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IVANOV, Te.Ta.; TSVYLEV, I.S. Now techniques used in vinning peat. Blul.takh,.-okonvinform. no*2:7-8 158. (141M 11: 4) (Peat industry*) Al IVANOV, Ye.Ya. (g. Wskva) Shrinkage of peat. Inzb.-fiz.zhur. no.11:113-ii6 N '58. OMA 12:1) (Peat) 11 1 ; I ii I F I -I 1 ; IVANOV, Ye.Ya. Relationship between the strangth of small piece peat and drying conditions. Inzh.-fiz.zhur, no.12:94-96 1) 159. (141RA 13.,4) 1. Kalininskiy torfyanny institut, Moskva. (Peat--Testing) MUMUILU 4um I i Hill, IVAIIOV, Te.Ya* Xquilibrium moisture of peat. Inzho-fis.zhur. o.1:30-34 Ja l6o. NIRA 13:4) 1. Kaliningkiy torf7ano institut, Moskva. (Peat-Hoigture~ IVANOV. YE. YE. PHASE I BOOK. EUL-01ULTI(A Akademiya nauk SSSR. 11_,stitut tocbnoy mekhaniki i vychiolitel'noy tekhniki. Trudy (Aeadervj of Sci-e-zices of the USSR, Institute of Precision Mechanics and CcmVuter Technology. TransactiorE) no. 2. Moacov J' 1961. 447 p. I(XIJ copies printed. CoLitribixtors not mentioned. sov/6100 FWICGE: This collection of articles is intended for scientific and technical personnel acmeerned vith machine tranalatiati and computer technology. COVERAGE: Zrds collection of articles of the Institute of Prec-A"ian Mechanics and Compu:ter Teel-nology, Academy of Soiences USSR, Is the second in a aeries concemed with mAahine translation und mathematical linguistica. Vae collection contains re-yorts written by members of the M9._-~*-.ir_a-Translaticn Group of the Institute as well as reports by res-_&rchers from other org=izationo. The with various problems In machine translation, such r the possibility of an intermediate language, relationships etveen various lbnguwes,, SYStew Of recording, structure of card 1/6 Academy of Scienceg (Cont.) SOV16100 algorithms, metlirAs 7-P 4=depemdent analysis of a ntvber of languages (,^,hinese,, Germar,, Engli.-h, R-uzsiAnJQ Rumanian, Swedish, Tartax, etc.). independent synthesis of the Ruasian laaguage,, some problems of bi=T Japanese-Russian ar-d Chinese-Russisn translation, thutoretice.1 trans- lation problems,, azd prc.'olems asswAated with automatic recognition of speech elementa ezi the iAtroduction of written texts. No person- alities are menticn-zd. There are 11 references: 2 13csriet and 9 English. TABLE OF CONTEZ?S: 1. Preface 3 2. Belokrinitskaya, S. S., 0. A. Volchak, M. B. Tefimo7, A. A. Zvonov, T. M. Nikolayeva, and G. A.- Tarasom. One of the Possible Apprc4chep. tc the Building-dp of a Vocsbulw7 for an Intermeaee Language 5 3- Zholkovskiy, A. K., N. N. Lecatt'yeva, and Yu. S. bloxtem- yanov." Cc tht F'undismental Usi`,of Mea~Ling in Machine 'T~lation- 17 Card 2/6 Academy of Scieaaes (Cont.), s cv/&wo nov Ye.Yr.. 4- Machine Translation and the EstablisUng of Rei;Ri!1c_n'sZ_i;; Between Linguistic Systems 117 5. Voronin ' V. A. Operational Fom of an Algoritbm for Machine Translation 70 6. mel,chuk, I. A. On Stdnaard (Verators for an Algorithm few Automatic Analysis of a Ruaslaa Scientific Text, 85 7. Voronin " V. A. System Of Independert 'Joaf iguraticnal Analysis of a Ghinese Text in Machine Translation 135 8. Zherebin, M. Ye. Structure and Character of a Glossary for an IndependenF,, Analysis of a.Chinese Text 173 9. Zherebin., M. Ye. On the Solution of a Conversional Samancey in the Independent Aralysis of a Chtnese Text 180 10. Parshin, V. V. Description of the Structure of an In&pendjqnt Grammatical Analysis for Machine Translation From the Gexmian 192 Card 3/6 MEW Go-o lo gy c,ard 1A Pub. 22- U152 Authors t 'Ihiravyiev, 1. S. , and Ivanov Ye. Ye . Title c Abou.t tha 1~57novsk strata of south-eastern Tatoda,: Mzansk Trarus-Volga aM Udari-rtla Ir SScp 101 -et Apr 1, Do'k, A A, 739-7h2p 1955 dats- a-i-a pr-aserited ov tlr-- or,I,.LT:Lzj -IC o c f, Le a ".L,-u 1. inati"t.-ution Th V 1. M4-anov-Lordn State UtLiversity, Kazwn Presented byt A=Ienician D. V, lfalivUn., Jamary 17, 1955 C- BLURN, S.S. (Kazan'); TROTEMLISKIY, V.I. IVAHOV, (Kazan'); KOROBOVA, H.P. (Kazan') (Kazan'); )RMVIYEV, I.S. (Kazan,); N.F. (Kazan'); M<SHINVA, 0.11. Stratigraphy and facies structure of the Devonian in %he Tatar A.S.S.R. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 115 no.10:85-88 155. ,.(MLRA 10:5) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geologr, StratliTaphic) MURAVIYEV, I.S.; IVANOV, Ye.Ye.; VISEWV, G.S. Facies ofthe terrigenous Devonian on the eafitern elope of tho northern dome of the Tatar arch. Trudy VNIGNI no.20:38-52 '59. (MIRA 13:6) (Tatar A.S.S.R.-Geology, Stratigraphic) RTIM! S.S.; SHUTSOV, S.I.;" 1VA11OV. YeJe. Nifelian sediments in the southern Kazan-Kirov Dopression Trudy VNIGNI no. 19:80-91 159. (MUU 13:12) (Kazan regirln- 'reology, Stratigraphic) (1irov region-- Geology, Stratigraphic) L 29787-66_ EWTUVEWP(M) ACC NRi AP6014860 SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Ivanov, Yu. Ivanov, J.; Epshteyn, A. -- Epstein, A. ORG: Institute of Themophysics and Electrophysics, Academy of Sciences,Eatonian SSR (Institut termofiziki i elektrofiziki Akademii nail _E_stonskoy___SS_JR_J_' TITLE: Experimental investigation of a heated circular jet in a free transverse flow SOURCE: AN EstSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fiziko-matematicheskikh i tekhnicheskikh nauk, no. 4, 1965, 588-595 TOPIC TAGS: jet flow, transverse flow, turbulent flow, anemometet,.) a;, 4J~ V-'TAM -3 A ABSTRACT: Some. results are given from an experimental investigation of a circular heat- ed1jet fZowing at right angles to a horizontal free transverse strean under conditions where the effect of lift on behavior of the jet must be taken into account. A trans- verse air-flow was set up in an open shock tube 700 mm in diameter. An ETMJ-3A hot- -wire anemometerWas used for measuring the velocity fields in the main stream.Y1, A separate fan wasl%sed for blowing a preheated jet perpendicularly upward throurh the stream. A chromel-alumel thermocouple was used for measuring the temperatum fields. The effect of lift was studied by changing the inluial diameter and temperature excess of the jet at given values of the hydrodynamic parameter T14) V2 . It was found that the T h'T It Card -1/2 L 29767-6b ACC NRs AP6014860 initial diameter and temperature excess havP a considerable effect an the path of -the jet. It is shown that the width of the jet is a linear function of its altitu4e above the virtual point source. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 22Jun65/ ORIG REr: 002/ OTH Rcr: 002 2/2 7=1 T ThIP", ZUB, G~, kand. tekhn. nauk; PETRENKO, A.; ZINOVIYEV, V,,; lVA.VCV, Yu., kand. teklin. nauk; KUI-',RYASHOV, N.; DUDOLADOV, Te.' Information. Avt. transp. 43 no.2:54-60 F 165. (KIRA 18:6) 1. Direktor llkrainskogQ dorozhnn-transportnogo nauchno-issledo- vatellaxogo instituta (for Zub). 2. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut avtomobillnogo transporta (foi- lyanoO. IVANOV, Yu.. tekhnik. Automatic control of skip hoisting operations. Mast-ugl-5 no.12:13-15 D 156. OMaA 10: 2) (Nine hoisting) (Automatic control) IVANOV, Yu., inzhener. Ufficiency experts' suggestions in the Kize Basin mines. Kast. uglia 5 n0-1:15-17 Ja '56. OUA 9:5) (Kizel Basin--Coal mining machinery) (Electricity in mining) IVANOV, Yu. Devjca-~or cutting flango-oleave linings# Straltell no.6:15 is 159. (HIRA 12:9) (Cutting machines) IVANGV, Yu. _kapd.tekhn.nauk Inspection of the clearance of king pin joints. Avtotransp. 39 m.3.-20-21 fix 161. (Iff RA 14:3) (14otar vehicles-Axles) !: It - 111 1 : i !I !L ji. P MAKOVSKII, Yu,,, inzh.; YANOY, tjt,. inzh. _I _- Is it necessary to plan the rediBpatching of rafts from formation roadsteads? Rech. transp. 19 no. 2:8-9 F 160, (1141RA 1435) (Rafts) (Inland water transportation) 1 617 W-4 HI I I P, I I I II.. . ..PI I I IVANOV, Yu.; KIBBELI, F. Trends in the development of the production of serviae-station equipment and its supply to automotive tranSpOrtll.tiCln. IMitfi. Avt. transp. 43 no.6tlO-11 Je 165. (MIRA MO 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut avtomobilltiogo transporta. 1. 1 -1 - 1.11 .;- -.T-11-1 .- , I.VAIN.O,V,, Yu.; EPSHTMN, A. ExperJmental study of a superheated circular jot J-n a froe trano- verse stream. Izvo AN Est. SSR. Ser. fiz.-mat. A. toldi. nauk 14 no. 4:588-595 165 (WERA 19:12) 1. Institut termofiziki i el-ektrofiZik! AN Estonsikoy SSR. Submitted June 22, 1965. -7 -7777 I I I f : : k t I I I A I O-EYNYUK, L.Yu,.; IVANOV, Yi Some problems- im Aamilzil,17 construction with the u=-e wl rietwork scheduling. Pr troi, 42 no. 634-6 165# (DIIIIIA 1;3;12) mdu mmil 0 Mu-,pi-Armarl 4 p I I 11 mila In 1"Milill I AMMIN Mill TH AID P - 4769 Subject USSR/Aeronautics - infrared instruments Card 1/1 Pub. 135 - 27/31 Author Ivanov, Yu.-A., Eng.-Lt.Col. Title Infrared instruments in aviation Periodical Vest. vozd. flota",y 8, 87-92, Ag 3.956 Abstract The author on the basis of foreign literature reviews the development of infrared instruments and their application in aviation. Two illustrations, 6 diagrams. Institution None Submitted No date ------ ----- . ............ .. POLIROVSKIY, V.I., doktor tekhnicheski~:-, nnuk; PSM034AN, R.O., kandidnt lvekhnicheskikh nauk; IVANOV, Yud., inzhener, ROMMMMNIW On thr possibility of reducing tio~ length rf an injeator. Teoloenergetika 4 no.9:23-26 S 117. (PMRA 10:8) 1, Moskovskiv arintsiormyy institut. (Inject-rs) A UTHO P - Ivanov, YU.A., Fngineer V/ 111 17/2,~ TITLE: A Manua, Pole Settino7 Nvicc for 1nrj-.:11.L4_u,- 7~~olus ?Ihen Bui-H- ing or Rervqirin.~z Communic!"--ti3r, Line!5 (Pu.-hncjy dlys ust.9novri ourr pri stroitell.-,tvo i rrmonte -',iniy svya,.,;) PERTODICAL- Vestnik ovyPzi, 10,38. Nr 1',!, p 16 ABSTRACT: I.M. NMyvrev, Senior Technician )" the Ka5;hira Foot Office, Moscow Oblast', deziienad R manwil T,ole :;C-tt;ne: device for installin~~ communication line bole,, (Pi 1-ire 1). The device is of welded an,-ulFir iron Find its luotal does not ex- ceed 50 k,,,r. ComwarQtive tests with z3i:TA.1nr dievicelc (one de- signed by Sx)vellyev from the Gorlki,.~ S)MUR ant] -.-Mother One constructed by Kusyukin from the S7,olennk DRTS) proved the ad- vantages of Nytarev's cons truc ti,--)n. The 'ostS were perforined at the end of June 1958 bY con, ~muni(-tions organiza t ions of the Card 1/2 A Manual Pole Setting, Device for Installing Pole,-, 71hen Ruildlng or Ing Communication Lines RSFSR in Cooperation ~.,,,ith the USSR MLTI~,:::try ctf Col ""here ar,- -~ photo, ASSOCIATION: Moskovikoye oblestnoye uririivlenlye zivpi;,i 01o~---ow O~. -1-G f Dire~-torqtc of communi'mifJonrO Card 212 IVANOV, Yu,Ae, inzh. Ftfact of friction on the degrae of lowering of peripharial velocities in cyclone furnaces. Izv. vya, uchab, zav.t anerg. 2 no.10:91-94 0 159. (HIRA 1313) I.Odesekiy politakhnichaskiy institut. Fredstai,lanai kafedroy kotellrqkh ustanovok. (Purnacen) M&LAKROV, G.M., prof.0 doktor tekhn.nauk,- LAVRINERKO, VJ., kand.tekhn.nsukj DYADECHKIN, N.I,, gornyy inzh.j IVANOV, Yu.A., gornyy inzh.; PROYANEI*Op 4.1.. Rornyy inzh. New methocrof short-delay blasting in underground m1ning of or-on. Gor. zhur. no.9:37-4-1 S 162. (MIRA 150) 1. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut. (Krivoy Rog Basin-Blasting) 1AVRIM. 4KD$ V.F. 9 kand.tekhn.naukk-.IVMIDV.,-Yu.A.; KBUCHENUAC12 G.S.,. ZyClIETSEly, N.P.; KOZUB., F.S.; PASHCHENKO, A.P. Working inclined seams. Gor. zhur. no.7:33-36 J'l 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1, Krivorozhakiy gornorudnyy institut (for Lawineakol Ivanov). 2_. Institut gornogo dela iiaeni*Skochinskogo (ftr Kirichenko), 3. Trest laninruda (for Zinchevskiy). 4. Rudnik imeni Liblmekbtaq Krivoy Rog (for Kozub.. Pashchenko). (Krivoy Rog Basin--Iron minemand mining) t,UJAKHOV, doktor tekhn.nauk; ELIZUKII, V.R.., inzh.; UVIMICH, S.N.$ FEDOHENKO, P.I.,, inzh.; IVANOV, Yu.A,J, inzh. Effect of the depth of mining on the efficiency of the ahamb4r system. Met. i gornorud. prom. no-3:39-42 1,ly-Je '63. (MIRA 1?:l) 1. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut. " 7,1 MAIAKHOV, G.M.1, prof.; IVANOV, Yu.A., inzh. . l~ --, ~ - ~ . I Ways of improving the technological process of the under.. ground mining of ores. Izv.vys.uchab.zav.:gor.zhuro 7 no. 1:13-18 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Krivorozhskiy gornorudnyy institut. ZAFRM, S.Ya., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; IVANOV, Yu.A., aspirant; PLOTNIKOVA, A.F.,, m1adshiy nauclinyy sotrud-nli- Increasing the forage quality of straw. &1votriavodstvo 23 no.2: 22-23 F 161. (MIRA 1,5111) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut kormov imeni V.R.Villyamsa. (Straw as feed) V NA1AM9V, G.M., doktor tekhn.nauk; LAVRIIEMCO, V.F., luind.telchn.nauk; DLMCIIKIII, II.I., inzh.; PROYA1.1,11,11KO, A.I., J1[JLj;()V Yu,A,, inzh. Results of using now methods of chort delay Waoting In underground mining operations. Hat. i gornorud. prottle no.4:45-51 JI-Ag 162. (14IRA 15:7) (Iron mines and mining) (Blastino) ILL! U1 I LLA 1VA,NOV, Yu.A.; TYAPKIN, BA; KRIKSUNOV, L.Z., doktor tokhn. nauk, re-feenzent; BRANSON, L.Z., kand. tekhn. nauk., ret-senuent; USOLITSEV, I.F., inzh.-podpolkovnik, nauchn~y red.;. DIKAHEVA, A.I., radw~-EELYAYEVA, V.V., takhn. xvd, (Military applications of infrared technology] Infrakrasnala tekhnika v voennom dale.' Moskva, Sovetskoe radio, 1963. 358 P. (Infrared rays--Military appli*kions) NIRA 1.615) USSR / Microbiology. Human and Animal Pathogens. F Corynobactarla. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5614. Author Tsimbalist, D. F.; Ivanov, Yu. A. InSt ~To t i given. Title New Developments in Laboratory Diagnosis of Diphtheria. Orig Pub: Zh. mikrobiol., epidemiol. i i,-amunobiol., 1957, No 11, 148-151. Abstract: According to the authors, it is possible to de- tect diphtheria bacilli in 50% of cases by dir- ect bacterioscopy of smoars Of material taken by tampon from the site of infection. These findings were confirmed in pure cultures of the causal organism. Ls substitutes for coagulated serum, blood-agar, yolk-serum medium, yolk-milk- -Z Card 1/3 USSR Microbiology. Human and An1=1 Pathogens. Gorynobaotoria. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 2, 1959, 5614. Abstract: agar medium and yolk-agar can be used. Methods for preparation of those media are described. The aiphtheria bacilli grow 1~ times Asore in- tensely on yolk-sorum and yolk-milk-seram media than on Loffler's serwa. On yolk-agar the in- tensity of growth was the same, or somewhat greater, than on Loffler's medium; on blood- agar the growth was weaker. An important sup- plemantary method to laboratory diagliosis of diphtheria is the agglutination reaction (AR) with the patient's serum. AR was positive in single invostigations in 83.12'o of cases, and was significantly greater than the results of bacter- ioscopic, diagnosis (641%). In 94.5% of casos pos- Card 2/3 54 V"j. %A IVANOV, Yu Materials on the laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria. Vop. i det. 4 no-3:9-12 k-v-Je 159. ()MA6 12.8) 1, Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (sav. - prof.D*F.Tlimbalist) YLLroalavalcogo meditainakogo instituta. (DIPUTIMIA-BACUU01#0GY) IVA'-~C,V, Yu. A. , Cand 1"-,ed diaF,,nostics of (jjT) ,I,t-(,,ria 196C). 18 r;n; (Ministr'-,,.- of' -- (dis-s) "Compley of labo-rator-;, a,;-; i'- rructical - U- - - . -, - I - -- Public iealth l;,-,KA,, ;~-.edical inst); 200 copies; price riot given; (KL, 22-60, ].L[I,) IVA00V Yu A Sign:Lficar-ce of nerological reactions in the diagnosis of clinically atypical forms of diphtheria. Pediatriia no.6:61- 65 161-. (MIRA 14:9) 1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii (zav. - prof# D.F. TSimbalist) Yaroslavskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (DIPTHERIA) ACC NRt AT6016945 AUTIHOR; Ivanov Yu. A. - Ne -Yman, V. G. ORG: none SOURCE CODE: r/ TITLE: The frontal zonesIof the Antarctic\ Ocean UR/2639/65/000/000/0098/0109 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Mezhduvedomstvenna a komi6siya po izuchen~yu Antarktiki. Antarktika 0 '-zu I--! 's", ~ -- _6K766--i709 oScow, Izd- (The Antarctic); doklady komissii, 1.964. . Izd v~, Nauka- i9 TOPIC TAGS: ocean current, ocean dynamics, ocean property ABSTRACT: Assuming the maximum gradients of the physical properties of the ocean to be the result of meridional and vertical advections, 86 meridional cross sections were selected and hydrological observations (collected by numerous investigators during many years and at various seasons) are summarized. It is concluded that the basic .factor underlying the formation of dynamic fronts is transverse circulation. It is further concluded that the maximum gradients of physical properties of the ocean deriw! from the combined action of meridional and vertical advections. Solution of the dif- fusion equation reveals a unique correspondence between the spatial distribution of vertical components of the current velocities for the dynamic fronts. The authors pre- sent a map of the frontal zones of the Antarctic showing the dynamic fronts as follows~ (1) the Antarctic divergence at 680-670 S latitude, where relatively varm and saline Card 1/2 L 38688-66 ACC NR: AT6016945 waters reach -the surface layers of the ocean; (2) the Antarctic convergence in at 500S latitude; (3) the subtropical divergence is at 400 S latitude; and (4) the subtropical convergence is at 370-380 S latitude. The map of the physical fronts indicates that they are formed an both sides of the dynamic fronts. Orig. art. has: 5 formulas, 5 figures. SUB CODE: 09/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REV: 007 2 / 2 IVANDV, Yu.A. Variability of basic tidal elements caused by the periodical com- ponent of wind currents. Probl.Arkt. no-3-5-17 1 513. (MIRh 12:1) (Tides) a -- - - St' o -:1 8-8- 15/113 AUTH OR S Bo-danov, K. T., Iv,!.nov TITLE- On the Reasons of Cable Tearirir, Duving the. Ti.-.Icing of Deep Sea Series of the Bathoineters (0 prichinakh obryvii tro:ja pri vzyatill glubor':ovodnykh seriy batumetrov) PERIODICAI: Meteoroloj3iya i gialrologiya, 19~',B, Nr 8, pp~ Afg - 50 OLISSR) ABSTRACT: In spite of a well developed method of carrying out of batho.- metrical series measurements for depths of more than 7000 M, the losses of the apparatus and of the cable are still very high and amount to approximately 20,/o. Though the vieii-ht of the deep sea series does not exceed 50 - 601;~ of the tensile strength of the cable, Lhe cable breaks in the trunk section, mostly in the place of attachment of the up-.(,-r bathometer (horizon 2000 - 3000 m depth). In order to provent these losses, the following measures are suglested beside the general ones: 1) Use of pulleys with a small roll; their width may exceed to only a small exte7A the cross section of the trunk section of the cable. the depth of the4r nut must not be greater than the cable' croq3 801!*Ion, 2j if an Card 1/2 angle is formed between the plane formed by the cable on dn'the Reasons of Cahle Tearint" During the T,--k~ing, sc"i of Deep Sea Serien of the Bathometers passing through th~- pulley, and the plane of ;he --ole two planes are to be caused to coincide For this purpose the pulley is fixed by means of a r~)Pe 3) T~~, elf-,,~,-tion of the measurerr'ent --pparature up to the readJ i,~, of, 6000 is to be carried out with a speed which doe, not exceed 0,5 m/sec; the winch muct be stopped for fivo mirixtEto Pvc-rv 1000 m In order to extend the twisting of the cable to deeper sections. 4) The pulley has to be opponite the drum of the winch. The factor of twisting of the ruble In he~-a especially Important whare the vel-tIC111 ~ic inelinatlon exceeds 40 - 500, e,g, in the case of the planktori. and ichtyological nets in great depths,. Card 2/2 3 (9) AUTHOR: Ivanov, Yu. A. S011/20-1 27-1 -,r-'1165 TITLE: On the Seasonal of !.hc Antar-tic 1111ircumpolar Current (0 sezonnoy -,~,-jnctavosti antark-t 1. che skogo tsirkum- polyarnogo techeniya) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 19599 Vol 12'f?, Nr 1, PP 74 - 771 (USSR) ABSTRACT. For the purpose of investigating the seasonal variability of the antarctic circumpolar currents the materia.1 obtained by observations (for 7 sections) of the Discovery II - expsdition were utilized. All these cross sectiona, whiah 7yere recorded within approximately equal periods of time H-5 months),, de. velop at 200 east longitude between the mouthern point of Africa and the antarctic region. From those data of observa- tions the currents were calculated by cip-ans of the dynan-1- method for characteristic standard horizons. The structure of the antarctic circumpolar current varies periodically. In the first cross section, there is a single current, with its maxi.- mum velocities at -40' south latitude. la the s-.~cond cross nec- tion, the current consisted of 2 beame with maxinuin volooiti,~s Card 1/4 of flow in the domains of 48 and 400 south latitude. Further On the Seasonal Vari-atio-us of the Antarctic Circum- $07/20-127-7-19/65 polar Current Card 2/4 data are eiven by a table. Unfortunately, the -sections are of different extent, which renders determination of the flow 11;-~i;.Tld- aries and of the variability of these boundaries in the counse of one year impossible. This fact also makes it difficult to calculate the fluctuation of the mass of water transported by the circumpolar current. Nevertheless, it, appears desirable -to give at least a qualitative eatimato of these fluctuations. For this purpose, the mass of water transported was calculated f:rom the mean value of 5 cross sections (Y- 1101),o and 511 0 south latitude). According to the results of these calculations, the fluctuations of the yields of the antarctic circumpolar cur- rent have a half-year Period. In order to analyze the cau6as of this variability, the character of the wind field and its vaxia'- tion with respect to time within the current is investigated. Por this purpose, a tangential 3tresa of the wind within the cross section Antarctica-Cape of Good Hope is calculated. Po:r the purpose of clearing up the variation of the tar.,Uential stress of the wind (as a,function of time) the t~radientB of pressures for 200 east longitude between 60 and 40 -souk lati- tude are calculated. The results obtained by th-?se ral~~iilatlons On the Seasonal )f the Antarctic 5000-.127-1-19/65 polar Current show the following: The fluctuations of the pressure gradit?nt and also the fluctuations of the muss of wator tranaportod h!ive a half-year period, the muximizm rr_a(U,2i1t,:; of tLtnospheri,: sure occurring in sprina and in very southorn latltudas;.~Iha va- riable component of the tanGential wind iitreoll :iay be r2pi-6(,rA- ed with sufficiont certaint;r b~r the expri?tisior i; C,0;3(, "Y R/2) C as ('s2t+(7/2)). Here denotes th* amplitude of the tau- gential wind stress, which, according to calculated data, ar.-1-,_,nt3 to -r0 = 0-5 (3G3); cf,, I - the frequency of fluctuations; L 6 2 the width of the canal, T - the period of flu,., ttiations 6 months). Further, it h-ulds that (5 2 =0/2)(n/L) and o 2 np, It is further of interest to explain wheher the varialiDna of tangential stress found are the sole cauos of the fl,,ictuations of the yield of the antarctic circumpolar current. For this -u.- pose, the simple model of the oscillations of a total current (which is caused by the fluctuations of the tang gential ivind stress) is investigated. According to these calculationsi the Card 3/4 mass of water transported by the antarctic circumpolar current On the Seasonal Variations of the Antarctic Circum- BOV/20-127-1-19/65 polar Current is subjected to fluctuations with a 6 months' periodt which are accompanied by periodic variations of the structura of the current. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 3 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Cceanra-gra- phy of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED. March 14, 1959, by V. V. Shuleykin, Academiciaa SUBMITTED: March 13, 1959 Card 4/4 66415 AUTHORS: Ivanov, Yu. A., Kamenkovich, V. M. SOV/20-126-6-19/63 TITLE: Bottom Relief as the Main Factor Responsible for the Non-zonal Course of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 128, Nr 6, pp 1167-1i70 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A few previous papers dealing with the problem are first men- tioned briefly. The dynamic map of the Antarctica supplied by V. G. Neyman shows the basic deviations from the zonal course, as curvatures of isolines, circuits, etc. Their relation with the large unevenness of the ground strikes the eye. This fact had already been pointed out by H. V. Sverdrup and V. B. Shtokman when analyzing the influence exerted by the bottom relief on the marine currents. From the analysis of the dynamic map and the results obtained from the mentioned previous in- vestigations the authors draw the conclusion that the bottom relief exerts an important influence on the Antarctic ciroum- polar current. That means that the current reaches down to the bottom of the ocean. The comparatively slight vertical density gradients in the*Antarctic waters lead to a more homogeneous Card 1/3 vertical structure of the current veloel.ty than It is the case 66415 SOV/20~128-6-19/63 Bottom Relief as the Main Factor Responsible for the Non-zonal Course of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current in other oceanic regions. The authors then apply the initial equations of the Eknian theory to the construction of the the- oretical model. Obviously, the model by Ekman does not offer the right representation of the vertical structure of currents, but irt the authors' opinion it explains the most important characteristics of the integral circulation in the Antarctic watero. An equation is written down for the function V of the total currents. A. I. Fellzenbaum suggested a derivation of the equation for V. When making this derivation the depths were as- sumed to be of the order of 1000 m. This equation moreover al- lows the isolinear form of function Y to be determined with suf- ficient 9.ccuracy, without having to solve the equation itself. The form of the current lines (of the isoliiies, of)1f) is de- termined by the construction of the isolineD of the function sin (p/H, where (P denotes the site width and H the respective depth. Consequently, the form of the current lines is basically determined by the influence exerted by the change in width of the Coriolis parameter and the bottom relier. Obviously it is Card 2/3 not possible in this way to determine the value of functi OX---V 66415 SOY/20-128-6-19/63 Bottom Relief as the Main Factor Responsible for the Non-tonal Course of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the iaolines obtained. To compare the theoretical deductions with the dynamic map, the authors drew a map containing the isolines of function sin(p/H. The main properties of the iso- lines are in good agreement in both mapst namely the U-shayed isolinear curvatures over the mountain ranges, the circuits over local elevations and depressions, curvmtures of the cur- rent in t'he region of the South Pacifin mountain range and of the Bellingshausen depression. The results obtained here permit various conclusions to be drawn concerning the water circulation in little investigated waters of the ATItarctica. There are 3 figures and 8 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatitute of Oceanology of the ACELdemy of Sciences, USSR) PRESENTED: June 10, 1959, by V. V. Shuleykin, Academician SUBMITTED: June 8, 1959 Card 3/3 J. 6 oco 67255 3 (9) AUTHOR: Ivanovp Yu. U J~ SOV/20-129-4-17/68 TITLE: The Position and Seasonal Variability of the Frontal Zones of.the Antarctica PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 129p Nr 4P PP 777 - 780 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The frontal Mones in theMopean 02re regions whose maximum vertical velooities are directed fo-i-arTa- the surface of the ocean (diver- gence zone) emd away from the surface of the ocean (convergence zone). For tb.e purpose of investigating the-fantors influencing the vertical current velocities in the ocean, the equations of motion are investigated. For the southern hemimphers the latter are 2_U JL T + f v 22 S?-v - A v + a, T - fu 22 at - Ala'. I a Z xy ax 9t 16 0 It Y21 .97 The axes x,y are directed towards east and north, and the z-axis downwards; u denotes the projection of the current velocity onto the x-axis, and v - that onto the y-axis; A is the laylace opera- torl A 1 - the coefficient of the lateral turbulent momentum ex- changel f the Coriolis parameterl p - hydrostatic pressure; Card 1/4 TxZ Tyz tangential stresses. From these equii.tiona 'the vorte 67255 The Position and Seasonal Variability of the Frontal BOV/20..129-4-17/68 Zones of the Antarctica equation for the above problem is deduced. Aftq)r some steps the relation fw - curl 7 - P 8 is found for the m%tarotic circum- polar current. Here S denotes the total ourrent from 0 to D; D By S0 v dz - the projection of the total current onto the y-axis. In the case of a zonal wind, a y, with the wind oondi- tions prevailing in the Antarctica, represents the total current of a purg driXt with a high degree of accuracy. The above equa- tion may then be written down in the form iv 2M'-~ - P r. f f2 This expresaion determines the dependence of the vertical flow velocity in "frictiop depth" (where it attaina its ma.,timum) on the tangential~ bind' ~essure on the surface of the ocean. The investigation o-f-W-6 frontal zones in antarctio watere is re- duced to investigating the time- and spatial characteristics of the tangential wind pressure. This tangential pressure has two Card 2/4 maxima in the ranges of 550 and 470 south latitude and a minim~f 67255 The Position and Seasonal Variability of the Frontal Zones of the Antarctica Card 3/4 SU/20-129-4-17/60 in the range Of 510 south latitude. This distribution of the tangential wind pressure is characteristic of the entire ant.- arctic rater belt. Two atmospheric fronts are, by the way, dis- tinguished: the polar one (along theedge of the ice) and the subtropical one. The position of these fronts vmries consider- ably in the course of a year. In the southern hemiaThere they are farthest south in fall, and in spring they are shifted farthest towards North. Therefore$ the wind zone in the Ant- arctica (which does not essentially change its structure in the course of one year) is subjected to considerable meridional shifts from spring to fall. An expression resulting herefrom for the approximation of the wind pressure field iv explicitly written down. The extreme values of the vertical floir velocity are + 1.6.10-3 cm/seo. The position of the frontal zones is shown in a table. Within the antarctic water belt (700 - 400 south latitude) 4 frontal zones may be distinguishmd: the ant- arctic convergence, the antarctic divergence, the subantarctic divergence, and the subtropical convergence. There are 2 fig ures, I.table, and 6 references, 3 of which aro Soviet. Y 67255 The Poaition and Seasonal Variability of the Frontal BOV/20-129-4-17/68 Zones of the Antarctica ASSOCIATION: Inatitut. okeanologii Akademii nauk SSSR (Inatitute of Oceanology of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR) i PRESENTED: June 10, 1959, by V. V. Shuleykin, Academician Ir SUBMITTED: June 8, 1959 Card 4/4 IVAN'CV , Yu. A. , Cana Geog Sci -- (diss) "Circulati.on. of water in the Indian sector of Antarctica." Moscow, 1960. 8 P ; (II'loscow State Univ'); 120 copies; price not given; (KI,, 18-60, 1485 IVANOV9 Yu.A.;, TAREYKV, B.A. CalculAting the wrtical velocity gomponeat of drif t currents. Trady MGT 22:3-4-160. (HIM 140) (ocean currents) IVANOV, Yu.A. Factors determininc t~e thermal stratificati)n of Okeanologija I nc.6*992-996 161. (MIRA 151:1) 1. Institut okeanologii A14 555H. (Antarctic regions-Ocean tenparature) IVAIIOV, Yu.A. __ Stratigraphy of Saknara-Artinskian sediments in the Alctyubinsk area of the Ural Mountain region. Trudy VIIIGNI no.34:108-113 l6i. (I-D:Rk 15:7) (Aktyiibinsk Province-Geology, Stratigraphic) IIAUMOV, A.G.; ZERINOVA, V.V..; _PMCV, u.A. ~-TAMYEV, B.A. __L_ I ` Frontal zones and biogeographic division of the surftm waters ( 0 - 500m.) of the southern.part of the Pacific Ocemn basod on plankton. Trudy Inst.okean. 58:54-6~ 162. OURA 15:12) (Pacific Ocean-Plankton) IVANOV, Yu,A,, Water masses and the distribution of oceanograpkic characterl sties. Okeanologlia 3 no.,5:803-807 163. (MIRA 16:11) 1. Kaliningradskoye otdeloniyo Instituta okeanologii AN SSSR. IVANOV, Yu*Ao Hyd-logical inveatigations in the northerti part. of t- ..T4,ian Ooean. T'rudy Inst. okeftn, 64.22..42 1 U, (11MA 17*,,'~) ZFJUIOVA, V.V.; l7kJOV, Yu.,A. Dip-tribution of net phytopbmkton depending on hydr(lagrical conditions in the northern part of the Indian 0,7eetn. Trudy Inst. okean. 64.:257-261~ 164. (MIRA 17:7) t - -- ~ -,.. ~l ~] ~ i i~ I F, IVANOV.-Yu.A.- . Role of boi.Lndary c ondi..' ons and wive ctvi or, in '~ha f crta U cx. and distr.Lbu-.~-~on ,.,if cxtrrme valmos of aceanogral.,I-Jo -!har- actc--131~-ic.A ac--,cxding to depth. OkaanologUa 5 j;:!~Ii/X,44 1/.5. U %,1urPA -1., Kaliningradskoye rtrl4nniy6 il:~anoljr!175 ~ 1, AN SSSR. BELYAYEVSKIY. H.A.; VAIRGIN, N.I.; IVANOV, Tu.A.; SMIRNOTA, Z.I. Results of the conference of geologists of the European part of the U.O.S.R. Sov. gaol. 2 no.6:138-142 Je '59. (mRA 12:12) 1.Miniateratvo molo ii i okhrany nedr SSSR. 1~ (Geolo~3 BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A.; IVAHOV, Yu.A. Reoulto of the conference of goologists of Irtutern Siberia and the Far Eant. Sov.gaol. 2 n0-7:162-165 JI 159. (MIRA, 13:1) 1. 14inisterstvo geologii, i okhrany nedr SSSR (14310N). (Geologr. Economic) BELYAYEVSKIY, N.A.; GRIGOROYEV, Tu.A. Problems of and trends In geological rapping .1 , in the U.S.S.71, Sov.geol. 2 no.12:3-11. D 159. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Ministerstva geologii I okhrany nedr SSSR. (Geology-Maps) BZLYAYF,YZIY, II.L, DMOV, Yu.A. Resulta of the Baku conferews on the exchange of e*erisucs in geological proopecting in Southern Rusela, Central AeUL, and the Caucasueo Sov. geole 3 no.?sl4l-147 Jl 160o (MMA 13: 8) 1. Ministerstmo geologli i o1chrany nedr S3SR. (Proapacting) AVV-kKUM01r, VA.; BAKIROV, I.Kh.; DICMCHUK, L.Y.; N.V.; POETTA.LOV, D.I.; SHAKHOZIMOV, Tu.S.; MWOV-, Ta.S. Ifew data on the geology of the Aktyubinak part of the Ural Motmtains region and western Mugodzbar Hills and the outlook for oil and gas. Sor. geol. 3 no. 11:68-184 11 160. O(M& 13;12) 1. Vze9oyuznyy nauchno-istiledovatel'skiy goologorazvetloobnyy noftyanoy institut. (Aktribinak Province-Geolopj) VERESHCHAGD1, V.11.; :IVAIIOVI -Yp,,A.; FWAYFUM, N.A., glav. re!d.; ALEYNER I AOZ 0'p.--. A.V., red.; ZAY'~IIT'V' I.Ke.9 red..; UDIOV, P.L., red.; I(RASNOV, I.I., red.; LVIK321, A.A., red.; IAUZILEVj, S.A., red.; OGIEV, V.N., red.; TROSTNIKOVA, N.Ya., red. izd-va; IYERUSALE-ISKAYA, Ye.S.p telchn. red. [Instruction for compiling and preparing for publication a geological mar, at a scale of 1:50,000; supplement to the, instruction for organizing and conducting geological aw-voys at a ecale of 1:50,000 and 1:25,0001 Instruktsiia po sostavle- niiu i podgotovke k izdaniiu geologicheakoi karty masshtaba. 1:50 000; dopolnenie k instruktsii po organizatsii i proizvod- stvu geo logos llamoclu*,kh rabot masshtaba 1:50 000 1 1:25 000. Moskva, Goageoltelchizdat., 1962. 41 p. (MIRA, 15 -.6) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo geologii J. okhraW nedr. (Geology--maps) TVANOVI Yli.A. ConfeTence on the establishemant of an International standard 83rmlx)ls for gelological mapa and petrolorical planj.4. Sov- Ireol. 5 no.2:149-153. F 162. UiIRA 15t2) 1, Ministarstvo geolowil i oklirany nedr SSSR. (Geology-41aps) ,IVANOV, Yu.A. Characteristics of the oil-pool spacing in the *v'ozr'' ~#--Ltiments of tile Kenkiyak-Zharkamis region. Neftegaz. gaol. f gsofiz. no.7; 12-17 161,. (WRA 17: 8) 5. Veei3oyiLznyy nauchno-Issledova-tellskiy geologorazvedochnyy nnift~unoy institut. I V. "0"') Y11.111-1 L-,,Only y "ine of tho near W "rudw.-v jj~ it, it. [-XCC MR, ............ ------- 60W90 saui=- cODE.- 1jKAc:1-:j/UV1z Wol, u 6 xk/bw AUTHORS: Belousov, I. lie V* _4 ORG none viot TITLE: Ocoanoj~,raphic inves gationa of thu So -Cubm ria,11; SOURCE.- Okeanologlya, vo 6,, no, 2, 1966,;, 379-380 TOPIC TAGS: ocannographic ahip, ocoartogi-apli-Le expedition, bit-,,'Ilogg~,;, ocean 1~1;66r topography, ocemi prope:i-ty ABSTRACT: This paper dl3cus,sos results of I joint oxpaditic6 b~r th(j: Academb!zj-,, f,. Scioncos of the SoviGt Union and of Ciiba Iii tit mor lie oun Y"ho muln objectivo utmi n stl-udy of bin-1cgicd-1 foaturen, particulaTly f.-Gia tizi economic v:totrpoint. The mW31ijo wera, --a-ado on. the Soviet ship Academician A. Kciralovski7 .jarilzaticumq lwero th y. Participating ~orj- 14nviria xo ysical Institine of Uh-rSS.R (mder the direction of V, 'V, -Rmj.-JD7)p the logical Institifte of' tho South,87v-i~~, k11 MrS' M thO Imtl A11 MxSSR the Instituto of (jj~rgj-j-.:r anT the Zoological Inutituto, A!l SSSR-. Thn baae (-tf~ thot- uwj- -Aitim. *,,mo the Ocoanor,,raphic Inntitute o1' tbo Cuban bindomy aT Scimip.00, A. Nil'on Jimr-ollaz 1/2 C ar Pil H !III! I IFIN, ACC NRi AP60114290 Frosident-of t-he Cuban Acader-7 of Sciencos, D. Gitart, biraCliar 0.6 the Im ti-i'litGO and S. Gonzalez, AssL31U-ant Divictor, partic-tpaLrd and oncoui-,,,igiud (-116, wor":. 111*0 i routes taken the sh-11.1) m7e shown on a wxp, Re3l-dts havo 166 to' bathyvmtrlc charts, bo t~L -lie or undarstanding cf botLom nOd:LmmA,tj!;(t wxmpolfllf, I)MIKS contain cblofli orp,-,mogorto and nature Of watrv o.L-CLaaciorl, an-j uid of Lim (A, )1vj:;t vrclck~t:hi3 biological ZQZ-LO!3. L)Ohnils of blolo-ical -,iclnpo aro (,rivail~ III l'irtoPI 11 Ell-I abutidant in the r-,,clutlharn Glull, ol., I-Ioxicm, lAnd 0,10 d1stribLition. (,,,.C prac-bicall-,,r tha ;3wiv,- patteria. Zoncs olf utl.vongly, and ~p-Akly Liticomil,I),f?, water rxre plotted on a inap, A bti-nd of mozb r.,itrongly rtm-ImAinir worit in Florlde Stmit, RGIEiLlj-LO Of haVO forenctzla organizod by tho Cut~ari of 19t,',1mml JLUy .14!?65 Oxlg, art. hao., 3 figuren nnd I tablo, SUB CODEt 08/ SUBM DAM t none Card 2/2 1: id k-A 18: 10) SHEYNYUK, L.Yu.; IVAlk)V, Yu.A. New system of planning and directLng the conat-ruction of the second stage of the Kingisepp Combine. Prom. stroi. 42 no.12:18-22 D 164. (141RA 18-.3', IVANOV, Yti.A. Sttidy of poii;tvaccinal. imminity In dil;1Jhorin.. Mur. nUkrobiol., opl.d. i immun. 41 nc).91ill*l S 164. (MIRA 18A) 1. Yaroslavskiy medltsin.3kiy instLtut. LAVRINENKOj, V.F.,, kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANOV* Ya.A., ing1b.; XTRICHENKO, G.S., inzh.; MiTYAN.. I.So.. inzh'," -!. , - -.11 it Changes in mining conditlans with an iric-reased working depth. Met. i gornorad. prom. no.6:35-39 H-D 1-62, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Krivormholdy gorncr~uduyy institut, PTEASE I .130OK FXPLOITATION sov/6476 Ivanov, Yu. A. and B. V. TY&JAZIn Infrakrasnaya tekhnika v voyennom dale (Military Application of Infrared Technology) Moscow, "Soveta*koye Radioll, 1963. 358 P. 9800 copies printed. Scientific Ed.: Lt. Col. 1. F. Usolltsev,, Engineer; W.: A. I. Dikareva; Tech. Ed.: V. V. Belyayeva# PURPOSE: This book is intended for military personnel'but may also be useful to nonmilitary readers interested in infrared technology. COVERAGE: The first part of the book deals with the physical and technical problems of infrared xudlation, propagation, and ree ording, and with elements of military devices utilizing infrared rays. -The second paxt contains an analysis of the development as of 196o of infrared devices Card 111) ,Military Application (cont.) sov/6476 used by non-Soviet armed forces. The application of infrared devices in tactical and strategic reconnaismance, aiming of missiles and shells at heat-radlatIng targets, contactless blasting of ammunition In the vicinity of the target, detecting and aiming at hoat-radiating targets at night, navigation, communication and signalling between small units, protection of military objectives, and the blocking of narrow sectolls of terra-in is given particular attention. The authors thank L. Z. :-xiksunov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, and 11, A. Bramcon, Candidate of Technical Sciences, for reviewing the book, and S. V. Yudkevich, Engineer, for hid Advice. There are 203' references, 41 Soviet (including 4 translationm), 153 Enaglish, 7 German and 1 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS:' Foreword 3 Card 2/9 11 R, 111, 11 -111! 111 It I I I I Emu I I I III IWI IVAROV, Yu.13.; SC-121ITSEVA, T.Ye.; VASIL'YEVA, II.G., inzh., red. [Atlas of assembly drawings for details] Ptlas oborocluifth chertezhei dlia deta--irovok. Vodcva, MashCiz, 1963. 72 p. (MIR-A 17; 5) .,I C: -nd Ah of tht; th~:ory conwctiv,) dif 0l fusd'.)n in 12 pp ('Aii 4. i, - - C: tioll U~'*:;R. LQ:, co dcj~; cnd cf 'uc:ct (10 !litlLos) 1.': 8 1 o 6 AUTHORS.- Yu. B., Levich, V. 0. 76-32-3-14/43 TITLE: The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid System in the Critical Region (Konvektivnaya diffuziya v dvoyuoy zhidkoy sisteme v kriticheskoy oblasti) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Fixichaskoy Khimii, 19561 Vol. 32, Wr 3, pp. 592-597 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Gibbs (ref 1) had alrendy observed that the motive force of' the diffusion process represents the gradient of the partial (chemiciti) potential. The vanishing of the diffusion COOMCierLt Ut the critical point in liquid binary systems was for the first time observed by 1. R. Kricheirskiy et al (ref 2),and (in the onme laboratory) more exactly . . by- Yu. V. Teekhanskaya (ref 3). In her determinations ,the latter used a t6titing Aiek. of cor4reseed terephthalic acid, f6r vhich: the process of solution was investigated ufifbg triethylamino. The results of the solution-velocity values of the rotating disk at 2900 K Imeasured .and calculated according to the Card 1/3 forroula for the diffusion current. obtained by Levich, are The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid System in the T6-32-3-14/43 Critical Region graphically repreBented. It is found that the applied formula and the theory of convective diffusion respectively, are not to be applied to the critical region, There, the'depdnde6eb-n of the diffusion ooefficient r-nd!.of the solutidn on tbe. aoncfttration- - ckf - tHa, (1!LTft8Ldg'4njbstiah6e %hwt be Uken jxt44 accoaht., From the mathematical derivations which were performed, it-folaonzmong.otherVithat'..the calculations can be performed near the disk with the application of the derivation according to Karman. Fron a dia- Vam.,SLvirg the theoretical and expsrimuntal'WL1Ue1K*Of tWe depend the flow(4) Atthiz-.mLrface."of.:the.'d:isk, on the solution concentration a, where both values coincide well, it fol3we that the obtained expression of the dentfity of flow poseesslas a general character for all solutions and :16v -bhe-'6i*1ti(~a1 domain of concentration,'where the fl6w of substance Possesses a low dependence on the concentration 0 0 and is proportiona,31 to'rW . The numerical value of the coefficient and its depemtlin,ve-di a are connected with some values of Card 2/3 0 constants and Can POBsess different values it different The Convective Diffusion in a Binary Liquid Sysutf.i kn the 76-32-3-14/43 Critical Region solutions. There are 4 figures rid ft riA'ereiices, A of which are Soviet. SUBMITTED: November 3, 1956 Card 3/3 4 a/089/62/013/006/019/027 31021BI86 AUTHOR'S 1 0. T. and K. R. TITLEJ Nauchnaya konforentelya Moskovskogo Inshensm-floichaskop Institute (Sciontific Conference of the Moscow Snainsering Physics InstitfLts) 1962 ?I:RIODXCALs Atomnsya energiya, Y. 13, no- 6, 1962, 603 - 06 1 TEXTo The annual conferenc* took place in May 1962 with more than 400 dolegates participating. A review Is given of these lectures that are ausumed to be of interest for the readers of Atcansys, anorgly*. They srs followingo A. 1. L*ypunskiyo future of fast reactoral A. A. TaBillyov, dlisign of accelerators for isuperhigh snergies'l 1. 1&. Pomeranchilkl amalyti6ity, unitarity, and asymptotic behavior of stroN Intomatious at i high anergisol A. B. MiSdelp phenomenological theory for the maiw-body prcbleml Yu. 'Ds Fiveyakty, lootlerstion of nediu-indrgY LntiOrOtAng Ld witterl o8an, I&. A. losilevskiy, theory of the Uasabsuor off+0tj theory of ionization losses in nanhomog*neous m4diumil , Y Y 1. 3. lvanayt Az--A 40p~ji h-f conductivity of-subaritioal plassal CAT 5W SOV120-126-5-3'el6g AUTHORS: Ivanov, Yu. B., Levich, V. G., Corresponding Aleaber, AS USSR FTTI TITLE: The Investigation of Unstable Intermediate Products of Electrode Reactions by Means of the Rotating Disk Electrode (Izucheniyo nestoykikh promezhutochnykh produktov elektrodnykh reaktsiy a p)moshchlyu vrashchayushchegosya diskovogo elektroda) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 5, pp 1029-1032 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A. N. Frumkin (Ref 1) suggested to investigate the intermediates of electrode reactions by means of convective diffusion, i.e. the intermediate products forming on one electrode are collect- ed by a second electrode spatially separated from the first. The ring disk electrode described in reference 'I proved -to be hydrodynamically an optimum. The first electrode (Zone 1) forms the inner circular surface of the disk; here, the electrode reaction A -- B' takes place. The particles of the intermedi- ates are moved onto the outer annular clootrode (Zone 3) which is separated from the inner circle by an annular insolating layer (Zone 2). The equation of the convective diffusion is Card 1/2 written down, and the boundary conditiont.4 are fixed for the ;-i ~-' LL L-L' LL2_~' . ...... LLIJ IWrIIIL-LaLaU_ULUIdU I .30V/20-126-5-32/69 The Investigation of Unstable Intermediate Products of Electrode Reactions by Means of the Rotating Disk Electrode 3 zones. The method of transforming this equation to an equa- tion of heat conduction is applied to the solution of the --'rjua- tion of convective diffusion as shown in reference 2. After the transformation has been carried out it may be seen that -the i3olu- tion of each equation for an inner zone influences the solution of the outer zone as a boundary condition. The solutions found for the experimental conditions of reference 1 for current density and total current are given which, as reference I shows, are in sufficient qualitative agreement with the oxperi- ment so that they may be applied to the (Leteraination of the transformation constant k. The more general case is of interest in which the particles of the intermediate undergo tranuforma- tions in the solution, e.g. by reaction nith vater. Thin problem is soon to be dealt with. There are 5 references, 4 of nhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elektrokhimii Akademii nauk SSSH (Institute of Electro- chemistry of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMIT~EDt April 11, 1959 C 2 I F LL ;~J:: Ivafl0v Yu. 3. Rakhidzm, A. A., .I. A 7, (-7 14i fnii.L r- n v r. i i tt 10 ()V o rl s C) 3 t ~L n L) I Avt. Lra l-.. promi. I no. IVAKOV, Yu., kandi"t takhnicheakikli nauk. Now standard for bottled gas for automobiles. Avt.transp. 32 no-5:19-20 Ny 154. OILU T-7) (Gases. Comprenaed) W., L -17b" 1 A:j C.) 0 IvAllov, Yu." ;r". Dew all-Union standards for trailers, semi-trailers and lo i - 32 n -26 u 154. gg r trailers. Avt.transp o.11:25 (KLJIA 8:3 (Motor trucks--Trailers-Standards) IVANOV, YTJ. B. "Reduction of Dynamic Loads in the Power Transmission of Transportation Engines., Min. Higher Education UW3F, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Hirh1w Technical School irieni Baum-3n, Chair "Automobiles," Moncow, 1955. (Dissertation for t-Ile Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciences) SO; Knizhnay letopisl, No. 22, 1955, pp 93-105 14Ar,AKIICVSI:IY, Ya.B.; I_ V, Yu.A_,_-; DYBOV, O.V., kandidat takhnicheskikh naul., redaktor; .,.kandidat tekhaicbeekikh nauk, doteent, reteenzont; KOTIKOV, A.K., inshener,retsenvint;S01OLOVA T.F. tekhaichookiy redaktor. (Automobile A-iction clutches] Priktaionnye stseplent-La avtomobi- lei. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinontroit. lit-ry. 1955. 142 p. (RazvAtie konstruktaii avtomobilei, no.13) (MLRA 8:8) (Automobiles--Clutches) TEGOBOV, L.A.; IVAIIUV, Tu.B.; ROZANOT, Y.G..- BMUMN. N.A.. doktor tcikhnichmx"RlW4WuT",Wofessor, retsenzent;SHUM, L.R., kamdldat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SOKOLOVA, T.F., tekhnichaskly redaktor. [Plethods of testing automobiles and their mechanismul Metody ispytaniia avtomobilia i ego makhanizmov. Moskva. ks.naucbno- t9khn.izd-vo masbinostroitallnoi lit-ry no.6[Brakeel Tormozmve mekhanizny. 1955. 165 p. (MIAA 8:11) 1. Russia (19?3- U.S.S.R.)Ministerstvo av-tomobillnoggo traktornogo I sellskokhosysystvannogo mashinastroyentya. (Brakes--Testing) IVANOV, Yu.B., inzhener. Selecting the magnitude of the limiting rommnt transmitted by the torsional oscillation damper. [TrudyJ KVTU no.61:42-68 '55. (Automobiles--Transmission devices) 04LRA 9:6) AUTHOR.- Ivanov, Yu.B., Candidate of 2echnical Scenceu 111, "J-58-5 -7/22 TITLE: A Method of Calculating the Rrrion Vibratuion Demper or' the Power Transmission (Metedika rasch0tu gasitelya kru~,;!, nykh kolebaniy silovoy peredashi) PERIODICAL: Avtomobillnaya Promyshlenrios-1-11, 1958, Nr 5), Pp 22-25 (USjfi) ABSTEACT: Most of automobiles which ha-.,e frictional cou,.)Iing.9 are pro- vided with a torsional damping arrangement. This arrangement is fixed on the guided disc of the coupling and consists of a resistant clutch and an absorber of the energy of torsional oscillations. The r eS4 sta-at c-lemer.4- of' the clutch is comr)osed of tangentially disposed opTongs. The motor torque is passed onto the power transmisslon through this clutch. The presence of the absorber enables dampinf, arrangement to abserbe the energy of torsional o:2rillations of the povier transmis-Aori caused by the friction b-_--twoen 'tie jruidiii,,,, and L;uided elemeritf: of the damping arrangement. To calculate the torsional damping arrangement for an automobil?, it is necessary; 1) to study the power transmissien azi a tor!3ioilal oscillation 3ystoTt 2) Card 112 determinate the optimum. of Oit~ reolstarce of the A Wethod of Calculating the Tbraj.,"M A)aapxr of 'Ule Transmission clutch of the damping arrangemert, 3) taking this resistance into consideration, find ,u,'", the optimum magnitude of the friction momentum. TLhe zuth,7r C_ives detailed analiyt.'C~!L_! and ,graphic determinations for thc!;G moments along with comi-iri.- ,ions of the ".'" and "Polbeda" car,,.. There 411-P 6 Lrraphs; 1 table and 5 Soviet referencer, ASSOCIATION: ;1VTU imeni Baumana, (The 1,.-WITU drp..ini Bauman) AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 1. Automobile industry 2. Ti-anamis,3ions--Torulon-Analy,,zi,5 IVAINDV, Yu.B., kand.tekbn.nauk Inertia stand for stuWng the performance of automobile power transmission. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mashinostr. no.3: 90-99 '59. (141RA 13:3) 1. Moskovskoye vyesheye tekhnioheskoye uchilishebo imeni, N.Te.Baumana. (Automobiles-Transmifiaion devices) IVANOV, Yu., kand. tekhn. nauk New methods for checking steering gears. Avt- transp. 37 no-9:13-15 s 159. (MIRA 12:12) l.Rauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut avtomobillnogo transporta. (14otor vehicles-Steering gear) BOOMYLTBOV, Sergey Konstantinovioh; IVAITOT, Yu.B.,. kend.tekhrionauk, red.; YEGORKINA, L.I., red. -%Irhn. rail., (Exercises in designing machine parts] Zoidenila po detalirovaniiu. M.oskva, Goo.nouchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroitolit-ryo 1961. 62 p. (KrVA 14:4) (Hachinery-Design and conotruction) .; I I I: ' :. ; 1 11 ~f ~ I It -i I - I I . . I - I ! BOGCL*fUBI)Y, S.K.; IYANOY, Tu.B., ),, r4)d.r OffK11110YA, [Problems in mechanical drawing] ZndachnIL- po chorcheiiiiu. lzd.4., ispr. i dop. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-taklin.iad-vo mashino- atroit.lit-ry, 1961. 272 P. (14IRA 14:4) (Mechanical drawing)