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BULGARIA / Organic Chemistry. Synthetic Organic G-2 Chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiyal No 230 1958, 77628. Abstract: contains 3H2 0), having a general formula 5-BrC4 H2 OCH = NNHCOR (I) and a number of (5-bromofur- oyl-2)-hydrazones of the general structure 5-BrC4 H2 OCONHN = R (II), starting from the hy- drazone of 5-bromofuran-2-carboxylio acid (mp 134- 1350) and various oarbonyl compounds. 'The deriva- tive obtained (R in parenthes6s), the yield in %, and the mp in OC (decomp; from a1c) are.given be- low; I (4-pyridyl), 68, 210-214; I(CH20N), 78.1, 170-173; I(C6 H4 OH-2), 64.9, 228-232; 1(5-BrC4 HZ 0), 55, 175-179; VC15 H31), 66,2, 88-91; II(CHC6 V, 40.9, 162-165; 11 (OH06 H4 CH3 -4), 65.1; 159-162; 11 (CHC6 H4 OH-2), 71.5, 194-197; I,z Card Z/3 25 Yf -A 0 41 tin, Fa t p. ~6~1~~.010021 25/086 Vaal. B .66)B1:36 AUTHORSt Ivanov Ch. Yankov, L. TITLE: Synthesis of 5-'sulfo'furfurai. 5-sul~ofu'r'an~ .3 or ivati~rvs with a possibl.e tubercnlostat'io and Vil'oterioatatic' actiom PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhiirnnl. Kh 2:,, 1963, 201-902p imiya, 'no.. abstract M136 (Oodiabnik Khim.-14Abnol. An!-t, v 7,. nos.- 1-,.2, 1960 (1961), 231-240 Bplgarian; in..-. RU' d En as. an g. TEXT: The interaotion'of f0fural diacetate (I); with. C H, N S05 (laY. 5.5 yielded 5-irulfofurfural (Ifl) and a number 'of its derivatives. Thn author's do not prove that po'sition 5 is oconpied.' 80 El group,'buf take it to be so-by ana1og*y..-witb - PTodu, e1 by nit-rating, 5 nitroflurfural., C and 5-bromafurfural,'.produ,~~d by bi-om.1ting I. , .0'01, mole.--, I and 0.01 II,are heated for 8 hire a,V 100-1050CA tube; 'the resin' i in a ous mass a thorough ly mixed, vith BaC paslie and heated for.45 min 7at -41000,C, i a filtered hot and the reeidue wasbed witb -10-m1 water; the oombined- dard, L It 11 14,11=11 GIMIR 11 OWN IRIIR12 061 63/006160~ /P2 5/9 ~4.. 'Synthesis. 6f 5-sulf of uffural B 1 6_6/B 1'3 8 'filtrate, is 9,~aporated.down to a residual yoluyab, o -:40 ~11A~Ied' with charcoal an equal volume ok saturated ff"Cl.'is added, anCafter a 12-hre the Na. salt.'of 111, 02 NaO' 8 (iu)-, is produae~d,'~ yi-slti.`*31~,- 5 3 5 .:m.p. 288-2920C*. To I Jemole Illa in 2 tql water are add ed. I , mmo 1e C it PHNE in. 2 0 utl alcohol -and, 3'drops glacial. :CH MORI, this Is. 02 6 4 2 .3 boiled for 15 min,, 0.05 g NaHCO is added and -then it is. boiled, for -TVrther -10--minj from th. efiltrate after -12hre is-seps~iated XIU 4 nitrophen~lhydrazone, -C H 'N NaO S, yield 70-5AP-:m-P. MMo ~11 8 3- 6 (d.eo.omp. ; from aqueous alcohol). II Is. 2 t 4 -~d initroph~enylhjydra~one C, MIT NaO S, is produced in-the same -nay, m.p. 174-ITT 0d: (djec64* 11 7.4 .8. "fr6m aqu6ous -alcohol is iasol.~e&-i '1 'ml water I'Mmole NH2 NUCOITH 2t n, whilst heating, 10 ml alcohol and 0.092 g, MaITCO' are -addedp-this 16: 3 7 . . . . bolfed for 10 mint then 1 mmole IIIa in 2~ ml water are added to the hioh is then boiled for 10 min 'and P'14rifiad ;vith'~charoo*al;-. Siltrate V? after this the Na.salt of III semicarbazone, C R N HaG 8,~. is ee' ara-t ed 6 6 3 5 p out by the addition of 15 ml ether, theyield being; 97.21 , m6ps ~/081/63/0061*%/02 5/088 ~ynthesia of'5-sulfofulrfural B1661 "C 228 231; from aqueoue alcohol). The' Ra: b4lt of M thioeeni carbazone, 0 H IT I-TaO S,was produced in the eame vay, witb a yield of. 6 6 57 4 2 90.8%, m.p.' 21'0-2120'G.(from aqueoup alcobol). I mmole 111a and I toole- ..hydrazide of iaonicatinio acM in 3 ml vater dre:h9ated until oompletel* dissolved, 10 Ml-alcoho-1 arer added and thin solution is hvmted foT 15 milt at -1000C and then :purified with dharcoal, fifter whioh illa--U salt .0,f 5.-sulfofurfuryliderike isonio6iinoy1hydrazone, 0 R IT Irao ~;Az Heparat*w by the addition of 20L-.M.l eitherl.- its m.p;. is-301-30400 (ddoomp-i ftam eous. al 'L - -~ qUL cohol), Abptracterle'note; Complete *dnalationj a ~C&E:4- 3 /3..* ij,j ii: IVAVOV, Ch.P.; ALEKSIL-71, B.V.; KRYSMA, R-a.; YORMANOV, B.I. Infrared spectrometric determination of methionine. Izv. AN 6SSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.7:1356 J1 161. OAIRA 14:7) 1. Sofiyskiy khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut i Institut organichoskoy khimii Bolgarskoy Akademii nauk. (Methionine) ALEKSIEV) B.; IVANOV, Ch.; IUMINOVSKI, Iv. Interaction of 213-diaryl-.:and 2-aryl-.3-alkylijidones with nitric oxides. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.1;73~-88 161 [publ. 162]. 'V .'A Prote-;ri,-, in maize, Ft.]. GodLjhnih khjm pkh I? xic.. 1:21~-'21 162 [publ. 1631. Fill t; !1 .1 j I ; I ~ ;I Dehydration of 1..3-diphenyl-2-orylmethyl-2-oxyglutaric acids with concentrated sulfuric acid. Doklady BUI 16 no.?t 721-724 163. 1. Vorgelegt von Akademiemitglied D.Ivanog [Ivanov,d.]; Chlen Redaktsionnoy kollegii, "Doklady Bolgarskoy Aka- demii nauk". ALEKSIYEV, B.V.; 9~.P.; YUKHNOVSKI, Iv.N. Interaction of 2,3-diaryl- and 2-aryl-3-alky.Undones with nitrogen oxides. Dokl. AN SSSR.,,14-9 no.6:1315-1318 AP 163. (KMA 16:7) 1, Khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut, Sofiya, Bolgm-iya. (Indone) (Nitrogen oxides) ALEKSIYEV, B.V.; IVANOV, Ch.P.; YUKIINOVSKI, Iv.N. Stability and'spect roscopic characteristics of the lntermediate products formed in the nitration of seme 2,3-disubstituted indones. DAL AN SSSR 150 no.ls89-92 My 163. - (NIRA 16:6) 1. Khimikotekhnologicheskiv institut, Sofiya, Bolgariya. Predstavleno akademikom B.A.Kazanskim. (Indone) (Nitration) (Spectrum analysis) x- y ri 1; 0 ri. !t L 34509-66 ZM(J) D1 r-rcc -NR. AP&:4750 A"I ORt,jawr.-Ch-s; 11ladonova-Orlinova, L. 0.1G.- Dopartment of Organic Cherdstry, Institute Lo ~r_ShRmLa cohnoloMlEofia i TIM of 2-phanyl-l-bonvylindoneland of 1~i' -6*x.Y-l,2-benzf1uoronone SOU.RC:-,: Bulgarska, akaderxtya na naukite. Doklady,'v* 18, no. 10, 1965, 943-946 TOPIC TAGS: delWdration, isomrization, phonyl corqvwvd,- oxidation ABSTRACT: The authors established earlier (DAN, SSAW.159t 1964, 131) that one obtains Uro isomorio 4-phonyl-3--o;~ibnnzfluorenow A wd B and a single 2-phonyl- 3-banzylbonzidone C during the dehydration of 1,3-diphozWl-2-(21-naphtyl)-2--mvglu- taric acide- The present investigation aim at the clarification of the behavior during oxidation of the I-bonzyl substituted indones and of Uie 3-o;,7benzfluoronone. To test the possibility that Vie products of such an oxidation could contribute to the clarification of the structure of analogously constructed compounds, the authors used as models certain easily accessible analogs with known structure, iseep the - 2-phonyl-3-bonzfluorenone (D, Dalov, J. Pharmacy wd Pharmcol., 1, 1949, 401) and 4-phonyl-3-cV-1.2-bonzfluorenone (Ch. Ivanov, Corapt. rend* Acad, bulf-'. Sci., 7, 195 29)o The article gives experimental details and theoretical interpretation of the oxidation by mans of potassium permanganate of the two abovu mritiqped compounds. This paper was presented by Academician.D. Ivanoy on 12 Joy 1965. LjYrig.. art. in Gormanff fJ'FRSt 34.8off SUB CODFt 07. 'SUBM DAM none MIG REF: 004 SM RU: 002 004 p L 01753-67 EWK 0 RM sona colm: r)U/011/65/018/011 ="M7~P6035624 11003/1006 I VAX C11. MA DENO VA -ORLINO VA L., Dapartwnt of Or[-.0nic _ChaMid_t_ry,'_ Ove Gh Institute o" -emical Technology, Sofia ( Original -language version not given] Structure of the 2-Phanyl -3-8enzyl banzindons. d tho 4-Phanyl-3- ~ydroxydibanzfluoronone Isomer Compounds Obtainod uring Dehydration of .1,3-Diphonyl-2-(21-naphtlwl~2-ifydroxyr,lut(,ric Acid" a Sofiat DoRledy Bolrarskoy A~2dqmijjVau)c, Vol 18, \Io 11, 1965, pp 1003-1006 r t lGerman articll),7 The authors provad in an oarlior conDun16tion ~7 t7 159, 1964, i51) that 4-phonyl-3-hydroxydibanzfluoronorAA and B a. 12-'plianyl-3-banzy1banzindonoO are obtjinad durincr- dehydration of 1,3-diphanyl-2-(21-napht4L)-2-hydroxyrlutoric acid with concentrated sulfuric a cid. The present paper 1) presents the structure of thoso three cocipaundes 2) discussaB the steps leading to the establishment of the respective structural formulae; and 3) describes the exterimental procodures and Ito Chni quo a in_yq sj~ ~jra~~pn resented by Do Ivati(ift o n T~Hqg~. P0561,18082Y Orig. art. hast 2 figuros. .,112 July 1965. TOPIC TAGSt dehydrations fluorlnated~orgnnic compound, lsome,,--, benzene derivative SUB CODE: 07 DATE SUM 12 Jul 65 ORIG REF: 001 I'OTH REFS 001 SOV REFS 003 Card 111 pb 72 0 FIT I Wrl _1~1_7_' r-1 17 VOLKOV, L.; IVANO'J,,,.D..- - I Naw form of the letter of cradLt in intarnational payuents. Den. i bred. 21 no.6t78~-82 Je 163. (14IRA 16-.8) (Balance of payments) 3.5 years of irriCation constiniction Arid its future developin(mb mitil 1965. p. 971 HIMIROVE,KINIKA I O'EFLICRATSII. (Nauchno-teldmicheski oulitiz v Bu].Farlia i 111inisterstvo na e1ektrifikatsiiata i vodnoto stopanstvo) Sofia3 01. 4, no. 4, 1959 List of East European Acce!5sicns LC, 'jol. fl, 12, j December 1959 Uncl. IVANOV D. - GOCI E r, V.; RALEVA) M. Extraction of potassium from the i-Tnintive rocks of the village Svidryap region of Sofia. Godishnik khim tift 7 no.1/2il-12 960 (publ. 161). 1 1: ' I - I. i I,!, I v ~; 111-"; i 1 ~~ I 1111' i I I! il 1~ -! - .~ : I I i 1 1 : ~,;::~ ~! : I. I . : IMOV, D. The origin and localization of the accessory obturator nerve. Hauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 39 no.1:1-12 160, 1. Predstavena ot prof. D. Kadanov, zav. Katedrata po anatomiia na choveka. (OBTURATOR NERVE anat & histol) f 7-11 fl7 11 1 IVANOV, D. Dn the problem of the innervation of the pectineal nuscle. Nauch. tr. vissh. med. inst. Sofia 39 no.1:13-22 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. D. Kadanov, zav. Katedrata po anatomiia na choveka. (THIGH innervation) -I-VAJIOV On the problem of the development of nerve plexuses and non-capsulated endings in the urinary bladder in man. Nauch. tr. visah. med. last. Sofia 39 no.1;23-35 160. 1. Predstavena ot prof. D. Kadanov, zav. Katedrata po anatomiia na, choveka. (BLADDER innervation) YUGOSLAVIA LJUSTINA-IVANCIC, Dr Nevenka; GRGIC, Dr Zvonimir; and Eye Clinic (Ocna Klinika) and Clinic of Internal Modicine (Interna Klinika), Faculty of Medicine (Medioinski Pakultat), University (Sveuciliste), Zagreb. IlChanges in the Eyes in Cases of Remoblastosis.11 Zagreb, Lijecnicki Vjesnik, Vol 85, No 8, 1963, pp 853-860. Abstract: fAuthors' B-nglish summary modifiod7The aitthora discusa the results of clinical examinations of '%-,he external and intarnal Darts of the eye in 100 patients suffering from hemoblastosis includins 30 cases of Morbus HodgkAn, 17 of acute leucosis, 20 of chronic lymphatic leu- cosis, 17 of chronic granulocitic leucosis, 12 of reticulum-call sar- coma, and three of multiple myeloma. Subconjunctival or orbital infil- trates were found in 30 cases, a corneal pannus in five, and retinal hemorrhages or exudates in 13. Congestion of the retinal vessels was the single symptom in 32 cases. Various other retinal changes were noted in 17 cases and solerosis of the ohorioid in 24. The authors conclude that ophthalmological examination is not enough for a safe diagnosis of hemoblastosis but that some retinal changes may be sugges- tive of the duration and phase of the disease. One drawing, three photographs, 34 references (24 Western, nine Yugoslav, one Soviet). 1/1 YUGOSLAVLk Drs 2-1vonimir; G2GIC, Zvonimir; and M-dj'OV, Dako, Clinic of Inter- nal i4odicine (Interna Klinika), 1,1aculty of 17,Ji7c'ne IN,' dicinski Fakultat), Zagreb. "DamaCe to the Bone Marrow from 'Chloramphenicoll." I 4'aC-reb, Lije6ni6ki Vjesnik, Vol 85, No 9, SODtomber 1963, ~,~P 995-1000. Abstract: [Authors' German summary modified] The aforementioned antibio- tic, diocovored in 1947 and in use since 1948, became subsequently the object of warnings arainst the possibility of toxic effect. The drug continued to be used, however, and disturbing re-ports of negattive effects have repeatedly appeared. The current article reports on nine patients treated between 1954 and 1963 for d=am, to the bone marrow due to the a-aplication of this antibiotic, seven of whom died under a dia,-,nozis of panmyclophthisis. The Pozsibility of damage to the hemato- poietic composition is discussed, and advice is offered as to the advis- ability and inadvisability of applying the drug on the basis of foreign literature and the authors' own observations. Under Yugoslav conditions, the blood picture must be chocked before and during therapy, especially the reticulocytes and thrombocytes. one diagram, two tables, throe Yugoslav and 27 Western references. 1/1 DIMITROV, Mitiu; IVAIL1011, IJ'ko, inzh. Frodun,tion of iron catalyBts for the spithools of airlmonia frorm. Ardino mAgnetite. Tekhri~,a Bl.-Ig 33 nr.-~-15-18 '64 .1 , ; i! . . i 'I; IIIANOVY D g a O'n V~i CS "From the exr-eriences of the machine-tractor stntions; digf-In r L d n- .1 -I with - IC/22 k.c. Fordson", p 140 (KOOMATTYNTO 72-IMUILIF, Vol 6 A, Apr. 1951, Bulgaria) East European Vol 2 #8 August Sol Mont List OfWAGY&Acceasions, /Library of Congress 1 1953., Uncl. 'I , t 'I 1 0 1 V111 - !IIII IVkMV, D. Seed production from vegetable plants on cooryerative ftirms. p. 12. K-Y)PE.1-TIVINO ZSMEDF,~-:E, Sofiya, Vol. 11, no. 4, Apr. 1956. S'): Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 june 1956, Uncl. 1111F IF '1]T -F 1, JI H IVANOV, D; FOPOV, T. ------------ -- "I IMOVY D; FOIOV, T. The collective farm in the village of Ustin,,,, y1lovdiv District, uncovers its internal production reserves. p.4. Vol. 11, no. 10, Oct. 1956 KDOPFRATIVNIO ~.PTZEIJE AGRICULTURE Sofiia, Bulgaria SO: East European Acceesion, Vol. 6, No. 3, ~%rch 1r)5? ;' ~ 1 '~ P! 1 k" ; I!;.:''! ! :1 HI 17L'OVI D. (Cal. of 'Ned. Ocznr.) and (Col. of 1~;_?a,lioactive Deco ntaminatio n of 6kin and CloUd-6,11 fmm a series "Atomic wid Anti- Atorric 1:eapon Defense." Kraanaya Zvezda, No.3104, PaCe 24 Dec 54. Surnary of article - D 2:56364, Jun 55 17AI"O"') D.1, (Col. ",Cd- Sem'iccO ~)f a :;Cries c)f : ti.cleo under tt-e ":'uclear Radiations and .:cdicinell - one Rr zatioj' of A-)~-AC ~~, rnsnayik '~','Ivozdaj 'Nnsplo" of PiN)blems of Ti"Ah., Apri 1 ~'5 Tne article describes the application of radioactive radiation in Ule sw'let -Union for medical and scientific pur-roses. D 2;57602., June 55 ------------ Pt A ---(IV I'llucicir Rvdintuion and Medicine,," 0 chaptor from the book. Problems in the Utilizotion of Atonic 2iicrg- .4 tine second revised edition of a ciAlection of articles, published in 195~T, Moscow, USSR Ill A l7rO,~, 1 1. c Cj flGanitorv Treatment ind De of clothjng V-16 "(pa u -,s in ~11(. utilizatior of iltomic ,q cL,,o-)tf-,r from '~c book rr0blk.:,r second revised editioll -of 0 collection of orticics, published irlG,50, Moscov) USSR VASILEV, I.; IVANOV,D.; LUKATIOV, I, Miniature transistor apparatus for long-distance recording of pulse shocks. RAtsionalizatsiia, 13 no.11216-17 263, IT"XINOV., D; KOLEIV, N. "Producing absorbers of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide by the alkaline hydrolysis 6f waste material of albuidns.11 p1 18 (Tezhka Fromishlenost) Va.. 6, nd. 9, Sept. 1957. 'ofia, 'Ugaria '0: Monthl, Indey of East Etrropean Accessi~ns (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, no. 5, Kay 1958 I',; C BULGARMAL / Chemical Technology. Chumical Product8 and Their Application. Loat-hor. Fur. Gelatin. Tanning Materials. Industrial Proteins. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khimiya, No 9, 1959, 33675. Card 1/1 31o Author Ivanov, D., Kolev, M. Inst N-ot-g-ivon. Titlcj Obtaining Hydrogon Sulfide and Carbon Dioxida Absorbers by the Alkaline Hydrolysis of Waste Albusainous Substanocs. H Orig Pub: Tozhka promishlonost, 1957, 61 No 10, 18-23. Abstract: The application of amino acids as absorbing agonts -may be substituted by mixturos of nat- ural amino acids, obtained by an alkaline hy- drolysis of albuminous substances - horny kar- atin (alkacida PA); the proportios of tho lattor are similar to the propertics of the alkaoide DIK. -- Yo. Stofanovskiy. -b! I I F, a r i arld neir ,7;: 6(, IvRnOv, D. and Vitkov, Ts. 1~0 -t 'V'acaiyzts for Litt-, Coziver,,Loz, Of Carboji Dio-xi-je T-jzhka Fromyrjhlelloe~, 7, The fOllowing cataly-sts tuive been prepared ift lab-,)rntory of tile St,:01n i;lieutica! lrr-ast %-1) 92% _rel - I L~ r2 C., A1,01 , (.5) 0% 3056 r. U, t an*1 3% All 05 . T,,,-uf,.,, liste c1QE;elY 4P~Toximates iii s'ructure aqj j,n cojaposi- LiOn t"'It, coirmercial catalysts. I.Stboratory tests f~114~1(ldtc_rhow arij marked djLA'feron,.,e6 jr. crAtajv,jc (all of the, catalysts use-d were sub acte to -a prelimi6ary low_tezRPe:,.1tur0 redu,,tan, YEt, Satullovskiy IVANOV, D.; DINITROVA, A. TECFIIOLOGY Periodicals: TEZHKA PROMISHUNGST. Vol. 7. no. 12., Dec. 1958 IVAITOV., D.; DTMITROVAq A. Absorption properties of natural alkazid obtained through alkaline hydrolysis of albumin. p. 17 Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG, Vol. 8, No. 5 May 1959, Unclass. H: IVANOV, D.; PFTROVA, 0. "Obtaining ferric-chromcuB catelyzer for oxidation of amonts" Tezhka Promishlenost. Sofiia, Bulgaria. Vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 1959 Monthly list of Past European Accessions (FEAI), IC, Vol. 8, No. 6, Jim 59, Uncaa-9 IWI~iGvy D.; i, D.; P.-!ITRGIJ'A, K. "?reparation anci testing of a cobalt-oxide catalyst for oxidization of ammonia up to nitrogen oxide." TEZHKA FIRONTISITLEINOST, Sofiia, ailgaria Vol. 8 no. 5, "ar. L959 Monthly list of East Europe Accessions (EE1,I), LC, Vol. 6, ~Io. 6, 4un 59, Unclas DDIITROV, M.; NANCY, D. Preparation of ferrous catalysts for the synthesis of the Propad magnetite ammonia. Khim. i induatriia 35 no.2t4,3-49 1630* IVANOV, D.; ~PMSHKOV, D.; KMOVA Equilibrium of various copper-ammonium. acetate and carbOnatO solutions studied with carbon monaxide under the prtwiviro of 300 ke/62. Godishnik khim tekh 8 no.l.-55-72 161 Lpubl. 1621# HHt -eparation oft' 4ron catalystj fo:, ~~-a am-m from llllji!ar~arl raw .."0-1 ~ 0 influence of calc-lum and magnestum oxidt~s on tho w~'-vvlty of' iron catalysts for the ej-iitheslls of aminionia. 1-t,, 1, uodijhnik shim takh 9 no. 1t239-251 v62rjmbl-'63J- IVANOV, D.; SIIISIIKOV,, D. Phase equilibriums in the system: copper arovionium acetate and copper ammonium carbonatq solution-carbon mono4ide under general pressures of 100, 200, and 300 kg/ce Godishnik khim tekh no.2:87-102 162 [publ. 1631. DZUTROV, M.; IVAEOV, D.; STAWiAnEVA, D. Influence of calcium and magnesium oxides on the activity of iron catlysts for the synthesis of ammonium; mineralogical study. Godishnik khim telch 9 no.2:103-11? 162 [publ. 1631. _11JANOV.1 D.; GOCHEV, V.; TSOCIIEVA, L. Baking of alkali syenite with calcium dichloride and calcium oxide for obtaining potassium chloride Cram syenite. Godishnik khim tekh 9 no. 3:101-109 1~2 publ. 1631 IVANOV, D., akad. The International Colloquium on Organometallic Compounds in Paris. Spisanie BAN 7 no.4:91-93 162, BLAGOEIT. B.,- IVANOV, D. Polyfunctional organomagnesium reagents containing a carboxy-I group and a triple or cumulated do-able bonds. Izv Inst org khim 1113-31 f64 WOOPS *Soo* 00000*0000-: TV, -F 1.14MA -4- 0 *--o 0 9 W- : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 v 000000 A J 9 L "'r 1 .0 03 1 1 1 4 1 s I I I to It 12 U W is U is to p It' a AV ~A 09 X a it w 1) M a 30 it it 0 4j it 41 it v I r so- A- AL- P- 2'. It A-1- 11, #~A- L A . ..... 00 go A ............ . . to ocpv and T. Rus. -00 00" --Z =m777L,-Z hys.-moth. ", 331-8 00 (in French U940)(IM).-I4 the M series of reactions bttwm ale. ostendmonocarboxylic acids and skohdato -.0 0 69 a It was found thec the heavy radicals Rl of alcoholstgo 41 A wes dLVWW by lightradicitis Xi of elders. to tho AM- '..00 0 tionj bttvm phenobc were of mollocartmiTlic "S "d "Ghtles the wyl radicals R - dispWed by alkyls R'. A revem reaction don not tOw piece, The pboolatts 00 4 were often kag Sol. in Etso than skoholates. In the 3rd series Cd reliction% betwee: exters al dicarbouvIlc 1,6*b add 1100 00 a ajoebolates the mixed este" were obtAined 6 2"% yield 96 00 oWy by dispbring the sikyls by other hftvL-r s1kyla bt- cause I pw cd the mother substance is transformed to a 460 go 00 .3 Sim. ester, owresponding to.Nig alcoholAte. Themodeat =00 *0 operation for the Ill xeries of tipts, is " IoLkms: Prep- go 0.16 E.-mol. of Grigullrd reagent with about 130 cc. EtsO~ zoo *0 itadomidinempletelynto-biaelmedvtmi. AddO.13 ~roo 00 S.-tual. of ester in 60 W. Et~O and beat under a reflux (of 10*6 ~0410pg 5 hre. Hydrolyn the reacdou mixt. cautiattaly at 0* to 00 00 Id pmvent --pw. Ext. 3 times with St.0, wash the ether '00 solo. with 5-10 cc. 1W. dry olver CaUl and dhW lbt ubgsViptuxetthumn. Flnallydistfffractkmull~r- go 0 cow. I The hw1ion coats. the ester sought eminins slio the Cwmspooding mk.; the detn. IS performed in EtOH bY tea wre prapd. by the reactiorl of now. The oftenak 2roo phenols with ZtmgBr. Then substancea were heated tor 10 ha. under a wlux and after hydrolyms the pbenol w undelgoing reaction well extd. with a froczing mixt. Of Vol; A 1 0 - S L A SETALLIOCKAL LMRATLIE f-z- C:ov too Uis AV to All ;9 n IT IV it Do if AS A IN 91 of AA L 1 4 W 0 1 if 14 0 J1 a j, 0 t o00004 oo 0 0 0 o * o * o 4. t;- T-- 0 0 o 0 o 00060 q 0 o 0 0 & *so o 1 1 * o 0 40 of** 0 0 Go $310 $04 0 041111 *I 4 0 00 : to I 1 4 ii p 0 0 19 IL it is ti to id it it a I a 34 A -A,11 a r a &A I it I kI I a " " u m if 0 41 Q &1 0 1 r , - , j . totulitt 00 00 ,4 Synthesis with saum mopm aftyl4c4uts by r -Lvanim anti A. addition of orMn or brataktalLm. 8-10(in FictwIl 11) farm 6 un Athiv 11m ft . , . a . *flf34)-Nd nl4jtW2VIPbCflTIWelOlV 21116 1 almn W 0 and ' l -00, *I and m ItIv.-i IllAudelic anti tf-cliplicaviiiuct-inic kid In ~j yield. resp., aevelfluno to tbA ttlitallon: 0 0 flit) CO.Na +Ov-2PhClf(Ol6ftX)C(hN&-21'hCli(Oll)- 6 J C0,11 and PhCII(OkIgx)CONM + Phell(NUMM. 1 Nu - (PbCIICChNa)v + MlO + ?.IgX,. rcip. By 0 bwminatim of the same compd, a-brotnwhenylacetic -0 arid iq Itotmed and at the mme time p4phenylosirvinic 0 scid I.% obtained In 22% ykld smwdln to the equalloo: L 00 1 CO.Na + Aft- PI%Cll(.%IxX)C(hN* + Uri - PbOI XUr and 21lbCI((?fgX)CO.N& + Uri - (PhCHCOW4 a of + %IxXi + NfOrt. rtsp. Bromaphen)L&Mic scids 0 wil"Otuted in the nuclem were not found. 1. Kitctern i"O tio 0 14-1L& OCTALLURt MAL kiftlATLAt CLASSIMATION 94 z:t ........... u is AV go At f V _~4#04,j w" mew Q4c * I V 0 j I I -T : l J I;" [PIPIP 0 0 *4L-" 0 N it N ff It Is N 0 " 9411 1 Olt 00 10 tegal'. 0 01A. A V. "90 00 ...... TAO A 60j so Ir .44 *0 The ydoctV c(givatmika d bldsombou formied bj Um .00 IS 0 uflon of ladenig an 4144&UcarW mAP d=40i"U111111. '400 A motbod of motguitag the liciad atrigg& bttw-I 00 A S&4 9M 143ttim v -0411 Wp. 11. J?~ Ivaigov and Ann. ismir, FdCAJU '"A. .00 WS(in Fretich cf. C. A?"2y6' so , 1'': .00 &I gf~td. by UM pS evolved. the rate ol reaction uf itick-ne 00 vnih R.%tgBr (0.02 molt deach in 21.3ce. DUVO at 110) -_q9 bulivistes that the suength of the R-NIgBr bund dectewsci 0 e- Hu, in-Big. 11F lit, WTI. 11) the tvdct NOW. Me lit, A. 11rattv 1. to 0 'All A &KIALLUISKAL LITIONAtkOf CLAMOICATION 9 Z- ISO 0 item 11w, I&--- IN 1.14.4ggi. 0%, C&C C. 'ti u 4, so I is 0 It0 it IF N N It a It N KW A 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 go 0 0 0 0 & 00 0 0 0 4 0 . 41 00000 #~** O's v is it u u m Is it A Is a Is a A IA A, a L I K Cc. tv I I L 0 4 1 1.. 1- IL Not tog tr = "'it Will "Ott '14)OM).-Aly IT1111111" in fill Cklaw, St. UNIMM11) itwolly delcmwripit. f1m rVatel. ntitt 00 wlilmod (1) was Wilailicti lag * 4 ct, firmn mk% m. 11141-1 . C. CIl.,CI'h:CIf.C U10111(w. imu-BUOMS"t And im Ified to ImWurin 1hr dyplullw 1. yields ar inualkir. 400 4 0 0 do III u a p a m I' I# A-1 11 C. V f , I 4 .00 VAR to 1117111"llialical k*-It..%A I*tl IN, aiijui bet rquilit,A splumv SUM I'll- ithdif. 111141.. -hp, 1 w i'l, )II nIOMIEfIr Itilve fit-ril willund"'A. 1.111 111C I w &4~ -00 -00 WO 411-It A OVAILLOGK41L 44118,1111,1111 (t&lVPK4Tm% An A 1 011 a 0 5 &A I I I U m AV 00 aTI----' 91109 Kan IF901434 I m 0 Z 0 0 0 0 0 fig 0 0 0 0 is a : 0 If 4 0 0 0 0 v 0 6 0 0 0 it 0 CK 1 0-011 loss# t M o wallulaw O is It F 1A 10~ 0; 90 U is 41. f 1 -X v cr -00 00 0 ~ Anil. wmio,. Sofid, 11, Fg;W ;i=lk. Ir ,93 & 06 r -- to rench 310)( with KMUO, itior" f4smosowbroved In quall. vidd. it by the Wowialtachnalt: t (ORICOUIX11(0111pla PhCOCOC41I.C011h. it i, 00 0 Irmoot-irvIlmor In voilor AM aim a mom-oidw only W)lk-ll oil, . milsilMy abw to olptic hIndraniv. Ili 4imwii. 6 0 ikn I- proml byrumfulathfaikoto with X.Croot. wherd's, 0 .4ir"Jay1hemblik dcij mut 111011 are 1-locilli'd. Oil Oon with Zn or Aft in AcOff. a wit c0oratimi In In,-Iiii-f 00 rrt~slam Wilh off rhaviorps w Vvil.m. F. 1: It 0 4 .9 0 4040 T so 0 if - - - - - -- - . . .... 1 0 v T v j , j I V 14 44 1 a 0 0 6 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 a 0 0 1 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 0 4 F!1 : -, !11!i - T-o ir 01 oal? 071080tott! I IS I. . .1 IS IS it IV it V 1# 1k x 0 Ir m 44 41 U 41 41 41ino ft 8 A I , - L U A. I A A A-C It It L-A-R-r- _ILA 11_1_1 -1 C. ffal ml I Wf, , 0o ------ 09" Von. Fo' imaydewrilws the Suc- cr.%Stvc steps in Obtaining cArtmo Vocululmm for the 399isitizing Win. are givm with =. IVAUL%y was Mure AlkV"dUl than with the usual musitking balb. Tioubles J -,Do of commonly experienced in tblio, prortm are enum"Ated and 'go their remedies given, W. R. VichIct too 000 00 13 00 004 goo goo Wsi too /do ASO-ILA TALLUTC~A~ 714111~2 CL'!!!!ICATW" Use ------ We* t t.108i -to 0.1 cog AN 00 An 1 9 a em a m v I IF 14 1 D IV 11 go at it 51 ita It III Now no a X& 4nd 'I'm v 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 if W ITT~'U 'I, Dellydrakm of ail dhmbW'_W_*4 3-hyftxypr*pw*k%, aciAls. Method of prepmtlon ot lodows. Avanov and Chavdu Ivillsov. .4xvvisire aniv. SqAa, Fd410 tri. 44. Livre 2. 121-42(1947-tM).-In lit- tempting to prep, "U (1) by de. - hydrAtion of PhaC(011)CI PhC - . OJI (U) with "mcd. IfPSO,, (W) wim obtained. Conod. IfsSO* h4s foug been used for the prepts. of indones from Albstiluted cinnatnic acids. De Faxi has shown that r3tm of acidt are trandormett with cunt-11. Also, into, liforics with Very low ylehjj~ Also. lhAt The acid, m, 24WH% obtained in 6044dog a Millt. 44 I%Ctl And I'hCll,C(Nll. Anil considered I* be It, tivr4 IM, W with Concil. [(),SO.. 1, (with 1-Si. ) starting with PhlCO anti XXfSCIfPhCO,.Va 00 ed an acid. m. ISA-7*- These 2 acids are thu; different. The 'nd acid, from its synthesis and Its alk. Cleavage products. must ~t 11. and the first am must have a lowly different structure. As 2.~'3-triphfnyi-z. raoic (scid (IV) in, 243 -5 ', it is probable that Paterrio and De Fari represents impure 1, m, 211-13'. By the new methad of I . . I - and Collaborators, 3. hydrox"ropanoic acx 1,1 are e2 .1 y prepil. starting directly with chkwomethylata aromatic hydrocarbons and ke. ionts. Triai% were carried ou on the following ackli- M. (VI). And (P-NfeC4If.)lC(OIf)- C1111hC0,11 (VU). The yield of theacids is W8a% inst may lit Improved fly incrt-ising thr amt. of k t e b rO I(N)%. J'J-Pip"YI-24 - P111P Propaxilk aild (VI) iA new: it f,,rms colortts3 cryluSs M is", (car.). The tfunsfinnAtit"s of hydroxypre"noir acids into indanes is intdc, by R'filing 7-10 Co. conc'l. UsSO, ta I c. acid, stiffinf ~ min. 11-1 ndn. for V). powinit dowly into cohl wat~x with shakillA. 611 en the indoor after soine lirs., and Ilutifying fly CT"Ill. "AnCC A fild, acid rtmains unchanird, in order tit simplify the purifit-A. tion of tile indoile it is 1ttw to ell llr%t with M10, %4%11 the ht,() Wit, Well *i(h Illt'll (the f^t WAllift hAve a red calm), and then -tit. the adid with a 21% jalln. of NaOll; the Hilt) thus obtain"I After rval; Ancet. pure iii. dout. In ibis way the (Wowing= havi been ah. tained: 91% ILI; 95.7% (VW); 83.01% J.PkWyl (U). 77.3% 1- VUI and LK ate new. VIE forms Urge oranitecrystils, m. I M-W (carj. :-(p-lioproppyip&wyi)-2-pievyii*dont forms clew rittl cimstals, in, 103-4' (cm.). Diffentitly substituted fit- dottes ase obluined by the criacd. ItW), dthydrAtion of aryl-tutntituted hydivntyllimpinnic vidi, prepil. by thb method, which cimsist %of 2 (Vent kinit ', theMPTI-0111fill /it() acids (yields 1000%) RMI their dthytiriOni to in- d0nel, (yields M) 10%). The inconvenkoce which this mrshod preulits Is tile 1,11n. 04 tile " i.xnefic indolies. which Are filtomf front 11(ijej,ji rnilig, in tile O."Ition'! lifferelit aryl ndicals, Toils h.4vc proved flut the '=ntitics of tile '-'", nbtain~l .11111 thCif P113POCrtiell q are %Try diff"vit And lU thtir x-pn. is vaWy rciatiord. F. S. fillig 17 9C 11114111141rian all of tarpeatine trom Mai 11vamm-antl Chr. lv-Aiiov. Com)V. rtre,l. 4C44. bJdj4?9 Ki,, rm i. mik. el m/. 2, 41--1(1049) 1 in Freacb).-Qual. mutlysla of a sample from the 190 ciolo showed I-a-ph"t 1). 1-0-pinent (U). ditentene UU). and blimonew tl[V~ to be present. Fractionation an-1 otation an used to a"OIYZC the -AInPIC. and III Awl IV 6. and mwuc W-i were ronmi. ' sAmpic was simihr to ljo~ux oil of tur"pentine Pixms marijima. K. G. Stunt !7 "1l. Eq.: ~1 Autatidstion of aryl-atoyl substituted cyclobeseams. A method for preptring 1.3,3-triarylbeitgones. 1). lvawv. Chavdar lvano%. atid Chriito lvanov (I'niv.. Sofia. Dul. tatia). Annuavi, unir. SqW. Facalli sci.. Livrc 2, 43.' 157-75, Prvnch sunimarr. 17ti,9(1949-40)'. Cda;Pl. PtW, :31. 578-MI(tWil); 0. 38. Mm, U .-- ypnopmacul (1) I. prepl. by cinidensing chelcone (11) with dypnonc in the presence ot PhNNIeNIM11r. givei 0.153 1. DsOlf I and 0.48 g. I J,5-Ph,C&llj when its sola. in 5 cc. AcOll L, said. with 0 (701irs.). llo~evcr, when 0 is pamed through I in boiling AcOll or AcOIl-lICO,H. 1~115-MC4111COP11 is produced. This difference is explained by rjauniling a If bond between Oil and CO In 1. which resists initial- dehydration at rooin tentp. The Ist reaction Is used to mAke triaryl~ubtituttnl benzenes in 45-W-j; yields. The following dgrptxa,o1j were subjected to autoxidation: C0113A ( , tn. 214-18% from CO(CIICIIPh)s and M, gave 2,44-triphritykhakonz, m. 19'2-4' and 2001-10% Calfjj% (V). sit. from p-methytchateout, and III, gave M. 123.5-4.5', Call.- C102 (VI), n:. 16" , from p-cblorochakvne and M. gave 1.3-Js*pAeav1-S-(p~A4-,p4cm )"-ew, M. 139-40'. C"-- 11.01 (Vff). in. 166-8 . from p-methoxychakone and M, jade 1.3-diphinvi-5.fp-mdkoxlthexyf)bexzm, in. 138- G'. C.If.O,, tn.'19.5, 41'. from and P,P,'-di~hexyld *oxr (VEM. in. 172-4', did not undergo autoxidistion. ~Mwas' obtained in 181"t yield by condensing 0.1 mol. p-PhC4If4- f CO'%tc in the Vrt-,c_r 41f I)j15 11,01. The _, oj)tAiuLd ily licating for 12 tirs. the ctw- dypnopitlacolmlc responding I in AcOll and 11COill cOntg. & little 1,'YdtO- quitione, were dehydrogenated %ith S to the c(Irresponding berizapberionci (cf. C.A. 39, VW). Tbe.10110iti-3 ni. 128 V ilypnofiffarole"t, weir used'. Cnitat). , _() . (rod, save tit. 143-N1'; Ca- IluClO. tit. 107-8*, totil V1. $ave :.441 hm)-jA'-(p-ckAwo- C&f lao.. tit. 97-8'. he,%yj)bexwpken;)nr, tit. floin VII, gave .0,je. in. loo-8*; Callao, tit. frcin IV, ;,svr2.Ad- iriplieny1chalcone. A dkowslon of the 111"hankm of the reaction ii also itichidot. G. Muguerian "Analysif; of t.-.o 'Essence of TllrpentLne from Pinus Neg-a, Idood TurpentLnf-:.,, and Coiop:~ony o' Bulg;-rian "rUlin." D. "Speed of -)f SoIuLlons of Calciw-i Sulfate and Surantlum Sulfate." p. 21. (D)RAIDY, '101-- 3, N'o- 1, Jan./.Itx. 1950 '~Published 19517. Sofiya, Bulgaria.) So: Xonthly List of East Furopean Accessions, L~;, Vol. 3, -%o. '-I.-tv IVANOV; Dimitre .Th2-C.fmW Z te., colones. A III: --My- -r69-CIl'jtI'3jI' Mill"i C (1) is pri.-AIII.-tvil as "lc pl,'C'l IQ,-) I'll :111d the 1"W(f 'r)tl file folloll-jr1l; de'lad'Ifillaq: 2.121 9. 11 ftlld -1 tilllc:5 its %vt~ of K011 Irv licatal :1 Ili- at in -.I Ag erticible with ~Sth-ri:lg O'l :1 S:Ilt I)ilt" -11111 file r1v,Cd an"I"; tremcd 160% (1!(' ,, ocidifitl with fl!""01. xul. with Tile BzOIL is i-01,ltud liv tr(mlinvitt ~6tlt NalICO; and plirificif by nalflim-Alin". ik FII-It W"[" ftom (lie plodurt from file ether solm by trvatincM ivith FtOlf aml renvoil. from Nle~CO, nt 2197-5t'. A browit rrsimms matumil k isolated from the motlitr liquor, di -~td. at 2 imit., wid rv- crt-ld. from 17tOff, to givc colorIv.ig I'll, C, I I.N Ic (Iii), 111. 94'. Tile same procedifte, mept for it ril"'itill teim). of 200-310', witli Igives llzOII atiff III, A porlinit (if I ii lost through sublimation. The mmcnire ut (tic dvitydr- fivimopirlicolmic-, lw~ bmi furtlitr dcmoii~tratcil hy ;L Ftio!d-Crifts rcaction. CKS g. 111, 43 g. CIS,, ind 2.3:3 g. BzCl yield 3 g. 11, ni. No I i fomid, ptobably I)CCalise of file stiric hilldrallee of the 2 Ph grolipc johll AV. Wil.4)11, fr. irrevernible formation n( fticUIC) from CIX,:(.11 -010- ui Cal"'(11-01%lo (I .-S-12117-15 mift., if 10-77231 Saturation mr/W I .1"opforth rl WA :. : j I I , FiTi 1~ 7A. 1~ sylfllmlf. withi trio mAtitextum Imlido ilifivauve of 2. Jur L4 1). lVanava'O E * Aw. r-c;rr,- ,I C.2 ~,.e m: sa.-U,-l;"Trl_q1.k 1 W_ 111,114, *, lgsa~ak Frtnch). -To a tatn. of the M~ Laik d,-iv. Of l_-ruryLzL-_tIc vid (preN. hy Irc.1duc Th'i swid with In st~c) ~. ~ kttutw" diuol"d In MX0, Was "do, ADA g(tre b.T- dralv!~iq, the rivoAlwt iqol'Ltod~ The following dews svem (Cain 111t,co; a"il, M. 128.5--94., (CC41 from chalmnt. Wli'm Ph.Alcl3r was cmAtcd willt 2- I 5pthesis with the miurro T- deriv2tivo of so- dium pbenyLue-tice M4,cR1k1ffH.V1pft&tlz dfcarborylic acids. Hat, .4 dikee,.ineji. T ,mar and 14 It A -u, rHp.1iy;. e.1 11452i~ French 27,. 1-136) ~O,M tnuh~) wxi treated with (ViI25 male CIll(COCI), ii, Et:() -it - 110'. the mitt. stiTred 2 hrs. at moin tesnp.. h~drolyuxl with cold HtO. aciditled ~,ith HCJ, ~,ttrl. ~ieveral li-, .,(,I Ft,r). file exts. irc;e cavcd , Ireate-d with bQ \,Afco, to oil *3.5, and the ~;tpl. oil wai extd. with Et..~K dried. amt evapd- to 13.4 g. C1r,(COCjj,Phj,, tni, (91- (CIl,COCI', io.7 malr) pvc _13 il. (Cificuar, ill. 64-5'; In. 179.-!o . C11, iciliCCUt (0.0,5 tnole) yielded 3.1 C. (11t1C11tCOC,i1.,Ph)t il). in 7'V m. 210") and 0.4 Ir. rry5lain. 17:-9'. iM CHICOO), (6.025 molle) gave 4.8 T. (M). ni. 73,55-V, and 1.6 LTy,t,LI, 'IV 35, -4:tm 11 and TV on b-Aing ni I ,~itli i~OH prr.lucr,l FlIC11,C(mi. Ind 1 1,14 ill. r,7~p, V Hathads for ditatrJaztka of me ag in roui flovem-171-1- rA, I-mnav, Co. lvmov, ard 11, OpytLmov. Anmu4im ativ. S'o,U 48, Yac. ri. phys: er .-twh, Lit-re 3. Pt. 1. 15-M( InIf 54 XFr--~ch sacmaLry)i c. C.A. 4Q, .5711f ---A disUs. apV, !mr the quint exon. of 0 from =11 sampter ~, WO-M) (,) ofrc--flowersiscicsuibed. Afterthedisin hrwnplatt. Elie ixpd. cil m, vc4tuincirically, whd~ 0- -ne. cf oil dL~wlvcd in rter is dcut. from the surface ttrslact od the 91n. HOW 12P I ~11 I M I I kill FN 11 11 '/ DEter--inatiact ci mv! oil csntent of dWillaucts WA"-b - tt, - 4 by the 3urfac , Plas~!nthslcr new!an xad. e masian mmho~ --D Ex the end 0.1 d:stiH-qt:' ", F, 1,irujv, Chr. lintua,, N 'FIZOV' and 11 cf-pfy'ar- wltv~ sefd 48 lc,, 4,ir g 1-, 3. 3T-52~1q--,31'541 Frrnch summw-y); cf. C A . 40. 5;,k2j.-nc tcc-urlcy 01' O-Z the ccrnpletic-r of ettr of oil by boch sur- ,.If, --maicla ard thc n-thuds ims ,Nt saine. -t tz-actim of dl-"Vall ~-. lall.-ld O.DG.2~' Od Ho?v- :h~ t"-r- qu~'Pe ~.'d Ill-'d time 1~:; It oil ~,tuq- a~ Tl.~ makt the -Rc~c- ulaicrincthod lZ11L.'7! .4 4,rpd. by anxing arti~.- f K,Cr.0, w13., OA1 KMnC% w1m., and H-0; mar. coacn. of oil detd. bT till, ~'ruk waz 'D (M-01, BT 'he. n1d mefluxi the ritn' Was ii. -q-cil vtlm a fra mLl it diiiii'life '.Qr1;&ivleql in On% 4c;', 1,,t ,I rl%u cr.1d. h!w1rrt;Ers G Id l,'h~130-ifidom-tru'UH~ a m itcid 1 71 Pl-v I, 7-17~ 0:1 '2 , 3-, : ircnz 5ed1wil aad tfi- i:, FT 11 1 Tbv- rmcdrl-l bctwectj t t. of oxl- Oar (111, rnaltmic ~Iba~*- (Vz~ Pciai i,-, rh-. 111 0.02 mull!) III Eto to 1 (0.05 M, ~l if! h! a H this teml). L 'ar, to'vp. un'ler C(Mtiw-A,Y-J-- ag-k-Iflon. -f,~:, -~tciMcatk~i with HC1, Yield,tti 136-7.5' (frunt -1c1. LLoW, VII cr vitidurca in flakts. Is irl. in Eue, C,1111, A AcOft - Simi:~Iib' wus pre,-d- 137o (VIII'), III. (frorn aq. RtOfl), Sol. Al. as VI deriv. m. (frart MOM. In gladid Vin wi, stmic-~rbaz- c gave a product al. 203-1* i~;~pectcd to hawt a pyrnife or pFridtrize n-urJ--a-;- 1,8- M. 72' (at V tht OcId vrar. -h j-u-% ni~ 210'. was pmpd. r-OM I ~.,at Is' thi! yk-ld wa!-, 46,0), in. 73.5-61 (from petr. ether). cry,;tg. in eivngatL-d laxniriiws, E-al. In Et~Q, Cifl, LtOlf slightly iol. in petr. ether. The procitt--t i mm I ind H. a yellow, hrown ati. could not. b~ obt. -d in i -tin by-products cbt=ncd In 3mIller :d,ntif-ed ne hyerc;y Sci4q. 17 .. ........ Apparatus for titzating email ci=itities of r A t I W d Wl fl mate: Lin n e. D. et owd n F ? In rasa c mpt. rc r A " R n IS . 2 np ( ~ ~ f n etnll pernuts nI)tratij; on 3t ~maflrr than Used with t!IT tradkinrwl ap;~ Fnr vi iu"Iysb, 2150 C. of u,c petaS aud 7Z-3 mi. w~rc wiM atLd the rtsultv ag,Te,~i within 0.001 m4. of rw-,c iil. Tablen and a drzvinr tht Teput. A, HaLzu Trial tEo'"citil pba at dlatffistlon In'tbil mducum oe ros a n I h IV 0 m and rN its- .4 rtlwmy 5AIIAV~.111~ t, ".., -1mgm! --tsift'.4v ~nicf Zin.,Wtith ;;~Iuctlcn of rm all cv t be fixed by utillikic t~o mQuttru at furf"c cemleo cP 0, t dfAtg. vm1us mcmeding to V. L Varcomy Or. 110fr1no' tht =d of pas. co1w mactiom for ater. vcwdin; to Patiar, thLefz (CA. 0, a:151). Graphs cid tabli;% ate Ifycn. A. SMIRA11 Fi, 7m 7 Jil - L or iiIII44mul rvao oil obtAinod by mo Varknv. fulif 11 Offoya- e les. 0, Nil. ei f~,r rc- i:wlu les 41min diit,i. of the ptu-I-s. uc;3n. Oi 1;, '-fid ady)Mvon Of tile %J. cil win active C, wo ii v. ent-jul dtsorptiun 13y in org. !;a!vcnt, - Lh, who!Q flowvr Iriving 0.051% oil cant was 23.64~ phemm1a) I ilc 41 % cit~)IICIIM, and 1,31 G FR M - J Appficatlaq of the Rx=thdler end a th* d!Al!--tfQn !n tose-oll, piductlui. 1), Ivarov. Oir. Irarov. X. Marrviv, atA rl. Olinninily-01M.- rend. a,41 buLarg sci. 4, No. 3. 2l-2;(l953,