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IVANOV, A. Ta., prof. On the 50th anniversary of the institute, Trudy LSCrMl 44:9-16 158 (MIRA 11:12) 1. Direktor Leningradakogo sanitarno-gigiyenlch.eakogo instituta (PUBLIC RFALTH, educ Leningrad Mad. Institute of Sanitarlon & Hyg., histe (Rua) -_TVAROV, A.Ya., prof. Training of public health specialists. Zdrav.Ros.Yeder. 3 U0.11 N '59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz Loningradekogo saultarno-gigirenicheekogo meditsinskogo instituta. (LMNGRAD--PUBLIC KUMH--STUDY AND MACHING) 11-FI IVANOV, A.Ya., prof. On chlorine-deficient tetany in obstruction of the pylo-rus. Trudy LSGMI 59:215-221 160. (MIRA 14: 9) (PYLORIC STMOSIS) (TETANY) III ;T A.Yn., prof. Complications caused by Injuries to the o0ophagus by foreign-bodle3. Trudy ISG14I 59:274-279 160. (MIRA 1/.:g) (ESOPHAGUS-FOREIGN BODIES) (ME DIASTRIM-DISEASES) lVANOV, A.Ya., prof. Introduction. Trudy ILSGMI 66:5 162. (MAM 17-4) 1. Rektor T-eningradskogo s&nitarnct-gigiyenicheskoggo meditsinskogo instituta. IVANOV, A. Ya. Therapeutic-prophylactic nutrition in the our ical clinic. Trudy LSMI 67:218-224 162. f,14IRA 15:7) 1. Kafedm obshchey khirargii Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyeni- cheskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zav. kafed-roy - zasluzhennyy dayatell nauki prof. A. V. Smirnov). (DIET IN DISEASE) (SURGERY) ITANOV,_A.Ya , prof.,; AGRANOVSKIY, Z.M., prof., red.; ANDREYEVA-GAIANINA, Ye.75., prof., red.; ANICHKOV, S.V., prof., red.; BABAYANTS, R.A., prof., red.; BASHEMIN, V.A., prof... red.; GUTKIN, A.Ya*-, prof., red.; KAMYSHANOV, A.F., dotsent, red.; - KLIONSKIY, Ye.Ye., prof., red.; RYSS, S.M., prof., red.; SMIRNOV, A.V., prof., zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, ied.; TIKHOMIROV, P.Ye., prof., red.; CHISTOVICII, G.N.,, prof.,. red. [New informative material on the methodology for sanitation of the environment, and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment,of some diseases; results of research at the Leningrad Medical Institute of Sanitation and Hygiene to assist in the practice of public health] Novye informatsionnye material po metodike ozdorovlenlia Yneshnei sredy, preduprezhdeniiu, diagnostike i lecheniiu nakotorykh zabolevanii;'rezul'taty nauchnykh issledovanii LSGMI v pomoshch' praktike zdravookhraneniia. Leningrad, 1961. 105 P. (Leningrad. Sanitarno-gigienicheskii meditsinskii institut. Trudy, vol.73). (MIRA 17:3) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen ANN SSSR (for Anichkov). 2. Ghleny~ korrespondenty AMN SSSR (for Babayants, Ryss). IVANOV, A.Ya.; MOKIINENKO, A.P. Characteristics of industrial traumatism accordinp to dut;j Of the Mechnikov Hospital in Leningrad. Trudy UIGMI Nonindustrial traumatism according to data of the Nle---hrukov Hospital in Leningrad. lbid.:148-153 Om'I"~,:1 1,7.4) 1. Kafedra obshchey khirurgii No.2 (zav. knfedro ,v - prof'. ,,.Y!t. Ivanov) i kafedra organizatsii zdravookhraneniyq chty obyazannosti zaveduyushchego kafedroy - prof,. P-Lit-akaya) Leningradskogo sanitarno-gigiyonichoskogo :motitlutn. TIKHOMIROVA, N.P., kand. tekhn. naukc; LUGOVAYA, N.D., inzh.1 IVANOV, A.Ya., inzh. Control over the providing of mines with prepared reserves. [Trudy]VNIMI no.50:285-291 t63. (MIRA 17:10) L 44376-Wk 7 0-4 AM NKs X OM04" 05 RE -1U-i 1-34-0-W676-11 INVENTORI Yeframov, V. Kudryashoys. If, A.t Nikoleyevs, ",I Pri chevq.--V,- A. ORGt none TITLEt Proton magnetometero Class 420 No. 185090 Eannounced by Special 06 r DesiRning Bureau, State Go logiai!_.S~ (Osoboys konst uktors a byuro Gosudar's-tv'e'nnogo geologichaskog o komitat03' SOURCE! Izo:)ieteniya, promyshlennyye obrazteys tovarnyye znaki, no* 16, 1966, 101-102 TOPIC TTGSi proton magnetoa2&ero magnetometer a I V .AC &-i- AB TRACT: A proton magnetometer, consisting of a signal-shaping unit and a voltage transformer connected by means of a controlled elec- tronic switch to a frequency divider, time generator, and scaling and recording units, has been designed to facilitate a broader measurement range* An auxiliary generator is connected by controlled electronic switches to the frequency divider and scaler and has gang tuning with selector elements of the maRnatometer Input circuit. To regulate pulsoo from the auxiliary generator to the scalerg an electronic switch con- trolled by the pulse current of the voltage transformer is connected [:Cilrd 2 12 - - h Q__ L 44~jfirkO rACC-NC AP6030612 Fig. 1. Proton mag'netome'ter I* I - SLRual-shaping unit; 2 - voltage trans- 'formert 3 - electronic switch; 4 - frequeneyk ~dividarj 5 - time gencratorl 6- sealer; 7 - r _J. ecorderl 8 - auxiliary generatorl .9110 electronic switches. by another electronic switch to the output t-f the auxiliary generator. The block diagram in Fig, I shows th~,arrangement of the.components. Orig, art, hast I'fLgure, IDMI SUB C6DES 08/ SUBM DATEs 28M&r63/ ATD PRESSz 5077 KOZLOVSKIY. N.G.; MIGUNKO, S.V., redaktor; HARTIYANOV, redaktor; MOV, S.Y., re"ktor; PYIAYNVA, A.P.. radaktor; TNRESHGHWO, N.I., rectaktor; OVORINNIKOVA, A.Y., redaktor; RAKITINA. Ta.D., redaktor; VALUE, A.I., takhatchoskiy redaktor; VNSKOVA, Ye.16. takhnicheskiy reclaktor (Handbook for directors of state farmal Spravocluiaia kniga direktore sovk.hoza. Izd. 3-a. parer* Moskva, Gosq ind-vo sellkhoz. lit-r7. Pt.1.1956. 952 p. Pt.2-1956. 1o16 p. (HIM 10:3) (State farms) IVANOV, A,YL.,,D;heuer. ~ ik~- Removal of scale deposits in Shukhov and Shukhev-Berlin boilers. Energatik 4 no.7:15-17 Jl 156, (Km, 9: 9) (Boilers--Incrustations) AUTHOR: ivanov, A.Ye., Engineer TTTLE: On Cleaning the Outside Heating Surfaces of Boiier Units (Ochistka naruzhnylh poverkhnostey nagreva kotel'nvy:h . a5re- ~ga tov) PERIODICAL: Energetik, 1958, Nr 12, pp 11-12 (USSP.) ABSTRACT: The author proposes to substitute the stnndard methol of cleaning outside heating surfaces of boiler units- which con- sisted in blowing-off impurities with compressed air, over- heited or saturated steam - by 3 other more efficient methods. The first one, successfully tested abroad, consistfl of bl,ist- ing ,-iith metal shot. The second method consists of bln!~tine, with small balls, and is especially approprinte for the zones of high temperntures. Portable and stationary ball blowers are described, and operational Instructions arn given. The third method, said to be the best, is a combinntion of' br~ll blasting and compressed-air blowing, Air pressure must be 5-6 to 17.5 atm. Every ball blower consumefl 2.F to QI.-; cu m C,:rd 112 On Cleaning the Outside Heatinp Surfnces of Boiler Sets L oil compressed air per minute. Die-casL balls of bituminous asphalt and 2hort-l'ibred asbestos are said to be best for the Durmse. 'Phere are 2 dingram3 and 1 Soviet reference. Card 2/1", IVANOV, A.Ye,~ i"h. Mechanized nleaning of tubular air heaters. Energetil, 9 no,2, 4-6 F '61, OMPI 16-,7) (Air heaters.-Cleaning) (Boilers-Equip.ment and supplies) ~ ~i, e ~ , F KHLEBTSEVICH, Aleksey Ivanovich; ~ PPY Aleksey Yefimovich; ROMANOV., Ivan Ivanovich44--&V I -- I , 66REYEVAY L.S., takhn. red. (Public office of technical information] biuro tekhnichaskoi informataii. Moskva, " P. services) Obshchestvennoe Profizdat, 1963. (MIRA 16:9) (TechnoloU-Information GURFINIMLIP VJ.; IVAPOV, D.T.; IVANOVP A.Ye.; -MALKIII, V.B. Use of Na,24 in studying blood'circulation during respiration under increased pressure. Biofizika 4 no. 4:498-503 '59- (MIRA 14:4) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut aviatsionnoy meditainyt Moskva# (SODIM.~-ISOTOpES) (OXyGEN-pirBIOLOGICAL EFEECT) (BLOOD-CIRCUUTIQN) 27943 S/177/61/000/009/001/002 71) iob D264/D303 MTHORS: Zharov, S.G. and Ivanov, A.Ye., Lieutenant Colonels, Medical Corps TITIE: The effects of large atmospheric pressure drops on man at great heights PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, no. 9, 1961, 61-65' TEXT: A study was made of the physiological effects of pressure drops of 0.4-0.5 atmospheres i.- 1.-1.5 seconds up to heights of 16,000-13,000 meters. The experiments were carried out in a pres- sure chamber, oxygen being supplied through the KKO-I oxygen appara- C~ tus, The subjectsIgeneral condition throughout the tests was asses- sed from conditional motor reflexes, electro-encephalograms, electro- cardiograms, electromyograms of the abdominal muscles, clwinges in respiration, behavior and outward appearance. The most marked functional changes were induced by the first experience of pressure drop. Affected by the first pressure drop at 16,000-1.8,000 meters Card 1/4 j 27943 S/177/61/000/009/001/002 The effects of large atmospheric... D264/003 all the subjects lost the motor response to the first conditioned stimulus, while the latent perioct of the conditioned reflex to the next 2 or 3 stimuli was lengthened considerably. In subsequent tests, 4 the effects of the pressure drop were less marked: the lat- eat period of the first stimulus was lengthened 2-3 tit-tics, but the other reactions showed no change. From published data and their own Findings the authors conclude that pressure drops stimulate very many of the body's receptors. Powerful impulses enter the central nervous system via the afferent paths aniet induce foci of excitation in the cortical endings of the corresponding analyzers. By the mechanism of intercenter relations, these foci. in turn in- duce piienomena of external inhibition. No great chauges were noted in the bioelectric activity of the brain after the pressure drop, winich indicates that the subjects sustained no taarked hypoxic le- sions. 'The increase in heart contractions by 20-30 beats/rain var- ied directly with the degree of air exhaustion from the, chamber, and was due more to the extent of the excess o.,xTgren pressure than to hypoxia. The electrocardiograms gave evidence of cirCLIlatory Card 2/4 279h3 S/177/61/000/009/001/002 The effects of large atmospheric... D264/D303 difficulties in the pulmonary syqtem due to the excess oxygen pres- sure in the.lungs. This entails improvements in the.compensating suits, protective properties. After the end of the pressure drop' there ensued a prolonged exhalation, often 2-3 normal exhalations. This was followed by rhythmic, but usually more rapid, respiration. Pressure.drops led to bioelectric activity in the ab- dominal muscles in all,the subjects, lasting mostly for 2-3 seconds, i.e., before the first exhalation. During conversation under the effects of the pressure drop biocurrents from the abdominal muscles were intensified during both exhalation and kthalation, pointing to considerable difficulty in speech formation. No'pain symptoms were reported, although the use of oxygen masks instead of helmets led to increased tear secretion and congested hyperemia of the facei neck, 1wrists and feet. No pathological lesions of the viscera were noted. Thus, in the first 3-6 seconds after the pressure drop there was some inhibition of the conditioned reflexes and disturbance of the respiratory rhythm. Changes in the biocurrents of the brain and heart were moderate and corresponded generally with the results Card 3/4 IT 27943 S/177/61/000/009/001/002 The effect,~; of large atmospheric'... D264/D303 of tests with a smooth rise to the same heights. To a large extent these changes were entailed by the action of excess oxygen pressure. The authors conclude that pressure drops of 0.4-0.5 atm. in 1-1.5 sec to a height of 16,000-18,000 meters present no dangers to a man breathing oxygen at a pressure up to 130 � 5 mm Hb and wearing a compensating suit. A.P. Apollonov, M.I. Vakar, D.I. Ivanov, P.N. Ivanov, A.G. Kuznetsov, D.Ye. Rozenblyum and 1.1-1, Khazen are men- tioned as researchers who have studied the effects of and means of protecting against p.-,::ssure drops. There are 3 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: July 1961 Card 4/4 1][11 lid ;I S/065/62/~)02/000/029/044 D405/D301 f -AUTHORS: iaifanov, V.11., Valcar, N.I., Yeremin, A. V. and Ivanov A Ye. TITLE: Effect.of resistance breathing on i~espi'ration ui~der e.,,.cess pressure micheakoy --biologii. v..~ .2. - 4dI lWan and V. Y zd vaidy'. Iz.41;-vo' 141 5R- a o Moscow, 287-289 T,!.%T: This hrticle was presented:at the 10th ~European~ Con.4 ember,, gress on Aviation. aiid Space Medicine, Paris, 2G-36 Sep~ The effect oA-,-" chan-res in intrapulmonary pressure,~due to~pressure Dreathingf- on -the -re sp-irat ory-- mechani sin- -i s- invest -ted.. 50 expori 1,::: ments were condt-eted ozi seven subje :,eA Cts ~ (young: he di'thy owles 23-33), under normal atmospheric Pressure,and also in ~h.pressurO~* chamber with a rarefied atmosphere corresponding to arCzltitude IPA' eriments, had: a specital 20 lan. Thd oxygen apparatus used in the exp ss=6 in the iii- dev'ce which emitted reduction. of the excess pre. Card, l/2_-_-_________ S/865/62/002/000/02 9/042 ffect of resistance ... -C D405/D301. pared to that in the exhalati.on p: ase, Coliclu~.. halatioi Phase as cork sionst If the variations in.intrapulmonary pretsurc oweaded 1.00 Ima water colimin, then the pilysiological functions of the ovganistn Under- wezit a gOlIC37al disturbance. 'the effect of tatrapuluionary pressure fluctuatiows on the or,,,-tanism is the strotiger tha large:r- thinse fluc- tuations and the more rarefied the embient atmosphere; t1he respira~- 'Tli replacement of tory functic)n is the one to be mostly affected. 0 ta cisk by a her-inctic, Iric1met (i*e4, the o.,ygen, iu an intiease in dead spac caused more serious disturbances in the respiratoty mechanism if t,,,~, pre s sure -drop in the inhalin8 phase exceaded .50-100 rrim water column. intrapulmonLry pressure fluctuation.-, oE 200-300 =i water column ~wcre sometimcs acco-mpanied by a total dif*,turbance of the respiratory mechanism. The oxygen concentra 'tion of the blood decreases. I%e bioclectric activity of the rcsViratory muscles is a re-liable indi- cator of respiration.distress due to thc~use of btcathii18 apparatus~ Card 2/2 .. .. ....... RR jibli ba IU4_.Uli~ i ! M!1 jj IVANOV, A.Ye.; SHIMODYROV, V.V. ~i - -Pathological changes produced by ionizing radintions, Itogi naukt. Biol.nauki no.1:189-~213 157. (MIRA 11:1) (RADIATION SIGUMS) Country : USSR T Cate(;ory: Mu= and Physiolo(7. Blocd. Fomed Elements - fibs Jour: PDMiol., No 19, 1958, 88656 Author Ivanov,. A - Yc - Inst Title On the Problem of Disorders of PiGpent Metabolism in Radiation S.-'.clmess. OriG Pub: Med. radioloL;iya, 1957, 3, No 4, 18-23 Abstract: SiGnificant dopt~sits of brown, finc-c'-m-7ned pigment (P) imm observed frequently in tissues and organs of naimnla subjected to thQ nction of ionizinL; irra-d-J.,%tion. The charactc;ris'6*ic i')=ticu- laritics of its distribution (partial intr--vascu- lar localization and numerous accmmlntions in Card 1/2 TTT7 Country : USSR T Cater,ory: Ilumn and .;iJ*.:,,a! Physiolory. Mood. Formed RU:mry~s - Abs Jour: RZhBiol., No 19, 1958, 88656 heriarrhaGic foci) and results of histochordeal investigations, demonstratiriC, %the presence of Fe in P, lead to the supposition that it is de- rived fron, the Irb of disinteGrated erythrocytes. It is assimed that, under conditions oliaracteris- tic for radiat~_on sickness, disturbances of the reticulo-cadothulial systera and depression of erythropoicsis, freed Fe is not utilized in the synthesis of Ub and the formation of bilici~ P but accumulates in the tissues in the -L r..1 of a brown P containinL; Fe in colloidal foru. E. B. Glikson Card 2/2 IM-DICA See 5 (8 Patholo 57 _jol. 10j IPY 2337. IVANOV A. - Moscow. *Morbid-anatomical pulmonary chan- ges in �*.g,,s after whole-body X-irradiation. (Russian t e xt) ARKH. PATOL. 1957, 19/1 (31-37) Illus. 5 The experiments were carried out in 37 dogs after one single rencral X-irradiation with 500 r. at a distance of 90 cm. with 20 ma. for 30 min. (16.8 r. per min.). The dogs were killed after 30 min. to 60 days. The changes observed were divided into 4 stages: 11) Up to the 3rd day there is marked hyperaernia with crythrodiapedesis and oedema in the alveoli, and subpleural emphysema. These changes are inter- preted as a 'shock-like prostration' in radiation sickness. (21 After 3 days, these r I ~ phenomena regress, which is termed the 'occult stauge' of radiation sickness. (3) In the 3rd stage, from the 7th day on, the permeability of the vessels is the main phenomenon: the protoplasm of the endothelial cells is vacuolized, the nuclei pyknotic, the wall is homogeneously soaked with plasma, which effuses into the surroundings. The collagen fibres become argyrophylic and form coarse strands. The elastic fibres remain unchanged. Then, from the 10th day on, there are mas. sive perivascular effusions of blood. A cellular inflammatory reaction is not observed: there is, alt. the most, a 'neutro'penic' bronchopneumonia. In the haemo- rrhagic areas. necroses may develop; emphysema and atelectases are also ob- ~e~.,;Lipaemia develops- (4) Insofar as the animals survive this acute staye, e 0 tshe 4th tage of radiation sickness sets in on the 21st day - that of absorption: Numerous macrophages with brown, partially iron-positive, partially lipoid- containing pigment,appear (also subplcurally). The changes observed in the lungs correspond to the morbid-anatomical picture in the other organs in radiation sickness: these are dystrophic processes of the parenchymal ceus, the conliec- tive tissue and the vessels. Therefore, it does not-seem appropriate to use the term 'X-ray pneumonia', as is often done. Brandt- Berlin (V, 14,16) IVANOV, A-Ya.; SOSOTA, Y-F- Experimental bronchopneumonia [with summary In Ingliah]. Biul.ekop. biol. I mad. 43 no.3:121-125 Mr 157. (XLRA 10:7) 1. Mauchnyye rukovoclital~., Chlen-korrespoedent AKN SSSR prof. N.A. Krayovskiy i prof. N.N.Klemparaloya. Predstavlona daystvitalinym chlonom AMN SSSR H.A.Skvortsovym. (BRONCHOPNEUMONIA. exper. In rabbits (Rua)) -11!1 1;111 TP, IT P'DI:;A Sec r, ".1 1211.1 E . . f - . ~ 11 1 . 0 3311. CHANGES IN THE PULMONARY PIIAGOCYTES IN RADIATION SICKNESS 11% RABBITS (Russian text) - Ivanov A. E. INIED. HADIOL. 1959, 4,12 (59-63) Graphs I A Phagocytosis in the lungs was studied by way of intratracheal Introduction of a trypan blue solution, with subsequent counting of cells which had Ingested the stain. Total X-irradiation of rabbits by 500 r. inhibits the activity of the pulmonary macrophages. This is expressed by a decrease In the number of cells which have ingested the stain, as well an by retarded digestion of engulfed trypan blue. Cor- responding to the stages of development of acute radiation sickness, there are aeon: a short phase of Intensified phagocytoste; gradual reduction of poagocytic activity, with subsequent Insignificant Inhibition at the height of the disorder and, finally, recovery. Tito change in phagocytoste to coupled with a decreased activity of the oxidative enzymes in the pulmonary phagocytes, which apparently causes the retarded digestion of trypan blue, ()aV, 5, 16) IVAHOV, A.Ye. -, VJRSHAKOVA, N-N- Changos in pulmonary phagocytosis In radiation sicknens. Mad.rad. 4 no.7:62-66 J1 '59. (141RA 12: 9) (RADIATION IXJMY exper.) (MGMYTOSIS) (LUNG radiation tiff.) i.. ik . . 11 1!.1 1 i :, I !1; IVANOVI Anatoliy Yevgenlyeviah (Pathoanatomical diagnosis of radiation sickness) Patologo- anatomicbeskaia diagnostika. luchevoi bolezni. Moskva Meliz,, 1960, 25 P. (Miu 1'4t2 (RADIATION SICKNESS) IVANGV, A.Ye.; KURSIIAKOVA, N.N. Some causes of changes of hepatic cells in histamine shock. Arkh.pat. 22 no.2:51-55 160. OMIRA 13:12) (SHOCK) (HISTAMINE) (LIVER) Flitu IM 1! IVAITOVs, Me.; KURSHAKOVA9 N.N. Change in the oxidative enzymes of lung tissue in acute radiation sickness. Arkhpat. 22 no 3s34-,2 160. (MMA 138121) (RADIATION SICUM)a '~OXIDASH) (LUNGS) 'Fill IVANOV, A.Ye.; KURSHAKOVA, N.N. Some histochemical studies on lung tissue. Arkh. anat. gist. i embr. 39 no. 12:93-99 160. (MIRA 14.-2) 1. Institut, biofiziki AMN SSSR (rukovoditell - chlon-korrespondent MIN SSSR prof. N.A. Krayevskiy). Adres avotra: Moskvat 14a;. ShchukinBkaya ul.v 15, kv. 101. (LUVQS) (CYTOCHROISS) (SUCCINIC DEHYDROGEnASE) 11 IT: 11111'': 111 IVANOV., A.Ye.; KURSHAKOVA, N.N. (Moskva) Histochemica-1 data on some disqf4ers of metabolism in the lungs and. liver in acute radiation sickness. Biul. ekap. biol. i med. 50 no.708-62 Jl 160, (MIM 14: 5) 1. Rukovoditell - deystvitellnyy chlen AHN SSSR N.A. Krayevskiy. Predstavlena deystvitelinym chlenom AMN SSSR N.A Krayevskim. (RADIATION SICKNESS) (LUNGS) (EVER) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5841 Ivanov, Anatoliy Yevgeniyevich Patologoanatomicheskiye izmeneniya legkikh pri luchevoy bolezni (Pathological and Anatomical Changes in the Lungs During Radiation Sickness) Moscow, Medgiz, 1961. 154 p. 3000 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): N. A. Krayevskiy, Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Professor; Ed. : 1. G. Popov; Tech. Ed. : K. K. Senchilo. PURPOSE: This book is intended for pathologists, anatomists, x-ray specialists and technicians, clinical physicians, surgeons. COVERAGE: The complex of pathological processes accompanying radiation sickness is examined. Particular attention Is given to changes in the lungs, and to the problem of distinguishing radiation affections from accompanying disorders In the organism. Changes in the organism related to so-called la- Card3O Pathological and Anatomical (Cont. ) SOV/5841 tent and delayed changes and effects and ihe development of tumors are also discussed. The book is based on the author' s arinlysis of his own experimental observations and on pertinent published data; the material on human pathology has been borrowed entirely from the published literature. The treatment is no, limited to the description of the results of investigations of pathological anatomy and the physiological and anatomical changes observed during radiation Sickness, but includes a broad discussion of problems of pathogenesis as well as radiation affections themselves and the complic,.tions following them. No personalitie9 are mentioned. There are 272 references: 146 Soviet (including 3 translations), 90 English, 31 German, and 5 French. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 1. Introduction Card 2 / 4 IVANOV, A.Ye.; KURSHAKGVA, N.N. Comparative.hi-stocheraical data on changes in glycogen following injury by X and strontiun 90. Biul. eksp. biol. i med. 51 no.6:57-62 A~IM61.9, (MIRA 15:6) 1. Rukovoditell - dayetwitollayy chlon AMN SSSR N.A. Krayevskly, Predstavlena deystviteltrVi chlenom A14N SSSi~.A.V. Lebedinskim. (X R&YS--PHYSICILOGICAL EFFidT) (STRONTIU14-ISCrTOPES) ~ (GLYCOGEN) V P /V 6) V vie. J PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/6344 Y I Alekseyeva, 0. G., A. F. Bibikova, N. A. Vyalova, Ye. Ivanov, N. A. us 0 Krayevskiy, N. A. Kurshakov, N. V. Paramonova, V. N. re us ov, V. V. Snegireva, L. A. Studenikina, Yu. M. Shtukkenberg, and A. Ya. Shulyatikova Sluchay ostroy luchevoy bolezni u cheloveka (A Case of Acute Radia- tion Sickness in Man) Moscow, Medgiz, 1962. 149 p. 10,000 cop- ies printed. Ed. (Title page): N. A* Kurshakov, Corresponding Member Academy of Medical Sciencen 33311, Prof~ssor; Ed.: S. P. Landau-Tylkina; Tech. Ed.: N. A. YakovleV*. PURPOSE: This monograph is intended for physicians and b~p;ogists. COV ERA GE: This book describes an actual case of acute paoiation sick- ness in its severe form. It desoribee in detail clinical symptoms, changes in biochemical indexes, morphological changes,im the nervou system, and the distribution of depth doses and energy absorption. Card vp I .e KURSHAKOVA, H.H.; TVANOV, A.Ye. Model of experimental lung cancer induced by the intratraceal administration of radioactive cerium. Biul.eksp.biol.i med. 54 no.7:79-83 JI 162. (14MA-151ll) 1. Rukovoditell - deystviteltnyy chlen AMN SSSR N.A.Krayevskiy. Predstavlena deystvitellnym oblenom ANN SSSR A.V.Lebedinakim. (LUNGS-CANCER) (GERIUM-ISOTOPM) jzj F IVANOV, ..Ye. (Moskva) ; F.PtAYEVSKI'L', N.A. prof. , r~~ovod~ t,~l rol'ofy Characteristics of riseptle pulmonarj inflammation In acute radintlon oieknens. Arkh. ixtt. 24 rio.11:34-41 16.' (141RA 3,8:1.1) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AMU S.ESR (for Krayevskly). Stitirtiitted November 20, 1961. T.M.A.,V401W KRAYMKIY, N.A.9 prvf.~ IVAFOV, A.Yns.g surshly nauobmyy sotmdnik (MoSklra) Ifflairmatim and penetrating ionizing radiation. Arkh. pat. 25 no.80-q4 2161 (DIIHA 17 a910 ia i ACUSSION NR: AT4o44496 s/oooo/64/000/000/0202/0209 AUTHOR: Kurshakova, N. N.; Ivanov, A. Ye.. TITLE: Results of a histochemical study of metabolism during regenerative pro- cesses under the Influence of radiation SOURCE: Vosstanovitellny*ye protsessy* prl rad;atsionny*kh porazhenlyakh (Recovery from radiation Injuries); sbarnik statey. Moscow, Atomizdat, 1964, 202-209 TOPIC TAGS: radiation sickness, metabolism, nucleic acid metabolism, tissue re- generation, pulmonary metabolism, pneumonia, lung tumor, radiation Induced tumor ABSTRACT: Histochemical studies In rabbits exposed to x-ray at a single dose of 880 rshowed that 20 days after irradiation, when the clinical symptoms of radia- tion sickness had disappeared, the level of DNA and RNA In the cells of the pul- monary tissue was st! I I lower than that In normal animals. The oxidative enzymes such as succinic dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase also did not yet show full recovery In these cells. The alkaline phosphatase level remained high.and the de- polymerization of hyaluronic acid was more rapid than In not-Mal organisms. Similar results with respect to nuclelc acid were obtained during experlmental pneumonia in Irradiated animals caused by Intratracheal Injection of paratyphold baclillo, Card 1/2 ~7.T ACCESSION NR: AT4044496 i The nucleic acid level was even lower than in normal Irradiated animals, and the oxidative enzyme levels were correspondingly depressed. The alkaline phosphatase was lower in irradiated animals with pneumonia than In normal Irradiated animals, but still higher than normal. However, the amount of acid mucopolysaccharide was very high in the liquid part of the exudate, and the number of plasma cells was considerably higher th in the pneumonic foci of non-irradiated animals. In another experiment, CeR4 in. a dcse of 25 PC was injected lntratracheal'ly Into rabbits, producing chronic pneumoola in most animals and metastasizing tumors In some. From the very beginning of 'the formation of gland-like epithelia] struc- tures, there was an Increase In nucleic acid and especial ly In RNA. However, I with further development of the epithelial tissue, there was a decrease In nuclelc acids. In the malignant cells of the lungs, the content of nuclelc acids and es- pecially RNA was variable, being highest In the tumor periphery. The succinic de- hydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activity remained very high from the beginning to the ultimate formation of the tumor. orig. art. has! figures. SUBMITTED: 29Jan64 NO REF SOV: 002 Card 2/2 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: LS OTHER: DOD. of t3 :, O~~t~39-67 LN-1 ( 1) SUB DD/GD ACC NR, A11436~~Sl SOURCE CODE: Uil/0000/66/000/000/0330/0381 AU'ri!Oi: Tsiv-ilashviii.A.. S.; Ivanov, A. Ye. O.',G: none L TITL"': 'Mcacy of external compensation of explosive deco'mpy~csq.Lorj__- eaper ,)resented at: t1in Conference on Problems of 1, held In ~bscow from 24-27 Nay 196(2, SOURCO: Ronfcrentsiya po problemam kosnichaskoy nccliltsiny, 1966. Problemy kosniche5koy meditsiny. (Problems of space medicine); matarialy lconforontsii, lbscow, 1966, 380-381 TOPIC MGS: decompression sickness, explosive decompression, conditioned reflex$ pressure suit ABSTI;UCT: I)ccompression pheno-mena are cl ssfflied as general aad local. Genera chancres include functional chanctes in tne respiratory, carcllova~cular, and :,-,c-,-vous systems; local changes take the form of ruptured tissues and 1*"-'emorrhage in the lungs and in che walls of 'the intestine, stomach, and 1, extent of damarre depends greatly on the species other internal organs. The 0 ---. --- - ---- i.of animal and the amount of external count(~rpres sure; I - I - - - - . . - . . . .. 1/3 L 08839-67 ACC7~R. il'603 7 In experinnents witnout counterpressure it was zound tnat: cogs are -more resistant to explosive decompression than rabbits and rats. Deco.-n- pression by 370--390 mmlig in . 004 sec was 10001o 'Aatal to rabbits and ratsS but did not threaten life and health in dogs. H-owever, a pressure drop PA' 7,~B mm Hrr in . 004 sec caused serious internal injuries in dogs, which. so-.-Ale- times Proved fata;.. The lungs are most susceptible to serious injury In eywr 2.0sive decompression, and the gastrointestinal tract is least susceptible. The most characteristic lung injuries are hemorrhage, atelectasis, e mphyse ma, ard.r.uptured tissue. -.The seriousness of injury depends iirectiy on the amount and rate of decompression. Basic physiological function changes depend on decompression parameters and are of reflex origin. In animal experiments using protective external counterpressure de- I.Vices, all animals survived extremely large and rapid decom press ions. I General condition and behavior after decompression was normal. X-rays showed no internal pathology. In experiments on humans it was -found that !i "drops of 220--295 n-im Hg in 0. 8--0. 5 sec are not dangerous so long as altitude compensating suits and oxygen equipment creating excess intra-, pulmonary pressure at the final altitude are used. Basic physiological function changes observed under theie circumstances were iden- /3 C(ird 2 W. L 08839-67 ACC NRt 'Vf6036631 tical with those of excess pressure breathing at Similar altiLudC.S. Cesi;ation respiration followDit, decompresaion Iasted only 5 to 8 ,jec. Increased !heat rate and condiLioned motor reflex inipairment, just after decompres- sion was due to the unusual nature of decompression effects. When decora- $pressions were repeated on the same subjects,considcrable physiological :runction chcnges occurred in anticipation of decompression, showing that Ithey have a conditioned reflex character. 0 A flunians subjected to repeated decompressions over a long time period sh"-L-d no internal Rathology or capacity.., No. 22; AM Rapart ~6-116,7 SUB-CODES 06 / SUBM DATES 0%:ay66 Card 3/3 IVANOVI A. E, Feremeshchenie grunta n-~povn-,A. i.otc;ki,-.-' ~g e!, -A -'~' ret;~"-'re strei.;I Moskva, Rechizdat, 1952. 62 p. SO: Monthly.~I~t f Russian Accessions, Vol. 6 No. 11 February 1954 ; z . : I ' I' ! ~ :;: i F :: !- F, ~ ; !r I I 1~::p! :!I' I q I -11: , , I I V 11 - I ~ ! ! - : I I ! I I , . I IVANOV, A.Ye. -v~ 2;~ -- .4t Carrying capacity of steel pipelines. Gidr.stroi. 22 no.5:43-44 My '53. (MM 6:6) (Pipe, Steel) .;II: 1A illo]: Im fflji~ 7777i, 7:r vptver IL4 DZIVARSHBYSHVILI, Alekssndr Gayozovich, kand.tekhaosukr; MARADZI, Grigoriy Petrovich, kandtakhn.nauk; IVANOV. A.Te.. otvotstvenDJ7 red.; IIADNINSKAYA, A.A., [Organization of hydraulic filling in coal ,,idrozakladochnogo khoziaistva na ugolInykh p Uglatekhizdat, 1957. 182 p. (I~Vdrnulic mining) minea] OrganizAtaiia shakhtek-ho Hoskvo, (MIRA 11:4) -p IVANOV, A.Ye. Technical and economic reasons in selecting crushed rock dimensions for hydraulic filling. Ugol' 32 no.6:13-16 is 157. (141BA 10:7) 1. VsesoyuzW nauchno-isoledovatellskJv ugolinyy institut. (Hydraulic mining) FUR)LW, Aleksey Alekseyevich; IVANOV A To.; XOROLSYA, T.I., red.izd-va; ALADOTA, Te.I., tekhn. 0 (Fill stowing] Zakladka vyrabotannogo proat'ranstva. Moskva, Uglatekhi2dat, 1958. 229 p. (MIRI 12:2) (Mine f illin-) NUROK, Grigoriy Arkad'yevich, prof.. doktor tekhn-nouk; Frinimali.uOastiYe: TRAYMS,, V. V. , - kand. tekhn. neuk; ~ HA=;S, .14-L , gornyy 4zh. . KHOIN, N.D., prof., reteenzent; OGURTSOV, A.I., dotsent, reteenzont; .ANOT A Ye; ZHUKOV, V.V., red.izd-ve-, PROZOROVSKAYA, J,.V [Introducing hydraulic mining machinery] Gidromekhanizataiia gorn.vkh rabot. Moskva, Goe.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornomu delu. 1959. 391 P.- (MIRA 12:11) (Hydraulic mining--Equipment and supplies) "IFIR FrIFT'l '- IVANOV A Ye inzh. Study of pressure hydraulic conveying of crushed rock with the. operation of a water pump. C-:Ldr. stroi. 32 no.8:36-38 Ag 162. (YJRA 15:9) (Hydraulic conveying) (Stonep Crushed-Transportation) 1"URCK. na7 K. P teklin. nauk ret6en".-,"n"; j".~'~ J~' re ec C. 17 n z a C, rabot,. P- II, il:W~Lli V, N I 11111t 1411 HE I I Will I I I fill Milli H Ill It'll] Idall I I lilt M13111ITIFIRI I 1414111III11M I I I I I IIII.Iffifli H 1111 IJ15 1.11HINfIza 3 111111 k!V19 I I !I tKa I Iii-, L 04052-67 WT(m) /T D ACC NR: AR60261475 SOURCE CODE: UR/0273/66/000/004/0039/0039 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. Ye. iTITLE: Using the method of accelerated determination of the rate of oil flow for I Idetermining the technical state of a cylinder-piston group in a diesel A :SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigateli vnutrennego sgoraniya, Abs. 4.39.266 i iREF SOURCE: Zap, Leningr. s.-kh. in-ta, no. 97v 1965, 133-139 jTOPIC TAGS: engine cylinder, engine piston, diesel engine !ABSTRACT: The true wear of a cylinder-piston group in a diesel may be determined from ~twci indices: leakage of gases into the engine crankcase and the rate of oil flow I ;through the cylinders. The rate of oil flow through the cylinders of the engine may ;be quantitatively determined by taking air off from the cylinder with fuel feed dis- 1connected and passing the air through a special separator. [Translation of abstract] !SUB CODE: 13, 21 Cul L 00 00 00 00 04 0. 0 00 j 0 00 00 -4 00 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0000000 0 0 0 a 0 0 It is B m ol Id 11 ""OuLda-ur"Imim gi K 9 INOMICS _.N0 W-014folf -tl Data an *0 oftdl Ot "d-- -ja TUWM R j~ 4 . 0 ~69 . mum", k r" '" 'awbed With Lolli4- PrOg i S d A 00 . c . .P. lwupov. Lzuin. Ara , 9;a-S& Ina. FwMiaws 4nd AVV-W Sci- Zft - . Na. 34. 26-36(196M.-Carbouatc maUs when ftEnilflJ .0 C with NaM Wwuktt gypam. The Potential devec 6f pnionetsicity of No solanchak in thO PAY - W dkUtly d see -00 related to dw qul)mtity of CA SWLS in ON IOU an to be h 0 ance their only. Th- Is lem C wnverted into a sotoneu im the prewswe of mftsol than Cl N d d age - to a & e tn thr prescme (of NAM Gypmm Ad wjwxwa decrtstses the alky, and dispersion mom thm See macquil,qatatitroleacls. .00 thesolda. ofs, '00 roe, 09.0 -00 ap 0 '00 i 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 IF a v wle ]all is cost 6~ J., I 4-4.-C, 1.0 4 .00 -- --- -, Ala.%Lok INTALLURSICAL LITINATURI CLASUPKATIOM tso 0 ow we* Ems, I A ..... 1111010 A&I, CRY Gat PAIIJ I Oq L! 41AIII iw-coll Ali 0 s 0 t F I . I jo Aft 4 1 a w 0 Is v I w In 13 a 4 a a L If 4 0 no I I CA 41116 *0 0" go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 000400060000000 00 1. IVANOVI A. Ye. 29 USSR (600) 4. Sedimentation and deposition 7* Necessity of having a clear understanding about the nature of seimentary material suspension. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nali 9 No. 8. 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, J=2~a 1953. Unclassified. IVANOV, A-Ye., inzhener. Reducing the cost of hydraulic pressure transportation of soil. Gidr.Btroi. 23 no-7:43 154. (MLOA 7:11) (Hydraulic engineering) VC 'I'Me Agricultural Utilization of t1he Sands of tho Lowez, 'on."" Cand Af;r Sci, A--ricultural Academy Lm-mi K. A. Tirilryazev, :-loscow, 1955. (1,1, llo 13,11ar 55) So: Sim. No 670, 29 Oept 55 - Survey of Scientific and Teelmical Diasertab-ions Defended at USZ~l Ili-her Educational In.3tilbut.'6ns (15) VI IVAN)V, A.Ye.; MATYUK, I.S.; MIROHOV, V.V.; KOREISHO, Ym.G., radaktor I.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. Fsa, . ady soils and their utilization] Peski i ikh ouvoenle.Moskva Gos.izd-vo selkhoz. !it-ry, 1955,254 p. [Microfiln] (MA 8:9) (Sand) (Reclsimation, of land) f li! 11111[ 11F]i F! I I I ALIHENSKIY, A V - red.; NIKITIN, P.D., red.; RASTORGINEV, L.I., red.,kand. sel;k;L. nauk; '"0011ma'i . red.; SELEZNEV, A.V., red.; SENKEVICH, nauk, red.; GCRIX, T.I., red.; POPOV, V.V., red.; DEBELYY, A.B., red., (Collection of scientific research papers] Sbornik nauchno- issledovatellskikh rabot. Stalingrad, 1959. 46 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Vsesoyuznyy naLchno-isaledovatellskiy institut agrolesome- lioratsii. (Forestry research) 7, P! Itri'l 11 7 OTC -'-2-7) :7 A N-.'.)'.' knird st. P I( _)i- . I e ar" Zemledelie rye ~n 2ar. C.; MIRA 17;6) tnstitut agTolesomalirrataii. ACC Mi AP6015255 ZjUU.-UUM, AUTHOR: Ivanay, A. Ye.-Ivanov* A*.~.Z*; Gorellchik,_K,_!~~__04elcbllp X. I, ORG: none TITLE: Behavior in lun a of radioactive cerium fluoride (Ce eiap Wi~ F SUP 3) .g~ ---------- administered intratracheally SOURCEj Meditainskaya radiologLya., v, 10, no, 79 1965v 65-69~ TOPIC 'LAGS: rabbit, cerium compound, fluoride, radioisotopej _Uologle respirati(ni ABSTRACT: Ce'44F3 intra-traohe-allY introduced is distributed un-. evenly in rabbit lungs. Due to physioloGical oharaoteriaties of ;the orLran it is gradually conoentrated In the radioall zoneg tore exerting a blastomogenic effeet. Decrease In activity 6,-r Cel In the lungs occurs in two phases. The first phasb~loeeurr, rapidly and in It biological mechanisms of lung purification pre.dominate; the second is deVeloped slowly and is marked by,konset of a degree o" equilibrium between elimination of Ce 3 f rom the luzigs and its raaloaotive decay. Caloulation of absorbed energy in the case of inhalation or intratracheal entry of:the raidloac- ,tive compound must nooessarily allow for oharaoteriaties of its i distribution in the lungs. This is espeeially lupor:tant.'in analy-. :zing the blastomogenle aetion of i6dioaetive oompounds in large -animalep and also for.theoretIcal.caloulations relevant to mans., Orig. art. hu.: 1 fipps SUB CTht 06 SM DATZS' - Me CRIG Rat 006 RVt Card ljJL UMt fijb=06 9 S58 591 625J%7-06~07 T. "'i-i, .1 wllf~ 07 i 7., ~, 7 ~C(~)_2/twk(d) T,r/RD/Gg 02-67-3-66 FSS-2jW(j)jF 4 U _4 ,r ~W."~6012836 ~SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Akulinichev 1. T.: Antoshchenko, A. S.t Znaeliko, V. A6; 9 - -1 - ----- Lebedev, V Maksimov Iva -no. . .... ORCs none TITLE: Some results of monitoring the medical con~ditio'n of P.-I. Belyayev and A. A, Leonov during i~~nin and during orbital fikght' SOURCE: Koemicheskiye issledovaniyu, v. 4,,no. 1966, 311-319 TOPIC TAGS': manned spaceflight, cosmonaut tr aining, 1ressure chamber, human physiology, EVA / Vookhod-2 ABSTRACT: Training data 4for Leonov and Belyayev vere compared with data from the Voskhod-2\flight. The cosmonauts were trained for tarefied atmosphere conditions by sequential exposure to pressure chamber altitudes of 5, 10, and 32-37 km# At an.altitude of 5 km, neither cosmonaut required high altitude equipment or supplementary~ oxygen. At an altitude of 10 km, they breathed pure oxygen. In a -rarefied atmosphere of 32-37 km, the cosmonauts wore suits analogous to those used on the Voskhod-2 flight. Flight aynt6m ;sensors and a, ry electrophysiological recorder were used. Pulse rate, stations Card 1/ 8 UDC: 629.198.61 IlHll I I i Y NAI HT'l f I i 1111'i U 711 22873-66 ACC NRt AP66-11836 Fig. 1. Position of'physiological sensors on the cosmonaut, 1 - Individual 6 to of electrod' yste a and sensor positioning; 2 - ohnic respiration sen or; ac~ 6 A - cont , respiration sensor; 4, 5- EM AF electrodes; 6 -,ground; 7 - EOG electrodes; 8 - body tempera ture* sensor (submuscular aica,,Leonov only); 9 - SCG sensor; 10, ll.,-- detachable terminals" P 6 6 Card 2/8 . ---------- -- I . _ , ~ p uti of Mj1U q 7 'jil! a I Tfl 1 ~T i H ]ILL 9 VU Hftl 22873-66 ACC NRa AP6 012836 Table 1. Changes in some physiological.indezes of, Belyayev and Leonov' during space suit tdsta at- 361m Card Belyflyov Lconov Index Befor 36 km f ter Before 36 km Arter Pulse ratel .12 9-18 12-~-28 16 12-18 12 min. ".Respe rate 67 60-67 62 63 57-68 , min.* P-Q, See* 0.20 0.16-0.20 0.18 0,12 0,12-0,14 0.12 QRS. Sect 0110 0.08-0.10 0.10 0.08 0,05-0,(ro 0,06 I)RST, 0 e C 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,32' 0,32-0,36 0.30 -systolic 42 40-42 40 33 &3-11 Indext X * P, -~ I - I , .1 J 0,5-4),B Weak R, K.M 9 11 a 22. 19-2:3 15 S, O's Weak 0.6 A6 4 2 T. jax 3-4 3 6 4--45,6 3'6 P;:i~ Nit! . ;:: ;' "I ~ I i. I-f IF-1,91 Uri "111fl1w I 1 -11- '171' 22873-66 ACC NR, AP6012836 EVA Fi 2. Changes in the fse and respii~tidn Pu. w ra-te of Belyayev~when k' "4 rainiag.and durtng'the Vookhod-21light. & - I Leonov enterin.g the [-,Saure lock I P cLisLng the cibill hahtch; opening th6 pres- 1 C4 14 ... sure-16ck hatch;:IV z9 49 M iff tw f /Za A7 mine Leonov's*egress or i mi- Launch 1 9 1 1y v U 17 17 t&ted egress froin the pr Iessure lock* V' VI EVA Leonov s:simulated 6r actual*EVA; VII Leonov's return to the abin;:V.111,- Closing c the cabin. hatch;,, IX;, - lei? spacesuit pressu're nor malizatibn to cabin t- mospherae I --trainiling P~. a. tOr"al atmo-sphere- 2 :r triiining at '37 Itm- 3:- orbital flight Launch Card 4/8 __L~ __ZZ�UM66 . ....... --- ACC NR, AP6012836 Egress Fif; 3. Changes in t lie ;pu a and respiration ;rate.: of .1,6onav when atid during the 0 training -A VoBkltod-2 flight U14 ?V- -Leonov entering the ealUre alock p a) Af clos ng the ch'in' -hatdh; 4)0 111 m opening the pres- 12 JoCk hatch; IV MY IZO Aq min, fj I Leonov s egress or~imi haunch 9 a, /y F ff.N tz9 tated egreiis from the pressure.lock; V VI a ed Leonov's simul t or actual EVA! VII - Leonov's. return to the cabin; VIII - closing thecabin hatch; IX apacocuit pressure nor- 4717 - malization to cabin at -moophere. 1 - tral ing n \,,rA-_J he in a normal atmos V, 2 training at 3~ k mr P; :3 orbital flight zo 19 t6p m Launch ff F IF Y P F7 07 IT Card 8 22873-66 -2-8 If 1H Al lj,!;~ Iril, 11 Fig. 4. Belyi2yevfs EKG's when': rehearsing the flipl~t program in the apacecraft~mockuvf (exer- cise no. 2, 37 kmY 12.26 - normal condition; 12.56 instrument cliock;:13.29 - prior to Leonovis entrance into t4e pressure lock; 13,,30 - opening the cabin hatch; 1,4.,17 - imi- tation of the..egresti, 14.53 Leonov's retuTn to* the cabin, 15.11 - after"the agress ptograin and.normalization of suit _pressure Card 6/8 FTWI 1 -66 __~2813 ACC NRs AP6012836 hr.,min MAI 1417 AV AS7 NNN M1ww., 4W Card 7 8 0 Fig. 5. Leonov's EKG's when. rehearsing the flight p,rogran, in the spacecraft ma.c1rup (exar- cise no. 2. 37~Um) 12.34 - normal condition; 12.56 instrument check; 13.29 - prior to entering the preasure lock; 13.36 - opening the cabin hatch; 14.17 - imitation of.egreao; 14.53 - returnto the:cabin; 14,57 - closing the;cabin hatch;: 14.59 - instrument check; 15.11 after returning to the seat and normalizing suit .pressure L 22873-66 ACC NRs AP6012836 r respiration rate, and EKG's were recorded along with visual (TV) observations. Two-way radio communication was maintaitted. A space- craft mockup was used to test two series of exercibes.~ In the first exercise, the cosmonauts rehearsed the program involving the movement of Leonov into the pressure lock under normal atmospheitic condittonO. The second exercise entailed the same regimen at an altitude of 37 k.m. A diagram of the sensors used is shown in Fig. 1. Results of the test are given in Figs. 2-5 and Table 1. All Voskhod-2 systems and Thai. I newly designed suit used for Leonov's EVA functioned normally both during the training program and the flight itself., Duting traiulng~andj the Voskhod-2 flight, the pressurization and egress program cauued accelerated pulse and respiration rates and functional:.EKG variations in both cosmonauts. These were attributed to emoftonal otress, and~in Leonov's case, physical strain. The training pro ram wa 9 a judged, fully applicable to the Voskhod-2 program.. Orig. i3rt,,has:. 1 table and 5 figures. JCDI! SUB CODE: 05, 06/ SUBM DATE: OlNov65/ ORIG REF: 006/ ATD PRESS: Cc d~18 ~1.i H1,11111!- i'l it'll 1 1-1 , IVANCV., A.Z.; KRUG, G.K.; KUSHELEV, Yu.No; LETSKIY, E.K.; MECHINSKIY, V.B. Self-teaching control system. Trudy ICI no.44:47-156 f62. (MIRA 16:5) (Automatic control) IVANOV, A.Z.; PUM, G.K., kand. tokfin. nauk; dotnent Optimization of a complex technological process by the method of "evolutionary" planning of the experiment. Trudy ~M no-51: 17-48 163. (MIRA 17:9) SAPOUNIKOV, Hastislav Aleksoyevich; BESXNOV, Aleksandi, Andreyevich; SHOLOF.ITSKIY, Adrian Grigorlyevich; TDDIIKOV, F.Ye. , prof., retsenzent; TWOFEYEV, V.A. prof., retsenzent; SVECHINSKIY) V.B., retsenzent; IMIOV, A.Z., retsenzent; KHRUSTALEVA, N.I.) red, (Reliability of witomatic control systems] NadezImost' avtomaticheskikh upravliaiushchikh sistem. Moskva) Vysshaia shkola, 1964. 263 P. (MI Rk 17 112) HIM IF KLIOT, A.; POTAMOSHNE7, S.IjITANOV,_ B. mWages and production quality." Sots. trud 5 tio.9:115-122 S 160. (MIR& 13:10) 1. Nachallnik otdela organizatsii truda stalingraciskago metallurgiche- skogo zavoda RKrasnyy Oktyabr'" (for Kliot). 2. Nachallnik sektora ekonomiki truda Ilauchno-issledovatellskogo Instituta shinnoy promysh- lennosti (for Potamoshnev). 3. GlaMyy insh. Omskogo shitinogo zavoda (for Ivanov). (Wages and labor productivity) Atuglu MIMI" 17 T QIVANOV, B.; ZMINSKIY, I.; TURUTIN, I.; DEMIYARMO, I.; FILIPPOV, A. "TYa-trcpavlovsk, Kazakhokaya SSR); ASLANLY, Musa (Baku); YATSENKO, S.; TEREJEOVA, R. Letters to the editors. Bov.profooluzy 16 no.15:38-41 Ag ,6o. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Predsedatell mestoogo komiteta vagonnogo deco Riga Tovarnava (for Ivanov). 2. Tekhnicheskiy in pektor Doronhmogo komitata profsoyuza rabotaikov--zh4olesnodoro:hnogo traneporta Skovorodinskogo otdeleniya Zabaykal'skoy magistralt tfor Zelinskiy)- 3. Redaktor mnogotirazhnoy gazety OZhilstroyevets" g. Makeyevka (for Turatin). 4. Instruktor Ukrainskogo res~ublikanskogo komiteta profso.vuza rabochikh i aluzhaahchikh eel skogo khozyVetva i zagotovok (for Demlyaaeako). (Trade Unions) (labor and laboring classes) 'SMET, M.,-inzh.; IVANOV, B., inzh.; LINDE, Ye.0 inzh. Parquet floors with a sand foundation. Zhil. stroi. no.9:2&29, S 161. (MIJU, 14" 9) (Parquet floors) (Soundproofing) BELITSOV, V., inzh.; IVANOV, B.,inzh. New type of finish for large-panel apartment houses. Zhil. stroia no.5:17-19 162R. MM 15:6) (Facades) (Tiles) BULGIaLL/Chamical Technology. Chemical Products H ane, Thoiy- 4.,,p~l ic at ions. Dyein- and Chc.- a mical Trc~atment of Textile FabTics- kbs Jour Ref Zhur-Khim-lya No 6, 1959, 21899 Author Ivanovq B* Inst Titlo Our Experience with Optical Bleach. Dri,v Pub Leka prumishlonost. Tokstill 1958t 71 No 29 27-28 I,bstract Results of laboratory and production tests on tha use of Tinopal 2V in the Plant imeni "Vasil Kolarov" in Bulgaria aro citod. The optimal concentration of optical bloach in a vat for treatment of cotton fabric was established at 0.05 g/l, staple fiber - C ard 1/2 TYANOV, E. ; DEKIAROV, E. "Blades of high-speed steel for metal-cutting machines"I P '16 (TESHKA FROMHUNCST, Vol. 3-i No. 8, 1954, Sofiya, Dul-:31xil-) *, SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (MIL), LCI Vol. 4, 110. 6, Jtino 1955, Uncl. J IVANOV, B. (Irkutsk) Assembly~-line method in engine replacement. Grazhd.av. 12 no.8:7-9 Ag 155. (MIRA 15-8) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Vostochnosibirskogo territoriallnogo upravleniya Grazhdanskogo vozdushnogo flota. (Assembly-lino methods) (Airplanes-Lngines) lj!a; IVANOV, B.) inzh.; PAVLOVSKI., K., inzho Shaft sinking with highly watered sand and gravel. Min delo 17 no.5:32-31+ 147 162. TF -T-- lVANOV, B., prof. Astronaut and physician. Av. i kosm. 47 no.11:21-23 N 164. (MIRA 17: 11) i i; i F ` li~-: 1!11! 11 [1 il 11 d 1~, I ; : 1 1! , I i: 'lt;~ ~` . : : : :. I . I I . I ..11 BATANOV, PJ.P kRrAtan; FIR1,140VP L., 'V-!-NQVV B., sht,umnan; SA,'-!0",,TRnV,, G... tretiy shttirm-an; A., chetv,~-rtyy sh turman Supporting Captaln Rusanovig proposals. Mar. flot 24 no.2:23 F 164, (Mipm 18.12) 1. Taplokhod "Ronio". - IMMOV, B. nPlatforms for loading goods, wooden box platfoms.11 P. 36 (Ra'sionalizatsiia) Vol- 7, no. 9, Sept. 1957 Softia, %.lga-la SO: Monthly ndex of East European Accessions (EE:AI) W. V01. 7, 4, April 1958 * IVANOV, B. Possibilities for introducing mechanization in the loading and unloading work at the railroad stations. p.17. (TRAN3FORTINODELO, Vol. Q,, no. 4, 1Y57, Sofia, BulgarU) SO: Monthly List of East Euro.pean Accessions (ELAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, December 1957 Uncl. TFII I IVANOV, B. "Mechanical loading of wood material." p.6 (Transportno Delo, Vol. 10, no. 3. 1958, Sofiia, Bulgaria) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EFAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 8, August 1958 Ivanov, Do Mechanized loading of su,-,ar beets. P. 7. TFUNSPORTNO DFLO, Sofiia, BulFaria., Vol. 11, no. 6, 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (FTAI) LC. Vol. 8, no. 10, 1959 -Oct* J!, ill-,Nlov~ B., proil hysici3n and astrOnaut. kv. i kosm. 47 (ekstr. ~7,.,:31-33 p 0 '64. OMETRA 18:3) I H ~i I T I I IVA1110112 B. Electric fences sub8tituz,o for shepherds. Ift. tekh. 7 no.8t 22-25 Ag 163. Electrification of music. (48) (PMIA 161l0) RADIOLOGY BULGAWA j. and KOLAROV, Vol Chair of Pathophysiology RAYNOV, A,, IVANOVt B (Director, Prof. St. Pisarev), Advanced Medical Institute# Sofia; Scien- tific Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene (Director, Docent Xv. Hiko- 1&4v); Institute of Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Dirsatort Academician G. Nadzhakov) "Protein Synthesis in Protected and Unprotected White Mice with Acute Radiation Sickness" Sofia, Eksperimentalna Meditsina i Morfologiya t Vol 5, No it 1966t PP 13-18 Abstract: The inclusion of methionine S35 into the tissue proteins of white mice irradiated with X-rays in a do8e of 525 r was studied. Some of the mice were protected before irradiation by intraperitoneal injection of thiophene-2-carboxylic acid N-phenylamidine or ergamins. 1/2 -TIT" TODOROV, Sv., and IVAI Scientific-Research Institute of Radiology and Radiation Hygiene (director: Docent Iv. ',71KOLOV) "Some Gro,.rth Peculiarities of X-Irradiated HeLa Cells and Their Chemical Protection from Radiation by Means of Cysteamine." Sofia, RentGenoloaiya i Radiologiy . Vol 5, No 21 1966, Pp 93-98 Abstract [authors' Russian and EnGlisb sumrilaries, modified): Data are present- ed on the effects of different doses of X rays upon the regeneration time of HeLa cells. The normal regeneration time of the cell line was 26.5 hr. Irra- diation with 100 r lengthens the regeneration time by 10.5 hr; with 200 r '' by 23.5 hr. A dose of 500 r completely suppresses the reproductive ability of the cells. On the basis of the obtained data, the cell line is considered ray sensitive because its regeneration time increases by 6-7 min/r in com- parison with 1 min/r obtained normally in tissue 'cultures. Cysteamine had a pronounced protective action on the reproductive ability of the HeLa cells, even in case of full suppression of regeneration with 500 r. Nine Western references. Manuscript received in Sep 65- 1/1 - 192 - Is tlll'~ ll~ 1- 1 r 1:r"'t; ~flll ii Tllli;~~ IVANOV) B. A. IVANOV, B. A.: "The'effect of junctions in the contact ,one of aircraft parts". Kazan'.. 1955. Min Higher Education USSR. Kazan' Aviation Inst. (Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Technical Science.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 50 10 December 1955- Moscow. j!