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Dyeing of synthetic fibers. S/076/61/035/001/CO1/022 B004/13060 benzene, dissolved in formamide and in dimethyl formai.-.ide, also excluded the foa-mation of H bonds. Summing up: The interactioii betueen anino azo dyes and polyamide fibers takes place by %ray of the iritermolecular inter- action of 7F-electrons. Only thesep toGether with the polarity of tl,e carbamido~ group, can explain the bathochromic shift. Professor M. V. Savo st ly_nnova is thanked for interest and assi-qtr-nce. There are 4 fig- ures, 1 bable, and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCI.,'-'TION: TekstilInyy institut (Textile Institute) SUMITTED: Elarch 16, 1959 Legend to the Table. a) formula for dye otructure; b) absorption maximum in solution; c) absorption maximum on fiber. Card 3/4 nomellat r1o.11011telliff! ajcTpylrfypllaft Dopmyjla vpnell7p.-Iff it o moate it it itIloramilm in ,I pacroope, Ila AW1011,11, t M;4 L) MA Dyei 0 N - -0 37(; N N - Nw,fto, N N - 412 !ufi $25 N ~-4(cffo, i2l) ,uIN X N - NMI), A 70 O,N -\-X-N- N(C.11J. -0- 0- !,qO Card 414 NO* 39r, 1 432 436, 445 440 490 510 IJ55 5/07 61/035/001/001/022 Boo.4yn6o Dyeing o:f synthetic ARVAV, Kh.L.; ~LV.ANOVA N.V. (Leningrad) Photochemical changes in dyes in amide media* Zburofia.khime 35 , no.6-:1215-1218 Je 161. (KERA 14 37,~) (Dyes and dyeing-Speotra) (Amideo) ZHBANKOVY R.G.; IVANOVA,-N-.V-.; ROZENBURG, A.Ya. Infrared spectra of cellulose in aqueous alkaline solutions. Zav. lab. 28 no.llt-1324-1326 162. (PERA 15:11) 1. Inst-Itut, fiziki AN Belorusskoy SSR. (Cellulose--Spectra) GOLOVANENKO.. B.I.; SHARIPOV., A.Kh.; IVANOVA,.N.V, Production of phthalic anhydride by oxidation of the extract of a low-viscouity oil distillate, Khim, I talch. topl, i masel 8 no.10:9-13 0 163. (MIRA 16:11) FUKS) I.M.; :VALEYEVA, F.?I.,- POPKOVA, FN.j VOLKOVA, L.P.; BELCOGOL(PISKAYA, T.A.; ROMASHKEVICH, I.K.~ Prinimall uchantlye: IfCP.( Z(7.1, Ldl.; Dl-Sfa'l.')EAYA, S.I.; VAKfll-tlNA, L.S.; KARAVAYEVA, ri.V.-,' IVAN(jTSP:IY, A.K.; 4ZHUH111A, G.Yp-.; SOLC)VIYF,'VA, G,M,; ANT)RIYANOVA, M.V.; AKIIDF'iOV.A, V.M.; NFMIROVSKAYA, M.Yo.; MUSORINA, L.S.; KALASHEKC7A, Ye.I.-, PESHKO, A.P.; IVANOVA, N.V.-, ALKESEYEVA, 1TOVITIKOVA, (1.211. Study on the possit-IlLty or redneling tho diplitti)7-iq vaccine dose in revaccination of 9 to 12 year-old schoolchildren. Zhiir. mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 1,1 no-11-103-107 165. (MIRA 18-.51 1. Uftraskly Institut vqktsin i iptorotolc Imen.l. [+~chriikova. ; . r Ii ! , , . !j .. . i i ; 1 4, :11 1~ ~': . ~. i ! ,I . NIKOLAYEV, A.F.; DANIEL', N.V.; TOROPTSEVA, A.M.; VARGA, I.; IMANOVA, N.V. Preparation and properties of poly-N-vinylsuccinamia acid. Vysokom.soed. 6 no.2:292-296 F 164. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy irstitut im-3ni Lensoveta. 11 Iffin" IF MIT 5W AUTHORS: Yurzhenko, A. I., Ivanovap 11. Ya., SOV,/20-123-2-32/50 Yenallyev, V. D. TITLE: The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation Raduction Initiation of %Eulsion Polymerization (Uchastiye emullgators, v okislitellno-vosstanovitellno.m initsiirovanii emullsionnoy polimerizatsii) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19'jf), Vol 125, ITv 2, pp 324_326 (USSR) ABSTRACT: One of the most important factors influencing the kinetics of polymerization in emulsions is the nature of the emulsifying agent. The nature of the emulsifier used influences not only the velocity of the polymerization process but also the properties of the polymer formed. When investigating emulsion polymerization in the presence of various emulsifiers, the authors noticed several particularities in the development of the polymerization process in connection with the application of cetyl pyridine bromide. In this case the part of the emul- sifier is played not only by a purely colloidochemical factor. Investigation was carried out by the dil-atometric method in a Card 1/4 dilatometer which prevents contact between the polymerization The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation SOV/20-123-2-,~2/50 Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization system and air. In the case or all experiments, the ratio between the hydrocarbon- and the aqtiM0U.S-ph.M1e was 1 - 9. The hydroperoxide of isopropyl benzene served as initiator, and styrene was u3ed as monomer. Polymerization kinetics wits investigated at various temperatures, In the course of' one of the toot aerlos sodium car-borinto vnei hitroduoid Into 01~,) aqueous phase. The results obtained by the experiments are shown in a diagram. Conditiona otherwise being equal, poly- merization develops much more rapidly than if other classes of emulsifiers are used. Cetyl pyridine bromide warran-ts suf- ficiently0rapid polymerization also at low temperatures (4 and 18 ), which is not the case with other emulsifiers. If sodium carbonate is present in the aqueous phase, poly- merization velocity passes through a maximum at increased temperatures. In the course of experiments carried out without sodium carbonate, polymerization increases rith rising tem- perature, in which case linear denendence is conserved up to a rather high degree of polymerization. An addition of sodium carbonate and an increase of temperature acts in the same Card 2/4 direction (increase of polymerization velocity). The velocity The Participation of the Emulsifier in the Oxidation SOV/20-123-2-32/50 Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization of the polymerization process is due to the velocity of initiation. The decay of iSOPrODY1 benzene hydroperoxide in an aqueous solution is considerably accelerated by the intro- duction of cetyl pyridine bromide also IA' Na2CO3 is lacking. This decay is still more accelerated If cetyl pyridine bromide and sodium carbonate are present at the oame time. Data con- cerning the kinetics of this decay at various conditions are given by a diagram. An increase of temperature increases the initial velocity of polymerization and reduces the final yield of the polymer. Also an addition of sodium carbonate produces the same effect. A comparison between these and other data makes it possible to draw the following conclusion: The surface-active emulsifier may play a double r8ole in emulsion polymerization: Firstly, it may act as an ordinary emulsifier stabilizing the original emulsion of the monomer, and, secondly, the emulsif ier may have the functions of -a poly- merization activator by causing an induced decay of the hydroperoxide.'There are 4 figures and 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Card 3/4 The Participation of theEmulsifier in the Oxidation SOV120-123-2-32150 Reduction Initiation of Emulsion Polymerization ASSOCIATION: Llvovskiy gosudargtvennyy tiniversitot im. 1*mna Franko (L'vov State University imeni Ivan Franko) PRESENTED: July 3, 1958, by P. A, Rebinder, Academicia.-n SUBIMITTED: 'May 16, 1958 Card 4/4 M 68701 0 IA~ S/069/60/022/01/007/025 D034/DOO3 AUTHORS! Ivanova, N.Ya. and Yurzhenko,,- A.I. TITLE! The Emulsion Polymerization of Styj:en~ in the Presence of Emulsifiers of Varying Molecular Weights PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1960, Vol XXII, Nr 1, 'P~P 37-41 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This is a study of the effect of the molecular weight of emulsifiers (sodium salts of fatty acid fractions) on the rate of the emulsion polvmerizationlof styrene and on the molecular weight -OT-Ehe polymer. The poly- merization of styrene was carried oiat in dilatometers fRef 3-7 in a water thermostat at 600 C. For all ex- I periments the equation phase of the m9nomer: water = 1 '- 9 was maintained, In order to keep constant the pH of the system, in all cases 0.1 g-equ/1 Na 2C03 was introduced into the aqueous phased. The results of the study of the colloidal-chemical properties of the Card 1/4 M., -C-- i tut JI k 6570.1 3/069/60/022/01/007/025 D034/DO03 'Ohe ~'mulsi(,r~ --olymerization of Styrene in the Presence of Emulsifieis of Varying Molecular Weights most efficient emulsifiers will be (,;iven in a special paper in this journal, As polymerization initiator the authors used isopropyl benzene hydrogen peroxide with a content of 78Yo active oxygen, Its concentration was equal to OM 14 with regard to the hydrocarbon phase. The rate of polymerization (Vn) in mole/1-hour was calculated according to the equation Z 1000 d.,(.L Vn YU 100 0 (1U_ - relative colume of the hydrocarbon phase;-J,'- re- lative volume of the aqueous phase; d~.t - sDecific weight of the monomer at polymerization temperatu.-ve; 11 0 -mole- cular weight of styrene; .3 - deptia of priymerization Card 2/4 6870-L S/069/60/022/01/007/025 D034/D003 The Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene in the Presence of I.Pmulsifiers of Varying Molecular Weights CCard 3/4 (quantity of polymerized monomer in percent);_C - time in hours; 6S/6L - tangent of the anglo of inclination of the kinetic curves for each emulsifier of the adopt- ed homologous series). The investigation has shown that the rate of emulsion polymerization of styre-ne in the presence of the mentioned emulsifiers (molecialar weight 166.2-336,0) increases linearly with an increase of the molecular weight of the emulsifier from 166.2 to 296,8,, On further increase of the molecular weight of the emulsifier,, the polymerization process, after having passed a maximum,slows down, For the given homologous series of emulsifiers the maxi.mxim correspondo to the mean length of the hydrocarbon portionof +%-,he soap C17 - Ciq~ The retardation of the polymerization process is associated with charige in Uie colloidal properties Pl~,UTSFrolll,lll' fviuk~ UKIDUK.-VA, 0.1'.; BAKHARbVA, L.I.; i j Y Y V 1011CF-Urill, L.S.; ZA11JUD, Q' A , 0 A, N~ III M.I.; K"lZ'MdNA, K.A.; SHIKUTI, 'I.A.; PETROVA, Zi.V.; G112NERALOV, G.F.; BUDYUK, V.F.; WmENYUK, red. [New high!7 p.rcductivo of Frain cropm] Novyo vysoko- produktiy,Ta sorta zornovykh tur. Movkva, 11olos, 1065. 319 P. (RIBA M: 8) IT-. m Oak Accelerating growth of the oak. Les i step '4 no. 7, 1952. 2 Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, September 194, Uncl. IVANOVA-P Nin4 vgeni/evnat d. 1952 - . ,- I-- - I - I . . I . I ~ . .. I... ~ - I ... - . - Growth.of oak saplings in dark gray clayey soils of forests of the highland forest-stepp region; studies in the Tellermanovskiy forest. Moskva, Akademiia nauk, 1953. 165 p. I VANOVA, H. Z. Agrometeorologiqal factors determining the en(Aing time of millet and buckwheat in the European part of the U.S.S.R. Trudy TSIP no-72:52-54 158. OIMA 12;1) (Hillet) (Buckwheat) (Meteoroloa, Agricultural) CZECI[OV.DVAKIA MICHALAJ~~ IVANOVA, 0. 1 PAJED, L I GI130DAt Regional Hygiene and Epidudology Station, Eastern Slovakian Region (KrajsM hygionicko-opidemialogicka stanics. Vychodoslavenskoho kraje)p Kosice (for all Frape, Coakoslovenska bygiona, No 10, December 1966p pp 609-11 "Mass incidence of L #amtrio) -disorders 'resulting from ingestion of smoked tuns, in Kosice.* IMM jyAR2yAj_OlLa, brigadir kruzhka yurqkh ptitsevodov We're feeding biomycin to chickens. IUn.nate no94:28 Ap 159. (HIJRA 12:3) 1. SrednVaya shkola No. 100, g.Kuybysbev. (Kuibyahev--Poultry research) (Blomycin) IVANIOVA., 0. A.p Prof. "Problem of the Effectiveness of the Use of Homogenous and Heterogenous Pairing of Heavy Breeds of Horses".. Agrobiol, 2,, 1948. Agri-cultwe Inst. Im. I.V. Ullyanov (Lenin). USSR / Farm Animals. Cattle Q-2 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 31 1958, 12083 Author :,Ivanova 0. A. Inst Title On the Problem of the Planned Raising of Cattle with Regard to Fat-Milk Yield. Preliminary Report (K prob- leme napravlennogo vospitaniya zhirno-molocKnosti kru nogo rogatogo skota. Predvaritellnoye soobshchen- ly Orig Pub: Zh. obshch. biologii, 1957, 18, No 2, 153-167 Abstract: The author assumes that it is possible to increase the fat and-milk yield of cows by raising them at a low temperature. Beginning from four months of age heifers were subjected to the infltience of low temperatures. 25 heifers were wintered in a summer oamp in which the temperature was the same as in the Card 1/2 IVkNOVAq O.A. Direct powers of unary algebras. Vest. Mosk, un, Ser,LMat... rjaakh. 19 no.3:31-38 MY-Je 164* (MIRA 17:6) 1. Kafedra vysshey a~gebry 14oskovskogo universiteta. IVANOVA, O.A., prof. Some theoretical problems in line breeding. Zhivotnovodstvo 21 no.11: 34-43 N 159 (DIIIIA 13:3) 1. Vitebskiy veterinarrq-.y inatitut. (Stock and stockbreeding) IVANOVAO O.A. -- Gastric digestive disorders in catatonia in prolonged fasting* Zh. nevropat. psikhiat., Moskva 52 no. 6:31-36 June 1952. (CLKL 23:3) 1. First Moscow Psychiatric Hospital. USSR / Soil Soienoe. Cultivation. Molioration, Bronion. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol. , No 21, 1958, 9517174. Author _,Ivanoyr, - h- A. --Rural Instituto. Inst, Sverdlovsk iLgricu Title Creation of a Deep Arable Layer of Turf-Podzolic Soils and Podzolic Chernozenis in Sverdlovskayn Oblast. Orig Pub: Tr. Sverdl. so-kh. in-ta, 1957, 1, 45-61. Abstract: ii review is given of results of Investigations on the use of the Malltsev methc~L of soil cultiv- ation in the Middle Ural conducted in 1941-1955 by the Sverdlovsk Kgricultural Institute, Deep- ening of the arable layor of olayoy podzolio chernozems by means of plowing the subsoil with- out blade graddrs and by application of organic- 4iineral fertilizers contributes to tho cultivation Card 1/2 NOMOV, A.I~i MAKIMOVSKAYA, A.V.; IVAITUVA, O.A.; SHU11, N.Ya.,, red.; ROTENBERG, A.S., red,izd-va; PULIKINA, Ya.A., (Residential district and microdisteLet] Zhiloi raion i mik- roraion. Leningrad, Gosstroiizdat, 1963. 94 p. (14IRA 16:11) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitellstva i arldiitektilry SSSR (for Naiunov). (City planning) Ow 1:1111 111AF11H. LM --A-M ILLMJIU~~LlltuiuliIIL L J! WE~aL U ,I M! WAiLl"'I'llAl ii itll.l; POSTN-fKO`-`q7 I.S.g BE'LYAl-EVA.- N.A.; FROLOV, F.A.0 111TANUVA, O.D. 81;1,16Y of methcods for -lmprovim, the active sludge regemeration - u Process In aix tanks. Nauch. 1-rudy AM nc.20:22-22 163. (MIRA 18:12) , 1: : F, 11 - . 1 11 ~l i ---W I I . ~ I - I I... I ". aJ, Ii BYCHKOVSKAYAO O.V.; BAZHEDOMOVA, M.A.; BABRIA, N.S.; IVAITOVA, O.D.; KISELEVA, L.F.; NEZWSKAYA, I.I. Increase of the antibody titer in two-stage immmIzation against poliomyelitis with a live vaccine. Vop. virus. 7 no.2:241 Mr-Ap 162. (MIRA 15.- 5) 1. Sverdlovskiy inatitut po profilaktiko poliarmLyell~a. (POLIOMYELITIS-1-VACC, 114,Kr loll) T- I 11'T I . I I!~;t. I ~ - ! !"Fr AUTHORS: Ivanova, 0. M., Gellman, A. D. 78-3-6-9/30 TITLE: On the Amino Derivatives of Trimethyl Platinum (0b aminoproizvodnykh trimetilplatiny) PERIODICALI- Zhurnal Neorganickes'Coy Khimii, 1958$ Vol. 39 Yr 6, pp. 1334-1346 ~USSR) ABSTRACT: The properties of some organometallic compounds of platinum were investigated and the synthesis of the amino derivatives of trimethyl platinum was described. The following six mixed organometallic compounds of platinum were synthesized: (CH 3)3 PtOCH39 (CH 3)3 PtBrq rpt(CH 3)3 (NH 3)3 ] Br, Upt(CH 3)3 (NH 3)33 C" L Pt(CH3)3p-y2C'll [Pt(CH 3)3 PYN113Z A now synthesis of (CH 3)3 FtJ was carried out by a reactlon of CH 3' MgJ in benzene-ether solution with K CNC 3HVC133 X2 T.PtCl6J and dehydrated Na 2PtCl6* Card 1/3 The best yield of (CH 3)3 PQ - approximately 55 was On the Amino Derivatives of Trimethyl Platinum 78-3..6-9/30 obtained with (Na 2)2 [PtClj.Due to the determination of the molecular weight of the compounds Ept(CH 3)3'pyjl and Ept(CH 3)3* (NH 3)2 J1 it was found that these compounds are monomeric. The reactions of trimethyl platinum compounds investig4tted show that the methyl group is im4ovable in thfiae oompouykoo. However, the amino group in the compounds of type [Pt(CH 3)3* (NH 3)33 xf on which 6coasion x represents J, Br or Cl, shows various mobility in dependence on the halide ion. In the interaction of diamine- [Pt(CE 5)3* (NH 5)2'j3 with pyridine only on NK 3group from the inner sphere of the complex can be'e:changed by Py, namely under the formation of trimethyl amino pyridine todine platinum [Pt(CH 3)3' NH3Pyjj There are 1 figure, 2 tables, and 14 references, 5 'of which Card 2/3 are Saviot, fli . ILAU, ~'I IVZ~ f; 1. Trimethyl platinum--Properties 2. Amino derivatives--Synthesis (lard AUTHORS: Golovnya, V. A., Ivanova, 0. M. 78-3-6-10/30 TITLE: Trimethyl Thiocarbamide Compounds of Platinum-(Iv) (Trimetil- tiokarbamidnyye soyedinenlya chetyrekhvalentnoy platiny) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Neorganicheskoy Khimii, 1958, Vol. 3, Nr 6, pp. 1347-1354 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the present paper the production of now thiourea compounds of platinum-(IV) is described for the first time. The investigated electric conductivity of the aqueous solutions of these compounds indicates the presence of two ionic electrolytes. In the interaction between trimethyl triamine platinum iodide and an excess of thiourea a yellow, finely crystalline body, soluble in water and alcohol and almost insoluble in benzene and chloroform forms. The compound has the following composition: [Pt(CH 3)3 (Thio) 311 C6H2(N02)3 0 1. In the interaction between trimethyl triamine platinum iodide or chloride and 3 mole thiourea the following compositions form: [Pt(CH 3)3(Thio) 31 J and [Pt(CH 3)3 (Thio)3]Cl. Card 1/2 In the interaction between trimethyl triamine platinum iodide -Trimethyl Thiocarbamide Compounds of Platinum-(IV) 78-3-6-10/30 and 2 mole thiourea the following compound forms: [Pt(CH 3)3 NH 3(Thio)2]J. In the interaotion between trimethyl triamine platinum chloride and 2 mole or 1 mol thiourea the followin compounds form: [Pt(CE1 3)3NH3 (Thio )23 C1 or [Pt(GH 3)3 07H3)2Thi ~O Cl. It was demonstrated that the alkyl groups in the inner domain of the platinum complex cannot be exchanged by thiourea. There are 1 table and 12 references, 9 of ithich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut obshchey i neorganichesko.T khimii im. N. S. Kurnakova, AN SSSR (Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry im. N. S. Kurnakov, AS USSR) SUBMITTED: May 21, 1957 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress 1. Platinum compounds--Production 2. Trimethyl thiocarbamide Card 2/2 --Applications IVANOVA, 0. M., Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Trimethy.1platinum complex compounds." Moscow, 1960. 12 pp; (Academy of Sciences USSR, Inst of General and Inorganic Chemistry im N. S. Kurnakov); 150 copies; price not given; (n, 17-60, 141) GOLOVIIYA, V.A.; IVATIOVA, 0,14. Complex formate compounds of thciriwa, Zhur. neorg. 1rhim, 8 no.11:2462-2467 N 163. (MYRA 17:1) 1. Institut obshchey I neorganichaskoy khludi ininni N.S. Kurnakova 91 SSSR. MOLODKIN, A.K.; IVANOVA, O.M.; SKOTNIKOVA, G.A. Mixed acyl oomplexes of thorium. Zhur. neorg. khim. 9 no.2:295- 306 F'64. (KRA 17:2) MOI,O~`J;!!, A,K.; -.1VANOVA, O.M.; HCHUMOVA, A.N. N, Sume carbamide -contain i ng complex thorium half.des. Dold. AN' SSSR 164 no.4:820-821 0 165. (J~!TRA 18:10) 1. Tnstitut obshchey i neorgalicheakoy khirdl in. ?1.3.Kurnak-ora AN SSSR. Submitted March 24, 1965. MCLODKIN, A.K.; SKOTNIKOVA, G.A.; IVANOVA, O.M. I ~ 1. 1 ., 1. - -11 ... -", Tetrasu'LfF tte compounds of Th. Zhur.neorg.khim. 10 no.llt2441-2448 N 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Institut obshchey i neorganicheigkoy khtmil imeni N.S.Furnakova All SSSR. Submitted July 25, 1964. no. r)!t. IVANOVA, O.N. Biological characteristics of the Aral carp. Sbor. rab. po ikht. i gidrobiol. no-3:171-184 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz Aral'skogo ikhtiologicheskogo otdeleniya Instituta ikhtiologii i rybnogo kbozyaystva AN Kazakhskoy SSR. (Aral Sea.-Carp) L~M~~A, 0,11. Welded joints in nickel intended for use in an alkali medium. Avtom. avar. 16 no.1:91-92 Ja 163. (KMA 16:2) (Nickel-Welding) ACCESSION NR: AP4029251 S/0125/64/000/0041000VO009 AUTHOR: Rabkin, D. M. (Doctor of tochnical aciences)3 Xv"!?y N. (Engineer); Ipatova, S. I. (Engineer); Romanova, Vo N. (Znginoer); Konstantinov, V. I. (Engineer) TITLE: Effect of the addition of oxides of some rare mid rare-earth metals upon the characteristics of tungsten electrodes SOURCE: Avtomaticheskaya avarka, no. 4, 1964, 5-9 TOPIC TAGS: welding, welding electrode, tungsten welding electrode, argon arc welding, lanthanated tungsten welding electrode ABSTRACT; Despite the fact that information regarding the harrnl~ Ld effects of naturally -radioactive thorium in thoriated-W electrodes on humar, beings had been 'Icontradictory, " the possibility of replacing Th was investigated. A 4-mm tungsten wire was prepared by powder -metallurgy methods with the addition of La, Gd, Y, Nd, Ce, Ers Sm, Dy, or Hf. Depending on the mechanical charac- teristics of the processed electrode, the addition was introduced either into the Card 1/2 1, ACCESSION NR: AP40297,51 W anhydride or into the W powder. It was found that W electrodes with oxides of Er, Dy, and Sm, in their processing characteristics, are inferior to thoriated-W electrodes but superior to pure-W eloctrodes. The electrodes with I -Z0/6 of La,O, were found to have the best technological characteristics; they are similar to thoriated-W electrodes and are characterized by the loweat consumption and highest current density. The welding current was Z50 amp, at 65 v, with a 3-mm arc. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and I table. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrosvarki im. Yo. 0. Patona AN UkrSSR (Institute of Electric Welding, AN UkrSSR); Moskovskiy elektrolampowl*y zavad (Moscow Electric-13ulb Plant) SUBMITTED: IZDec62 SUB CODE: Card DATE ACQ: Z7Apr64 NO REF SOV,. 005 ENCL,. 00 OTEMR; 002 tt 1Y V/ 2/ -A 'PTIORS. I, A Dc~;-,azed) , ivarirv a. 0. :1: ',)1,, d Kokhancva, Z.S.. 'fI T 1B, A Register UsinL,~ Junction Trancistors (RO,-sIr Ila ploskostiykh U poluprovodnikovykh triodakh) FERIONCAL: EleD:tro5v,7az'- 1058. ITr 5f Pf, '14- (USSR)- ABSTRACT. The arti~~le describes one of the stages by the Kafedra Tele-Ponii (Chair of Telephony) of 1,:14:IS in find,-r;.,.. e-ii-ineerlinC; solutions to tle i-,.roblem of' ele--troniL, ~-o:,"Jro1 -)f a 1.00--!Lne -crossbar exchatiCe. FiC!,ure I the bloc-, dlaL~,~-dm of the tens and units registers, Apart, "'C', the esseritial elements arc, a --,ilse before eat"11 COUCICT cAlld A IMISC- 11 VPIA -`1 1'( 1' ('01 the gates,. The completc circuit, u--L,16 t~,lpe P~'3 tramistors, is in Fi-ure 2, the common c,01MOORents being s.-heduled in Table 2, Table 1 Gives tho i-Daiiiion of eai~b of the four trigf,,er circuits in the unit!:; fo-r 11-1-1c, t-eii different diE;its- The cori,esl* ondim~-, v: av j r~, ~ s. dire if -Y 7 1 e ex e n si -~:) n Ficure Fi-gures 4 and 5 illustrate brief] o--F the principle to a six-diEit .-eGister, C ar d A Re.-ist-er Using J;--action Transistrrs soly/*Ior, r-,.. I There &I~e 5 ficures, 3 tables rind :z/ Vefuvincco, 2 -of -are So,riet arl 1 -EnElish. SUBLITTED., j;.~re 21), 195? Card 212 . I I ",~ 1-1 V ATC -s Id "M" 9 #Wvtw-"M. r. A. N- V--- Tp_~W &psem~ ATC PPAV A" low"- NIL ML R "p- ATI IL JL rp- I L P.-P. 18 m 22 a A. r...fts A- -F-6 --I," I'= com r. it KPP. 10 16 t OL 1'... zo.Q..4 VY C L Nor. JL 0. V$-. C-1 . polo.. .P. M- 21 O---At woo,"not -e 4h. 104h-1.61-1 6"14L, or 3101%rua CGMAtnuaw 2R. A. Por, A SOV/106-59-10-7/11 AUTHORS: Ivanow6 0. N. , Kokhanova, Z. S., and Grinkevich, V.A TITIE: -9-o-me -Circul-ts-Tor Contactless Swit?ing Equipment in a Co-Ordinate Telephone Sub-Exchange 11 PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1959, Nr 10, PP 52-60 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes the electronically-Bwitched, co-ordinate sub-exchange, developed by the Moscow Electro-Technical Communications Institute. The Bub-exchange connects to a c ntral exchange with a decade-step system ATC - 4?.c The sub-station is designed basically to serve subscribers in blocks of flats; the internal traffic of the sub-exchange is short circul-ted through the central exchange. The capacity of the sub-exchange is 100 subscribers, and the total calculated traffic is Y --5.2 erl (Yin . Y - 2.6 erl.). For the given conditions, io ouzgoinR4nd 10 incoming trunks, 4 registers, 4 circuits, switching the incoming trunks to the registers, (BP), one marker and 4 co-ordinate multiple svitches, are required. The trunks are two-wire and therefore the layout required for the outgoing (IKSL) and incoming (VKSL) trunks is as shown in Fig 1. Card 1/4 The grouping scheme is shown in Fig 2. Four co-ordinate SOV/106-59-10-7/11 Some Circuits for Contactleas Switching Equipment iii a Co-Ordinate Telephone Sub-Exchange switches of the 10 x 20 type are provided. The incoming and output going calls are established through two branches A and B. Branch A has two co-ordinate BWitches (MKC - 1 and MKC - 2), in the fields of which the subscribers' lines are transposed. In br4uich B one co-ordinate switch (MKC - 3) is provided for switching the outgoing trunks and the second (MKC - 4) for switching the incoming trunks. Between branches A and B are 20 intermediate paths which are common to both the outgoing and the incoming calls, Also each of them serves 20 subscribers' lines. The subscriber's line has access to four intermediate paths both for incoming and outgoing calls. The grading is designed to equalise the traffic and to select a free path with minimum operation of the electromagnets of the switches. To set up a connection at the sub-station the. subscribers' line is connected through an outgoini.,; or incoming trunk to the central exchange via the brant,,hes A and B in the co-ordinate switches block. Electronic markers control Card 2/4 the co-ordinate switches, The electronic marker circuits SOV/106-59-10-?/ll Some Circuits for Contactless Switching Equipment in a Co-Ordinate Telephone Sub-Exchange are as follows (Fig 1): 1. The circuit M, for mutual blocking of the incoming and outgoing call. 2. The subscriber determinant circuit M? 3. The circuit M3 for testing for free intermediate paths between the branches A and B. 4. The circuit for testing for free outgoing trunks M4. 5. The circuit M5 for connecting the register to the marker system M5. 6. The decoder'circuit M6. 7. The circuit M7 for signalling the state of the subscriber's line and of the intermediate paths. The marker system can set up only one incoming or outgoing connection at a time. The circuits and their operation are then described in detail in the following order: 1. Setting up of an outgoing call. 2. Setting up of an incoming call, together with the Card 3/4 action of the decoder and of the register switching. SOV/106-59-10-7/11 Some Circuits for Contactless Switching Equipment in a Co-Ordinate Telephone Sub-Exchange 3. The operation of the subscriber circuits, The system used semi-conductor triodes and diodes. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 3 Soviet referencez. SUBMITTED: May 201 1959 Card 4/4 IVANOVA Oil Nikolavevn -BUSANKINA, N.G., red.;TRISHINA, L,,A., [Electronic commutation and elements of progrimming in automatic telephony] Elektronnaia kommutatalia i elmeenty programmirovaniia v avtomaticheakoi telefonii. Moisk-va Sviazlizdat, 1963. 223 P. 04IRA 16:8~ (Telephone, Automatic) IVANOVA, Ollga,NJ-kolayevna; KOKHANOVA, Zoya Sergeyevna; - -'-'----8AbAt6VICH, L.I., otv. red.; BATRAKOVA, T.A., red. [PS-KE-100 crosobar-type electronic telephone imbstation] Koordinatno-elektronnaia tolefonnaia podstantalia PS-KE-100. Moskva, Izd-vo "Sviazl," 1964. 111 P. (141RA 17:4) IVMIOVA7 01.1ga Nikolayevna; LAZAREV, Vladimir Georgiyevich; . I I PIYLI, Yelena, Ivanovna; MARMAY, Ye.V., prof., Otv. red.; VOLKOVA, E.M., red. [Synthesis of electronic circuits with discrete action] Sintez elektronnykh skhem diskretnogo deistviia. 14osY-vaj. lzd-vo "Sviazl," 1964. 175 P. (MIRA 17: 5) -Tj ]-,'. F --- , -- - . , , - - - r'VANOVA, O.N., kand.t.--khn,nauk, dotsent An electromechanical automatic telephone exchange. Vost. aviazi 22 no.11:5-8 N 162. (MIRA 160.2) 1. Moskov8kiy elektroteklinicheskiy institut avyazi. IVANOVAq O.N.; MARKUY, Ye.B.,, red. (Use of electronic commutation in automatic telephonyl Primenenie elektronnoi kommutataii v avtomatiaheakoi te- lefoniij uchebme posobie. Moskva, Mosk. eloktrotAklin. in-t sviazi, 1962. 166 p. (141RA 17:6) I P'ITI'I()Vl V' I' HAUKRI D.14.; IVANOVA,. O.N.; IPATOVA, S.I.; RC(W,'OIIA, V.N.; ICONSW Effect of the addition of certain rare and rare-earth metal oxides on the properties of tungsten electrodell. Art'.'-M- :var-17 no.4: 5-9 Ap 164 kmym isa) 1. Institut elektrosvarki imeni Ye.O. PUt(AM AV Incie9K (for Rabkin, Ivanova). 2. Moskovskiy elektrolampovy-y zavod (for Ipatova, Romanova, Konstantinov). I'VANOVA, O.N. Strurt.ural. of the cw-rollirg dev-lt-ij~, of 5-wiUr,,.,np systems. Elok'lroaviazl 18 no,11:42-53 N 164 (%(:,RA l8z;~) 7 Tia~: 1 T-L t 0, rig -v t o' -frcu It.i IUMC ~k M 1 int ID ot~k is tntenviod f ar mtiidents 4ridl cispl~(Jwlltc In oulml. mmiaZU"na and' for -u:iglneiirv w4wrldrig in thfj flelid; of ailiootvmijc~ disounte-4ation denu )(.nds Of (gyrithemizing ths tialooll ic diocrate,,cetion devio-w mra damirritmdi~ ~h thia,, cart# In; ClOwtilli 0 zo t7oll fron the &lLmbxm of lcgio thAM, aue ~,pplllnd, In this Clothoda 11p; mtheds of o;mthe a Uz ing r&WntLA anrl poUntiai_v~ fm~ MiWll ol! Carcl H prostatatiom of caditio, d m w atig -h ulkt (lonlitmd'i-01% 1.10 I *16,~trjr d- hn. Th, 41&aLf, ivml dwi I- I il if, I i ---sona CODE;: ACC-NR, AP05035870 I INVENTOR: Rabkin, D. M.; Steblovskiy, D, A.; Ivanova, 0. OR'G: none TITLE: Method of increasing the parameters of alternating current. Class 21, No, 187187 (announced by the Institute of Electric Welding im. Ye. 0. Paton (Institut elektrosvarki)3 SOURCE:-.Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnrye znaki, no, io, 1966, 89 TOPIC TAGS: arc welding, metal welding, TIG welding, aluminum welding, U-1Z=M'M ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate was issued for a method of increasing the parameters of alternating current in the welding of, for example, aluminum or its alloys. To rect .prolong the.service life of tungsten electrodes and to improve a-rc stability, a di component is- superimposed upon an alternating current with amperage not exceeding 10% of that of the total welding current. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE; 20Jan64/ um. 621-791.754. .03-h62 L 2011-66 EWT(d)/T IJP(c) ACCESSION NR; AP5018026 46 AUTHOR-. .1vanova, 0 N. TITLE: 41Lor tb;-p-dosoribing operation of control equipmaift of inMeldng i3j,aWto SOURCE: Elektrosvvazt, no. 7t 1965, 31-41 TOPIC TAGS: switching thoory, telephone system ABSTRACT: Processes transpiring in the control equipment. of switching vat-Gins (e. g., in automatic telephone systems) are described as algorithtw with *e purpose of selecting optimal control equipment. Algoritluuv are liaL up and ajh~zed w1dch describe the operation of the control equipment of a, spatial two-seotion switching system which performs trunk hunting, group selpiqtlonp and final connection. Techniques are offered for determining the copliocti4in time and the control-equipment structure from the same algorithms. A fait exatij:~Ies are given which show how optimal operating conditions of a ovitchimg-4-7stam. can be determinedi the amount of switching equipment per one conti-ol, umit for a apecified connection tfme, clock-pulse frequency, storage devices (ir nec'914jelary)v groij formation scheme, ate. Orig. art. hass 4 figures and 16 foinulas.; .L 303140 ~ , . ACCESSION URI AP5018026 ASSOCIATION: none SUBKr=.- 19Jun64 NO REF SOVI 005 1 ~ Ca,(dg~2 I i I F='- " ~, IVANOVA, 0. S., and SPRYSKOV, A. A. Study of the Reacti,)n of Sulfonation. XXVIII* Preparation And Properties of 1, 3- Naphthalene Disulfonic Acid and its Derivptiveo- Ace 564. Sbormik statey po obshchey khimii (Collection of Pappra on General Chemistry). Vol 1, Moscou- Leningrad, 1953, pages 762-766. Laboratory of Organic, Ivanovo Chemico-Technoloey Inst. SFRYSKOV, A.A.; IVANOYA, O-S- Study.of sulfonation reactions. Part 42: Preparation and propertlex of 1,7-naphtbalenedioulfonic acid and its derivatives. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.3t?84-788 Kr '57. (KLRA 10-6) 1. Ivanovokiy khimiko-takhnologichakiy Institut. (Naphthalene) (Sullonic acids) ISHCHENKO, I.K. (Kazan'); IVANOVAV O.S. (Kazanl) Diagnostic value of the determination of uropepain in gastric and duodenal ulcer in young persons. Kaz. meds zhur. no.6:47-48 S-D 160* (UROPEPSIN) (PEPTIC ULCER) (MM :L3:12) SORKIN, A.Z.;RUINT, V.Ta.;IVANOVA' Oly. 1~ Results in application of paraaminosalicylic acid salts in osteoarticular t0erculosis. Klin. mod., Moskva 30 no.8:66-69 Aixg, 1952. (OLML 23:2) 1. Professor for Sorkin. 2. Of Moscow Mmnicipal Scientific-Research Tuberculosis Institute (Director -- Prof. V. L. ]Dynis) and of Yevpatoriya Proletarty Sanatorium of the Ministry of Public Health UM. P:, 'A.1' -1 1 11 W ! 7 'Tilt L;11D 7 ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 s/0147/64/0001001/0054/0059 AUTHOR: Godzevich, V.G.; Ivanoval Q.V, TITLE: Free vibratiQns of circular, conical and cylindrical shells, rein- forced by ring-type stiffening ribs SOURCE: IVUZ. Aviatsionnaya tekhnika, no. 1, 1964, 54-39 'fOPIC TAGS: circular shell, conical shell, cylindrical #hell, shell, stiffen- ing rib, vibration, shell structure, shell vibrations ABSTRACT: The author has consideried the problem of free non-axiosymmetrical vibrations of circular, conical and cylindrical shells, reinforced by a set of annular stiffening ribs. It is pointed out, by way of introduction, that while this problem is normally solved by substituting for the ribbed shell some smooth, structurally orthotropic shell which is equivalent to it, this method provides satisfactory results only in the case of an extremely dense arrange- ment of the reinforcing ribs and is unacceptable when the number of ribs is small. In the present paper, the.problem is solved by satisfying boundary conditions on the lines of contact of the ribs and shell. It is assumed that a circular, conical shell has k sections; that is, k I stiffening ribs Card 1/9 ASSECCION NR: AP4033040 (see Fig-l of the Enclosure). The differential equations of equilibrium for the element of the i-th shell section has the form: Aayj - AkWj Bit kyj + D46W, -i P#W'Wi- whereei is th'A stress function; wi is the normal displacement; Z is the elas- .ticity modulus of the shell material; h is the thickne-sa of the rhell;qis the density of the shell material; w is the frequency of Cho free vibrations; D is the cylindrical strength;A and ak are differential operators. The author, on this basis, derives the equation: COS2 +,,r4ML'W-I + h02 a4WI dX4 ;6 0# (2) where rim is the mean value of the radius r(x) at the i-th section of the shell. The equilibrium of the i-th ring, removed from the shell, is considered, Card 2/9 ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 The balance equations for an infinitely small ring section, with consideration of the forces of inertia, have the following form (see Fig. 2 of the Enclosure): tv, + XR, + PFA 0. + T, - ZRj - pFjRj -2 CIA 0, dot PA- KjRt- p1ja' (V, - where Xil Z , K are the components of the forces and moment operating on the ring from tLe shll, W i and v are the normal and annular dLoplacement, res- pectively, of an arbitrary point of the ring axis I Ii is the momene of inertia of the ring cross-section, and F i is the cross-section area. Excluding from Equation (3) Ni and T,, the author..obtains: + I K, + (4) + +'Vj PPIR"02 + + P"W' (I), Card3/9 ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 Here ...Uech; Z, - Qi Xj - [S1+ I S,4-4+U (5) Kj-[Hj+j-Hjj-xs+#, where Q,, S are the transverse and shear forces, respectively, in the shell, R is the moment of torque, and t is the length of an intercostal section (see )Fig. 1 of the Enclosure). Boundary conditions on the contact line of the rib and shell have the form: (6) The fundamental equation (4) is finally transformed as follows; Card 4/9 :7- ~777 Kai 2111KHAMUMMU1 M. Vall Is t--Y-MVM!x' ULPILLi "R r-bo A-1--.- lu'ral L ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 I W1 + + a'Wj+ t + 2 sin + + E11R, Cos Rr RL. I 2 sin ~s d2w 14- E.111 as a3wi sin ~0 d4w/ (7) -R, + 12 (1 -r v)+ d.dp R1 asw a'W -1+1 + !~n-b 1+1 a1w, a 1W, 7 R, a0d + PFR1 to 75-1 /1,2 + + with the solution of equation (2) taking the final form: %r4 Cos M 1.1, + 111*11n, r2 I M W2M4 E (in2-2)+- hal 2 12 .. jtn'(2 v) Card 5/9 ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 7,1"+' ctg",,+ 14) clz (IJ' + a,) - It.` I C(g a + /+ +: (9) pfiR' 0 (ml + 1) - 1 0. title Two computation examples are given in the article. Moreover, equations (8) and (9) were used to calculate the frequencies of free vibrations for a given shell with different values of the number m. The shell was experimentally tested on an electromagnetic vibration stand. A comparison of these results with calculated data indicated that the discrepancy between theory and experi- ment did not exceed 10%, with the exception of m - 2. At m - 2 the authors found that tangential forces of inertia in the circumferential direction exert a substantial influence on the frequency of free vibrations. Orig. art. has: 3 figures, 1 table and 24.formulas. ASSOCTATION: none SUM4ITTED: 24Jun63 DATE ACQ: llMay64 ENCL: 02 Card 6/9 I ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 007 OTHER: 000 Card 7/9 ACCESSION NR: AP4033040 Card 8/9 ENCLOSURE: 01 I 0 -% I i Fig. 1 ACCESSION NR; AP4033040 ENCWSURE: 02 Card 9/9 T, Fig. 2 It BFMM, Wakhman Zual Gorshkovich; VOYLTODIN, Aleksey Vlasovich: IVANOVA, Nina Aleksandrovna; OSMOLOVSKIY, Grigoriy Yevooyevich; RLTTMMUI~ O.Ye., red.; CHUKAYEVA, Z.V., (Concise manual on the use of chemicals in plant growing] Iratkii spravochnik po primeneniiu isdokhimikatov v rautenievodstva. Pod obahchei red. G.R.Oamolovskogo. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo aellkhoz.1it-r7, 1960. 349 P. O1IRA 13:6) (Insecticides) - v ": I j, I'll V!, 9 I. . Mu. Effect- of 3,1,-benzopyrene on Lhe dJfferentlation of fibroblasts in monolayer cultures. Vest.. AMN 5,9SR 19 no.ll128-30 164. 'Y ."RA 180) k " 'r A. , stl tut eksperimentttll 'nay i klinichaskoy onkollogfl AI~N, 3-3)SRI Mr,.9 kvt . VORONTSOV, N.H.;, IVANOVA MMYAKIN, K.F. Data on the winter feeding of the gnome owl (Glaucidium passerimr-a L.) Zool.zhur. 35 no.4:615-618 Ap '56. OffiRk 9:8) 1. Biologi-pochvennyy fakul'tat Moskovskogo gosudarstyannogo univer- sitate, imeni K.V. Lomonosova. (owls) I fill MUN I V A -, c. Yu., u5im-'7Ev, I-u. n., v. "A Comparative lnvezAipation of Hit;tochevdcal Changes ir, the Coni,,ectlve Tissue, Developing Under Various T~jpes of' Carcinogenic Inrluences." report submitted for the First Conference on the problems of' C,),to and Histochemistry, Moscow, 19-21 Dee 1960. Laboratory on the Stucbr of Carcinogenic Substances Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology, Academy of Medical Sciences USSRp Moscow. ACC .; Q SOUXE COD;~.- BU/001!/66/01()/001//O~1:18VO11c)o "AUili0ii Androycl-Lin, R.; Gotov, G.; Ivanova) P. OiZ: Physics Instituto, Bulgarian Academy of ScioncosCvizichorkl-/Ii-,~tir-ut Z1,01-ar;3kc. 'Y AA141domii Nauk) ':TITLE: Effect of the passage of a direct current on the photo electromotive force in bS f ilms 7., ~SGURCZ; Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 19,,1966, 587-590 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound, direct current, photo ABSMACT'. The art'-cle reports on the investigation of the nature of the additional photo Ziq during the passarre of a direct current through PbS fiLms prepared by chamical ---ipitation but without a formation Dhoto E~,Tx. Immediately after preci pitatioa conductivity is of the p-taloo, and after thermal treaLment of 56011C through 10 min. the conductivity chan,-,-3z t~ the n-type. For the most part gold olec- 1i trodea Ifeaturing evaporation deposition of the films in a vacuum, wore used, and the olp 1.07 photo &v2 was measured with an electronic voltmeter having an input; resistance f OiLms) and the short circuit photocurront with a loop galvanometer having art internal resistance of 4 ohms. Urnon the electrodes was shaded and the other with parts of the C,rd..1/2-- ACC NR;,p"3261. , UU Pbs film iiIwainated. a photo E,'iT of 10-20 millivolts was obiiarved. T'ro ill=_-Inated eloctrode is always positive with respect to the unilluminated electrode. Tho re3ults~ obtaincid relevant to the effect of adsorbed gasoa on the additional barrier phioto show that it is of the samo nature as tho formation photo E~T- , This has been previous- ly found by other investigators. The mechanism of how the additional photo _7112 changes directIon during the passage of a strong external current shall require further in- vostigations. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE; 09)20/ SUBM DATE: none/ SOV FJ7: 0051 OTH REF: 004 Card 2/2 ACC NR:,V60326" AUMOR: Androychin, R.; Getov, G.; IvaaovaA ncos(Fizicheski ORG: Physics Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Scie YInstitut Bolgarskoy Akade=,--j-Nd-u-kj TITLEi Effect of the passage of a direct current on the Ehn"T -olq!~-~romotive torce in PbS films X I 7j SOURCE: Bulgarska akademiya na naukite. Doklady, v. 19,,1966, 587-590 TOPIC TAGS: lead compound, direct current, photo ERF, Ine.,-,94- r- "7 ABST,%,tCT: The article reports on the investigation of the nature of the additional photo E~9 gonoratod during the passage of a direct curront tKrough PbS films prepared by chemical precipitation but without a formation photo EIV. Immediately after proci- pitation their conductivity is of the, and after therzal troatment of 5600C through 10 min. the conductivity changes to the n-type. For the mast part gold Glec- trodos featuring evaporation deposition of the films in a vacuum ware used, and the 07 photo EIMF was measured with an electronic voltmeter having an input resistance of 1 ohms, and the short circuit photocurrent with a loop galvanometer having an internal resistance of 1+ ohms. When the electrodes was ahaded and tho other with parts of the Card ACC NR; APG'032644 Pbs film illuminated, a photo ENF of 10-20 millivolts was observed. The illuminated electrode is always positive with respect to the unilluminated eloctrode. The results obtained relevant to the effect of adsorbed gases on the additional barrier photo EY2 show that it is of the same nature as the formation photo FJV. This has previous, 1y found by other investigators. The mechanism of how the additional photo VG' changes direction during the passage of a strong external current shall require further in- vestigations. Orig. art. has; 2 figures. SUB CODE: 09j2O/ SUBM DATEs none/ SOV REF s OOV OTH REF: 004 d~rj W2 I r?, tfV! f It USSRA,ledicine - Marine Orf-anisms Q Medicine - Li:,ht., Effects CA',t IM7 "Some ReLularities of Ontogenetic Adaptation. the Dependence of a PhoLoreaction in Daphnia Magna Upon Adaptation to Temperature," M. Ye'. Lobashev, P. G, Ivanova, L,nin;;rad dtate U, It pp I'Dok Akad Nauk SSSIIII Vol LVIII, No 1 Presonts ru~;ults d expaimmits Lo explain in what immsure a preiiitiLwary adapLation of Daphnia to different temperatures (3-80 4nd 27-320C) can chanpe theIr reaction to light -When they are transferred to nomal temperawre cor.141tions. 6.1bmitted. by AcadepLician I. I. Shmalltrauzen, 27 Feb 1947. PA 52T47 ......... ....... -1 M 1-1 IIIIIRI i1irmazi, fill."IfIf M11111MR, P.M. MIR 11 IVANOTA, P.G. Iffect of the age of reproductive calls of animaln on the quality of the progeny. no.165:161-176 153. (H-U& 7:7) 1. Laboratorlya genetiki shivotnykh kafedry genetIki i selektoii (tavedunshchiy kafedroy II.V.Turbin) (Reproduction) USSR "Belantidiosis of-Figs." T~esis for degree og Dr. Veterinary Sci., Sub 18 Mar 49, Moscow Veterinary Adademy. Summary 82, 16 Doc 52, Dissertations Presented For Degrees ilL Science and Engineering in Mosccw in 1949. From Vechernyaya Mos~~a, Jan-Dec 1949. IVANOVA, P. 'S. Opyt, Bot'by a Fastsiolezom Ovets Netodom Periodichemkikh Degell lldntizatsly a Posleduyushchey Smenoy Vypasov, "Works on flelminthology" on the 73,th Birthday of K. I., Skryabin, lzdat. Akad. 'Allauk. SSSR, Moskva, 1953, J)'O 251 Ivanov Agricultui-al Institute 1:i: V 'Ykicc" Categor-y: USSR / rurm ninal Disease:; Cuu,;cd by 11,111:mintlm. V- I Abs Juir: Refer. Zhur-Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72315 Author Ul'yanov P. V., Ivanova P. S. Inst Not given Title Protostrongylinosis in Sheep in the Ivanovsk Region. Orig Pjb: Sb. Nauchn. Tr. Ivanovsk. S. Kh. In-ta, 1956, Vyp. 13, 161-163 Abstra~t: No abstract. Card 1/1 -4- rI7 Category: USSR Farm iwimal Discasej Caused by Helmintlis. V-3 Abs Jour: Refer. Zhur-Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 72323 Author : Grinberg D. S., Ivanova, P.S. Inst : Not given Title The Dehelminthization Experiments in Dogs with Ascaridosis Orig Pub: Sb. Nauchn. Tr. Ivanovsk. S-Kh. In-ta, 1956, VYp- 13, 170-172 Abstract: In dogs, invaded by Toxacura canis and Toxascaris leonina, the antibelminthic properties Of CC14 (I) and santonine (II) were tested. I was administered in 0.1 - 0,2 g/kg doses, and II in 0.01 - 0.02 g/kg doses, followed by purgative. The effectiveness of I- was 80 percent; II gave a considerably lower effect in de- helminthization. Card 1/1 -9- ULIYANOV, *-'.V.,doteent-; IVANOVA, r S.,prof. Data on the development of Dictiocaulus filaria prior to tho infestation if eheep. Sbor.nauch.trud. Ivaa.selllchoz.inst. no.16.-235-241 '58. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Kafedra akuaherstva i zoogigiyany Ivanovokogo sel'skokhozyaystvennogo inatituta (for U11yanov). (Sheop--Diseases and posts) IVAINOVA, F. S. "The Foci of Cattle Anaplasmosis in Belorussia." Tenth Conference on Parasitological Problems and Diseasei5 with flatural Reservoirs, 22-29 October 1959, Vol. II, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences, USSR, Moscow-Leningrad, 1959. Vitebsk Veterinary Institute