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The compexison of results of determinations of meatturemetats for such an ellipsoid show very little variation. The'study of the shape of the earth remains one of the basic scientific problems of higher geodesy. The determination of the diiiiensions of the earth's ellipsoid with greater accuracy is the first problem. The second is the accurate determination of deviations of the shape of the geoid from the terrestrial ellipsoid. The article refers to a coordinated geodetic program of astrogeodetic and. gravimettic work to be undertaken in the near futuxe Iq the USSO Chim., and other Asiatic countries. q tA 3 6 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION 497 Akademiya. nauk SSSR. Komitet po geodezii L geofizike Mezhdunarodnaya assotsiatsiya geodezii; tezisy dokladov nl XI General'noy assambleye Mezhdunarodnogo geodezicheskogo i geofizicheskogo soyuza (The International Aiisociation of Geodesy; Abstracts of the Reports at the XI General AsseW)ly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics) Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR9 1957. 63 p. 1,500 copies printed. PURPOSE: The purpose of this booklet is the dissemination of abstracts of the reports presented by the Soviet members of the International Association of Geodesy at the XI General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophygics. COVERAGE: This booklet, with full English translation of the Russian text, published by The National Ccmittee fol.- Geodesy and Card 1/12 The International Association of eodesy (-.ont.'~ 497 0 coefficients after a lapse of years remain priletically constant. The use of such a pendulum at first order stations, even under very adverse climatic conditions and transportation dLfficultiee~ is well justified. Izotov, A.A. The Reference Ellipsoid and the Basic Ceodetic Data LT-s4-d- in USSR 9 The reduction of triangulation to sea level and the subsequent development of it on the surface of the geoid introduce considerable distortions into the main geodetic framework. The method of pro- jecting triangulation directly on the surface of the reference ellipsoid developed and adapted in USSR is free from much drawbacks. 1,rasovskiy's ellipsoid derived from measurements in USSR, !1. Europe and USA offers a close enough figure of the Earth, applicable to the continents of the Northern hemisphere only. Card 3/U "The Present Status and Problema in the Deterulmatiom or the Shape of the Earth," by A. A. Izotov Moscom, Verineseunsrs- technik, No 4, Apr 57, pp 7-3-1-8 =.~ . R The report su- izes the vork done by US, Soviet, British, and French geodesists in determining the figure of the geoid, gives com- parative fijWes for Soviet (Central Scientific Research Institute for Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography) and M determinatiouO of the geoid in the area of North America, and discusses briefly the methods usea in obtaining data on the figure of the earth. M (40. 1-3 Py IZOTOV. A.k., A-1,tor WWJA General f-mmilan for pl,mb line and lapLtca ristmatt-i it9fite.-tions. ,'Ptod. I kart. TIO-6-3-11 JS OR LU to - .9 (GAodesy) "The Achievemeritt; of Soviet Science in the Geodesy." paper presented at the XIth General Assembly of the Int'l. Union (:A' GeodeBy axid Geophysics, Tornoto, Canada, 3-14 Sept 1957- (1zv. Ak Hauk 'C'SIER - Ser Geog. 11`i5b, No. 2, PP 3-8 [USSR D - I I : --- 1-!---.1!-: 1 .! 1--: . I ~ .. . TC :'. I VA'' . III IZOTOV, A.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, Bleventh General Aaaambly of the International Goodetic Aesoclation. Geod. i kart. no.4s45-57 4 158. (Km 11:5) (Toronto-Geodesy-Congressou) AUTHOR: Izotov, A.A. , Doctor of Technical Sciences 7 TITLE: On the Quad rangle-Me thod in Geodesy (0 Ine-toele chetyrokhugollnikov v geodezii) PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i Kartografiya, 1958, Nr 5, rp- -~--10 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the course of the past 10 years Candidate of Technical Sciences I.V.Zubritskiy published several papers ~Refs 11-6)-, -In which he repeatcdly mkes the same suggestion, i.e. to build -,ip the basio networks from quadrangles rdtho%it diagon,!ils, A -ihort time ago he united all these papers in hit,, dissertation for the d9gree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, thu;3 giving, a definllt-~~ dharacter to his suggestion, which is co=iented -apon by the author of the present article. First, the nature of the method itself as suggested by the author is axplzaiaed, and it is shown that as regards questions of equalization aad evaluation of the accuracy of series (from quadrangles) Zubri0kiy'a -.iork contaias no now theoretical or methodical thesits. Some of hia statements are dealt with In greater detail in order to sho-ir that they do not justify the application of the quadrangle method. Hi3 method Card 1/2 is far-fetched and the process suggested foi, the calculation of On the Quadrangle-Method in Geodesy 6--5S-5-2/17 the side of a quadrangle 1-k%3 not been eall thought-out. Thoire are I figure, and 7 rtforerioes, which are Soviet, 1. Geodesics 2. MathemUes Card 2/2 7-1 T: Tzotov: T 'TLE Letter to t.he 'Aitora (~~islmo v jT '11AL: Ceoleziya i kartografiya, 1958, Nr 7, 7c -Ac,'": This ic a lotter to the editor b t I ie u t !,or o~ tlie !:rt*.!-1e on "The 11th Coneral Meeting of the -'ntornation~A ion of ~-'urveyors", published in the ~eriod4.t::,,~l i karto- 1)1:8, lir 4, In this article jr-ut~ior rEmurked that "the suggestion by Grariff-Hanter f f-;.han ter) [:,Q~reflq with the method proposed by S. Volo - t, of studyinj! the physical nhape of the otirth, und -that, 1%on-ever, accord- in~- to this method the problem is iolved -1n ::.nother way." Graaf-Hariter proceeds from the ordinary I fOrMUILL by '71tokes (Stoks), although he has in vier., tl~.c- -kitilization of the juarticular anomalies of the gravitrtional force cor- responding to a certain leveling of the earth'a surface. The tfieory of studying the shape of ~tie phyaical irurface of the globe.deve loped by M. S. Molodenskiy is based upon an appli- cation of a generalized formula of a ","okes ty~.e which was ,nard 1/2 deduced by him. This equation also requires a certain leveling I IN: Letter to the -litors "Cli .)_i*~-7_1.*,-I ') % ,fI of th,~ e, rth's ;urfLcP. Thi.- cs:n, hi! obtain,,al ! c- cardini-, to the reouired accurzcy of the .,olution under condition of arbitrary sair,11 ,.nd ntglactabla L!ltezation:.- Of th,~ gravit~jtionrl _fiel(t of -the eirth and it Ls not connected 'th th, - - ;ntro.-.Ijct4on of special reductions of the Eravl- t.t'.)i.;,l forco. the~_lo concluiions prI,,etically charact!~r- ize t,,- unch~,n,,r~;d oh,,ne of tho jlol)~ . "110 nt~,Ithor -,Y;~nt~ to correct th,~ae fact.,;, ~I.- in nis articl.e h(i did riot realize Lhe oonclusiorl"I Carl b,.~ Jrav.:i from -~ ithor not~lod. 1. Geophysical surveying-Theory C~_-rd 212 bounds of practical applicability of the quadvangular method without diagonals. However, it is eyident that Iraversing with the application of optical retn6.-,e fividers is the most- suiiable means as compared with the quadrangular method Card 1/1 without diagonals. There are 3 Soviet references. 3 _(4) AUTHOR: '.Izoto echnical Scienctis -4/21 ,.,,Doctor of T, TITLE: On the Problem of Standard Bases PERIODICALt., Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1959, Nr 11, PP *13-1-5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It is desirable that the relative fluctutAtion in the scale of the triangulation base lengths in different countries should not exceed I : 1,000,000.. The problem, ithether the standard bases serve their purpose, is iavosti4~ated along with the queotion as to whether they would be of help in reducing the triangulation of variouo countrio~i to a one length-scale. Therefore the author investigated the relation between the errors of moasurements oC the atandard bases und the errors of measurements of the triangulution. buses. He proves that the use of standard basezi is juitified only uith the following conditions prevailing: (1) nhen their initial or 3tandardization length wits determined vith a high degree of accuracy- and doea not change after so=ot time, (2) when the standard bases are measured with calibrated wiresi of ban(Is causing negligibly small casual errors, and (3) when measurini, of triangulation bases is not accompani,ni by coriiiiiderable Card 1/2 syotematic errors due to different measunnj~, Btandards, SUDAKOV, S.G.1 ALEKSANDROV, T.F.; BULANOV, A.I.; DURNIN, AJ.; YELISEYEVj S.V.; ZAKATOV, P.S.; IZOTO.Vp-A.A.; KARLOVI G.M.; KUZII'Jlj, B.S.; KUM)SEXIII, A.D.; KOMPAYEVp A.F.; K(,ZLGVA, Ye.A.; IARI:10 B.A.; LAR321, D.A.; 1AHIN, B.A.; LITVRJOV, B.A.; 14AZAYLN, A.V.; PELLINEN, L.P.; PMOV, A.I.; SOLOVIYENI, A.I.; TOMILIN, A.F.; URAD)Vj O.S.; USPEITSKIY2 M.S.; FGMIY,, M.P.; SHISMIN, V.11.; SIMIEGMV, A.P.; SI'DAKOV$ S.G., otv. red.; KOMMIKOVA, L.M., mi. izd-va;S0'GLTROV, V.S., takhn. red. [Inaixuction concerning the building-up of a state aeodatic notwork in the U.S.S.R.] Instruktniia o postroonli eosudarfftvennoi geodozi- cheakoi ceti Soiuza SSR; abiazatelIna dlia vsekh vedomstv i uch- rezl4eniip proizvodiashchikh gomdarstvenrWe goodezicheskle Oeti. I.,oolma, Izd-vo geodez. lit-ry, 1961. 459 P. (MIRA 15:6) 1. Rusaia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniya geodezii i karto- grafli. (Geodesy) S/035/62/000/007/065/C83 AODI/A,10.1 AUTHOR: Izotov, A. A. TITLL; The present state and tasks of geodesy FMIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Astronomiya i Geodezz!ya, no. 7, 1962, 6, abs-.ract 7G32 ("Tr. 3-90 .3"yozda Vacs. astron.-Feod. o-va, 1960", Moscow, AN SSSR, 1962, 67 - 72) TEXT: The author points out that there is no uniformity in various coun- tries either in the system of construction of principal tr,,angulatior. or ir. methods of its mathematical processing. Although at preseat the accuracy of trl- an3,ulations meets requirements of science and practice, stroftger demands are pos- sible in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to improvq) methiods and means of' performing main geodetic operations and of processing astronomic-Eeodetic not- works. In connection with emergence of new measurement mee~ns, it is noted that best results can be achieved lyj an expedient combination of old axd new melu"S. Methods and means of geode-%,ic astronomy and astrometry should be f~urther improved. Precise data on the shape, size and gravity field of the Zarth are necessary for Card 1/2 MARTY11OV, D.Ya., prof,,, otv. red.; DURNEV, A.I., red.;.YRTP,, red.; POPOV, P.I.P red.; 1,1WNSHY, V.V., red.; red V.A. I RAULDIp I.Yo.., rod.izd-va; IAUT, V.G., tokhn. red. (Transactions of the Congreas of the All-Union Astronordeal amd Geodetic Society) Trudy tretlyego sllezda Vsosa3,u=ojjo astronomo-geodazichoskogo obshchestva. Voskvii, Izd--vo Akad. nauk SSSR, 1962. 257 p. (MlItA 15:2) 1. S"yezd Vsesoyuznogo astronomo-geodezichoskogo obiffichestva, 3,-d, Kiev, 1960. 2. Prozident Veesoyuznogo astrorozo.-geodericheskogo obshchestva(for Martynov). (Astronomy-Congresses) (Geode sy-C oN-,res sea) _mQ-TOv,-",j BULANZHE, Yu.D.j MAGNITSKIY, V.A.; WSHCHERYA.KOV, Yu.A.; BLAGOVOLIN, H.S. Establishment of the Crimean geophysical of crustal subsurface geology and recent r:eofiz.biul. no.1202-84 162. (Crimea-Geophysioal polygon for the study tectonic moramento. (KRA 16 15) reme&rah) IZGTOvj AvAo Concerning the geocentrlu latitude of a prAnt im njim.-e. Good. i kart. no.6;3-5 Je 164. (1411RA l7a 9) L 374:3-66 =ViT(1)/F3(v)-3/FS3-2 TT/GIV ACCESSION NR: AP5027649 CZ/0023/65/('-101,?/002,~'O.'t,01/0207 AUTHOR: Izotoy. A. A. TITLE: Determination of the shape and dimensions of the Karth J'r= obseryatime of artificial satellites [This paper was presented at the SYINF)O siun on 1;hs Determination of the Figure of the Earth, October 6 - lop 194,, iprIaguel SOURCE: Studia geophysics, ot,geadaetica, v. 9, no. 2y ItI65P P131-207 TOPIC T&GSO. pw!ameter, geqdevyl artificisa aatenite oboomt-ion, 3yacao~rna earth 1 observation, coordinate system 'Abstract rAuthor's Russian summaryt utodified]t 1-he i-artiole 5110a [how equations permitting determination of the pti,rameters of the ;general Earth ellipsoid and the elements of orientation of the preference ellipsoid relative to the center of wains tknell the prin-~~ cipal axes of inertia of the Earth can be derivcd frovi roctan- gular three-dimensional coordinatesq obtained from observations of artificial satellitesq of the point of obseritation in. a Sys- ~tem of a certain reference ellipsoid and at a Joilown ... beight ab,Wre s ea le ve 1. Or 1g. ari's' has 22 Ick-mulas* 9 Card 1/2 L 3743-66 ACCESSION XR: A.P5O27649 ASSOCIATMN: &acOw En gin.11111;09- Institute of.(. *dears E4gitog-raosaietry =4 ~~Mxtj%mph Moscow BMHITIMD: 06oct64 ENCLi 00 SUB OODMI M$ w NO REY SM 002 OTHERs 002 Jp1m ACc NR, AP50M38 C-cosBcos.Ldx+cosBsinLdy+oiiuBdx--I -s*sin1B)da+a,s1n'Bda+ + a* cos' B cos 2 L dp + 1 as C03'Bain 2 L dq 2 00 4. sid 2 8 C03 L dm ag as:sln 2 B da L bi + r, 4 4 which expresses the general form of the equation of degree mea8aremento and holds true for any method of determining the height of a quasi-geold in a known iiyatent of geodetic coordi- nates. From a theoretical point of view It Is possible to determine from it solution of equations of type Eq. (1) both the parameters of the earth ellipsoid and the clements of orientation of the reference ellipsoid relative to the center of mass and principal a:xos of Inertia of tho earth. For this purpose it Is necessary to have the results of satellite olmervations at a sufficiently large number of points uniformly distributed over the entire earth. Sinmi this requirement Is practically impossible to fulfill, the determination of the elements of ortenbition of the nDfer- once ellipsoid relative to the center of mass and principal axon offnerMa of the earth Inavitably involves a study and use of the physicomechanical patterns of satitillite mrition In the earth's gravitational field. Thus, the problem of creating a world systwin of poliette coordInates Card 3/3 IT I P!1 LL'~ LL, lw-d 4, Lit 1 i ;; I;r7r-l ,~,j -W I ff", L r 1,-" . i A ~ ~ - 1 j 1:7~,~ H, 11 1 I FURRI 1 c! , ~i't . 1,I 1 i - 1~- ~ c i I I I , : I " :; 1 11 il I I I I I - - I I I I , 11 : ; i : V, : 1 1 1 1 1 i . I I . SKOBTSOV, Yevgeniy Aleksandrovich; IZOTOV, _Apatq4y. vich; TUZOV, Leonid Vasillyevich; -SkffVAfOVj K.I.., in-71h retsenzent; YISELM'', M.A., inzh., red.; OIIISJICHENKO, R.N.2 red. izd-va; PETERSON, M.I.I.., tekbn. red. (Methods for reducing the vibration and noise of dieael engineal Votody snizheniia vibratsii i shuma (lizelei. Moskva, Vashigriz 1962. 191 P. (KIIIA 15:12~ (Dienel engines) (Damping (Mechanics)) HAMESTNIKCV. A.F.. kandidat tekhnicheskikh sauk; SABIMOV, N.V., dektor teldinicheakikh nauk professor, retsonzent; UP %,, Inthenor, ,.Tq I ~ -:. 11 ~ I retsenzent; VASILIYEVA, G.N., redaktor; GOTLIB, .1 1.1.,,inkhniche- skiy redaktor. (Technology of canning fruits and vegetables] T43dmolagiia kesser- virevaiiia plodoy i avoshchei. Ms*kT&, Pishchopromizdat, 1955. 127 P (Canning and preserving) (mLRA 9:4i ! ! 1 U ; IZOTOVO A*XO 4--,- ManiLfacture of fruit and berry juicen with pap in C~.,cchoslnvalda. Kona. i ov. prom. 13 no,7:6-10 Jl 158. NLRA ntO 1. Gosplan SSSR. (Fruit Juicee) (Berries) IZOTOV, A.K. Internntional conference on containers and packagi-q;. Kons. i ov. prom. 13 no.4:48 Ap '58. (MIRA 11:4) (Prague-PackAging-Congresses) NAYIESTNIKOVI Aleksandr Fedorovich; IZOTOV, A.K., inzli,, Ujklmolog, retsenzent; FUKS, V.K.., ta'dir.. red. [Preservad fruits and vegotablos; Innovation in tits aox-trxint and technology] Plodoovoshchnyo konservy; novoe v asoortinorite i tekhnologii. Moskva, Piahchepromizdatj 1961. 141 p. (MI a 15: 6) (Canning and preserving) F&I-YU1,11G. A191mandr Froymnovich, dots.)- 1,UU11TNBAUN, Dcris LI-voltich, dots.; IZOTOV, Andrey Konstantinovich, dots.; RODAGHEV, V.I., kand. t ~-.-fiauk, re senz e-'W ent; YmiAA, r,.i., r*&.; ~"ATARGV'4 A.M., tekhn. red. (Technology of fruit and vegetable preservation] Tekhriologiia konservirovaniia plodov i ovosbchei. izd.2., ispr, i dop. Moskva., Fisbchepromizdat, 1961. 518 P. (MIRA 15'6) %Canning and preserving) ZOTOV, V.P.; SILUYANOV# V.G.- GUGIIA, Yo F.; UHLMAN, :t,.Ym,.; ALE-XIIIIIA, WZZUBOV, A.D.; BODROVO i.A.1 ;UI)NYY,"A.V.j BURTSEV, Ye:L.; VAYNSHTEYN, V.O.; GAVRILOV, A.N.; GORBATOV, 7.M.; GRITSE!WC, N.N.; DOLGUSHEVA, L.I.; YEDYGENOV, K.Ye.; ZHURAVIEVA. S.S.. WW,.SKIII, Ya.A.; IVKIN, A.P.; ;;QTQYj,_A4A.j ILIN3KKYj N.A..; IRIIIARKHOIA, A.M.; KARPENK0 fl A.K.; LYSOGORp.P.M.; LUPIlgij A.T..; OIZYKKOV, V.Y.; ORANZHEREYEVA, -V.F.; PETROV, N.A.; PYATIBUTOV, II.A.; ROMMU1, A.N.; RAUBE, P.V.; RYZHENKO, L.P.; SENYKIII, A.A.; SHEFER, A.P. G.IA.Ivanov; obituary. NTO 4 no.10139 0 162.. (MIRA 15:9) (Ivanov, Georgil IAkovlevi,-,h, 1897-1962) GRTBIN, P.P.; IZOTOV, A.V.; MUZYLIV, G.A. Jigging coal without preliminar7 classificatiom. EDkm i khIm. no.4: 3-7 '58. (KIRA 11;4) 1. Embinat 'Sakhalinugoll" (for Gribin, Isotair). 2, Teemoyun" nauohno-iseledovatellskiy, institut Ugleobogaiffichenlye (for Hasylev)s, (Coal preparation) ra c Lci rs Increasing the perioc of' usefainess, of' the trtictor ~L-35- VITS 12 Eo. 4, 1')52. Ci12 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress? L9, Uncl. ~ `11111; '111 ~i ARKROGILISKIT. B.Te., in2honer-, BILATIV. A.S., Inshom9r; SIDIUVICH.G.I., inzhoner;-~~~fhonsr, rodaktor; XIRMOII, T.L., redsictor; ORLOVA. V.V.. tekhnicheskly redLaktor EKD-35 tractor] Traktor ID-35. Pod red. A.I.Imotova. Moskva. Goo. izd-,ro sallkhos. lit-ry, 1951. 576 p. (KI;RA 10:9) (Caterpillar tractors) ARKHANGEWSKIT, Ms., Inzhonar-, 'BALATEV, A.B., inthe",Z; SE1413VICH, G.A., inzhener; UNZ94 WS . inzhener, radaYtor; Z:RTUIOV. T.L., redalctor; FB=OVA, A.F., tekhAcheskiy redaktor [The Tractors KD-35 and KDF-35] Traktorjr KD-35 i KDP-35. 3-e izd. Pod red. A.S.Izotova. Hookra, Goa. Izd-vo selkhom. lit-T7, 1954. 552 p. (nn 8:4) (Caterpillar tractors) IZOTOV. A.-To, indilatry-wide conference of tractor builders. Trak:t.i sell- khozma-sh. 30 no.10:47 0 160. (MIRA 1-3:9) (Tractor industry) IZOTOV, A.Ye. Improving the quality of manufactured machineso Tralct. i sellkhozmash. 31 nooll:2-3 N 161. (IUM U 122 (bactor industry) IZOTOV, A.Ye. Tractor industry in 1965, Trftkt. i tsellkhomauh. no.21l-2 F 165. (y,IRA .1814) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist Gosudarstvennogo komiteta avtotraktornogo i scj'skokhozyaystvonnogo matihinogtroyeniya. GRATSI SKIT., "I'lkhail 11~'Ucolayovich, Qot-,., kmid. tokbr-nuwk; ALEMALDROVSKI-V , Yuriy Vladirpdrovichy dots. p ~wad. tekbn. nauk; IZOTOV B.S dots., rateenzent; MROV, I."Yetp inztA., retsen- zent; BOIIDARI, F.I., inzh., retsenzont; SMZMIOIIA, V.T., red.; VORONINA, R.K., tekhn. red. (Eydrology and hydraulic structures) GidrojQOjIa i gidrotekhni- cheskie sooruzheniia. Moskma, Gos. izd-va "Tj!ejhaia sbkola 1961. 351 P. (DIIRA 15:3~ 1. Kafedra gorodskogo stroitel'stva i khozyayatva bmingrad- skogo inzhenerno-stroitellnogo instituta (for Izotov). (Hydraulic engineering) fl T' r LI~OT I et" %:I. J~r '.,I ',J! -itm vat i. v f rin. It I t I f t. t I - )r P,~rn- o -and C' 7" C. 1 1 71imiya tc:-~ i I:c) -c.,~ccw. AUTHORs Izotov,G. Y1. (Kazan') !1`07A40 .518-1-10/21 TITLE% ~---,')u-r-fa-c-e-s--.)-f-'oecond Order in the Diplanar Jpace (Poverichnosti vtorogo poryadka biplanarnogo prostranetva) PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy hlinisterp+va -Vyssbego obrazovaniya SSSR, Matematika,'1958,Nr 1, pp BQ~-102(USSR) ABSTRACTs As a biplanar space B 2n-1 a manifold of points is denoted5 the fundamental transformation g-.roup or which is isomorphic to the subgroup of those projective transformations of the (2n - 1 dimensional projective space which let invariant two (n - 1~-dimensional complex-conjugate planes which do not intersect. The contribution of the author is an abstract of his dissertation (Kazanl,1955) and may be considered as st comple,+&ment to the well-known resultm of Norden [Ref 2--,5J. In a larger table the classification of the B 3 is given. There are 10 references, 9 or which art) Soviet, and 1 is Roumanian, and 2 tables. ASSOCIATIONs Kazans kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni V.I.Ullyanova- Lenina (Kazan' State University imeni 'V.I. Ullyanov--Lenin) Card 1/2 .7" " _11"" V~v -VP-V J. i"Awl- -a -7 U n~"g j- -n-m"~ o ij-w) ter A Wm 'd-n-r. I T-= Z d-A -c -T-ft -1 -v &T1 ~Tvs~ ~ j. I- M j. vo -A. mo v..4 " J. -vn j-" "m WT. A3 " "TIno (T KT-1) _11"-s *t -d -ln P ws~ -TT4ft -fts~f j. -tn n j. v" Al-IM -vr j. -"",d Tv m faGm p IuT- -rr-" In m I-M "-ftt .> --3m Y. -"--m r-M) x v .1"t AST.1%.q. o T.-I j.4-m) Wlm .1. ,D9, q.J k LZ P-1 -ddY P-- T-tl-q; t- --S'. Z --t-n-T!Y 2-1 Wod" Ll Li 9-bO izcto..., 1 and ylii7n. Yu, I i TLE - Study lhl~ pla-ltic de"o-rMation of, 11 "lletal. with a W)l ;rp~ PE~RIONCAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklnd~y. -i. no. ',76-j7c '"EXT: A study 1~een made of the development if pliL!itic deform,itlor,3 in the initial stages of a secord otre::~zint,r of mate.,lul, or completely from stress after n firz;t p1a.-;ti,_, deformL~t.,:)r T,~ a defor-mation dut? t.13111_033 it is neoes3ary to exauiirii t.,: b,~tween tre VeCtor Of the incre;%er., of DIMZ~tlC tne vector S o f t Le in.7 re~,-nent of s, ri.-;s as depey.d -, rK u-non ', h+ :,,j 3 The eeometric lc,-,i ac-_.Ordlrl~; tr. the b e L ng t h e4ntenflity cf iie"Ormati-_;n~ arl! C..xd.:-_?,..1. and tne non, "iliti uf their art? the ,ar.~_, limp, the _e m od u 1 Us C! 11 [da_!,C deformi,J)i.1 ity --re -Ind 'I ut~i o~ ~Cmelricc loci Of' 1~1(111ftl 11 WLIUeS (h bpin~t Ox of pla:~',!:! Oe!'Orr%ab~ii ty; is Ca rd I /j Inn LIM Study of the plantic deformation ... JTJ 1 IQ 4 /321 vectors are determined with sufficient accuracy by the direction of the normals on the locun of equal 6F- Deviations tharefron rine with incr.ensing di-stnnco from th6 stress at %-hich-the first ,j;cperi.,:.ent was interrUDted. 2) The. .6-oometric locus of all ectial h is r,-Imost 'a circle, whose center is displaced with respect to the coordinate origin. The direction of this displacement is determined by the ~omponunt 0*11 the first stress; the displacement value depends upon h. The radiur R of thim circle is not dependent upon' the kind of t~e first strau3i it is, determir*d b h and the strain attained wit.h the first stressi. 1)) The direction of 9-4 deviates systematically.from the nori:ials to the circle of equal h. Thin 0 deviation (on average 6 7 ) is only little larger than the change of direction of vectors-z which is caused by the character of the second stress, and can be reLriected in most. cases. 4) To calculate the expected Dlaatic deformation with the aid of (1), it is sufficient to construct the ~.amily of c.ircleg of.equal h with the aid of equations P, =A LO Pyi TQ h tio h Vit (4) h =ak[ R4-B D B 0,0 + B Card 3/4 Iz.)-mv, I.P. Peridural.Inaia anesteziia v khlrurCli, gl- nekolovii i urologii (Feridural anaesthesia in surver, 11 - .0 J, pynecolof731 and urolo~,y) . A'~'oskva, v',eJ,7iz, 1953. 9`0 P. ~~: ""onthly List of Russian Accessions, Vcll. 7, ::o. -51, "'u-,ust V654 IZOTOV, I.P. Lsionyomas of tile small intestine* Riinirriiii 34 na.~1:110 S '56- (MIRA 12:4) (IYMTIM--7UMORS) Izolov. I.P. , Leibmyor)ns of the smell intestine. Khlrurgiin 14 no.62131 Je- '58 (MIRA 11:8) ( nMBSTnr.-,s, SMALL, neoplamms lolomyoma (Rua)) (LEY%ITOMA, ense reports small intestine (Run)) INTOV, 1,P,, kand, med. nauk (Mookva) Ventral fixation of the cervix uteri, in prolaptim aseociated with the prolapee of the vaginal wall. Akunh. I., gin., 39 nD*51 132-134 B-0 '63. (VERA 17:8) .1 , H 11 t !,'I i 1:4) 5 17 Ily ICRUTIKOV, A.F.; IZOTOV, I-S. The 02'.G-120 spraver for greenhoises. Trak,,.. I sclikl-czaash. n:i.,8'. 0 30-31 IT, : 12 ) Ag 164. 1. Golovnoye kon3truktorskoye byuro po TAYWAYEV, Yu.B.; IVANOV, R.M.; LEONCIV, A.F.; VJLRNAVSKJ'Y, -IZOTOV, N.I.; IMSIMINA, H.K. Improved technology for the making of natiVe allOY' Otbel at the Orsk-Khalilovo Metallurgical Combine. (Sbor. trud.] Nauch,-issl.inst.mot. no.4:82-90 161. (141RA 15:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut metallurgii (for Taklitayov, Ivanov). 2. Orsko-Khalilovskiy metallw~gicheskiy konbinat (for Leonov, Varnavskiy, Izotov, Mwisikbina). (10mlJ-lovo-Ztee1--MetallUrjg) TAKHTAYEV, Yu.B.; IVANOV, R.M.; IZONOV, A.F.; VARKAVSX1Y, LN.; j N.I.; MWIKHINAp M.K. IZMOV Improved tachnology for the making of native alloy steel at the Orsk-Khalilovo Metallurgical Combino, [Sbor. trud.] Nauch.-isol.inst.met. no-4182-90 161, (MIRJ, 15-.11) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut metallurgil. (for Takhtayev, Ivanov). 2. Orsko-Khalilovskiy motallurgicheskiy kaabinat (for Leonov) Varnavskiyj Izotov, 111unikhIna). (Khalilovo-Steel-Metallurgy) AKATOV, S.K.. inshener; 110TOT, R.N., Inzhener; IXTROV, A.T.. imzhener. Effective mechanization of inter-plant loading and tranoporting opertsiDuse Mekh.trud.rab. 7 no.10:14-16 O-N 153. WoRit 6:10) (Ioudind; and unloa-dIng) 1, ~.' 11 .1 .. . .!, . il 111 "T ~ 111 11 1 1 ~I Ii i ! 1 1; 1 ~:: I AKATOVj S.K.; IZOTOVV N.N. Mechanization of labor-conisuming work, Masl,,-zhir,;avw, 27 mo.l: 34-35 Ja 161. (MIRA 14SI) 1. Leningradskiy mylovarennyy savod imeni Karpava. (Loading and unloadim~) ETransactions of the] Conference on the Occasion of the 1,'0'V11 o8-1 3-B-1 1/12 40th Anniversary 'of the Ni NP or-ad Rlii8 ~flvr*ff imerAi V. I. Lenini, 22-24 my tccrkiy T., K. M. Kosikov reported in short on two important discoveries of M. A. Bonch-Bruyevich in the field of the propagation of radio waves (1932-1933)-- A. A. Pisto2kors, B. A. Outroumov, N. N. Izotov,and V. 1. Ge spoke abouc the Tverl radio a tat ion-'aiii -w__e_T1__is_ of the 'Vz~_niy- -Novgorod Radio Laboratory. The participants in the conference vimited the laboratory establishments of the NIRFI at Gor1ki), State University where they became acqudnted with the observations made according to the program of the International Geophysical Year. Aboard the motor ship "Ukraina" by whIch the participants in the conference sailed to Gor1kiy a readers' conference of the periodical "Radiotekhnika" was held. It was arranged by the Chief Editor IA. R. Rezaikov and the First E.ditor R.D.,Mellnikovs- kaya. M. R. Reznikov spoke about the activity of the editorial staff. Ya. M. Sorin (Mookow) etreseed the fact that the peri- odical supplies only little information on the problems turning up in industry. I. Id. Kogan (Moskolir.) was of opinion that more articles concerninr applied theory should be di-alt Card 0141. with. A. V. Bo~_-danov (Leningrad) ouge-oated to publish a itpecial TSAREGORODTSEV, P.P.; IZOTOV, N.P.; TISHKOV, Yu.fa. Reduction of idle periods in the mairiLenmnce of hearths. Matallurg 9 no.lltl5 N 164. (MIRA 18t2) I.E., inz',, 120-i-OV I* P AU."'.'AI.OV, V.,z, Dup';. o' stooLma:,ing i- a.- naturally 4aloyoa chro-i=-nic',,~,l lox procco.: I r iron. Stall 20 no.6:496-500 Jo 160, Uy :ur.,Urat. LZOROV, A.F.; MOROZOV, A.11.; IVAFOV, R.H.; VARIWISKIYO I.N.; TAL"iLITIV) YU.B.; IZOTOV, II.P.; VOIXOV, S.S. Smolting of native-4aloy steel. Metallurg 6 rio.10-.20-21 0 161. (MIR.A 14:9) 1. orsko-Khalilovskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat i Chelyubinskiy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut rmItallurgi. (Steel alloys-Metallurgy) SITTIMAKOV, inzh..; VATU-~WSIJY, I,r%, lnzh~; VOLKOV, S.3,, inzh. ConverSion of low-caxbon, high-temporuture molUn, motid in open hearth furnaces. Stall 22 no.10" Ja t62. (ML.J li,-L.") 1. Orokv-Dialilovskiy mtallurgiehenkiy '.cmbirial. (Stool-Matallurgy) VARNAVSKIY., I.N.; KAMYSHEV, G.N.; I,ZOT(7;, N.P.; BOLOTOY, 0.11. Increasing the output and improving the durability of converter linings. Metallurg 8 no.9:26-27 S 163. OURA 16:10) 1. Orsko-Khalilovskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. (bessemer process) (Converters-Design and constmation) I ~' I I IIi II F~- I ~!~ ESID', V,A.; KRAMINBUYA, H.N.; BIRM, Yu. T.,, IRMIF, Sh. V.; IZOTOT, P.V, lpidemiology and clinical characteristics of tlunurk'Lptompiroois. Zhur. mikrolviol.-4M i Acmin~%it-no.,ais4-6o jLg o58. (ma nao) (IVTOSPIROS M, - ussuri, epidemiol. in Russia & dlin. aspects (Bus )) ESKIN, V.A,.; KR-NIL'ISKAYi, IT.N.; IZOTOV, P.V.; SOLDIIJOV., G.M. I-eptospiroois in muskrats in the Maritime Torril;or7. gloob.]YTFAN SSSR no.11:159-161 159. (MIU 13:11) 1. virus ologiche skava labomtoriya Dallnovootocbnoy ohlastl. Maritime Territory-gualcrats-Dineases :inl pests) (Ieptospira) -owl -IZOTOVj-3i I , I ---' ---- - Modified tachometer drive for the MT-530-L sci.Itchimg, mchine. Obm. tekh. opvt. [MLPI no.4:15-16 '56. (NIU 11:10) (Tachometer) (Textile machinery) S. 1. Switching the blocking contacts of the 105 i:v.-a. gonorator aitcmtic controller into the rheostat circuit. Obm. telr~i. c~pyl;. [MLP] nc,.4:29-30 156. (MIRA 11:10) (Electric controllers) (Electric genoratorn) % IZOTOV, S.I. Intitruction No.130-56 inuqt I>e oupplemented. lzv. toldi. no.2-.61 1p l6o. (MIRA 13:6) (Mensuration) IZOMV. S.I Device for checking the parallelism of measuring surfeices of flat micrometers. Izm,tekh. no,2s2l..22 F 063, (MIRA 1632) (Micrometer-Testing) MAFPROV, VLASOV, Yl,.G.; N(ji,c"v, Thermodynamic investigation of the sy.-tem Fbilr - Rbl':l - [1;,O at 25 and 450C. Zhur. fiz. khiin. 38 0 104. 1 ~mml, 13:'?) 1. Anirigradskiy gosudarstvennyy univeriqitet. IZOTOV, V.X., BMOUN, O.V. '71uoresence microscopic and electrophorstin lndicat~oti of tick borne encephalitis virus; preliminary communiontiono brith summary in English]. Vop.virus 3 no.41217-220 Jl-Aj,, 158 OURA 11:9) 1, Institut virusologii Jmenj D.I. Ivanovel:og:o AMY SSSRO Moslc7a. (EHCWHALITIS, F.PIMIIC, virus Russian tick-borns. olectrophorenis & luninennnon microccol-T (RUB)) 1 11 .1 :, I I JZcq-)V, -~j., -V~xvi ',"ed ;ci -- (dij:j) 11-tad), of viral :!:~1;3pemiions I il - --) 44g-" :4" -,- by Vae net"norl of zonal elactropnorc~ds on parcr in 0-1 11, -e, - 1, Yrith lu.-:dne.;::encc.,, ".os, 1'1"!)~, 10 pp (;,C,-Lzi I'cd Sci 21,N) (.0,-'LS (a, 36--70, 119) - 9h - LZIMOVICH, Ye.7;,'.; !ZOTCIV, V.K. Hemaggl4tination with the virl-Is of tick-barne encc:pl-.alitia. Vo--. virus 6 no.4:428-431 R-Ag 161. (IMA 14: h) 1. Institut(virusologii imeni D.I.IMnovskogo AJIN $SISR9 Moskva. ENCUIMLITIS) (BLOOD-AGClUTINK; ION) . I I 1 11 11 1- 1 11 1... . CHUI-MOV, M.P.; LIVOV, D.K.; SARI-WOVA, Ya.S.; GOLODFAIU), L.G.; IiAYDICHP G.F.; CHUI-MK, V.F.; VILIKER, L.H.; ZASUKHnl&, G.D.; XZOTOV* V.KO- ZAKLILISKM, V.A.; UMAIISKIYp K.G. Comparative study of the epidemiological effectivenean of vacci-- nations with tlsaue culture and brain vaccines against tick- borne encephalitis. Vop. virus. 8 no-32307-315 lly-Ja:163. (MM, 16tlO) 1. Institut poliomyelita i virusnykh entsegalitov AIN SSSP, Moskva i Kemerovskaya oblastnaya sanitarno-apideniolo.Ciclieskaya stantsiya.. (EWCEPRALITIS--FREMTM INOCUIATION) lZmIn"71 LA7;REV, A.F. Stimuinting effect of the somht,olropic hormono on immmIzation I with U., k-borne encephAlitla virus. Vap. virus. 10 naj1280- 282 W-je 165. (MIRA 180) 1. rnal;itut pollemiyalita i viru.3nykh er'sef&lltrjv AW SSSR J. .! Vaesopizny-y In3titut aksperimentAllnoy erJokrinologii, Moskva. A*F.; V*Kq --'ff~2ct cf antiser= tc the grourth ho--=-:-ns frocka:.-,!5 t -L 9- 0 -src;~,a. BILd. cksp. blol. i mad. 60 no,9:9 1.1 S 1f)5, (r4--*?,A 18:10) 1e -Trot!"11% roliemi7s)ita 11 viru!-,Pykh antseNlitri, ANW~ 33S'.), 4 V* , ) 11 Ila n g c lia m c t or cm (_~n -if-) v C, a I ru r r.c. 6:(~t'33-(,69 11-D 165 ,uh%itted Sept,follt,i, 7, 1061,. L 25987-66 tluid of vitu s-inl'eAed chick embryoi dieplayed hema&gluttin4tiq ouAilrity for from 14 to 40 hours folloidng infection, flwagglutinA;Ing ajitivity vat also detected in the cultural medium of infected chick ambjf'~o, tiii;sue aid continuous swine Dmbryo kidney cultures. Tho haugglutin4lon tl.ter3 of .allantoic fluid were 1:128 to l12)048. The specificity Of,tho hqOI%gRI:uti6IW' ,ticn reaction was proved by hemagglutination-Inhibition rolWtioh iitLth isera, .of guinea pigs imminized -4th Kemerovo virus. (To eliminaJim nomiliecifte inhibitors., the sera were treated with a 23% kaolin sumpoi0ion.- ) Thus it can be definitely established that the investigated strairuji of Ximerm virus we closely interrelated and sixdlar frm the. utillado rbmdP*Ant-- Orige art* hast 7 tables, fJPRJS SUB CODEFt o6 SUEM DAM 07Sop64 ORIO RRFj 002 oT14 V.SFt 001 Card 2/2 22801 10 & 11 S/136/61/000/005/004/008 Elll/E152 AUTHORS: Goroshenko, Ya.G., Panasen-ko, Ye.B., Roy, V.A., and ~?;otov' V. P. TITLE: Production of caesium carbonate front pollucite- spodumene concentrate PERIODICAL: Tavetnyye metally, 1961, No-5, PP. 55-57 TEXTt A possible source of caesium salts are pollucite- spodumene concentrates. The object of the present investigation was to study the possibilities of producing caenium carbonate in this way with lithium as a by-product. Experiments were first made in which pollucite, spodumene and their mixturan werv treated in a 20-litre autoclave. For pollucite leaching the best conditions were-, 3 mols Ca(OH)2 per mol S102, solid:liquid ratio 115, temperature 2:10 OC, pressure 20 atm; but the stirring rate of 25 rev/min wais insufficient and a horizontal ball-loaded rotating autoclave would have been preferable. Spodumen* had to be converted to -the beta form by roasting before leaching. Artificial concentrate was produced by mixing pollucite with alpha-spodumene (2%1) and calcining at 1000 OC and leaching with a higher stirring Card l/ 2 It 50 0 03 7,113 //Yv) S/051/62/0-1 2 /(;()1 /017/020 E075/E436 AUTHORS: Kolomoytsev, F.I., Izotov, V.P., Stauer, E.V. TITLE: Luminescence of phosphorescent powders in electrical f:Leld PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, V.12, no.1, 196,!, 127-1~)9 TEXT: The authors investigated the causes of JAght emission in luminescent powders. Observations were made of light emission under the action of electrical field from self-activitted zinc sulphide, zinc and cadmium sulphides activated urith silver or copper, zinc silicate, mixed zinc and beryllium silicates, calcium and manganese tungstates, calcium and cadmium halophrisphates, and o manganese arsenate, natural calcites, fluorites , ther materials. Some of these compounds shine without any preparation but some of them begin to emit light only after treatment with solutions of various salts (e.g Na2SiO3)- The concentration of the added salt was of the order of' 1 x 1o-3 salt/g of powder. When the tension across a condenser filled with a phosphorescent powder is increased, the powder begins to shine, the process becoming more intense with further increases in tension. Period-! of time fron fractions of second to several minutes are necessary for the Card 1/3 S/C)51/62/012/Oul./017/020 Luminescence of phosphorescent Ec)75/L436 electrodes arises both at the positive and negotive e '14D c trodes the authors conclude that the observed luminescence ii3 anodo- and/or cathodoluminescence. There are 2 fit~ure:v and 10 references: 3 Soviet-bloc and 7 non-Soviet-hlot. The four most recent relurences to English language publicationa read a,4i follows: Ref.3: G. Destriau, H,F,Ivey. Proc. IRE, v-113, 1955, 1911; Ref.6: G. Wendell. Ann. Phys., v.12, 1951, 222; Ref-7: J.N.Bowtell, H.C.Bate. Proc. IRE, v.44, 1956, 697; Rer.8-. H.C.Bate, J.N.Bowtell. Brit, Pat. 788 659, 8.01,58; 800 581, 27-08,58. SUBMITTED: JulY 3, 1961 Card 3/3 TZOT0,10 V.V. Incroasing the life of tunnel kilns. Stak. i ker. 21 no.91 37-38 S 164. (MIRA 1814) , P 11T III d I ; : I I! I , i: h T , IZOTOV, Te.N., inzh. Investigatino the process of wear of safety frictio-el clutches. [Nauch.trudyJ EIIKMSha 2:3-27',6o. WTU 14:1) (Clutches (Machinery)) (Rechmical wear) IZOTOVV Yeal. Calcualating the otabilized temperature of clug-ch hoatrin'r on crankshaft presses. Kus. shtam. proizv. 2 no.12:17-2C V160a (Riz- J-4:3) (Power presoeo) 1 11 11 1. IZOTOVq Ye.N.j ROZENBLAT9 M.M.; SOKOVO V.1" Friction clutches used as safety devices. KuZ.-ahtilm. proizv, 3 no. 2:25-28 F 162. (MIJU 14i1) (Power presses-Safety appliances) (Clutches (14achinery)) MARKOVICH, B,.N., kand. tekhn. nauk; IZOTOV, Ye.N., inzh. -11 - I -'.. - _ DyniLmics of a hydropnounmitic safety devIce. 1. Ra uch. I. mdy I ENIDMha 8-3-17 164. (MIRA 18-.:3) T IZOTOV, Y5._" Connec-,or.-rod- -onveyo.- feed and juL-..c,Itic stil. ling device in Catp--fy DartS from thin cciled inaterial. rNaucli, trudyl B.kK,!l,Ajha 8486-90 164. (MIRA 180) iM : lj;-ill 1~11111 , 111 11 V i1 ; I-ZGTOVA, A. A. "Realating to Echinococci of the Liver (From Data of the Medic al Ins tallatior.,: ok the City of Stavropol and the Department of Surgery of tho City Hospital at Pyatigorsk)," Cand I-led Sci, Stavropol State Medical Tnat, Lemingrad, 1953. OlZhBiol, No 3, Oct 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Wended at 17,3$R Higher Educational Institutions (10) Sot Sum. No. 481, 5 May 55 EXCERPTA See 7 Vol 13/1 Pediatrics Jan 59 266. PHIMI'My CYSTS IN THE L;VFk OF AN 11-YEA It -()I, I) C I I I LD text) - Iz. o t ova A. A VRINC. Dh1.0 1957, 1 (83-8G) Among 246) patients with liver Inultilocillal, cvsts foliwi in 2 2 and :1.1 had associated Ic-sions of and owit-r m-garm. A vaiw of ru.iltil(wi.ilar (:ysts in the liver of a boy aged 8 yr. is desoribed more Ow surgical intervenLion more th;oi 13 vytsts wvrv thHtiek-11-6 ;%nd j'Vjjjj.)N~CkI. )e postoperative period was uneventful. OS4 t 1e 6 /1 GILVICH, Yu..'.. prc-g.,, R1,T)VA A.*,, moi, I.G.) Yll-NSTAI IYEVA, T.111"..- SHALYGINA, Dirtgnostic importance ef Vaq~,r.:!*A rome- tion in echinococosslas Uch. zap. ".%vre gcoe we"a, inut. St1co"- 171 163 I FAfed a c b- r;,: 1. h b.7 ru i ,I prcf* C ; ey .1 g-.) meditsinekc-p. 'i,!*t.!,,,a".a (rektrr violimhenan StaA -ropri tIrn dayttel naukl~ Frof. V.G. Badylln).. IZOTOVA, A.A., kand. red, nauk Rupture of echinoccecal cysts of thn Ilver Into ',he, H.L'i&-r and the bile ducta, Ucb* zaps Stavro gose med. ir-,31. 9163 (XII-RA 17C ) 1. Khirurgicheskoye otdalenlye ( zav. otd-i'lom - zanltvehennyy v-rach RSFqR I.T. Toahinsk.3y) FTat.!gr!rr)koy gnro!,',~kry tollnitsy frlavnyy -7rac-h A.Se P&rtJVInv)a I IZUfOVA, A.F. Floods from light rainfalls and their signific4vice in the feeding of small bodies of water in the Karelian Iijtluw. Tnidy Lab, ozeroved. 11:92-99 160. (MIRI 14:8) (Kra,snoye lake region-Ruwff) !I I I I -! ; I IZOTOVA, A.F. Evaporation and turbulent heat exchange In thp rorthwestern part of Lake Ladoga. Trudy Lab. ozeroved. 12:60-78 '61. . .':L' (MIRA 1533) (Ladoga, Lake-Evaporation) S/1)20/61/136/003/014/027 BO-19/Bo,$6 AUTHORS: Izotova, A. F., Ogneva, T. A., and Smirnovat, N. P. TITLE: The Wind Profile in the Water-near Layer Above Lake Ladoga PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1961, Val. 136, No. 3, pp. 587-590 TEXT: From July 7 to August 16, 1959, the vertical wind velocity profile above lake Ladoga, and its dependence upon the stratification temperature was studied, and also the roughness of the wind was detexmined. The observations were carried out by means of a remote anemometer with electric contact which had been designed at the Glavnaya. geofizicheakaya observatoriya im. A. I. Voyeykova (Geophysical Main Observatory imeni A. 1. Voyeykov). These anemometers were installed on a mast on the south side of the island Khankhipasi in altitudes of 6.15, 3.15s, 1.65 and 0.75 m reckoned from the mast fundament. From the tape recordings the values averaged for one hour were used for the analysis. These analyses were carried out in consideration of the direction of the wind with and Card 1/4 The Wind Profile in the Water-near Layer S/02 61 136/003/014/027 Above Lake Ladoga B019YDO5~ without taking the thermal stratification into account. Tho latter vas carried out with a temperature difference of AT betveen water and air. The small size of the island warranted conditions that were not influenced by land, as a comparison of the temperature meanurements carried out on the island Khankhipasi and near it shows. In Table I the mean values of the vertical wind velocity profile and of the roughneive parameter with and without taking the thermal stratification into account, were given. There are 3 figures, 1 table, and 7 references: 5 Soviet, 1 German, and 1 British. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya Ozerovedeniya Akadsmii nauk SSSR (Laboratory of Lake Science of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 18, 1960, by D. V. Nalivkin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 16, 1960 Card 2/4 3/020/61/136/003/01,t/027 B019[1056 Legend to Table 1: 1) Direction of wind. I1) Southeast - south-south-east.- south - south-south-weBt - SOUthWOOt. 12) West-northwest - east-southeast east - east-nor';heast. 13) Northwest - north-north-gent - north - north- northeast - norl:heast. II Without taking the thermal utratLficetion into account. III) Group I. a~ Altitude in meters b) Measured value. 0) Roughness. IV), V),.Vl) qroups II~ III, and I~. VII) Mean value of roughness. The measured values of group I correspond to wind conditions at which, at a height of 0.75 m above the fundament of the mast, there i a mind velocity of up to 2.1 M/sec. Under analogoue conditions the.;1nd', velocity of group II is 2.1 - 3-9 m/sec, that of group 111 4.0 - 5 M/ :0 while the- wind velocity of group IV amounts to more thin 6 m/see. Card .4/4 IZOTOVAJ, A.F. . : 1 11 .1 11 1, ~ I I II -j 11,11 1 Evaporation from the open ourface of Lake Ladoffa- Doklt All SSR 146 no.5:1-143-1146 0 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Prqdstavleno akademikom D.V.Nalivkinym. (Lagoda, Lake--Evaporation) -T---- "m ~ , -, . 11:1 IN; 7-Fl- T 4 1 i !I!!!! I KIRSANIU-11 Yf).F.; VOLKOVA, V.;t.; 'j.N. Effect of trace elements -)n th(l !-~' - :*,;L-,.!, in tho meadow Chernozem soil3 of the Gorno-Altai Aii-ri-cm(n.'s Pror~nce. Izv. Alt. otd. Geog. ob-va SSSR no.5.'141 165. (MIEIA 38:12) 1. G,)rno-.kltayskiy pedagoglebaskiy lzmtibit, IF 1:1 BOGDAMVA, V.V.; IZOTOVA, I.T. Physicogeographical characteristics of lantern Litma and Kharlovku Rivers. Volnoenerg.res.Koll.poluos. no.1:5-40 '58. OIIHk 12:3) . Mstern Litna Valloy-Phynical geography) (Kharlovka Valley-Phynical gooeTupby)