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ACC NRt AP6030154 resonator mirror burnout were recorded. "no authors wish to thaAc Be X. Vul and A, P. Shotoy for their valuWLe advice and discuosions.0 Orig. arL. IWT3-Mgures, 3 for=am,, -and I table [031 So CODEs 20 Sm Din, MM65 MM RVI 003 01% JjWj 0051-'ATD nUSS 5085.1 pb cewd 2/ 2 IVANGV, V.S., gornyy inzh.; MYSINA, L.G., inzh.-geo;,"izik Seismoacoustio activities of coal oeams serving as indices of gas and coal outburat danger. Ugol, Ula*. 6 no.8:14-15 Ag 162. OURA 15:11) (Mine gases) (Seismometry-ObservationEt) KONSTANTINOVA, A.G., MYSINA, L.G.; IVANOV, V.S. Characteristics ol~ the seismoacoustic processes .accompanying sudden ejections of coal and gas during well boring. lim. A:I SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.11:1676-16"83 N 163. (MIRA 16r]2) 1. Institut gornogo dela im. A.A.Skochinskogo. 7!-7- llil!dll 11.11T IVAIIOvr V.SI, gornyy inzh. Study of the relUtion between the diameter of the charge and the effectiveneus of blasting in a layered medium. Varyv. delo no.53/10-.76-89 1163. ()ERA 16:8) 1. Institut, gornogo dela im. G*A. TSulu4dze AN GruzSSR. (Blasting) DEMIDYUK,-,G.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; IVANUV,.V..S., gornyy inzh. Effect of the shape of the individual -charge on the crushing of a hard mediumi. by blasting. Vzr.7V*(, delo no.53/1021,7-58 163. (MEM 16 -.8) 1. Institut gorriogo dela im. A.A. Skochiniskogo (for Demiclyuk). 2. Institut gorriogo dela AN Gruzinskoy SSR (for Ivanov). (Blasting) SO ANTST-EMOV, M.S., karyi. fiz,mvtem. ria-L~k; JVJ~17 V, V..~. SITIEVChENKO., L.N.., lxizh.; KAMINEVA MI., red. [FGI geophone and methods for ita use in half, prospeCt- ing] Geofon PGI I metodika ego primenerilia d1la poiska l.kvazhiny. In-t 1.3-ornogo cial,t, !9l'-,3. L'i I;. 14 11 "A 17 - KONSTANT1NOVA, A.G.; MYSINA, L.G..; IVANOV7 V.S. Analysis of seismoaaoustic processes accompan4ting strang sudden ejections of coe-I and gas. Izv. AN SSSR. Flz. zem. no.11:85-89. 165. (MIRA 18 & IZ) 1. Institut gornogo dels, imeni A.A. Skochinskeigo. Subuitted June 26, 1964. 's L 10425-66 EvrW/EWA(h), !AH5023902 BOOK EXPLOITATION UIV 5 3 4. 614 76 1 JAkademiya. -nauk SSSR. Knstitut,gornugo dela The use of scismoacoustic methods in mining (Prime'nenilre seysnoakustf- cheskikh metodov v gornom dele) Ed. by H. S. Antsyfarbv. 11004041 Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 186 p. illus. Errata privii;ed; on tho h:ack cover* 1300. copies printed. TOrIC TAGS: 'mining anginoering, seismic prospecting, tiaLsmic inbtrij- ment, phonon acountics, W'smoacoustic pulse AND COVERAGE: This is a collection of artlic7_-tij 'summariting. the-results of work done by the Laboratory of Research of the HLnAnZ ochinski the ,_knjLtitute imeni A. Ag 5k Seismoacoustic Station of the Donetgf&i Q "I' The reseArch;, was basically conducted at the coal mines OF-MrF. onitt Basin, whete dangerous sudden outbursts of coal and gas occurs The authorri give; data on the design and manufacture of various seismo:stcoustic ~Ln- ation,%. struments, used in both laboratory and -field iniltomstit aults of these investigations are analyzed, etaptlimaiikag. tbeir Card 1/5 L - 10425-66 1 902 AH5023 importance for the the()ry_of dynamic phanomena fit :Aiialp and f 9~ft the prognosia of the dangeir zones of possible sudda:nl 4utkP',uvsts.- The: book is of interest to atiners and geophysicists i-.oncerlied with~0140 applicatiton of geophysical methods in coal *nd 0 41 M-1111thse STABLE OF CONTENTS: qq,3asic applications of coati An t a y f e r o v.,._M_,_q. mines, with the hazard of sudden outbusts of coal and. Igaa -- 3 lAntoyferov, M. S. SED-t:rpe electrodynamic geophone" 18 j Pam exe r Le B,,~""5P`ulse method of automatic callb ;.ev,. Iratio.n of electro-. I dynamic vibrometera -- 43 e'. _414,rometevdi f 0'r IAntsyferov M. S. Simplest piezoelectric geophon OCA laboratory geophysical investigations 47 iAntayferov, H. S. , K.-S jy-ago and L. N# Sbevahafl~q. search for boreholes in mines 54 [Card. 2/5 L 10425-66 iAH5023902 /;z Antsyferov, M. S., and L. B. Pereverzev. ZUA-2 Vchs.typld :SPASMO- acoustic apparatus -- 63 IHakarov, Ve He Automatic recordeir of natLral setsmoacoustic r-p-uTs Fea-zz-I'l iAntayferov, H. S., and P. F. Mikitchenko. Two-framp galvanometer~in,; the modulator of an ampLifier of very low frequencies 78 11vanov, V. S. Seismoacou:3tic determination of the boundaries of' zones in a coal bed whe!re there is the danger of.cutburate -- Antayferov, N. G. Possibilities of the statisticgl, meth-od of anit'lyz' i ing the data on the seLsmoacoustLc regime of cosil bedii vhere thi!re' is the danger of outbursts -- 92 IMotsar', Yu, V, Current and advance forecasting of, zones at coal! mines iihe:re there is the danger of outbursts -- 102 IBoykot G. K, Relation between the rack-pressurfs pattern, and the: IL-11-1-1 1- .11 1~ ilff ~1' L L0425-66 W023902 nature of the seismoacolvitic regime of a coal be& i07 Parshikov, No B. Determtning the: zone of the generation. of elastic pulses in the movement Of stope. of a pitching bed, -- 114 Kagan, Ya. Ya., and I* M. Lavrove Investigating the location of' he: foci of seismoacoustic ~pulses in a coal bed 11:7 Ivanov, V. So, and N. B. "Parshikov. Seismoaccustid met hod of detilr- I mining the effLciency of preventive measures against 6.udden out- bursts of coal and gas 126 Kysina, L. Go Effect of advancing boreholes on the: -noise level and the stress state in the borehole zone of a stope'-- 133 Hirer, So V. Determining the zone of discharget of :upxidie draina~g;e holes by the seismoacoustic method 138 F Ivanov Go M. Comparative analysis of natural sotsmoaqoustic Pulses' and the pulses caused by mining operations 144, Card 4/5 . ..... ...... L 10425-66 fAM5023902 lvanovi!, Analysi's of iKonstantinova, A, 6 L, Go Mysinal, and V. So energy generated-by'oeismo ~c-oustic processes rasull.Ing fron sudden outbursts of coal and gas --- 150 !Konstantinova, - A. Go, and L. Go Myeina, Rel*tive In 'th it parameters of elastic pulses before sudden outbursts of coal; anti gas 154 Konstantinova, A. G. Investigation of the Parmilleterp of elastic vibrations generated in the rock samples undair a Imiaxial load -- 165 iKonstantinova, A. Go, and E. V, Petrosyjn~s.' m of investigating the effect ok an explosion or~, thei roof of a. mine -- 173 lAntayforov, M. S. Electroseismic effect in ro0a 180 !SUB CODE: SUBMITTEDs 26Nov64' Ile' REF SOVO. 1L13 OTHER: 005 Card I.- La i ~--11 ;:~ jI I.:ib H.1111 9n-66 - __3aLm)/FAT(v;)/NL(d)/f WM_RW_-_1-T60LZ394 SOURCE: CODEt UR/0000/65/000/0-00/02-ii-iii";28-- AUTHORt Kornilov, (Doctor of chemical scienices, professoo;; 60 a S MIEko-MAra. K. Fridman. IV 5~OZ!A= ORGs none t Y TITLE: Heat resistance of AT3 titaniura al10Y aftdrist4_ida rd heal: ,treatment and after machanothermal heat treatment SOURCEs Soveshchaniye po metallokhimiip metallovellaniyu. i !prlmiiine~lyu titans, i.yego splavov, 6 th. Novyye isaledovaniya'titanovykb sptjtvoli (New resear-ah on titaniun alloys); trudy sov ash chan iya.. Hoscowl, I.-A-vo 'Nauka, 1965, 221-228 TOPIC TAGS: titanium, titanium alloy# aluminum containing alloy, chromium containing alloy, heat resistant alloy, alloy heat treatment, mechanothermal treatment, alloy creep resistance, alloy Tupture strength / AT3 allo7 ABSTRACTt The heat resistance of AT3 titanium alloy (.1,.,7% At, 04~6% 'Cro 0.3% ?a, 0.36% Si, 0.01%' B) has be n tested at 350. and 500C, After standard heat -treatment ~.'annealinj!,7at 880C followed by,:air roolittig) the structure of the alloy consisted of the a-phase and traces of the $-phase* The creep rate at 350C changed relatively.1,little with 4 Card 12 UDC: 669,295,00115 L 22991-& ACC NRt AT601239_4 change in stress. The 10,000 hr rupture strength vas 56 kg/mm2 :ife about 90% of the tensile strength. Prolonged serirLce!at 350C affects -neither the structure nor the-pr;7-.drties of the alLoy._,_ For instIncep the elongation dropped from the initial:15% to 13V 4tf teiv: 5454- and 5215 hr tests under a .respective stress of 15 and 37 k .g:~Imm2-.! The high*r-up- ture strengtho structural. stability, high oxidatiola resLat&nce, ind high1ductility make AT3 alloy a promising structuritt material f6r pro- long~d operation-at 350-450C. At 500C. however, the alloy sof t-~ns rapidly. The 500 hr rupture strength was only 22 1; M2 Om Microscopic examination showed that the softening of AT3 alloy,at 5.00C was dae to precipitation of Ti5Si3 compound (the y-phase) front the aolid solution along the active slip planes. Four cycles of mechnnothermal treatment (24 hr at 500C under a stress of-12 kg/mm2 followed by~~24 hr without stress at the same temperature) prolonged the second creep 500C by nearly five timeo and more than doubled tha rupture lifer In alloy subjected to HTT and subsequent creep tests,,the ;Precipitated y-phaae particles were mare uniformly distributed over the grain volumee Origo art. has: 6 figures and 2 tables* SUB CODEt Ito 1 02Dec65/ ORIG REFp 0061~ OTH Rtv: ;002 AID PRESS -Z' SUBH DATEs 2 2 IVANOV, V.S., Inzhener. The new DG 1/15 single bucket exofLvator* Hakh#otrol. 4 no-011-3 Ag 147. JKLU 9S2) 1.Glavetroymekhanizatelya Minstroydormash. (1zoavating machinery) IVANGV, V. S. 20661 Ivanov, V.O"'... Berk-an, I.L. i Merenkov, A.S. Remilltaty ?.,~ntlrcl'nykJh is.-)ytq-ni.,, ekskavatora E-lC03- Mlekhanizatsiya str.,it-va, 1.1.9, Plo. 6, E. 7-10 SO: 1-ETOPIS Z'~;URNAL STATEY-Vol. 28, Moskva, 1949 GURVICH, I.G., IVANOV, V.S. Slectromotric amplifier with 100 ~o feedback. Zav.lub. 21 n0-3: 365-366 '55. (IMU W) 1. Dagestanskiy fillal Akadomii nauk SSSR. (Amplifiers, Blectron-tubs) ::ill T IVANOV, V.S., inzhener. Production of excavators and cranes used in construction during the 40 years of the Soviet regime. Stroi.idorainshiaoatr. 2 ro.10:1.9-22 0 157,. (MIRk 10:11) (Excavating machinery) (Cranps, derricks, etc.) woov, v.s. (Leningrad) Static problem of an elastic circular cylindrio&l shell having an initial bond., Prikl.mat. i mekh. 22 no-5:687-69'0 S-0 158, (MIRA 11: 11) (Blastic plates and shells) L/ 127-5~-1-9/23 AUTUORSi Karbelashvili, O.D., Candidute of Technical Sciences, and Ivanov, V.S. -, ,Unin, Engineer TITLE: Improvement of Drillin- and Bla~,-tinC '.sor'-c in the 'inin- of Thin Veins (Usovershenstvovi4niy~3 I),rkh rabot )t~i razrE~botke tonkikh zhil) PERIODICAL: Gornyy 4hurnal, 1953, Nr 1, PP 35-37 (U33R) AB3TRACT: BetwQen 1954 and 1956, the authors carriG-d out cxporiwunt3 to find the optimulra parameters of drilling and blL,---ting opex%-tions in the millez of tile Kutaisokiy litoponnyl zuvod (Kutaisi Lithopone i~lant). The barite veins inined varied from a few cin to 0.6 :n thick and had a hardness of 4 to 5:1 aceording to Prcfeosor Protodlyakonov's clasi;ificatiou. The drilling uas performed -;.itli RP-17 drilling muchines undar 0 5 atm pressure of compree3ed air. Bla3tink; waz; periormed with ammonite ;t6 in 18, 20, 22 and 27 um. diameter cartrid,;i--a. Results of the experi;-,ients are preziented in two tables, an..7 the conclu.,;ion i3 drawn that exploBive cartridees with a diameter not exceedirij, 22 min should be used to reduce the Card 1/2 conoumption of explosives and. the content of i,,Lpuritieo in 127-5,3-1-9/2j Improvement of Drilling and Blasting iiork in the 14ining of Thin the ore. TI.iG will also increase drilling efficiency and reduce the cunzumntion of lrilli.iL; z;teal and hard alloys. The article contains 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Ins~itut metalla I --ornogo Iola ~"ruz SSR (Institute of U Wkal and 1,iininf-- of the AS Georgian SSR) AVAILABLE: Library of Con6reas Card 2/2 1. Mining engineering4JSSR 2. Explosives-Applications 3. Drilling machines-Applications 4. Drillint madnines-Equipment IVANOV, T.S.. iazh. Dmorelopment~ of the production of excavators and automotive crones. Stroi. i dor. mehinostr. 3 no. 6:11-14.Jo 158. (HIRA 11-7) (Excavaiing machinery) (Crones, derricks. etc.) R&R=ov, FA., inzh.; rFANOV, V.S., Inmh. Safety of mdargrourd blasting operations. Bezop.truda v prom. 3 no.12:11-13 D 1599 (KIEW 13:4) (13laoting-Safety measures) 1, 1 1., Ii I Ell f qllel IVANMP V4w-q Testing small, high-capacity cyclone launders, Prom. vent. no.9:63-68 ~60. (MIRA 16:11) I I I It! '' Fri JU-1 :,III II I r II, ANTSU.MOVl Mikhail *3rgeyevich; XONSTARTINOVA, Aleki3andra Georgiyevna; PMIRVEMW, L)onid Borisovich. Prinimal uchastiyejYA 0 SKOCHINSKIY. A.A., ekademik,; GRIGORIYEV, Ye.11.. red. izd-va: SDIKIIIA. G.S.,, (Seismoacoustic investigations in coal mines] Seismoakusticheakie issledoveniia m ugollnykh shakhtakh. HoBkva, Izd-vo Akad.nauk =R, 196o. 10,3 P. (MIRA 13:11) (Coal mines and mining--Accidents) (Seiamometry) VOLKOV, D.P.; CIUNGLI, 1J., inzh., k~indokonom.nauk, red.; IVAROV, V.S., inzh., retsenzent; DAMILOV, L.N., red.izd-va-, 1SWIRNOTA, CEarthmoving sachinery) Kaahiay d1io zemlianfth raboL. Rod.I.I. Changli. Koskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ryo 196o. 11i p. 011RA 13:7) (Barthmoving machinery) IVANOV, V.S. Study of the effect of the diameter of an elongated charge on the reault of blasting with low values of tho line, of least resistance. Nauch. soob. IGD 12tlO7-118 '(A. (MIRA 15:9) (Blasting) [WIT; :]!,[-;1!,A Tt;~ju q1! T i 67. ,~2 t. S/147/62/000/00-l./009/015 / 6 /1/ E191/E135 AUTHOR: Ivanov, V.S. TITLEt on the relationship between the total prosigure recovery coefficient a and the velocity coefficient y in the supersonic portion of a Laval nozzle with full or partial expansion of the gas in the nozzle PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Aviatsionnaya tekhnikal no.1, 1962, 75-81 TEXT: The rate of flow of a gas through a sapersonic nozzle depends on the area of the critical cross-section and the gas properties there. The supersonic portion affects only the pressure and velocity at the nozzle exit. In the flow of gas through the supersonic nozzle with over-expansion, uniform static pressure (for example, the pressure of the medium into which the flow emerges) is established at different cross-sections along the length of the supersonic portion. Both with full and partial expansion of gas in a supersonic nozzle, the condition that the CardC1/ 3 On the relationship between the ... S/147/62/000/001/009/015- E191/EI35 rate of flow does not depend on the magnitude of the losses in the divergent part permits establishing a relationship between the pressures at the nozzle exit in both the absence and the presence of losses in the supersonic portion and, more generally, the relation between the pressure recovery coefficient and the velocity coefficient. In the analysis it is assume([ that the jet. restriction coefficient both at the nozzle exit and in the critical cross-section is unity, whether or not there are losses an the supersonic portion. A simple derivation yields the dasired relationship. This is plotted in several farailies of curves for three values of the adiabatic exponent, with either the exit Mach number or the area ratio (exit area to critical area) as parameters. The ratio of exit pressures in a Loyal nozzle in the presence atid absence of losses in the supersonic portion for either full or partial expansion of the gas is derived. The same relationships for a Laval nozzle are also derived in a different way by using the momentum equation. There are 7 figures. Card 2/3 On the relationship between the ... S/147/62/000/001/009/015 E191/E135 ASSOCIATION: Kafedra georeticheskoy mekhaniki i gidr(jaero- mekhaniki, Kazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Department of Theoretical ~Jechanics and Hydroaeromectianics, Kazan' State University) SUBMITTED: Mlay 11, 1961 Card 3/3 LINDORF, L.S.; FUFURD, P.N.; ULITSKIY~ M.S.; USTINOV, P.I.; ZEYLIDZOI,', Ye.D.; MIFIN, G.F.; KOTS, A.Ya.; KHAVIU, N.Z.; MUIUVLEVA, N.V.; LI10W.W4, A.Ya.; BARANOV, B.V,.,-ZVMIIrOIIODSKIY, I.S.;.jWqVx-Y,&4 IOFFE, F.Ye.; BURLAKOV, B.M.; MIREENBOG, L.A.; FAYERMAN, A.L., rod.; BORUNOV, N.I.# tekhn. red. [Study manual on the technical operation of electric no-tworks and power plants; electrical section of electric power Plante and electric power distribution networks]Fosobio.dlia izuebo- niia, pravil tekhnicheskoi ekspluatatsli elektricheskikh stantsii I setei; elektricheakaia chaut' elektrostantsii i elektricheslcie fieti. Moskvaj Gosenergoizdat, 1962. 558 p. (mrRA 15:8) (Electric power plants-Handbooks, manualej etc.) (Electric power distribution-Handbooksp manuals, etc.) BARON, L.I., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; IVANOV, V.S., gornyy inzhener Laboratory studies of the breaking of a medim in dotonating charges having different diameters. Vzryv. delo no,.50/7-63-70 162. (MIRA 15:9) 1. Institut gornogo dela imeni A.A. Skochinskogo. (Blastip-g-Models) d! ,,ACCESSION NR: kOURCE: Ref. AR4042228 S/0124/64/000/006/BO54tBO54 zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 6B330 ~AUTHOR: Ivanov, V. S. TITLE: Calculation of coefficient of contraction of stream, flowing from an infinite frustum of a cone ICITED SOURCE- Sb. Itog Nauchn. konferentsiya Kazansk. un-ta za 1962 g. Sekts. matem. n. Kazan', Kazansk, un-t, 1963, 185-188 TOPIC TAGS: cone, infinite frustum, stream outflow, Poisson equation TRANSLATION: Considers axisymmetric jet problem of outflow -of a stream of ideal fluid from an infinite frustum of a cone. Author applies the Garabedian method (P. R. Garabedian, Pacif. J. Math., 1956, 6, No 4, 611 - 634 - Journal of Abstracts, Mechanics, 1962, 2B389). Solution of equation for stream functionly, generalized Card 1/2 --- -------- ACCESSION NR: AR4042228 .,"for a space of f+2 measurements on the condition of constancy of pressure on the free surface F is sought in the form out (X, Y) + - - 6) - Y` lug (X, V) + cul (X, Y) + a Autho., arrivee at a recurrent system of Poisson's equation for Uj, where j Oj 1, 2.... When the generatrix of the cone foms with the axis of aymetry an angle equal to ir/4, there is obtained in the first approximation (&t it- 1).for the compressibility factor of the stream the value of cc 0-68956" SUB CODE: MA ENCL: 00 Cord 1 2/2 H;4,j i~~!h ............ I. iIl.T w 4 ACCESSION NR: Ap4oo9649 S/0147/63/000/004/0103/0111 AUTHOR: Ivanov, V. S. TITLE: Conter line configuration of an axisymmetrlc jet fanning omt I n a vias h flow SOURCE: IVUZ. Avlatslonhaya tekhnika, no. 4, 1963, 103-111 TOP I C TAGS: free jet f I ow, turbu I ent jet f I ow,., submerged I et f law, axisymmetric jet flow, jet flow center line, jet center line contour, wash flow, hydrodynamics ABSTRACT: The author considers a free, turbulent, fanning-out jet of Incompres-- sible liquid, submerged in a wash flow of incompressible liquid of different dcn- il sity. He employs the principle of conservation of jet momentum In the di-rection 1 of a tangent to its center line. Effect of reverse overflow in stagnant zones Is ignored. Curvature of flow lines at cross-sections normal to the center line is I assumed as coincident to the curvature of thq Jet's center line. Practical appli- cation of evolved formulas will require experimental verification of the coeffl.. cient of normal force, an experimentally determinable constant with magnitude on the order of unity. It Is also shown that the effect of surface curvature of a free fanning-out jet of ideal liquid In the meridional plane can be Ignored In ap- prox atp. calculations for a narrow jet. Orig. art. has; 3 graphs, 18 forowlas. ,-Card ACCESSION NR: AP4009649 ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 24Apr63 SUS'CODE: Al, PR DATE ACQ: 12F.eb64' no REF SOV: 002 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 rd 2/2 Em m GAYKG,. E.I., gornyy inzh.; IVANOV, V.S., gamyy inzh. Studying by the method of seismic ~acOustics tkie effect of the protective mininp, of overlying and underIlying coal seams. Ugolt 39 no.6:62-65 10-64 OURA, 1717) 1. Trest Ordzhonikidzeugoll. t 00578-66 ACCEMON NR.- AM019363 UR/0124/05/0'60/00.7'/13059/1306 SOURCE- Ref. zh. Meklumika, Abs. 713424 AUTHOR: Ivanov, V. S. TITLE: Calculation of drag coefficient for a streamlined 1~jr a btu-blIg Jlo~v qi*r fl2e Kirchhoff model CITED SOURCE: Bb. Itog. Nauchn. twnferentslya Vazansk. qt- za 963 g, Sektdl. matem. , Idbernet. i teorlya veroyatn. , mekhan. Aiiinl, 1_96R.' 109-11 zero:gravily fluidl TOPIC TAGS.- cone drag coefficient, Ideal incompressible fixtUl axisymmetric problem/Kirchhoff flow model, Garabedlyan mebW p TRANSLATION- The Garabedlyan- method is used to solve an WrWymmeiric probbia coh cerning a jet flow of an ideal incompressible fluid with zero gripAty siviotind a con6. Thq'i strewn function ?,satisfies the equation 0 + where% 0 along the aolid'wall, 0/y&) (d*dn)=l along Ow fvctii sur6twtD. Parameter IE 6.,d i/2 411il 11t AOCESSION NR: AR5019363 equals zero for a plane flow, while for an axisymmetric flow it eLluals, ~L, Dra co~ificient C (E) Is approximated by a square trinomial of F- . Values C J-1), C and C, (01 are uhd in defining coefficients of the square trinomial. It Is estAbbithed6itt C (-1)izJ. Magnitude C' (0) Is determined from the solution to the plane prolAem. Rs dkinitio' representse iN basic difficulty in solving the problem. Followlq- the am,abodlyan ap.-~ proach, the author engages in lengthy calculations to find (~(G) for the nese in which the! cone's generatrix forms a 7r/4 angle wWh the axis of synr-ndlry. M. 1. Gurevich .SUB CODE: ME ENCL., 00 Card