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I ~ ~ ~ -iff I" -- - I I I ; -t. ~J-vj - . . . . ~. . i -, . . .1 --- ~ I'll- r 01, , -, 1 - 11 - .1-3"llonal d.-vnl--~prien, o- --l -, i - -1 1 r - . t:lo ! IZMAYLOVA,,S.I.; FADEYEV, M.A. Case of prosthetic repair of a davaged poplitol Arttm7. Ortop. travm. i protez. 24 no.W)2-61~ F'63. (MIlk 16110) 1. Tz kafedry ortopedii i tVfLVI-Iftt010klli (-UV. Labok) Kirgizskogo mcditsinskogo ina~ituta. - prof. D.M. . . it, 11 ~; if I F t, t I F 'I -- ___; p- , I - -I... I. wi~ MA4.LOA, 5.6. Collective farm in the Barabinsk lawlands. Yockva, 603. 3.0a-VD sellkhoz. lit-ry, 19546 143 P. (Kolkhozy nashei strany) (54-40SIB) S471.R92N63 lZI-lAYLOIA, S. S. IZIUVLOVA, S. 9. -- "Material on the ClinIcal Asp-,ats an(i TI-o;ltment of Brucellosis.11 Voronpzh State Medical Inst. Voronezh, 1955. (Disser- tation for the Degree of Candidate of I-ledical Sciences..) SO: Knjzhna:Zajgtoplsl. No. 4, Moscow, 1956 IZKA.YLOYA, S.S. (Voronezh) Treatment of brucollosis with Uvarov's serun. Klin.mid. 33 no.4: 86 Ap '55- MU 8: 7) 1. Iz fakalitatakoy terapevticheakoy kliniki skoy bollnitay (glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy H.K.Komissarov) (BRUCELLOSIS. therapy, Immune serum of Uvarov) (IHMUNN SIUM, therapeutic use, brucellosis, Uvarovla sanm) Oblastnoy kliniche- vrach RSFSR doteent . i -I , ; I it- - ,11 I I Ir: :, ~ : .1 i " , I v 'i, , 1 ; l II : !;i 1 ,11 I qI ~:, I Vq 1! 11 20-114 - 3 - 3 ~- /6 C AUTHORS i SeCalova, To. Ye., Izmaylova V.. 11,, Rebinder, P. A. , 214'ember of the All USSR TITLEs Investigation of Supersaturation Kinetics in Connection With the Development of Crystallization Structures in the Solidi- fication of Gypsum (Issledovaniye kinutiki peresyshchaniya ,r avyazi a razvitiyom kristall1zatsioiv)ykh struktur pri tver- 3enii gipoa) PERIODICALj Doklady Akademii Nalik SSSR,1957,vol 114,Nr 3,PP 594-597(USS;1) ABSTRACTs In the dispersion systems, two types of structures can be formeds coaGulation striictures and cryfltalli--ation 3tructurcs. A mechanical destruction of the crystallization structure di-rin:- thA Drocass of its formation is irreversible even if hydration still is far from beina- completed. In this context, the continuous hydration and the connected crystallization CC the dihYdrate do not lead to the formation of a crystallization structure. This can only be explained by the circumstance that in this case the favorable conditions for the formation of the crystallization contacta between the different micrn- Card 1/4 crystals of the dihydrate ;zypsiim are lacking. Thia, in tum, 20-U4-3-3915-0 Investigation of Supersaturation Kinetics in Connectf on With the Development of Crystallization Structures in the Solidification of GypBum is probably caused by the CXCCOSive amovnt of dihyrate acaumu- lated In the auspen3ion. ThQ valuu ul' Oversaturation and the kinetics of its change can be observed cond)uctiomatrIcally __-l the suspension of the semihYdrate L-ypsii_,. In L,11 7' ---.oijns of the semillydrate gypsum, made of over 0 ii Caso /1 liter, the same maximum oversaturation is observed, colresponding to the CaSO concentration of 8.0 9/1 in th" liquid phase of suspensign. This again corresponds to tho value vhiich con- ventionally is assumed as 'solubility' of the seraih-ydrate. The maximum oversaturation re NIn S constant as long as the supply velocity of the ions Ca and SO -_ into the solution compensates the loss velocity of the slige ions as a result of the crystallization of the dibydrate. It can be seen from fieure Nr 1,as contained in the paper lander review, that the hi-her the concentration of the suspension the sooner the re- duotion in the oversaturation begins an(] the more quickly it is reduced. The decrease in the hij;hest solidity nf the cry- stalli%ation structure of gypsum, as ob3evred in the experi- ments conducted by the authors of the paper under review, can be explained by the reduction in thp maximau level of the Card 2/4 oversaturation, which is attained in the presence of the di- 20-1.14-1-3)/~',c Investigation of Supersaturation Kinetics in Connection 11ith '.~;v Dr~velcj.mont of Crystallization Structures in the Solidification of Gypigum hydrate additions. The latter reduction (of only short dura- tion) decreases the probability of the growing together of the microorystals, i.e. the formation of crystallization con- tacts. If the concentration of the dillydrate in the stqen- Sion is high, only small oversaturations take place, lasting only a short while,9 Under these circumstances virtually no crystallization contacts are formed and thus no solidifica- tion structure is created. It is ezactly this circumstance which, at a sufficient amount of the new fornation accumu- lated in the suspension - of the dihydrate -, prevents furth- er hydration solidifeation after the not yet fully formed crystallization structure has been dentroyad. From this point of view it becomes clear that in suspansion3 of a highly dis- persing dihydrate gypsum, proposed to, some authors as a bind- Ing material with particular properties, the crystallization solidification is impossible under normal circumstances. The solidity in such systems - if density is sufficiently high - Card 3/4 as well as in the case of alays/is catised by the dehydration Investigation of Supersaturation Kinetics in Connection With, the DeYejc.-.,:-_,_nt of Cryst1lization Structures in the Solidification of Gypsum and the solidification of the coagulation contacts between microcrystals at their closest possible approach. It ia known tbat, unlike the crystallization structures ouch structures are extremely sensitive to water, i.e. if they are moistened they completely lose their solidity , because the solidity of coagulation contacts is reversible if the thickness of the water layer between the particles is changed. There are 3 figures and 7 referencesl 6 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTEDs April 4, 1957 Card 4/4 2~ Structure Formation in the i1Ydrat.Jor-.-,1arJe, of i~lasler of Faris ASSOCIATION: SUBMITTED: Card 2 2 responding to a dispersion of 12,000 cm At higher de- grees of dispersion the stability decre1113Q3, The 4ipontan- eous drop in the stability of the orystallization structure is the faster, the higher the water content in the suspen- sion (Figure 7). Small additions of dihydrate accelerate the hardening process without decreasing the stability of the crystallization structured With large additions, t3ta- bility drops (Figure 8). The change in supersaturation in the suspension in the presence of dihydrato is shown in Figure 9. It is measured by the change In the specific electric conductivity, An analysis of the experimental re- sults shows that the stability of plaster of Paris is due to a crystallization structure caused by cry!itallization contacta between the crystals, These form in the suspensi- on, if supersaturation is present for a sufficiently long time, There are 11 graphs, I table, and 1.3 references, 8 of which are Soviet, 2 Engltsh, 1. (Nirman, I French, 1 1.ta- lian. Moskovskiy universitet,Khimicheskiy,,-a'rtili~,t Kafedra kollo- idnoy khimii (Moscow 'University, Dept.. of C,' =ist-ry, Mix of Colloidal Chemistry) April 18, 1958 1. Gypsum--Hardening 2. Gypsum---Cry,~.,tal structure On Some Regularities of the Solubilization in SO V/2 0- 1, 2 3- 3- 7; 5/5, 4t Protein Systems solution mainly depends on the PH value of tho substance. Therefore, this quantity was investigated firat of all. Tho PH value of the substance was varied by addition of HCI or NaOE Trithin the interval from pH2 to PH 11. The isoelectric point of the dialyzed gelatin is PH 5.2. The measuring of the nolubilization of benzene is discussed in short. After the corresponding calculations the dissolubility of benzene in gelatin solutions of various concentrations wits found, and the results of these measurements at 200 are given in a table. For any investigated concentration, the highest dissolubility of benzene was observed at the isoelectric point. In the acid and in the alkaline region, solubility is noticeably lower thin in the inoelectric point, but neverthele~is it is higher than in pure water. The maximum can be explained by coagulation of the furcated chains of the gelatin chains in the isoelectric pc)int. In connection with the above considerations, it was interestIng to investigate the variation of the viscosity of gelatin solutions after the dissolution of benzene in tbom. This viscosity was measured by means of an olastoviscosimeter. A diagram give,sthe dependence of the structut-al viscosity12 on Card 2/3 the shear stress P for a 0-43,'j' solution of g),,latin at various p1! On Some Ilegular'*!*.es of the Solubilization in S97/20-123-3-35Pi4 Protein Systewf the substance (at a temperature of 201). For P11 5.2, the ructural viscosity in the igoelectric point is slightly !Lcreased after solubilization. A possible Pxplanation of this henomenon is discussed in short.In the acid and in the alkal.lne ,,'Vegion, structural viscosity sharply da,3:reased after the dissolution of benzene. The third diagrain shows the dependence of the solubilization of benzene on tho gelatin concoatration in the solution. UP to 0-5~6 of gelatin content, there is a linear increase in solubilzation, but at highor concentrations tile eolubilization of benzene becomes COrIStILIlt. At 300, there Is no c ha. racteristic maximum of so!ubilization in the point, but nevertheless the aolubility of benzene in Felatin solution is somewhat hiE;hor than in mrator. There are 3 fiiTires and 17 references, 13 of which are Soviet. ASSC PION: Kafedra kolloidnoy khimii Moskovskogo gasudarstvennogo univcrsiteta im. I,% V. Lomono-cova (Chair for Colloid Chornistry of the Moscow State Univarsity imeni Y. V. Lomonozov) 3ENTED: July 7, 1958t by P. A. Robinder, Academician /jBMITTED: July 11, 19513 J'ard 3/3 PCHELIN, V.A.; IZYATWVA, Y.N.; SERATA, N.I. Solubilization effect and the configuration of protaim voleculen in solution. Vysokom.mood. I no.11:1617-1624 N '59. (KIU 13:5) 1. Wskovskiy goeudarstvannyy univegaitat imeni M.Loromosova, (Proteins) (Benzene) (Gelatin) IZMAYLOVA, V.N.; PCHELIN, V.A.; BOBROVA, L.Ye. Solubilization and optical rotation in nolutions of ogg albunim. Vysokom.soed. 3 no.6-.847-851 Je 161. (miRA 14:6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstveanyy uaiversitst immml M,V.Lomonosova, (Benzene) (Solubility) (Albmia) PCHELIK, V.A.; I224AYIDVA, V.N.1 BOLISHOVAO G.P. Effect of benzene solubilization on the catalytio Wo pepain. Dokl.,AN SSSR 142 no-4:950-953 F 162. (KIRA .5:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitot im. M.V.Iomonosova. Predistavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. ~Bpxp=e)) SolubUity) At -1~7-;, .. II ' " , v1 11 1 1 11 '1 , ~ f . iliff" ~111 I ~'., IZMATLOVA, V.N.; PCHELIN, V.A., WTYUKHINA, L.V. Effect of solubilization on the denaturation of egg albumin. Dokl. AN SSSR 149 no-0888-890 Ap 163. - (WRA 160) 1, Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet in. DI.V.Lotionosava. Predstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. (Albumin) (Solution (Chemitstry)) . 7 FIC 1141:4; 1 1 1 ~! i )..A., , .. . .1 MutiLrotation and structure for:7,*., , ~ri ir: j;i1--latin solutions. Dokl. AN SSSR 150 no.6.,130?-I,)I(j Je 163. (MIIIA 16:8) 1. Iloskovskiy gosudarstvenny-.f universiu)t in. Lomonoiiova. Preclstavl,--,~o akadentikom I f~,-Coi ~ in) PCHELIN, V.A.; GRIGORIYEVAY N.V.; IMAYLOVA, V.N. * ---- I ~", I". 1~ ... :- ''I Effect of the fixation of polypeptide chains in two conformations. Dokl, AN SSSR 151 no.ltl34-135 Jl 163. (KIRA 16;9) 1. M)skovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitef im. X.V.Lomonosova Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut mekhovoy promyshli-mosti. Fredstavleno akademikom P.A.Rebinderom. (Peptides) (Polymerii) PCHELIN, V.A.; IZMAYLOVA, V.N.; tERZT,QV, V,P. Mutarotation, conformation of poiypeptide chainn, and croBs-lirking in gelatin solutions. Vysokom.soed. 5 no.%14213-114.34,; S 163. (HIPA 171l) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet Imoal Lomonosova. IZYUkYLaJA, V.11.; PCITLIN, V.A.; SAMIR IOU ALI Gelatin mechanism in gelatin solutions. Dok-1. AN rASSR 164 no.1:131-133 S 165. (MA 18:Q) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. Subqtfod February 3, 1965. YOTOLISIKAYA, G.P.; 1Z1MAY1P.VA,,V.N.; IT11FI-TH, V.A.; V1)T,,YN8KAYAy A . 1.1 . Solubi lization of hydrocarbona of varic)ua ati-w!tIlre 'In gelatln solutions. Vysokom. soed. 7 no.11:19561-1958 N 165. (MMA 19. 1) 1. Mookovskly gosudarstvennyy univervitet Imoid M.V, Lomonoflova. Submitted December 25, 1964. IMNYLOVAJ V,N.; PCM1,111, V.A.; .',~NffR ABIJ ALI ConfIrmational change 1n galaLln nolorulea dijrl:.f,, mol"Ing oe gels. Vysokom. scied. 7 no.11:1985-1988 N 165. (141FA 19: 1) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat Imen]. 11.V. Lomonooovs. Submitted December 30, 190-4. .. 0 P H Hli! SAFATRYAN, A.A.; PARIXISHVILI, Ye.A.; Hemopoiesis and hemorrhagic synd. is in healthy dop. 1xv. AN Arm. SSR. Biol. i sel'khoz. nauki 11 no.7:23-28 Jl '58. (MIRA 11:9) l.Ari:Wan9ki7 institut perelivani" krovi Ministarotva zdravookhranenlys ArmSSR. (HBMOPOIICTIC SYSTEM) SAFARYAM, I.A.; PARMYSHVILI. Ye.A.; IZKAYWVA, Ye.F. Thrombocyte count in leukemia Lwith eummax7 in Rn(tllsh, p.631. Prcbl.gemFit. i perel.krovi 4 no.l-.53-54 Ja..F 159. (MMA 12: 2) 1. Iz Nauchno-isoledovatellskogo Instituts parelivanlya krovi Imeni R.D. Yeolyana (dir. X.A. Antonyan) Ministeratya zdravookhranonlya ArmSSR.. (LIUMMIA, blood in, platelet count (Rue)) (BLOOD PLATIMS, count in leukemia (Rue)) MMAYLUVA, Ye,F. Changes in the megakarvocytic apparatus In patlentts with loulcenta. Probl. gor-at. I perel. krovi 5 no.3:33-38 Kr 160, (E~L 1.4-' 5) 1. lz laboratorii sukhikh preparatov (zav. - prof. L.G.Bogmolovn) i gematologicheskoy kliniki (--av. - prof. S.I.Sheman) Lenirgradshago ordena Trudorrogo Krasnogo Mameni instituta perelivardyn krovi (dir. - dotsent A.D.Belyakov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen- korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.N.Filatov). (LEVWIIA) -qMVOSIKOV, 13.O.;_~ZMAYLOV.A,,__ Thrtwbocytio formula in healttT permons etudiW with the el"twcM. zieTtscope. Lab.delo 7 n0-11,43-47 N 161. (KM 34tio) 1, TSitologicheskaya 3aboratoriya po isucheniyu leylcomov I laboratoriya preparatov kra7i I krovezamaniteley Leningradskogo instituta parelivanlya krovi. (BLOOD PLATKUM) (ELECTRON MICROSM) IZMAYLOVA Ye F Thrombocytic resistance in hemophilia., Sov. ri-,ed. 25 no.11:17-24 N 161. WIPLA 15t5) 1. Iz laboratorli preparatov krovi i krovezwooniteley (zav. - prof. L.G.13ogomolova) Laningradskogo ordona Trudovogo Krannogo Mamoni nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta perelivanlya krovi (dir. - dotsont A.D.Belyakov, nauchnyy rukavoditoll - 0don-korrespondent AJAN SSSR prof. A.N.Filatov). (1011OPHILIA) (BLOOD PLATUETS) Morpholof7( of tho thvcwibot~YtOrl JD holnoplilba. Probl.frointit.1 perel.krovi no.5:22-.26 162. (MIRA 1~,Vl) 1. Iz laboratoril krovezameniteley i preparntov krovi (zav. - prof. L.G. Bogomolova) LeninCradskoro ins-titutst Femlivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov, nauchnr~r vW-:ovoditel, - clilen-l-orrespondent Al-TI: SSSR prof. AX. Fillitoy). (BLOOD PLATELETS) (10,10FIlILIA) IMIYLOVA, Yc.F.; KOTOVS.IICIIIKOVA, II.A. Method for studying some functionz of the thrccilncytea. Lab. dq-,lo 8 no.4:13-17 AP 162. (la-RA 1535) 1. Laboratoriya krovezameniteley i preparatov krovi (zav. - prof. L.G.Bogomolova) i khirurgic ties kaya klirxika Lenlitgrad.,;kogo in3l.ituta perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov). (BLOOD PLATELEr.3) 1224AYLOYA, Ya.Fej KOTOVSHCHTKOVA, M.A. Disorders of the first phase of blood cuagulatigin in hema- philift. Probl. gEmat. i perel. krovi 8 no.6sU--18 J0163- (MIRA 17W 1. Iz laboratorii krovezanteniteley i preparatan, krowl. (mr. prof. L.G. Bogomolova) i khirurgicheskoy k1inik:1. Leningradeko- go inatituta perelivaniya krov-1 ( dir, - dc' nt AaD, Eblya- kov; nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen-korreep( Jtht AMR ASSR Prof. A.H. Filatov). IZHAYLOVA, Ye.F., kand. med. nauk (Leningrad, Newkiy proop, do 160p kr*33) Preparations with fibrinolytic action; reviev of Soviet and foreign literature. Viestin. khir. Grekov. 90 no.4t 11.7-125 Ap'630 (VINU 17 t2) 1. 1z laboratorii krovommenitelay i preparatov krovi ( rukov. - , prof. L.G. Bogomolova) Leningradekogo ordema Trudovogo Kramogo 2haawmi I nauOrto-issledovatel'skogo Inatituta perelivnntya Xrovi. IZMULOVA, Ye.F.; KURALEVA, V.V.; ZIIILYAYEVA, R.V.; DYCHKOVA, Ye.N.; MMING, L. G. Use of serum polyglobulin in sane complications irt patients with leukemia. Vrach. delo no.10,.76-430 0 163. (MIRA 1'7.,2, 1. laboratoriya krovozwnoniteley 9 preparitov krov-1 (zav. - prof. L.G. Bogomolova) i gematologicheskaya kllnil~a (rukavo-, ditell - prof. S.I. Sher-man) Leningradskogo Insti1xita pereli- vaniya krovi. Nauchnyy rukovoditell - zacluzhennyy deyatell nauki, chle n-korrespondent AMN SSM, prof. A.R. Filatov. BOGOMOLGVA, L.G.; !JSIiAKG%I, 3.N.; jZMAYLOVA, Ye.F. 1,AWZ!.fj7,"I'EVA, Yed/.; T)FKIITF:R, B.G.; PETROVA, L.I. Effect of thixotropic gel of iodopolyvinyl al.rohol on eyperi- mental atherosclerosis. Pat. fiziol. I oksp. toirap. () no.2: 8-12 Mr-Ap 165. (,'.IIRA 18i5) 1. Leningradskiy institut perelivaniya krovi (dIr. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov; nwiclinyy riikovoditell - chlon-korrealmden't ANN SSSR prof. A.N.Filatov) i Institut vyaokomo1okidya,-mykh tjoyedirlunly (dir. - chlon-korrospondent AN SSSR prof. M.IUoton), lpningrn(.z, ! :~ H. ~ I "'.'A , Y o I, a tj:* ir~ a17 y4.-, vnl.-~,; S'.'*,,~~'I'. .1 krV A, 1! (!',1:-t'h?1T1iza-~on -If statilstIrsd acr:ounts dn Uvi ~111dsllvy c~f Ao3em')!y Spe-lal. Construction 01',eraticino of the 11--13,H. Repor,4 at the oerinur In w.Ang coriputer and in con..tru::t;~cm," :!ond,,iqU:d 1.1 r S~tk,ri~lrd "Ind Hxperilnclltal Desipt and j ~h~ ITISLIlute " . . Ttl~chunjl3g-',ca~ '.0-1jeat".01 till 1'!riy na s-r3%,narti "Opyt, primenot-.L!% vychislitellnol 1. orgaid;w.. t,oJo,.r.c,' tekhnlki V Inst',.tutom Ciprotis 12-.'.0 r-airi 1964 g. 1-lo-1)"va, Giprotl~3., 1964. 6 p. 1603) (,,. ?, . ;*.!/ ,,y i,l -ii;, Y.,~ ,1-1 . 14'.; Koi ~. ~:~, ;I.,!. T', r. ~ FY A.,! 11 : ~: ,, -,f,udy of w, oxygen c,-e- ',rilit, on ia rier. Nsu:~h. e zhergod. Mi ii,. fi: A',, ~ J, un., ri(.),:) ~., i -A (milm 17~.8) IZM.ATU',V,Igj 11 A Malignant teratoma of the lef t ovary growing into the ilc-=. Urav. Bel. 7 no.11454-55 N 161. (MIRA 15:11) "z 1 .4 linekologicheskogo otdoleniya Polotakoy bolinitsy imeni L;niria glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy vrach WSR Ye.H.Polygalina) i Polotskogo onkologichesko o dispansera. (ILEUK-CANCER) ~OVARIES-CANCER) (MD,113TERS) 124KH, I., kand.tekh.nauk: MOROZOV, Te.M., inzho; TUXOVIMATA, V-V-, inzh., Interchangeable equipment for ETU-353 excavators for d1g,,ging can419 with trapezoidal sections. Strol. i dor. mashinostr. 5 to.8:14-16 Ag 16o. (JELRA 13: 8) (Excavating machinery-lquipment and supplies) IaIEROV, N.F. Put emphasis on communist work. Med. sestra 22 no-1023-5 0163 (MIRA 16:U) 1. Zamestitell ministra, zdravookhraneniya RS?SR I L. , " I / L - U, - / -. IZX&ROV, N.Y. -' "Survjy of the problem of air pollution in the lies tre-Itargbera area (Veni:-,e)w by X.Dechigi. B.Faccagualla. Reviewod by N.F.Itnerov, Gig. I. ean. 22 no.11:98 N '57. (XIRA 11:1) (AIR-POLLUrION) (DEGHIGI, M.) (PAGGAGURIEU, B. ) M-IFROV, F., Cand Ued Sci --(diss) I'Data for 'Y~".e hygienic normalizing of the qaft permissible xxtix ,c5`nent7q benzi apor in the atrnm)here.11 Mos 1956, 13 p!). (11in of Health USSIJ. Central Inait for the Advanced Training of Physicians) 200 copJas (KL, 39-58, 111) - 63 - Data for setting ue hygienic norms of tolerabls Units of gasoline vapors in the air Lwith summaz7 in English). Gle i san. 23 no,2: B-14 F '58. (HrRA 11M 1. Iz kaiodry kommunallnoy gigiyany MontrallnLCo institute unovershenstvovaniya vrachey. (AIR POLLUTION by gasoline vapors, doterm. of maximum permissible content (Rua)) (POMOLEM PRODUCTS gasoline vapors in air, maximum permissible content (Bus)) BOBROV, L.S.; GABINOVA, Zh.L.; IZM, OV, B.f. ' k t Orgnnizntion nnd wor."of he nir hygiena Fiection nt the henlth rund epidemic control stntion. Zdrnv.Roa.Feder, 2 no.6:21..21 Ja 158. (MIM 11:5) 1. Iz Moskovskoy gorodskoy sanitnrno-enidemlologicheakoy stnntaii. (AIR--POLUJTION) IZIOMOV, N.F.,; O-BINOW., Zh.L. Snnitary control of air pollution In tho eity of Moscow. Gor.khrm. Hook. 33 no.9:24-26 S 159. (KIM 12:11) 1. Zaveduyushchly Otdolenlyam giglyeny atmoofer-noro -rozdukha Sunt- tarno epidemiologichookoy atantali, Mookva. (Moscow-Air-Pollut ion) H ii 11 ill i1 1: 1 First All-Rusoiam Congreas of.Eygianiata " SwaW7 pilyVicians. Gigoi san. no. 10-.107 0 160. (HIRk 13:12) (PUBLIC REALTYr-GOWGRESSES) R d I": I MUNOV, V.A,, prof.; IZMFROV, mod. nauk Activity of the All-Russian -Society of Hygienla-tu and Sanitary Specialists. Zdrav. Roo. Feder. 4 no.12:36-37 b 160. (MIRA 13-.121) (PUBLIC IMLTH SOCIETIFS) LITVINOVI N.N., prof.., red.; I2,01OV, II.F.., red.; TIOGOSKINA, 101.11.p tekhn. red. - (Hygiene of reservoirs; transactions] Gigiens, vodokhranilishch; trudy. Pod red. N,N.Litvinova. Moskvap Medgiz, .1961. 257 (MIRA 15W0 1. Ilauelmaya konferentsiya po vop--,osam gigiyeny vodokhranilishch, 1958. (Reservoirs) (Water supply-Ilygienic aspects) lZP2MOV, N.F. f starshiy nauchnyy dotrudnilc; TRAUTMAN, N.N. t dotsent Congress of Hygienlsts and Sanitary Physicians . Gig, i san. 25 no. 12:99-102 D 160. (MIRA 14:2) Is !z kafedry kommunallnoy gigiyeny Wentrallnop instituta upovershensWovaniya vrachey. (SANITATIOR-CONGRFS313W) DRACHEV, S.M., prof.; VERTEUNAYA, F.1,; IVITROVA, A.I.; KAIJANOV, KOLTRIOVA, A.S.; BYLIVIKIIA, A.A.i N.Y., neil.j BFL'CPJKWA, Yu.S., tekhn. red. (Sanitation problems of the z3uj~Iply and utilimt-ion of water in arid districts]Gigienicheskie voprosy khoziaiotvaimo-pitlevogo vodoonab- zhealia i vodopollzovaniia v zasushliv7kh ralonakh. Koskvft., Nedgiz, 1961. 206 p. (14:UU 14 111) (Water supply) .-jZMEMV, N.F., Pollution of air by gasoline vapor and its maximum permiasiblo concentration. Prod. dop. kontsont. atmoaf. magr, no.5:72-93 I&L. (MI11A 150) 1. Is kafedry kommunallnoy gigiyany TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenatvovaniya vrachey. (AIR--POLLUTION) (GASOLINE--TOXICOLOGY) n '-T'l()V, i, 1 .1.1 1 1 . I . lilkolkly ~ j it V. j:,j(jozj-,ar, rimm.ovv.; I ~ R.").) r,;(l. [Coiramiial Ipjgieziol Konununallnala gigiazut. MWIINFlp I"I'Lli- tsim, 1964. 31,6 p. (11ID"t 117:E) X(VIII, A,A., :*ZKrST'v,Flj, A.A. (Svmrdlovqjt) Theary of magnetic resonFince in tho adsorbed monclayer. :rhuz,. fiz. khim. 3c) no.3?577-583 Mr 165. (KrRA 180) 1. Ural'skiy polltekhnichoskly Inctitut. I IlL J !I i 1 111-.11 1 1 ! I I I w- 1. - L 1 :11 Ht I'll KOKIN, A.A.; 1,1,,1F6TfYFV. A.A. - - - --l". 11 - -.1 ~ ... 1-1 Effect o~ the adsorbed substance on the magnetic rvnonuicio line shape, Teoret. L eksper. khim. 1 no.2t242-248 Mr-Ap 165. (MIRk 1817) 1. UrAlt9kiy politekhnicheskiy institut, Sverdlovsk. IZMESTIYEV, Yu. Propaganda of progreBeive practiceo. Mor, I'lot 2.1 no.8: 32-33 Ag '63. OWRA 161l1) 1. Zavedu7ushchiy tekhnicheskim kabinetom IkLItnevoutochnogo parokhodstva. I .I,I : . lZMESTIT-BY&O A.Ya. (Ivanovo) Specialization of clothing factories in ivi~aovo Froi,ince. Shvein.prom. no.1:8-9 Je.-Ir 160. OIIRA 13:6) (Ivanovo Province-Clotbing induatry) KOISSNIKCV, Fetr A-1PkEeyevich; A.7&,, retiierzen'.; GABOVA, D.M., red. [Heat insulating properties of clothing] reploimah-chi.tirle svoistva odezhdy. Moskyaj Legkaifi Industriiap 190, 30 p. (1-1,111A 18 i I.,' ACC NRs AV003861 SOURCE CODE: UR/3241/65/00:t/00010123/0131 AUTHOR:' Gayemy, Ye. V.; Ochakovskiy, V. S.; Tarasova, 0. T.; lzmestlyetra, ORG: none TITLE: The Meat Industry continuous flow line for acid-salt preservation of rabbit pelts by dry brine SOURCE: Krasnodar. Nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut piGhchevoy promyshlen- nosti. Trudy, v. 2, 1965, 123-131 TOPIC TAGS: processed animal product, food technology, food product machinery ABSTRACT: Together with specialists of the food Industry, the authors have developed a method for processing rabbit pelts with acid-salts on a production flow line. An acid and salt compound is used which permits a dry treatment of the pelts. The composition and application of the compound are described in detail. Illustrations in the original article show a DMK-1 centrifugal hammer-type crusher Card 1/ 2 . IZKIRLISEV, Atanasz - - - , 11~ -*--,-- The Bulgarian machinery industry at the Plovdiv Fair. Itasz elet 13 no.20.4 5 160. (EUI 10:1) (Bulgaria--Machinery industry) IZMIRLIEV, Atanasz Bu~Lrian machinery industry, its development and export possi- bilities. Stroj vyr 10 no.2s92-93 162. IMIRLIEV, A t -- - --tauea New machiLery made in Bulgaria. Stroj vyr 10 no.10:1+97 0 162. 1. Hlavni redaktor casopisu Haoinootroenep Sofia. MEW, V., iazh.; 1211IRLIEV, Atanas Jkw machine tools manufactured in the German Democratic Republic oxhihited at the Leipzig Spring Fair. Mashinootroew 11 no.5:37- 41 My 162. I* Chlen na Redaktaionnata kolegiia i glaven rmdaktorp "Mashinoatroene" (for I=irliev)e IZMIRLILT9 Atanav,-- Now problems of alumina technolog7. Musz clot 1'7 uo.2t4 Ja 162. .. '~tz-71t. :-I "I :~'!i: i IiI 11"T i 111 11 1-1 ~. ~,A I I.I !! 11 ~, 11 1 MaRLIEVY Atwuu,.7, [Imdr.liev, Atam"] New DulCarlan machinea. bhwz slot 17 no.18.10 30 Ag 3-~2. 71 ~ - ! ! . -F IFT i I I I I! I, .I'i : 1 11 ~ I 171AMILIEV. Atanas$ (Imirliev, Atanas] (Sofia) - o- Long-range plan f-,r the developmont of the Bulgarian industry. Musz clet 18 no.2t15 17 Ja 163. : 1, ~ r, W! 3!1 1 11111 : 111 11 1.I ;t i 1 11 1 1, 1:1~ 1"x'1ftL1hV, At.; 1VANOV, F. I I , Jnzh. News a-,. the Lnternational Fair In Brno, 1963. 1-1mishinalstroane 12 no. 11:38-41 N t63. 1. G1. redaktor I chlen na Redaktsionnata koleglia, "Mashin- cistroene" (for Imirliev). ~; ~ I : 1' 15: ~ Ilkl!] IT III H 11 11 1A :;.:- I I I~! I '* 1 : F I !,ill Ill i'~;l I ''!, 1 z - 117,h inzh.; 1241aLl:1, 3.) Mathematical atatistical studies of electric4urnace slag in the Georgi Dimitrov Copper-Producing Combinci. L,[Jn dolo 18 ii,-).V.20--27 Ag 163. :11 N RA '4j JIM b ACC NR~ AP60032~'9 (N) SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Shmakov, V. M. (Candidate of technical sciettces); tMt.9',UY1v_'!* A- 4!- Orn- gineer) ORG: none TITLE: Diffusion welding of titanium alloys with brVqg& 77-)k 7 SOURCH: Svarochnoye proizvodstvo, no. 1, 1966, 7-9 TOPIC TAGS: diffusion welding, titanium alloy, bronze, wel,ding I*echnology., vacuum welding, crystal structure , metal stress ABSTMCT-( The authors experimentV with the vacuum dLffuml~oi% woldlog of OT41, WT14 and VT15 1Ti alloys with Br.KhO.810ronze. The alloys OT4 atlid VTI~I~hihvt on af a true- ture, whereas the alloy VT15 has a 0-structure. To obi7airt VIO.-i-edl '6- -bronze ji,)ixitis of satisfactory strength and plasticity despite the heterogenalLty %it the structl1re Ond properties of these metals, it is advisable to employ a welit insiarl: of a matul wilth a crystal lattice similar to the crystal latcices of the tijej:419 welded yet form- ing no chemical compounds with these metals. in thiz came, 1110. orills, Wth of whi4!h form a continuous series of solid s.9lutiono with Ti, may be xecom6winded. Ac1'4)rd44"81y- the authors used a 0.1 mm thick Nb1foil as the weld insert to weld togother 11-43loy and bronze specimens 15 mm in dFa-meter tnd 30 mim in length. The Iqldicimens Wok-40 ai:- COL,d 1/3 UDC:621.791-532.7:ti669.2!~5.5:669.:3!;.6 jFq 'IF Acc NRt AP600327S, cs~ ~,7 4,% M vacuum F, P 71 51 r vow Fig. 1. Strap for assembling Fig. 2. 1)1.4~gjram of diffusiot welding the specimens in Im i'vrmace I - furnaco: bodyl weldLnlg st:rap; - spec Immin 4 bar; 5 - diaphragm 2/3 Card - ACC NR. AP6003279 sembled in a strap (Fig. 'I) and placed in an evacuated (4-11:1'2mm 11(g) contaiudr Wbich was heated in a box furnace. During heating the specimens viwe subjected to the A,tress created by the difference in pressure above and below the rubber iflapbragm minus the force of friction of the rod against the container (Fig. 2).,.By Micre-Saing 1:.Qbovo atmospheric) the pressure in the chamber above the disphrato prest;ji,re, the prdssute exerted on the surfaces being joined may be varied within broad liimits. Finigings: ma- ximum strength(27-29 kg/= ) of the welded joints is attainoid after 5 hr at 960-9800C in the presence of a unit pressure of 0.2-0.35 kg/mm2 for the Joining of specimens with polished surfaces. The study established that the optraijal adiji jwst stabIa re- sults of vacuma diffusion welding are produced when the surfaims to be Joined ate po- lished. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 5 figures. SLTA CODE: 11, 13/ MM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 004/ M )MIT: 01'50 3/3 AUTHORS: Izmodenov A.I. and Lachka, O.A. SOV/136-59-1-6/24 TITLE: industrial Trials on the Beneficiation of Gomplex VolkovskiVe Ores (Promyshlennyye ispytaniya po oboga- shcheniyu kompleksnykh rud IVoamkogo mestorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Tsvetnyye Metally, 19591 Nr 1, PP 19-21 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Volkovskiyedeposits in the Tagilo-Kushvinskiy region of Ural contain commercial quantities of Iran, vanadium and phosphorus. Several laboratory investigations of the dressing of these ores have been inade (M.P. Ortin, 1940- 191+1; O.A. Lachko and A.V. Partina 1953 and 1955- A.V. Partina. and A.A. Makaroval 1951). In June 1~58 work to check the flowsheet (Fig) developed in the labora- tory by the Uralmekhanobr institute was carried out at the Pyshminskaya obogatitellnaya fabrika (ilyshminskaya beneficiation works) by a team from the institute led by O.A. Lachko, a works team (works manager N.P. Shubin and chief technologist G.D. Shcherbakov) &ad T.F. Kirova of the Sverdlovskiy sovnarkhoz (Sverdlovsk economic council). The flowsheet includes flotation of copper and apatite Card 1/2 with wet magnetic separation of an iron-vanadium concen- trate from the apatite-flotation tailings. The ores BOV/136-59--i-6/21+ Industrial Trials on the Benef iciation of Complex Volkovs430 Ores frCM 4-~~- treated were V _o No-th-Wast part of the deposits and contained 0.8% Cr_q Fe, 0.3V% V205, 15.1+6% P2105- They were ground to 88---755% - 0.071+. Reagent consump- tion (kg/tonne) wares- soda7 0.5; sodlum ssulphide, 0.4; butyl xanthate, 0.061 cresol, 0.07; water glass, 0.5; oleic. ac.-Ld, 0.5. Tha recoveries of Cu, P205, Fe and V205 into the appropriate Qon,,-entrates were 89.1, 65.47 66.3 and 67.2%9 resPect~velY~ the last two being in the form of an iron vanadium loncentrate which was ;ant to the Chusovskiy metallurgioal works. The results showed the ores to be easily dressable and the authors suggest that design,vork for a mining-beneficiation combine for Vol:-,kovsktm ores should be started. '5e are I figure and I table. Card 2/2 The 11 , 1 :1 11 11 : ;.l1 t ~ , 'I I 1 11 1 ~, IZMODENOV, A.I.; IZIAODENOV, Yu.A.; DMTRITEV, Yu.G. Dressing and refining titanium concentrates tV redvetion roasting in induction furnaces with subsequent magnetic sepexation. Titan i ego splavy no.5:38-49 161. (MIRA 15:2) (Titanium--I-;IeotrowtalliLrg'y) (Magnetic separation of oreo) I I I U ti Ii I . IZKODENOV9 A.I-q__FRIDIAN, S.E.; SHUGOLIt L.S~ Dry magnetic separation of finely and coarsoly crushed ore W-ith MILgnetic stratfication. Gor. zhur. no.3-57-60 Mr 161. 01n, k 340) 1. Sverdlovskiy oovnarkhoz (for lzmodenov). 2. Uralmakhanobr, Suerdkovsk (for Fridmang Shugol'). (M W etic aeparation of ores) IZMODSNOV, N.I. Use brigades In maintaining the Amur-Ukutek lilghwt~)r. Avt. dor. 23 no.5:16 R7160. (KM 13-10) (Roado- -?h I nt enance and repair) ~nzho r a y Tv. 9 teTpe ma IZMODENOV, A.I.; IZMODENOV, Yu.A.; DHITRIYEEV, Yu.G. Drefising and refining titanium concentrates by reduction roasting in induction furnaces with subsequent magnetio separation. Titan i ago splavy no.5:38-49 161. Wlibl 15:2) (Titanium-Electrowtallurgy) (Magnetic neparation of ore.-,) T Ylll-iY I Sergoy Alekseyevicily nt'uclm. .1 TIK11011W.7 Alek3eyevich, nauchn. sotr.; i3A:IU'OT?,'*,--T--*~"*I't'd"' ' I--- , !~ ... - . u'l'Lj-,,j,,vuk III, Pced- - I [Ultrasonics at (;ril!,P"n Plart9 r, ig(v.. 37 p. priiatilakh KryTna. S j,if eroiloll j Kr (~'li(A 18~1) izl4oDEI;OV, yul-iy Alck:30YOVIC11) inzh.-fizik; It, , I . p r,cd - tic filter] 110v,11 rpagnitrji fil'tr. Sin- (A now mag7le I 19(,I,. 28 p. vJil 18:1) feropoll, Jzd-vo IlKrym,l NIXQL'SXIY, V.V.: TRIFONOYA, A., prof., otvetetvaniv void..; L.A.,ried. f1fatural disease resistance in calves and ways of increasing it] 0 prirode eatestvennoi rezietentnooti oripnisma tollat k zabolevaniiam i putiakh so povysheniia. Sverdlovsk, 1958. 111p, (Akademiia. nauk SSM. Ural'skii filial, Gverdlovsk. Institut biologii. Trudy. no.10) 041HA 11;12) (Calvis) (Imminity) NOROGODIII, V.I.; MLLINOVSKIY, O.V.: POIIYADKOVA, N.A.; IMUZIMROV, H.Jk. Problem of the reversibility of various forms c(f radiation injnry in diploid yeast cello. TSitologila I no.3,,306-315 14Y-Je 159. (MXRk 12:10) 1. Kafedra biofiziki Moskovskogo imivorsiteta, Laboratorlys, rudibbiologil. Institnta fiziologii im. I.P.Favlova AN SSSR, leningrad, laboratorlya biofiziki Instituta biologii, Ural'skogo filiala AN SSa, Sverdlovsk. (MMATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL F"ACT) (DULST) izHommoy, II.A. Hffect of gamma rays on mitosis In polyploid wileats. TSitologlia I no.3:316-319 Hy-Je '59. (MIR& 12:10) 1. lAtboratoriya biofiziki lustituta biologii Ul*al'skogo filiala All =R.Sverdlovsk. (GdU,D(& RAYS-PHYSIOLWYNAL EMCT) (POLYPLOIDY) (WHUT) IZH)ZUERUVJP N.A. Effect of polyp1jidy ou thu radiation injury of wl,,qi&:L calls. Trudy WIP. Otd. b1ol. 7:203-206 163. 041RA 16:11) IZNUKUKOV A K P ~~- AbIALtion of lymph nodes affected by cancerous twtasfAssaj preliminary report. Trudy InstAlin. i eksp.Wr..MI Kazakh. 161. (D= 15:3) (1,YMMTICS-XANCER) BRYAKIN, Yu.:,!.; 111-luKiIANOV, A.K. Experience in the surgici of congenl-tv'! hoart defect3o Zdrav. Kazakh. '113 no.':~ 10 '0 ('41 -t~ 17 - 5) -4 0 1. Iz InntAtilta kllnlcuo~iv,-,j 1, s~r, ; c .,ir i:rl~ rit,.Ll. ' DQ./ 'kh i ,ki rg I L (di rektor - f~rof. :* N. "-yi~T ,~ , ', " 1; *1-1. 17- 1A " 17, k. -.1 y :!: ~ R. 7 - Sy 1 " ANOV A . N " ~~ 1 Z, MR, I U.- tic) ,, P . K ~ 9 1 --. Diagnosis and surgical treatment *f pate,-.,. duo,-.-.;!i TrL,.dy Inot. k~in. I okop. khir. AN Knzakh. 2SE ~).,42,16 I (M~Fj. 1?S1.2) L, y . . , NIOV V G ~ "', ~ ! "MU04NOV A K ~ ; 6 E YZ Ebsteln's disease. Trudy ins'.. klin. 14 oksp. hN '~n6aA. SER 9;96-99 t 63. (VIRA 1-7:12) MIUMANOV, A.K.; LP3FPOV, r,. Migration of a foreign Ix-,dy Into tile CaViV Of tht- ventricle of the. beart. TrLdy !nnt. klln. '.. O:sp. AN Kazakh. S-'11 9.,106-109 163. 17, 12) BROX, T.A., karid.googr.nauk; KOYALSVA. T.Te.. inuh.; KIM'CIDIVIMATA, L.S., starehiy Inzhenor; I starshilr inzhaner; KUKIIAH-WATA, Y.L,; PAKMWICH, K.P., inuh.; DDIOTICII, Yu.L., inzh.; TORCBIYIIYA, T.P., insh.; PA13 TICH, S.Ta.,; LEOSTIOTICH, B.Y., nauchno-tekhn.redo; UMMOYA, T.V., red.; SBMGBY.&T, A.H., (Agroclimatic reference book on Kemerovo Province] Agroklima- ticheskii spravochnik po Kamerovskoi, oblasti. Leningrad. Gidro- mateor.izd-vo, 1959. 135 p. OIUU 13:2) 1. Novosibirsk. Gidrometeorologichookayn obeervatorlya. 2. Novoeibirskaya giarometeorologichookays observatoriya (for Brok, Kovaleva. Kellchavokayn, Iznnirskaya, XukhArvkaya, K.P. Fakhnevich, Dymovich, Yoroblyeva). 3. DirektoT. Novosibirzkoy gidrometeorologichookoy observatoril. (for Leontovloh). (Kemerovo Province-Crope and climato) : ;iIIIIJ, 0 IF 0 W e v I! a, a a 4, jjjj 0 e it 0 L' If 0 41) I L I P Pit tX or ty J ,z X say InVil-ligation of the process .1 losistalkan of stntp:e JMIW Ike. IhAI 14 111-1 Ifft Illill, 1111ill- 1~, Is *41C Cellulose ethols. particulall of eth IUUI"*. N. 1, r"tul. by ailtillar rillyfalst"I III r'sillse film . leg the h'"91111111 I :0 114,11"s. Uis`gtsslr.~ J. (;It's. M". nd ,,. slulwA. chmucirriml by the 1,14-isiellf till) title. 7,IiIW7,)ftn lint- (end will. its I ~ 4 alvAiiiii le svc~: I IN rmit.. 17 31016.0): ff.. Ivivivills"I in ,it),; N4011, wk-fir ethyLal"I at 12.1,' 11 311 rinist.. :r. Q III 4A mitt., jj),M .1111 %tswli. UICI 1*1 tricil.relluinwand an equiv.stint-if IV 112h Ism, 42 14 194.40). V I T-1, Ism . C' M 011-24): Ill Ili Ow 1we,.ence of si*u4inr. and satmilles were taken VI 2 .15 hys.. Cf list I'll ~.' 7A hr% . 44 21) Od 7411. It,nn the euka-14tedifer U. 30, and Ondrs.. then at "It-h .Vill A his 44 7.. fil, IIIII); SK I I I- I . IN'N 010 IsIll -00 allies a the dth -aniplo. 3 ad,llil Vehrl-16-n Is 14-Irr th"'I Willi -41,41 hafft. I'lic fine, -411111111 41 ltW7,IlSp#..II..I ale nisly'rWer that% ell1whill"I thir was taken eflev H hirl. The sants.64 h+I like hillow. 'I-FOY filattern of 1 16 ting.,) 14 64.1h-Al .1111 th" '0 Intel. 1-00 Ing J.'to n-. (arA "uNfitism in 1 4 sk.-bornmeme): crisis"I fantic; if (5 rjo&~j 1. istiff cime lit iA bull iihm I% a Jago I I (PI L'I I,'; ) ; It m 21 (5 1 . 'All; III 4L1.14 IV beginning d"Irtirfievs #4 tht fiber Oll"llire. III-VIU 44 "t, 17J.11111. V 4!iII2 loll)); VI 4401 0157,N: VII - 141.39arvil 4,10) A.. IR Ic4wrw4;~IhhajjO 4AW-017, IS). Lit Et Istimiml has an all-till Ning 4 1- 734 A. tlw I,t j -All.lijujilm: 11 I.A 1-.'t stioulia. VI 2170 1.1 litigs ill Ifini thmikivilOc' I,( All I-1111TI-vilitt- -0h I- than 2 S. A [at" Product. Vill. luml the " 1, 10. 1.4 1" 2 3 Ft grmj.; I he -ji- a mut"'t. pallein 04, h Cu X. thtmistIvir,41"i edlull," Oliet- 11411vi. 11,11-irl. lit-11110, RIVIIII), i ciarr"lirstildiriff to OV1111 2.5 Ft stoup%. Wit yva Wbwh a 1 rwitatilm. filtri"I through O.ttl rims. N1. alt I10 kv., 11) In ('0111" In the sr"fers ("Iffe"t, "crt"t- In's ") I Iravt a pallivin (it 7 liflors. ille"Ileal wilis %I,&, A.m iharp tuist% mn &I it -Nivre A 'Uthtitull(In d 2. 4aIkmlsMIuI~. H-VI 111141w 2 11111 'ft" diflussw ri"V$ th M-twisvi mflul-m. br-titiml trith alkilt vt as il ire 0 Mh ;fW pirlitirl, jw1h.l. d - It, 711 and 41.10 A~; It -h-Ir 10% Ilm at IT',% %h-va"I a livelly lincMiuct-A x -raw pnit we hAl A M, Illum,t smic A 2,40. The 11411C 4 11 VI 41"prite filt.1tisti, hills degis, fill Ion A tho I.I.-f; bvric~, "I", tvp -r. In we * 1 ef &jvph..u, u tain, VI Nlunvo 5 'Ing'. 1114110"''d 1,14. %t. Ale 1kt tA,ird lit 1114 x flaw lmillcirst. d 41. 4 (Cf, VIA). 210. athl 2.:O1 A , 3,yf which jut tv w; I hit is further ilfisacattJ low file hit rifily ill the lieffirritif ft,, lines are Ultriewhat few diflule then In the iWee"fing .11 villyleviltdowss diferills slit'sligly In viv,mly. Tbe""j"m Ov. &57. of The Must tings nisly lvt It% The fmcl that. cluning the Vill 1,hows I fing,, d - 94111, R sit. 7. 4 7.',. 4 412, mrst% 3 0 A,. -mnr 4 1 hens shafil; I he esyst. ethylitim, the elhyltrilulmor Wait in w4n. d"ji,ste tbr wrIlcilict (if rwitihor "hietit ittif incrAnt Ili Itsr-irnt mJm sAlmitiv jtpj~Atritt as Ifir k*411141, all- Iii1ir"Islilml k4 elfish Is Hit 1111, 491 rt'lad IV, t,** 00 michiev"I liv Attetchinr 1`1101111 L CLASS."Ocal"C. zill 0 It v .4 a Is a of Is ill I, rx I., a 1d a - I t ill 04 1 its dul ,0 0 0 ; 0 0 000 00 006009*0664 oil I 0 0 000 0-0 00 0 00 9 40 0 40 40 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 4 e 0 0 * 0 0 04, Ill' Mr7r-- - jr -1717r~g 00 0 a 0 9 0 a 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 0 0 to 4; 4, . A It A It * 00 of so pf*;Wtt*S of CQUIO" Othart. N, N. ISRAII"LAfA. J. , " -00 13 M I'S".1 90" IFYfuli. S. R.) Ij 7 S l CAWW (1 is A -00 00 . . , . . ei pp MO.)). - In the Impti. tA "'Niiii --thyl rthcr-f 'VII16P.0 -0 * increase (A tile amt.. J ImnJyj %;hIucuIv, I)UIYI rith-lide 4jui .00 hrilyl Chiofi,fir III Jhe qphrrV %j tile jr,,,jpn 1,0, 1,, aj, .00 go Ilk-redIr of therrij,fall4V to Walt r Alki I he m.1y. 4,1 file ef Im? In C4114 WW I's a lowering 'A the VI-sty, m.."Imilivaj .00 %irensth and militninic ptint. N IIIP 111111146WRIAIN -wrocs. Alkyl 'I" (If crutilime lite ..f m.4,tur! at, 11 h h l h 0 - at t e mcc ankil tretift . ~#-Ily XMI s.1trillift I-rint are luwemi with tile immase of the rus. of i~ atc-4j, b ;zoo 3 tit tile su stituent. while the %Ay. in isoupoLAr uAvem" & mt:fraies. Twenty urfrrviuvs. A. A. Nk-fithlitk 4. A 0 k4o 0 .400 400 00 '00 00 t. it a .116t ;* 0 so 0 00 0" 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 (v 0 0 0 o 0 a a 0 0 0 fit 0 a & 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 v 0 UM/Ohemistry - Ethers, Cellulone IPA 191Vt Chemistry - Ethyl ether "Roentgenographical Study of the Process of Formation of the Cellulose Ethers, Particularly Ethyl Collulooe it Ethers, N. N. Iznalrokaya, 6 pp "Zhur Obshch Khjm" Vol XVTI, No 2 The study shows that the ccmplete disappearanoe of the interferences proper to alk,71cellulose anfl the aplx)arance of those corresponding to cellulosD ether talms place at the degree of substitution aaoixnting to 1.5 alkyl groups. USSR/E,mwn and Ani a Physiology - Excretion. v-6 Ab-s Jo-ur : Ref Mur - Biol, No 2, 1958, 8737 Author : V.N. Iznairskaya Inst The Novosibirsk Medica.1 Institute Title The Urea, Excretory Function of the Kidneys in Rheumtic Children 3 t, Orig Pub : Trudy Novosibirskogo meditsinakogo institutal I, ); J., ) Abstract : The utrea clearance coefficient was determined by Van Slyke's method in 33 children (aged 5-14) suffering from different forms of rheumtism. An increase in the coaffi- cient up to 140-170% was observed in the sick children in the acute stage, vhile wwng the healthy children the value was 80-120%. No relationship vas noted betveen the severity of -kidney da ge and the particular foim of rheuaatism. Card 1/1 USSWHWM and Animal Pbysiology. The Liver. V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 27083. Author Inst O~e Novosibirsk Medical Institute. Title Urea Synthesis in the Liver in Children Vith Rhelmatic Fever. Orig Pub; Tr- Novosibirskogo med. in-ta, 1957, 27# 230-235. Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 NUMMIY, N.A. Testing the strength of a fabricated wood-14minated plastic (DSP) under alternatn loads. Plast.masay no.4t45-47 ,6o. (141M 1337) (pla4c&--Testing) 1z1j11P3KIY P - N.A. Investigating the resistance to shearing stress of Iturdnated wood plastics. Plast.maesy no.1206-38 36.1. (MIRA 11,:12) (Laminated plastica-Testinjr) 1. 1 1 11 '1 ~ 1. 1 11 11 1 1 -, NNAMUN, Tu.A., kand.tekhn.nauk Catching capacit7 of gill nets. Trud7 VIIIW 41-1211-136 159. (HM 13:8) (Fishing nets) lZINAINk-IN, Yu. A. JZNANKIN, Yu. A. Basis of Selecting the PAsh Size of Herring Drift Nets for the North Atlantic." Moscow 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences-~ So.: Knizhnaya Litopis', No. 79 1956. IZNAR, A., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent, Inthoner-polkovnik. Using Infrared rays In MilitAry affairs. Vomnvost. *~6 no.8: 70-77 Ag 156. (MIRA 9:10) (Infrared rays) (firoarms-Sights) MAROOLIN. I.A.; RLWANTSEY, N.P.[deceaned] IZNAR. A.U.. Inthemor- podpolkovnik, redaktor: TRUBLEYSET, maror. redaktor; KIJZIMIN, I.F.. tekhnicheskiy redektors. [Principles of Infrared techniques) Oanovy Infrakrannol tekh- niki. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo Hinisteretva obor. SSSR. 1953. 262 p. (Infrarod rays)* (14LBA 811.2) [C~ptlcal quantwn device.; (laser,-;) and their uofa Jk n military technoloff; acccrdIng to r-uterials of Lhe j;reS31 CpLJ,!hcskIe kvantc.-.-yo pribory (lazer-,'.) :1 i0i pi-l- mem.,.niF_. v vor-nix)i tel' nike; po ruttei-Dilav. zaruLk-i-,:I:nL):1 1:0- cfuitl. Moskva, II_":uvctukce radio," 1~)61,. 173 p. WIIIL". 17:"""