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MOKIIOVA, V.K., kand.uied.riaulc; BLOKII, G.K.,; :N,'21fKOV, S.Ya.t vrach; IVANOVA L A. vrach . --- ~~ ~1'11 41-Lit.4 Goiter in Bazhatsk DisLrLet, Kalinin ProvInce. Trudy KGMLI no.10:55-56 163. (MIRA 18:1) 1. 1z kafedry fakulltetskoy terapii (zav. kafedroy - prof. N.N. Vysotskiy) i kafedry fakulltatskoy khirurgii (zav. kafedroy - zasluzhennyy deyatall naukl RSFSR prof. V.S.Semanov) Kalinin- skogo gorodskogo meditsinskogo instituta. HRESTKiNl; IVANOVA, L.A.; S'I-CHIMIKOVA, V.V. inactivat-Ion of choline3terase in the horse sertra during enzymatic hydrolysis of acetylcholine. Blokidiviia 28 no.4:653-66C) Jl-A,- Ic')3. (MIFA 19. 3) 1. flje-jjtqjjj:.'tr ! jir LqninF -1 . - -- q ~ ~ Y rad . KHODAS, 14.Ya.; GRACHEV, V.I. [deceased); .A Mechanism of the effect of thiopental on the 2evel of the blood sugar in ether anesthesia. Trudy 1-go W4I 33:34-40 164. Effect of thiopental on the content of adrenergic substances In the blood in ether anesthesia. Ibid.:51-56 (MIRA 18:3) --,-.!V,ANOVA) L,k., Eynosition of the phenomenon of electrolynis in a semandary- school. physion course. Fiz. v slikolp 23 no.4:84-,86 .11-Ag, '~)3. (XIPA .17,-1) 1', Mor)k-ovsId.y goni.t~arstvennyy pedapogicliesk;y iiintilpat. IVANOVA, L.A. Use of models in studying the intensity relation of rei'lancted and hend waves. Trudy Inst. fiz. Zom. no-30s6B-83 163. (141RA 17%4) 71; 1 lm! IVANOVA, L.A.. (Moskva, A-47, 3-ya Tl;-erskay&--Yamvka7a, dc6 22, kvarth-&-S). ExperJlnental study of the antitumor artivity of!, 0 hon-pbazine. v0p. onk. 9 no.ft69-71 263 1. 1z laboratorli eksperimentallnoy terapli opakholey (zav. doktor med. nauk V.M. Bergollts) Gosudars-tvetnogo nauchno-issle- dovatWskogo ankologicheekogo Instituta. imeni P.A. Gertsena (direktor prof. A.N. Novikov), Moskva. il -M I, Iva- I', U. At I -a -I Will I IlAlfilffl IEUI i 7 777 d P(e)IW (m)/94A (d)/T/EW(t)/EWP(z)/ZA'(bj) Df(c) J-Dtifif/JG~U L 15750-66 Ew 1~ t W, Sa., AGO NR9* AT502"52 SOURCZ CM t UwMi/65AXWOM110260169 A1JTH(Rs Antonova le, A.; M4tastoovat L. A.; I'mayaj, Lie A& ORG s none TITLVs mdum..~btde oxidation resistant coatiap SOURCEt _j%eminar aro _pq ;4jMqtoyk!L kryttyamo tv va _Ik4t_49ifstant _atXjjjjTj -L)okrvt cc rzd-vo Nalu 9ME -161 .62 3 TOPIC TAGSs chrowium carbide# metal coating, carmot prodltwt# lietit rowlsta;M08 oxidation inhibition CZAAOAZDV~ ^"A~14%~t_*_ 01 ABSTRACTs Chromium carbide GrA has a high resistaAes ti) the adiT of RiAda.r does not reaet with G1 at'tempaAtures 4~: 900-1000C and %it2i &U, 4tt = 14030.0 .9414 has a thermal expansion doefficient nes;i; the so" as teLiLt, of ateelt Thil", work: was almad at studying the conditions for forming csrzatwt;i" Gantings on 191,0011, The composition of the -coating vas Cr3G2 binders __Wplies of Sts. 3 steel (lW5x 2 were candblasted before coating. The water ouapamillome (e)JISO) litere 113 77'-, 7 L 15750-66 AGO Mt AT5027952 prepared from mlitureii oUpowaored compounds w1th an awtIon ot 2% bentoofte. F- They were applied to the samples by Immersion tWd fIX9d I~P IWEIMC at f "66'1 Ut,'.LCM temperature T in an inert atmospherep mostly Arp but somet isimpUlma wsrs alsio bah, W in H. HH3p and in a vacuum of 10-2-16-3mm, Hgo Several t~ljion ot powdored mlixtuires 1' were used s (1) SOP 70%. 50%, or 30% Cr 02 -~ Wo 30%, 501,61, or 'Al Ni at ! tem.peratures of U50-125OG;,)(2) 83%, Q 50%p or 30% Cr Q~ 4- 151%,, 30%. 50% or 7011; Nichrom.120% or and 80% NI'tiloy) at temperatures of n~Xb,50C; dind (3) 901tv 70%p 50%, or 30%, - Cr302 +'16%-t 30.9 50%, or 70% minture of powilars (20%0r, 70%111, 5J9, and 5f-Si) at temperatures of 1140-12400. AU comUngs wewai f6rmvdi et tempogsttm,em lover than the melting points of their components. 1he foi.,zatiom of a m1form nonporous coating occurred within a narrow range of temparuturew, SUOt i;rver- I heating (20-300) resulted in the for-aation of beads, and hiis.Ung belov T produedd a porous coating. An increase In the amount of binder widoinAl the temperattire, range of the formation of a uniform nonporous coating* Thoi beat results ware obtained with coatings having a binder hade from a sdxture of Cr-1, Vip Sip Quit a powder&, the concentration of the binder being 30-50 partm 'by vai&t, The contlimp-_ with Wo carbides (Cr3C2 65%0 no 20%, and the balance of tho mJ31iwo made Or"D Or, Wi. Sip and B takan in the ea-ze amounts an in mixtur* 0) voire baked on Ota :1 steel in m vacu= at lUO-12500# in 9 at 1230-1260Cp wd Ira IM3 dA, 1230-126001 anil L 15V50-66 ACO NRt AT5027952 anti a. Mixture f40 Cr, compared with coatings containing one carbide (60%, 0 Ni, Si, and B). The coating with two carbides (CO ng 11sas binder than *the coating with one carbide) formed approximately equally~!b-avaanj= or in N# Ap, or "~"P and did not form in air, Carbide coatings effeeti;vely 1:wotected on ordi st;91 against oxidation at temperatures ."- 10000 for a prolonva time 1"-- 100 hr The hi& atability of carbide coatings with respect to ozida!Uon at higb toaperamu.-! tures was attributed to the formation of a stable film of tivii spinel type (Cr203, KiO) that was at-ron& adherent to coating. Gorbide coatings ware 1.5 the 20 times =re resistant to (abrasive) wear than the quartz jusse and hence silicate enamels. 11.9tallographio studies revealed the preaaMae of a Usnaltion lv~rer between the metal and the coating iAdch was formod bj iMXrqI,on*,4"TbO transition layer did not etch in a 5% alcohol solution of Hii(b's drts h" 8 2 figurea and 4 tables* SUB CODEs U/ SUBM DAM 2OJul65/ GRIG RUs 010/ CTH mill 003 BRESTFIN~ A.P,j T ANOVA, L.A.; STECHKIKOVA, VN. - N Inhilb-ition of acetylcholine hydrolyris rate -by high con- centrations of a substrate under the influence o!' acetyl_ cholinesterase of bovine erythrocytes. Riokhiwiia 30 no.6~- 1154-1159 N-D 165, (KIRA 19-.1) 1. K&fedra neorganicheskoy khImil Sanitarno.-fzig~-ycni,!Iiesk.-go weditsinskogo instituta, Len-ingrsid. Submitted 14, 1964. fliTF PASKOV, D.. IVVICV. V.; IVANOVA. L. B.; AMAITASOVA, Sl. Photochemical and pharmacological investigations onAngelica pancici Vandae. Farnateita. Sofia 4 no.6:141-22 1954. (PLANTS, Angelica, pancial, pharmacol.) e ; :1 1 : ! I i I ; ! ; ., j ! i . I I j . . ,.i ~ II i i - . 1 1 :, ': : I , i i . I . : . I I : 1 . I : . I i . ; i ! I . C' A T AP,.",. MYR. AU' -, -HOR In" T TT-1, Chemi.-al Technolngyr. CIlemEc,t] Productri: and I - TheiT -'..opli-cations. -Phn*rm,1ceu-ticiklS. Vitlimins", IRZIUum., No. 1959, NG. 13,1101-15 2 Ivanov, F.; Ivanova, L. StIldy Of PiMT)inella Saxifrapa L. 0 -.-? IC- .PUB. ; Tr., Ni. in-t farmatsiya, 1.957, 'it 80-81 AO~TRACT : Bluesh-violet essentiRl oil was found in the roobs of the %tbovo mentioned nlant, Quu.ntity of this oil renresented 0.70%. Ether number is 1'27.8 and specific gynvity is 0.972. The oil To5sessem blood vessel dil-utiug characto- ristics to a greater extent than does Danave- rin, kellin and "01. Anisi". *Antibiotics. C A -'ZD 1/1 H - 62 VERESHCHAGIN F.P.; P0110MAREVP V.D.; LABUTIN, G.V.; HANNA, L.B. j '-1-WHM!"-;1~jA;-jj-!-, 1. Dehydration of a polydisperse alunite ore in it fluidized b9d. TSvet. met. 36 no.11:41-46 N 163o (PURA 17:1) ,j C IVI'1.1=11 y L. D. "Survival Value of Certain Carp in the. E.-;rl.y St--e o-f Cub. 22, Cet /.7, I-loso-ow Tochnical Education Instittition or th(- ilt,--h In1w.Oxy (I,IOSRYDVTUZ) Disoortations pr(!sentud for degrees in science tind engiriceririI7 In 1.'oscow in 19471. SO: Sum-1,10-457, 18 Apr 55 ITANOTA, L.D. --- - - Biological characteristics of the loach an a component of marine idhthyo- fauna. Vop.1kht. no.1:82-93 '53. (KLRA 7:6) 1. Hookoirskiy tekhnicheakiy institut rybnoy promyshlennosti i khozyaystva imeni A.I.Hikovana. (Loachas) """'IF . . ........ P &V 12 LR T B r U as 1) ly id a 8 .4 a A 17 It J9 f i A. At so, C& W U., t Al .4 0 0 0 mathoil for the detatmingtWu of the detree 41 Oil- a paMg fog Im praduWast at altm-lAquPts. Ivenovs. fJymU. MONO', a KNim. Rofend. /bar. 1, No, -A "emitrol myt," i% panxv,rd which 11-12 142LAUj Al . , Aiciml (tom dats obtsitiM by iediwattakn is mo so A I -,j V ri t3d '17hk "%~mtrul cums" U 3 in ' ii ~ V = igil holthe liquid fin a n4rivw 11 kw 1 ., by 1 g tibe) as the ordivate. wA the time in which %lit brullit .. ~t' is smained as the at"J"a. rht cum is ccaupAted with " d" vi ts k ri i f 00 #3 . narmi rom a ned the aim tkis p sat ;I n v;~l ) jills" f Ih* i i h 00 on o t a muWns p were p"icarmed w x with cavor hit m r d (Zoo) dil k h b l = e . e w it s . t e pa m s. p y *0 -it Ahivit I hr. li vrmtirrd far this test. W. R. Hmn Zoo see ixoG .07: voe to As.. bITALLUMCKAL LIUMIAT09 CLOWiCAUCh ............ . .. too bee U If AV 10 CP o .0 R to 17 to OF K K a ice vCCtjt itat too HLO(I 1:1.04 14 (40 o A 0 000 PAVLOV, A.H., otv. za vypusk; VOLODICIERVA, V.N.; IVANOTA, A.T.; KUL&OY, I.N.; LTAMIHA, T.H.; MITIKINA, L.I.; POZDJ1YAKOVA, H.P.; RODIONOVA, L.I.; ROMAHOVA, N.M.; SCFITEV, E.S.; GHICHKINA. A.A.; TRESORUKOYA, Z.G.; BOGATYREV, P.P.; BROVKINA, IVASUIN. G.A.; KAMNEV, N.I.; LTSANOVA. L.A.; OZHMMIUVA, Z.T.; PAVLOVA, T.I.; TTUTYUNOVA, H.I.; UMUITS*YNA, A.P.; XHIVILIH, H.N.; ALESHICHEV, K.P.; VIHOGRADOV, V.I.; TEREHIN, F.S.; KRAVCHRiKO, Ye.P.; LOVACE13VA, K.Y.; NIKOLI!iKAYA, V.S.; MAKHOV, G.I.; SKEGINA, A.V.; TARMV, A.V.; KHOLINA, A.V.; BRYANSKIT, A.M.; BURMISTROVA. V.D.; GRIGORIYEVA, A.M.t L13TSMMO, A.I.; OREKHOVA, Z.V.; TEPLINSKATA, 11.7.; YHOKTISTOVA, T.I.-, BUTORIN. I.M.; BOCHKAREVA, L.D.; BUIWIHA, V.A.4 VETUSHKO, A.M.; YMMTATFiV, A.A.; SOROKIN, B.S.; T67BEHKO, L.T.; KEMBRIKOV, V.N.; DUMNOV, D.I.; STEPANOVA, V.A.; MANTAKIN, V.I., red.; VAKHATOV, A.M.; MAKAROVA, O.K., red.izd-va; PTATAKOVA, N.D., [Soviet agriciilture; a statistical manual) Sel'skoe khozinistvo SSSR; atatisticheskii abornik. Moskva, 1960. 6,65 p. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) TSentral'noye atatiatichoskoye uprav- lenlye. 2. Upravleniye stntiatiki sel'skogo kho2yayBtva TSentrall- nogo atatiatichoskogo upravleniya SSSR (for all except Makaroval, Pyatakova). (Agricult-ure-Statistics) AV A, Yte . 1'.. , d.-~ T Treatment of, t -ut~ i's of the I-ang,-; by tho vF,~hod of L elactrophr,rer,ts cciabined with antibacterial preparattorip. ?rob!. tub. no.2.,52-56 164. 1. Faku'OfP-1,6kaya terapevttche2kaya. klin'j.ka r,rcr. Kiiyb :hewikagfo meditsip.91kogo inst.1t,uta I KtAybyabirwSkly oblaotnoy ?ToUv,--,tub-.rkulezny-y d-Isranszr. L 44440-66 ACC NR.- AR6025792 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/000/004/1-1056/HO56 AUTHOR: Zorin, D. I.; Ivanova, L. F. Chernysheva,. N. .0. Shramkov, Ye. G. ORO: none TITLE: Resonance bridge for determining magnetic characteristics of high- frequency soft magnetic materials., SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4Zh38O REF SOURCE: Tr. in-tov Gos. kom-ta standartov, mer i izmerit. priborov S5SR_ vyp. 79(139), 1965, 65-75 TOPIC TAGS: measuring apparatus, dielectric , ferrite, .4jgh frequency, magnetic material, magnetism A13STRACT: A measuring apparatus is described for investigating samples of magnetodielectrics and ferrites with the greatest accuracy available with the present level of technology.- An analysis of measuving- acouracy is given, and recommendations are presented permitting the most acckirate measurements. [Translation of abstract] [NT] SUB CO E: 14 rd 1/1 ZORIN, D.I.; 1M."OVA, L.F.; CJlfQJIY,',H~,'VA, N.G.; SJIFUM~:Cll, Y(,~.G. Complete set of apparatur for testing tit gh-f requancy ferromagna-0-c- materials. Nov. nauch.-insl. rab. po.r.4) t,r. VNIIII 164. (MIRA 18:3) IALdh~ llffml M. 1"17771, 71-1 7-9 SWUEVA~ III.A, Inzh.; 1111,110VA; L.F. Aggreo3ivene5s of load crystal glat3rt Jn rol4t~'(;ri t:) F,,,-rg. St~,%k. 1 ker. 22 no.2,?11.1-'~ F T65. (.M.IRA 181i~) 1. Lenlngrad3kly zavod khudozhf.-rjt,;onriago :i",Ala I '~,urtovoy p--quly. IVANOVA. L.G.; ZFMLYANITSKAYA, Ye.P.; MATVEYEV, K.I. Changes in the content of nitrogen congments of the medium during growing Clostridium perfringens of various types. Zhvr. mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 42 no.6:97-101 165. (141RA 18: 9) 1. Institut epidemiologli i mikrobiologii imeni N.F. Gamalei AMN SSSR. IVANOVA, L. G., Candidate Med Sci (diss) -- "The anatomical principles of the mechanism of birth paralyses of the upper extremities". KhatIkov, 1959, 13 PP (KhmrIkov PLed Inst) 200 copies (KL, No 23, 1959, 172) LABUZOVA, Z.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik;_IVAIIOVA,_ L.G., starsh-17 nauchny7 sotrudnik Manufacture of cotton-rayon mixture fabrics. Takst.prom. 20 no.7:29-32 JI '60. (MIRA 13:7) 1. TSentrallnyv nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut khlopchatobumzhno7 promyshlennosti. (Textile fabrics) (Rayon) (Cotton) LABUZOVA, Z. I.; IVANOVA, L. G. Manufacture of textiles ..:-om a mixture of cotton and synthetic fiber. Magy textil 13 no.3:105-106 Mr 161. 1. SZOV et Kozponti Pamutiparl Kutato Intezat tudomanyos munkatarsai (CNIHBIi. L.G.; SERGEYEVA, T.I.; ried sprat gelatine aut-olyeate meditua fc7,, thp cjjap--,-j Asoning caused by botulinum ard lierf.Ingeris. Znv.;r, Lkrobiol., epid. i immun. 40 no.llgll'-1-214 R 163. Iz Instituta epidemiologii I m1krobiologli Imen! AMN 35!~R, Illf 0 1 MINIM I I A L~ aILLA LI` L IUM-Ul 11 . LILU LW1111,11MIL" PLUME If , MUM, L.G., PWSF-IPVV. IT.V., GREJ-MY,11~1, V.P. --- - Synthetic medium cultivntinp, enteric bneteria, Lab.delo 4 no.5#-35-39 S-0 158 Ofru- nal) q 1. Iz otd9la sulchil& ored (znv, N.V. Ploskirov) IwIti*11ta opidemiologii i mikrobiologii iment F.F. Gamnlel AMM, 14onk-7a) (INTESTIRES-BACTERIOLOGT) (BACTERIOLOGY-MMMIRES AIM CUTURE tMDIA) PLOSKIREV4 N.V.; KCMKOVA, O.A.; GREBENKINA, Dry nutrition medium for diagnosing the pathogens of gas gWirew . Zhur. mikrobiol. epid. i inmun. 31 no.3:40-44 Mr '(:,0. OURA 14:6) 1. Iz Instituta epidepi6logii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamlei AIIN SSSR. (CLOSTRIDIM) (BACT9RIOLOGY-GULTUR&S AIM CULTUM WDTA) k" 1, :* ! i i. I ; , 11i ; Ii .P I I . .I I i 11H, .1 ~ ~' ! f I! i !I : 1. S/573/62/000/007/008/015 D201/D308 20THOR: Ivanova, L.G. TITLE: Increasing the reliability of shift registers SOURCE: jUcademiya nauk SSSR. Institut clelctromeklianiki. Sbornik rabot po voprosam clektromekhaniki. no. 7, 1962. Avtortiatizatsiya, telemekhanizatsiya'i priboro- stroyeniye, 309-313 TEXT: The author considers the reliability (defined as the ability of an in_~-trwaent, system or circuit to retain its para- meters within given limits and given operating conditions) of cir- cuits containing ferrite elements. In.particular the probability of failure is analyzed for a shift register % Ath parallel duplica- !;P tion of circuit components, rates of failure of individual. compon- ants per hour being given. The analysis of the expression obtained for the reliability of a duplicated circuit shows that duplicating should be recommended for all cases, in particular for long shift registers with large probability of failures. There are 5 figures. Card 1/1 IVAITOVA L.G.- SERGETEVA, T.I.; FLOSKIRLV, N.V.; SITNIKOVA, "I.N. Dry medium for the diagnoois of food poisonirg c,-=ed by Clostridi=, botulinum and Clo3tridiwi perfringora- Lab. d.lo 8 Yio. :33-36 Ap 162. talllA 15:5) 1. Institut epidemiolo ii i Diikrobiologii imed 'N.F.Gamlei All SSSR (dir. O.V.BaroyanE (FOOD POISONING) (GLOS'T~JDIUII) (BACTE,7UOLOGY-CULTURES Al!D CULTURI; MEDIA) KHAKHALIUA, A.N.; IVANDVA, L.G. Substizutes of open-hearth iron ore and their comparative economic evaluation. Izv. To. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. no.10: 191-196 160. (MMA 13: 11) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy metallurgichookly institut. (Open-bearth process) (Sintering) SRAPOSHNIKOVA, O.A., st. naucimyy sotr.; (ISMOVA, A. V., at. nauctinyy sotr.; DERGACHEVA, A.G., at. nauchnyy sotr.; VANCUROV, A.N.P prof.; PLETNIKOVA, K.N.; IVANOVA,__~,-G,; LABUZOVA, Z.I.; DERYUZHIN) V.G., red.; NOR-OVA, P.F., red.; POTAPOVA, N.L., tekhn. red. [Processing of lavaan in a blend with cotton and viscose fibers]Pererabotka laveana v amesi a khlopkom i viskoznym voloknom. Moskva, 1962. 55 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheakoy inrormatsii legkoy promyshlennosti. (Spinning) (Synthetic fabrics) IVANOVA.. L.G. Increase in the reliabd:3-ity-of shift registers. Sbor.rab.po vop.elektromekh. no.7009-313-162. OGM 16s1) (Pulse circuits) (Pulse techniques (Electronics) ACCESSION NR: AP4009077 S/0016/64/000/0~11/0101/0108 AUTHOR-. Ivanova , L. G.; Sergeyeva) T. I.... TITLE: Changes In fr~ nitrogenous composition of brot*h made f rp the dry KPD pre. paration during growth of Clostridlum botullnum types A, B, C ahd E SOURCE: Zhurnal m1kroblologil, epidemiologil I Immunoblologil, no. 1, 1964, 101- 108 TOPIC TAGS: botulism, Clostridlum botullnum, botulln production, Clostridlum botulinum metabolism, Clostridium botullnum nitrogen metabolism ABSTRACT: -in order to provide information as to the nutritive requirements of Clostridium botulinum, required both for diagnostic purposes and to improve the production of botulin, the authors determined the total, protein and amino nitro- gen, peptone and tryptophan, as well as the amino acid composition, in a broth prepared from the dry KPD formula (described by Ivanova et a]., Lab. delo, 1962, No. 4, P- 3:3), before and after 5 days' growth of Cl. botullnum types A, B, C and E. Biological assays of the amount of toxin produced yielded values of 20-50 thousand Dlm/ml for the Memphis strain of type A and the Nevin strain of type B. compared to 50-100 thousand Dim/ml for strains No 98 Of t ope A, 1;5 of tyke B and 91 o type C, and only 10,000 Dlm4ml for strain No. 41-20 oV type E a ter. Cc ~12 ACCESSION NR: AP4oOqo77 Inactivation with pancreatIn. Chemical analyses showed that the amino nitrogen content increased 3-fold during growth of types A and B, 2--fold during grcmvth of type C and. 1.5-fold with type E; the peptone levels were Inversely proportional to the amino nitrogen levels, as was the concentration of tryptophan. which com- pletely disappeared during growth of types A and 8, decreased 501% during growth of type C and remained essentially unchanged with type E. Chromatographic studies of the amino acid composition of the medium showed that many amino acids take part in growth and toxin production. The levels of glycine, threGnine, and glutamic and aspartic acid increased sharply during growth of types A, 0 and E, but remained unchanged with type C, while serine, arginine, lysine, histidine and some others decreased or disappeared. In contrast, phenylalanine appeared in the medium only after growth of types A or B, and hydroxyproline appeared