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JANKO, Zvonimir (Listica) Remarks concerning a work by 11. Ito. Glas mat fiz Hrv 16 no.1/2:115-77 161. JANKO, Zvonimir (Listica) On the theory of the simple groups. Glas mat fiz Hrv 16 no.3/1,.3 167-169 161. C.TA --~ - IJANA, Pompe, Docent dr. .~! ~71 ~ Relation between anatomical structure and acoustic trauma. Mad. arb., Sarajevo 9 no.5:285-293 Sept-Oct 55. M, wds. & inj. relation to anat. structure. (Ser)) JANIUKA, A.J. !!~. Current views on the effect of the treatment of staphyloderma --- with individual plans for Antibiotic therapy. Bratisl. lek. listY 45 no,4t237-245 28 F'65- 1. Dermatovenerologicka katedra Iekarske fakulty Univerzity Komenskeho v Bratislave (veduci clen koresp. Slovenskej akademie vied L. Chmelp DrSc.), JIMOSZ.. Jozef,,.-inz..; GRYNIE7iv'ICZ,, Jerzy, mgr. im, . lhe -coustic voltage signalizer. Wiad elektrotechri 30 no.43111-112. Ap 162. .. i I I , 1!!- :1 ~ JANKOSZ, Jozef, inz.; GRYNIEWICZ, Jerzy, mgr, inz. The acoustic voltage signaling device for antielectric-shock protection. Energetyka Pol 16 no.6:Suppl.:Biul Instyt Energet 4 no.5/6%189-191 Je 162. 1. Zaklad Budowy Sieci ElektryaWch, Krakow. 5 pho1:)i__y mxl S CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Hum-n and Animal Mir- Path.,AoGical). CirettlatDry Systen. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Bi3l., No 11, 1958, 50258 breakin- the latter), while in chrinic inflaimntion It d;es sD as a result of t1te destructi-ni )f the b,):ie. Thus, infecti3a &:)cs nA spread in a hL%mat_)j_-n:Dus way. Anast-jimoses between the arteries if IME and IE are rem- nants if embryDnal ducts. Only-jin such cases is the spread )f infecti~)n fr-m ME to IE in a hemat-,)CcnO,.is way pDssible. -- A.V. Kuz'uiim-Pr_)(,Tad)vn Card 2/2 IYUGOSLAVIA jelk6k, Section Head (Piimari:as), Third Children Is Dissner, JA11TKOV: Dr sary (III Dooji Diopanzer), Boris Kidric Third Hoalth Station (III Dom Zdravlja "Boris Kidric"), Savski Venac Opstina, Belgrade. "The Effect of Vaccination on the Incidence of Whooping CouCh amone: Presohool Children Within the Jurisdiction of tho Third Childrenle Dispentary in the Onstina of Savski Ifenao in Belgrade," Belgrade, Narodno Zdravlje, Vol 19, No 7-8, 1963, pp 258-260. Abstract: The author discusses the nature of whooping cough and then records the e-Deriences of her dispensary over a period of gight years (1955-1963). There were 195 cases on the average per year in the period 1955-1958 before the vaccine became available, 38 per year in the period 1958-1960 as the vaccine came into use, 15 cases in 1961, and four cases in 1962. Incidence in recent years has been in children who had not been vaccinated or who had been only partially vaccinated. One table, 12 references (half US, half Yugoslav). 2434) 2463 END CSO: 2000-N ------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- JANKOV, Lj., Mr.; DORDEVIC, S., dr.; HUDIMIROVIC, M., mr.; KOLARIC, M., dr. - ------- Study of sanitary conditions of Sava and Danube near Belgrade. IfigiJena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4:546-561 1955. 1. ffigijenski institut ffRS, Beograd. (WATER pollution of Sava & Danube rivers near Belgrade (Ser)) t JANKOV. Ljubomir Z_ Problem of drinking water supply on the territory of former Beograd, Zeman, Grocane Posavja and. Podunavje Districts. Glaan. big. inst., Beogr. 5 no.4:71-84 Dee 56. (WATER SUPPLT, drinking water in Tugoel. (Ser)) Ell !;fl.j'flj 1-r T111 JANKOV, Hirko, Dr. Resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculogis to strapton7cin and isonlazid. Tuborkulosa, Boogr. 6 no.5-6:340-350 Sept-Dee '55- 1. Laboratorlako odo1janje Inatituta za tuberkulom IMS-Beograd (sef:dr M. Jankov) (MYCOBACTERIUMTnERCULOSIS, off. of drugs on, isoniazid & streptomycia, resist.(Ser)) (NICOTINIC ACID ISOMERS, off. isoniazid on M. Taborc.,resist.(Ser)) (STREPTOMYCIN, W. ON M. tuberc.,resist.(Ser)) rill: I Ili if: eq I Ij I I JARgY, Mirko, Dr.; LJMISAVLJNVIC, Sava, dr. Moro's reaction in personally-produced tuberculin ointment and in ITC tuberculin ointment. Higijena, Beogr. 7 no.1-4:193-200 1955- 1. Institut za tuberkulozu HR Srbija Beograd. (TUBKRCULIN REACTION skin, comparison of locally made tuberculin ointment with ITC tuberculin ointment (Ser)) I A "!I I JAHKOV, Mirko, Dr. Ef factof combined treatment with streptomycin. PAS and isoniazidm on resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculoals to streptomycin and isoniazid. Higijena, Beogr- 7 no.1-4:228- 234 1955. 1. Institut sa tuborkulosu NRS, Beograd. (MYCOBACTERIUK TUBERCULOSIS. off. of drugs on resistance to isoniazid & streptomycin after ther. with isontaxid, PAS & straptomycin (Sor)) (ISONIAZID, off. on resist, of H. tubere. after ther. with isoniazid, PAS & streptomycin (Ser)) (STREPTOMYCIN, off. ame) (PARMMINDSALICYLIG ACID, tber. use with isoniazid & streptomycin, off. on resist. of H. tuberc. to leoniazid & streptomycin (Ser)) JANKDV, Mirko, Dr. Disinfection and sterilization in tuberculosis. Taberkuloza. Beogr. 8 no.3-4:199-202 May-Aug 56. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMORM disinfect. & sterilization techuics (Ser)) (ANTISEPSIS AND ASEPSIS, in various dis. .disinfect. & sterilization in pulm. tuberce (Bar)) ! I !I V 7~! N I 1, 1, : , F, 111 [P.:Ij Dr.; RANISAVLJHVIC. Bora Vitality of Mycobacterium tuberculosis on Lowenstein's medium. Tubarkulnza, Beogr. 8 no.3-4:203-206 may-Aug 56. 1. Institut za tuberkulozu. HR Srbije, Beograd (direktor: prof. dr. 14. Grujic). (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCUIDSIS, culture Lowenstein's medium, vitality in dry & moist cond. (Ser)) (CULTURE KEDIA, Lowenstein's medium, vitality of M. tuberc. in dry moist cond. (Ser)) II I: - I ;': .. . ,, , , , YUGOSIAVIA/14icrobiology - Ricrobes Fatho6enic in VSan and F. Animals. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biols) No 15) 1958) 67358 Author : Jankov, M. Inat Title : A Now Modification of the Loewenstein Medium for GrowinG Cultures of Tuberculosis Bacteria taken from Pathological Material. Orig Pub : Acta Med. Jugoslav-, 1956, 10) No 3) 327-336. Abstract : A small quantity of liquid Loewenstein-Jensen medium was poured into a test-tube with a precipitate acquired by homogenization and centrifugation of pathological mate- rial. When the mixture had been kept for one week in a thermostat, microcolonies of tuberculosis bacteria were discovered in the smears. There were about 50% as many positive results as when the culture was grown for 3 weeks on a solid Lonwenstein-Jensen medium; after two Card 1/2 - 19 - 'Mir-ti, LT. 'Pograd) -trizict~i of laboratory met'hods in diagnnni-. of Vi,)ermilosis. 0',.-tsn. 11 no.5:180-185 mav 57. (TTMT.I,^,TJLOSI,S, dia.-. vaine of inboratorv methods (5-1r)) Effect of atreptomycin and isoniazid on the development of allergy induced by various doses of BCG vaccine in guinea pigs. Taborkmloza. Beogr. ll-no,3:379-384. '59. 1. rnstitut za tuberkulozu HR Srbija,Beograd,direktor: prof. dr M. Grujic. BOG VACCINATION exper.) REPTOMYCIN pharmacol.) Z (ISONIAZID pharmacol.) --JANKOV Hirko --- BCG and recurrences in experimental tuberculosis. Tabarkuloza, Beogr. 11 no-3:386 159. 1. Institut z& tubarkalosu RR Srbija, Beograd, direktor: prof. dr M. Grujic. - (3CG VACCINATION exper.) amovom. ------ Organization of the institute of tuberculosis and of scientific research in the field of t-mberculosis control in Fo3and. Tabarkilloza, Beorgr. 12 no.1:135-139 160. (TUBMULOSIS prev.& control) Given XaZ4~__ YuCoslavia ;lc institute I-Por r_Q'QiQIQZ?_Of the -cd4 cal 7acullty Aff L.,_ i:--ti .:.J.krobiolgoiju 1".adicinskogr Frakulte-C,,-), Z01,;racia; Prof Dr DURSIC. S~ource: __f4_aq Zol,L-pade, Gafon 1. Vol S. `110 2. 7,ana 1961, pp 47-j4 Da'.a: "The Resis-Lance of 'Yiez-oorganisns to DmSS" JANKOV, M.; DAVIDOVIC, C.; IMSTAVCEVIC, Lj.; KMVIC, Z. Primary resistance of tubercle bacilli isolated from pathological material of tuberculaus patients never treated with tuberculo- static drugs. Tuber)niloza 15 no.2.-254-257 Ap-Je 163. 1. Institut, za tuberkulozu SR Srbije, Beograd - Direktor: prof. dr Milic Grujic. (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) (STRKPT(*ff CIN) (ISONIAZID) (AMINOSALICYLIG AND) (DRUG RESISTANCE, MICROBIAL) tf L I GO S LAV 1A ~AUKQY,_Dx_LizRp, Tuberculosis Institute of Serbia (Insti- tUt za Tuberkulozu 1M Srbije), BelGrade. "Laboratory Service in Anti-tuberculosis Institutions in Serbia DurinG the Period 1958-1961-11 Bel-rade, Narodno Zdrf;.vlje, Vol 19, 1To 4, 19637 pp 128-1-35. Abstract': The author assesses anti-tuberculosis laboratory work in the light of statistics and of norms Droposed by his institute and finds that the number of loboxatory exam- inations was risin(; in absolute tcrms but that the nLU:1ber remaincd less than half than desirable under the norm (Bel- E;rade and the Vojvodina being in a better position) that the cultivation of tuberculosis material was only 1~ per- cent of tAle norm, and that the laboratories of the anti- tuberculosis institutions are relatively well equipped to the extent that e(Tuipment cannot be considered the reason why 'he volume of laboratory work is not up to standards. The author suISCests more training and a more specific divi- 10~ n of labor in this field. Tables, charts, no references. 22 -.1 ; 17,1. 1 1 ~, I" JAIJIKOV, Mirko; NIKOLIC, Dragica; PANJEVIC, Tatjana Optimwa time of incubation in IZwensteinls med-j"am. Tuberkuloza 16 no.5:397-1,02 S-D 164 1. Institut za tuberkulozu NR Srbije, Ber-,grarl (Direktor: prcf. 1r. Milic Grujic); Rikrobioloski institut 'Medicinskog fakulteta, Beograd (Upravnik: prof. dr. Milutin Djurisic). JANKOV, Kirko; DAVIDOVIC, Cedica; NNIADOVIC, Nenad; MISKOVIG, Dusan Isolation of tubercle bacilli from the menstrual blood using the method of the inoculation of guinea pigs and cultivation in I;5wenstein's medium, Tubekuloza 16 no.5t4O9-4n S-D 164 1. Institut za tuberkulozu SR Srbije, Beograd (Direktort prof. dr. Milic Grujic); Rikrobioloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta., Beograd (Upravnikz prof. dr. Milutin Djuriaie)- J.42'KCV, Nlilrkrj., dcc. dr. ( Be 0;;,:,i c ) Role of tub:-aulin testz- in f., neral zme~i- -'al E.. f,,71as. 1.8 no.91.271-275 S ' U+ i . , ! , .1 ~ - --- I ~ 1 . ;Oil J.,ppil 1 7111 P'l 'I j,", , , , , - 1 , - - , , , I i : JULESZ, M.; CZEIZEL, E.; BC6NAR, E.; HANCSOK, M.; ZOLTAI, N.; ZIOLTAI, L.; --j- K I M. Toxoplasmosis as a cause of adiposogenital dyst.-ophy. I-rv. hetil. 105 no-36:1723 6 S 164. JANKOV, Stojan Ivanov, inz. Technique of making high-grade canned meat and vegetables. Prum potravin 13 no.5:266-267 My 162. 1. Katedra technologie konzervarenstvi, Vy-soka skola potravi- narskeho prumyslu, Plovdiv, Bulharska lidova republikft. .I !F -I i El I1 11; t "1 .11 " . - : 1 " -, , . FARSKY,Jiri; KOMIDA, Stanislav; POSPISIL, Edvard; SCHOBER, Bruno; SPITALSKY, Jiri; Techn. assistance:JAITKOVA,E; KUBICOITA.M.; PALENCAROVA,V.: SOLGOVA,V. Electroshock seizures in rat after X-irradiation. Sborn. ved.prac.lek.fak.Karlov.Univ.(Hrad.Kral.) 6 no.lt77-80 163. 1. Institute of Medical Physics, Palacky University, Olomouc; head: CSc,doc.Bruno Schobar, M.D. MUTARIKOTIA,J.; JAI.',KOIIA,J.; fltJZL,F. Tochnicka spoluprace: EYBLOVEII,',. Lead poisoning in tender worIkers. Prac. lek. 16 no.1:24-27 A 164. 1. Oddeleni chorob z povolani a prumplove toxikologic fa- kultni nemocnice v Plzl--; MMr. -*F.11'~.,za, CSC. BECAREVIC, A.; HUDNIK-PLEVNIK, T.; GLISIN, V.; JANKOVAC, J.; KV-ZAZIR., D.; SINIC) M.; RISTIC, G. Labeling nucleic acids with isotopesand their use. Prim. radioak-,Iiv. i2otop. 2 no-318043 D 161. (DNA) (PHOSPHORUS ISOTOPES) CZECHOSLOVAKTA uDc 616.ool.271-057-07(437.1-15) fflMLI Franti8ek; KLIMKOVA_D7r-,uTscHovA, Eliska; MALEROVA, Jirina; SALCMANOVA, Zdenka; SCHWARTZOVAp Kveta; SUCHANOVA, Larisa; SYKORAy Jindrich; Department of occupational Diseases and Toxicology Faculty Hospital (Oddeleni Chorob z Povolani a Toxikologie Fakultni Nemocniceil Plzen, Head (Vedouci) Dr F. HUZL; Neurological Clinic Medical Faculty, Charles University (Neurologicka Klinika Lek. Fak. KU), Plzen, Head (Prednoatka) Docent Dr E. KLD4KOVA-DEUTSCHOVA. "Examination of Workmen Bxposed to Electromagnetic Waves of One Meter and Longer Length in the Region of West Bohemia." Prague, Pracovni Lekarstvi, Vol 18, No 3) Apr 66, pp loo - io6 Abstract fAuthoral English summary modifieAT 68 workmen employed in areas -)f electromagnetic fields with frequencies of 2.4 to 2.4 cycles, and wave lengthi 3-5 to 30 meters were investigated. 52 were subjected to an uninterrupted field, and 16 to a polyfrequency interrupted field. 23% in the first, and 50% in the second group were influenced by the field. Only in one a serious disease re- sulted; most suffered simply from headache, fatigue, vegetative symptoms and lacl of coordination of the cortex and mesodiencephalic cNs functions. 6 Fig=es, 2 Tables, 4 Western, 14 Czech references. (Ms. rec. 29 Jan 65)- 1/1 JPI:KOVCOIIAI X.j inz.; E..GELVIALER, K., frz.dr. Refractory insulation materials. Stavivo 41 no.9023-325 St63. 1. Ustav pro technologii hrube keramiky, Honxii Briza. Eggs in ourmutrition. p. 1280. Vol. 9, No. 8, 1954. TEHNM. Beograd. Yugoslavia. SOURCE: East European Accessions list, (sTAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1956. JANKOVIC, A. Adding vitamins to paprika. p. 1945. Vol. 9, No. 12, 1954. TEHNIKA. Boograd,rugoslavia. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (KUL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1956, JOYANDVIC, L.; JAMVIC. A.; ZAMMVIC, I. Poisoning with nitrites and ibe role of nitrites in the preser- vation of meat products. Glan.hig.inst.Beogre 4 no.1-2:1-31 Jan- June '55. (NITRITES.PoiR. potassium nitrite & sodium nitrite Inpurities in sodium nitrate, & in preserved meat,diag. & ther,(Ser)) (POISDNIW, potassium & soatum nitrite impurities in sodium nitrate, in preserved meat, diag. & ther.(Ser)) (KCAT. preserr.,nitritse pole.,diag. & ther.. in Yugosl.(Ser)) (SALT'eff. on meat preaerv.,indic.(Ser)) HUGOSIAVIA Chemical Technoloey. Chemical Products and 7heir 1-30 Application. Food Industr-f. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimlya, 110 3, 1957, No lo422 Author Jankov Inst Not given Title The Grading of Eggs Orig Pub Tekhnika, 1955, Vol 10, No 3, 436-438. Abstract A description of organoleptic, chemical, and physical me- thods used in the grading of eggs in given, toGether with a discussion of storage methods. Card .1 A* Lead in food., drinkj, and water, p. 1483 TRENM., Beograd., Vol 10,, No. 10, 1955 SO: MEL.P Vol 5., No- 7,, July 1956 JANKOVIC A DABICx Z. Basic specifications of the Yugoslav standard for strong alcoholic beverages. p.199 STANDARDI2ACIJA. ( Savema komisija za standardizaciju) Beograd. Vol. 6. no. 5. May 1956 SOURCE: East European List (FYAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 6s No. 1., January 1957 JANKOITIG, A. Reply to the art'cle by Jevroslina Fazarincovic, p. 764 TEMIKA (Savaz inzenjera i 'echicara Jugoslavije) Beo,-rad Vol. 11, no. 5, 1956 SOURCES: -vast Europe Accessions Lists (EEAL) Library of Congress, Vol. 5, no. 11, Nov. 1956 It YugZslavia/Chemical Technclogy. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Yarnenta- tion industry, 1-27 Abst J-Curnal: Refer-at Zhur - Khjmiya) No 2) 1957, 6520 Author: Iankcvic, Aleksandar; Adamovic, Vladimir Institution: None Title: Propoxtions of Formic Acid, Dry Residue, Alcohol and Total Acids in Blackberry juice During Fermentation Original Publicaticm: Tebnika., 1956, 11, No 7, lW2-1()75 Abstract: It was found that the content of formic acid (I) added for preserva- tion of the juice, decreases during fermentation an(I no direct cor- relatiz~n is observed between the above-stated phenomenon and changes in the content of dry residue, alcohol and total acids in the fer- menting juice. Addition of I in an amount of 0.5% does not stop the fermentation process. The mechanism of reactions which cause the decrease in the content of I has not been elucidated. Summative con- tent of dry residue and alcohol remains practically unchanged during f enaentation. Card Vl YUGOSLAVIA / Chomical Technology. Miamical Products H- 28 and Tjhx~ir Food Industry. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Nhiniya, No 3, 1959, 100C?. Author : TankoVich, A. Inst : 1~'ot given. . Tit!3 : Experii_.,ental Coatrol of --,."old and Potato Disease in B2ead. Orig Pub: 3ilten Farimatseut. drusht. NMET, 1957, 5, No 6, 209-212. AbstTact: Large losses in the bread-bakinS industry are caused by miolds and other iulcroor6anisnis, as well as the physical and 3henical ra,3ans for their control. 11-ethods are describ:)d in dotail for the use of Holagen pro-paration (aGainst raold) and Ropal :R&~ainst Bacillus meaolltericus) , which do not have -at, unfavorable effect on orgauoleptic broad propartie-C. -- A. 114arin. Card 1/1 v I YUGCSIAVIA/Chcuican Teihn)laa - Chenical PrDducts and Their Applicn-tisn - Food Industry. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Dimiya, No 9, 1956, 3o646 Author : Jank:)vic, A. Inst Title : Chan,;es in the Cclor of Meat as the Result of Cheraical Cl'anE;cs in the My.)(~lobin. OriG Pub : Veterin Gla-snik, 11, No 2,, 276-232, 1957, (in Serbo-Croa- tian with a sum ry in Enc~lish) Abstract : A survey with a biblioCyaphy listinf,; ton refereiacce. Card 1/1 1< YUGOU,~VTA / Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their Application, Part 3. - Food Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 627421 Author Aleksandar Jankovic. Inst Not given. Title Meat Corning in Pickle and Its Effect on Meat Color. Orig Pub: Frehranbena ind. , 11, No 7, 105 - 107, ilri, Abstract: The causes of change of meat color at treat- ment, in particular in the process of corn- ing in pickle, are discussed. The structure and properties of pigments, the reactions caused by the use of saltpeter, and the part of microorganisms are discussed. The follow- ing is used to stabilize the color; ascorbiO Card 1/2 YUG03LAVIA Chemical Tuchnology, Chemica! Y'r acd u c s and Their Application, Part 3. - Fool-.i Industry. Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1956, 62742. Abstraot: acid, Na ascorbinate, nicotinic acid, mix- tures of glutamate with ascorbic acid and phosphates. The application cf these mix- tures accelerates the process of aeat --orn- ing and improves the aroma and color of the meat. H Card 2/2 31 _-rugo51-av1-a---- CATEGORY 04 IVAo AB8. JOUR. RZXhim. No. 1959o 0- 72981 AUTHOR Jankovic A.; Ravisavl5evic, TITLE Paris Broad without Crust ORIG. PUB. : Proizv. I prerada brasnal 1.91581 71 1qo 12, 234-235 ABSTRACT : No abstract. CARD: jA A/ iWV1 ABS. JOUR. RZ!him., No. 1959, Wo. 7257~ AUTHOR Jankovic, A, INST. T ITL.T , : The Use of Malt Extract In the Making of Bread and Balcery Products ORIG. PUB. : Proizv. I prerada brasna, 1958, 71 No lt 8-9 ABSTRACT : Experiments have shown that addition of malt extract to dough accelerates the action -if yeast, formation of alcohol and C02, which results in an increased volume of bread, improved texture and porosity of its crumb. Z. Lebed.eya. CA-RD: 1XI 93 YUG/1-5,9-1-37/6,7 AUTHOR: Jankovi6, Aleksandar, Doctor and Professor (Beograd) TITLE: Natural Dyes and Their Use in Food-coloring PERIODICAL: Tehnika, 1959, Nr 1, pp 121-125 (YUG) ABSTRACT: This report was held at the Symposium of Nutrition- ists; on 2 June 1958. The author describes various types of natural dyes, their chemical propertiest formulas, reactions and identification methods~. Various scientists and their experiments with natural dyes are listed. A review of natural dyes permitted for food-coloring in Switzerland, Germany, France, USA and Yugoslavia is also given,, The Yugoslav Prav- ilnik o nadzoru kvaliteta ~ivotnih namirnioa (Food Control Regultions) permits the use of the fo'llowing dyes: 1) carotene and carotenoids, 2) chlorophyll and copper compounds, 3) natural pigment of cochineal, 4) anthocyanidin, 5) lactoflavin. or riboflavin Card 1/2 Jankovic, A. Quality. of domestic essential oils and the problems of their preservation. P. 1q59. Tehniks. Beograd, Yugoslavia. Vol. 14, no.9, Sept. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. JANKOVIC, Aleksandar, #r., prof, (Beogradj, Skadarska 21j.) Pumpkin oil,(Cucurbita pepo, L.). Tehnika Jug 17 no-4:761-766 AP 162. 1. Vioa pedagooka skola za ekonomiku. domacinstvap Zamun. 1 1 il ~11 1 1; Muml I I JANKOVIC, B.; PEROVIC, B. ------ Rationalizing the operation of vertical veneer-cutting tools. 1. (To be contd.) P. 301. Vol- 11. No- 2, 1956. TERNIKA. Beograd, Yugoslavia. SOURCE: East European Accessions List, (ERAM) TAbrary of Congress, Vol. 5, No. 8, August, 1956. JAMUOVIC, - B , k.'ecessary conditions for a proper system of street canalization. D. 24. (GLASNIK, Vol. 2, No. 1/2, 1957) SO- Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAL) LC Vol. 6, No. 12, Dec. 1957 Uncl. '- fl. . ~ ~ V=-d . *,Pll ,. !,rich, dr,; JAVECIvif;p - e, va First exporlence with pxvimlexq a mi irxmwlorical pmgrana.-) toot* Ujer-n. vjoan. V7 ::,o,?s769-773 JI 165o 1. 1z X.Unike za zer.Woo imleeti i porodajo Ilodicinabog Wcultota Svouciliate u Zarrebus TOMASEGOVIC, Z.; _LMOVIC, Z..;. FETKOVIC, V.; STAITIC, M.; FITLHEIM, S.; BLAZEVIC, D.; PERSIC, N.; ZORINC, S.; TEODOROVIC, B.; VRAIICIC, T.; VMOPIJA, I.; ANTONIAZZO, Z.; CULIC, R.; GALINOVICTWEIEGLASS, M.; MMITNAC, B.; KCEEM-KUBELKA, N.; CEZNER, M.; KOHN, V.; T-WKIiVCIC, B.; EMILI, H.; SWRDEL, S.; SOOS, E.; VUKSANOVIG, V.; JAIIJATOVIC, M.; UCRV;L6Wift,vlW GRUENWALD, P.; SKRABALO, Z.; CREPINKO, I.; HAUPTMANV, E.; VIDACEK, S.; HORVAT, A.; NIOCKAY 0.; IVANGEVIC, D.; PERGER, A.; KRSNJAVI, B.; PRAZIC, M.; SALAJ, B.; SUBOTIC, R.; RADOSEVIC, Z.; KELER- BACOKA, M.; HAHN, A.; MATKOVIC, B.; RAPONIC, M. Revelw of periodicals; medicine. Bul sc Youg 9 no.05:145-147 Ag-0 164. J ANKOVI C *M6.4oftwofte awn at d"bywou.- sew"&- K*4"n)WVW IM W4, jagoolm, 1951, 0, 70-411- a ~= too coWlatlon rf Ill, 20. NW 40% pixylocosguum, wbm the dfug is ptrmvt in 0-1 , V1, coacn. plama. this sUmt di"pp"n. S. S. It Gamma. T T'.,~C. ITT with F-,jJj%TLjT Yujoslavi"'I "Serclq,jcal activity of globulan fractions of nnti-D oormis sen.aratel "by papel, olectm-nhoresis." v c)82 Nature 171, -3 (1953 ZIL rellction, cad Uildebrook cesic6m or. gufries pirs b u GO w0e lafeC'Od Wilt ft"M44CS. 1411t:ij Pemmit'g,v fvqko 'Al. till, Arsenlj,evi~, and Ljiihir~i a: gar w. 4 JU, ,R..p5( 1135 1) -.nlparLwtl WMI aulde Cl . M .-A Cl nfr-I 4 Note I'm he 'tions and tabermlin and hfildpbmak reftetkm% Alth gninca pigs and on guinea pip infected wilb tu 1w;10 be. tru Ir JANTOVIG, B.D. An incomplete warm antibody in normal human serum. Acta mod. iugool. 8 no.2:174-176 1954. 1. Hikrobiolooki Institut Modicinskog fakulteta. Beograd (ANTIONS AND AHTIBOD3S incomplete warm antibody in normal htu= serum. detection by trypsin-Goombs test) (HZKAGGLUTIUTION trypoln-Coombe test, detection of Incomplete warm antibody in normal human serum) JANKOV10,3ranialAv D. Present knowledge of the blood groups. Voj.ean. pregl., Beogr. no.ii-12:66o-665 Nov-Dec 54. 1. Hilmobioloaki inatitut Medicinskog fakultata, u Beogradn (BLOOD GROUPS) 16749. MUM, ittpmPlefia antibAlo in normal hunian oomm, B. D. TankrQv c Acia haamat., Pawl, 1955, 14~ 2131-237 c', -Tm fl, i-il no -I i a C~ -,a N"it. Vni '-. Sch. of Phatrnacy BOgrade, Yugczflavia) --TIlQ in-vompleto. anti-lxxfi~~i we"', 104" !.und 'in normal Imman scruin ; (a) q-1w of incoml;bItc (b) Incomplete warm artibody whicli only with trypsini-I.Ld r.b.c. at or befoxv, 371. It catmet bt, ~tkmrbed with f-f-utri-ance but is Lhem-lablIp. Itri ip.-Cifl"tv ia ItWillu'vil. (4) rrxlt, iflojillIvIcto cold antih(mly NvIdOl TO'cu With r.b.c. at lower telly. I docs notreact at37*. ltcauri,~t wi*ll ane it is thermostable and ils 6pt~cificity i.-, unknowit. - - 71 aAe4 JAITKOVIC, B. D.; STANKOVIC, I. Sympathetic ophtaimia: an auto-immune disorder. Acts. med. iugoal. 10 no.2:232-242 1956. 1. Microbiological Institute, Pharmaceutical Faculty and Ophthalmological Clinic, Medical Faculty, University of Belgrade. (OPHTffALNI*IA SYRPATHETIC, atiol. & pathogen. auto-immunization) JEVTIC. Sivojin; BURIJAN, Jovan; JAMOVIC, Branislav; STANTOVIC, Sotir Case of acute febrile hemolytic anemia. Srpski afh. celok. lek. 84 no.9:1067-1070 Sept 56. 1. H Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu Upravnik; prof. dr. Djordje Brkic. Baktarioloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. c1r. Milutin Djurisic. (ANVIA, HVIOLYTIC, case report febrile hemolytic anemia (Ser)) IJP~ i 1~1! I A -4/ -vs o' );r- -uly 5- DIC, SpC 2 Vol 11/7 P!1 -L U 2970, DISTRIBUTION OF DNA AND RNA IN DIFFERENT REGIONS OF CAT'S BRAIN - Alihailovid it Jankovid B. D. , Petkovid M. and Mantid D. Inst. ofpatil.~h-ygi-oT.-,--Nre-d-.Sch., Nlicrobiol.Inst., Sch. of Pharmacy, Univ. of Belgrade, Belgrade - EXPERIENTIA (Basel) 1958. 14/1 (9-10) Tables I The quantity of DNA was of the same order In 13 different regions of the brain, including the grey and white matter. The RNA content was much more variable and lowest in white matter. This is related to functional differences between the areas studied. JANKO Nt.-'AiDi4 SIMONOVIC' B. A brief survey of practical importanco of blood groupa. 7oj. san. pregl., Beogr. 16 no.3:231-235 Mar 59. 1. Farnmceutski Fakultet u Beogradu Mikrobiolooki institut Zavod za trnnsfimiju krvi. (BIOOD GROUPS, practical aspects (Bar)) soc 6 voi i~i/6 internal June 6" 3962. THE PRESENCE OF D (Rh) ANTIGEN IN 111PNIAN 1.FUK(X-7-FS Ai DEMON-STRATED BY T11E FLUORESCEi4,r ANTIBODY 'IEC11~.1wr Jankovi6 B. D. and Lincoln T. L.. Nitcrobiol. Inst., Belgrade Univ. ScTi. o arm.. Belgrade - VOX SANG. (Basel) 1959, .112 (119-126) Illus. I Using a 3-step indirect fluorescent antibody technique, norm.-Al and niveloid hnae,)- cytes from Rh-positlve sub.iects were found to contain 1) antigen. (IV, G) JANKOVIC, B.D.; ISAKOVIC, K. Haemagglutinins in chicken. I. The rate of formation of naturally, occurring haemagglutinins. Acta med.jugool. 14 n0.)3246-255 160. 1. Microbiological Institute, Faculty of Pharmacyp University of Belgrade. (ANTIBODIES) JANKOVICg B.D.; ISAKOVIC, K. Haemogglutinins in chicken. II. The effect of injected heterologous red blood cells and hog 0 (H) blood group substance upon the production of natural haemagglutinins. Acta med. iugosi. 14 no-3: 256-265 160. 1. Microbiological Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. (ANTIBODIES) (BLOOD GROUPS) ISAKOVIC, K.; JANKOVIC B.D.; HORVAT, J. 7 Hemagglutinins in chickens. Ill, The effect of beterologous ribon- nucleoproteins upon the formation of natural haemagglutinins. Acta mod. iugoslavl. 14 no.4:364-371 160. 1 1. Microbiological Institute, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade. (ANTIBODIES) (NUCLEOPROTEINS pharmacol) JANKOVIC, B.D.; 133AKOVIG, K.; HOINAT, J. - Haemagglutinins in chicken. IV. First and 3econd antibody responses in chickens previously treated with heterologous ribonucleoproteins, erythrocytes and hog o(h) blood group substance. Acta mod. iugoslavl. 14 no-4:372-382 160. 1. Microbiological Institute, Faculty of Pharmcy, University of Belgrade. (ANTIBODIES) (NUCLEOPRMEIIIS pharmacol) (BLOOD'GROUPS) (ERYT[IROCYTES) MITROVIC, K.; JANKOVIC, B.D. Studies on anti-leukocytic sera obtained from rabbits vith myeloid leukemia leukocytes. Acts, med. iugool. 15 no.3:269-280 161. 1. Institut do 14icrobiologio, Faculte do Pharmacie, Universite do Belgrade. (LF,,UKZM ZlYv-WCYTIC immunol) (III-MUNE SERUI MS) (LE'tiKOCYTES) JMIKOVIC, CEDOi4m Torrents and torrential strems in the Sitnitza river basin. P. 72 BUJICNI TOKOVI U SLIVU SITNICE. Beograd. Yugoslavia 1958 Monthly List of East European Acces6ions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 6. June 1959 Uncl. JANKOVIC, Cedomirt dr., ing. -z -1- - I--,'..- - - --- Erosion from a geodynamic point of view and the importance of antierosion measures. Vodoprivreda Jug 2 no.4/5:127-132 159. (EM 9:10) 1. Visi naucni saradnik Instituta za vodoprivredu, Beograd. (Erosion) JANKOVIC_ D. "Wages of workers anj employees to the textile industry of Serbia." P. 369 (Tekstilna Industrija) Vol. 4, no. 11/12 Nov./Dec. 1956 Belgrade, Yugoslavia SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EM) LC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 trXurr ing coals with addition of various amounts of lo- cal brown coal, with an enriched lignite and nat- ive coal from Rasa deposit. The possibility was demonstrated for a wide application of Yugoslav- ian brown coals in the charge cogposition for tho carbonization aiming at a preparation of qftal- ity coke. Card 1/1 43 CAUWGRY ABS, JOUR, RMHOR T` T., Z I : RMnIze., NO* 1960p NOo 204 t Krajcinavic, M. , l3ravar, M. , and JarkovLc, -iven v~r cn tno -)--i r,,- o,.' Su" e C, one 0MG. I)LrB~skemija u No 'p0-?,'_I (19.59) ADS "IRA C TI?esult.-.-, are -presented from WOT,k on the dyein,- of bleached and unUlenclied sulfice celllulo-4~, with dirccE, acid, and oasic dye,-; "D), u_-,in- cellui.oFe f-rouni to differ-Ent dej:-ree.,~ of f;-rene.-st~ ard cliffQ1,- enc. 1) t-.,.)ncentrrjJ:iov.,-. ;--. the bath, 'I'he dyei-., vifts carz,ie6 out .vit~i !inld without the ad,_'.ition of retAn- oo,L- sit~inrr- nateri-a"13, particularly soullum r~_-si%ata. B(-,,nt rpsults -sere obto-Inei when dl.rect 1.0 aerc ~,,ncd, follovied oy acid and busLr -.). T. 3-.Idkevicla CARDS 1/1 YUGO.L,,.,.VI:k / Zooparasitology. General Problems. G Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1959, 24185. kuthor : ILLikovic, Draga. Inst *. Not--g-iVwrr. Title ; Parasites of the Gastrointestinal Tract of the Danube !,terlet ZA-oipenser ruthenqq7. Orig Pub; Ribar. Jugosl., 1957, 12, No 6, 126-1.18. Abstract: No abstract. Card 1/1 JANKOVIC, I. Carcinoma of the colon with roentgenographic picture of invagination, Acta. chir. iugoal. 3 no.3:265-2?2 1956. 1. Radicloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (upravnik prof. dr. S. Dedic). (COWN, neoplasms, differ. diag.., x-ray picture of invagination (Ser)) (INTUSSUSCEPTION, differential diagnosis, cancer of colon, x-ray (Ser)) MILENKOVIC, Petar; JANKOVIC, Ivan; BABIC, Bogdan Unusual case of metastatic adenocarcinoma of the thyroid gland. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.1:102-107 Jan 56, 1. Nournhirurska klinika Medicinskog fakultata u Beo&Tadu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Slobodan Kostic. Radiolooki institut Medicinskog fakalteta u Beogradu. Upraynik: prof. dr. Stojan Dedic. (CRANIUM, neoplasms metastasis to thyroid, case report (Ser)) (THYROID GLAND, neoplasms, metastatic from cranium, case report (Ser)) JANKOVIC, Ivan; DEDIC, Hilivoje Radiological aspecto of pseudocyst of pancrean. Srpoki arb. celok. lek. 84 no.12:1417-1424 Dec 56. 1. Radioloski inatitut Medicinskog fakulteta ti Beogradu Upravnik: Bogoljub Boanjakovic. (PANCREAS, cysts pseudocysts, x-raF aspects (Ser)) JAHKOVIC, Ivan X-ray aspects of the stomach afterlilwallowing of corrosive agents. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.12:1447-1451 Dec 56. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinskog fakulteta u beogradu Upravnik: Bo,-,oljub Boanjakovic. (ESOPRAGITIS, Case reports caustic, with linitis plastica, x-ray aspects (Ser)) (GASTRITIS, case reports linitis plastica with caustic esophagitis, x-ray manifest. (Ser)) ,~AWMSKI, Branislav; JANKOVIC,', van't BRUXOVIC. Prodrag "MEN" Treatment of mycosis fwigoideB with radiotherapy. Srpski arh. celak. lek.'F35 no.6:655-663 June 57. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinskog falmlteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. 3ogo1jub Boenjakov$q. (MYCOSIS MGOIMIS, ~her. . radiother. (Ser)) (RADIOTHWun, in var. dis. zVoooiI3 fungoides (Ser)) 1:i fl-lil lill zl!~ 14 Aill GAWANSKI, Bran islav; BNMUS,Hiolosh; JANKOVIG,Ivan; BWAKOVIC,Predrag Treatment of malignant melanoma of the skin. Srpski arh.celok. lek. 87 no.7-8:621-627 Jl-Ag '59. 1. Radioloski irstitut Medicinskog fakultata u Beograda, upraynik: prof. dr. Bogoljlab Boanjakovic. (SnR Ueopl. ) (MILLHOML ther.) GAD.TANSKI.Branislav; JANKOVIC.Ivan; BRZAKOVIC,Predrag; BEHIMUS,Milos Therapy of hemangiom&B by means of Ghaoulls contact therapy* Srpski arh. celok. lek. 87 no.11:1001-1007 N '59. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinskog Mmlteta u Beograd;L, Upravnik: prof. dr Bogoljub Boonjakovic. (HEWGIOHL radiother.) .1 JANKOVIC, Ivan; BEKERUS, Milos; J(ARKOVIC9 Dragomir; BRZAKOVIC, Predrag The problem of radiotherapy of osteogenic sarcoma. Med.arh., Sarajevo 14 no.6:35-39 N-D 160. 1. Radioloski institut Medieinskog fakulteta u Beogradu (Upravnik; prof. d-r BagoIjub Boanjakovic) (SARCOMA OSTEOGENIC radiother) JANKOVIG,Ivan; MIC,Milivoj Results of the treatment of pulmona" carcinoma by means of a classical method of roentgen therapy. Srpeki arb. oelok. lek. 88 no.1:63-68 J& 16b. 1. Radioloski institut Hedicinakog fakulteta Univerzitata u Beogradu, Upravnik: prof. dr BogoIj-db Boonjakovic. (LUNG NICOPTASMS radiother. ) :1 1 --'p, BOSNWOVIC, Bogoljub; JANKOVIC, Ivan - Preliminary results in the treatment of mediastinal tumors with tele- cobalt therapy. Srpski arh..celok. lek. 89 no.11:1309-1317 N '61. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinskog fakultata Univerniteta u Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Bogoljub Boonjakovic. (NEDIASTINbli neopl) (COBALT radioactive) BOGOJEVIC, Smiljaj JMOVIC Ivan Nephrolithiasis and congeml-tal-doformities of the spinal column. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 90 no.6r619-625 JS 162. 1. Radioloski institut Medicinakog fakulteta Universsiteta, u Beogradu U ik: prof. dr. Bogoijub Boenjako7io. KIDNEY CA1CULI) (SPINS) (INFANT NEWBORN DISEASES) DORDEVIC, Slobodan; ZOE Ivan; SIMOITOVIC, Miodrag; MITROVIC., Kosta; NESIC, Dragana Our.experiences,with radiotherapy of clinically established metastatic carcinoma of the neck. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 n9.3:273-277 M,r 163. .1. O~orinolaringoloska klinika Medicinskog fakulteta Univerzi- teta u Beogradu Upravnik prof.-dr Srecko Podvinec Hadioloski instAtut Mediolnekog fakulteta Univerziteta v Beogradu Upravnik: prof. dr Bogoljub Bosnjakovic. (NECK NEOPLASMS) (NEOPLASM RADIOTHMAPY) (LDIPHATIC METASTASIS) (COBALT ISOTOPES) (RADIOISOTOPE TELETHERAPY) MOCIC.Mirjana; ISVMIESKI, Milorad; SUVAKOVIC, Vojislav; JAYWITIC, Ivan The Hamman-Rich syndrame - apropos of a case. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 91 no.lOs947-953 0163. 1. Klinika za infektivne bolesti Medicinskog fakulteta Uni- verziteta u Beogradu (upravniki prof.dr. Mihajlo Nikolia) i Institut za patolooku anatomiju Medicirskog falculteta Univer- ziteta u Beogradu (upravnikt prof.dr. Zivojin Ignjacev). JANKOVIC, J. ItIn memory of Boris-Kiciri .'I D. 45. (Eaektoprivx*da-, vol. 62 no. 2. YlarApr. 1953, Beograd.) - East European Vol. 2. No. 9 50; Month Liut of/RQUAWAccessions,/Library of Cmigress, !'W.P-~ ~Or .19,53, Uncl. L JANKOVIC, J. Atmospherio corrosion of metals. p. 448 VOJNO-TE-HNICKI GLASNIK. Beograd. Vol. 4, no. 6, June 1956 SOURCE: East European kccessions List, (EEAL), IAbrar7 of Congi-ess, Vol. 5-, no. 12, December 195J5 JANKOVIC K. 11ob cutters with positive anterior angles. p, 905. SrROJIREKS7VI, Prague, Vol. 4, no. 12, Dec. 1954# SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 1956, Uncl. J.1! '.Teasuring the din, ensions oP t 1, e tn;!th of a c,-.),-whe kladatcl~-tvo techidckej PIIC'i. (Statne nal Vol. 6, no. 2, Feb. 1954. SOURCE: 7~ast European Accessions List,Vol. 5, no. :7r.1ptc.-mber 1955 U-C, "An ~,,'colo,,,ical Stady on Catei-I 'U'S -1 !S,~ U',is L U j in P. 11" ?3-7~'~:JK VA, Vol. 1953, Ico--rad, '.'u.! osiz-via) SO: 11fonthly Lis'- of Eas! European Accesslono, I.C, Vol I ~ - -1 - - - I -:, -U.~Jy of Gypoy "ic 'linged Jta c, jt-::C)ll p. 13" Vo-11 31, TC, 71. Lontilly Ac=;sicns, ~UMpca 4 - - '. 1-10. -- , Z, ~, -,;/ -- J. DJORIC, Ljubisa, dr., does; IMMIC, Ljubisa L- dr. Explorative artbrotoW of the, knee. Med. glas. 16 n0-0166-173 Ap 162 * 1. Klinika za ortopedska hirurgiju i travmatologiju Yedicinskog falculteta u BeoRradu ~Upravnik: prof, dr* S. StoJanoric). I ("u) -S~ JANKOVIC, Ljubisa; CVETKOVIC, Sveto-,ar; F-kKTC, C,.,,.~tko Post-Irradiation fractures of the ferreal neck. Mff--d, pregl.. 17 no.12:653-656 164. 1. Specijalna bolnica za decjv paralizu i kostano-zglobnu tuberk-ulom "Banjica"., Bpog-dd (Uprav-nik: doc. dr. Branko Radulovic). JANKOVIC j --Ljuboiair. .- __ --- ---- I The role of the state in modern ;ransportati,4. ]Modun transp 7 no.12:1082-1088 D '61. i ; i I IJIMN Wir-11 i JANKOVIC, Ljubomir The role of the state in modern transportation. Maddh transp 8 n0-1'.4-8 Ja 162. JANKOVIC 't-Ljubmir -- Role of the state in modern transport, Ft. 2. Medun trump 8 no,2:70-75 F 162. JANKOVIC,Ljubomir Role of the state in modern transportation.(Concluri.)n) Medun transp 8 no.3:150-157 Mr 162 JANKOVIC, Lj. On the establishments studying economic problems in transportation. Medun trAnsp 8 no.9:602,605 S 162. JLNKOVIC, Lj. Results of the Uth Meeting of the Working Group for the Rates ~f Internal Transport of the European Economic; Ca~~Sion,, Pt. 1" Kedun transp 9 no.1:7.-ll Ja 063,,, 111 ! I I , 1 :1 1 :~ : I JANKOVIC, LjubQmir V. Results of the .11th Meeting of the Working Grol-1p for Prim Cost in Wand Transport, European Eoonomia Cmmission, Hadun transp 9 no.21100-101, Pe 063. JANKMC, Ljubomir V. Scope of international cooperation in transportation. Medun transp 9 no.3:160-14 Mr 263. JANKOVIC Lj. V. Econamic system and instruments of distribution in the field of transportation, Hedua transp 9 no.4:223-22-5 Ap 163.