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I'Sy. AILOV y -D-.-T. Dissertation: "Effect of Superphosphate in Org-anomineral Granules con the Yield of Cotton in Azerhaydzhan." Cand AFr Sciss Mo3cow ~tcademy of Agriculturist ---en.j. K. A. -finir-yazev, Moscowt 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal-Khimlyats Moscow, No 4, Feb 54) SO: SUM 243, 19 Oct 54 IV -,~ I I,.::: -i I I Ali I1 11 1 J~eli,YLOV, F. 36770. IZvAYL3V, F. i CHICHAYEV, I. Po pavodu stat'i (F. uctevatIcir-'a i F. Kryuchkovoy) "Letniye posevy lyutserny v rastushchly khlopchatnik", opublikovannoy v gazete 'Travda Vostoka" 20 avqusta 1949 qoda. 3ots. sel. khoz-vo Uzbekistana, 1949, No. 4, c. 82-84 SO: 1'etopis' Zhurnallynkh Statey, Vol. 50, Roskva, 1949 I%KATLOV, F. -,,- ~ Leading driver of the Alma-Ata bus and taxi station. Ayt.transp. 32 no,6:38 Je 154. (XU?A 7:9) 1. Alma-Atinskiy aytobunno-teksomotornyy park. (Beliaev. Vladimir Mikhailovich) IZ14AYLOV, GOA. (Mordovskaya ASSR, Saransky 1-y Sovetijkiy per., d.15) Combi-aation of perforation and acute bleeding f~rom it gastric ulcer. Klin.khir. no*WO-81 S 162. WRA 16t5) 1. 1-ye khirurgicheskoye otdeleniye Respublikanskoy bollnitxy Hordovskoy ASSR. (STCHACS--UlLM) IMIAYLOVt G.A. k;asure-ment of the weight concentration of dust in air by means of ys. Zav.lab. 27 ho.1:40-43 161. (MIRA 303) beta ra L, TSentrallnayn laboratoriya avtomatiki. (Dust) (Beta rays) IZMAYLOV, G.A. Saransk, Pervy-i Sovets':'Cly per., C1,15) D-iagnosis of supperating cysts of the uraclitw. Nov. khir. arkh. no.9:80 S 161, OMIRA 14:10) 1. lyv khirargicheskoye otrleleniya v. - zavi-titahermyy vmch Mordovekkoy ASSR M.P.Yurtaykina) Resp~lailkanakoy b3liatity Yordovskoy ASSR. (URINAla ORGIM-DISEASES) ..III il III fill 1 1 It 11 1~ !I I I I I I .. I .. , I fZ111-M.011), G.A. Dlagnostjlc qgrr(,r,; In is!r,ingulated traumatic dlapi -- 1rulp-.atic hernia. Ylin. khir. m.l.-71-72 1~6. (Y-1- RA 18 18 ) 1. 1--yo -A-d-ilottily- ftoopijbl.L~oriokvy hollnLivy W 1, .)rdcjvnk-;.( KLYUYEV, I.I.; SHAVENZOVA, Ye.Z.; IZMAYLOV). G.A. (Hordovokaya AMR, Saransk, 1-y Sovetskiy pei-.,---d'-J5--) --- ----- RAdical surgical treatment of eleph&ntiasis or the lower extremities. Ortop., travm. i protez. 24 no.3:60-62 Mr 163. (MIRA 111:2) 1. 1z 1-go khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya Respublikanskoy bollnitay Mordovskoy ASSR. 1 1, , , I '. i .. 'I ~ . , : " *.' , (I , jj . (-,,I :-!I n s i P Moroov.1 ()~- ", ',--j , , , . I a - I- i . - Fxcraperitoneal ruptures of Vpst,. , ~ ~ , :.,, : ,) ro.2:88-90 F 164. WI fi~4 1. 1z I-go khirurgicheskogo otri-, le- 1.y..,. respuird 5- I 1-.-)Ilni'..,iy (glavny-y vrach - V.',',. t I" , 7 , ~ -, - - - . 1 - , - I IVIATIM, G.S. Mchinococcosis -,' the mammary gland. Khtrurgila no.6-.67 Jo '55. (BRWT--HYDATIDS) (MLRA 8:10) 1~ :1 ; : ~ : "I,'-,!",: Al 1* 1 - I ;I I .~~ .. 'I tull ~j 11,1:! lif IZKAYLOV, G.S. Osteoma of the mastoid process. Testooto-rin. 18 in.o.5:112 8-0 J56. (MASTOID PROCESS--TUKORS) (MIRA 9:11) IZIRAYT :11T I,%-, V -a - S Lt-, ni ri~;rad Adaptive function of the sympathetic innervatioii of thot viaal r,'.Ucosa. Zhur. uoh... nos. i gorl. bol. 20 no.4tl8-21 Jl-Ag '61, . (MIUA lj,-6) 1. Iz kafedry otorinoloringologii (nachallnik - zasluzhennTr deyatell nauki prof. K.L.Khi-lov) Voyenno-meditsiriskoy ordena Lenina akademii imeni S.M.Kirova. (NOSE-IIIIIEWATION) (CHOLINESTERMSE) 14 - 57-7-15092 Translation from: Referativny zhurnal, Geogra"iya, 1957, Nr 7, p 146 (USSRT AUTHOR: Izmaylov, I. V. TITLE: Faunal Association in the Artificial Forests of the Khoper Preserve (Nekotoryye zakonomernosti forrriro- vaniya fauny iskusstvennykh lesnykh na,3azhdenj.y v rayone Khoperskogo zaj)ovednika) PERIODICAL: Tr. Khopersk. gos. zapovednika, 1956, Nr 2, pp 123- 130 ABSTRACT: Few species of birds inhabit pine stands one to three years old, and these species are of the oFen-space type. Vjhen the stands grow older-, "forest" birds begin to settle in them, while their rodent popu- lation decreases. After the nesting season the bird population becomes more varied becauae of the immi- Card 1/2 gration of species from natural forests. The author IZM.kywv, I.V. "Bibliography of Irkutsk Province"; biolof7. Revisired by I.Y. Izmallov. Kraeved. sbor. no.2:171-172 '58. (MIRA 13:2) (Irkutsk Province-Biologv-Bibliography) (Bibliography--Irkutsk Province--Biologr) IZM&YIDV, I.V.; KIULWCHAAUYNV, Y.K. Birds of the AW& Valley. Kraeved.obor. no.4:112-128 159. (blim U.-7) (Huys, Talley--Birds) '. Ir. ; ! [:1 11 11 i , I II !I I. 1 1 - ; I I I . .. . " IZK&YLOV, _I.V.; PROKOFIYICT, X.A. Distribution of siskins (Carduelio ffpinus) in Buryat- ., . Mongolia. Kraeved.abor. no.4:136-138 '59, " (MBA -13:7) (Buryat-Mongolia-Yinches) 4 IZMAYWV.,,I.V.; STARKOV, I.A. Zoological research in the southern part of the Utim Plateau in 1960. Kraeved. sbor, no.6:70-93 161. (KIRA 15:2) (Vitim Plateau-Zoolo&7) BUYAN7YYEV, B.R., red.; I~ZAIWV, I.V., red.; NAGORNOVA, A.Ydi.p red.; RADNAYEV, A.C. tekhn, ied-.- (Problema in the protection of nature in the Ejuryat A.S.S.R.) Voprosy okhrany prirody Buriatii; materialy. Ulan-Ude, Nirlat- skoe k-nizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 125 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Buryatakaya konforentsiya po okhrane prirody, let, Ulan-Ude) 1961. 2, Buryatskiy komplekenyy nauchno-issledovatellmkiy inati- tut Severo-Osetinokoy Akadendi nauk SSSR (for Buyantyyev). 3. Buryatskiy pedagogicheakiy institut im. D.1-wnzamra (for 1!7?rmylov). (Buryat-Mongolls.-Natural resources) ACCESSION NR: AT4043276 S/2744/64/000/007/0101/0108 AUTHOR: Lapitskaya, 0. 1., Sady*kov, R. Kh., lzmaylov, 1. Y4j, TITLE: Investigation of the eleciropyrolysis of liquid hydrocarbons for the production of acetylene SOURCE: Ufa. Bashkirskly nauchno-loaledovatollskly Institut no jwrerabotke nafti. Trudy*, no. 7, 1964. Sernlsty*yo nefti I produkty* ft perer;p alki (Sour crude oil and products of refining), 101-108 TOPIC TAGS: hydrocarbon, acetylene, electropyrolysis, Diesel fuel, acetylene oduction, hydrocarbon pyrolysis r p ABSTRACT- A laboratory apparatus for producing acetylene by ailectropyrolysLs' of ltqWd hydrocarbons Is described (see Fig. I in the Enclosure) and the most succossful con- atruetionof_ the reactor Is schematically of the di- mensions and weight of the movable contacts as well as of the dilstance betwe'6n the utation- ary electrodes is Investigated. The yield in the reactor Increased and the consumption of electricity per 1 rr13 gas decreased with Increasing dimensions of the movable. contacts. With increasing weight of the movable contacts, the electric conimmption per I m*3 acetylene increased and the gas yield Increased proportionally to the loaxl; the oampDaition of the Card 1/4 ACCESSION NR: AT4043276 ENCLOSURE: 01 Fig. I - Technological diagram of the laboratory installation.' 11 -1 - reutor (see Fig. 2); E-1 & E-2 - intermediate tanks; E-3, E-4 & E-5 - btibblers; E-6 - gas meter; E-7 tank with Inert gas; E-8 - raw material tank;X-1 - immersible refrigerator; 11-1 - gear ptimp Card 3/4 LAPITSKAYA, 0.1,; SADYKOV, R.U.; MWLOV, I.Ye. Y Investigating the electropyrolysis of liquid hydrocarbons with a -v-iew to obtaining acetylene. Trudy BashNII P no.7olOl-108 164. (14IRA 17:9) M 11 if I if 11 L i TF 1~v -7 1 rf--f T P-1 F rr 25(1,7) AUTH07: En 1 n e e r TITLE: Machinin- Clurvin- Surfaces 'NJ~thwAll- botka krivolineynyl-h z:)overkhnostey tez !,-o,7~ira) PERIODICAL: il,'asi-linostroi tel I1`1c,-) ABS'LRACT: The c he s "-o,-,o ma, s 1~, i no,3t, r oy i:! n I y a. (Scientific Research Institute ~-olli,-n-,,A-~c, L' nstruction) ne-ede," -3 chine C- drical cam (te:n-olate) with a v~11-ryinC,-.Ieaa c-piral j - 'Fic -L-h vmd lead 9nd -roove 1, -ure 1)' endinG 162 nLir ovei, ing 1)-1/16 turn8. 'T-,ie pr.,~~-e!n wos me~, b3, the formula S ~A. --ex- Card l/ wl~ere s is the axial- -feed of the and Machining Curving Surfaces Without a. Tracer 3-DV/117-59-3-18/57 the same method as the cutt.-ing, .~,,ith I;he end mill replaced by an "arbor" with a 'IfIloating" b-lish-ing. Machining of the groove by ona ol.-)erator took ILj_ hours for the rough milling, 311- hours for the fin- ish milling, and 12 hours for the checl~ing. The described cutting method is rec.ommendt)(I as more com- mercial than the conventional motliod %,iith the use of tracers in the case of single-piece and sm,,A.l- range production, and permits the cut-ting of prac- tically any curved grooves with available machine tools, and without complex auxildary fixtures zind marking. There are two diaLtrams and I photograph. Card 3/3 IATKO, T.D.; MATAYXV, G.A.; IZ14AYWV, Geological structures in connection with the talVing of fractured carbonate layers and the completion of wells. Geol. nefti i gat:a 4 no.5:42-45 MY 160. (DIIRA 13:9) 1. Dagestanskiy sovnarkhos. (Fetroleum geology) I It-14 i I . If, ~!FFIUFFP ------ -1 . 1XIM&W ; .. ! - I III ~ . , .1 1 1: i ; IZMAYLOVI L.B. Determination of external loads acting on casinr5 coluimis. Trudy GrozNII no.10:12-20 161. O"Ma 1512.0 (Oil well casing) (Rock pressure) IZIMIYLOV, L.B. Calculating casings for collapse resistance. Izv. wya,, ucheb. zav.; neft' i gaz 5 no.6:41-46 162. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Groznenakiy neftyanoy inatitut. (Oil well casim) fjT~, 12',MAYLOV, II.B. Effect of temp,,-!rature chariper occiirrIng in it well on the external pressure on a caviiii- -,~trIng. Ileft, kho-n, ZJ Ag 165* (,,T-,A I,".: UTKO, T.D.; UJINAYLOV, L,G.,, MATAYEV, G.A. Causes of casing breakdown and collapse. Neftlamik 6, no,3:12-13 Mr 161. OMA 14: 10) 1. Sotrudniki TSentrallnoy nauchnoissledovatel'okoy laboratorii. (Oil well casing) ;1; !1 1-1 1 H I IZMAYLOV) M. Give more attention to the problems of wage cantrol. Den. i kred. 21 no.11150-55 N 163. (MITIA 17:2) 1. Nachallnik planovo-okonomichookogo otdela Aama-AtInskoy oblastnoy kontor7 Gosbanka. I ~! I -- ,;.. . ~ '' 0 . I ~ :I- I . I . . , , . - I-.. I.- -.... ... 11H. I - I r: . t,r r, , I I I i. ~ 1 1 ~ ! :, I,-'t i ~ . : IZVAYLOV M.Z. [deceased]; SHOSMIKO, Yu.V.- CILITIL14 V,V. P ~ .9 1 - Use of polymeric materials in partition chronato. r,~ ar.~jr ifith inverted phases. Dop. AN URSR no.23201-205 162. (KU 15:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy nauchno-issledovateltskiy khimiko-faniatsevti- cheskiy institut. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for lzmaylov). (Chromatographic analysis)(Polymern) Chemical Abst. Vol. 48 No. 9 May 10, 1954 Mineralogiccl and Geological Chemistry 'AiUsTor 'Ili th-e-5,41! , -t1, Tone ilrXiZire-m-G. ado' TiO in the Rulitti-Cabar. abul MITI. I 1~~ Glafrii S111.4,1 ZO-1-111"t ni'lli't. Itai.. g4l", . No. 1, of,hi,if: (jurvity rn:vjr, as fiTillre-fillifil; veilli In :It Is 1,:flcally rj- httt!d t.) th.: ilittusion 0( swildill :-Iy. arbij: tri,vili-tri. Mich.vA 1-11:iw~jvr ; '11111 1 1 ~ , F. 1:1 F ; I " I P. I GIVR.19H, AJ .; 1'~JOAYLOV, N.A., proF., 1 Cnnsi.,rtntri of tiLonotiiation ()f flo-Mil xrrf,hic nr7irla In Solutions. Ukr. khlm.zhur. 21) 003. (141PA 17:4) 1. Kliar'ko,tnkiy pornyy instWit, Ex Z~ 1 , L-W~ L9 f7 luns "t, (1,,f-C- ii 39 (MIRA 13:12) 1. -Y kc,,r,-'!--f~y gosullirt~tvennyy univarsitet Imerd uur~~Cg,:. S;,bml 'ted July 2-0, ~~46-!,. lalAY LOV N, The art, yt F! 4. ll~ r~c 'm'.PA TIMOFLIEV, V. N.; PALTUSOVAO 1. 1.; IZMAYLOV, 0. A.; SHWAR, F. R. Investigating the aerodynamics of a smoke f1ve in blaot furnace air preheaters. Sbor. nauch. trud. VVIIMT no.82360-372 162, (141RA 16-: 1) (Blast furnaces) (Flues-Aerodynanics) 10,-15/' 3 AUTTIOR izmayLov P~.A,,, Chief, and P'Iyua, G~"_ Senior Engineer TITLE~. Experience in Automation of ln-~ra-rayon Telephone C ommu - nications PERIODICAL7 Vestnik svyazi, 1959, Nr 10, pp Til -26 (MO-3,R) ABSTRACT: Tbis article is concerned with au",omati,)n of intra--rayon telephone communications (VRS) facilitips in the Iloscow oblast'. By way of introduction the authors state that in 1956 telephonization of all sovkhozes Lachine.-tractor stations, sel'skiye sovety (rural COIV~Cils) and kol-khoz offices was completed, They then revieliv recent achi.eve- merits in automation of VRS facilities ~ 101 VRS automatic teleDhone stations (ATS) and 51 UPTSs were put in onera- tion by the end of 1958, as a resiilt of wh,.ch more ~.han 57;'/o of VRS stations were operating around the clock at the beginning of this year: at present VRS communications is flully automatic in 5 rayons-: the Rronnitr,,5 Klin, Loto- shiro, Ozery anu Chekhov ray(-,ns; the level of VRS a,,itoma- tion is high in the Dmitrov, Yegor~r_n%lq Naro- Fomin&-- Pod old.~L . . Card 1/4 ed to It is plann. Orekhovo.-Z"uyevo and Stupirr, ra,,,,ons . S07/1 I 1 -55 9-10- 15/2 1 E,xper-Lence in Automation of Intra-rayon Telephone Communications replace all manual stations with atitomatic ones by the ,ind of 1961. The economic advantagi:izi of -this automation work are also cited. The balance of the article is devo- ted to the organization of work in alitomi-ition of VRS fa- cilities, Installation is done on -the basis of a yeirly plan drawn tip by the direktaiya radlotranslyatsionnoy 3eti (Board of the Radio Broadcaotiz4ig Relay Network) and approved by the heads of the communications administra- tions. The processes of planning, projecting, prepara- tion and installation are outlined-; standard designs, de- veloped by the "Giproovyaz'" Institute, in somewhat modi- fied form, are used. Before 1958 equipment assembly work In the VRS ATSs was done by the remontnava-montazhnaya ~Iontora ('aintennnce and Assembly of the communi- ill (ffice cations administration; in 1958 thLO work was transfer-- red to the SMUR; at present instal1ation of VRS ATS e- quipment J~s done by workers of the SMUR and the rayon communications offices. The authors note the shartELire of 2onnecting circuits and the need for large scale cutput Card 2/4 of multiplexing apparatus for steel cornecting circuits C: I OV? 1:; __1 -59-i0-151/23 S Experience in Automation of Intra--rayon Telephone C'Grlmunicatlona and B,A. Shcherbakov, technicians at tile Voskresensk and Ruza rayon communications offices respectively. The au- thor mentions courses for preparation and re-training of VRS technician by the communications administration and DRTS: 4 VRS ATS technicians are namedi L..V. Golomazov (photo'), N.I. Turkin, I.I. Ivanov, V,I, Morozov, of the Podol2sk, VoskresenskV Dmitrov and Yegc-.,l:yevsk. -.omnunica_ tions offices. Service, maintenance and checking of au- tomatic stations is discussed and outli.ned. The authors conclude with mention of a number of things which are hol- ding up further and faster development of the VRS system; in particular he notes the need for serial production of block stations with up to 40 numbers capaci-ty. neceosary for the VRS network-, a system for automation of battery charging and stabilizatlon of the line voltage used for this purpose is also lacking. They also mentLon defective equipment manufac tared for US) AT39, apecifica~liy flie rotary switches in the charge..dllochargo! paneis supplied Card 4i1 with UATS-50/100 equipment, ASSOCIATION: DRTS Moskovskoy oblasti. (Mosccyi Obla!~t 11 V, 111111'. ill I I ! 1; il V 4-- 1 11 i4NO'V, A. I.; IZWLUV, ?.I.; IIZTROV, N.A.; TROHISKIY, B.V.; SlAftWMKOV. D.A., reak1b , G.P., redaktor; BOURTIMA, I.I., redaYtor; KnIMIN, G.M., tekhniCheskiy redaktor, [Topocraphyl Topografiia, Pod obahchat red. D.A.I;lobodahikova. Moskva, Izd-vo geodesioheskoi lit-ry. Pt. 1. 1954. 539 p. (Microfilm] (Topographical surveying) (KLHA 7:11) IZKAYIDV, R.; ZAXYATIN, V. Record soaring glider. Kryl.rod. 11 no.10314-17 0 160,, 04LRA 13: 11) (Gliders (Aeronautics)) I A i F I 11 r1 11 1 1 1, il !; I 'iEw :t .I .ii . i. 1! I i ! i .: 1 1~,, -:11! Ild,1111 I 111 1111: 111 H' ! 17 lilill i~ % I i !t I- S. USSP./Pbys~cal (2 ,c m i s t r yKinotico. Combuw-Lon Explosjv~-S. Topocher'lio try, Catbly(lic Ab., Jour RcfQrut ~Wa - .1,1antya, No 0, IgYr, 31" Author Fyju~,~ Ya "l, " .17 ,'Vi ! jj~!L-R, Ills'. D,-:Fartrient of Chomical -6i-1--m.;s, Acwlemy of flc!4~ucet; UOS!i Tltl,~ ca-Lalyt,i,., Hy:1-ro-Condensattoit of (';~r')u,n bj,~nox!;di~ vith olefins. Cuumunicttion 14. Muturt'. Tnoiii1%):-r.-r0uo1i Of .) f(:-;A Butenc-1 and butene-2 Mulor Cundlti.~zm r Hydro-Condennal.ion ,)f C2~: t~cm 1.1onc,)ri-le Olofir,-, nicaticii 15. 1: dro-Con',ini-Aiua c,f C, crl:on M,,,j:.oxi(2c fl-~i -Y Buteiic---2,. r i g Pub Izv. PN ISS.2R, Ctd.. kh -m. 1',, 1956, tic, 1--, 46,T-11-7' 75-1 Abstract 14. Invescig-ution of' flip action of IficrierIzatic'n of butene-1 I,1) to buten.-.~ t and of IF to 'E, '01- 190 space v,-!~City 66-101) ItIOUr ., ,,ver cabAys-ttj of tho rtmc- tion of hydro-condei,--~atj.on CO with "A-eflnv. It I's shc.-wn '.hall in thp of H,~ th(~ vwctioiji,~ 1--*11 Canl 1/3 154 la a -111, Ll 1IMPLIll IlliA il RDBI'S7,ON,Te.A;GRISHINA, O.N.-, ICKHAMOVA, L.A.1 IMANCIDUTEV, P.A.: BONCHER, L.To.; KASRAYEV. S...n.G.,- A'URKHABOYA., N.G.; GONIK. V.KO,- BATBURDVA, M.Kh.; HICILkYEVA, M.A. Petroleums of the Tatar A.S.S.R. Izv.Kazan.fil.KN SSSR.Ser.khim. nauk no.4!91-113 157. 041RA 12:5) (Tatar A.B.S.R.-Petroleum) Reaction of Isomerization in a Series of Butenes Table 1 gives data on content in % of butens-2 (cis- and trans-form) in an equilibrium mixture of n-butenes (to from 200-5000). Table 2 prewnts data on the content Zf n-butenes in an eqidlibrium mLrtum (to from 27-7270)s wberein a cor~parison is mflo of the conposition of equLlibrium mixturea of n-butenes com;mted by A, Vj, IiYoot (8) with correspording data obtained experimentally by otbar authors (H. H. Vogg, N. C. Hay L01-7 ). Table 3 gives data on tkwj free energies and equilibrium constanTs of the isomerization DX butenes (in an ideal gaseous state) (to from 25 to 3227o C.). Table 4 I)resents valves of equilibrium concentrations of butenes (in an ideal gaseous states to from 25-12270 C. for butene-1., brutene-2, butene-2 Ctraw-7. and isobutene). Table 5% content of butens-1 and butene-2 in a mixture in dependence on volumstric velocity (velocity Spate). The outstanding persons2ities cited in text are: F. E. Frey and W. F. Huppkes for their study on the dehydrogenization of n-butane at to of 350-5000 under conditions of the absence of isobutene in the Card 3/4 IZMAYL91, R.I.; OiTtZHN91, A.M.; MCCIFOV, G.I.; 71FiM-Y,V,-.S, R.A. Thermocataly-tic oonvernions of hydrocarbons of a petrole= C6-fraction on A1203-Pt catalyint. NafteklAidia 1 W.41505-- 508 JI-Ag 161. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Institut organichevikay khimli AN SSM, Natant. ~ W ~ ! I ~ 1 11 1 ;I 1 1: :11 ; .. . LE, L.;_I714AYLOV R.I.; THMARGIUMV, F.A.; LIPATOVA, I.F.; KILLSPAYEY, .=_Ll 6.-Kh.G.;_T"d1UVA, I.A.; DUKHAILAYEVA, R,G. Individual hydrocarbon composition of the petroleums of 'Arataria. Rej.ort No.5: Ligroine from the petroleum of thq) Dav.1y Oil-Field. Izv. All SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.'f':1310-1315 JI 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Ehimicheskiy institut im. A.Ye. A-rbuzova Kazanskogo f1liala AN SSSR. (Bavly region--Petroleum) (Ligrolne) IZMAYLOV 1. OKRUZHNOV, A.M.; VIROBYANTS, R.A. ---O-~]~ Volga crudes as a rav material for the production of benzene b7 catdLlYtic reforming. Khim.i tkeh.topl. i maael 7 no.11;29-32 It 162, (14lia 3.5 :12) 1. Institut organicheokoy Ichimli AN SSSR, g. lazan'. (Petroleurap-Ref iuiW) (Senzens) !-LIZ !jo. 79 lZMAYLOV, Ko2khoz baratinokci nizinennost Z-BuroUnsk low]:-r4ls ccjl'.Octlv~ fan,-7. Mos',.-Va, Sel'Idiozriz, 1954. 143 p. I SC: lvonthly Ust of-hussJun Acce-;!;i iis, V(.,.!. 7 No. --, MIIJ 1`54. 1 1 ~ ~H. , H 11111 ill 'I 1~ 1 1 I : 41 0 1* 0 4 40 0 40 to 4 0 a 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 see *-#- 0 V 0 # & 0 11 * 0 0 0 6 Alt a a 1 s 1 6 p s to v to i -i u i too 11 "a w a 1741611101011 to N 11 11 1# A. n to r ft to 4 L a JL 1. 9 0 to a I I I AA to It S-ftWomoa 4. K1:- Vt Vmj tt., i ,,h,jjv -00 The nwUm vvick-ity in ike do,"Imi"I 11 Ow 'Inj Ihm.f .4 F6 .1.1. _ lit"Imulaw dwing Ilw Orm-10"I I-ou.1 I)- j 11" lift. 64.4reval mo wilith 111". 0,4,11,46 112h f h.',? in), I 111visilkill Lot thr vribilly *I Olk It ON. Isols sit., 1; 44 Iv 04) see i 0 q p ~ - s 6 0 o* 5 - - 49 too 00 oo 8 too it R 9 ct it of a I SA 1 WL3 4 9 1 l b 1 0 0 0 * 9 o # d * : : s 0* 0 0 * o I ' t o 004 000 004 (U. &TORM)bt. I - 1 mg4afts at agamn tht kdmmn of sko cdUdm do 902~ftc. A. 11, SM) mW Mwitulls ammmmisust, s, =NM dfft"d I%r UM 3P dbOAKOW Wld -100Z A S 01 L A 4KYALLMICAL LffUATVM CLAZWWAWIM AV 0 IV 9 91 W 0*00000 OF see 40* I 1. 2*0 too 90 $**too LI --L TZl-!ATlLG7 Ilk 10, lie Ilk v lie +ir P. to It I w. ~ 1-* V. 5 4r I I 1-4 41 ~ t td zi (7, s 'wo liiizjwu~:~ Inwo man= 6e,# F *Probel-A -14-t~y af M*~~Oz A. V. IzMylOIr, 1&ningMd Mysicatech PC-A Sci USSR, Pedagogical Inst imeni A. I G--rtsen, 3 Pp "Dnk Ak Mank SSSM" vv 01 1XVIUM, NO 2 Prim=7 particle and one of the xecondarrv p-.rtic2as ;bMve Sa= r. ar4 &r-4-- dettribed by vave e uatU~r--x Z' xbe- different -- -sea and, genera!2~r #*%Xing, c~~-ges), These two particles are coft- siderad --- a& Third vwtiele, AwwMtAd trangttim~rrm-fli4t to.: Asecond amd txvInK am itte&zI. a quant-M V,&ie field. Derivea concrete formu'la's-' for dislintegration of a meson vith spin .1 into Vext-.Iclez vith a-pin i Lmd 0,'and of a meson with i spin I inTo a waon vith.spin 0 and a neutretto or p1hoton vith aid of Ke-- --r's matrices. Submitted by Acad A. F. loffe 4 Jul 49. 3/50rT5 IaiAYLDV, S. V. VA 165T113 USSR/Physics - Static., PA&O Electrons AP6 50 "Possibility of Extracting Electrons From Metals y Molecules of a NeutriL'_qas,, With lectavne Aire b .. Ir --- X ertie , -T'AaJ r~ ticlern, I*b, r9truffle n a r a Adio n e exence, f n of ec Urnd SSR KI "?Ahur Eksper i Teoret Piz" Vol XX, No 8, pp 729-73,1 Shows nonexcited subject molecules can extract,- trons from a metal. Calculates number of eltetrovs extracted by one molecule incident normallyq4m metal's surface with velocity V as functiou or n.)Ie- cule's polarizability alpha and minlaum diotance x0 from surface characterizing repulsive force. Submitted 27 Jan 50. IZKATLOV, S.T. r- Blectromagnstie interaction of particles. Gerts. 103:219-259 '55. (KLRA 10:3) Nnantum thoery) ~ I [~ 1!; ;1111 11 1:'1 ~1 11 ; I k!:. Category 3 USSR/Gonoral Problems - Froblens of Tonebin- Abs Jour : Rof Zhur - Fizika, No 2~, 1~57, lio 5521 Author : I P-Ylov, S.V. Titlo : Concornin- the Frorossional-Fodezodeal Tronds in the Courne 0 on Theoretical Physics in PcdPCogicnI Institutor. Orig Pub : Uch. zap. Loningr. gos. pod. in--t, 1,c56, 124, ili-13o Abstrract : No abstract 20-2-12 60 T JTHORS: A Fradkin, E. Ye. ;,----1ZMa!oD-. V, TITLE: On tI.e Permissible Transformations of the E quations for . Particles With Higher Spine (0 dopustimykh preebrazovaniya" uravneniy dlya chastits 9 vysshimi spinami) PERIODICALi Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR# 1957t Vol- 114, Nr 2, pp.277-280 (USSR) ABSTRAM The particles with any spine are described by equations of the type (Li-$Rxi) + "X) W(xo I x1 , x2l x, 0 (C . In this connec- tion Y(xo , X19 x 21 x3) sly(ct, x, Y, z) ijignifies the wave function which is transformed according to a finitely-dimen- sional representation of the complete Loren tz groupl Li(i - 0,1,2,3) - quadratic matrices, X - a real constant different from zero. The invariance of the abovo-mentioned equation with regard to the just mentioned tranarformdion is guaranteed by the following additional cond itions for the Card 1/3 . matrices LI: I ~A. 1 -1 /6 0 --2-12 ' On the Permis sible Transformations of the Equations for Particles With HiCher Spine V ia also given. For the particles with Maher h,,Llf-intezer spins a - n + (1/2)(n only tht-1 donsity of charGe of the free particle at rest in an invarlmnt ol' the per- miasible transformations. Finally these transformations are more closely investigated for a particle with spin 3/2. Tile essential feature of these transformationo lies in change of the metrics in the "additional" space with the opin 1/2. There are 5 references, I of which i(; Sovilit, ASSOCIATION: Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute imeni A. 1. Gertoon (Leningradskiy goaudarstvennyy pedagogichookiy institut im. A. I. Gertsena) YRESENTED: December 29, 1956, by V. A. Fokf Academiciun SUBMITTEDt December 21, 1956 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 On the Theory of Ion-Electron Eminiion From IMetals. a I, Comparison With Experiment for the linear section. It was clenr in till qu~i.rters that a dependence of the coefficient 04' kin(,,tLc ion- electron emission upon the work functi On mu~,t exist. No succecs was, however, achieved in a dependence experimentall It is deironsfrated in this paper - formula (1 05~*_ that in the linear section the secondary emission -io not only an function :,f the work function, but also of the chemical pote.-,ti,al p of the electrons in th(_~ metal. The chemicn.1 po-,ential remains const~..-A, if the work function vur4..S 'tLecause of a modification of the absorption layer and thus the variation of y is.only dltermine~~y tine vari.:tion of the function F ok~x) I x - 1 + 11 .FO(x) drops rapidly with the increase of 1. T,,,e metals can be classified as follovis with recpect to 'the reduction Of 7k: Li,:Ta,K,Ili,Mo,A1,Ta,T,,Cu,Pt, and thus with recrel~t to the increase of the work function:K,Li,lla,Tn,.'Alo,A1,W,Iii, Cu,2t. These two series on the whole do t,.(.,t rlf~ee with Card 2/4 each other. This ofi'ers an explan~.tion foil t'no fact On the Theory of Ion-Electron Emi5.siori Fro;:i L'Ietalo. EW/57- 2J- 1 o- 1 7/4r, I, Com.,~,ari~--on 'Nit'- Experiment Card 4/4 59 s/04y6O/OOO/OO7/O48/O50 C111 C222 AUTHORs Izmaylov, S.V. TITLEs On the question of the foundation of the special theory of relativity PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Matematika, no-7# 1960, 213- Abstract no.8252., im.AvI. Gertsenal 1958, 141, 19-26 TEXTt In the paper the author tries to give a "dynamic" foundation of the special theory of relativity on the base of the general la"s of the point dynamics, the law of the proportionality of mass and energy, the principle of relativity, and the principle of the homogeneity of the space. [Abstractor's note: The above text is a full translation of the ori_-ii;.:.` Soviet abstract.] Card 1/1 SOV / 13 7- 58 - 12 - 25039 Translation from-. Referativnyy zhurnal Metallurgiva, 1958, Nr t.),; p 145 (USSR) AUTHOR: Izmaylov, S - V TITLE: Ion-electron Kinetic Emission of Nit-tals kaya emissiya iz metallov) PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Lerlingr. gos. ped in-ta in-i A I Gertsena, 1958, Vol 166, pp 309-346 ABSTRACT: The author examines the secondary kinetic ton-electronic emission, i e emission of electrons (E) of a metal when its surface is struck by ions possessing great kinetic energy. A short review of the results of exper- imental investigation of this emission and a of theories advanced earlier are adduced. A detailed examination is made of the rnechanisrn set forth by the author which consists .n the excitation of E conductivity by the elect romagnetic inhibiting field of the ions falling oil the metal. The calculation is performed with the aid of a model of free E for the energies of c-i ions, which are appreciably greater than the energy of E removal,,~e j it being assumed that the ions fall on the surface of the metal perpendicularly, It is shown that the ernission coefficient ) Card 1/2 in a broad range of energies , e IVI I /ryi,~ loses its de- pendence on r In qualitative agreement with the experiment it is found that the distribution of the normal components of the in-iPLIISC of secondary E has .-. riaximurn, the position of which is displaced towards greater energies with an increase n the work function ID - It is shown that tFe ~ vnlue is gredtly dependent on the 4V 11 ratio, where P IS the Chemical PUtCI1tIdl Of IhU E (Orrespondinly to the observ~~d strong variation of -Y during the formation of adsorption lavers Bibliagraphy~ _)5 references. hi, K. Card 2/2 Classical., Relativistic., and Quantum Meqhanics SOV/3813 TAWZ OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Laws of Motion of Hacroparticles (Classical Mechanics) 1. Frame of reference and velocity 4 2. Mnpulse and energy 6 3. Laws of motion 7 4. Principle of relativity. Space and time In classical mechanics 3-1 Laws of Motion of an Electromagnetic Field 5. The electromagnetic field 13 6. Basic properties of the field 15 Electromagnetic waves 7. Energy and impulse of the electromagnetic wave. Law 61' proportionality of mass and energy 16 Card 2/4 Classicalj Relativisticj and Quantum Mechanics BOV/383.3 19. Transmission of particles through the potential ba:rrier. Theory of radioactive a-decay )42 20. Theory of antiparticles 16 AVAILABrZ: Librexy of Congress (QC131.19) Card 4/4 TA/cdw/ww 7-a-6o 66334 Z 1A 6 57 0 BOVII81-1-10-9121 1UTHORt Is.,maylov, S. V. TITLEt The Theory of the Kinetic Ion.- Electron Enianion From Metals. II PERIODICILj Pizika tverdogo tela 1959 Vol 1, Ur 10, pP 1546 - 1556 WSSII~ ABSTRACTs The mechanism of the electron emission (ion - electron emission) caused by the impact of a positive ion upon a etal surface depends on the ratio betreen the work function of the electron leaving the metal and the neutralization $ energy of the ion W i in different ways according to whether Wi>/2� or W,~2 ~. In the former case the mechanism re- sembles the Auger effect,.and in the latter the electron is separated at the expense of the kinetic energy of the ion. At suffiGiently high ion ener ies, this "kinetic" electron emission is independent of I i~ and the sign of the ion charge. The present paper deals with the theory of 3econdary Card 1/4 kinetic ion-electron emission. In the introduction, the re- L_< 66334 The Theory of the Kinetic Ion - Electron Emission From 6011/181-1-10-9/21 Metals. II sults obtained by several experimental investigations dealing with this subject are discussed ( Yeremeyev et al, krifov, Ayukhanov, Starodubtsev, Dunayev, and FlOca). The results of these investigations are given systematically in form of rules. A) Rules concerning the coefricient of secotdary kinetic ion-electron emission (t denotes the hverage namber of electrons, the emission of v ich is Induced by one ion). Here, six rules are found to apply, among others that is% pare metals t is very small (t& 0.01 with Eio_nni 500 ev), but that it increases cluickly in the prtsenco of absorbing layers. Within a large energy intervaltl~ is a linear Paiaction of the energy E i of the primary ion beam' both in pure metals and in such containing absorbing layers ' in further practi- cally independent of the metal temperaturt, and it decreases with an increase in the mass of the bombarding ions. D) The, rules of secondary ion-ion-eaission. Here five characteristic interrelations are enumerated. In the .1olloving, the author discusees the results of some theoretical papers dealiM Card 2/4 with this subject (tapites, Morgulis, Gurtovoy, Frenkel 66335 -24+3-)- a4, 65-10 SOO 81 -1 -10-10/1-1 AUTHOR: Izmaylov, S. V. TITLE: The Theory of the Secondary Electron Emission Fron Metals Under the Influence of Fast Beatral Atows. III PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, 1959, Vol 1, fir 10, PP 1557-1561 (USSR) ABSTRACTt In an earlier paper the author, together with Furman, developed a theory of the field induced electron emission from metals by neutral molecules with electronegative pro- perties. In the present paper the theory of the kinetic electron emission from metals induced by neutral atoms in investigated. It has been shown experimRntally that the coefficient of kinetic atom-induced electron emission f,, (equal to the number of electrons emitted per inc.ident atom o the energy Ea ) is of the same order of maE;nitude as the coefficient of the kinetic ion-induced electron emission (Ref 2). The mechanism of the kinetic aton-induced electron emission is assumed to be similar to that of the kinetic ion- induced emission (Ref 3): The fast atom is partlyslowed down ins. Card 1/3 collision with a surface3target atom; first, the electron 41' 66335 The Theory of the Secondary Electron Emission From SOY/181-1-10-10/21 Metals Under the Influence of Fast Neutral Atoms. III Z'ffe4 2'2 2(1-0081wt Pa(k)- 8 e (1+b) V 2f (12 4 4 ) (d'k 0). In (211)' (k 0) W q the following the two limits T~?Y~ and T