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Cand Chem, Sci -- (diss) "On the problem of obttiiniir, ),- mere aptobenzothia zo 1 e 0Y. It Mos, 1957, 13 pp (Min of' Higher EfAuention USSR. M'os City Pad Inst im V. P. Potemkin), 100 copies (K1,, 45-15,7, 96) 1 _r - i,~ ~ 1: ::-:j:;; -:~ . -. . -1 - -; ~!-: 1 ~ -L ~i-- ~ i - AUTHCRS: Temnikova, T. I., and Ivanova, V. A. 79-L,-i4/58 TIME: InvestiMtion of Cyclic Acetals of Hydro.V Carbonyl Compounds. Part 8, Methyllactolide of Propylbenzoylcarbi.nol and ItD Conversiona (Tsaledo- vaniye v oblasti tsiklicheskikh atsetalay okeikarbonlllnvkh sovedineniy. VIII. Metillaktolid propilbenzo~lkarblnola i yego pre"ashcheniya). PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii, 1957, vol, 27, No 2, PI). 340-342 (U-S-3-R-) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this experiment was to study the conversions of methy-1- lactolides of alpha-ketoalcohols under the effect of acid reagents in the presence of carbohyl-containing substances and particularly in 4in acetone solution. The authors wanted to determine whether under Luch conditions the carbonyl-containing compound will attach itself to the oxide cycle and whether the conversion of the m(,-thy3J,%ctn1ide win be the same as in the presence of solvents inactive with respect to the addition reaction in the oxide cycle. 'The authors-obtained and characterized methyllactolide of propylbenzoylcarbiiiol as an oxide of alpha-methoxy- alpha-phenyl-beta-propylethylene. Mathyllactolide Card 1/2 dimerizes easily into dioxane derivatives and hydrdly-zes into keto- N o v h, USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Industrial OrM%nic Synthesia Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 1) 1956, 2161 Author Jvanova, VvA., Shebuyev, A.N. Inst Title Concerning the Preparation of 2-Mercaptobenzothiazole Orig Pub 7,b-. prikl. khimii, 1957, 30, No 3, 447-454 Abstract A study vas nade of the process of preparation of 2-mereap- tobenzothiazole (1) by determining the behavior ol' tbe starting materials as vell as of the interiwAiatcai iBubs- tances that are formed under conditions of the pr~dmction method (250" ) - Studied, were the reaction of thio4-.a:vbanili- de (MP 140") and S, including a verification of 1~ie ther- mal stability of the thiocarbanilide; the rew2tion Df phe- nyl isothiocyanate (II) and S; reaction of,4-amino thio- phenol vith CS,;,; reaction of aniline (M) vith 8 and CS,; preparation of 2,21-diamino-diphenyisil.Lfide,(IV), Card 1/3 IVANOVAI-.V.A-; PATSYUK, M.L.; KOZLOVA, E.A., Prinimala uchastiye ti~HCMK, L.F. Preparation of furfurole by the "Aggrifuran" battery method. Sbor.trud. NIIGS 11:119-126 163. (KRA 16:12) TSIRLIN, Yu.A.; IVANOVA, -V.A. Wkys of improving tjie qua,-Uty of furfur-ole. Sbor.trud. NIIGS lls 127-138 163. (KRA l6tl2) . f, - I ~.:- ! 5 ~ ::.. KARLIVSKAYA, R.S.; KMIOMOV-BORISOV'p N.V.; IVANOVAp V.A. S~mthesas and transformations of pyramidine darlVatilrilm. Part 15tActivation of methyl groups in some hydroxy-dorivatirea of py-rimidino, 3hura ob. klam, 34 inoolI93734-37~111 N 064 (MIRA 1811) I., Inatitut mkologii AM SS31ta L.L1 liq H:t '61 CIIUGAYEVA, M.N.; HOZMAN, Kh.3.1 ~YANOVA, V.A.; PEYVE, A.U., glavnry red.,, KELLER, B.M.1 Otv. red.; KU~ZNETSOVA, K.I., red.; MENITF11, V.V., red.; TI140FEYEV, P.P., red. (Comparative biostratigraphy of Ordovioian sediwirla In the northeastern U.S.S.R.) Stravnitellnaia biostritigraffla. ordovskikh otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka SSSR. Moskval N'lakal 1964. 235P. illus. (Akademiia nauk SSSR. Geolojg,~cheslcli institut. Trudy, no.106). (MBIA 17 112) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Peyve). KASAVINA, B.S.; KOLICHINSMA, T.A.; BRONSHTEYN, I.I.E.; IVANOVA, V.B. Nucleic acids in a normal thyroid gland and in various forms of its pathology. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 n0.4:997-1000 0 164. (MIRA 17: 11) 1. Vsesoyuznyy institut eksperimentallnoy enclokrinologii. Predstavleno akademikom A.N. Bakulevym. 2~LEVP V. D. I. IMMAL-MoKlY, V. S., and EL.OGPjiOV,. A. G. "Generation of Electrcmiagnetic oscillationB '-fitl! theAld of Ii Traveling Wave Tube Having Two-Helix Coaxial Lines, " by It. S. 14ikhalevskiy) A. G. Dloganov, and V. D. Ivanova, Radio- L,ekhnika i Elektronika, No 11, Nov 56, PP 1383-1393 The authors discuss the results of an experimental investigation of electromagnetic wave generation by a traveling wave tube with a delay system in the form of a two-helix coaxial line, whose dispersive power depends on the geumetry of the tube, the direction of windirLg, character of the coupling between the helices, and the operating conditions of the tube. The dependence of the generated wave length on the physical dimea- sions of the helices and other traveling tube parameters are discussed. The tube has a directly heated tungsten cathode in the! form of coa- Ical helix, placed in a tantalum-steel sheet cylinder. Ritw~,s froll, 0.7- to 1.0-imn-dIameter molybdenum wire are used for the arxdes, and the heli,:es for the delay system are made of 0-5- to 1.0-am-diameter copper vire, The experimental data have shown that the calculation mi--thod sug- Sested by V. S. Mikhalevskiy (Radioteklinik-, i EleIttrS!IUh-.L NO 10, Oct 56j, Ppr 1309-1316) for the estimation of the operttting:chartLiit,t-rie'tict of the delay system ir, quite feasible. WANOIVI-., V~D.; MIKIIALEVSKIY, V.S. Plasma control of the frequency of a Tin-type generator, Radiot:Ah. i elektron. 6 no.11:1888-1893 11 161. (MIM 14:10) (Microwaves) (Oscillators, EDictric) LIBOV;, S.L.k_E~!~_YJL (Nuvbyebev(ool.),ul.Molodogtaxdo ;~kaya,d.50,kv.l) S-urgical methodB for the Improvpment of coronW blood alroulatlon. Grud. khir. 2 no.5-.16-21 S--O 160. (KM 16:5) 1. 1% kliniki fakulltetskoy khirurgii (zav. - prof. S.L.Libov) Kuybyahevokogo meditainakogo instituta (dir. DJ,.Voronoir). (CORONARr HEART DISEASE) (HEART-,~-SURGERY) '~VAFQ-VA,--V4!9- Reve.scularization of the heart in cardiao leslanin Vinitokbire 85 iao.9933-38 8 160# OaM 13 M) 1, It, fakulitetokoy kbirurgichookoy Icliniki (tars -. prof. SL. r4bov-) i kliniki propedevtiki *mtreuiaikh bolemy (sam. - ;w6f. S.,V. Shootakov) KuybTabevakogo meditsinskogo inotituta, (EMT-D:ESMES) PONOMAREV, Ye. V.; SVWOVA-.,__ V. D.; RUSAKOV, V. M. Mitral defect of brucellar etiology. Grud. khir. no.5:1-03-105 161. (KIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskaj khirurgii (zav. - prof. S. L. Libov) i kafedry patologicheskoy anatomii (zav. - prof. N. F. ShlyapnikoNr) Kuybyshavskogo moditainakogo inatituta (roktor D. A. Voronov) (BBJJCELLOSIS) (WITHAL VALVF-DISLASES) , I I- j! I !,,- li-,P! It i; ; if q11; !:il If I ,~ 11 1111 ~ , i 11 - I I I Ilk " I , z,.-, II~-- lit ~j ;j USSR / Human-:and Animal Physiology, Excretion, T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur.-Biol., No 22, 1958, ioi947, Author : Zaretakiy, 1, 1,; 1stLnova, V, Dii; Mikhaylova, 1, A., Rozanova, N. S. Inst :Not given. Title :The Functional Condition of the Kidneys in Hetero- chemotransfusion. Orig Pub: Probi. ematol. I perelivaniya krovi, 1956, 1, No I 01 48-4. Abstract: To dogs (14) with ureters exposed according to flavlov-Orbelli, 1-2 ml/kg of fresh cJ''trated and heparinized rabbits' blood was transfused, and water and chloride diuresis, concentration ic,,~pa- city of the kidneys, glomerular filtration accONd- ing to inulin or endogenous creatinine, excretion? of urea, kidney blood circulation and secretory Card 1/3 "al 42 out;. .4,~ r111 k"7f-1. USSR / Human and Animal physiology, Excretion* T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-BiOl., No 22, 1958) 101947. Abstract: activity Of the tubules according to diodraSt or phenol red were determined. The investigations were conducted on the day of transfusion after the emergence of the animals frcmthe state of shock, next day) and later every two days until return to normal. In heterotransfUsion and in izotrans-- fusion, a biphase change of the kidney function occurred, sharper in the first case. During the first phase (1-2 days) after blood infusion, the excretory and concentrating powers of the kidneys decreased, glomerulus filtration and the Icidaey blood circulation decreased, the filtration frac- tion and permeability Of the glomerular 111embrane increased. This was confirmed by histologic data (edema of the medular layer of the kidneys, edema of the glomerular capsule, constrict-ion of the Card 2/3 USSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Excretion. T. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 22, 1958, 101947. Abstract: glomerular vessels, presence of coagulated protein in the tubular lumen, necrobiosis of the tubular epithelium). The disorders of kidney hewdynamics are dependent on ishemia of the tubule and passive hYperemia of the glomeruli due to the sp-asm of ef- ferent glomerular vessels. In the second phase, taking place 34 days later and lasting until re- turn to normal, changes of the function of kidneys developed in the opposite direction and pointed to the activation of their function. -- 0. S. Glozman,, Card 3/3 43 IVANOVA. V&DO Studies on tr7ptophan metabolites in the blood and urine of patients vith leukemia. Probl.gemt. i perel.krovi 4 no.8rl8-21 M ,59. (MIRA 13:1) 1. Is radiobioloricheskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. K.0, Raushonbakh) TSentrallnogo ordena Lenina, instituta Cematologii i porolivaniya. Lcrovi (dir. - deyst-riteliny7 chlen AMN SSSR prof. A.A. 11%gdaxarov) Minister- stva zdravookhraneniya SSSR. (LIMINA metab.) (MYPTOPW metab. IVANOVAl V.D.; li,'a.',O!IOVA-.~TSKIIOVIIEBOVA, O.D. Effect of the administration of tr~potoplen and vitamin B6 on 'the indole derivative content of wiu ruooa and urine of patients with leukosis. Frobl. gemat. i perel. krovi 5 no. 10:34--37 160. (14IPJL 14. 1) (LEU "MMIA) (TRYPTOPHAN) (FOLIC ACID) (INDOLE) RAUSHENBAKH, M. 0., prof.; ZHAROVA, Ye. I.; 1YAKVA,j1-.D.; NWETIOVA, 14. M., prof.; PROTASOVA, T. G.; MOROZOVSKAYA, L. 1/. I,eukemogenic and blastogenic properties of sonm t-ryptopban metabolites. ?robl. gemat Perel. krovi no.10'3-8 161, (MIRA 14.'12) 1. Iz TSentral."nogo ordena Lenina instituta germatologii i pereli- I vaniya krovi (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen W SS.",R prof. A. A. Bagdasarov (deceased]). (TRYPEOFITAN) (METABOLISM., DISORDERS OF) ~77= -9 A-7-r-F IVANOVA, V.D.; TCKAREVA, A.M. Indications for intrathoracic operations and ligation of thm internal thoracic artery in coronary insufficiency. VoD.Iva- nova, A.M. Tokareva, X&z. med. zhur. no.1:11-15 Ja-FO61 (MIRA 16:11) 1. Fakulltetskaya khirurgicheskaya klinika (uv.-prof. S.L. Libov) i klinika propedevtiki vnutrennikh boleziney (zav.-profs S.V.Shestakov) Kuybyahevskogo meditsinskogo klbtituta. CHIZHOVA, Z.P., kand. med. nauk; IVANOVA, V.D. Disorders of try-ptophan idetabolism in children with leukemia. Pediatriia 41 no.10.P10-15 0 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. 1z kafed--,7 gospitallnoy pediatrii (zav. - prof. K.F. Popov) 1:1 Moskovskogo gosudarst%rennogo meditsinskoffo insti- tuta imeni Pirogova na baze Detskoy bolinitsy imeni R.F. Filatova, llonkva i radiologiclieskoy laboratorli (mv. - prof. M.0. Raushonbakh) TSentrallnogo instituta gowtologii i perelivaniya krovi. CHERNTSOVA, T.A.; IVA]IOVA _ V D.; AKSENOVA, O-V- Clinical characteristics and properties of the course of chronic leukemia during the early stages of 4ts-&-velolment. Report No.l. Problemy gemat. I perel. krovi 8 no.&t9-.13 Ag 163. (KTJIA 17:8) 1. Iz gematologicheskoy kliniki (zav. - prof. H.3. DwIltsin), radiobiolog-Laheskoy laboratorii (zav. - prof. H.0. Lmshenbakh) i laboratorii klinicheskay biokhimii (zav. N.A. Messineva) TSentrailnogo ordena Lenina instituta gematologii i pereli- vaniye krovi (dir. - dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev) Ministerstva Adravookhrarieniya =R. IVANOVAP V.D.; RALOILENBAKH, M.O., prof. Trypotophan metabolism in leukemia. Probl. gewt. i perel. krovi. 9 no..6%3-10 Je 164. (HM 18t2) 1, Radiabiologicheskaya laborator-17a (zav.--proC. M.0. Raushenbakh) TSentrallnogo ordena LenIna instituta gematologli i perelivanlyet krov.4 (dir.- dotsent A.Ye. Kiselev), Moskva, IVX';OVA V, ~ I - I.- - J. -,-.,D,; TOPAIM, L.I.; SHAYEVICH, A.B.; DkNIL"Mir" YA, 1I.V.; SAZ(?JOVA) M.111. Spectral analysis of open-hoarth slRgs by Uie nothod of condi- tioral integral graphics. Zav. lab. 30 no.llt1146-1348 164 (MIRA 18:1) 1. Uraltskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut che:rnIjkh motallov i Zaporozhskiy zavod forrosplavoy. 5TAAMKOVSKAYA, K.K.; TVANOVA, V,!,. Effect of irm ove and furnace flux additions on the yi4ild of produe ta of peat semicokirig. Izv. TPI 126gl2-14 164. (MIRA 180) IVABOVA, V.F. (Lanin,.7rad, S-24, Nevskiy prospektp lb4, k-v.5) 1~xmerical composition of chromosomes in cells of mesothelium following its regeneration. Arkh. anat.t gist. i embr. 47 nc.8:26-31 Ag 164. (MIRA 1814) 1. Kafedra g-istologii I embriologii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. S.I.Shchelkunov) Vayenno-meditsinskay ordena LeainA akademii :Lmeni Kirova. I V A t,~; f)f' t,, tj y, t, j r, r, T va firl" it t',:e !,,-,,T,rjt throuph Thirol ~"n u 3 c n r,-- Yiev Statc~ Pedag-of-l'cal lm~tl Cor I V.-ily .Kiev, 11i ~:-erta H on 1~--r th~i IDeFree of On, did:.i te : n cod Ap~Fic I 'erice; Ynizhnaya -Leto,,)isl, No 1.11, 1956 1-2-58-6-7/1.2 AUTHOPs Ivanovaq V.F. TITLIE: Theoretical and Practical Studies of the Possibilfty of Adapting the Method of Neutron Gamma Core Sampling To Pro- specting for Boron (Teoreticheskiye i prakticheskiye issledo- vaniya vozmozhnosti primeneniya metoda neytronnogo gamma- karotazha pri poiskakh bora) 4 ~L PERIODICALi . Razvedka i Okhrana i4edr, 1958,, Nr 6, pp "I - 18 ABSTRACT: The neutronic characteristics of rocks and minerals are de- termined by artificial radioactivity, and by the manner of spreading of the neutrons in tile rock and mineral. Artifi- cial radioactivity appears as a reiterative gamma-radiation originating in the rock or mineral at the nuclear reaction crat the desintegration of tile nucleus of the radioactive isotopes formed as a result of the capture of slow neutrons. The manner of spreading of the nettrons in the ijcks i3 de- termined by the slowing-up and diffusive characteristics of g the rock. The slowing-up characteristics of the rock or mineral depend r,-,ainly on the contents of hydrogter, because the slowing-up processes arises from the colliaion of the Card 1/2 neutrons with the nucleus of hydrogen atoms. ILs the boron- 152-58-6-7/13 Theoretical and Practical Studies of the Possibility of Adapting the Method of Neutron Gamma Core Sampling to Prospecting for Boron bearing minerals contain a large amount of water, these minerals are characterized by a more-pronouced slowing-up process. The authors describe the method of analytical and graphical deter- mination cf the contents of boron in the layers of rocks in the vicinity of the exploratory bore holes. *.Further laboratory re- search showed that both results are almost identical. The di- vergencieu are sometimes important, because the chemical ana- lysis shows the contents of the boron only in the bore holes, whereas the gamma core sampling gives the results from a large area. There are 5 graphs, 1 table and 9 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: GEOKHI AN SSSR (GEOKHI of the AS USSR) AVAILABLE; Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Minerals-Determination 2. Boron-Sampling-Test methods A S/007/61/000/007/003/004 B103/B217 AUTHORS: Ivanova, V. F., Kirnozov, F. F. TITLE- Application of neutron methods to the jivochemical detection of boron concentrations and the analysis of ores from boron deposits PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, no. 7, 196-1, 6o,1-6og TEXT: The authors discuss the application of the neutron method to the geochemical detection of boron concentrations an well as to the analysis of ores from boron deposits. This method was suggesLed by the collabora- tors of their institute and is based upon the recording or secondary gamma radiation or the density of thermal neutrons in the borehole during the irradiation of rocks by fast neutrons. The method permits a clear separation of boron-containing rocks and a quantiative determination of contents up to 2-3~L (Ref . 5: V. F. Ivanova, V. K. Khristianov. Geokhi!niTa, 2,1956; Ref. 6: V. F. Ivanova, Razvedka i okhrana nedr (Prospecting and protection of mineral resources),6,195e). The method is suited for geo- chemical detection as well as for the detection of deposits. The method Card 1/5 . . . . . . .11111-11th, 11.11IRLThi inI S/007/61/ooo/007/003/004 Application of neutron methods ... B103/B21*1 was improved, and it is now also suited for rocks wit.h a content higher than 2-3,,'a' B20 3' The decrease of the resolving power of thie method at higher boron content is due to the "saturation", where the recorded intensity of aecondary gamma radiation or the density of thermal neutronn does not rise any more with increasing boron content, The revolving power can be attained by recording neutrons of higher energies for which the capture cross section of boron is smaller. The authors developed their method on a deposit of halogen-sedimentary type. The boron ores are bedded in the 40-50 m thick gypsum cap of a salt dome. The beds of the boron ores were superimposed as well as subjaceril; to Lhe waterbearing horizon (depth 24-43 m). The borate deposits belonged to two types. (1) Diuseminations in argillaceous rocks (syngenetic separations of ulexite and hydroboracite, rarely colemanite and secondary "inoitell (inldt) formations); (2) lenticular and bedlike borate depooits (syngerotic ascharite, sometimes with accompanying ulexite and pandermite as well as secondary "inoitell and carbonates). Previously, models of ore of different compositions were studied. The density of thermal neutrons was measured by proportional counters with boron fluoride filling, which were enriched Card 2/5 S/007/6-1/000/007/003/004 Application of neutron methods ... B103/B2'17 10 with B , as well as by means of scintillation counters (the latter were worked out at the Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut im. S.I.Vavilova (State Optical Institute imeni S. I. Vavilov)). For recording epithermal neutrons, the above counters are wrapped in cadmium-paraf:Nn filters which let through only such neutrons. Before measurements, the apparatus Was calibrated (Ref. 9: V. V. Sulin, Etalonirovaniye apparatury radioaktivnogo karotazha (Standard ization of apparatus for radioactive logging), Razvedochnaya i promyslovaya geofizika, 26,1958). A Fo-Be neutron source of a strength of 1.5 curie polonium was used. p was obtained as a func- tion of the B2 03content. p is expressed by the relation ISt.D.- ID. ISt.D. where ISt.D. is the neutron density from the subjacent bed of the rock and ID the neutron density from the boron-containing beds. The resolving power of the method depends on the degree of alteration of p with the change of the B203 content in the rock to be examined. The curves Card 3/5 Application of neutron methods S/007/61/000/007/003/004 B103/D217 representing 4 as a function of the B 203 content in the rock deturmined on bed models are allowed to be used as standardization curves only with respect to the differences in chemical composition and density between model rocks and rocks occurring in the deposit. A standardization curve can be also obtained by numerous measurements in boreholez; from beds with a known boron content. The errors of determination NO2C6H4CHORCH2OH. The two glycols which are easily soluble in water, were extracted with ether or dichloroethane. m-nitro- phenylethyleneglycol was also obtained by saponification of diacetyl derivative (11), acC03-ding to Scheme 2. After heating with 1% sulfuric acid, the oxide of p-nitrostyrene yields p-nitrophenylethyleiieglycol. The hydration process of the oxide of m-nitrostyrene is nuch more complicated, Card 1/3 IFTT m- and p-Aminophenylethyleneglycols 8/079/60/030/04/54/080 BO01/BOG2 since many by-products develop which inhibit the separation of m-nitro- phenylethyleneglycol. During the oxidation of p-nitrophenyl.ethyleneglycol with diluted nitric acid, p-nitrobenzoylcarbinol (III) develops which melts at 134-135 0 1 p-NO2C6H4CHOHCH 2OR !OP-NO20 6H4COCH209 (111). The authors of the present paper, in a similar way as other scientists by othe, methods (Refs. 2,3), obtained the acetyl derivative of carbinol III) from_-_. p-nitrochloroacetophe-aone with the melting point also at 121-122 . The com- pound obtained by Engler and Zielke thus does not corrospond to product (III) whose melting point is 132-133 C, but to the acetyl derivative. In the presence of a platinum catalyst, m- and p-nitrophonylethyleneglycol was reduced into amino compounds. High-melting producto of unknown structure,developed by the reduction of p-nitrophonylt,)ilori)methyloarbinol- Azo, dyw'were obtained from all amino compounds, by coupling with , -oxynaphthoic acid. There are 3 references, I of which is Soviot. ASSOCIATIONt In3titUt organicheskoy kbimii Akademii nauk Mcrainskoy SSR (Institute of Organic Chemistry of the kcadetq of Sciences, Ukrainskaya SS Card 2/3 1, i )?()! m- and p-Aminophenylethyleneglycols S/079/60/030/04/54/080 ,jl~ BOOI/BO02 SUBMITTED: March 12, 1959 ! ~, ; Card 3/3 DOBROLEIIISKIY, Yuriy Pavlovich, doktor tekhn. naiik-, prof'. - MANOVA.A., Valentina Ij~jpo -and. tekhn. nauk, dots.; MAIM,;- yn~,j 1, Gwrt~65- rgeyevich, dolctor tekhn. nauk, prof.; FrInima-1 uchastiye BODUNOV, E.K.0 kand. tekhn.nauk~ dots.; SOLODOVNIKOV, V.V., dolctor teldm. nauk., prof,,, retsenzent; CHERTOK, B.Ye., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; VAVILOV, Yu.A., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots., red.; SHMFAYN, L.I., red.izd-va; NOVIK, A.Ya., tekhn. red. (Automation of guided missiles] Avtomati3ca upravliaeU, kh snariadov. Moskva,)Oborongiz, 1963. 548 P. (MIRA 16:12) (Guided missile3 (Automatic control) lj~ 7 J-.Z7 7 t 17-1 A144035367 BOOK EXPLOITATION S/ Dobrolenskiy, YUriy Pavlovich; Ivanova, Valentina 1vnQrij,j Poarpelwt Gei=gm Sargoyevich (Doctor of Technical 9'c-1o-n-c-evj Automation of guided missiles (Avtomatika upravlyayanVokh snarpidov)., Ploscowo Oborongiz, 1963., 548 P. illus., biblio, Errata slip innertad. 13.9000 coptea 0 printed. Toxtbook for technical institutes of higher learning, TOPIC TAGSi guided missile, missile guidance DURPOSP, AND COVMAGE: The book is devoted to guided rdBn1la Control. Problems of automatic control of missilea of various claosea aro solviid on the basis of the use of the engineering methods of calculating linear and nonlinear dywamic uyrtens that bavo been developed in the theory of autor&itic regulation,, lba possible principles of receiving guidance signals in various methods of guidance wa considered. The fundamentals of the dynamics of missile guidance and typil.,al gialdance systems are cited. Analytical expressions for calculation and deterrdnation of guidanae exTor ,are Given. The book is a textbook for students in higber technical educational ins- titutions; it can also be useful to engineers and techniciams in automatia misvile 'control. Card 1/3 Ai,035367 TABLE OF CONTENTS (abridged): Foreword -- 3 Ch. I. General information on guided missiles - 5 Ch. Il. Some mathematical methods of studying automatic control systems 30 Ch. III. Guidance signals in self-pidance -- 106 Ch.IV, Guidance signals in teleguidance -- 139 Ch. V. Guidance signals in autonomous guidance -- 168 Ch. VI. Transformation of guidance signals in missiles -.- 205 Ch. VII. AmDlifiors and mechanisms of missile guidance axotems 223 Ch. VIII. Mathematical description of the movement of a jidasilo 240 Ch. IX. Structure of autopilots -- 277 Ch, X, Control of a missile relative to the center of gravity .. 290 Ch. X1. Control of a missile's center of gravity rolatiw to an aasigned iwtiw jector7 -- 3h2 Ch. XII. Movement of missiles in turbulence -- 371 Ch. X111. Dynamics of self-controned missiles - 408 Ch. XIV. Dynamics of telecontrolled missiles -- 460 Ch. XV. Dynamics of autonomously controlled missiles 469 Ch. XVI. complexes of tolecontrolled missiles and methadm of wraluating the C.,d 2/3 ANhO35367 accuracy of firing 52$ Bibliography 543 SUB COM OH OTHERs Oll SUBMTTEDs 160ot63 DATE AOQs 12W64 NR REF SOVs %2 Card 3/3 AMIROV, R.Z.; ZOLIVIKOV, 8,1,%; IVAKOVA, V.I.; STMIU~ S.N. Study of clactroancepbalographic data dwimg prasen't-day Intubation anesthesia. Vest.khir. no.6s, 162, .57-61 (M:1RA 15M) 1. Tz laboratorli klinialieskoy fiziologiL (zn7,, - Itrof. A*G. Bu'khtiyarov)p laboratorii anesteziologii (zav. - S.M. Zollnikov) i otdeleniya priobrotenri7kh porokor l3erdtsa (zav. - prof. S.A. Kolesnikov) Instituta mardechno--sosudistoy khirurgil MIN "SS . (ELECTRO]MCEPHAWMOHY) (rNTRATRACTMAL ANESTIMIA) Zia IVANOVA, V. I. 27278. IVANOVA, V- I- Ob organizatsii i komplektovanii brutsellezriykii ferm-izolyatorov. Veterinariya, 1949, No.9, s. 19-20. So: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 36, 1949. IVJSOVA, V.I. Organisation measures In bracellovis. Yeterinariia 31 no.11:29-A N 54. (KLRA 7-11) 1. Starshiy veteriuaruyy vrach Glavnogo uprawleniya shivotnovodel,va I vaterinarii Ministerstva, sellskogo khazy&ystva MR. (BRMXUoWjS) IVANOVA, V., f F".,. t 1. 1, -, ~.-. - -. Interrepublic conference on brucellosts. irstarinarlia 32 no.?: 95-96 JI 155. (MIRA 8ig) (MANSCAUGASIL--BRUCELIOSIS) IVANOVA, V.I. Veterinary bacteriological laboratories should assunm greater responsability in brucellosis control. Vaterinariia 32 me-10: 21-23 0 '55. (MRA 8.32) l.Starshi7 vaterinarW vrach-inspektor Glavzogo upravleni7a vaterinarii Hinisterstva sel'skego khozpqstva SSSR. (VEMINARY LABORATORIES) (BRUCELLOS IS--PnVEIP.P ION) IVANOVA. V.I. Use of-i dry antituberculosis vaccine from straim 19. Timterinarile 33 no-9:34-36 S 156. (MLRA 9:10) l.Starshiy vaterinarnyy vrach Glavnego upraLvlen-iya v&-ttgrinarii Ifiniater- 11 tva govetakikh khozy aystv SSSR. (Tuberculosis-Proveintive inoculation) IVAIUVA, V.I. % --'*'.- i Taldy-Kurgan Province veterinary bacteriological laboratory. Veterinariia 33 no.12:21-24 D '56. (MLRA 91.12) 1. Starshly vat"rtnaz77y vrach Glavnogo upraylontya vaterinaril VAnisterstva, sel'skogo khotyaystva SSSR. (Taldy-Kurgan Provincm-Veterinary laboratories) USSR T 11tripan aj(. Physiology, Tbe ervous System I Nfo. 5 1959) Ne), 22457 jon. : rzwuol., : Gusel'nJkov, V.; Ivanova, V.I. i 11! S 1-1 T171-B : Co.-eb6llar Electrical'. Ruactions in Fish, Turtles and Plgfiors Produced. by Lxt4~rnal. St"zuli. : Fiziol. ;~h. 'SSSR, 11.358, 44, No. 2, 113--12,9 Ot the light, sound and tactile stimuli. Iri"V9,sti-ated, light. exerted the lyreateii1t effool. on tbe olertrot-erebellor, ,rair~s of Xish, turtles ard pigeons. Among carp tbo light retiponee con- 's1sted 1n a primary respoitse, rapid dsst.4il I-at ions and large slow waves, The compli?jcity of the reaction Is explained by th(-,,. vasd; afferent con- rtections of the cerebelltun in fish. The light respaase in turtles consisted r),f ~ a primary res- pons3, a fact which is ralnt6d to the reduction o~C the cerebellum among reptiles, In pigeons Lhe IiFht response was most pronounct-11 In the CAT-,C,Sr Ditto 204 f ?-M Ln-~13. bf ~~Xct.rIA arM .'Ungi. Abs'. Rgatol., w. 6 1959. ft. 25975 A 7r~ --R Zvdnor :.,a 3.; Ion~av, N ; Ir2ov ri" .if-. Ca tr.1 lnat~tuto of Vote -riml of the ~atlllt7 of' Pour 'J2CajjoO. -ninst ~~Cello_-Z. P.73. 'r. 30m. Jr-ta vet. ;wep4rs- tov. 1Y57. 7. -~1-46 I pro-rtles or ElTcsr!.rA-.1 va~tir. rr~- strOln :~0-3 (11, fOr=-1- 2- Macinm strain " U~, (11), 11" ~Cclnj strain !o.iil (111), srYllvo dr7 vccol= -traln T'o.lrj wo.,o.trud on -shcep. :T t~%o shoe, vaccinoted prud-ntav, r-n-nems-~-r- --nary 174:,Qratl. EA=. 1/2 10 AM-RA= 9 WItIa 11 !M-Unlt-f Woo established in of, anj- c=t "i. "*Is, Ard In 011%00:1 V"Cotr~ltc,- !Z. '~ '. . Of hAAb4--.,ha-zh.cq t-4 conplate rosiou=6 to b7 brucellosis.. In shot.-) with -V ulth ftzcz Of 5 4nd 25 billion L-=- n1'T MI 6stAblichod in 50 4.4 IGC,.' or C.S.. L.S.:-ILrLch.,,L:o. 2/2 IVANOVA, V.I. Use of vaccine against brucellosis. Veterinariia 36 no.l: 30-32 Ja 159, NIM 12: 1) 1. Starshiy veterinarnyy vrach Glavnogo upravleniya voterinaril Ministerstva sellsko khozyaystva SSSR. rBrucelloois) PANOVA, V. I. Formation of conditioned motor chain reflexes In fishes, pigeons, I and rabbits. Nauch. dokl. vyn. shkoly; biol. nauki no-3:86-90 16o. (MM 13:8) 1. Rekomendovema kafedroy fiziologii vyeshey nervncLv dayatelf- nosti Hoskovskogo gosudarstvannogo universiteta im. MoVeLomonosavae (CONDITIOMM 23SPONSN) iMO .X.; MOSHCUIBUY, N.S.; LAYIN, D.; VASILIKOV, G.V.; YA,_V ABISHEV, ZHDANOV, A.; ATERASOV, S.; MNISHUTKIN, S.; AVDLTEVO L; AKMNTINI, E. Plenum of the Stockbreading Section of the V.I. TAnin All- Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Veterinariia 37 no.6: 90-96 Je 160. (MIRA :16 - 7) (Veterinary medicine) (Dremiatskii.. Ivan Nikolaevichp d. 1960) (Mashkin.. Ivan Ivanovich,, 1879-1960) IVANOVA, V.I. Mechanism of aminazine action on conditioned motor food reflexes in fishes, pigeons and rabbits. Zhur. vya. nerv. deiat. 11 no.61ll2o-1126 N-D 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Chair of the Physiology of the Higher Nervous Activity, Moscow University. (CILLORPROMUINE) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) IVANOVA) V.I. Effect of tofranil(imizins) on conditioned-reflex activity in fish, pigeons and rabbits. Nauch. dokl. vys. ahkoly; biol. nauki no.IM-77 162. (14IRA 15:3) 1. Rekomendovana kafedroy fiziologii vysshey nertnoy dayatellnosti Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo vniversitsta im. IAN. Lmonocova. (IMPRMINE) (COMITIONED RESPOISE) !VA-'IOVA, V.I. Mirthor 73pa-,uros in the control of 42 r10-11:30-32 IN '65. 19:1) 1. Glarnyy spetsialist Glavnogo u-,ravlenlya vetf~rinzlri.-* u Ministerstva sellskoiro ',dio.-.yjy.,: tva S SS R. Ap6oo5M (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/03h AUTHOR: Ivanova, V. I. (Chief speciallat) ORG: Main Administration of Veterinary Mrdicino 11SK1-i SSSR (Glairnoy upravleniya veterin 11_11pKh 5,95R) TITLE: The latest measures in the cnmpaign against brucellosi's SOUPLE.- Vaterinariya,, no. 1-1) 1965j, 30-32 TOPIC TAGS*. veterinary medicille, brucellosis, vaccine ABSTRACT: During 1965 the Wain Administration of Votorioary 1-11odicine of the Ministry of Agriculture SSSR hold two conferences with veterintiry specialists (from tones where livestock are driven out to pasture for prolonged periods) to discuss methods of combating brucellosis. In z_ddition, two zonal comforences were held in Alma-Ata and Stavropol' to evaluate prophylactic im-,)unization of animals against '4rucellosis with strain-19 vaccine.~j Speakers at the zonal conferences included A. W. Abishev, who reported on vaccination and revaccination of animals in the Kazakh SSSR; V. Ye. Balykin, who reported on progress in conbating brucellosis in the ,-Kirgiz 35 ; and B. V. Popov, who gave a similar report from Stavropollskiy Kray. ;"On the basis of materials-aHa recommendations from these zonal conferences., the Main Administration of Veterinary Medicine ordered continued use of strain-19 T ACC NRs AP6005015 vaccine and gave specific instructions for its use in cattle, stuAll, horned animals, and animals owned by citizens. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATEt none Card P b L 31304-66___EAT(J)/T JK ACC NR, A?6o22588 SOURCE CVDEi--Ll-R76YZ76~pIW1601760~li)-6 i AUTHOR: YarnYkh, V. S. (Candidate of veterinary sciences); Akopyan, Ye. She (Candidate of veterinary sciences); Vranchan, Z. Es (Candidate of veterinary i1ciences) Ivanova, V, I (Candidate of veterinary sclencei ORG. All-Union Scientific ReseAr of Y-eterlnam 4pLW-A-o-n (VBeaoyuzrwy nauchno-issledovatet1fskiy institut 'weterinarnay sanitaril) TITM: Nothod, of disinfecting milk on farms contaminated with foot-And-mouth disoass, tuborculosi44 brucellosis\D and paratyphoid_ fever\J SOURCEt Veterinariya, no* 1, 1966, 92-94 TOPIC TAGS: foot and mouth disease, tuberculosis, brucellosin, bLeteria, virus, food sanitation AWTRACT: In view of the shortage of re3lable pasteurizers on forms, a mobile unit i_- su.-gested for farms contaminated with various cattle diseases. A 300-litor VDP- 300 vat for prolonged milk pasteurization is mounted on a GLZ-701~ taailere Tests wl various bacteria and viruses ahowd the mothc4 effective if a te"rature of-800 C is maintained for 30 minutese The method can be used in farm conditions, even in pastures. Detailed instructions are given for ing tile wthod widor various local conditionso Orig. art. has: 2 figures. LJPRS SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATEt none Card 1/1 a C~ 7, IVANOVA, Vera Koristantitima f Dow I rpised 900 calveal Khk l.a vyraotila 909 toliat. [Saratc,~,] Saratovskoe kn-vo, 1955. 9 P. (MIPA 9-.ri) (Calves) GERC M . M.P.; IVAHOVA, V,M. SYA6'eisis of nord1hydro-guaiaretic acid and its use to protect edible fats agains rawidity..Ihim.nauk i prom* 3 no-5:685-687 '58. (HIRA 1.1: 11) 1. Moakovskiy in-atitut narodnogo khozyaystva iia. G.V. Plakhanova. (Guaiaretic acid) (Oils and fats.1dible-Storage) MIT GLRCHUX, ILP.. dol-tor Ichin. tnnuk; IVANOVA. Syntheeis of likydronorgmai-oretic acid ani its Dan .9s --.n antioxidant in ndibln "nts. Hnsl.-zhir. Dram. 24 no. 6-44-45 158. (MIRA 11-0 1. Mookovskiy- institut narodnogo khozyaystva ima ni G.V.Plekbonova. (Pyrocat"Chol) (Oil-, and fate, Edible) (Antioxidanta) 9*16r 7' w-01 1? -w, yu yj --- ----- UZDENNIKOV, A.; IVANOVA, V.M.,- SADD, V.M.; ANANIYEVA, A. Abstracts. Apt.delo 12 no.3:83-85 YIT-Je 162. (MMA 16:1) (Mmcy) CHEFIWOVP M.S.i dots.; MIKEROVA, V.V., dots.; VORSINA, H.A., dots.; KUVSHINNIKOV, I.M.) dots.; MILICHEV, V.A., dots.; 14ATYER, assist.; TITOV, V.F., prepod.; M.M., prepod.; IYOO GRISHINA, L.V., -;ssist.; BELYAYEVA, Ye.M., assist.; POPOVA, L.F., asist.; GUSEV, S.P., prof.,rad.; SERGEYEVA, A.S., tekhn. red. (Laboratory manual on general chemistry; for the students of the institutions of higher learning specializing in the study of commodities and technology) Hakovodstvo k praktiche- skim zaniatiiam po obshcbei khimii dlin studentov tovarove- denykh I. tokhnologicheskikh spetsiallnostei vynshikh ucheb- nykh zavedenii. Pod obshchei red. S.P.Guseva. Moskva, 1962. 206 p. (mim 16:9) 1. Moscow. Institut narodnogo khozyaystva. Kafedra obshchey khimii. (Chemistry-Laboratory manuals) PROTAS, I.R.; IVANOVA, V-M- Shape and size of silver bromide cl-jotals formed at various p11 of Lhe dispersion medium. Usp.nauch.fot. 10:262-266 164. ('MIRA 17:10) IVANOVA, V. 14. USSR # "General Theory of the Spaces of Close Manifolds." Thesis for degree a Cand. Physico-Ma thiematical Sci. Sub 28 DOC 50, Vathematics Inst imeni V.A. Steklov, AcadSci USSR Summary 71, 4 SOP 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Science and Engineering in Moscow in 1950. From Vechernyaya Moskva, Jun-Dee 1950- IVANOVA, V. M. "Spaces of Closed Sets," Usp. mat. flauk Vol. 6 No. 4 (4k), pp 19"0-220, 1.951. u-1635, 16 Jan 52 ~4 , Y USSR/ Mathemitics Topology Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 4/52 -kuthors o Ivanova, V. M. Title I Ca the theory of subsets Periodical I DoIrc. " SSSR 101A, 6o1-603., Apr 1, 1955 Abstract I Conditions are considered under which the nortaa1JI:jr of tbo (E) i:zn be secured. The C- (E) is a set and not empty closi!(41 Guba;oto E. Tva references: 1 USSR and 1 US-A (1950 and 1951). Institution : ..... Presented by: Academician V. I. Sm-irnov, December 10) 1954 i6 Ivanov, A.A. SOV/38-23-4-7/8 AUTHORSs Ivanov TITLE: Neighborhood Spaces and Bicompact Extensions of' Topological Spaces PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR,Seriya matomaticheskaya,1959, Vol 23,lTr 4,pp 613-634(USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors generalize the notion of the proximity-space of V.A. Yefremovich and the result of Yu-M. Smirnov Z Ref 4 7 on the relation between the proximity spaces and the bicompZct Tlausdorff extensions. The generalization of the notion Droxi- nity spa~.e firstly consists in replacing the axiom of Be- parability by a weaker one, whereby a notion of the proxi- mity can be introduced which is very suitable for spaces of the class T I , Ssoondly the notion of the neighborhood is in+roduced which generalizes the notion of the proximity inas- much as this one is a relation for pairs of subsets of the topological space while the neighborhooa is a relation for finite systems of subsets of the topol.ogical space. The go- nerali za tions allow a generalization of the results of Smirnov /-a,f 4_7 ; on the one hand it exists a direct connection Card 1/ 2 -Neighborhood Spaces and Bicompact Extensions of SOV/38-23-4-7/8 Topological Spaces between the proximity spaces and the bicompact fundamental extensions of the topological spaces of the class T I and on the other hand a connection between the neighborhood spaces and the regular bicompact extensions. There are given 9 theorems, 9 lemmata and several axioms. There are 4 Soviet references. PRESENTEDt by P.S. Aleksandrov, Academician SUBMITTED: June 7v 1958 Card 2/2 16(1) AUTHORS: Ivanova, 7.1,% , Ivanov, A.A. SOIT/20-1 27-1-4/(z- TI TIE: Conti,-- pact 13xtensions of Topological nity "paces and Bicon Spaces PERIODICAL: Doklady A!~ademii naul: 35SR,1950,jol 127,lTr 1,pp 20-211 (US,',R) AB3VIACT: For finite systems of closed sets of a topolorical spac"., ;*?, of the claso T, the author defines the contiCuity-relation with the aid of three axioms. He develops thr theory of con., tiguity spaces and shows that alth the aid of them one can describe all regular bicompact extension3 of the topolwiclal spaces in the class T, . A special class of conti~~ity- relationsg so-called main relations, in discussed in detail. Here the well-known reault Z-Rof 1_7 of Yu.11,23mirnov is generalized. Altogiather there are six theorems and numom-us definitions. - There is 1 Soviet reference. ?R14,8214TED: Yarch 2, 1959, by E.S. Aleksandrov, Acadermician SUBITITTEDs February 27, 1959 Card 1/1 Iff -al TM I -L. P-1-71 71~ EHORLIN, A*Yao; IVANOVAo Volf# Detecting and studying the chemical compositiOn of 'the active substances of-Patrinia tntermedia. Apt. delo 12 no.6:31-36 N-D 163. (MA 17-.2) 1. Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedinenly AN SSSR i farmatsev- ticheskiy fakulltet I Moskovskogo ordena Lanins. meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. IVANOVA, V,M. (Leningrad) Proximity relation and spaces of closed subseta, I'At. Sbor,. 65 no.1:18-27 S 164. (MIRA .17: 11) - LI-1-121 I i I IiI-7~7 GITIS) S.S.; IVANOVA, V.M. Reactions of aromatic nitro oompounds. Part 231 Re-nnt.f?rifi- cation of benzyl ethers of 2,4-dinitrophenol, Zhur. org. khim. 1 rio.8:1437-1439 Ag 165. (MIRA 18:11) 1. Novomoskovskiy filial Gosudarstverincigo Instituta wzctnoy pronqshlennosti i produktov organicheskogo sinteta,