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18.3200 AUTHOR: TITLE: PERIODICAL: ABSTRACT: ASSOCIATION: Card 1/1 '178035 SOV/130-60--z-4/23 Ivanov, I. A. (gas fitter of blast-furnace shops) Work of Blast-Furnace Air Preheaters Metallurg, 1960, Nr 3, P 5 (USSR) A decrease of coke consumption can be achieved by increasing the temperature of the blast. Therefore, blast-'.fLurnace operators tend to work on a hot air-blast (950-1,0000 0 which requires the gas fitter's special attention. The operation of the air-preheater can be judged by the temperature of the bell and smoke, which should uniformly increase. The temperature of the air 0 increased by 10-20 C per day with subseqUent holding for I or 2 days. When temperature reaches 9500, long time holding is recommended to accumulate a sufficient amount of heat. Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine (MM.K.) ~~Pswil Ilia I [if lid'M I,. I~~ ~,,Fyqj S. IVANOV, I.A. Conveying lines for making rippled slate wittiout i191%r motal paddings. Stroi.rat. ~ no.12:17-18 D '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Direk-tor BelgorodakKo aeboshifernogo kombinata. (A,b,,t,, ,.,,,t5o (R.Of..., Slate) A!~ USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Moto.- Fuels. Lubricants, 1-13 Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62624 Author: Semenido, Ye. G., Ivanov, I. A., Kaverina, N. I. Institution: None Title: Fractional Composition of Motor Oils Original Periodical: Neft. kh-vo 1955YNO 1 71-76 Abstract: Determined were the optimal fractional composition of oils, for carburetor and diesel automobile engines and aircraft carburetor engines,, that ensure a practically complete absence of evaporation of the oil during operation. Oil that distills over up to 3400 in an amount not exceeding 5% underwent no change during operation of GAZ-51, and the boiling range of subsequent fractions bad no effect on evaporation of the oil in the engine. For V-2 and YaAZ-204 diesels can be used oils containing lower boiling fractions, namely not more Card 1/2 ITI -V1 USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their Application. Treatment of Natural Gases and Petroleum. Motor Fuels. Lubricants 1-13 Abst Journal: Refera;t Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62624 Abstract: than 5% of the oil should distill over at 3200. If the oils contain large amounts of fractions distilling over below 3200 they evaporate slowly during operation of the engine under normal temperature con- ditions., and relatively rapidly during operation at more elevated temperature, after which a stable fractional composition of the oil is attained. Extent of wear of the engine has no effect upon its requirements as to the fractional composition of the oil. Optimal temperature of distilling over of the 5% first fraction of aviation oil is 3500. Card 2/2 ITANOV I.A.p alektromakhanik. Automatic protection of electric incubator motors from burning out. Ptitsevoaatvo 8 no.2t25 P 158, (MLU 11a) 1, Hybinokaya Inkmbatorno~ptitsevodcheskaya stantsiya, Taroolavokoy, oblasti, (Incubators) (Electric motors) Ad-iF 1, :i q. IVAN I.A. (g.Roskvg) Ravlaws and blbllography (ghoblend of hydrodymmice arA aerod3ma- mice in physics courses "by P.A* Hy*evich. Re-viewea by I.Ablvanov)* Fis. v shkole 20 no-3:io6-ioq w-je l6o. (MM 13:11) (ftreics-Study and teaching) KOVADLO, M.L.; LV#ITV~JtA.; UKMIOV, P.I.; PCIUMIN, Yii.V., red.; OHOSMO, N.G., tekhn.rod. (Atomic icebreaker "Lenin."I Atomwi ledokol %enin." Leningrad, Leniodat, 1960. 170 P. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Botradniki redaktsil zavodskoy mogotirazhnoy gazety *Za kommuuizml (for Kovadlo. Ivanov, Ukhanov). (Lenin (Atomic ship)) D.-Mul, : -:;... I Ill, f IT 1 1, KO,-,TNEV, Andrey Vasillyevich; RUBLEV, Yuriy Vladimirovich; RUSENKO, Allfred Nikobqevich; IVANOV, I.A __red.; MIGORCMIK, L.A., tokhns red, [Practical work in physical Fraktikam po fizike. Moskv,4j, Gos. izd-vo("Vyssbaia ahkola," 1961. 426 P. MM 15:2) TlWsics-Laboratory manuals) IT I MA.kAZYUK, Vasiliy Grigorlyevich; TARUSOV,. B.N.J. prof., red.; jVANOV LA.$ red.; GO,%OKHGVA, s.s.~ tekhn. red. (Practical work in general biopbysics in eight parts] praktikum po, obshchei biofizike v vosImi vypuskalch. Pod obshchei red. B.N.Tarusova. Moskvaj Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shIcola." 110-5. (Dosimetry of ionizing radiations] Dozimetriia ioniziruiushchikh izluchenii. 1961. 243 p. (KIRA 15:2) (Radiation-Dosage) (Radiograpby) TEREGUIDV) Mukhamed XhUBainovich[deceased]; IVANOV, LA.,, red.; GOROKHOVA) S.S.., tekhn. red. (Problems and questions in pbysics; a manual for applicants to schools of higher education3Sbornik zadach i voprosov po fizike; posobie dlia postupaiushchikh v vysshie uchebriye za- vedeniia. Moskva., Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola)" 1962. 289 p. (Pbysice-Problems, exercises, etc.) OURA 15:12) BESSONOV, Lev Alekseyevich; IVANOV I.A. J-red.; MIRRASHOVA., V.A., tekhn. red, (Theoretical principles of electrical engineer"ing; in three parts] Teoreticheskie ostorvy elektrotekhniki; v trekh chastiakh. Izd.3. Moskva.. Gos.izd-vo "Vysshaim shkola 1961* 791 p. (HTRA 1501 (Electric engibeering) T Hill! 11111 i~"' II FT. BITIKO, Nikolay Dmitriyovich; PALEOLOG, G.D., retsenzent; TOLSTIKOV, N.A~, retsenzent; IVANOV I A red.; VORONIHA, R.K., tekhn. red. [Physics for secondary special correspondence schools) Fizika dlia zaochrqkh srednikh opetsialltqkh uchebrykh zavedenii. Mos],va, Gos. izd-vo "Vysshaia shkola," Pt.1-2. (Mechanics. Molecular physics and heat) Mekbaittka. Malekuliarnala fizika i teplota. 1961. 323 p. (MIU 150) (Physics) 1 , - - I ,- ..,. . Iff,fultiplo Suboutaneoufj Cysticercosis in Man", M,-,d. Paraz. i Paraz. Bolez., Vol. 17,, pp 179-80, 1948. H 1T.11,1F.;j1-,, ! 1: ~ !. 41 -11!-i 1: ! ,71 :~j I ; I'll i[113 1111, 1'.I I I:I i I li, 1, !~i - I 1 .1 !: lVii.MV, 1. A. IVAN'011, I. A. - 111jestorative operations in combined injuries to the penis and urethra" (Experimental-clinical investigation). Moscow, 1955. Min Health USSR. Central Inst for tne Advanced '~'raining of Physicitais. (Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medicul Sciences). SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 46, 12 14overiber 1955. Moscow V.,i,; 13CRISOV, S,.A. [docc-aued]; ITANW, !.A. Ircrew.iing the acmiracy -and speed of tdie flotation determination Of 3DIO-le CTYZ;tal dansity, Zav.lab, 28 no.6:7(T/-70q 16P-. FiZiko-telJhnichaskly instlitut imeni A.F. O"411RA 15:5) Iofi~o AN SSSR. (Crystals) 111 H S/131/62/000/010/002/003- tIOI/B186 AUTHOR: Ivanov, I. A. TITLE: Influence of the gaseous phase an the calcination of magnesite (Compositions of combustion products of the fuel) PERTODICAL: Ogneupory, no. 10, 1962, 472 477' TEXT: The effect of the combustion gases on the aintering of magnesite was studied.0 tumpy, amorphous magnesite was an electric furnace 0 to 1200-1500 C in dry N2 ; dry CO2; water vapor, N 2 + 5C~' H2 0; CO 2+50/'-') H2 0; J~// mixture of 8% N r0% N , 8% CO and 70% CO and 22% H 0, or mixture of 1 2 2$, 2 2 29 22% H 0. Shrinkage and Dor*osity w ere determined and the product examined 2 ,microscopically. Results: (1) Dry N or CO showed no difference in 2 '2 ..action. 11aximum, shrinkage occurred at 1300-15000C, maximum density was 0 reached at about 1600 C. Magnesite calcined in CO 2 showed lomer strength. The grain size was 1-211. (2) In wat*er vapor, considerable shrinkage .begins even below 11000C and this increases steadily with increasing Card 1/3 S/1131/62/000/010/002/003 Influence of the gaseous phase ... B101/B186 temperature. Maximun density should be reached a little below 16000C. At 13000C the samples already look like porcelain and at 1500 OC sintering occurs, the grain (3) H2 or CO2 with H20 at the ratio of 1:1 hamper the shrinkage of magnesite, especially at high temperatures. Maximum density is not yet reached even far above 1600 0C. In the presence of N.,, the product becomes less porous than in the presence of CO 2' grain X size -1g. All samples calcined in the presence of 50~~. H,0 showed fine cracking. (4) The three-component mixtures affected shrinkage and porosity in prODortion to their 112 and CO 2 contents. Conclusions: High- grade fuels such as petroleum have a gaseous phase which contains too much water vapor to be favorable for the sintering of magnesite. Oxygen substituted for air brings the composition of the combustion gases nearer to t~e ratio 50~6 H 20 + 5GA'GO 2, which is particularly unfavorable. Hone of the combustion Cases favors the growth of periclase grains. The marked tendency to sintering observed in magnesium oxide hydrate obtained from brine is explained by the introduction of OH ions in the periclase lattice. There are 9 figuress Card 2/3 S/13 62/000/010/002/003 Influence of the gaseous phase ... BlOlYBI86 ASSOCIATION, Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy in8titut im. S. Ordzhonikidze (Siberian Metallurgical Institute Imeni. S. Ordzhonikidze) bard 3/3 q 0 it, S/13 62/000/012/001/004 B1 17YBle6 AUTHOR: Ivanov, I. A. TITLEs' Effect of the gaseous phase on the firingof magnesite (Compositions with acid admixtures) PERIODICALt Ogneupory, no. 12, 1962, 545 - 552 TSXTs Following a study of the effect of gaseous combustion products on the firing of magnesite (Ogneupory, 1962, no. 10) the effect of acid ad- mixtures, particularly fluorine, on magnesite was investigated. Samples from magnesite or dolomite powders (fraction 0 -,0.3 mm) and from synthetic masses (forsterite and spinel types) were compressed under optimum pressure with and without admixturea and burned in.electric furnaces with carba- rund,am heaters, partly in Kryptol furnaces. Ammonium salts, ilmenite, fluorite, and LiF were-used as aoid-admixtures, these being introduced either in the raw mass or in the gas medium. As compared with other acid admixtures, the fluoride ion proved an efficient mineralizer, especially for pure magnesite-and magnesium oxide. Therefore Kg is the beat cation carrier for fluorine. The effect of fluorine sets in near the decarboniza- tion temperature of magnesite and is stronger in the reducing.than in the Card ~/131/62/000/012/001/004 Effect of the gaseous ... B117/B186 oxidizing medium. The mode of introduction (into the mass or gas medium) does not affect the action of F which promotes the sintering and growth of periclase grains. For periclase products, F has the advantage over other acid admixtures that it can be easily removed to any extent. The fluorine- based products, obtained by firing at comparatively low temperatures, proved to be a dense, monomineralic, well crystallized, high-strength material. Since magnesite grains decompose rapidly in the presence of F it may be assumed that both amorphous and crysta-Iline magnesites are suited for practical use. It was -roved by experiments and thermodynamic calcu- lations that a recirculation of the fluoride admixture-is possible if the conditions of the heating zone are carefully chosen to ensure that the temperature of the flue gases shall not exceed 3000C. Since only a very ,p mall part of the fluoride admixture, which forms a solid solution with MgO, proves to be the most efficient agentt. the formation of larger amounts of the same should be further investigated. What dose of the fluoride is adequate for the firing process might be found out by pilot- plant tests with production-size refractories. In such tests, pre-firing density and the diffusibility of fluorine should be considered. Fluorine compounds, obtained as waste products from elec. ,trolytic processing of phosphorus ores (additlon of 1r'gF2) will ensure the necessary supply. There Card 2/3 5/151J62/000/012/001/004 Effect of the gaseous... B117/B186 are 6 figures. 4 ASSOCIATIONt Sibirskiy metallurgicheakiy institut im. S. Ordzhonikidze (Siberian Metallurgical Institute imeni S. Ordzhonikidze) Card 3/3 110MR, MR YEEIIIIETI)NOV, A.L.p prof.; IIIANOV, I.A.,, prof. (Ferml) BrInf h-istorical data on the clinic of the Department of' Surgery of the Perm bledical Institute. Trudy Perm. gos. ined. inst. 431 121-127 163. (MIPS 17:6) BESSONOV, Lev Alekseyevich; IVANOV ._-~,-1A.A (Theoretical principles of electrical engineering in three tmrtsl Teoreticheakie osnovy clektrotekhniki v trekh cha- stiakh. 1zd-4- Moskva, Vysshaia (3hkola, 1964. 749 p. (MIRA 17:10 KORTNEW, Andrey Vasillyevich; HUBLEV, Yuriy Vlad.;~rovich; KUTSEITKO, Alfred Nikolayevich; IVANOV, I.A., red.; GARINA, T.D., tekhn. red. (Laboratory manual on physicsl Praktikum po fizike. Izd.2., dop. Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1963. 515 P. (MIRA 17:2) IN I GRAWVSKrf, Rostislav Ivanovich; IVANOV, I.A.., red. [Physics course for agricultural institutes] Kurs fiziki dlia sel'skokhoziaistvennykh institutov. Mosk7a, Vyashaia shkola, 1963. 525 P. (MIRA 17:6) fl- ~- 1-1 7, 9 6 5 lip Slo8lV611000102110541094 B11O/B1O1 AUTHORSs Ivanov, I. A., Timofeyev, A. I. TITLE: Production of light concretes on the basis of agloporite ash PERIODICAM Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiyaj no. 21, 1961, 314, abstract 21K326 (Izv. vyssh. uchabn. zavedeniy. Str-vo i arkhitekt., no. 6, 1960,' 157-163) TEXTs Agloporite from the ash of the TYA -3 (TETs-3). of the town of Povosibirsk 3 is characterized by A volume weight of 1000 - 1100 kg/m per piece, a volume bulk weight of 6o 'o-700 kg/m3j and a strength of 50-76kg/cm2. 10,10,10-cm samples were-produoed from agloporite concrete by vibration for 1.5 min at a 32 9/cm 2_load on a laboratory vibrator and by steaming out for 12 hr at 90 0C. It was found that agloporite ash has the types 25 to 150 with a volume weight of 900-1500 kg/m3. Hence it can be used r-11-straoter's notei for construction- and heat insulating products, Lao Complete translation-] Card 1/1 IVAVOV, I.A. Grain-size distribution as one of the basic characteristics of the f17 ash of thermoelectric power plants, Izv.vvl-a.ucheb.zav.; stroi. i arkhit. 4 no.6sl46-154 161. OqIRA 15:2) 1. Novosibirskiy inzhenerno-stroitellnyy institut imeni V,V, KuVbysheva. (Fly ash) T 'i , jIFT[j] IVANOV t-.T.-A.-t-Iand..tGkhn.nauk Using cinders from thermoelectric power plants in making agloForite and aerated concrete products. Stroi.mat.? no.2:16-17 F 161. (Lightweight concrete) (MMA 14:3) IVANOV, I.A. I kand.tokhn.nau3r- Agloporite made from ashes of the Novosibirsk Thermal Electric Plant No. 3 and lightweight concretes made from it. Sbor.trud. VNIINSM no.6:56-67 162. NIRA 15312) 1. Hovosibirskiy inzhenerno-.gtroitelinyy institut im. V.V. Kuybysheva. (Ash (Technology)) (Lightweight concrete) IVANOV I A., kand.tekhn.nauk; VVAZHENINA) L.14.1 inzh. DetepAning the grain-size distribution of ashes from electric pow#r plants using a floating device. Si;roi',' mqt. 8 no.12: 33-34 D 162. (KRA 16: 1) (Ash (Technology)) POPOIIP N.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; IVANOV, I.A., kand. tekhn. nauk Efficient menna of the ovorall utIlIzation of anh from electric power plants. Stroi. mat. 9 no.825-8 Ag'63. (M1RA 17:5) A P IEYRIKH, A.A... Inzh. IVANaV,1..A--., kand. tekhn. nauk; BAUMNIN, M.V., kand. tekhn. nauk; KROTOV, A.I., inzh. Producing clay-ash aggregates in Western Siberia. Stroi. mat. 10 no.10:33-34 0 164. (MIR-k 18:2) T 7; ILI- SHVEDOV, T.F.; IVANOV, -1..A... Transport number and mobility of ions in a fused mixture of sodium and cesium nitrates. Elektrokhimiia 1 no.121 1479-1481 D 165. (MIRA 191j) 1. Leningradskiy teklinologicheskiy institut imeni. Lensoveta. Submitted April 3, 1965. T'Ie3!,,!I` ffl~ Ell JE 2?5.72-6b ACC NR., AP6012980 -OURCE, CODE: U~ 00`9~1 '110001002/1'a '64 L2),C,016i AUTHOF: Diamant,-M. I. (Engineer); Ksenofontov, N I (-En Iiieer.4 Fedynin,off. 1, (Engineer I A. (Candidate of technical sciences ORG: none TITLE: Production of wall panels from aerated -ash concrete~,~,based;,qti alaS portlarid cement SOURCE: Beton i zhelezobeton, no. 2 1965, 12-16 TOPIC TAGS: concrete, slag, cement, general construction ABSTRACT: The technology Of 35 cm thick single-layer paneldi":6f n'66~aiitoclavecl aerated ash concrete based on slag portland cement was devel9ped by~the Novo-~ I kuznetsk Branch of the Ural Scientific Research Institute of;'Reinforced Concr4Ite and introduced at the Kuznetsk Prefabricated Frome and Panellfousine; Factory, Slag portland was used for this purpose, since It Is inexpenqive and produced. from acid blaut-furnace slags of the Kuznetsk Metallurgical Combir4z! by a number of plants in West, Siberia. As for the ash, It Is provided bl'i. tbe7i 1djacent ele,c- tric power stations. Owing to a number of technological facturs- !a, sound granu-':, lometric composition of the system; binder plus ash, addl.,;i on of line optiW to binder, and replacement of steaming of panels by their coritact heatin,g on production stands, the moisture content and shrinkage of this.. concrete were markedly reduced. Wall panels fabricated from this concrete d,isplay, high techni- i cal and-economic indexes) in view of' the low-cost of a9b -slid- Oant4furtace slag COM 1/2 ADd: 666 701511,11r,." ~M, "MUMI 11 1 1 t .11r;i1: III,!! ~ V,,,',.*jf*;G1,,' I T . u ric; I -Qj-.kC,,T L' T! VazInnel-Ine vo-cr,,),-qy ., I ' z7cllportant questions Oc uozitwer rievelo-mrnt oF rail tracks . (Zliel-clor. -,T D. 7, -- 51-517 DLC: T1.E7.Z5 SO: SMUM-1 T7L',T3~0RTAT7 Ii."S I' BIBLICIGH.P.PHY, Library o--:' Corgre:-,- e leference Deuartn, nt, Washington, 1952, Unclassi-f-iell. (Ca-rd 1 of P-) -1014AGIN, N. A. anvj IMOV. 1. Enargetika trans-norta v novol stalinskoi Diatiletke. f-q'ran-sr,,)rt-qtI.,)n power in the ne-d Stalin f.ive-year plan_7. (Zhol-dor, transport, 1946,.no. 10, p. 19-27). DLC: HE7.Z5 SO: SOVIET IRANSPORTATION AND CORTMICATTTIS, A BTBLTOGRA.Pl4Y. Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. IiIr ;T IVANOV, 1. A. A.0 Rallroaas Cowwnications Research and Technical Conferehc6 of the All Research and Investi&tion Institute of Railway- Trans~- ,-Portation," I. A. Ivanov, Candidate in Technical soi-,: ences, 3 pp "Tekh Zheleznykh Dorog" No 4 Ahiia article states thit at the conference'vhloh~'was 'hold in Mar 1947 various off ioials rep'ort6& on the state of the Soviet Railvay System and also.gav opinions concerning deficienoies and Priorities ior 2f�i42 IVANOV, I. PUti ratsionallnogo ispollzovaniia elektroanergii v zheleznodorozhncM-~1hoziaistve. Z Ways for effiecient use of electric power in the railroad economy J. (Zheldor. transporta, 1948, no. 1, p. 63-72). DLC: HE725 SO: SOVIET TRANSPORTATION AND COMNICATIONS, A Bibliography, Library of Congressp IL eference Department, Washing-ton, 1952p Unclassified. SS I-V i2,nrine eri n.'.,- I'r:-cks, iu-ilroa(, Tricking - Design 9! 9 me Pi-eminence of Soviet Science in the Keld of fLils, rof P. G. Fogi ycliuk, Dr. Toch Sci; 1. it. ~wtnuv, Cnrktdate Tecii "4-1, 1',- pp 11-11e~ii he~ez D:)ro-11 -~ ~ 1~ -2. 1 U, No 2 Briefly co~:i,,-,ares rail relief of various countries, partlicularly wil,h thc IRSA, r~,howimr how tile U"SH has surpassed everybody in this fi7Ad. States that. Soviet ~Aciiievemt3ntn in field of rail Iesipn should be made known to all young bchrlic~,ans c'.-Incerned witli maintenance of USSR's Predominance in thin fiell. PA o'lT42 I t r1P',-,,r%V, T. Our atlemct to increase the utilizati~-n of locomotlv,~- horserm;,~r. Yo~-.kva, Fravla, 195~1- 1. Railroads Russia. 2. Loco-mctives. --------------- 1. Pi i . 2. USSR (600) 4. Railroad En.aineering 7. For closer contact with industry, Za ekon. mat. ',Io. 2, 1953- 1 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Cfay 1953. Unclassified. !11 lit ii + 1:!1, I Y" I I. --I ' ' ' UAWY, I.I.; KALININ, V.K.. inzhener, redaktor; IVAHOV, L.A., direktor; VORONIR. A.Y., rakovoditell otdaleniya el, V 1ftTW44-,1:-TUDSON, D.M., .takhnicheskiy redaktor. Technique for the mechanical deal4p of contact systems. Trudy TSKII HM no.91:3-82 154. (MLRA 7:11) 1. Voesoyusnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy inatitut shelessnodoroshno- go transporta MPS (for Ivanov) (Electric railroads) LEPSKIT, Abram Vladimirovich, Imndidat tWaiicheskikh nauk; GUIXV, Ta.F., radaktor; ~YANOV, I.A.; LEMIBAS, A.T.; KHITROV, P.A., teldinichaski7 redaktor. [Organization and mechanization Of loading lumber on railroad care.] Organizataiia i melchanizataiia.pogruzki lesomaterialov v vagony.Kodkva, Gos.transportnoe zhel-dor.iz&-vc, 1955, 103 P. (Moscow Vaesoiuzn7i. nauchno-issledovatellskii institaxt zhelazno-dorozhaogo transporta. Trud7, uo.104). OILRA 9:7) l.Direktor Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledavatel'sko'go instituta. zhelezno- dorozhnogo transporta (for Ivanov)*2.Rukov9ditel' otdalaniya promyuhlen- mogo transporta (for Daribas). (lumbar--Transportation) (Loading and unloading) lm~ I; 1 11 1 P~ - W,,,: ~~ ~.11! 11 ! iI I- I:.I a..I ! :: IVANOV, I.A.; Th-UUNOV, P.P.; SHCH&mv, li.p. -UMIOW~~-I~-- Foreword. Trudy TSHII MPS no.111:3-4 155. CKLU 9:5) 1 Direktor institute, (for Ivanov); 2. Rukovoditall otdoleniya putevogo khozyaystva (for TSukanov); 3. Rudovoditell otdolenlya iepytaniya materialov i konstruktoiii (for Shchapov). (Railroada--Raile) IVANOV. I.A. Development of scientific research In the railway system during the Soviet period.Vest. TSNII MPS 16 no.7:3-10 0 157. (MLHA 10tll) 1. Direktor Tsesoyuznogo nauchno-isaledovatellskogo institute. zheleana- dorozhnogo transporta. (Railroad research) 1-3r, q ;!I Jill! 1 if !I I r IVANOV, I.A., kand.takhn.nauk Camprehensive utilization of ash from heat and electric power plants in the production of agloporites and air-entrained concrete. Trudy Zap.-Sib.fil,ASIA no.3:3-20 160. (MIILA 15:2) (Ash (Technology)) (Air-entrained concrete) V-41 j PHASE I BOOK EXPLOrTATION SOV14511" Moscow. Vsenoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy inotitut zheleznodora7Jinoco Voprosy gazoturbovozostroyeniya i transportnoy teploenergetiki; abornik statcy (Problems in Gas-Turbine Locomotive Building and Heat-1pover Engineering in Transportation; Collection of Articles) Moscow., Trans zbe Idori zdat 1 1960. 21 (Its: Trudy, rjp. 187) 1,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellody institut zb21ezznodoro:,,'hrv:~r-,o transporta. Eds. (Title page): Ye. T. Barto8h., Candidate of Technical Sciences, and A.V. Kas~janov., Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. (Inside book): I.K. Petushkova; Tech. Ed.: P.A. Khitrov. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineering and technical personnel. COVERAGE: The book consists of 13 articles on the results of tht--oretical investiga- tion of gas b4rbine units with two-stage fuel combustion, and on t1leoretical end laboratory iTrvestigations of air tank units and their components. S Ncial feetLIM- 1; Card 1/4 Problems in Gas-Turbine Locomotive Building (Cont.) of variable regimes of locomotXve gas turbine engines and probIt~ii-.. economy in locomotive and stationary units are discussed. No mentioned. References accompany some of the artleles. TABLE Or, CONTENTS; Director of the Iratitute,and L.A. rx..,Mxty Head of:the Department of Power I~ngineering. Foreworl M,eylikhov., M. Ye., Engineer. Analysis of Locc)ir&-)tIve Gas Tiu-bine Units With Two-Stage INiel Combustion Shevchenko., ~.A., Engineer. Characteristics of a Locomotivi-_ Single Shaft Gas Turbine Unit Under Partial. Loads Maylikhov, M. Ye., Engineer. Investigation of Basic Magrams of Gas Turbine Locomotive Air Regenerator Tanks 43 S, .pizyumova, Ye. M., Candidate of Technical Sclen.:eu. Regul-illon - 4' -mb 4_,,-rot .No-Stage Co ustion Turbine Unit of a Gar, Ttv4hine 1--%c Card 2/ 4 Problems in GaG-Turbine Locomotive Building (Cont.) SOV/Vi~.(:_ Bartosh, Ye. T., Candidate of Technical Sciencee. Flolr DUtribri;Jor in Clusters of Pipes Yevtushenko ., A.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Cutting Pr1r. of Self-Sealing., Equal-Section Gasket Rings Kaslyanov A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences# Yu. Ye. Radin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and Ye. F. Khil 1kovs1mya, Engir-L'o z-. Aerodynamic Investigation of Gas Turbine Locowtive Air Tank Elew;-_-r- Kulagin, L.V., Enqineer. DetermIning Tolerances for the Dink-!nsJ.C-:I- of Centrifugal Fuel Swirlers Chernomordik, B.M., Engineer, Candidate of Technical Sciences, rjj-A K.F. Dobrikov, Engineer. Influence of Generator Gas Composition Or the Combustion Process in a Piston Chamber Pavlov, S.F., Candidate of Technical Sciences. Experiwntal Invfn31:1r:~- tion of H6at- Exchange in Boiling on the Heating Surface of Clusterij of Card 3/ 4 Problems in Gas-Turbine Locomotive Building (Cont.) 8()V/,":,L,. Postarnak, S,F., Engineer. Investigation and Sel.ection of' Typei-, o'." Stean Turbines for Small Electric Power Stations S kh alova., A.I.., Engineer. Aerodynamics of the Combustion Chomb,-~!- of a Jet-Layered Fire Box With Pnevmatlc ftel StoRing Ytidayeva, Ye, M.y Engineer. Test Stand Res-!ftto n~ a Diy;~~-d Fir'-! 1-i the Air Tank of a Gas Turbine Locomotive AVAMABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 IVANOV, I.A.; DPIIBAS, A.T. Expansion of cooperation between main and industrial railroads. Trudy TSNII MPS no. 196:4-25 160, (MIBA 14:5) 1. Direktor Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo inatituta zheleznodorozhnogo transports, (for Ivanov). 2. Rukovoditell otdeleniya gruzovoy raboty Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovateltakogo instituta. zheleznodorozhnogo transporta (for Deribas). (Railroado-Freight) 1,:: !V., fill ~11 ~11 ~111'11 1; A J~~Cc N" AP6033616 SOURCE CODE- UP/0136/66/m/olo/00TO/0073 Auvim Ivanov, I. A.; Shpolyanskiyj L. Ya. ORG:~ none TITLE: New plate and sheet rolling plant SOURCE: Tsvetnyye metally, no. 10, 1966, 70-73 4..;4-4 4�1 TOPIC TAGS: aluminum alloy., sheee, lv~~~plate, allmpeSHM0 rolling, Rmbmtr_,, rolling, rolling mill ABSTRACT: Plans were made in 1964 for a new plant [located unidentified) which will roll alluminum-alLoy sheets and plates. The plant will be equipped with a high- rigidity four-high mill with working rolls 800 mm in diameter and backup rolls 1500.1 in diameter. The rdl lengths will be 1600 mm. This mill will roll conditioned (by milling) slabs 270-300 mm thick into plates 7-9 mm thick. The cold rolling willbe done in two continuous four-high mills with working rolls 600 mm in diameter and backup rolls 1500 mm in diameter. The roll length will be 1800 m. Cold-rolled .strip Vill have a final thickness of 0.6-J4 mm. Orig. art. has: 2 figures. SUB CODE: 13~ '/ SUBM DATE: none/ .23/24 SHYED079 Trenspozt nunl-,rs of aodlum and -pctas5ium crations 'In molten sodiun and potassium hydroxides. Zhur. fiz. khim. 30 no.31"(56-?57 Mr 165. (MIRA 1817) 1. Lenlngradskiy takhnolcgich,3skly institat Iment Lonsoveta. 1j; I "I.fill,1: r-IANOV, I.B. Pa~-dc data on rara earth element3. Geol. mest. red. elem. no.3t (VIIRA 14:7) (Rare earth me-il-als) IVANg.-LR~-- Rare earth mineralo. Geole mesto red. clem. no.300-44 159. (MEU 14:7) (Rare earth metals) . 1, 1; 1 ~ ; ;~: I i 111"11 , P ~ V1, ZHIROVY K.K.; SHWTAKOV, G.I.; IVAITOV, I.B. Interpretation of age figures obtained by the lead mathod. Geokbimiia no.1:49-55 161. (MM 14--3) 1. Institute of Geocbemistry Siberian department of the Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. -opes) (Tead-Isot (Geological time) ----------T SHESTAKOV, G.I.; I.B. Graphic method of studying age discrepancies by the lead-uranium ratios. Gookhimiia no. 3:239-242 t6l, (DgRk 14:4) 1, Institute of Geochemistry of the Siberian Branch, Academy of Sciences, U.S.S.R. (Geological time) (Lead) (11ranium) j::~ !; ~ I , 111-7- -7-1- 1 - I . Z/.~;37 16 21/3C,0/0 3107/3101 ,7- - G. to -.'lae ous 'I YL no. I of C~ .-)rev; 7- ~. I- ~ 'Th) 0- 6 4 mU7 a 0u o f and U~ 11 in tile case U- ~U U1. f r om 4,,e ecuation: effect maust be calculab'al ex 3 wnzmce an a". T) ex-p ~,A )-, ,)07 ', 1 a I o s ~,: ~or lead -D Ij,c cq~.- be derived. t factcjrs I-U I t'is becomes a__ and ---e d-* a~;rams zne c o n c u s o n s oned -,aver L be used on-, -- to co.,?,j--re two minerals, one c -.1 - G" uoznium (tl-.or4um')- --uz 7.cL;o , "L ecad and. th~; 0 t1aov v.-i '.!-.Out. loss of Cavd AFANASIYEV, G.D.; IVANOV, I.B.; SHAITIN, L.L. Potassium-argon dating of recent granitic magma. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser.geol. 29 no.6:3-9 Je 164. (MIRA 18:2) 1. Institut geologii rudnykh mestorozhdeniy, petrograftil mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. Twisor, mi.; wmi~TRIOV, R.M.; POLYAKOVA, O.F.; 111,V107, 1.B.; YESMOV), A.D. Upper Mesozoic hydrothermal cycles in eastern TransIbaikalia In light potassium-argon and lead-isotope dating. Izv. 91 &SSR Ser. geol. 29 no.70-11 Jl t64 OMIRA 18:1) 1. Institut geologli rudnykh mestarozhdeniy, petrografil, mine- ralogii i geokhimli Ali $SRp Moskva. o r 0 nc :,7~ VAYIII Geography & Geology Bulgarl-k2 zkaderaia na naulite. Geolcgi cbe,ski imiti I t t. -OfiJ 2. Vol. 6, 1958. Concern!nF the s2gring o].' loesF deposits. P. '-'cnthl,, List of Evst Europe2n Accessions MEL' ), IC, "1c1. 8, W 2, Febru2iy U,59, llln2l2ss. I'W-:Wj i. Iraphy & Fulr7arsl.-2 2kQJp:7iIa na navki~e. ',';eoloricheski lnstit,.t. TZV',,'O' I'll A. I . Oofiia. vol. 6, i95F. Concerninp the bruied soils in the laess deposits. !). 27" "onthlv List of Ezzt Zurope2n Accessions (EEAI), T,C, Vol. t, No2 2, 19C~9, !:ncla.5~,. NNI T 17 , T iGe 0 gr a PTY~aa o 9 y llt.lrarska al-ademlia na n2vPite. Ceoloricheski insti L't. 1 Z 11 T I I A . Sofila. Voll. 6, 1911T. nomo.~rQms for d,~tcrrrdnlngr the sap-g--ini- In the loess. 2FI. ,-onthl.v List of East European Accessions (EEAI), D7, Vol. E*, No2 2, February 1959, tn,~12ss. 3(4) SOV/154-59-5-16/17 AUTHORS: Lyubomir Dimov, Professor, Ivanov, Ivan, B., Engineer TITLE: Remarks on the Article by A. 1. Bolotin, Docent, Candidate of Technical Sciences, "On the Use of t Integral Method of Least Squares for the Deternination of the Plane Closest to a Give" Part of a Surface" '