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KORL1,1AKO) A.S.; K10*111SHEZ'Y11, L.I.; PEIRUVSKIY, S.D.; 07SHFOU19 G.I.I.; BAKHANOV, V.Ye.; Frinimal uchastiye YENTSP P.M.; IVAN.N..A.P.,,prof., retsenzent .. I (Preparation of a course project on the theory of mecha- nigms and mchines] Kursovoe proektirovanle po tooril me- khanizmov i mashin. (By) A.S.Koreniako i dr. Izd.4., pa- rer. 1.,;oskva, Leningrad, 1964. 324 p. (MIRA 17:9) 14! d. h; 101 10MC TAGS: juhricatijil- lit lii Additive, fl-'etal cor I.. v~ vi rn F-r i i Le. r W~ (1 1); 4) rld ni n3-hour cyde.t; w a.~~ 'A"ere also obtained with alk-r1resorrinol and the acid -stor -f gehitafti add A P:11'~k:-A-h Cord 2/2 j! L 2789!-66 DIM) 1JP(c) ACCESSION NR: APS025091 UR/036 /~~/003/003/0238/0247 S35,37 IrIj ~Ir AUTHOR. Zege, E. P.; Ivanov, A. P. J, TITLE: Nonlinear luminescence of a plane-parallel- layer SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spekhroskopii, v. 3, no. 3*, 196,5, 238-247 TOPIC TAGS: luminescence, nonlinear effect, light absorption -absort)tion pump' bonlinear optics ABSTRACT: It is shown qualitatively that the intensity of i~adiation governd :the optical parameters of a substance, especially its absorptivity. : Variation In ab-, sorptivity causes a nonlinear relationship between the luminescence.intensity and pumping power. This paper treats a plane-parallel layer of thickness 1 illuminabed uniformly from one direction by an infinitely thick, parallelbean of intense,radia- 'tion. An elementary layer within this 'volume is studied. it is assumed that'lumL- nescence is proportional to absorption. On the basis of nonlinear optics this pr43- .portionality holds as long as the induced transitions are not coTmr-nsurate with the spontaneous transitions. Luminescence emitted upward and dounward was calcxWited :Card 1/2 L 27891-66 ACCESSION NR: AP5025091 on a computer as a function of the position of the elementary layer within the volume. The resfiltant data are then used to construct curves of 1-Luninescence, as a: function of other parameters, which reveal the exis 'tence of an optinum layer thickness. The effect of pumping intensity on luminescence is discussed in* detail in relation to light transmission and reflection. Simple expressions are -derived for luminescence of a layer that 1) absorbs radiation weaklyt .2) s-tmvng:LY9 and .3) for the luminescence of an infinitely thick layer. The errors involved in the calculations are estimated. Orig. art. has: 15 equations, l.table, and 4' fi !ures. IM ;ASSOCIATION: none :SUBMITTED: 16Nay65 -ENCL.- 00 SUB CODE: OP SS ,NO REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 004 ATD PRE 7 Card 2/ 17 u 7 _ACC_NR.- Am,60-2827 (0 - Monograph Smirnova, J~'I'uza A'K'onstantinovnaY#, Sokolov, Boris Pavlovich; Yakov Ser&eyevich; Ivanov, Aieltsey Pavlovich UR/ Sidorin, Strength of fiber,lass reinforced plastic ship hulls (Prochnost, korpusa sudna iz stekloplastika) Leningrad, Izd-vo "Sudostroyeniye" 1965. 331 P. illus., biblio. 2700 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: shipbuilding engineering, plastic, laminated plastic, reinforced plastic, plastic strenrlth PURPOSE AIM COVERAGE: Tlits book is intended for workers of design and planning organizations, enterprises, and scientific-research insti- k,ut-es; it can also be used by students attending shipbuildinG insti- tutes of higher education and technical schools.- The back describes the peculiarities of fiberglass-reinforced plastic as a new construction material, and presents data on its physicomechanical properties and methods for determininr, them. In addition, the basic principles for desi.mning and calculating the stren6th of fiberglass-reinforeed- plastic ship hulls is presented. Chapters I, IV, V, and V! were written by M. X. Smirnova-on the basis of experiments carried out by her together with B. P. Sokolov, L. N. Vinogradova, V. Mikhaylov, I. A. Yelsukov, V. M. Tsy-anenko, N. N1. Mal-carova, 0. P. Gurlyanov, N. A. Shadrinova, and L. 0. Vinogradova. Chapter 11 -Card 1/2 uDC: 629.12-011-678.5 1ACC NR, . ..... A146032827 was writteii by Ya. S. Sidorin and A. P. Ivanov with the assistance of S. F. Glasov. Chapter III was written by B. P. Sokolov. There are 76 references, 34 of which are Soviet. TABLE, OF COWENTS (Abridged): Introduction -- 3 Ch. I. Fiberglass-reinforced plastic used in shipbuilding -- 9 Ch. 11. Strength and deformation characteristics of fiberglass- reinforced plastic -- 49 Ch. HI. Ef f ect of reinf orcing on the strength_ and def ormation Q~ characteristics of fiberglaaB-reinforced plastic -- 159 Ch. IV. Basic principles for designing joints of ship hulls from fiberglass-reinforced plastic -- 212 Ch. V. Several results of strength tests of hull structures of fibeiZlass-reinforced plastic,-- 220 Ch. VI. Calculation methods and strength standards -- 266 References -- 327 SUB CODE: 11, 13/ SUBM DATE: loju165/ ORIG REP: 033/ OTH REF; 044/ k;~ 2/2 ACC NR: M16032064~ Monograph7--- Ua/ t Gevorkyan, Ashot Mushegovich; yanqy, Andrey Pavlovich; Metelkin, Aleksandr Fedorovich; Moikalev,Mikhail Aleks'a_n__diO-`v_i'ch--- i Technology of aircraft enGine construction; a manual for thesis writers (Tekhnologiya aviadvigatelesiroyeniya; uchebnoye posobiye po diplomnomu. proyektirovaniyu) Moscow, Izd-vol"Mashinostroyeniyett .1 1966. 174 p. illus., biblio., tables. 9200 copies printed! Textbook for students at aviation schools and faculties. TOPIC TAGS: aircraft engine production engineering, industrial management IMPOSE AND COVMAGE: The book is intended for students writing theses on aircraft engine technology, for teaching 6taffs in aviation institutes, and for production I engineers. It,can also be useful to other machine building specialities. A systematic presentation is given on the planning of thesis writing on aircraft engine production, production management, introduction of new methods, new machinery, quailty control, production automation, and equipment replacement and repair. Included as appendices are several tables dealing with productiQn control and production-management. There are 36 references, all Soviet. Card 112 um 629.13-003.3 (075-8) H1 IIIIF ;111 11 11 1 H 1 1 TAELE op conrorsi(Abridged): Introcluction - 3 1 Ch. I. Content o4 diploma project - 5 Ch. II. Methodica,Ll presentation of production study and fulfillment of basic branches of thd technological part of the diploma project - 21 Ch. III. Design ~,ortion of the project - 52 Ch. IV. A methodical indication on technological plant planning 63 Ch. V. Economic.o.rganization part of the project - 104 Ozqer of consultation and defense of the thesis - 143 Appendices - 147 References - 172 STUB CODE: 21, 1 ORIG P": 036/ sm DATE: o7may66/ Card 2/2 FF~ J-11 I- 132-59-7-6/13 AUTHORS: Enenshteyn, B.S., Ivanov A Rybakova, Ye.V. TITLE: Method of E13Ctromagnetic Sounding of ("teological Structures (Metodika elektromagnitnogo zondiroveniya goologicheakikli struktur) 1105 PERIODICAL: Razvedka i okhrana nedr, 8~.~r 7, p-p 31-~7 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the functioning principle of the me- thod of electromagnetic sounding of geological structures. This method, still in its initial sta8s, is being devised in the Institut fiziki Zemli (The Ins'~Ltute of Terrestrial Physics) under the leadership of A.N. Tikhonov. A short des~iriptlon of a generating station and of analytical and graphical calculations is given. There are 4, graphs and 2 Soviet references, ASSOCIATION: Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR, (The Institute of Terrestrial Physics of the AS USSR) 1. Geophysical prospecti-ng-Equipment, 2. Electromagnetic waves --Applications Card 1/1 SOV/21+-59-5-24/21+ AUTHORSt --jvanovj A P and Enenshteyn, B.S (Moscow) TITLE: Calculation of the Commutating Capacitance and Cathode Inductance of a Parallel Inverter,with Resistive Load evi PERIODICALs Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Energetika i avtomatika,1959,Nr 5,pp 194-196 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In order to make the output current wave shape of an inverter as nearly sinusoidal as possible, the resistance, inductance and capacitance of the load should be such that its natural frequency is near to the forced frequency imposed on the inverter by grid control; the commutation conditions will then also be right. if there is no need for the output current to be sinusoidall in determining the commutating capacitance it is necessary to investigate the current wave form in the inverter load, see for example, Fig 1. If the inverter load current wave shape and the extinction time of the valve are known, a value of capacitance may be chosen Card such that the anode potential of the valve passes 313 through zero at the appropriate moment. However, inverters are often required to operate over a very wide range of frequencies ranging from hundreds of cycles tl~~ SOV/2~-59-5-24/2k~ Calculation of the Commutating Capacitance and Cathode Inductance of a Parallel Inverter with Resistive Load hundredths of cycles per second. At very low frequencies the current cannot be made sinusoidal by increasing the capacitance of the oommutating capacitor. In this case the transformer connection of the inverters cannot be used and the bridge circuit is used, and it is then possible to calculate the value of the capacitance from analysis of the load current shape. This brief article describes a method of estimating the value of the commutating capacitance and the cathode inductance by another method that requires information only on the load resistance and the voltage of the d.c. source. The bridge inverter circuit with resistive load,lshown diagrammati- cally in Fig 2, is considered. Eqs ), (1+) and (5) are derived from which the value of capacitance that is required for commutation may be calculated using Eq (6). This capacitance is calculated without allowing for the shunting effect of the load resistance which must be Card considered separatelyi formulae (6) - (9) are derived 2/3 from which the final value of the commiltating capacitance may be determined by Eq (10). Eq (12) is then derived IVANOV, A. P. (Moskva); NIKITINA, V. H. . (Moskva); ENHWIWITIYU, B. S. (Hook-7a) Calculation of the current wave form in the load of a real inver- ter. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk. Energ. i avtom. no.6:191-195 N-D '59- (MMA13: 8) (Electric current converters) IVANOV A.P. (Moskva); VIKITINAt V.N. (Moskva) Establishmaht of periodic operating conditions in an inverter. Izv.AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk Energ. i avtom no.1241-46 SA-F 161. (MIRA 14:3) (Electric current converters) 40225 S/169/62/000/007/073/149 0 D228/D307 AUTHORS.- Enenshteynm B. 3.1 Ivanov, As P. and Invanov, 1,1.*A. TITLE:- Station for frequency electromagnetic soundings PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 33, ab- stract 7A215 (V ab. Vopr. teorii i praktiki elektro-* metrii, M., AN SSSR, 1961, 3-11) TEXT: A frequency sounding station is described. It is intended for high-frequency amplitude and phase measurements over a wide range of frequencies and consists of a-generating and a receiving set. 14easurements are made in two cycles -- operating and calibrat- ing. During the operating measurement cycle current of set frequen- cy enters the power dipole AB from the generator, and the current's adplitude is recorded. Impulses of the current's initial phase are transmitted to the receiving set along an ultrashort-wave radio channel. The signal received by the electric or magnetic dipole DIN is amplified and filtered from interference; then its amplitude ,and phabe are recorded. The true magnitudes of the amplitudes and Card 1/3 S/169/62/000/007/073/149 Station for frequency ... D228/D307 the phases of the signals received thereby remain unkn6wn, since the amplification factor and the natural phase angle of the ampli- fying-recording channel are not known. These-values are'determined during -the second calibration cycle of measurements. This consists of sending rectangular voltage of known amplitude with a frequen- cy, strictly corresdonding to that of the current in the dipole AB, from the output of the calibration apparatus to the input of the amplifying-recording cl~annel. The circuits are given togetherwith a description of the arrangement and the performance of the generat- ing and receiving sets. The generator has a power of 33 kilowatts and operates in the frequency band 0.04 - 250 c/8. It is a thyra- tron commutator and gives out alternating current, whose amplitude and form depend chiefly on-the resistance of line AB, the capacity of the commutating condenser, And the commutation frequency* The generating set is supplied from a gasoline A6q-A/1-NO (AB4-b/230) unit with a power of 4 kilowatts, a voltage of 220 v, and a fre- quency of 50 c/s. The receiving set, as is pointed out, must ensure that the amplitudes and the phases can be measured very accurately _0 and 1% re8peotively), Since the signal received is strongly com- Card 2/3 S/169/62/000/007/073/149 Station for frequency D228/D307 plicated by interference.t a composite selective amplifier with a wide controllable transmission band and a high (about 3 x 108) am-, plification factor is used to amplify the low (of the order of un- its and tens of,/uv) reception signals and to filter them from inter- ference. The chosen system of seriea filtration on aperi6dic 3elec- tive elements, distributed between several amplification stages, and the choice of amplification factors allows the time of trail- sients in it to be reduced maximally. This is especially important wlien operating on infralow frequencies. The amplitude and the phase LX of the receiving signal are measured simultaneously by two mutually controlling methods: by means of an indicating instrument and through recording the-signal on the film of a loQp oscillograph. It is pointed out that tests of this station prototype have shown that it satisfies the requirements resulting from the method's theory and from the practice of field experimental research. Z-Abstrac- ter's note: Complete translation. Card 3/3 1j: S/169/62/000/007/078/149 D228/D'307 AUTHORS: Enenshteyn~-B. S. Ivanov, A. P. and Invanov, M.-A. TITLE: Generating set for frequency soundings PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7,.1962t 34, ab-, stract 7A220 (V sb. Vopr. teorii i praktiki elektro-' metrii, M.) AN SSSR, 1961, 12-31) TEXT: The generator set is intended for generating alternating currents with a frequency of 0.04 to 250 cls. Current of up to 50 amp. is generated at an active load of 30 ohms. It is possible to get direct current of up to 100 amp. by employirtg a doubling cir- cuit. The frequency and amplitude stability equals 1% over the whole range of 24 fixed frequencies. The equipment is mounted on a 3MJI(ZIL) vehicle in two sectiona -- equipmental and generating. The station's outtit 'also includes a special vehicle for winding and unwinding the wires. Direct current from n1j-9S'(PF-45) genera- tors is converted into alternating by a thyratron commutator. The ~._~hyratrlon commutator is a bridge circuit that guarantees almost Cara 1/2 S/169 62/000/007/078/149 Generating set for ... D228YD307 square current pulses at frequencies below 3 cls. The form of the commutated current is substantially distorted as the frequency in- creases. The commutator is automatically swi-tched on at a given d.c. voltage. A blocking device guarantees the connection sysUem. A d.c. gasoline-set with a voltage of 220 v and a power of 4 kW is provided for supplying the station's electronic equipment. The station is controlled from a panel. The work of this station iii- cludes two cycles -- calibrating and measuring. The eguipmetit described is acceptable for commercial utilization. complete translation.-7 Oard 2/2 ~J 9 1 1~ 11 ! ! i :I j i I ; ~, I : I . ENEMSHTI-M, B.S.; YAROV-1-A.F'. Plethod of continuous frequency soundings. Izv. AN 555R. Ser. geofiz. no.11:1655-1658 N '(1. (MIRk 14:11) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR, Mapitnaya latoratoriya. (Electromagnetic prospecting) ACGMION M APW30337 S10049164100010031035W0359 AUTHORSt Ivanov. As Pej Nikitiaas V, N,j Skugarevskayas 0# A, TITLEt Frequency interpretation of curves for the establishment of an dleotri-A field I SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvo Sere geofix.,, no* 3o 1964o 354 -3 59 TOPIC TAOSi electric field, frequency 0oundingo geophysical yrospooting., field buildup ABSTRACT: A method for setting up electrical fields for purposes*of geophysical ;,'prospecting, with simplicity o1" equipment and techniques as primM7 objectivoss is considered, This method is dititinguished by the use.of alternating current "Ugh~ r' broad., almost continuciLs., range of frequencies from tens of cycles to. 2tveady currents The field is siaplv establishedi ijudden witching of direct current into a grounded electrical dipole, The entiro procoaa of field buildup t is recorded by a DO anplifier in a short intexval of ttaej an the order or.a few, tons of secordso.. As the field,typreads through the growAp it is attenuated irregularly by variations in the ground,, azA phase akdfts give a t1w factor to il -1/2 TIM Selectlon inri seed cultlv.~tion of f!,eld Fel~,-hoz lit-ry, 1,~J.,-1Astvermy1;h tekhrdriuvia, 576 0. 'Uchebnili i u&.ebnye _-osobiie dlip sel' rvIANOVI A. P. Seed Industry and Trede Seed culture on the Stalin Collective Farm. Soto. zMv- 14 no. 15, 1-952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -1956,2Uncl. TVANOV, A. 11 . Alfalfa Practicz~s for producing an abundant yield of alfalfa seed. Sel. i sem. 20, No. 3, 1953. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1953, Uncl. IVANOV, A.P., kandidat sellskokhoxyaystvennykh nauk. Agricultural sbience in China. Hauka 1 zh12U' 20 no.11:41-43 N '53- ()IL9A 6:11) (China-Agriculture) (Agriculture--China) IVANOV, A. P..comp. Grain*crope; wheat, rye, barle , oates. 387 p. (Populiarnye monografM Moskva, GoB. izd-vo selkhoz. lit-ry, 1954. . i j" IVANOV, A.P., red. (Lectures on crop cultural Lektaii po rantenievodstvu. Leningrad, 1958. 184 p. -1 (MIRA 12:4) (Field crops) - I . ~: ; I , J!t! 1~ ; !I- . : . , .!; . : ; . i, I .. . I IVAHOVI-Aleksandr Pavlovicho kand.seliskokhoz.nauk; ALEKSEYKV, Yu.V.) red.; BARANGVA, L.G.,; FRID1011y Z.Lop tekhnoredo [R,ve] Rozht. Leningrad~ Sellkhozizdat, 1961. 302 p. (R,ve) (MIRA 15:5) IVAYOV, Anatoliy Petrovich; GASTEVA, G.A., red.; FOINALINA, [Chemical analysis of fishe3 and their feeds; practical manual for pisciculturists] Khinichoskii analiz i-Tb i ildi koiT,iov; praktiche,!koe i%kovod5tvo dlia rybovorlov. Moskva, Rybnoe khoitiaistvo, 1963. 36 p. (rIDU 16:1.2) (Fishes) (Feeds--Analysis) (biochemintry) Lill" --al ;,i-. b-t '.1-ling (if ot Farml ng the R'l p and ',ViiRA SOV/124 - 57-7 -7582 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 7, p 17 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. P. TITLE: On the Use of a Dynamic Link to Investigate the Dynamics of a Slider- crank-type Press (K issledovanivu dinamiki krivoshipno-shatunnogo pressa sposobom dinamicheskogo zvena) PERIODICAL: Tr. Leningr. voyen.-mekhan. in-ta, 1955, Nr 3, pp 48-53 ABSTRACT: The problem of the motion of the punch of a slide r-crank -1ype press is examined in terms of a linear approximation. S. G. Kislitsyn Card 1/1 124-57-2- 1913D Translation from- Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 2, p 63 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov, TITLE- An Outflow From a Rectangular Orifice in a Thin Wall and Forms of the Entry of the Flow Into the Tailwater (Istechenive iz pryamougol'nogo otverstiya v tonkoy stenke i formy sopryazheniya v nizhnem b'yefe) ABSTRACT Bibliographic entry on the author's dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad, 1956. ASSOCIATION- Leningr. politekhn. in-t (Leningrad Polytechnic Institute), Leningrad 1. Fluid flow--Analysis Card 1/1 SOV/ 137-58-7-14017. Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 7, p 5 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. P. TITLE: The Plan for the Olenegorsk Plant (Proyekt OLenegorskoy fabriki) PERIODICAL: [ Tr. ] Vses. n. -i. L proyektn. in-ta mekhan, obrabotki poleznykh iskopay'emykh, 1957, Nr 102, pp 49-65 ABSTRACT: Descriptions and drawings are .presented of certain cross sections of departments an~ structures of the plant (the coarse- and medium-comminution building, the fine-grinding building, the third crushing section, the crushed-ore hopper, the con- centration department, the building for table concentrations, the concentrate - dewate ring storage, the drying department, the dry-concentrate storage, the concentrate loading hoppers, the coal dump. Tailings disposition economics, power, heat and water supply, process control and automation, and the personnel required to serve the equipment are described. 1. Ores--Processing 2. Industrial plants--Equip- A. Sh. Card 1/1 ment 3. Industrial plants--Organization SOV/32-24-10-25/70 AUTHORS: Danilov, T. L., Ivanov, A. P., Kroshkin, A. A., Razov, I. A., Shevandin, Ye. I. Le TITLE: Investigation of the Bending of a Broad Sample in Classifying the Deformability of Metals (Ispytaniye shirokoa, proby na -.agib dlya otsenki deformatsionnoy sposobnosti inetallov) PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya Laboratoriya, 1958, Vol 24, Ur 10, pp 1233-1236 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Testing the bending strength in the cold state serves to classify the plasticity of steel. According to OST 1683 a certain ratio between the width and the thickness of the sample must exist in the bending tests of sheet iron and other sectional materials. Under actual conditions 'the width of the sheet of metal exposed to bending exceeds, however, the thickness by ten- to one hundred- fold. For this reason the testing of sheet iron is carried out with broad samples at present. The new steel types(tXh14,091? 2, MK have a higher resistance to brittle breaking. The use of a wide sample in cold bending tests makes possible the classi- fication of the deformability of steel under rigid limiting conditions, close to real ones. The testing of the broad sample Card 1/2 with respect to bending is to be arranged for sheet iron of SOV/32-24-10-25/70 Investigation of the Bending of a Broad Sample in Classifying the DeformabiEty of Metals any thickness. The results obtained are called satiBfactary If the sample can be bent by 1200 in the case of a special mandrel diameter, and if the sample does not break into two pieces on a further bending to 1800. From a diagram It may be seen that the extent of the maximum deformation of steel of type S)GiL1 de- creases to a great extent with increase in the span width (Ref 2). According to a suggestion by A. P. Ivanov and S. S. Kanfo-- and parallel to tests with samples of normal width teSts oi. !;rcad samples with cores were also carried out. In papers by E. S. Volokhvyanskaya (Ref 6) tests of samples with grooves and numbered cores are deacribed. It was found that the bendinc tests according to OST 10'83 concerning the narrow b=2a) should be followed by those for broad swample-3 =width; a=thickness). There are 2 f1gure-s and 06 refir-rc-S, R 5 of which are Soviet. Card 2/2 IVANOV, A P. _-.. -_.,_-I- Making thick-walled blanks on pipe-rolling mills. Metallurg 4 n0-3:28-31 Mr 159- (MIRA 12:4) 1. Nachallnik truboprokatnogo tsekha Chelyabinskogo trubopro- katnogo moda. (Rolling (Metalwork)) !(e7 S/02 61/141/003/015/021 B1 O1YB1 17 AUTHORS: Piotrovskiy, K. B., Ivanov, A. P.j and Dolgoplo8k, B. A.p ' --k6 * Corresponding Member TITLE: The role of compounds of metals of varying valency in tho thermal stabilization of polysiloxanes PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 141, no. 3, 1961, 677-678 TEXT: Assuming that the stabilizing effect of ferric oxide and other similar compounds was due to a formation of stable complexes with the active centers of the siloxane chain, the authors studied the effect of oxides of Fe, Co, and Cu on the anionic polymerization of octamethyl c,vclote'frasiloxane (cyclic tetramer). The anionic polymerization of the tetramer was conducted at 1400C under the action of 0.007eyo by weight of KOH in 112 atmosphere. The initial product had a boiling temperature of 640C/4 mm Hg, d'o = 0-9575- The tetramer was mixed with 100 by weight of 4 Fe 20 3' or Cc 20 39 or CuO. At regular intervals, samples were taken, weighed, dissolved in benzene, the polymer preci.pitated with methanol, and Card 1/3 3 0 -,-f'7 S/1020/61/1 41/003/015/021 The role of compounds of ... B101/B117 dried in vacuo at 1000C. The following was found: addition of Fe2o 3' Co 20 31 or CuO completely inhibited the polymerization, also when the oxides were added at a later stage of the process. This is taken as a proof that the presumed formation of stable -.omplexes between metal oxide and active centers did really occur. This constitutes the basis for the stabilizing effect of metal oxides on polysilcxane rubbers at high temperatures. This also inhibits the pol~-.,iierization process and the destruction process at high temperatures. A report by M. Wera, M. Jelinek, I. Lanikova, K. Vesely delivered before the International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry USSR. 1M., July 14-18, 1960, Dokl- i avtoref., sekts. 2, 1960, p. 232, is mentioned. There are 2 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet and 3 non-Soviet. The three references to English-language publications read as foll3ws: British Patent no. 658640 (1950); US Patent no. 2558561 (1951); British Patent no. 643018 (1950)- ASSOCIATION: Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskogo kauchuka im. S. V. Lebedeva (All-Union Scientific Research Instit!i~r 9,,.nthetic Rubber imeri Card 2/3 S. V. Lebedev) 30727 S/02o/61 /1,11 /003/015/021 The role of compounds of ... B101/13117 SUMITTED: July 26, ig6i i rd USSR/Physics - Spectral analysis Card 1/1 Pub. 43 - 51/62 Authors j Girin, 0. P.; Zhidkova, Z. V.;-Stepanov, V. I.; Blanovi A. P.i ands Toporets, A. S. Title I Determination of the true absorption spectrum of diffu~iOn colored:objocts by the spectrum of their diffusion reflection Periodical I Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. fiz. 18/6, 726-729, Nov-Dee 1954 Abstract I Esperimental and theoretical investigations were conduatdd to deteiminij the relation between the coefficient of diffusion reTlection andl the Taxtors (internal and external) connected with the Characteristios of the, repwoiq layer and the conditions of illumination. The method employed in ntear-uring each component individually was based on the different properties of these comDonents in relation to polarization. Results obtai=i are listed in detail. Institution : ............. Submitted : i M1, ;]MuL qn, Pa.. W. uq V! tt 0 11 USSR/Physics Luminescence Card I/i Pub. 146-4/18 Author Ivanov, A. P. Title Intensity of luminescence of powders of luminophors Periodical Zhur. el:sp. i teor. fiz., 26, pp 275-280, ~~r 1954 Abstract The author treats theoretically the problem of the dependence of luminescence intensity of powdered luminophors upon the degree of disj?ersion connecting the medium and thickness of the luminescing layer. On the basis of the assumption that the absorption, scatter- ing and radiation are continuous functions of the layer thickness, the author obtains expressions for the intensity of luminescence of the layer from the excitation side and from the opposite side. He analyzes the formulas obtained and discusses the problem of the optimum thick- nesses of the luminescing layer. The author thanks Prof. M. M. GurevJch, who Dosed the problem, and A. V. Luizov. Six references, 1 Western (1905) and 5 Russian (e.g. A. A. Gershun, Tr. GOI, 11, 99, 43, 1936; Tr. GOI, 4, 38, 1, 1928. Z. Boda, Acta Phs. Acad. Soc. Hungar, 1, 135, 1950). Institution Submitted August 3, 1953 TIVANOV, A.P.; TOPORETS, A.S. 441 Spectrophotometric analysis of mixtures of powdery subatancas. Opt, i spektr. 1 no.6;802-806 0 156. (MLRA 9112) (Spactropbotometr7) (Glass--Optical properties) RTTT . I P. " - - _ 1 H -, . 11 - - 9NWR - .", -- --l- , - ~~ -I-,I P~ C\ 0~,I, K-5 USSR/Optics Physical Optics Abs Jour Referat Zhur - Fizika., No 5, 1957, 12976 Author Ivanov, A.P., Toporets, A.S. Inst Title Investigation of Diffused Reflection with Application Of Polarized Ligh~- I. orig Pub : Zh. tekha. fiziki, 1956, 26, No 3, 623-630 Abstract : During diffused reflection from dielectrics, the reflec- ted flux comprises two components, an external, reflected from the surface, and an internali, reflected from the in- aide. I~A an earlier work by one of the authors (Toporets A.S., Zh eksperim. i teor fiziki, 1950, 20, 390) it Ims proposed, that the external component retains the polari- zation state of the incident stream, and the internal be- comes depolarined. The degree of polarization of the in- ternal component, depending on the angles of observation, was investigatt-.d theoretically and experimentally both Card 1/3 USSR/Optics Physical Optics Abs Jour Card 2/3 Ref 2hur - Fizika, No 5, 1957, 129(b K-5 as well as for a reflected one- for a transmitted flux kinds of a of the investigation were Various The object both matte and Polished. For po- paper and opal glass, calcu3A- lished opal glass) the results of theoreticEL1 tions axe in good agreement Vit'a the experimental value" ae range of observation angles. In dull speci- over a vi heoreticml and e,,per:L- the agreement between the t Dens) Lm to angles of 500- mental results is observed only' at greater angles of Ob- -epancies that take place The disc' ! fact that no account was servatiO33, are explained by the t ulation of 'the "ahadaw-ingt of some made during the calc the case of a transmitt,ed fluxP the de- areas by other. In of the beWW scattered at various an- ,ation and gree of polari7 with increasing angle of Observation e of 45 EL value Of gles increases .0 for example, at an 5ugl ion of the de- reaches, ~ux the direct determinat Ossi- in the reflected fl: , 1 COMIDOnent is :LMP gree of polarization of the interna ble, MIN Rp! AUTHOR: Ivanov A.P. 51-4-18/25 TITLE: 1,"er 21L~;~r;o~bms of spectrophotometry of light scattering media. (liekotcryr voprosy spektrofotometrii svetorasseivayu - shchikh-sred). .skopi (Optics and Spectroscopy) PERIODICAL: 119mt-ika-i �RgkAArO -ye -1957,7fo-11.2, No.4, pp.524-529 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: For disperse media a diffuse reflection. spectrum is often the.only obtainable spectroscopic characteristic. Reflection coefficient R of such media will depend on many parameters: particle size t , refractive index n and absorption co- efficient k of the particulate medium, sample thickness x, and so on. Representing a disperse layer by a system of iden- tical parallel-sided plates of size Z Bodo (Acta Phys. Acad. Sci. Hungar., Vol.1 Wfinds for R , P-135, 195( ....... I + r2__ t2 1 + r2 - t2 - 2r 2r where r and t are reflection and absorption coefficJPdhts of single plate given. by ro(l-+ e-2kl - 2r e-2kl) (1-rn)2e-kl 0 t 2 -2kl 2 -2kl Card 1/3 roe roe Ci Card 2/3 51-4-18/25 etry of light scattering Certain probleMs Of spectrophotOM medi&- (COnt') eficient of reflection at one surface Of an where 06' -0-0 tivity in detemination Of k fl-om elementary plate. Seasi R is defined by I I I dR _dR Sk = k dk d in k1 for various f the dependence of Sk On the vjider the region Calculation r0shows that the,lower r0 ~he limiting value of values of remains cOnStaat; I of R in which Sk )ut half the Value Of small r0 is o.16- Thisis abc hich is Sk for very sparent homogeneous bodies (r0 ~ 0) V f spectro- Sk for tran a best conditioas sensitiVitY 0 t I under tt i's only twice as small as tha 0.366. Thus ring media hi 911 photometry for scatte is small for ent ones. The sensitivity Sk for traaspar If sucb-Values obtain for a disperse and low values of R. improved by charge of the degree medium the sensitivity can be binding media (change of r )~ of dispersionj introducti0a Of with a mbite One- The f sayp a dark powder ing - 109 R2 or mixing 0 1 la detail. After try the author method is discussed * k in terms of R) and 1/R as representations of r 51-6-16/26 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. F, TITLE: On the Effect of Re-Abaorption on Luminescence Kinetics. (0 vliyanil reabsorbtsii na kinetika lyumJ-nestsentsii.) FEHIODICAL: Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1957, Vol.I1, Nr.6, pp. 800-808. (USSR) ABSTRACT: A theoretical paper. The author gives an approximate treatment of the effect of re-absorption on luminescence kinetics when the emission and absorption bonds overlap (see also Ref.1). The approximation used is valid when re-absorption is small and energy yield in the region of overlap of the emission and absorption spectra is small compared with the yield for external radiation. The following two problems are discussed: (1) kinetics of emission of an infinitely thin layer; (2) emission intensity in a layer of finite thickness due to both the exciting radiation and to re-absorption of luminescence. The formulae obtained give the Card 1/2 dependence of the intensity of primary and secondary 51-6-16/26 On the Effect of Re-Absorption on Luminescence Kinetics. SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Gard 2/2 luminescence on physical optical parameters. The author thanks P.P. Feofilov for suggesting the subject of study. There are 5 figures, and 5 references, 4 of which are Slavic. November 27, 1956. Library of Congress. !-P SUBJECTs USSR/Luminescence 48-5-47/56 AUTHOR3 Ivanov A.P. TITLE: Investigation of Regularities of Luminescence in Fine-Dispersed Luminescent Media (Iseledoyaniya zakonomernoetay evecheniya molkodisperanykh lyuminestairuyushchikh ared) PERIODICALi Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Finicheskayaq 1957, Vol 21t #5, p 756 (USSR) ABSTRACTs This investigation discovered regularities in the dependence of luminescence on degree of dispersion, indices of absorption and refraction, thickness of the layer, etc. It was found that the grinding of a luminophore powder led in certain cases to an increase of luminescence brightness and in other cases to a decrease, depending on the source of excitation. A problem of finding the optimum condition determining the maximum intensity of luminescence was studied. The theoretical formulas obtained were checked experimentally on powders of the ZhS-9 glass,the grains of which were of 5 Card 1/2 to 1,000p~ in diameter. if! AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. P. 48-11-7/13 TITLE: Investigation on Rules Governing the Luminescence of Fine-Dispersed Luminescent Media (Issledovaniye zakonomernostey svecheniya melko- dispersnykh lyuminestsiruyushchikh sred). PERIODICAL.' Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1957, Vol. 21, Nr 11, pp. 1503-1504 (USSR). ABSTRACT: The dependence of the illuminating power of the luminescence of the optic parameters of the dispersing layer is investigated. starting from the approximated conceptions on the continuity of dispersion) absorption, and radiation in dependence on the thickness of the lay- er, formulae were obtained which characterize the intensity of the luminescence both from the side of the incidence of the exciting ram diation and from the opposite side. The derived equations are appli- cable not only with an excitement of the luminescence by ultra~vio- let light, but also with an excitment by elementary particles (a-, ?- particles). The rules governing the illumination in dependence of the dispersion of the medium, the indices.of absorption and re= fraction, the thickness of the layer, etc. were determined from the calculation-analysis. It is shown that the different character of Card 1/2 excitement with a crushing of the luminophor-powder, increases in AUTHORS," Ivanov, A* P., Toporets, A. So 48-11-6/13 TITLE: spectrophotometric Investiga~~ons on Mixtures of Powdery, Objects (Spektrofotometrichfi~bye issledovaniye smesey poroshkoobraznykh obftyaktav). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya AN SSSR Seriya Fizicheskayal 1-957, Vols 21, Nr 11, pp. 1502 - 1502 (USSR). ABSTRACT! Investigating this problem it was tried to approach it from the angle of those elaborate studied which take account of the real characteristics of the light-di3peraing medium and its discon- tinuity. The used object& was glass-powdere, Starting from the conceptions developed by Bodo (refer6nce IL),, and Girin., Stepanov (reference 2), a new method for calculating coefficients of re- flection of the mixture based upon known constants of the initial components, was suggested* The vilues of the coefficient of rem flection obtained by this method, agree with the testdata, Fur- ther it was stated in this,context that the appearance of the spectroscopic reflection-curves does not only depend on the com- Position of the mixture, but alao on the dispersion of the pan- Card 1/2 dera, With mixtures of the same composition, but of different Spectrophotometric invesbivationzi Mixtures of Powdery Objects. 48..LI~6/1' 0 sizes of the particles, tha curves cannot coincide with respect to the position of both maxima and minima, There are 2 Slavic references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 Investigation on Rules Governing the Luminescence of 48-11-7/13 Fine-Dispersed Luminescent Media. one case the illuminating power, whereas it decreases it in an other case. The question of finding optimum conditions which determine the maximum intensity of luminescence was investigated. The results of investigation make it possible to judge according to the measured spectrum and the output, the real spectrum and the real o-etput, the real spectrum and the real output of luminescence of the substance. Simultaneously with the calculation, the present problem was solved also experimentally. It is shown that the results agree in both ca- ses-* There is I figure. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 to ..; ) HI I r I li; I 11 ~j i ji I I! I I I I ; I ~ 5 -1 ; i I I . ~; 1 1 1 : I ;! I I I i : I : : t : ? , : ! . I I IVANOV, A.P. Sensitivity of spectrophotometric methods for the stud7 of light- scattering media. Inzho-fiz.zhur. no.5:30-33 MY 158 jWRA 12t1) (Spectrophotomet ) (Light-ScatteriZ investi,,~at-ion of Luminescefide*Rules"of TIAE: The o re u.L Dispersed Luminescent Objects. (leeoreticheskoYe issledovanniye zakonomernostey svecheniya dispergirovanny1ch lyuminestsirayushchikh ob"yektov.) P.L~,IdCDICAL: Optika i Spaltroskopiya, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.2, pp.225-235 A3STRACT: The author discusses plane-parallel luminescing disperse layers vith a binder of refractive index different fron that of the surrounding nedium. In this case it is necessary to take into account reflection of both the excitin- liGht and the lurninescent light at the layer surfaces'. For the special cases of 'C1) emission by non-scatterin,6 luninescing layer, (2) enassion under the action of strongly absorbed radiation, (3) emission under the action of weakly absorbed and scattered radiation, the author L#ves tables and graphs for determination of the luminescent intensity from the optical constants (coefficient of absorption, scatterinS, CoeIL"ficient, refractive index etc.) of the layer. The effect of the individual optical constants on luminescent Card 1/2 emission is analysed. The problem of determination of 51-.4. -2-13/28 Theoretical Investi6ation of Luminescence Rules of Dispersed Luminescent Objects. an optimal set of the optical constants in order to obtain maximum luminescence from the layer is discussed. The paper is entirely theoretical. There are 9 figures, 2 tables and 2 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: state tipa ftisti~vute imen StI. Va~ilov. (Gos. op-tichesa 'inistl in. S.I.' Mi ova. April 1, 1~57, 1. Ialminescence-Theoi7 Card 2/2 11T Ii lm'. 1'. AUTHOR: Ivan ov , A. P TITM: icperimental Investigation of of DiBpetssd IxziAeacint, - -- , Objects. (Eksperimentallnoye issledovaniye zakonomeraostey svecheniya dispergirov- annykh lyuminestsiruyushchild~ ob"yektov.) PERIMICAL: 01)tlka i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.2, pp-236-244 (VISSR) . ABSTRACT: The preceding paper (Ref-1) gave a theoretical analysis of the effect of the optical constants of disperse layers on the intensity of luminescence. The present paper gives the results of an experimental investigation of the same problem. The apparatus used is shown in Fig.l. A. PRK-4 lamp was used as the excitation source. This lamp was supplied with d.c. (130 V) from accumulators. A photomultiplier with a d-co amplifier was used as the receiver. Powders of glass Zh3-q were used as disperse luminescing objects. 18 powders with particles from 10 to 1000 p in diameter were used. The light- scattering layers were prepared from powders by deposition from solution. The results*are shown in Card 113 Figs.2-10. From these results the following conclusions 51-* Ar-2-14/28 Experluental Investigation of LumirAwinc* Raleis of Disporsod .Lwaimacezit Objects. were made: (A) When the exciting and luminescent light are both cn the same side of a powder layer, the intensity of luminescence increases: (a) on increase of the luminescent yield, the absorption coefficient for the exciting light and the thickness of the layer.. (b) on decrease of the absorption coefficient for luminescence. Increase of the relative refractive index for the layer and of the size of the articles composing the layer may either increase or georease the lumineacent intensity depending on the values of other constants of the layer. (B) When the exciting light and luminescence are at the opposite faces of the layiir, the luminescent intensity increases: (a ) on increase of the luminescence yield, and of the particle size, (b) on decrease of the-absorption coefficient for luminescence .L -he and the relative refractive-index. Increase o' t absorption coefficient for exciting light and of the layer thickaess may either-increase or decrease the luminescent intensity depending on the values of other Card 2/3 constants of the layer. The results obtained agreed well '31-1,,'-2-11-1/2CP "--n(~.T-iLaental Invosti-ation of Luminescence Rules of Vispersed Liuninescent (70 je cts -~-,,ith those calculated in the preceding paper (Ref.1). The author also f'inds the thickness of a layer at ~'-ihich -the lurainescent intensity, from the side of the layer opposite to the side on vihich the excitin- li~-ht is incidoilL ,is iiiaximun. folio author thanks Candidate O.-C Physico-Mathematical Sciences A.S. Toporets for hlis interest There are 10 figures and 3 Soviet references. ASI-~'WLLT!61i: ~_'-'tate Cptical Institut-_,. (Gos. opticheskiy institut). 'SU "soril 1, 1957 - 1. Luminescence-Intensity-Test results Card T 51-, 4 -2-15/28, xULYI` 1 i oi?,,~i: Ivanov, ik.Pand 1-dosunova, S. U. On a Relationship Between the Intrinsic and Technical Ilields of juminosconce of Infinitely Thick Scatterin~- 0 _, Layers. (0 svyazi mezhdu istinnyui i te1chnichas1L)-..if.,,i vykhodwA lyuminestsentsii beskonechno tolstyld-i svotorasseivayushchikh sloyev.) jl_L~J~j 0j)T~JyjL.: Crotika i Spelt~rozkopiya, 1958, Vol.IV, Nr.2, pp.245-251 In scat-terin- r~edia where luminescence undergoes =Ultiple roflecUions the final luminescent emission i~iay be con- -, weahellod and therefore the e-xporiralentually S id e ra b Id dotorLd_-,11::d ratio of the luuinescent ener&-y to the absorbod enier[Zr noL the intrinsic lui2inescence yield -qi, 'w-t -'U-Iie technical luminescence yield -It. The author deTivos a fo=ula for -qt in tue-Tns o-.cL' -1i and tile optical of the luiltinescin- la-par. in a tuable on, pp . 2'47-~j nuiierical values are Given for -the ratio of the tLichnical to the intr-Lnsic -iald for various values oil, U:-I--u absoz.-it-ion and scatterinE; coefficients of CarJ 1141 L~ivo t.'Le depc~iidcnccs of h -3 IT 51-.4 --2-15/28 On a Relationship Between the Intrinsic and Technical Yields of Luminescence of Infinitely Thick Light-Scattering Layers. technical-to-intrinsic yield ratio on the optical constants of the layer. Experimental verification of the formula for the technical yield obtained by -the author was made on powders of uranium glass of two types with different degrees of dispersion. The apparatus used was described in the preceding paper. The authors measured the luminescent intensity of a powder velative to the intensity of 1~iminescence of a plane-parallel plate of the same glass from m~iich powder was made. The glass plate used was sufficiently thin to neglect absorption of luminescence in it. a1g.4 gives the dependence of the yield ratio on dimension-, of the powder -particles for excitation with various wavelengths (265, 334 and 365 m~L). The continuous curves are theoretical and the experimental results are shown by circles. At 265 mtL the ratio of the yields is E;reatest and at 365 M~t it is least, because at 365 m~L the exciting liGbt passes into a deeper layer of the powder, since at that wavelength the absorption of the exciting light is mall. Consequently Card 2/4 in the latter case luminescence comes from a deeper layer 51-'/,, -2-15/28 on a Relationship Between the Intrinsic and Tec1inical Yields of Iuminescence of Infinitely Thick Iii Sht -Scatt e ring, Iaye rs. Card 3/4 and therefore it is weakened more on passing through the layer, leading to a lower value of the technical lumin- escence yield. The effect of the binder, which can be air (curve 1), water (curve 2) or alcohol (curve 3), on the ratio-of the luminescence yields is shown in Fi6-5 for 365 mp excitation. A9.5 shows that the technical-to-iiatrinsic yield ratio is greatest in dry powder and least in the powder immersed in glcohol. The redson for this lies in the relative refractive index of the powder particles which is 1.491 in air, 1.130 in water and 1.095 in alcohol. The lower the refractive index of particles the more weakly the bin-'Aing medium.scatters light and therefore luminescence is ptoduced at greater depths with consequent greater absorption on emission. The intrinsic yield was obtained by measurements on a plane-parallel plate of uranium glass in which the absorption of lir,--,ht is negligibly small;., Knowing the intrinsic yield the 0 authors found -the technical yield of powders. Dependences of the intrinsic and technical yields on particle dimensions 51- 4-2-15/2(S Intrin;~ic and Z-c--inical YIolC!:-; Of L;LuAa-!'-Ic,:;ace of Infijiltely Thick Layers. are sliovin in FiL~,.6 -for variou:~; e:-.cJ-'U-in- liL,,-ht WaV-:!lL]I-:tIIS Lj in Vi-.? for Various birt(Ung Liodia. In both Pi---z,. 6 "Ud 'Z ti---ha continuous curv,~s reproscat t1a)~~ yicids of powdcrs, the dashad ourva-s :dvc tlio yield for a -lass plate and tho points give 1';.ho iri3'-:rir..I'c. yield of powders. Figs .6 and 7 shcw that- f or I IV~ intrinsic yield does not change with -~aveL~i-,L~th or clianGe of the binding- medium and thcLt the povider Yi,Ad is practically equal to the in-Grinsic yield Oz thin lass plate. There are 7 figures, 1 table and 5 Soviet references. &t;ate C~)tical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov, (Cos. ol)ticheskiy institut im. S.I. Vavilova). 1, 195?. 1. Luininescence-Effeets of reflecting layers 2. Luminescence- Measurement-Mathematical analysis AUTHOR; Ivanov, Ae~F--- TITIS: on the Spatial Dictribution of Emission of Phosphor Powders (0 pros trans tvennom rasprodelenii izlucheaiya porosh1cov lyuminoforov) PZRIODIC&L Optilm I Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol IV, Nr 6, pp 167-M (USSR) ABSTFAGTt Indicatriees of emission by highly disperse phouphor layers are ^If interest both from the practical and scientific point of view. It la Icaomn that if fluorescence is not polarized, then the emission by a non-scattering element of volume is the same in all direQtIons (Refs 1, 2). This is knom as Lommelts law. Then fluorescence is polarized this uniform angular distribution of emission no longer holdis. Lommel's law is not obeyed by light emitted by plane surface of a transparent luminescing medium because, with increase of the angle of observation, the emitted light is partly reflected from the boundary medium-air and at a certain angle the total reflection occare. To study the emission indicatrices of elementary contres the substance studied may be immersed In a suitable liquid or the Indicatrices of measured emission by a layer may be converted into indicatriceq of emission by luminescent centres by a suitable calculation. The Card 1/3 theoretical basis for such a calculation is given in the present paper. SOV/51-4-6-9/2,1 Ou the Spatial Distribution of Emission of Phosphor Powders Measurements were made using, an apparatus shown schematically in Fig 3. A lamp FRK-4 vas used as a source of ultraviolet radiation (I In Fig 3). A parallel beam of light is reflected by a mirror Z on to the sample (Obr in Fig 3). A filter Fleeparates out the recBiired spectral line. The receiver consists of a lens LZ with a diaphragn D2, a photamultiplier and a d.c. amplifier. By rotation of the optical system with respect to the sample In the plan of Fig 3,emission at various angles could be measured. The emission indicatriee3-were measured for powders of luminescent glass ZI-4-9 of different grain sizes and layer thicknesses and for non-scattering plane parallel plates of the same glass ZhS-9. Fir, 4 shows in polar coordinates the indicatrices of screens of various thickness for the same side as the incident exciting light. Fig 4: gives also tlia indicatrix for a plane- parallel plate (curves 4). The effect of particle dimensions In an infinitely thick povdar layer on the an&ular distribution of luminescence intensity is shown in Fig S. Fig 5 gives also the angular distribution for a plane parallel plate (curves 4). The results obtained indicate that the angular distribution of the intenalty of luminescence of powders depends both on the layer thickness and on particle dimensions Card 2/3 and obeys a law -which is intermediate between licimmel's and BOV/51-4-6-9/24 On the Spatial Distribution of Emission of Phosphor Poviders Lambert's laws. The angular distribution of lmineacence of a non- scattering plane-parallel plate is close to the Lambert distribution. There are 5 figures and 11 references , 7 of vithich are Soviet, 2 French, 1 English and 1 German. A,SSOCIATIOX: Gosudarstvennyy OpticheaLcly Inatitut im. 3.1. Valrilova (State Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov) SUBUITTED: July 22, 1957 Card 3/3 sov/;.- MOR J TLE Ievestigation of the Luminescen-as Spectra of Pcnv-ler Phosphors (Issledovaniye spektrov 1~uminestsentsii poroshkoobraznyh:h lyuminoforov) rZialODICA.Li Optika i Spektroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 1, pp 7B-82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Scattering and absorption of light in disperre (poAbred) phosphors may alter considerably the luminescence spoctram compared vrith the intrinsic spectrum of a massive sample. ThQ present paper doals with the experimental investigation of the effect of optical and Geometrical parameters on the luminescence spectra of povider phosphors. The luminescence spectra were measured using the oame apparatus as described in Ref 7 except for the projection of the emitted light on to a glass monochromator instead of directly on to a photcoultiplier. If the dispersion of the monochromator and the spectral sensitivity of the photonultiplier are known, the multiplier galvanomoter iWicatos the luminescence spectrum intensity. The author stimlied luminescence spectra of poWers of various degree of finenevs both in air and using Card 1/-1 binders. The powders vare made of uranium glass ZM-9 for which the ---- ---- ---- --------------- - --- I'llir'lA L Investigation of the Liuminescence Spectra of Poiydor Phosphors absorption spectrum and the refractive index wa4ra kcnowr.~ Dimensione of the powder particles -were determined using a micrciicope. Water a&I mathyl benzoate were used as binders. Both these substances show practically no absorption in the visible and near ultraviolet ro6lons of the spectrum. When the povdars ivero in air or water the luminescence spectra were distorted only due to changes in the aVsorption by the povider. In methyl benzoate (0645GOVCH73) the luminaseenca spectrum is altered due to both absorption and scattering (scattering vau absent at one vavelength at which the refractivi) indices of the glass powder and methyl benzoatewere equal). Fig I shovs the lumin%pance spectra obtained for povidered glass in air (curves Z, 3) whi(--h. 7ias 10 single-particle layers thick. Curve 2 was obtained on excitation with the 365 m~a line and curve 3 using the 265 1v line. A theoretically calculated luminescence spectrum for a massive sample is represented by curve 4 in Fig 1, while curve I in Fig 1 represents an experimental spectrum for a thin glass plate. The effect of the binder on the luminescence spectrum is shown in Fig 2. The measurements were made on a powder swaple consistinG of 40 single-particle layers , with oarticlas 93 ?;~ in diameter. The luminescence was oxzited u-air_g the Card 2/i ~k 365 m~ line. Curve 1 represents the intrinsic spectrum of the Glass J-~vusti,(~a'.Aon of tlio J~minascerice Spectra of Povider Phosphors used, curve 2 represents powder in air and cArve 3 represents powder in vater. Fig 3 shows the lwainesconce spectra of Elass Do-vider in met'~,yl. benzoato at various from 20-GOOC (curve 1 roprosents the intrinsic apocti-wii). Dapondonci) of t*nu spactra of powdors in banzoato at 20% on particlo size is s'm own in FiG 4. Garve 1 represents the intrinsic spectrum, curves 2 and 3 repro3ent ~ovders with particle size of 737 ~L and 91 ~L rospectively. A6 4 indicates that the luminescence spectra of powd,3rs duLerL more s tron ~ly from the intrinsic spectrmi -whan -che particlo size is decreased. The author also studied the effec-Us of aftlixturer. on the liminescance spactra. As an admixture povidered blue Glass SS-1, which does no-b luziinesca and absorbs stron6ly the long -wavol enGth erld of tho visible raFion, vas used. Fir, 5 uhovs the lu!~inoscance spoc-ura of mixturou of povidura SS--I and ZhS-D for v~irloas concontva-';iona Card 3,ti4 InvestiCation of the Luminescence Spectra of Povdor Phosphors of the latter. With decrease of the amount of the UZ-9 glass powder the luminescence spectrum chanGes considorably in tho raion of absorption b-- the blue glass povider 38-1. There 11re 5 fiburos and 8 references, 7 of which are Soviet and 1 American. ASSOCIATIONs Gosudarritvennyy opticheskiy institut in, . 3.1. VaVilM (3t-'Ito Optical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov SUIIUTTED; June 22, 195-7 Card 4/4 1. Phosphor powders - Luminescence 2. Phosphor romlors - Jpactrc- graphic anallYsis 3. Phosphor powders - C~ptical propertico 4. Photonatipliers - Applications 5. Spectrm-n analyzers - Applications SOV/51-5-4-17/21 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A.F. TITLE Spectrophotometric Properties of Dispersion Light-Filters (SpoL-trofotometricheskiye svoystva dispersionnykh ovetofilltrov). PFaUODI= j Opti~m I Spaictroskopiya, 1958, Vol 5, Nr 4, pp 473-477 (MR~ ABS TRAG T Dispersion filters are made of powders In binders, ithose refractive index is the saiae as the refractive index of the povider at one wavelength only (?,0). For this rjavelangth 'No the medium is optically uniform and light is transmitted through it without loss. Other wavelengths are scattered and are, therefore, coasiderably weakened after passage thro4gh such a filter. Dispersion filters were studied both expariuentally (Refs 1-12) and theoretically (Refs 13, 14). The present paper reports measurements of transmission, reflection and polarization spectra, and scattaring indicatrices of dispersion filters. The filters were made of glass K-8 powders in C6H5GO,2.CH3. The curves of the refractive indices of the powder and the solvent cut at about 550 m;& (Fig 1) at 250C. 119asurements were made using apparatus described in Ref 15. This apparatus is basod on a double glass ,ird 1/3 Spectrophotometric Properties of Dispersion Light-Filters SOV.31-5-11-.17/21 monochromator with an aperture angle at the receiver of 10. 1 polarizer and an analysor viere used for work in polarized liGht. The apparatas of Ref 16 was adapted for the purpose of the present paper under the guidance of A.4. Toporets and Ye.V. Lukiua. Fig 2 gives the angular distribution of the light intensity after passing through the filter which consisted of 490 layers of particles of 160~L diameter. Fig 3 shows the transmission spectra of a filter conslati'_aE of 330 layers of 160 ~L particles obtained at various angles of observation froi.1 00 to 200. Fig 4 gives the trans-mission spectra for two anglas of obsorvation (00 and 150) and three thicimesses of filters (133, 330 and 490 layers of 160 I-L particles) - The reflection spectra a.-a not 'given in the oarar since they are not of practical interest lcaiLuaa of t'la Card 2/3 spectrophotometric Properties of Dispersion Light-Filters SOV/51-5-4-17/21 very low reflactivity of dispersion filters. There are 4 fi&ures and 16 references , 6 of wiich are American, 5 Soviet, 2 Geruan, 2 Indian and 1 English. =0C1ATI0N:Gosudarstvennyy opticheskiy institut im. S.1. Vavilora (State OPtical Institute imeni S.I. Vavilov). SUIRMTED. November 27, 1957 1. Optical filters--Materials 2. Optical filters--Performance Card 3/3 3. Optical filters--Properties IVANOV, A.P.; IMIDEVA, G.A. Luminiscence Intennity of two-component powder s7stens. zhur. no. 6:106-109 Je 158- (MMA 11:7) (Lumintseence) SHOZHNIKOT, Roetielav Alakoeyevich; IVAVOV,_.A.P,, ;ea.; 7.HITNIKOVA, O.S., (Theoretical photometry; fundamentals of light intensity calculations] Teoretichaskaia fotometrlla; onnovy rascheta, oaveshchaniia. Moskva, Gos.energ.ixd-vo, 1961), 176 p. (KIRA 13:5) (Photometry) VANOV, A. P, Effect of strong illumination on the absorption capacity of com lex molecules. O~pt. i spektr. 8 no-3:352-358 Mr 160, (Min 14: 53 (Absorption spectra) (Molecular theory) IVAITOV, A.P.; KHODOS, Z.B. Light scattering in media of varying optical parameters. Opt. i spektr. 8 no.4:556-562 Ar !60. . (MIRA 13:11) (Light--Scattering) T11 -F-,," IVANOVY A.P. Light scattering-in discoloring objects. Opt. i spektr. 11 no.6 754-758 D 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Light--Scattering) S/201/62/000/003/001/bO2 1045/1245 AUTHORS. Ivanov, A.P., Berkwskiy, B.M., and Ratsev,.I.L. TITLE; Calculption of the emission ofa light scattering layer by methods of non-linear optics SOURCE: Izvestiya. Akademii Nauk Beloruaskoy SSR.Seriy fisiko-tekhnicheskikh nauk. no.3. Minsk, 1962, 23-26 Z TEXT: The authors investigate by m6ans of the Schwarschild- Schuster method the propR~rtion of radiation of strong intensity in a turbid, plane-parallel layer, in the case when the negontive nbsorption coefficient depends on the intensity of the light field. Conditions for selfexcitation of the turbid layer and an expression Cz~rd 71~ %Ialculation of the emission for the intensity of the rated intensity is given S W emit 2 S/210/62/000/003/001/002 1045/1245 of.... -:-enerited lieght nre derived. The gene- by Sl)2 k o 1 4- bsl-+c (13) Where. ~ T 2 qLsl W-absorbed ener_,W per unit time; kA-absorption coefficient at the absence of li.,,fht field; D/_ -parameter of non-linearity (4,5t0) s-scattering constant; 1-thickness of the scattering lnyer; a,b, c-constants dependinr on the reflexion coefficient r at the para- llel boundaries of the scattering layer. jignificant is the fact, that at r - 0 4,.Semit increases stron,zly with increasing s1, where- as u-t r-41 it becomes a constant kOl determining the maximum possible value of the generated intensity. At small r a slight increase of the lizht scattering substance within the turbid layer causes a transition from a non-excited to a Selfexcited There are 3 figures. Card 2/2 IVANOV., A.P.; BERKOVSKIY, B.M.; KATSEV, I.L. Reflection and transmission of a pla4-parallel layer within the scope of nonliziear optics. Insh, -fiz. shur,, 5 no.1008-64 0 162, (MIRA 15:12) I* Institut fiziki AN BSSR, Minsk. (Optics, Geometrical) in~ MW : ; I - : ~ P !, I 5~ !: 11; , ~ I '~l :11 11 :: I . .' q 1. , ; . I I I I : IV P_._~STEPANOV, B.I.; BEW0VIKIY, B.M.; KATSEV, I.L. AN Calculating the effect of inhomogeneities on the lij!.ht regime of a parallel-plate layer in nonlinear approximation. Dokl. AN BSSR 6 no.3:147-150 Mr '62. (MIFA 15.-)) 1. Institut fiziki All BSSR. (Optics, Physical) IVA1141av A.P. Relation between the optical properties of the layer and the sub- atzuice in light-diffusing media. Dokl.AN BSSR 6 no.4:217-219 Ap 162. OURA 15 4) 1. Institut fiziki AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom A211 BSSR B.I.Stepanovym. (Optics, Geometrical) !1111 11 M 11111: 1 111,11 1~ 1 STEPANOV, B.I.; IVANCV, A.P.; BERKOVSKIY, B.M.; KATSEV, I.L. Radiation transfer inside a plane-parallel Inyer in the approx- imation of nonlinear optics. Opt. I spektr. 7 no.4:533-536 Ap 162. (MIRA 195:5) (Radiation) (Light-Transmission) 37227 S/051/62/012/oo4/ol5/01.5 E039/E485 AUT.,-IORS: Stepanov, B.I., Ivanov, A.P., Berkovskiy, B-M., Kats-ev, I.L. TITLE: The transfer of radiation in a plane parallel layer in the approximation of nonlinear optics PERIODICAL: Optika i spektroskopiya, v.12, no.4, 1962, 533-536 TEXT: The problem of the transfer of radiation in a plane parallel layer is considered on the basis of equations for the transmission of radiant energy with a nonlinear dependence of the absorption coefficient for dense radiation. The calculations are for monochromatic radiation (flux So ) propagated normal to the surface of a layer of thickness U. On account of multiple reflections between the boundary layers there will be two fluxes S, and S,) in opposite directions at any point x in the layer, An expression for the absorption coefficient k is derived k k0 (2) 1 + a(ST+ S2) where k0 is the absorption coefficient in the absence of a Card 1/3 S/051/62/012/004/015/015 The transfer of radiation ... E039/H485 light field and a the nonlinear parameter (a.~, 0). The problem is only considered for a particular case which allows an easy analytical solution, namely by putting So equal to zero. Equations are derived for the change in value of the absorption coefficient with position in the layer and its dependence on the reflectivity of the surface. The effect of a supplenentary field of density u-", due to the thermal background is also considered and equations derived for the absorption coefficient k and the intensity of radiation Si4r-n escaping from the layer. k ko (16) 1 + avux + a (S., + So) and S (l + avu-"c) ln rkn f- (17) wcn 2a where r is the coefficient of reflection and v is the velocity of light. It follows that the condition for radiation from the layer is Card 2/3 jj~ f IT" NJ IVANOV, A.P. Second Conference on the Spectroscopy of Light-acattering Vzdia. Opt.i spektr. 12 no.5.664-665 My 162. MU 15 z5) (Spectroscopy---Congreases) I .. - I z ~ IVANOV. A. P. Colors and absorption spectra of dyes adsorbed on light- scattering materials. Opt. i spektr. 13 no.6:831-834 D 162. 1 (MMA 16: 1) (Absorption spectra) (Dares and dyeinR) (Light-Scattering) .IVANOT,A.P,j LEYTSYNA, V.G.; PUPLIKOVA, I.N. Determination of the concentration of several dyes simultaneouslj adsorbed on fiber. Zhur.anal.khim. 17 no.43511-517 J1 162. OURA 15-8) 1. Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian S.S.R., Minsk. (Dyes and dyeing-Textile fibers) (Spectrum analysis) IVANOV, A.P.; BERKOVSKIY, B.M.; KATSEV, I.L. Calculation of the radiation of a light-scattering layer within the framework cf nonlinear optics. Vestsi AN RqSR. Ser. fiz.- tekh. nav. no.3t23-26 t62. (MIRA 180) !:,; C . i;. . ]: ~7;! SHEEMIF, I.D.; IVA!~q~~IA.P. [Ivanou, A.P.) Design of apparatus for studying various properties of light- diffusing objects. Vestsi AN BSSR. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. no.2: 39-43 162. (~RRA 18-.4) IVANOVI A.P.; RU-DIl.`OV, A.i". Choice of optimma opera-,Ani7 conditions for flash 'ualbs for attairn-'InIrr the maxi.-up. disturbance of theviao~iynamic equ.ilibrliva in a substance. Dold. U.' -1 no.11:740-751 N l,")3. 1,LlA 17 :9) 1. institut Lizili A:~ 3331~. Ilredstavlono ak-udamd1com B.I. Stepanovrm. J-yANq,-..A.T.; MAKAREVICH, S.A. Effect of the width of a beam of light on the depth of its penetration into a scattering medium. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.lltl754-1757 N 163, (WRA 16 122 1. Institut fizik.11. AN BSSR. Tli ii., RUBINOV, A.N.; IVANOVI A.P. Determining the parameters of pulsed tubes from observations of nonlinear optical phenomena. Dokl. AN BSSR 7 no.8:524-527 Ag 163, (MMA 16010) 1. Inatitut fiziki AN BSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN BSSR B.I. Stepanovym. NiBINOVI A.N.; Determining the self-excitation threshold of a three-level laser. Opt. i spektr. 17 no.5;759-764 N 164. (141RA 17:12) L 17~09-63 FWT(1)/BDS * ISFTCIASDIIJP~QlSib ACCE-MO NR: AP3005998 S/025O/65/007/005/O3P4/05Zji!I AUr-HOR: Rabi-mv.. A N.j Ivanar A* P. TITrEt ?dime J=p, pwamter determination by dWarTaUan, *f vqaltwar 2 Iceil pbenwena S01UPOE: AN BSSR. DoklWs V, 7P no. 8j, 1963P 524-52T. paramIte TOPIC 12AGS: pulse lamp parwasters, pulse IMP efficiency pAs6 i2z~p' r' detelmination., pulse lamp temperature determinations, VxUe IM, temperatuv pulse lamp efficiency determination ABSTRAM. N simple metbod is presented for determination of the temperattam and efficiency of Et hiah-power light source from. its effect on the absorlytion capacity and luminescence of an irradiated sample substacm, It is ass,62-4 i that the efficiency factor remains Practically constant during SMU ChMIL in the voltage applied to the 3,amp. The spectral density of radiation of ile sample in its absorption vavelength can be determined expallmnW.1y by Miltsurs. ing the intensity of the phosphorescence of the sample (ut tiny valteze., t1ral, obtaining the ratio of corresponding luminescence intensities. Sy the =Wtliod 1-card 1/2 77-7.j-j: j-_'. two EM