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1. IVANOIIA 'fir.14. 2. Im'sR V .")) 4, Soviet Central Asia-grapes 7. Muscat grape varieties in Central Asia, Vin.SSSR 13 no.1, 1q53, 9. Monthly Li5t of Russian Accelslons. Library of Congress, April 1953, unrlass. Mo I I Ili :i I;J flii I !i !V.W 'I I ;+ TjI;jI- I:-;,: I I I- 1,--,.-T4 I 1" 011:1 '- " , ~ !~ -V-- IVANOVA, E.D., ACTH therapy in nonspecific infectional arthritis. Yrach.delo supplement '57:32-33 (MIRA 11:3) (ARTHRITIS) (ACTH) ;- =' 1 4 1 ~ V: i I k i ! I I b !~:t ii. :11 j ': ~ 'I ;~ : I'l; (I], '. , :J . , , . I ; - , ; ~ , q; ~ ~ , : ; IVAIIOVA, L-D., Hormone therapy (ACTH, cortisone, adresone) of irXecticas nonspecific 0 polyarthritis. Sav. mod. 25 no.6s87-90 Je 161. (MIRA 1533.) 1. Iz kafedry fakulltetakoy terapii pediatricheskogo falndlteta (zav. - prof. Ye.Yu. ~hkhlin) Saratovskogo mediteinskogo institu-ba (dir. - dot ent B A.Nikitin). ZMHETIS) (HORMOM TBRAPY) c o'm v d Kaf~,,d7a fr, on po*yarchrlt:ls wIt", prednis a 164. -ra-.o L I lln., - Sovr ined., 2"' no," -l;!I:,.-12'2 Ja (M.IRA 17,~12 (~Iav,- pnr., Y,-I.Tia~ Vilkh j4n~ WHANPEISOV, R.; SOKOLOV, A.A.; FAIZOV, K.Sh.; BHZSOHOY, A.I., glevnyy red.; USPANOV, U.U., zamoglavnogu red.; BOROV&XIT, V.M., red.; SOKOLOV, S.I., red.; ST0ROZH3NKO, D.H., red.; BAJILTBATEVA, K.Kh., red.; IVANOVI, E.I., red.; PROKHOROV, V.P., [SOUB of the Kazakh S.S.R. in 16 volumes] Pochvy Kazakhokoi SSR v 16 vMskakh. Alma-Ata. Vol.3. (Soils of Pavloda~r Province] Fochvy Pavlodarskoi oblasti. 1960. 264 p, (MIRA 13:11) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Inatitut pochvo- vedeniya. (Pavlodar Province--Soils) IVANOVA, E.I., inzh. Effect of oil residues in the grist on the process of solvent removal bf distillation. Hael.-zhir.prom, :18 no.~)sl3-15 9 ,62. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy zaochnyi institut pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Extraction (Chemistry)) (Oils and fats) USPANOV, U.U., otv. red.; ROVSKIY, V.M.2 red.; VOLKOY, A.I., red.; CHULAKOV,.9h. , red.; KOROLEVA, I.F., red.; IVAIPDVA. .K.I., red.; XHUDYAKOV, A.G., ~ ....... (Development of soil science in Kazakhatan],Raisvitie pachvo- vedeniia v Kazakhatane; trudy. Alma-Ata,,.Isd-vo Aked. nauk Ka2akhakoi SSRI 1963, 199 p. I., - I (MIFA 16:7) 1. Respublikanskaya konforentsiya pochvovedov, poeTyashehen- naya 40-letiyu ustanovleniya Sovetakoy vlasti v Kazakhatane i obrasovanii Kommunistichaskoy partii Kazakhstana. 3d, Alma- Ata, 1960. (Kazakhstan--Soil science) ~Uvlr,(All'"f E.1- red. ~;p:) re bear ing .1,-,ra of' Kaz~lkhstranj Flora Kazakiistana. Alma,ta, lzd-vo AN Kuz.~;Sli, Vol-'. [Ifeterc- basidiorny,~etcuo ~Auricijlariales, Tremcllalr-s, Dacryonycetalles) -,mi autobacidicuce'l-ous (Exobasidiales, Aplrjll honstleO fun -t~ Ot 11 gl] Geteroba-zidialln,ve (Al-li-Letiltirtaies)Treir-llaleo, les) i avtobazidi-allrye ("Exobas-idiales, Apliyllnrl.oralerz) griby. j964. 713 p. .17:7) BEKLE2,,ISHEV, Nikolay Dmitriyevich; IVMIOVA, VE.I., red. [Chronic and latent brucellosial Khronicheskil i laterAnyi brutsellez. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1965. 330 P. (MMA 180) TFM AUBANIK, Valentina Grigorlyevna; MUSHEGYAN, A.M., prof., otv. red.; IVANOVA, E.I., red.; KRUDYAKOV, A.G., tekhn. red. [coniferae in Alma-Ata] Klwolrore porody v Almia-Ate. Alma- Ata, Izd-vo AN KazSSR, 1963. 138 p. (MIM 17:1) I.; SYRI-IYA17i -I K, IV, 11. G' 5.Lu(iy of jeachLng of Lr!34 and t~.38 J'rnTl !jj'wu TTT!j Tzv. AN Fazp-kh. c"-, r,,cr. gefl-I . 22 !. InstJ tut gec~-nglclw~skikh nauk iua~~r~ KIIIIYAKOV, Giob Lzak-harovich; YIGN01-',ARLV, V.D., akw1wilk,, retswwont; SCj,",GDTA, O.A., doltor khirn. nauk, retsenzent,- FAi3,TC;"'j B.N., doktor khim. nauk, retserizent; KUSM41KC;V, Yu.A.0 kand. khim. nauk, retsenzent; IINUSHCHENKO, V.1-1., kanci. khim. nauk, retsenzentj KOZBI, L.F., kand. khim. nauk, otv. red.; IVANOVA, E.I., red. (Electrode processes in sulfuric acid solutions of zIncl Elektrodnye protsessy v sernokisaykh rastvarakli tsinka. Alma-Ata, Nauka, 1964. 186 p. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Akade,-.i,,,a nauk- Kaz.SSR (for Ponomarev). Q A,.-Ek,, BCGATEV,K., dots.; GIZIKOV,14., inzh.; DETMOV,D., in2th.;.TTIq!QV inzh.; vOICHINOVA, V., inzh.; MINEV, Iv., lnzh.p BOIADZHTEV, H. Electric installations in buildings made with elemento of one-room volume. Elektroenergiia 15 no.D8-11 J061j. MELIM-MVI H.P.1 TSIRLIN, Yu.A.; FEDOTOVA, S.A.; BOBOVIII.;',OV, B.M.; IVANGVA~ E.K, Continuous neutralization of furfurole-containing vapors. Gidrbliz. -' lesokhim. prom. 16 no.7t2O~-23 163. (MRA 16:11) 1. Godudarstvenn3ry nauchno-issledovatellskiy Inatitut gidroliznoy i sullfitnospirtovoy promyshlennosti (for Mellnikov, TSirlin, Ygdotova). 2. Andizhanskiy gidroliznyy zavod (for Bobovnikov, Iftxiova). 7 T 7 Yu.A.; NANOVA, E.Ko cantinuour, vanuum ractj.Carmt~-on of cz-ado furfurcle. i lesoklilm.prom. 18 no.~:,'?-,7 t a, 5. (MIRA 18:6) T. Vf:.P.,3ovuznyy (for TS.Ivlin, - I ?IF, -,no Ylix u -,,;av,)d (for ivallOVL) 11,~ zhallsk, n till i it lZTJI,!R'j'D0VA P.V.; S'HORYGMA, N,,"".; BCJPOljjjj~,OV, 13.N of Arid1zlifir. I. Rpt-J."O, hh-huli AN SSSR (for Shorygi-na). 2. Andlzhanskly- ~Jclrollzntyy zavo~j (fo:r. IVANOVA, E.I. Lamellibranchia of the Rischtan stage in Fergana. Trudy TFIGRI no.66.-235- 160 153. (KLRA 6:3) (Fergana--Lamellibranchiata, Fossil) (Lamellibranchiata, Tossil-Fergana) ITANOTA, B.S.; PIRVERDTAN, A.M. Calculating the baundary shift of the *il-water O*ntacb in oil sands. Izv.AN Azer.SSR rie.10:41-44 0 155. (HUIA 9t4) (Petroleum geology) IOFFEI 1.1.1 GIUGOROV, A.F.; RUMANTSEN, R.P.; IVANOVA, E.T. Effect of maorokinetic factors on -the oxidatioll rate of naphthalene in a fluidized catalyst bed. Xhim. prom. no.I~i.25&-2.01 Ap 161a (IMU 14:4) tNaphthalene) KOSTFLINIKOVA, A.V.; lV1.1XVA, E.V. Study of oxidative phosphorylation In subcellular particles from Azotobacter vinolandil. Vokl. AN SSSH 157 no.34710-713 J1 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Institut biokhimli imeni A.N. Bakha AN SSSR. PredstAvleno akademikc;m A.I. Oparinym. IVANOTA, F.; SHMOV, S-M-, red.; SWRINA, N.D., [Builders of present-day communism] luznotsy kommunintlehaskogo segodnia. Koskva, Izd-vo VTsM1S Profizdat, 1960. 301 p iMMA 13:5) (IffJ_ciency, Industrial) (Socialist competition) ~IVANOVA, P.A. Outbreak of influenza in an isolated children's Institution in Chelyabinsk. Pediatriia 37 no.6:86 Je 159. (HIR& 12:9) 1. Iz kafedry detskikh bolezney Chelyabinakogo meditsinskogo instituta. (CMMYABINSK-DIFLUMIZA) 4'-dJ# 'JUILI-Li"Li-11 UlILL111i.t -I KUSTOV) V.V.; GOFMAN, I.A.; aANOVA, Endogenou3 formation of carbon monoxide. Radiobiologila 1 no.21 187-192 161. (14IIiA 14:7) 1. Voyenno-meditsinsicaya ordena Lenina Akademlya imeni S.M.Kirova, Leningrad. (X RAYS-PH)SIOLOGICAL EFFECT) (CARBON MONOXIDE) VASILIYEV, V.P.; VASILIYEVA, V.N.; IVANOVA, F.I.; MOROZOVA, O.N. Configuration equilibrium in solutions of chloride and thiocyanate complexes of cobalt. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.;khim.i khim.tokh. 6 no.5t7l2-716 163. (MIRA 1n'.-12) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, kafedra anal-1- ticheskoy i fizicheskoy khimii. ZDANOVSKIYj, A.B.; IVANOVA, P.T. , )Unamatic fluidity,, a ftnotiori of additive nature. Zinw. fize khimo 39 no,90275-U78 S,165- (MfRA 18110) 1. Kazanskiy gos-adarstvonnyy universitet imeni Vjo U117anova-Lenina, IVANOVA. G. - - , - pff"WAII-A",.Systems of coordinated traffic control in cities, Ayt, transp. 36 no.11: 4z-44 N 158. (MIU 11:11) 1. Akmdamiya kommunallnogo khonyavetva. (Traffic engine4ring) ~L*u-!~Ell nrit; ~3. I Ihm!f) VAD L Thuxi,.pem. I c-, f k..i !-.e (I r~i i INTMI. lj~lrvvi I tic 11 not C. I ari f L,d ,I liead Doct-n!, J %L, vi t: Resrondini: tic occ. rr J. o i Z L,-- t ril iA Medftsioa, Vol 13, J~r, Dj~Iljr~ts~s In 42-year-old rclatlv-- 1,- Insul'Al" and Te-,sronjed ra -riAni-son-2 ~rlq-aration t Cc r C.-I n C1 1'resu-..2d mode of action irtsulln ar 1 ;nd kand.tekhu.nauk _ak Increasing the safety at comwn transport stops. Avt,.transps 41 no.lt48-49 A 163. OURA l6j2) (City traffic) MALEEV, At.; IVANOVA, Go A case of insu-lin-resistant diabetes treated by glucocorticoids. Suvr. med. 13 no.10:40-44 762. (DIABETES MEUITUS) (PREWISONE) PLATIL'SIICHIKOY, Nikolay Nikolayevich; ITANOU G A :rod.; SI[EYCHENKO, G.Nq, (Entertaining entomology] ZonimatolInaia eintomologUa. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo detakoi lit-ry K-va proav.RVIM. 1960. 1.89 p. (11LU 14:4) (Entomology) IVANOVA, G.A. Fog formntion in the Dnepropetrovsk Airport region. Triidy NIGI-11 no.7:147-152 '57. (MIRA 11: 4) (Dnenropetrovsk-Yog) 111 lH ! T I ; It i . : ; , If i ; ! 1 1 , li i [ I I I i . . ~ [, I 1~ 1; li ~il . : , i I ! ;6 1 It jI KHODAKOV. Yuriy Vladimirovich: IVANOVA, G.A., ntvotstvennyy rod.; MAVT!;GVA. P.H., (Storiee about invisible matter]'Rassknzy o venbohestvalch-novidim- kakh. Moskva, GoR.ird-vo dotakoi lit-T7 H-va prorov. HSFSR, 1957. 93 P, OfIRA 11:6) (SCIRMCF,-JUVE NILE LITMATURE) kgah&~ "t, -j:t -a IVAINOVA, G.A., CnIld m SCi--(Llissj ~rtain I -oblamr, of t`e theory and teclmL~A` of- glectrolytio polir;hing of brm-m Kazan' , 1- 58- 12 pn (Lin of Higher t-ducation USSR. Kan=l (:hom-technol Inst ir.i S.M. Kirov), 120 copier, (KL,30-58,123) VOLKOV, Ye.ll.; IVAIX)VA, G.A.; PROKOFIYL?VA, A.M. Concentratos of creamed Vegetable soups, Koan.i ov;5romo 15 no.2:20-22 F 160. (MIRA 13: 1. TSentrallnvy nauchno-iasledo7atellskiy inatitut konservn9y i ovoshchesiishillnoy promyshleanosti. (Sou .fs) Ovood, Concentrated) A f 1~ i! IT HII IVANOVA, G.A.; pRoloplylVA, A.M.; pnn7lCH, V.p. Testing vashing machines in the production of food concentrates. LDne.i ov.prom. 15 n0-3:16-19 Mr '60a (MIRA 13:6) 1. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy inatitub konservno3r I ovoshcheaushilluo7 promyshlenuouti (for Ivanova. Z-okoflyeval. 2. Veesoymnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut prDdovollst~ennogo mashinostroyeniya (for Petkovich). (canning indull try--Equipment and SuM)lies) (Food, Ooncentrat&D . 'I). .A. -,IVANOVA# G.A.; NEKHOTENOVAp T.I.; IYEVLEVAy LA. Extension of the storage life of fruit jelly concentrates. Kons.i ov.prom. 16 no.3:18-19 W 161. (MRA 14:3) 1. TSentraltnyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut konservnoy i ovoshchesushillnoy prowjshlennosti. (Jelly-Preservation) IVANOVA, G.A.; AKIVETOV, N.S., dots., otv. red. ~ Co P x form tion and compley compounds; an outline lecture] -"'ompleksoobrazovanie i kompleksnye soedinl3- niia; obzornala lektsiia. Kazan', Kazanskii khimiko- tekkinolog. in-t im. S.M.Kirova, 1963. 17 p. (MIRA 17:3) IVANOVA., G.A.; SAFONOV, G.A.; SYURIN, V.N. Immanobiological differences between the viruses of classical avian plague and Newcastle disease. Vaterinarila 40 no,5:39-42 MY '63. (MIP.A 17:1) 47v0'C"j','- G.A.: VA. ant.igenl,.r; rrCper1ie.,. the, iflr-,fi .3~rcn L' i,-'!fAguc and Newca.0,15 ~1-,,onrw ~,f bl V4it~5H.mrilpi, 4.11 n7i,,11:.!~.,17 Mz- rs 0 fj 40 410 1 0 ff 4; 0 o4 A ft 11 juji'lJ 11144% millip e J1 I, N q AA go U 1.0 It 10 00 convoirsion of caltuasood all (11to a laid like l4f isdittaf 41 00, X by the WoOkod 00 C01*40d 1110MON14110111 - V. Pullarlov 0 G wid 0. Iyawwa. M40401*0 Z11P- IWO II- 1103-K (105),-Dy the melbod of LyW-uskit (C. A. 27. 13,M) 90 ol caialytic ecajuguitcl hydrol"WOM to *Mq;rkttc 00 A miat. of ecAtocimed OU and HtOH was autticlared In the ptewitce of Al-Ni (72% Al, 26% Ni) at H1111-21W urAU-T _o# atm. for 30 Inin., OiVins a MUM-whito fa% W.W.. Oif nonnal wto with the ctrmpn. and C044itency of Urd. '.00 4CWHY 3.73 in#., m. 32.21 1 no. 74.2 aM tirbiwir tin, 1141. Moo OVA. R111w 00 00 r9e 00,,, r, 0 0 go a too o ~100 00 Ot --go 00 *0 st A- 00 k; Itf-11 .fl 4., I- - u a if 03 it . ........- 1 4 440 04 Sir 00 0 v 0 It, 0000 00 00 0 0 0 ose 0 4 ( 0 0 0 0 it it, 0 9 0 0 0 6 4 6 C TIT It a 6 j sit v a i, ;i w, 4, 4 - 411 00 GOOD of 0 a 06 0 6 6 0 + 41 * 0 619 t - . 11 IT IT it is 't It M , It V [a IT .1 N 0 6, Y 00 A A 4 9 4 1 A 41 A A, .4 IF x r 'A or -kie 0 00 of 00 9 Reflaing'of swaflavet oil by the mothr4 of ccallugottist -00 00 J"VAIUMM 14111112V &IC604 %1 1; 11,1111kost AIM - 11M &11 it M 10 it -610 P a0 lc. "h t , (~ 0 .M)i cf. t. .4. 30. "P. rhe pwrii-ois vvwuti)d of .00 Of ~Csw COO)k wd lbv -4 p4n%mmir OU wam Ytx A f i h to l f f 5 n l o a w t e 0 Pam o mod16W. A M %t. o -o Al-'Xf 4-2 C.-ml :XNI .. 0 0 EtOH i th ** , rwe n . e pm ~ . 00 autoclavied at 240-W, "A 41 sun. lot S-13 min. ny We metbod the content of llpalrle arW In the oil it tr4lumd am) that of (Ark- ocirls ts Inerroved. rhe Witini 41 14 dmgsr to Wilk #4ivv 1-41 in ~spn. and 1"Ipeiii- 00 The solid residue can tw ut-l s- frying fat -w its -sap ouls ' ing. "m beat results Tone Ataivird mith CwNI r1iUlvqt 04 04 at '-4W for A 1.1, MITI &Jw"dirst MI th~ ."it M cut.1 'V'Ir 490 im-il Vita, FlUtil 0* A; '00 .06 00 If 1 ;J ; 1 j Cie* 044 3 A *111 At k UPUK At L I If a AT Lot t AIIIP K a I lCk t N- WOO 00 t -s- -I I it, is, A IT 0 t w VT I is It AA I % If rA It H JO 4 1 0 0 0.0 W. J. A p1died CLon. ( U. S. S. It.) 11, 61Z:4 (1038); cf. C. A. 27, 15:33.-A Soln. of 44 g. of hexyl ale. in IW g. of Sunflower oil Wail hydrogenated in the presence of catalyits at 2 .130, for 15 Win. Wi ,th Et mixt. oftAU-S3, Fe 2,80~ kiteirl Av~20.20 N, r e and sunflo, 770,andamnx.pre:,~sureo Hatill the product had acid no. 4.4 cc., I no. M. I anti containcli 'oleic acid 62.5, isoMeIr c 16.0, hiloleit: acid 9.9 anti cift~ ~au ia very little I'M, were Ob- servedesinahexplaused wi the formation of COTMtributed to the ivaction MP(S; 14L 14c, .1 Me + Co. 441 ;~)r ny(lrl)gc IMM-Or rri.,,t. f Ni It.' C '12.9 atilt sunflower air tolr/o tper,41. Dy reducing N-itanITCu forns- site in sunflower oil w;th of 27 attn., gim a prNhict of acid Ito. 2.9 and I no. 781, cLmitg. oleic nvid 59.5, boOleic a6d .21.0, linoicic avid 3.7 an.1 satd. aci'~S 1?.2c,'~. The formation of CO was observed. The original sunflower oil contained olvic acid 20.2, linoldc acid 62.9 und satcl. acids 7.970. The presence of Cu in the catalyst activated the Ni catalyst. Five A. A. II(xigortry Conjugated hydrogenation of sunflower oil with ht-xyl --l- -,- 's, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 a a a (D CIO 0-40 0-0 a-C'O 416 ID a 0 its 6 41 0) a; a c 0 1- P 0 IV 0 : : 0 0 0 4 * 0 4111 0 & 0 *to 0-:04 ii-O ci-e 0 0 0 0, 0 0 '1 0 4 0 0 111 41 0 (It OP 0 ; I ! ! ! 0 00 0 a ; I f I f$ 14 0 It Hafil)? 13AIII 41pilliq bill is 1) its Aij Joist a (is) lolixtIs L k, J.- I J~ 4, p J.2 I I V I . W-A I I As a M DD U j tx&mW&Wm of the wv& "4 the 0 of R"a canine L V. A, 14 u4s and C I mWWA. - COMP. Md. IF, V. X S-5,26.2-1) wvdo4l 66 p6lj taximi L. a by-j"otfurt in the inafrul. of vitatnul C, W.-Ir foumf I., have Ow folbmi-z rh~m- mulp". (in Iwl- war- 44 41tv witiottamr. 0,r 11,A) vtmiml of 11~ mu,O~ -00 1,,tug 7A41"ei: fat 9.44. &'.h i.t". %' I.M. cartsolmilat. _49 I-M. the last" Iwing sulodhidt4f atfollam: gtwtw I 1C. 00 -AICTOW 1.01. gnAltOW 0.711. IstAtCh 0.0. bnniCVUUIUW N F,. -00 vrifulaw 32.23. The amt. of esmtW W obtained wa. -00 ttilly0_103%. The (Aftyvit. exid. with wiffurethror. two he Wkifflag chstactirtimck-c OV IATWJ; dl' WK141; I.-IwAly ft'sotorahl) at IwkI tits, 2'M file. Noll. .00 _Jw". no. 191.5; 1 fit). Olubl-Wittler) 114.11; thicryarwden 99 a; tio.94.9, Reklmi-MrMnis.1.45; PaletrAtno.0.40, us)- 00 a a;kmifiabtc-s I.M%; m. p. of the uAid fat acids itv.. -44itj fat skrid-i (Twitchrlt) 4.52%; 1 no. 01 OW VDIA (At x*0 041111 w Iwitts 1,12%. It i. -4 of YOWW~wrandc coltsir Uith a Va. 00 milif-likir to-ml miral %fit. its Ow totwelitiottAl fat milwltntc 00 ts '00 00 9 roe 40*0 ~160_' le A. !100 IXO A i a I I. A OtTALI.VIKKAL LITINA?Vkt C1,4111fiCA110" ~1 0 lot- ;IV fill 0 17-7 T--i If 0 A 0 Is I A' 'Olive 1, tvtptp wIr nil wx Kan ill[Kon 1124 0 0 0 0 0 4 41111 0 0 : : :io 0 0 11111111 00 0 a 40 0 640 6 001 0 0,0 0 41111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1111 0 0 V 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 111, 411 0 Q1 POMAVOV2 A.N., kand,,takJin.nau~; IVANOVAp GsAvj atarphiy nauchnjy aotrudnik; PEU.,XICH, .V-.Tj7-,jTu-rBMy--iauchnyy or)trudhik; CHINENOVA, E.G. , sta-.rsljiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; 'MIRVITS, 14. L. , mladshiy natichnvy sotrudnik Improved processing of peas and cereals in manufacturing food concentrateE- Trudy VNIIKOP no.10:16-29 '59. (14I!*,:A 14: S) (Food, Concentrated) (veas) (Cereals as food) ROMANOV, A.N., kand.telchn.nailk) AYDIN, N.S., v~arahiy riauchnyy sotrudnik; . IVANOVA,-G.A..j starshiY hauchnyy sotrudnik; PETKEVICII, V.P., arshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik .I Standard processing procedure for manufacturing food concentrates. Trudy VIIIIKO.P no.lOs42-48 159. (MIRA 14:8) (Food, Concentrated) VOLKOV, le.N., kand.te~L.nauk; PROKOFIYEVA, A.M., starlpUy nauchnyy :3otrudnik---IVAAaVA,-G.A, starshiy nauchW sotmdnik; I - KRANHINA, bp.1 ptarshiinaucWVy sotrudiik; VZO.K.11WRANSKAYA, t axabiT"I arabir For a greatdr. xir-lety~.#j food concentrates. Trudy VNIIXOf no.10:115-120 (MIRA 14:8) (Foodp Concentrated) IVAIIOVA G A sUUThjY'ZXLUchnyy sotrudaik; KIIAKHIN)l, L.P., atarshiy n~auc -yy sothidcrLk; ~CHINEITOVA, E.G., atarahly nauchnlry sotrudnik; PF.TaVICII, V. P. , :3tarshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; JYEVUtVA. 1. A. , mladshiy nauchnyy sotrudnik; MINKVITS, M.L., mlaOAohiy nauchnyy sotrudnik Induutrial production of dried meat, a semiproceo6ed product for food concentrates. Trudy VNIIKOP no-10:109-115 151). (HBA 14:8) (Meat, Dried) (Focd~ Concentrated) SOURCE CODE: UR/0346A'_"_"-__- 502-3 AUTHORt Ivanovaq Go A,; E,w~onovp Go lit; ORG: All Union Scientific Research Institute of Vat.erimqX.ViVu8o:LoML (V5036yu,iny7 na ,and Microbiology Iveterinarnoy virusologii I milcrobiologii) TITLE: Differential diagnpain of Now Castle d1seaso (psoutdoplaevia.) Vid classical fowl plagHe 1,4 SOURCE: Vaterinariyal no, 6p 1965# 3.7-20 TOPIC TAGS: fowl plague,, animal disease, virus ABSTRACT: New Castle diE,ease and plague in chickenuis tipikeys and guinea hens are commonly considered to be the some i1lseti;so because th:eIr clinical symptoms are sitillar. Howalrerl, the viruseii of ~tbese two, diseases are completely different in their ImmunobV,)).og!Lao1,, antlgani.op pathogenic, hemagglutinative, and enzyme properties,, fte paper discusses laboratory diagnostic testi3 for different.I.Utinj the two diseases Including cross--reaction imnunity test,# bevvqg~mltination inhibition tests and neutralization -tests, Also, motbods of isolaitin.g the viruses and methods of determining their patbogonic ajid hemat.;8;lutlna~_ U-D(;*. L 1872o-66 ACC NRs AP5023728 tive properties physically (heat and photodjmamic a) ch4j4aally (formaldehyde and nitric acid)a and b1ologloally (iijbiblitors) or discussed, Orige art, 1 tablet, SUB GODEr 06/ SUBN DATE.* none/ 01110 REFt 009/ CIH AV r 002 f T 1~ F-F--F T--` SYURINJI V,14, prof.; 11TANOVA, G.,'-, veter. nauk Virus of infectious bronchitis af chicks and r2othodij for tho diagnosis, Veterinariia 42 no.llt25-29 U 165. (MIRA 19t1) 1. Voeooyuznyy nauchno-issiodovatellskiy institut veterinarnoy virusologii i mik-robiologii. IVANOVA, G.A. Phytoplankton in some lakes of the Amu Nrya Delta. Uzb. biol. q-hur. 7 no.5:29-34 163. MRA 18.- 1-1) 1. Karakalpakskiy filial AN UzSSR. IV.MOVA, G. A. "Razbitiye prikladnogo iskusstva v Sovetskay Latvii." report submitted for 7t-.~ Intl Cong, Arithropological R: Ethrial.ogicaL Sc-lences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. - I I t Vu~ ;i. , '! 1. ~.. 9- E-111-~-- I. I I . I IVANOVA, G.A. Mineral compositim of Quaternary deposits of the Volga Uplands. Trudy Inst.geog. 51:58-80 152. OILRA 7:11) (Volga Uplands--Mineralogy, Determinative) (Mineralogy, Determinative--Volga Uplande) IVANOVA, G.A. Origin of "Berg knolls. Trudy Inst.geog. 51:277-291 152. (MLIU 7;11) (Caspian Depression-Mineralogy, Deteminative) (Mineralogy, Determinative-Caepian Depression) KOZEEVNIK07, Alalm3ay Vasillyairlah; IVANUTA, G.A., radiOel;on!; IWZOROVSUYjL, A.I., takhnicheakiy [Ti-ough tundra. foroata., stappeg and. deearl',al Pei huidimm, lAgam, stepiam i pustyniam. Wekra, Goa. i.zd-va dotskoy lit-:-7- Minis -~o:ra prooveshchaniia RSFSR,, 1954, 181 p, OWA 8: 5) (Botany) will. gul Bill ED! LLAZ jW11A I R"H 110-1: f ~2 a di MMU ql~ FIN 1119 i - ~ ll El T , 'r J 1 1 2 U N I IflLilL 11;111 1, 1 A L I I it d XMWNIN, L.G.; IVAMVA, G.A. tx, Geomorpholog7 of tile :!oothill region of southwestern Tramecarpathime Trud7 Inst.geog. no,62:124-158 154. (HIaA 815) (Trans oexpathla-Phys ical geograph7) ,.I V~ - SOKOIA)V, S.M., kandidat takhnichaskikh sauk; IVAMOVA, G.A., Ir,-indidat tiikhni- chaskikh muk. Degree of dependability of quality control in continuoum production. Standartizateiis U*-308-62 MY-Je 156. (14LRA 9:9) (Kachinary isdustry-r4mlity central) IVANOVA, G.A., inshenor; SOKOLOV, S.H., inzhener. Use of the method of statistical analysis for the ovaluation of Vbio qw%lity of equipment repair. Vent.maoh. 33 no.10:95-99 0 '53. (MIJU 6:10) (Quality control) (Kachinery--Kaintenance and repair) i v & N I- ;- V I-. , '~-- . " . 6680. IVANOVA, G. A. Statisticheskiye metody analiza kachestya produktsii v makhanicheskikh tsekhakh. pod obshch. red. s. 1. ananlyeva. m., -)borongiz, 1955. 47 s. s graf. 23 sm. (materialy ~o ob-nenu prol7m.A. - takhn. opytom). bespl. -- bibliogr: s. 41 (12 nazv.) - (55-2994) y 621.7/~-.656-562+56$. .562:519.2t(016.3) SO: Knizhaya Letopis, Vol. 6, 1955 IV2;OvA, G. A. Ivanova, G. I. "On the clinic of diseases of Bardo-Bidlt, " S-r,()r-,:ik nauch... Iral-I -1, posvyashch. purVati akad. Abarbakhri. Yoscow-L*ningrod, 194P, T). 2P--CJC- SO: U-3264, 10 Anril 1953, (Lato7)is 'Zhurnal Inykh St,~tey, No. 3, 19140) IVANOVA, G. A. IVANOVA, G. A.: Wascular plexi, of thebrain in pulmonary tuba-ra-ulosis." First l4uscow Order of Lenin Modia-lil Inat Imeni I* He Sechenov. Moscow. 1956. (DISSERTATII.*jN FOR THE DEGREE OF CANDIDATE IN MEDICAL SCIMICE). Knizhw,ya letor)is I lro-. 35, 197r.10-cow. IVAHOVA. 0.A. (!~m'~paraiive data on the distribution of tatracyclites In the body dluids of be 11 My humans and animal@ and on their elimination [with umary in French. p.64] Antibiotiki 1 no.4 -52-54 Jl-Ag 056. OVIBA 11) 9: Otdel eksperimentallnoy khimioterapii i khimloprofilaktiki (sav. - n korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. MUM.Planellyea) Indtituts famako- logii eksperimentalluoy khimloterapii i khimioprofilaktiki AHN SSSR. (.TBTRACYCLM, metab. distribution & elimination in healtby animals & men) PLANEL'YES, Kh.Kh..; IVAIIOVA, G.A. Comparative study on tetracycline concentration in blood and lymph of doge. Antibiotiki. )4oekva 9 no.2:7-9 Wr-Apr 56(HIa 9:3) 1. Institut farmakologii. eksportmentallnoy kbimoterapil i khimioprofilaktiki Alef SSSR. (TIMCYCLINE diffusion capacity in blood & lymph of doge) (BLOOD tetracycline diffusion capacity in dogij) (LYMPH same) POPOVSKIY, Aleksandr Danllovich6.AjA=A,,,-G,.A., OtVetst7onnyy red.; PROZOROVSKAYA, A.I., [Inspired seekers] Vdokhnovennyo laknteli. Mosk-rfi, Gos.izd-vo detskoi lit-ry, 1957. 253 P. (MIRA 10:11) (ParAsitolor,y) IWIOVA, G.A. (Cand. of Vet. Sci.); BIT-UGM, M.A. (Cmd. of Ned. Sci.); DALTN", 1.1l.; .TUGADIOVA, Z.A. (Cando of Med. Sci.); KALININii., N.A.; KIWDU.I, G. Ya. (Cand. of Med. Sci.) "Tetracyclin, p. 214 Ministry of Health USSSII Proceedings of the -Second All -Union Conference on Antibiotics, 31 May - 9 June 1957- p. 405, Moscow, l4edgiz, 1957. IVANOIA, G.A. Comparative study on active concentrntiona of' cortaln antibiotics in the lymph of the peripheral vessels and in the horacic duct. Biul.okapbiol, i med. 45 no.6:57-61 Ja 158 (MMA 11:8) 1* Iz otdola eksperimentallnoy khimloterApii (sav. - chlen-korrespondent AMR SSSR Ih.Kh. Planellyes) Instituta farmakologii i khimioterapii MW SSSR (dir. - daystvitellnyy chlen A14N SSSR V.V. Znkusov). Predstavlena deyetvitelInym chleno-iAMN SSSR V,V. Zakugovym). (ANTIBIOTICS. metabolism. lymph, compprison in Deripheral vesnels & in thoracic duct (Rua)) (LYMM. antibiotics, comparigon in peripheral veasols & in theracic duct (Rus)) KiFludl, G.Ya., IVANOVA, G.A., SMOLINIKOVA, 11.14. PharmwvI,d9r-Wt'h'i tetracyclines (with sumnax;r in English] Farm. i toks. 21 no*5168-72 3-0 '58 (MMA 11111) I* Otdel khinioterapii (zav. - chlen-korrespondeni; AWI SSSE prof. Kh.Ri. Planellyes) Inatituta farmakoglogii i khimioterepii AMN SSSR. (TBTRACYCLIIMI pharmacol. (Rua)) KIVMAN, G.Ya.; PMOLINIKOVA, N.M.; IVANIDVA MITTiOYANOV, Y.S. Phnr,-acology of a now antibiotic cycloserine. Yarm. i to)m. 22 no-3r 243-246 Yq-.Te 159. ' (KIRL 12:7) 1. Otdel eksperimentallnoy khimioterapii (2av. - doktor meditsirtskilch mi& A.M. Chernukh) Inotituta farmakologii i khimioterapii AMN SSO. (ANTIBIOTICS, Icycloserine, pharmpcol. (Rue)) KIVMAN, G.Ya.; SMIL'NIKOVA, N.M.; IVANOVA G As- Couvulsive affect of cycloserite under experimental conditions. Farm.i toks. 22 no.5:447-450 S-0 159. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Otdel eksperimental luojr khImioterapil (zaTaftushahly - prof. A.M. Chernukb) Institute. farmakologil i khimioterapil AMY SSSR. (CYCLOSERINE pharmcol.) ; - - 1, ; 1 11 ! Ir It 'II , I . I . I I : t !~ ~ I ~ ~ !I DZAGUROV, S.G.; SAFONOV, G.A.; IVANOVA, G.A.; SHMELEVA, G.A. Use of Russian agar for the preparation of poliomyelitis virus plagues (colonies), Vop,virus, 6 no,5.-632-634 8-0 160. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Institut izuchaniyu poliomyelita MIN SSSRp Moskva. rpOLIOMYELITIS) (AGAR) ;I ~'!Ifl If lb~.l !1! 11 . P! 1 1. EAVINA., M.V.;-_jy,~yq , G.A. Comparative evaluation of some methods to determine cholestrol in the blood serum. Lab. delo 8 [i.e.91 no.ltl8-21 Ja 163. Win 16:5) 1. Biokh'imicheska-ya laboratoriya (zav.-prof. M.G.Kritsman) In- stituta, terapii AMN 8 M . (CIICIESTMOL) (ELOOTI ANALYSIS AND CHEMISTRY) plaga-, veterinar -ia 42 nil~g:'-- _0 Ag I R V',qqrry-ljzriY7 n a itl` z`r I; ns- tut, 7F,'- -fr E-0 I., -e~j . '4 . ,, )') , , A IVIIT~, KOSEN!"O, Z.; 111-1.1 1, .., I -Vil, ol,v. I - 1 1 j.a,",,,ka7,,- o i~cjzgsl. [Stories of the life of the brrj4r-.1 :~ ',-'oskva, TzrJ-vo "Jot.9knin litor-tiira,fr L9f /~ o .1"10 Ti. .1. 180) PAIIKov. H.1.; MCHHENSKIY, I.N.; KHOKUTOV, A.I.-, IVAHOVA, G.A.; LYNDA, A.B., red.; SIEMWTEVA, T.A., [Programs of pedagogical institutes; technology of metals and other materials with practical work in school shops for physics and physics and mathematics faculties] Progranny pedagoeicheakikh institutov; tokhnologlia metallov i drugiVt materialov a prakti- kumom v uchebnvkh masterskikh dlia fiziko-matomaticheakikh fakull- tetov. Spetsiallnost' - fizika i oonovy,proft'vodstva. Xaskra, Gas. uchabno-pedagog. izd-vo H-va prosv. RSFSR~, 1957. 15 p. (MM 11:3) 1. Russia (1917- H.B.F.S.R.) Glavnoya upravlaniya vysmhikh I srednikh pedegogicheakikh uchebnykh zavedaniy. (Metals) PARKOV, H.I.; RECHMSKIT, I*N.; KHOMUTOV, A.I.; TABA, A.S., red.; VOME30C, V.L., tekhn. red. [Programs of pecliagogical institutes; praotical school. ahop-vork in the technologr of metals and other materials for pbTsics and mathematice faculties; major: mathemtice and phlysicei ProgramcW Xedagogieheskikb institutor; praktikw r uchebrqkh maoterskikh a elementaml tekhm.ologii metallov i drugikh materWov dlia fiziko,- matematiohookikh fakalltotov (spetsiallnostil - matonatika i fizika). Moskva, Goo. uchobno-pedagog. izd-vo X-va proov. RSFSR, 1958. 14 ly. (KERA 11:9r) 1. Haseia (1917- R.S.F.S.R.) Glavnoye -apravleniya vysshikh i orednikh pedagogicheakikh uohebnykh zavedeniy-. (Metals) IVANOVA, Galina Aleksardrovm; SCUMMY, V.A., red.; TAMA, ~ ; ~ - - - - - ~ .- L."I ---G -~- takhti;~red-- , (Fundam ntals of the theory of metal cutting) osnorf teorii rezaniial instrumenty, stankir, 14oskvay UChpodj;:Iz) 1963. 263 p. O~IIRA 1-10) IVZ'CVA of Qx fowl plague and New,ias;lle l,tr 16 5. IVANOVA, G.A. Forecasting low clouds in the region of the Dnepropetrovsk air- port. Trudy UkrNIGMI no.4306-58 164. (MIRA 1814) =-T ~,E-TFMT-,-~- , ~~- -- -- -- %2). 3(5) AUTHORS: Zhirov, K. K., Ivanova, G. F. sov/7.-!iq-6-5/17 TITLE: On the Rhenium. D s u ion in Molybdenites From Deposits of a Series of Genetic Types PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya, 1959, Nr 6, PP 518 - 523 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The rhenium content of molybdenite waa colorimetrically de-, termined in 19 namples according to the inethod. of roforenoei 5 (Table 1). The samples came from various deposits of Central Kazakhstan, i.e. Kara-Oba, Akchatau, Airshoko, Dalinenskoyo. These deposits belong to the cassiterite - wolframite - molybde- nite-type (high-temperature type). Four samples came from Shalgiya, a deposit belonging to the molybdenite - pyrite-jiype (transition from high- to medium-temperature formations). T'he rhenium contents in molybdQnite of high-temperature deposi-ts are between 1.0 and 5-8-10-4 /~ Re, 3.0..10-4 '~"a Re on an average. The Shalgiya deposit of the medium-teaperature range exhib t3 i rhenium contents of between 22 and 39.10-4 %.~ i. e. 32.10-; % Re on an average. A comparison with thi) rhenium contents o-.f other deposits formed at higher or lowfir temperature (skarri- and molybdenite - chalcopyrite type re:~pectively), on table 2, Card 1/2 shows increasing contents at decreasinir formation temperature On the Rhenium Distribution in M01Ybdenites From SOV/7-59-6-5/17 Deposits of a Series of Genetic Types according to a certain rule from 10-4 % to 10-2 % Re. The comparative values are taken from a paper by S. M. Basitova (Ref The authcra thank A. N. Stroganov and V. A. Zolotai' -eva for assisting them in their work. A paper by Z. V. Stoaenikova is mentioned. There are 2 tablea arid 5 Soviet referonce~s. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra geokhimii 11oskovskogo gosudars-tvennogo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Chair of Geochemistry of Moscow State Univer- aity imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: August 19, 1959 Card 2/2 WANWA, GE' .10RENTS, A. A.., and ARINt, Z. I. "On Formation of Concepts by Means of Automtal, presented at the All-Union Conference on Computational fla-thematkc3 and Computational Tecliniques, Moscml, 16-28 Novem1ber 1961 So: Problemy kibernetiki., Issue 5, 1961, pp 289-29h -1-o"."t"; of :o L :o plta;J.I~l i',1 0. 1.111 Vz~:;,.i1;..(-,;~;,.,V i rost i7L;F9 F;I[I P::1. ;:i.. "n Op lei ,,I! AwT z, a". ".0 ot- o" o5L. 't fi,.f jh'! fiftJ 12-1 iv mt,,rv:;h . T!,~ I'll n." .;6+1 of it Ilra ~,l P-1 1:,~. 11J9E--R/BioIoU- Plant uhysiolo~n_ Card 1/1 Pub. 22 - 54/59 kuthors I Shestall-ov, A. G. ; Ivmnova, F---Cr~j and ShmelIkovti,, N., 11, Title I Effect of rediophosphorus on, the _Krowth and developLimt of oats in nelation to tho phosphate feeding conditions ParicIdical I D,-,)k. AN S' 55' F. 2.02/2, 395-1,97, May 1.1, 1955 Abetract t Zpariments ve:-e conducted to detem-ine the effitat -,;J* mflior-wtIvs P on t-0 ;~Velamrenf, of oatn In relation to t1m phag~phata foo-iding cmdi-~ianvz. ~-Lesu]ts !Lre ~clscrized, Four raferemcae- :1. USSR. and (1947-1914,q) . Table. institution Moscow Agricult. AceJ. im. K. A. Timiryazov Presented by Academician A. L. Kureanov, February 14p 19,-55 USSR/ Biology - Plant physiolo5-.r Gard 1/1 Pub. 22 - 59/62 Authors iShestakov, A. G.; Ivanova, G. F.; and Shme)lhoira, 14. 1% Title The reactirn of -1,ants of second igeneration to !:;~ie rwfti,iition effecta, of P2 Periodical IDok. All, SSSR 102/3, 641. - 643, rliq 21, 1955 Abstract gDiolo~icall data am presented ren-arding the rei:qIiion (:,.f oati~ plan':s o-;L' second izeneration to the radiation effects of (rmJi*n.-osvhox--In Cr,o USSR rafei-enca (1955) . Tables. Institution The K. A. Timiryazev Agricult. Acad., Moscow Presented Ib7: Academician A. L. Kursanov, February 14, 1955 USISRA,iolDtv - Plan-l". phygiolo a~ cam 1/i Pub, 22 - 51/54 Authera, j Shestla~,ov, A. G. ; -.Evano-a, G. F. ; 9nd LTellkova, It. Title Sansitivit-~ of plants to the effect of radiaphwiphortin dviring vw-low, v C- E~ C, Periodical t Dok. .4,11 SSSF 102/5, 1043-loii.6, Jun 11, 1955 Abatraot Data -am-. pl"esented on the eensitivity of cat plisints towarli the of'fecl. c40 apmplied duriniz, varicu-9 phaseo o.T "SSE rslar(mce 'Institution v kgr I c12.1t . Acaderv, yo a Cov urjanftedf, Febrvary LI., 1955 o t11), USIES/Plant, PhysioloLW - Mineral Nutrition. 1-3 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 5, 1958P 19969 Author : Shestakov, A,G,, Ivanova, G.F., Sbmelkovaj N*I* Inst Title On the Effect of Radiol:diosphorus on Plantoo Orig Pub Dokl. Mosk.s.-kh. akads im. K.A. Timiriazeva, 1956,'vypo 23, 193-199- Abstract The londer the period of plaiyt htmger for phosphorus the smaller the doses of p32, which affocte