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IVANOVA R.I., kand.t~khn.nauk; KUZNETSOrVA, W., Imb. Study of beat exchange in gas operated furna"s of antall boilerse Trudy TSMI MPS no.228:45-70 162# OURA 15*.7) (Boilers) (Heat-Tranmdosion) -:T111 .1 ~J~ 11 11 1 !-VANOVA, b. K. I VANO VA , N . K . :"Material on the study of the tolprance to a domestic salvarsan preparation (novarsenol) under experimentp-I conditions, in mice and rats." Min Health USSR. Central Inst for the Adir-imced Training of Physicians (TsITJ). Moscow, 1956. (Dissertaluions for the degree of candidate in Medical Sciences). SO! Knizhnays Letopis' No. 22, 1956 ITANOVA, ?T.K,,.sLspirant Experimental materials on the tolerance of mios and raits to novarsenol, a now Soviet salvarean preparation. Vaet.dorm. I van, 31 no.204-37 W-AP 157, (Mlb 12M) 1. Ix otdela eifilidologii (zav. - prof. N.8. halova) Mantrallnogo nauchlao-ionledo-ratellskogo koshno-venerologichtiukogo Institute. (dir, - dote. N.M. TuaDOV) Ministaretva sdravookhransuiya RSIPSR. (OXOPHEMSM, tox. exper. stndy on rate & mice) AICOPYAN, A.T., RANUMALEVICH, Ye.H.g AVAKrAN, A.A., 07(ZINNIF-OV, 11.14., ZALKAIT, P.M., XTEVIEVA, YE.A., IVAFOVA. N. K. ZIRTSALOVA, G.I. Experimental data on the study of causative qent of yemphigue in the developing chick embryo Lwith summary in binglich]. Vest.derms' i ven* 32 no*4t3-9 Jl-Ag '58 (MIRA 11:10) L Is teentrallnogo koshno-vaperologicheskogo Inatituta dir N.M, Turenov) i Institute, virusologil Akft(lotnii meditsinskildi nauk SSSR jdir4*. P.N. Koeyakov). PEMIHIGUS, virus, culture in chick embr7o (Rue)) ROZENTULI, II.J.1L., prof.; STUDNITSIV, A.A., prof.; HMMOV,. P.Tn, qt-nrshj.V nauchnyy sotrudnik; RARIMM VICII, Ye.M. p. stAirshly nauclmyy KMIAGAI--,O'VA, A. V., ml-adshiy naucbmyy mladshiy nauchnZr sotrudnik; KHRUVOIIA, A.P., mlp-dshiy r-,auchnyy sotruclnik; BELlIkKOVA, A.G.p vrach; ZATURENSKAYI, P.I., vrach Pathogenesis and treatment of ec:iema and neurodeirmatitis in children. Vest.dermoi ven. no.3-2:3-8 161* (MIRA 15:1) 1. Iz TwOentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo lcozhno-venaro- logicheskogo ins"'ituta (dir. - N.M. Turrtnov) i iz Dollnitsy imeni Korolenko (glavnyy vrach A.I. Pustovaya). 2. Boltnitsa imeni Korolenko (for Bellyakova i Taturong-kaya). (ECA"INA) (SKIN-DISMES) RAICINALEVICH, Ye.M.; BELYAYEVA, Ye.F.1- IVANOVA, N.K.; SYCH, L.I. - - --- ---- -- ---------------- Morphological and histochemical studies of tho skin in lupus ery-thenatosua. Vest.aerm.i ven. no.1:18-23 162. WIRA 15:1) 1. Iz TSentrallnogo nauchno-iseledovatolvalcogo inst:ltuta I-linisterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR (dir. - dotsent N.M. Turan(m). (IMS ERITHEMATOSUS) (SKIN-DISRASES) L I EBE'OEV~ Y6,1~; PTITS-RiA, I.G.; SAK11;tf-TOVO A.Vr,; iiijolp IVANOVA, FEDOSEYEli., A.M. New devices for molecular spoetrum analygis in t1he lnfrared specrral region. Zhur. prikl. sppkt. 2 no.4:377-380 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:8) L 1,aningrAdskoye ob"yedh2eniyo NOUNS EN.111 a ~N- -;7, i_ Al al t ITAITINA, 0.1., kand.khim.nauk; SKLTAR, M.G.. Insh.; GOHJIVAYA, A.Ys., inzb.; IVAWVA, N.K. -I.- I.- ~,4:z~-. ---1. ~: Relation between the composition of the solid and gaseous phases in the spectrum analysis of iron-bass alloys. Trudy Ukr.nauch.-issl.inst.met. no-5:273-286 159. (142A 13: 1) (Iron alloys--Spectra) (Phase rule and equillibrium) 24(7) :330V/49 -23- 9 --B/57 AUTHORS: Nikitina, 0. 1..~ Sklyar; M. G. , Goravrr.7a, 14. Ye., Ivanova, N. K. T'Y~LE: The Dependence Between the Compouition of the Solid and Vaporous Phases in the Spectral Analysis of illloya on an Iron Basis YERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR. Seriya fi;ticheakaya; 19591 Vol 23, Nr 9, pp 1069-1,072 (USSR) ABSTRACT In the present paper the binary alloys Ile-Cr, Fe-Mn, F(?-.Si, Fe-W, and Fe- ~/ as well as the ternary alloy !Oe-.Cr-C are in-- vestigated. The spectra were phctolrraphod by means of the ISP-22 spectrograph, and at the same tittie the products af evaporation were cullected in a glass chamber. This glass chamber normally contained air, and only in the case of' the alloy Fe-.C pure oxygen was used. Investigation~i were carried out of arc.- and spark.-discharges. In both cases the time of exposure of the photos was the aame. Until a sufficient quanti- ty of products of evaporation had accumulated in the chamber for an analysis ten apectra were recoi,-ded, anti after each recording the electrodes tere newly sharponed. The experiMenLte in the arc and in the spark viere repeated three times for Card 1/3 each alloy and the accumulated pr-,duct.9 of evaporation ware SOV/46-23-9-3/57 T)~,e Dependence Between the Composition of the solid and Vaporous Phaves in the Spectral Analysis of Alloys or, art Iron Dasis subjected to a thorough analysis. Figuro 2 showti the rosulto obtained according to the uptrk upt?otriiri for the binary alloys. The dependence of 14he absolutei light intensities of the alloy elements un the quantity of su*ostance in the solid anti In the vaporous phase ia ahown. In both cafjon thia dopendenoo ia linear, and It was foivid that tho oubotanco quantity in the arc ia e.-reater by approximately one order of magnitude than in the spark. Further, the entry velocity of the substances into the gas cloud is inventigated Aept~ndl7ag uv(-_ their concentration in the solid phase. The products condensing in the glass chamber were analyze,` on this occanion. The antry mechanism of the elements entering the 3:park was found to be qualitatircily equal for the systems N.-h1n; Fe-W, Fe-Crq Fa-,Cr-C and Fe.-Si. The entry velocity of' imi has a maxiinum. It follows from the experimenta tlat for tha uystams Fe-Crv Fe-Cr--C, Fe--Nn and Pe.-Si I.-he concentration of atoms in the vaporous and in the aol:~d phase are equal ir, the spark, and that for the system Fe-Cr th13 is the cat;e also in the arc. The deviation of the linear dependence of the oyatem Fe-Un Card 2/3 with 12~'c Mn in the ar(, is briefly discustied, and it is found SOY/48-23-91-8/57 The Dependence Betneen the Composition of the Solid and Vaporous Phases in the Slectral Analysis of Alloys on art Iron Basis that for moat alloys the relative concentrations of atoms in the volid and in the gaueous phases are oqual, whereas the entry velocities of the sample depend on its chemical com- position. The dependence of thermal conductivity and of the electric resistance on the composition of the alloy in these alloys shows a maximum of the former and a minimum of the lat- ter, and agrees with a maximum of the substance escape from the solid alloy. The authors thank V. K. Prokoflyev for hit; interest in this work and for hia advice, There are 3 fii,,ures. Card 3/3 NIKITINA, 0.1.; Prinimali uchastiye: BERDNIKOVA, L~R.., laborant; IVANOVA, N.L.-laboramt Spectrum analysis of blast furnace slars a-,d fl=ed ainter. Tru(_~7 Ukr. nauch..-isal. inst. iiiet. no.6,.283.-299 t6O. (141RA 14:3) (Slag-Spectra)(Sintering) lit 11113M 191111111"! A1,5VA101 A VIUORS t Kjk1tIna, 0. 1,, Cloravayn, A..Yo,, Sklyal', Al. 0., Guilyftna, L. L., lovanov~, 11. K., Mrorhniohanko, Z. N. Tr=t 04 the ratio of the elements In the solid raid vaporo,.Ls pl-Anes upon spootral analysis of iron alloys in various gaseous modla FLT110DICAL I Roforattvnyj zhurnal, metanurstyd, 110, 1, 1~462, 5 atztraot. 1X3Q ("Bb, tr, lUrkr. nf-i. in-t metaliov", 1961, no. ~01 - i21) 1=4 An Investigati,3n waA mado Into the effect of P~-& ox1dI::1.rg ability Of % medium an the ratio af th6 altmentn Of 'in alloy ill.11 VliPPrQ`jj phaue a3 cccl- pared with the solid rhanA by spomtral ~xialysls in it apavk and aa ikrc_.o'f the ternar-f Fe-alloyst Fe-4;r-Mn, Fe-Cr-Al, Fe-Cr-'Ni and It was found that the results of dateriminattoil, ot the elem9nta In a spark discharge scarcely depend on tho*oxi.dizing ability ot the mid',U-M, In-'al-i Saqeauts M-cd~& the ;3zad,4at'-o= Curves are common and re.,tilinear over Uhl entire range of .9eleattA conocintra- tions. Analysis of the alloyl In a spark in ~n ox;ldizlr~g inediu= revealed that the relative concentration of't~e elements in the vaporms phase does not differ from that-in the solld p1maq of't~io-al-loy. no supply Bptjod of thp elements in Card 1/2 S/ 137/6,11)()0/001/219/237 On the ratio of ths.- A15VA101 the discharge zone in a;ark ;-lysls depond3 on the oxildizin,; abl'.1-ty of the medium, in tha giVaA ad30045 MOJiU'Ojs it la-governed by the phyalewhemical pro - portion oVthe col~d alloy 1~~aea and do5a not depanti on the volatiLity of their oxides. U;on anaiyais in an arc dincharg.) In various gas-3aun mcdla 4,hifto of tho graduation curves Dccur, which Is explaintkl by the role o! the oxUizing proces- coa urAer the effe,A of tha arark di3oharga. L, Voroblyova Abstracter's notes Complete translation) Card 2/2 1w D407%)301 'AUTIHORS Nikitina, 0.1., Hudyrina, L.L., Horyeva, A.E., and Ivanova, N.K. - 'iLE of su-n-olementary-electrod~- mate::-Jal on the com- z)osi-",-ion of the vapor phase in -Uhe spect-ral analysis of ferrous metals YEHIODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizycILnyy zhurnal, V. 7, no. 5, 1962, 523 - 528 TEXT: The composit-ion of iron alloys in the vapor phase and the in- ;'e*ns_4-7,y of the analytic lines were studied as a fur-c-,,ion of the ma- terilai of IV-he oupplementary electrode. The investigation had 2 ob- jects: a) Determination of the composition of tile vapor phase by the colorimotric method of analysis of-condensates. b) Determi-nation ol" line in-4C-,,nsity by the method of linear absorptlion. The ternary a!- ioys .7e-Cr-I1'4_i and 'Te-Cr-VI were investigated, as well as commerc_~al alloys. The supplementary electrode was made of rods of the same ma- Uerial as t-'--e investigated alloy, or of copper, carbon and alunlinum. It was estabiished that the material of the supplementary electrode Card 1/3 S/185/62/007/005/007/013 Effect of supplementary-electrode D407/D301 affects the rate of entry of the elements into the vapor phase and the discharge temperature, thereby affecting the absolute intens- ty V, of the sl3ectral lines. The rate of entry increa-ses if the suppieMen- ta--y electrodes are replaced in the following ordert Carbon, cop*pert self-electrode. The curves Cr-line intensity versus concent-ratio-1 undergo a parallel shift on replacing the electrodes,' whereas corresponding curves for Ni and W are shifted at an angle. The rate of entry of the elements is related to the physical and chernical pro- nerties of the alloy and of the electrode. he temperature oil the ai_scha--,o,-e cloud changes as follows (depending on the type of supple- mentary electrode): Tcarbon~;- Tself >"Ico- ',- T The intens-L._ alum, ty of the snectral lines of NU chan-es in a greater =.easure than that o_4' Cr~ if the electrodes are replaced. The ratio c-f the concen- tration of the alloyinE element to that of iron in the vapor phase, s practically unchanged (as compared to tle solid 1)~ase) Jf c~__rbon and self-electrodes are usedj~and varios somewhat, if cop-por electrodes are use'd The graduation hurves undergo a parallel shift i-P'th4s ratio chan-es. In conclusionl' In order to dettermine the con- ;_entr,_,.,tion of eloments in the invest gated alloys, spark analysis Card 2/3 NIKITINA, 0.1.; IVANOVA, N.K. Spectral analysis of z?teod-, and cast Iron for -~he coin~l-nt of the remaining elements. Zav. lab. 30 no..i.:,/6-,"/ 1 C-14. (NI-RA -1-1:9) 1. Ukrainskly nauchno.-igsitidoviitt-.-I.",iki.y irmtlt-ul, mi--Lalklov. N K GIJIR~Ll V.4y A, I Y~'.. IOCL-al- Mathod-9 of determining rare elements in BU-01. Sbor, fr-ud. WNEIM no.1l.398-404 165. 'F,~c 'AWN NIKITINAJ 0.1.; IVAN VA N.K.; GORFVAYAp A.Ye. Spectrographic determination of niobium, tantaluin, zirconium, hafnium, and cerium in steel. Zav. lab. 31 no.11:1347-1348 165. (MIRA 19: 1.) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatel'sUy institut metallov. F J12i: L111CL~BRidUU1MLLE-'X-tJ ACC N AP7000597 SOM CL CODE: UR/0129/66/000/01110055/0058 AUTHOR: Dabagyan, N. P. ; Nikitina, 0. 1. ; Ivanova. N. K. ; 0. iub, V. M. ORG: Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Metals (Ukrainskiy nauchno- issledovatel'skiy institut metallov) TITLE: The influence of nickel- int erlayer thicknes s on the structure and propertieJ of clad steel SOURCE: Metallovedepiya i termicheskaya obrabotka metallov, no. 11, 1966, 55-58 TOPIC TAGS: metal joining, bimetal, nickel plating, metal cladding, steel /Khl8NIOT steel, Khl7Nl3M2T steel ABSTRACT: The thickness of a nickel interlayer plays a major role in promoting or inhibiting diffusion processes at the boundaries of metal joints and affects the properties and structure of the boundary zone. To determine this effect with respect to the strength of the joint and the structur~e of the bimetal, investigations were carried out on specimens made from laboratory and industrial clad steel. 1/2 UDC: 669. 24:669.14.018:8114 ACC NR- AP7000597 The laboratory test pieces were made of rolled packs of R7il8NIOT and St. 3sp types of steel with and without nickel interlayer, the thickness or the interlayer being 10, 25, 40, 65, and 90 microns. The tests were conducted for shear and tensile strength, notch toughness, cohesion strength, metallographic investigations and spectrum analysis. The industrial test pieces were nimle of 10-14-mm-thick clad-steel sheets with a cladding layer of Khl7Nl3M2T steel, and basic layer from 20K type steel - Ithout ant with nickel plate of a thickness of 25--30, 40, 50, 65, and 90 microns. The cohesion strength of both lay&s is found to increase as the thickness of the nickel interlayer is increased. The latter also affects diffusion at the metal layer interface and as a result the hardness and -rnicroliardness,as-wellas changes in the concentration*df alloying elements. The maximum carbon consentra- tion is fourd to be inversely proportional to the thickness of the nickel interlayer. The same is observed with respect to carbon diffusion. In steel. clad without inter- layer, there occurs complete decarbonization of the boundary layer of the non- carbon steel. A nickel interlayer lowers decarbonization of the boundary layer of St. 3sp steel and hinders the enrichment of the cladding steel in carbon. IKP) SUB CODE: 11 /SUBM DATE: none/ Card 2/2 -11 -!'.--~'~i. -:'~WT , I - J, 1 T, --Ac c - AR6 0 20 53 SOURCE COD:-;: V1/0O3j/0'6/0O0/003/GO15/GOi3 AUTHOR: Mkitina, 0. I.;=Ivanova,_ 4,,,_,&,;_Gorovaya, A. 10. TITLE; Spectral rathods of determining rare elements in steel. SOURCE: Ref zh. Xhim, Part I, Abs. 3GI17 REF SOURCE: Sb. tr. Vkr. n.-i. in-t metallov~ vyD. 11, 1965, 393-1*~ TOPIC TAGS., n biiim, zirconium, spectrographic analysis, hafnimm, tantalum, cerium I ABSTRACT: 1Tb (0-03-1%) is determined by spark excitation with a carbon electrode in the lines Nb 3094.1-Fe 3083.? A. The standards are steel specimens in which the 'N'b content was established by neans of auxiliary powdered synthetic s' tnaards obt4ined 'by dissolvina steel and measuring out an Nb solution. The spectra J;Zr and Flf~'Ior con- .5% are excited in a condensed spark. The upper elec rode for Zr centrations of 0.03-0 is an iron electrode, and 'for Hf, a copper electrode. The analytical lines were: Zr3391.9-Fe 3323.0, and Hf 2~38-?-Fe 205.8 A. The standards are prepared in the same "b. GLernined with are exci- manner as for 14 -- Tantaluml-In concentrations of 0-03-0-36,61 is d '- - tation in the lines Ta 2653.2-Fe 2647-5. The standarls are steal specimens which havt undergone chemical. analysis. The spectrum of cerium~~s excited in an are discharge of alternating current wi.Vn an upper A electrode. Thei-Aines Ce 3201-7-Fe 3202.5 A are measured. The standards are sDecimens which had undergone cham-1cal analysis. ISP-2-2 and ISP-28 s-DectroE-,raphs are employed. The mean error of the analysis is 10%. Me FF.0 ACC NRt AR6020537 detorminations last from 40 to'65 min. G. Kibisov. [Translation of abstract]. ISUB CODE: 07 2 NIKITINA, 0.1.; IVANOVA, N.K. Spectral method of determining residual elements in steel and cast iron. Sbor. trud. UNIIN no.9:464-470 164 (MIRA 18:1) 2-VANOVA, N.L., inzhener. Anniversary conference at the Moscow Power Enginnerimg Institute. Elaktrichastvo no-3:88-89 Mr 156. (MIRA 9:6) (Moseow--Power anginaering--Congresses) LUTBENKO) I.F.; FOSS, V,L.; IVAEOVA, N~L. Reaction of keteno with marcury Balts, Dokl. All' .3&-~R 141 no.5: 1107-1108 D 161. (IfIR]i 1l,.12-) 1. Mookovokiy gosudarstvennyy univorsitat im. M.V. Larionosova. Predstavlono akademikom A.11. liesmeyanovym. (Ketone) (Mercury salts) NIFAT,ITIY',,',V, N.L. Synthesis wid chemical properties olf phosphoroun acid biamides. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 2; KhIm. 20 no.6:82 N-D '1'5. (MIRA 19 - 1) 1. Kafedra khimicheskoy tekhnologii Moskovskogo un-,versiteta. Subnitted S,3Dt. 20, 1965. T~jr.~~T(TTAI N. L. Al, I "SpertronhotoTpetric Study of Bright P,--F>tars in the Pleiadeq and In Orion" Tzv. AN Am, 'hn, Ser. Fiz.-Matf.,n.j Yenter7tv. i Takhn. n.~ 6) ro.5-6,1953, A total of 24 spectrograms of 12 stars in the region of lambda 50)0-3000 were obtained by means of the ASI-5 telescope. Spec trophotometric temperatures were determined for the spectral repions on both sides of PaLner li-mits, as well as the jump mamitude D near this limit. Alnha Lyrae Tras taken as stan- dard star. The D values are in good af7reement with those by Chalonre and Barbier. (RZhAstr, No 11, 1954) SO: W-31187, 8 Mar 55 IVANGVA.N.L. Spectrophotometric study of the continuous spectrum of 59 Cygai. Soob.Biur.obser. no.14:26-32 154. (KLRA 8:10) (Spectrophotometry) (Stars-Spactra) IVANOVA, N.L. Some B-stars of the Orion aggregate. Soob.2yur.obser.av.16: 53-65 '55. (ICU 9M (Stars--Spectra) (Spectrophotemetry) IVANOVA, N. L. Spectrophotometric InvestIgationo of Aurig". Soob. Biur. 6"bijer. no.20:11-22 156. (HIRA 1026) (Spectrophotometry) (Stars, Variable) !-l. T 7: ~~l 71 q rl ~-' F- - J-; F 1 i r TTI TT7-T M. ITANOTAO M.I. -.1 1 Oboerrations of 59 Cygni from 1954 to 1956. soDb. Biiu.. obsor. no;231-25-28 15% (Km n:4) (Stars, Tariable) ARAIMLUN, H.A. -., I Problems of continlious emission in the spectrum of AG Draconise Soob,Biur.obser. no.24:19-32 '58m (MIU 11:12) (stars, Variable-Spectra) IVANOVA. N. L. -..... ... Spoctrophotometric observations of X Peresi. no.25:63-66 '58* Sodbl.Biur.obserp (KIRA 11:12) (Stars, Variable) 5/035/W000/003/006/053 A0011A101 AUTFIOR: Ivanova, N. L. TITLE: On unusual. energy distribution in the spoct-tilm of L-has unstationary star AG Pegazi' PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhu'rnal, Astronomiya i Geodeziya, no, 3, 1962, 29, abstract 3A220 ("Soobshch. Byurakansk. observ,", 1960, no. 28, 17-31, Armenian summary) TEYT: 20 spectra of the AG Pegasi star were -taken with a 10" slitless spectrograph in 1958 - 1959. Absolute spectrophotometric gradients of AG Pegasi were determined for the spectrum bands A/" 4800 - 3647 and 3500 - 3200. t/ Large temperature fluctuations are noted during the observational period. A sharp rise of intensity of continuous spectrum in the band U 3600 - 3&"V is observed in the star spectrum, A comparison of measured equivalent widtbs of emission lines with temperature changes has shown that there is no direct rela- tionship between these quantities. The luminosity of AG Pegasi during September 1959 varied within a narrow range, The unusual high spectrophotometric tempera- ture in uitraviolet band of the AG Pegasi spectrum and sharp temperature Card 1/2 IVANOVA, N.L.; KAZARYAN, M.A.; OGANESYAN, R.Kh., i Spectral observations Of Nova Herculis 1960. Soob.Blur.obser. no.29:25-38 '61. (14IRA 1r--.1) .4 (Stars, New) - !ft , .. , ~ . t~jI .1i 4'. - '. , L -0 Balmer Is d e -; rene r, f ' C -, e g, a s -1 -"boob. abse", 'nr,.?4: 93-98 163. ( 17 , , ~ !. IVANOVA, N.L.; WARYAN, M.A.; OGAIJESYAN, R.Kh. observations of Nova Ilerculis (1963). Astron. tsir, no.230/: 1-3 4 163. (MIRft 17:6) 1. Byvrp-kanskaya astrofizielieskaya observatorlya All LnVanskoy SSR. F1 E' i I I SI X i Y ?V,Y,-.i 1VAN7,0VA, N.L.j VINNIX,, IMJ~ Kinet.1c,g of thv iicyliMon rjf' nitroanil-Inw; In *,;,,rc.fI I'lluor.1de, solutions in glacial acetic ncid. 1,hur. kh1m,, 'V.) no.6,1426-14~1 Ja 165. HVIIIA 18:11) 1. Institut khIm.-Icheigkoy fJzllk~ AN Submitt,nd march 101 1964. y - 'i.: 2,4, 6-Trirltrc. in I Uno -%cy I a, I cl-i1 rl-di dt:; I.;: r.-.i 1c, n of equilibrium concenLrall.ens of Ions In solutjcn.,; of b,~,rc-n flut-l-ride in acetic acid. 30 11.5. (MIFIA 18"0 1. Institut khimiche~-:kov fizlU AN' GOITIND G.S.- EVANOVA, N. L. Rehydra3ination of silyll-Iny-draz Ines. Zhul-. ob~ 4him.. 31, no.419911-913 MV 165. 1-8~6) L 086()9-67 rWr (1) ACC NR, AV7001637 SOURCE COD13: Ult/0026/66/0(>0/00'1/0041/00419 AMIOR: Ambart3umyan, V. A. (Academician); Ivan~iV__4,_A_-_.L. (Candidate of physicomaChenatic-al -sciences) ORG: none f9 TITLE: Byuralcan asti~~p~ysical observatory SOURCE: Priroda, no. 7, 1966, 1,1-1+9 TOPIC TAGS; astronomic observatory , astrophysics, astronomic ~eleiicope ADSTRACT: The Dyurakan Astroplivsical Observatorv is siLuated 15 km, Lo the ,northwest of Yerevan on the uouUiern alope of Hount Aragats; it i.s the -property of the Amonian Academy of Scicncoi. Tho observatory is 1P400 m abovo aea lovel where there are a largo number of clear nighto per year and the horizon to the south io parLicularly opens The construc- tion began in 1946 and tho first toloucope, for observing variablosp WaB. a double 511 aotrograph. By the late 19401-o it had a double 611 astro- graph with a Zoiso objectivep used for two-color observations of Yari- .ablest a 1011 telescope with a apoctrograph -with a quwtz priam# wkking .it possible to study stars of ear.1y typos in the ultraviolet, and an 8-1211 tolescopewith objective prism for investigating star clusters and associations and later planetary nebulae. In 1950 it acquired a '1611 telescope with electric photometer in a Cassegrainian focus, ueed .1n photoelectric (polarimetric and color:buetric) investigations or Card 1/2 UDC: 522.1 L o8699-67 ACC NR-I---AP7001637- stars* Those studies now are being continued on a largo'ocale with a. recently acquired 2011 reflector constructed by the Leningrad Optical- Mechanical Combine, Much of the work art calorimetric observations of clusters, comotary nuclei and galaxies is being done with the 2111 .Schmidt telescope acquired in 1954; it has a mirror and correction lens of identical diameter, also supplied with an objective I)ri=,, making possible obtaining the apoctra of several hundred stare aimul- tancou3ly. Several years ago the observatory acquired a 40" Schmidt-, ;tclc3co e with a spherical mirror 131 cm in diameter and a motor P correction Icrts for correcting aborrationa of the mirror. This tele- scope has three objective prisms Ylth different disporsiona. This instrument can be uocd'for obtaining photographs of stars approximate,11 to the 21st magnitude and simultaneously obtaining the spectra of several thousand stars to the 16th magnitude and even fainter,. This .is used primarily for observing gal&xiou. At provent the Leningrad plant is constructing a modornl~ofloctor with a 2*6-m mirror which will be used for study of both The obeerva-, tpry has interference radio tolc3co e'which operate at 0.5# 1.5 and - 1 1. PC 4.2 m. There is a largo interforence radio telescope with an aroa of 5,000 square motors, Three photographs show Bywakan instruments and buildings# Much of the article is a well-prooented oommentary on the work program of Byurakan astronomers. Orig, art. hat): 6 figureas (JPRS: 38,230) SU13 CODE% 03 / SUBM DATE: none Car-, I , 14 SIMELEVA, N.A.; .;.Ill.- Lithium glass and cartair, c?iaractor4sUcs of if2 crystri-lEzat,"on. Stiklcobr. sost. zio.ls68-73 163. (MIRA 17;.,10) YEZOVA, L.X.;-.-jVA11CVAj N.M.; VOLKOVA, A.S.; MIFIYHAYDkROV*, D.Ir+ &-perlence In preparing A-r1an oil. Nefteper. I. n(~J.'tekhdr. no.31t ,7-8 164 (MIRL 18t2) 1. Ishimbayskly neftepererabatyvayushchiy imvod. : t -;F,; I; It I VftN OVA, N- M - 110) 3 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1319 Akad-iya nauk SSSR. Bashkirskiy filial Khimiya ser4-organicheskilas soyedineniy, soderzhashchikhoya v neftyaddi i nefteproduktakh; materialy II nauchnoy sessii (Chemistry of Sulllar- Organic CcKpotq~ds Contained in Petroleum Products; Papers of the 2md' Scientific 3ession) Y. 1. Ufa, Izd. BaBhkirskogo filiala AN SSSR, 1958. 228 p. 1,500 copies printed. Ed.: Sudarkina, Koia; Editorial Board: Ayvazov', B.R., MashkL=, AN., Obolentsev, RoDe (Resp. Ed.), Rozhdestvenskiy, V.P., and Sbanin, L,L.; Tech. Ed.i Ra)"ov,* PURPOSE: This boc* is intended for petroleun specialists of scientific reseoxch establishments, educational institutions, and petrole= refining plants. COMMEt This collection is the first of a multivol=e publication on the reaLLIts of scientific research work carried out in the Soviet Union on the chemistry and technology of sulfgr- iwd nitrogen- organi a compounds during the _period 1954-1955; and accor4ing to a cqordinated research project outlined in 1956 by the sponcering 0 9-rd I,/ Chemistry of SulfUr.7-Orgazic C~~ounds (Cont.) SOV11319 agency (BwWdr Branch of th~ Academy of Sciences USSR). Along with the 22 re- ports published herein, abridged versions of questions, answers and discussions are given wherever the editors deem it expedient. TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Editors 3 Opening Address by the Head of the Chemistry Departmept of the Bashkir Branch of the Academy of Sciences, USSR, Professor R*D. CFbolentvey 5 The author states that three-quarters of the petrolem drillin In the USSR is concentrated in eastern ("vnekavkazskiy" - outside the Coneasus)oil fields; that these deposits are sulfurous; and that research on the exploitation of these deposits is insufficient. Obolentsev, R#D, Sulfa-Organic Compounds of Petroleum Origin 8 This article points out the need for a new process of directly distilling sulfurous petrole=,which process, it is stated, may be based on the tilermostability of sulf4rorganic ccmpounds. Obolentsev, R*D#, and B.V, Ay"zov, Cyclic Sulfides in the Kerosene Distillate of Petrolemn Frm the Carboniferous Deposits of TuW=y Oilfields 19 C ard 2AF' r-F-_ MT.1 Chtmistry of SulfwOrganic Compounds (Cont.) SOV11319 Sulfur-organic compcundig vere separated from kerosene fractions of petroleum. and physical constarta (including molecular fomulas, refractive Indices, etc.) were determined coriesponding to momo-, bi- and tricyclic mz1fides. Experimental data on the fractiozal distillation of these compounds ('%ftich "porized at 209-2100 C) comparei.. vith, kriown data identified them as 3-butylthiophanes [tetrahydro 3-butyV;blophenes]. A.D. Biktasheva and N.S, T4uboyytova carried oat the spectrographic imalysee, --I_vaaovaL. N.M., Ch. Kh. Mirkhaydarova, and Ya. 1. Nellkenbaun (IoUxboyekty. nefteptrersbatyvayushchly zavod--1ohimbay Oil Refining P~Mt) Instaliation for Chromatographic Separation of Sulfur-ContainIng Ccmpounds From Petroleum Distillates 29 Illustrations, schematic diagrams of apparatus and a table of Uta are given for the chromatographic analysis of the sulfur content of Ishimbay petroleum after WTo3,"is. Gorskaya, N.G. (Novo-Unmakiy neStepererabatyvayushchiy zavad -- Nev Oil Refi#na' Plant -at Ufa) On the Problem of onstructing Larger Chromatographic InstalUtions for Separating Concentrates of Sulfur-Organic Campounds From Petroleun Products 38 Card IVANOVA N.M.; KOZHI?IAI A.D.; PMLYGI21A, L.I.; TARASOVA, V.A.; 0 Ye.I.; CHEREZOVA, R.S.; SHKOL1111K, Ye.l.)- SFILLMUCT., Kh.I. (Economy of Voronezh Province in 1960; collection of statistics] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Voronezhakoi oblasti v 1960 godu; statisti- cheskii sbornik. Voronezh, Voronezhskoe otd-nie Giastatizdatao 1961. 139 P. (MIRA J-5:6) 1. Voronezh. Oblastnoye statisticheskoye upravleniye. (Voronezh Province--Economic conditioiis) ACCESSION NR: AT4019287 B/0000/63/003/001/0068/0073 AUTHOR: Shmeleva, N. A.; Ivanova, N. M. TITLE: Lithium-containing glass and some peculiarities in its crystallization SOURCE: Stmpozium po steldoobraznomu sostoyaniyu.. Leningrad, 19G2. Stekloobraznoye slstoyaniye, vy"p. 1: Katalizirovannaya kristallizatslya. stokla (Vitreous state, no. 1: Cqtalyzing crystallization of glass). Trudy* simpoziuma, v. 3, no. 1. Moscow, Izd-vo, AN SSSR, 1963, 68-73, Insert page facing p. 73 TOPIC TAGS: glass, glass crystallization, lithium glass, silicate glass, binary system, photosensitive additive, irradiation, microcavity ABSTRACT: no crystallization of three different types of lithium glass 11tarting with the binary system L120-SIO and gradually adding pbotosenstuve addltive4i (Ag+CoO2, K20, A1203) was investigated by the thin layer method In ultraviolet light. Investigation of the crystalliza- tion process on small glass fragments made It possible to study the formation of microcavities produced by gas bubbles, larger cavities and intermediate dendritic struchires. no Card ACCESSION NR: AT4019287 presence of expansion m1crozones was demonstrated In which the material breaks to form microcav,ities. In the expansion zones, the nature of the crystallization shifts slightly toward the formation of solid solutions with increased S102 content of the liberation of free S102. By introducing photosensitive additives (Ag+Ce02) into glass, the finest dis- tribution of the gas cavities or expansion microzones can be assured throughout Ole glass. This effect was obtained during crystallization in an irradiated glass with 20%, M20, but in another glass the effect was obtained only after crystallization with preliminary irradla- tion. The fine distribution of gas cavities in the crystalline substance is the reason for brown colors of different intensities In the fragments. This gives the Impression of a IblacR' substance and Its mobility during the displacement *of the expansion zones. The crystallization of SIO In the form of cristabalite, tridymite or quartz proceeds Inside the gas cavities, and prefirilinary Irradiation causes the crystaUlzatlan equilibrium to shift toward a higher quartz content. Orig. art. has: 5 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTE D: 17MayG3 DATE ACQ: 21Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- MT NO TIEF SOV: 001 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4010230 S/3056/63/000/0991009210101 AUTHOR: Ivanova, N M , Kuklina, G. M.; Sedunov, Yu. S. TITLE: Method for measuring the Ionic spectrum from a high meteorological tower SOURCE: Issledovaniye nIzhnego 300-metrovogo sloya atmosfery*- Hoscow, 1963, qZ-101 TOPIC TAGS: meteorology, meteorological tower, electrical field, ionic spectrum,, atnio5p;ii,-ric electricity ABSTRACT: High meteorological towers are very valuable'for continuous monitorin(.1 .of a variety of parameters (wind velocity and pulsation, teAVerature, pressure, etc.) which affect the measurable characteristics of atmospheric electricity, since .observations can be made in a] I kinds of weather at altitudes up to 310 meters. However, the problem arises of distortions in the readings due ta the tower Itself. .The authors therefore calculated the distribution of the clectricol field and Ionic density around a tower and used these calculated deflections to devise a method for measuring the concentration and spectrum of light ions around a tower. The rcsults show that the field voltage is Increased and the direction changed near a tower, the horizontal component of the field Increasing with height and the vertical mrnenYncreasinq with distance from the tower* The Ionic spectrum is also 2 ACCESSION NR: AT4oIO23O changed near a tower, although at a distance, the concentrations of positive and negative ions become equal. in clear weather, there is a "dead" zone for negatille ions around a tower, the radius of which Increases with field voltage, heightand ionic mobility and decreases with Increasing wind velocity. orig. art. has: 7 figures and 16 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 2OFeb64 ENCL: 00 'SUB CODE: AS NO REF SOV: 005 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 TVANOVA, orting OtIg Jrj the ItO111:1ay staridard fy-Ar-olew.-i produols ariJ oXp-,r*. ;.naz Out). Trudy Ba li 1.11111P no.15.,~0'7-1 inf 1. TshImbaysMy KVL, Gustav Antonevich, professor, dektor takhmichemkikjl nank; LUKITANOV, H.T.a., professor, dektor takhaichookikh nauk; SUIIWF. V.D., professor. dektor tekhnicheekM nauk; IVANOVA, N.M., rodaktsr; CllVBYSJlRVA,TA.A., tekhuichookly redaktor. [Processes aid equipment In the dairy industry] Protesiosy I apparaty molechnei promyshleanesti. Moskva, Pishchapromindat. Vol.l. 1955.471p. (DRirying) (HTAA 9:4) GURARI, Hatan Grigorlyevich; AUKBANDROT, M.P., dotsent, kand'idat takhnicha- skikh nauk, ratsenzent; FALSYEV, G.A.. inzhener, reteanzent; MUKH, V.A., inzhener, spatere(laktor; IVANOVA, N.M., redaktor; GOTLIB, N.M., tekhnichaskuy reclaktor [Hoisting and transporting equipment in the meat and dairy industr7l Podwemno-transportnoe oborudovanie missnoi i molochnoi promyshlen- nooti. Moskva, Pishchapromitdat. Pt.l. [Load-lifting nachinas end clevatore] Gruzopodlemnyo mashiny i elevatory. 1956. 192 p. (Hoisting machinery) (MLRA 10:1) HIM IAKEV, Fedor Favlovich; IVANOVA, N.H., red.; SOKOLOVA, I.A., [Care of animals marked for slaughter] Preduboinoe sodorzhanis skots. Izd. 2-oo, perer. i dop. Moskva. Pialicliepromijidat, 1957. 134 p. 011RA 11:4) (Animal industr7) ;-~.! -'1 11 1 111 -1 1 : I I II I I V // 11~ 611 12 /~' 111), All - BOGDANOV, Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich; KIVERKO, S.-F., spetoredakl;or: IVAROVA, N.M., red.; CHEBYSHEVA. Ye.A.. " ~ LMicrobiology of milk and milk products) Mikrobiologiia moloka i molochn.vkh produktov. Izd.3-e, perer.1 dop. Mosk7a, Pishche- promizdat, 1957. 295 P. (MIM 11: 1) (Dairy bacteriolog7) CffMJj,A Hikolay H~khaylovichj__LVAKQYA,._X,_K., red.: SOICOLOVA, I.A.. [Evaporation and evaporating apparatus in the dairy industry] Vyparivanie i vyparnye uatanovki v molochnoi promyehlennosti. Moskva, Pishchopromizdat, 1959. 70 p. (HRA 14:2) (Dairy Industry-Rquipment and supplies) (Evaporating appliances) GLAZACRET, Viktor Vasillyevich, kand.tekhn.nauk;_j!.MqVA, H.H., red.; PF-IZEMIY, S.P., [Manufacture of sour milk products] Proinvodstvo,kislo- molochnykh produktov. Moskva, Fishchapromizdat, 1960. 65 P5 (JaRA 14:4 (Dairy products) LIATOV, Nikolay Nikitovich, kand. tekhn.-nauk, dote.; KUK, G.A.., wsl. deyatell nauki i tekhnlki, prof,, ratsonxontl BRAROVSKIYj N.V... kand.tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; IVA KISINA, Ye.I., tekhn. red. (Graphic methods of analyzing the degree of diapersion of milk fat]Graficheakie metody kharakteriatiki disperunosti ishira Moloka. MOBkva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 39 p. (MIRA 16:3) (Butterfat--Anallrais and examination) SURKOV, Viktor Danilovich, prof.; LIPATOV) Nikolay flikitovicho dots.'- MUNOVSKEY, Nikolay Vaoillyevichp kand. takhn. nauk; Prinimr.1 uchaatiye SELIVANOVj, N.L~ dots.., kand. teldm. nauk; IVANOVA, N.M. j_T9O.;--SQKQC!VA-.j I.A., tekhn. red. (Technological equipment of dairy enterprises]Telcbnologiche- skoe oborudovanie predpriiatli molochnoi pronVahlennosti. Moskva, Pishchepromizdat, 1962. 576 P, QUA 15:8) (Dairying-Equipment and supplies) MIMI, Vladimir Nikolayevich; IVATOVA, N.M.$ red. (3afety measurea in the oFeration of electric filters in -the enterprises of the chemical industry) Tekhnilca buzopasnosti pri ekspluatatsii elektrofilltrov na pred- I~rilatilakh khlmIlcheskoi promyshlennostI. Motilcya, , 1~?.' / . .1 27 p. .11RA 18, 1) KIAM-Lia C., ~4 (I L-'27-612-66 ENT(M) cc 0 ~7 :12 2/(1)46 AUTHORt P-anovat U. M. tShitikoves A. So OItG t Lab deyta~y of Kad',t B=nohGma;~Iogy/headed by a., 14, Mitraviyev/Inningrad-L .Institut a of Blood Transfusion/ directed by Docent L Ile', our r, (Laboratoriya radiats:Lonnoy im=ogenatologii Leningradskagi5 7M. Rfi,uta peroUL m,!Lya 1wovi) 7-2-, TITIEt Change dA properdin level U the b1004 In noinal and Irradiated aninytlgi after :Injection of a mucopolpaccharido preparation front P70-11 SGURM Byulleten' eksperlmentallnoy biologii i meditsinyj, ir- 50., no. OsiWA142446 TOPIC TAGSr po:l;ys-accharidoj mouadj, rabbit# x irradiationp :raditiUon b1010910, affect ABSTRAC'Tt ."A dose of 1 mg of a tnucopolysaccharide preparatilm from cattle spleen injected-intravenously into nice and a done of 0.5 mg/kg injected iinto rabbits regularly stimulated the formation of properdili in normal, animals. Two days latert uhen the properdin level had rltromp th(.?! aalmals were X-Irradiated. In both the mice and rabbitat the durvival i,i4ltz of the animals was considerably higher than in the controlo 1hu(ij prophylactic injection of small amounts of a muconaccharide prepantiml Crod) flattlvl ~spleen elevates the properdin level of the blood and has-a favorable effect. ),on the survival rate of X-irradlated animalao: Orig, 4wtt ih'alil rkbai6~4 ~1: (V SJB CODEs 06 SUBM DATU 28Sep63 ORIG RWI C03 0111 REF2 005 not 616-001.28-M5.361.hl-07&616.:1.53.96.Cq CrJ 1/1 -IVANOVA, N.M.; SHITIKOVA, A.S. Changes in the properdin level in the blood of noriial and irradiated animals under the effect of a mucopolysaccharide preparation made from cattle spleen. Biul. eksp. b1ol. i med. 59 no.6:42-46 Je 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1. Laboratoriya radiataionnoy immunogematologii (zav. G.M. Muravlyev) Leningradskogo instituta perelivaniya krovi (dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov), Leningrad. tic ,;,)rea-,I-in,--: o.,* Tul)erculosis kic'lli ',,,,e "putw- d.n lo-13-illed a 0 - il -I 'Lidden .Cases of Tivercalosis.1 " C nd died Sci, State' Urder of Inst for the lt.dvariced Training of N:ys--cians imoni S. 7,",. Urov, Lenirl,--raA, V 1951t. No 8, VIC') 55) So: SwI. No. 031, 26, "U[, 55 - ')urvey oll' Scientuific ani Dissertat--",.,n L'lc-;L'e*led at U3'.F -'-Auicational (1L1) IVAHOVA, N.M. Method of determining streptomycin resistance of Vqcobacterium tuberculosis on solid culture media. Probl. tub. 34 na.l:)8-43 Ja-I 156 (MI-RA 9:5) 1. Iz otdela mikrobiologii Leningradskogo tuborkuleznogo inatituta (dii. doktor meditainskikh nauk prof. A.D. Semetiov) (MYCORACTERIUH TUIWIICULOSIS. off. of drugs on streptomycin, resist. determ. on solid culture medium) (STREPTOMYCIII, off. on M. tuberc., resist. determ. on solid culture medium) USsR / microbiology- Microbes, Pathogenic to Man and F Animals. Bacteria. Mycobacteria. Abq jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 5, 1959P No- 19565 Author : Ivanova, N. M Raskina, E. Z. Inst Ve Title ,j~g the Course of ExperiMOTItal Tube--oculosis In Tdhite Mice with Subcutaneous Infection 183~No 2, 95-102 Orig Pub : Probl. tuberkuleza, 195 ,, Abstract : The dynamics of the distribution of tubercular bacteria (TB) and the mor- phological changes on the site of infection and internal organs were studied in 1.18 mice. TB of a bovine type were injected under the skin of the Inguinal region in a dose of 0.5 mg. 113 animals were destroyed In Card 1/2 A USSR Microbiology. Animals Microbes, Pathogenic to Ran and F - Bacteria. Mycobacteria. Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Blologlya, ~10 5, 1959, No. 19565 groups of 14-15 In periods from 24 hourt) to 160 days; 5 Perished from tuberculosis In perio(JE; from the 290th to the 348th day of infection. It was demonstrated that in mice a generalized tubercular process is developed at the subcutaneous injection. From the very first days, infections ft-om the organs a-ad tissues are filled with TB. From the subcutaneous n1dus of the, site of infection and from regional lymphatic ganglia, TB was transmitted to the Internal organs. The authors consider that white mice, Infected subcutaneously, may serve as models for unrefined experiments. -- M. Ya. Boyarskaya Card 2/2 GAGANOVA, Ye.p., IVANOVA. N.H. Clinicai course of tuberculosis In patineta trith atreptowein- senatitive nnd raeistart,~aobAoterlun tuberculosis; olinienl lind bactnriological per- ~Iel with summar7 in Yraw"h]. Problatub, 36 no.4:21-26 '58 (MULA 11:7) 1. 1% Leningradak 1 ro nanchno-isaladovnte1'!-1,.ogo inatitlits tubarkulasA Ministerstva %davoo!chrnneniya RSFSR (dir. - nrof. P.G. Tornev, uauchny7 ruVovoditell - nrof. A.D. Spnen,iv). (TU3n,- C'U,103IS. PUL-MOVARY, ther. -treptonycin, eff. or resist. & sensitive stralwi on elln. course (Gar)) I KROLI, M.Ye.; TVANOVA, N.M.; XACHAUKOVA, N.N. Use of fluoresoence microscopy for the laboratory dis,"gosin of tuberculosis. Probl.tub. 37 no.7:84-89 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Iz otdola mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchiy - kand.mod.uauk V.I. Kudryavtseva) Ieningradekogo institnta tuberkuleza (direktor - prof. A.D. Semenov). (TUBERCULOSIS diagnosis) AKKER4AN, V.V.; IVANOVA, N.M. Ghanges in some factors of natural 1mounity In patiem-to with ImAemia; review of the literaturf%. Probl.gemat.i perel.krovi no,11:3.2-19 161. (MIRA 15-.1) 1. Iz Taningradskogo ordena Trudovogo Krusnogo Zmameni nauchno- issledovatel'skogo instituta perelivaniya krori (dir. - dotsent A.D. Belyakov, nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen-korrespondent AMP SSSR prof. A.N. Filatov). (LEUM-IIA) (11-04UIIITY) MMOVA, K.H.,-_jVANOVA., N.M. Modification of indices of natural resistance in patients with various forms of leukemia. Topeorko 7 nos2:3-9 16L, (MIRA 1415) (LEUKMIA) AKKERMAII, V.V., doktor med.nauk; IVANOVAI II.M.1 XMIUVA, X.R.; KROTOVA, T.A., profs; HY'MT5YXF!!EtA-,R-.V. Changes in-natural immunity and tho contont of vitamin '~krovi in leukemia in rolation to treatnent. Probl.jNmat.i pore no.7:3-11 162. (MIRA 15-.9) 1. Iz-Ieningradskogo nauchno-iosledovateliskogo instituta pereli- vaniya krovi (nauchnyy rukovoditell - chlen-1correspordent AM SSSR prof. A.K. Filatov, dir. - doteent A.D. Belyfflcov). (ILUMaA) (IMMITY) (CYPlIOGOBALUIINE) IkFALISON, D.I.; VEYKHER, Z.F.; ROZANOVA, L.M,.; NIFOLAYEVA, L.H.; KOTOOSHCHIKOVA, M.A.; 1VA.NOVA, N.M. Effec;t of taking small and moderate doseo of bcne msirrov on -the body of the donor. ReN-rt Noel: Effect of tak"na bone marrow on hemopoiesis. Yrobl. gemat. i perel. Krc,73. rio.irt 29-35 163 (1.4"P.A 18-ti) 1. Iz Leningradskogo ordens. Tradovogo Krasnogo Znamen! natichno- iooledovatellskogo Instituta perelivanl~,a krovi (dir. dotsent A.D. Belyakov). KOTOVSIICHIKOVA, M.A.; NIKOLAYEVA, L.K.; I~Iq~~OVA, RAFALISON, D.I.; vr-;YKII!..:Il, Z.F.; ROZANOVA, L.14. Effect of taking small and moderate doses of bone manow on the body of the donor. Report No.2.1 Effect of takin,j bo-oi marrow on some factors of the blood coagulation system an(I na-baral. imaunity. Frobl. gemat. i perel. krovi no*lOt35--,/,O 16.3 OCIRA 18t1) 1. 17i Leningradskogo nauclzio-issledovatellskogo ordena Trudolroge Krasnogo Mameni Instituta perelivanlya krovi Utr.- 110,111.3ont A.D. Belyakov,, nauchnyy --ukovoditi-311 - chlen-kovr3srxitident- AMN SSSR prof. A.N. Filatov). CMERISSYMA, A.A. ; 1VA1:OVA N.M.; L.N. -_ ... 1. 1 Method of paper chroiwat~grraphy used Jn the aia1yolAi of somi,- derivatives of pregn-,~j -en-3,20-dione. Yhur. anal. khim. 19 no.7:905-907 164. (AIFA 17:11) 1. Ordzhonikidze All-Union Scientific-ReSeal-Ch I'~l'iJrriLCO-I'lla."MILCeL[tlcaI Institute) MOSCOW. GRINZAYD, M.I.P: ZINO-1111YEVA, I.S.; IVANOVA, NJII.; VOS)"' ttl~Gllliy E.i-*. Conttmt of prithogenic staphylococci in the; Ifecan of childr-fin vlth in- tustinal Iiseaseq. Zhijr. mikroblol., opil, i irrumim. 1.1 165. (MIRA 18: 5) 1. 'illybj.-,h0VSkiV in.13tilt,11t, epidomt.ologIL, TrAkrobich-0, ..,Ii t gigtynny. -1 v !F~r,7-;7 ~- ---- ~ I Aw EOVIKOV, G.I.; SERMINA, N.S.; ly-l-alow'-,", - 1-1 ---4 I%r-~Nlovkll YO.I.; A slll-c~ I U~ Il iTl,I)~.I. Conditions qf tlic genovis and developriient of air-masen thunder- 3 otorms in tho region of the Station. Sbor. rab. po sinop. no.5:87-91 160. (MIRA 14:8) 1. lietcostantsiya Shosseynaya. (Shosaepaya region-Thunderstorms) GELIFMAN, Ya.A.; SHISHKINA, I.V.;.IIANOVA, N~JIL. Extending the life of finishing and ornamental polyvLrkyl chlorida films. ?last. massy no.12169-70 162s (JURA 16:1) (Plastic films) (Vinyl compound polymers) S/10 9/60/005/011/6.~i`~O 14 E140/E483 AUTHORS: Kapranov, M.V., Ivanov. V.A. and ". PM); TITLE': Automatic Phase Control With Nonlinear Filter PERIODICAL: Radioteklinika i elektronika, 1960, Vol-5, PP-1774-1785 TEXT: In automatic phase control of oscillator frequency, the degree of noise filtering must decrease as the lock-in range increases. The article considers a nonlinear integrating network at the output of the phase detector consisting of opposed biased diodes in parallel with the integrating resistance (Fig.11). For small frequency deviation, hence with low, output voltage from the phase detector, the circuit has a high time constant and good filtering properties. At large frequency (phase) excursion, the diodes short-circuit the resistance and th.2 lock-in range approaches its maximum value. The equations of the system are derived assuming that the entire system except the filter is inertialess, the reactance tube char;%cteristic i!F ~'.kn unlimi-ted straight line and that frequency modulation is not accompinied by parasitic amplitude modulation. The beha-.,-iour of the system is Card 1/2 s/ioO/60/005/dll/00V6l4' E140/E483 Automatic Phase Control With Nonlinear Filter analysed in the phase plane and four types of limit cycles are found. The analysis shows that under the given ass"mptions it is possible to increase the filter time constant without -limit while preserving the maximum lock-in band for a given noise level. The circuit was verified experimentally and only small differences between the measured and predicted results were found. There are 11 figures and 7 references: 3 Soviet and 4 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: January 15, 1960 Fig.4. Card 2/2 ---- ----- - - ----- SHADLOVSKIY, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich. Prinimali uab$ptl;ye~ VERNIDUB, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHAKHIDAAYIOV, Ye.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; SMETANA A.V., inzh.; N.N.~ " ' . ka. kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; BILIDYUKL'VICH, N.4', rid. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SUVOROVA, I.A., red. (Principles of pyrotechnics] Oanovy piroteklmikl* Izd.3., perer. i dop. Moskva, Mashinostroeniep 1964. 338 p. (MIRA IVANIOVAJ, TI.N.; CHEIU',OZHUKOV, N.I. Comparative analysis of hydrocarbonjj of the 290 to WOOC fractions of Kazakhstan and Shkapovo oils. Khim. i tel-In. topl. i masel 10 no.12:7-10 D 165. (14IM 19: 1) 1. Orskiy neftepromyslovyy zavod i Moskovsk-Jy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neftekhimichesIXoy i gazovoy promysh- lennosti im. akad. Gubkina. 004 00 go 0013 Ili ISO's Oow 00 PAW hit x. V. viii Iml AppL CholliL Rli I10% ril"L.44. no" *3K in rizf ~ma i~ tvisb d2 15 MI- iMW to 10 WAIN &W I's "O.v a" do Oak"" Ills Ift ~ i by "W&M rawn "611111161111i "Nr by *"% *m d"I oblaked &Y li" wl-U.161 It. T. 13 4 al c a 4 46t& .00 .00 ~99 160 .00 ago Car. . ...... 0lfAk&~AL it 040"1 06-of u AV 10 is A a I 1900 0 0 000000000000000 0 0 a a 41 0 0 0 41t 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 0 00 * 0 a a O:~44: 4 0 A a Al v N 0 ago WO 0 moo, too Chemical Abstracts ;;;;~T' h"o'* c-,o,p*p't'x'* "co titu'M-Io~ soiLiIoV th~ Lfityka ~'AR. a6d! ' I~W 2% 1954 Tnothods of detwminlu it.: Nz, V."Velve smil N. f N. ' f "OilB and Fertilizers . 1.17 ln!t~, Acad, 86. LAty. 5.3 "Ivu%ava I(Aur. and III)I 1993, Nj). hl, &-13.-Nfort~ that, 11(k) i;;~Z in Latviya w,, ru in rnpled: uni 4e tot al will iaobfle ~ Cu ' methidl of detd, The prese-ttcd on a map by "o"batching. TbeIne th(KI for =obile (avalliblu) Cu ivxi imadc on an txt. of a. t -5 soil:w-bi HCI (I -ON) j k.-pt (ot 24 hn. 'ne coin. quinvilt.e method of detZ. Cu wrn'u%e& NMI I JMMMWI~ ':Onterlt Of copper, -,III abils c-1, zi"e Latviin -ricilltur'll "Ca 'e" L','A1_'- L Knilhijava Ler-oi~isf USSR/Soil CLjti~ration. physical and Chemical Properties ccf Boils. J-2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biologiya, Ito 1, 1958) 1225- Author -. Peyve, Ya. V., Ivanova, W.N. Thst -Z Aced Sci TatvSSR Title : The Zinc Content of the Soils of the latvian SM Orig Pub: Mikroelementy v a.-kh. i meditsine,, Akaa. Nauk latvSSR.- 1956, 479-484. Abstract: 11he content of total and metabolized Zn in the various soils of the republic varies respectively between 21.6 and 43.7 mig. and between 0-5 and 26.0 mg. per kilo,~ram of soil. The greatest quantity of free zinc is concentrated in the u_oer hums hori- zons. In turf-peat-podzol and podzol soils the 12 horizon con- tains the smallest quantity of Zn. The results of mapping the soils according to the mobile Zn content of the bu=s horizon are discussed briefly. The following five groups of soils are portrayed schematically: I -- turf-peat-carbonste. up to 1.0 mg. Card 1/2 _12- USMVSOil Cultivation. Physical and Che-mic&l Properties of soila. J-2 Abs Jour: Ref' Zhur-B'Olog'ya,, I'o 1.1 1958.9 1225. Zn/kg gleyey. sooilsoil; II _7 t_pL vith PH hiue "Lt-w"kly POdzOlized and turf-peat- gher than 5-0: UP to 1-5 Mg. Zn/kg.of so"'. III -- turf-Pftt-medium-heAv-1l.Y-.Vodzo3.ic sn(I turf-peat-pod- zOl-gleyey soils with PH of 5.0 and belov: fr= 1.0 to 2.6 g. Zr./.kg. of soil; IV -- Ma hy bog-peat-podzol soil,, Of jMrland.. intermediate, and Upland swam V -- forest soils: u Ps: 2-5 to 12.0 mg. 7.t/kg. of soil; P to 2.6 mg. Zn/kg. of Soil. Card 2/2 -13- IMNOVA, ITO-,.; SlITLY111, V.11. Prevention of aninazine dermatitis ijiduced by insoDition. Zh. nevropat. psikhiat. Koraakov 63 no-3:4J,0-/,J,2 163 (14IRA 171l) 1. Dnepropetrovokaya oblaotnaya psikhonevroloWlcheskaya .ry vrf'.('111 P.F. Yal. bollnitna OVOY), Ifrren CO.IL?SKIY,, L,I.,, IwW.tokbn*naWt; IVVIOVA, Rmiabreing camont-concrote pavemente with imspba2l. concretew Avt.dore 28 nont2lP22 11 165. (pixpA istn) V nv~ ::;(,:I To. Po~.,'ioro,ieoenie LS:7) IVANOV~ Ddl.~ WAN"Y'k; N.N., OIIUXNA~ L.P. Gom:antration of microelements f-r their determinittion in so-.1-s and other biological objects. Trudy Kom. anal. khim. 152301-310- '65. (MIRM' 18v71 Re, s s I It I:f 11, thrt .1h :r' lh~ Of. iq LOKSHIUA, R.D.. kandeekon.nauk; KOUREVUAYA, L.P., mleduhiv nnuebrVy sotrud-- ni1c; IVAUOVA. N.P., maldshiv nauchz*7 sotrudaik Planniq thm financial and administrativo supecto of pharmaciao, Aptedelo 7 no.1,10-15 Ja-F '5B. (MIRA 1112) 1, Is laboratorii organizataii i ekonomiki aptephnogo dole TSentrall- nogo aptachnogo muchno-inflledovatetliskogo instituta Knb;terstva sdravookhrenaniya 883H. (DRUGSTORAS) 77T,- 1[ CURSVICH, R.L..; IVANOVA, V,~ .,- PASMMOVAY T.B.; RAPOPORI!, M,R, Investigating bL~seinnnt-,; of platforms by the reflention w-thod, Wtognz,gool. 11. no,,-~-')3-26 1~4. ('KrRA 17:4) 1. Klyetrskaya elcb~3~1!tsiya Ukrainskogo riauchno-i.sal(-do'1, geologgor-azve-dochr.-C,go instituta. T ;:;7!: A--Ij L 1-1 IVANOVA,N.S., ref.; NADION,M.F. Utilizing a boring machine with hydraulic drive for rotar7 borehole drilling-from Nine and quarry Ingineering," 1954, Mrah, vol. 20 no-3, P. 127-133. Gor.shur. no-9:54-55 5 '55- (MI8A 8*-8) (Boring awhinery) -i~ .. - IVANOVA, N. S. USSR "Significance of the Initial State of the Organism in a Case of Cyanide Poisoning." Thesis for degree of Cand. Medical Sci. Sub 3 Oct 50, Central Inst for XX the Ad-i vended Training ofPhysicians. Summary ?1, 4 SeP 52, Dissertations Presented for Degrees in Scienc� and Engineering in Moscow in 1950. From Vechernyaya Moskva, Jan--Dec 1950/ TT7TT;TM !RI hiih Ilk. lam IVANOVA. N. S. izadneys - Hydatids Case of renal echinococcosis. Sov. med. 17 no. 1. 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Nly .1953, Unclassified. IVANOVA, ff. S. Water excretion and concentration by the kidneys In epilepsy, Zhur.nevr. i Polkh. 54 to-7:551-552 JI 154, (MM& 7:7) 1. Ifevrologicheskoye otdoleniye Institate, poikhtatril. Minister- stva zdravookhrazeniy&. (KIDMff, FOCTION TESTS, in variovA diseamos, *epilepsy) Ogpil"Sy, phyeiolop,7 *kidney funot. tost~ mQWQ~6~1 ~Tr' I-F. kj~14kly USM/Pharrmcolo,-J a~'.-d Toxicolo~;7 Abs Jour 11UT ~'Ilur - Biol.,. No 11%, 1~53, 66256 Author Ivan'~~'Ia, N.Se Title 7111~ ),~';TCriLlClltal Trcot-,.ic-n`6 ~)Z Epilepsy with Grif, Pub V -,b.: Vopr psilchifltri'.i., V~P- '22- M., 1957, 150-1-52. Abstract G,-ird 1/1 IVANOVA N.S., RCBn=, I.S. dlinical and electro physiological investigation,, of apilepsyduring hexamine therapys' (with summary in French]* MI%Lr,IIUVI?o- i paildit'. 58 no*8197U979 158 (hu nig) I Hauchno-iseledovatel'okiy institu.t paikhinrtli (d.1r, - prof, D.Do Y;dotov) Ministerstva sdravookhranoniya sSSR, Maiskvao OMMSSAMM, ' ther. use, SPilePsy, jMG & Olin& indices (Rum)) (EPIIMY, ther. methenamine, IM & aliz, Indices (Rns)) IVANOVA, N.S.- KWNOVA, A.I. Effect of some medicinal subataneas an the indices of nitrogen metabolism in epilepsy. Vop. paikh. no.4;,117-1,13 160.. (I'IIRA 15:2) (EPILEPSY) (NITROGEN METABOLISM) (DRUGS-FMIOLOGICAL FTFECT) -T ",~- ---