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82538 The Eleotric Proporties of Single Crystals S/181/60/002/007/013/042 of Bismuth and Its Alloys. 1. Galvanomagnatic Boo6/BO70 Properties of Pure Bismuth shows R(H) and ill- (H) for the crystals of this type, the curves a and showing the couTres for 9 = 900 and 9 = 00. The situation for the crystals of the third type..,.is shown in Figs. 5 and 6. For 9 = 01, the trigonal axis parallel to H. is perpendicular at Q = 900; in the former case R(g) and-dg (0) have a minimum and in the latter a maximum. Fig. 6 shows Y R(H) and (H) for 9 = 900 and 9 = 00. Finally, the measLrement of in the longitudinal H field is briefly mentioned. Fig. 7 shows H) N for all three types of orientations. It was found that holds with f aA--'4'7-10-looe-2 ~ (xB,='21.10-1ooe-2, and aCce29.10-100e The following values of resistivity were found at 20OC; YA =, and ?B = ?C =, There are 7 figures and PO refarennes: 8 Soviet. 5 US, 3 British, and 2 German. Card 3/4 q. I j! IM IflN 1, Mli tT 8253 9 S/181/60/002/007/014/042 B006/BO70 AUTHORS: .Gitsu, D. V., Ivanov_,__G.___&,_ q1s of Bi6muth and TITLE: The Electric Properties of Single glyst Its Alloys. II. The Galvanomaanetic Proverties of AlloYS of Bismuth With Tellurium (Solid Solutions) PERIODICAL. Fizika tverdogo tela, 1960, Vol. 2, 110. 7, PP- 1464-1476 TEXT: Following the previous work (I), the authors g:L,re results of measurement of the Hall coefficient R and the magnetic resistance 4? in magnetic fields between 1300 and 18,000 oe for single crystals of bismuth~tellurium lloys, as well as results of measurements of A fl? in longitudinal magnetic field. The cylindrical single crystals investigated were again placed in three different orientations of the crystallographic axes relative to the axis of the sample: A) The trigonal axis parallel to the axin of the namplo. B) one of the unary axes parallel to the axis of the sample. C) The trigonal and one of the binary axes perpendicular to the axis of the sample. (These three cases Card 1/4 82539 The Electric Properties of Single Crystals of S/18 60/002/007/014/042 Bi,.,muth and Its Alloys. II. The Galvano- Boo6y,,070 magnetic Properties of Alloys of Bismuth With Tellurium (Solid Solutions) are designated by A,6 B ). The samples had tellurium impurities of 0.02 to 0-5 at%. Fig. 1 shows rotation diagrams of A-type crystals: R(Q) and (9) between 0 and 600. A clear dependence on the concentration of tellurium is seen; the higher the impurity concentration, the lower is the angular dependence. For 0-5 - 0.3 at% of tellurium, R and ~f If are practically independent of 9; for 0.02 at% there is a distinct maximum at 300. Fig. 2 shows R(H) and 6f (H) for different To concentrations for 0 = 500 and 00 (maximum and minimum in the rotation diagram). Also here, for concentrations 0.3 at% there i-s no more dependence on H. Analogous results were obtained on investigations of the crystals of the other two types. Fig. 3 shows R(G) and Af (0) between 0 and 18001 Fig. 4, R(H) and Y (H) for the type B, and Figs. 6 and 7 for the type C. The numbers in the vicinity of the curves give the concentration of tellurium; Figs. 5 and Card 2/4 7~ 7H 82539 The Electric Properties of Single Crystals of S/181/60/002/007/014/042 Bismuth and Its Alloys. II. The Galvano- B006/BO70 magnetic Properties of Alloys of Bismuth With Tellurium (Solid Solutions) 8 show R as a function of tellurium concentration. In a longitudinal magnetic field, .6 P approximately obeys the law A P^j 2 Fig. 9 shows (x as a function - The tellurium concentration; a ?a"1 aH . 1 1 t 'L exponenta ly wi h increasi.,g concentration. The results of measurement of resistivity for pure bismuth and for bismuth doped with tellurium (0-02 - 0-5 at4/ of Te) are collected in a Table. Then, a phenomenological theory of the galvano- magnetic phenomena in crystals of the type D3d is given. The results obtained are discussed in detail. The authors finally thank Professor A. R. A2g2l'.,_Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, and Pro~essor A. V. Stepanov or their interest and advice. There are 9 figures, -1 table, and 12 references: 4 Soviet, 2 German, 2 US, 2 Japanese, and 2 BTitish. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut A. I. Gertsena (Leningrad State PedaZogical Institute A. I. Gertsen) Card 3/4 S/058/62/000/008/077/134 Ac61/A1O1 AUTHORS: Gitsu, D. V.,,Ivanov,.G._A_._ TITLE: Anisotropy of the Salvanomagnetic properties of bismuth uid its alloys %,dth tellurium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 28, abstract 8E207 ("Uch.zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Certsena", 10,051, 207, 13 - 29) TEXT: The anisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties of Bi and its al- V loys with Te in ma.-netic fields of up to 18 kilogauss was investigated. The single crystals concerned had the shape of cylinders 3 - 4*mm in diameter and 5 - 8 cm long, and were oriented in one of the following three ways: A, the trigonal axis parallel to the specimen axis; B, the binary axis parallel to the specimen axis, and C, the specimen a_~is perpendicular to the binary and trigonal .crystal axes. In type-A specimens a trigonal symmetry of the Hall. coefficient RH and the magnetoresistance 6plp was observed, and the maximum of the values corresponded to a magnetic field perpendicular to the binary axis. However, on Card 1/3 Hit T.1 S/OW62/000/008/077/134 Anisotropy of the ... A061/A101 an,increase of the Te concentration to 0.3 at.% this symmetry became circular. At,#ie same time, the magnitude of the effects decreased. The resistance, p, of.,Ve alloy depended on the Te concentration, displaying a minimum at 0.2 at.% Te~;-. The properties of type-B specimens also became less dependent on the magnetic field orientation on Te addition, without vaniahing completely. '111(i maximum of -.6P/p sets in at an angle of, say, 200, formed by the magnetic field and the trigonal axis. In pure bismuth RH ha's a minimum which is also shifted by 100, and where it changes its sign to positive. This sign change is removed by a Te addition. The same effect of Te impurity is observed-in C-type speci- mens. In pure Bi the AP/P curve exhibits a double maximum for a magnetic field being perpendicular to the trigonal crystal axis. p was found to change in the longitudinal magnetic field of all specimen types concerned. This effect was alao reduced in magnitude by Te addition. These experimental results can be explained qualitatively from the consideration that the complex chLi.racter of pure Bi anisotropy is due to the simultaneous presence of holes and electrons possessing different effective masses and a different anisotropy of mobility, The Te impurity leads to a decrease of the hole concentration and to an increase Card 2/3 r WI-P II I PH !I V I I. .. 11 11, 11 , II ~I1]I I - -I " 1111if.f S/058/6P-/00()/008/076/134 10611AIOI AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. A. TITLE: Electrical proper-ties of isoelectronic bismuth alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 8, 1962, 26, abstract 8E194 ClUch. zap. Leningr. go&. ped. in-ta im.- A. I. Gertsena", 1961, v . 207, 31 - 44) TEXT: Termary Bi-Te-Sn alloys were investigated. Isoelectronic alloys, i.e., alloys with different impurity content, but with equal electron and hole concentrations, were found among them. This is due to the fact that the Te im- purity raises the electron concentration and reduces the hole concentration, whereas the Sn impurity acts in the opposite way. For determining the concen- tration and the mobility of the carriers and the level of the chemical poten- tial ^ a model.was used besides the isotropic zone model, in which the iso- energetic surface for electrons in k-space had the shape of three ellipsoids. For simplicity the mass inside each ellipsoid was assumed to be isotropic. With this model, a better quantitative agreement between theory and experiment was Card 1/2 S/058/62/000/008/076/134 Electrical properties of isoelectronic bismuth alloys A061/A101 achieved. It was found that the alloy resistance grew with the total impurity content for constant A*. This is explained by mobility decrease, and it is' noted that the mobility of the less degenerate carriers decreases faster. The Hall coefficient measured experimentally in isoelectronic alloys ifith high u* does not depend on the composition, while in alloys with low lit* it drops with impurity concentration. This is explained by the faster growth of the hole mobility. [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 I, Parbshteyn S/1.37/62/000/007/055/072 A057/A1O1 AUTHORS: Gitsu, D. V., Ivanov, G. A., Luzhkovskiy,.V . G. TITLE: The microhardness of bismuth alloys and its relation to electrical characteristics of those alloys PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 7, 1962, 66, abstract 71424- ("Uch. zap. Leni,ngr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. I. Gertsena'",' 1961, 207, 45 - 50) TEAT: An investigation of the microhardness of Bi-Te and Bi-Sn-Te alloys, carried out with pressed samples, indicates apparently, that the microhardness of alloys containing a small amount of admixture is determined, principally by changes of electron concentration effected by this admixture, rather than by the number of admixture atoms. T. Rumyantseva (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 71, m 7 ffm L mua ",' ft 1 711, s/m/63/ooo/col/ou/mg A006IA101 'AUTHORS: TITLE.: PERIODICAL: Gitsu, D. Y., Ivanov, G. A. On calculating the anisotropy of galvanomagnetic properties in bismuth single crystals Reftrativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 1, 1963, 10, abstract 1149 ("Bul. Akad. Shtintse RSSMold., Izv. M MoldSSRII, 1%2, no. 5, 83 - 91, Moldavian summarj) TEXT: A multi-ellipsoidal Shoenberg model (D. Shoenberg 'Fnil. Trans. Roy, Soc.", 1952, A245) was calculated for the case of Bi and Bi with Te admix- ture and the results were compared with the experiment. It was found that the given model vas in agreement with experimental data. It follows that in repro- ducing the picture of anisotropy of galvanomagnetic properties for single crys- tals of Bi and its alloys with Te at room temperature, it is necessary to take into account the inclination of the main.axes of the ellipsoidal surfaces in the conductivity zone, to the symmetry axes of the crystal. It is easy to select a model of the zonal structure of crystals from the rotation diagrams of galvano- magnetic effects. A. Loshmanov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 1/1 Nfl 33338 5/181/62/004/001/004/052 ILI .11 (20 B102/B138 AUTIIORSj Gitaut Do V.# Ivanovt Go As# and Popovp As go TITLEv Thermoeleotromotive force in bismuth and its alloys with tellurium PERIODICALi Finika tvordogo tela, V- 4t no- 1,.1962, 22 - 28 TEXT: Measurement was made of the thermo-emf a of Bi single crystals with a tellurium impurity. The temperature difference was between 2 and 100C in dependence on the Te concentration. When the temperature gradient was oriented-parallel to the trigonal axis, the differential thermo-emf was denoted by a,,, for a perpendicular was a anisotropy was thus characterized by cL,,/a,.. The measurem,'entq were carried out by a com- pensation method using a M)T"-i PPTN-i) P;otentiometer and copper- constantan thermocouples. a dropped rapidly with increasing To content (from 0 - 0-4 at~-); the anisotropy alsodecreases,vanishing at 0.1 at~ Te where the cr,' and a,- curves meets. In.order to explain this behavior the rotation diagrams Wereltaken for-thti thermb-bmf of pure and impure single Card 1/4 11 S/118,11/62/004/001/004/052 Thermoelectromotive force in... B102/B138 --rystals. In the first case they were elliptic and in the second circular. Exact measurements showed that there was no anisotropy between 0.1 and 0.3 at~'O Te. From the equations *of the isoenergetio surfaces o-1 conduction and valence bands, on the assumption that the electron and hole mean free paths were independent of carrier energy for both pure Bi and its alloys, 7 1L 0 .1 kT- ;-7, was found; to 2e' V2MIM2MS &IJ 'CE-11 JfO dE I TE- 0 CO 2e1,V2mjmjm3a E% dfO dE. (7~ SOMMI 0 fu d.enotes the level of chemical potential. Fora relaxation time Card 2/4 N JU .33338 /181/62/004/001/004/052 Thermoelectromotive force in... B102/BI38 -1/2 k 2F I I rJE a where )Ar is the reduced level of chemical e V PO(tL*) potential. The same relation is found for total thermo-emf* if the con- tributions of the sets of ellipsoids are added. a it eT A where 8,j rEv" AMI", dE, J21) Cd 202 ~"ms At WA3 if Thes er e I a t i 6ii- 16-1 U I_~_n_i'_ e'-i e -a t r -on r--ema -its- in the Bi alloy, creasing Te content. This.containa the vanishing anisotropy,found ex- perimentally. In anisotropic metals (Znt Cdq Hg), semizetals (Bit Sb) and semiconductors (CdSb) anisotropy may be considerable (Bit a 96 6 P/deg, a - 56-0 jw1deg at 180C). There ar6 2 figureat I tabld,. and 13 referencess 'L6 Soviet and 71non-Soviet. The four most recent references to English-language publications read as followst G. E. Smith. Phys. Rev.# =, 1561t 19591 B. Abeles a. S. Meiboom. Phys. Rev., lotp 844a 1?16; A. H. Wilson. The theory of metals, Cambridget 1954; ar ~Tl' Hll 111~H]Hk F;11 Galvar, -. .,Qtic properties of solid solutions of 81-5b in the temperature interval 77*-300*K and the influence of the important w impurity tellurium on their properties. G. A. Ivanov, A. M. Popov (15 minutes.). Reloort presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds, Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 S/181/63/005/003/037/046 B102/B180 AUTHORS: Ivanov, G. A., and Popov, A. 114. TITLE: Variation in the region of the weak magnetic field in bismuth and its alloys with antimony as a function of temperature PERIODICAL: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 5, no. 3, 1963, 946-948 TEXT: At room temperature the weak-field region extends to 1300 oe (H lim ), shrinking rapidly with falling temperature. At 770K Hlim 'f6ooe. For Bi single crystals, Bi-Sb single crystals (7at%Sb), and compacted specimens the field strength dependence of the resistivity ratios (applied in parallel to the triginal axis) were measured with and without field.' The graph shows that H lim for pure Bi (compacted polycrystals as well as single crystals) lies at higher field strengths .(40oe) than Hlim, of the alloy (v6ooe). As a temperature function for pure Bi "lim. increases monotonically from -200 to 0 0C. There are 2 Card 1/2 S/181/63/005/003/037/046 Variation in the region of the weak ... B102/B!80 figures. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheakiy institut im. A. I. Gertsena (Leningrad state Pedagogical Institute imeni A. I. Gertsen) SUBMITTED: November 3, 1962 Card 2/2 A('WT--QQ j j (I !r"' N7,; A?Wlf'~'11`02 SIr"8116, '00S/1X5/1W5/1+1D %, L."i kill AL71HOR: Gitsu,, D. V.; ivarlov, G. A. TITM: Density of electron states in the conduction band of bis=~h SGURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. S., no. SO 1963, 1406-1,00 TOPIC TAGS- state densit-j, Bi, Te, chemical potential, conduction band, current carrier, relaxation time th(~. derlVee :P3STR.ACT: The authors have analyzed tbe applicability of Pla 1frad the ellipsoidal model of Shoenberg (I-Proe. Roy. Soc. A, 170, 341, 1939) for Bi at, high levels of chemical potential in the conduction band. Vivy follcuned the simplest, technique: cam-w-ring concentration of current carraers irith the position of the chemical-portv*ial level. TI-W bave shown that the concerrtl~ation of electrons in Bi-Z-16Moys at room temperature may be computed by t1ie simple model of B. Abeles and S. Meiboom (Phys. Rev. 101, 54A-, 1956), with an accuracy that is I im-Itted only by the experiment, not by theory. The dominsmt. meebanism of scattering in these PrIloys is of the serm type occuring in at~mdc aemicor-ductors. The DOSSible density of electron states in the conduction baLd of ]:'.i is directly proportionall to the square roort of the energy; i.e., the effftctive r-asses do not 'C.,d 1/2 J li~iri'l!l~"iilll~;!Illl['I"'illlii:':I~ill:"I: F1IHI L 15031-t5 ACCESSION NR: AP3000622 change appreciably vithin -',,-he limits cX measurements up to 0.,#, ev. ."In concLu;ion the au4-hors exoress their thanks to Professor A. R. Reoll for his interest in t.~e present vork." Orig. art. has: 1 figwe and 10 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy goauda-vstverny*y peds~,Ogl&~ski~y -UmtMaL irt-A. 1. Gertsem (Leningrad State Pedagogical institute) SM-aT-MV: 31 Oct62 DATE ACQ-. 11 JUn63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 110 1w Sov. 008 amtH.. C107 2/2 L 15028-6~ BDS ',-FFTC/AZD JD ArCESSION ITR: AIP3000626 s/ol ai/63/oos/ocG/'1 439-8/1 t-ai fl. 1 4 MMOR: Ivanovi. G. A.; Popov, A, bf. -41 6 TME: Free pe,.h length of current carriers in blamuth and in its allois, ath eurrtimozw SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. So no.-.5, 1963., It-pe.14aq MPIU TAGS: specific resistance, 11all constant, free path, �i, Ge, iM_Mwity- layer, current carrier, polycrystalline material ABSTRACTE: The authors have investigated changes (in the temiyerature interval 77-300K) in specific resistance and in the Hell constant for polverystalline s=-.Tes of Bi wid for its alloys with Sb in relation to graln size and ir. corqpwi.. son vith-js-Lrgle-crystal %~6D!es. They found the free path to be deNndent on graln size, E 4%, in-d they haj$concluded that the changes are dw to 1.1mitation. of free path of current carriers by grain boxmdaries in nmterial. They otate -chat considerable error maX.Jise in evaluating ~oncer.trttition andl mobility of current carriers in Bi-Sb"fi 4loys on the basis ~D' irea--surement-9 =-dj! In polycry3ta.lline irzteria.1, Conclusions concerninr., the aolubllity a several im.purities in Bi, based on the " sem-4 conduc tor " paM of qpet~.IVX r-mLstance in Cord 1/2 Ac,-ESSia; .e. AF3=6p-6 alloya, msZF be erroneous because of t1le formation of imp-Mily laWers during Smuth of single crystals. An alloy of Bi and 0.75 atomic percent Cie haS a, "aemicon- ductor" course aff specific resiatm-ce, but the authors have estw~~klizhed thflt the HE%-Ll constant of this SJ-Ioy is no different fr= the Hall constuit far yure Bi in the temperature inte~al 71-300K. CLig. art. has: 3 figtv-es emii 1 formula.. ASS-OCIATION: LeniWadskiy gosuda~stvenzW4y pede~pg1chealdy immUltut im. A. 1. Gertsene (Leninomd State Pedagogical Institute) suBmiTTED: i2jan6l DATE ACQ: 11J-an63 MiCL: 00 SUB COM. 00 NO 1w SDV: 003 am: 001 IVANOV, G.A. Use of a variable magnetic field for detarminiii Uch zap..Ped inat,Gerts. 197:2-15-222 158. 9AV-011IRA 16:9) (Electron beams) (Magnetic fiolds) fh~d N H.; 11 : j I~ . i !I 1[* 11 , I - :I ,,TVANOVP"G.A.;,.POPOV., A.M.; CHISTYAKOV, B.I. Electric properties of binary Bi alloys in a wide temperature range, Part 1: Solid solutions of Sn, Sb, and Te in bismuth (polyarystals). Fiz. met. i metal-loved. 16 no.2.-184-192 Ag 163. (MIRIL 16:8) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennvi pedagogicheskiy institut im. A.I. Gertsena. (Bismuth alloys) (Solutions, Solid) F1 ACCESSION NR; AP4009377 S10126163101610061084810855 AUTHORS: 'Ivanov, G. A.; Chistyakovv B..I. TITLE: Electrical properties of ternary alloy of bismuth in the temperdt=e range, 77-45OK. 2 SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniyel Iv. 16, no. 6, 1963, 848-855 TOPIC TAGS: ternary alloy,' Hall effect, specific resistance, thermoelectric electromotive fw ce, tellurium, tin, recovery alloy, electron, hole, ourrent carriers semiconductor, valency, atomic number fi3STRACT: The authors present 'an analysis-of the experimental work performed earlier (L. I. Mokiyevskiy and G. A. Ivanov, ZhTF, 1957, 27, 6, 1695; 6. A. Ivanov and A. R. Regell, ZhTF, 1955, 25, 1, 49). In these experiments the properties of specific resistance, Hall effect, magnetic strength, and thermoelectric emf in the temperature range of 77-450K for a ternary ailoy of bismuth with admixtures of Sn and Te were investigated. Special attention was the proporties of recovery alloys with an equal number of eleqtrons and holes. The alloys had relative atomic percentages of Te impurity (ratio of Te percent to total impurity percent) of 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 75. Total impurities contents were 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3%. Card 1/2 F;, PI IN 1~ 11111 ACCESSION NR: AP4009377 The Hall coefficient and the specific resistance were found to reach sharp extremes at characteristic temperatures. It was concluded that the concentration of the current carriers created by the components of a ternary alloy depended not only on the valencies but also on the atomic numbers of the eleaents of the 4th and the 6th groups. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 1 table. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskiy pedagogicheskiy institut im. A. I. Gertsena (Leningrad Teachers Institute) SUBMITTED: 12Dec62 'DATE ACQ.-. 03Feb64 ENCLt 00 SUB CODE: 1C., SS NO REF SOV: 010 OTHERv 009 Car d 2/2 I I Ii: I T! a/Moi/WbOO/003/01, AMMSION NRt AP4019863 AMIOM Ivanoy, Oe At TITLE s Computing the concentration and mobility of current car-rieris :Ln bismuth SOURCE: Fizika tvardogo tolap v. 6p no. 3, 1964p 938-940 TOPIC TAGS: soniconductor carrier somiconductor,'somiconductor property ABSrRACTt The indicated properties have boon determined by.neveral,workers at various tonporatures. The author wcamines these results and compares. them w-1th computod valuos. The results are sum~rized in Fig* l'on the Eno;osure, It may bo seen that the carrier concentration varies approximately at T3/2 viroush a v~doi range of temperature (120-350K)# and electron mobility varies as t4/Itthrough the same ranges Origo arts hass 1 figure and 3.1 formulas* ASSOCIATION: Leningradady goeudaretvenq*y podagogioheskiy Irintitut ime Ae I# Gortsena (Leningrad Sbate Fedapg;Loal Institutel SUBKITTED t 3WOW3 DAM MO. 3MA 01 ,Card IVANOV G.A. Continentality of coal-beariw- --edir-ents (facies condition-9 governing the formation of coal-bearing strata). Izv.vys. ucheb.zav.; geol.i iazv. 7 no.8t45-57 Ag 165. (MIRA 1' 11) 1. Leningradskily gornyy institut im. G.V.Plekhanova. XtUhinav, Kh~ll v t t 6f-Tal_~ TMI i- Thhe Lo r L. , - - VNI ACC AR7000884 SOURCE, CODE: 'UR/0058/66/000/009/EI07/EI07 AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. A.; Koposov, G. D. TI TLE: Electrical properties of pure bismuth and its alloys with tin over a wide range of temperatures SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. DE852 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 205-213 TOPIC TAGS: bismuth, bismuth alloy, bi;~~ tin alloy, electric property, bismuth base alloy, tin containing alloy, Hall coefficient, temperature variation, specific resistance ABSTRACT: A study was made of the electrical properties of Bi and the Bi-Sn alloy within 77-273K. The amount of Sn was varied between 0. 2 to 1. 5 at. '/D. The Hall coefficient component R123 was positive in all the alloys. With a decrease in i.emperature the R123 component was found to change its sign from negative to positive, reach a maximum, and begin to decrease. Whereas specific resistance oil increases almost linearly with increasing temperature, P3:i with increasing 1/2 ~qrd 'ACC N"- AR7000884 temperature reaches a maximum and behaves as a semiconductor. An increase in the amount of Sn brings about a monotonic increase in pit . An analysis was made of the dependence of magnetic resistance on temperature and the amount of Sn. Tables are given of circular diagrams of the magnetic resistance of both pure and alloyed bismuth. Results obtained from single and multi-ellipsoid models of tile valence band of Bi are discussed qualitatively. (Translation of abstract] [SP] SU13 CODE: 20/1 Card 2/2 ACC NR: AR7000885 SOURCE CODE: UR/0058/66/0001009JE107/E107 AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. A. Chistyakov, B. I. TITLE: Electrical properties of binary alloys of bismuth and tellurium and bismuth and tin over a wide range of temperatures SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 9E853 IIE-F SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. In-ta ini. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 2G5, 1965, 214-223 TOPIC TAGS: ai4ay-, bismuth alloy, binary alloy, blwa~-mntlv=;~, Wr,-. tellurium alloy, ldmi=h tin alloy, electric property, ABSTRACT: A study was made of the effect of temperature within the -196 to 200C range on the Hall effect R, specific resistance AP and the 'thermo- P electromotive force coefficient a in polycrystalline samples of alloys of bismuth (Bi) and tin (Sn) and bismuth and tellurium (Te). In Bi-Te, R was found to increase with a decrease in temperature (T). When T is above room temperature, R(T) is at its maximum and shifts toward the recgion of higher temperatures with an' increase in concentration of Te. In alloys with arbitrary amounts of Te, p (7-) is Card 1/2 ACC NR: AR7000885 similar to that in pure Bi. At high temperatures, R in Bi-Sn differs little from i R in pure Bi. When the temperature is decreased, R reaches a maximum, then changes its sign for the positive. The lower the Sn content, the lower the temperas: ture at which the change of sign occurs. Curves cr(T) are analogous to curves R(T).: In the region of low temperatures, P increases with an increase in T and passes through the maximum, which is followed by a minimum and a subsequent tendency toward a value which corresponds to that of pure Bi. A qualitatiye evaluation is made of the results obtained. It is found that efficiency 11 in Te increases inversely with temperature. Yu. Ogrin. [Translation of abstract] [SP] SUE CODE: 20/ Card 2/2 ACC N': Ar,7000881 SOURCE CODE: UR10058/66/000/009/E106/E106 AUTHOR: Ivanov, G. A. TITLE: 114obility of current carriers in biqmutli alloys and the reluctance SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 913844 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. gos. ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 24G-253 TOPP7 TAGS. a=y, bismuth alloy, current carrier, magnetic reluctance ABSTR-A&: The mean mobdities of electrons and 7ho (es in Bi-Sn- Te alloys CLj- U calculated at room temperature. The calculation is based on the assumption that the band structure of Bi remains virtually unchanged with the addition of impurities. Changes are observed only inthe position of the level of the chemical potential in the bands. A model is used, which takes into consideration the complex band structure in which the ellipsoids of equal energy in the K-space, are replaced by spheres. Comparisons with experimental resUltS have shown that the mobilities are determined correctly and that the constant- energy surfaces remain relatively Card 1/ 2 ACC NR: AR7000881 unchanged when the Fermi level rises, and that the reluctance in Bi as well as in i the alloys is determined not by the thernial variance of velocities of the carriers, but by the complexity of the configuration of the constant- energy surfaces. Yu. Orfrin. [Translation of abstract] (GC] SUB CODE: ~?o 11 2 2 7 ~--,F F11- 111 ii i TVANOV, G 0. --.- ...... the so-called "Island land" In ort foritation; concerning tho article of B.A.Afananlev) G.11,1arosla,Asev, und V.I. TAtauk "Conditions governing the formation of coal-bearing Bediments in marginal. troughs as n3vealed In a study of the Pechora Ba-aLn.11 Zap. LGI 47 no.2-.1:29-137 164* (HULA 180) 1111: I PZMV, L., Inzb.; IVANOV, G., dots. Principles and contributions to hard-ray technic and fine- focus roentgen tube in roontgenodiagnosts. Suvram. mod., Sofia 8 no-1:71-83 1957. (RD ENTGEND GRAPIrf , bard-ray tacbnic & fine-focus tube (Bul)) IVANOV, Ger. As. Diagnostic and therapeutic value of bronchoscopy in eadobronchial tuberculosis. Suvreme raed., Sofia 9 no.4:82-88 1958. 1. Iz Detsko-iunoslieskiia sanatorium v gr. Triavna (G1. lekar: Iv. Vuglenov) (TUBERGUIMIS, PULMOMI-IT bronchoscopy, diag. & ther. value (Bul)) (BRONCHOSCOPY, in vnrious dis. pulm. tuber., diag. & ther. value (Bul)) IVANOV, G.; TSANKOV, I., Dots. Case of melorheostosis. Xhirurgiia, Sofia 11 no.4:368-370 1958. (OST'ROPETROSIN, case reports, melorheostosis (Bul)) ,IVANOV, Gerasia- Rare anomaly of the tracheobronchial tree. Probl.tub. 36 no.4.,108 158 OURA 11:7) 1, Is Gosudarstvennogo detsko-yunoshenkogo, sanstoriya g. Trevaa Bolgariya (glawnyy vrach Iv. Vyglenov). (BROUCHI-JABNORMITIES AND DEFORHITITS-S) IVANOV,Ger.As. Relationship between tracheo-bronchial tuberculosis and morpho- logical pulmonary changes. Suvrem. mad. $ Sof ia 11 no. 2-3:57~45 '6.0. 1. 1z Detsko-innoshaskiia, Sanatorium gr. Triavna., Glavan le)Mr: Iv. Al. Vuglanov. (TUBIRGUIOSIS..PUIXONARY pathol.) FJ, 777[i !I I MIV I XALAYNHIM "Yea IAWO CO.tAU,Yl Awirild r.L;mejl Doctor AMUttien. AXPiront at the Scientific ReseArch Institute f(rffqalth sort Study Balnooloir , and Phys!othorapy (NIIXP) toureal Sofi:o &ABLdal ko I.Jan/vai - V17 63 5-ta: "Uinern'l Spri"s In the Blagoavgrad azm. Cc th %&x0i, 0, Chanist 710' SOURCE CODEi UH7iJ'-i0--9/6-;) 010 0 o Q 166 JWTHOR: -IVanov, At.; Ryabova, L. A.; Savitskaya, Ya i, S.; lfatskovl)-~h, T* L' Chelysbkov, S, Pe ORG, none TITIBi Second Scientific Session of the Sciont1fic Council tilli ph!iplaal Keclwo'nils SOURCE: Radiotekhnika i alek-t-ronika, ve 10, no. 6, 1965, 3-164-U6,6 TOPIC TAGS: physics conference, cherdsorption, adsorption,: ~iordco'tykuotor device secondary electron omission, photoelectric property, thormeJ.eatko property. ABSTRACT: The aecond session of the oonferenoe oWphys''Inal eledes, tronics"was held 23-z4 Nov 1964t with 142 delegates,fron 41 orga- nizations In attendencie to hear 18 reports in 3 sei;sloiia. The 0 :first session was dedicated t th question of che~isoiibtion f' a,o;p 0 e various gasses on the surf a of oolids aiid quesbions of emls- sion and antlemission coatings, The properties of chemical adsorbtionj as well as the influence of chemical adsorbtlon on ithe operation of semiconductors and the strueture:of adsorbed films on crystals. Another reporter noted that the' antl4mission., property of gold appears to take place only In the. system, Aold- barium with barium oxide. The second.session, was ~dedioated-' Card 1/2 UDCs 061.3 t 6.14 38,53 IN z! P 14* L INN (a)JEWNW) 05 C NRi AP6012511 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/~6/oOB/004/1293/1295 IUTHORS: Gitsu, D. V.; )RG: Ijaptitute of -Applied Physi2s$AN MS_SR.Kisbinev (InBtktile-orikladnoy ~Oiziki AN MSSR) VITLE: Some features of the influence of Sn and Te urities on the inisotropy of the galvanomagnetic properties'of bismuth SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8. no. 4, 1966, 1293-1295 TOPIC TAGS:, tin, selenium, bismuthj galvanomagnetic effect, impurity level, magnetoresistance., Hall constant, bismuth base alloy, ternary alloy ABSTRACT: This is a continuation of earlier work by one of the authors (Ivanov, FMM v. 16, 848, 1963 and earlier), where it was shown that, at certain concentrations., ternary alloys of bismuth with Sn and TO have the same propertiesAls pure bismuth, meaning that the Sn and Te dtLncel each other out. The present study reports measurements of the an r dependence of the magnetoresistance and thp Hall coeofficlent at rod temperature, in a magnetic field of 18 kOe, for twotsuch compensated cylindrical samples with different crystalloeraphicl%rientations. The results-showed that when.the axis of the sample was parallel to the C3 L 2856o-66 ACC NRi K~~CO_12511 0 axis' of the crystal the sample bad galvanomagnetic properties similar to that of pure bismuth. When the sample axis was parallel to the crystal- lograpbic C2 axis the magnetoresistance of the !compensated' sample ex- ceeded that of a.binary alloy with either Sn or Te. In the case of sample A, the diagram remains symmetrical regardless of the nature of the additive, and the magnetoresistance was lower than that of the alloy with tin, and much higher than that of the alloy with tellurium. The Hall coefficient of the compen8ated samples was larger in absolute mag- nitude than in pure bismuth. It is concluded that although the influ- ence of the impurities on the anisotropy of t1ib galvanomagnetic proper- ~ties of bismuth has a rather complicated character, it can be explained qualitatively within the framework of the eixisting theories. Orig. art. has: 2 figures, 3 formulas, and 1 table. SUB CODE:.20/ SUI~M DATE: 1ONov65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 Card 5 70.31 IVANOVY G A .19 Novoye v tekhnike remonta parovozov; opyt parovozoremontz-Orkh zavodov (Innovation in the technique of repairing locomotives, by) G. A. Ivanov, I. M. Shatsman. 14oskva, Tfanszheldorizdat, 1955. 96 p. illus., diagrs. "Literaturall: P. 98 i'051!11 11 T" r77 , IVAIMV, G,A., inzhanar. Modernization of the KT type crane motor. Xnargatik 4 no-7: 25-26 JTI 156. (Electric motors) (MIaA 9:9) . I I ! !~! ~ 1:, .; , t I I , I I f I I ! I : 1 1 1 1 1 2 . . . IVAMV, G.A., inzh.; TOSTIKOV, I.P., inzh, Operating a railroad experimental shop. Izobr. I rata. no.6: 37-39 Je '58. OfIRA. 11:9) (Railroad research) IVAlfOV Geor-iy Andreyevich; SOROKIN, N.N., red.; TMIMI, G.P., -L_ tekhn. (Mechanization of clinker romoval operations at stations] Mikhanizirovannaia uborka shlaka na stantsiiakh. Moskva, Gos.transT).zhel-dor.izd-vo, 1959. 61 -p. OIDA 13: 1) (Raiiroads-Equipment and supplies) (Ash disposal) IVANOV, G.A., inzh. Increasing number of inventor's and efficiency promoters' proposals in railroading. Zhel.dor.transp. 42 no.11:65-67 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) (]Railroads--Technological innovations) No M SHCHUXIN, Kikh~il Mikhaylovich- 2AKIN TaAh.. kand,tekhnanult, retnenzont; P P TANOT kand.'tokhn.nauk, red.;. SIXONOTMIT, NOS.. red.; SPBRANMUYA, O.T., [Coupling systems for automobiles and tractors; deniga, theory, and calculatio'n] Steepuys ustroistya gvto*mobiloi I tispohoi-, konstruktaiia, tooriin i raschet. Koskva, Gos.nauahno-tekhn. izd-vo muohinostrolt.lit-ry, 1961. .206 p* (!(1" 14:4) (Couplings) (Automobile trains) IVANOVY G.A. Electric properties of single agstals of Ta - Bi solid solutions in the temperature range 771L300 K. Fiz. tvar. tela 5 no.11: 3173-3178 N 163. (KMA 16:12) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy pednoogicheskiy institut imeni A.I.Gertsena. IVANOV, G.A. Calcitlating current carrier concentration and mobility In bialnuth. Fiz. tver. tela 6 no.3:938-940 Mr 164. (MIRA 17-4) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy podagogicheskiy institut imeni A.I.Gertsana. 11"l1 UFF! 17' T, "Cleava-le (Jointin,u) in Coals and enclosinty Jocks and 'J, -.~s o" _,.Itting iL to Pra.---' (Klivazli (otdcllnosU) v u-1yalli v;-ieshcha1ra3hchI':h r-o.-,--,da!,h puti yrnJ~tichesko!,o ioroilzovani-M), farit, 1. WI%'TI, 19,9." IVANOV, G.A. cyclic structure of coal-bearing deposits of the Vorkuta fields. Trudy Inst.geol.nauk. no.90:19-20 147. (HLFA 9:11) (Vorkuta--Coal geolog7) ,--IVANOV, G.A. Principles of detailed lithological correlation of coal-bearing deposits and effective Indexing of coal beds. Trudy Inst.geol. nauk. no-90:74-75 '47. 0CM 9:11) (coal geology) IVANOV, G.A. Coal-bearing capacity of the northeastern region of the Pechora Basin. Trudy Inst.geol.na4. no.90:108-110 147. 0MU 9:11) (Pechora Basin--Coal) Hj 11111 :111 IVANOV, G., inzhener; FRWM. N., inzhener. .AMOWANWO"k'V~" Improvemente in coal aurveying efficienc7. Mastougl- 3 noo9:13- 16 S'54. (MLPA 8:2) (Mina aurvey-ing) IMNOV, G. Freide, N. Improvement of rationalizirs in surveying coal deposits. p. 86. MININO D.-~W, Sofiya, Vol. 10, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 1955. SO: Monthly List of Fast Europepn Accessions, (-;'F,:'%L), LCt Vol, 4) rc. 10, Oct. 1955, Uncl. IVANOT, G.A. Facies and geotectonic method of analyzing coal-bearing deposits and using it In geological prospecting operations. Trudy lab.gool. ugl. no.5:127-152 156. OUMA 9-8) 1. Leningradskiy gornn institut. (Coal geology) (Prospecting) Name: IVANOV, Grigoriy Aleksandrovich Dissertation: Regularity of structure, formation, and change of coal-bearing deposits (formations) Degree: Doe Geol-Min Scl Affiliation: Zn-ot Indicateg Defense Date, Place: 12 Jun 57, Council of Leningrad Order of Lenin and Order of Labor Red Banner Mining Inst imeni Plekhanov Certification Date: 10 Nov 57 Source: BMVO 24/57 45 V/~ /V t vj ABRAMOV, S.K., kand.tokhn.nauk; AVMSHIN, S.G., prof., dolctor tekhn.nauk; AMMOSOV, I.r., doktor geol.-min.nauk; ARDRIYLYSKIY, V.D., Inch.; AMOPOV, A.N., inzh.; AFAITASOYEV, B.L., insh.; Bj;HGKAll, Ya.Y., inch.; BWKHA. Ye.Ye.. inch.; BOGACHEVA.- Ye.H., irich.; BUKRINSKIY,V.A., Imnd.tekha.nauk; VASILIYEV, P.V.. doktor geol.-min.nank; VINOGRADOY, B.G., inch.; GOLTJBEV, S.A., inch.; GORDIYENKO, P.D., inzh.; GUSEV, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; DOROKH111, I.V., kand.geol.-min.nauk; KALHYKOV, G.S.. inzh.; KASATOCHKIN, V.I., doktor khim.nauk; KOROLEV, I.V., inch.; KOSTLIVTSEV. A.A., inch.; IGIATKOVSKIY. L.F., inzh~; KRASHHHINNIKOV, G.F., prof. doktor geol.-min.nauk; IMIKUNOV, L.A., inzh.; LEVIT, D.Ye., Inch.; LISITSA, I.G., kand.toklin.nauk; WSMIIKOV, V.A., inch.; MANEYEV, A.K., dots., kand.geol.-min.nauk; MEMISHVILI, G.Ye., iznh.; MIRONOV, X.V., inch.; MOLCHAROV, I.I., irnh.; KAUUOVA, S.M.. atarshiv nauchWy sotrudaik; 13KIPELov,, inzh., PAVICY, F.F., doktor tekhn.nauk; PAUMOV, P.N., doktor geol.-min.nauk; POPOV, V.S., inch.; PYATLIN, M.P., kand.tekhn. nauk; RASHKOVSKIY, Ya.R., inzh.,- ROKANOV. V.A., prof., doktor tekhn. asuk; RYZHOV, P.A., prof., doktor tekhn.nauk; SELYATITSKIY, G.A., inch.; SPMNSKIY, M.A.. inzh.; TERFlNT'Y3Y, Ye.Y., inzhe; TITOV, H.G.,doktor khim.nauk; GOKAREV. I.F., inch.: TROYAHSKIY, S.Y., prof.,, doktor geol.- min.nouk; FEDCROV, B.D., dote., lmnd.tekhn.nauk;F1ZOR0V. V.S., innh. [deceaBodl; KHOMEYPOVSKIY, A.S., prof., doktor geol.-min.nauk; TROTANOV- SKIY' S.V., otvetetvenW red.; TERPIGOREV, A.M., red.; IMIKUNOV. L.A., red.; KUZHWSOV, I.A., red.; MIRONOV, K.V., red.; AVERSHIN, S.G., red.; BURTSW, M.P., red.; VASIL'YEV, P.V., red.; MOLCHAHOV, I.I., red.; RYZHOV, P.A., red.; BALANDIN, V.V., inch., red.; BLOKH, I.M., kELnd. tekhn.nauk, red.; BUKRIIISKIY, V.A., kand.tekh-aaa-uki red.; VOLKOV. K.YU.' inzh., red.; VCRCBIYFV. A.A., Inch., red.; ZVONARLY, K.A., prof. doktor takhn.nauk, red. (Continued on next card) w L4. Ul A1111, 1-1 -7,lrl 7 ABRAHOV, (continued) Card 2. ZDANOVICH, Y.G., prof.,doktor tekhn.nauk,red.; dolctor geol.-min.nauk, red.; KARAVAY17i. N.M., red.; iZ kand.geol.- min.nauk, red.; KOROTKOV, M.Y.. kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; MAKFAVMV. A.A.. doktor geol.-min.nauk, red.; OMELICHENKO, A.N..kand.tekhn.nauk,red.-, SEIMERZON. E.M.,kand.geol.-min.nauk, red.; USHAKOV, I.Ir.. dots., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; YABLOKOV, V.S., ke nd.geol.-mIn.rpdk, red.; KOROLETA, T.I., red.izd-va; "HALKIIIA, ~.I., red. i zd-va;.,, PRO" "OROVSKAYA, F.L.,; NADEIIZKAYA, A.A*, tekhne-.ede (Mining; an encyclopedia londbook] Gornoe delo; entsiklope&icheakit apravochnik. Glav. red. A.M.Terpigorev. Moskva, GoB.Daucbno-tekhn. iza-vo lit-r7 po ugollnoi protVahl. Vol.2. [Geology of coal deposits and surveyIng] Geologiis ugollnykh mestorozhdonii i marksheiderskoe delo. Redkolegiia tome S.Y.Troianskiy, 1957. 646 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlen-korrea ondent AN SSSR (for lraravapv) Mal geology-Diationariesy T 4 AUTHOR: Zhemchuzhnikov, Yu.A. 11-1-1129 TITLE: Similarities and Differences of Features Between Facless, Facies-Cyclic and Faciez-Geotectonic Xethods of Study- ing Coal-Bearing Strata (Skhodstvo i razlichiya mezhdu fatsiallnym, fatsiallno-taiklicheakim i fatsiallno-geo- tektonicheskim metodaaiizucheniya uglenosnykh tolshch) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologicheskaya, 1958, # 1, PP 3-11 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the second Coal Geological Conference held in March 1955, the lectures of G*A. Ivanov, T.A. Ishina, V.V. Ko- perina, N.V. Rengarten and otheFs- dealt with different methods of examining coal-bearing strata, G.A. Ivanov and the author belong to a group of geologists who regard periodicity as one of the most important featuresof coal-bearing strata. The author elaborates on the similarities and differences existing between his views and those of G.A. Ivanov. Ivanov proposes to conduct the observations first of the facies, and afterwards of geotectonics, and therefore his method is called the facial-geotectonic method. However, his method starts with the differentiation according to granulometric Card 1/4 differences, whereby coal and limestone are regarded as the 11-1-1129 Similarities and Differences of Features Between Facies, Facies-CycUc and Facies-Geotectmic Methods of Studying Coal Bearing Strata rocks with the finest granules. G.A. Ivanov emphasizes teat his proposed facial-geotectonic method based on granulo- metric examinations and on the development of marked facies can chiefly be used by geologists prospecting for coal. G.A. Ivanov sees the essential difference between his method and the facial-cyclical analysis in the fact, that his method does not require the difficult separation and determination of numerous types of lithological rocks and their facial classification. He proposes to determine facies by cycles, and not cycles by facies, believing this method to be less difficult and more accurate. The author draws attention to the fact that not separate facies are determined by the Ivanov method, but groups of facies which are in contact with marked facies. The facial-cyclical method was successfully applied in the Kuznetsk and many other coal basins. Sum- marizing it may be stated that the facial geotectonic analysis of G.A. Ivanov has many similarities with the facial-cyclic- &.1 method, in contrast to the facial analysis which disre- gards,the rules of periodicity. In the lectures of T.A. Card 2/4 Ishina, V.V. Koperina and others it is stated that facial 11-1-1/29 Similarities and Differences of Features Between Fadies., :-WeAlao-Cya3-ic and j?gCjAW.Oeoter_*4njc Methods of Studying Coal Bearing Straa analysis represents the study of primary or genetic proper- ties of rocks originating during the process of sedimentation and subsequent diagenetic transformation. Based on the tot-al of these indications, conclusions are drawn pertaining to the conditions under which sedimentation took place ana the fa- cial composition of the coal-bearing strata is established. The author disagrees with this view, in as much as it does not consider the importance of sequence or alternation of rocks for the formation of facies, their paragenatic com- position. Summarizing it may be stated that lithologists, Using facial analysis of the improved stage, i.e. as a facial- cyclical method, will obtain better results and will further improve the method itself. Lithology of coal-bearing strata requires further studies and exchanges of experiences on the matter. At the present time there are no differences existing between the methods of Lpproach which cannot be overcome as long as they are not throttled by denying the geotectonic factor of alternation of rocks or by disregarding the im- portance of studying the individual lithologic characteristics Card 3/4 of rocks or by ignoring the importance of establishing the 4 11-1-1/29 Similarities and Differences of Features Between laoisop FavUs-C~y~ and - F&Q1A5-GCOUGtAMiO lAethods of Studying Coal Bearing Strata different facies by all available methods. There are 18 Russian references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 1 1 ii H 1~: 1 "IVANOV Grigoriy Alakaandroyich.-,,SOOBOV, S..A., zam.glavnogo red.; kff"A~OV, N.Y., zam.glavnogo red.; IVANOVA, A.G., (Genetic classification of coal-bearing formational Gene- ticheakaia klaasifikataiia uglenoanykh formataii. Moskva I X-vo geol. i okhrany nedr SSSR, 1959. 30 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Coal geology) ::- il!il :1;1 fill) :11111 1 1-.I I I - I! '; ; MATMOV, Alekeandr Kirillovich; VASILYEV. P.V., doktor geol.-Mineral. nauk, retsenzent; KRAV"LSOV9 A.I., doktor deol.-mineral.nauk. retsenzent; ;VAI-I .-Q..A..,.doktor geol.-mineral.anuk, retaenzent; --Mv- MIRONOV, K.Y., nauchnyy red,; XOROLEVA, T.I., red.izd-va; KONDRATIYBVA, N.A., [Geology of coal basins and deposits in the U.S.S.R.] Geologiia ugollnykh basseinov i mostorozhdanii SSSR. Moskva, GoB.nauchno- tekhn.12d-vo lit-ry po gornomn delu, 1960. 495 p. (HIRA 13: 11) (Goal geology) IVANOV, G.A. L-4thological methods of studying coal-bearing sediments, Zap. IDI 42 no.2:8-22 162. (MIRA 15;6) (Coal geology) GI7SU, D.V.; 1VANOV, G.!I.. Calculating the an-Isotropy of the galvanomagnezic properties of bismuth single crystals, Izv. All Mold. SSR n0.5,83-91 162. (MIRA 1843) SHROBOV, S.A.p glav. red.; TYZI]ROV, A.V., zam. glav. red.; SIIABj4diOV N.V., zam. glav. red.; fiJ,240SOV, I.I., redaktor; j03j,Qj,,A,, red.; KORO'KVv G. V. red.; BURTSEV, D.N.) red.; EA1 red.; KOTLUKOV, V.A., red.; KU22TETSOV, I.A., red.; MIRONOV, K.V., redaktor; I-IOLCHAPOV, I.I., redaktorl IIZKI~TZLOV, V.Ye.' red.; POUOMAREV, T.N., red.; POPOV, V.S., red.; PROKHOROV, S.P., red.; YAVORSKIY, V.I.p red.; LA(RJTINA, V.V., red. toma; LEVENSHTEYN, M.L., red. toma; SIFIROKOV, A.Z.) red. toma; IZRAIIEVA, G.A., red.izd-va; KROTOVA, I.Ye., red. izd-va; IVANOVA, A.G., tekhn. red. [Geology of coal and combustible sbale in the U.S.S.R.]Geologiia mestorozhdenii uglia i goriuchikh slantsev SSSR. Glav. red. I.I. Ammosov i dr. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat. Vol.l.[Goal basins and deposits in the south of the European part of the U.S.S.S;;Donets Basin, Dnieper Basin,~Lvov-Volynl Basin, deposits of the western provinces of Moldavia and the Ukraine, White Russia, Trans- caucasia and the Tiorthern Caucasus] UgolInye basseiW i mesto- rozhdeniia iuga Evropeiskoi chasti SSSR; Donetskii bassein, Dnep- rovskii bassein, Llvovsko-Volynskii bassein, mestorozhdeniia za- padrykh oblastel Ukrainy i Moldavii, Seloruso~i, Savernago Kav- kaza i Zakavkazlia. 1963. 1210 P. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvemy,.r geologicheskiy komitet. t IVANOV, G.A.; POPOV, A.M. Electric properties of bismuth-antimony alloys. Piz. Lver tela no.9:2409-2419 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Leningradskly gosudarstyennyy pedagogicheskiy institut Im. A.I.Gertsena. IVANOV, G.A.; CHISTYAKOV, B.I. Electric properties of ternary b"smuth alloys in it temperature range of 77-450 K. Fiz. met. i metalloved. 16 no.6-.848-855 D 163. (MIRA 17 12) 1. Leningvadskiy pedagogicheakiy institut imeni A.I.Gertsena. BETE KhT I I I, A.G. [der, ~-- as ---d I; GO L iKOV , i'~ .3, ; DYJKC)V~ V.F. ; 'G.A.; KARYAE.1111, A.Ye.; K'ITRYUKOV ', 'J.V.; KU~IWW, 1.G.; V I%AGAKIYAN, I.G.; STROl"A, P.A.; T.WAIMNOV, P.I,',,, ChEKHOVICH, Ye.D.; Sk,11RNIGV, V.I., retsenzent. LrCourse in rdne:al deposiLs] Foirs, rn:estorozbden~l J--OIOD2r~~kh isk-opaeraykii. lzd.3.,. Ferer. i doil. 'Z.'.o:-;Xva, Nedra, 5 " 9 18: F 7-T ...... IVANOV G.A., doktor geol.-Triner. nauk-j, otv. red. [Ei3tory of the coal accurulation in the Pechora Basin] Istoriia uglenakopleniia. v Pechorskom baoseine. Mo.. skva, Nauka~ 3.965. 246 p. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Leningrad. Vsesoi,uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologicheskiy institut. Otdel geologrii uglya i gc- ryuchikh slantsev. L 04229-67 EVTM/ IJP(c) 'TD/GG ACC Nq- AR6031897 9OURCE CODE! iii~i'0058/66/000/006/EI.31/EI'31 7 AUTHOR.- ivanov,., G. A. TITLE: Correlation between electrical and galvanomagnetic prope es of single- I crystal and polycryltalspecimens SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 6E1021 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. goo. ped. in-ta Im. A. L Gertsena, v. 265, 1965, 193-204 TOPIC TAGS: c stal r perty, single crystal property, pol~rcrystal property, galvanometric property 4BSTRACT: It is shown at what anisotropy values and experimental errors it Is 09esible to use simple formulas which link the electrical properties of single- .rystals wW polycrystals. The conclusions are confirmed by experimental dala for Bi and its alloys. [Translation of abstract] .1611 SUB CODE: 09, 20/ d [FF TJ I T TP, ACC N_R_.__~~O 6703- 16CWi AUTHOR: Grabov, V. M.; Ivanovp G. A. ORG: Leni!jgrad State Pedagogical Institute im. A. 1. Gertsen (1enir4gr&dxkiy goau- darstvennyy pedagoglohaskiy institut) V1 TITLES Behavior of differential thermal emf in bismuth alloys SOURCES Fizika tverdogo tela, v. 8p no. 8, 1966, 246o-2461 TOPIC TAGS1 bismuth alloy, tin alloyl thermal emf ABSTFjkqT: The temperature dependence of the differential thornal enf all and c% of Bi_sn'Moys containing various amounts of tin was studied (Fig. i). As the tempera- ture'drops, the sign of the differential thermal omf of the'alloy with 0.2 at. % Sn' chan.fles from negative to positive, but the anisotropy of the thermal otrif remains con- siderable. This indicates current carriers belonging to several nonoquivalent groups participate in the transfer phenomena. In all of the Bi-Sn alloys containing up to 1.0 at. % Sn, the nature of the temperature dependence of a33 1'er"a'Do the sane. As the Sn content increases, the point at which the sign Of changes shifts togard higher temperatures. In the alloy irith 0.4 at. % Sn, theTernial omf all becomes nez ative-at low temperatures. In alloys with a high Sn contGnt, ali is negative in the entire 80-3000K range. This fact and the strong anisotropy of the themal emf in all the Bi-Sn alloys indicate that not only holes,, but also elootrons participate in 'the ]I Card 1/2 i ACC NRi ____ AP606M transfer phenomena, and that the band atructure of thove alloytt is bighly complex. Orig. art. hast 2 figures. -CIO - O', Fig. 1. Temperature dependence of the A thermal emf ~; (curves A: I - 0.2 at. Snq 2 - 0.4 at. n) and a , (curves B: 1 0.2- at. % Sno 2 - 0.4 at. 7SIn) of Bi-Sn alloys. L7 -200 -150 400 50 0 #W T. *C SUB COIB: 11)201 SUBM DiM I 15Jan66/ ORIG REFS 002/ OTHRRF3 003 Card 2/2 AC'C AR6033792 SOURCE CODE! TJR/0058/66/000/007/EI03/r,-103 AUTHOR.: Glukhova, T. I.; Grabov, V. M.; Ivanov, G. A. - Popov, A. M. TITLE: Electrical properties of quasi-binary alloys (Bi-Sb)-Te SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 7E773 REF SOURCE: Uch. zap. Leningr. goo, ped. in-ta im. A. 1. Gertsena, v. 265, 1985, 234-241 1 TOPIC TAGS; Hall effect, thermo electromotive force, bismuth alloy, antimony alloy, tellurium alloy, temperature dependence, quasibinary alloy, binary alloy, conduction band ABSTRACT: Ont-he basis of investigation of the Hall effect, the specific resistance and the thermo electromotive force, a study is made of the structure of the conduction band in single and polycrystalline alloys (Bi-Sb)-Te, containing 3, 6, 8, 10, 15, and 20 at To of Sb, and 0. 1, 0. 2, and 0. 3 Lit 0/6 of Te. It is found that the addition of T lowers while the addition of Sb raises it in comparison with the P of initial Bi-Sb 11~ys. The values of effective electron masses found (m*) correspond to the values m* in the initial alloys. -Depending on the concentra- card 1/2 ACC NR. AR6033792 tion of Sb at 300K, the character of the m* changes is in accord with the data of Smith [RZhFiz. , 1963, 7E617], obtained at 1. 3K, which indicates a low tempera- ture dependence of m* of the alloys investigated. [TranslatLon of abstract] [GC] SUB CODE: 20, 11 2/2 0 11P% i ~ III.- 1 , T !; 4. v i'1111 '1 ! I ~,.A,; RYABOVA, L.A.; SAVITSIKAYA, Ya-31.; 'ttiTSIEVICH, CMAISHKOV, Second Scien-,;dfic Session of the Science Council on Phpical Electronics. Radiotekh. i elektron. 10 no.6:1165-1.166 Ole 165. (NInI 18:6) --- T - r - '- """' '-' " i".. " I TITIS! Anian-%rapy of- '- -- ~ piara "; th aifiglo i 6oYOW"ql 0t tw5n.14"gi it 1, 1 1" pro - -t~ :. :-~: . na r -i Tit rr-f! ln?r aul 9 .ml~ i,. F, I i I' R0 : 1 .1. A.T,; Fhuiiele~-,s of i1,&-;: in a furnac,3 vith a flu~di7e~cd bed, Gaz. prun. 1.0 no.6:2,--32 5 . (MLIRA 18:6) ZHDANOVf M.M.; KOSTRYUKOV, G.V.; ASFANDIYAROV, Kh.A.; MAKSUTOV, R.A.; KONDAKOVJ, A.N.; TURUSOV, V.M.; SILIN, V.A.; PILYuTSKIY, O.V.; SHELDYBAYEV, B.F.; PETROV, A.A.; SMIRNOV, Yu.S.; KOLESNIKOV, A.Ye.; DROZDOV, I.P.; IVANTSOV, O.M.; TSYGANOV, B.Ya.; KORNONOGOV, A.P.; VDOVIN, K.I.; ALEKSEYEV, L.A.; GAYDUKOV, D.T.; LIFW#SWY, A.Ya.; DANYUSHEVSKIY, V.S.;.VEDISHCHEV, I.A.; ALTKft~BV -L.G.- KRASYUK, A.D.; IVANOV G.A. Author's communications. Neft. i gaz. prom. no.2:67-68 Ap-Je 164. (MIRA 17:9) L 44279-66 L-UT(m)/T w0i ACC NRs AP6005370 (A ) SOURCE CODE. UR/0413/66/ooo/001/0117/0117 ACC NR,, INVENTOR: Perellman, R. G,; Skubachevskiy, G, S,; Polikovskiy, V. I..; 1 0 I V Ivanov -2 L ORG: none A21 TITLE% Hydrostatic bearing. Class 47) No. 177TIl SOURCE; Izobreteniya, promyshlennyya obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 1, 1966, 117 TOPIC TAGS: bz=a"W,._ hydrostatic bearing A13STRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a hydrostatic bearing -with grooves and a control mechanism for feeding the lubr atj to the friction surfaces.11 For greater reliability and ease of con- struction the control mechanism is two grooves tapering toward each other whereby the intake groove is more tapered than the outlet groove (see Fig. 1). orig. art. has: 1 figure, 1/2 uDc: 621.822. 111111 OHIO] mill) 1211MIT ACC NRt Ap6oO5370 Fig. 1 Hydrostatic bearing, 1- grooves; 2-- chambers SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: O4Apr64 Card 2/2 rLis (LDI lVAMV, G.B..,; VOSIICMIK)V, K.P., Inshoner, rateenzent; KRYLOV, T.I. -TIMIfter, redaktor; GOLOVIN, S.Ta., inzhener, redaktor; ZVWIII- TSEVA, K.P.v Inshener, redaktor; UVARDVA, A.F., tekbnicbelikiy redaktor. (Correcting defects in cast iron] laprakenie defektor chugwmogo litlia. Hoskya, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo mehinostroit.lit-ry,, 1955. 121 p. (MLRA 8:11) Cast Iron--WaldiDg) d. 1111 7M I Vii 1~ I- . - ~~- -'--? . OBRUCHEV, S.V. 'Through sluicing by rapid streams." G.B.Ivanov. Reviewed b7 S.V.0bruchev. Izv, Vasa* geog. ob-va-BB-no-.-I:- -io4 Ta-P 156. (Sluices) (Ivanov, G.B.) (MIJU 9:6) I -~ ~ I I ~ 1: ~ ;I - 1- ~z - -.1 ~"-- ----- - '' t, .- . i . . 7 1.- -: ~ F . : r TI, , IVANOV, G.B.. Constructing reinforced concrete bin trestles at the Makeyevka metal- -jVrg;kq4j-_plant._ Stroi, no,5:2-5 W 157. .35- (MLRA 10:6) ata Kakstroy. (Makeyovka--Blast furnaces) (Precast concrete construction) I#ANOV, G. B. (~mlity characteristics and conditions of burning Angren coal. Izv. AF Uz. SSR. Ser. tekh.nank no.6:3-16 .160. (14MA 14: 1) 1. SreLeaziatskiy politekhnicheskiy institut i Institut energetiki i avtomatiki AN UzSSR. (Angren Basin-Coal) 94-3-10/26 AUTHORS: Ivanov, G.D., Bortnikov, M.G. and Zatulovskiy, ii.M. TITLE: Modifications to the Control Circuits for Lifting Tables on a Plate Mill to Shorten the Rolling Cycle (Izmeneni3re skhemy upravleniya podIyemnykh stolov tolstolistovogo stana. dlya sokrashcheniya tsikla prokatki) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, Vol 13 No 3, pp. 18 - ig Nbsi). ABSTRACT: This is a suggestion that neceived fifth premium in an Ail-Union competition for the economy of electric power. An important factor in determining the time required to roll a billet on a plate mill is the time required to raise and lower the tables. Lowering seldom causes delay, because the opera- tor can commence to lower them before the work leaves the rolls. However, if the raising is cormienced too soon, damage may be done. At the works imeni Petrovskiy, the electric motors driving the table lifts were controlled by the circuit given in Pig.l. An oscillogram taken when the motor was working with this control circuit is given in Fig.2, and shows that the motor is acceler- ating thDughout the period of lifting of the table. It was, therefore, desirable to increase the acceleration of the motor. Cardl/2 After trying different values of starting resistance and delay 94-3-10/26 Modifications to the Control Circuits for Lifting Tables on a Plate Mill to Shorten the Rolling Cycle time of the accelerating relay, the new circuit shown in Fig-3 was proposed. It contains no accelerating relay nor counter-current relay, and a few other parts are left out. An oscillogram of the operation of the motor with the new circuit is given in Fig.4. The acceleration time has been cut from 2.5 to 0.9 sec. and the total time requimd for 1-1.fting is cut from 4.38 to 3.25 see. The total 'time saved in rolling a sheet is 4 see; thus, it was possible to roll a furtber 4 000 tons a year of sheet, whilst saving some 200 000 kWh of electric power. There are 4 figures. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 GRIGORIYEV, B.V.; KIPERMAN, S.Ya.; IVAVOV G F.- RYAB IOK, A.G., L~'-" --..! -.4 D red.; TELYASHOV, R.Kh., r va; GIJIRTS, V.L., (New method of anode mechanical working of metals with a band] Novyi -sposab obrabotki metallow metodom anodnogo to- cheniia lentoi. Leningrad, 1963. 15 p. (LeningradAii dom nauchno-tokhnicheakoi propagandy. Obmen peredovym opytom. Seriia: Blektrotekhnologicheskie protsensy i ustroistva, no.8) (MIRA 17:4) IVANOV, G. F. "Study of +he Conditions for Cbtaining Spongy Iron for the Complex Hydroflotation Process of 'Aeroflotationl." Sub 19 Nov 51, Moscow Inst of 11opferropp Meta2s and old imeni M. T. Kalinin .,,~,vxt ljek~, I xaj, 9 Dissertations presented for science and engineering degrees In YSoscow during 1951. Sum. Fo. 480, P 55 1 1,1 t- - I U. il. Deceased Anatomy See ILC ZEFIROV, A.P., professory doktor tekhn. naukq red.; IVANOV, G.F.f kand. tekht, nauk, red.; WEVSKIY9 B.V., kand. tekhn. naUIEv-rea-T,--5AMMV-, M.A., red.; KAZEL'p Ye.I., tekhn. red. (Transactions. Selected reports by foreign scientists] Trudy. [Izbran- nye doklady inostranrVkh uchenykhj Moskvaj Izd-vo Glav. . uprav. po ispollzavaniiu atomnoi energ. pri Sovete Ministrov SOR. Vol.7.[Teebnol- ogy of atomic raw products] Tekbnologiia atomnogo syrlia. Pod obshchei red. A.P.Zefirova. 1959. 656 p. (MIRA 14.-7) 1. Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po mirnomu ispollzovaniyu atomnoy energii, Zheneva, 1958. (Uranium (Thorium.