of an aluminum disc with inset tungsten meshes of'variable pitchg heated by tungsten filaments (Figs. 2.and 3). This permits the properties of the immersion objective to be varied and the.effects of each change observed on the screen of the converter S (Fig.l). There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: V'zkumn' ~istav vakuov6 elektrotechniky, Praha y y Wesearch Institute for Vacuum Engineering, Pragl4e) LJR Cardgiio~ JARESI V,j inz- The 2nd Conference on Electronics in Prague. Slaboproudy obzor 23 no.7:426-428 J1 162. JARES, Vladimir, inz.., C.,So. Increasing the efficiency of deflection circuits for television picture t#es. Slaboproudy obaor 23 no.llt6l5-621 N 162. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha. JARM, Vladimir, inz., ScC, Channeled image intenoificra, Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.6:356- % 363 Je 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha. JARES, V. inz.; SCOBAK, K. Vidicons without lattice. Slaboproudy obzor 24 no.10:620 0 163. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vsknovou alektrotechniku, Praha. JARFS, Vladimir,, inz.; NOVOTNY, beno An X-ray image intensifier with 190 min. diameter. Slaboproudy obzor 25 no.1:11-17 Ja'64. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha, FRIBYL, Frantisek, in7.,,JARES, Vladimir, inz. C!5c. Problems of a flat picture tube. SdeA. tech 1-2 no.1:6-11 Ja'64. JARES, Vladimir, inz. i'Fiectronic; and lonA,~ apparati.-s" bY V.N.,Dulir~ Pviv2e-weli ~)v I -atura lladim~-r jares. Sliil~~proii,7y o"Ell-,01 2-5 no. Li~ei .1 ~.5 no. 7-,7Z3, t64. JARES, V., inz. Electrostatic vidicon. Slaboproudy obzor 25 no.9052-554 S 164o W T j ze 0 1 ia Cl C tf; il 1 i c o," r: T, D! 3bor vak 1 u-1. 311-cmUted lipcil 1: I ~11:4: 111117 11~1 11 11 il I If-"- L 10475-d6 EWT(1)/E`1JA(m)-2 -,;,I.JP(c) AT ACC NRI AP6003697 SOURCE CODEs CZ/009/6-5/026/001/0019/kk26 AUTHOR: Jares, Vladimir-Yare!h (Engineer,, Candida _j V_ te ar -%cibndes) 4q ORG: Research Institute for Vacuum Zie'C-:tric,al F!ggjReeL4M&~ftMt:(VYzkuww:ust8,V o vaTU6v_o_u-5I5`REr__oEec=jcu) r p TITIE: Electron gun with reflex modulation SOURCE*.. Slaboproudy obzor,v. 260 no. 1, 19651 19-26 TOPIC TAGS: electron gun, electron lens, signal modulation'. 1411 i,'"j ABSTRACT: The principle and the operation of the-election jrun with reflex modulation are explained$ and some parts of the electron-optic-al-e-yamen:are~ imalyzed th6oretic&U-, N The properties of the electron lens vdth a hyperbolic field," of the, electronbeal modulation, and of the electrons' path in the modulation region of the electron lens are investigated. Finally,, experimental prototypes of electron guns with reflex. modulation# manufactured by the Research Institute for Vaeuvat Electrical in Prague., are described. Orig. art. has: 18 figures and 12 foritiulaso L*M_37 SUB CODE-. 09 SUBM DATE: 28SeP64 OTH REF: 007 H Li UDC: 621-3851.032.21:537-333Q Sewd 1/1 ...... a-110 MIT" 970 F M, 7 M, Mr, -1 F-11 -11 JARES, Vladimir, inz. CSc. Electron gun with reflex modulation. Slaborpowly obzor 26 no.1; 19-26 Ja 165. 1. Research Ir-+'fute of VacuttmEnginoaring, Prague. Submitted September 28, 1964. 11 . 1, iI1 17 : I ;!! JARES9 Vladimir, inz., CSc. Electron gun with annular geometr7. Sbor vak elektrotech 3: 125-138 r61, 1. Vyzkumry ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha. JARES, Vladimir, inz., (Ze. Distribution of electric current density In electron beams, Sbor vak elekt:eotech 3:106-12J, 161. 1. Vyzkumny ustav pro vakuovou elektrotechniku, Praha. JARES, Vladimir Standardization in the telecommunication industry. Slaboproudy obzor 2/+ no.10t621 0 163. 1. Normalizacni utyar, Sdruzeni telekomunikaenich podniku. JARES, TI-adimir High-transconductance eleatrom guns. Cs cas fyn 13 no.2s 129-136 163. 1, Vyzkunmy u.9tav pro vakuovou elektroteclmikuj, Fraha* GLAZ, E.T.; SCHEIBER, Easter; JARFAS, Katalin Studies on a new antifungal antibiotic. Acta physiol.hung. 18 no-3; 225-232 160. 1. Institute of Pharmacolo&7, Medical University. Budapest. (ANTIBIOTICS pharmacol) (ANTIBIOTICS) JARFAS, Tamas Some remarks about the "dependabil-ity4l of the di-,-pendable frequoncy transmission. Kep hang 6 no.6:186-189 D 160. 1. Magyar Radio oa Tolevizio. JARFAS, Taman; TARNOCZY, Tamas Directional characteristics in recording speech souwls. Kep hang 9 no.41120-14 Ag 163. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Akusztikai Kutatoesoportja. JARFAS, Tamas Theoretical foundation of sound generation in electronic music. Kep hang 9 no.6:190-1.92 D 163. 1. Magyar Radio es Televizio. JARFAS, Tamas Electronic music. Fiz szemle 13 no.11:329-336 N 163. 1. Magyar Radio. JAM~15) Tamao Report on the 3d Czechoslovak Conference on Acoustics. 1. . . Kep hang 9 no.6:-171 D 163. ..,!f. JARFAS, Tamas Electronic music. 14usz elet 19 no. 4: 13 13 F 164. - I ~ , ~ J! Jf W'Caaa of urlatry bla dd4r tumor im r4d.Ip I .oIwork ldth~-ka temedfary producto of 4 as. 01. Prin-opli LlkarM S, 347(1953).--A u It, arpapil., lomatosis of the uMary b. der In I w 0 jill..2 bl,(.Il OL mrorMug for 0 yi-an 1~ the c uctl h '41, c UM lly- drarobenitne, V I JARI(;, M. Civil en6neering of the Soviet Union; impressions from a trip. p . 10. (Izgradaja, Vol. 11, No. 2, Feb. 1957, Beograd, Yugoslavia) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (REAT) Lc. fol. 6. No.8, Aug 1957. Uncl. JARIC, Milos (Beograd# save Kovacevica 16) Construction of dwelling houses and the problem of the ownership of apartments. Technika Jug 17 no.3:407-415 162. 1. Predsednik Saveta za gradevinarstvo WRS, Beograd. ,TARIC,, Milos (Beograd, Save Kovacavica 16) Building industries under now conditions. Tehftika Jug 17 no.9:162C~- 1632 S 162. I Predesednik Saveta za gradevinaretvo Srbije, Boograd, clan ~;dakcionog odbora, "Tahnika". _44RIC' Milo-S (Beograd, Save Kovacevica ~6 Production of the construction industry in 1962. Tehnika Jug 17 no.1-1:204?-2048b N 162. 1. Fredzednik S.a7eta za gradevinarstvo NR Srbije) Beogradj, clan Redakcionog'odborap "Tebnikn". JARIC, Milos (Boog-iad, Save Kovacevica 16/1) Coordination ol' capacity in building* Tefirlika Jug 18 no-5: Suppl.:Gradevinarstvo 17 no.5:821-&)3 My 163. 1. Predsednik SaYeta za gradov-inarstvo Privredne komore IdPI Srbije, Beograd. JARIG, Milos (Save Kovacevica 16,Beograd) Sarvice or production in building industry? Tehnika Jug IS no.9:1603.-1605 8 163. 1. Predsednik Saveta za gradevinarstvo Privrecbie komore SR Srbije, Beograd, clan Redakcionog odbora,, "Tebi-dka". The effect of light on the'solubility of er'fn eleOrp- lytes. T. NfarkovJ6 and 0. jaric. Wed U. Norrati.1" 6. 5354TTM-,'T---r, . 'TPet4?`fX4 Scip. photmen;itin filvis fortned oil the sA;djtkes of (-*~k ele~t"es. if it (,1u O'etrode of a m4ai* Six't, is jWW'CTS44 in q O,jN 14cl. sulij, and exposed to 14&t. NJILk PACAktrIcu ejeCL-odit Of t1le &xnIe size aml tta the swxK- solo, is kept in flarknesq, ts cUr. rent of about 0.2 m,11 $imq from one electnxle to the otheL. ,The difTerence!0a sQly, L)ctwe'Mcxt)4~-Ad 1144 ullexilose,(I Cd; j .clectrodes In 0,1-0.001N KCI ScIllm. were shown grIA111114:0111; Thesoly. of the exposed Cu cleemAt was sttougty retardod by the addii. of I tol. Al 0.001,If reM saln. to the 0.01 IV KCI --4)1n. The scmRivity of Ft sziO to visible Wght cansed th, formation of A more stable system whichicoldd ho I repreqented by the equition; Fc+* + cu++ + hr, -6 1 Fe+++ + Cu+. udgly I --cr Ile IL DI DOSTAL, V.; JARKA, E. Activities and achievements of the orthoptic department in Kromeriz. Ceek. ofth.7 no. 6:417-422 Nov. 1951. (CIJ4L 21:3) 1. Of the Eye Department of the State Regional Hospital In Kromeriz. it it it 11~'l 1 i: t FIR *1 tw -1 out of I qO A a L. A I~U - 111-- V 7 Lf- I" A so 4 , iris I , , . . I _ JPfR I'll As "7- 1wi-C-t t,of f-4.1,04t'l I, 'so go . I - - - - , -- go 00 00 DMTXNVT 07 THN FAYSICAL PROPS TI18 OY JOWMITS OF CZY011 ORIOIN BY -00 CHIMICAL TRTATMM J. Ja (Butnicke Listy, 1948. v01- 3. 10. 7. 2Dl-203). (In Croch)-. go -00 to 00 Chemical analysis and a series of experiments revealed, that by adding 00't of Na CO the properties of Osech bentonite can be considerably 00 j Improved Jd ellthugh the obtaired product to not as good am the Slack 00,3 HIlla bantonits, it compares farounbly with the French w4 Oemw 00 bentonitims. 1. G. aoo 00 -06 00 1 loo 9 '100 j 69TALLUAWAL U1111ATWE CLAWFICATION 000 VO Is 7 1;', -- co$ I -ijav JA J. 1 0 PW 0 T I U U AV 10 AS it 00 it K 4 R It K N 4 It I( KOWn I TA :::::iooeoooooooeotootoooooosooomessoooesooo to 0000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 AA-aAA A1-aA.4LO Is 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 JARKA, J. New provisions in the state budget for 1959. p. 162. UHU. (Ministers,tvo paliv) Praha, 028choslavakia. Vol. 1, 11o. 5P May 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) ID, Vol. 8,, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. I rf-'. -JARK A, jo3ef , e,- ~ ; B(F F1 ; Jo B a f Yoithc4s of controlling tho prof I 'lableness of ordlmary- and decorative stone mining.. p-u?!.l:jn- 6 no.12- --*.,---,'.'-,4 D 164. 1 1. Unit of Tnchnic.11 emd Fcormm'c Vnv~tlopmunt of the Br&noh Center of Geologic Methods, Brno, M*z T! tr-wv k;;Irl tic..,! rl Un-It cf %he ard Bran.'- tE I' a f G-- r,-- -pli c N-.- f, I., od-; , Brnr,, - JARKI,EWICZ,._.Z,, mgr. For close cooperation of engineers and technicians with the editing committees of futory newspapers, 11'rzegl techn no.2.-II 10 Ja 162. JARKMWICZ, Zenon, mgre Regarding informations as an instrument of industrial management. Ekon org pracy 13 no.1:24-26 162. JARXIEWICZ, Z. -Pe-fawag Works passing to refined production. Przegl techn 86 no.3: 9 17 Ja 165 JARKIEWICZ, Zenon, ingr For more participation of the factory preso in the realization af the production p2ans for 1963. Przegl techn 84 n0-4:15 27 Ja 163. JARKOV, S. The Moscow air club. p. 18. ARIPILE PATRIEI. (Asociatia Voluntara pentru Sprijinirea Aparaii PatrieQ Bucuresti. Vol. 2, no. 6. June 1956. SOURCE: East European Accessions List (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, no. 9, Sept. 1955 SLOVIM, Dimitrij; MICHL, Jiri; CINMOVA, Olga; MLUS, Ivo; DEWVO. Kilan; 2A. spoluprace: ST&PAROIN, B.; HAJKOVE, H.;_JARKOVE, A. - --, - -- ........ Certain experiences with the preparation of the inactivated polio- nVelitis vaccine in CSR. II. Preparation of the medium. Cask. epidem.mi ob.imun. 9 no.2:111-121 Kr 160. POLIOMYELITIS immunol.) ACCINES) R jAkX0V5XY, N. "Calculation of the Flow of Dry Gas Through Orifice Plates According to Livanov.1' P- 123, Praha, Vol. 4, no, 3, Mar. 1954. SO: Nast European Accessions List, Vol- 3, No- 9, September 1954, Lib. of Congrene :. N, I; IHAI it! ~ v] 11 11 . 11; 1:, - JkRKOVSKY, E. Problems of the chanpe into the MKSA (e.g. neter, kilotararAt ,,econd, anj-e,re) system. p. 44 NORMALIZACE. (Urad pro normalizac) Pra~a, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 7, no. 3, SeFt. 1059 ~bnthly List of Fast Eurorean Accessicns (EEAI), W. Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. JARKOVSKI, E. Automation of calculation of throttles, nozzles and Venturi tubes. Strojirenstvi 11 no.111803-807 N 161. 1. Zavody prunqslove automatizace, Praha. (Mechanical engineering) (Nozzles) JARKOVSKY, J.; ALLAN, Z.J. Aromaticazo and-diazo compounds. XXXIII. Acylation and diazotization of P-phenylonediaminesnlfouic acid. Iffect of needing on reaction. In German. Coll.CaAhem. 24 no.llr3739-3745 9 159. (MAI 9:5) 1. Organisch-tachnologioches laboratorium fur arganische S~rntbesen, PaTtiubice-Eybitvi. (Aromatic compounds) (Diazo compounds) (Azo compounds) (Acylation) (Diazotysation) (Phenilenediamine) (Sulfonic a6ids) JARKOVSKY J - ALLAN, Z.J. -Aromatic diazo and azo compounds. Pt.51. Coll Cz Ch= 28 no.l: U9-124 Ja 163. 1. Chemisoh-technologisches Laboratorium 1, Forschungsinstitut fur organische Synthesen, Pardubice-Rybitvi. JA.'KUVSKY, Petrochemical and mineralogical studies of certain Slovak quartzities and their use in the silicate industry. p. 1T1. GEOLOGICKE PRACE, CZECHOSLOVAKIA No. 36, 1954. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, No. 1, January, 1956. j: H !.I COUNTRY (;-zechoslovakia D CATt6ORY AB3, JOUR. _RZXhjXI., iO. 22 1950, ~';00 78193 AUTHOR Jarkovaky, J. and Cicel, B. - R, W. ' 16i X T LS i Diadochite Find in Jansl~a t~"I* ORVI. PUB. Geol Prace, SAV Zpravy. No 13, 97-1.04 (1958) AK)TRACT Cbemical, spectroscopic, and x-ray analytical methods were used in conjunction with differential thermal analysis and electron microscopy in study- ing diadochite found in an abandoned mine drift. The mineral is found in the form of tuber-like aggregates in stalagaite8, stalactites, and in- crustations as sociated with hydrated FeOj. The mineral was found to have the following chemical composition (on the basis of the 'analysis of five samples) (in %)! SiOz up to 0.12, Pe.03 36.50- 1 CARD: IAI 1, Cal M ~AHWIMIM11 I JARKOVSKY, J. "Jarosite in Banska Biela." GEOLOGICKE PRACE- ZPRAY, (Slovenska akademia vidd. Goologicky ustav S Dionyza Stura) Bratislave, Czechoslovakia, No. 15, 10,69. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8, No. 8, August 1959. JARKOVSKYP Jan, dr. Trace element distribution in pyrites and its geochemical importance for the study of deposit formation in the West Carpathians. Geol sbor 15 no.1:121-146 164. 1. Research Institute of Geology and Geography, Faculty of Natural Sciences, J.A. Comenius University, Bratislava, Gottwaldovo namesti 2. Jp,r-kovsky, L.; Pes'Unta, V.; hiudiclc~;., I. "FeactionG of anbydrous hydrogen fluoride. iff. Preparat.Jun of III Enj.,lish. p. 1827. (Sbornik Chekhoslovatskikh Fhi -4 chez;kikh Ra'-ot Vol. 22 No. 6, bec. 1957, Praha, Czechoslavakia) Monthly indey of East Furorean Accession (L'Al) W, Vol. 7,, No. 93, August 191~9 JARKOVSKY, Lubor; PASEK, Josef; RUZICKA, Vlastimil I New methods of caprolactam preparation. Chem listy 57 no. 12: 1264-1279 D 1133. 1. Katedra organicke technologie, Vysoka skola chemicko.- technologicka, Praha. .- - - -. .: - -~-. ~, - ~. - - - .- ~ ~ ~L I I x ~- 11 ~, 11 1 1 ~, L~ -I ~I t k 1 ~,j 11 ~ M12 ~k I , lir I .r- AT* 0 V-SK CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-I(himiya, No 111 1958,' 36284. Author : JarkovsV Pesataj Hudlicky M. Inst :'vm grve~. Title React:Lons in the Anhydrous HF. III. Synthesis of Dichlorodifuoromethane. Orig Pub: Chem. listy) 1957, 51) No 4) 625-632. Abstract: Synthesis of CClZPz from CC1~ and HF was investigated. Small quantities of SOt and water do not hinder this reaction. Catalytic activity of SbCl,!rrapidly de- creases in the presence of CSt which reduces it to SbClj- As the result of that, when using technical grade CC1~, small amount of Cli, should be added. It is recommended to employ 0.08 mols of catalyst for I mol of Ccl~' 10-20e, excess HF, and maintenance of temperature at 100-120 L, C. Card 1/2 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Organic chemistry. Synthetic organic chemistry. GR2 .Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-Mimiya, No 11, 1958, 36284. A test run conducted (that involved preparation of 6.25 mols of product) extended for approx. 16 hours. During its course were used 150 gr. SbClr, 1020 gr. CC1 , and 300 gr. anhydrous HF. The reactants were gradua ly brought up to 100 1 -12D C as pressure was raised up to 30 atmospheres (1-2 hours). The gaseous Products were con- densed. Yield Of CCWt was Z and of CCl '3F was 2~p. For part II refer to Chem. listy, 1952, 46, 92. Card 2/2 17 -TARKMKY2 Vladimir, inz. Experien"-of the,-,Retiear*h Institute Of the Zelesne doly a hrudkov"'y FinterPriee with evaluation of the economic effectiveness Of now technique0o Rudy 11 no-5:164-168 My 163. 1* Vyzkumny ustavo Zelemis, doly a hrudkovny. Mnisek pod .*d7o