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67466 SOV/*146-2-4-4/19 Rectangular Resonator for Measuring the El,ectric Constoryf's of Dielectrics at Super-High Frequencies (The Leningrad Institute of Precision lilechanics and Optics) SUBMITTED: JulY 151 1959. Card 3/3 05213 SOV/142-2-3-91/27 0(213) AUTITORt Ivanov, A.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLEs Theses for Acquiring the Scientific Degree or Candidate of Sci- ences PERIODICALs Izvestiya vysshildi uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiateklinilm, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 3, p 379 (USSR) ABSTRACTs R.D. Yu.7ma defended his thesis titled "The Investigation of Some Problems of Electromagnetic Shielding With Screens Commen- surable With the Wavelength" (Isaledovaniye nelcotorykh voprosov elektromagnitnogo ekranirovaniya pri noizmerimyTch s d1inoy YoIny ekranafdi) for vxquiring the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences on October 28, 1958. The thesis wus written under the ,guidance of Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences S.I. Zilitin- kevich. The official opponents were Profesmor L.B. Slepyan and Candidate of Technical Sciences A,N, lynnov4 The inaterial of this thesis was published in Ucheny" zapisRi LAviyskogo gosudmrstven- nogo universitetal Vol 10, 1957, and Vol 21, 1958, and in Izves- tiyr. AN IAtviyslcoy SSR, 1958, Nr 9. R.D. YuLma analyzed a substi- Card 1/2 tute circuit for a shielded system. Using this analysis lie sug- :11 T111 11 1 24M AUTI [OR - Ivanov, A,,N. TITLE: An Experimental Mlathod of Coupling Devices oL meters When Measuring of Matter o6529 SOV/142-2-2-5/25 of Calculating th,', Effect Cavity Resonator Para- Electric and Magnetic Conotants PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Radiotekhnika, 1959, Vol 2, Nr 2, pp 172-174 (USSR) ABARACT: In the existing theory of the resonator method for measuring electric and mptgnetic constants of matter, the presence of devices for exciting and destoctinF magnetic fields (coupling devices) in the ineaeuring resonator is not considered. In addition, these de- vices change the boundary conditions in the skin of the resorator, The volume, occupied by the field, creates,pLn additional attenuation in the resonator., increasing the measuring errors, The problem of con- sidering the influence of coupling devices on the resonator parameters when measuring electric constants Card 1/3 and tg-, ) of a dielectric was discussed in another o6529 SOV/142-2-2-5/25 An,Experimental Method of Calculating the Effect of Coupling Devices on Cavity Resonator Parameters When Measuring Electric and Magnetic Constants of Matter paper of the author ~Ref 17. There, he also suggested an experimental method of establishing the influence of these devices on the measuring results E and tg,S of the dielectric. In this article the author pre- sents an improved version of the aforementioned method, resulting in a high accuracy in measuring electric and magnetic constants of matter with aD'Dlication of the theory explained by the author in ~'Hef g. The author explains this improved version in detail, re- fering to figure 1. The method may find practical application for measuring electric and magnetic con- stants of matter at super-high frequencies with an U increased accuracy and calibration of measuring reso- na-tors. There are 1 diagram and 2 Soviet references. Card 2/3 An Experimental Method of Calculating thrc Devices on Cavity Resonator 'Parameters and Ma-netic Constants of Mratter 06529 SOV/142-2-2-5/25 Effect of Coupling V,Lien measur'in- Electric artiol wa, Peqo!nnVend!Bd by the P.1111idra raclo emidki Lenint;rAdsko-o instituta toch- U noy mekhaniki i optiki (Chair of Radio Engineering of the Lenin-rad Insti-tute of Precision Mechanics and Optics) SUBMITTED: May 19, 1958 Card 3/3 9(6) SOV/146-2-5-1/19 AUTHOR: Tvanov, A.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences ------------------------ TITLE: A Review of the Development of Methods and Devices for Measuring the Electric Constants of Dielectrics on Ultrashort Waves 6KI PERIODICAL: izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy, Priborostroy- eniye, 1959,LNr 5, pp 3-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A,Brief general historical review is made of foreign and Soviet methods and devices developed between 1886 (Hertz) and the present day. In conclusion, the author refers to his own theory of resonator method Ref 42 7 and his suggested experimenta.1 method fRef 43 -/ for determining the errors caused by the connections in the resonator system. This article was recommended by the Kafedra radiotekhniki (Chair of Radio Engineering). There are 4- diagrams, 2 sets Card 1/2 of diagrams, and 43 references, of which 5 are German, SOV/146-2-5-1/19 A Review of the Development of Methods and Devices for Measuring the Electric Constants of Dielectrics on Ultrashort Waves 6 English, and 32 Soviet. ASSOCIATION:Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki Q~~) (Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics SUBMITTED: JulY 15, 1959 Card 2/2 ~1 JIv'11 ji;il IVANOV A.N.- MTROV, A.S. Yeasuring the capacitance., inductance, and resistance to spreading of parametric semiconductor diodes in the superbigh frequency rangea Izve vyo, ucheb, '4tav; fiz. no-1:35-38 t63o (MRA 16:5) 1. Sibirskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskiy institut pri Tomskom gosudaretvannom universitete imeni V.V.Kuybyaheva. (Junction transistors-Electric propertical Flows Two-way five-share i~low for an electric trnctor. Sellkhozzmashina No. 31 1952. 2 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, July -1951. Unclassified. J QV,,A.11., inzhenar. KPIa-I, 0 planting hole digger. Sellkh02mashina no.11:8-11 N 154. OGRA 7:11) (Agricultural machinerr) N NIKIFOROV, P.Ye., doktor sel'skokhoz. nauk; IVATIOV, A.N., inzh. fn-ows for operating with speeds over nine kilometers per hour. Mekh. i elek. Sots. S811khoz. 21 no.1:9-10 163, (MMA 162- 7) 1. Veesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly Institut mokhanizatsii sellskogo k.hozyaystva. (Plows) I ; ! d: - . "', -1. t : . I I I P il-` F" F FR F T! F T 11 P NI -AM75'=0~2301 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/ooO/009/0081/0083 AUTHOR: Kushtalova, I. P.; Ivanov, A. N. ORG: Institute of Problems in Material Science, MT UkrSSR (Institut problem materialovedeniya, AN UkrSSR) TITLE: Plastic deformation pf refractory compounds ~b SOURCE: Poroshkovaya metallurgiya, no. 9, 1966, 81-83 TOPIC TAGS: refractory compound, titanium carbon compound, zirconium carbon compound, titanium boron compound, molybdenum silicon compound, plastic deformation ABSTRACT: A series of specimens of refractory compounds TiC ZrC' TiB, and MoSi, obtained by hot compacting were strain hardened by grinding ich sLp.,jilficantly cf the sL-ain-harcLened ccrmnds ranEed from increased their microhardness. The microhardness lo6o dar~&~ fcrmosi2 to 2520 dan/mm2 for TiC compared to the initial 739 and 2310 dan/mm2. Annealing of the hardened compounds brought -About recrystallization (see Fig. 1). The ratio of recrystallization temperature T 1* to melting temperature Tm was found to vary within 0-48-0-53, which was considerably higher than that for Card i/P oT th/aemperature Fig. 1. Dependence D I at which recrystallizatI04 commences on holding time for ZrC (1), TiO.(2), TiB2.(3) and MoSi2 (4). L 74900 4j 75 IOJ Tim the pure metals, which varies from 0.3 to 0.4. Orig. art. has: 1 figure and [TDI J table. ISUB CODE: Il/ SUBM DATE: 22may66/ ORIG REP: oo6/ ATD PRESS: 5091 Card 2/2 blg p,,der metal2urgy 1% L 47-17?-66 I A., 1! =-1- ~111-1--.- ~ m'. ~ - I . - ~ ~A;111. I 7: 71'.7 - :,-- ::V, ::~"23,- -s I- I Ili" "' In 5- .. 1. ~ .-- - .. -- It-Z-2E. .. Ots, --7,777.7-1 fee I F.R.A. 29A_ A .-"L. t=aJot 4ratheap adoo"an ott diludae 11 1 .00 V. It wt A. Nl~ k O-twv.., J. 11'. N. S. R ) 3. "1 41(111M~: cf. ( . 1. 32. `707'. - A t4mvitanam-n 0 previgetiv vi Inte following systirtm wrrr Invvstigattil. .00 with tubilpirks chertuarns: (1) NCa I If %) %.) 4- Cil.~;(xvM16 0 nial, rwr 1' 1.), (2) NC* Milt g's +- -00 b;da 0 McC is" V 1.). (3) Xll ( Itit, 0.) 4 110101 tO A Inuil. Pvt Vt.) antl (4) X'll (Itu 1.) 4 NaO j I intil wi .00 V 1.1, IVIVIV N 41141 F Our vadablirss, With 4 .00 '11111, nill4*1111011 11VVIVAIss't, (14 lit 410 1~'I 41111 Witt'itn"s list (3). 10 arrivetittstv *1111 11144RV, lit t for 14 M 01, kirlillim brimu-& with tfiln.. risistrisiv It, P. .11, Uspon mind .14. 1. (twistinnit. Ad. 446 I L A AVIALL1111116KAL &MISTM CLASSOKATOON 1 10, -ii-v -Y - Lr p v 121 Wxn a AW to It n I ~Ix Art I. I a em u u 8. q a - I so On OD 911 Js 0104 eq : 04 : log 0 0 0 q;~ 0 0 * 0 0 0 4 0 0 go 04 0 a 0 000000*040009*0 ~40 4 Oo 0 0 # 0 0491 S Ig 0 *0 0 * 6 0 0 'a 0! ilpooooo ' 4-4 , 0 go* 00 * 0 00 I m A" A AA 00 Lc w CE it It 1 1 L A I t - - - --I- L 0 it'. 4,11WIP0.11 64 Calcium lung flivin alull'unflod 6-41.16.116 elf,trods4lyidd Ch4flussfill Ax"'PvAultidew Godrallsa, 1rady Lr"ingtaJ. (ItJej. 1938. Pt. 2. allacily ,I ill,. ill-Ilitiou, ill the Clixtrulyle atilt tit) illui 101VIC dC(CWtnV The CCAM011 IWOArr" t lu, di'411%vt df... 09 tf ""'1 Ille rh~ f(4.1141s 1"l -41 fql" m. V, ( . it 'Allon. NI'"r-If. 11 "I'll '411-41- " ,1, Ill, -.1 0 Ilk it% i1., ~,Jllll ...Iu Ali,, ", ""Is It, -w-1 %1. le ill Va itin-t by the chvimlinlyzed ,,it vla~ i,inuitti-ol 1.) the di,placrusent of the It' anti Allollf ' ioul tit (tic isitcr. inicrilitr liquid when thepil was grcaftr than J. Who, tilt- 1,11 uf the rtpul. ijln. wa~ Irs than *I. Ibrij A]" ' j,,u, it uric turcut in tile uiln. The clivm%ItAli~i, ill thr ,,it by gi hydrull I i0 Spin ting vIT ill Ole itluill- in%~ilkw" ill the wjil ctillw6. Vile wNit-Iltivc val,acity '4 O.V01"11.1cul for vAtiom Ma,; drill. Olictly I,)- it, hulflu, k-Ornt. Thio adwspilan 0( calcium iolls tt%$M buffeled ' l ti b l di l f h so u ons ectro A c ernorom. L Iwrm ysfi f ir k,-%- Atilt I- N. 0-41-m- P-,J, wit lt,~ Ill' 4.1~-41111-111 .I CA tow, by el"ll-Ii.lys"I Ch"Inueut "A, ujv-l1J;Al.j tit Willct kut,its-I Cat acciate and IlMe. lisoodrs 1-1,1. be vatitmi, tilt tile exchalixe Calwity. 2 i4dtullf it 1-qhkfI1%, viTic phillol, title at a vinixt. el~lww if Ca 11,11i Alul the "Itirt it a iwv~t, .."fit it, 1,11-ugh C4, -1. rNIF. Iwo. n. -.-vv a. M 0. Nl-dt- 0 0, .00 IS Joe It. - A~ A ~14 U VI IT 10 1, "tit, toot an 119 pturl keel MAJ it I I& a 0 4004 0 0 0 0 0 O;e 0 00 Of 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q-.1-t = 0 0 * 0 * 0 a 0 a 1,10 I= OUMM bd. WA Obse". L D"Godsmas of CAUGG "Obsn" as dMr V5 E. N. GAIX111. a. - d IM E. N. Gaix)n (J. YS. CAM. Russ.. 1941. the ton exchange between a solid salt the uwant of B sotbW is Indqendent of dilution if M and 8 have equal valencies. if the valcucy of B Is > that of M, the sorption of B increases with dilution, and vice verw Them rules are deducrd theoretically and supported by experiments with aluminositicates saturated with Na or Ca and exchanging their cations with KC1, Va" and C&CI, 11. It is shown theoretically that the scatted amount s of an ion the activity of which is m3 &ad vidency a, generally depends an the activity a, and valency at of another competing ton. amoctling to the equation 8 - coast., + canst4 X (1O& 4,11% - log. d 11%). j 1i J'-i- J fjl~ 117 Ivanov, A. M. "On the Adsorption fo the ions of Aluminum and Iron by Certain Argill- aceous Minerals." Moscow Order of Unin Agricultnral AcaderTi imeni K. A. Timirazev. Moscow, 1955, (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Sciences) So: Knizhnayz~ letopis') No. 27, 2 July 1955 ii F] USSR/ Cosmochemistry. Geochemistry. Hydrochemistry D. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Khimiya, No 4,, 1957, 11524 Author : Aleshin S.N., Ivanov A.N. Inst : Timiryazet, Agrl-caVu-rar-IMademy Title : Thermographic Analysis of Clayey Minerals Saturated with Ions of Aluminum and Trivalent Iron Orig Pub : Izv- Timiryazevskoy s.-kh. akad., 1956, No 1, 217-226 Abstract : Differential curves have been obtained of the heating of kaolin and aska- nite saturated with the ions Fe-"'and A13t It vas found that Al and Fe can not be absorded at clayey minerals from solutions in the'form of ions, and axe taken up only in the form of hydroxides. Thermograms of samples of yellow ocher and terra rossa from Western Georgia indicate the presen- ce therein of hydrated oxides of Fe and Al. UISS Iftysical Chemistry Solutions. Theory of Acids and Bases., B-11 Abst Journal: Referat, Zhur - Miimiya, No 1, 1957,, 502 Author: Ivanov, A. N., and Aleshin., S. N. Institution: Moscow Agricultural Academy imeni K. A. Timiryazeva Title: Hydrolysis of Salts of Aluminum and Trivalent, Iron Original Periodical: Dokl. Mosk. s.-kh. akad. im. K. A. Timiryazeva, 19561 Vol 22, 386-392 Abstract:-, The negative logaritbm of the dissociation constant (pK) of the product of the hydrolysis of AlCl calculated from the experimental pH and activity values of the salt, by the formula pK 2 14-2DH-logA, remains constant over a vide concentration range of A101 In the opinion cf the authors the -pK value (8.14) determines the dissociation of the 2 ions A,(OH)2* and Al(OR)~. For the hydrolysis product of Al2(S04)3 the pK varies from 8.93 for a 0.001 N solution to 11.14 for a 1 N solution. Here an increase in concentration produces an increase of 0.75 in the pK value; this the authors explain by the var g solu- bility of the basic aluminum sulfates formed. _K~. In 3.3-10 and Card 1/2 sov/58-59-8-17724 Translated from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 8, p 108 (USSR) AUTHORS: Aleshin, S.N., Ivanov,. A.N.,-,Chernikova, T.N. TITLE: On the Variability of the Surface Tension of Aqueous Solutions of Surface-Active Substances PERIODICAL: Dokl. Mosk. s. kh. akad. im. K.A. Timiryazeva, 1958, Nr 39, pp 279-282 ABSTRACT: The equation 2~6 = ZC/K + C (where,86is the reduction in the surface tension of the solution, Z = (go - Orc is the difference between the surface tension of water and that of alcohol, and K is the constant of surface tension) was verified for an aqueous solution of isobutyl alcohol. The estimated and the experimentally verified surface tension at various concentrations were found to be in good agreement. T.V.Z. Card 1/1 L 10797-M EW_PW/0WT(m)/EPF(n)-2 T I j ~ 14t'i 1, LE ! ~j J~) 4 1 LH KA Cq)T ACC NRi AT5023791 SOURCE CODHt UR/0000/6VG0O/000/V36/O152 JDAWN/A/do/ds AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. N.; Pravdyuk, N. F. ORG: none TITLE: Effect of neutron irradiation on the eleptric resistivity ir soma meta 40 SOURCE QVAL&ht1L=iYQ 0 -_X.. chpo ye ju _jja 1 Moscow, 19601,(/. vsrlaa 1y Deystviye* yadernykh I.Z~luchettiy na t"Aterialy (The effect of nuclear radiation on materials)l diAlady aovesh~hanlya. Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSRt 1962, 136-152. TOPIC TAGS; iron, nickel, titanium, Iodide zir~conium, m o I y b d a n um tungsten, neutron irradiation, metal electric ro'lifstl4ity, neutron: irradiation effect YA ABSTRACT: The Atomic Energy Institute im. I., V.:'Kurchatov had I nve a pk- gated the effeci_~_fneutron irradiat~,- CLU at 40-50C 0~: a electric It ----resistivity of commercial-grade iron,'nickelg titsniu~n;~iodide7 ir",-co- Eiu~a mol denumt,.-and tunRate~._-it-hi- metals in -t_F5i-a7W4 r6ffed ant J~j anni4ed cnnditUms wi-r-eirrYdiAted with a flux of 2.0-~-2.5 x iO 13; n/ .n/cm 'Sec (thermal) and about 2.0-2.5 x 1012 n/cm2#9ec: flapt neutrons with an energy of more than 1 Hev. A method devoloped by the authors PTIT11I. P ACC NR, AT5023791 T#ie- 1. lativ~-~!~gezlh t'ne, tals depe-ndinE on the Integrated,gluxi Elec-- trical resis- tivity prior to ir-~ Phorw in the eleari~ reulsthdty, 1 ra a~ (. . - 1: t6graied f] Preliminary --at' an in Lux nt tion ql6f 1020 n 2 1, (thernal) Materials treatme 2 0C. 10 AIR 1.3 Iron huwalkig at 700r, I hr 14,94 2,6tO,3 4,q�O,t 4,8�0,1 Peduction up to 94% 0,51 2,t�0,2 3,70,1 404:~G,500 Ameali-g at 700C, 1 hi 9,12 2,90", 4 0:0.1 4,9�0 1 1 Nickel Reductionup tD 92.5,% 9,41 t,t�0,2 2:Y1.0j 3 k1�O:1 at 1000C I I br 48.96 3.6�0.6 611 .013 7i6�0,1 Zi d rccr um 3,0�0.3 .4 6�0,2 ctlcn up to 95,5X 51,63 Titanium a at 1006C, lhr 60.63 i,7�014 a,O:~Oj ..4 0�0,i MolybdenumpmmaUng dt INC, lhr 5,99 12,6�i,7 45 25,3-+0,3 gsten M~gaiX100C,Ihr tO 47 6 3�10 ~ , , , _. _ X.-o-Fiheiij~f7jeut Faii -fieuir .on f ux constituted about 10 g*-~ 6tis , The average from two specimens Single specimen ' i intldgrated fluxi Spedimens Were Irradiated at 40--50C.With W 2 CM4 of 2.6-10 n/ thermal Card 215 ~j 1 1:1 ACC N Rt AT 502379 1 + 7 U 0 13 U U a I Fig. Depwo'dence of the electric ' ' c Inte--~ 0i- metals an Thai renistivity $4 0 11 grated flux. The cAlculatOd I luic o ffast neutrons ' ' C) I Hev) constIC uted IOZ of the W thermal neutron fluk. Dashed line 14 2 shows the de impens endefi6e for s p pec (U irradiated in the as-rolle&condition, (n Solid-line shows upectmens annealed Ti before irradiaitiotti; 0 R Integrated-fluic of ther-' ~mal neutrons, n/cm2 .... ... ......... Ca ~d 3/5 L 10797-66 kCC NR: AT5023791 for the remote measurement of.the electrical remi;stiv~ty t -of me: als during irradiation in the reactor was used In tfiel~: expdriments,: :Results of thn measurements are shown in Fig. 1 and TabW: 1. !Tq dateriflne 'the a nature of the irradiation defects, the kinetics of thd change in the resistivity of the metals irradiated with various: integrated fluxes was investigated by means of isochronal annealing. I t J;as found that the removal of the irradiation-induced increase in th(11 resisti Lt 'of v 7~ titanium, zirconiumq and iron irradiated In the annealed condtiload proceeded in a single stage and was complete~at 210-12.90 300-400~ and ems toAn' ' iinnial-: 350C for Til Zr, and Fe, respectively. This 96 dicate! ing not of elementary, but of more complex defect~a. Jn~ rolled; irra4di- ated and unirradiated iron, the removal of the retistiv .Ety inciiimen~t p%aceeded in two stages: the first at 100-250C,~assocLated with the release of simple defects from traps, and the second at 250-550C,' associated with the rearrangement of dislocations'. The'.decrease of the irradiation-induced increase in resistivity iL6 iria:diated uwlyb- denum a 'nd tungsten also proceeded in two stages: at 1.00-250 aiid above 450C in molybdenum and at 100-375 and 375~~ 1000C~ in tunjisten. The low-temperature stage of the decrease appears,to ~e;aissoclaied~,withL_ Card 4/5 i q_ -4 C/616/000/009/0055/0060 ACC NRi AP6032299 SOURC CODE: UR/01i AUrjPHOR: Artamonov, A. Ya.; Bezukor A. N _pov, A. I.; Ivanov ORG: Institute of Problems in the Science of Materials, Academy* of Sciences, UkrOSR (Institut problem materialovedenya, AN UkrSSR) TITIZ: Investigation of the abrasive capacity of refractory, compounds 1966, 55-6o SOURCE: Poroskovaya metallurgiya, no. 9, TOPT C TAM: refractoi-j carbide, refractory boride, refractory compound, tungsten boride ~Ul~ A&,, CO?yw~-4, lum, ABSTRACT: Several refractory compounds, such as borides of zirconium, titan' molybdenum, chromium, and carbides of boron. titanium and zirconium, have been teste -for abrasive capacity 'and improved methods of evaluating the abrasive capacity-] have been developed. It was* found *that sorroa refractory compounds possess . higher abrasive capacities than some of the conventional abrasives. For instance, the abrasive capacity of tungsten boride (0.233) is higher than that of synthetic corundum and tungsten boride (and some other compaLinds) does not react chemically with titanium or its alloys. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. [TD) SUB CODE: 1l/ SUBM DATE: 09Mar66/ ORIG REPP: 009/ OTH REF: 001 SOV/95 -5 8-11-19/21 AUTHOR: Ivunov Lineer TITLE: An All-Union Conference of Povzer Er4~ineers in the Ferrous Metal Industry (Vsesoyuzuoye soveshchaniye energetikov chernoy rnetallurgii) PERIODICAL: Teploener~,;etika, 10-15Fi, Nr 11, PP 9")-93 (USSR) ABSTB--'.CT: An L~111-Union Conference of power enEinears in the Ferrous Metal Industry was held Lit Zhdanov from the lst - 5th July 1958. The conference W,iLS organised by GOSPLAH USSR, the State Scientific Tecbnical Commi-~tee and Central Directorate of the Scientific Technical Society of Ferrous Metallurgy. It was devoted to the development of pore-r economy, to the introduction of modern techniques and to fuel economy in iron and steel works. The plenary sessions considered questions associated with. the development of power enZineerinp_, the modernisation. of electrically-driven air-blast equipment, the fuel balance of the country and the utilisation of natural ga Reports viere read by V..~,I. G eras ime rk o, Engineer g Card 1/4 and P K..,%Ysyutiia, Engineer (GOSPL11N USSR) M.N.Pavlov, En~;in;er (Gipromez), A.N.Ivanov, Engin!!er (Energochermet) SOV96-53-11-19/?! n -Union Conference of Power Engineers in the Ferrous Metal Industry A.G.Osl*povf En~',ineer (Glavgaz) of the Council of Ministers USSR) d E ~lirieer V.I. Suxovov (Metallurgical l..."Orks imeni Petrovskiy . These reports vrere considered by rPpre-_s-!nt!_,tives of the Kuznetsl:p Magnitogorsk and Ntzhniy Tagil, .- MetallurL:ical Combines, Giprost;i.11 ~ical Works, GOSPLAN U_krSSSR, the Stallno Metalli-ixg the State Scientific Technical Committee of the USSR, GOSPL'111 RSFSR and other organisitions. Sixty reports and communications were read at sectional sessions. In the section dealing viitLi power stations amd power nquipment the main themes considered were: the modernisation of electriCally-drivel,~ii air-blast equipment, incre"-sinC, the efficiency of steam-turbize and heat-suprly install_-,tions, compressors and blowers, the use of gas turbines in ferrous metallurgy Loid so on. The main recommendat ions are concerned with modcrnis.-ation of the drive of air-bliLst equipment. Tlic section dealin,- aitLi tht,- utilisation of secondary Card 2/4 povio~r, r~,-sources considered reports relatir8' to the PI, IF SOV/96-55,8-11-19/?l An All-Union Conference of Power Enj~ineers in the Ferrous Metal Industry better use of secondary power resources in ferrous met-allurgy. Iffast boilers can be installed with open-he",rth furnaces. Enormous CULLntitieS Of heat I - are still not used in metallur6ical work-s. The use of steam for soot blowing in waste-heat boilers vias considered and the design of these boilers vias discussed. The major recommendation WLLS to design -heat installations for a~,glomeration works, wast e C;~ colllir4, pl--,,nts, pipe-rollir4~ mills and heat insulation manufi:tcture. The main themes considered by the s,2ction d--aliiy, with metallurgic:..l heat onEineering and gas utilisation viere: methods of incre"sin~, the efficiency of furnuces, th-:!rmal-tecEnical problerans of 0 -oen-heartL. furnaces and heating furnaces, gas CD purification in industrii-il furnaces and the jus b"lunce of metallurgical works. RiLtional use of oxy8en bl,,st in open-hearth fu-rnac-,-s can increase the output by 20 - 30'0% and reduce the fael consumption Card 3/4 by 10 - ?Oc,~. The main recommendat ions concerned the SOV/96-51 An All-Union Conference of Power EnLineers in tLe Ferrous Metal Industry urgent need to develo.r methods of usinir nutur*.l gas in large open-h.-"rth furnaces, cL..Iled for more efficient use of kirdrogen in open-hearth furnaces, str-~ssed the ia-e~ to incre"-se the-, blastteirperature to 11000 - lt2OO C. on existinL; blast furnaces and udvised more experimental work and the introduction into industry of improved mettiods of gL,.s purification. Card 4/4 Sov/94-5 8 -11 -? 0/2 8 Engineer AUTHOR: tITLE: A Conference of Power Engineers from Ferrous Metallurgy Undertakings (Boveshchaniye energetik-ov predpriyatiy cher.noy metallurgii) PERIODICAL: Promyshlennaya Energetika, 1958, DIr 11, p 30' (USSR) ABST.1WT: The Scientific Technical Society of Ferrous Metallurgy to cether with GOSPLAN and Vie State Scientific Teclinical Coriwiittee of the USSR held In Jvayt in the town of Zhdanov an All-Union Conference of power engineers in ferrous metallurgy devoted to the development of power equipment and to the introduction of advanced technique and to fuel economy in metallurgical works. The conference was attended by 47 representatives of metallurgical works, 48 from coke and chemical works, Manufacturers of Refractories and Engineering Works, 38 of Councils of National Economy and 49 of Scientific and Design Organisationsi altogether 475 persons took part. Sixty five reports were read. The confere-4ce directed attention to the need for more profound investigation of technical and economic indices, it indicated the need to use gas Card 1/1;1 111:11111:1 1F.7-1 SOV/94-58-11-90/?8 gs A Conference of Power Engineers from Ferrous Metallurgy Undertakini- turbine installations and to combine them with other ways of using secondary power resources, NIOGAZ should press on with development of their dry high-temperature ification method for flue and industrial gases. Lie conference pointed out various difficulties in the utilisation of steam, it mentioned delays in installing the first installation for the dry quenching of coke and delay in making use of the heat of slag. Card t 1; AUTHOR: Ivanov, -A. er SOV96-58-5-16/27 TITLE: IncreasinG the Efficiency of Industrial Electric Power Stations ~Povysheniye ekonomicbnosti p3-0Myshlennykh elektrosta-atsiy) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr 5, pp 68 - 70 (USSR). ABSTRACT: This is a discussion of an article of the same title by v.N. YiLrene-,,r in Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr 4.. Condensing sets of low and medium output are still used in many industrial electric power stations and they will need to be modernised by usinz them to supply heat.. Until 1955, it was the policy of the Ministry of Power Stations ..-hat all metallui-Eical works should be supplied with electric power from their ovin stations, the comiection-to the main supply being regarded only as a standby. At present, the Ministry of Power Stati-ons zroDosed that, in most districts, industrial stations shoul(f co-ver the thermal load and use up excess gas; an,y deficiency or excess of electric Dower should be delivered by or to the power system. In new melallurgical works, the output of the power station equipment usually depends on the heat demand of the works and its neighbourhood- and also on the Card 1/A - ---------- -- ----- SOV/96-58-5-16/27 Increasin- the Efficiency of Industrial Electric Power Stations combustion of all excess gas and other coal products. However, for a number of reasons, it is still necessary to instal some condensing sets and instances are cited. Because of the increased capacity of the power system, existing condensing sets may not, be reconstructed to supply heat either by arranging steam-tapping from an intermediate stage or by working at reduced vacuum. The best results are obtained by a combination of these ti,.-o methods. A number of examples of such conversions are quoted. When a turbine installation is adapted for reduced vacuum, there is a considerable increase in the temperature of the exhaust steam, so that the low-pressure end of the turbine is heated: this may cause vibration or overloading of the thrust bearing. Examples of stress determination are given. When turbines are going to operate permanently on impaired vacuum, the removal of the last stages should be ,aonsidered, as this cuts down the internal losses. very often, the efficiency of industrial turbines can be improved by attention to the condensino equipment: various examples are given. Card 2/3 LL-1-P-1-1 WNT, 11111 SOV/96-58--r-16/27 Increasing the Efl'iciency of Industrial Electric Power There are 2 figures and 1 Soviet reference ASSOCIATION: Enerpl2hermet 1. Elect-ric power plants--Performance 2. Electric power production Card 3/3 zi'a"" ,,- //-) - ;411 FEME I BOCK EMOITATION 671 Kukusbkin, Aleksandr Ivanovich; Boykov, Aleksandr Geogriyevich; Tngsoffl, Anatoliy Nikolayevich Teploizolyatsionny-ye raboty (Beat Insulation) Moscow, Gostoptekhizdat, 1958. 254 p. 6,000 copies printed. Ed.: Losev, B. S.; Executive Ed.: Martynova, M, P.; Tech. Ed.: Fedotova, I. G. PUBPOSE: This book is intended for foremen, and engineering and ttchnical personnel of concerns dealing with heat insulating problems. COVERAGE: This book provides general information in popular form on heat insulation and the exploitation of beat Insulating materials, manufacture of these materials, and appropriate equipment. The authors outline principles of heat transfer and clAwsify the equipment for heating and refrigerating. The capital invested for heat Insulating equipment should be recovered by Its exploitation within one year. Efficiency of proper beat insulating equipment varies from 85 to 95 percent. Besonable usage of one ton of insulating Card 1/4 Heat Insulation 671 material leads to the ecozoaW of 200 tons of rated fuel per year. During the prewar period the Soviet industry manufactured large quantities of friable heat insulating products such as "ASBOTKRKIT".. "NOWASBOWRIT"I "ASIM37,W" and others. Mastic heat-inaulating construction parta were based on the above-mentioned materials. There are two serious disadvantages connected with application of mastic heat-insulating constructional parts, namely: necessity of preheating the equipment to be insulated and the labor in- volved being 2 to 5 times more than in the case when 3.axge formed heat- insulating parts are used. After the war the use of mastic heat-insulating construction parts was sbArply reduced and production of slag wool vaB rapidly developed. This material is more economical and suitable for refrigeration ana heat insulation up to +6000C, The book mentions that at the present there is no wide choice of heat insulating materials that can be used in construction processes. Nevertheless, production of heat-insulating raw materials and ready-made products develops rapidly. Card 2/4 Heat Insulation TABLE OF COhUENTS: 671 Foreword 3 Heat-insulating Materials 6 Foreign Practices in the Manufacture of Heat-insulating Materials 33 Organizing the Work 42 Subsidiary Production C~perations 47 Timber and Scaffoldings 66 Tools, Fittings and Machinery 72 Heat-insulating Constructions 85 Heat-insulating Industrial Equipment 94 ILefrigeration Insulation 3.18 Naval Insulation 142 Application of Heat-insulation for Domestic and Industrial Appliances 158 Surface Finishing of Insulation 173 Framework Seems 180 Insulation of Irregularly Shaped Parts of the Equipment 191 Card 3/4 Beat Insulation 671 Heat-insulating Operations During Winter 204 Qua3ity Control of Insulation 210 Inspection of the Heat-insulation 220 Exploitation and Wintenance of Heat Insulation 228 Safety Techniques During Heat-insulating C~perstions 231 Appendix: 1. Specifications of Heat-insulating Xaterlals 239 2. Determination of the Volume of Insulation per Linear Meter of Pipeline With Various Coating Thicknesses 253 3. Conversion of Linear Meters of Insulated Pipeline Into Square Meters of the Bare Surface and the Exterior Surface of the Coating 254 AVAUAME: Library of Congress TM/.bmd 10-21-58 Card 4/4 IVANOV, A.N. All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference on Electric Drives in Ferrous Metallurgy Plants. Prom. energ. 17 no.6: 50-51 Je 162. (MIRA 17:6) BYKOV, G.A., inzh.; BIRFELID, A.G., inzh.; GUDELIMAN, B.R., ir-zh.; YEGORYCHEV, G.M., inzh.; KRICHEVSKIY, G.M., inzb.; PISTRAK, M.Ya., inzh.; TAYTS, A.A., kand. te4hn. nauk; FRIMES, A.P..., inzh.; GOLIDIN, YA.A., glav. red.;IVANOVA.N.,red.; LANOVSKAYA, M.R., red. izd-va,- DOBUZHINSKAYA, L.V., [Electric power engineering]Elektroenergetika. (By]G.A.Bykov i dr. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1962. 190 p. (MIRA 16:4) (Electric motors) (Automatic control) (Metallurgicaa plAnts-Electric equipment) I-JANOV, A.N. From. ---- ---- , d-rni" industrial electrio power plantO* (K% 14-.10) 14ethods f0 energ. 16 no*10:32-36 0 161o (BlectTic power plants IVANOV., A. N. Experience in irLereasing the engineering-efficiency factors of industrial electric power plants. From.energ. 16 no.11:9-34 X 161. (PMU 14:10) (Electric power plants) IVAITOV, A.11., inzh. Means for increasing the officionc7 of power facilitien in ferrovs metal plante. Wud3r NM chern. met. 2008-53 160. (MIR& 13-10) 1. Phergochermet. (Metallurgical plants) I :~ I ~ 1~ ~ I , I ~. :.: ~"F, L 01209-67 UIT(m)/EWP(w)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/EWP(k) - IJP(c) - -, -1 ACC NRt AP6032458 SOURCE CODE: UR/0129/66/ooo/ooWo42/045 i AUTHOR: Vishayakov, Ya. D., Ivanov, A. N.; Mirskiy, L. M.; Kherodinashvili, Z. Sh.3(0'! ORG: Institute of Steel and Alloys, Moscow (Moskov'skiy institut stali i splavov) TITLE: Effect of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment on the fine structure and mechanical p opertie5 of titanium-alloys SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i termicheskja obrabotka metajlov, no. 9, 1966, 42-45 TOPIC TAGS: titanium alloy, thermomechanical f"" ~_"Balloy thermomechanical treatment, alloyJN*e 94ro-aturs-, MZ;-mechanical property/VT3-1 alloy, VT15 alloy ABSTRACT: VT3-1 titanium alloy (2.4% mo, 1.06% Cr, 5.9% Al, 0.5% Fe, 0.2% Si) and VT15 titanium alloy (7.8% Mo, 11.0% Cr, 3.2% Al, 0.2% F, 0.1% Si) were subjected to high-temperature thermomechanical treatment (HTMT) - deformation at 900-1000 and 800-900C, respectively, followed by rapid (20OC/sec) cooling. Specinjebs were strained either by tension (VT3-1 alloy r by upsetting (VT15 alloy)t'DHTMT increased the strength and ductility of the al!Vl~ For example, the VT3-1 alloy strength increased from 115 kg/mm2 after conventional heat treatment to 142 kg/MM2 after HTMT at 900C with a reduction of 26%. Higher reductions brought about no additional effect. Aging at 500C for 5 hr increased the strength of conventionally and thermo- mechanically treated alloy to 125 and 160 kg/mm2 at an elongation of 12 and 15109, respectively. With the HTNr in the 6-region (1000C), the strengthening effect was Card L 01209-67 -kff NR, AP6032458 still higher because only at-phase was formed. With increasing deformation in HTMT, the size of the coherent dispersion regions decreased and the lattice microdeforma- tions increased in both alloys. Subsequent tempering at 550C for 2 hr brought about no changes in the fine structure, which indicated a thermally stable configuration of the lattice defects formed with deformation and subsequent phase transformation Also, no grain growth occurred in thermomechanically treated alloys.reheated up to. 900C; this ensures preservation of the advantages of HTMT at elevatect temperatures. However, at temperatures above 600c, because of a higher diffusion in the structure with defects, the thermomechanically treated VT3-1 alloy softens more rapidly than conventionally heat treated-alloy. Orig. art. has; 2 figures and'3 tables. [14S] SUB CODE: Il/ SUBM DATE: 'none/ ORIG REP: 005/ ATD PRESS. 5097 2/2 bIg III A 1! 11 , -, . N . First inatruction for the study of caves. Peshchery no.3% 91-92 163. (MIRA IW) 1. - ., . I -- --- _101.10V, AX, !nth. Snow removal at the pass aections of mountairA r~adso Avt. dor. 28 no.91ll 5 16910 (Min isilo) 111111 KIEULUUNMII---- IVANO PHASE I BOOK EXPWITATION SOV/6176 Konobeyevskiy, S. T., Corresponding Member, Academy of Scien0ev USSR# Reap, La. Deystviye vadernvkh izluoheniv "a materialv (The Weet of Nuclear Radiation on Materials). Moscow, Izd-vo AN 33SR, 1962. 383 P. Errata slip inserted. 4000 ooples printed. Sponsoring Agency; Akademiya nauk 333R. Otdoloniye tekhri- cheskikhnauk; Otdrulan-1ye flzlko-matematichoskikhnauk. Reap. Ed.: S. T. Konobeyevskly; Deputy Reap. Ed.i S. A. Adasinakiy; Editorial Boards P. L. Orazin 0 i1. Kurdyumov, B. M. Levitakiy, V. S. Lyashenko (Deceased5, iu. A. gartynyuk, Xu. I.-Pokrovskiyp and N. F. Pravdyi*, Ed. of Publishing Houses X. 0. Makarenkoj Teoh. Ed&, T. V. ?olyikova and 1. N. Dorokhin&. "Card 1/14 IM ~Iljifwj 31, The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) sov/6i76 PURPOSE: This book is intended for personnel concerned with ..nuclear materials. COVERAGE: This is a collection of papers presented at the Moscow Conference on the Effect of Nuclear Radiation on Materials, held December 6-10, 1960. The material reflects certain trends In the work being conducted in the Soviet scientific research orginization. Some of the papers are devoted to the experimental study of the effect of neutron Irradiation on reactor materials (steel, ferrous alloys, molybdenum, avia4 graphite, and niohromes). Others deal with the theory of neutron irradiation effects (phynico- chemical transformations, relaxation of Internal stresies, internal friction) and changes in the structure and proper-~ ties of various crystals. Special attention is given to the effeot of intense T-radiation on the electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of metals, dieleatrics, and.semiconductord. Card 2/14 The Effect of Nuclear Radiation (Cont.) SOVA176 AstraklWnt5ev, S. M., and Yu. T. Kounov. Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Inhomog6neoun 4gUd Solutions 121 Specimens of X201,180 [Ni800061*alloy were Irradiated At a. temperature not exopeding 100" 10?1 by a therml neutron flux of 1.1017 to 1.4-100n/ams, en Effect of Neutron 4vadiation on Ordering Fe.Al 127 Specimens were Irradiated by fast neutrons and measure- ments were Made of electric resistanoe, lattice ~arametersp and.-the intensity or superlattice lines. /~__Jxanoy._A. Nm~~ and N. P. Pravdyuk. Effect of Neutron Irradla- ' Tll~a_triaal Resistance in Certain Metals 136 ,_~ravdyuk, No' F 0 P and *P. * A. Pla*%onov. Study of Long-Time Strength of Copper After Irradiation 153 The Investigation was conducted before and after Irradla- tion. with alneutron flux of %Iota n/oe Card 7/14 IVAI,CV, A.N.; PRAVDIIJKI N.F. (Pleasuring the electric resistance of molybdonm during irradiation in a reactor for physical and technological research] Izmererie elektrosoprol.ivloniia molibdena v protsesse oblucheniia. v reaktore RFT. Moskva, In-t atom- noi energi All SSER, 1960. 18 p. (MIU 16.- 12) (Molybdermm-Electric properties) Nuclear reactors) IVANOV, A.R.; PRAVDYUK, N.F. [Effect of neutron :Lradiation on the electric resistance of certain metals) Vliianie neitronnogo oblucheniia na elektrosotrotivlenie nekotorykh metallov. Yoskva, Ir--t atomnoi energii im. I.V.Kurchatova, 1960. 23 p. (Ueutrons) (MIRA 16:12) (Metals, Effect of radiation on) WNOV, f:~ C) 8(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1548 Tunj Aleksandr Yakovlevichj and Andrey Osipovich Ivanov Naladka elektricheskikh apparatov i mashin v skhemakh elektroprivoda (Adjustment of Electrical Equipment and Machinery of Electric Drive Systems), Moscow, Gosenergoizdat, 1958. 159 p. 21,000 copies printed. Ed.: K.D. Kofman; Tech. Ed.i A.M. Fridkin. PURPOSE: This is a handbook for technicians adjusting and inspecting electric drive equipment. COVERAGE: The authors describe practical methods of adjusting ma- chines and equipment of electric drive systems, They discuss ad- justment and testing of equipment during installation and opera- tion and provide examples of equipment characteristics and os- cillograms. The book is based on the work experience of the ad- justing departments of GPI "Tyazhpromelektroproyelct". The authors thank V.I. Krupbvich and K.D. Kofman for their help. They mention the book by V.S. Khmelevskly, "Electric Drive Adjustment." There are no references. Card 1/3 Adjustment of Electrical Equipment (Cont,) SOV/1548 10. Dry rectifiers 71 11. Magnetic amplifiers 78 12. Gas tubes and.electronic equipment 84 Ch. 3. Electric Machines 13. General information 14. D-c machines 15. A-c machines 16. Amplidynes 17. Teichometer generators AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (TK2189.T8) JP1sfM Card 3/3 100 100 112 134 146 157 IVANOV, A.0,;, KHA.RIYUZOV, V.A. . X,, ~ , , -Dielectric properties of melted glass batch. Opt.-mekh.prom. 25 no.5:51-54 n0.5:51-54 My '58. (14IRA 11:9) (Glass--Dielectric properties) IVANOV, A.O.; YMTROPIYEV, K.S. Structure of simple germanate glass. DoklJJI SSSR 145 no.4.797-800 Ag v62. (I-MU 15:7) 1. Predstavleno akademikom A.A.Ioebedevym. (Glass) (Germanates) ; !:: I ~,~ 1. 11: !:,. !!~ 1 1 P . 1111;- 1 111 11 1-1 1 11 1' ! : IV, MOV A 0 l'Investigation of the minimum effect of electrocanductance in gerimnate glasses." report submitted for 4th All-Union Conf on Structure of Glass, Leningrad, 16-21 mar 64. TUN, Aleksandr Yakovlevich; Ilfid-12V, 1piKe --Qp 1--VAI-I ~.D., _.y --IpQyich; KO E red.; LIORUNOV, N.I., tolchn. red. fRepair of the electrical machines of electric eirivess] Na- ladka clektriche.Aikh vashin clektroprivodov. MoA-Na, Gos- energoizdat, 1963. 94 p. (Biblioteka po avtorratike, no.85) (ML-Vt 16:12) (Electric drivinG) (Electric ii:achinex-j--Ilaintenance and repair) ~ . . I g, ts'! fl::- 1[j -IIFT NEMILOV, S.V,; IVANOVY A.0. Viscosity of vitreous germanium dioxide in the region of the softening point. Zhur. prikl. khim. 36 no.11:251+1-2542 N 163. (MIRA 17:1) jj!:Ijj,j its !VANOVX~40~).* Electric ccndvftI,,rity of inixes nlkali glasses, of the -,iystom Na20 .. K20 - GoO,,). Fiz, tver tj-I.P 5 no.9r26/,~?...2652 3 163. 0411RA 16~,10) 1. Gosudmstvemiyy optic hu,,A. Ly In,0i.tut in. SO.I.VaTia-mvi, Leningrad. I . 12 SKTARIK, V,P. ['Dkvaryk,, V.11 1, kanc.. tekhn. nauk; D'YA(,H:;,,NKC V S 1JEHER; TKO, A.G. (Kucherenko, A:11.1; VOLOSHIN. Ai'-,'. [Voloshyn, A.i-'!,J; IVtkjlgl, A.C. Use of plastics in ahoe manufacture. Leh. prom. no.3;7"'~-81 JI-3 164. (MIRA 17:10) ]II IIJ -I MIN PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4737 Ivanov, A.P.J. 1.F. Kirillov', A.A. Rybnikov, and K.M. Sirotov Gidroneteprologicheakiye nablyudenlys. na kitoboynom sudne nSlava-15" Antarktiche- skoy kitaboynoy flotilii v 1955-58 99- 1 glubokovodayye gidrologicheskiye nablyudenlys, V 1950-51 1 1953-58 99- (Hydrometeorological Observations Made on Board the Wht~_er 'Vlwa-1511 of the Antarctic Whaling Fleet, 1955-58, and Deep-Sea Hydrological Observations, 1950-5l,and 1953-58) Moscow, Gidrometeoiz- dat (m-niye), ig6o, 319 P- (Series Moscow, Owudarstvennyy okeanografi- cheskiy institut. Trudy, vyp. 58) 650 copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: Glavnoye 4ravleniye gidrcmeteorologichenkoy sluzhby pri Sovete Ministrov SSSR; Gosudarstvennyy okeanografichookiy institut. Ed. (Title page): V.S. Nazarov, Ed. (Inside book): N.I. Sorokina*Tech. Ed.: I.M. Zarkh. XWOSE: The book is intended for members of the whaling industry and for navi- gators. It will also be useful to meteorologists iuxd hydrologists. COVERAGE: This issue of the Transactions of the Moscow State Oceanographic Insti- tute presents the results of hydrometeorological and glaciological obserTations Car&A-1907 ARKHAWELISKIt, P.Ye., inzhener; ARKHIPOV, P-P-, inzhener; VASIXOT, M.P., agronom; ZMATJDSKIY, D.A., arkhitektor; arkbitektor; KIBI- REV, S~'Y., arkhitektor; KRYLOV, N.V., lnzhener-ArOlitektor; KULAKDY, D.V., zirkhitektor; MARTYNOV, P.F., inzhener; HIKIVOROV, V.S., inzhener-, HOSKOVI B G 'arkhitektor; I%TUKHOV, B.V., kandidat tokhnichaskikh nauk; RIJDANOJ, Z., kandidat takhnicheakildi nauk-, RTAZAROV, V.S., kandidat arkhi4ktury; SOKHRANICUIV, N.S., inzhener-arkhitektor; T.A-RASOV, D.I., arkhilektor; SHMIDT, K.E., kandidat arkhitektury; IMOHUMV, Ye.Yo., a.rkhitpktor; VOLIFOVSKAYA, V.N., redaktor; FEDOTOVA, A. F., tekhniche- skiy *daeor. [Hand ook on the construction of farm buildings] Spravochnik po sel'sko- z istvennomu stroitellstva. Avtorskii kolleIrtiv: P.R.ArkhangelOskii Oz k ho i dr , avtor-sost. H.V.Krvlov. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry-. Vol-3 1955f.843 P. (Farm buildings) (MIRA 9:6) HNI: ill" I NAF011, A. F, "Lowerin,a Yast o fL the Wind Vane" . Yeteorol. I :7ic1rolo,-?i-a I 11o 10 p 48- --0 The author describes in considerable -etail. the e.-nerimental ere(-tion of the lowering mast of the wind vane, planned in accordance with the "crane" method. The installation inakes it possible for one Tpan to lower a wind vane to north without difficulty In the course of 4-5 minutes and of',Ier exocii-tion of Lhe necessary oyerati.,nis to ere,t it. aFain to its operotin!7 rosItion in 11-e same time. Use of t1,e lowering rest in course of 5 yenrs hen Oem-onstrated the "aultless operation of U-1p, vind vane. This reconliends the installation for wide errplovnw~nt in stations. r1211rcol, No 5, 10,54) 30; Sum No. 568, 6 Jul 55 1F'1-111ll.'i:11j TH r 1 YEFIIIIYEII, Nikolay Nikolayevich, prof., kand. tekhn. na'LIIC; IVPIIOV A.P., red. .L :---- (Principles of the theory of submarine boats] Osnovy teorli podvodnykh lodok. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1965. 382 p. (MIRA 18: 5) I' V) ~ , 1. -; if T F il': r I A) V. N. -, I TETIN , B. ", . I I ~nv%t. reslii~tance of a gi-ourn--Ed r--'e-~t ge~f'--'. r~o.911,399-14/0~ S -'%v, al'%' c . . .. ?. -tir, 1. C-e:)Icglcheskiy 'nstitut A-1 SSSR. VASILIYEV, V.G.;.IVANOV, A.P.; VOSTRYAKOV, 0.1.; SHMITIMISKIY, MIT.; GAFANOVICH, M.D.; DIMKO, K.I.; ABUGOV, Yu.0.1 SIIRLNtKO, K.N.; ZAGARIY, G.I.; DUDCHENKO-DUDKO, V.M.; NIKULIN, Yu,Ya.; YEFIMOV, Yu.N.; BYKOT, T.L. Inventions. Avt. i prib. no.4$73-74 O-D 164 (MIRA 18:2) H. VQLOKH, V.G.; MOCHINA, 11J.; IGRUNOV, V.D.; NECHAYIX, I.M.; POIMOVSFJiYI, I.A.; TRIYONOVA, T.S.; TSYGMOVA, A.M.; RUSIN, N.P., otv.rod.; KITAYTSZV, A.H.j red.; ITZIMIN, L.A.. red.; OLIMPOV, Y.G., red.; SKITMIN, I.S., red.; BERLIN, I.A., rod.; NECILIM, I.N., red.; SHCHERBAKOVA, L.F., red.; MARVYNOV, S.I., rod.; SIMOVOY, Yn.P., rod.; IYANQ M.-A.P., red.; BESSONOV, N.P., red.; YASNOGORODMIYA, M.H., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G., (Directions for hydrometeorological stations and postal Nastavlenie gidrometeorolo.,Picheekim stantaiiam i postam. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor.izd-vo. No-3, pt.l. [Observations at meteorological stational Meteorologichaskie nablindeniia na stantsiiakh. 1958. 223 p. (141RA 12:12) 1. Ihissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravleniye _-idrometeorologi- cheskoy sluzhby. 2. Sotrtidniki Motodicheakogo otdola Glavnoy geo- fizicheskoy observatorii im. A.I.Voyoykova (for Vololch, Gushchina, Igrunov, Nechayev, Pokrovsk-qya, Trifonova, TSyganova). 3. Glavnoye upravleniye Gidrometeorologichaskoy sluzhby SSGR (GUGHS)(for Kitaytsev,, Olimpov. Skiteykin). 4. Glavnaya geofizichaskaya observatoriya (GGO) (for Berlin, Nechayev, liain, Sherbakove). 5. Mostnyye upravleniya Gidrometeorologicheskoy sluzhby (for Martynov, Simonov, Ivaziov, Bes- sonov). (Mateorolo,-v-Observations) 11"ili-11i1frill'i HIJ R!"11,11-111ldh ii~il H1111it 1, MORGUN, Vladimir Nikiforovich; IVARO-Y. & - -kapitan T~_o_inzhener ranga, red.; SRIIINIS, N.V.., tekhn. red. [Diesel-eftg1ne mechanial5lesar'-dizelist. Izd.2., dop. Mo- skva, Voenizdat, 1963. 559 p. (MIRA 16.-3) (Diesel engines--Maintenance and repair) pl GERASIMOV, Vladimir Hikolayevich; DROBLENKOV, Viktor Feoktistovich; RODIOROV, A.I., retsenzent; VASIL'YEV, B.F.. retsen2ent; IVAROV, A.P.. red.; KEDNIKOVA, A.N., [Submarine boats of imperialist countries] Podvodnyo lodki imperialisticheakikh gosudarstv. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo X-va obor.SSSR, 1960. 221 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Submarine boats) :HJ GERASRIOV, Vladimir flikolayevioh; DROBL90KOV, Viktor Feoktistovich; RODI01-01, AJ., retcenzent, VASILIYEV, B.F,, retuanzent- P y AHTONOV, D.A.., retsenzent; ;MAN-QY-, Aj~,~ red.; BRASAV121A, A.M.P tekbn. red. [Submarine boats of imperialist countries]Podvoclaiye .1,1ki im- perialisticheskikh gosudarstv. Izd.2., dop. Moskva2 Voenizdat, 1962. 301 P, 14M 15:9) (Atomic submarines) (Submarine boats) 'I IVANOV, Stepan Stepanovich- IVANGVP A.P., Inzho-kapitan 2 rangap redo; SVIRJDENKO tv--= J, V#A&JP ,, L,Vo. inzg;4-apitan 2 ranga, 2-i5d.; BUKOVSWA tekhn. red* [The oubmarinel Podvodnaia lodka, Moskva) Voen.izd-vo 14--va obor. SSSR, 1961. 3-16 p. (Submarine boats) I (MIM 14,12) IVANOV, A.~.., podpolkovnik meditsinskoy sluzhby, Medical service for Soviet Amy troops in the defense of Sevastopol. Voen.--neC- zhur. no.11:82-87 11 '6L (141FU 15.6) (SEVASTOPOL-WORLb M, 1939-1945--MICAL A11D SAKTARY AFFAIRS) IVANOV, A.P., (Leningrad, C-15,ul.Saltykova-Shchedrina, d.41) Organization of surgical aid for the wounded in Sevastopol during the Great Patriotic War; on the 20th anniversary of the defense of the city against the fascist invaders. Klin.1chir. no.8:67-69 Jl 162. WIRA 15:11) 1. Leningradskiy institut usovershenstovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova. (SEVASTOPOL--SIEGE, 1942-MEDICAL AND SANITARY AFFABS) TVAINOV, A. P., Cnnd D-Tol Sel (diss) -- "'Die c-ffect of fotld,~~r proteins ano wa5t-s of penicillin,of variolts hiolo,_,tcal. vsalufw.~, on younj! cRr-p". Moscow, 1-. IS', 6 0 .I' np (%'oscow Or&-r of L-nin and Drd,~r of Tp-l.,or R,d 11~9.nrer itate 11 Im, v!. V. Lo!ronosov) , 200 copins (KM, No 14, lc,!~O, 1~0) IVANIOV I Aspa Ilearing young-of,,-the-year carp ondifferent feed ratione. Trudy WITMO 44:156-159 161. MM 14:2.1) (Carp) (Fishes-Food) 1 1! : :!;;:r H! 1!!I!q T, 'Sit FillT !.;~L IVANOV, A.P... kand.biologicheslJYI, nauk &periments with the isolated heart of a mamal. Biol. v shkole no.3,. 30-33 MY-Je 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Khabarovskiy pedagogichoskiy institut. (Physiology-Study and teaching) (Heart) IVAN34, A.P. Ebreaking off a sand particle from ~the surface and Its movement in an air flow. Iwr. AN Turk. SM Ser.biol.neuk no.242-49 163. (MIRA 1635) 1. Institut yustyn' AN Turkmenskoy SSR.JCS) SAND) (FLUID DYNAM !H IVANOV, A.P. Rotation of sand particles in an air flcw. Izv. AN Turk. SSR. Sar. biol. nauk no.4:1+2-.1+7 164. (141HA 17:12) 1. Institut pustyn' AN Turkmenskoy SSR. IVANOV, A.P. [Ivanou, A.P.] ~UV AM,V Ser. Fiz.-tekh. 0 a fading la'yer. V4~ Transmission faA6r nav. no.2:35-37 163. (KRA 17 11) D A , P. Ggaid Tech Sci Dissertation: "Investigation of High-Speed Turning of Heut-Resistant Steels of the Austenitic Type." 28 June 49 Moscow Aviation Technological Inst. SO Vecheryaya Moskva Sum 71 ____T_7 TfU $410669 0 , 5 n 36 v 16 a 14 "A 0 1: 1 L w 1 1 il : A 0-/ m, - - -- (In -w Ofachine Tuols and Filtapnient), v, U, 1.*ell. 1051, p, ~V Kiperimental ial-extigatiou Of IK-Nivius Of m'4!L'J lowt diffi'mit W A a nutchfim on lathes equipiwil w,jil, t-ulling tip, ul toll,1110, h r 2racteristki establisIled Illat fireakdown of clittitill edgu ;m 4 - residt of V11 iping is not d t ue o at%) v"twl cau" big u fully reLited to blvid l i l f 3 u2 jk airs O cutting conditions. 01tiAilled datil, 1 reLits hille. res"Olutioln jw limildr, deptli tit t tit, and Wray wr h 9l d d c art an iscuswl 3 00 00 '00 4e 0 Soo '00 bp 0 19 sit '00 N a it I L A SITALLURGKAL LITERAT14111 CLASSWICATIC . 1jazirl -i it cmT Gil[ Yi is kV 10 IS 1 ff or Alt T I I I I I I I I it a An L IN Oda Im 40 0 0 0 * 0'0 0 0 0 0 00 I to 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 00 00 a a 0 0 0 0 11 *i4l 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 # 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 --- p kandidat tokhaichaskikh nauk, rateen- zest; Poxkdvffl-!, 'feC.', kandidat takhaichookikh sauk, retsessext; DDKUCHAYBV, jL.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikk nauk, reduktor. [Static and dynamic balamcing] Statickeskals i dinamicheakata balaneirovka. Hooky&, Goo. sauchso-tokka. isd-ve mobinostroit. i sudostroit. lit-ry, 1954. 243 p. (KLRL 7:8) (Balaxelig of machisery) -111 'T 111. 1 1:1 1 W; .; IVANOV, Aleksandr Favlovich, OBORIN. Arkadly Ivanovich; RCZNITSKIY,L.M., nauk. redaktor; XAPLANSKIY,Ye.F., redaktor; SOKOLOVA,L.V., tekhnicheakiy redalctor [construction and use of annular drills] Konstruktsiia I eksplua- tataiia kolltsevykh sverl. Moskva, iza-vo mashino- stroitellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 54 p. (MIRA 9:2) (Drilling and boring machinez7) IVANOV, A.P*, konstraktor; 7MMIYANOTA, Ye.V., red.; LNVOMffMkYA, L.G., ,tekhn, reds (Now tools] NovVe vvaokoproizvoditellnye lnatrunent~. [Ieningradl laningradekoe gazetuo-churnalinoe i knizhuos izd-vo, 1955. 65 Pr. (Glitting tools) (MM 3.1;10) SOV/1216945-~58893 Translation from. Roferativwy zhurnal. Maohinos~roypnxiye,, . 1959, Nr 15, P .(USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov, A.P. ( kenJ4 -T-ITLE.- The Situation and Prospects of Improving Accuraayin M4chine Construction PERIODICAL- V sb. Vzaimazamenyayemost', tochnost' i metody izmerenlya v mashinostr. M. -L.,. Masbgiz,, 1958,,,/pp - 114 - 118 III ABSTRACT; The present stage of development of a theory of accuracy in maohine-,con- struction is characterized by a number of works on the elaboration engineering basis for the theory of accuracy,of mechanism and machines. The efforts of the scientists are the discovery of the complex laws of accuracy., referring to the,physical nature of phenomena taking place in mechanisms and to the investigation of the conditions of their behavior. The great importance of a theory of dynamic accuracy.of machines and mechanisms, which hitherto has been insufficiently.developed, Card 1/2 is emphasized, When calculating the accuracy of machines and mechanisms C HAIM, A.P.; LISITSYN, V.D.; YNKIMY, K.K. I~Z-~~ Scientific conference on modernization and opuration of forging and pressbk-, mucbiner7 in Leningrad. Kuz.-shtam.proizv. 1 no-3: 47-48 Vv 1590' (141RA 12:10) (Forging machinory) (Power prettaso) PHASE I BOOK E(PLOITATION SOV/4436 Ivanov, Andrey Pavlovichs, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent Mekhanizatsiya I avtomatizatsiya tekhnologicheskikh protsessov v manhinostroyenii (Mechanization and Automation of Manufacturing Processes in Machine Building) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 334 P. 12,500 copies printed. Reviewer: F.S. Demlyanyuk, Doctor of Technical Sciencest Professor; Ed.: S.B. Berlim; Managing Ed. for Literature on Metal Working and Machine-Tool Making (Mashgiz)-. V.I. Mitin, Engineer; Ed. of Publishing Houset V.V. Rzhavinskiy; Tech. Eds..- L.P. Gordayeva., and Z.I. Chernova. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technical personnel and efficiency-minded workers in machine-building establishments, and it may also be useful to stu- dents who are studying machine building at schools of higher education and tekhnikums. COVERAGE: The author presents an evaluation of the economic effectiveness of the automation of manufacturing processes as related to the production scale, and investigates conditions for the efficient use of mechanized and automated equip- ment under various production condition,!. Included In the book are methods of mechanization and automation of the basic elements of production processes.* I pj PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/5658 Iy,r~qq:K,__Aleksandr Petrovich, Candidate of Teabnical Sciences, and .Viktor ffri* -1-si yn, Candidate of Technical Sciences, DE yevich Lis ts eds. - Modernizaisiya kuznechno-shtampovochnogo oborudovaniya (Moderni- zation of Die-Forging Equipment) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1961. 226 p. ErrAta slip Inserted. 10,000 copies printed. Reviewer: N. Ye. Nedorezov, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: T. L. Leykina; Tech, Ed.: A. A. Bardina; Managing Ed. for Literature on Machine-Building Technology (Leningrad Department, Mashgiz): Ye. P. Naumov, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for foremen, machinists, designers, and process engineers concerned with the modernization and de- signing of die-forging equipment'. It may also be used by students at schools of higher education. COVERAGE: The book contains material presented at the Conference Card 1/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 on Problems in the Modernization and Operation of Die-Forging Equipment, held in November 1958 in Leningrad. The Conference was called by Leningradskiy Sovet narodnogo khozyaystva, Sektsiya obrabbtki metallov davleniyem Leningradskogo oblastnogo pravleniya NTO Mashprom (Leningrad Council of the National Economy, Section of Metal Pressworking at the Leningrad Oblast Board of the Sci- entific and Technical Society of the Machine Industry) and Len- ingradskiy mekhanicheskiy institut (Leningrad Mechanical Engi- neering Institute). Actual problems in the modernization, oper- ation, and repair of die-forging equipment are described. Ana- lyses are provided for problems involved in the mechanization and automation of die-forging and stamping operations. Also in- cluded are practical data to be used in the modernization of equip- ment. No personalities are mentioned. There are 59 references: 56 Soviet, 2 German, and 1 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Card 2/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 Ch. I. General Problems in the Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment 5 1. Basic trends in the modernization of die-forging equipment (V. B. Gordin, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 5 2. The requii?ements for die-forgin equipment (A. P. Ivanov, Candidate of Technical Sciencesi 8 Ch. II. Modernization of Forging and Die-Forging Steam Hammers 18 1. Hammers and their role in modern die-forging equipment (Z. M. Ginaburg, Engineer) 18 2. The modernization of steam-distributing devices of hammers (A. L. Ashkinazi, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and I. I. Kozhinskiy, Engineer) 19 3. Modernization of hammer control and drive (A. L. Asbkinazi, Z. I. Ginzburg, and K. K. Yekimov, Engineer) 26 4. Modernization and repair of foundations and anvil blocks of hammers (Yu. V. Belyayev, Candidate of Technical Sci- ences., Z. M. Ginzburg, and I. I. Kozhinskiy) 31 Card 3/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/56-58 5. Modernization and repair'of hammer frames and guides (V. A. Zhivchikov, Engineer, and I. I. Kozhinslciy) 6. Modernization and repair of hammer cylinders and piston rods (Z. M. Ginzburg, V. A. Zhivchikov I. I. Kozhinskiy, A. M. Kaznacheyev, and M. V. Tilinslciy~ 7. Modernization and repair of rams ( I. I. Kozhinskiy) 4 8. Lubrication of hammers (I. A. Gorbunov, 1. 1. Kozh_Lnsk1y, and A. I. Kaznacheyev) Ch. III. Modernization of Steam-Hydraulic and Hydraulic- Preszes 1. Modern trends and the outlook for modernization of hy- draulic presses (A. L. Ashkinazi and V. B. Gordin) 2. The ways for decreasing the weight and overall dimensions of hydraulic presses (Yu. P. Kyzlko, Engineer) 3. Modernization of steam-hydraulic "United" 2,000-toll f or~ ing press (B. P. Vasillyev and V. A. Yelezov Engineers 4. Automation of steam-hydraulic "United" presses (S. P. Moiseyev, Engineer) Card 4/8 38 41 50 53 56 5(1-1 58 63 71 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 Ch. IV. Modernization of Mechanical Crankshaft Presses 7 1. Basic methods for the complete modernization of crankshaft presses (M. A. Goncharenko, Engineer, and V. D. Lisitsyn, Candidate of Technical Sciences) 7 2. Modernization of the drives of mechanical presses (A. P. Ivanov and V. B. Gordin., Candidates of Technical 3617e_66 e s8 3. 98U-&i~nization of enpging and disengaging mechanisms of crankshaft presses (V. A. Zhivchikov, A. M. Kaznacheyevj and V. D. Lisitsyn) 8 4. Mode'rnization of control system of mechanical presses (V. D. Lisitsyn) 10 5. Modernization and repair of individual subassemblies and parts of mechanical presses (I. I. Kozhinskiy, and V. D. Lisitsyn) 10 6. Modernization of mechanical presses for the purpose of protecting them against overloading (Yu. M. Buzikov, En- gineer) 11 ~7. Safety technique in the modernization of mechanical presses (V. D. Lisitsyn) 12 Card 5/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 Ch. V. Modernization of Horizontal-Forging Machines [Upsetters], Percussion Presses,, and Shears 133 1. Modernization of horizontal-forging machines (V. A. Zhivchikov and I. I. Kozhinskiy) 133 2. Modernization of power-screw percussion presses ( I, I. Kozhinskiy, and A. M. Kaznacheyev; i4j. 3. Modernization of eccentric shears for blanking orrations (I. I. Kozhinskly and V. N. Cherkasov, Engineer 144 Ch. VI. Mechanization of Forging and Hot Die-Forging Operations in the Modernization of Hammers and Hydraulic Presses 1.4 9 1. Mechanisms and equipment for forling and die forging on hammers (K. K. Yekimov, Engir 2. Mechanisms and equipment for press-forging (K. K. Yelcimov, and S. P. Moiseyev) Ch. VII. Mechanization and Automation of Stamping Operations in The Modernization of Crankshaft Presses 16o Card 6/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 1. Trends in appli 'cation of mechanizing and automatizing devices in the modernization of presses (V. D. Lisitsyn and M. A. Goncharenko) 160 2. Mechanical devices for feeding band and strip stock (M. A. Gutnik, Engineer, V. D. Lisitsyn, and Ye. S. Nazarenko, Engineer) 163 3. Mechanical devices for feedin piece-blanks (V. D. Lisitsyn,and Ye. S. Nazarenko~ 177 4. Fully automated [production) lines (E. E. Roytershteyn, Engineer) 186 Ch. VIII. Experimental Investigation of Die-Forging Equipment 191 1. General sequence for the calculation and design of ma- chines in the modernization of die-forging equipment (A. P. Ivanov) 191 2. BaFi_c7__pr6b5I_&_ms of the drive-system dynamics and of the automatic feed of stock in the modernization of presses (A. P. Ivanov and Ye. S. Nazarenko) 193 Card 7/8 Modernization of Die-Forging Equipment SOV/5658 3. Methods and means for the experimental investigation of die-forging equipment (V. I. Zaytsev and M. P. Pavlov, Candidates of Technical Sciences) 203 Bibliography 223 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress VK/wrc/e. ~~ Card 8/8 11-7-61 IVANOVp Aleksandr Petrovichp kando tekhn. naukr red.; LISITSYNp Viktor 'Dmit-r-ly-ev-ich-t-k-a-nd-.-t-elam-'. naukv red.; NEDOMOVp T.Ye.p kand. tekhn. naukj retsenzent; LEYKINAp T.L.p red. izd-va; BARDIVAt A.A.f tekhn. red. [Modernization of forging and die stamping equipnontl Modernizataiia kuznochno-shtampo,~ochnogo oborudavaniia. Moskva, Gou.nauchno-tcklm. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ryp 1961. 226 p. (MIRA 14t6) (Forging machinery) (Sheet metal working machinery)