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hbeli.Ull nubgrourm of a groulp of for-j-.1-unalyti cal. tran.-
formations. Vast. LGU 20 no.29:32-37 165.
Hit .11.:
I-VANOV, F.D. , inzh.
New d.evelopments in research. Stall 24 no.8-.740 Ag 164.
New developments in research. Ibid.:745
New develolments in research. lbid.i764
AUTHORt Ivaiaov, F.D., Engineer
TITLE% Automatic Control of the Strip Thickness of Semi4ontinuous
Hot Rolling Mills
PERIODICAL: Stall, 1960, No. 11, pp. W08-LO12
TEXT: In the hot rolling process during the time the strip is passing
.,Ii the continuous train of the strip mill the temperature of the metal
decreases. This increases the resistance of the strip against deformation on
the successive stands and results in a thickerdng of the rear end of the strip.
In the Novosibirskiy zavod im. A.N. Kuz'mina (Novosibirsk Plant imeni A.U.
Ku%lmin) with the aid of investigations carried out in connection with this
problem on the 810 type strip mill it was established that the fluctuations
in the longitudinal thickness of the strip depend on the uniform heating of
the slabs, on the tension of the strip between the stands of the continuous
'train, on the dimensions of the finished product, on the 3teel type used, the
rolling speed, etc. To date the following measures have been taken to prevent
the thickening of the strip end on the 810 type milli the strip end is heated
additionally, so that it is about 40-600C higher in temperature than the front
Card 1/5
Automatic Control of the Strip Thickness of Semi-Continuous Hot Rolling Mills
part of the strip, the rolling speed is increased in the contitiuous train of
the mill, the amount of water used for descaling the strip under high pressure
is reduced for the strip end by switching off one or two of the water collec-
tors. 'Upon introducing these measures, it was found that only 49/1fo of the
strips were within the limits of uniform thickness. In order to improve the
present method applied, the author of the article and I.I. Barannik established
a method in which the strip ends were automatically pressed down by the a&-
justing screws of the third stand in the continuous train, The automatic
system consisted of the conventional elements: a limit switch, an electromag-
netic coupling and a reducing gear which were connected to the worm, shaft of
the pressing device of the shaft with adjusting screws. This arrangement
eliminated any thickening of the strip end but had the following drawbackt
when rolling steels of high deformation resistance, the load of the electric,
motor was increased to its limit value (5,200 amp) while during the pass cf
the central part of the strip the load was not higher than 4,000 amp. Mloreover2
there -iS an Incongruity between the time required for the return of the screws
to their initial position (3,8 sec) and the interval between two strips,
Card 2/5
Automatic Control of the Strip Thickness of Semi-Continuous Hot RollinglMills
amounting to 3 seconds at the maximum speed of the mill,. These conditions
decreased the output of rolling considerably. An automatic system was estab.-
lished to insure adequate tension of the strips between the stands, in order
to eliminate these drawbacks and based on the facts that the tenBion of the
strip between two stands depends an the relation of the rotation rates of the
rollers on successive stands and that the increase in tension decreases the
deformation resistance of the metal. This is obtained by progressively reduc-
ing the rotating rate of the rollers upon the approach of the strip end. The
original rotating rate of the roller is automatically restored when the strip
end has passed the stand in question (Fig-3)- By applying this automatic
control system, cons:~sting of current relay, auxiliary relay, and block con-
tacts, the thickenbg of the strip end could be prevented in 98/j of the strips .
The lower the degree of extension of the strip between the stands, the more
effective is the automatic control. The system was tested in rolling low
carbon steel strips 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2.0 and 2.5 mm. thick. As a. result of
the automatic control, the length of the strip with increased thickness could
be shortened from 10-15 meters to 2-3 meters. k further improvement can be
obtained by combining the automatic pressing of the strip ends (with adjust-
Card 3/5
1! ITT,
Automatic Control of the Strip Thickness of Semi-Continuous Hot Rolling Mills
ing screws) and the extension method described. There are 5 figures.
ASSOCIATION: Novosib'Lrskiy metallurgichoskiy zavod (Novosibirsk Metallurgical
Card 4/5
Automatic Control of the Strip Thickness of Semi-Continuous Hot Rolling Mills
Fig- 3 - Diagram of the automatic control of the tension on the strip end
(continuous stand 810)
P regulator of the degree of Q rp
decreasing the revolutions; PON P638
r? andT? rough and fine regulation -VV
of the number of revolutions Rnsm PESM
of the rolling motor;LUOexcitation 'P4614 M6,q
winding of the rolling motor; P5jM P84B
K3 retarding contactor
Card 5/5
A054 /A033
TITLE: News in BrJef
PERIODICAL: stall, 1961, No.1, P 57
TEM 1) To improve the. form and prevent the warping of thin, annealed
sheets, the conditions of' hot rolling on the "810" type semi-contlnuo'vs mill were
investigated at the Novosibiroklymetallurgiciioakiy zavod (Novosibirsk MetallurgiVAI
Plant). The conditions studied included the degree and the non-uniformity of wear.
of the working rolls, their temperature conditions under hot calibration, the
cooling of the coils, the various phaseb of cold rolling. The Y9 - Y9A - U9-b9A
steel, from-which the sheets were rolled, was annealed with delayed heating an4
cooling, with and without changing the annealing conditions and.. in particular,..
by placing the metal between planed sheets. The main cause of the increase in
warping of the hot-rolled strips is the non-unifoft wear of the working rolls, ae-
pending on the quantity of rolled rimming steel. By controlling the cooling of
the roll-barrels with water under 4 higher pressure the form of the strip can be
improved. After annealing at 775 7800C and suitable decarbonisation the stool
has the necessary hardness-reserve before straightening. By employing hot cali-
Carld 1/2
77 77, T~ M
News in-Brief A054/AO33
bration of the rolls on the finishing stand for the straightening strips and colls
the warping of tool steel sheets decreased by 30 - 50% and attained the dimension:3
required by T-OCT 3680 - 57 (GOST 368o - 57). 2) Increasing the temperature
and the duration of heating of CT-3kn(St.3kp) grade steel slabs and the reduc-
tion during the first two passes on the rever~lble doubleroll stand of the 11810"
type mill, promoted the-removal of blisters. On the rolled products cinder,
cracks, or flaking could not be observed, but non-metallio impuriTies were found
1n the metal. 3) Tests were carried out with cold-rolling 08Kn (08kp) steel
sheets ( FOcT -GOST 914-56) and it was found that, with regard to mechanical
properties, it is useful to.reduce drawing by 1.5 - 2.5% for all the widths of
the steel*sheets produced in the factory. 4) Investigating the effect of the
chemical composition on the pickling of the scale of Cy .2 (St.2) low-carbon
steel sheets of the MMK and the Chelyabinsk Pl ant was investigated, it was found
that, under identical conditions of hot rolling, the formation of cinder on the
ends and edges of the Magnitogorsk steel sheets, difficult to remove by pickling,
Is caused by its lower content of sulfur and phosphor impurities and also by the
more pronounced sulfur liquation.
Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Ivanov, F.D. and Fridrikhaen, V.K.
TITLE: Remarks on the standard specifications for metal
PERIODICAL: Standardizatsiya, no. 5, 1961, 33-36
TEXT: Components made of structural alloy steel are subjected to
special types of heat treatment which are designed to take the
utmost advantage afforded by the alloying elements. The authors
wonder whether it is expedient in such a case to lay down a lower
limit of UTS for the following annealed stteel sheet: 65 G, 10 G2A,
12G2A, 25KhGSA and 30KhGSA, standard specifications GOST 15,12-54 and
GOST 2672-52. These 'specifibations do not take into account the re-
lationship between mechanical properties and thickness of sheet,
annealed in bell furnaces* However, as it is known that the plasti-
city of coldi.-rolled and annealed steel sheet increases with a de-
crease in thickness, the heat treatment given must be appropriate
Card 1/3
h 1:
Remarks on the standard... D210/D306
for the thickness of the sheet in order to ensure the properties re-
quired by the standard specification for a particular sheet stesi.
This often entails lengthy and complicated heat treatment operations-
Oft'en a sheet is produced which fulfils the requirements of the
standard specification, but is found to be non-uniform in its proper-
ties in different directions* In order to make the standard specifi-
cations more realistic, only the maximum UTS and minimum percentage
elongation should be laid down. If, however, the minimum UTS is
also quoted, then the above specifications should be altered so as to
take into account the dependence of the mechanical properties on the
sheet thickness. Another point discussed by the authors is grain
size specifications. The lower limit of grain size set out in GOST
914-56 for cold rolled sheet for deep drawing is point 9 on the grain
size scale; for hot-rolled sheet of the same deep drawing group,
point 10 grain size is permissible. However, it is evident that in
the first case the recrystallization characteristics of still steel
have not been taken into consideration. On the other hand, if a
Card 2/3
Remarks on the standard... D210/D306 -
production process is well established, certain tests (e.g. exposure
of pipe and rims of sheet by the Ericson test, bend testing of thin
carbon-steel, etc.), laid down in the specifications, could be safely
omitted as they tend to show up the best properties of manufactured
goods. Works experience has shown that it is adyisable to test only
those standard probes which show up the worst, and not the best,
properties of the metal. Such a reduction in control testing would
reduce consumption of metal and labour to a considerable extent*
There are 2 figures and 2 tables.
Card 3/3
13/133/6 11000100710 1210 17
AVMORS t Belyakov, I,, Ivanov, F. D.
TIM: The effect of slib-heating conditions on the alsotrli-magnmetio proper-
ties of transformer steel sheets
PERIODICALt Stall, no. 7.. 1961, 634 - 637
TEXT Tests were carried out to establish the effeot of slab heeuiNj before
rolling on the electro-magnetio properties of cold-rolled traaaformer st~eel shsets.
The study of the statistical data of quality control of 3330 (E330), B320 and
E310 grade steel sheets (partly 135 x 620 x 0.50 mm and partly 135 2~ r-.00 x 0.35 mm
In size) heated for various periods (1 1/2 - 3 hours) show that by rtlairg the
heating period the yield of high-graME330 type, 0.35--mm thiak aheats Increases,
wbile no increase in 'output Is observed for sheets 0.50 nm thick. The tests to
eatablish the effect of temperature and heating on electromagne-.I~~ -properties -were
made with five heats produced in the Chelyabinskiy metalluzIicheAly zavod (Chel.-
yabinak Metallurgical Plant), having the following composition:
Card 1/ 4
St"I 33/6 1/000/007/01 Z/017
The effect of 61ab-heating conditions on the... A054/AI29
He&t c Mn... S:L P 3 Cr Ivi CU
28418 oA 0.07 - 3.27 0.011 o.o% oA 0.09 0.14
28438 o.05 0.07- 3.04 o.oW 0.005 oA 0.10 o.14
28381 o.o4 0.07 3.02 0.010 0.008 0.02 0.09 0.15
28421 0.035 oA 3.29 0.012 0.006 0.03 OA 0.13
26447 o;sO 0109 3.29 0.012 0.006 0.02 O.CrT 0.17
One part of the slabs'wis hot-rolled at a lower temperatura than qre;scribed, the
other part at a higher temperature. The average values obtatned for the el-satro-
magnetic properties of the test-sheets proved that at higher, heating temperatures
(1,,24o - 1,26oOc) and by inoreasing.the heating time from 100 to 1210 mitcutes, the
finished sheets display lower specific losses and higher magnetic in(luction than
sheets heat-treated at 1,160 - 1,180'DC. The high heating temperetan) yielded &1-:-o
more high-grade E330 steel: for the 0.50-M thick sheets by 4 - 20% and for the
0.35 mm thick sheets by 11 - 96%. The new heating conditlicau nompletely eliminate
waste in sheets 0.35 = thick. The better results for speolfia losativ and taag-
netic induction observed in thinner sheets as compared vrith thoss ().$;0 mm ttdak
must be put down to the more intensive decarbonization or th~ former atter extend-
ed heating and to their greater ratio surface s volumes. There &ra 4 tAbles and
card 2/4
The effeat of slab-heating conditions on the... A05k/A129
3 Sovist-bloo ref erenees
A330CIATIONt Novosibirsk4,y'm'etallurgicheakiy zavod (Novo;3lbirsk Mat'Allurgical
Card 3/4
it'll I'll FIlim fpq.;
I - i
Research carried out by plant laboratories in 1960. Stal 121 no,2:173
F 161. (Novosibirks-Rolling(Hatalwork)) (MIPLA 14:3)
. (Metals-Heat treatment)
33/ 6
a - -1 aon F
Ne,ii~ brIle" At, the -'ill.
i'L. 14. K-.1-z-1roina (Ncvcaibirsk Metallurglcai Plant im. A. 'N".
Sta!', no- 11, l' 1, 1033 - 1034
1) "t~st-q viere car-led o,-t to de'eznn4ne ~hj (;egr,,.-,ti .f Eq-uatin., o4' C,
ar-I Mc- ---r t-ne width of str-ip made c-' O~~n (08kD), 15KTI Ck--I RC (0ii -)
1: f7
cu 4C, 150, Y 9 fln'q) , YgA (U9A) IjI;)A steels and v3 C , an!
of 08, 1.5 ~Lnd 2(3'rLr,, 08ps, 15sz), ?'7-'fj9 steel.
- v I n
7im~-I Tt-~zl tvIe llqu-ition of S, P w-,d C, de-,elops from t"e Sid's ~,erte- /
t i--i p I -id O.OA' C) . li-~ k Lile::) e
t'r -- irw~o to 0.046% S, 0.02Z6 P az
x i -i '. ~q r~ n o - k) p,~-- r - ao - ~, %I A 1, Z- 141hM q I"' a Iy C. I' ~7
08,-p:, llyrzp, 08?.)s aund 10p-A stec~,! slabs was teasti:-:I wLIr:h p-n-4au--e-d
i:,e rvc
F I ;Ant Tae techroicU -,)-f hot roll, I 7-i~
fov ~Ieep dra,'S;ing
8/133/61/0"0/0.1 10
rOCT '~14-_;i6 (_:C31ST 914-56) was o" gr;!,j e I I
Wit* - I
bll.S;-Ie-_'_~' Mtld;~ Of ~~act U~qUV.E4 .3te I., tq
E is J~j
41-Ille valre -for rcaled I 7.1-le gradtc~ YJ ald C-f
m3ids WaS, t_ul`
c-d mol-13 (3-1 ~tnd 0.7% F~~-r 104, x" ~!C-I. til-1 !-'-
we-,--e ~io
wpr-e 2.1 Aind 1.4%). Wh,~ri _ii~mi-killed 0)8ps and 10,1~5 5
A 'Mr
cf Fiadp 1. T; I:,
r,~-~_o6d t-; 1.2%, comrpred with 4.4% for t-he CIA .
cif GCCT 914--56. 3) Trift &-.fe~
~,.t-lps we_-_ Finhead blist,~ri or, t'le 7~li-l xtrlp- wr-r.14 cy!:~41-t,j
h .1
Y Ir", A of tl,e aLfev-p tt3e, (1-..e -to kuri'o,.`.cvIIA
sla-.s In a-.,-.t
st er f c rw. I on, 'Lr. i:h-ey are not the maln .4
.+ _.w - I I arA
tw- 'n th inp.- _U, Cacr-. ql~a).:Ity -and the CrIN
'ibr'l.;t of thG ui,-~as !~.Uqtzvr-s wewe by defociencIoTs L-;, the Steel
tc~o.~,rolcgv of iChe pr-cducev Secondau-j blister
ca--J 4
t, 5 4 .1 L3r.e
S/133/61/OOC',!!-)I 110C91010
roLling could reduced by lowering the temper&ture both of the furnic.? crrowrn Eand
of slab-heating, -,~!ereas the temperature of deformation should be kept, 7he
shaet- quality waz, r4ardly affected by the degree of reduotion in thq duo arA
~~`ards, ro2l'Lng epeed In the MLI&I'ling; tv-lin of the MIIII arA the J.'a
dia-m4ter of work rolls. A r5ductlon of the heating temperatura to 1,~_'40
and of th5 heating Period-to 3 1/2.hour-,* lowered the blister f:,rmatlon by 1',,'%~
whi'la 'I'lle outir.~t of the 810 mill increas-9d by 30%. 4) To incraaqe tt~eir eff.1cir'n-y
of the IICK-180 (F.SK-180) cylirdrical electrte-, furna~~_ea dur!r4, the
-f ip, i L x ma I i ref C-:;'d-rc'led coi-q from -O-al 08-50 vias Investij~- E-'d~
Ln al. --IM: vl_'~)Z U'.Ip LS aL hn S_ _.J.-I S4~ j jjj~ :' -C'- "_-I L;'!a
b v
rD w !..-i 1-.~,,4&r and 12'0 ~-.wr In the *up,-o~r zon-. Di sortir- case~i
in va-"ous zonez-, wtuch wero not se~ acc-onli,,~g t", 7~ 1j,:,
-n ti,,_mjpe~rat-;v-~ of 6400C a,
~oldirg of a-.- leatit u r t; .
-3 1
.1e Was :10 Stffe
be :-4-aced 1"I, i
rr 1,;!
W'~,.ile `_I~- Mns,, affI,:Ie_-,t wa~i t-)
fn tw--~ -e z W I- th o -A t e r - r -- di i b -~i~ * L c,t_,~j C
tcrnz~raf~ur_~ control d-~; 3 e4LI;
ne Crxarge, In ttiI3 W,3,
afmcalirg conditions to a
,~J,oluld take i). tz. ra~
an.- a 1. r.,7. 17 f~
t,)ok for a) ho'. Z- F t
took 4 ~I%wvi 0
6 k-- TXle h, "C'c :. -I-..
AUTHOR: Ivanov, F. D., Engineer
TITLE: t'tt the Novosibirs'Kiy metal 1u rgi cheski y zavod im. A. R. Kuz'mina
(Novosibirsk Mctzallurgical Plant im. A. N. Kuzlmin)
PMIODICAL: Stall, no. 6, 1962, 542
TEXT: 1) Tcst~, wore carried out to study the eff ect (if Incrozaiinf,-, tlie riti-11)
thickness from 2.0 - 2.25 mm on the quality of 102 mm diameter tubes. fi:~ ;though
the thicker stripe; are not of better quality than the conventional. ones 1,ther-3
are 1pngitudinal differences in thickness of UP to 0.37 mm, waviness, etc.), they
are suitable for tube welding: the yield of firstgrade product increased from,
44 to 8M,, rejects (based on hydrualic tests) decreased from 50 to 4.3%, saving
up to 4,000 rubles per 100 tons of tubes. 2) The maximum rate of tube welding on
the "20-102" stand (with a 0'50-kw welding transformer) was investigated in co-
operation with UralNITI. The current frequency can be regulated between 50 and
140 cps. In 1961, with frequencies of 95 - 105 CPS, welding rate,,; of 'J2 - 52
m/mi-n were obtained. The tests were cimed at obtaining maximum welding ;:ates
Card 1/3
S/1 33/62,/000/006/010/015
At the Novosibirskiy... A054/A 1,'YT
while increasing the frequency to 140 cps. 35 versions of' weldirg 51 - 102 mm
diameter tubes with wall -thicknesses of 1.75 - 3-5 mm were appli ed. Tho r, =1 mum
welding rates (39 - 58 m/min) for Vie grade tested was obtalned at freqi~,enciiis
Of 130 - 135 cps. A further increase In the welding rate was limited by tile
mechanical strength of the machine parts. In welding 83 x 3.5 min tubes the
power of the mercury amplifier was utilized to 91%, while the weliing transformer
was loaded only to 86%. The power losses due to the rise in induction resistance
when the current frequency wras increased front 90 - 105 to 130 - 135 cps amounted
to 7 - 10%. 3) The technology was established for making smooth, hot-rolled
strip5 of multi-layer structural steel with internal localizer, and a thickness
of 4.0 - 2.5 mm, and hot-rolled strips with alternating thickenir4; of 25'pl", made
from 101K-slabs. The time advantage in rolling at the delivery end oil the 810-11un
continuous roll train varies between 2.8 and 8.a% (in case there IS no automatic,
control). The tests revealed changes in the load on the motors of the IV and V
stands, in the thiclmess and width of strips longitudinally. The density o,-'L' the
weld of the layers in the finished product, the extent of thickening bind the
ratios between layer thicknesses in the longitudinal and transverse sections of
the strips were studied. 7he conditions of rolling on fluted rolls were also
investigated. Where the thickened parts of the strip contact the smooth sectors,
Card 2/3
AUTHOR; Ivanov, F. D., Lngineer
TITLE-: At the Novosibirskiy metalltirgicheskiy zavod im. A. M. Kuzlri:Lna
(Novosibirsk Me tillurgical Plant im. A, N. Kuzlmin)
PERIODICAL: Stal', no. 6, 1962, 556 - 15-57
TOCT: 1) Tests were carried out to study the production of' transformer
steel in electric furnaces with synthetic slag which yielded 40% flawless product
as compared to the 704 output by the conventional method. Three heats, black-
tempered at 875 - 8500C displayed a lower ductility during, DicRlinp: and cold-
rolling, but their electromagnetic properties corresponded-to thOSE~ of the
3 310-3 330 (E310-E330) grades. 2) The anisotropy of magnetic propertles was
examined in two groups of dynamo steels. In the first group, low-alloy 1.5% Si
containing steel was rolled into 2.5 and 1.73 mm thick strips whichi after de-
carburization,"tempering and pickling, werr; reduced according to tnree different
groove designs. After vacuum-tempering at various temperatures, the steel'rolled
with one pass (1.75 - 0.5 nun) displayed the same electromagnetic properties as
Card 1/3
At the Novosibirskiy ...
that rolled with two passes (2.5 - 0.85 - 0.5 mm). Cold-rolled steels, with 2
passes 0 .75 - 0-54 - 0 .5 mn) as well as a final tempering at 1, 1500C displayed an
anisotropy (,L~ B25) of 130 4 440 cps. The steels of the-second grDup contained
more alloying elements and about 3% Si. Strips 0.85 mm thick were investigated
after intermittent tempering, and alSO 0-53 x 600 x 1,500 rMI, sheets after tho
second cold-rolling. After rolling to a thickness of 0.53 - 0.58 an, the coils
were tempered at 8500C and then rolled again to 0.5 nun with a reduction of 2
13 %. The final rolling took place with a reduction of 0.5 - 6.0%. After
vacuum-tempering at 1,1000C, the lowest anisotropy in magnetic pro-er-ties was
obtained after the.third rolling on the finishing stand, but these sheets were
badly warped. 3) The effect of the final annealing of cold-rolled transformer
steel on the magnetic induction in weak and medium fields was examIned with
0.35 x 240 x 1,500 mm sheets, applying vacuum tempering at 1,150oc, 30 hairs'
holding time and furnace cooling to 600, 550, 500 and 4500C. With coolln,2 to
11500C (instead of 6000C as usual), the magnetic induction In weal, and medluni
fields, permeability, residual induction, coercive force and ductility of the
metal will be improved. 4) Lncreasing the tempering temperature and the carbon
content makes pickling of the steel more difficult. By applying dense muffles
Card 2/3
13 -
ej r,,.0
0 or,
'o YU 0;~) O'~
e, ee av oll
v"Y el
S 0
"'o, ol~ 0
"Y ~jz 00 0
ep CO 0
0 -~G - "s -~~ s r k,
e V ') ,
e, ,y
o" 'D,0 e, Xi Tr 0
oe, 0 e ~~?
~N I -, - e,
(j e
o-,' C'P. N
~u oi; e"i;- 03. o, yj
0 xV zxj 00 oo -,;10
0 4, oc, ~ 'o e,
K;". C, 0 gN
" 6 e' P pe,
r"ZI ~o o". Xj xj
e 0
o 'o
X' ej e, q.
0 -cn- c zC'e,
~o -0 -,f;0
0 Oro 4~
0 0 oz~ "'o
e, IV -Y,112cl
cl ->. 0
-4 C, Rlre) -, 1 6 0
C' 41' 0'.-'
0 O~v
S 1133/6 2/000/0WO 131r, 15
At the Novosibirskly... A054/A127
with sand-packing and with a C02-to-CO ratio not above 0.6, the scale forming on
the steel will be easily removed by pickling. 5) The quality of continuously
cast rimming and semi-killed steel ingots was studied. 1.2% of cold-rolled 20 Kn
(20kp) grade ritmiiing steel sheets (with thicknessec; of 12.5 find 1.0 mm) was V!-,-
jected owing to scale fornition, and 3.8% of the 08nc (08pt;) and 10 nc (10ps)
semi-killed steel sheets. 6) The mechanical properties of 1o,.-;-aL1oy 12 rc (12GS)
graue hot-roiled longeron steel were studied from 42 strips. The variation of
average values for amounted to I kg/rrm2, for ';' 2.1 kg/rrl,12,- for '5 = 0.)V,. and
r -B
for"'I - 0 9%. 7) The conditions for applying technical in
RCK 25 (PSK-425) type electric furnaces and the specific eiectrici.ty cant;ump-
tion of the tempering process were, established. If technicaL tnerrr.QcQ~Aples are
useu in the annealing of hot-rolled sheets in the PSK-425 a*urnace, -Uic metal
charge will be heated more uniformly and the heating.time can De reditced by 7
hour6 as compared with that when zonal thermocouples are usea. 8') The output
of the pickling process of ChMZ and KMK steels differs in accordance with t*,-ie
nonuniform liquation of sulfur in the ingots. Inconsiderable corleexr~rationz; of
chromium, nicRel, titanium, aluminum and copper do not affect the p1-_,k'l1ng pro-
Card 3/3
fli K
IVANOV, F.D.,. ingsh.
New developments in research& Stall 24 no.7t638 JI 164. (MIRA 18:1)
-647- :9
"SOURCE--- Stall no.-- T'~ 1965~
T~'I-f 7 C '7'~',GS s t t u r ck.' s -2 i izli s t i-em t~ sto~el stee!
1-0 7-m, thick) [Ln (1 0.98 M;n.
1 Us the
c au
--ereture Ues s. For exatple, the 4i'll/cFE hitio hel"D m.
7 F 72 71, Z'- S 'In at-t v
1':!~~Lgmimpm "'~lij
I Mg-,
1700'7; F N1.5
722- 101
Organizatsiya Finansogo, Khozyaystva v Kolkhozakh (Organization of Financial
EconoW on Kolidiozes) Moskva, TsK KPSS, 1954.
37 p.
At Head of Title: Kommmisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuma. Vysshaya
Partinaya Shkola.
IVANOV, Fedor Gera simovic4
LOrganization of the finances of collective forms; a lecture
delivered at the Higher Party School nttached to the Central
Committee of the GPSU1 Organizataiia finanuovogo khosinistva
v kolkhozakh; lektoiia. Koakva, Vysshaia partiinnin shkola
pri TsK USS, 1958. 41 p. (MIRA 12ill)
(Collective forms-Finance)
red.; POIXAMIA, T-.., red.; MdElli, Yu.., tekbn. red.
[Economica of agricultural enterprises; textbook)EIxonomilm
sel'skokho--iai8tvenrWkh prodpriiatii; uchebnoe posobie. Mo-
skva, Goupolitizdat, 1962. 510 p. (MIRA 15:9)
1. K=unisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vysshaya
partiynaya shkola.
(Farm management)
IVAEOV, Fedor ~p ch;,,, VASIL IME 1, V.N., red.; NAUMV, X.M.,
'Telk -h~ -. r e d .,
(Working assets of collective farms] Oborotnya sredstva
kolldiozov. Moskva, Izd-vo VPSh i AON, 1963. 54 P.
(I-Mh .16:12)
(Collective. farns-Finance)
GAV?IILOV.v V.I.; ALTAYOKIY, I.P.; "'.'I"I'SUY, A.1a.;
red.; MUKHRI, Yu., .
(Economics of a~,,:ricultural entorprises] Ekononika sel'sko-
1-iloziaistvennykh prodpriiatii; uchabnoo posobio. 1-d.2.,
dop. Mookwa, Politizdvt, .1963. 527 p. (KI RA 17: 1)
1. Kommunisticheskaya partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza. Vys3haya
partiynaya shkola.
(Agriculture-Economic aspects)
I H :~l
SKOTINILK07, V,M.; Gill-IBIR, A. 1,. ; IVANOV , F.G. ; I'ABA1,6V , i3.A.
Electrified reccid:~r of 2urrents. Trudy A-ANII 2,;)4:63-r,6 16'~
(MMA Y-11)
71", - T,
'MUDEL9VICH, I.M.; IVANOV, F.I.; POSTERNT19, Ts.F., inzh., red.; FREGER,D.P.,
[Device for -3-plicing the ends of texropes and flat belts of
rubberized material by means of hot vulcanization] Prioposobleale
dlia arashchivaniis kontsov tekaropnykh i ploskikh remnei iz
prorezinennoi tkani metodom goriachei vulkanizatsii. Leningrad,
1955. 4 p. (Leningradskii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakoi pro-pagandy.
Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.8(676)) (MM 10:12)
(RoDe) (Belts and belting)
Significance of toponymy in studying the ancient waterways of the
-,.pper Volga. Vop. geog. no.58tlOC6-108 162. 011IRA 15:9)
(Volga Valley-Names., Geographical)
(Volga Valley-Inland navigation.)
Psychic disorderg in one famil-y. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 53 no.6:429-433 Je
'53. (NOM 6:6 )
1. Voyanno-meditainskaya akademiya Imeni S.M.KirovE... (Psychoses)
Treatment. with small doses of Amin zine for remote sequelae of cereb.-o-
cranial injuries. Zhur.nevr.i psikh. 60 no.5:547-550 160.
(MA 23:9)
1. Kafedra psikhiatrii (nachallnik - prof. A.S. Chisto~ich) Voyenno-
meditsinskoy ordena Lenina. akademii imnei S.M. Kirovap Leningrad.
Analysis of the pathophysiological mechanisms of hallucinations
occuring with closed eyes In encephalitis. Vop,psikJi.i nevr.
rio.7:367-373 '61. (MIRA 15:8)
Aimtenite transformation during continuous cooling of certain steela
used In micing large cross-section machine parts. Sbor. nauch. rab,
Inot. metallofiz. AN USSR no.?'.137-110 156. (MIRA l1rl)
(Steel allops--Hetallography)
AUTHORSt Ivanov, F.I., Engineer, and Akulinin, M.A., Engineer.
TITLE: Experience in Ultrasonic Inspection of Electric Slag-Welded
Joints (Opyt ultrazvukovogo kontrolya svarnykh shvov, vypol-
nennykh elektroahlakovoy avarkoy).
PERIODICALi "Svarochnoye Proizvodstvo", 1957, # 8, pp 25-27 (USSR)
ABSTRAM The article describes in detail the inspection method using the
defectoscope "MA79", developed by 'ToNlITILASH in collaboration
with the Novo-Kramatorsk Machinebuilding Plant which is now in
use at this plant.
The '13A-U" ultrasonic defectoscope, working on 1.8 Mc/8' com-
prises prismatic detectors, by which the ultrasonic waves are
sent through the metal at an angle to the surface. The measured
length of a defect exceeds the actual extension, since the waves
are diverging. The actual location and extension of a defect
are determined by the depth meter and a scale on the instrument,
with subsequent calculation by formulas (given in the article).
The method is applicable for straight and circular seams. The
Card 1/3 precision is within 1-10% and is independent of the size or
P 11 i
TITLEt Experience in Ultrasonic Inspection of Electric Slag-Welded
Joints (Opyt ultrazvukovogo kontrolya ovarnykh,shvov, vypol-
nennykh elektroahlakovoy evarkoy).
location of the defeat, but is adjusted by the instrument set-
ting prior to inspection.
The disadvantage of the method is the impossibility of three-
dimensional measuring of defects and of measuring the size of
single defects in case of defect accumulations.
Since cracks in electric slag welds are always located length-
wise and in the middle of the seam, all so located defects are
assumed to be cracks& Defects at the border with base metal can
only be non-fuaion voids. Defects scattered all over the
seam are slag inclusions or gas pores which cannot be distin-
guished from each other.
The temporary technical specifications for welded beds and cy-
linders of hydraulic presses reject welds containing cracks
or non-fusion areas and require re-welding and re-inspecting of
defective spots. Permissible defects are not more than 3 single
slag inclusions in 1 meter of seams, spaced not lose than 30 mm
apart, and-not exceeding 10 mm diameter.
Card 2/3 Subject inspection method was applied for welded bedplates,
Measuring internal defects of metals bv the ultramonle method, Zav.
j#b..? 09.- 1; 137. U. 10:6)
1. Novo-Xramatorekiy mashinostroitalln" savo&.
(Ultrasonio testing) (Metals-Teeting)
Klycvbkoye oLlastnoye pz-vlenlye.
Metallovcdcnly-~ I ton%tchtzkaYs. cbrabotkh (Vkq1c:2 Wtallhauy end lle'-t
Treatment of Metals) P.03c"d, MabbLiz, lV'JI. j:iu 1). zrrata allp
lnsertvd. 5,003 copies printr.-d.
Spcnsorlng Agency; Gosud,trntvcnn:rj nauchno-t*._*vLn1cheskiy ko-.1tet
Scvcta Ministrcv Nauc~"no-tckhnlch-~rkoyo ob:,h_1h,-atvo
=a5hlnobtraitel Inoy g-ro=y5hler_nozti. Kiyevakcyl oblratnoye
Editorial B~ard: H. P. E-raL-n, Doctor of Tecrnical Solen-_cz, 1. Ys.
Vokhtyar, Doctor of Tcch_n!cal Scienceu, D. A. Dranor, Doctor or
Ttc1-.v,jcaj Sclc.!,cb, 1. S. Ka=ar.1chnvya, Engtneer, Yo. A. Hari:ov_
al:!Y, r~ndldate of T~c!.nlcal ScIvnees, V. 0. Pen-vakov, Dactor
of*Technical Science:., and A. V. Chornovol, Candidate or Tuclj_
nical Sciencen; Ed.: M. S. Soro~ca; Tech. Ed.: M. S.
03111cataypol-Lvaya; Cliler Ed., (3o,.;th,-rn Dept.): V. K.
Serdyuk, Er~nuar.
Card IAO
FUFL~OSE: This collect!ca of artitles Is Intended for scientific
woeeers and technical personnel of research 1natituteb. plants,
and achocla of higher technical education.
C016MV4 E. 1-4ollection cojt3~~ns papers precented at a ccnvcntIGn
hold in Kiyev on proble=* of ph4zlcal metallurgy and methods of
tho htat treatment of xtetala applied In the machine Industry.
tals d
P.-itse t-anafor-_%tia-13 In me I an alloys are d1acusned, and
results of inve6tigatiens conducted to a5cortain the effect of
heat tros.'ren' on the qutlity of "t&1 are aialyzcd. The pon-
albillty of ob-P.-.n:n& r-etala with given mccl=_nical properties
Is eiscusacd, as are ;roblema cf steel brittleness. The col-
lectlon Inzlulea papara de&llnv- with kinotica of trannfoimatlon,
heat treatment, and propertles of cast Iron. No perzor-%litien
are mer.I.Icned. Articles are ace=p&nIed by references, mostly
Stragulln, A. I., Fnj:lnier~ and L. A. YcllnlkGv (Sverdlovak),
Tranarormatlon of Auztcilto Into X-artenalte Under High
Prcszura .12
br-,;nilovzViY, B. A., Engineer end - I Ivanov (Kra=atorsk).
I-Ray Investigation of t;.; or Mrte..-to
In TemperIng at Lew Tczperaturc 19
rrcho_-=inz=y, Yu. L., C=dldata cf Tech-i-Ical Sciences
Conditions or For=~tlon of Metanta.L'Q Au3tcnItc
it, Imn-Carbon Alloye, 22
Y,, E. I., EniF~Ineer (Kiyev). The Nature of the
Pr.%se Tranaforcatlen or r~.rbcn Stceln 34
card 3/10
I I-I - I ! ~ I I ..' !I 1 1:
TOVFENETS, Ye.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; IVANOV, F.I., inzh.-, GONTARI, M.A., inzh,
Effect of quenching conditions during the reduction (sic] of
steel on the amount of residual austenite. YBtallovad. i term.
obr. met. no.5:8-12 VV 162. (KIRA 15:5'1
1. Donetskiy politekhnichaskiy- institut.
(Steel--Quenching) (Annealing of metals)
AUTHORS: Braynin, I.Ye., Kharchenko, V.A., Ivanov, F.I.
TITLE: Kinetics of the decomposition of supercooled
austenite in chromiunt-nickel-molybdenum steel in
two-stage isothermal cooling
_PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Chernaya
metallurgiya, no.8,' 1962, 100-167
TEXT: The kinetics of decomposiiiondf supercooled austenite
during two-stage isothermal cooling in relation to the
temperature of the first stage was investigated for' the steels
type 34XH3M (34KhNZM) and 35XH11(35Khn1-), -which have t1he
following composition
I 34XH3M'0,37
2 34XHM 0,32
3 35XHAi 0.36
ATter austenizing at' 850
Card 1/2
Cr N1 Mo
0.98 2.90 0.34
0,83 2.90 0.30
0.99 1,36 0.24
L2000C, a Fart
0,016 0.018
0,025 0,025
0,023 0,022
of th.e.-ispecimens
Kinetics of the decomposition ... Elll/E435
was subjected to single-stage, cooling with different isothermal
holding, it second part was cooled by the two-stage method with
stage I holding at 350, 300, 250 and 2000C (its in the single-
stage treatment) and stage 11 holding at 6500C- After all heat
t -atments, the specimens were water quenched and the quantity of
u.-r-ransformed austenite was determined by the martensite content
in the final structure. Microstructure, hardness and micro-
hardness were investigated and magnetic measurements were made.
Conclusion: to accelerate decomposition of supercooled
austenite in two-stage isothermal cooling of chromium-nickel-
molybdenum steels, in stage I to 200 -2500C (somewhat below
the temperature of the start of the martensite transformation)
cooling should be quicker. As a result of this, decomposition of
untransformed austenite during heating to the stage II
temperature and subsequent holding at 6500C is accelerated.
Tn a number of cases, for instance in large forgings, this permits
preventing flake formation. There are 2 figures and 3 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Donetskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (Donets
SUBMITTED: June 17, 1961 Polytechnical Institute)
'--Card 2/2
AUTHORS: Braun, M.P., Vinokur, B.B., and Ivanov, F.I.
TITLE: Transformation of supercooled austenite in steels of
different degree of alloying
PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy,
Chernaya metallurgiya, no.1, 1963, 128-135
TEXT: The effect of alloy composition on the transformation
of supercooled austenite was studied using 14 stock alloy steels
containing Mn (0-32-1.4.41%), Cr (0.28-1.88%), Ni (0-15-3.020') and,
in some cases, W (0-47-0-52%) or Mo (0.29-0-5950 in addition.
Transformation diagrams are given for isothermal*conditions and for
continuous cooling, and also data on hardenability and mechanical
properties. From the observed similarity in behaviour of steels in
which nickel, chromium or manganese predominated, it was concluded
.that chromium or manganese could replace nickel, and that the
.transformation kinetics, hardenability and mechanical properties of"
:chromium-manganese steel were not inferior to those of a
.corresponding nick6l-chromium steel. Similar degrees of alloying
,gave similar mechanical properties, e.g. in groups of steels in
Card 1/2
V 1:
Transformation of supercooled... s/148/63/000/001/015/019
which the total alloy additions 01n, Cr, Ni, W and Mo) were about
3.5% and 5% respectively. From the transformation diagrams and
the mechanical data it was considered possible to determine the
dimensions of parts to give the necessary mechanical properties,
and to produce steels containing low proportions of scarce (e,g,
nickel) or expensive elements for parts such as forgings of various
sizes, including very large ones.
.There are 1 figure and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Ukrainskaya akademiya se'l'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk
(Ukrainian Academy of Agricultural Sciences)
SUBMITTED: January 23, 1961
Card 2/2
Using the method of weld transmitters for the determination of
residual stresses in a hardened layer of large specimens. Zav.lab.
29 no.7:821-823 163. (MRA 16;8)
1. Novo-Kramatorskiy mashinostroitellnyy zavod.
(Steel-Testing) (Strains and stresses)
M Rom .... all
IVANOV, F.I., inzh.; G0,11TARI., MeA.
Investigation of thermokinetic austenite transformation in steels.
Sbor.Novo-Kram.mashinostroi.zav. no.5:120-127 159. (MM 16:12~
X-ray examination of the kinetics of martensite disiatogre.tion
at low-temperature tempering in rolls used in cold rolling. Sbor.
Nova-Kram.mashinastroi.zav. no.5:96-99 159* (MrAA 16:12)
Kinetics of the reliev%* and redistribution of residual streases
in rolls used in cold rolling at low-temperature tempering, lOa-107
MII P! -`7T
REVU1101r? F I VA1,Y) 1; , F. 1
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases developing due fo renal
y. Tm.dy Vor. med. in3t. 52:65-71 163.
la: 3'
REVU N 0 V J, A . F. ; -1 ~%, "' - ! -
Polyps of the Trudy Vor. me~. Lrst. 552:151-153 t 6 "' .
i :-"L F11% 1 8 : ': N
L ~ ;
I !I!-:, !i ~ 1. ; i I ! i :~,
! . .
I . 11111 1111 1 , 1 1 ~ I ~ ~
Diagnosis and treatment of chrnnt~ recurring chQlecp:~Ru-J,-.
Trudy Vor. med. inst. 52:171 176 163.
1P: 3)
i 3
t4i'hod or inLravenous chollangiorh(Ar i't "Or..
-r~,, r
inst. 52:1?7.-179 63. M 1 FIL 18:3)
X-ray investigation of low-temperature que-ching of rolls for
cold rolling. Fiz. met. I metalloved. )9 no.l-.147-150 Ja 165.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Novo-Kramatorskiy mashinostroitelIny zavod.
I I : I'I-'III;I- --VZ!,"
TOVPENETS, Ye.S., kand. takhn. nauk; IVASHCHENKO, V.M., lnzh.; STYCHINSKly,
L.P., inzh.; ZHUKOV, A.I., inzh.; MERSHCHY, N.P., inish.; KORENEV).
KJ., lnzh.; SHUMEYKOv R.I., inzh.; IVANOV F.1 inzh.
Mechanical properties or reinforcement rods after heat treatment
from the rolling process temperature. Stall 25 no.2:157-160
F 165. OURA 18; 3)
1. Donetskiy politekhnicheakiy institut; M&keyevskiy inetallurgi-
cheskiy zavod; Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut "Donpromstroy"
i Novo-Kramatorskiy zavod tyazhelogo mashinostroyeni.ya.
Use of Lipetsk mineral water In the treatment of chronia
cholsaystit,is, Vop, kur., fizioter. i lech. fiz. kul't. 30
no.4?366-367 JI-Ag 165. WIRA 18-9)
1. Fakulltetskaya terapevticheakaya klinika (zav.-. prof.
Yu.M. Bala) Voronezhskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Blood transfusion in compound therapy for Botkin's disease. Vrach.
delo no.6:131-132 Je 161. WRA 15:1)
1. Klinika infektsionnykh bolezney (zavedupmhchiy - prof. L.K.
Korovitskiy) Odesskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
Universal drop hammer for highway laboratories. Avt. dor.
22 no.5:23-24 My 159. (141RA 12:8)
(Testing machines) (Highway research)
Importance of the reaction of complement fixation in the diagnosis
of dysentery. Zdrav. Turk. 8 no.l.-27-29 ja 164. (MIRA 17:5)
1. Iz kafedry mikrobiologii. (zaveduyushchiy - prof. 3.I. Bwyu)
Kuybyshevskogo meditsinskogo instituta.
I 1!,! 6,
z I Ii!
: A I '; It -."... MEN : !L"r" 1 ~] 11. 11 1; !]i1 I I I I
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 o 0 0 0 a a 0
0*000000000060400 ::0- 0 Q 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ou I I )'Its )I F IIUI)14um fill "It IIIJUSKU a A, X 11 9 Al 14 a 11 It 4 & 0 41 Q 0
a it 2- _R
__1_y 2_11A pig;
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00 1 at vga4wrifund cod-mise dMI 11440tPOOld .00
Rol F. At, I
y4 VZl#j 1934;-trdrl,
.00 Off).
caus" of coaf-talne fires and cb"". suslyfils (A pus prc~ -00
00 of "*I under ibm, Candidate
duced in the cmbustim .00
00 be" lkn Wpormt barW on th problem 04 wwwxfmnd
of cow. S. L. )sfadorAy msee
00 coo
9 .200
*14111 OK "I Lit
u A, go wax?
Ir K it a it It a mw If f - s a Ow a a a I Ar so a a 0 1 1 "
0 0 010 o o 0 o a 0 o 0 o 0 o * 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 0 o o 0 0;0 0 e 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :!,we 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 0 : e
A limb of the Oarradoe d! OvInWad Irm ZOAN Is Oordad wish NoW
ps matariA116 111.4h. fty, "A G"C F U ITImov (944r. 1V11414.
KAim Itkul, I& in). md).-tin Humstani. Cflj"Z;wl4jr-~'- I %
j;ij, h.
lx*sd with I*hsviuur in IWACtive, bv.%om of th~ inOtIrTrVI ex.
1.6"Irutoll 41111410it" OmlAol"l. 11W Cruabing of brich, mottar, Av,, R-1111.1
frsult in Oxv%~ivv O:Nntact ;lth US.-laturn atut airl the 1-milliv oux.(,Ptling
jonve even, 24 hr.) would emit in dilrerent testing t-m-litimm hor lah-critt
tnalrriAlp.*owing to ibv variallon in drying rate. Moistening insist have
rhangmi the Play into a IV. 1U f"WtS for Portland vempnt'Nuld 1111"&t
&TV not in ag"Vnient witMixt.*moo vonerminpi trinforml tivirmto.
Cotraoioa of galisalsO iron tools to contact with damp
sbucmd mataids. so clay. and "ad. F. St. lvaltcv.
J. APPIW CUM. U.S!~- R. 23,
tkm).-The study m4d; 'with different materv. flf"nKd
tla-. xylalith. fibralitc. a4matas mucat. cLAy. brick. cratc-at
slurry. gvInum. silkAte bvick. I-At L&Wks) does not give
An Accurute pktutt of their I;ch4vk)c In wuAl lNucticr As
the ausbor b~fivve* the tests were made under mikliolom
not ChArictetistic lot the cofftmWrt of pJ16-Ani#c4i Ft. The
figures given, throclure, do not Imsacas anykractival value.
1. 1 1131trilbrim
Effcct of uurfacc-activc ar_Irj_xturcs on the reaction betwocri cc,-m-nt
and water. S. V. bhz!sto-pcrov, T. Yu. Lyubiriova ai-,J F. i,' , Ivallov,
S-2.5-1. 70, 104;5-8(1~50).- inc)Lhevn 0.
Q -j
Alcad. ri. 2
-P.c. S!,cnt wauh, eolitg. :m1oliLnatC3, On enll.clits 01
of Oul-k
diff-nr~!nt r.-Lin:!ralocical compns. were co-,.lstructed fror, mirface tension data.
Deviations froi-,,. ordinar,,I adsorption rulso wcce,- Tiotcd; tAhcre tis no -inw;riant
for isotherms or vario-un Solid/liquid 1-;kUor, nind
not proportional to incecase of spe.-c-ific surfaea. phcnoi~,ciia arc
zrobaibl-,- due to inconstancy of physicocIiem- prop--rtics and t"'.e
0.1. ;ht adsorbent. Z~ten of rc~Rc"on 'u~t-,;etn ad~jor-e-_~-,4 znd '-.;aterl
varied chingcs in solid/liquid ratios. Th-_ sorption c;I'Picitier, of
czr-ents of differ!~nt mineraloLical cmn~pns: d_'Lffcrcd ;7-rtatly. Adsorption
r.:ost nnnt~rgzt_ic on hij;h7alLL-ainatc ctn-.ents and least on riomluad-natc alit-n
cmcnts. Analogous rcsitlts were obtained for adsorption of saponin. o t h
h- ra'ion and h-drolysis or' ccmnnts were hi-ndered by tho addri. of sulfolimates;
I .1-d L, - 6
1,-4 nding of gypsum b-.. thn cf!nnnt was imneded durin.- t',ln fir5t days but, .iith
time, t':*J.S tffect dccr~!asad, th-~! rat-~~ of .I~crtise unin~ dep,mic',ent upon thc
concii. of solfolignatcs, compn. of cti7l,,nit, and conditions of -toral;e of
3t. K.
IYANOV, P.M.; STAMVICH, L.A., redaktor; GALAXTIONOTA, Te.H.. tekhni-
[Goncretel Tsementnyi beton. Moskva, Isd-vo dorcohno-tokhn.
lit-r7, Gushosdora MVD SSSR, 1952. 47 p. [Microfllml (NIRA 7:10)
I 1!- 11 ' F11
C- U 1,
- --------------
SHESTOPMOV,S.V., kandidat takhaicheskikh nauk; IVAIIOV.Y.K., kandidat
tekhnicheakikh nauk; ZASHCHEPIII,A.H., k~nd-R`a`t~'"Tcheskilffi
aw, ; LYUBIMOVA.T.Yu., kandidat kbimicheskikh nauk; GRADISHOMW,
N.Ye., redaktor; KOVALIMINA,H.F., tokhaicheakiy redaktor
[Concrete with plasticiser agents] TSementnyi boton 9 plastifi-
teiruiumhchimi dobavkami. Moskva, Izd-vo dorozhno-tekhn.lit-ry
Gushoodora MVD SSSR. 1952. 105 p. (Microfilm] (MLRA 9:3)
3. 7. TTIA jC--j
2. U-J';? (600)
Ce r, -B n t
7. Action of plastisizers on cement on various vdneraaloLrlical compesition.
TSemnt 18 no. 6. 1952.
9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress,
April -1953, Uncl.
mslwnt V, M'~ ri"u"Ov, F, .
Concrete - Standards
Standards of hydrotechnical concrete. Gidr. stroi. 21 no. 2:18-19 F 152.
Month1v List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress, July 1952. Unclassified.
4 .; ..
~ 1; : I , I t !!,! "' ~
: j I t - ! ~
I'll FIN N,, ttv
,-; didat takhnichaskikh nauk; BYALOBZIMSKIY, G.V.; HURPTS97,
lv~ ~OIAIIJ~--Iredaktor; GAVRILOV, S.S., takhnichaskly redaktor.
[Artificial atonal Iskusstvennye kamni.Moskva, Gos.izd-vo takhniko-
tooreticheakoi lit-r7, 1954. 47 p. (Nauchno-populiarnaia bibliotaka
no.751 Nral& 8: 9)
(Stone. Artificial)
IVANOV. Feder Mikhaylovich: ZASHCEIRPIN, A.M., rodaktar; MOAN, F.L..
takhaichaskiy redaktor.
[Gemeat economy in road construction] Ikonomiia toomeats, pri
stroitellstva dorog. Moskva, Nauchz*-takhxAz&-v8 aTtetransp.
lit-ry, 1954. 91 p. Nuk 9t6)
(Read construction)
-TV.4,410 L.)
BTJDNIKOV,P.P.,_*'redaktor; I Z.H...rodaktor-. MKOV.A. Te.1).. temmichis-
sk:iy redaktor
(Gorrosion of concrete and ways to control it; transantion of the
1953 conference) Korrozila. batons, i me%7 bor'by o nei: trudy
konforenteii 1953 g. Moskva, iza-vo Akademii nauk SSSR, 1954.
255 P. (HM 8:4)
1. Konferentsiya po korrozii betona, Moscow, 1953. 2. Ghlen-
korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Budnikov).
1], " 11,111 WIr"'! F:' ; ~ffl 1111-1 1 WIT '17 1 .11 ~. =7
- - -
--. - I.- .=--
-L'm. - L: ...7-4
. , -i - a -- - .._ . r
g, a We
3335 -IYANaVs-roj~~ AND BYALODUES-KIYs 0. V.
Iskusstvennyye kamni, M., Go3tekhizdat,, 1954. 48s. s ill. 20 sm
(Nauch-Popul. 6-Ka VYP. 75) 100,000 ekz. 75 k - (54-57585) P
MqSTOPPIROV, Sergey Vladimirovich; IVPJTOV, F.M., redaktor; M&LIKOVA,
H.V., tekhnichaskiy rsdaktor.-~
[Durability of concrete] Dolgovachnost' betona. I-oalcya, Nauchno-
tekhn.izd-vo avtotransportnoi lit-ry, 1955. 478 P. (KTaA 9:1)
BOIXUSHET, V.I., inzhener; IVANOY, F.M., inzhener.
Zxperience in building cement concrete pavementa under cold weather
conditions* Avtodor, 18 nool;11-1) J&-Y 155p (Ml" 8:4)
(Roads. Concrete-Cold weather conditions)
, J:.: I;I I I ! I -
IVAHOV, F.M., inzhener; BELOBORODOV, F.N., Inshexer
Use of -Inxol resins for protecting freshly laid concrete.
Avt. dor. 18 no.2:1?-18 Mr-kp 155. OMSA 8.'6)
(Roads, Concrete) (Resiss, Synthetic)
. '! , I ~ ~ : 1! 1 ~~ , 11~: 1 1 1 11 IP 1 111 11 1 i;
AID P - 1753
Subject USSR/Hydraulic Engineering Construction
Card '1/2 Pub. 35 - 12/21
Author Shestoperov, S. V. and Ivanov, F. M.
Title On causes of deteriorationwoloc"on"crete in the upstream
slope of a reinforced concrete dam
Periodical Gidr. stroi., v.2", no.2. 37-38, 1955
Abstract The appearance of horizontal parallel cracks in the top
section of the piers and upstream slope due to severe
frosts (-40'C ) on a dam built during the war is
discussed. Causes for this unusual type of weathering
of concrete made of slag portland cement lire believed to
be: saturation of concrete with water under pressure,
aided by the solid ice cover which preventathe drying
of the surface, capillary water penetration and the
squeezing out of the air. Research and study of possible
methods of curing and protecting concrete in cold weather
are recommended.
Gidr. stroi., V.24, no.2, 37-38, 1955 AID- P 1753
Card 2/2 Pub. 35 - 12/21
Institution: None
Submitted No date
17- -1
,Mlffaedor Hikh7aAlovich; OVCH&ROV. Valentin Ivanovich; IVANOT, S.S.,
N%ffb'ffO'ff. Ok TIONOVA, Ye.N., tekhnicheakAy redaktor
LHighway concrete with an admixture of chlorite] Dorazhnyi beton
a dobavkaml khloribbykh solet. Moskva, -Nauchno-takhn. izd-vo
avtotransp.lit-ry, 1956. 59 P. (RLRA 9:8)
(Roads, Concrete) (Ghlorites)
I ' I ! . ip; ~'; i: :;'r- I!, 1~1'; I ' I I! .I P
lyh~NDY j.,,,..,inzhAnar; KANANOV, N.G., inzhener.
Efficient quality control of concrete mortar put into practice in
a concrete plant. Avt. dor. 19 no.6:8-9 Je 156. Oam 9:9)
(Concrete plants--Qaality control)
USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their Application -- Silicates.
Glass. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 2, 1957; 5294
Author: Shestoperciv, S. V., Ivanov, F. 14.
Institution: None
Title: Increasing the Sulfate-Stab�lity of Port-land Cament
Publication: Tsement, 1956, No 3, 20-22
Abstract: It has been ascertained, exper:Lmentally, that It is possible to in-
crease substantially the sulfate-stability of Portlat-d cement mortars
by preparing them fram f5re%y- gr-mind cement with incxeased additions
of gypsum. The binder was prepared fi= cl;Lnkers of different min-
eralogical composition, comt&Lring (in %): C.IS 33-58. C2S 33-19,
C3A 11-5 C4AF 19-16. Yineriess of ground c1liker 3,000.2 4,500 and
7,000 a0/9 (determined with the Cliprotsement apparatus). Addition
of gypsum amounted to 5-24. Samplen plastic mortar prepared
from finely ground sulfate -unstab.1 t cl~xker) 11~ c3iA:
Card 1/2
Organizing control over the quality of construction. Av-t.dor. 19
no.11;23-25 N '56. (mm 10:10)
(Road materiale-Testing)
USSR/Chemical Technology. Chemical Pnducte and Th-nax ApPlIcati-xi Sil-Icates.
G la e s . C e raml c s . B �n d r- z-,:-4 ., I - 9
Abst Journal: Referat Zhur - Khimf~,ya, Nrj 2, 1957~, 5334
Author: Ivanov, F. M., Yzx&,ajv, N. G.
Institution: None
Title: Effective Comtral, ef QusL~ty of C-_xicrete MLY. TB Attained at the
Concrete Plant
Publication: Avtomob. dorcrgl, 1956~ 6, 8-.,;'
Abstract: ReBults of enduruce testi ~-:f ccnt,xY,2 Bamplate t;jf concrete have shown
that there are nc! substamtlal t-stwever, stx---Dgth of fiamples
produced at the cm=Bte plAnt and thr!3a mpda at, 11-he site of placing.
It Is rec'-Mmended t.-) ",ffect tha !"'t of Concrete Dix
only at tht concrete plant. al:d. 'x th-i cement cancrate coat-
ing. CS-ij
Card 1/1
I . ~~ Mi 'i~=l
- 41:-'.~ 1 .' : -'Tj'j-i11'1- r~ahf. Tj :i`
KIDYIWBY, Vladimir Mikhaylovich, kandidat takhmicheakilch naWc;
reclaktor; IARIONOV, G.Te., tekhnicheskly rodaktor
[Organization of quality control of concrete work for large hydraulic
stucturee; based on the construction experience of the Volga-Don
waterway] Organizateiia kontrolia kachestva betonaykh rabot na krup-
nykh gidrotekhnicheskikh stroikakh; po jbpytu stroitelletva Volga--
Donskogo vodnogo puti. Moskva. Goo. energ. izd-vo. 1956. 135 p.
WaA 10:3)
(Concrete construction-Opality control)
(Volga-Don Canal)
I Pli I P ii i
IVANOV F.H. kandidat tekhnicheskM nauk; DERTUGIII, Y.M., Inzhener.
Operation of cement-grinding vibration mills. Nekh.stroi. 13 no-10:
6-9 o '56. (XLRL 9:11)
(Killing machinery)
IVAIIO,V.J~j. ndidat tekhnicheekikh nauk.
Increasing the activity of cement in production conditions* Avt4dor.
20 no.1:8-10 JA 157, (MLRA 10:3)
redektor; KALIKOVA, H.7.,
KASILICHNIKOV, Ivau Nikolayevich; 17ANOV, F.K.,
takhaicheskiy redaktor
[Construction of concrete roads] Postroika toementobetonnVkh dorag.
Koskva, Nauchno-tekha.izd-vo avtotransp.lit'r7, 1957. 60 p.
(Roads, Concrete) (MIRA 10:7)
Use of radioactive inotopes In studying tho uniformity of soil
and binder mixturnso Ayt, dor. 20 no.4.,8-9 Ap 157. (9LRA 10:6)
(RMIolvotopes-Ind-iutrial applicAtions)
(Binding materials)
ir -11
I ~Mfl
IT; v go,
IVANOV, F.M.,kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.
Utilizing the swelling capacity of concretes.
no,,4:14?-148 Ap 157.
Bot. fzhel.-bet.
(WYA 10-- 6)
USSR/Chemical Technology - Chemical P--oducts and Their H-7
Application. Ceramics. Glass. Binders. Concrete.
Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 1, 1958, 2o94
Author : Ivain-ov F.M.
Title : Utilization of the Effect of Swelling of Concrete
Orig Pub : Beton i zhelezobeton, 1957, No 4, 147-148
Abstract : Prior to tightening the reinforcement, after the structu-
res have hardened under humid conditions, it is recommen-
ded to age them in the air to permit completion of the
setting of the concrete. If a heat-and-moisture treat-
rwnt is used, the steaming conditions must be such that,
the articles undergo drying after they have acquired the
rated strength. Swelling of concrete on moistening must
be taXen into calculations of stressed rein-
forced structures.
Card 1/1
lVANOV, Fedor Mikhayjqvjqh;_=IMOV, A~Po, prof,, redo; XATMMO, D#Av, redo;
'MUMMA, A.Po, tekhn. red.
[Vamm] Vakuum. Pod red. L.P. Rubimova. Koskm, Gbs. izd-vo
takhniko-teoret. Ut-ry, 1958. 55 P. (MIRA 310)
il 11 il iIFFT
TEVKO, A.V., lnzh.-khimik: KUZ114ISHCM, P.P., inzh.; RIKYALBTICH, P.A.,
inzh.; IVAIJOV. F.M., )cd*ndjtekhn.iiauk:,O-red,',- VOBORINjX.P.,
[flydrochemical investigations of concrete structures of upper
Volga bydroelectric power stations] Opyt gidrokhimicbe8kogo
issladovaniia betonnykh sooruzhenli verkhnavolmhakikb gidrouzlov.
Moskva, Goa. Anerg. W-va, 1958. 84 p. (MIRA Mal)
(Hydraulic engineering)
SOROKER, Vitaliy Illich, doktor tekhn.nauk; DOV2=9 Viktor Grigorlyevich,
inzh.; IVAN ~~ , nauebW red.; KRUGLOV, S.A., red.izd-Ta;
(Using stiff concrete mixes in producing precast reinforced concrete]
Zh8atkie betonnye smesi v proizvodetve sboraogo zhelazobetona.
Moskva, Goe.izd-ve lit'-ry po stroit., arkhito I stroit.materialame
1958. 205 p. (MIU 12:3)
(Concrete) (Precast concrete)
AUTHOR: Ivanov, Candidate of~ Technical Sci-ncEs s,)v/97/58/2/8/16
TITLE: The Effect of the Pineness of Cement GrinJiu,--
Additives on the Prost Resistance of the Ct~m(~
(Vliyaniye tonkosti pomola tsementa i dobavok 11a
morozostcSrkost' tsementnogo rastvara).
PERIODICAL: Beton i Zhelezobeton, 1956 Nr 2, pp 70-71.
ABSTRACT: The above problem is discussed by S.V. Shestoperov in
an article entitled ,Durability of Concrete"
in 'Avtotransizdat' in 1955 and by G.K. Dement'yev
in an article entitled "CoAitionr. of D-,Lrability of
Concrete, Reinforced Concrete and Insulating Covering
and Hydro-technical Constructions" published in
compendium "Corrosion of Concrete and its Prevention".
The effect of t'l--,e addition of gypsum on frost resis-
tance of concrete with finely ground cement was des-
cribed by S.V. Shestoperov based on investigations
carried out in the years 1951/54. Tests were carried
out in SoyuzdorITII by Engineers ye.F.Nefedov and )b.P.
Zharov defining frost resisting cement mixes wit_~
cements ground to various degrees of fineness wit'h
different additives. The results obtained could be
Card 1/2