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IVANOV,-.A.Cz,_, inzh.; POIETAYEV, A.V., inzh. Study of aerodynamics and combustion of anthracite culm in a furnace with counter-parallel flow. Teploenergetika 10 no.6t29-33 Je 163. (IMM 16:7) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy teplotekhnicheskiy institut. (Furnaces) (Boilers) (Combustion) Il F(I "."0, ~r 5 . N. , kand oklm v~, u k -, Y !JDA';',',"V I V . G in z1 i I VANO V , A . G n z~-- Study of thf, of furnCes With angularly pl&ced burners and itn ralation ship with the comlAistion process of ~Yrnund mithrmjite cul.m. Toploonergetika 11 no.4:15-.20 Ap 164. (MIRA 17-6) 1. Vor-soy-u-zavy L-,~ploteMhnicheskiy institut. I lid" ii lli~d~i i~i~i H i J: IVANOV, A.G.) inzh.; OKERBLOM, Yu.I., inzh.; USHAKOV, S.G., Inzh.; GROMOV, G.V., inzh. Results of the studies of a turbulent 210 burner with a radial twisting apparatus and regulated twist of the flow. Energomashinostroenie 9 no.9:8-11 S 163. (MIRA 16:10) J~~NOV,_A.G., inzh.; OSLOPOV, 0.1,, inzh.; RUTENBERG, B.G.; GRACHEV, Yu.B., inzh. Grindi r,, and btuldift " lignite from the Areyak deposit. Elek. ata.. 36 no.2sl6-18 (MrRA 1814) m it It If w if 16 it " is it bliali %ftill in 11 v11 it 30 is L, M 0 a41 It At it fitill mill P 28I 1_11, Y_ L.J_ I.AA 0 a UP it 4 1 .1 4. A ~ k "I t I .&J.1"44 A.a . , 1 -.40!91 %I1. A.0 *."Wlft -A- 00 Lu4vkaht find CUMIS4 Off. A. (4, 41111W mild I- Ji- 1 00 7,Wovoikil. Run. 47.(XII, R,,4ill it with t"incirfil W at MO-W Ill tile pregeme ta Alo- 00 tesillatirl. 00 .00 460 .0 00 so a 00 00 A, 0* 00 too ,O's is C-9- ASS-ILA ACTALLUMMAL LITIONAT& At CLASSIR CATION 114;;i woes -A 1.104") .4o Ov cat 411111cm U : If 10 Lill; It It at K 9 Is vc wUP It latianI a- L I I ad 0 is 0 1 'Ar IN 5 daa3014 94 oo:::!:00:::::::::::oooooioooooooooooooo00006 0 glo* 0 0 0 00 0 0 Mat TO. -'s A 0 S a 6 0 0 0 0 0000 00 as@ 0 4 v T. NIP 1 0 y I I 1C it 12 11 IS is 17 14 R a to 23 24 Z? As 29 Al P 11 It 14b kil 'w .1 0 a A a L m A -00 -00 100 of Ccetrol of steel for cutting tools. A. lvanov- 0 09 o 7a"I&qy4 Lab. S. -Text methods-sm 00 H. C. A. 0 so z 40 JI" 00 so 00 06 00 1,00 "410 '.1 AS*-SLA .1VALLURGICAL LIYII~Uft CLASIWKATION I- ;.Z. tte 0 W., 40.0. wo It: W047 -i I WasAlf (Pr Val MLIlame; x I_ Ca .' a.-- 00 U n AT '0 is v of 0 1 v IN 1 .0 0 IT IT 1, It it All 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :is 4p 0 0 0 * 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 o *': : : : : 04 000 0 0 0 0 0 * , 0 0 0 r 0 0 0 0 # 0 4) # 6 0 0 0 0 000 1) 11 0 0 0 0 A A 9_4 A I 09A 0000 4 000000006*0 000 1 1) 0 a t L-1-3- W_ DWO I A-- I I til P9OCj$4t AND 01110011FIRS 00 9 : -00 -00 00 The Un of Taxieda4lit" BabOutu fa Mgh4pmd glad Ilar lee 004 tM Production of Cutting Tool& " lee 00 4iCril (Kachedvefiriyagtal,1937,No.4,pp.7-11). (Inltussian). .00 : v~ E rawls, falling in the following two composition ranges, mere in- , as* i l vestigitted : (a) Carbon 0.&"-80%, silicon chrornium 01 40 k 0 - 94D-10-5 , vanadium 0-85-1-2 , mangant-so up to ., '0 0 9 Sol) (b) carbon sili(xin 1-1-1-7"/_ chronvinin 11-0-13-O"_ roo Vanadium 2-1-2-5%, manganvar sip to 0-40'.. Suitabb, cimilitions =00 for hot illechaialcal working, annealing. quenching and truipering we these steels were determlimA. The beat haninem visluen were *0 4 obtained by tentpering in stages. Sonia data are also given for the I the above Steels, anti behaviour of milling cutters prepared fron 9 reconiniendat ions regarding the use anti edru of tools made from these steels am given. ZOO 0' ------ MOO A S 0 - I L A CIO* 1 4~~.O "I, 0MV Olt IoWloot 4K Q.. LI, - It at 0 1 Ir 1" 0 a a xv it 0 111 a it a lot It owl a I X9 3 1 7 a to a 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 40-0 0 0 *1* 09 00 0 0 0., 0 00 0 00 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 .000 411 i7--i'_;;i- It - I I I . ! I - --;' -..*- ~; . USSR * "High-Speed Steel Grade E134711, Stanki I Instrument, 14, No. 4-5, 1943. BR-52059019- *Excerpt from his report: AUTHOR: Ivanov, A.G., Kruchinina, Ye.V., Popova, L.G. 32-9-1711,3 TITLE: The Control Method and the Scale of Carbide Heterogeneity in Highly Alloyed 0hromitun Tool Steels (Metodika kontrolya i sWfpla karbidnoy neodnorodnosti vysokokhromistykh instrumentallnykh a taley) MIODICAL: Zavodskaya LaboratoriYa, 1957, Vol. 23, Nr 9, pp. -1088-1091 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A special scale for controlling carbide heterogeneities in a highly carbonized and highly alloyed chromium steel is worked out. For this purpose samples from 184 malts of the "Elektrostall" plant, which were rolled up to from 10 to 200 mm, were investigated, Fix-at evalu- ation of carbide heterogeneities Ytas carried out according to the scale of the GOST 5952-51. It is shown that with an increase of the diameter of the rolling material, i.e. with & reduction of the de- gree of buckling, the characteristic value of the carbide heterog- eneity becomes greater. Investigation of the microstructure showed that the character of carbide distribution is the same in all in- vestigated types of steel, in dependence on the degree of buckling. However, the size of the carbide particles is considerably larger in Kh 12 steel than in Kh 12 m, Kh 12 F and Kh 12 F I steel. The scale shows the carbide heterogeneity of the rolling material from Card -1/2 10 to 160 mm. The basic characteristic feature of the micro- 32-9-17/43 The Control Method and the Scale of Carbide Heterogeneity in Highly Alloyed Chromium Tool Steels structure distribution according to characteristic "lues is the character of the eutectic carbides, which, in turn, depend on the degree of buckling in rolling or forging. The control method for heterogeneities according to the scale mentioned is described. There are 3 f igures and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION: Central Scientific Research Institute for IronMetallurgy and the "Elektrostall" Plant (Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isoledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii i. zavocl "Elektrontall KVAILABLF,- Library of Congress Card 2,12 /V6 % P-4 0 44 it SOV/ 137-58-9-19984 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 9, p 271 (USSR) AUTHORS: [vanov, A.g,,_Kruchinina, Ye.V., Rybalko, V.S. TITLE-. An Investigation of Steels for Flat Wood-working Blades (Issledovaniye staley dlya ploskikh derevoobrabatyvayushclilk)i nozhey) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Metallovedeniye i term. obrabotka. Tvloscow, 1~.Ietal- lurgizdat, 1958, pp 256-272 ABSTRACT: New steels for woodworking blades, having the following To content, are investigated: C 0.76-1.48, Cr 2.06-12.2, W 1.06- 4.26, and V 0.2-1.98. The findings result in the following recommendations for blade steels, in %~ 1) qXh5F: C 0.85-1.0, Cr 4.6-5.2, V 0.2-0.4; 2) 9Kli5VF: C 0.85-1.0, Cr 4.6-5.Z, W 0.8-1.2, V 0.2-0.4; 3)R4:.C 0.7-0'.8, Cr 4.2-5.0, W 3.7-4.5, V 0.9-1.3. F. U. 1. Cutting tools--Materials 2. Steel--Test --e-quits 3. Wood--;;:xnC-';-L:!g Card 1/1 N rtl f!! Mi'll! I rl.t I I J V I:-. III 1- 11 " I ~:, IiI I I, I 659 G /~2 0 123-59-14-514554 sov/ Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 14, p 17 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ivanov,, A..G,.,.,--- TITLE: High-Speed Steels of Increased Efficiency PERIODICAL: V sb.: Konstruktsii rezhushchikh instrumentov i tekhnol. ikh izgotov- leniya, Nr 4, Moscow, 1958, pp 12 - 35 ABSTRACT- Steel grades which are additionally alloyed with Co and V number among the group of high-speed steels of increased efficiency. With an Increased V content in high-speed steels, the C content is also increased in a pro- portion of 0,20% of C for 1% of V, in order to preserve the hardenability of the steel (more than its standard content in R9 and R18 steels). It Is also possible to obtain steel of Increased efficiency if the W and C con- tents are raised. As a result of investigations carried out, new steels for cutting instruments with an increased resistance to wear and efficiency were developed and proposed. The suggested steel, grades number among the Card 1/2 tungsten-vanadium group with 9.0 24.096 of W and 5 0.9% of V (R9F5,I'I` il 16 66945 High-Speed Steels of Increased Efficiency SOV/123-59-14-54554 1 119 R14F~' 1118F~, R18F2 R24) and amon g the cobalt steels witk 9.0 - 11.5, of W, 1.6 of V and 5 - I ~Tf_ Co RqKlOjfJ RqKlO The enumerated steel grades are earmarked for extensive industrial tests. B.A.M. Card 212 GARASHC 0, Aleksandr Petrovicho kand.tekhn.nauk; IYJU~OT, A.G., kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; GALET, M.T., kand.takhn.nauk, red.; L&WICHOKO, I.I., red.izd-va; SOROKIIIA, G.Te., (Materials for metal-cutting tools] InstrumentalInyo materialy. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 123 P. (MIRA 13:5) (Metal-cutting tools) 8/123/6 1/000/023/002/0 18 A052/A1Ol AUTHOR: Ivanov, A.G. TITLE: Investigation of cobalt high-speed steel PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, no. 23, 1961, 10, abstract 23A98 (Sb. tr. Tsentr. n.-i. in-t chernoy metallurgii, no. 17, ig6o, 107 - 137) TEXT: The effect of Co additions (up to 20%) on mechanical properties (hardness, decarburation at hardening, cutting properties of cutters) of 18-4-2, 12-4-2 and 9-4-2 (W-Cr-V) high-speed steels was investigated. It Is established that with an increased Co content the hardness after annealing increases, the microstructure does not change, the capability of steel with 18% W to the hot plastic deformation decreases, but the red hardness increases considerably. In- stead of PH 5 (RK5) and PH 10 (RK10), steels containing up to 10% W, up to 20% V and with an increased Co content like P 9 H 3 (RM), P 9 K 5 MK5), P 9 H 10 09- KJO), P 9 K 12 (RqK12), P9 H 15 (RqK15) and P 9K 20 (R9K20) are recommended. An Card 1/2 IVANU Y, j,. G. ffigh-apeed steel. Standartizatsila 24 no.4:32 Ap 160. (MM 13:9) (Tool steel-Standarde) : * I i j I : 9A.'Mr,111.z PF I fir I I I Vf;i ~il 1 117111 1 11,11 !'1 ~ I ;I I Ii I i!:' HE M &IMM S10281611000100310011005 B129/B201 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. G. TITLE: Hardenability and through hardenability of steel PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, no. 3, 1961, 23-29 TEXT: Hardenability and through hardenability are the characteristics of hypereutectoid steel of the types 9XC (9KhS), XSP (KhVG), and X (Kh) which are used for cutters, and of steel of the type WX15 (Sh_Kh15) which is used for bearing elements (races, balls, and rolls). By hardenability one under- stands the property of steel of increasing the surface hardness up to at least Rockwell hardness 60-62 when hardening with oil-cooling, while by through hardenability with oil tempering one understands the achievement of a hardness of at least Rockwell 60-62 to a depth of at least 3-6 mm under the surface. The steel cutter meeting those requirements will retain its efficiency by re8harpening its cutting parts, and bearing elements will have a high resistance to wear in operation. Where a deeper through hardening is required, it will be necessary to use steels with a higher percentage of alloy elements. In these cases, steel;WX15CP Card 1/0 S/028/61/000/003/001/005 Hardenability and through... B129/B201 (ShKhl5SG) is used for bearings. Hardenability and through hardenability of steel when tempering with oil-cooling are achieved by the addition of Cr, Mn, Si, which elements reduce the critical cooling rate of steel. If these elements are present in the steel in sufficient amounts, it is possible to achieve the underoooling of austenite to the martensite point, with a relatively slow oil-cooling. A characteristic feature of carbon steel is also its relatively low through hardenability. The limits of the chemical composition of the steel types, whose hardenability and through harAenability are discussed in the present paper, are specified in the Table. Hardenability in steel is achieved by a sufficient amount of carbon in martensite, and the through hardenability by the addition of alloy elements (Cr, Mn, Si, Ni, etc.) which promote the deeper through harden- ability of steel. A strong effect upon hardenability and through harden- ability of hypereutectoid steel containing carbides is exerted by a change of the hardening temperature and the time during which the steel is kept at this temperature. Therefore, the norms relative to steel delivery should take account, in addition to the demands regarding hardenability and through hardenability of determined methods of hardening and testing as well. A study has been made of the different effects of hardening Card 2/6 V I "I, I Fill T r1 . ....... ....... 3/028/61/000/003/Ooi/roc J Hardenability and through... B129/B201 temperatures and alloy elements upon the hardenability of the steel grades. The study is be of considerable importance for the selection of standard control methods. As yet unclurified are the reasons of the different hardenability and through hardenability of dIfferant parts of the steel with an equal chemical composition. It is by all means necessai-j to clarify the effects of the steel structure, the kind of slow cooling, the hardness after slow cooling, and finally the kind of hardening upon the through hardenability. There are 1 table and 11 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Soviet-bloc. Card 3/f HIM "IT S/028/61/000/005/002/004 D210/D306 ALITHORS: Ivanov, A.G. and Kruchinina, Ye. V. TITLE: High speed steel for tool manufacture PERIODICAL: Standardizatsiyal no. 5, 1961, 28-32 TEXT: Within the last few years, great changes have taken place in the production of, and requirements for, high speed steels, as a re- sult of which it was necessary for the existing specification GOST 5952-51 to be revised. A new standard was drawn up by the Tsentrallnyy nauchno-issltdovatellskiy institut chernoy Xletallurgii (Central Scientific-Experimental Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) which is based on research carried out at the Tsentrallnyy nauchno- -issledovatellskiy institut tyazhelogo mashino-stroyeniya (Central Scientific-Experimental Institute of Heavy Machine Construction) the Eksperimentallnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut metallo- rezhushchikh stankov (Experimental Scientific Research Institute of Metal Cutting Mills) the Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy Card 1/3 Hll.i- P V1. S/028/61/000/005/002/004 High speed steel for tool.manufacture D210/D306 instrumentalInyy institut (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Instrumentation) the Nauchno-i-isaledovatellskiy institut tekhnologii avtomobillnoy promyshlennosti (Scientific Research Institute of Automobile Technology) and other institutions. The new standard en- sures a greatly improved quality of cutting tools and an increase in wear resistance of between 1.5 and 3 times as compared with the existing standard. Requirements are laid down for rolled and forged steels with respect to depth below the surface at which tests are to be carried out for non-uniformity of carbide distribution on a test section. This depth is 10 mm in the case of bars of 40 mm dia- mater or over, and one quarter of a diameter in the case of smaller bars. The degree of non-uniformity of carbide distribution is ex- pressed by points on a special scale. Individual specifications for very small tolerances in the machining of steel billets prior to heat treatment which depend on the depth of the decarb-urised layer will standardize tool steels without causing an increase in the waste of steel. The introduction of new standards with respect to decarburiz- ation and minimum tolerances in machining will enable any differences Card 2/3 Mu'll Ilam JU=jL 1i Pwaiu -1 LL E?jj:!' 44PILM In S/028/61/000/005/002/004 High speed steel for tool manufacture D210/D306 between the manufacturers and the consumers of tool steel to be solved in the interest of the national econom', and will ensure con- y siderable economy by omitting repeated annealing processes at metall- urgical works. Repeated annealing is used to convert the decarburized layer into scales. In actual practice, this operation is unnecessary, since the depth of the decarburized layer is considerably smaller than the tolerances allowed in machining* Repeated annealing results in deterioration of the steel and in loss of metal due to scale.!-forma- tion. The hardness limit for steels P18 and P9 has been raised from V.P.N. 255 to 269. This will indirectly contribute to improving the quality of tools and to reducing the number of rejects by obviating re- repeated annealinge There are 4 tables and 5 references: 2 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The references to the English-language publi- cations read as follows: Catalogue of the English firm "Osborn", Special Tool Steels, Sheffield, 1956, and Catalogue of the English firm "English Steel Rolling Mills Corporation Ltd.". Card 3/3 8/133/61/000/007/013/0111 4054/A129 AUTHORS: Ivanov, A4 Q., Candidate of Technical Saianoes, Leuh, Ye. Mop sneer TME: Effect of annealing conditions on the principal properties of high- speed steels PERIODICAL: Stall, no. 7, 1961, 637 - 642 TEXT3 Prolonged annealing at 86CP- 9000C was found to have an adverse ef- fect on high-speed steels due to the stabilization of carbides ea-uesd by tha lo2s of the ability to be adsorbed during hardening or due to the coaWalation of car-- bides. All this rasults in a decrease in secondary hardness of the hardened steel after annealing and in a drop in red-heat stabilityj moreover, the servioe 11fe of instruments made of such steels is shortened.~ In order to determine the causes of t-hese phenomena, the effects of the annealing temperature (7-~500 - 9001C) and t".v duration of annealing (2 - 100 hours) on the microstructure, hard-neeB &f'.e-. an- nealing and hardening, secondary hardness, red-heat stability, hot4 hax-driess and cutting capacity of high-speed steels were investige.-ed on atoals th'a follow- Ing composition: card 1/4 !1111iH "R iii I: Effect of annealing conditions on the princip4... S/2 33/6 1/000/007/01-3/017 A054/AlO) c W V Cr Si Mn S P Cc P 9 n0 (R9K1Q.) - 0 .95 9.5 . 2.42 4..00 0.17 0.27 Q.02 0.02_10..2 P %6 WP~) 1.5 10.25 4.'40 4.00 0.21 0. 7 0.01 0.03 P 18 , (R18) 0.72 18-55 1.38 5.00 0.15 0.20 . 0-,02 0.0~ P9 (R9) 0.93 9.4 2.35 4.00 0.22 0.25 000,2. 0.02 The~steels.were melted in an induction furnace, cast iri 17--kg Ingots, from WhUoh 18 x 18, 14 x-14 aiid 20'x 30 mm specimens were made. The eprirlmantal annealing was carried out at'7560, 8000, 8500 and 9000C, with holding times of 2,'5, 10, 15P 25j, 50 and 100 hour In.order to investigate only the affefts of temper&ture and duration of annealiz the influence of cooling rate was eliminated by apply- ing isothermal annealing. The changes of the annealing temporatwi) in t~.e 7,500 900oC range and of the 6ration of annealing had no pronouDaed effee'to on the microstrueture. of the test-steels after annealing and hardening, an the hard-ness after hardening a3~d.o3~ thq hardness After conventional three-f-old anaealing at 5600C, on th"e red-_-~hqat stability and hot.hardnqss at- 5500C. Ih-- tvPq' of carbide found after prolonged.annealing was studiid by-X-ray analyais of taxe carbide-sedi- in the initial stage, after conven- ment of RJ6 grade 13-Lueel in three variantst card 2/4 S/133/61/000/007/013/017 Effect of annealing conditions on the principal... Ao5.4/A129 tional.annealing with short holding time after forging and after 100-hours holding time at 9000C. In the roentgenograms of the samples treated for 100 hours the line of the stable carbide MeC(WC) was not present. The tests also revealed that 'higher annealing temperatures and prolonged annerding time intensified the oxida- tion process, mainly in the R9 and RqF5 steels. Cindering is also intensive under these annealing conditions: after annealing at 9000C for 100 hours the above-men- tioned steels lost 30% of their volume on account of cinder-formation. The sur-r face of R18 type steel is decarbonized to a ferrite structure under the new anneal- ing conditions and the more intensive decarbonization lowers the red-heat stabiliv of steel, because this property depends on the saturation of the solid solution , I with carbon and alloying elements in the course of hardening. As to hot hardness of high-speed steels and the cutting capacity of instruments made of R9KIO, R18, RqF5 and R9 steels, increased temperature and du-bation of annealing have no pro- nounced effect. There are 3 figures, 4 tables and 7 references: 6 Soviet-bloc, I non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: TsNIIChM Card 3/4 252o9 3/05�/6',/040/006/030/03i B125,,,B2rj2 AUTHORS; Ivarrov.. A. G.. Novikov, S. A. TITLE: Exparsiov shook waves in iron and steal PERIODICAL; Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichez~Roy fiziki, v. 40, no. 6. 1961, mo-i882 TEXT; The authors deal with the effects of an explosion on oylindrica!. steel specimens if the explosive charge was applied tc 11hi?Ir surface. The diameter of the charge was approximately half its !erg-th and equal to the diameter of the specimen. After the exclo,-ior., fragments of regular geometrical shape and 3mooth !3u-rface -were formed at the contact between specimen and charge. In the experlmen#-s with inpeiimens having the form of triangular or quadrangular righr pyi.3ms t;he lower part of the fragments has the form of a conv,~7 spherical surfane and the lateral surface is aimilar to the surface of a quadrangular t~r triangular pyramid. The fi-tgoents bounded by a convex E5pberloal .3urface are formed in experiments with upecimens the height of wh4ch exoei?ds a certain ralue at a given charge. Ii the original height of the spe!~imen As reduced Card 1/3 25209 S/01,6/6I,/040,/006/030/031 Expansion shook waves in iron and steel B1,291B202 below this value the fragment itt truncated In 1-be p1sne pirpendicular ro its axis. The remaining part of' the fragment does not differ from the fragmenta with spherical surfaco ("incomplete f ragmo n r g " ),. The fracture eurface i3 smoother than the lt)t,-iral rjurfaoe of the fragp~nt, The spherical ourfane of the opecimon is formed 0- a o~brtalln d,,stanoo behind tho front of the momprnasion wa,,ro propagating abc,rA th4? !,ponimen,. Tn none of the oxpariments mado in *he same way with coppor, bru3s, and aluminum fragmonto like thn.,-io dotirrIbeld horo wore obsorvoi. The formation of these fragments may be ~xplaJned by expansion shook wavos. The fraoturo occurs where the expansion shocoks meet. One of thea,4 nxpansion sbookn paesea through the spooimen behind the oompriagsion wave, rihe other one is reflected from the free basal plane during compreasior of ~hls reflo,-I-ion wave. The data nalaulated by thn method of charactorivtica are in agree- ment with the experimental data. These experimental data also give a natural explanation of the formation of the fragment by interaction of the expansion ohook in the lateral wave in the specimen and of the expan- sion wave following the compression wave. The mechantsm of the formation of a spharioal surface of the fragment has hitherto not boon explained. The experimental data indicate the existence of a relationship between the Card 2/3 25209 3/056/61/ '040,!'006/030M I Expansion shock waves in iron and steel B129/B2013 formation of this surface and the compression shocks which propagate behind the front of the compression wave. According to th,- authcrs the formation of fragments described here is the experimentai proof of the existence of comproicision ihcok waves in su_~h substarceii ,4,j undergo polymorphous transition in a shock-type Load. The autlior:3 thank Yu. I. Tarasov for his discussion of *the results and fcr ~he calculation of the collision of the expansion jumps as well a3 ProTe~_sor Ya. B. Zelldovich and Professor L. V. AlItshuler for their lr~erest and useful advice, There are I figure and 5 rererences: 1 Scvie!-b'.cc and 9 non- Soviet-bloc.. The two reFerences to English-language publications read as follows: D. Bancroft, E. Peterson, S. 'Mishall. 291, 19.56; W.E. Drummond, J.Appl.ilhys., 26, 999, 1.957. SUBMITTED: April 25, 1961 Card 3/3 ~!!j q Ti I 3/133/62/000/001/009/OIC) A0511/A127 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. G., Candidate of Technical Sciences TME- New high-speed steel grades PFIUODICAL: Stall, no. 1, 1962, 69 - 11 TEXT: At the TsNIIChM 11 new versions of high-speed steel of the P 18 (R18) and P 9 09) grades have been developed, according to FOCT 9373-60 (GOST 9373-60). Part of these new sbeels has a higher vanadium content, while part of them contains 5 - 10% cobalt. The changes in the content of various alloying elements and the addition of cobalt imparted greater hardness to the new steels, higher ductility to some of them, as well as greater hot hardness and a higher wear resistance. Although they contain tungsten and cobalt, the new alloys (P 9H 5/R9K5, P 9H IO/R9KIO) are che'aper to produce than the former types, be- cause the output of first grade products is greater. To ensure good cutting pro- perties, the new grades have to be subjected to special forging and heat treat- ment, After forging and welding, the semifinished products, while still hot, have to be tempered (in the furnace at 730 - 7500C, for 2 - 6 hours, then cooling in the furnace or in sand, lime, etc.). Annealing takes place at 84o 86oOc, Gard 1/ 3 III III fit PH r1112100! 14 It S/133/6P-/000/001/009/010 New high-speed steel grades A054/A127 for at least 2 hours, then cooling to 730 - 7500C, for 2 - 4 hours with subsequent, cooling to 600 - 6500C, in the furnace, at a rate of 300/hr. The hardness afTer anneaLtng varies between 2269 and 285 fIB for the different types, The hardering t'eM'p.n,aI.ui,e - in the first stage - is 5800C, in the second.- 840 - 8600C. Cooling is carried out immediately after heating, in oil (20 - 8000 or in salf, ( '450 5000, finally in air, Annealing takes place in three phases at 560 5600C w--ri I '~our!,~ holding each. The forging and hardening temperatures are the follow- 11W Forging Hardening R9F5 1230-1250 1220-1240 1150-900 124o-i26o R18F4 1230-1250 R18P2 1170-900 1280-1300 R 1 SP ~-J4 J R;-,4 1200-900 12~0-1300 1270-1290 Card 2/3 -T New high-speed steel grades R9K5 S/133/6P-/000/001/009/010 A054/A127 Forging Hardening R9K5F 1?22-12 0 1150-900 5 P19K10 J 1210-1230 R9K1OF R1OK5F5 1150-900 1230-1260 1220-124o Based on experience, the new steels are most suitable for the following purposes. R18F2 and R18F2M-. tools for the machining materials of medium and high hardness, stainless and heat resistant steels. The cobalt-containing alloys for stainless, heat resistant materials, for tools subjected to high temperatures during cutting. R9K5 grade steel proved satisfactory under impact loads, having a greater tough- ness than the other grades. RqF5 steel can be used for tools not heated to high temperatures: under such conditions the wear resistance of this steel is 2 - 3 times higher than of the R18 and R9 grades. R9P5 is also suitable for abrasive materials, plastics, ebonite, titanium and medium-hard steels. The increased red hardness of the new grades should ensure a hardness of 58 R. after 4 hours anneal- Ing at temperatures of 610 - 6300C. There is I table. ASSOCIATIONZ TsN11ChM Card 3/3 IVANOVLA-'G-,.kand.tekhn.nauk; KRUCHININA, Ye.V., inzh. Foreign made rapid steel (from foreign journals). Metalloved. i term. obr. met. no.5:57-64 My 162. MRA 15:5) (Tool steel) 3336h 100 Lj()6 1 L101(o S11811621004100110401052 B100112 AUTKORS: Ivanov, A. G., Novikov, S. A,, and Tarasov, Yu. 1. TITLE: Splitti ng off effects in iron and steel,, caused by 'the it.ter- action of rarefying shock waves PERIODICAL: Pizika tverdogo tela, v. 4, no. 1, 1962j 249 - 260 TEXT: Shock waves were p7:oduced in cylindrical specimens using the setup shown in Fig. 2. The specimens were destroyed in a very characteristic manner (Fig. 4). The height of the conical cores could be changed by varying the stresses applied. The shape of the broken specimens changed substantially at a given stress if their length was bplow a defi.nite value (Fig, 7). These results were found on Armco iron, CT3, (St 3), 40 X (40Kh), and 3OXI-CA(3OKhGSA) steels~ Wo such splitting off effects were observed on copper$ brass, and aluminum. These effects are attributed to the inter- action of rarefying shock waves under explosion-like stresses with pressures above the a y trans f orma tion pressure. The wave contour propagates in steps (Fig. 10). The two compression shock waves D and D2 are followed by a rarefying shock wave D 3* A second rarefying shock' wave appears after Card -4 ~ E I' 3336), S 81'/62/004/001/040/052 Splitting off effects in iron B100112 reflection. The fracture develops in the very narrow zone in which the rarefying shock waves meet. Assuming that the pressure-volume curve coincides with the flugonlot adiabatic curve under stress, the conditions for 'the existence of rarefying shock waves are formulated. Academician Ya. B. Zelldovich and Professor L. V. AlItshuler are thanked for interest and advice. There are -111 figures, 2 tables~and 6 references* 4 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: D. Bancroft, E. Peterson, S. Minshall, J, Appl, Phys. 291, 1956; "11% E. Drummond, J. Appl. Phys., 28, 999, 1957~ SUBUITIVED; August 28, 1961 Fig. 2. Experimental setup, Legend: (J) detonating tube; (2) additional load, at -,he end of which a plane shock wave develops; (3) princiT)al load; (4) specimen (dimensions in MM), Fig. 4~ Schematic diagram of the core, Fig. 7. Schematic dil~.rraia of the core, Card 21~n S/028/62/000/001/001/002 D228/D301 AUTHORS: Ivanov, A.G. and Kruchinina, Ye. V. TITLED Alloy tool steel PERIODICAL: Standar-tizataiyal r~ no. 1, 49Eeq 40-44 TEXT: With the aim of improving the quality-of alloy tool. steel the Tsentrallnyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy institut chernoy metallurgii (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy) has de-eloped a new standardization plan to replace the rGC.'_.O 5950-51 (GOST 5950-51) specification. The scheme provides far the classification of alloy tool steels according to their designation and general teshnological proper- ties. The authors tabulate the designation and chemical composition of 10 new makes of alloy steel introduced in this project. ~ -65 ~r' (65KhF) I . x .xbr) (KhO6';Xr.',(KhV),,*e%r.',?~-.~(KhGSVF), 058',~(AMVF), aX4V_4T(8Kh4VF), 4A2a-5~1(4KUVMI), 4~3*,~O~(4KhVF), 4X504QM(4Kh5V4FM), and (4Kh5V2FS). It is noted that the altered standards of hardness for 9)Q, (9KhS), ~(_,-(KhS),Y(Kh)., and)eer(KhVG) steels as received, and th6 Card 1/ 2 S/028/62/000/001,/001/002 Alloy tool steel D228/D301 obligatory control of the hardness of these makes after tf.,mpering, will enable consumers to obtain material with a guaranteed annealability. The new specification introduces definite stsaidards for the microstruc- ture of alloy tool steel--the perlite form, carbide lattice, carbide heterogeneity---and gives procedures for controlling it, thus eliminating disputes between suppliers and consumers over the quality of the product. These %yere developed at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy and the zavod "Blektrostall" (Electrosteel Plant) and entail the microscopic examination of polished specimens ettlied in a 49c'. solution of ILNO_ and Et.011. Standar& schemes adduced in accordance with allowances for mOechanical processing are also laid down for the depth of the decarbonized layer. The authors describe determination of the denth of decarbonIzation in 9X5RO(9Kh5VF)j ei-~6F.4,~(KHVF)c and 8,X4(A4fk (SKh4V4F) ~3teels by the Sadovskiy method, and it is concluded that these sperif4.- ~;atic,,ns will promote the regulation and unification of the production technplogy of tool& and the enhancement of their quality,, Thers ar-B 5 tablea. Card 2/2 r1i Tr! I S/120/63/000/001/034/07~ AUTHORS: Movikov, 5,.,A,,, TITLE: ..--.A- capacity probe method,for recording ilistantane4us velocities of moving surfaces- PERIODICAL! Pribory i takhnika eksperimonts., 963, 135;-138! TEXT: The proposed method of' using capa city p~obds for continuo~us recording of instantaneous velocities of moving'~surfaces difk~rsl~ from earlier capacity probes whichcouid only r:ecord a displa~cemiynt: of a moving surface. The theory of the mothod'Is outlin.ed,a,nd the varlo~As parts of the apparatus are described; in pairticu-1ar the, measuring condenser consists of a 40 mm diameter copper disc surrounded by a guard ring. 'Distance between plates is 2 to 10 mm which gives a capacity of I to 5 pf. the applied voltage is obtained from a 2 jLf condenser charged to 600 to 906 V and the motion is recorded on a double beant oscilloscope. A study of the parameters of elastic wives in m etals is described an an ex6mple of the use of this method*.* The method allows the investigation of the profile of elastic*waves'in:different materials, in the case of aluminum alloy A-16 (D-W and copper M-1, the pressure Card 1/2 J S/120/63/01)0/001/034/072 A capacity probe method ... E039/E420 Tj T S/181/63/005/001/042/ok B108/B180 AUTHORS; Ivanov, A. G., Novikov, S. A., and Sinitayn, V. A. TITLE: Elastoplastic waves in iron and steel under blast PERIODICAL: FizikN* tvcrdogo tola, v- 5, no. 1, 1963, 269-278 TEXT: A method for the direct and continuous recording of the rate of vement of the free jurface of a specimen under blast was developed efLrlier'(A. r, Ivanov,:3- A. Novikov. Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta Experimental equipment and techniques -). A special capacitor pickup is used, where the free surface of the sample act's as one of the capacitor lates. The pos3ible types of elastoplastic waves are examined in the P light of the Hugoniot P-V shock compression adiabates of the materials. The results obtained with Armco iron and several steels showed thEct the elastoplastic wave parameters depend or. the material, length of sample and lenRth of charge. The results agree with those of other publications (e.g. S. Minshall. Journ. Appl. PhyB-, 26, 463, 1955). The already known increase in yield point with loading rate (brisance of explosive) wao observed. Pressure attenuation was observed in the front of the elantic Card 1/2 v PFFF-777-17T-1 '11 Elastoplastic waves in iron 8/181/63/005/001/042/064 B108/B180 wave as it passed through the-specimeno. There are 10 figures and 2 tables. SUBMITTED: August 10, 1962 Card 2/2 DORONIN, V.M.; IVANOV, A.G.; KRUCHININA, Ye.V.; UGLOVA, A.M. Hardenability of ShKhl5, 9KhS and KhVG steals. Standarti- zataiia 28 no.1:17-23 Ja 164. (MIRA 17:1) 1;1 .11 1 p-; - "D "D 8 Ivanov, A. G. ---------- 71) e s t ru c t u r 0 0 E a hock =mp v qNs s J. 0 1.1 wa v e a in iron and steel nov i tr=oreticheeAzy f iziki, v. 47, 9614 TOPI C TAGS: shocx ivravtt &xCr."Lg.-t-t "%r, plase trans-l"iOll., fj-r-.t (JVI512!~r Lc -i' s t r, e I trans-ktiopv -0. -on ii ad Ln cz,~ whi,~h propacTates in A-rifico i. i. Card 1,13 -7 i Tg lluill T-- E 1~ 7 i LI-I I itAl ACCESSION NR: AP .4 046392 kinetics tinder shock compression. Au t`on in the metal. A first approximation to tbe' 61writion procl~sv- analysis of the mutiaal rel.ationS b'E!'- and secon-11 shock oi-aveii and -t~he shoc`.- J, .:iea,:I' L7.. tl-le 1,3_r8-_ S~a,)CK vfav-! app r ID:K tl,.P. sairz~-;'Le i? hfiated First to 450C. ",)rig. airt. Ilansi: ASSOCIATION: 14 on e Card Ej' 00 Sol: 004 o I "a E R 0 02 Card 3/-3 Mr., lis i!1.1 ; A -I I ~ I I I A., '; IVANOV, A.G.; KRUCHININA, Ye.V. Low-alloy, R4 and R7 high-speed steels, their heat treatment and properties. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.3901-39 165. (MRA 18:7) composli'lo"I of the qo-~Ij~d :pirtlvo -l" high- e ad a e a l d ape Ad Ing r)i,, `00Z-- Zr-ll z0- 1615. 2 WANOV, A.G.; NOVIKOVA, Ye.K. Determining the coefficients of heat conductivity of high-speed steels. Sbor. trud. TSNIICHM no.39t53-58 165. (MIRA 18t7) ACC NRx 02603-1 ~,ZOURCE CODE: UEV9XWE)5/002)'RC!qj,93WQ3 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. G.- Mineyevp V. 1J.; jjTqtqMU Ye. S. J(~gcret. V. A. jLezru*r, aia, ORG -,. none TITLE: Anomalous polarization of sodium chloride under itVactIoadin: SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teor ~ichesk4 ftziki.~ Pislma,v' red&ktsiyu,` (Prilozheniye), v. 2, no. 8, 1965, 353-356 TOPIC TAGS: sodium chloride., sh(x.,k wave propagation, pressure.ieffect,'~ electric. polarization, sin!!2e cx7stal ABSTRACT: tigation of tl~e polarization of;* 1 1 ~,author6 report results of an inves pl=e .sn cl-Tstag6ETm chloride under impict loading perpendicular to the cle~,;va~gei -(-100) in the interval of pressures (P) from 50 to 550 kbar. nle irApaot loading ~Nras;by means of the explosive devices us ed by L. V. Al Itshuler et al. ~ (M ;v ~ 5, 2791: J-963) - A simple measuring circuit was used (Fig. 1). The paxameters~of th~ iihock waveiin J;he single crystal were calculated from the known state of the se'rL!-en. mea.suriniz~line made of RITC-0.3/10 cable of 200 ohm wave resistance aad an OK-.21 oki.1loscope orere used in the experiments. ne crystal tbicknoss 00).~fjuctuatoid betii-ejMro.15 anij. 0.,19 . :. I X= ni; 1~ I , , CM0 The results of the experiments in the form of a plot of,the initial c al , Wap density (I) against the compression behind the front of' the shock witye (a) are .40W)a in Fig. 2. Each point on the =ve vas obtained in a separato" exp(3-11ment. Sho6k-w.'%ve compression of pol.)rcrystalline samples of sodium chloride vitlit initial deilsi4 ~Js Card V3 T . -.11 6479-uo ACC NR. AP~028011 -9f :A Fig. 1. Experimental setup luo 2. Flat of I =:t(o). J Mum= I III i H -1, 11 1"Ii 1 1. W.Nh N 111, F14 H, L 6479-66 ACC NR, AP5028011 9/cm3 0-3 cm., P 250-2710 kbar) yielded a polarizatlim n~xree,,'T 5.5 lri/cw* The authors found no acceptable pbysica.1 explanation for the obitlerveik ajac=ly Itt Uxo behavior of the sodium chloride (in polar crystal I increases 6~0tDft-,16 -, with 'cr). This fact may be connected somehow with a phase transition 10bielp haa~twit been observed hitherto under dynamic loadiqq, in the pressure range 'under c-onsideratiom. Orig+ art has' 3 figures and 1 formula, OM 002 SUB CODE: SS SUBM DATS: O2Aug65/ ORIG FM: 00!)/ ;RFF:! ATD PRESS: Z1- L 15276-66 EW(0)/T/Ewp(t)/EWP(k)/1W(,b) JD/HW ACC NR: APS018864 SOURCE CODE: LtR/0126/65/020/001/0133/0135 AUTHOR: Novikov. S. A.; Divnov, I. I.; Ivanov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Characteristics of the impact zone in iron and steeiJ~Cpatperp sented, at' the conference on high pressures in the .institute of Chemi.- al_ %nits &4 SSM, Moscow, May 19631 SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 20, no. 1, 1965, 133-135 TOPIC TAGS: explosive forming, phase transition, iron, ste~.1, shock wave front,. detonation wave ABSTRACT: Previous studies have shown that specimens of iron and steel subjqrted to iWact compression have two characteristic Zones which 4~ffer~~.Wlth-respeat~to~, hardnes3 by a factor of 2-3. The boundaries of these re~gioiis ar(r shadn up clearly by etching microsections in special solutions. The haa-der ~ma in :called the pact zone. An experimental study of the conditions under which thir. zone 'As lom~ed. indicates a direct connection between the impact zone and phas~e tiiansittion dix,ving UDC: 620.17$42 Card 1/2 I il . F i Tillv: I III Rik 1 1111 i ~ Mlii I F L 15276-66 ACC NR: APS018864 impact compression of iron and its alloys. The shaoly defined bouqdary of,the im- pact zone may be due to a certain critical pressuret-Lat the shock waVe front. This pressure is assumed to be that for nkin iron:~(131060~at). ph ase transitio : la icon from whi ch travel.curves are given for flow in a semi-infinite specimenl- f i 4 plane detonation wave is reflected. These curves show that a stepwise, redu6iiondri pressure may take'place at the second shock wave front if this wwie is overt6.ken:by an expansion shock propagating from the "charge -spe cimean" contact', surface. Special experiments were conducted to verify this hypothesis. The ca Ilculated DOints'at which the expansion shock should overtake the: second shock ifave front for ch4rges of various lengths agree satisfactorily with the experl.m.'antally d4termined boundar- .ies.of the impact zone. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE: 20 SUBM DATE: 15Jul641 ORIG RE'r-.1 005/ OTH REF: :005 explosive forming ----------- S5 61CY Card 2/2 7- ii K L A C C N R AT 6 3 2 0' _','d SOU16k, C;ui)l;: Uk/27-16/66/000/046/0176/0 05 XIJTiWits: Ivanov it. G. yanyants, M. I. ORG: none TITLE- Devolopment and investigation of hoat-rosiatant*stoola alloyed with cobalt SOURC'_-': r1loscow. Tsontralinyy nauchno-issled ovatol'skiy inn titut chornoy metallurgii. Sbornik trudov, no. h6, 1966. Spetsialinyyo ptali i spl.dV'.Y (special steels and alloys), 176-lb5 TOPIC TAGS: alloy. steel, high speed steel, steel, col>plt s .tool R9K25 stool, a9K30 steel ABSTRACT-...,, The effect a11~ repeated quanchings and addition of. cobalt', chromaum, va.-)diu;-ni and tungsterr. to steals R9K25 d R9K30 OtAlthp heat-resistance .- and-mechanical properties of the latter was investigated. A totatL of. s3,-x* .-specimens was investigated. The chemical composition of the specimens is tabulated:. arid-tho experimental results arc presented in graphs and tables (see Fig. 1). It was-found that repeated annoalin, of the specimens at 600C for a period of one 1)our increased their hardness f rom 35 too ~7 -70 HM . The impact viscosity -and workability". of the steels may be further improveek by additional annealing at 75OG for 2 hours, followed by quenching in water. The secondary and hot hardnesses of steals 6oint.aining 9% and 18% W, ~i i:1 Hd' I lif IY1111`11,11i~` 111-111 IN 1171'11~111F.111` 11. P III - !-J i U4 L 09954-07 ACC NR, n6026538 b- Fit, A., Efroct of the 70 60. 30 40 10 U) numb(Ir * of- annealings on the iuirdnegs -of quenched stool as a 'fu nc: tion of.- a - con- conttatio-n of cobalt for qp'~zotung iz#,.91 annoaling'at 550C; 1 - smojting I%temooratura 26h3C; 2 ~A5Q; .3 - 2646C; It 26 tq:; and b .4 - con- : e) r- 70 centration of cKromium. for '** e~Liing at 6000; bo ann M : 1 -':smelting temperature A 264W; 2'- 264.*LC,' q1' r13ngl:-'$U'C jo - qi -dng1?S0'C 3 2649c; 4 - 2647c. -40 err.Undf2so so, quenching I ? 3 qicnj-dng I ? 3 Aumber. of ann-oalings I respectively, wore f ound to be practically identical. Grig.' art. has: 4 tables and 7 graphs. SUB C ODE: 1l/ SUBM DATM none L Card 2/2 V6623704 J.AUTHORSt j2y~~OVS.~Aj 1JP(c Divnovjj Is Lj Ivanov, As 00 opL; none TITLE: A study of the failure of steel., alutminum, and copper under shock loadq_,~, sOUROE: Fizika moW-Iov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 41 19660 &k.615 TOPIC TAGS:. material strength, impact test, impact strength,, explaBivej, copper, aluminum alloyl D16 aluminum alloy, M1 copper ABSTRACT: The authors present the result of a study of t4he criticallultimate stresse and c during shock loading of several grades of steelt �Lumi~4 alloy S2~6 M, t The limiting stresses were studied by a known method based on measurements or the rat of movement of the far cleavage surface (the free surface of the specimen). The presence*of mechanical strength in the material leads to the phenomenon in which, after the shock wave is reflected frcm the free surface of the specimen, the rate of surface movement decreases from a maximal value YO to some value v1.' The critical , stress is related to the difference of these two velocities according to the equation Vo 0i J Card 1/2 UDC IL 08???-6? ACC NRt AP602370h C) where P. is the initial density of the material and C. is the "Plastic" speed of cou;-.d in an infinite medium. Testing was performed on disc-shaped specimens 120--140 re.m. in diameter and 6-40 mm thick. A cylindrical explosive charge was placed on the specimen or, alternatively, a metallic impact device was used, Measurements were mad of the variation of the rate of free surface movement as a function of time. It was found that the experimental variation was significantly different from the theoretici variation obtained in the assumption of instantaneous rupture of the specimen in a given section. From the test data and a revised hypothesis of the failure mechanism the authors propose a method of mathematically approximating the time until failure. Orig. art. has: 6 tablesp 5 equations, and 1 figures SLJB CODE3 3.1/ SUBM DATEt 28Jan65/ ORIG RM 012/ OTH REFs 004 not ACC NR- AP7000053 SOURCE CODE: UR/0207/66/000/005/0104/0107 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A. G (Moscow); Novitskiy, Ye. Z. (Moscow) 6RG: none TITLE: Problem of1double layer in shock-compressed dielectrics SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy mekhaniki i tekhnicheskoy fiziki, no. 5, 1966, 104-107 TOPIC TAGS: pressure transducer, dielectric material, dielectric layer ABSTRACT: A pressure pulse transducer (consisting of flat electrodes separated by a dielectric) equivalent circuit is derived and its response to pressure pulses is con- sidered. The dielectric material when undergoing pressure stress develops changes on ,the surfaces perpeddicular to the direction of the stress. -the transducer is analyzed on the basis of an assumption that a double charge layer is formed in the dielectric. 'The initial current pulse in the transducer circuit is shown to be proportional to the value of the dipole moment of the molecule, number of dipoles per unit volume, and the area of the plates. The transducer is considered to consist of two regions with the pressure front as the dividing line. Cases of high and low conductivity behind the front are treated., Orig. art.-has: 4 figures, 17 formulas. SUB CODE: 20,09/ SUBM DATE: 28Apr65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 T IJP(G) -JD/HW/EM ACC NRz A.P6010410 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/02VO03/0452/046C AUTHORSs Nqyiko3rq S. A.; Sinitayng V. A.; Ivanovf A, G.; Vasilly V9 ORGt none TITLEt -Elsatoplastic properties o a number of metals under destructive loadings SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no- 3, 19661 452-46o TOPId TAGSi elastic property, material testing, destructive testing, impact loading$ elastoplasticityf shook wave, material flow, compression wave/ Mi copperp Di aluminum alloy, D16 aluminum alloy, LS59-1 brass ABSTRAM The re ta of testing copper, brass, and two aluminum alloys under destructive loadak~e presented. The test method used is that described by A. G. Ivanov, S. 1. -Hovikov, and V. A. Sinitsyn FTT, 1963, 51 269). The process of forma- tion of a system of two compression waves Mastic mid plastic) is shown in Fig. 1. .The thin lines on the diagram are the characteristics of the process. D1 and D2 are respectively the first and second shook waves, tA is the moment in time when the pressure on the surface of the specimen reaches a value corresponding to the adiabatic break-off point. II is the domain of constant flow. In the domains I and III the flow is completely determined by parts of the adiabatic above and below the break-off point. The limiting boundaries of domain II are the characteristics corresponding to L 29821-66 ACC NR, AP6010410 Dj Fig. 1. Diagram of the flow D length-time coordinates for a 4 System of two compreBBion waveJ --elastic and plastic. t the two sp"ds ofpund at the break-oXf point/' Tests wVe conducted on specimens made of M1~%oppeAValuminunlialloys D111nd D161hnd LS59-11brass. The time variation of the rate _o_f_Te_foi=__tion over vely--short-Tai inTe-rvals is plotted in Fig, 2# In discussing the test-results, the authors note that beyond the front of the elastic wave in the studied materials there ooaure a more or less clear appearance of a domain of increased pressure in simple wave compression. This phenomenon is related. to the flow limits of the materials and to the.mechanical properties and deformation rates. 29821-66 ACd NR, 06oio4-io b /110- a c /0o- 080- ej,6 41 1. 12- El 60 - too 10. i~ 1/0- 8 too 20 - too q2 0,1/ -06 0,8 40 ~2 ~41 t~A sec -0 0,8 12 15 2.0. 2,41. t Seo 0 o) V~ 03 LIQ 015 015 017 018 019 11;EL -Sec Fig. 2. Typical variation of u(t) obtained after oacillogram ocessing. a - alloy D16 (specimen height 30 mm); lower curves obtained for annnalerapecimens (weak plastic waves are visible)t upper tempered specimens; b - brass (specimen height 80 mm); a copper (specimen height 30 mm). Orig. art. has: 6 tables, 6 figuresp and 3 equations. SUB CODE: 11/ sam DATF.% 29Apr65/ ORIG REFs 004/ OTH FM% 011 Card :H' W~ . - I 1 1, .- -0 t I VT-W- ~i ~ - * 6 0 0 7 3 5 3 SOURCE CODE: UR/012.6/66/021/002/02 UW56 AUTHOR: Novikov, S. A.; Divnov, I I.; Ivanov, A. G. ORG: none TITLE: Phase transformation in iron subjected to impact comprepsion SOURCE: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 21, no. 2,,1966, 232-256 TOPIC TAGS: iron compression, impact compression, explosVve compression, phase transformation, compression induced transformation ABSTRACT: Disk-shaped specimens of Armco iron ano St3, 08,.45 and 40Kh steels 120 m in diamete--r and 20-50(r thick were subjected t6r~T~Pct-c_om_P_re_qsJ.on-_b_Y detonation of an explosive charge.6n the disk surface or by t~~ thick accelerated by an explosion to a velocity of 5.6 km/sec. Yhe experinents were performed at 273-773K. A typical pressure-tire curve (see Fig. 1.) obtained in one of the eTeriments (at 603K) shows two shock waves with a rdlaxation period, T, caused by the trans f ormation of a-Iron Into high-pressure modification c-iron. The magnitude of x at 273-283K varied from 0.25 to 0.40 usec; with -increasing temperatu T becomes shorter. It is noted that under conditions of hydrostatic compression, the a-to-c-transformation requireg several hours. The pretisure at.which thei transfo mation occurs at 3GOK was found to be roughly the same for all the materials, tested: :ard 1/2 UDC: 539.292:548.53 21503--66 ACC NR1 AP6007353 (5 1, Pressure ifjo Fig. 1. Pressure-time curve. in impacts Katm compression of an St3:steel tipecimen 100 r Time, 147,000 atm. Carbon content appears to have little or no affect..'which is explained by a very short period of relaxation under conditions of impact compression.' No diffusion can occur in such a short time, and ferrite acts As an::independent phaIse regardless of the carbon content. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 3 tables.' [I)VI SUB CODE: U/ SUBM DATE: 04May65/ ORIG REF* Oll/ MR REF: ATD PRESSA4~ Card 212 dJ4, LULL 11 ~.) ~4- I - - -.- - jiJ.-;; c I 1 .1 1 Ivanov ;i .2 -,f t,iie -, i - ~rup~i on uic, -;,e ~u-jj-t;c jAw 76. - .. .1 . a I Tf q',7p'-n,.-' D.Wiletan 'ra.4~, 11 1 ~7-1~ - - I "_-,- .. -, .. . ~,, ;'J. I ~;. IVA'.~u,V) ~. I 26998. IVANOV, A. G.--0 3eysmo'-61e~triche-skon Effektue pervo,~o roia, (J) v prialektrod-noy oblasLi. Doklady akad, nauk sssr, Nuvaya seript, T. lx-%rlllNo. 1, 1910, c. 53-56,--Bibliogr: S. 56 SO: Letopis' Zhurnalln-vkii Statey, Vol. 3', 1949 1 0 In s, m L t for el, c "I L" 57,S3R.. s,". 'C' I Of liussian AcceS3ionS Monthly List braly of Congreus, June 1.953. Uncl. IVANOV, A. G. USSF/Geophysics - Prospecting Sol)/Oct 53 "Review of Symposium, 'Prospecting and Industrial Geophysics,"' (A.G. Ivanov, reviewer) Iz kk Nauk SSSR, Ser Geoftz, No 5, pp 474-476 Favorably reviews the symposium, edited by V. V. Fedynskiy, eatitled "Razvedocbnaya i r slovaya geofizika,lt No 4, Min Petrol Ind USSR, Glavneftgeofizika, Moscow, 1952, 600 copies, price 1.50 rubles. Contributors weres I. K. Kupalov-Yaropolk, G. V. Bereza, A. I. Slutskovskiy, B. S. Temkina, F. I. Lukavchenko, 0. A. Shvank, N. A. Per1kov, S. G. Komarov, 1, Ye. E~rdman, L. M. Yessellson, and E. E. Fotiadi. 267T82 -,Ov,!~ C f :1y Ir . .., , ,. :cC::CVj "RelationshiT) Between Earth Currents and Earthquakes" Tr.' Goofiz. in-ta All SSSR? No 25, 1954, 181-191 A relationshin between the pronagation of seismic waves and appearance of an electromarnetic perturbation, the so-callea seismoolectric effect Is held voo.-ible. The effect originates in slow undulations of the terrestrial core which may propa8to as an elastic wave. The noticed coincidences of suismic waves an-.' electric poAurba- tions indicate the necessity of recording the slow riotions of the terrestrial core. (RZhIViz, No 10, 1955 ) SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 ?A - 1862 AUTHOR IVANOV,A.G. TITLE The Investl-g-alion of the Phase Structure of the Electromagnetic Fields on the occasion of Electro-Prospeoting. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk 110, fase-5, 772-775 (1956) Issued: 12 / 19-57 According to the author's opinion the possibilities of electric ore-prospeo- ting are not fully exploited because of the fact that phase shifts are being neglected (owing to experimental difficulties). The field investigated must in reality be considered as the result of the vector addition of the investi- gated components of the anomalous field required, and of the normal field: When measuring phase angles, all quantities necessary for computation are at the interpreter's disposal. After overcoming the known experimental difficulties the author was able in 1945 to construct the apparatus necessary for these measurements and to realize amplitude-phase measurements on some objects in practice. The totality of these works warrants the carrying out of previously fragmentarily described modifications of amplitude-phase-measurements with donors in form of two re- ception frames in different positions or in form of three electrodes. The author also undertook new investigations of the gradient type which are de- scribed here for the first time. Here the field is generated by a current which is allowed to pass through a cable (in form of a loop or a line. The device constructed for amplitude-phase measurements, the so-called AFITAETER, Dokl.Akad.Nauk, 110,fase-5,772-775 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1862 is based on the principle of compensation and consists of the most simple phase-shifting RC to which donors are connected, Voltages are then trans- ferred to a tube zero indicator. On the occasion of the "gradient-like" am- plitude-phase investigations of the magnetic field frames are connected to the AFIMETER which are firmly connected by means of a duraluminium tube and which are arranged at short distancee from one another (2,5 to 3,5 m). This system of frames is then hung on a tripod by means of a hinge. Next, the theory of measurements is mathematically discussed with the APIMETER. For some years the author carried out rather important test works under various geological conditions: Middle East 1946-1948, Krivoj Rog 1949-1951, Ural 1952- 1955. On the occasion of amplitude-phase measurements carried out (in the iron ore basin of Krivoj Rog) by means of the gradient method in the interior of a large loop with hor12Ontal frame, a vertical contact of greenstoae and granite made itself noticeable by considerable disturbances of phase struc- ture in the case of practically hardly noticeable anomalies of amplitude relations. The results obtained by various investigations prove the value of the amplitude-phase investigations for the classification of anomalies. 'NSTITUTION; In his article, "Frequency Analysis Used in Detailed Mectrical Prosll~ pocting," A. G. Ivanov of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academv of Sciences USS13, presents new experimental data showing the possible qp- Dlication of the methods of frequency analysis of anomalous zones in conducting detailed ore electrical prospecting and in geoloGicel mappin~c'?. Ivanov also presents fonnules of the first approximation for interpret,- tion of the results of the observations. (Izvestiya kkademii NaWc SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, No 1, Jan 57, Pp 39-51) (U) 52 AUTHOR: Ivanov, A.G. TITLE: Approximate formula for calculating the a.c. magnetic field above a seam. (Priblizhennaya formula dlya rascheta peremennogo magnitnogo polya nad zhiloy). PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 1957 No.2, pp. 211 - 216. (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: An approximate formula is given for an anomalous alternating electromagnetic field of a flat Infinite plate of limited depth, with an allowance for the absorption of energy by enclosed rock. A numerical calculation is given of the amplitude and the phase of the anomalous field above the vertical plate for Card 1/3 various depths of location of its upper edge. (p.214) ai~6--a-PP--I-I~F~ -j~;--de~~ied formulae, eqs. 27 30 in calculations described in para.2, The text containes 4 graphs, and about 3 pages of equations. Card 2/3 There is only 1 reference, which is Slavic. 52 TITLE: Approximate formula for calculating the a.c. magnetic field above a seam. (Priblizhennaya formula dlya rascheta peremennogo magnitnogo polya nad zhiloy). ASSOCIATION: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Institute of Terres- trial Physics (Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki zemli). PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: 6/3o/56 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 /7 AUTHORS: Ivanov, A.G.)and Khovanova, R. 1. 49-4-15/23 TITLE: Storm of Earth currents during October 6-8 1949. (Burya zemnykh tokov 6-8 Okt-yabrya 1949 g)'. PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheska-ya, 1957, No.4, pp. 5'25-526 + 1 plate (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the Garm expedition of the Geophysics Institute Ac.Sc. U.S.S.R. (Gedrizicheskiy Institut Ak. Nauk SSSR) the natural Earth cuitents were recorded on the lower slopes of the Pamir for the purpose of determining any possible connection between Earth currents and seismic phenomena. The recording was effected by electrode lines which were disposed crosswise; the east-west line was 1100'!,~, jTithe wrth-south line was 400 m long. Lead accumulator'plate6, 30 x 30 cm, were 'used as electrodes, each consisting of enty such plates with a total surface of 2 m duelto a depth of 2.5 m; each plate had a separate lead to the surface. The Earth currents were measured by means of two circuits, one, designea for relatively fast and the other for relatively slow variations; the slow variations were recorded by a mirror galvanometer with a time constant of 30 to 35 Bee, Card 1/2 a speed of the photographic paper of 22 mm/hx, whilst the Storm of Earth currents during October 6-8, 1949. 49-4-15/23 fast variations were recorded by a galvanometer with T = 3 sec. and a speed of movement of the recording strip of 50 mm/min. The basic circuit of the test set-up is shown in Fig.1, P-526. Observations by R. I. Khovanova in 1949 of slow changes of the Earth currents in the Garm region several hours before the beginning of a local earthquake were recorded by a circuit similar to that shown in Figl, The Earth current storm lasted two days; the beginning was c'. racterised by a general change of the background of the recordings and from time to time the uniform background was disturbed by oscillations of 1 to 2 min. durations of amplitudes 10 to 20 times larger; after 18 hours the character of the recordings changed sharply and the continuous high amplitude oscillations became predominant. The storm in the Earth currents was accompanied by an intense wind a major reduction in the Card 2/2 visibility and an appreciable iowering of the air temperature. There are 2 figures and 1 Slavic reference. SUBMITTED: December 12 1956. ASSOCIATION: Ac.Sc. U.A.S,R. Institute of Physics of the Earth. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Zemli). AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. P F 5/169/62/000/007/006/149 D228/D307 AUTHOR; Ivanov, A. G. TITLE: The dependence of the active resistivity of rocks on the current frequency PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, no. 7, 1962, 9, ab- stract 7A50 (V sb. Vopr. teorii J. praktiki elektro- metrii, M., AN SSSRy 1961, 69-75) TEXT: The laboratory equipment is described, and the theoretical bases are given, for the electrothermal method of determining the 0 resistance of rock specimens. It is pointed out that the active resistance can be measured by means of the ele"t , rothermal method, sinde the reactive component related to the dil3placement currents is not accompanied by the absorption of energy and its conversion into heat. An electric current of chosen frequency passes through the specimen placed in a thermostat, and the temporal change in the temperature of the specimen and the thermostat is determined by means of thermocoupleB. The calculation is made according to the Card 1/3 3/169/62/000/007./006/149 The dependence of the active ... D228/D307 formula: 0 24-1 2Rt (1 A t T = I C + To C ) Here t is the time, To is the initial temperature difference when t = 0, T is the temperature difference at the moment t, I is the current strength in amperes, R is the resistance in ohms, C i's the total heat capacity of the specimen and the electrodes, and ik is the molecular heat conductivity of the thermally insulated housing, Measurements, made on the frequency band 0 - 200 kc/s, on samples of sand, clay, and CuSo 4 solution showed that the It of the samples largely depends on the frequency. As the frequency grows R decrea-' ses to 25~ for clays and to 80% for sands, but is practically con- stant for the CuSO4 solution; this indicates that the dependence of R on the frequency is related to surface electrokinetic phenome- ,Card 2/3 3/169/62/000/007/006/149 The dependence of the active ... D228/D30 na, It 'is pointed out that oontrol measurements of the resistivity of a sand sample of the same size by means of four-electrode.appa- ratus confirmed the obtained conclusions. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-7 Card 3/3 ArXMIA, 0. T. r_-D&=VA 7.AT0j1Sr1j,_L. ZZ:ZXnCn, 11. L., - aloC1, A:-21-7 Of U50 0, -:I.- bottom Ii,f of th- ln-lrtc oc,to " It. .-t.Grsphic is.nt. t.tI&m* on ,Z.A) a,' or =R I-! of 1. -4 the dl-.. t~ttom 1. V, F.1ific 0-c.1- ::..C) =MM :~Atltut. of cont"tim3 of VII Facific C'enn" (3-tion "'IT.C.1) AM ---- TV, 0. D. (,"- b1.-,,1, but -ir be 1. .), Inwtitute of C~.Iorl of C~v ra;malta) :L~oe-laz, ;. bi--4; Oh.. -1 -oppirg.Lcet. tiic) n'Ay 1.1c] 1.7,r .nd pe trog-,We dt.7 ~ In rtttuzo or Eoeth rhy--cs L-: o. Tu. scl~-Adt - M~Tt4A.~ L _ X lla- ct ki: .er of mtmx%~2 Old mvtur'. In tn. _M~.qurll.e fo-L or tble pacifl. ..1=14 sone-, jl,~tlsn Inlltituti Of ZooloV, "Do thv P-1-fic origin of the A-llatsithdid" f-'-Iy- (Settion 1%1.1) MTJ~~,_A. --t.*q val-,ar.Ety - "Oo the h..' ;. ..... in th. -t.r. of the F~- E-It (Z~ttoa V11.3i ., = , -G-C-L, Insti"at. or coe-.Locr - "On I h, - r= Mlult I.. of tile PI*Ak%4,* f the F.IfIC I~Lrt .d 1. -_'~ mli-ent -t,r." Institute or EA-th fty.lo. ilstal 0, TU- Beh-Ut -4 a. of the depression Of f(Sect.-On 7:1-C-2) 12, iq- of - -k.-silmllo~ of sq-41d ~emkv and sh~-k t*eth &- --he ocenn rioW (Zectlon M.C) I- 3zT-"- T=e-it`u`s* Of 04---I-W - S-10-aez-V-1- sloll tb* pol..glcil:' history of tho, Ckbot.k e.' (3--t.1o., 711.C.1) A- s;K-_nt. fka IttItut. f Qom ,A ImstLtut, of Occsnol.C7 - go-i"cifle .1'stl-e. I. !he Cel,-;~h:cl of lby-al PeLtz c Ara-L. (As-,h1pod.) (Section 111.C, 14,vtitul~ of 0-an-locr - V- cn-t. of a-ld.t Ii.e. and the chtr-~-,er of tUs: in the 0,o.%e (~~ectjou v7x.B) JWWL~ ~." -1 'C' Institute or GcemolOt7 - -=e dLotrltutlcn of tile bl-ob In the Pacific 0"-* (G~tt., M.C ) Zmtlt.te of r-,ol.G7 or C.mb..-Ibl, mt-rwc - -1se dl*cemetic or-We2 tn b~,lttu,s eelizent a il~z the ceatrm! pwt of the P-IfIc"(Scetion 711.C.1) SECDCLAM-2-2- -ctt-t. a., G~Ingy - *Sc41=1nts-_i0o. =4 tile tic. In the euls'ribtio. of L4-1 --,c- !. tile geo,,y-Ijn.I b.L. of th T :etllwry ;-r! I- the sXt- Of -d the Ukh-11. WLA (roecti-. 7 C) of '3o*e henic.1 f,e-uma Q gr~=- AD1-ztIuov pementing th latter In the Psnific (=terimim or tile mortj-,am-el-a (5:vIlm VII.C.1) BM=I~X,A. 'In't Ltute or a~w-i.f;y - 'A tuir of e,,uatariml curmuts it the ~rttrn 1~motrtt" (U-t &o a M.1!) J%MLU--rAXA_V,_.X~, nod institute of oce=oloa - rotsultion of &It mae--e. to tho ocr%hom 7%r- of the P-ifle 00,.,* (Seetl.a 711.A) Zmatitute of Ocemnjlocr rcglonO of f-tIon Old t-~Itlm ~- of enti-vicl... In the w:th-, ;~t of th- fteific 0-va (S-tio, V11.A IVANOVI,A.G. Practice of making 1s25,,000 scale maps uaing.a mulitplex. GeodA kart. no.,8158-59 Ag 762. (14IRL 15: 8) (Map projection) UDINTSEV, G.B.; AGATOVA, G.V.; BERSENEV, A.F.; BUDANIOVA, L.Yu.; ZATONSKEY, L.K.; ZEIMIIICH, N.L.; IVANOV,-k-ig.; KANAYEV, V.F.; KUCHEROV, I.P.; LARINA, N.I.; 1,%ROVA, N.A.; MINEYEV, V.A.; RAUTSEY, Ye.l. New relief maps of t1je bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Geofiz. biul. no.14:159-167 t64. (MIRA 18:4) 0:1 '?ji XRVAYS,A.V.; KOCMOV,H.I.. kandidat takhnicheskikh wLuk, rodalctor; IV~A~NOVA. ., Imn-I'dat takhnich skikh sauk, retsewent; KiLTVIMA, Ta". v a _ ichaskiy redaktori [Adjustment &ad repair of projectors wA optical measuring instm- ments] IU~tirovka i remout proaktorov lopticheskikh dlinomerov. No- Ava. Goa.nauchno-takhn.ixd-vo nashinostrottellnoi lit-x7. 1951. 135 P. [Microfilm] (KIRA 923) (Measuring instruments) (Optical instruments) RAJJK 11J. S.I., kardidat tekhnicheskikh cauk. BnL4----HlN. orf Cori r eq doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; BRYULIMAN, H.D.. jn;,~P-ner; BELYArNy, Y-U.. kandidat tekftichenkikh nauk; BlIGEl.. I.A., landidnt tnkhnj- cheskikh nauk-. BOUSLAVSKlY. P.Te., ksaitdat tekhnicaskikh nauk; BUROVICH. L.S., kandidat takchnicheakikh nauk; VOLIJAIR, A.S., orofessor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; GO-11M.M. Yu.M., inr~ener-, G~RODMTSKIY. I-Ye,, professor, doktor tekhnichealrikh nauk; GORDON, '1.0., professor; DIKERTUM, F.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikb naulk-, DOSCHATOV. V-V-, inzhener IVANOY. A G. kandidat to'-hnic-!!eskikh nank; KI-WOSHVIII. R.S.. pro7-es-a-o-r--.7V%l?, D.S., kandidat takhni- chaskikh nauk; iWL(--MlYTSRY, A.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk-, KRT"IKOV, I.P., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; MISHUL', M.Ta., kandi- dst takhnicheskikh nauk; IXYMON, Ye.M., inzhaner-. KAZITIN, I.V., inzhener; W.L1011, N.N., Imndidst tekhnieheskilch nauk-, HARTUXIV. -~.D. kanaidat tekhnicbenklkh nauk, ElBz2G. 11-Ya., kandidat tekhni'~heskikh naul,-: NIKOLAUV. G.A., orofeasor, doktor takhnicbecirikh nauk; P3TRUSPbVIPH, A.T., Eloktor takhnicherkikh nauk; POZDIIYAKOV, S.N., d;;-Vdent; PON&MOREV, S.D., professor, docktor tekhnichaskikh neuk; PRIGOROVSKlY, N.I., professor. doktor tekbnicheakikh nauk-, PRON111. B.A., kandidat takbnicheskikh nauk; RZSflETCJV. D-N.. professor, dolrtor tokhnicheskilrh nauk; SATSL'. R.A.. prefesqor, doktor tekhnicheskilrh naO.-; SHMNSEN. S.Y.-, SLOBODKIN, H.S., Innener-, SPITSYN. N.A.. prtfAssor, doktor takhnicheakikh,aauk; STOLBIN, G.R,, kandidat tekInnicheskikh nauk,- TAYTS, R.A., kandiat telchniche6kikh naulr; TETMLIBALM, I.M., kandidet tekhritchaskikh nauk; UMANSKIY, A.A., professor, doktor telkhnirbaskikh nauk.- FRODC'SlYIEV. V.1., profesnar, doktor tekhnichsekikh nauk; (Contimed or next eard) BA-8-KI.N. (continued) C,9 rd 2 , IMAYT. D.M., kandidat tek)-nicheskikh nauk., ;M)LICV. V-Ya., kand;,dat takhnichaskikh nau",; S-;MAY-PM,, Y,.N*o Inzhener, ia,,.-,hrvv radakt,-r: SHEDROV. V-S-. kandilqt tekhnicheskIkh naidr, nwicnyy redal-tor. ~-SVETKOV. A.F., dctsent, muchn" redairtor, SLE "NI-TOV, in7hener. nauchayy redaktor; MARKUS, 14-Te., inzhener, un-m-hn7m redaktor. KARGANOV, V.G-, inzheser, nsuchnvy reda'ctor, N.S. . dcktor takhnicheskikh nauk. professor. redaktar-, SOKC.-LUP., T.F., tekhniche- skI7 redaktor (Unnual of machittry manufActurel Sp-rp--,-,rhrtk -lashinostrcitelio-, v trekn tomakb. Uos.nanchno-lvk~~n.*L.-,.~-vo mashinestroit. lit-ry. Vol.3. P51 1099 p. WLh 10:13) 1. Deygtvi tell 0,1on Akndw~ii nm-,k (fer Sereanea) IVANOV A.G. dotsent, karAidat takhnichaskikh nauk; NIKITIN, B.P., ;;~ ~ar, rateenzent; GRIGORIYEV. I.A., kandidat takhnich,3skikh nauk redaktor; HAVEYEVA, Ye.1%, takhnichesldy rsda~tor. [Control of measuring devices in machine construction] Kontrol izmeritelIvyl-ch aredstv v mashinostroonii. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo mashinostrottelinoi lit-ry, 1954. 169 p. (Machinery industry) (Measuring instruments) (MLRA 8:3) AL'SIIITS, I.Ta.,.kandidat tekhnichasklkh nauk; BABKIX, S.L. kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; BALAKSHIN, B.S., doktor takhnicheskikh nauk, professor; BETSELIHAN. R.D., inzhener; B3LTAYIU, T.H.. kandidat tekhaichaskikb nauk; BEREZINA, N.I., lazhaner; BIRGXR, I.A., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk; BOd'USLOSKIT, TuX, kandidat tekhni- cheakikh na~; BOXVICH, L.S., kandidat takhnicbeekikh nauk-. GONIKBUG, Tu.M., Inshener.- GORDON, V.O.. professor; 00RODSTSKIT, I. To.. doktor takhnicheakikh nauk, professor; GROMAN, M.B.. Inzhener; DIKICR, Ta.I., kandidat tekhalchookikh nauk: DOSCHATOV, V.V.. in2hener; I A.Gi, kaxididat takhnicheakikh nauk; KINASOSHVILI. R .S.".' nWSPI rekhnichaskikh nauk; profesoor; KRU TIYOV, I.P.. kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk-, LMNSON, Yo.K.. inshmer; MAZTRIN, I.V. inzhener; MARTYWOV. A.D., kandidat takhnicbeekikh nauk; NIBERG. N.Ta., kandidat tekbaicbeakikb naulc; JIIKOLAYEV, G.A., doktor takhnichostikh nauk, professor; PITRU81- VICH, A.I., doktor takhnichaskikh nauk: POZDNrAMY, S.M.. dotsent; FONOKARW, S.D., doktor takhaichaskikh nauk. professor; PRONIN, B.A. kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; RISHICTOV, D.N., doktor takhni- choskikh nauk, professor; SATELI. 3.A.. doktor takhnichookikh nauk, professor; SIMAKOV, F.F., kandidat takhnicheekikh nauk; SLOBODKIN, M.S., inzhanar; SPITSYN, N.A., doktor taklinlchookikh nauk. professor; STOLBIN, G.B., kandidat teklinichaskikh nauk; TATTS, B.A., doktor takhnicbeekikh nauk; CHXWSHXV, H.A., kandi- dat takhnichaskikh nauk-, SHNMEMVICH. R.M.. kandidat tekbni- (Continued on mext card) r, 1-71 T- P: T ~ -'T AWSHITS, I.Ya., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk (and others) ....... Card 2. chmskikh nauk, EnINDV, Y.Ta., kandidat tekbnIcheskikh nauk; MMIKH, L.B. , kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; ACHrOUN, II.S., doktor takhnicheakikh nauk. professor, redaktor; MARKUS, M.Te., inzhenar, radaktor; KARGANDY, Y.G., inshener, rodaktor-, BOKOLOVA, T.F.. takhnicbeekiy redaktor. (Mechanical engineer's manual; in 6 volumes] Spravochnik mashino- stroitelia; v shesti tomakh. Isd.2-e. ispr. I 6op. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, Vol.4, 1955. 851 p. (Mechanical engineering) NLRA 8:12) ZY.ABRF,VA, Nina Hikolayevna, kandidat tekhnichookikh nauk, dotsent; SOUL, Mirma Takovlevna, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; ZRMTTZV, A.N., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, dotsent, retsenzent; kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. dotsent. redaktor; KODIL', B.I., takhaicheskiy radaktor [Laboratory exercises for the course *Interchangeable parts and technical measurement."] Laboratornye, zaniatila Po kursa Iftnovy vzaimosameniaemosti i tekhnicheakie izmereniim," Isd, 2-00, ispr. i dop. Moskva. Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 335 P. (MIRA 10-1) (Physical measurements) (Ingincering inatrumonts) If BILO~Sov' A.V.; RYMARI, N.Y., inzhener, reteensent; IVASOV, A,G., kandidat takhnichei3kikh nauk, redaktor; PROKOPTSTA, redaktor isdetellstva; UVAROVA, A.F., tekhnichaskiy redaktor. [Organizing the work of a measuring laboratory in a machine manufacturing plant] Organizatsita raboty ismeritellnot laboratorli mashinostroitellnogo zavoda. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekha.lid-vo mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1957. 101 P. wiu lo: n) (Mensuration) 28 ( 2 I'LUTHOR: Ivanov, A.G. TITLE. These Are Not "Some"' Problems, But Basic Prcbler,:~ PERIODICAL: Izmeritellnaya: telchnika, 1959, IIr 9, pp 54-55 "U3:_'.R` ABSTRACT: The author states his opinion an K.N. Kattsmanls icle in "Izmeritellnaya teklinika" 1959, Nr 4, "Some Problems of the Organization tind Acti%iity Di fileasuring Inotrur.ient Laboratories at Plan'~sll. In the author's opinion, this heading ailevia+es the labo-.r*a- actual problem. The measuring instrw-iei,t _ tories at industrial installations do no longer per- form their actual tasks, but they were converted to checking departments for measuring inot--ruments. How- ever, such laboratories should also work on the deve- lopment of new measuring instruments and methods. The employees of these plant laboratoriea could de- sign precision measuring instruments for certain Pro- duction processes which would replace the expensIve universal measuring instruments. The plant labora- Card 112 tories should be supervised by the chief engineer and 1w; 11 These Are Not "Some Problems, But Basic Problems 8 OV/l 15- 59 - 9 - 2 9/3 not by the technical control department, The lack of proper manuals on measuring instruments causes difficulties in the work of plant laboratories. !,-,anuals on measuring instruments should be pzinted in an adequate volume. The testing systems should be worked out with more care. They should be coo- bined according to groups, length measurements, angle measurements, etc. Problems of correcting the work of measuring instrument laboratories at plants should be straightened out without delay. Card 2/2 IVAITOV, A.G., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Basic principles for the adjustment of measuring instruments. Vzaim.i*tekh. mashinostr.,- meshvatabor. no.3:162-172 161. (MIRA WO (Measuring instruments) BALAKSHIN, O.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; BYKHOVSKIY, M.L., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; VOLODIN, Ye.l., kand. tekhn. nauk; GRIGORIYEV, I.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; DRAUDIN-.KRYLENKO, A.T., inth. MWA&V A.G., kand. tekhn.nauk; KOZLOV, M.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; Ovy V.P., prof.; KOCHENOV, M.I., kand. tekhn.nauk; KUTAY, A.K., knnd. tekhn. nauk.,- MAILKOV N.N.,kand. tekhn. nauk; PALEY, N.A., inzh.,- RAYMO, N.S., kand. tekhn.nauk, ROSTOVYKH, A.Ya., kand. tekn. nauk; RUMYANTSEV, A.V., kand. tekhn.nauk; SARKIN, I.G., prof.; SMIRNOV, A.S., inzh.; TAYTS, B.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nauk; YAKUSHEV, M., prof., doktor tekhn, nnxik~ NESTEROV, V.D., lnzh., nauchnyy red.-, CHUDOV, V.A., inzh., nauchnyy red.; GAVPII-",,--.,, tekhn.nauk, prcf., red.- BLAGOSKIDNOVA, N.Yu., insh., red. izd-va; SOK010VA, T.F., tekhn. red. (manufacture of instruments and means of automatic control: a manual in five volumes] Priborostroenie i sredstva aytomatiki; spravochnik v piati tomakh. Moskva, Gos.nauohno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Voi-1.[Interchangeability and engineer- ing measurements) Vzaimoz&ieniaemost' i tekhnicheskie izmere- niia. 1963. 568 p. (MIRA 1616) (Electronic measurements) (Automatic control) j, IVANC-V A G - NOVIKOV, S.A. Use of a capacitance pickup'tn recording the instantaneous velocity of a moving surface. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 n(.%,l--1,3!j6138 Ja,-P 163. (IMRA (Electric apparatus and appliances) (Elastic waves) U .r. e I II's US- It'. r I ne I t el, 'r ry v r.- 0 ""1 ~t a S'~, f, oev~~ I HAI.; iI!;.1;1i11MI t I MAIL ~.~ 1. 1111 !I A AI A ii 1 -111; Ell i;, j -JITMOV, A.G.; 2VANTS,;V., A.!.; li-')~~TDIRKH, A. Y-I. "t-le as unment of wnglee In 1'rie mairafac ~'-e c. It - m :,!l '-,- prowl "try V.lA. Eid-ljio-,-. ITy A.G. :vimov, ~'.. I, lvantsov, A. IA, ;,- a llostovykh. lzm. t-ikI7 . no.502,4(' 5.1 j4yq~. (milu rt-, ) 6 IVANCV, A.G., inzh. Adjustment and study of the operation of the buTners cf the PK-39 boiler. Energomashinostroenie 11 no.9tl4-17 5 165. (MIRA 18:10) 1 1:11 IF 11 !Pill pi i li. lip 0 0 o 9 e 0 8 0 6 0 * I a 0 0 0 e 0 0 * 00000004 0 0 1 0 a I 1 0 a Is 11 ts w ti 14 it M IR 13 14 b V a 3p U of-7 U tj dpd 31 I n a -A L-e-ft M6 ~-M- I ~% "I la-l-gal I. 00 A Ir~ IV mo v. A. ~!"_ '41 0 7u-futwxw in dw maitkem pactim o( th* dewsp cbernarem. A. 0. IVAMOV. Udekrc~ i Vr"i (PasWars add Crop) 2, *0 a cbmowm altmm b not the Hadting IK:tar and the 9WI dmi unt m9pand to Wbw, but P is the adalmum An3,mg otber Points noted is Ow (at that the sustr J. jorra 00 1 00 09 4) a T ... ......... !J~-%L& 09TALLUIRCCAL LffIRATURE CLAIIWXATCN i-00 -00 0 -90 coo So* goo too to 0 we& zoo too two U A' 10 IBI; An I I 1 06 4 Ir P 9 A 9 v 0 q 0 o 0 0 9 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 : 1 4 0 0 0000 0 1: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0. 0 * 0 0 0 0 4 # 00 0 0 0. 0 a *I*.,* * 0 # 0 0 * 0