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SOV/97/5;5'/2/8/l6 The Effect of the Fineness of Cement Grinding and Additives on the Frost Resistance of the ComentlMix. explained by S.V. Shestoperov's theory on the effect of aluminate minerals on frost resistance of concrete, and the necessity to regulate the quantity of Orps,,am in relation to the degree of grinding of c.~!ment wid the amount of calcium aluminate it containo. Tbz re- sults of investigations of P.P. Shubenkin ea,e published in an article entitled "Strength of Concro'Ce in Bending and Compression after investigation on Frost Resistance" in VIA imeni Kuybyshev, 1952, Nr 65. The author states that to investigate strength under bending the test using the repeated freezing and defreezing method is more reliable than the one carried out by compression There is one table. 1~ Concrete--Temperature factors 2. Freezing point depressants--Test results 3. Cement--Preparation 4. Cement--Physical properties Card 2/2 5. Concrete--Mechanical properties MMOM ON ~Uffl jok SIMIN, I.N., AMPRIYEVO V.I. IVANOV, F.M. Technology of one-stage injection into channels vith prestrea904 reinforcements* Avt. dore 21 no. 7:18-19 J1 158* (HIRA 11:8) (Prestressed concrete) IVAINOV. F.M.; KELLER, I.M. Sorption transducers used in continuous measurements of the moisture of soils and other materials under Btationarv conditions. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. no-7:36-40 J1 '58. (MIRA 11:8) l.Vi3eooyuzny7 doroshnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Institut. Mosk7a. (Hygrometry) .1 P I F;~ ; E 1~ W';:! tvltl 1-:1F1 :11 111 - 1: '1 1 i 11 - 11 11 - r , I I I : I :~. :, VOLKOV, H.I., prof.; IVANOV, P.M.kand.tekhn.nauk; 111HASHEV, F.S.,inzh.; KOROLEV, I.V,', inzi-.-7--TU�MNK6v, B.I., inzh.; HYMKOMAYS6~5.1.i 1mnd.t,ekhn.nauk; N33MMOV, V.K., kand.takhn.nau1c; SMbWTOY, N.A,, kand.tekhn.nauk; TAKUM, O.A., inzh,; KOTYIMV, Yu.L., r~d.; LAMAN, F.Ye., [Metallurgical slags in road construction] Metallurgichaskie ahlaki v dorozhnom stroitellotva. Moskva. Nauchno-tokhn.isd-vo H-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shoseeinykh dorog IMSE. 1959. 182 p. (MIRA 12:4) (Road materials) (slag) ~--IVANOV, I.M., kand-teklin.nauk; IM-T R,I.M., kand.takhnonauk Determining the content of non-freezing water In concretes. TimO NIIZHB no.12:88-94 159. (KM 13.8) (concrete) (Moisture-Measurement) SKMIN, Ivan Nazarovich; ANUFRIM, Viktor Ivanovich; IVAlOV,,Fedor Kikhaylovich. Prinimali'uchastiye: VASMA, L.G.; TALYUS, VX; -VOKBITS7A. K.G.; MAROVA, Te.P.; NKFAWYA, Ta.F.; IVA.NTMVA, R.I.; ZUBKOVA, H.S., red.; DONSKATA, G.D., tekhn.rod. [Injection intothannels with stressed reinforcements] Inekti- rovanie kanalov a napriashennoi armaturol. Moakva, Nauchno-te'khn. izd-vo X-va avtomobillnogo transp. i shossoinvkh dorog, 1960. 23 P. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Gosudarstvennyy Vaesoyuznyy dorozhnyy nauchno-issledovatellakiy inst-itut (SOYUZDMII).(for Vasyuta, Talyus, Voroblyeva. ZhBrova' Nefedova, Ivanteyeva). (Bridges, Concrete) R9ZRM, Vasiliy Kakarovich, doktor geol.-miner.nauk; ZASECHEPTY# Aleksey Nikitich, kand.tokhn.nankLj~~~kkaylrA3zJc _k, _kand. tekhn. nauk; HIKHATLOV, Valentin Vaull'yevich, kand.tekhn.nau)c; NEMWT. Vladimir Konstantinovichq kand.tekhn.nauk; XURORKOV, Boris Iva- novich, inzh.; ZASHCHUK, Igor' Vsevolodovich. kaud.telchn.nauk; GORELTSM, N.V.. kand.tekhn.nauk. red.; TEGOZOV, V.P., red.; aAT, XONOVA, Te.N.,,; DONSKATA, G.D., tekhn,red. (Handbook on laboratory testing of road materials and soils] Spravochnoe rukovodstvo po laboratornym ispytanilam dorozhno-atroi- tolinykh materialov i gruntov. Pod obshchei red. N.V.Gorelyaheva. Hosk7a, Hauchno-takhn.izd-vo K-va avtomobillnogo transports i shoseeinykh dorog R&M, 1960. 381 p. OURA 13:11) (Road materials--TeBting) M NINE R~iinplitil IDINR 1pilb p pqp', vml q (aYAI~O~F.M.~__~pand.tekhn.nauk; GIMIDDV, A.A., kand.teldin.nauk; NOVIMVO Ya*N., Inzh. Waterproofing culverts on railroad lines. Transp. stroi..10 no,10: 53-54 0 160, (HIU 13: 10) (GvIverts) GCMTSMff, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; LMIMOVA, T.Ta., kand.khlm.uauk; KOLBANOVSKATA, A.S.j, kand.khim.nauk; 4Tffl-Q-T-*-M,, kand.tekhn. Uauk; TWE-DER, I.N., kand.teklin nauk; MAP~W16 I.I., lush.; TIMMEYEVA, L.D., insh.; ilG;ZA. A~I., red,'; I:OVRIZHN=, L.P*q red.; GALAKTIONOVA, Te.N., (Physicochemical methods of characterizing the proportion and structuro of road and buildirg materials] lftziko-khimicheskie matody kharaktaristiki svolstv J struktury doroshuo-stroitell- n7kh materialov. Koskvat Nauehno-tekhn.lsd-vo X-va a#~emo- billnego transp. i shosseinyldL dorog RSISR, 1961. 91 p. (14IRA 1412) (Road materiala-Tesling) (Building materiala--Testing) -.X" inzh., UTSENKOI V.N., inzh.; IIGVIKOV, ; X, 7a.14., Liz-h.; SHKLOVSKIY, M.Ya-, inzh. Use of polyvinyl chloride plastics for the waterproofing of bridges. Tranap.stroi. 11 no.3:23-24 IT 161. (MIM 14:3) (Waterproofing) (Bridge construction) (Ethylene) i. PA IVANOVj-.F-X,.;..-N'DVIKOV* U.N. Gluing concrete and reinforced concrete articles with epoxy resins. Avt. dor, 24 no.3322-23 Mr 161. (MI RA 14: 5) (concrete) (Epoxy resins) IVANCV., F.M., kand.tekhn.nauk; ROUK, G.S., kand.tekhn.nauk Effect of the hardening temperature on the expannion. of portland ceraent, mortars vith Various additions of gypeums Nauch. soob. MITSementa no.12:30-35 161. OURA 15:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovateltakiy institut transportnago stroitel'stva. (Portland cement) (Gypsum) Fill 1~: 111 IIOSKVD151 V.M., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; MEDVEDEV, VJ1,' ~ kunji. tekhn. nauk, KAPKIII., kand. tekhn. nauk. Prinimali ucha3-i-e: ' j IVANOV kand. tekhn. naui; TMTKOV, S.I-,,, kard. tekhn. nauk; PAVL4DV, V.!I,.., inzh.; KLIMOVA, G.D., red. i.,d.-va, BOROVNEV. NX., tekbn. red. [Instructions for increasing the durability of concrete in elements of marine hydraulic structures] Instruktsiia po povysheniiu dolgo- veohnosti, betona v konstruktsiiakh morskikh gidrotekhnicheskikh sooruzhenii. Mloskva, Gos. Izd-vo li-t--ry po stroit. arkhit. i stroit. r-aterialara., 1962. 58 p. 41111A 15:5) 1. Akademiya stroitellstva i arkhitekti--n, SSSR. Institut betona. i zhelezobotona, Perovo. 2. Chlen-korrespondeei, Akadem-il stroitelystva i arkhitektury SSSR (for Moskvin). 3. TSentrallnsya laboratoriya korrozii Nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta betona i zhelezo-, betona Akademii stroitellstva i arl-,hitektury SM (for I-Sedvedev, Kapkin). 4. TS=-'-rfLI'nyy n-auchno-issledovatel'skiy institut svyazj. MinisteratTa transport-nogo stroitelletva S&SR (for Ivanov). (Hydraulic structures) (Concrete construction) I ! r .I t,: ;, jj:~ 1,1111,11 ; IF! -I I I: I .:- MOSHCHANSKIY, Nikolay Alekseyevieb, doktor tekhn. nauko prof.; I-VAPLC~V' _1A,-,kand. tekhn. nauk, nauchnyy red.1 YUDINA, L.A., red. izd-va; GOLIBERG, T.M., tekhn. red. [Increasing the stability of building materials and olements under the conditions of corrosive atmapheres)Povyishenie stoi- kosti stroitelinykh materialov i konstruktsii,.-rabotaiushchikh v usloviiakh agressivnykh sred. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat, 1962. 234 P. (MIRA 16:1) (Concrete-Corrosion) (Corrosion and anticorrosives) IYANOV, F.M., kand.tekhn.nauk,- MEDVEDEV, V.M., kand.tekhn.ruiuk "Corrosion and protection of marine structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete" by M.K. "Tikhoncir. Mviewed by F.M. Ivanovp V.M. Medvedev. Bet. i zhel.-bet. 8 no.11:527-528 N 162. (MIRA. 1501) (Concrete-Corrosion) (Hydraulic structurea) (Tikhonov, M.K.) j: IVANOV F.IL kand.tekhn.nauk; VUSOV, S.M., inzh. Protecting reinforced concrete blocks for tunnel-lining from corrosion. Transp. St 1. 12 no~11:41-43 N 162. (NIRA 15:32)) (Tunnel liningr (Concrete-Corrooion) NOVIKOV, U.N.; GATVAN, V.V.,- IVANOV,,-F.M. Improved waterproofing of overpasses, Avt,,dor. 25 no.WO-21 Ag 162. OM 1632) (Viaducts) ill ~ ,;,; F IVANOV P.M* kand.tekhn.nauk; SI-IOLIYANINOV, A.A.,, ka4id.telch.mmk; SOLYr- ~ P 1 .T9VA, V.L., kand.tekhn.nauk i Waterproofing the foundation of poles of contac,t networks. Tran3p. stroi. 13 no-9:51-54 S 163# (14IRA 16:12) OVA, Ollga Alok sand rerma; AD IYANOV MAN21OV, lfiyazbek Gabdianovich; YEGOZOV, V.P., red. [Manual for the research worker in road materials] Spravoclmik laboranta-dorozhnika. Moskva, Transport, 1964. 198 p. (MIRA 17:8) I 7,71f 'IT' BAKLANOV, A,S., Inzh.; (,LADK(,)V, V.S., kand. t(ikhn. na0:,, JVAIMt,!"At-;, kand. tekhn. nauk Heat insulation as a means of improving the durability of concrete structures. Transp. stroi. 1.5 no.7:42-44 J1 165, (MIRA 18-7) GS11jHBERG,, Osj-.p Abramov--..h,l prcf., doktor tekbr. nauk, 1wareat Grjsiidarst-,reT1rf,:iy premii~ VOALZHOS~KlY, A. V., prof.: retzienzent; SIZOV., VjT,,r di-.kt.(,r vikhn. nauk.- F.M., kand. tokhr). nauk, nauqtw. red. [Teclmol--g.v of !-onoret6 m! reinf',-rced concra-to product5l lekbnc)'~cigiia betom~yklh i zhe1ezobetcf-miykh izdeh.i. Hask7a, Stro:il~zdnt,, .1965, '320 P. 'V.1RA 1. 1hxk-.vcJ'Itell kafedry "Torhnoioglya vylazhushchikh veshches-ti i bf,~temcv" IIoskavjkog%~ AnzLone rrc.-stro-1 tell llogo ilmtltuta Im. V,V.KvYbyshc,va (for VolzhA-riskly). 2. liukonditall kafedry ';Stroite'1'1nyye iraterialy i izdeliyall Vsesoyumi:igu zaochnogo VG-- iitekhri-~-hesk%.--gli inatituta (for Sizov) GORCHAKOV, Grigoriy Ivanovich; KAPKIN, Mikhail Matveyevich, SKRANTAYEV, Boris Grigorlyevich; IVANOV, F.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; [Improving the frost resistance of concrete in elements employed in industrial and bydraulic stractures] Povyshe- nie morozostoikosti betona v konstruk-tsiiakh pronVahlenzVkh i g-A'drotakhnicheskikh sooruzhenii. Moskva, Stroiizdat, 1965. 193 P. (MIRA 18:12) IVANOV, F.M.; AKINDVA, KA4. Method for measuring thrmigh pores in capillary-porous substances. Zav. lab. 31 no.11:1360-1361 t65. (MIRA 19;1) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut transportnogo stroiteltrtva. IVANOV, F.P. Making reinforcement frames for concrete pipe unIts. Rate. i izebr. predl. v stroi. ne.126:3-4 '55. (MIBA 9:7) (Pipe, Concrete) SHUSHKIN, V.F.; IVANO_V,_F._S--- -- Ultrasonic detection of defects in ceramic products. Stek. i ker. 19 no.8s2l-23 Ag 162. (KRA 15:9) (Ultrasonic wavels-Industrial applications) (Ceramics-Testing) I IM I E 1 11 F 111M., FRIMMI, I II ME FRI. 0 "m.. IL41", ILU ij, I elf 0 COO ** so so**** so** f I 6s$ 0) 0 4;041 0 0 oil! 08! 00, 01804,911t.116 *011 t 04111 0 The p"MOSM of qiir" d mw Akabaft Cagestra- dm. M, N. vaghkay, 0. A. gletbo and V. i. Skyarum 'Stod-A~6. 11. No. 10. 14-24(11X141. CAm. Zo&. IM L 3100-RxU. at Stmodde dril4m f (adoulm Ar 71w Stand "t t1W the uvW mom w Iv Air &k. cgs, infudom In 040 -.-. do not biort!1itit the IdIrtmanty 2 =I wMIdIlist MJkttFW. k"P WA -W -C MILEY ca revorbed. &ocb a pnpa. to, therdaffe. macb wme ntional than JuNdow. umd lbouro mW P-den: they stiH tequke.btm..t.,diaW(ftt&g. Areductilmlathog1c. Lmteut of awmtmumq deaknet! fnr the rite, d alkaloid 6 drugy Is m #dvWblt, Awe the voly. W the alkak" rkp- idLydecrealmeR wltA Ilse ek. omtent. Th*7-4&ynuwr4a- title Period eveammen" for the vmv. . of tholetures is qrmr;mt to WAS &It effft4ivv constituents WO $01M. M. 0. mome 0 0 '000 9$ d Moo IJO%i O"LAV C". act bI I CAIC qRv all A a 1- 31- 1 -9 p- 1 11 1 Zan, WIRRA -1-1 a ad 0 A 0 1 At III I a 4 full ' " , , * " " . it . 001T0 0:0 Gio 1111 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 else so 0 a 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 6 0 1 111 R-P 'Wit 'wujLjjL-Ljjtta Id, io o * * ! r1olle. lot Oil a - a a I 14 *6 ONOC41141 m* foottfoll wBig (L A L 0& a;;,. ZZ. 1u3. OW Pedift Pi~ tO be good Pub"Il- 3100. 'no lu"sforgimarLbkintbepmpft-G#m4l5km- C" .410 964 4 dm icd aim" is, tat bwtoje It don sm k-P ='==d' 1. pwtk,. No Posid- resubs sea ea at Vmmt be adavd from "Oth Oft che" *of hf. MOO" 00,E wo 0 *0 =00 *** as* 00 . 000 009 004 lit 600 H Z 'Wee 00 'L, M.ILA ACTALLUNCKAL WERATM CLASSIFiCATIO* te* its a A "u-m .1. 1~ a, -1 46C U. .., %I -, 0 US0101110 0 ft twit W-1 x 11 w m INC it a "La. 0 0 0 0 0 ol 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0:1 0 6 0 0 0 : :1: : O'D 00 40, Go so 00 so so a a a e a a 0 a 0 a 0 0 a (V 0 0 41 0 4i 041911ifft? 911.1%1 left V., 1111 1 " 111, 41 A 4--f-Sk I P L_L__J_JL__Lj A-A-1-A 0- CC PC CL Ir_1 -0 fit 01 A if 00 , -mkrocbemkd 0 r0p tac I r own- chmCwLilk C1111ters of 11C OVnit 1VhY (in I d o : !~' roe U Noa 00 go WOO oil ZL.- Ass-SLA a[TALLURGKAL UTEROLTURE CLAWFICATION 'lee lee Im a IN r I v- Im5 a -_a I U 0 Al 12 Hjj ME V tat It lug K A 000000 0 0 0 t H 11 1.117711711 M~140V, F. V. PA 1T?l UsSR/Pharmacy Mucation Fob 15,47 "Concernins the Question of Higher Phannacoutical FAucation, " re V Ivanov and I A Nnuvev, 3 pp "Farmatslya" No 2 .Plans for a pro&Tam to train specialists In fields such as pharmaceutical chemictry, botanical toxicology,, etc. Improved drug production ultinate goal. 1771 F. V., Dbecrit Ph,-lmnacy - w In the -:O~;c~;V; SecUon. Apt. dolo 2 N'o. 1, 1953. 1~!onthly LLL qr -,-~u:;-~Ian Acc -csiions, Liu rary o -L con,ress , Jun~! ' - 53. Uncl. t~ . I "; [ I-' .., wT.-",..---,-,..-,-.--- - . - . ~. ~ I., JVANOV. F.V_ ["%Vlt Ueeil b;jbr.It.t#wk f.- Ogolevets, G.S. villyamsi V.V. Razdorskaya, L.A Ivanov, F.V. LIvov, "IT.A. Voroshilov, V.N. "Encyclopedic Dictionary al of Therameutic, Essenti Oil-Bearing, and Toxic Plants" N ,%:oscow A,-ricultural Acad,-my .1 Imelli K.A. TimirJazov 1. 1 tit 1 0; - j-.; I 111 11 i~ t 11 rutia cwmi of pigypfola Luckimeatis and wmt VV`!C1fU1 Of E-Or-111 r. V. JV~11101' CM(MlY N~111. 1115t. MI Of ifc,lth , ", S-rt-:1'.- - A jWlrAv,, De!v. 4, No. 2 21-(3k1p.,Z).--1hC glass and :Immj ; of thu, 10%.111e, poly~,!ai,' buckwhcat am a raw tit ,Ltcti:0 f,;r obtakilit; nati'l. nifIrtirl of V12 utius buckwhc;;,, rixtpedally repre-prit.-t h," of tile pncr-A Nivpirtzol Maid Runivi, -Ns cirtita!tt rutia. Amclip, tile litter afe 0) b~ M"llfirMi'd i!(P_1,' 111trT.) 1111'1 tit!! wattr dock. I'lle grio4 11,1vict., ,If tit p1lj5,p!w t '111,4:- av! rI, in rutin that tij..;-v ui 0 - The largest ittlit. i-; rotind days aft ~ ~oifirqv .)r d,lly! :LftCI AttoliIIA,kIll. VOIC11 the r-,41T 1113VI61 IS lil'd r,ip!itly at Iffl-105' theamt. ~f rurin r~n, tv, :11at'j"W. V/11pli %Ipt in a dr" jilic': mctrct I fivM ligh, r t- flj~lj iind w-ell a--rst--(l rx,in renwhis ti~,,Iwtii -,i [,,T I _, I uiwith4. T3 u1c:. rtiu, s;mhr all , -wi :!I, :t of flo-acri witt, 100 Lc- Etall for 01, atirl. Retnn-,e tk-~ ctheral 13yer nlid rcpr--it the, e:ttn. 4 tinlo_- . Reflur I w R- AtItti-A l.-owtict fre-t-ti (mm chloraphyti ivith 2NO :.Z. :;: '7'I ;C M0 I I for 20 tit in. Vi!z-iznt tile ~.Itn. :v1d 'resli it1c . i.ol -t,- ptat tile promsti thrice tnDN. Lind! Cir eumbt,~.] a1c. extit. ul witil rutbi Cryliat Appvr. Lte " 14 , . Filter the crystd. m-.tin hy Suctiall, dt FEW, wa!:i P, tit-itis vqit~ EtO, and CV11P. tile latter, Di_114v.! t:-," in boiN.g wub-r ( lir-111)), filter tlu- hot sdui. , ~t,d Filt-r :i f~lv timlis with hot wnttr. Cor-1 tile "LMbi;iCd filtritte to 4". Tht cry3tld. rutin i-t 3iint,, twke w ith 14,0, wv.! duizd at 71~4-11 ct:j:st. t. Mil:~n WaNov IV/ I -- -- - - - ! 'T XX IR cir; tall ,y,roarj ac .1 !t!T -ta t$l ars cif I A-k~;Crdi.u,- tl cr.L",ut4 in tLe fc)x,k -Tlti,lwl-, V'rAj 1~1 t 'I;r rw metoll. ck t's C 4,y. Q _-tjjr~ -L.A 3,.i C n S Cl jjjjr IVANOV, F.V.; FRIKIWLSKIYO S.G. Uitle busta-rd in the UsSaSeR. and measures for its protection in winter. Ornitologli no.7tl3(~-133 t65. (MIRA 18410) IV-1,111TIP F.V, Materials on the bic,,lc.4y- and hunting of thd w;].tl?.- Jil Ryazan Province. Ornitologlia no.7:229-243 165 ~, (?Ml~~ 18:1.0 Runin IVAHOV, G. Building for chemical and metallurgical industries in the lugansk Iconomic Region. Stroitell no.2:7 IF 159- (MIRA 12:5) 1. Hachal'nik upravleniya Metallurgkhimmashetroy Luganakogo sovnarlchoza. (Lhganak Province-Industrial buildings) (Precast concrete construction) L 11 1 LIs -:1H QV, _4 GRUZDEV, it.; SERGEYEV, L.; IVANOV, 1. BABALYAN, B.; IVM~ For a model main air route# Grazhd, av. 21 no.6:20-21 Je 164. (MA 17:8) IVANOV, G. Hore EiTicient Improvements im 11rosPecting for Coal Deposits. 1-'J.n:%o Delo. (Edining), rqt:P6:Jan 515 .1 IVANOV, G., inzh. Electricity should be a part of everyday life. NTO 3 no. 5:51-55 MY 161, (MIRA 14-5) 1. "Soyuzglavelekta-o" pri Gosplane SSSR. (Household aW.Liances) Electric) IVI*li!(-Iv G. iciu-mization ana eutormation of work processeno. Cjkhl,. trudla soto. straldi. 4 no.9!7 S 161. (Ud-murt A.S.S.R.-Technological innovzZons) (;cn) IIE7 Yu rp Lc-chriical Ediv-,atioa Didustrial tra".rin1r.' -Ichooi undef- conibine. Vin. 33.31:. 12, No. 7, !~'-"52. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195$. Unclassified. 2 I , a t I I! D I III 0~ Of Ill. oflill IVANOV, G., rukovoditell fenologicheskogo krushkA. What we observed in October. D 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Detskiy Dom Ho.52, Moskva. (Phenology) 'J;t6ucture a.' derl t! va ves obtained fly Rane~ iAtkel liydra-, X. W b! -A ifli)a wid the arm, c gecation of dypnophi4cols. I., Hydrogi.nat:ati:61 d I -' I en I 7-4~cl,ih-zxenc 6 ~! 31-tie:4. P -Pinual "d In, tt~~namlono, D. Avalitiv.; of r roduitiden- I . P "nov Txv. Bniitzh~v, ;irl m,-~i to dtAmi-,my6w. VL 011 IX ; 7 t X1 L ~71T~'-M'1,011'a 105 f) witO "k. 1,011 :Ilrqd~-j its 1w1L;trirl0)n to. I 'in -rr-rlehi: C17771. 18. (11 hy-jro- wiloc .1,jublil ~111111 is lttjgwv~d all lldnlg~"a thit 4- o. r~ j;Quatd yielel. Dehydro4-znatint of III with C,11, withi Ibintfr Ni. y51icil dihytlrodypnop; mccllcic (11), S yik-!&~ 2,4,(]-Phl~14,13z (IV), Timmg Cie mah tenance f m. 1411-S' (front Rtolr). o I it, Lo-c_ the I ct)nfiguratius and the inacti%rity of the C :0 gRrip. Hl,OH with a Fl-sad. ettIA:1st give a resinput; pr%dijct, in. Aiialyskarld the 11 equiv. of III Indicate the I -nit thyl-l 3,5- 143-0 after 2 rtmryi~ins, 4-,xill MOIL On dardrapratiou triplici3vl-2-b~,zizoyi-~l-hydrt)xycyclahr'x,xnct (V) structure. with S H gava 3! 4 13-Pli~ !illtuz, in. 167-8., (f.-Orn Ii toll). No reaction rccurred on heating III t-tithAcOil, 1; it witli 1: 1 JVith life. K - fit, 1Wmimrbm. Cisliti. in. 105-V AcOR-11CO-.H llv-as obtaincif a dehydration Pr( et. (VI). in (frum M0101 0111ML-4 159-431*, Lsorneric witlt llydrolntciad~p piria nes (VII). p-nation of VI yields IV, wh . 111~ Dehydro, 4 VI yields IV, wh lix in.p. with, 0 Se Vff nlg) miltrim it3 structure Q3 1-iiiet photyl-2- h 7 benzoyl-2--cyclohexetie. H,!ating V I Wil gives with a mixt. of CnIT!,, is-imers in. 1,14)", ffir I a echatiLmll il wn consideml. 1111clione (VIII), h~-drogznatlxl in C.14 or hxl-Cjf.,Off gives 2 products; (IX), in. 119-21', and (X), im. IX semi to be complt:tcly hysircgenatmi and the. ;tructurc I. ii Imil". ed. STAROGORODSKIT, Ifikolay Nikolayevich; KARFOV, Yevgeniy Tasillyevich; IVANOV, G., red.; DAITILINA, A., (Volga giant] Vol2hakii aigant. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1959. 78 p. (MIRA 12:12) (Stalingrad Hydroelectric Power Station) 77, -P F -111 7"i IVANOV, G. - -ia. Improve production techniques. VTO no.6:40 Jo '59. NIU 12:9) 1.Zamestitell Predsedatelya TSentrallnogo pravloniya nauchno- tokhnicheakogo obehahestva pishchevoy prom7shlonnouti. (Factory management) CHUYKOV, Fedor Mineyevich; IYANOT, G., red.; POPOVA, T., tz"Aw"W""e [Everything for the in&ividuall Too dlio chaloveks. Moal,.Va Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ryg 1959, 78 (JURA 14:45 (Russia---Economic conditionS DIKAMBATET, lazy Dikambayeviah; ~V~NOV, G., red.; POPOTA, T., EKirghizietan in the saven-year plan] Kirgiriis v samiletka. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo polit.lit-ry, 1960, 77 P. (HIRA 13:6) 1. Predeadatell Soveta miAistrov Kirgizekoy SSR (for Dikambayov). (Kirghizistan--geonomic policy) T-jA:-C.-J, i). "Water~5upply tower witii 9,UQU c-u. m. capacity in Crebvo, S-Jeden." 301:Lia lk-d. 6, 1-10. 1, 1.1onthly HE~t of FUi';.CFLAJ'1 AG(;:~SSICJS LG, V01- J111Y 195", Unclas I lit,11 IVAITOV, G., iuzh. ,Automatic electric line guard. Tekh.mol. 28 no.1:12 '60. .. . . . (MDU 13:5) Qgqctric fusee) : I F: IVAIIOV, G. Scientific and technical.oociaties and1he specialized press. Miss. ind-SSSR 31 no.1:5 160. (14M 13:5) 1. Nauchno-tekhrdcheskoye obehohestvo plahchevoy promyshlennosti. (Meat industry-Periodicals)' FOZHARISKAYA, L., kand.biol.nauk; LIBEW-111, S., kand.tekhn.nauk; GORBATOV, V., inzh.; Coagulation of blood of slaughter animals in a continuous apparatus. Hias.ind.SSSR 31,50-51 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Blood--Coagulation) IVAUOV, G Scientific Technological Society in the&ive for technical progress. MIasAnd.SSSR 31 no,5:1-4 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. TSentrallnoye provleniye nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obahchestva pishchevoy promyshlennosti. (Heat industry~Congresses) 111 jj! 0 .TVIUIOVI G. Congrean of Scientific and Technical Societies. Mim. W.SSSR 33 no.2:54,55 162o (KMA :L5:5) 1, TSentrallnogo pmvleniye Nauahno-tokhnicheakogo obahcbestva pishchevoy proWshle=oati. (Meat induatry-Societies, etc.) (Research) IVAROVII G. Calculating the increase of labor productivity in the tire industry where assembly lines are In operation. Biul.nauch. inform.: trud I zar.plata 3 no-9:15-17 160. (MMA 1319) (Tirea, Robber-Iiabor productivity) Wr if ,.I ;. i i:H i,,.. I i; 1! i ~H:I -11i 11: , , ., ~. . I POTAMOSMIEV., S-.; IVANOV., G.; ZHELEZOV, V. Planning labor productivity on the basis of labor involved in the rubber industryo Biulanauchoinform.: trud I zar.plata 4 no.6: 8-13 161a (MIU 14t6) (Rubber industry-IIAbor productivity) 1 ;J1 !If ifi[pi ,IVAIIOY, Geno, inzh. (g.Softya) Research on railroad transportation in the Bulgarian People's ,depublic. Zhel.dor.transp. 42 no-9:33-36 S 160. (91RA 13-9) 1. Direktor Ilauchno-isoledovatellskogo instituta transporta Marodnoy R~spubliki Bolgarii. (Bulgaria--Railro-ad research) HNF III luxov, 0. '7= , - -r,-l - - W7771 --;--7~ -1 - -1 *:1,J,-,%o mc -42 - IiI. I BaZzmang a it .-4~ I- -:j (Electric lines) IVANOV, G., inzh. Mechanized reconstruction of railroad lines, Tekbnika Bulg 2 no.10%7--ll 0 253. IVANOV, G. (~Joskva); GHIJDAKOV, A. (NDskva) Index of cost reduction. Sots.trud 7 no.7:66-67 J:L 162. (MIRA 15 .-8) (Costs, Industrial) (Borrus system) IVANOV, G. Electric household appliances today and tomorrow. Sov. torg. 35 no.3:26-29 Mr '62. 041FA 15:3) (Household appliances, Electric) IVANOVI Go Three heroess Grazhd, av. 21 no.5:22 My '64. (MIRA l8t4) IVANOVV G. The An-2M In the air. Grazhd. av. 22 no.5-.19 My 165. OaRA 180) . I . i i .. . 1 1: i P; 1. .::! IVATIOV, G. [low to give better traininp tn chemical warkar:;. j,ror.-telkh. cbr. 1 22 xio.6:13 J-- t65, "'141111"1 18:7) 1. Starshiy inzh. otdelp. khim-ii lmiti- tuta .LVANOV, G. MAZANOV, V. ;~jr, 22 n How ,,,e priipa A 18:7) IVANOV, G. I)earch for new organizational forms of management. Mor. flot. 24 no.lltl3-14 N 164. (MIRA 18j8) 1. Nachallnik otdela gruzovoy i kommercheskoy raboty Murmanskogo morskogo porta. : ~ , W IVANOT, G.A. High-speed milling of grooves. Stan-i instr. 24 no,.7:36 ii 153. (MLIU 6:8) (Milling nachines) IVANOV, G.A.; VEMHCHAGIN, L.I.; KOTLYAREVSKIT, I#L. Continuous method of halowax production. Izv. Sib, otd. All SSSR no.8:98-102 158. (MIRA 11: 10) I.Vostochno-Sibirski.v filial AN SSSR. (Naphthalene) 'O~AIIO~T-G ~~ _ _4_- - Efficiency promoters exchango.exporienc.e.. Izobr. T SSSR 2 no.4:42 AP '57. (Factory mnagement~ (MM 10W IVANOV, G.A., inzh. Nev Rules for Inventions and Ifficiency Promoting. Put' i put. khoz. no.8:43 Ag 159. (MIRA 13"-3) (Railroads-Technological innovations) 2172 Jlvanov. G. A - Iz Opyta Orgardzataii Novogo Zexmosovkhoza. (Russko-Polyan. Zernosovkhoz Qnskoi Obl.) M., Izd-Vo 11-Va Sovkhozov SSSR, 3,954. 8solff Ms 20sm. (M-Vo Sovkhozov SSSR. Glav. Upr. S.-Kh. Propagandy. Osvoyeniye T6e:Linnykh I Zalezhr7kh Zemell - Vsenarodnoye Delo). 15.000 r,,K7. Bespl. (54-56455) P 338.1 Sov:633.1-1631.61)(57-1-4) IVANOV, G.A. cz--L.-~ Combined wood and metal-tube furniture for public and office buildings. Bum.i der.prom. no.4:"9 O-D 162. (HMA 15:12) 1. Gos8troy UkrSSR. (Furniture) MITELIMAN, M.., brigadir; GLEBOV, B., inzh.,, istorik; UL'YEISKIY., A.; IVAIIOV, G.A., red.; KALAUS MIIA, K.Ye., red.; PROTOPOPOV, M.I., red.; ROZANOV, M.D... red.; BACHILO, I., red.; V.UIOGRADOV, V., mladshiy red.; MOSKVIIIA, R., tekbn. red. (History of the Kirov (formerly Putilov)Netallurgical and Machinery Flant in laningrad].Istorila Kirovskogo (byv. Putilov- skogo) metallurgicheskogo i masbinostroitellnogo moda. v Lenin- grade. 1.',oskva, Izd-vo sotsiallno-ekon. lit-ry. Vol.l. (History of the Putilov Plant 1801-19171 Istoriia Putilovskogo zavoda) 1801-1917. Izd.3. 1961. 719 p. (I-MIA 15:2) 1. Leningrad. Institut istorii partii. (Leningrad-4fachinery industry) f BEREZOVICH, Lev Aronovich; KUROCIIKIN, Konstantin MikhiLylovich,,, IVANOV, German Afanaslyevich;.,NEUSYPIN, A.M., inzh., ved. red 86ROKINA, T.M., tekhn. red. (Chief operator's switchboard. Modernization of the electric drive of the PD45-2 perforator]Direktorskii kommutator. Ixo- dermizatsiia elektroprovoda perforatora PD45-2. (By1G.A.Ivanov. Moskva, Filial nauchn. i tokhn.informatsli, 1957. 19 P. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnichoskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 43. No.0-57-V2) (HIRA 16:2) (Telephone switchboards) (Punched card systems) rim mum IVANOV, G..A. "Effectiveness of the specialization and cooperation in the machinery industry" by M.V.Gazaliev, A.T.Zasukhin. Reviewed by G.A.Ivanov. Ve--~.mash. 41 no.9:83-84 S 161. (MIRA 14-9) (Machinery industry) (Industrial management) (Gazalievp M.V.) (7-asidchin, A. T.) IVANOV2.G. 1. Using Ntyreolit* in the production of furniture# Der* proMO 3.2 no.,2S21-22 F 163. (HIRA 16:4) (Wood finishing).' iid IVANOV, !G~.A. Specialization is the main factor for the technological develorimant of the maniifacture of machinery. Vest.mash. 41 no.8:73-78 Ag '61. (MIRA 14:6) (Machinery industry-Management) iLI'T Al IMIMI 1 C 1 11 1 iE TO .11 ISAGULYANTS, V.I.; IVANOV, G.A., inzh. Alkylation of phenol with dilsobutyl In the pre.,;ence of cation- exchanging tar as a catalyst. Nauch.zap.Ukrnilproekta no.4:113- 120 '61. (MIRA 15:1) 1. r,,.ystvitel'nyy chlen AN ArzWanskoy SSR (for Isagulyants). (Phenols) (Alkylation) L 20328-63 EFF(c)AWT(m)/8DS AFFTC/ASD/AIGC Pr-4 - 1Y#V1Rhi1Qi1 ACCESSION NR: AT3001980 6 S/2rj64/ 01 AUTHORS: Is Agulyants, V. 1.0, Ivanoy, 0, ;TITLE: Additive -production technology. Alkylation of phenol by d.1-1sobutylene in ;the presence of I&O-m,estic cation-exchange resin an a catalyzer. !SOURCE: -Fris,adki.-k. maslam__.i_topliva.m.; trudy nauchno-tekhnic-liele.ko.i~o.-,-- hchaniva. Moscow. Gostopt ekh iz -1-19ove,3 . ---_- 1. 0 TOPIC TAGS: catalysis, catalyzer, cation, exchange, cationite, resin, alkyl, phenol, alkylation, di-isobutylene, phenolic, waste, water. ABSTRACT: The paper surveys briefly existing technical literatuire on the alicyli- tion of phenols by olefines and the use of such catalysts as H?$04, alumina, phos- I iphoric acid, chlorou6. Al, benzosulfoacid, and others. Reference iii made then to works by the author Isagulyants and others in 195Z on the possibility of alkylation of phenol by olefinea with the use of the cationite catalyst KU-Z,~ ~Which is & suuo- nated product of copolymerization of styrene and divinylben-i-o'l.' 'The present pAper,,-,- describes an investigation for the development of an optimal regime for the prepa- ration of the cationite for the stated purpose. To develop a dependable, easy, and rapid method for the preparation of the cationite KU-2, the effect of varioui factor's Card 1/3 1!,;;;J'1 H, j: AgGESSION NR: AT3001980 ~ 1. . on the catalytic activity of KU-2 and the rate of It's preparation procee J$ft I lation of the cationite into the H form was studied, namely: (a) The concentration 1, of the'acids (H S04 and HCl)j (b) the temperature (T) of the acids; (c) the rate of jinput of the ac&*- (d) the height of the cationite layer during its preparation; (e) : the T of the wasi~ng water, (f) the rate of input of the washing water; etc. The in.. vestigation established the following: (1) The cationite can be used In the alkylatioa ireaction both in the waterless and In the moist form; (2) B-10 operations of al~ I- henol ~synthesie can be performed with the same catalyst, (3) the cationite .fiF r-e-a-dily regenerated, whereupon it can be used for 10-12 additional synthesis operli- tions; up to 150 g of dry alkylphenol can be obtained per g of air-dried cationite; (4) the optimal amount of catalyst In the periodic alkylation proces a is 4 to 6.5 weight-17o In the Initial mixture of reagents. The paper describes the continuous imethad of alkylation of phenol by di-isobutylene in the presence of the cationite jKU-Z. The change in the quality of the alkylphenol, depending on Its method of 'preparation and the catalyst employed. the quality.indices of the alkylphenol ob- tained by various methods, and the dependence of the output of dry alkylphenol on the composition of the initial mixture are tabulated. The tichematic arrangement :of the experimental setup for the alkylation of phenol by the continuous method is ;graphically illustrated and described. The new scheme forthe preparation of alkyl__.: ~phenol ensures a total transformation of phenol and obviates the elimination of any; Card Z/ 3 L 2U328--:63 ACCESSION NR: AT3001980 poisonous phenolic waste waters or tha need for acid-proof equipment in the pro- ceas. The alkylphenol obtained in the new method to a monoalkylphenol (mpern- octyl-p'henol) which is completely suitable for the production of alkylphenol addi. tives and detergent substances of the type_ OP-7'.and OP-10. The wetting proper- i ties of the detergents based on alkylphenol obtained by the new method exceed those of detergents obtained ih the industry with the use of the BSK catalyst. This is explained by the absence, in the alkylphenol, of polyalkylat~d coi~ipounds, inasj much as the catalyst KU-2 3mployed in the new method acts selectively and elirni-I nates the possible formation of polyalkylated compounds. Orig. art. has 2 figures and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: MINKh L OP. SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 233an63 ENC L: 00 SUB CODE: FL, CH, PH. NO REF SOV: 006 OTHER: 000 Card 3/3-- 11 P P.M.F. i I L; 11 11 W 1 S/12o/62/000/001/023/o6i E140/E463 AUTHORS: Demidov, B.A., FanclXenko, S.D. TITLE: Fanchenko multi-stage electron-optical image-converter pulse control circuits PERIODICAL: Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, no.1, 1962, 102-107 I TEXT: Two operating modes are available for a multi-stage electron-optical image converter - with leading synchronization and with lagging. These instruments are used for studies of luminescent chambers, arcs, arc counters, plasma physics, etc. For leading synchronization a linear time base 0.1 to 15 lis and' symmetrical pulse generator for compensation of the electrostatic shutter (0.2 lis exposure time) are available. For lagging synchronization two types of synchronization pulse selection.are available, with artificial insensitive time (0.1 to 10 sec). Output is to a photographic apparatus sLfting the film forward one frame for each operation of the image converter shutter. The time resolution of the system is of the order of 10-10 sec. The- artificial insensitive time is useful in examination of randomly occurring events. Vacuum tube circuits are used'throughout. Card 1/2 Fanchenko multi-stage ... There are 6 figures. SUBI.IITTED: May 17, 1961 1 0 Card 2/2 Me M S/120/62/000/001/023/o16.i Ei4o/i.;463 AC CE8S ION NIR.- AR4042t74 S/0272/64/000/005/0104/0104 SOURCE: Ret. zh, Metrologlya I lzmerit. tekhn. Otd. vy*p,, Abe. 5.32.622 AUTHOR: Yagodkin, 1. A.; Ivanov, 0. A. TITLE: Automatic pressure gauge CITED SOURCE: Sb. tr. Leningr.* mekhan. In-ta, no. 29, 1963, 100-104 TOPIC TAGS: automatic control equipment, pressure gauge/IDA-2000 pressure ,gauge TRANSLATION: An automatic pressure gauge IDA-2000, which makes it possible, on the one hand, to increase accuracy of registration of the level of the meniscus of mercury , and on the other, to automate the process of measurement is described. The requii-ment of high accuracy of registration of the level of Ahe menscius e'xplaina certain design features of the Instrument, in particular the increased rigidity of load carrying components, and also the application of Ford-J 1/2 Nh: AR4042i74 lof a set of 'end gauges. The Instrument makes It.possible to give the required .~wpresstire and to produce registration of the level of the meniscus of mercury; th an accuracy of not less than 0. 05 mm. Four Illustrations, 'SUB CODE: IE ENCLs. 00 2 2 'Card - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ti 1 KUZNETSOV, SI.T,, Rand. tekhn. nauk; BIBLIX, F.P., Rand. taklyi. ruu*k; IVANOVI G*Aa, inzhb Rosultv )f determining strearies in pillars by the wi1oading method at the POLYSMO-MMAYA Mine. (T-midyl VNDIJ xio,47141-46 t&~, OsirnA 17-.7) Efectn' prvperti- f bismuth ~Ilwys 1, solub;Mly of rtii!. q atirzuxtu;~25 jni t~i, tr ~frec* on diw',ric pro On '; L"maL , ittl A. It ltu,,!~- Z-h :1 , ;' -ti, ~ , : Z 5 - ~3 (". A lv:,.n(,v 'ILf" t aE H r, 1. r; et, I I I r ~ ti 5 ~' II Z I C G x "t.. A,' :i' 'm. :uld t~n s in ;I & by "'14,11 "t-w-vth .;f "h~ 4ingir -d -4. atd 1~- -d 1: 541 ituy, W 'uAt thm t-, g a - f ci~ u ~: X S -,xt Mn,im~ Uh T soly. of -1 pb--- sit -c .f . T1 1,.W,4t 1