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20-114 -3-24/60 AUTHORs Ivanova, V. S. TITLEt The Intergranular and the Innergranular Character of the Failure of Armko-Iror. Dw to FWtIgm (Mezhzerennyy i vnutri- zerennyy kharakter razrusheniya Armko-zheleza pri ustalosti) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR,1957,Volo114,Nr 3,PP,537-540(USSR) ABSTRACTo First the author shortly reports on some earlier works deal- ing with the same subject. The present paper studies the in- fluence of the grain-boundaries upon the process of fatigue. The samples were 1 mm thick, 10 mm wide and 72 mm long, be- fore being testsd they were annealed for 2 hours at a tem- perature of 950 C in evacuated ampules and then they were etched. The testing of fatioue was performed by bending by means of an electromagnetic device at a frequency of 50 cycles. The results of the testing are illustrated by a diagram. The relation between the stress and the logarithm Ig N of the number of cycles necessary till the failure at the beginning 2 has a rectilinear character and then, at a stress af 20.,5 kg/mm Card 1/3 undergoes a break. Accading to the results of the microstruc- 20-114-3-24/60 The Intergranular and the Innergranular Character of the Failure of Armko- -Iror Due to Fatigue ture-analysis the break is connected with the type of the failure. At cyclic stresses above tho stretching-strain limit the fatigue failure has mainly an intergranularoharacter. At stresses below the stretching strain limit the failure pre- dominantly occurs along the bodies of the grains. This indi- cates"the followingi In the case of a pormanent'influence of cyclic (and also static) stresses it iB nouessary to di- stinguish between the cyclic solidity of -the grain-boundariels and the cyclic solidity of the grains themselves. A diagram illustrates the experimental data of the testings of the cyclic solidity of Armko-iron. The experimental points at 20,s5 kg/mm correspond to the cycli -o solidity of the grain boundaries and at 20,,5 kg mm2 they correspond to the cyclic stability of the grain body. In the case of Armko- -iron the grain boundaries thus exert an essential influence upon the behavior of Armko-iron in cyclic actions cf stress. in actions of cyclic stresses the internuclear plasticity also precedes the processes in the body of the grain that produce the displacement. These observations are in agreement Card 2/3 with the data of other authors. Finally the inechanism under- 20-IU-3-24/60 The Intergramular and the Innergranular Character of the Failure of Armko- -Iron Die to NaUgue lyirg these phenomena is disouesed. There axe 3 figures and 10 references, 7 of which are Sovi*ts. ASSOCIATIONs In a t it ut e o f Me ta 1 lurgy Jimul A* A& 2834= AS UW (Institut metallargii im. A. A. Baykova Akademii nauk 533R) PRESERTEDs December 29t 1957, by I. P. Bardinp Member of the Academy SUBMITMv Deoember 11, 1957 card 3/3 IVANOVA, V.S.; ODING, I.A. Changes in microstnict-ore, hardness, and electrical conductivity during the creep process in boatrresistant kinds of steel. IRaj pa zharopr.sPlav. 3:3-11 58. (MIRA 11:311 kfleat-resistant alloys--Metallograpby) (Creep of metals) 24- AUTHORS;Gordiyenko, L.,K.. and Ivanova, V-S.. (1'iosccw) TITLE: On the Nature of the Sensitivity Cf T'; -twiiuia to Stres-s j Concentrations at Alternatincr Loads (0 -orirode. chavstvitel'- nosti titana k rkontsentratoram napryaz1L,1eniy Dri tsiklichesk- ikh na-ruzka-kh) 0 PERIODILCAL: Izvestiya Akademi-i Nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye Tekhniches-kikh Nauk, 1958,, Nr 3. pp 121-125 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The notch sensitivity cf titanium undcr alteraatinp~ stresses has been stated by different authors in the sai-.e Soviet pub- lication ("I'letallovedeniye". Sudpromgiz, 195?, ,)? l?5-194 and L 196-205, respective13~) to be either lower or hi,-her than that of h4rh tens'le alloy steel, Attem-Pting to rtesolve the con- g I- UL k, tradiction, the effect of "he surface _,onditior. -in fatigue strength been studied on sintered tit3iiium slqeet samples of 1 ram thickness , obtained by hot rolling~ loadc-d in an electromagnetic cantilever bending resonance machine at mains frequency, Chemically pickled Dolish-ed specimens -and s.pecitziens pickjr.,d [Lft(.r j)01i0,1_1ir1C,, -acrt-, Weta- llographic studies have shown twini)iail; -,,o be main disin- te,srati~)n --mecilwlisla Under c-,-Tclic loads,, All.- ovorloads L'1-1,! ~wir, boun-.'Larieot may 1-onstitut-~~ sou----os OC failure, r1hilst -teel raicro-cracko in ~jlij) band,~ ,~,?en i-a 33i optical Card 1/2 in ;)i-- 5", -- 3- 18/38 On the Nature of the Sensitivity of Titanium to Stress Concentrat- ions at Alternating Loads, microscope do noL develop and failure acci)rs largely along CD th~a -rain boundaries. The surface condition has a large U offect on tote fati-Sue strength cf titanium. The strength based on 1CO 000 0;";'0 ~-Ycles Is 110% hjC:1jnr -;n -oli~Aied si)eci- . - t P - mens than in untreated snecimens (43 kg/mm compared with ca - 30)~ The effect of micr~--stress raiserii! is therefore much hi-her than in ste-21, Pj_ekl4n- causes lar LD r_-, CL ge scatter of results. A general discussion is included on notch sensi- tivity in 7elation tc tvinnim- and slippin- processes 0 tD c.'.-iaracter-_;~;tic of different mie',;ais and i---,ryst~al structures. T-here are figures and ') reforences. of );hi~~h w?e Soviet, 5 E n'-'-I i s h AS30CIATION: Institut iiietallur-ii, .0 &~SR (Motallu_r~,-Y Ii-12-titute, Academy ci 3)cd_ence3 US3R) SU13'.1ITTED- October 23, 1957~ Card 2/2 SOV-1,"?)-58-6-1/17 V.S. (Cand.Tech.Sci.), Gordyenko, L. K. (Engineer) AUTHORS:Ivanova, TITLE: st imat ion of Certain Assumptions of the 0 - Structural Theory of Creep (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye nekotory1ch -polozheniy strukturnoy teorii polzuchesti) PERIODICAL: Metallovedeniye i Obra7botka TMetallov, 195'3, Hr 61 pp 2-6 (USSR) ABSTMICT: Accordinr:; to the structural theory of creop proi3osed by 1. A. Oding (Ref-5), an increase, decreat-~e or consiant sDeed of creep is determined by the density of dis locat ions. A chan.-e of the density of dislocations should show itself in a change of the physical and mechanical properties of -the metal, for instance, the electric resistance and the micro- hardness, since both these characteristics depend on the crystal structure. To verify this assumption, the authors carried out exT)erijaents, measuring the change in the electric resistance and the micro-hardness durin!-,~ the i:)rocess of creep tests of some hiSh temperature materials. The DC electric resistance was measured, using a s-~-acial rio so as to ensure constancy of the contact are v. s and to exclude the possible influence of thermo currents. Ede electric resistance was determined on cylindrical specimens of 8 mm Card 1/4 dia, 200 mm. length, and also on flat sl;ecimens of 4.5 x U.) 30V-129-58-6-1/17 E-,-,perimental Investi3atiOn of Certain Assu=tions of tLe Structural Theory of Creep. 9.5 200 mm lono. The exDerimental ex-ror was 0.5% and the variaticn in the results of measurcments in the individ- ual sections did not exceed 0.1 to 0.5%. The i:;ra-,)h Fig.1 shows IV-lie creep curve for the steel EI-432durin~g tensile tests with a stres-s of 2_2 kg/lnni at 6000C. The same graph sho%,,is the i~~Iecti-ic rouistance measured after 100, 500, 1180 &ad 14-11-6 hours. During the first test hours the creep proceeded with wi atLenuated speed whereby an increaSE) in the electric conductivity vlas observed. Hoviever, "qurj.rlc,;. accelerated creep the electric conductivity decreased. A decrease in tho, clactric cDnductivity also occurred for the accelerated stage of creep of t-he swm steel tested with a stress of 18 kymm2. These data are fully in a6reement with the fandamental assiLmptioxns of the structural theory of creep. An increase (decrease) of the crdep speed and a decrease (increase) of the electric resistance apparently indicates that the third stage of creep is linked aith an increase in the density of dislocations and -the al;tenuatinE3 staCe of creep is linked with a decrease with time ol~' the dislocation density. As sliovm in c- aphs Figs.4 and 5, an ~r CJ Card IOIL[ "1 0 '307-129-58-6-1/17 Experimental Investic-,ation of Certain Assumptions of the Structural Theory of Creep. increase in the micro-hardness was observed durinS the accel- erated stage of creep; these graphs include the results of C> micro-hardness measurements in the intermediate staoes of accelerated creeD as well as the micro-hardness after fai- lure. An cxcessively hig increase in the micro-hardness is .,h linked in the first instance with an increase in the density of dislocations and this is satisfactorily e-,,q)lained by the structural creep theory. The rollowj.-_,-j,, c