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Calculation of the crystallization of a metallic ingot vith various
trPbs of heat flov,through its durface. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. no.3:41-
47 Yx 160. (MIRA 13:10)
1. Institut chernoy metallurgii, Moskva.
P,006/AIO 1
ATYIHORS-. -vantsov, G.P., Kladryav-tseva, Z.M.
LE- 1-nvest-Igat-Ing aerodynamic-B of an assimilable and non-assimilable gas
7, Q
flamc- In -a liqu-Id
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurmal. Metalluxglya, no; 6, 1961, 3, abstract 6B19
tr. T-sentr. n.-i. In-ta chernoy met-allurgil", - IqtO, no. 21,
297, - 316)
MIEX.IzI Tha authors 3t~dled th& str--,,^-t1ure ,f air and hydr,71gen jets (n~n-as-
similable gases) and va-a-)r and a=nsnia jeta ~aEsimllable ga~~es,~ lhl,~wn into
Analogous prc,cesaes -.~Cke p4lace when b1c,wing var-1vus gaseii (=-Ich as C-2) Into mal-
ten metal. For thq case of blowing non-assimilatle gases, a dispendence Iq eutab-
lisned tetw6en +he contour and visually observed flaxt, sixucture and the gas
prezs-urf-. was eptablished tha-, -,he rstJc of densities of liquid and the
gazz p- ayB 3L s~~r.,~-n~tary par-, Ln~ Ithe farma.-.1on of '~hf-;- r-ame. The configara,~ion of
11" f" e f a. 6-11 e-Ir' nap nozzie Z'~ne does not dep~?nd on changes Ir. tne d-Irea-lion of blast.
r-he a,-Ihf:,r-s ~.he of the deptn ef ImirtisrEing ~tie flame intc, the
Clard V-1
25421 S/I37A--I/000/006/Oi4/092
invest.1gatItng aerolynamlos A006/AJOI
liquid during Inclined ~Iaat directed dvomwardE. on the Ar.:hhllmodes critevion.
it aiOpeared that :spp:r:,xar,_-^t,e ~Ialc..-Ia,~sd coefflclen-,3 of' hea-. throij9h
the surfa.,-~a :-f phase were very high 106 'koal/u.,2
"j,,. . jC,,6 .- 2.c)",
V, Ar-atr ncv
Card 2/2
19 AM)
AUTHORSs Ivantsoy, G. P., Folyak, B. T.
a 19
S/O'1 611000101510081139
Of)7 10
B1 1 B1
TITLEt Stability problems of the regular shape of a crystal
PERIODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Xhimiya, no. 15, 1961, 34-35,
abstract 15(3236 (Sb. tr. Teentr.~n.-i. in-ta chernoy
metallurgii, no. 211 196o, 464-479)
TEXTs The growth of a crystal completely surrounded by a melt was
theoretically studted in a single-component system. For spherical and
cylindrical crystals of a pure substance the law of growth was obtained
from an undercooled melt. The authors studied the stability of the growth
process with the occurrence of random "perturbations" in the form of a
deviation of the crystal shape from the rigid sphericity. It was
concluded that a certain "stability radius" exists which depends on the
undercooling of the melt ana below which the shape of the spherical
crystal is stable. As soon as the spherical crystal in the growth process
has attainea the stability radius disturbances may form which grow more
rapidly than the main crystallization front and which take on the shape
Card 1/2 A
S/0 6Y61/000/01 5/00 8/13 9
Stability problems of the regular ... B101 B110
of needles. At a certain distance from the point the radius of curvature
of the needle becomes sufficiently long so that the needle in turn loses
the stability and forms side branches. If this process is repeated
several times dendrites are formed. The authors state that their opinion
on the mechanism of dendrite crystallization exclude their concepts on a
"critical undercooling" (degree of undercooling below which dendrite
crystallization becomes impossible). The authors instead assume less
categorically a large stability radius at a low degree of uiiaercooling.
A qualitative study of the process of simultaneous growth of numerous
crystallization centers shows that compared to the presence of only one
single center, easy and difficult dendrite formations are possible. For
the growth of real polyhedral crystals the same conclusions are valid with
the difference that the points of crystalline polyhedra are to be considered
already as disturbances. Under favorable conditions these &isturbances
may become needles. Hence~ the crystal structure of -the solidifying
substance determines the number of dendrite branches and their orientation
but not their condttions of formation.
translation-] L&I3stracter's notes ComDlete
Card 2/2
I , c.;- -
J_ L,-
AOI,Yj/A 10),
AUTHOR: Ivantsov, 0. P.
TIWS i Tharmal and diffusion processes during cryst,411 growth. II
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Vizika, no. 9, 1962, 9, abstract 9E62
(In collectiont "Rost kristallov. T. 3", Moscow, AN SSSR, 1961,
75 - 84, Discussion,z4' - 218)
TM: The author investigated growth phenomena of schematic-shaped crys-
tals under simplified conditions on interfaces, by taking Into account heat- and
mass exchange of the crystal with the melt. He analyzes regularities in the
growth of spherical crystals at a constant ratej the compo6ition of a crystal
nucleus being in an equilibrium with a supercooled binary alloy melt, distribu-
tion of temperatures and concentrations around the growing crystal. The abn-
clusion is drawn that, as the crystal grows, the temperature on its surface and
-its concentration approach the equilibrium values. In this connection the growth
of crystals of different shapes (sphere, infinite cylinder, plane, paraboloid of
revoluti;n, parabolic cylinder, ellipsoid of revolution) is analyzed at constant
Card 1/2
Thermal and diffusion processes ... ACK1,6/AlO.1
temperature on the surface. In all the cases listed, the Pekle criterion Pe
= wn/a (w. is the normal rate of growth, n - is the length of tho nortital, ii
is the coefficient of thermal diffusivity) remains constant over 'the entire cryt;-
tal surface during the whole process of growth. By the analysis of the growth
of a bundle of crystal needles, the author comes to the conclusion that the
crystals are always shaped in such a manner (polyhedral or irregular) that the
most rapid relieving of supercooling (oversat~ration) is assured, i.e. the qudr-k-
est approach of the system to equilibrium. Part I, see RZbFizj 1958, no. 3,
Yu. Krista.1
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card P-/2
SqURCE: Ref. zh. Metallurgiyal Abs. 5D16o
'AUTHOR: Astaflyev, F. So:, , Vokhomakiyj No $,I Matoustovakiyo Do No; Ivantsoy
Prished1ko, V. Not SelivanoV4 No He
TIT4E: Changes of structural state and hardnene of hardened layer of working rol-.
lers of continuous sheets cold rolling.mills no a.result of exploitation
CITEP �OURCE: Sb# nauchn. tr. Magnitogorskiy gornometallurg. In-t, TY *ps 28# 1963#
TOPIC TAGS; cold roller-,, working roller, structural state, hardness A.
TRANSLATION: On the basis of conducted investigations of rollers of old rolling,
the following conclusions can bemade. The requirements of GOST 3541-57 for aLctive
layer thickneea of cold rolling working rollers are met nearly twofold for hardened
rollers after flame heating and Purrent of industrial frequelley with triple pre-
heating. For hardened rol 'lera after heating current of industrial. frequency with
a single preheating and.volume heating thickness of act Ye layer in one third less
'Card 1/3
than requirements of GOST. Microstructures of rollers of different factory-producers
are very diverse both in hardened zones and also in central parts of sections. In
the central parts of rollers not having an axial hole, contamination and porosity
are small and do not impair the strength properties. In the process or work of
cold rolling rollers, their hardened layer experiences deep structural changes,
connected with decompositionof austenite and tempering of martensite. These proces-
ses proceed with different completeness in different parts of.the roller-and are
accompanied by formation of sections-with nonuniform-and lowered hardness, impart-
ing to hardened layer anisotropy of properties, which acceleratea wear and break-
down of rollers. The hardness maxima, quantity of residual austenite, ind content-
of C in tempered martensite of hardened layer of working rollers are located at
depth of 3-5 millimeters from surface of barrel and their absolute values change
on circumference of rollers. These maxima, in the course of work of the roller and
its overabrasion, decrease in magnitude anti shift deep into the hardened layer, re-
maining as before at a distance of 3-4 millimeters from surface of barrel, Accord-
ing to appraisal data, it is expedient to subject the working rollers, lowering the
surface harness below the permissible level (59 R ), to overtempering for restora-
tion of propertiee of hardened layeri which can -agnificantly increase completeness
Of use of rollers. Conditional economy due to restoration of worn out rollers mlone
Card 213
- f )
't I.a 3 3
I 'V7
AUTHORS: Ivantsov, I.G., Finkel', V.A. and Amonenkot V.M.
TITLE: Influence o_f_-MrbonVDon the Phase Composition of an
Austenitic Fe- Cr-NI.Jase Alloy
PERIODICALt Fizika metallov i me allovedeniye, 1960, Vol.10, No.5,
TEXT: The object of the present work was to elucidate the
influence of carbon on the phase composition of austenitic steels
as exemplified by high-vacuum melted alloys after different heat
treatments in air. The range of composition covered M was:
0.02 to 0.2 Ct 22.0 Cr, 25.0 Nit 7,0 W, 2-0 Mot 2-0 CO,
2.6 T!, 0.05 B, 0.15 Al, remainder Fe. The phase composition
of electrolytically obtained residues was determined by the X-ray
method (Ref 5 to 9), solution being effected over several hours at
0.05 to 0.0~ A/cM2 and 12 to 15 V In a solution of 10 g each of
ammonium sulphate and citric acid in 1200 ml water. The results
(Tables 1 and 2) for alloys hardened from 1200 with and without
subsequent ageing at 8000C show a substantial effect of carbon on
phase transformations. During ageing, the chromium carbide found
after hardening changes into a form which is more stable at heat-
Card 1/2
Influence of Carbon on the Phase Composition of an Austenitic
Fe-Cr-Ni Base Alloy
treatment temperatures. There were no TiC lines in X-ray
diffraction patterns from aged specimens, probably because of
excess of other secondary phases in the residue. The temperature
'threshold for the sigma-phase is below 950*C and the concentration
"Threshold" is about 0.035%. If alloying elements enter
appreciably into the intermetallic compounds, they leave the solid
solution and the solubility of carbon rises. The mechanism of
sigma-phase formation during ageing at 8000C is more likely to be
directly from austenite and not in association with chromium-
carbide formation. V.S.Kogan e valuable comments on this work.
There are 2 tables and 13 references: 7 Soviet and 6 Non-Soviet.
ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut AN USSR
(Physical-Technical Institute AS UkrSSR)
SUBMITTED: February 27, 1960
Card 2/2
I vilt, N"I 113011 it izit, ; ;kZ1UZZHU'% , V X. nzth V, 1. , ~t~ I rej, tllr, h :1. v,111k
Vai_-uvw--:3melted, hea4--res-istant, iron-Abase allo7 castings.
.!~et&lloved. i term. obr. met. no.7aO-45 n 1~2. (1411-ft 15:6)
1. Fi 7dRo-teklinichoskiy inatitut AN MR.
(Iron alloys--Thermal properties)
(Vacuun. metallurgy)
Self-~~fusion in strongly dilated binary solutions. Part 1. Effect
of"additions of tin and antimony on the self-diffusion of iron in the
o_-phage. Fiz. met. i Aetalloved. 17 no.l-.56-62 JA 164. (KMA 1712)
1. Fiziko-tekhnichesk4 institut AN UkrSSR i lrharlkovskiy gosudarstmen-
nyy universitet im. A*M,Gorlkogo.
11 67 E,
iT ~M V_aLP
A2 1 5 SOURC)3'CODE:' LM/0370/66/000/004/0090/009
AUTHOR: Ivantsov, I. G. (Kharlkov); Savchenko, V. 1. (Kharlkov) -7Z/
ORG: None
TITLE: Effect of metal impurities on the mechanical properties of nickel under
SJURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. );, 1966, go-98
TOPIC TAG&: ductility, yield stress, tensile strength, nickel, metal property
'0 '~
A119RACT: The authors study binary alloys of nickel with adomixturea of 6n, 6b, Pb and
21 sing four compositions with each individual admixture. The test specimens hZ a
working length of 20 mm and a 4 mm2 cross section. The effect which the given four
admixtures have ... the mechanical proper ies I nickel (breaking strength 1b , yield
stress as , relative elongation 6 and relative reduction in the area of the cross sec-
tion ~) was studied in a vacuum of 10-5 mm Hg on a tensile testing machine with a conJ
stant loading rate at temperatures of 20, 300, 500, 700 and 8oo0C. Analysis of the
resultant data shows that a b is approximately 10% higher for nickel with a t1n concen-1
tration of 0.015% thun for pure, nieRvl In 0ho rAngt and that this difference L_
diaappears with tui increase In tenting temporatilro With 1% %**'V-t1V.1'%1 to 10% lovor a for
Card mc: 669-24-018
nickel containing tin in comparison with pure nickel at 8000C. Antimony in concentra
tions up to 0.013% has no significant effect on the breaking strength of nickel In I
the given temperature range. Lead and bismuth reduce breaking strength at all tem-
peratures with a difference of about 20% at 7000C. The yield stress of the alloys
shows little change in comparison with pure'nickel at any temperature, although there
is a slight increase in a6 at approximately 3000C both for pure nickel and for the
solutions studied. Alloys with maximum admixture concentrations show somewhat of an
increase in ductility near 3000C. The given impurities have the greatest effect on
nickel properties, particularly ductility, in the high temperature range. The value
of 6 in the alloys with maximum Pb and Bi concentrations is 15-30% lower than for pur
nickel with even more of a reduction at high temperatures. At 700-8000C the differ-
ence reaches a factor of 3-4. Similar changes are observed in ~ as a function of tem-
perature and impurity with the exception of tin which increases the ductility of
nickel. Only at 70O'C is there a slight reduction in S in ccmparision with pure
nickel. Beyond this point the ductility of the Ni-Sn alloy increases sharply, the
values of 6 and ~ reaching 3 times those of pure nickel at 8000C. Orig. art. has:
3 figures, 2 tables.
SUB CODE: l1/ SUBM DATE: 12Feb65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OTH REF: 005
DMIN M , f(J).j IVAUTSUVp: ... Kdq (NUMP A.0. PetiIIIIA111.1 whf6tlyoi
Hygienic characteristics of economical drinking water sources
in districts of the ftu-gab Oasis. Zd,rav4 Turice 7 noav5:213-32 (14)
VASIL-KOV, 0. V, (Aribnal Husbandry DeFertm-enu, VASKINIL) ,uid Ivantsov] L. 1 1.
r r8 I Rej
(Veterinary Administration, r-OMM Ministry of
"The vhite-muscle disease of young agricul-Wral aniirmls, aad the organization
of its control (Addition to the data xzxzmxiM concerning the Coordinational. Coaf-
erence of VASKHNIL)."
Veterinariya, Vol. 38, No. 4, 1961, p. 66.
LEUNBERG; 1,G., kand,yeterinarnvkh nauk; IVANTSOV, L.I.j PROSTAKOYs M.P.
Stachybotryotoxicosis In cattle. Vaterinariia 38 noAQ:3&41
0 161. (14TM 1612)
1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-49sledovatellskiy institut Yeterinamoy
sanitarii (for Levenberg).I.Upravleniye veterinexii Hinisterstva,
sel'skogo khozyaystva RSFSR (for Ivantsov). 3. Nachallnik
veterinarnogo, otdela Kurskogo oblastnogo upravleniya nel'skogo
khozyaystva (for Prostakov).
(Cattle-Diseases and paste) (Fungi, Pathogenic)
White muscle disea-se-i~ young farm animals and the orgarization
of measures for its control. Veterinarila 38 no.4!(,(--70 Ap 161
OTIRA 18:1)
1. Otdeleniye zhivotnovodstva Vbesoy-,lznoy akadeniii sellskokbozyay-
stvenny'kh nauk imeni Lenina (for Vasil'-kov). 2. Upravleniya vete-
rinarii Ministerstva sellskogo khozyayBtva RSFSR (for Ivantr:ov),
Results of the use of tissue preparati(na on the collective and
state farms in the Pussian Federation. VeterinarJis.40no.8:9-10
Ag 163. (MMA 17: 10)
1. Zamestitell nachallnika Upravloniya veterinarii Vinisterstva
proizvodstva i zagotovok sel'skokhozyaystvennykh produktov RSFSR.
VORONIN, M,V,, kand. veter."n. nquk~ IVANTSOV, L,I.
J,~ Z-:;-;-;"":;,--.
RiddAng cattle of w,~rble flies as an urgent taek. Votfirinarl i a
41 no.2453-58 F 164. (min
1. Upravleniye veterinwril Ministerstuva proizvodstva, 1. zagotovok
sel'skokhozyaystiennykh prod-aktov FSFSR (for Voronin). 2~ Glavilri
veterInarnyy vrach Upravieniya veterinaril Min'Ititterstva pro-L--wodetva
-1. zagotovok so!'skokho-.yayntvenri3-kh produktov FS'FS-R (ror I-vanteov),
. ate
. Sr
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"Spectral Analys, Is of 3ronze and 4n, and t~e ir~L~dw- of Ferro-ik~; mid Ionferrolis idloyc"ll
M. E. Brint-qke, L. 11. Ivantsov, V. V. Folyalcova, 6 pp
III?, A Naulk SSSR, Jer Fi--" Vol YU, No
Discusses ra,)id deterniinktion of tin, zinc ami leau in stannic *:)rozas, the (~uantit~,tiva
3I)ectral analynis of tin on or Iron, a r-,~Ct~loul for di5tilti;~uisIhin, batween ferrous
and nonferroao thlU aid Of '! SLY103CO~110, is 0q.0ir).vil wit'l ii ~J.,Q'U(X~mtric
eyepiece, and t~:e analyAo of nonft~-rrous and fermus t~llo,rs. L3k,--tchx-:.-~ of t-ic
Olne of the ew---onts a-) anllek; Lo this ur -,(-.9 tl-,zLt the new sk'z ; :e5L,3d lb tile
author ')e tarned out in quantuit-l- to suip-lj- -11 tulrit: nf u~ie inlluotur-~'.
V -i;% I ~)I- V7..
Color - f4eausrements
JulAug 47
"Photoelectric Spectrophotometer for Investigationg the ChroiluLtic Microstructure of
Fainted Sul-faces and Solutions," A. S. Borovik-Romanov, L. M. Ivanti3ov, 5 PP
"Iz Ak Nauk, Ser Fiz" Vol XI, No 4 1093
This work is a record of investigations on the comparative attainments of photoelectric
equi,.pment used for various methods of spectral analysis. During a change of 1.13:tensity
of the spectrum lines in the emission spectrums, some dffficulty waa met durI4 the
experiments, in that it was difficult to separate the lin4rs, sind eliminate radio-
technical interference. Discusses the construction of the apparatus. Submittal at
Phys Lab of the Res and Investigation Sea, Militia Admin, Vzseaw.
PA 28T92
M.F. Britske, L-11. Vars~xvskaja, L.M. Iwintsov. spectrwril nrp'l.Yl3iE of metellic Z113c:
P. 1207
State Scientific Pes.
Inst. of Non-lVerroue-
Me tale -
SO: Factory Laboratory, No. 10, 1950
USSR,4~etals Nickel STectrum Analrsis j. n 5 0
"Determination of AdrAxtures in Metallic Hickel by the Method of Slpectrum Analysis,"
L. N. Torshavskaya, L. M. Ivantsov, V. V. Folyakova, State Soi Res Inst of Nonferrous
Metals, 4 pp
IIZavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 1
Develops procedure for determination of iron, silicon, cobalt and col-Fer in co-I, rclal
grades of nickel over following ranges: Fe 0.05-0.3, Si 0.15-025", Go 0.1C-0.7Y,:-',
and Cu 0 10%. Method provides for using ISP-22 spectro-raph, microphotometer,
and condensed sy:ark generator. Accuracy of determination for Fe, 4.6% f--r S_4jF
3.7% for Go, and 3.5% for Gu) thus obtained sati3fles r(.iquix,orments of 1-roduetion
PA 159T60
SMR/Metals Analysis Apr 50
of the Steeloscope With an :L~Ovdd
tric Eyepiece for Rapicl Analysis of Metals
=d Alloys," L. M. Ivantsov, V. I. Maliniiaj_T,
V. Polyakov-a, State Sci Res Inst of Nonferrous
Metals, 4 pp
Zavad Lab" Vol XVI, rw 4
Describes improved model of photometer and method
f~Gr~rapiE "alysis of alloys vith aid of steelo-
scope with photometric ey-epiece. Determiniktion.
accuracy is close to that of analyses condutted
USSR/Metals - Analysis (Contd) Apr 50
with steelometer. Eyepiece, may be used with
steeloscope of any type.
Periodical iIzv. AM SSSR. Ser. fix. 19/2# Pav 267, Mr-A.Pr 1954
Abstract I The phemmenon of selea tive d1aphragning 1"s am
,Ipted for 4t td- I
3BP-*.').2 spectrograph in combimtizn with different ilbmimtws and AG-are
in the role of light source. The of feet of slit Mndmtiott withods an
the relative spectral lim intensity, was studleid for alitg of' warious
size. It ias established that Mien the sourae, L11=11trAttes the a-pectro-
graph slit directly - without the aid of optical medJA - thart ths
illimimtion of the various zones of the source Is mtwt ccmpletee MID
extent to i-ihich the relative intensity of spectral Ungs varieu ate
e=ll slit is oxplained,,
ImUtution State Scientific Research Institute on flon-ft-wUs MdAls
Submitted t
Chemistry - Spectral analysis
Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 66/97
foithors Britske
M. E.j Gerkens E. B.; Zdanovich, 1. t
Kafanova, T. A.; Malinina, V. I.; Mxonova, F4
Title Spectrographic determination of admixtures in Fb,, arude lead,, mater
Jacket slag and certain powders
Periodical Izv, AN SSSR. Ser, fis, 18/20 283-284, Mu,--Apr 19%
Abstract Report is presented on a compbqx of metlMical woeks oundue'u"ad by the
State Scientific Research Institute of Xon-FerTow, Hatals ()n the
determination of admixtures In lead,, criade lattd, watfir~acket aljAg und
certain powder3 by mans of sp,actrographic voutods. The results
obtatrad in those experiments are tabulAted, lihblos.
Thstiluution State Scientific Research Institute of Non-Forrous Metals
A ~j L
USSR/Optics -Optical Methods of Analysis. Instruments. K-7
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 13138
Author : Averbukh, M.M., Ivantsov L.M., Kandinov, A,V.
Inst :
Title : Photoelectric Setup for High Speed Spectral Analysis) FEU-1
Orig Pub : Zavod. laboratoriya, 1954, 20, No 1, 57-62
Abstract : No abstract.
Card 1/1
spectral analysis in metallurgy. Priroda 44 no.8:20-27 Ag '55.
(MM, 8: 10)
(Spectrum annlyeis) (Metallurgical anRlysis)
Vaesoyuznoye soveshchaniye spektrookopistov-ana.Utikay tomtnoy wtallurgii.
2d., Moscow,-1955
Materialy... (Papers RW at the Second All-Won. Conferenea of Awaytical E"ctro-
scoplats in Nonferrous Vatallurgr) Moscow., NuAwo-tekbn. M)-vo tsmtzoy
metallurgii., 1957. 128 p. 1.,000 copies printed.
Sponsoring Agencyt Nauchno-takhnichesbM obahchestyo to"tacy mtallurgiio
Editorial Boardt M.E. Britske, A*N. Bronshteyn,, N.I. Mat"yov.. V.V. Pblyatmp
L.N. Filimonovj Tech. Ed.: N*S* Trusov.
PURPOSEs This book is intended for analytical chemists in the field of nonfer-
rous metallurgy.
COVERAW: This is a collection of papers dealing with the use of the spectro-
scopic method as practiced in the USSR for the qv"titative determination of
various elements in the field of nonferrous netalluror. zVerience sLized at
several important Soviet metallurgical plants is descri'Oed. Th addition. to
Card 1/ 7
Pabetb - tbad at. the Second (Cont. SOV/1754
practical application of the method., a awaber of papers deal with probless in
the production of standard samples# For a brief accouat of the state of affairs
as of 1955 in this field in the USSR,, see Table of Contents., first article.
There are a few scattered references, both Soviet and non-Soviet.
1. Iyantsovs L.M. Introductory Remrks
Me a_u1&_i__sUtes that between 1952 and 1955 the spectroscopic method
cam into wide use in Soviet nonferrous metaUurgiml plants and re-
search institutes. New types of spectrograiphle, Ustr at* oppeared and
older ones were modernized. However,, a serious lag Is evidenced by the
following considerations. The production of standard samples is inade-
qu%te. Some of the largest nonferrous metal combines still do not we tW
spectroscopic method. There is no overall coordination of litboratoz7 ft-
search conducted at various institutes. Sere is still (1955) n6t a
single Doctor of Sciences engaged in resench in the spectrogrAphic lab-
oratories of any of these institutes., nor are there aa inedUta prospects
for obtaining such personnel. Literature in the field to Inadequstely
surveyed. No really satisfactory book an the subject bao let sppeared
in' the Soviet Union.
Pa~erji- Read at -the Second (Cont. SOV/1754
2. Britskeo M.Z.j A.I. B=shteyn, Ye.B. Gerken, and L.14, I"ntsov [Gin-
tayetmet-State Institute for Non Ferrous Metals] . W!it-itA--t1;FO--D6ter-
mination of Impurities in Molybden= 9
3- Filimanov,* L.N., N.A. Mika3ar, and Z. A. Za rova [aiprotsvetmetdb2abo-
tka-StAte Planning and Research Institute for the Processing of Nonferrous
Metals]. Spectro-amlytic Determination of Impurities in TLzngsten and Its
Compounds 19
4. Britskes M.E. Spectroscopic Pzalysis of Slags
5. Yakobi, Yu. A. [VNIMvetMet-All-Union Scientific Research Institute
for Nonferrous Matalsp Vat'-ftmienogorsk]. Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead-
smelting Wags 34
6. Fivnkells O.D. (Uhiprowds-Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for
the Desiga and Planning of Copper Indnatz7 Plants]. Qzatitative Deter-
m1nation of CoKvr and Calei= in Waste Slags in the Copper Brelting
Indu try 39
Card 317
Pkpwird Ri4ad at,the Second (Cont. ) SOV11754
7. Raykhbaum, Ya.D. [Giredmet-State Scientific Research Tnatitate for
Rare Metals, Irkutsk]. Spectroscopic Analysis in the Concentzation of Fare-
Metal Ores 40
8. Belousova, M.I. [Ureamekhandbr-Scientific Research Institute for
MeebAmical Treatment of Minerals, Urals Branch]. Sendqqantitative Spectrozopic
PWA3,Tsis of Ores as Practiced at the "Uramekhandbr" Institute 50
9. Filimonov, L.N. [Giprotrwatmetobrabot1m]. Some qviestions of Principle
and Organization in the Production of Standard Swiples for Spectroscopic
Analysis 53
10. Filimonov, L.N.., and A.I. Essen [Giprotsvotmetobzabotlal. Production
Of StAndard Suiples at the Giprotsvetmtobrabotka Institute 61
3-1. ArSkellyan, N.A. (VN1ITsvetMet, Ust'-Khmenogorskj. Preparation of
Stand rd Samples of the Spectroscopic Analysis of Lead in the Process of
Refining 75
Card 4/ 7
Paperb FL&ad at-the Second(Cont.) WV/1754
12. Gromoshinskva., T.V. EVsesqywmyy &1yuvIniyvvo-n%pJjaM institut-All-
Urdon Alum&= and Kagoesium Thstitate., Leningrad]. Prejazation of Standard
Saxples for the Spectroscopic Ana3,vsis of Light Metals 77
13. S)pmoskiyo A.G., A.V. Kadyww., a" B.A. radn (Institut tsvetafth
metallov i zolota imal Kh'Ini -Tastitute for Nonferrous Metals and Gold
in. Win41-j, Moscowle An Investigation of Methods of Outing Standard
Smples for the Spectroscopic Auklysia of Bronns 80
14. Fishkam., N.L. [Plodol'skly savod vtoricbrqkh tavetalkh, mtallov-
Pbdollsk Seaondaz7 Nonferrww Metals PbmtJ. P!ram the Work Pm*tice of the
ftectrographic Laboratory of the Podollsk Secondary Nonferrous Metals Plwat 90
15. Sorokina.. V. I. [Martkwakiy zavad vtorieb:nykh tsvetnykh metaUoy-lbarl-
kov Secondary Nonferrous Metals Plant). Deteradnation of Antimony,, Tin..
Copper,, and Zinc in Antimonial. Lead With the ST-T Stylometer 94
16. Brolskaya., D.Ye. (1harIkov Seco=]Ax7 Nonferrous Nmtals PJAnt]. Work
Done at the P3.ant Spectrographic laboratory 96
Card 5/7
Papers Rpad at.the Second (Cont.) 33V/17,54
17. Berlin,, T.I. [Moshmkiy bronzo-3Atmwyy zavad-Moscov 1hvnze and Dmas
FlAnt]. Application of S�ectroscopic Methods of AuLlysim at the Moscow
Bronze and Brass Plant 98
18. Dergalina, M*S* [Tenl gorskLy polimetiallichesi# ImabinAt-lanina-
gorsk Po2ymetal"Ic Combim]. ftw the Work Practice of the 8jectragra2hic
Iaboratory of the Ioad PUnt of the leninogorsk Pbljwtallic C*nbI= 101
19. Kostrova, Z.F. [Novosibirskiy oloyozavod-Novosibirsk Tin P3Ant].
Application of Spectroscopic Analysis at the Novosibirsk Tin 71"t 103
20. Konysheva., N.M. [PodollskEy olovoz&vod-Pbdollsk Tin Plant]. Work
preezice of the Laboratory of the Podol'sk Tin PUnt 10T
219 Ginzburg, V*Lo. Ye*Fo Alekseyenko., 74.7e. Be3.o"nJta)sya,, I.N.
Vitushkinsj ad F. M. Ineshinia (Norills4T gornonstaIlurgichaskLy
kombinat-Norillsk. Kning and MetallurgLeAl Combine]. Om the Accuracy of
Photographic Methods of Spectroscopic Anx3ysis in Preparing &Ilbr~tion
Curves by Various Methods 109
22. Sirotlnq S*D* ["Krasnyy Vyborzbets" PUntle Qmfttitatka D3tendn-
ation of Zinc in Chrome Bronze 124
Fa c V/ 2,
-)P U.L tsa)
U. 33'_R
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AD 11 k. , , I oo
'30"IATIO1, InatitUte of HM10S
~vl: :31 3,
C,a-,-(.1. 2/2 1. Spectrographic slit-Control-Operation
AWHORS t Ivanteov, Lek. o Kona tantinov, I. I. , Sukhovnlova 9 V. V9 p 32-11-24/60
Shurygin, K.-I-.
TITLE: Testing of the Spectral System "~ 4 AH" for the Determination of
Phosphorus in 8 teal ( Ispytaniya. spektral$ noy us tanovki d1ya
opredeleni,ya foafora v stali)
PERIODICALi Zavoaskeya Laboratoriya, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr i i P pp. 1329-1332. (USSR)
ABSTRACTs In the Physical Institute AN USSR the second model of the experimental
photoelectric plant for accelerated determination in steel during melt-
ing v~aa tested. This work was carried out under opezational conditions
in the "Asovetall" works together with the institute mentioned in the
time between 1954 and 1956. The phosphorus content determined usually
amounted to 0.01-0.8%; samples were taken from a melt mass of 350 t;
every day up to 300 experiments were carried cut. During Marimental
work about 15.000 spectral determinations of phosphorus were carried
out and a total of about 1000 melting processes subjected to spectral-
chemical supervision. According to the new scheme the spectral plants
consist of the following partat Autooollimation mirror monochromator
with constant deflection, double light transmission through a dis-
persion prism of transparent quartz, controlled revolution which makes
Card 1/2 it possible, together with the flat mirror, to lead the apectral lines
32-11 -2V6o
TESTING of the Speotral System f or the Determination of Pho3pboruz in
to the output gap of the monoohromator, in which came, because of the
accurate &ajustment of the output gap, a micr=strio shifting of this
gap Is required, Operation of the device is automatisea. The angular
dispersion of the plants pemits the faultless sepantion of the line
P 2136,2 L Further data ares pmotical spectral height 10 m, inner
diameter of the input gap 0.02 m, inner diameter of the output 8ap
0o027 mm. The process of spectral analysis is described. The analysie
takes about 4 minutes, aoubledi 5 minutes. In order to increase the
reliability of operation a double system is recoamendeM. There are
5 figures and i table.
ASSO01ATICKs Physical Institute imeni P#K,Lebtdev AN USSR and "Asoystall" Works
(Pisicheskiy institut im, P.N.Lebedev Akadedi N&uk 383R L savod
"Axovatal ")
AVAILASM Library of Congreas
Card 2/2
Industrial testing of an experimental spectral photoelectric
apparatus for the rapid determination of phosphorus in ateei.
Fizesbor. no*4:T8-392 158. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Soyuznyy metaliurgicheakiy ordena Lenina zavGd "Azovatal'"
ineni Sergo Ordzhonikidze.
(Steel-Anal,vain) (Phoaphoruo--Spectra)
Iktarlaly X Vassoyssmago saveahchanlya pa spektrloakopil. 2956-
t. ns Atowtaya sspektromkoplya (Xisterials of the 10th All-UhlOn
tropoopy. 1956. Val 2: Atomi
- c sp"tromeopy)
Ovakogo univ., 1958. 568 P. ( Sarlegs ItIls
FIxIcheakly abornik, TYP.4(9)) 3,000 copies pri nted.
Additional Sponsoring Agencyt Akadeady^ max& LUX. ZoEdsillYS, PO
Editorial boards G.S. Landabarg. Academician. (Reap. Xd.);
B.S. Operant. Doctor of Physical and Mathematical 301611001IJ
X.1- Fabellsuskly, Doctor or Phyaloal and NathematIeLl Sciences;
V.A. Fabrikant, Doctor of Physical " Xatnmatloal Sciences,
T.G. Korltakly, Candidate of Technical 341ancell; S.R. ftYsklY,
Candidate of Physical and T&chnical Sciences; ". rl1=v8kaYa.
C-Aldatsp of Physical and Nathematical Sclences; V.3. PtIllyAnChUic
(Deceased ), Dootor of Phyalaal. and Mathematical sciences, A.Te.
Glaubarman, Doctor of Physical and Rathematical sciences;
Ed s _3.L. dazerj T9ch. 21. s T.V. Baranyt, .
This book Is Intended for scientists and researchertl In
the field or opeotroscopy, as well as for technical personnel
unin speatruns anslys's in various InduatrIem.
COTWUOXt This volume contairmi JTT solentLric " technical studies
of atomic spoctrography presented at the 10th All-UnIon Confer-
613at an Spectroscopy In 1956. The studlem were carried out by
seembem of scientific " technical Institute* ard include
axtestutive bibliographies of Soviet ard other sources. The
tulless cover many ph&xess of spectrosoopys spectra or rare earths.
106tronagnatiss radiation, phyalcochemIcal methods for controlling
uranium production
phyalcs and technology of gas discharge,
*MGM mrsd speetro opy, abnormal dispersion In metal vapors,
eyeatromeopy and the combustion theory. spectrum analysis of ores
and minerals, photographic methods for quantitative spectrum
analysis or metals " Liioyss, spectral determination of the
'hydrogen content of metals by means of isotopes, toblesand
atlases of spectral Lines, spark spectrographic analyssid.
statiatioal study of variation in the parameters of calibration
curves, determination of traces of metals, spectrum analysis In
metallurgy. thermochemlatry In metallurgy, and principles and
practice Of ep"trodhemical analysis.
Card 2/31
j sms~arAm,e w& sue av~ ~-vsu~ wtuezranow tt;onr.j
Varoblyev, 0.0. Study of K-nerels by Meftne of Spectrum ArMlYSIS 378
New Method for the Spectrum
Swer4lov, Z.X.. and L.O. Pedorova. 161
--analyal* of Panorals;
ftlandln. V.P.. and 3.L. X*rdc1'&ht=- Possalbility of the
-Analysis o." a MoW in an Ziectric Arr rusmssest Without
Sampllng 387
Iv- x I jcon2tj,ntIj%ov, V.V. Swahovalova, A.Z.
&L" n. a;rIOTeeta or an zxper~_zcntal Photoelectric
tWit for JUspLd Doteru1nation or Phosptvarus in steel 388
Topalovv L.I. Methods of Calculating Calitration Curves for
the Determination of Mign Corcentratiors of ComponentS In
r*r"jaioys 392
Toronov. 5.G. Spectral studies ~f the X-2t&!8 and ?hY*IcB
'Uboratory of the 3tallngrod Branch or the atpronertenaeh
Xnatitute 395
Card 2241
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, 1959, Nr 19, p 132 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Ivantsov, L.M., Konstantinov, I.I., Sukhovalova, V.V., Shurygin, A.I.
TITLE: Industrial Tests of an Experimental Spectral Photoelectric Installation
for the Quick Determination of Phosphorus in Steel (A Short Exposition
of the Paper)
PMIODICAL: Fiz. sb. L'vovsk. un-t.. 1958, Nr 4(g), pp 388 - 392
ABSTRACT: The analyzed samples contained 0.01 - O.E% P. A two-prism quartz auto-
collimation mirror monochromator of constant deflection separates the
line P 2136.2 A, the intensity of which is automatically compared with
the undecomposed light source. The conducted analysis is not inferior
to the chemical marking analysis as far as accuracy is concerned. The
time needed for analysis is 3.5 - 5 minutes.
L. Gribov
Card 1/1
24(4) SOV/51-6-6-31./34
AUTHORS: Vinogradova, A.Z. and -Ivantsov. L.M.
TI TLE Raster Illuminating Devices with Cylindrical Optles fRastrovyye
csvetitell s tsilindriv"hesicoy cptilcc~y)
PERIODICAL. Optika i spektroskopiya, 1959, Vol 6, Nr 6, pp 829-8TO (USSR)
ABSTRJkCT: Raster illuminators vith cylindrical lonses can be used to avoid Seloctire
radiation losses in spectral analysis. In the absen-,e of a raster tile
source of light fills a rollimator objective only along the vertical
diameter (Fig la). if a raster is placed bet~man tho nourco and the alit
it will not affect the uniformity of illumination of the slit and tho
may in which the objective is filled with l1rht in the vertical directions
Raster affecU strongly, however, illumination of the alit and light
distribution or the collimator In tho horizontal direction. 2ach of
quasi-sources S I, S", ..., Sn produces its own zone of horizontal.
illumination. If necessary the focufling properties axyJ dimensiois of
the raster lenses may be designed in such a vay fhat the objective will
be used fully in the horizontal direction (Fig A) it was found that,
for the same illumination of the collimator objeezive in the horizontal
direction, raster condenser is le3s sensitive to horizontal and
vertical displacements of the light source than a three-lens condenser.
Card 1/2
Raster Illuminiting Devices with Gylindrical Optics
GOV/51 -6-6-31/311
It follows that selective losses due to motion of the source are
practically eliminated vhen a cylindrical-lens xastor is used.
Advantages of a taster illuminator with cylindrical louses over a system
using tnroe lenses are Illustrated by graphs of the distribution of
blackening along the spectral lines of Fe I and Fe II at 2662 amd
2665 1 (Fig 2). Fig 2a shows the blackening along iron linos obtAined
with a Motor illuminator and Fig 24 shows the blackening along iron
lines when a three-lens Illuminator was used. There are 2 figures
and 2 English references.
Card 2/2
S GV/,~ P -9-26/57
24(7) 1 3-23
AUTHORS: Butslov, M. M., Vinogrado~a.. A. K., Ivantsov, L. Li., Kut-azova,
G. N., Mandel'shtam, S. L.
TlTLE: A Photoelectric Stylometer 'Nith Visial Control of the Position
of Invisible Lines of the Spectrum
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fizichei3kaya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 9, pp 111o - 1112 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: By replacing the glass-dispersion optical system by a quartz-
(Fig 1) or diffraction optical system (Fig 2), the range of
applicability of the FES-1-type stylometer may be considerably
extended, especially if, by means of an electron-optical con-
verter, the invisible lines of the spectrum may be detected.
Two variants of the type PES were developed and tested by the
authors; the converter operates witi-i an ant imony-ces ium-cathode;
the device has an uv-transmissive window, so that a visual ob-
servation of the spectrum within the wave length range of
6ooo-2400 i is possible. Figures 1 arid 2 show the course of
rays in these two instraments, in which the shifting of the
spectrum with respect to the outlet slit is brought about ~~y
Card 1/2 rotating the iispersion system. Thp lizip intensity of these
A Photoelectric Stylometer With Visual Control of the SOV/48-23-9-26//57
Position of Invisible Lines of the Spectrum
instruments is comparable to that of instruments, the speGtrum
of which has a len-th of 2oo-3oo i. Next, investigation of
the lines by means of the electron-optLcal converuer is de.,icrib-
ed, and for both instruments a survey of the principal charac-
teristic features is given. The focal di3tances of the mirror
objectives of the collimator are 6oo and 75,) mm respectively,
the refraction angle (quartz prism) in one of the instruments
is 600, whereas the diffraction grating of the other has 6no
grating lines per millimeter. The electron-optical arran-gement
makes it possible to observe the fine detL i a of complicated
spectra, especially of iron, and this device is saia to have
a great future. There eire 2 figures.
Card 2/2
24(7) SOV/48-2j-9-27/5?
AUTHORS: Atai:Lanov, A. P., Balandin, V. If., Ivaiitsov, L. M1.
TITLE: On the Stabilization of the Position of' a Spfvct~edm by Keeping
the Temperature of the Spectroscopical Apparatus Constant
PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akadeniii nauk SS5R. Seriya fi2ichenl~aya, 1959,
Vol 23, Nr 9, pp 1112 - 1113 (USSR)
ABSTRACT& Temperature variation impair the accuracy of photoelectric
spectroscopical apparatus by shifting the spectrum relative.
to the gap. The authors kept the air temperature between th_~.
thermostat and the spectroscopical appaTatus constant by r"eans
of an electric heater. The calculation of the beaters and their
mode of operation is briefly discussed and the duration of
heat pulses is given. The experiments ware carried out on six
different apparatus, three of which had a weight of 400-450 kg
and a volume of 0.25 M3; the weights of the other three amounted
to between 3o and 100 kg and had volumes of from 0.08 to 0-05 M3.
The apparatus differed considerably both with respect to ther-
mal inertia and in finish, and they were te~ated at the irsti-
tute as well as in work-shop laboratories. Pi7e of these appa-
ratus were in wooden cases, and one of them in a case of dur-
Card 1/2 alumin. The diaaram in fi-ure 1 shows the stabilization of
a 0
,On the Stabilization of the Position of a Spi.~ctriim by S 011/,j8 -2 3 -9 -2 7/57
Keeping the Temperature of the Spec-trosoopinal ApparatiZs Cortitant
temperature, the stabilization of the spi.,ctrun, and variations
of air pressure in apparatus Nr 'I wl-th a veight of 45~- kg over
a period of 7o hours. Aftrq.- establishuiont of i-~cjuilibrium the
temperature fluctuated not more than 0.10 C and the shifting
of a HS-line amounted to an average of oxily 2.15,~L . The Varia-
tion of air pressure of 5 to 10 torr cauoed nc~ noticeable
shifting of the line. In the case of the othe.r five iris truments
the results differed but Little from thcae mentioned, but, ob-
viously, the time needed for heating u-,) to a certain temperature
depended oft the size of oarh iiidivii,1hu.A. apparatu:3. The -,tuthors
hope that this method may be applied also to the DFS-10 type
instrument, which has a wei.-ht of 1-5 t,~) 2 ton~i and a volt-loe
of roughly I m3. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
24( 7)
Ivantsov, L. M., -, Sherudilo,
A Photoelectric Attachment
Size Models
A. I.
t.. C- /
~ V/4&-23_9-28//57
for Spectrographs of 11iledium
Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya fizichoskaya, 1559,
Vol 23, Nr 9, pp 1114 - 1115 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This photoelectric attachment was developed for spectrographs
of the type ISP-22, and figure 1 shown an optical scheme of
this arran.-ement. In the focal plane of the spectrograph a
quartz plate is arranged, on which, in an Impermeable ahirui-
num layer transmissive slits are provided. The light inciding
through the slits is deflected to photoele~,,tric cells of the
type STsV-6 by means of mirrors. An automatic thermostat pre-
vents a thermal shifting of the lines, and, by means of a suit-
able construction, a shifting of the lines in the case of a
variation of a slit vridth is prevented. in this way it is
possible, when pa SS4 ng over to a ne,~. proZrar., to avoid the
time-consuming adjustment necessary for finding the desired
lines. Furthcr, the authors developed a special apparatus for
Card 1/2 the cutting of the passage slits according to a given spectro-
A Photoelectric Attachment for Spectrographs of
Medium Si~e Modi;-ls
F,ram, in which case cutting of the slits is carricd out at the
moment whf-.n the desired line is recorded photoelectrically at
the slit of the microphotorleter. The miniman di8tince 1,%et,,aon
slits is 0.01 mm, and the shifting betw4ien the centern of the
slit and the line amounts to 1-2~. In conclusion, the mode
of operation of the do-vict.- is di6~.u.,-
After z~.:itablishment.
of thermal couilibrium the ruiative line intensities girl un--
char,ged with respect to ti;.,.e, and the signalz-- in the varic.-as
channels are in the ran.-c of 0.5 - 2-5 V. The errors in tile
reproducibility of the intensity of ratLoo of several iror"
lines amounted to about 0.5 -- O-T". There are 2 figures and
2 refei,ences, 1 of ;-,-hich is Soviek.
Card 2/2
5/03 62/028/012/006/023
AUTHORS: Gurken, Ye. and Kozitino B. 1.
TITLE: The use of ultrasound for inserting solutions into the light
source for soectral analysis
PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 12, 1962, 1451-1454
TEXT: The assembly shown in Fig. 1 is described. Acid solutions, after
ultrasonic dispersal, are blown through a nozzle into an a-c are discharge
gap. The assembly was cesigned at the Institut akustiki Akademii nauk SSSR
(Institute of Acoustics of the Aca(Iemy of Sciences USSR). The ultrasonic
generator has a peak power of /-.) 200 w, operating on 2. 5 Mcps. The full
power of the Lenerator could not be utilized as'bubbles arose interfering
with the operation of the assembly. At the operating power and frequency
the size of drops was 1-3 U. Increasing the temperature of the solutions
from 22 to 360C intensified the density of the 3247-~j Cu-Iine from 0.55 to
1.03. The fog reaching through the ducts the nozzle in not contaminated
by preoipitates from previous experiments. There is also no selective
entrance of elements into the discharge eap. The senaitivity and the
Card 1/3
The use of ultrasound for insertine... B100186
reproducibility of the results are ,he same as in the known metnods of
emissive spectral analysis for solutions. Half a year's experience witi. the
aerosol producinti device siiows that its operation is reliable and Inas stable
characteristics. '17'ncre are -~ fii~,ures and 2 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Gosidarstvenriyy nauchno-izsiedovatellski~ ingtitut tsvetny r- h
.Metallov (State Scientific R---search Inntitute of Nonferrcuc-
Figure 1. Ex-oerimental arrangement. Le6end: (1) pia--~,L~-Iectric dispers-2r,
2) glass container, (3) bottom of the container ma6e ~f teflor, fi'rz~
~4) water, conical separator, (6) fog duct, (7) nr.~,.zzle, (h) osci'-Iational
generator, ras (air),'(C) fog, (D) electrcdes, air strewn.
Card 2/3
Recorc'4pg specpra by electrophotographic materials. Zav.lab. 29
no.2:17q6-M 163. (~MZA 16:5)
1. Institut geokbimii i analiticheskoy khimii iment-VernadukDgo
The Second All-Union Conference on the Preparation and Analysis of
.1igh-Purity Elements, held on 24-28 December 1963 at Gorky State Unf-
versity im. N. I. Lobachevskiy, was sponsored by the Institute of Chemi-
stry of the Gorky State University, the Physicochemical and Technological
Department for Inorganic Materials of the Academy of Sciences USSR, and
611e Gorky Section of the All-Union Chemical Society im, D. L, Mendeleyev.
The opening address was made by Academician N. M. Zhavoronkov. Some
910 papers were presented, among them the following:
V. A.. Novoselov and T. K. Aydarov. Spectrochemical analysis for
S, Se, Te, Sb in InAs.
L. M. Ivantsov. Possibilities of increasing sensitivity of emission
M akova, N. P.
912W.9 _Ka_jyybovskaya, and L. S4,-Mamohelly. t,
high -sensitivity amperometric methoi for determining 1, Mo. andTuin
LiF, CdS, Nal, CsI, and other single crystals.
P 1 1111.4": 16t I I I I
v I u V) L'. V1. ~'W
--- - -- -----
ff Zur Einpfindlichkeitssteigerung direkter photoelektrischer 11-lethoden der
Spektralanalyse. "
report submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on Hyperpure W-Lterials i-n S~ience and
Tecluiology, Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-2 Oct 65-
Institut geokliiinii i analiticheskoy khiruii im Verrvidskiy Ak-ELCUMMU nauk
SSSR' Moscow.
"0 povyshenich chuvstvi-Lellnosti pryamykh fotoeiektricheski?h md.-todov
emissionnogo *pektrallnogo anliza."
report submitted for 2nd Intl Symp on Hyporpure Materiv.1.,; in Science and
Technology, Dresden, GDR, 28 Sep-2 Oct 65.
Institut geokhimii i analiticheskoy khiraii im Vernadskiy Aka(~emii nauk
SSSR' Moscow.
L 12109-66- EiIT(1)/EiiT(m)/~,-iiP(t)/aiP(b)/IWA(h) lip(o) III/(IS/AT
ACC NR: AT5026378 SOURCE CODE: LTfOOOO/4,5toOO/000/01)20/10032
AUTHOR: Belyayev, Yu. I.; Ivants ov, L. H.
ORG: None
TITLE: Modern techniques of further improvement in the sensitivity, accuwacy!-,
and prqdu Y of phcrtoolectric methods of-spectrali4t~-a
SOURCE: AN SSSR. Institut ge-U61;kii i a~aliticheskc!k.A2Wij,; ~ovrmenrixlfe
metody analiza; metody issledo icheskogo Gostil"Vaiotroye ya Mla'shchestv
(Madern methods of analysis; methods of investigating the che4iical compositioia
and structure of substances), 20-32
TOPIC TAGS: photoelectric method, spectral line, optic analyiLs, electfol-tic
computer, computer applications ji0,V44L
ABSTRACT: A review is presented of modern techniques b6 rait; n& theAwgitiv!.ity,
accuracy, and productivity of photoelelcle~e4~ tfivAhods of Svectrll 16alysts and 'the
results achieved by these methods. A brief review is also givein of the advamtages
of apparatus with electronic computer devices at the out.put. It is noted thait
work on revealing resources in raising the sensitivity of photoelectri- methods
of spectral analysis has only begun. These resources depend on 1) possibilities
Card 1/2
i~rd "Z
-1z' - %'~
Precast elements are being introduced into housing construction.Trnnap,
stroi. 6 no.10:6-7 0 t56,, (H1RA 100.1)
1, Glavmyy Inshener tresta YugozAptransetroy (for rvantsov).2.Zanestitall
nachallnika Takhniaheakogo otdoln treota Yugovaptransetroy.
(Precast concrete construction)
Completely precast assembly-line construction of utility buildings
for railroads. Transp.stroi. 7 no-5:10-11 MY 157. (MIRA 10:11)
1. Glavnyy inzhener tresta Yugozaptranestroy.
(Railroads--Buildings and structures)
We prepare for the shift to the shift to the seven-hour workdayo
Transp. strole 10 no.9:4-6,s 16o. (inlA 13 :9) .
1. GlavW inzhener tresta Thgosaptranestroy.
(Hours of labor) (Transportation-Buildings and structures)
----ZTAN19QV, M*G*-- SARADTZ, A.S., starshir inzho4er
Making girders designed by the Scientific RooeaTch Institute No.
200 N 160. Transp.stroi, lo no,nt25-27 N 160o oani 13:n)
1. G3.avnyy inzhener tresta Tagozaptranestroy (for ivantoov).
SHURYGIII, V.P., kand.tepn.nauk; IVIUITSOV M G in" h K=TIAVI,
V.M., inzh.; MAT~IIEV, N 3i i.. iNzslar, F.V., inzh.;
MUIaIWdiOV, M.A., inzh.; NIKOLAUX, IT.P., inzh.; ANOSHKIR,
A.I., inzh.; PILIPENKO, M.P., mekhanizator SMF-24W~,,,SAVIN,
V.D., mekhanizator SIW-205
110vor-all mechanization of construction in railroad electri-
fication" by A.P. Alekseev. Reviewed by V.P. Shurygin and
others. Transp.,stroi. 11 no.8:59-6r, Ag 161. (MIRA 14:9)
(Alekseev, A.P.)
Tmalation from; Peferativnyy Zhurnalp Blektrotekhnikap 19,7?, Nr 1, p. 93 (UWR)
IXTHOR: Ivantsov, M.
TME: Mechanization of Construction Work on Electric Tranovii. iSion:-JAmes
(Mekhani siya stroitelInykh rabot na. liniyaM elektroperedschi)
PEFaODICAL: Sellskiy stroitell, 1956, Nr 4, pp. 5-6
ABSBWTI Mle follwins taaks were first mechanized durims the eonstraction
of electric transmission lines by the GlAvelik4~rasat 'at
excavation (digging of pitsp foladation pits,, 4zd 4ftabe7ap erLaa-
tion of.supporting structures, spooling off sm4 strInging CaVAUC-
tars. Me TP-450" pit-digger, moxinted on tbeAl"- 54 ;yr. CTS-~ 10"
tractors and also on automobiles is used for boring cylindrical
pits 450 mm in'diam. and 2 m deep; the caWitr of tbe naebine in
0 to 8 pits per hr. The 511-7" boring machine, moirted on a C-80
tractor, is used for boring cylindrical'bolea'0.9 to 1.6-m in,
414 tar and 2 m deep; its capacity is 6-to Blolea per hr. ne
"]5;4K-9M~drilling-crane machine mounted on tbeM-HATHorAT-54
Card 1/2 tractors is designed for drilling cylindrical holes o.4 to OJ m
BOROVOY, A.A. ; TMIAN, I.A. ; ALSKS"juvRov= 6.
Mikhail Evgontovich Knorre. Gidr. stroi. 32 no.5, Hy 162.
(NIRA 15:5)
(Knorre) Mikhail Bvgenlevich.. 1s76-1962)
S00ruzheniYO svarnvkh metallichookikh rezernarov dlya khranenlys neftepro&*t0v
lcconstractjoi2 of welded metallic reservoirs for storivS petroleum prod=tn, by
A. S. Tallkavich, P. G. Khramikhin, 0, M. Imtsov, V. m. Orlov. -7
1953. "OSkVa,.Go9toptekhizdat,
445 P. Illus., tables, cUagre.
SO: X15
TSZRSIM, A.B., vedushebiy redaktor; XRDXNXO,
(Underground storage of patrolsumi products and li uified games in
natural cavities; experiences in foreign countriesl Podsemnoe khra-
neale nefteproduktov i ashishannykh gazov Y prirodnykh ankostiath;
garubasbuyi opyt. Moskva, Oosquaudwo-tekhn. inct-ro neftianoi i
gomo-toplivaoi lit-ry, 1956, 53 P,,- (KLRA 9 -.7)
(Clases-Storage) (Petrolati~ product s-Storage)
Underground storage of petroleum products and compressed gases in
natural reservoirs. Stroi.pred.neft.prom.1 no.1:28-29 Kr 156.
(Petroleum--Storage) (Gas, Natural--Storage) (KUL 9:9)
IVAMOV, O.M., inshener.
, -
Selecting cranes for constructing industrial stracturep,at
oil refineries. Stroi.pred.neft.prom. 1 no.10:12-16 D 56o
(MA 10:2)
(Petroleum--Refineries) (Cranes, derricks, etc.)
BARIT, S., inzhoner; IVANTSOV, 0., inzhener.
One thousand two MWA',Od' fifty kolometers. Stroitall 2 no*10:14-15
0 156, (Him 10:1)
(Geis, latural-Transportat ion)
IVANTSOV, 0., inzhener.
ng columns in petroleum refining plants. Stroitell 2 no.11.12-
4 N 156. (Kw 10:1)
(Petroleum Industry-Equipment Rnd supplLas)
IVANTSOV, O.K., inzh.
Transportation of solid materials and slurries through pipelines.
Stroi.pred.neft.prom. 2 no-8:30-3 of cover Ag '57. (MM 11:1)
(United States--Pipelines)
SHARYAN, M.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; IYANT .. asuchnyy red.; KAWANNTS,
V.I., red.; LXBKWA, D. .. takhn,red.
[Steel.tanks for petroleum products] Stalln7s rozervuery dlia
khraneniia nefteproduktov; isaledovaniia raboty konstruktsii.
Moskva, Otdel nanchno-tekhn.iiiformateii, 1958. 239-P.
(Tanks) (MIRA 13:9)
IVARTSOV, O.y.-,JkLpreat Leninskoy promii
Plastics for pipeline construction. Stroi. prod. neft. prom.
3 no.6:1-3 Je 158. (MIRA 11:7)
(Plastics) (Pipelines)
z,~bj ppt Leninskoy premii
Insulation of pipolines in Czechoslovnkim. Stroi. truboprov. 3
n0-10:2&-32 0 158- (14M 11:11)
Ozechoalovskin-Protective continge)
I-VAMTSOV. O..M.,laureat Leninekoy premii, inzh.
Underground storage of petroleum, petroleum products, and
liquid gases. Strol.truboprov. 4 no.1:16-20 Ja '59.
(mm 12:1)
(Petrolown productn-Storage)
'11(2); 14(l) f s(YI/95-59-6-3/12
AUTHORS: Ivantsov, O.M. and Gofman-Zakharov, P.M., Engineers (Moscow-Kiyev)
TITLE: Isothermic Reservoirs for Liquified Gas
PERIODICAL: Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, 1959, Nr 6, PP 7 - 11 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: During the 7-Year plan production of liquified gas will be brought up
to 3,800,000 tonsper annum. The most effective method of storing liquified
gas is in underground reservoirs. For storing propane at 0.034 atm a
temperature of -43.40C is required. Under ordinary conditi=3- propane is
kept in containers calculated for a pressure of 16-18 atm. Diagram 1
shows the layout of an isothermic reservoir with a refrigerating in-
staillation. The gas, which evaporates inside the reservoir, passes
through a heat exchanger and compressor into a condenser at a pressure
of 5-10 atm. The condensed liquid returns to -the reservoir, after
passing through the same heat exchanger. The refrigeration process
of liquified gas in isothermic storage is shown in Graph 2. The re-
frigeration of liquified gas entering an isothermic reservoir'- is done
by means of an intermediate cooling agent inside the reservoir. To the
extent as the reservoir fills, the cooling agent is pumped out into a
Card 1/3 special tank passing through a heat exchanger in which it cools the
Isothermic Reservoirs for Liquified Gas SOV/95-59-6-3/12
liquified gas on its way to the reservoir. A.P. Klimenko proposed to
use diethyleneglycol as intermediate cooling agent, which is also a good
moisture absorbent. The author is of the opinion that a saturated solu-
tion of,sodium chlorite (brine) would answer the purpose as well. The
pressure of vapors from liquid hydrocarbon in the reservoIr can be cut
down by lowering the temperature, which, however will increase the capa-
city and cost of the refrigerating installation. The author develops a
number of formulae for calculating costs of the reservoir, of the re-
frigeration installation, of operating expenses, - as well as the most
favorable operating conditions, as faAas temperatures of isothermic
storage of liquified gas are concern4.' These as a rule are in the
vicinity of temperatures corresponding to the pressure of vapors equal
Card 2/3 to 1.02 - 1.7 atm. The author refers to the installation of an isother-
Isothermic Reservoirs for Liquified Gas SOV/95-59-6-3/12
mic reservoir, in Riverditel, Georgia, USA, built by the Atlanta Gas
Light Co. which, according to the "Gas Age" journal of February 1957
issue, was the first installation of this kind in the USA, of which a
photo is shown.
There are: 1 diagram, 2 graphs, 1 photo and I Soviet reference.
Card 3/3
IVANTSOV, Oleg Maksimovich; SMHKAYBVA. Ye.A.. veduishchi:r red,; RASTOVA,
G.V., vedusR-C-Rly -red.; MUKHIIIA, N.A..
(Industri-"lization of pipeline construction]
stroitelletva magistrallnykh truboprovodovo
tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry,
Moskva, Gosenauchno-
ig6o. 116 P~U 13:5)
SIDORMO, H.V., red.; VCLONIKHIN, Yu.V.j, red.; GOUCIEUNKOV, G.I., red.;
IVAM'28tOy 0 K red.; HALIKOV, I.A., red.; UIWO, P.A., red.;
.~q - -~* r
7WISHERLOVA.1U.M., vedushchiy red.; RASTOVA, G.V., vedushchiy
red.; SMGANIK, G.Ta., vedushchiy red.; MUKRIIIA, B.A.,
[Techniques of the gas industry abroad; poperm and reports
presented at the 7th International Gas Congress] Takhaiks zaru-
bezhnoi gazovoi promyshlennosti: doklady I referety. Moskva,
Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i Corno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1960.
367 P. (HIRA 13:11)
1. International Gas Congress. 7th, Roma.
(Gas industry)
ARBFIYEVA, N.A., inzb.; 1VAIMSOV, O.H.-, inuhi,; StMUROV, G.V., inth.
Technical and economic Indices of tanks for storing petroleum
products. Stroi. truboprov. 5 40-7:16-19 J1 160. (MM 13:9)
IVANTSOV, O~eg Maksb~ov;~cl~,-POLYAXSUYV 0.1.1, vedushchi7 red.; MUKRINAt
. ..... . .......
e red.
[Underground storage of 3.iqitid bydrocarbon gaseal ~odumnoe khra-
nenie zhitlkikh uglevodorodrqkh gazov. Moakvaq Gosi vauchno-
tekbn. izd-vo neft, i gpnio-top3.ivnoi lit-17-9 1961. 55 P.
(MIRA .14:9)
(Liquefied gasee-Storage)
UFARTAN, Kleak Karapetovieb., imnd. tekhn.nauk; IYANTSOY, Oleg Maksi-
_joy_~ch,_Inzh.;RABINOTICH, Te~Zo, red.; S6 red.,
ifffiWdfA, I.G.,
[Design and construction of steel tanks for petroleum
products] Proaktirovatie i soorushenle stallnykh rezsj*vvmrov
dUa nefteprod,*tov. Moskva, Ooo.nauchno-takhn. isd-vo neft.
i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1961. 325 p. (KnA 14W
(Petroleum products-Storage)
B1 26~ BIM
-1 dilt 0.
''.AUTHOR: vaiits
a ergro4nd storage.-of petroleum prodvc-to and 'gas
PERIODIC Khimicheska 'a I 'no a j.nob 7t. 1962,146 50
y prom3rah on V
T9XTt ".This artiole"~Aeals withth6 co'nstruotion.of mnder~,Tound storage
fdailities-for petroleum products' in tocks# primarily in deposits of robk
stilt. in comp .ar.isbri with steel or reinforced concrete ta.nks the advantaps
of'. this . ato.rage%a -re as follo ws.t it is explosion-- =d fire-proof, the cost
cons truetion., ifj'~;tiiic6 ~ to- four., Aimes and operat"t expenses are
10: time, ~'l- ti mas lover than for
about s.- ower; capital expenditure is 30 to.40
~Sta'el tainki,tor liq%iid gas..y The marketing properties of the-products are
'...~,fiot: a:ffectedi -Under&routid 8,toralge in-deposits of took sal4; is constructed
by ~ -washing;, put ~.ciniiiie` a through -boreholes 4 The-viinimum depth of storage
bielow~gr I un(!::i.81-66, a'. for -..butane and , 100 za for propane. The maximuin pres-
:'All': able' 0.0 t of 100 atm and at.200C
sure ow is :1 120-atm. -,A ~ a~ pr.essure
m gas 'can be -,stored-1h a chamber with a,:volixme of;
1000 COO
VNjiSt .~ 'ive o 'd' 't etW6d to ebtimate th : tru
h w rke ~~ou 'a*m s otural strength of
Ga~ d 1/2
IVANTSOV, 0., inz-h., laureat Leninskoy premii
-11-1~- -
Providing reliable underground storehouses for the hundreds of
thousands tons of petroleum and gas. Tekh-mol. 31 no.4235-36
163. (MIRA 16:6)
(Pe troleutri-Stor age) (Gas-Storage)
IV,'d'~TS.OV,..Oleg.,Iiaksimovich; ZUBAREVA, Ye.I., ved. red.
[underground storage of liquefied hydrocarbon gases]
Podzemnoe khranenie szhizhzhennykh uglevodorodnykh
gazov, Izd,2.1 parer. i dop. Moskva,(IlNedra, it 196(4,.
145 P. MIRA 17: 5)
A.plft~EV -L.G - KRA UK, A.D.; IVANOV, G.A.
Author's communications. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:67-68
Ap-Je 164. (MIRA 17:9)
AZHOTKIN, G.I., red.; BESEDINA, O.S., red.; GIL', B.V., red.;
DUISM, Ye.M.., red.; lV-ANT.SOVxj"9 red.; KO(Wi, G.Ye.,
red.Cdeceased]; KUZNFTSOV, P.L., red.; LEVIN, F.D.2 red.;
,91MSKIY, D.A., red.; TELKOV, I.K., red.; K(X,'AROVA, L.y
ved. red.; KHRYASTOV, Yu.., ved. red.
(Contribution of young specialists to the gas industry]
Vklad molodykh spetsialistov v gazovuiu promyshlennost'.
Moskva, 1964. 459 P. (MIRA 18:3)
1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy proizvods-tvemyy
komitet po gazovoy promyshlennosti.
jk' F-071/El8o
AUTHORS. Gonchar, V*N*j and Ivantgqv.--.Z-J.
TITLE: Alloying of steel 35-R (35L) with boron and cerium
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchobnykh zavedeniy,
Chernaya metallurgiya, no.1, 1962, 160-168
TLXT: on the basis of literature data it was expected that
boron and rare earth elements would improve the hardenability,
plasticity and toughness of steel. Since the individual
influence of boron and cerium on steel 35L (0.355~ C, 0.73 Mn,
0.27 Si, 0.031 S, 0.03 P, 0.12 Cr, 0-15 Ni) was previously
investigated, this steel was chosen. Boron and cerium, in the
form of ferroalloys, were added in the ladle after deoxidizing
the steel with aluminium. The concentration of boron and of
cerium was nil, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2~~. It was established that in
steel 35AP (35LR): 1) the introduction of an optimum amount
of cerium (0-1-0-15%) refines the macrostructure and removes
the transcrystallisation zone almos 't completely; 2) 0.10%
cerium increases the plasticity and impact strength of cast and
Card 1/ 2
Alloying of steel 35L with boron... S/148/62/000/00-1/012/015
annealed steel, and even inore of normalised and fully heat
treated steel. In the latter case 0-15~* cerium is particularly
effective - the impact strength is increased by a factor of
1.5-2.0, while other strength characteristics remain practically
unchanged; 3) in the fully heat treated steel cerium increases
the impact strength at subzero temperatures by a factor of
1.5-2.0; 4) in cast and normalised steel 0.1-0-15% cerium
refines the microstructure and improves the uniformity of
distribution of structural components. An increase in the
cerium addition to 0.2~6 increases the amount of ferrite which
is probably responsible for some decrease in stri~ngth;
5) cerium decreases the tendency to growth of austenite grains
in boron containing steel; 6) simultaneous alloying with
optimum quantities of boron and cerium improves plasticity,
impact strength and hardenability; 7) Simultaneous alloying
with boron and cerium should be tested on alloy structural
steels. There are 6 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Chelyabinskiy politekhnicheakiy institut
Card 2/2 (Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute)
December 14, 1960
Fundimentals of the methods iind technique of elactiotharapy, preml ot M. TSvetkova
i dr. Sofiia. Lekarskata kooperatsila. 1948. 116 p.
DELLO., A.A.; SHOW, V.A., inzh.; SPIRYAGM, L.P., -.Lnzh.; GRISIIKOI,
A.I.; KARDONOV, B.A.; BURDIN, V.M., kand. teklin. nauk; MOLGACIIEV,
A. I.
New developmento in research. Stall 25 no.8:842-845 S '65.
(1101 18:9)
8(64'~28(1) SOV/91-59-10,9/29
and Levioh A,A~q Engineers and Ukhin B.N.
of the hemical Department
TITLE: Automatic Filling of Expenditure Tanks with Phosphates
PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1959, Nr. 10, pp 18-20, (USSR)
ABSTRACT: At the Nizhne-Turinskaya GRES, a phosphate solution-is
prepared in the department for chemical purifying of wa-
ter. The solution is prepared in an installation consis-
ting of a dissolving tank, into which chemically pure
water and steam are fed, a coke f.ilter, and two tanks
for keeping the ready solu,;ion. For mixing the solution,
pumping it into spare tanks and filling two expenditure
tanks in the boiler room, two centrifugal pumps are used.
The pipeline length from the spare tanks to the boiler
room is about 320 m. Two workmen, one at the expenditure
tanks and another at the pumpq were required to operate
the feed line. The Clief of the TsST1 "Sverd-lovenergo",
D.P. Larionov, proposed automation of the expenditure
tank filling process by using a layout requiring a mini-
Card 1/2 mum quantity of cable (Pig. 1). For this purpose, a dif-